#malcolm reed fic
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make-me-imagine · 2 years ago
Much More Than Fond
Plot: Malcolm often comes off as a pushy, teasing, frenemy to you. But unbeknownst to you, he actually cares quite a lot about you. You could even say he has a crush.
Pairing: Malcolm Reed x Gn!Reader
Requested Prompts: "In your dreams!" "Every night, actually." + 'Secret Admirer' A/n: It's not straight forward with the secret admirer prompt; more like 'admires from afar secretly' lol
Requested By: @fandomdancer (these are from Valentines Day sorry it took me so long to get to them)
Warnings: Brief mentions of not eating/drinking water (neglecting health) - So take this as a reminder to eat and drink some water!
Words: 2.3k
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Making your way into your work space, you sighed as your head ached. You had gotten so busy with repairs, you had forgotten to eat or drink any water. You knew you should go to the cafeteria, but you couldn't ignore the reports you had to fill out.
Walking towards your desk, your eyes locked on a granola bar, a bowl of fruit and a bottle of water sitting on your desk. You blinked a few times as you looked around.
This was the third time you found snacks and water left at your desk when you had been busy with work. The first time you ignored it, thinking someone left them there accidentally but when it kept happening, you grew even more curious.
You asked around, but no one claimed them to be theirs, and no one knew who was doing it, or at least they didn't want to tell you.
You wondered how they always knew you hadn't eaten anything, and how did they always know your favorite snacks? You had received your favorite candy bar, fruit snacks, muffin, and now a granola bar. So whoever it was clearly knew you more than you were expecting.
As Malcolm marched down the corridor, his eyes caught on a familiar figure. Glancing into the room, he spotted you working on some damage from the last mission. Your face was knit in concentration as a granola bar was sticking out of your mouth.
He smirked to himself as he kept walking, his heart fluttering a bit in his chest. He had heard you asking around about the snacks being left on your desk, but no one, especially you, would have considered him as the culprit.
Malcolm tried to convince himself he was just being kind, but he knew it was more than that. The two of you had a complicated relationship. You would bicker, argue, tease each other, and sometimes even joke around with one another. That latter, usually if you were both teasing Trip. But people would hardly consider you friends.
Malcolm didn't think of you as much more than a colleague for a long time, but slowly, he found his eyes following you, checking on you, teasing you on purpose just so he could see the way you scrunched up your face in annoyance.
He had even started to notice and familiarize himself with your routines and habits. He knew you woke up at the same time every day whether or not you had duty. How you'd check with everyone and see if they needed anything before you left.
He knew your go to style of burger, pasta, pizza, the way you make your coffee or tea, your favorite fruit, your favorite muffins and candies.
And, he knew you had a tendency to get so caught up in your work that you would forget to take care of yourself. He would notice you missing lunch, or even dinner. He'd spot you going to Phlox for headaches because you forgot to drink water. And he found himself growing worried.
He knew you loved your work, and he admired that about you, but he didn't want to see you hurt yourself in the process. That was one of the first signs that Malcolm no longer saw you as just a colleague. Actually, Malcolm was far, far past that.
So far past that, that he caught himself thinking about you more often than he'd like. If the chef was cooking one of your favorite meals, he had to convince himself not to go tell you. If he heard you laugh, his stomach would erupt in butterflies. If something he said made you smile, he cold hardly repress a grin.
If he told anyone how he was feeling, he knew what they would say. Malcolm Reed has a crush.
The thought alone made Malcolm want to curl up into a ball. He knew there was nothing wrong with feelings, or relationships, but in a way he thought he was stronger than this. But as much as he wanted to think that of himself, he knew better. He had fallen for you, hard.
--- --- ---
Your eyes flicked over to Malcolm as you entered the security room. You had a few repairs there, but weren't expecting to see him, he was usually on the bridge at this time.
You often found yourself avoiding him. At first it was because he got on your nerves, but recently, as much as you hated yourself for it, it was because he made you nervous. If he would smirk or smile at you, your stomach would twist with a giddy feeling. If you caught him looking at you for any reason, your ears would burn. You hated it, just like you were supposed to hate him.
"More repairs Y/n?" His smooth voice echoed through the room.
You felt yourself jolt slightly as he acknowledged you, and by using your first name. You peered over your shoulder at him to find him looking at you.
You swallowed briefly as you looked back at the control panel "No, I thought I'd go for a jog."
He smirked to himself "Perfect weather for it."
You smiled softly to yourself, but didn't reply, instead trying to focus on your work.
There were a few moments of silence before you felt a presence grow closer. Peering back a bit, you noticed Malcolm was now at a computer panel just behind you. His presence sent a shiver up your neck, but you tried to ignore it.
The silence was broken as Malcolm began humming an unfamiliar tune, repeating the same melody over and over.
As much as your ears burned due to his proximity, your annoyance grew. "Don't you know any other songs?" You finally spoke up, annoyance lacing your voice.
Malcolm smirked, glad he finally got your attention. "Hmm, well there is this one-"
As he started to hum a now familiar tune, you shook your head "No, anything but that."
He laughed, knowing the tune from the old western that played on repeat for three weeks at movie night would trigger your annoyance.
He chuckled softly "Well what would you prefer?"
He snorted softly but went silent. You slowly started to regain concentration on your job, but it was broken as you felt as though he had gotten closer.
Looking back, you almost jumped at the proximity of your bodies as Malcolm peered over your shoulder, almost touching you.
His eyes met yours and your ears burned hot, he rose a brow and you stuttered out "Don't you know what personal space is?"
"Can't I see what you're doing in my security room?"
"I'm repairing, it's what I do."
Malcolm was afraid he was imagining the effect he had on you, but as your eyes darted nervously back to your work, he thought maybe he wasn't imagining anything.
Leaning down, he brought his face closer to yours and spoke softly "Am I making you nervous?"
You froze momentarily, and he swore your breathing stopped. But you quickly recovered as you side-eyed him.
"No, you're making me angry."
He chuckled but didn't move to leave, instead speaking again "Really? 'Cause your ears seem to be turning a different color."
You felt embarrassment and anger rush through you, could he see how he was affecting you? And was he making fun of you for it?
You met his eyes, your faces a mere inch from each other, you hissed "In your dreams."
You saw his eyes dip down to your lips for a split second. And as you heard the security room doors slide open, a faint smile played on his lips "Every night actually."
Giving you no time to respond, Malcolm rose and turned towards the new visitors and approached them, talking animatedly to the other security officers.
Your heart was hammering in your chest, as your ears and neck burned hot. Quickly finishing your repairs, you left before you could speak with Malcolm again. But as you left, you could feel his eyes on you.
--- --- ---
After your interaction with Malcolm, you threw yourself into your work to distract yourself. But by doing this, you managed to finish everything faster than normal.
As you sat at your desk, glancing at the clock, you noted it was dinner. But surely Malcolm wold be there, and you had no desire to see him at this moment.
You wanted to know what he meant by his comment. If he was just teasing you and he meant nothing by it, or, if there was truth in it. As much as you wanted to know, you also did not.
Sighing at your own indecisiveness you leaned back in your chair, eyes closed.
Hearing the door slide open, you turned and looked with light surprise. Your heart jolted as your breath caught in your throat as you saw Malcolm standing in the doorway.
Malcolm quickly shoved his hand behind his back as he stared at you. There was a moment of silence between you before he cleared his throat "Hello."
You quirked your brow in confusion as you tried to ignore your hammering heart. Your eyes glanced down at his hidden hand before you met his eyes.
"Can I help you?"
"I- uh, didn't think you'd be in here right now."
Was he nervous? You turned more in your chair so you were now facing him fully.
"Where else would I be?
"Well- I figured you were off repairing something since you did not come to dinner again."
"Oh." You felt a tug at your heart as you realized he noticed your absence. You suddenly wondered how many times he had noticed you were gone before.
Suddenly you felt a light bulb go off in your head as your eyes trailed down to his hidden hand again.
"Why would you come here if you thought I wouldn't be here?"
Malcolm could tell in the tone of your voice that you had figured it out. With a slightly defeated sigh, he brought his hand out into view, revealing a bowl of fruit.
"I heard- I know you like these, so I thought you'd want some before they were all eaten."
Your heart skipped a beat as your ears burned hot again. You stared at the fruit before you slowly looked up at his eyes. He was staring down, seemingly too shy to meet your eyes. It was a side of him you had never seen, and you were startled by how it affected you.
Barely able to repress a smile you stood up, your voice coming out softly. "So it's you then?"
Malcolm looked up and met your eyes, raising his brow.
"The one who keeps leaving me food and water?"
"Ah...well. Yes." He cleared his throat as he walked over to your desk, setting the fruit down, all while avoiding your eyes. "I had just been noticing recently what with the damage to the ship, that you've been working a lot of over time, and that you'd been missing lunch and dinner quite often, and I was afraid you might fall ill, so I thought I might as well leave you some food to remind you to eat.
As he rambled with a nervousness you had never seen, your heart was fluttering as you felt touched by his sudden caring side.
"Thank you Malcolm." You said softly, causing him to stop rambling and finally meet your eyes.
When he saw the soft expression on your face, he felt his heart melt in his chest.
"Well, you're welcome."
You smiled as you looked down at the fruit "How- how did you know what my favorite fruit was, or my favorite candy bar, well, everything you've been leaving for me has been my favorite."
Malcolm smiled, forcing away any embarrassment he might be feeling. "I know quite a lot about you actually. Things I've...noticed about you recently."
"Noticed? Like what?"
His eyes seemed to roam your face for a second and you felt vulnerable. But his face remained soft, as he smiled.
"Like how you take your coffee and tea, and how you always close your eyes when you take a drink of it. The way you walk the long way around to your station so you can check on everyone first. Or how you get so lost in your work you forget to take care of yourself."
There was a tone in his voice with this last sentence, that made it seem as though he was chastising you. But the smile on his face told you he was worried for you.
"Out of the two of us, who was the one who collapsed due to sleep deprivation?"
Malcolm chuckled "Touché."
You smiled "Thank you, for caring, it's kind of surprising really, I thought-"
"That I didn't like you?"
"Well, I at least thought you weren't very fond of me"
He smiled "I wasn't once. But then I started to see you for who you really are, and now, well now I'm much more than fond of you."
You smiled at each other as your eyes remained locked for a moment, taking the moment, you spoke softly. "I'm quite fond of you too actually."
"Is that so?" He questioned with a raise of his brow, his grin widening.
"Yes. As annoying as you can be, you are quite charming."
He chuckled "I'm sorry for all the teasing."
You shook your head with a soft laugh "It's alright, in a way, the teasing is what made me realize I liked you."
"Well then I wont stop."
You chuckled and shook your head with light bewilderment.
He grinned at you and cleared his throat "Well, are you still working or...would you like to accompany me to the dining hall? There's still time to eat, if you want."
"With you?"
"Yes, with me."
You smiled widely at him "I'd love too."
xx End xx
I hope you enjoyed it! If you did, please consider reblogging! It really helps spread it to others, and makes me very happy~
General Taglist: @criminaly-supernatural, @imaginesfire, @onuen, @rexit-mo, @witchygagirl, @alexxavicry
Star Trek Taglist: @starfleetimagines, @groovy-lady, @asgardianhobbit98, @agent-catfish-kenobi ,@starship-argo, @cs-please, @gatefleet, @fandomdancer
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alex-guerin · 24 days ago
New fic idea...meet the family, get together, assumed relationship.
Set some time during either their 5th or 6th year out, Malcolm goes back to Earth for a family member's funeral and Trip goes with him so he doesn't have to deal with his family on his own.
Will I write it? Who knows.
Do I want to read it? Abso-fucking-lutely.
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deadheaddaisy · 6 days ago
A piece of the Pi (Day)
Today, Pi Day, is my tenth anniversary; as well as Malcolm and Hoshi's, and Kelly and Rostov's, in the Built-To-Last-'verse.
To celebrate ten years for all of us, and fulfil the Pi Day prompt in the Tri'Pol Trove server, have a little piece of sweetness.
"Tactical officers make the best weighted blankets. I’ve known it for the past decade, and no one will change my mind.”
Malcolm awoke naturally, without the need for the alarm, warm and cosy and half-lying on a deliciously soft shape. Silky black strands caressed his cheek and his face was buried against his wife’s long, smooth neck, one arm around Hoshi’s waist. Their limbs were tangled together in ways that shouldn’t have been comfortable, holding each other close.
They could be a pair of spider monkeys, he reflected; or maybe octopi, if they had more limbs. The thought made him smile against Hoshi’s neck, and she spoke without opening her eyes, her voice sleep-fogged.
“Whatever it is that has you waking up with a smile, it must be good.” She turned her head, eyes still closed, and rubbed her nose against his.
“I woke up lying on a hot piece of—”
“Watch it!”
“—woman who’s wrapped around me like the most adorable starfish, and she—hmm, let me check—” his hands went on a quick journey of exploration and he grinned as Hoshi squeaked and came fully awake; “—yes, she didn’t feel the need for night-clothes. What’s not to like?”
Her lips curved against his cheek and her eyes opened fully, staring into his from centimetres away. “Who needs night-clothes with a fully-grown Starfleet security officer as a weighted blanket?”
Malcolm chuckled. “You really weren’t kidding about that, all those years ago.”
“Never. Tactical officers make the best weighted blankets. I’ve known it for the past decade, and no one will change my mind.”
“A fact for which I am forever grateful,” he declared. “And, speaking of which - happy tenth anniversary, Commander Sato-Reed.” He kissed one corner of her mouth.
“And to you, Commander Sato-Reed.” Hoshi’s hand came up to thread through his soft hair, her other to stroke gentle fingers along his jawline. “You make me so very happy.”
“I’m simply returning the favour, my love.” Another kiss, this time on the other corner. “The past ten years would have been miserable without you in my life. Who else would keep me on my toes?”
She giggled, a sound he loved to hear. “I know where I’d rather keep you.”
“Oh? And where’s that?”
In a flurry of movement, she executed one of the first moves he’d taught her; he let her roll his weight until he was flat on his back, smiling up at her as she intertwined her fingers with his.
“Right where I can see you, of course.”
“Of course.”
Leaning down, she booped his nose with hers.
“It being Pi Day, may I assume that we have Cornish pasties awaiting us for breakfast?”
“Those, and a couple of tiny apple and cherry pies, yes.”
“Good. Then they’ll keep. I have some celebratory plans in mind before we have to head to Karveth and Monica’s wedding.”
“Celebratory, hmm? Tell me about them, minx.”
“I’ll do better, hero; I’ll show you.”
Some time later, Malcolm found himself with a very satisfied Hoshi Sato-Reed sprawled across him. It had proven to be an excellent tenth anniversary thus far, and, he reflected as he smoothed her hair behind her ear and kissed the tip of her nose, the past decade - fifteen years, truth be told - boded well for the next ten years to come.
And he, for one, couldn’t wait to spend it with his minx at his side.
A piece of the Pi (Day) on AO3.
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talshiargirlfriend · 2 months ago
ENT folks you’re sleeping on this one. Do you enjoy fun hacker-spy AUs? Of course you do!
Cracking the Code by @deadheaddaisy
Not my usual fare (no T&T in sight - I know!!) but I’m really enjoying it 🖖
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themurdochmemesteries · 8 days ago
While on shore leave, Trip makes a flower crown for Malcolm. (487 words)
Underneath the pleasant heat of the two alien suns, Trip and Malcolm sat on a blanket which was spread out across the grass. A small picnic, long since finished off, sat between them. They were alone; everyone else was back at camp, probably still playing the game of soccer they’d been engaged in when Trip and Malcolm had left.
Malcolm was leaned back on his hands, eyes closed, letting the wind toy with his hair, breathing in the scent of nature so different from the sterile recycled starship air. Next to him, Trip was carefully weaving the stems of flowers together. He’d picked these flowers along the way here, and a bed of them grew just nearby where they’d set up for their private picnic. Now, Trip’s fingers carefully threaded each steam through the loops of another, and he smiled to himself as he worked.
Malcolm opened his eyes and glanced at his partner. Seeing Trip’s hands were busy, he asked, “What are you doing?”
“Somethin’ Lizzie taught me, a long time ago,” Trip answered. “I think she learned it at one of those summer camps. I’m almost finished…” He stuck his tongue against the inside of his cheek in concentration.
Malcolm watched Trip work, fascinated by how deft Trip’s fingers were, and musing about how those years of engineering experience meant remarkably steady hands. Armoury work was quite the same.
Finally, Trip’s hands stopped working, and he held up his creation proudly. “Ta-da!”
Malcolm frowned, puzzled. “What is it?”
“It’s a flower crown, duh!” Without warning, Trip reached out and placed the thing on Malcolm’s head.
Malcolm crossed his eyes to peer up at it, then looked back at Trip, who was still grinning like a maniac. “This is highly undignified,” Malcolm decided.
“But it looks good on you. Cute. Makes that look of yours look less like a death glare and more like an angry kitten.”
Malcolm’s cheeks burned. “I’m not cute, and I do not look like an angry kitten!”
Trip’s head fell back in laughter, and Malcolm felt his heart skip as the sweet sound echoed around the area. He’d never get tired of hearing Trip laugh.
“Well,” Trip said, “fine. I’ll take it off.” He reached up.
Malcolm drew back. “No.”
“I… I will bear it,” Malcolm sniffed.
Trip rolled his eyes, still smiling. “Bear it, huh?”
“Indeed. For you.”
Trip sighed through his nose, gazing at Malcolm with clear adoration in his eyes. “You’ll wear it for me, huh?”
Malcolm glanced away. I’d do anything for you, he thought, but that was too heavy a thing to say over a flower crown, so he merely nodded instead.
“Aw, Mal.” Trip leaned over and kissed his cheek. “I’m honoured. You gonna wear it back at camp?”
“Oh, heavens no,” Malcolm blurted. “I’d never bloody hear the end of it if I did!”
Trip laughed again, and this time, Malcolm laughed along.
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thetachapel02 · 4 months ago
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whump maybe?
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ihatecoconut · 18 days ago
Second - Chapter 1
Pre-Broken Bow
There’s a screen in front of him. A form to fill out, just waiting for him to make the final decision. In twelve hours, if he still hasn’t filled it out, the choice will be made for him, the position will be automatically rejected. For some reason, the idea fills him with a sense of dread. 
“I’ll think about it.”
That’s what he had told Archer, uncertain when faced with the enthusiasm of a man who has been waiting his entire life for this moment. Hadn’t everyone? The entirety of Starfleet was set up and working towards the NX programme. What had he himself even joined for, if not to go to space? 
Malcolm dragged a hand over his face. The screen was still there when he took it away. 
“I’ll think about it.”
It was the only thing he had been doing since Archer left. After Archer had come, personally, to ask him to be the security officer for Earth’s first ever starship. After Archer had chosen him, of all the available people, to fill that position. After…
There was a knock at the door. Malcolm blinked at it. “Enter.”
The door swung inwards to reveal a young woman, blonde, short, unassuming. She eyed him, quickly. “Lieutenant Reed?”
“Yes.” He stood up. She was actually shorter than he was. “Can I help you with something?”
“Uh, I’m Ensign Emma Rogers, I’ve been assigned as your second.”
Malcolm stared at the hand she was holding out. “Second?”
The hand dropped. “Yes, for the armoury and security team?” her voice raised at the end, a notable question, ‘do you not know that? has no one told you?’
“Oh, I, uh—” 
He’s trying to come up with a response when her eyes flick to the screen on his desk and take in the information there. He should have locked it before he let her in. 
“You haven’t accepted the position?”
“I’m still thinking about it.”
She looks slightly embarrassed, “I’m sorry, sir, I was under the impression that everything had already been sorted.”
“Have you met the Captain?” He asks, rather than answering in a way that might invite her to try and get him to open up. 
Rogers’ eyes return to his face. “Archer?”
She nods. “He seems… enthusiastic.”
Malcolm can’t stop the tiny smile sliding onto his face. “That was exactly the word I was thinking, Ensign.” And then. “Do you want to sit down?”
There are two chairs in his office. Only one of them has been used so far and he watches, slightly uneasy as Rogers is the first person to sit on the other. 
“Did you come here for a reason? Or just to introduce yourself?”
She gestures at the tablet she’s holding. “I collected all of the team’s files, I just thought you might like to read through them and get a sense of the group before meeting them.”
Malcolm isn’t stupid enough to try and take the tablet from her, he might outrank her, but that information is clearly only available to certain people and he hasn’t confirmed whether he wants to be one of them.
“I’m still working on the rest of the crew,” she continues when he doesn’t say anything, “uh, I think that Archer hasn’t confirmed some people still, we’re missing the communications team and probably around half of the expected science team.”
She’s organised, he thinks. Young though, wide-eyed and almost brittle looking. 
“OK. Thank you for doing that.”
She wasn’t expecting him to say that. “Oh. Uh, it’s no problem, sir, I figured it was part of my job.”
He nods. “What happens if I refuse this position?”
“I mean, do you then get it?”
Rogers opens her mouth, shuts it again, pauses. “I hope not.”
“Really? You seem overly qualified for it.”
“You haven’t even read my file.” She replies, and the deflection is obvious. 
He tilts his head. Doesn’t say anything. Her mouth pinches up slightly, unimpressed. 
“I know what you’re doing, Lieutenant, not saying anything to keep me talking, we all have to do the interrogation training.”
“Why don’t you want the position?”
Rogers shrugs. “Why don’t you want the position?”
“I do.”
“Then why haven't you accepted it yet?”
Malcolm looks back at the screen. “Do you think this is a good idea?”
“What in particular, sir?”
He smiles again, face still turned away so she can’t see it. “Going out there, are we really ready to do it?”
There’s a pause and he can almost hear her thinking over her answer. “I don’t think we’d ever really be ready, sir. We could sit for years and try to be fully prepared and would still come across things we can’t even imagine.”
He turns back to her. “That’s a good answer, Ensign.”
“Thank you, sir.” She glances back at his screen. “I was surprised as well, when they told me I had been picked for this role. I have the rank, but I’m young and I don’t have the experience a lot of them do, even some of the members of the team. But, they were insistent.”
He can hear the underlying explanation, she doesn’t feel ready to take on the level of responsibility she’s been given, let alone the level that would be expected of him. “How young?”
“You said you’re young.”
She rubs a hand over the bridge of her nose, “Uh, nineteen, sir. I’ve been at the academy for three years now.” 
That is young. Not as young as some of the incoming cadets he’s seen, but certainly much younger than he was expecting. She’s still just a child, really, and they’ve put her in this position. It might have been more surprising if he wasn’t aware of how small the pool of potential candidates for this mission really was, but still… 
He takes another look at her. Straight-backed, sat in the chair as if she’s standing at parade rest – military brat of some kind – a few scars on her hands, mostly faded, and blonde curls framing a face in a way that makes her look almost angelic. He was never a great older brother to Madeline, preferring to lock himself away and avoid anything from his parents, but the wave of protectiveness that seems to be slowly creeping up on him is what he imagines most brothers feel. 
“How many on the security team?”
Rogers glances down at her tablet, doesn’t turn it on though, so she obviously knows the answer already. “Including you and me? Twenty-five.”
“Twenty-five.” He repeats. “And how many on the crew in total?” 
“Well, like I said they haven’t confirmed everyone yet, but apparently it should be around eighty. The ship has room for eighty-five.” 
He frowns, leans back in his seat. “That’s a pretty small percentage being security.”
Rogers makes a face that suggests she had also had that thought. “It’s an exploration mission, sir, not a battleship.” 
“That’s the answer they gave you?”
“Yes sir.” 
He glances at the clock on the screen. Eleven hours and twenty minutes before the decision is made for him. Eleven hours and twenty minutes before eighty people continue on, preparing to leave without him. 
Rogers is still there when he turns back, watching him carefully. 
“Have you met the security team yet?”
“Yes sir, I got the details confirmed on Monday, so we had a training session yesterday and this morning.”
“Do they work well together?”
A tiny smile creeps onto her face. “Yes sir. We’re still balancing out strengths, but they compliment each other well as a team.”
He nods, slowly. 
“I’ve also organized room allocations with them,” she says, “since we’ll all be sharing rooms. Except y- our security officer.”
He bites the inside of his cheek to stop himself grinning at her. “Except me?”
“Officers’ privileges. If you accept the position, of course.”
“Of course.” He turns back to look at the screen again. It’s just a tick box and a signature required. Less than thirty seconds to complete, really.
Rogers holds out the tablet. He carefully takes it off her. 
“I want to meet them all, tomorrow, oh-nine-hundred hours, in the training room.” 
“Yessir. It’s good to have you onboard, sir.”
“Thank you, Ensign.”
It takes less than twenty to fill it out in the end. 
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scatterbrainedcapybara · 1 month ago
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Star Trek: Enterprise, Star Trek Rating: Mature Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: J. Hayes/Malcolm Reed Characters: Malcolm Reed, J. Hayes (Star Trek), Phlox (Star Trek), Charles "Trip" Tucker III, Jonathan Archer Additional Tags: Temporary Amnesia, Non-Consensual Drug Use, Accusation of non-consensual kissing and touching Series: Part 7 of Enterprise ship week 2025 Summary:
Enterprise ship week day 7: free space
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lokismusings · 1 year ago
Shameless post asking for any fic recs revolving around the Shuttlepod One episode with some Tucker/Reed addition pleaseeee
And some dream fics where one of them dreams about a different reality? 👀
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starfleetimagines · 1 year ago
Malcom Reed x reader and jealousy
He glowered over his drink, eyes fixed on you laughing with a visiting alien. He was happy you were enjoying yourself, but couldn't you enjoy yourself with him?
"Just go talk to them," Trip said nearby and Malcolm groaned quietly.
"I don't want to bother them."
Trip gave him an unimpressed look and Malcolm tipped his head back to finish his drink, but it did little to settle the twisting jealousy settled in his chest.
Send me a character or ship plus a word and I'll write a five sentence fic!
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make-me-imagine · 2 years ago
Truth or Dare: Part One
(Part Two)
Plot: During a nostalgic game of Truth or Dare, Malcolm and Y/n realize there is more to their feelings for each other than just friendship.
Pairing: Malcolm Reed x Gn!Reader (Use of Y/n)
Written for @fandomdancer as a fic commission on my Ko-fi
Warnings: A couple mildly suggestive comments and scenes
A/n: The referenced "Southern pear salad" is pear halves with mayo, cheddar cheese, and maraschino cherries (and sometimes lettuce)
Words: 2k
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You let out a soft sigh as the only sound heard in the room was the sound of the rubber ball Trip was bouncing off the wall again and again.
Staring at your shoes, you felt restless, but knew there was nothing to do, even as an engineer. The Enterprise was stuck in a storm that shut down the ship. Everything except life support and basic operations was down.
There was no work to be done, nothing that could be done, so you were all just waiting for the storm to pass. It had been three days, but it felt like three years. The pent up boredom was getting to you all as you sat around.
Trip finally let out a frustrated sigh as he leaned forward at the table "I'm gonna go crazy if I don't find something to do."
"Go for a run" Malcolm suggested as he sat nearby flipping through a manual.
Trip gave him a side-eyed look that told everyone exactly how he felt about that.
"Yeahhh, no. Let's play a game" He said instead as he turned towards you and Hoshi.
"Oh no." "No way."
The two of you spoke at once, as you shook your heads fervently.
"I'm not saying we play Monopoly again!" Trip defended himself as the tension rose in the room at the memory of how that went.
"Or Uno." Hoshi added.
"Or Life." Travis spoke up from nearby.
"Or even Scrabble, you guys really do need to tone down the competitiveness." You said as you looked between Trip, Malcolm and Travis.
"We aren't that bad!" Trip said with a chuckle.
You rose your brow "Yeah? Tell that to Captain Archers table."
An awkward air fell over the three men as they went silent recalling the previous nights incident.
"Okay, then a game that's not a card game or a board game." Travis suggested.
"And what would that be?" You asked as you looked back at him, as he went silent, unable to think of anything.
After another moment Trip spoke up with an excited tone "Hey, I got it!" he smacked his hand on the table, causing the rest of you to look over at him. "Truth or Dare!"
You and Hoshi shared a look as Malcolm snickered "What are we High Schoolers?"
"Oh come on, it'll be fun!" Trip defended "Come over here, all of you, come on!" He said with a newfound excitement in his voice.
You smiled and let out a soft chuckle as Malcolm and Travis slowly and reluctantly came over.
As you all sat around the same table Hoshi shook her head "I haven't played truth or dare since I was a kid."
"Well, let's be kids again then, for old times sake." Trip said with his familiar grin.
You and Malcolm locked eyes for a moment as you shared the same amused smile.
"Okay, I'll go first, get the ball rollin'" He looked around at all of you and you suddenly felt a sense of nervousness wash over you.
Exactly what kind of questions would he ask, and what kind of dares would he give?
His eyes locked with Travis "Travis. Truth or Dare?"
Travis swallowed as he sat up a it "Alright, uh, truth" He said with a slightly anxious tone to his voice.
"Oh, a truth on the first go, brave man." Malcolm said, a hint of teasing in his voice making you smirk.
"Alright, truth." Trip leaned forward, a small smile on his face "You ever gonna ask that cute communications officer on a date?"
Travis's eye's got a bit wider as you held back a grin. "Uh. Wh- what, who?" He chuckled nervously .
"Oh come on Travis." you began "Hannah. Your crush on her isn't exactly subtle."
He looked at you with terror as he swallowed, looking between the rest of them, they all nodded, confirming what you said. He let out a sigh as he closed his eyes.
"So?" Trip asked
"I don't know, maybe?" He said with an exasperated voice.
You smile and shook your head, feeling a bit bad or him. The others encouraged him a bit before everyone moved on, giving Travis his turn in the game.
Looking at you he smiled "Y/n, truth or dare?"
"Dare." You said easily, causing the others to 'ooh' like children.
You rolled your eyes. You weren't that worried, Travis didn't have it in him to give you a dare that you'd hate.
"I dare you to eat that southern pear salad Rollins made!"
You felt your stomach twist at the thought of the lieutenants "old family favorite" that he made for dinner.
Malcolm hissed under his breath knowing how much you would rather not.
Not wanting to back down at the first dare, you took in a breath as you backed out of your chair "Fine."
"Really?" Hoshi said with a sneer as she too thought of the unusual dish.
After a few deep breaths and a lot of water, you had finished your "dessert" and were now half way through the game of truth or dare. After Trip's obvious amusement towards you, you made him eat the last pear dish, which you know he would not be forgiving you for any time soon.
"Truth or dare?" Hoshi asked you.
She smiled softly, curiosity on her face "Tell us about your first love."
You felt your heart skip a beat for a moment at the question as you were thrown back in time.
Malcolm felt his breath hitch in his throat at the question, his eyes glued to you.
You smiled at the thought as you cleared your throat. "Joshua"
Malcolm wasn't sure why his heart clenched in his chest at the name. Or why he felt an uncomfortable tightness at the smile on your face as you said it.
You two had been friends for quite some time, maybe it was surprise at having never known about it?
"Joshua?" He repeated the name out loud, sensing the curiosity from everyone at the table.
You nodded "My high school sweetheart. We were together for five years before we broke up."
"Why did you break up?" Trip spoke up.
"He wanted to because we were going to different schools. I was going to the academy, he wasn't. He thought it was best, I didn't."
"He broke your heart?" Hoshi asked softly
You nodded "Yes, even more so after I found out he started dating someone new only a few months later. I was still very much in love with him. Much more than he had even been with me I think."
"Well he was a fool." Malcolm said softly.
You looked up and met his eyes and felt your breath hitch. There was something in his gaze you had never seen. The softness and sincerity in his gaze caught you off guard, it made you feel something you had never felt when he looked at you before.
You smiled and looked back down shrugging your shoulders "It doesn't hurt anymore. I was young, time has passed." You said sincerely, causing the others to shake their heads in agreement and understanding.
"My turn!" You said with a smile, trying to ignore the quickly beating heart in your chest as you felt Malcolm's eyes still on you.
"Travis, truth or dare?"
He nodded his head, feeling safer to get a dare from you than Trip "Dare."
You smiled knowing he had trusted incorrectly "I dare you to ask Hannah on a date."
The other's eyes widened as they tried not to laugh and cheer at the dare. Trip clapped as he grinned at Travis, who stared at you in disbelief and betrayal.
"You'll never know how she feels unless you ask." You said with a smile
"And if she says no?"
"Then you'll know! And you'll get to move on. Though-" you leaned a bit closer to speak softly to him, now acutely aware that Malcolm's eyes were back on you, something you wouldn't have felt so nervous about only an hour before.
"I know she likes you too."
Travis repressed a smile "Really?"
You nodded and he adjusted himself. "Well...when does this dare expire? I don't have to go do it now...do I?"
"Hmm. By tomorrow night" You said with a firm tone. "If you don't do it by then, you will be punished."
You looked down at the empty plate at the table "I will have Rollins make you your very own special batch of southern pear salad."
He grimaced as he swallowed "Fine" He breathed out, earning smiles and a smack on the shoulder by Trip.
You weren't sure exactly how much time had passed since your game of truth or dare began, but you weren't complaining. It was certainly proving to be an interesting night, and you were glad to no longer be bored.
You watched as Trip stared at Malcolm, trying to come up with a suitable dare for him.
"I dare you to do twenty pull ups!"
Travis nodded his head in interest as you and Hoshi both rolled your eyes "That's so lame, what are you fifteen?" You chuckled
"Hey! Twenty pull up's is hard!" He defended as you rolled your eyes again with an amused scoff.
"If you think twenty pull up's is hard you need to work out more." Malcolm said with a smirk as he stood up, looking around for a suitable area to perform his dare.
It was Trips turn to roll his eyes at the subtle brag by Malcolm.
As you and the others watched as Malcolm adjusted his position, you watched with heightened curiosity as he began lifting himself into the air.
While the other's began counting his reps out loud, you found your eyes drifting downward as his shirt lifted to expose his stomach. Quirking your brow, you quickly shook yourself from your thoughts as you forced yourself to pay attention, glad that no one noticed where your eyes had drifted.
You were surprised at yourself, having worked out with Malcolm before you never caught yourself staring like that. I mean, you had noticed his physique definitely, but you had never blatantly checked him out before, at least not that you noticed.
Clearing your throat you started counting with the others, you really started to wonder what had changed so suddenly. Were you attracted to Malcolm? If so, why were you just now noticing it?
Malcolm repressed the smile that tried to form on his face when he thought he saw you staring at him out of the corner of his eye. Not just watching him, but staring. He didn't want to assume incorrectly, but the thought that you had been made him happier than he expected.
Landing on the ground with a proud sigh he turned to Trip and smirked "Easy."
"Yeah yeah whatever" Trip said as he rolled his eyes.
You chuckled at their interaction before you looked back at Malcolm. You felt a small jolt through your body as you found his eyes already locked on yours.
You thought you saw a smirk on his lips, before it disappeared, but you ignored it as you turned away. You couldn't help but notice the way your heat fluttered in your chest.
"Oh! Is it really that late?" Hoshi said out loud as she looked at her watch.
Glancing over her shoulder, you read the time and hummed under your breath "We certainly killed some time."
"No wonder I'm so tired" Travis said with a light yawn as he stretched.
"We should head to bed." Malcolm suggested.
As you all hummed in agreement, you made your way out of the room. Suddenly, you felt a hand rest on your lower back. Glancing over your shoulder, you felt your heart jump.
Malcolm was smiling down at you before speaking softly "Goodnight Y/n"
You smiled softly, hoping he couldn't tell how his actions effected you suddenly. "Goodnight Malcolm."
As you left, the feeling of his hand no longer on your back was obvious. Your skin almost felt cold from the lack of touch. You took in a deep breath as you wondered what the hell was going on.
Malcolm thought the same, as he gazed after you, as you disappeared down the corridor, his own heart pounding as he flexed his hand, missing the warmth you had provided a moment ago.
Second part will be released soon! I hope you liked i!
General Taglist: @criminaly-supernatural, @imaginesfire, @onuen, @rexit-mo, @witchygagirl, @alexxavicry
Star Trek Taglist: @starfleetimagines, @groovy-lady, @asgardianhobbit98, @agent-catfish-kenobi, @starship-argo, @cs-please, @gatefleet, @fandomdancer
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alex-guerin · 2 months ago
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Star Trek: Enterprise Rating: General Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Malcolm Reed/Charles "Trip" Tucker III, Jonathan Archer & Charles "Trip" Tucker III Characters: Charles "Trip" Tucker III, Jonathan Archer, Malcolm Reed Additional Tags: Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Hurt/Comfort, Post-Episode: s02e03 Minefield (Star Trek Enterprise), Pre-Episode: s02e04 Dead Stop (Star Trek: Enterprise), Episode: s02e04 Dead Stop (Star Trek Enterprise), Jon Archer's a good friend, Angst with a Happy Ending, Charles "Trip" Tucker III Needs a Hug, Malcolm Reed Needs a Hug Series: Part 6 of Chicken Soup for the Starfleet Officer's Soul Summary:
Trip decides what is or isn't an acceptable risk to take when it comes to his and Malcolm's relationship.
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deadheaddaisy · 13 days ago
Continuing with Freaky Friday Fun, part 11 of Malcolm-Hoshi's run-up to 14 March.
Another crack fic. This one's not done, but is being updated regularly!
"Oh, shut up, you big baby," she snapped. "I told you I'm not taking any chances. It's the visor, or a blindfold under the helmet and earplugs in your ears, and then you won't hear me, either." He grumbled a bit, then subsided. She made sense. "Fine. If that's what's needed. I can appreciate a decent level of paranoia." "Good." He felt her getting back onto the bike, and put his arms around her again, this time deliberately sliding his hands across her waist and legs, just to be annoying. She sighed. "I take it that's meant to indicate how helpless you are without vision, and how you need tactile direction instead." "Yes," he said simply.  "This time I am rolling my eyes," she stated, but he detected a note of grudging amusement. "Idiotic Brit."  "That's Captain idiotic Brit to you," he deadpanned, and swore he heard a smothered snort before she restarted the bike and drove off. 
Secret agent shenanigans ftw! Also a metric fuck-ton of action, angst, and dubious science. And explosions. Hey, it's Malcolm, after all!
Cracking The Code
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talshiargirlfriend · 3 months ago
Famous Last Words (aka hints of Malcoshi for @deadheaddaisy ) This has been in my notes for the better part of a year, and tonight I decided to clear it out! A cliff notes “here’s what happened” story in the hand beats a full on fic that will never exist. And the card attached says Thank you for being a friend 💕
“I promise we’ll be on our best behaviour,” Trip had assured her seriously, so of course T’Pol had been wary throughout the proceedings.
In her colleagues’ defense, the sequence of events that led a small fluffy white creature to bolt out of its den and the mayhem that had ensued as it ran amok amongst the crowd of vendors nearby was neither their fault nor something they could have reasonably predicted. Still, wasn’t there a human expression about famous last words?
An ice festival was not an event high on her list of desirable outings to attend voluntarily, but it had certainly been interesting.
Commander Tucker and Lieutenant Reed had engaged in some type of jousting sport involving motorized vehicles they had excitedly referred to as “snowmobiles!” Malcolm had successfully scored a point by unseating Trip, tumbling him off his snowmobile onto the ground in a puff of disturbed snow. The victor stopped to help his opponent up with some friendly teasing. Both men were laughing, pink cheeked with a combination of exertion and good humour.
And that was when the arrow hit.
T’Pol dashed across the field to assess the situation. The arrow had sliced a deep gash across Lieutenant Reed’s left thigh. As she knelt and applied pressure to the wound, she looked up at Trip.
He spoke before she could, “On it. You stay with Malcolm. I’ll get a med kit and let Hoshi and Travis know we’ll be heading back early. Be right back.”
While not life-threatening, the injury was clearly incredibly painful, although their tactical officer was doing his best not to react.
Their Meruvian hosts were incredibly apologetic, and if nothing else their excited apologies and superstitions seemed to be distracting Malcolm from his discomfort somewhat.
“Please accept our apologies! Friends, I am so sorry! But the first sighting of the anuren of the season is a cause for celebration! Good fortune will surely be upon us tonight,” the Meruvian administrator said just as Trip returned with the med kit.
Malcolm nodded at the man before making incredulous eye contact with Trip, who coughed to mask his bark of laughter.
“Anuren? That cute little arctic fox critter caused all this trouble, huh,” Trip chuckled as he knelt down with a crunch of snow. The mayhem appeared to have morphed into raucous celebrations with chants of “Anuren ki!” sounding throughout the crowd. The administrator left, promising to return shortly with a chair for transporting Malcolm and some departure gifts. Everyone else was ignoring them.
As she and Commander Tucker rendered first aid, T’Pol took note of their colleague’s pale complexion and muted hisses of pain. They exchanged a concerned glance and Trip nodded before speaking in a low calm voice, “Hey Malcolm, we’re gonna get you back up to Phlox as soon as possible, but it’s probably gonna be about an hour or so. I think you should let us give you something for the pain, okay?”
Ashen and sweaty, Malcolm nodded once, “Very well, Commander.”
T’Pol would have to have a word with Phlox about the medkit supplies once the mission was complete. Although she and Commander Tucker both carefully reviewed the label and administered the recommended dose, Lieutenant Reed didn’t respond well to the available pain medication.
Or rather, he responded to the medication extremely quickly and … exuberantly.
By the time she and Trip had loaded him onto the provided powered chair to transport him back to the Shuttlepod, he was, to put it delicately, as high as a kite.
“Lieutenant Reed, I will assist you into the shuttle now.”
“Okay, Commander,” he said brightly, accepting her proffered arm.
Without turning his head or moderating the volume of his voice he exclaimed, “You’re right, Trip! T’Pol does have nice hands.”
Trip raised his own hands in a placating gesture, “Take it easy, buddy. Keep your voice down.”
“Oh! You have nice hands too, Commander!”
Trip hung his head in resignation. “Yeah, ok. Everybody here’s got real nice hands. Just hang tight till Hoshi and Travis get here and we’ll get you home.”
“Hoshi!” Malcolm exclaimed. “Oh, now, she has beautiful hands,” he sighed.
Ignoring Mr Reed’s ongoing chatter and Trip’s unsuccessful attempts to quiet his friend, T’Pol pullled the bed down in the rear seating area.
As they got him settled and secured in the bed, Lieutenant Reed babbled on about what lovely eyes they all had as well.
Trip turned away and rubbed a hand over his face, shaking his head.
Satisfied that Malcolm’s vital signs were stable and his leg wound had stopped bleeding, T’Pol moved to take her seat. Malcolm sat up slightly and grabbed her arm as he looked up pleadingly with almost-lucid eyes. “T’Pol,” he whispered hoarsely. “Please… don’t let me embarrass myself in front of Ensign Sato .”
T’Pol’s brows rose sharply, “I will do my best, Lieutenant.” Apparently satisfied with that, Malcolm laid back down and closed his eyes sleepily. She shot Trip a questioning glance which yielded only a shrug in response.
Ensigns Sato and Mayweather arrived then at a sprint. Once assured that no one was in immediate danger, Travis settled into the pilot’s seat while Hoshi moved to sit in the back with Malcolm.
“Were you aware of their … attachment?” T’Pol asked Trip quietly as they prepared for takeoff.
“Nah, I’m not sure if they were even aware of it,” he said with a half smile. “Ooh, they’re setting off fireworks down there!”
“The Meruvians are enjoying their revelry,” T’Pol agreed, “but the appearance of the anuren doesn’t seem to have brought good fortune to Lieutenant Reed.”
“Ah, honey,” Trip said softly with a twinkle in his eye. “Look again.” He touched his fingers to the back of her hand and nodded subtly toward the rear seating area.
Malcolm appeared to be on the brink of slumber while Hoshi held his hand and spoke quietly, admonishing him for giving her such a scare. He mumbled something softly, and she smiled warmly at him before stroking his hair.
T’Pol looked back at Trip, raising an eyebrow as she entwined her fingers with his briefly and discreetly, “Perhaps I was mistaken.”
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themurdochmemesteries · 2 months ago
advertising my fic again since links finally work! pls go read, i worked really hard and it's been getting very little attention so far :(
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lokismusings · 1 year ago
Not the one fic I’m working on, but this plot bunny popped into my head so I ran with it.
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