harmonyverendez · 5 months
Nocturnal - You Are My World.
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Harmony ran as fast as she could through the forest. Her giant paws left footprints on the forest ground, but she gave it no mind.
Behind her a golden-brown wolf chases behind her, and the enormous wolf was hot on her tail.
The wolves ran through the forest ground, and branches, and jumped over logs.
They stopped at a pond.
Harmony shifted first, she popped her bones and stretched. She waited until her soulmate was finished.
Once Lucas transformed, she turned around to look at him.
His ocean eyes took in her full appearance, and he liked what he saw.
He walked close and looked down at her, Harmony closed her eyes and felt her cheeks warming.
She opened them to see Lucas' face was close to hers. “ Can I kiss you?” he asked.
Harmony nodded.
Lucas grabbed her chin tilted her head and leaned down to capture her lips with his.
Harmony felt all types of emotions.
He grabbed her and lifted her so she could wrap her legs around his waist. This way, the kiss could be more open, deeper, and more passionate.
Lucas and Harmony's lips moved in sync as their feelings were strong and seen through the kiss.
They both pulled away and gazed into each other's eyes.
Wow, this feeling was new and they never felt this before.
Their eyes seemed to say what they wanted to say out loud.
‘ I love you ’
Harmony was the first to pull away, she got down as Lucas smiled and grabbed her hand.
“ Harmony, would you like to be my girlfriend?”.
Heart shone in Harmony's eyes as she beamed at him.
“ Yes, I would love to”.
Lucas excited, crashed lips against hers as she happily kissed back.
They felt at home.
And that's where they were.
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ucanloveme2 · 6 years
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harmonyverendez · 2 years
The Prince's Charm | The School For Good And Evil. ( Chapter 2 )
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Agatha and Hailey went on with their day. They sat down and
discuss it with their friend, Sophie.  They had to get her to receive a true love kiss. But she wanted her kiss to be with Tedros. But Agatha wanted it to be with anyone.
Right now they were at the table, and they looked to see Beatrice talking with Tedros. Sophie gave her a fake sweet smile, but the blonde turns away.
" Just kiss someone, Sophie.  So we can get out of here" Hailey said. She leaned back in her chair and popped a grape in her mouth.
Sophie shakes her head and looks around. Hailey looks over and made eye contact with a ginger head boy.
Hmmm, I wonder.
" Do you have to do this? Hailey ask.  They were standing. In front of a tree, Agatha held an envelope in her hands.
" Yes, I do".
Just then they both heard a snort." Get off me! " a voice snarls. They both moved out of the way and got behind the other girls.
Just then Beatrice came by and whispered in her ear" Stay away from Tedros, witch.  He's mine! " and she walks away.
Hailey fumed, and with a wave of her hands. The blonde girl goes down with a grunt.
Agatha laughs at this and stops herself. They both looked at each other."  Are you okay, beautiful".
" Yes, I'm fine love" she replied.
They did listen as the teacher told them the instructions. Gregory ended up panicking and running away.
" No! Gregory.  That's three strikes. You'll be expelled" Hailey yells running after him.
Agatha follows along. They chased him until he stops in front of a tree and start screaming.
Black smoke swirls around him, as his body starts to be lost in sight.
" Help me! " he screamed. But both girls were too paralyzed to do anything.
Then finally he was gone, what was left of him was no more. Hailey looked at her girlfriend and cried her heart out.
Their friend was gone.
When it was time for them to go to Professor Dovey's class, both sat in silence and didn't speak. Everyone around them acts like this was normal and ain't nothing to worry about.
"Today's lesson is about granting your wishes and seeing them in the water ".
Dovey ask them questions, but Hailey was over it."  What did you do to him? ".
Professor Dovey looked at them and her smile faltered." The rules must be obeyed".
She scoff and looked away. When it was their turn, she stood up and her girlfriend followed along.
Both placed their hands in the water and closed their eyes." I wish home for the both of us " they both whispered at the same time.
Nothing happened for a few seconds, and finally a hand clamps her and she pulled it out. A young girl by the age of 7-11 climbs out and Hailey held her as she kissed her forehead.
" All the wishes and you were the ones to wish me free after 100 years".
She closed her eyes and she was free. Agatha made eye contact with her.
" What the the fuck? ".
And then a giant bird thing came out of the water. The rest of the class runs but not Agatha and Hailey they stayed back. Because something about the bird thing felt familiar.
And then its eyes look into theirs and they realized." Oh, baby. What have they done to you" She whispered. She placed her hand on the bird's nose and it nuzzled her slightly.
" Gregory? " Agatha says walking close, but too late. Tedros runs over with his sword and kills the bird.
Both looked at the prince and glared at him." Fucking idiot! Why would you do that?! ".
Tedros opened his mouth in shock, As the two hot teens glared at him. He held his hands up in surrender.
" I was helping you".
" Line up, so you all can see your fingertip glow," Professor Dovey said.
Professor Lesso stood next to her. All the Evers and Nevers got in a line and walked up to see their glow.
Agatha went first, and then it was Hailey's turn. The sharp needles Peirce her skin and she held in a gasp. It hurt slightly.
Her fingertip glowed brightly blinding everyone. A gasp filled the room, as they all stared at her.
" I hope I'm not interrupting," A voice says. Sophie enters the room, and everyone gawked at her appearance. Gone was the good Sophie and the evil one was here.
Hailey was hurt seeing her sister like that. She knew since they had been here they haven't been seeing each other like that.
" What is the meaning of this? " Professor Lesso demanded, looking at the smaller girl, suspiciously.
Sophie acts like nothing was the matter. " Oh, this? Turns out I was over for a makeover".
She accepts the sharp pinch and walks away with confidence. Hailey shakes her head, as her girlfriend looks at her. Professor Gasp.
Oh, Sophie what have they done to you?
12, 18, 2022.
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harmonyverendez · 3 months
Finished this book! Anyone can read it. Feedback would be highly appreciated 👍🙂.
I think you'd like this story: "Nocturnal ~ [ Book 1 ] ( The Survival Series ) [ COMPLETE ]" by XxxAaliyahGibsonXxx on Wattpad https://www.wattpad.com/story/364835851?utm_source=android&utm_medium=com.tumblr&utm_content=share_writing&wp_page=create&wp_uname=XxxAaliyahGibsonXxx
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harmonyverendez · 3 months
Harmonious Varnes ( Nocturnal )
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About Harmony -
Name: Harmonious April-Mae Varnes.
Nickname: Harmony
Physical appearance: Long curly hair,cherimoya skin tone, pure blood eyes, freckles, small button nose, thick lips, long eyelashes, heart shape head.
Soulmate(s) & Twin flames(s): Lucas
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Patterson & Hadrian Montgomery.
Friends: Mae, Kaia, Veronica.
Species: Half Vampire, Part Werewolf, A Quarter Witch, full Angel blood.
Personality: Stubborn, strong-willed, strong-minded, crybaby sometimes? short-tempered, kind, caring, willing to protect others, etc.
Flaws: caring too much for others to the point where it makes her sick.
Education: Jamestown University.
Language: French ( Native tongue ) English ( secondary ) language.
Family: Everest Marshall ( Sister ), Two unknown brothers. Mother & Father ( Stefan & Rosalia )
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harmonyverendez · 2 years
Marcellus Stormborn - The Adopted Son Of Kiera Mistral
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harmonyverendez · 2 years
Luna Mistral
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Full Name: Luna Elisabeth Mistral.
Age: 14.
Height: 5'0.
Siblings: Mistral & Fahey siblings.
Weight: 125.
Shoe size: 6.
Parents: Unknown ( Keira Mistral -Adoptive Mother ) Jesper Fahey ( Adoptive Father [ Deceased]
Status: Deceased
Fingerglow color: Lavender
Mental illness: Schizophrenia, Bipolar, ADD, ADHD.
Hair color: Blonde.
Hair length : Reaches to her waist.
Eye color: Blue.
Children: Elizabeth Summers, Noah Summers.
Love interest : James Summers.
Fandom: School For Good And Evil.
Family Members: Summers, Fahey, Mistral, Sader.
Gift: Can control nature.
Flower child.
Background: Luna grew up with reflective parents, they do not care about her at all. They abused her up until she went to school for good and evil. She was adopted by a woman named Kiera. Upon meeting each other, they instantly grew attached. When she was adopted, the young girl was happy. She finally found a home, love, and peace. Luna meets a male named James and they instantly connect, the two had two children together. They lived happily ever after until she died a natural death.
Pets: White Timber Wolf, Dragon ( Named - Loah )
More info coming soon.
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harmonyverendez · 2 years
Evan Fahey
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Full Name: Evan Joeseph Mistral-Fahey
Age: 13+ ( 100 +)
Birth: June 7 1883
Siblings: Astridge, Janaya, Ella Max, Milo, Abanddon,
Family Members: Fahey family, Mistral family, Sader Family. Etc.
Personality: Good, kind, always looking out for others. Have anger issues.
Height: 6'0
Personality: Evil.
Fingerglow color- Black
Love Interest - Seven Addams
Eye Color - Left eye ( Gold / Silver -Grey ) Right ( Forest green / Blue )
" Yeah, she's mine" Evan replied, looking at his demon Girlfriend. Seven glanced over at him and winked. He blew her a kiss, and she looked away with a small smile. Although she didn't show much affection. When they were alone, they were all over each other.
" You are so whipped" Gabriel responded, eating his apple. The silver hair male smiled and shook his head.
" You'll understand one day when you find your true love" Evan chirped.
Gabriel rolled his eyes and finished his fruit, while the other male continue to look at his true love.
Who knew you could find love at the school for good and evil? It was all fun and adventure, nothing could go wrong.
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harmonyverendez · 2 years
Abanddon & Kayden Mistral - Fahey
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Full Name: Abanddon & Kayden Mistral - Fahey.
Age: Both are 20 years old / 4000
Height : Both are 6'7.
Eye color: One eye is gold / Silver, and the second one is Bright Blue.
Both are protective over each other.
Both are gay.
Both date older men's and don't care what others think.
Love interest: Luke Rocker, Janaya Peterson
Small Blurb
" Which one is yours?" Abanddon asked, squinting his eyes. Kayden bit down gently on his finger. " That one right there".
Both twins looked at each other and looked at their lovers and classmates. They may not like this school. But maybe they found love in a heartless place.
Luke stood up and walked over, while Kayden walked towards Janaya. The twins embraced their partners and felt like they were home.
For now
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harmonyverendez · 2 years
Hope Mikaelson x Male!Oc ( Legacies )
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People were shocked when Janaya Patterson began to date the tribrid Hope Mikaelson. They never expected the two to even get along.
Janaya was a genius, but goofy at the same time. While Hope was into Landon at the time. And then the sparks came in.
Hope forgot all about Landon, and her eyes were on Janaya. People notice and were worried about that. But hey, that wasn't their business.
Landon was sad and heartbroken but he eventually went back to Josie Saltzman.
Then hope and Janaya begin to date. He was like no other person. Most people at the school was werewolf, vampire, and witches. Even Landon was different ( Phoenix )
Janaya was a powerful shapeshifter, he had the abilities to absorb people's gifts and magic as well.
But hope mikaelson loved him anyway, and then it turned serious. They made love, and Hope lost her virginity to him.
While Janaya was no virgin, he had plenty of lovers in the past.
Then things turns the worst. Prophecy begins, and friends become enemies. Josie goes dark, and Lizzie became a half siphon, half-vampire. While landon dies.
She shuts off her humanity. And that destroyed Janaya. And that's when he realized.
Hope Mikaelson never loved him, only Landon Kirby.
And he was screwed.
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harmonyverendez · 2 years
Maya Lovegood & Hadrian Montgomery. ( Femals!Oc x Male! oc. )
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harmonyverendez · 3 years
Reader Being Draco Malfoy Transgender Twin Would Include
Part ( !! )
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7th Year.
▪ The war has finally broken out. You were very scared. Professor Snape had a barge into the school and dueled Professor McGonagall, you didn't believe your eyes or ears, I mean come on your Snape? Will never do this.
▪ Harry becoming distant from you because he feels like you will die if you be with him any longer.
▪ Lucius trying to arrange your marriage. Narcissa being angry and becoming distant as well.
▪ Families we're turning on Families and you felt like it was your fault.
▪ Draco wouldn't speak to you. He had started becoming pale and look just sick and not like his old self.
▪ Hermione and Ron blaming everything on you.
▪ You and luna becoming close and she helping you with harry and his problems.
▪ Hiding at the burrow during the war.
▪ You not eating and not sleeping.
▪ Start feeling depressed and started to cut yourself.
▪ The Slytherin being protective over you and threatens to hurt anyone who tried to target you.
▪ Pansy Parkinson becoming a sister to you.
▪ Making out with Fred and George ( They were experimenting on you )
▪ You falling In love with them both. But growing out of it because harry was still your heart and soul.
▪ Sad and heartbroken once you found out Snape has died.
▪ You trying to be strong.
▪ Almost dying because of suicide but Luna had saved you.
▪ You being thankful for her.
▪ Then it was time for everyone to fight, there was everyone for themselves.
▪ But the Order was family and you and your family fought together.
▪ You searching for harry, but crying your heart out when you couldn't find him.
▪ You fought your way through the war and when it was time for Harry and Voldemort finally clash.
▪ Nearly collapsing with grief when Voldemort carried harry to the battle field.
▪ Screaming and yelling at the dark lord. The death eaters laughing at your pain.
▪ The Dark Lord telling you to join his side just like your parents were.
▪ You looking around and laid eyes on Draco. He looked sad and he just wanted to bury himself in the ground.
▪ “ I Love You ”. You whispered at your brother.
▪ Lucius beckoning you and Draco over to join the disgusting dark side.
▪ You gave him the stink eye and Draco almost going over there but you put your arm out and pull on his arm and stop him.
▪ “ Draco no, I don't want you to throw away your life ”.
“ Thats, not your concern, Y / N ”.
▪ Harry won the war and you were thrilled.
▪ Running to harry and hugging him tightly and giving him kisses all over his face.
▪ After the war, Draco and you sat down and just held each other. You were the crybaby and he was the hugger of course.
▪ * Am not crying you are*.
▪ Having a peaceful life and having 3 kids with harry. 1 more baby surprise and it was another girl, so two boys and 2 girls.
▪ Draco was thrilled to be an uncle.
▪ Narcissa was proud of you, you were always her favorite.
▪ You and Lucius still didn't get along.
▪ I don't know, life with the Malfoy family was horrible ( you may had ups and downs) but you have also had some good memories.
Author Note - Thank you for reading!.
Have a nice day / Night - BeautifullyButterfly.
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harmonyverendez · 3 years
Reader Being Draco Malfoy's Transgender Twin Would Include
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I do now own harry, potter. J.K Rowling Does.
I make no money writing this.
Part 2 below ⬇
Part ( ¡ )
. The reader was born Draco Malfoy twin. Two ' 𝐻𝑎𝑛𝑑𝑠𝑜𝑚𝑒 ' boys.
. Narcissa was thrilled that she had twins. She was overjoyed, this was a miracle. Although she wishes she had a daughter.
. Lucius was glad that he had boys, the Malfoy family always had generations of males. There were never females hardly.
. As the years go back and you and Draco are 3 years of age.
. You knew something wasn't right, you never felt like a boy. You wanted to wear girl clothes and not Wear suits and such.
. Draco was the first person you told about your feelings and such. He was shocked at first but overall he got over it and loved you no matter what gender you were.
. When Narcissa finds out you wear a ' Girl ' she was overjoyed. After all, you still were her child, she could care less of your gender.
. Lucius on the other hand was furious. No child of his would be a female.
. Reader getting abuse and sexual assault of the years by Lucius. No one found out, no even Draco.
* Skip Years Ahead *.
. Let's be honest your first year was kinda difficult. No one understood you.
. Being bullied and people calling you all kinds of names. Draco standing up to anyone who threatens to hurt you.
. Fighting a lot
. Not want to go home.
. Draco not understanding anything
. but once you tell him everything, he understood more and hates his father for what he has done.
. Narcissa sending anything you want, I mean everything
. Lucius being cold towards you, but simply a nodding gesture is all you get.
* Skip 3 Years - 4th Year *
. Yule ball is when it happened
. people started to notice you
. Harry potter having a crush on you
. Draco being overprotective.
. Draco not likening that Harry has suddenly had an interest in you.
. You fully changing your clothes.
. Pronouns are them/ they ( or whatever you want your gender to be )
. Harry asking you out.
. you being confused and told him what you was.
. Harry knowing and didn't care, he wanted you for you and no one could tell him otherwise.
. You were Harry date to the rule ball.
. Everyone was jealous and sent you envy looks and such.
. Especially Ginny and Cho Chang.
. Then 5 year came.
. You were completely different than last year
. you look just like what you wanted, A beautiful girl.
. Harry couldn't take his eyes off of you
. Draco being more cold
. Him still being nice to you
. But still, tell you everything you wanted to hear.
. Lucius Malfoy still assaulting you
. Narcissa being a mother hen to you
. Like braidng your hair and such
. Singing you to sleep.
. Harry comes over to visit, Narcissa being overjoyed
. Lucius Malfoy being angry and a bitter father / Husband
. Draco not allowing you and harry with the room door closed.
. Staying up all night kissing and telling jokes and finally coming clean with Harry.
. You and Harry finally going all the way after being with each other for 1 year and a half.
. Draco never found out, because if he did
. then here comes the hard part
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~To Be Continued~~~~~~~~~~~~~`
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harmonyverendez · 3 years
Being Hermione Granger Twin Would Include.
Part 2 ( Male Version )
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Being Hermione Granger Male Twin Would Include
▪ You being a singer. ( People are obviously in love with you )
▪ Very protective of Hermione, if anyone would touch her or bully her ( even one sentence, no one can even think about her )
▪ Beating Draco so bad that he was sent to the hospital wing.
▪ Hermione scowling you for it, but overall happy that you would willing to go out of the way to protect her.
▪ Hermione making you study with her ( she will not have her favourite sibling fail classes )
▪ You and Hermione being at the top of your classes.
▪ You are dumbledore favorite ( Even though you didn't like him )
▪ Going around Hogwarts and giving your favorite teachers flowers and such.
▪ Professor McGonagall and Madam Pomfrey we're your favorite.
▪ Snogging Ginny Weasley ( But you two doesn't date )
▪ singing for the choir when it was time for the show.
▪ Protecting Hermione from anyone and death eaters.
▪ Going on mission with the golden trio.
▪ Beefing with Ron some days.
▪ Playdates with Harry.
▪ Nearly hexing Professor Umbridge ( she put her hands-on Hermione )
▪ Developing Sleep Insomnia.
▪ Anxiety and depression ( Your sister helping you )
▪ You are 5 minutes older than Hermione( you often teases her about it )
▪ Being on the Quidditch team ( You are a seeker or chaser )
▪ Fighting all the time.
▪ Being cool with the Weasley twins.
▪ Overall you being Hermione ' Older ' Sibling, Life is good and bad sometimes.
▪ Especially since you are a muggle.
▪ Growing old and leaving a peaceful life.
▪ Having a lot of kids.
▪ YouAndHermioneAreUnstoppable.
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