#male marrinete
waty-art · 2 years
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“Chat, focus!”
“Alright bug boy.”
My fanart of ladybug male version!
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Do you think Mari is a good role model /inspiring character? Thomas says he wants to create a strong female model for young girls and this is something I admire him for doing. Marrinete has her moments, but isn't a character for anyone to follow in real life.I think the worst thing is that her whole character revolves around Adrien. She hasn't really got any other passions or goals to work towards I think Chloe and Kagami are better models because they know their worth and can live without him.
Yeah, the way a lot the episodes tend to revolve around Marinette being boy-crazy and not other aspects of her life doesn’t exactly scream okay role model for a bunch of impressionable kids and preteens who might learn to tie their self-worth to being in a relationship..
Just because a show has a female lead, it doesn’t automatically make it empowering to women. But what do I know? As a straight white male, because I didn’t like The Last Jedi and Captain Marvel, it means I hate women according to the logic of “feminists” like Astruc.
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roserozu22 · 5 years
The Pharaoh
It's a pleasant afternoon in Paris, and many fans of Ladybug were watching the most recent update of Ladyblog after this morning's sighting of Ladybug.
"Don't blink now,'cause we live in Paris. Yo peeps, Alya here, bringing you the one and only Ladyblog." Alya announced it on her video recorder. "Huh? What is that?"
Ladybug is seen hanging on to her yo-yo, which is tied to a helicopter. Ladybug unknowingly drops a book.
"Ladybug in action. Hang on 'cause we're going for a ride." Alya then runs over and picks up the book that Ladybug dropped. "Freak out! What you got here is no ordinary book. It's a tenth grade history book. And I should know, 'cause I've got this very same book. Could our very own Ladybug be a high school student in real life?" Alya asked the camera.
"Wow!" Adrien exclaimed after watching the video with his brother Felix, "It'd be so cool if she was in our school!"
"Yeah, it would be cool." Felix said with a dreamy look on his face, until he noticed Adrien's mischievous smile. "What!?"
"Nothing, just thinking what it would like having Ladybug as my sister-in-law." This caused Felix to blush like a tomato until one of the maids entered Felix's room and announced that lunch was being served.
"Tell Papa, we'll be right down." Adrien said with a smile towards the maid. The maid bowed and left the room.
Meanwhile, in Marinette's room, Marinette was talking to Tikki. "I told you from day one Tikki, I'm a total klutz!" Marinette said in panic.
"What's done is done; we can't change what happened. We can only move forward." Tikki said. "Alya must not find out who you are. You know how persistent she can be with her blog totally dedicated to Ladybug."
"But how?" Marinette asked. "Maybe I'm not cut out for this whole Ladybug thing."
Tikki flew to Marinette's computer and opened a museum website. "This will show all of Ladybug's history and how different each of them were." Marinette then had an idea how to get her textbook back and learn more about her alter ego.
=^._.^= ∫
Thirty minutes later, Alya and Marinette were entering the Louvre Museum. Alya was currently ranting about the mysterious textbook.
"Can you believe it?" Alya asked Marinette. "All I gotta do is find to do who this history book belongs to and BAM, I figure out Ladybug's true identity! I'm so on this one!"
Marinette could only try and not look too scared of Alya. "You really think you could figure out who Ladybug is from a textbook that every high school student owns?"
"Yep, because it's the only textbook that our school owns." Alya explained. "But I wonder which girl student owns it, as there are forty-four girls, not counting you or me."
However, before Marinette could say anything, a young male carrying a folder full of papers ran through Alya and Marinette. He pushed past them and tripped, papers flying everywhere. His medallion fell but he quickly picked it up.
"Thank god." The young man sighs in relief. "It's not broken." The young man then notices the two girls. "I'm sorry girls."My name is Jalil Kubdel. You may know my little sister Alix."
"Yeah." Alya said, but before Marinette could ask something about the exhibit to Jalil, he left noticing his father, and the two girls continued into the museum.
Simultaneously, at the Agreste mansion, while Adrien is in his own room talking to his boyfriend on his mobile. While Felix was in his own room giving Plagg camembert cheese and picking up a book to read but Plagg quickly hid underneath a pillow as Adrien entered the room. "What's up Adrien?" Felix asked
"Have you seen Papa?" Adrien asked in a rush.
"I haven't seen him since lunch." Felix explained. "Why?"
"Oh, Nathaniel asked me to visit the Louvre Museum with him as there's an exhibition in the Ancient Egypt section and he thought it would be nice for us to go."
"I think it'll be okay for you to go, but you have to ask Father's secretary first." Felix said. Adrien then went to search for Nathalie. He found her in her office. Noticing Adrien, she smiled and asked,"What's wrong?" Adrien then explained what he had told Felix.
"You can go, but you must take Gorilla with you both." Adrien smiled gratefully and he and The Gorilla left to visit Nathaniel by the Louvre Museum
=^._.^= ∫
In the meantime, Alya and Marinette are looking around the exhibition. "Come on, tell me what it is already!" Alya shouted impatiently.
"No - it wouldn't be a surprise then." Marrinete said. Marinette and Tikki then looked at an ancient Egyptian papyrus. "For you or me." Marrinete muttered to herself quietly. The two girls then heard Jalil's voice.
"I'm telling you, father, it's right there in the hieroglyphics." Jalil said as he pushed Marinette. "Excuse me. There, as you know, the one with the scepter is Ankhesenamun.. And there, opposite is Tutankhamun, her prince. There are exactly one hundred mummies beside them. She died several years after him, and the sun god Ra took him as his god."
"Yes, I know all that. I'm the director of this exhibition, remember?" Mr. Kubdel said in annoyance.
"Then you also know that Ankhesenamun wanted to bring her prince back to life, by offering the sun god a new husband. This seemed to illustrate the ritual she devised. Nobody has ever fully deciphered the hieroglyphics, but I have! It's a magic chant that needs to be recited in order to complete the ritual! I'm sure of it!" Jalil shouted in excitement.
Suddenly, Nathaniel and Adrien(and Adrien's bodyguard) entered the museum and walked towards the girls.
"Hi" Adrien gretted. "What's going on?"
"Hi Adrien, Nathaniel!" Greeted the two girls.
"Alix's big brother thinks there's a magic chant that can bring people back to life." Marinette explained.
"That sounds crazy." Nathaniel said. "No one can bring back the dead."
The teenagers continued talking about the Ladybug theory being in their school until they heard a very stern shout.
"Listen, Jalil! That's enough! Get your head out of those papyrus scrolls and focus on the real world! This one!"
=^._.^= ∫
Simitalusely, in Hawk Moth's lair.
"There's nothing wrong with living out a fantasy. Especially when I can make it a reality." Hawkmoth said as he transformed a butterfly into an Akuma. "Fly away, my evil akuma, and transform that young man!"
Back at the Louvre, Marinette and the others are trying to decipher the meanings behind the hieroglyphics. However, outside the Louvre Jalil was akamutised and became known as Pharaoh.
=^._.^= ∫
"This is ridiculous!" Alya shouted. "Marinette what are you trying to show us!?"
Suddenly, one of the guards whistled. "Hey you!"
Pharaoh then said. "Iah, give me time!" Pharaoh's head then transformed with another man with a symbol of the moon on his head and then released golden bubbles that trapped many guards and civilians, but the group of teenagers swiftly doged them.
"All of you hide!" Marinette whispered to the group as she noticed Alya getting her cellphone out ready to record. While the Pharaoh was distracted getting the staff, Marintte left quietly to transform. While Felix sneaks out of the mansion and quickly hid somewhere to hide to transform into his alter ego.
=^._.^= ∫
Later that night after a battle with the Pharaoh and a nearly sacrificed Adrien, Marinette finally learnt that Ladybug has been around for over 2,000 thousand years and that each one is special in their own way.
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