#male call of duty oc
callsign-bunnie · 8 months
Hiyaaa. I was just wondering if you could update Slasher Feildtrip chapter 12. Maybe if possible. Really love your work tho, the writing is just amazing, and the characters are so well written.❤️❤️❤️🙏
Hahaha, we're going to pretend this didn't take me months to write.
“Mr Parra, thank you for sitting down with me.” Detective Graves smiled at Rodolfo.
Rodolfo did not like him. “Of course.” He nodded, crossing his arms and sitting back. “I think it’s interesting that you’re phrasing this as if it’s a choice.”
“I only asked if you could answer some questions, you’ve not been arrested or subpoenaed.” Graves shrugged, flipping through a notebook. To be fair, they were only at a cafe and Rodolfo had been given the option to not show up, but was he just going to say no to a federal officer? He knew better than that. “You’re aware of your friend, Johnny Mactavish-”
“Soap.” Rodolfo corrected, sighing. “He prefers Soap. Yes, I am aware he was the sole survivor of a mass murder that happened a year and a half ago. I’m aware that the killer was never found. I’m the one who took him to therapy appointments.”
“And… you and your fiance were the sole survivors of another incident.” Graves confirmed, not showing any reaction to Rodolfo’s outburst. “Correct?”
“Correct.” Rodolfo sighed, shaking his head. “When I was sixteen.”
“And your fiance was 17.”
Graves wrote a few things down and then he folded his arms over the notebook, smiling at Rodolfo. “Are you aware that your fiance’s father was suspected in a long string of murders in the 1990s? He killed several women. The only reason he was never convicted was a clerical error.”
Rodolfo frowned, furrowing his brows. No… No he hadn’t known that. But, it was no matter. He had known that it was always suspected that Alejandro’s father had killed his mother. “No… but I do know it was always suspected that he killed his wife, my fiance’s mother. My fiance has had nightmares over it. His father was a monster, I knew that well.”
Graves did seem a little surprised by that before shrugging. “It was told to me by Kyle Garrick that you and your friend, Soap, didn’t go to the party. You both came home. I have eyewitness accounts, though, that say you were there.”
“No. We didn’t go.” Rodolfo shook his head, dropping his shoulders. “My then boyfriend and I got into a really big fight and I was really upset, so I stayed home and asked my friend to stay with me. No, I don’t have anyone who can confirm that, I stayed home.” He was lying, but he wasn’t changing it, knowing better. If he insisted on his story, it looked more believable. “But… people saw Soap at every major event, after the fieldtrip. Hell, people were claiming he was at a mass shooting halfway across the country. You can look at his twitter.”
Graves nodded a bit. “I’ve seen. I’m on your side, Mr Parra. I suspect that the murderer when you were 16 and the murderer recently are one in the same. Do you know a woman by the name of Valeria Garza.”
Rodolfo paused, blinking and then frowning. “I’m… sorry?” Valeria Garza? No, he didn’t know who she was at all. 
“Her mother was one of the women murdered by Marcus Vargas.” Graves sighed. 
“No, I don’t know who she is.” Rodolfo shook his head, furrowing his brows. “Why do you ask?”
Detective Graves watched him for a moment, appearing almost surprised, before shaking his head. “No reason. Have a nice day, Mr Parra.” He stood and gathered his things before leaving, leaving Rodolfo very confused. 
Who was Valeria Garza? Why did Detective Graves look so surprised that he didn’t know who she was? Should he have known? So, he got out his phone and texted Alejandro. I just was asked to talk by that Detective. Why didn’t you tell me there were other women? That your father killed.
The detective asked you questions??
He didn’t get a response for a long while, Alejandro starting and then stopping typing repeatedly before finally, something came through while he was picking up dinner to take home. I didn’t want you to think I was like him.
Rodolfo wasn’t sure what to say to that, since they’d all agreed not to mention the whole murder thing over text. But… wasn’t Alejandro? Aren’t you? I mean… 
I never raped anyone.
Well I didn’t know he had. But, Ale, come on… You have to understand why the connection might be made.
I’m not my father.
No, I’m not saying you are, I’m just saying that maybe these tendencies come from him, I mean… you got your bipolar from him.
Rodolfo, I’m only going to say this once. I’m not my father and I do not appreciate being referred to as him.
Rodolfo stared down at the phone in his hands. Was… Alejandro threatening him? No, no, that wasn’t going to fly at all. He quickly called Alejandro, taking the bags of food he’d gotten out to the car. Again, it took a moment but Alejandro answered, just giving him a cool hello. “Alejandro Vargas. I’m only going to threaten me. You either kill me or you don’t.”
Alejandro spluttered, sounding shocked. “I wasn’t- I wasn’t threatening you. I wouldn’t kill you-”
“I don’t believe you, nor do I care. You kill me or you don’t, but do not fucking threaten me. I will not live in fear of you like my father lived in fear of my mother.”
“...you really think I would kill you?”
Rodolfo pinched the bridge of his nose, sighing softly, before dropping his shoulders and getting in the car. “I don’t know what to think, sometimes, Alejandro! I close my eyes and I am surrounded by blood and fire. You did that, you caused that.”
“Mi amor-”
“Don’t.” Rodolfo sighed and put his head back against the headrest, staring up at the ceiling. “You kidnapped me. You were going to let my friend die… How am I supposed to believe that you wouldn’t kill me?”
“Because I love you…” Alejandro sounded almost desperate. “I love you more than myself, mi cielito… I adore you.”
“But if you stopped loving me? What if you just… got bored of me? Would you kill me, then?”
“But that will never happen!”
Rodolfo’s heart sank. He knew it was true. He knew that was the case but… having it confirmed was heartbreaking in a way. Reasonably, he also understood that being around Alejandro was a tightrope, teetering on the sides of love and death, but… he hadn’t expected it to ever be so explicitly confirmed. To have Alejandro basically say that “yes. If you fail and you become boring to me… you’re dead.”
He felt tears fill his eyes, but he still wasn’t afraid. More… resigned. “One day.” He whispered. “One day I won’t be enough anymore. I’ll fight you too much, I’ll be too defiant, or maybe I just won’t be fun to be around. One day, that’s going to happen, and one day you are going to kill me.”
“No, no, no, no. That won’t ever happen, Rudy, that won’t- That’s never going to happen because my father killed my mother and I would never kill you, I’m not my father, I’m not him. I’m not.”
“What if you don’t see it like that? I think if you fell out of love with me, you’ll rationalize it that your father was in love with your mother and you’re not in love with me, so it’s not the same. Maybe it won’t be, but you’ll still kill me. Will you even fell guilty?”
“Rodolfo, please. I’m not going to kill you…” Alejandro’s voice was broken with tears, which was a bit of an odd sound, and it did tug on Rodolfo’s heart. He started to feel bad, and he realized he was being unfair. He would be married to Alejandro, maybe Alejandro would still think it was the same. “I love you more than anything, you don’t know what you mean to me. I’m only still here to have the chance to be with you. I adore you… Please believe me…”
Rodolfo sighed and softened. “I do believe you, I’m sorry… I’m coming home, I picked up food. Can you put the laundry in? I forgot to do it this morning…”
Alejandro audibly sighed in relief. “Of course, mi querido. Alex and Gaz are over, by the way.”
Rodolfo paused and frowned. “Like… together?”
“Alex snared him. Exactly like I told him how, isn’t that amazing? Three best friends for three best friends.” Alejandro’s voice was so dreamy, and despite everything, Rodolfo laughed affectionately at how excited he sounded. 
Rodolfo jumped and shrieked at a knock on his window, blushing dark red when he saw it was a woman at his window, rapping her knuckles against the glass. Alejandro sounded panicked, repeatedly asking if Rodolfo was okay. “Yes, yes, just…” He took in a breath, holding up one finger to the woman, who nodded and backed away from the window, and then he held his chest. “Someone just scared me, sorry mi sol. I’ll be home soon.” He lowered the phone, ignoring Alejandro’s extra questions and rolled down his window. “I’m so sorry, I’m on the phone-”
“With your boyfriend?” The woman chuckled, leaning against the vehicle and leaning down. Her accent was very similar to Rodolfo and Alejandro’s, and she had short black hair with aviator sunglasses on. “I’m sorry, your fiance?”
Rodolfo frowned, getting a bad feeling. Alejandro was losing it on the phone. “Rodolfo! Rodolfo!! Don’t answer her, don’t say anything.” 
The woman chuckled, her eyes glancing to the phone. “That’s okay. I can hear him.” She revealed a knife from behind her back and gestured. “Come on, hermoso. Out of the vehicle.”
Rodolfo’s eyes went wide at the sight of the knife but he got out, taking the phone with him. He knew better than to try to fight back, now very skilled at life or death scenarios. “Who are you?”
“My name is Valeria.” She hummed and stepped back as Rodolfo got out before getting right up close to him, putting her face close to his and letting out a slow breath. “Are you religious… Rodolfo?”
Rodolfo avoided asking how she knew his name. “Rodolfo-”
Valeria took the phone from Rodolfo’s hand, and he did almost stop her, but she swatted him away with the knife and he had to quickly yank his hand back to avoid being cut. She put the phone up to her ear and chuckled, softly. “I’m going to savor this, Alejandro.”
Rodolfo couldn’t hear Alejandro, anymore, taking deep breaths and trying to remain calm. Well, it turned out that Alejandro was right, he wasn’t going to kill Rodolfo. Rodolfo was still going to end up dead, though, it seemed. Oh god, he didn’t want to die. He really didn’t want to die. He tried very hard to push down his fear and keep himself from shaking, but it just didn’t work.
Valeria chuckled and pulled the phone from her ear as Alejandro started to scream at her in Spanish, and she turned the phone to speaker. “Valeria, I swear to god, if you do this, I will hunt you to the ends of the earth. You will never know peace, again!”
“Oh, Alejandro…” She tsked, her eyes remaining on Rodolfo. Rodolfo’s heart pounded, his breath was racing, he was so afraid. Valeria reached around Rodolfo and then she put the phone on the hood of the car, smiling at Rodolfo. “Not even going to beg for your life?”
Rodolfo took in a very shaky breath. “I know better.” Was all he could manage as he let it out. 
“Fair.” She chuckled before lunging forward and Rodolfo hunched forward as he felt the knife stab right into his stomach. “Shh…” She cooed and held Rodolfo, the pain forcing his legs to give out. It was visceral, making tears spring to his eyes and he gasped before coughing up blood onto the ground, slumping forward once he was on the ground.
“RODOLFO!” Alejandro was screaming, though it was hard to hear over the ringing in his ears. 
Valeria gently pet Rodolfo’s hair, cooing again. “It doesn’t hurt for too long, hermoso, don’t worry…”
Rodolfo’s vision was already darkening and he gasped for air, but his lungs seemed to just be full of blood, and now he was becoming light headed. The pain had started to fade, just as she said, but so was everything else. He finally let out a sob that took most of the energy he had left, while Valeria helped him to lay down and then she pulled the knife out, causing him to have to release another sob. “...why…” He gasped out, looking up at her.
Valeria sighed, getting out a cloth and wiping the knife handle before laying it beside Rodolfo and standing, getting out what looked like an instant camera and taking a picture. “Revenge. He took something I loved, so now I’m taking something he loves. I’m sorry you had to be a pawn, Rodolfo, but… well he doesn’t love anything else. I could burn his house to the ground, kill all of his friends, but he won’t care. He can get new friends, even new murderous friends. Alex didn’t have a tendency in his body before them, and he managed to convince Alex to kill his mother. Well… I think Farah Karim helped. However… he can buy a new house, too. But he can’t replace you.”
Rodolfo held his stomach as best he could, trying without reason to keep his blood inside his body, but he knew it wouldn’t work, rolling onto his back and coughing up more blood. He could still hear Alejandro screaming his name, and it became the only thing he could hear while he watched Valeria walk away and his consciousness finally started to fade. 
Lucas swung his legs, sitting in his dorm desk chair as he stared at the new picture he’d gotten. Alejandro would be incredibly disappointed if he found out Lucas’s new obsession, but… so what? Alejandro didn’t always know best, even if he was usually correct… Besides, Ghost and Alex were the one who even got him on the scent.
“Yeah… We’re just soo concerned because there’s this FBI agent running around asking questions… But we’re nervous to kill him, because they’ll just send another.”
“He’s blond and blue eyed, too, I mean there’s just a dime a dozen like him, too…”
“Older… I mean, he’s at least thirty…”
Lucas had caught on, quick. He’d only even looked at the detective to satiate them and to also satisfy his curiosity, but… well, one glance had easily been enough because Lucas was immediately hooked. 
Alejandro had it, though he would never admit it out loud. Diagnosed, too. Alejandro hated the term, likely to do with it’s connection to Anime characters, but it was a family trait. All of Alejandro’s siblings had it, and that included Lucas’s father. Lucas’s mother was actually very spoiled, because his father was obsessed with her.
Which was likely why all of Alejandro’s siblings turned the other way when Alejandro stuck an axe in Lucas’s abuelo. He had threated Lucas’s father and Tio Damian’s wives, which both of them were utterly obsessed with. They all had to know what Rodolfo was to Alejandro, too, and when he threatened Rodolfo… Well, Lucas wasn’t shocked, at least.
But, now Lucas had it too. Really bad… He supposed the BPD was also not helping. Turns out, when your father is obsessed with his wife, he doesn’t care that much about the children she creates.
Obsessive love disorder…
Lucas didn’t think he was that obsessive, though he definitely knew he was. Especially as he took the photo he’d taken of Phillip Graves and put it up on his “dream board”, right next to the rest of the growing collection. Ghost and Alex had been spot on, though… 30 years old, blonde, blue eyed, fairly fit, and very aggressive… Oh, Lucas had done his research. Everything about the detective was like candy for him…
He’d found out everything he possibly could, obsessively studied his exes… He liked feminine males, which Lucas definitely was. Probably hetcomp, but Lucas didn’t mind, as he could more than play into it. He preferred his coffee black with only two packets of sugar, he was a widower, and he wasn’t just an FBI agent, also owning a shady business selling black market weapons.
Lucas was very good at research, especially when he wanted the subject as badly as he wanted Graves. He had almost been afraid that Rodolfo would ruin his chances, as Graves had interviewed him that morning, but Rudy was now in the hospital, so not only would he be out of the way, but Alejandro would be busy with Rudy and couldn’t get mad at Lucas for his little… fixation.
His obsession. 
“Phillip Graves…” Lucas murmured, liking the way his name tasted in his mouth. Like honeysuckle right out of the flower… 
Ghost and Alex had been right to put Lucas on the trail.
Hey! Just a reminder that this series and others are ask based, which means I'll only write other parts if I have asks for it! If you want more, go ahead and send an ask for the next part!
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doggoboigaugau · 1 year
Konig x Spot (my OC)
As I said, old man Konig is so hot. And also who is curious about Spot's relationship with old man Konig 🤭🤭🤭 I'll reveal more in the next posts 😈😈😈
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Wake up the hot stuff is here @arthurmorgansballsack @justanagenderperson
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trashbandit777 · 4 months
Stalker! König! Sends a snap to Reader whilst their out with their friends.
The hoes gonna love this
Next up is König, this one made even my girlfriend blush (which is an acheivement)
Posting both with and without the caption
Please remember that if you repost or use this on other sites in anyway to credit me as the original artist.
As always my works can be used for edits, fanfic inspo and anything else as long as it's credited
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ivoovu · 1 year
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Okay here‘s the promised list of German nicknames.
Feel free to Tag other German speaking characters if you repost , I could only think of König at the moment.
Masculine words will be in blue, feminine in red. Gender neutral in green. I also put a few swear words and general German language rules at the end, including why talking in gender neutral is impossible in German. I tried to explain everything as simply as I can.
And while I‘m at it, let me put it out that, even if it‘s super obvious, you can mix up the nicknames, so even if you have a fem reader you can use fem AND gn nicknames. It may be obvious but I still wanted to point it out.
12/12/23: I‘m gonna update this, re-word some things and add other nicknames, just so you know
my (be)loved : mein liebster / meine liebste
my love/my dear : meine Liebe / mein Liebling
(however, if you were to say for example : „my dear y/n” the German translation would be : „mein lieber y/n / meine liebe y/n”)
In the same sense, "The Love of my life" would be: Die Liebe meines Lebens , even if the reader is masc. or fem. It‘s confusing, I know.
my treasure (a very German nickname) (and to a certain degree it means 'dear' as well) (you can also use it for 'honey'): mein Schatz. You can also use just 'Schatz', e.g. : „Schatz, kannst du das für mich holen?” (translation: "Dear/Honey, could you get this for me?")
baby (yea Germans use it too) : Baby/Babe
my bunny (albeit in English a very uncommon nickname, it is very common and normal in Germany) : mein Hasi / Hase / Häschen (i will explain the words with 'chen' at the end)
my angel : mein Engel / Engelchen
my bear (again I think a very uncommon nickname in English, but pretty common in German) (but I also have to mention that the nickname my bear is not something youngster use, it‘s more of a people in their 40's & 50's type of thing now) : mein Bär / Bärchen
you cutie : du süßer / du süße
you are cute : du bist süß
if you want to JUST say 'cute' or 'adorable', you can use one of these : süß / niedlich / knuffig (although knuffig is a extremely cute/adorable endearment and would most probably be used only in private) (and yes you can say „du bist niedlich / knuffig” if you wanna say 'you are cute‘ too)
a nickname that women use for their men or men for their men but rarely men for their women (probably because the men are usually the taller/bigger ones) is 'big one' (I will give the translation for the 'men for their women' regardless) : mein großer / meine große . This is mainly used when the one person is worried about the other person, e.g. : „Alles okay mein großer? Alles okay meine große?”, (translation: 'Everything okay, big one?')but I‘m sure it can be used in a normal and/or s3xual manner as well. I have also heard people call their dogs & kids „mein großer / meine große”, so do with it what you will.
little one: kleiner / kleines
To mirror the "Big one", you could also say little one, a different little one from the previously mentioned nickname. Because the "Big one" is actually "My Big One" so "My little one" would be : mein kleiner / meine kleine. I know it‘s a bit confusing but please bear with me. It‘s all about the situation. If, e.g., König says "Little one, sit down" you would write "Kleiner / Kleines, sit down". However, if in a situation he says sth like "My little one, are you injured?", the version w german words would be "Mein kleiner / Meine kleine, are you injured?“. Not that much difference except the fact that the fem version looses the s at the end, I just wanted to point that out.
good girl : gutes Mädchen (but technically you could also use : braves Mädchen)
good boy : guter Junge (other version would be : braver Junge) (to elaborate : brav means ‚well-behaved', but to translate good girl/good boy, both gut&brav can be used, so pick your fighter)
from here on out, I‘m gonna quickly translate a few nicknames which are usually not used in Germany but you can because at the end of the day it’s free game. And let me use this moment to clarify that even though all of these words are gender neutral, it is gender neutral towards the reader, that means the words themselves have a gender. But since the gender is not directed towards the reader but the gender of the other word, be it an object or living being, it is considered gender neutral. I‘ll try showcasing it with the first example.
my pearl : meine Perle (the word Pearl in German is Perle and it has a gender, it is feminine. However, when using it as an endearment or nickname, it is counted as gender neutral) (I previously mentioned the nickname 'my angel‘ and it is in the same category. Angel in German means Engel and it‘s masculine, but as an endearment it‘s gender neutral) (I could get into the why‘s and elaborate but I feel like it would cause unnecessary confusion).
my sunshine : mein Sonnenschein
my flower : meine Blume
my world : meine Welt
my one and everything : mein ein und alles
Okay I think I am done with the nicknames? If you have any specific nicknames you‘d like me to translate let me know. Also just an fyi but you can use all of the nicknames without the 'my' before it. Like, you can make a character call the reader just „Blume” or just „Engelchen”.
Now let me elaborate on 'chen‘ that‘s at the end of some words, like 'Bärchen', 'Häschen' or 'Engelchen'. Simply put, it cute-ify‘s the words. You have Bär (Bear) and Bärchen turns it into, loosely translated, 'little Bear'. The 'chen‘ at the end makes it sound more endearing and fitting for a lover, yk? You should also be aware that you cannot really add 'chen‘ to anything. I mean, of course, you could turn Regen (Rain) into Regenchen, grammatically it would be correct and it can be used as a nickname but no one would do that so it just stands out and is weird, you feel me? But hey if you wanna use that in your fanfiction, go ahead. German speaking folks will just raise their brow at it.
Now onto the swear words. Some you‘ll be familiar with if you know König‘s Voice Lines, but I still added them nevertheless.
Fuck you : Fick dich
Fuck : Fuck (Yea we just took that over from the English folks…, don‘t use just „Fick” from „Fick dich”, it is a smart move but incorrect)
Shit : Scheiße
Kiss my Ass : Leck mich am Arsch (which translated actually means lick my ass but the translation for Kiss my Ass is still „Leck mich am Arsch”)
Son of a Bitch : Hurensohn
Daughter of a Bitch : Hurentochter (though Hurensohn has become gender neutral and the more commonly used one, so you can use it when your character just got hurt or is actually insulting someone, regardless of their gender)
Asshole : Arschloch
Bitch/Slut : Hure, Schlampe
Translated it means Dog, but it’s used like how you‘d use Bitch : Hund / Hündin (tho Hündin is more popular) (Hündin is a female dog but like Hurensohn, it has become somewhat gender neutral)
Idiot : Idiot, Blödmann, Schwachkopf (though I do have to mention that Blödmann and Schwachkopf (at least I feel like?) is mainly used by little kids while adults just stick to Idiot)
Just a few swear words. What‘s next on the Agenda? Oh right, simple German rules.
Let me start off by explaining why gender neutral is so hard or impossible in German. To all of our writes here, you can ABSOLUTELY write a fan fiction, be it a 4 chapter type of thing or just a few bullet points, with a gender neutral reader if you stick to the gn endearments (could be from this list or some other). However, in real life, it works a bit different since you have to use other words to communicate with others. Let me explain it by using an example.
Someone who‘s a teacher would introduce themselves as "Hello, my Name is First Name Last Name and I‘m a Teacher". In German however, it is a bit different since the German word for Teacher is Lehrer & it means male Teacher. Female Teacher would be Lehrerin. There is no gender neutral Teacher, it‘s either Lehrer or Lehrerin. Same goes with anything else. Be it a Doctor (Arzt/Ärztin), Police Officer (Polizist/Polizistin) or a construction worker (Bauarbeiter/Bauarbeiterin). And yes, as you‘ve noticed, the female versions all end with a '-in', that‘s a good & easy way to recognize them. And even if you‘re not talking about Jobs, your gender and the other words' gender will change the way word are conjugated, and thus it makes it impossible to talk in gender neutral terms.
Next thing on the list is the way words are written. Just like in English, Names of people & places, food, nicknames etc. are all written down with the first letter being big, the rest being small. In the German language it does have a bit more importance than in English, since the difference helps us tell what is a place/person & what is a adjective etc. For example, we have this lovely sentence "In essen essen gehen." I just wrote that incorrectly so you could see my point. The correct way of spelling would be "In Essen essen gehen" (transl: Going to eat in Essen). Essen is a city but when written in small captions, it‘s the verb for eating. And don‘t get me wrong, most Germans can tell apart what word is the place/destination even if everything is written in small letters simply by the order of the words. And it‘s not like König fanfictions are all written in German, heck it’s always a few words which is FINE. So let me tell you that writing all German letters in small captions is FINE, us Germans still know what the hell is going on. This is just something I have noticed and thought I’d mention. But, again, if you write all in small letters it is not the end of the world, it’d only be 98% correct and there isn‘t really a German out there who’d be all "Aw gawd damn, they wrote all letters in small captions so now I cannot enjoy this work from the author anymore." Again, it‘s all cool, I just wanted to point it out. Stuff like nicknames, names, are all written in first letter being big. I have made sure to pay attention to that on my list.
I think I‘m done? I don‘t think I forgot anything. Again, if there are any specific nicknames, words or sentences you‘d like me to translate, hit me up. And I literally mean that, like you don’t have to worry about „Oh god will I annoy them?“, because I genuinely enjoy doing stuff like that. I can also proofread German words/sentences, just let me know what to check.
Have a good day/night & I hope this was helpful ✌️
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the-whispers-of-death · 6 months
Bear! Reader who is getting white hairs faster every minute of every day, and how would the other 141 react to it?
Price is just glad someone else is graying with him, okay? But also he's lowkey worried about the amount of stress you're in if you're graying so fast. He'll tell the rest of the boys to not be so chaotic around you, because surely dating five men is adding onto your stress.
Gaz adores your gray hairs. He compliments you daily, calling you handsome and honestly every name in the book. He's also secretly worried about the amount of stress you're under, so he gives you nice massages to help.
Soap complains that you shouldn't be able to age. He wants you to live forever, damnit. So he tells you to stop graying (as if you can stop that) and then he says you age like fine wine (because is it Soap if he's not absolutely feral over you?).
Ghost always thought you looked rather young for your age, even with your hairy body and the way you exuded authority. But seeing gray hairs in your beard, hair, and chest hair... It makes him really realize that his daddy issues is what drew him to you in the first place . He does like that he's dating a silver fox though.
Stone already knew he had daddy issues and that it drew him to you (he likes older men, we can't judge him), so he's over the moon when you start graying. ("Yes, Daddy, please become a silver fox.") It makes him more affectionate somehow, the way he takes even greater pleasure in rubbing your cheeks together so he can see the graying hairs of your beard move with the action.
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gofishygo · 6 months
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x3no9 · 3 days
Thank you so much @FillvieZ for drawing my OC; Amvrosiy. He not an enlisted Shadow, he's a contract merc hired to take care of shadier, hardcore business. He is Graves' closest ally and friend but in no time Amvrosiy makes his intentions clear to the cute cowboy.
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pingurusama · 1 year
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HAPPY (late) INTERNATIONAL BOYFRIEND'S DAY (ᴗ͈ˬᴗ͈)ꕤ.゚ I'm so deadly oblivious about xxx day and stuff, made this in rush for straight 7 hours, a little gift(s) for the seasoned Captain on his day and of course Ophelia will proudly share her artworks, heheh( ⸝⸝´꒳`⸝⸝)😏😏😏 ✨ Funfacts! ✨ @Ophwinter really does exist on Instagram and Twitter(x)! It's Ophelia (my Call of Duty OC)'s personal account ₍ᐢ. ̫.ᐢ₎
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Also, here's the original ones for every fellow Captain Price's lover, have fun delulu with this one.( • ̀ω•́ )✧
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e1dritchjackal0pe · 2 years
Dude, I have social anxiety, and although I can't speak for everyone who has it, I am not a stuttering helpless mess in public. I keep reading all of these fics where they write König like a stuttering, blushing mess who can't hold a decent conversation. Like please, this man is absolutely feral and sassy on the battlefield. He's probably just a reserved guy who doesn't fancy big crowds or social situations or eye contact. He's not helpless. I'm not trying to be offensive and I'm sure that we all have our own journeys with anxiety. . .
But please guys he's a grown man who literally kills people for a profession and has an attitude while he does it😭
But maybe it's just the adrenaline, what do I know?
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wiggy-worm · 9 months
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I’m going bananas
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jollybone · 10 months
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Old COD Cold War sketch dump feat. my Bell Andrik, Naga, Stitch, Perseus and Adler
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doggoboigaugau · 1 year
Jealous!Ghost propaganda
- I continue to spread the Jelly Ghost propaganda 👍👍👍 - a lit bit nsfw(?)
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hehe trans men in crop tops 🤭🤭🤭
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- I'm still not confident enough to make the full HD stuff and post it online lmaooooooo - Drawing to cope with my crippling d3pr3ssion because of finals...
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caer-oswin · 3 months
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the hunter
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cynicalrosebud · 5 days
Rumor Has It (7)
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CW: Discussions of adult clubs, implied sexual activities
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Eastern Europe, Feb 15, 2023
As the team moved through the safehouse, prepping for the next leg of their mission, a low hum of an aircraft engine reverberated through the air. Soap looked up with a smirk as he heard the unmistakable sound of an incoming helicopter.
“Sounds like our ride’s here.”
Ghost nodded, “Nikolai’s bringin’ us in. He’ll be our transport t’get us closer to the target.”
At the mention of Nikolai’s name, Rumor—who had been checking the rounds on his M4A1—suddenly froze. His heart rate spiked, fingers stiffening around the weapon as his mind was thrown back to a different time. A different place.
A different Nikolai.
The dimly lit, exclusive club. The sound of leather snapping and muffled moans. Nikolai, sharp-eyed and demanding, towering over him as Rumor knelt in submission, adrenaline and excitement coursing through him. The stern but gentle control, the way Nikolai’s voice had cut through the low hum of the club, giving commands Rumor had eagerly obeyed…
He hadn’t known who Nikolai was at the time—just a man with an air of authority and presence that had drawn him in.
Rumor blinked, trying to focus, but the sharp panic in his chest was unmistakable.
“Rumor?” Soap’s voice broke through, and Rumor glanced over, blinking rapidly.
“Y-Yeah,” Rumor coughed, shifting awkwardly, “Jus’ thinkin’.”
Ghost, always observant, narrowed his eyes slightly but said nothing. Meanwhile, Soap, oblivious, slung his rifle over his shoulder and cracked a grin. “Nikolai’s a solid guy. Yer gonna like him.”
Rumor swallowed hard, nodding despite the rapid hammering of his heart. Oh, he liked him alright—just not in the way Soap probably meant.
The helicopter descended, and as the rotors kicked up dust and debris, Rumor felt his stomach churn with a mix of anticipation and sheer dread. The door slid open, and there he was. Nikolai, aviators on, as stoic and commanding as ever.
“Let’s go,” Nikolai’s gruff voice cut through the roar of the blades as he waved them aboard.
Rumor’s pulse spiked again, and he could feel heat creeping up his neck. Please don’t remember… he thought desperately as he climbed aboard.
As they buckled in, Rumor could feel Nikolai’s gaze slide over him, lingering just a second too long. He dared a glance up, and for just a fleeting moment, their eyes met. A flash of recognition passed through Nikolai’s eyes, followed by the faintest smirk.
Rumor’s throat went dry. Oh fuck. He remembers.
Ghost, seated across from him, seemed to notice Rumor’s sudden discomfort. “You alright, Rumor?”
“Y-Yeah,” Rumor stammered, shifting uncomfortably. He could feel Nikolai’s gaze on him again, and this time he was certain there was a knowing glint in the Russian’s eyes.
Ghost tilted his head slightly, but before he could press further, Nikolai called out over the din of the rotors.
“Everyone strapped in? We’re leaving in two.”
Soap gave a thumbs-up, completely unaware of the tension sitting heavily on Rumor’s shoulders. As the helicopter lifted off, Rumor kept his eyes firmly ahead, focusing on anything but the man at the controls.
Focus. Just focus on the mission, he told himself, trying to push down the memories of that night. But it was going to be a long flight, and with every second that passed, Rumor couldn’t shake the feeling that Nikolai was enjoying this far too much.
As the helicopter rumbled through the skies, the team sat in relative silence, the thrum of the rotors filling the air. Rumor had done his best to calm his nerves, but it was impossible to ignore the fact that Nikolai was piloting the aircraft, cool and collected as ever.
Soap glanced over at Rumor, noticing his unusually stiff posture and restless shifting. He furrowed his brow. “Rumor, mate, ye look like yer sittin’ on a nail. What’s goin’ on wi’ ye?”
Rumor snapped his head to the side, feigning nonchalance. “Nothin’,” he said, too quickly. “Jus’—I dunno, not a fan o’ flyin’, I guess.”
Soap shot him a skeptical look. “Bullshit. Ye were perfectly fine on the last two choppers we took.”
Ghost, leaning against the wall of the chopper with his arms crossed, grunted. “He’s right. You’ve been actin’ weird since Nikolai showed up.”
Rumor stiffened at the mention of the name, unable to stop himself from glancing at the cockpit. Nikolai’s back was to them, but Rumor swore he could feel the Russian’s smirk burning into him.
Gaz, seated across from them, raised a brow. “Something I should know about?” he asked, eyes darting between Rumor and the others.
Rumor cleared his throat, shifting uncomfortably in his seat. “Nah, nothin’. Jus’ a bit of… unfinished business, that’s all.”
“Unfinished business, eh?” Soap’s tone was teasing, but there was curiosity in his eyes now. “Didn’t know ye an’ ol’ Nik go back. What kind of ‘business’ are we talkin’ aboot?”
Rumor could feel the flush creeping up his neck again, and he cursed internally. “Nothing important, just… uh, a misunderstanding.”
Ghost’s eyes narrowed behind his mask. “Yer lyin’.” His voice was calm but edged with suspicion. “Spit it out, Rumor.”
Rumor’s heart raced as all eyes turned on him. There was no getting out of this, was there? He opened his mouth, but before he could come up with a suitable excuse, Nikolai’s voice crackled through the headset.
“You are not going to tell them, Rumor?” Nikolai’s voice was smooth, casual, but there was an unmistakable amusement in his tone. “I thought you were the honest type.”
Soap’s eyebrows shot up. “Wait a minute. What’s he on about?”
Ghost tilted his head, his gaze now locked on Rumor. “Out with it.”
Rumor exhaled slowly, rubbing the back of his neck in defeat. “Alright, fine. I, uh… I may have had a bit of a… thing with Nikolai a while back.”
Gaz frowned in confusion. “A ‘thing’? Whats that mean?”
Soap’s eyes widened as realization dawned on him, and a slow grin spread across his face. “No way! Ye hooked up with Nikolai?” He leaned in closer, barely containing his laughter. “I knew there was somethin’ goin’ on! How was it?”
Rumor buried his face in his hands, groaning. “For fuck’s sake…”
Ghost’s head snapped between Soap and Rumor, the smallest hint of surprise flickering in his eyes. “With Nikolai? The same Nikolai flyin’ this bird?”
Nikolai’s chuckle crackled through the headset again. “He was quite… enthusiastic, I must say.”
Rumor wanted the earth to swallow him whole. “I swear t’God, if any o’ ye say a word…”
Soap was cackling now, slapping his thigh. “Oh, this is priceless. Rumor, yer full o’ surprises!”
Gaz’s eyes widened in amusement. “Wait, so you two…?” He gestured vaguely, looking more and more entertained by the second.
Rumor buried his face in his hands again. “It was one time. One time. At a club. I didn’t know it was him until later!”
Ghost, despite himself, let out a low, disbelieving laugh. “I’ve heard a lot of things, but this takes the cake.”
Nikolai’s voice came over the comms once more, his amusement evident. “I will admit, Rumor makes for a very obedient partner.”
Soap lost it at that, practically howling with laughter. “Nikolai, mate, ye’ve got t’give us details later.”
Rumor shot Soap a deadly glare. “Ye better not. I’ll kill ye.”
Nikolai’s voice, still teasing, was the last straw. “Maybe next time.”
Rumor slumped in his seat, wishing he could disappear into thin air. “I’m never hearin’ the end o’ this, am I?”
Soap wiped a tear from his eye, shaking his head. “Not a bloody chance, mate.”
Ghost, still smirking under his mask, gave Rumor a pat on the shoulder. “Welcome to legend status.”
Soap, still chuckling to himself, leaned back in his seat and shot the Welshman a mischievous grin. “Alright, but I gotta ask… who pitched?”
Rumor’s eyes snapped to Soap, his face immediately going red. “What?”
Ghost, who had been silently observing with faint amusement, suddenly went still, his head slowly turning toward Soap. Gaz raised a brow, clearly waiting for the answer with newfound curiosity.
Soap, fully committed now, leaned forward, clearly enjoying himself. “C’mon, Rumor. We’re all friends here. Was it you or Nik?”
Rumor glared at him, fully exasperated now. “Yer unbelievable, y’know that?”
Nikolai’s voice crackled through the headset again, smug as ever. “I think we all know the answer to that, don’t we, little mouse?”
Soap’s jaw dropped, and he doubled over in laughter, wheezing. “Oh, bloody hell, Nik was the top! I knew it!”
Rumor groaned, burying his face in his hands again. “Fuckin’ Christ…”
Ghost leaned toward Soap, muttering under his breath. “Yer gonna get yourself shot one of these days.”
Soap barely heard him through his laughter. “Worth it, Lt. So worth it.”
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the-whispers-of-death · 6 months
Bear! Reader dying on the couch in the middle of the British summer (which I can confirm is as horrific as we complain it is) in nothing but his boxers with 2 fans pointed at him. Shaving probably would have helped him cool down more but everyone seems to throw a fit when he does.
Nobody, not the 141 or Stone, can be held liable for their actions 🫧
They really can't held liable for their actions! How are they supposed to resist you when you’re so hairy and it’s all on display???
You should cover up if you don't want all five men all over you!
(But also please don't because Ghost and Stone love rubbing their faces against your hairy chest while Gaz and Soap rub their faces against your hairy legs. Price is just waiting for the right moment to rub his bearded against your bearded cheek.)
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trashy-tries-writing · 9 months
I can just imagine Ravine healing himself like he’s in the far cry 2 and everybody just looking at him like “wtf???”
Like broken arm? Nah let me just readjust some bones and we’re good to go!
Sorry for the long wait but it's finally here! 😖 Okay I can see this happening 💀. Price is getting gray hairs because he never knows if Ravine is walking around with an injured bones or not. It's a charade for 141 to find out after the first time they saw him do it 😂. Thank you so much for this idea 🙂 Also to all precious Readers, anyone willing to help me understand the mw2 characters more? Like telling me what your opinion on what their dislikes and likes could be and maybe headcanons you guys have for them? I’m interested to learn/know :DD PS.: I apologize for any mistakes and wrong words I use, It’s been too long since I researched about MW2 and Military stuff 😅
Price has known Ravine for a few years now but the soldier still surprises him in ways that he would never imagine. When he believes he finally grasped the depth of the weapo- Ravine’s abilities, the man swoops in with something unpredictable that has the captain stare at him like he just told him Laswell is firing Price.
Well not after today that is. Now he welcomes situations that could only happen in dreams with open arms so he can spare himself some stress.
The mission was easier than some things they were ordered to do.
The objective was to seize the contents inside the briefcase, it didn’t matter if the briefcase was lost as long as they got their hands on what was inside it. 
Ghost, Ravine, Gaz and Soap approached the enemy base on the mountains on foot as they ambushed them. However the opponent was one step ahead, hiding inside a hidden cave and fled with a jeep down the mountains, making a quick escape as the soldiers shot down the rest of the man.
Soap cursed, hoping to pop a tire with his gun but it was for naught as the bullets were caught by the many trees the vehicle passed through. Gaz let Price know that the objective is making pace down the mountain.
The captain’s voice echoed through one of their intercom radios.
“Ravine, time to fetch.”
They barely tilted their heads towards the mentioned male when they find Ravine darting past them at high speed. Their confusion flip into understanding as they have never seen him run before.
“The rest of you, make your way down and keep a lookout for strays hanging around.”
A few minutes later, they locate the jeep slammed sideways into a tree trunk making it almost fold in two. They quietly roam the area and quickly spot Ravine emerging from the back of the ruined car with a hand holding onto the case.
And that’s where they currently find themselves in when it happened.
“Ooohhh that looks bad, are you okay?” Gaz takes the briefcase from his hands, eyes worriedly staring at Ravine’s slightly bent arm with the bone poking out it.
Without warning Ravine grabs his broken arm, pushing the bone back inside his flesh. A collective groan of pain and disgust echoed through the mountain from his action. 
Soap lifts a hand and averts his gaze from the scene as Gaz holds the briefcase in front of his face. Ghost scrunches his face from underneath the mask as Price’s voice echoes through, questioning the sudden silence.
The were impressed, sure… but whAT THE FUCK?!?!!?
While they are trying to explain to Ravine that, for a matter of fact, it was NOT okay to push your own bone back into your arm and it shouldn’t have been his first response to the open wound. It was DEFINITELY NOT NORMAL either to use that said broken arm the minute he ‘fixed’ it.
I mean okay, they did find that kind of cool but they were seriously getting worried about him. His blood was running down his forearm, staining his clothes red and he’s standing there like it was a daily occurrence.
Ghost marches towards Ravine and pokes a harsh finger to his helmet with ‘Don’t try this shit again’ glare, making the tall man recoil his head from the push.
“Sit down you muppet and refrain from moving that arm around.”
On the other side inside Price’s office, the captain exhales loudly; it could be heard outside the room. “Of course he did that…” He’s aging so quickly that he’s hoping he won't wake up the next day with a full set of white hair.
He waits by the entrance, seeing the truck in the distance growing bigger each second. He pushes himself from leaving on the wall and sees Gaz, Soap and Ghost instinctively grab onto Ravine who seems to plan a visit to the doctor.
While Ghost’s pushing from the front, one hand locked with Ravin’s while the other pushed against his chest, Gaz and Soap are pulling and tugging the man towards the medical facility.
Price sighs and the soldier’s stop in their tracks when they find him standing beside them watching them try to wrestle Ravine into a checkup. The captain crosses his arms over his chest, his head tilted slightly and a silent conversation is shared between him and the giant of a man.
Ghost can feel Ravine’s hand flinch and shake as he unconsciously tightens his grip on the shorter male’s hand. The lieutenant turns his head back, observing his body becoming tense making him look bulkier than he was.
The trio is shushed away as Price and Ravine go on their merry way.
“Man, he must really hate doctors.”
Ghost’s eyes linger on Ravine’s back, feeling something amiss. He doesn’t push or ask for an answer but questions are filling his head especially due to the sudden heat he could feel from his hand that was locked with his.
They were hiding something huge that was related to the abnormality that was Ravine but there were too many potential answers to piece together, like a puzzle without edges and weirdly shaped pieces.
He was sure Gaz and Soap were thinking the same thing but they didn’t dare risk breaking whatever frail bond they had with Ravine.
Who was Ravine before he became Ravine?
If anyone wants to be tagged let me know :D
(Hope it worked, never tagged anyone before 💦) (Also sorry if my writing got bad, I haven't written for so long 😳)
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