fabray-austinsub · 10 months
(F2F, Oz) After the auction, he found himself wandering through the cells again. He wasn't even involved, but he still felt like he needed days of scalding showers to wash the filth of the whole situation from his skin. Oz rubbed the bridge of his nose, pausing outside of a cell when he noticed a familiar face. He frowned, reading the sign on the door. "Whoever equates having a small dick with being sexually useless is, frankly, an idiot," he said with a shake of his head.
The auction was - in a word - awful. All those eyes on him, all those things being said about him as he stood there publically nude, covered in bruises, it was too much. He was shocked when he was happy to be back in the cell, where he could attempt to hide himself. He looked up when he heard the voice, instinctively moving back into the cell before he realized it was Oz. "Apparently it does," he said quietly. @domozchang
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emiradursun · 1 year
( closed starter for: @connievanderbilt ) location: Emira's house
Having already made plans to stay at Axel's house, Emira had Connie over for comfort, needing to be with close friends right now through this tragic event of the fires. "Thanks for coming over again, I don't think I can be alone right now through this," she said, sitting down on the couch beside her bestie and pulling in a pillow to wrap her arms around. "This town has been through so much already..."
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bprpg · 2 years
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EVENT 005. Pari Varma's Birthday
It's Pari's 27th birthday and she's having a party! Everyone's invited. Presents are both welcome and encouraged. There's an indoor jacuzzi for everyone to enjoy, a video game room in the basement, a home theatre, an outdoor deck with a cover and fire pit and a DJ! Everything and more for people to have a good time. Remember to BYOB!
DATE: Wednesday, November 23, 2022
TIME: from 7 pm to 3 am. (though any friends as well as lightweights who pass out can sleep over if they want.)
LOCATION: Bear Nolan's house
INVITEES: Friends and strangers alike.
The event will last a total of 7 days, starting from Friday, November 25th, 2022 and ending on Friday, December 2nd, 2022. Dates can be extended or reduced based on participation and if requested by members of the RP.
Post your starters using the hashtag #bpoint:event. All event-related starters will be reblogged onto @bartonstarters and deleted from the blog once the event is over. Please do not use the hashtag #bpoint:starter.
A Discord channel #event005 will be open for interactions, but remember that interactions are not limited to the chat.
Participation is not mandatory, but it is encouraged, and regular threads do not have to be put on hold in the duration of this event.
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endlxssnights · 2 years
|   ⚜   |   C. & BAZ GRIMM-PITCH   |   ⚜   |
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She wasn’t above lying to get what she wanted. Ciri grinned as she secured herself a very, very surface level tour of the research center, just by promising to think about the reallocation of some funds. Funny that no one else had thought to offer that. Even though the tour would be basics only, it was good to foster relationships between herself and those she desired to know about. Allies tried to avoid attacking allies.
Ciri turned on her heel, nearly running into someone. They looked so familiar to her… why?
Oh! “You’re one of the others running for mayor, right? I think I saw your picture somewhere.”
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@wickedpotions​ for baz!
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bombadills · 2 years
⌘Midna Twili Open Starter⌘
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Okay, admittedly, Midna didn’t entirely know what she was doing at first. While ruling a realm and being mayor had a lot of overlap in duties and expertise, they surely had their differences. For one, she had to teach herself how to campaign. A whole complicated mess of papers and advertising and public appearances.
Midna wasn’t dumb enough to go in completely blind. She spent a good few days researching it all in the library and via her new laptop. After a while, she felt as if she had a decent footing on the concept, so she decided that she would indeed run for office. She felt like she could do some good for this dreary place, and if worse came to worse, she would have had a fun time along the way.
That's how Midna found herself campaigning in the park under a tiny pop up tent to block off the sun. It was a nice day, which hopefully meant lots of walkers to hand fliers to.
As someone approached, Midna tucked her shoulders back, threw on a pretty smile, and held out a little metal circle in their direction, “Morning! Do you have a second to talk about our mayoral campaign? Want a button?”
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ofmvoonlight · 2 years
Out of all the faces he could have seen this was one of those faces he had silently hoped for since he first arrived here. He had so many regrets when it came to Owen and Toshiko. The main one being his inability to protect them. Their deaths would forever haunt him, day and night. Just the curse of being immortal. 
Just staring at the other for a couple of seconds, Jack then took a deep breath and pinched the bridge of his nose. Oh this couldn’t be happening, right? This must be some trick. 
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sallowhillshq · 2 years
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event 005 is now open!
THE CANDIDATES HAVE BEEN ANNOUNCED!  After Mayor Rogers stepped down, many candidates reached out to throw their hat into the race.  The candidates that we have running are:  Cirilla Rivia, Midna Twili, Oswald Cobblepot, and Tyrannus Basilton Grimm-Pitch.
Look out for their campaign in the newspaper, in messaging boards, and around town.
as it is midnight, our event is officially open for threads!  just a quick couple of reminders below the cut.  
the event will begin at midnight pst on june 15th and run until midnight pst on july 31st.
characters are allowed to participate in any part of the event! they can participate in only one or in both!
we ask that you place all current threads on hold until after the event.
if you would like to modify one of your current threads, that is completely fine! just make sure you start a new thread to distinguish the difference.
you are allowed (1) open starter for the event.  if you post an open starter, we ask that you reply to at least 2 other opens (& reply to two more for every other open you want to post).  for starter calls: you may make one without replying to opens so long as you post starters for everyone who requests.
we really encourage you reaching out to people & characters you haven’t written with before!  it’s a great time to start a quick, fast paced thread where you can vibe out the characters.
we will still be trying to post prompts throughout this time to help you keep activity and muse up
the in character chat on discord will not be policed if it does not pertain to the event.  but if you can / want it to pertain to the event it will be all the more fun!
you may see updates about the mayoral election in the news channel on discord
after the event is over, you will be given 48 hours to wrap up your event threads and start new ones/continue pre-event threads.
similar to starting threads, you are welcome to modify an event thread, you just must start a new post.
any updates will be tagged with ‘event005′ and also linked in the event-updates channel of the discord server!
if you have any further questions about the event, we’ll be happy to answer them here on the main or in the discord!
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shallowmagics · 3 years
— *•̩̩͙   j. & lily evans  •̩̩͙*˚ —
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“Do you think they’re doing some avant garde thing? Or they just let some kids go mad with the lighting?” James laughed as he turned to Lily, taking his gaze off of the house with some randomly strewn lights. 
It wasn’t the best house on their little holiday light tour, but it certainly was the most haphazard. Which would be exactly how James would describe whatever this thing was between him and Lily. Friends with benefits? Dating? 
Was this even a date?
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@ofmvoonlight​ for lily! 
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lucasxpatel · 4 years
Lucas wasn’t seeking him out in particular, but when his gaze fell upon the Shadowhunter, he couldn’t help but smile warmly. He held up his hand to get Min’s attention.
“Māya ḍiyara mitra!” He pushed through the crowd until he was directly in front of Min. He placed his palms together in front of his chest, bowing slightly. “My dear friend. Namaste.” When he lifted his gaze, he was grinning. “I was hoping to see you here. It’s a small town, but there are so many people. I was afraid I might miss you.” He grinned, tilting his head to the side slightly. “Did I surprise you, or did you see me coming?” He didn’t make a move to touch Min, not sure if that was allowed when the guy wasn’t high. He didn’t want to overstep in public. Some people had hang ups about that.
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(( @anxminxjae​ ))
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elenaxrusso · 4 years
Elena hadn’t wanted to go to the fair, but her siblings had begged and needled her until she relented. She highly doubted Harris would be there, and if he was she’d be able to smell from far enough away she could hide or change direction before they ran into each other. She wasn’t really in the mood for a fair either, but even though her siblings were old enough to go alone and she trusted them to be safe, she couldn’t say no to their pleading faces.
And that is how she found herself in line for one of the rides, not intending to go on but standing with her siblings in line, hugging herself and doing her best to smile and not look as miserable as she felt. She took a step back as Alex started a plastic sword fight with Ethan, running into the person behind her.
“Oh, sorry,” she said, feeling her cheeks warm, especially when she saw who it was she’d run into. “Um. Hi. Again.” What did she say? “Um, it’s, um, good to see you’ve got clothes on this time?” Stupid.
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(( @simonxtolch​ ))
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judahxbachmann · 4 years
Judah was technically working. He was supposed to take pictures of the fair activities for the Observer’s official article on it, but he was finding it difficult to remain focused on just taking photos. Everything looked like so much fun and he’d already eaten about six elephant ears. 
Everyone once in a while he’d approach couples and offer to take photos of them for a small fee, using his polaroid for that. When he caught sight of a new familiar face, he couldn’t help but grin and take a snapshot first, before approaching the guy.
“Hey, Hagen!” he called as he walked over, developing photo in hand. “You look like you’re having fun. Proof.” He held up the photo for the other to see the candid of him grinning at whatever he’d been looking at before. “You can keep that if you want. No charge.” He held it out to Hagen.
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(( @projecthagen​ ))
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reaperxnoah · 4 years
“Aidan! Aidan, look! I won a prize!” Noah called out, waving the bear back and forth over his head as he rushed toward his friend. Best friend, is what Noah had called him to Freja, and warmth grows in his chest, as he comes to a stop in front of the man. “Do you think Lizzie will like it? She’s my girlfriend now, and you’re supposed to give your girlfriend the prizes you win, right?” He looked up at Aidan, hoping the dragon would know more about relationships than he did.
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(( @whentaidan​ ))
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beauxnavarre · 4 years
Beau wasn’t interested in attending the fair. Why should he care about Founder’s Day? He wasn’t from here. And he had nothing to give to charity either (well, not nothing, he just didn’t want to part with anything).
But Henri really wanted to go, for some reason, and despite Beau’s protests, the vampire was insistent he go out and have some fun with him. It had been a while since they’d actually gone out and done stuff together that wasn’t related to sex. Maybe it would be fun. Maybe. Emery would probably be there too, but Beau could tune him out.
So that’s how he came to be in the middle of the fairgrounds, surrounded by loud, sticky children and their frazzled parents.
“This is a nightmare,” he stated.
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(( @bvttlebcrn​ ))
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bandori-en · 6 years
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Starlight Journey - Gacha Update 05/07
The new event gacha, featuring Ran and Kasumi as Pure / Green, is now available!
END: 05/16 @ 00:59 UTC
4★ [Proof I’m Here] Mitake Ran (0.500%) - Score Up
4★ [Sound of the Beginning] Toyama Kasumi (0.500%) - Healer
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endlxssnights · 2 years
|   ⚜   |   R. & OPEN   |   ⚜   |
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Rhiannon placed the small flyer in her window, tucked in between the window panes. Having sales, classes, anything she would need to advertise for was far too much work for her. People knew exactly what the Cauldron was, the people that frequented her shop knew exactly what to expect. However something like this… she could see it being important to Tal. It was why Rhiannon had been saving this particular idea until pride month, knowing it would gain more traction with townspeople that would be interested in ‘passing’.
To most, it was a ‘free’ class on glamours. Rhiannon did ask for payment, but nothing humans would see as important. A physical piece of their home, their childhood. Small things necessary for performing the glamours she taught.
Footsteps behind her slowed, then stilled. Rhiannon turned, judging the newcomer. As if they could sneak up on a Sídhe. “Are you going to stare or are you interested in the glamour class?”
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skyandwave-blog · 6 years
Walk of Shame
February 4 - 11:36pm
The street near the Hotel
She was holding one shoe in her hand, hobbling down the street, unable to stop or the guards by her side would just pull her along instead. It was a miracle that she’d been given long enough to change and put the one shoe on at all. So instead, she had to shrug her jacket on as she walked down the street, stumbling slightly as they walked.
In between the steps, she tried to slip the second shoe on, tripped, was caught by one of the guards. Nearly said thank you, but instead they only dragged her forwards, and the words were cut off in her mouth.
Still she tried to keep her head up, and somehow spotted Malachi near the entrance of the hotel. She flashed him a smile and shrugged off the arms that still held her shoulders.
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