judahxbachmann · 3 years
“Could we bury it in the cemetery or somewhere near it?” Hagen suggested, thinking that that might have been the best place for it. Keep something with that sort of energy near what was already dead. “but I say we do it after food because I am starving, and I have a new card trick I need to dazzle and astonish and amaze you with.” 
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“The cemetery’s a good idea,” Judah said with a nod. He smiled when Hagen mentioned food and a new card trick. “Oh yeah?” he said, stepping closer. “What kind of card trick? Can you show me now?”
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judahxbachmann · 3 years
Beep (Callum)
3. A scared text
[text] can I hang out at your place for a bit? I accidentally broke my mum's favorite teapot so I've gotta go incognito until she calms down. it's either that or leave the country! =/
(( @callum-moore ))
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judahxbachmann · 3 years
14. A text that wasn’t sent
[text] {photo attachment} [text] is this okay? I've never sent a shirtless pic to anyone before . . .
(( @projecthagen ))
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judahxbachmann · 3 years
“Yes, we do.” he nodded. “Well, more like Toulouse owns it and I just sit around looking pretty and wait for him.” Theo explained then took one of the latkes for himself and ate some. “When are you and Hagen moving in together then?” 
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Judah choked on his bite of latke at the question, coughing for a moment and patting his chest before answering. “We, uh, we’re not . . . there yet. I don’t think,” he said with a rueful smile. “I mean, we haven’t talked about it. He just got a place with Helena, so it’s just . . . I mean, I wouldn’t even know how to start a conversation like that. Plus there are so many expectations that come with moving in together, right? I don’t want to put any pressure on him, or us, or me.”
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judahxbachmann · 3 years
“Lilies are commonly used in funerals.” She told him. “But there’s nothing wrong with that.” She set the flowers into the caldron. “It’s fine, I’ll transfigure a glass later on.” Clearly the young man was nervous though she wasn’t exactly sure why. Should could be intimidating sure but she had a feeling that wasn’t quite what was going on here. “So Hagen tells me you’re a witch.” 
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“Yeah! Yes, I am,” Judah said, wondering if Hagen really had talked about him. “I take it you’re one too . . . I mean, I knew that you were one too. I think that’s pretty cool. Are you a part of Elijah’s coven? I don’t think I’ve seen you at the meetings . . .” Not that he’d gone to very many of those until recently.
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judahxbachmann · 3 years
Elijah stood back to watch Judah with the spell, he smiled a bit though. “Don’t worry, I don’t expect you to get it right away.” he waved his hand, causing the liquid to all end up in the first container again. “Practice makes perfect and having your familiar around will help too as they can boost our magic.” 
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“Oh. Right, duh,” Judah said, slapping his forehead with his palm. “I completely forgot to ask Nathan to come with me today. I’ll see if he can come next time. I’m still getting used to having a familiar. I didn’t think I’d have one for the longest time . . . I guess that was because he was all the way in South Korea.” He grinned sheepishly. 
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judahxbachmann · 3 years
He gave his witch a smile.  “Yes, that’s a specialty.  It is possible for you to do that, it will just take a lot of practice.  We should probably start a bit smaller and work our way up to more complex magic.”
Nathan shook his head.  “No, it’s not too many questions.  I’m glad you’re curious and want to learn.  That makes my job a little easier.”  He pulled out a notebook and began to jot down a few things.  “So it sounds like you want to focus on telekinesis and perfect to to more advanced levels.  We can work on a grimoire that’s centered on that specialty of magic, and if you want to branch out we can always make another one.  There’s no limit to how many grimoires you can have.”
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“Oh, really? For some reason I thought a witch only had one grimoire,” Judah admitted, leaning forward slightly to try and see what Nathan was writing down. “I already know how to do some simple stuff. Levitating objects, mainly. Moving them is more difficult, but I’m working with Elijah too on how to do that. You should come with me to those lessons! I bet having you there will make me stronger.” He grinned. 
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judahxbachmann · 3 years
“Oh no no” he shook his head quickly, “I mean someone that touched it before died with it in hand. It wasn’t the crystal. At least I don’t think so, I mean, I was touching it and I’m still here. I just - I don’t want you to have that sort of energy around. We could still bury it though, maybe not in the backyard.” 
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“Oh,” Judah said softly when he realized what Hagen meant. He gave the crystal a sidelong look, not liking the idea of Hagen having it even if it didn’t actually kill people. “Where do you want to bury it?” he asked, thinking he didn’t want Hagen to even accidentally touch it again.
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judahxbachmann · 3 years
“No, I haven’t been over yet.” Callum shook their head, they’d been too busy with things at the dance studio, and not to mention some of the side work they did here and there. “You do know how to do your laundry, though, right?” they asked with a curious grin and raised brow. 
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“Psh, pshaw, duh, of course I do,” Judah said, blithering too much for it to be the complete truth. He quickly changed the subject. “When you find time, you totally should go over. It’s super cool. They should have a housewarming party and invite all of us. You should mention that to Theo the next time you see him. He’ll probably listen to you over me.” He grinned.
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judahxbachmann · 3 years
“You mentioned something about being out to get some air.” Everett told him, knowing that the other would have no reason, now, to question him. “Sorry, I didn’t catch your name.” 
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“Oh, sorry, I’m Judah,” Judah introduced, holding his hand out to Everett to shake. “Sorry, did you tell me who you are?”
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judahxbachmann · 3 years
Helena looked the young man over trying to decide if she considered him good enough for Hagen yet or not. Glancing at the flowers she noticed the lilies. “So your plan was to bring me death flowers?” She bit back a smirk before taking them from him and stepping away from the door. “Come in.” She moved into her kitchen, grabbed a cauldron and filled it with water before setting the flowers in it. “Not usually a flowers woman, don’t have a vase.” She explained. “Forgive the clutter. I have multiple potions on the go.”
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“Death flowers?” Judah asked blankly, glancing at his bouquet and wondering if he’d chosen wrong. She took them, though, so he figured he was safe. He stepped into the house, following her into the kitchen. “Oh. Sorry. Should I have gotten you something else? I can get you something else. Something not-flower related. What do you like?” He really didn’t want to screw this up. He wanted Helena to like him, and he wanted to like her, but he felt like maybe he’d already stepped in it.
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judahxbachmann · 3 years
“death.” Hagen said as he watched Judah come over to see them. “that’s what he’s there for, right? to help you. so, if he’s really smart than use that to your advantage.” he smiled as he went to take Wallace off of Judah to place him back in his cage. “and if it helps any I have absolutely no idea what I’m doing either.”
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“Whoa, wait, death? As in, you can die if you touch it? Why do you have it? Should we cover it up? Get rid of it? Wait, I can teleport it out of here. We can bury it in the backyard,” Judah said, stepping forward to do just that.
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judahxbachmann · 3 years
“Excuse me, the way your hair looks right now in the sunset is really amazing, do you mind if I take your picture?” Judah asked, holding up his camera. “You can totally have a copy. It’d just go into my portfolio, nowhere weird.” He grinned, though it faltered after a moment. “Though I guess mentioning that kinda makes it weird, huh?”
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(( @lizzievelnias​ ))
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judahxbachmann · 3 years
“Have you seen Theo’s new place yet? It’s super cool. It kinda makes me want to renovate my own place, but I like the perks of living at home too much. Theo says it’s because I’m spoiled, and he’s not wrong, but also it’s just nice to have access to food all the time and someone to do your laundry and pay for wifi and stuff,” Judah said with a grin, knowing it was probably only a matter of time until his dad complained about how he was spending their money without giving anything in return, but for now his mother seemed to be keeping that at bay.
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(( @callum-moore​ ))
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judahxbachmann · 3 years
“He is isn’t he?” Hagen smiled as he watched Wallace take the piece of apple from Judah and begin to happily munch on it. “Oh don’t be alarmed if he goes up to your head, he likes hanging out there sometimes.” he warned the other. “Do you use crystals?” he asked after a moment, “umm I bought some cause I was trying to figure out which ones worked for me, turns out it’s only one kind, but I now just have these crystals that I can’t actually use, and I thought if you wanted them you should have them to help you with things or learn how to use. Just you can’t have the light green one. I don’t like that one. Any of the others are okay though, even though I’m not exactly sure what they do or help with.”
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“What makes the light green one unlikeable?” Judah asked curiously, as he stepped over to see what other crystals Hagen had. “I use crystals. At least, I’m pretty sure I’m supposed to. I’m still learning about all this stuff.” He gestured absently. “Nathan is really smart . . . I sometimes feel like an idiot working with him because I think I should know the stuff he’s talking about and I don’t. I really should’ve worked more on my magic in college.” 
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judahxbachmann · 3 years
Was it necessary? Probably not, but Everett wasn’t thinking about what was or wasn’t necessary. The heretic watched for another moment as the other attempted to lift the unconscious man up from the bench. “This is just getting ridiculous” he let out a sigh, shaking his head at him. Annoyed he reached out, touching the other and saying something to get him to look at him. “Put him down.” he told him, knowing that it wouldn’t be as simple as compelling a human, but having a feeling that the young witch wouldn’t be as difficult to compel as many others of his kind that he’d come across over the years. “You’re going to forget that this man is even here.”
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Judah had never been mind-controlled before; he didn’t know how to defend against it. He stiffened as he felt his body move against his own intentions, setting the man down. He blinked, shaking his head as his mind grew foggy. Rubbing his forehead, he turned around to look back at Everett. “Sorry . . . what was I doing?”
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judahxbachmann · 3 years
“All kinds of things” Hagen smiled as Wallace crawled up to chill out on Judah’s shoulder. “fruits, vegetables, meat, yogurt, eggs. Things like that. Oh and different kinds of bugs and nuts, but those are a special treat.” he went to grab a small plastic container, opening it and taking out an apple slice. “Here” he smiled, holding the slice out to Judah. 
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Judah smiled as the sugar glider scampered up to his shoulder. He took the piece of apple from Hagen and held it up for Wallace to take. “He’s so cute,” he said, thinking this type of pet fit Hagen perfectly.
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