knxwsbest · 6 years
DATE&TIME: january 24th, 8:00pm LOCATION: the train STATUS: closed for @malachileclair
she’s always been fond of him, truly. a charming thing - it is easy for him to catch her eye, to pull her lips into a smile when she learns of his unfortunate desire of things perhaps not so charming as his smile paints.
“dear charm, you aren’t looking too well - perhaps you should see a doctor.” the woman teases, lips quirked as she slides into the seat next to him, not one to miss the edge on the man’s usual demeanour - from the rebellion or from hunger, she does not know. 
she does not particularly care.
“is it difficult, my charm?” she holds his jaw gently, tilts it closer to her until the man is leaned towards her. “i would imagine one could be driven mad if he was driven by thirst but unable to feed, especially in a room locked with people like this. quite like a starved man told not to eat at a buffet, no?”
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fcxxes · 6 years
002 | any of my two kids!
002 | give me a character & I will tell you
for emme - 
how I feel about this character: listen u bEEN KNEW that emme is the Soft Girl that i will forever cry over?? ever since suspiria she’s had my heart - there’s always something so airy and dreamy about her - and in menagerie, haunted - and i love her for all the softness & hope she holds in a way that isn’t overly adamant?? the way she pushes for good without being blind to the bad is something i’ve loved seeing in this verse, and you’ve done such an incredible job writing it in a way that both dull aches and feels like post-rain sunshine, maggie. i’m cry foREVER
all the people I ship romantically with this character: marci x emme and shazi x emme for the Girl Crushes, emme x theo
a headcanon with my character: give me a Cake Thread redemption where they’re both baking in jess’ kitchen and they’re trying to make a double-fudge chocolate brownie cake and they get chocolate smeared everywhere and soren ends up licking his fingers then putting it in the batter and emme scolds him but lets him anyways and emme shows up the next day in the oracle tent with chocolate still in her hair and soren’s got a smudge of chocolate on his ear that no one tells him is there?? also soren helping emme bleach her blonde for the Rapunzel looks, A Concept??
my OTP: theo x emme bc i believe in good things for my gIRL
my OT3: emme x carter x soren !! 
for malachi -
how I feel about this character: i love me a Morally Grey boi and mal is my questionable boi??? there’s this layer of complexity in his struggle towards what is right and wrong - and i love how he really embodies the whole morally grey struggle (and boi is he sTRUGGLIN) with his humanity and his monstrosity??? u know i’m always a sucker for those Hard Choices he has to make?? as much as i yell abt mal getting that downwards spiral, u know i’m a closet soft and i would weep real tears of blood if he got that Good Boi arc that we all know he’s capable of getting (and probably deserves more wjegkwjeg)
all the people I ship romantically with this character: mal x negative arc, mal x lenny
a headcanon with my character: ok but i just love awkward theo and Done With This Boy mal, literally theo trying to flirt and somewhere mal is internally screaming?? give me theo afraid of needles and mal forever sighing, theo telling mal one day that elias is still alive & that he knows this for a fact, that death has never touched his child?? all that strange almost-soft between these two and mal getting theo out of his shell (painstakingly) and theo as mal’s listening ear with those big eyes??
my OTP: lenny x mal bc again, i ain’t no fOOL
my OT3: mal x rafa x soren, mal as the unwilling father to two cannibals on the loose - a roadtrip au on crack and then some
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skyandwave-blog · 6 years
Walk of Shame
February 4 - 11:36pm
The street near the Hotel
She was holding one shoe in her hand, hobbling down the street, unable to stop or the guards by her side would just pull her along instead. It was a miracle that she’d been given long enough to change and put the one shoe on at all. So instead, she had to shrug her jacket on as she walked down the street, stumbling slightly as they walked.
In between the steps, she tried to slip the second shoe on, tripped, was caught by one of the guards. Nearly said thank you, but instead they only dragged her forwards, and the words were cut off in her mouth.
Still she tried to keep her head up, and somehow spotted Malachi near the entrance of the hotel. She flashed him a smile and shrugged off the arms that still held her shoulders.
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llenore-blog · 6 years
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@fcxxes @malachileclair @ohauras @fire-birds @ofhercs @wolfiber
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vicente-deleon · 6 years
5. mal, noah, metzter
kill:metzter before he can do it first.betray: noah ( @noctertv ) because neighbour solidarity only goes so far. have on your zombie apocalypse team: mal ( @malachileclair ) because he’d be both a good ally but easy to take down if he turned.
[ Send me three names + a number]
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wolfiber · 6 years
TIME: 3 pm, february 13
LOCATION: decrepit medical car at the Carnival
STATUS: closed for @malachileclair
The snow swirls, almost violent, but Laurel was careful to take her thickest furs when she left the train, silver sable and white fox, making her almost camouflaged in the blizzard. Only her dark hair, streaked with white by ice, stands stark against the swirling world around her. She steps into an old car, red paint stripped by ash and time, lets just a second of cold and wind accompany her before she slams the door shut. She stands a second, startling white framed by peeling wallpaper and moans of those in pain. She sees Malachi from across the room and smiles, a slow growing thing, and carefully picks her way towards him.
She takes no shame from the way she bends over the patients, inspecting. Her long fingers are hidden within her coat, but her eyes speak all the prying judgement they must. Most of those lying are not theirs, have been here many months, years even, but she does not care anyways. No point in factions when she belongs to neither. 
She finally reaches Malachi and she straightens up, looking down her nose at the limp boy, eyes empty and lost as he stares into middle distance, agony dulled to boredom. “Why bother, Malachi?” she asks, less spite than disdain in her voice. “They will die anyways, will they not?”
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raafes · 6 years
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codecerberus-blog1 · 6 years
DATE&TIME: january 24th, 9:00pm LOCATION: dining lounge STATUS: closed for @malachileclair
Indifference has never failed to strike a nerve.
In a world constantly demanding action and change, he considers it foolish - selfish - to side with inaction. So it’s no surprise at all that he leers at the vampire standing by his side, seemingly unmoved by the shaking fists and shoving hands; the now rattling glass window, the only semblance of protection standing between either of them. 
Brows knitted together, he attempts to meet Malachi’s gaze ( what’s the point of having a handsome face like that, when you can barely see through it? ) “They don’t bother you at all?” Carter gestures to the enraged crowd with a slight cant of his head. “You’re going to have to vote eventually, you know. Abstaining doesn’t count,” Carter clips, out of impatience residing from various reasons.
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minotaur-unslain · 6 years
🔪 …someone my muse hurt in the past.
90% of the people in his life before the circus
👑 …someone my muse is jealous of.
I think I’ve said to xia and maggie that he was/is of Mal ( @malachileclair ) and Noah ( @noctertv ). the former because of like daddy issues reason and I think for both it’s like misconceptions of who they actually are. 
( If Jin assumes you have your shit slightly more together than he does than that usually does it.)
💔 …someone who broke my muse’s heart..
An itemized list of people who have broken Jin’s heart in order importance:
1. Jin’s mother2. Jin’s father3. The law firm that rescinded their job offer despite the fact he passed the Bar4. his turtle that he thought ran away | died.5. His girlfriend in high school who broke up with him because quote: “Literally nothing is enough for you. Not being valedictorian, not Harvard, not me. And until you fix it that it’s always going to be like you’re half somewhere else and I deserve better than that. Believe it or not so do you.”6. His boyfriend in college who broke up with him (though he claims he did it) because quote: “You know everyone said that you were cold and distant and I thought maybe you were hiding some warm interior, but you’re not hiding anything. You’re just an asshole. There’s nothing under all this but a pit. And I honestly hope some day you figure out how to fill it. Because I may have loved you, I might still do, but I don’t like you.”
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xuebird · 6 years
DATE & TIME: January 24th, 8.50pm LOCATION: Train cars STATUS: Closed for @malachileclair
In moments like these she felt the most uncomfortable. Whether it was to put herself forward, or bite her tongue, to speak up or to soothe privately, she’d always known what decision she wants to make. Uncertainty, helplessness, these were rare occurrences ( although they seemed to be increasing in frequency as of late ), and in situations such as these she fell back on the safety of what she knew.
It was easy enough to catch Malachi’s eye, she had spotted him keeping to a corner and watching the proceedings earlier, and she made her way over to him as quickly as possible. Technically, she did answer to him in the Menagerie’s hierarchy, though he left her to her own devices often enough. 
“ Should we make some rounds? The commotion earlier may have resulted in some injuries that need attention. ”
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llenore-blog · 6 years
DATE & TIME: January 15th, 9:30PM LOCATION: Janus Hotel Ballroom TAG: @malachileclair
There are some things that are unbearable. Things that, when they rip into a person, leaves them not the same—like their insides were taken apart and put together the wrong way. Half-awake. Waiting for something. She feels it all the time, sometimes doesn’t even know it’s there until her lungs tighten in response to something. A smell. The sound of laughter.
The loss of a loved one can twist someone so ugly, so far gone, that too becomes a death. Not to Lenny—Paris only made her afraid, only made her realize that the dark after candle is blown out, after stars disappear, is something she never wants to face. She still hates what that’s turned her into. At the same time, she wonders how ignorance could be bliss, how she’s spent twenty-six years in the Menagerie, a trapped bird, and has still come out singing.
Lenore isn’t the only one who lost something after Paris.
When she had first met Malachi Leclair, there had been a boy with him; now, standing in the ballroom, eyes scanning both familiar and unfamiliar faces until she finds him, the boy is gone. And what of the man left behind? She keeps trying to prod, curious as she is, and Malachi seems to be a master at evading.
She weaves through those dancing until she reaches him, driven even if she’s uncertain as to why, and taps Malachi on the shoulder. Her smile to him is bright, almost shy, “Would you like to dance with me?”
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llenore-blog · 6 years
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fcxxes · 6 years
001 | mal, jessica, shazi, aura, xue
001 | send me a list of characters and I will tell you my:
5 favorite ships (canon or non-canon): aura x emme x lenny, mal x lenny, shazi x a rebellion going right for once, jessica x freedom, xue x emme (listen sOFT GIRLS ALWAYS WILL HAVE MY HEART)
character I find most attractive: aura’s fc is a damn model and if i ain’t gay as fUUUUUU
character I would marry: xue??? my wife???? my one and only?? my everything???
character I would be best friends with: jessica!!
a random thought: someone give me jessica and emme baking, shazi in a thread where she isn’t about to Fight (someone give this girl unadulterated happiness for just one thread PLEASE), aura x li hua duets of wHEN WILL MY REFLECTION SHOW WHO I AMMMM, xue having that horrible arc of being so twisted in /helping/ people lordt help us all??? but also GRABBY HANDS???
most badass character: sorry shazi but jess takes the win here wjgkwejg mom with backbone of STEEL how could i not love her
favorite friendship: mal x rafa x soren, shazi x carter, aura x noah, xue x soren, jessica x ceydran!! 
@malachileclair @theimpxssible @shahrzada @ohauras
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minotaur-unslain · 6 years
👻 …someone my muse considers a best friend:
Um. Ceydran ( @ceydran-aecor)? Like they’re drinking buddies, they stole a bird together, they danced together at that one event, and are just generally the dad duo™ but Jin probably thinks that’s one sided and that Ceydran more tolerates him than likes him.
👀 …someone my muse likes, but doesn’t trust.
Malachi ( @malachileclair ) and also Vaughn ( @ devilxscream). 
The former because Jin can’t tell if Mal actually cares as much he seems (this is Jin’s problems with all doctors) and it sort of conflicts with this desire to want to be friends and/or open up to him. (Also when he finds out about lenny *kill bill sirens* )
The latter because he knows that Vaughn is not the type of person he should be friends - his whole life outside of the circus was filled with people like that and it didn’t end well - but I think that’s also why he does like him. It’s like a really twisted comfort zone.
💩 …someone my muse dislikes, but admires.
Omari ( @oogs ). Their relationship is built on you tick all my boxes of shit I don’t like and every time I see you it activates the FIGHT of my fight or flight response, but also we have a lot in common deep down.
Soren ( @fcxxes ). I don’t think Jin dislikes him as much as he finds him childish, but that same devil may care attitude he puts on is the same thing Jin admires.
 Send a Symbol: Get to know tthe people in my muse’s life.
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raafes · 6 years
#☎ - malachi
RUSHED TEXT.@malachileclair
06:46 : 36.1875° N, 115.1297° W06:47 : COME FOR A GOOD TIME XOXO
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