#male avery x mc
griffinshoodie · 5 years
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Hey can I just say that I love the fact that there’s no random, instant animosity here????
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jlpplays1 · 5 years
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Guysss I found an amazing faceclaim for Avery!!
🎶 🎵 🎤
Everyone might not agree, and that is totally ok, but I really wanted to share this anyway because I’ve been digging for awhile and haven’t been happy with any of them..he was a hard one to find!!!😅😅🙈🙈..
~❤️~ 🎶 🎵 🎤 ~❤️~
But here is this man’s Instagram!!😍 you’re. welcome. Lol!!!😂😍😍😘😅
((Can you tell I’ve been working on a new set of collages 😏.. stay tuned..~~ @jlpplays1editsplatinum 😉❤️)) follow and turn on post notifications to keep updated😉💙💙
Pss I’m reaaallly excited for tomorrow 🤞🏻😬 #backfromhiatus
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fanficnewbie · 5 years
My First Drabble: Platinum
M!Raleigh x F!MC (Lalah Pryce) & F!Avery
Lalah rushed backstage, Avery’s face mirroring her unadulterated shock. Her voice trembled, “Did that just happen?” Avery nodded, her mouth agape. Lalah noticed Fiona walking towards them, Ellis hot on her heels, as everyone else around silently judged her actions. Feeling exposed, she ran to the backstage exit, feeling slight relief at finding her limo. Hank gave a sad smile as he opened the door. Once inside, Lalah released heaving tears, the weight of her actions crushing down. Then Raleigh climbed in, a smirk on his lips, a glint in his eye as he exclaimed, “Babe, that was fucking awesome!”
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missmayrin · 2 years
How We Met
Summary- MC finally makes it back to earth, but there's a problem... The prince's are here to..
Toa x OC
Told from Toa's POV
(With an mc named Avary)
My eyes fluttered open to a light pink bedroom. It wasn't huge but seemed big enough to fit at least 5 people. Glancing around the room I noticed that Avery and the other S ranks were also here.
Avery suddenly exclaimed. We all stared at her like she was crazy. But that would mean we were on earth wouldn't it? We couldn't be on Earth, she didn't know how to use that part of her magic yet.
"Does that mean we're on Earth..?"
Lynt questioned with a yawn.
Avery said, she looked excited to be here but we were all thinking the exact same thing.
How are we supposed to get back?
"We're gonna be here awhile I'm guessing."
Avari stated, Avery nodded.
"That means the you all,"
she pointed to each of us,
"Need better clothes"
Fenn made an offended gasp and Angel rolled her eyes.
"I don't mean it like that, I mean you need clothes that look more modern so you fit in."
Me and Roy nodded, Avery went over to her bedside table and unplugged a small rectangle from a cord attatched to the wall.
"What's that?"
Roy questioned, pointing to the small object.
"Right, you guys don't have phones in Saligia."
We all stared at her with blank faces.
"It's a form of communication on earth, you can also play games on if, listen to music, or even read, etc"
I walked over and studied the 'phone'.
"But it's just a black rectangle?"
I looked at her questioningly and she pressed a button on the side of the thing.
It lit up, displaying the time, date, and weather with a picture of Robin (the cat) as a background.
Fenn gazed at it with wonder.
"We'll have to get you all phones eventually, but first is clothes."
Avery pressed her thumb against the bottom of the screen and it opened to a different page with a bunch of boxes with names under them.
One was called 'Messages' and she clicked on it. She tapped an icon with the name 'Myra' beside it. She pressed a figure at the top and it immediately started ringing.
"Is it supposed to do that?"
I asked, Avery nodded.
Suddenly the face from the icon appeared on the screen, moving.
A Male that looked similar to the woman appeared on the screen and interupted her.
"Whos that?"
Avari snorted,
"As if, no one would ever date HIM"
"At least I don't claim people belong to me just because we have the same eye colour!"
I shot back, Fenn burst out laughing and so did the two people on the phone.
"He's funny! I like him!"
The girl exclaimed, the boy continued laughing.
"Myra listen, could you and Lucas come over with some of his extra clothes? I'll explain everything when you get here but my friends need clothes."
"Sure thing Avery!"
After Avery hung up the phone it took about 20 minutes for them to get here.
Me and the others were in the living room watching some show Avery had put on the 'tv' and she was in the kitchen.
A short ringing went threw the apartment and Avery went over to the door. She opened it to reveal a woman about Averys height, and a very, very tall Male.
Definitely taller then me.
Myra, as Avery called her, had medium length brown hair with two blonde streaks at the front, she wore a light blue T-shirt, with a black, grey, and white striped shirt underneath. Her jeans were baggy and had rips through them and her shoes were pure white.
Lucas, the guy beside her, also had brown hair but his was shaggy and short, his pants were similar to his sisters but dark blue, he wore a black sweater with a blue, purple, and pink stripe on each sleave. His boots were short and stopped at his ankles and were pure black.
Both of them had hazel eyes and Myra had glasses.
Avery brought them over to the living room and they brought four giant bags in with them.
"Alright, let's get this fashion show started!"
After three whole hours of going through outfits for each of us, we were finally done.
Guy wore a grey coldoroy jacket with a black turtle neck, black pants, and black shoes.
Roy wore a white turtleneck, black belt and beige pants. He had a pink sweater over top and white shoes
Lynt had a plain black shirt and pants with a brown belt. His shoes were dark green and he had a black beanie.
Fenn had black tank top that revealed his hips and sleaves that didn't attatch to the top. The sleaves had white stars on them. He had black shorts and a grey belt as well as a purple choker. His heals were and a black hood attatched to the back of his shirt.
I had a dark brown sweater with a baggie dark forest green T-shirt over top. They were tucked into baggie black ripped jeans and black shoes with a slight heal.
Myra and Avery were off talking in the corner. Roy went over to guy. And Fenn started bugging Lynt.
Sighing, I walked over to the corner and waited for Avery to decide what we'd do next.
My eyes fluttered close and a relaxed a little.
Someone placed their hand on my shoulder and I jumped so high, nearly hit my head on the roof.
Ok maybe that's was little exageratted but still!
"Oh! Sorry, I didn't mean to startle you!"
Lucas apologized and sheepishly rubbed his hand on his neck.
I gulped and nodded, why is he so tall?
He's was easily at least 3inches taller then me, and had a quite muscular build.
Hes kinda hot..
Wait what-
We made eye contact for a second before I quickly look away.
"Avery told me that you like sweets"
Great, of course thats the first thing she tells him.
"I actually own a bakery, would you like to come over? I could show you a few things that you don't have in Saligia."
I glanced back at Lucas. He smiled sweetly and I felt my face heat up a bit.
I muttered, cursing myself for stuttering.
What the hell was this?
Why was I acting like this?
Lucas smiled and called Avery over.
"Is it alright if I bring Toa over to my bakery? Then you and Myra can help the others get phones and get them set up"
"Sure thing Lucas! Just don't let Toa near anything with caramel"
"Hey! Just because it's my favourite doesn't mean I'm going to devour it!"
Avery giggled and skipped back over to the others to tell them where me and Lucas we're going.
She looked lovely in her black jeans and baggy white T-shirt. But she didn't attract me in any way. None of the girls I'd met had.
Everyone told me I just needed to find the right person, my family told me that it doesn't matter and I just need to find a wife, but Im pretty sure that it's impossible for anyone to see me past a friend or just my prince status.
Lucas and I took the 'elevator' down to the main lobby. He said bye to the lady at the desk and brought me over to something called a 'car'.
We both got in and buckled up the seatbelts and he started the engine.
It was a 15 minute car ride and Lucas kept trying to engage conversation but I was to nervous to talk.
When we arrived I quickly surveyed the surroundings.
There were a few tables and chairs with umbrellas out front. Through the glass doors I could see a counter with a glass case filled with different foods. Beside it was a small sort of machine and then open counter.
When we entered I also spotted a couple fridges with drinks in them, there was a shelf for bread, a freezer had different kinds of cakes in it. Behind the counter there was some machines mixing coloured ice and there was a machine with a nozzle and beside it was a stack of cones.
Lucas brought me behind the counter and told me to pick anything I want.
I pointed to a long piece of what looked similar to bread with whipped cream inside and chocolate on top.
I said quietly, And Lucas nodded and smiled.
"Long John it is then."
He took it out of the glass case and gave it to me. While I ate he went to the fridge and pulled out a tall black can with a weird looking M on it.
"Want one?"
He asked, I blinked at it and looked at him confused.
"Right, you don't have these."
I nodded
"It's called Monster, it's an energy drink, want some?"
"I-i guess I could try it.."
He smiled and walked over to me, pressing the tip of the can against my lips. I nervously put the Long John down on a napkin and took the drink from him.
I took a sip and was startled at the intense flavor and sharp pang on my tongue. Lucas smiled and laughed at my reaction, taking the can back and taking a sip.
"Like it? There's other flavors if you want"
I nodded,
"M-maybe something more..."
I nodded, embarrassed he already knew what kind of stuff I liked. He went over to the fridge again and grabbed another can. This one was orange and had a teal M instead of green.
"This one is pipeline punch, it's more fruity then the original"
He handed it to me with a smile. I took it from him and stared at the top. I could already feel the heat in my cheeks. Creator I barely know anything in this world.
"How do you open it.."
I hesitated. He took the can from me and showed me to lift up the thing on top until it opened.
I nodded and took it from him, opening it all the way. I took a sip and tried to force down a smile at the flavor. Lucas took another sip of his monster as I set mine down to finish the Long John.
"So Toa, tell me about yourself"
"I don't know much about you other then that your a gorgeous prince from another dimension with a sweet tooth"
I blushed at the compliment and looked away from him.
"I also know your a messy eater"
He laughed a little before using his thumb to swipe some whip cream off my face. Embarrassed, yet again, I looked at the floor as I wiped my hands on a napkin.
"You don't have to be embarrassed y'know, I'm only teasing"
I glanced at him and he smiled.
That stupid charming smile of his only made me even more flustered.
I just met him for crying out loud, how is he so calm about this.
Ive never been this nervous around anyone! Ever!
It must just be because I know almost nothing about this world. I'm so used to knowing everything that it's embarrassing that I don't.
I took a sip of the monster he gave me to calm my nerves. He brushed a lock of hair out of my face.
"I meant what I said by the way, you truly are the most beautiful person I've ever met.."
he hummed, not paying any mind to the bright shade of red which is now my face.
"Your not to bad yourself.."
I muttered, hoping he wouldn't hear me. But he did.
"Thank you Toa,"
he took my hand and kissed it as though he was the prince here and I was a princess,
"We should go get you a phone so I can get your number"
He winked before pulling me over to the door and opening it. He held it open for me and locked it behind himself. We walked over to his car and hopped in.
When he noticed me struggling to do up my seatbelt with one hand and took my drink from me. He put it in the cup holder I, somehow, hadn't realized was there.
I quickly did up my seatbelt and he started the car.
About half an hour later we arrived at a giant building Lucas called 'The Mall'. We walked around for a bit, as I gawked at all the shops and just the sheer size of the place.
"It's nearly as big as my palace back home.."
I recalled, Lucas turned to me and smiled.
"Might wanna be careful who you share that information to, there's only one really well known royale family in this world"
I nodded, remembering how Avery told us about Queen Elizabeth II.
"Avery said that the queen is immortal"
Lucas burst out laughing,
"Well she is quite old, gotta be in her 90's at the very least."
Lucas guided me over to a store called 'Apple Store' with a bitten apple as its symbol. We went in and started looking through all the phones to find one I liked.
We ended up getting the IPhone 12 Pro Max. It was quite expensive so I tried to convince Lucas to let me pay but he refused. On the way back to the apartment I sulked and stared out the window.
"Are you really that mad I didn't let you pay?"
Lucas said with a soft laugh
"I don't like people buying me stuff, especially not expensive stuff like this."
I muttered, staring at the iPhone box in my lap.
"Well, better get used to it, because I'll be doing it alot from now on."
he said with a wink.
"Absolutely not!"
I exclaimed which earned anotheraugh from Lucas. I scowled at him and turned back to the window for the rest of the ride to Averys apartment.
This is just pt. 1 dw ✨
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angrelysimpping · 3 years
Filled Requests 2
[Back to the Directory]
LIs with an S/O who wears a mask + Extra M!Whitney
LIs dealing with Angel!PC getting abducted by a cult
Bailey taking PC’s virginities in and out of a relationship
LIs + Bailey reacting to PC moaning out a diff LI’s name (+Alex reacting to PC moaning Remy’s name)
Gift giving hcs with Bailey, Remy, Leighton, and Wren
Bailey actually confessing their Love
Bailey getting stuck in the loft hurt/comfort
Bull Boy LIs + Bailey (+ extra Whitney)
Wren Falling in Love
Most to Least Jealous characters to be in a relationship with
Catching the Male LIs (+ bonus Bailey and Wren) masturbating
Breaking up HCs with Eden, Kylar, Robin, and Whitney
Dragon Bailey going into rut and finding Vampire Kylar stealing PC’s underwear
Bailey with strong S/O
Bailey, Eden, and Kylar eating out their partner
Bailey, Leighton, and Remy Wedding HCs
Bailey confronting you at your wedding to Avery [M!Bailey; GN!Reader; noncon]
Remy as a Sugar Daddy
School Squad + Eden with DemonTF!PC
Eden + Insecure S/O
Whitney's S/O leaving because they went to far
Reverse AU Thoughts
Arranged Marriage even though PC has feelings for an LI
Cock worshipping Whitney
Fucking up Bailey, Eden, and Whitney [NPCs nonconed]
Whitney in love with serial dater PC
Bailey taking care of Traumatized PC
Tutorial Man Assaulting Bailey [M!Tutorial Man; M!Bailey; attempted noncon]
PC and Bailey hatefucking [M!Bailey; F!Bailey; M!Reader; F!Reader; noncon; dubcon]
Leaving the LIs at the altar
Leighton, Remy, and Wren having feelings for PC and being invited to their wedding
Dragon Bailey getting jealous because of Robin
LI + Idol S/O
M!Kylar joining a poly realtinship
LIs + PC losing their virginity nonconsensually + being assaulted in general
Bailey acting tsundere towards PC
M!Dragon Bailey x F!Reader [dubcon; hybrids; biting; oral sex, reader receiving; vaginal penetration, reader receiving; oviposition and cervix penetration in one part, knotting and belly bulge in a different part; proprobably safe to say its got some hentai logic so bear with me; bit ooc but what isn’t on this blog at this point?]
LIs + Bailey pining after PC + finding their feelings are returned
Alpha!Bailey + late-blooming Omega!PC [omegaverse; knotting; dubcon]
High Love Whit is still a Dick [really just hurt/comfort]
Bailey's thoughts on Christmas
Jock!PC x Kylar
F!MC asks M!Robin for help getting ready for a date
F!MC teasing and friend-zoning M!Robin until he snaps [noncon]
M!LIs getting flashed by F!S/O
LIs + insecure S/O
Briar making himself jealous (gn!pc x gn!namless npc; gn!pc x m! Briar; bit of voyeurism/exhibitionism; dubcon; mentions of past noncon)
LIs + Bailey w/ pc getting jealous 
Bailey with PC who is suddenly sweet and submissive when in a relationship 
LIs + Bailey see you acting weird and think you’re trying to leave them. You’re not
M! Alex, Eden, Kylar, and Robin x GF with breeding kink
PC as Bailey’s partner and gets abducted (noncon; abduction; blackmail)
M!Kylar w/ tall “gifted” cowgirl s/o 
M Leighton and Bailey with bratty PC
LI w/ with PC who loves giving pleasure and aftercare
Mutual masturbation with the LIs
Wolfpeople LI + Bunnyperson PC
Kylar punishing PC for “choosing Whitney” during Halloween Event
Kylar w/ s/o w/ Predatory/prey kink on both sides
PC Escaping Kylar’s Kidnapping
Bailey jealous of Robin and Whitney 
M!LIs w/ masochistic and submissive s/o
M!Remy x sweetie cattle PC
LIs + Bailey finding out PC is dating all of them at once
Re: PC using Bailey for sex
Breaking Whitney
Dick Party: Kylar Ending; Robin Ending; Whitney Ending; Foursome Ending
Bailey not letting PC leave after they pay off their debt
Making Kylar praise themself in front of a mirror
M!Kylar finding out F!PC is crossdressing as a boy and he can breed them
M!Kylar x GN! popular, delinquent PC
M! Whitney and Kylar teaming up to keep PC in town
Remy and Bailey finding out their partner is stealing from them
LIs w/ badass PC who gets in fights but bad at socializing and soft and lovesick puppy whit LI
Poly Relationship with M!Kylar and Great Hawk
M!Bailey realizing he's buying prostitutes that look like PC
Kylar with cat tf s/o in heat
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bryceslahela · 2 years
Is drake garbage? Yes. But is he worse than Ramsay? Jake? All the other boring white men who I am thankfully forgetting right now? I need to know your official ranking of worst male lis. I need to.
ooooh ok im thinking rn of who is where…. ok so this is from worst to best. <33 ill put them under the cut.
connor. creep who hangs around high schools… why does he canonically have like no friends his age?
drake is second because ik we think hes a gold digging misogynist and he is those two things… at least mc is an appropriate age for him.
parker. bitch boy. hate his existence.
cassius. worst li in acor which isn’t honestly that bad as the others r all top tier.
ethan is lower bc oph 1 + half of oph2 r god-tier so his good series makes up for him being a freak.
chris from tf. so many issues and expected mc to deal with them like she was his therapist. its not my fault ur father never came back chris.
michael from hss shouldn’t be on this list at all. love him <333. so i’m putting wes here in his place. an insufferable creep who looked 45 when he should be 18. autumn has shit judgement who would pick him over julian????
thomas hunt. I HATE HIM.
simon from std. hate him purely bc everyone was putting his ass on a pedestal while dragging my mans justin. simon ur literally bland. the personification of the colour beige.
flynn from vos. gave me nightmares. also how u hate cops and then u become one???? where r ur morals man 😟
ugly bartending dude from roe. the one drake was based off of. he’s here bc thanks to him drake existed. he’s in hell rn.
jake from es. sean supremacy <33 hated him bc i always took sean’s side on everything. also i hated the weird lil nickname he gave mc like i don’t like u??? we not that close bro 😟
dom from tc&tf. boring sorry. also ugly but he’s not annoying ig. thats why he’s low.
ernest sinclaire. remember nothing abt him which is a good sign. he’s slightly ugly tho but he’s british it’s not his fault x
sawyer. cute?? i didn’t finish bsc. no issues with him. hate his dad tho.
elliot from ptr. forgettable. didn’t do anything bad besides be british which is why he’s here.
that white dude from bachelorette party. reed? boring but rich. no issues with him ig. i read it more so for the female friendships.
the guy from wishful thinking. audrey? cute. also forgettable. was nothing next to anna and jaime.
male avery from platinum. also british but sweet. so he’s low.
nate from sunkissed was acc so cute. i romanced him and he was so sweet, a lil cringy but i can deal.
nathan from tf. idc i love him <33 rich white bitch of a man but he acknowledges that and he also almost rid the world of tyler aka the most annoying side character in tf.
beckett. annoying in te2 but cute in te1… i love him srry 🤣 also teh book cover vers of him ATE.
grayson from hero. soo sweet but he was the victim to the sexy kenji and the sexier eva. how was he meant to thrive with such hot competition…. 💔
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oyasuminto · 3 years
To-Do List: October
Jealous PC breeding Kylar
Poly relationship with Kylar and Robin
Kylar being teased all day and breeding his S/O after school
Kylar and Robin + sadistic defiant S/O who subs for them
Kylar and Wren comfort-fucking their s/o
Kylar and Ren falling for the same person
Kylar + Insecure S/O
Kylar + Great Hawk getting a lewd massage
LIs + lewd maid outfit
Kylar + eerie-looking s/o
Kylar + blackjack
What if Ren kidnapped Lawrence instead of MC?
Noble Kylar + dragon hybrid s/o
Robin + tough PC who’s soft around him
Lawrence getting drugged with aphrodisiacs
Elf Kylar + loving orc S/O
Kylar’s S/O killing his bully
LIs + marathon sex
School trio learning you’re a hitman
LIs brat-taming defiant PC
Sid + humanoid monster he summoned
G/T headcanons with Remy, Eden, Bailey, maybe Harper and Leighton
Kylar watching his friend / crush get dressed for a date
Robin + Yandere PC crying and apologizing for murder
LIs learning PC is a kept boy for older women
LIs + Ace PC with no interest in sex
LIs + S/O who loves mating press (LIs giving)
Kylar + Eldritch Horror S/O
Whitney being in love with Jordan’s S/O
LIs + S/O dying
Kylar + short, defiant s/o
Kylar finding out she’s pregnant
LIs snapping and accidentally hurting PC
Whitney + freckled PC
Kylar keeping his S/O as a pet
Kylar making his S/O cum for the first time
Jordan as an LI
Vincent breeding his girlfriend
School trio + idol s/o
Love interests getting their s/o pregnant
Yandere Jordan
Male LIs learning PC got pregnant from someone else
Jordan/PC/Whitney threesome
Kylar divorce headcanons
School trio + crossdressing male s/o
Follow-up to Kylar shibari request
Eden, Kylar and Robin making their s/o squirt
Kylar’s GF begging to be bred
LIs having a lipstick mark on their face
Kylar and Robin attending a pole-dancing class
Lawrence and Ren + flexible S/O
Kylar being obsessed with Jordan
Whitney’s s/o finding out what he’s like at school
School quartet + subby s/o
Sydney’s angel pc getting kidnapped
Kylar + bully PC continuation
Sydney + virgin sacrifice
PC comforting Kylar after a nightmare
Kylar and Sydney poly
Whitney non-conning fem MC
Jordan walking in on the prayer room
Wren stealing Whitney’s girlfriend
Sydney telling Sirris about their crush
Kylar and Sydney tag-teaming PC
Kylar + pc supervillain au
Sydney clones
human lis + bailey’s s/o disappearing
sydney getting jealous
kylar kidnapping continuation
Whitney meeting someone who’s more of a bully than him
Sydney fucking the sin out of a masturbating PC
PC making out with Sydney, Robin, and Kylar while wearing lipstick
Sydney + demon PC
Sydney dating Jordan’s crush
PC walking in on LIs + Wren masturbating
Eden x Ren
Kylar, Robin, and Sydney + S/O wearing only an apron
LIs as Dads
Strade and Whitney sharing an S/O
Cooking / baking with LIs and Wren
Sleeping next to LIs and Wren
More Damien content
PC calling LIs + Wren at night just to hear their voice
Corrupt Sydney + innocent amnesiac PC
Kylar + mommy kink
Damien Morningstar + brat taming
Kylar and Ren sharing an S/O
Remy turning Alex into a bullboy
Kylar, Robin, and Sydney + S/O with overprotective parents
Strade and Ren + bunny beastkin
DOL LIs as BTD killers
Lawrence, Ren, and Strade in the DOL-verse
Teasing Avery, Bailey, and Whitney
LI, Bailey and Leighton cooking headcanons
Wearing LI’s clothes
Whitney showing PC her place
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wildsayeed · 5 years
“jealous” pt. 1
universe: platinum, choices.
pairing: MC (samantha “sam” dorian) x m!raleigh carrera
trigger warnings: intentional lowercase, innuendo (c’mon, it’s raleigh heheh), mhm not exactly smut but there’s kissing, fluff!! and probably tons of mistakes (bear with me, english is my second language djskdkf)
words: almost 2k
type: multiple parts fic
tag list (and people who might be interested, sorry if you’re not!!): @sayeedbound @iddevouryou @blackandblueandstars @justahumblepie
^please let me know if you’d like to be tagged in the next part!
also,, feel free to tag any raleigh stans you know that might be interested (⌒▽⌒)
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fancy dresses, nice drinks and everything “rich” was the sight for everyone to see at this year’s celebration of the vinyls.
samantha and raleigh’s relationship was official. there wasn’t any type of conflict between jaylen and sam either... which meant that this year the awards should go smoothly.
sam couldn’t believe what she was seeing when fiona held the invitation before her eyes a few days back. she thought she was never coming back, so being invited the year right after her incident on-stage with jaylen was a bit of a shock.
“still nervous?” raleigh asked, taking sam’s hand to his lips depositing a kiss, making her blush.
“not at all. with you by my side, the only thing i could be possibly nervous about is you.” she confessed, pecking him on the cheek, his stubble slightly tickling her.
the couple were walking hand in hand around one of the less crowded areas of the enormous theatre where the vinyls were being hosted this year.
raleigh took her by the waist, and turned her around to face him. “you’re such a dork, dorian.” he whispered, his face very close to hers. even with samantha’s high heels, raleigh still had to lower his head a little to kiss her. he was about to get excited when an overly-annoying voice was heard approaching them.
“get a room, you two!” avery interrupted them with a high pitched faked voice, showing up behind them followed by fiona.
“more like save it for the cameras. the fans go crazy every time the papzz catch you exchanging germs.” fiona added, shortly lowering her voice and muttering something about horny kids.
samantha’s cheeks were burning up, while raleigh seemed to be unable to stop smiling. he took her face in his hands and kissed her deeply, gaining some very visible eye rolls from their friends.
“carrera, are you done now?” fiona bickered, crossing her arms but immediately raising her hand when raleigh’s smile only widened with her question. “don’t even try. in case you haven’t noticed yet, we didn’t come here to see you getting handsy with our girl over here. the show’s about to start, both of you need to get to your seats now. you too, avery.”
no further comment or question was said. the orders raleigh carrera followed were almost nonexistent, but fiona’s were definitely in that list. they all made their way towards the stage and looked for their seats.
samantha’s hands covered her mouth in surprise. “no way!”
“baby, what’s wrong?” raleigh asked as soon as he heard her, but a deep male voice was heard before she could answer.
“hey, guys!” harry styles approached them, followed by four handsome, tall, british men.
“avery! it’s very nice meeting you again.” liam payne greeted his blonde friend, engulfing her in a big hug. he turned to raleigh. “carrera, bro’, how’s it going?”
samantha stood there, unable to move as her five crushes from a few years back were right in front of her, greeting her boyfriend and best friend.
“this is samantha, my girlfriend.” raleigh introduced her, placing his arm around her waist proudly. he loved putting his hands around her, and it wasn’t like she seemed to mind either.
since liam and harry were standing closest to them, and avery was talking to the rest of the -now separated- band, the aforementioned hugged sam and the others gave her waves and smiles.
“of course! sam dorian, it’s a pleasure to finally meet you. love who i’ll be is awesome.” harry pointed out. sam could actually feel her legs weakening now.
harry styles listened to her song! and her favorite artists since she was a teen were now in front of her, talking to her.
“go easy on her, she might pass out. little sammy over here confessed when we were rehearsing she‘s a huge fan.” avery chimed in, the rest of the guys now occupying their seats on the row below sam, raleigh and avery’s.
in that exact moment samantha thought, probably for the first time in her whole life, about killing avery. it wasn’t humanly possible to blush harder.
“really? thanks so much for the support!” liam said.
raleigh was staring at his girlfriend the whole time. sam didn’t even notice when he’d let go of her waist and crossed his arms over his chest, but what she did notice was his arched eyebrow when she started talking.
“yeah!” she cleared her throat after talking maybe a little too excited. “y-yes, of course.”
“here.” avery took out her phone. “let’s take a selfie!”
samantha couldn’t be happier. she actually thought for a second she might be dreaming. a selfie with avery wilshere, harry styles, liam payne and raleigh carrera?
her boyfriend, raleigh carrera?
who, by the way, had wandered off a little and was now looking anywhere but where avery, sam and the guys were, his face pinched. his thoughts were interrupted by avery’s sweet voice.
“aren’t you joining us, raleigh?” avery touched sam’s arm, pouting towards her boyfriend who was looking at his feet with the same frown that formed in this face when the old one direction approached them.
he looked up at them as if he hadn’t talked to them earlier on. “mhm? ah, no. i’d rather do… literally anything else.”
this behavior was very uncharacteristic of raleigh when he was around his girlfriend. their careers didn’t allow them to be together as much as they’d like, so whenever they had the chance to do so they wouldn’t leave each other’s side.
after the picture was taken, everyone got to their seats as the awards were about to start. the ex boy band was about to hop on stage to sing together for the first time since their split in 2015.
as soon as they got up there the whole theatre went crazy, and sam and avery weren’t the exception. they both stood up, dancing and singing to the lyrics of what makes you beautiful. with the euphoria of the moment, sam wasn’t exactly paying much attention to the annoyance on raleigh’s face as she danced and screamed.
once the song came to an end and everyone went back to their seats, sam was a complete smiley-giggly mess. and that’s when she noticed raleigh’s left hand clenched into a fist on the arm rest in between them. samantha snaked her arm under his and took his hand in hers, his expression and body relaxing as his eyes found hers.
debating whether or not it was a good idea to question his obvious jealous behavior, she decided to let it slide for the moment and talk privately after the awards. “i love you.” she whispered to him, placing a sweet kiss on his cheek.
“i love you too.” he replied with his characteristic smirk.
next part coming soon!
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queerchoicesblog · 5 years
The Gala (OH, Harper x F!MC)
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Nobody asked for a sequel of Unexpected News (& Misunderstandings as well) but I wrote it anyway! As my confidence in a good Book 2 for Open heart decreases every day, I found myself missing my non-canon slowburn pairing and voilà: the night of the gala brings some good news and an unexpected -and long waited- turn of events for Dr. Emery and Dr. Valentine. Special thanks to Kyra :D
Perma Tag: @brightpinkpeppercorn @bhavf @melodyofgraves @abunchofbadchoices @silverhawkenzie @strangerofbraidwood @kamilahmykween @desiree-0816 @universallypizzataco @gayestchoices @embarrassingsmartphonegame @lilyofchoices @somewillwin @allaboutchoices  
Harper x F!MC Tag: @andi-the-cat @korrasamixfan @delphinusbae @noeschoices @jellymonster
Word Count: 2250
Disclaimer: For previous chapters of the Harper x F!MC, check my masterlist (too lazy to post all the links her) + I mentioned Avery Wilshere, in this fic it will be a male Avery as I pictured it male in my Platinum playthrough, sorry for that!
The Edenbrook Hospital Fundraising Gala was in full swing. Everything was surprisingly running smoothly: Dr. Naveen Banerji gave a gracious and inspiring keynote speech, acknowledging and praising the hard work of the medical staff and encouraging patrons to support research and the new pioneering programs in favor of the community launching soon. The gala guest Avery Wilshere took the stage and echoed his words, remembering how the doctors of Edenbrook went above and beyond to cure and eventually save the life of one of his dearest friends before charming the audience with his soft voice and ballads.
Dr. Valentine had never been to a gala before: she felt thrilled and awkward at the same time standing there, in a fancy hall, dressed to the nines eating canapes and sipping expensive wine. Shaking hands with embarrassingly rich people and trying to look her best professional self while enjoying the party. She took a moment to check in on her friends. A soft smile drew on her lips as she spotted Sienna and Danny slow dancing downtempo and lost in each other's arms on the dance floor. Not far a visibly smitten Phoebe was adjusting Elijah's bowtie, spreading a blush over Dr. Greene's cheeks. Seeing her friends happy and in the company of their loved ones comforted her, a content feeling taking in inside her. Then she noticed Bryce and Jackie bantering at the bar and shook her head laughing. She rejoiced again seeing the shade of pink on Aurora's face as she shyly nodded and squeezed closer to a smiling Raphael for a selfie. It was so endearing how the young Dr. Emery still struggled a little to come to terms with the genuine affection all of them showed her, to people around her age willing to include her, Aurora, without ulterior motives than to enjoy her company.
Now it was her turn. She took a quick nervous look to Kyra who just nodded and winked in encouragement. I suppose you don't exactly have a choice, self, she thought, sighing to steady herself and turn. She surfed through the crowd, flashing quick smiles to fellow doctors as she passed by...until she saw her. The breath caught in her throat as she froze in place: Harper was glowing in an elegant blue dress - blue navy was definitely Harper’s favorite color- and finely jeweled, crimson over her perfectly shaped lips. The Head of Neurosurgery was in the company a bunch of doctors and wealthy patrons: she looked perfectly at ease, chatting and sipping a glass of champagne. Dr. Valentine diverted her eyes, pondering her options.
Nah, maybe it wasn't the right time. It was silly, maybe she should leave and..
But it was too late: when she raised her eyes again, she met Harper’s, looking in her direction. She gave her a quick smile and a nod, that Meredith immediately mirrored still wondering if she should just keep walking and pretend she wasn’t just passing by. Dr. Emery anticipated her once again. The neurosurgeon graciously excused herself and parted from the group, heading straight towards the young fellow.
“Hello, Valentine. Enjoying the party?” she greeted her with a smile.
"Oh yes, it's..." Meredith's eyes wandered around the hall looking for the right words. "Amazing. And impressive. Dr. Banerjii and the board went above and beyond for this gala night"
"Indeed" Dr. Emery agreed, following Meredith's gaze before looking back at her. "I noticed that Naveen and Ethan showed you off to the VIP guests over here"
A light blush spread over Valentine's face as she minimized.
"They just introduced me, I wouldn't go that far...but it was kind of them, I guess"
Harper flashed a quick smile as if she was expecting that kind of answer.
"I'm glad they did. After all you've been through, you deserved a little victory lap, Valentine"
"Do you think so?" Meredith sighed.
"You know me: have I ever said anything I didn't mean?"
Meredith offered a weak smile and shook her head in response. Then she remembered her chat with Kyra and she felt conflicted again, but Harper was giving a look filled with curiosity as if she read her mind and knew, just knew that she was keeping something from her.
"Actually, Dr. Emery I was kind of...hoping to bump into you"
"Really? What's the matter?" Harper asked, shifting slightly to listen more carefully.
“This is…embarrassing, very silly I should probably-” Meredith started but froze mid.-sentence.
“I’m sure it’s not. So?” Harper inquired, taking a sip of her champagne.
“Well…” Meredith swallowed hard and fiddled with her own hands “I somehow got involved in a bet”
“A bet?” Harper echoed, flashing her an enigmatic and slightly amused smile. “What kind of bet, if I may? Please tell me it has nothing to do with scalpels because I don’t have one in my purse. Stupidly I forgot to bring them to the gala”
“Oh no” Valentine chuckled. “It’s…Kyra, the girl over there….she bets that I...well that I would never have the guts to ask you to dance”
“Oh” Dr. Emery raised a surprised eyebrow to her before cocking her head to look over Valentine’s shoulder.
On the other side of the room, a young woman wearing a colorful turban excitedly waved at her with a big smile.
“And what did she ask you to do if you failed?” Harper asked, waving back at Kyra.
“Running the upcoming Boston marathon on her behalf”
“Well, I was expecting something worse to be h-”
“Barefoot and wearing a t-shirt that says ‘too chicken to ask Dr. Emery to dance’”
Harper gave her a long look before both of them burst into laughter.
“I know it sounds ridiculous but it’s also tragic on my end” Meredith chuckled.
“It seems you have quite a lot to lose here, Valentine. Now the question is…what are you gonna do?”
“W-what do you mean?” Meredith asked suddenly less confident than before.
Harper gave her an amused smile and leaned a bit closer:
“You haven’t asked me to dance yet. If that’s what you wanted to do”
“Oh, yeah, right!” Meredith mumbled before recollecting herself.
The notes of one of Avery's most loved song started playing in the background as if on cue, eliciting a round of applause and cheer from the audience.
“Will you dance with me, Dr. Emery?”
Harper gave her one of her long looks before breaking into a smile and stopping a man in a dashing tuxedo passing by.
“Grant, dear, sorry. Would you mind holding that for me?” she asked, handing him her glass.
“Sure, Harper. Hitting the dance floor?” he asked winking at the two of them.
“I think so” she smiled back.
“Cool, just don’t ask for your drink later, Harper! Have fun, ladies!” he said with a huge grin before being approached by another patron.
Dr. Emery shook her head and turned towards Meredith, flashing a smile.
“Shall we?”
Meredith's knees threatened to give in as Harper gently grazed her arm, a light touch that made her heart flutter, but she managed to keep walking and mirror the neurosurgeon's smile.
Kyra later smiled to herself observing the two women dancing in the crowd, slowly letting themselves go and forget about the gala, being more confident around each other only to fall into an awkward silence as they swayed to the beat of  Avery's signature song, Lift Me Up
I tried to resist you I tried to keep my distance I tried to play it cool I'm no match for your persistence
I knew it, she beamed as a few songs later they moved to the bar arms in arms and spent the rest of the night chatting and laughing, Meredith gesticulating, too lost in some kind of deep conversation to be nervous, and Harper, listening carefully resting her chin in her hand.
They were still together when the gala came to an end, walking side by side into the parking lot among the multitude of doctors and guests exchanging parting greetings and a last round of chats.
"Who would have thought that a gala could be so much fun?" Harper commented, smiling to herself.
"Thanks for saving me from the deadly dull of patron conversation" she whispered conspiratorially, leaning closer to Meredith so that only she could hear.
"Anytime! But I should be the one thanking you: you saved me from the most disastrous and embarrassing Boston marathon ever" Meredith giggled.
"Yeah...I must say it would have been quite a sight. I can see the headlines-"
"No, it would have been awful, thank you!" Meredith interrupted her before laughing again. "You're an awful tease Dr. Emery, you know that right?"
Harper just shrugged and smiled.
"But I must admit I'm glad you decided not to run the marathon" she took a brief pause as if to ponder her words or to cherish the realization that just crossed her mind and made her smile to herself, almost shyly. "It's been ages since I had a night like this. Of course, it wasn't all fun, there were work duties too but...dancing, actually having a good carefree conversation with someone, that's rather unusual for me these days. Well, in a while, to be honest. I almost forgot how it was and I missed it. Thanks, Valentine"
The soft shift in her tone was so earnest that left Meredith a bit puzzled as a flashback of Mr. Linen Suit leaving Edenbrook with Harper. Maybe the date didn't work out?
"No need to thank me, it was my pleasure. I had a great time too, it was nice spending time with you outside work. Well, more or less as you said"
A light shade of pink colored her cheeks.
"You mean it?"
Meredith turned: seeing Harper surprised that someone might enjoy her company outside work, her personal self talking of ordinary stuff not the myth, the public persona was unexpected. And quite heartwarming as well. She barely refrained from the urge to reach out and squeeze her hand or pull her into a tight embrace.
"Of course I do" she said instead.
Harper smiled, a rather shy and grateful smile so different from her usual dignified ones at work, and nodded.
"I'm glad to hear. Maybe we should-" the neurosurgeon stopped mid-sentence, unsure whether to finish the sentence that slipped out of her mouth.
"Maybe we should...?"
Harper slowed down to a stop and after much internal debate, she shook her head and continued.
"Do you like Thai food?"
"Yes, sure but why?"
"I was thinking that maybe we should do it again, spending time together outside good old Edenbrook and I happen to know a lovely place downton. I'd love to take you out to dinner there"
"Yo-you would?" Meredith managed to stutter as she blushed furiously. "Like casually or-"
"Yes, I would" Harper laughed softly, amused of how flustered Valentine got in the turn of seconds. "And it's a date only if we both feel like that, no pressure. So what do you say?"
Dr. Valentine refrained herself from screaming the easiest yes she had ever formulated.
"Yes, yes I would love to".
Harper's face relaxed a bit.
"Excellent! So how's...let me think of my schedule...how's Friday? Does it work for you?"
"Friday's perfect" she confirmed, her smile barely containing the happiness that surged inside her.
She forgot about the rest of the world for a moment: Harper was smiling back at her, the most beautiful smile Meredith had ever seen when the charm was broken by a sudden realization that made the surgeon laugh.
"I'm just afraid...I don't have your number. I don't know how to text you the address" she smiled apologetically.
"Oh right!" Meredith chuckled too.
"It's usually the other way round, right? First number then asking out" Dr. Emery shook her head as she picked her phone out of her purse.
"I suppose, buy it doesn't matter, we can change that" Valentine commented outstretching her hand.
As Harper handed her her phone, she quickly typed down her number. After checking it twice, she gave it back, a huge smile on her face.
"There, fixed"
Over Harper's shoulder, in the distance, she spotted Kyra and the rest of the group walking in the opposite direction. Rafael saw her and mouthed something about a uber. Valentine nodded and sighed.
"I'm afraid that's my cue, sadly" she apologized. "I have an early shift tomorrow and..."
"It's okay, I would have offered to give you a ride home but I wasn't sure if it would put you in a bad place back at home" Harper smiled, a hint of tease in her hazel eyes. "And I know you're a professional, Valentine"
"Meredith" the fellow corrected her. "Just Meredith"
Dr. Emery's eyes gleamed again in the dark of the night.
"I'll text you very soon, Meredith"
"Please do, D-"
As her friend almost disappeared from view and the neurosurgeon was smiling down at her, Meredith bit her lip and allowed herself to be a little daring for once. Without thinking twice, she leaned closer and pressed a quick kiss on the doctor's cheek, leaving Harper to gape in surprise.
"Thanks for making my day. Goodnight, Harper" she whispered softly.
That said, she parted and walked towards her friends, head over heels and still not fully processing what happened, but feeling like the heroine of a romantic comedy, her own romantic movie as she heard Harper, the Harper Emery who just asked her out and now visibly flustered, whispering "Goodnight, Meredith".
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camiddletonxox · 4 years
Royal and Blue
Pairing - Male Avery Wilshire x Charity Middleton (Platinum)
Rating - Teen
Triggers - Just slight mention of naughty behaviour ;)
Taglist - @drakewalkerfantasy @ao719 @princess-geek @polishchoicesfan @binny1985 @desireepow-1986 @i-bloody-love-drake-walker @hatescapsicum @itscassandral @gardeningourmet @heauxplesslydevoted @thequeenofcronuts @kaavyaethanramsey @choicesolivia @regencylady1810 @dailydoseofchoices @storyofmychoices @choicesficwriterscreations
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Prompts - Day 16 Shine @choicesjunechallenge
Summary - A dress for a performance, does it make Charity shine the way she always does
Word Count - 947
Avery had no idea how Charity had managed it but she always exceeded his expectations when she decided to do her dream album, it was covers of her favourite musical songs. The two of them had just finished a recording session because Charity wanted to duet with him on her album, of It Takes Two from into the woods, and her voice was just beautiful, she sung with this stunning melody to her voice that made him intruiged by her a year a go.
Another thing he couldn’t get over was how he got so lucky for her to choose him to be her boyfriend, he was so in love with her, she was his shining star and he was so proud to call her his.
“I think that sounds perfect you two, so beautiful” Ozone smiles, with a massive smile on his face and Charity and Avery stared at each other.
“Of course it does, Charity sung” Avery agreed, making his girlfriend blush like crazy.
“And you sung too, do not give me all the credit” Charity beamed as she put her new guitar on its stand and she walked through to where Ozone was, and her boyfriend.
“I just stated a fact” Avery utters, a smile on his face and Charity beamed back at him and they both turned around when Zadie walked in, with clothes bags, followed by Hank holding a box.
“This is the first time I have had to go with a different designer” Zadie scoffs, and glares at Charity, “as someone has become so famous, the last minute performance at the royal variety has given me no time to design you a new dress” she sighs as she hangs the clothes up.
“Charity, don’t listen, I am so proud of you” Hank beams, grabbing a handkerchief and wipes his eyes.
“Thanks Hank, I am sorry my new fame is hard on you Zadie” Charity jokes and Zadie just looks at her, completely unamused, ‘ok Zadie, I’m sorry’ Charity thought. Zadie revealed a new blue tuxedo for Avery, with a white dress shirt. A tie, it was very clear to see he was going to look absolutely charming.
“That looks nice Zadie, I like it” Charity beams and then frowns.
“What is it love?” Her British boyfriend asked, frowning at the sudden confusion on her face, she looked at him, a cheeky smirk on her face.
“I’m concerned the tuxedo would look much better on the floor” She shrugged and he laughed, winking at her.
“Now now” Hank shakes his head at Charity, scolding her lightly but none the less scolding her.
“I apologise” she offers and he just smiled as Zadie revealed a beautiful long sleeved glittery dress, which would put things like glitter balls to shame.
“Oh my god” Charity squealed and admired the dress, the way it glittered under the light of the room and the way it looked so detailed, oh it was perfect, purely glittery but perfect.
“I hope you like it as I am unwilling to get you another” Zadie states.
“I love it, oh my god it is so perfect, thank you so much Zadie” Charity beams.
“You will look quite the pair tonight” Zadie agrees and soon enough Charity and Avery were whisked away to get ready for the royal variety show, where they would be duetting Love Who I’ll Be and Charity would be singing How to Start Again.
Charity’s hair was lightly curled and she wore her make up light, finishing the look with a pair of black high heels, the dress was perfect on her, Avery wore his tux with his best pair of fancy shoes, and he wore his hair in that neat but amazing way he usually did, as soon as they were ready they walked hand in hand to the waiting limo where Hank looked emotional to the see the beautiful but young couple.
“After you” Avery beams, just thrilled to be in the presence of his girlfriend who shined in all she did. They arrived at the venue, just in time for the red carpet and they walked hand in hand to their screaming fans, who just couldn’t get enough of Charity in the dress, or the couple, the two of them kissed making girls scream in jealousy because they wanted to be the one to kiss him, but all the Chavery fans were in meltdown as their favourite couple shined, the couple went and signed autographs, took photos, and enjoyed the show in each other’s arms before it was Charity’s turn to get on the stage and perform, and when she was introduced to the crowd, they went crazy as she sung How to Start Again, giving it everything she could, her dress sparkled and shined under the spotlight as she sung her song.
At the end of the song, she took in the cheering of the crowd, the royals in their box also cheering for the pop princess.
“Ladies and gentlemen, i want to make this even more special tonight, so I want to sing a special song with a very special person to me, so please put your hands together for my boyfriend and best friend AVEERRYYYYY WILLLSSSSHHIIIRRRREEEEE” She yelled and Avery walked onto the stage, the crowd screaming.
“Good evening royal variety, wasn’t Charity amazing?” He asks and the whole crowd went wild as their hands joined like a magnet, before they went into the song, singing together and shining like the superstars they were, sending the crowd into a frenzy and sending the press the perfect story to tell of two popstars who shined as bright as the stars in the sky.
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ashsilla · 5 years
Out in the Open
Book: Platinum
Ship: Raleigh (male) x MC (female)
Rating: T
A/N: There’s a difference between light teasing and full on confessing...the hottest celebrity couple is about to explore that difference together. If you don’t like jealousy and angst, don’t read this fic!
Suiko hurried through the rain, holding her folder over her head to try to salvage the careful curls she’d folded into her hair that morning. It was fruitless — already, half of them were saturated with rain water and swinging angrily around her shoulders.
Finally, her apartment building came into sight. Swearing, she ran the last distance, splashing through a lake-like puddle that soaked her pants up to the knee, and dodging a taxi that swerved into her view between the sheets of rain.
Inside at last, Suiko wasn’t sure it was an improvement. She’d left a window open, and the air inside was hot and sticky. Sighing, she slammed her hands on top of the window’s frame, but the stubborn thing would not budge.
“Ah,” she sighed, catching sight of herself in the mirror on the wall. Half wet hair. Makeup smeared. Crepe blouse absolutely glued to her skin with the rain. And her jeans...
Quickly, she began shucking off the soaked clothing, tossing it over the backs of the kitchen chairs to dry. All that remained was her simple black bra and boyshort underwear — the only kind she really liked. Suiko grabbed a hair band and squeezed her long, dark locks into a braid down her spine. Just as she turned to head towards her closet, where warm, dry clothes waited, the door to her apartment swung open.
She screamed and then was immediately embarrassed.
Raleigh stood in the doorway, devillishly handsome despite being soaked. “This a new look?” he said, dark eyes dancing with laughter, and swept his gaze across her.
Suiko’s cheeks burned furiously. “I — you — how did you get in?”
He shrugged nonchalantly, shouldering off his leather jacket and hanging it on one of her coat hooks. It was odd to see him, the infamous Raleigh Carrera, carefully hanging up a coat. “It was unlocked.”
She stared at him, and then realized she was still not dressed. Letting out a compressed breath, she turned and ran for her bedroom, grabbing the first thing she could find — an old crumpled shirt of Avery’s he’d left here when they’d been getting ready for an event here together — and shrugging it on. As an afterthought, she threw on a pair of linen shorts beneath it, even though the dress shirt hung to just above her knees.
“So what brings you here?” she asked, exiting her bedroom to find Raleigh examining the contents of her fridge.
“Just figured we could...hang out. Maybe watch a movie.”
She stared. “You came to watch a movie? With me?”
His shoulders tensed. His gaze stayed, however, fixed to the sorry mix of takeout containers and half-finished wine bottles in the fridge. “I needed a place to go, I guess.”
Something warm bloomed in Suiko’s chest. “Oh. Well...sounds like fun!”
Raleigh laughed under his breath, and turned to face her. He froze instantly when he saw her. “Is that mine?” he asked, indicating the shirt she wore.
“Hm?” She glanced down. “Oh, no. It’s Avery’s.”
He stared at her. Then, his jaw tight, he moved past her to collapse onto her couch. “Let’s watch something.”
Suiko followed. He was acting really strange. “What are you in the mood for?”
Raleigh clicked on the screen. “A rom-com.”
She snorted. “You, Raleigh Carrera, want to watch a rom-com?”
“It’s brainless,” he said, “and I’m in the mood for brainless.” He turned on a movie — one she remembered liking a lot in high school — and avoided her gaze, keeping his eyes locked on the screen.
Something was wrong. “Hey...” she said, unsure of exactly what to say. “Is everything okay?”
“What do you mean?”
“Well...you’re here, and the paparazzi aren’t. Did you invite them here to witness this? Because I’ll need to change into something less gross if that’s true.”
At that, Raleigh swung to look at her. “You look good,” he said, and then swallowed as if his throat had gone dry. “I mean...you always look good. And hey, is it such a crime to come visit my fake girlfriend?”
At the word ‘fake,’ Suiko’s heart plummeted, but she plastered on a smile anyways. Even if she thought of him...often...even if she stared at the paparazzi pictures of them together, and memorized his kisses and the feel of his hands, and dreamed of him nearly every night, there was no saying he had any reason to feel the same. “Not a crime,” she said. “I’m glad you’re here.”
They watched the movie in silence for another minute or so. Then, “Why do you have one of Avery’s shirts?”
She glanced at him. “He left it here.”
Raleigh’s gaze shuttered. “Oh.” Another beat of quiet. “I didn’t realize that blondes were your type.”
“My type?” Suiko sighed. “I mean, I did have the hugest crush on him for years. It’s kind of embarrassing, actually.”
“And now you have him.” Raleigh clapped his hands together with a cold smile. “Congratulations.”
“Have him?”
The wind picked up outside, and a gust threw raindrops in through the stubbornly opened window, splattering them both. Raleigh stood suddenly and slammed the window shut. He stood with his back to her, staring at his hands on the window’s ledge.
“Raleigh...” Suiko started, and never learned what she would have said next, because he whipped around at lightning speed and then his hands were on her waist and his wet hair was brushing her forehead and his lips were pressed on hers.
He swallowed her gasp of shock, and her shoulderblades pressed against the couch cushions, and inside her chest her heart was hammering. Raleigh’s fingers, which had been clenched around Avery’s shirt, loosened and began to caress the bones of her hips, her chin, both cheeks, the back of her neck. Just as Suiko’s mind had begun to run blank, he pulled away, face an inch from hers, still propped above her on the couch. Beads of water dripped from his dark curls onto both of them.
“You...” she tried, and couldn’t find any words.
“I know I like to tease,” he said, and his voice was rough. “I tell you that this,” he gestured between them impatiently, “is all a burden to me. That I don’t care. But it’s been a horrible gift to me, Suiko. And I wouldn’t give it back even if I could.”
His thumb rose to stroke the skin just beneath her eye. A heartbreakingly gentle smile crossed Raleigh’s lips. “I care about you, Suiko. Not just for my image. And I supposed if Avery is halfway through sweeping you off your feet, I’d better say my piece before it’s too late.”
Her heartbeat tingled in her fingertips, splayed on the couch. “Avery isn’t sweeping me off my feet,” she stammered stupidly. “He...he’s my mentor. A good friend. But Raleigh, that’s it.”
Disbelief flashed in his eyes. “You don’t have feelings for him?”
“Not the kind you’re thinking of.”
Raleigh stared at her for a moment. Then he gave a whoop of laughter, lifting her from the couch and into his arms, spinning both of them around and around. Suiko let out a half shriek, half gasp, and then he was setting her down gently, her bare feet landing on the wooden floor. When they both stood, he was a whole head taller then her.
“Suiko,” he said, then cleared his throat and began again. “Suiko. I’m asking you to give us a chance. But not as an act, this time. I want to give this...us...a shot.”
A smile had fought its way onto her face. “Oh, so you were catching feelings this whole time.”
Raleigh shook his head at her, but he was grinning. “Is that a yes?”
Instead of answering, she lifted herself onto her tiptoes and pushed her lips against his. His hands swept up, one wrapping around her waist and the other sliding down her hip. Then he bit her lip with a small growl, and they were falling back onto the couch.
Now his hands were everywhere, and the feeling was incredible. Suiko cracked her eyes open as his lips moved to her cheekbone, her ear, the skin at the base of her neck. “Raleigh,” she whispered, and slid her fingers into his damp hair. He groaned against her skin, then pulled away with a sigh and a sinful smirk.
He grinned. “If you have to wear a shirt right now, how about mine instead?”
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kate-sinclaire · 5 years
bad reputation (raleigh x mc)
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Pairing: Male Raleigh Carrera x MC (Ella Andrews)
Summary: This takes place in Platinum, chapter six, where MC goes on a “fake” date with Raleigh. In this fic, Ella realizes that she is in way over her head with this fake relationship and that she may actually have real feelings for him. She tells herself that there’s no way the feeling is mutual, but something in his eyes tells her that his reputation may not be as accurate as she initially thought.
Note: There may be differences between this and what actually happened; this is a work of my own, so I altered it a bit. :)
Word Count: 1723
WARNING: PG-13. Nothing explicitly sexual, but includes sexual themes.
NOTE: All characters (minus, in part, MC) belong to Pixelberry. I’m just borrowing them for creative purposes. I also do not own the image, I found it on pinterest.
I may also add onto this story depending on how people respond. I hope that you enjoy. Please comment if you’d like to be tagged in future Raleigh x MC fanfictions!
Ella took in a deep breath and stared out the front of the limo, carefully tuning out Fiona’s lecturing about how to appear the way that fans respond well to. Hank looked at Ella through the rearview mirror and flashed her his usual encouraging smile. “Hey, don’t be nervous. You’re Ella Andrews! You’ve got this!” Fiona shot him a look of annoyance but continued on without missing a beat.
Ella’s heart warmed a bit, and she gave him a grateful nod, allowing herself to rest back in her seat. Hank could be a life coach if he put his mind to it. She gave Fiona another glance in an attempt to feign listening and rested her head against the window. She didn’t know why she was so anxious; this was fake. Everything about it was fake. And maybe that’s what made it worse because how she felt when he looked at her wasn’t fake.
“Ella, are you listening?” Fiona asked, running her hand in front of Ella’s face.
She nodded with a smirk. “You want me to act the part of doting girlfriend. PDA is strongly encouraged. Act as organically as possible. It doesn’t matter if the feelings aren’t real as long as they look real.” Fiona nodded, wide-eyed, and set her binder aside.
“That’s exactly right, well done,” she smiled. It always made Ella feel good when she caught Fiona, letting herself relax. The occurrence was so rare that it could be described as a miracle. She could tell that Hank appreciated it, too.
When the limo pulled over, the brief moment of calm was shattered. “Alright, time to shine. You’ve got this.”
Ella swallowed hard and gave Hank a smile as he opened the doors. “Everyone, back up. Give her some room.” She flashed the cameras a grin and even waved before stepping out. Raleigh waited for her at the entrance of the restaurant, and she sucked in a breath of air.
He was leaned up against the foyer wearing a crisp black suit, and when his eyes landed on her, they threatened to swallow her whole. He offered his usual smirk and ran a hand through his hair. He was oblivious to how he made her feel. How was she going to get through this unscathed?
She made her way up to him, her knees shaky, and gave him a kiss on the cheek. His stubble scratched her skin, and she prayed that she wasn’t as flushed as she felt. “Shall we?” he asked, holding out a hand. The twinkle in his eyes let her know that her prayer was unanswered.
“We shall,” she smiled, daring to make eye contact. Big mistake.
He led her to the back of the place and pulled out her chair. Before sitting, she took a moment to look around at the architecture, from the marble floor to the crystal chandelier hanging elegantly above the two of them, to the beautiful columns that reminded her somewhat of Ancient Greece. Brushing a strand of hair behind her ear, she picked up the menu and tried to focus on the words scrawled in front of her.
How the hell am I supposed to eat when my stomach is in knots like this? She could hear the faint clicking and flashing of cameras outside the window and bit down on her lip. “You’re tense,” his voice was smooth; God, it was smooth. He was smooth.
She set her menu down and forced a small smile. “I’m just not used to this, yet, I guess.” She took a sip of water, which somehow left her throat feeling drier than before.
Raleigh leaned forward and rested a hand on top of hers. Excited flashes of paparazzi cameras lit up the back wall. She winced. “Hey, look at me,” he urged, stroking her skin with his thumb. He made her feel so warm. She looked up and met his gaze, which altered ever so softly as the corners of his lips quirked up. “Pretend they aren’t here. Pretend it’s just the two of us in this douchey restaurant having a grand old time on our fake date.”
She laughed and felt some of the tension in her body flood away. “What, you don’t regularly take your romantic conquests to this unbelievably fancy French restaurant?”
“Hard to believe, I know. I prefer places with a looser dress code,” he grinned, running his tongue along his bottom lip. Ella could feel her heart threaten to pound out of her chest while her mind flashed before her a thousand images of what such situations would entail. She swallowed. Sure, it would be easy to coax out a one night stand from Raleigh Carrera, but it wouldn’t mean anything. And she had never been one for casual sex. She glanced down, noticing his hand still resting on top of her’s, warm and comforting.
His eyebrows furrowed, clearly confused by her expression, and then glanced down at his hand, eyes widening at the realization. Embarrassed, he took it back and ran it through his hair. “What about you? Is this your dream date?”
Ella broke apart one of the breadsticks to recover, offering the other half to her fake boyfriend, who quickly took it. “What do you take me for, Carrera? My fantasies aren’t this dull.” He raised his hands in mock surrender and stuffed the bread into his mouth, crumbs falling down his lips. “I’d rather spend a night binging something on Netflix, eating pizza, and moaning in ecstasy as my date rips my clothes to shreds with his teeth.”
Raleigh choked and quickly guzzled the water next to him in an attempt to regain composure. How was he so attractive, even now? "Sounds like a good date," he croaked, pulling at his collar.
Ella thanked the waitress as she dropped off the entres and turned her focus back toward her very frazzled fake boyfriend. Twirling the pasta with a fork somewhat absentmindedly, her thoughts raced. What was he thinking? What was he feeling? She bit down on her lip, scolding herself internally. This was fake. He wasn’t interested; he didn’t care about her.
“So, why me?” she asked, sipping her glass of rosé. He raised an eyebrow questioningly. “Why would the infamous Raleigh Carrera be paired up with a barely famous pop star?”
“First off,” he swallowed. “You aren’t barely famous. You’re up and coming, and you know it. Second, damage control thought that pairing me up with the next goodie two shoes Taylor Swift would be good for my image.”
“I am not a goodie two shoes!” she insisted, though her voice broke with laughter.
“Right,” he smirked. “Who did you say your musical inspiration/idol is, again?”
She took a moment, trying to think of something clever to retort with. She couldn’t. “Avery Wilshire...but, to be fair-”
“I rest my case, babe.” He gave her a playful wink, which should’ve been harmless. But it wasn’t. Nothing about this situation was harmless. Not to Ella.
A familiar tune filled the restaurant, and she noticed Raleigh shift uncomfortably, crossing his arms. 
Baby, you’re a diamond, let me give you a ring,
Talkin’ ‘bout forever, I’m not here for a fling...
“Hey, isn’t this your song? Back when you were in a band?” she asked, suddenly acutely aware of her situation. She was on a fake date with the Raleigh Carrera; this wasn’t normal. She wasn’t normal anymore. “It’s called...oh, what is it called? ‘Be My Eternity,’ right?’“ She noticed him shift again.
“It’s a dumb song,” he remarked, looking - for the first time- deflated.
“You must be kidding,” she argued, her eyes finding his. “I used to really jam out to this song in high school. Full-on hairbrush mic and everything.”
“And that might be the only good thing about that song,” he grimaced. “Come on, let’s get out of here.” Before she could reply, he had already grabbed her hand and was leading her out of the restaurant.
After a short limo ride to Central Park, the two walked down one of the numerous paths. Raleigh’s arm wrapped around Ella’s waist, pulling her close, and she walked similarly with her head nearly resting on his chest. She could hear his heart-beat; steady and sure. Everything that she wasn’t.
“Every time I come here, I’m amazed,” she marveled, gazing at the gorgeous leaves that, every so often, fell from the touch of wind. She glanced up at him only to see that he was gazing at her, already. If she didn’t know better, she could’ve sworn that she felt a skip of his heart. Her gaze drifted to his lips, and he cleared his throat.
“We should...we should find a spot to sit,” he offered, pulling away and offering his hand instead. She smiled, a bit embarrassed, interlocked her fingers with his.
They sat together on a shaded patch of grass, and before she could say anything to ease the tension of the situation, Raleigh pulled her closer and kissed her hard. His tongue accepted the invitation into her mouth, twirling, and exploring expertly. Without thinking, Ella climbed on top of him and straddled his lap while running her fingers through his hair. God, he smelled good.
His hands ran down her stomach and to the waistband of her jeans. He hooked his fingers under the front two loops and pulled her forward aggressively. She let out a small moan as she moved higher, allowing his lips to trail down her neck and over her collarbone. He felt so good.
Nearly out of breath, she glanced to the trees and let out a shaky sigh as she focused on the sensations crawling throughout her body. “What--what is this for?” His fingers moved underneath her shirt and played at the band of her bra.
He peered up at her and ran his thumb along her bottom lip. “Wanted to give the paparazzi a show,” he replied, his voice husky. Her heart dropped a little and, in an attempt to hide it, she moved down and gave him one last deep and sensual kiss before untangling herself from his hands.
Raleigh looked at her, unsatisfied and confused. She placed a hand on his chest and smiled sadly, allowing herself to feel his heart race against her palm. “Show’s over.”
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maxwellshippo · 5 years
Writer’s Block
(Male) Raleigh x MC (Beck James) / Platinum
Description: Fluff. SFW. Beck has writers block and when all else fails, she calls Raleigh for help.
Word Count: 2103
A/N: I can’t get enough of these two, seriously. Thanks for everyone for being so nice on my first fic. Here’s everyone who asked me to tag them: @drakeismyweakness @jlpplays1  @lovedrakewalker @furiouscloddonutpeanut  If I missed anyone, I’m so sorry!
Beck nervously tapped a pencil against a blank sheet of paper, internally screaming at herself to Just. Write. Something. 
Nothing came to her head. She sighed, falling back to the cold floors of her apartment and pulled her phone out, beginning to waste time by scrolling through Pictagram. She’d been cooped up in here all day. She wished for fresh air on her skin, or to go out and have fun. But a nearing deadline for her debut album was a weight on her shoulders. She had to put out her best work...better than Jaylen’s, who’s debut album would be coming out the same week as hers. 
For so long, she wished for this life, imagining it would be glamorous outfits, tours to exotic cities and thousands of fans screaming her name. Soon enough, Beck thought. She just had to get through the hard part. There was always a pot of gold at the end of a rainbow, right?
Inspired, she picked her notepad up again. Something was about to come. Genius was going to be spilled out of this piece of paper, she knew it!
Until nothing. Beck groaned, falling back down. She grabbed her phone again and dialed Shane. She needed to talk to someone that wasn’t an inanimate object. No answer. She frowned, scrolling through her contacts. She didn’t have any other friends in New York besides Avery, Fiona and the rest of her team. She didn’t want to bother Avery...I mean, he had his own life to live, right?
But it was worth a shot. She pressed her phone to her ear, swallowing hard as nerves enveloped her as she realized she was calling her idol to hang out.
“Beck?” His soft, English voice came through the other end. “How are you, love?”
“I’m great.” Beck couldn’t help but to smile. She gathered up the confidence to ask.  “I was wondering if you’re free.”
Avery took a pause. Beck closed her eyes, knowing a ‘no’ would follow. “I’m sorry, Beck. I can’t make it tonight. I’ll make it up to you tomorrow, yeah?”
“That sounds great.” Beck agreed, a little defeated. “You’re not mad at me, are you, love?”
“No, never!” Beck smiled, as if Avery could see it. “You owe me breakfast tomorrow.”
She smiled genuinely when Avery laughed loudly. “We’ll have the best pancakes New York has to offer.”
They said their goodbyes and hung up. Beck found herself back at her contacts list, thumb hovering over Raleigh’s number. Should I call? She felt like a teenager whenever the thought of Raleigh came to mind. She liked him so much but hated to admit it. She didn’t want to be anywhere near him because she’d only fall harder, yet, she’d find herself coming up with excuses to contact him.
She pressed dial, cringing at herself as she put the phone on speaker and laid it on her chest as she waited for him to pick up. She covered her eyes with her hands. “What did I do?” She muttered to herself and the dial tone, fully expecting to reach his voicemail before Raleigh picked up.
“Hey, Princess.” His deep, husky voice sounded from the other line.
“Hey.” Beck gulped, realizing she hadn’t planned this far ahead and didn’t know what she was going to say. “To what do I owe the pleasure?” Raleigh asked, sounding like he was in a car.
“I just…” Beck sighed. “You sound busy. I didn’t mean to bother you.”
“You’re a pain in my ass at times, but you’re not bothering me right now.” He joked.
“Ha-ha,” Beck rolled her eyes. “I was wondering if you were free...I’m kind of in a slump right now.”
A pause. Beck could hear the smirk forming behind the phone. “Beck, is this a booty-call?”
“God, no!” Beck said, appalled. “I’m having really awful writers block and I just needed someone to take my mind off of it!”
“Our next date isn’t until Tuesday...you know I’m off the clock for all boyfriend duties, right?” He teased. 
“Forget about it, Raleigh. I was inviting you to hang out...as a friend.” Beck rolled her eyes. “Sweetheart, we’re not just friends and you know it.” Raleigh grinned. “Are you at your apartment right now?”
“Mmhm.” Beck sat up, taking the call off speaker and holding the phone to her ear with her shoulder. “
“So what are you wearing?” Raleigh’s voice that dripped with sarcasm didn’t miss a beat. He took one pause, relishing in Beck’s fluster at his question. He laughed, sending butterflies through her stomach. “So I know to dress appropriately...of course.”
“In that case, take off your I’m-a-big-jerk clothes.” Beck managed to snap back. Raleigh laughed again. “I’ll be to you soon. Have you had anything to eat yet?”
“No.” Beck couldn’t help but to smile at the fact Raleigh was coming over. She turned to a mirror, smoothing down her hair and clothes.
“Should I bring pizza?” Raleigh asked.
“Oh god, yesss. I’m starving.” Beck begged. “Let me guess, pizza to you is cauliflower crust with dairy-free cheese and pineapple?” Raleigh asked.
“Hell no. Bring me the greasy, good stuff.” Beck said. “You got it, Princess.”
Raleigh hung up. An hour later, there was a knock at her door. Beck ran over, hand gripping on the doorknob until she stopped.
Play it cool. She thought. Casually, she tossed her hair over her shoulder and opened the door smoothly. Raleigh leaned in the doorway, one hand holding up a pizza box. “Did someone order delivery?”
Beck and Raleigh sat on the floor by her couch, pizza propped up on the coffee table as they discussed her dilemma. “You’re going to have to get your album done sooner rather than later.” Raleigh told her, a mouthful of pizza. “What label, management and production wants, they get.”
“I know.” Beck frowned, taking a bite out of her second slice. “I just...always thought this part would be so fun and easy, y’know? They don’t make it look this hard on tv.”
“Life’s no movie.” Raleigh wiped his mouth with a napkin. “There’s no handbook for this kind of stuff...but if anyone knows how you feel, it’s me.”
“How did you handle it?” Beck asked. “You know...being thrown into this world headfirst.”
Raleigh frowned. “Maybe I didn’t handle it the best. But you’re going to be different. You got people to keep you grounded. Friends who care about you.”
Beck hugged a throw pillow to her chest and gave a hug. “I know you’re right but...it doesn’t always feel that way. I feel like I’m a bother to everyone at times. Like I’m some sort of charity case...always begging for someone to hold my hand through the scary parts.”
“You’re talkin’ about Avery?” Raleigh asked. Beck sighed. “Avery, Fiona, Shane...even you.”
“Hey, that’s not true.” Raleigh put a hand on hers, rubbing his thumb across her skin.
“You told me I’m a pain in the ass, earlier!” Beck tossed the pillow at him. Raleigh caught it and laughed. “But you’re my pain in the ass.”
“Now come on, let’s get inspired.” Raleigh got up and grabbed Beck’s guitar that was tossed in the corner.  He sat on the couch, patting for her to sit next to him. She sat, one leg crossed under her as Raleigh shrugged off his jacket, revealing muscled arms under a tight, black t-shirt as he began to play the acoustic instrument. “I’m going to play a song and you sing the first words that come to your head.”
Beck’s eyes widened. “Raleigh, it’s not that simple-”
“Shush, darling. Listen to the music.” He strummed the chords gently. And as Raleigh began to play, Beck started to sing. First, she sang familiar songs. Then some originals. As the night carried on, Beck sang her heart out and Raleigh even joined in for a duet. As they finished singing the last lyrics together, Beck lunged forward and wrapped her arms around Raleigh’s neck, inhaling his smooth cologne.
“Raleigh, that was amazing.” He put the guitar down, pressing one hand to the small of her back. “You were amazing.” He corrected her. When Beck pulled out of the hug, her arms were still around his neck. She laughed nervously as their eyes stood locked. Raleigh’s eyes ran over her, like he was staring into her soul and reading her like a book. God, when he looked at her like that she could feel her knees turn weak. When Raleigh looked in her eyes, it was like time slowed down and she was the only thing in the world. 
Beck shook herself out of the trance, removing her arms from his neck. She chuckled. “Maybe I should make you buy me pizza more often..look at how much I wrote.” She motioned to the stack of papers.
“I’m happy to help.” Raleigh said. He stood up, awkwardly rubbing his neck. “I guess my duties here are finished.”
“Wait.” Beck grabbed his hand before he could grab his jacket and leave. Raleigh turned, an awkward beat between them as Beck struggled for the words she wanted to say.
“Do you want to stay?” She spit out, regretting them as soon as he started to smile. Before he could tease her, she quickly started to backtrack. “I meant to like...watch a movie...or something. But you probably have somewhere to be. Plus, we have a long day on Tuesday. I don’t want to annoy you too much longer.”
“Princess, if you want me spend the night, all you have to do is ask.” Raleigh plopped back down on the couch. Beck hit his chest with the throw pillow again. He laughed. “What movie are we watching, gorgeous?”
Beck shut the lights as they prepared themselves on the couch, the empty pizza box from earlier rested on the corner of the coffee table while a bowl of hot, fresh popcorn took it’s place in the center. Beck and Raleigh fought about the choice of movie for a few minutes until she victoriously picked a chick-flick.
Raleigh pretended to groan and be upset, but truthfully, he didn’t mind. He looked over at her as the opening credits started to roll and she mouthed along the words to the script, a cheesy smile plastered across her face as she cuddled with a pillow. She’d clearly seen this movie more than once.
During the movie, Raleigh asked an abnormal amount of questions about each character, what their motive was, why they were dressed that way, why wouldn’t _____ do ____ instead of doing ____ because it would be so much easier, and so on. “Raleigh!” Beck whined. “Just pay attention and you’ll understand!”
“What kind of idiot would jump on a ferris wheel to talk to a girl?” Raleigh went on. “He must have no game.”
“It was a sweet gesture!” Beck cried. 
“To what? Almost die?”
“Raleigh Carrera, you are no romantic.” Beck grabbed a throw blanket from above the couch and cuddled under it. Raleigh side-eyed her, amused at how cute she looked snuggled under such a fluffy blanket. “You cold?” Beck caught him staring. “No, you just look like a yeti.” He teased.
Beck rolled her eyes, scooting over and laying her head on his chest. She covered him with the white blanket as well. “Who looks like a yeti now?” She muttered. Raleigh wrapped his arm around her as they cuddled. He decided he would let her watch the rest of her movie in peace...and he also decided he would never admit to her that he’d seen the Notebook before, and he actually didn’t think it was half-bad.
Towards the end, Raleigh noticed Beck had fallen asleep. He looked around her living room, eyes tired and heavy himself, wondering if he should wake her to leave. Just then, she snuggled closer into him, one hand wrapped under his back and the other clutching his shoulder. Raleigh relaxed into her touch and pulled her closer, burying his nose into her hair as he drifted off to sleep as well. In the morning, to save face, he’d blame his dosing off on the boring movie.
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sarcasticace · 7 years
Thoughts of Home for the Holidays Ch.6.
Too short. Oh man, bet you didn’t see that one coming.
Way too Nick centered. I’m still getting the feeling HftH was written with Nick in mind then they added Wyatt, forgot about Holly, and added her in last minute.
Speaking of which, Holly appears this chapter, but next to the males, her role is minimal. Almost as if they had forgotten to include her. Hmmmm.
Nick also continues to be horrible for no apparent reason. But guys... he was lying, he DOES want to stay. OMG, that just makes him so attractive.
Getting the pilot and mom together continues to be free while getting the brother and Avery cost diamonds. Not doing so defaults sets her up with Henry, the bully, from what it seems which is SO dumb.
There weren’t any diamond set up for those this chapter, they didn’t even appear and Mom x Pilot continued to be free.
Another shared LI diamond scene with no Holly exclusive scene in sight. 
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camiddletonxox · 4 years
Just One Goddamn Kiss
Pairing - Avery Wilshire x Charity Middleton (Platinum)
Rating - Teen I guess as sex is mentioned 🤷🏻‍♀️
Note - This is my vision of Charity’s family and who they are I guess. This is post book 1
Tag list - @drakewalkerfantasy @ao719 @princess-geek @polishchoicesfan @binny1985 @desireepow-1986 @adriansbiss @i-bloody-love-drake-walker @hatescapsicum @itscassandral @gardeningourmet @thequeenofcronuts @heauxplesslydevoted @kaavyaethanramsey @choicesolivia @choicesolivia @regencylady1810 @dailydoseofchoices @storyofmychoices @sushiharrington
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Summary - Taking Avery to her grandparents farm, all she wants is to give one kiss! JUST ONE!
Word Count - 1057
Avery and Charity had took a visit to Charity’s grandparents farm where her mother, Catherine and her father Graham were. She was so excited to see her parents as she hadn’t seen them in so long, they had fallen out before One in a Million and had now made up. Charity’s brothers Nicholas, Kyle and Matthew were also there with their wives and children. The family, excluding her grandparents had previously met the British star at
Arriving at the scenic farm, Charity led her boyfriend across the field leading up to a beautiful looking farm house, the wall decorated in wall flowers, the stables were close by.
“This feels very cozy” Avery observed, squeezing his girlfriends hand as they walked, he was in amazement at how beautiful the scenery was.
“Its amazing, wait till you see the field behind the house” Charity answered, turning to face him, wrapping her arms around his neck and she went to kiss him when the door opened, her grandfather Bob chuckled.
“I thought I heard you, missy” The older man chuckled and Charity turned around before throwing her arms around her grandfather who she was super close to.
“Granddad! Hi!” She beamed, the older man wore his grey v-neck jumper and his black trousers, the 71 year old looked good for his age. She pulled from the hug, kissiing her grandfathers cheek.
“Hi buttercup, who is this dashing gentleman?” The older man looked at Avery.
“Granddad this is Avery, my boyfriend. Avery, this is my granddad Bob. He is my dad’s father” she beamed.
“Wasn’t Avery your teacher on one in a million buttercup?” The older man questioned, he was getting old, it was hard to remember what his son would tell him.
“He was my mentor, Granddad. We got together after One in a million” Charity explained.
“He seems to make you happy, you are beaming” her grandfather chuckled, putting a hand out for her boyfriend to shake, “Welcome to the family, lad. My wife and I have a lot of photos to show you of when my buttercup was only a little buttercup” The older gentleman beamed as he spoke, he was a proud grandfather, and his youngest granddaughter was his secret favourite and the fact he could tell all the men at the navy club his granddaughter was a pop princess just made it better.
“Its a pleasure to meet you, Charity always talks about you” Avery smiles.
“Oh, I’m sure she does, she spent a lot of time with us when she was growing up, never could stop her singing” Her granddad smiled at the fond memory of his granddaughter.
“She told me it was her who convinced you and your wife to get horses” Avery smiled as he spoke. For him, meeting little Charitys hero was more intimidating then he ever had expected it to be but her grandfather was so down to earth, clearly had a soft spot for his youngest granddaughter
“Yes, my youngest granddaughter is definitely persuasive, please come in both of you” The older gentleman stepped back to allow them to walk in the house
Once in the house, Charity’s grandmother greeted them both.
“Charity, sweetheart” she beamed, her grandmother was a beautiful lady for her age, and it was clear Charity’s beauty was inherited from her grandmother.
“Hey Grandma, this is my boyfriend Avery, Avery this is my grandma, Sue” she smiled as the older woman hugged her granddaughter.
“Its a pleasure to meet the crush who became the boyfriend” Sue beamed and hugged Avery too. Once her grandmother had gone to get them a drink Charity pulled Avery close to her and was about to press her lips to his but a little boy bounded in.
“Harry, its Auntie Charity” the overly excited little boy beamed and ran into his aunt, hugging her legs, couldn’t they just have a kiss
“Hey Max, oh you have grown up so much, can I have a hug?” Charity spoke softly, hiding her annoyance at not getting to kiss Avery, all she wanted was one goddamn kiss, was that too much to ask.
“You brought him, eww” the little boy pulled a face at his auntie as he held onto her as Catherine walked through. Avery found the idea off her nephew being a bit cheeky towards him adorable, he hoped one day if it ever came, him and Charity could be parents.
“Come on Max, finish your food like your mummy asked you too” she spoke and the little boy groaned and ran off, muttering. Catherine gave her a daughter a smile. “Hey honey, Dad is through in the lounge” her mother spoke.
“Oh I’ll go see him” Charity smiled, a smile on her face, she felt like shouting just let me kiss my boyfriend but she knew her father would take great pleasure in teasing her and making silly kiss noises. What a family she had she thought to herself, she loves them dearly but she just wanted one kiss from her boyfriend. When she walked into the living room, she found her oldest brother Kyle with his son, Jordan.
“Hey look its my amazing pop princess baby sister” Kyle hugged his little sister. Graham greeted Avery, the two of them seemed to get on. The moment he met his only daughter’s boyfriend, he immediately welcomed him to the family.
“Its so good that my princess remembers her roots, now shes so famous” her father teases as her brother released her from that big brotherly hug and her father enveloped her in a big dad hug. Once he pulled away, Charity insisted she must introduce Avery to the horses and managed to drag him away and Avery chuckled.
“It seems your family don’t want us to kiss at all” He joke and Charity rolled her eyes, she on one hand just wanted to press her lips against those luscious ones he possessed.
“Ugh, its not like we want to have sex infront of my father” Charity rolled her eyes, she was a tad dramatic at times but Avery loved her all the same.
“Maybe we can kiss now” Avery whispered softly and the two of them kissed just outside the stables, the feeling of kissing one another was a delight every time they kissed but something about their location made it romantic...
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camiddletonxox · 4 years
Heatwave and Iced Coffee
Pairing - Male Avery Wilshire and Charity Middleton
Rating - General
Note - As a British girl, english heatwaves for me are crazy as wonderful as they are. I’m one of these people who loves the hot weather but my body doesn’t agree with it. And costa is my go to most Fridays before work but I’m more obsessed with the hot chocolates right now as it’s coming to winter.
Taglist - @drakewalkerfantasy @ao719 @princess-geek @polishchoicesfan @binny1985 @adriansbiss @desireepow-1986 @i-bloody-love-drake-walker @hatescapsicum @itscassandral @gardeningourmet @thequeenofcronuts @heauxplesslydevoted @kaavyaethanramsey @imonlybibecauseofethanramsey @waitingforalana @regencylady1810 @storyofmychoices @dailydoseofchoices @sanchita012 @sushiharrington @akshara16 @maurine07 @choicesficwriterscreations
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Summary - When Avery returns with a costa, Charity realises how hot it really is.....
Word Count - 840
The two sat in the recording room, Avery watched as Charity thought through some lyrics for her new song, Avery had just sat down and watched his girlfriend hum to herself, the melody she was humming was a new one she had come up, he was amused when she didnt look up to see her iced flat white with caramel shot.
“It sounds good so far” His British accent startled his girlfriend and she looked up to him, noticing her iced coffee and a costa paper bag in her hand, she had been o lost in her thoughts, in her creative mode, the fact he had been watching her for the last 5 minutes came as a shock to her.
“How long have you been there?” She stood up, setting her notebook to the side, and she stood up, her summer dress fell down around her knees gracefully as she leaned up and kissed her boyfriends lips.
“About 5 minutes, you were in your zone and it felt wrong to pull you out of it” He responded, as he gently placed the iced coffee and the summer cooler he had grabbed himself on the side. Charity looked at the costa coffee that was awaiting her, her favourite iced one, and she kissed him sweetly.
“You know I feel like I can get more done with caffeine in me” She uttered softly and Avery chuckled.
“I also grabbed you carrot and walnut cake and some cashew nuts since I know you love those at the moments” He enlightens and she grinned, she had the most amazing sweet boyfriend ever. He was the best boyfriend and girl could wish for, as he treated her like a queen, he made sure she was always looked after and knew she needed things before even she did.
“You are amazing, thank you” she murmurs as she presses another kiss onto his lips and he kisses back,cupping her beautiful face in her hands.
“Are you getting anywhere?” He quizzes softly, as his fingers tuck a strand of curled brunette out of her beautiful eyes.
“I have a verse and half a chorus, I’m not sure though” She answered as she picked up the plastic cup with her drink in, she held the cold beverage in her hands, only just realising she had been so hard at work she hadn’t realised how hot it had become, it was a english heatwave so was intense to put it lightly. “When did it get so hot in here?” The American beauty asks, and her boyfriend cant help but laugh, she was so not use to the english heatwaves, she was used to the American ones, but England was a complete different kettle of fish.
“Its 24 outside” He says.
“Degrees?” She asked, pressing the iced drink to her arm in attempt to cool herself down.
“Yes” He nodded and tried not to chuckle.
“I’m glad you got me a iced coffee and not a actual coffee then” She muttered dramatically as she sipped her drink, the strong coffee taste with the coolness of the ice gave her some kind of light relief and it tasted so good, Costa coffee was one of the best things in England.
“I cant believe an American girl who lives in a country and visited California and Miami so much as a child finds this English heatwave intense” He had a teasing smile on his face but his comment earned him a pout, she loved England but there was just something about the heatwaves in London that just didn’t feel normal, maybe because England was renowned for the rain and cold weather.
“Its different though” She argued as she sipped her iced coffee, the refreshing taste was cooling her down at least on a caffeine addict psychological level.
“It is just hot weather” He responded, a smile on his face.
“But like England is so known for having rain even when it is sunny and it has been so hot and not a cloud in the sky for days, not that I’m complaining” She spoke and Avery laughed, patting her nose affectionately.
“Are you sure you arent complaining” He asks and she gives him a look, as she digs out the packet of cashew nuts, honey roasted no less, and she opened the packet.
“I really am not” She insisted and he just looked at her, she was so perfect and somehow she was his.
“Ok, if you insist” He chuckled and she pulled him to sit with her on the sofa.
“Just sit with me and shut up” She asserted playfully and he tried not to grin, damn she was really everything to him.
“You dont want to continue with your work in progress?” He kissed her hair as he asked that but she shook her head.
“I just want to enjoy my drink and spending time with you” She informed him in a matter of fact kinda voice and he smiled, kissing her softly, who was he to argue with her?”
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