#malachai parker x y/n
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justathoughtfulangel · 2 years ago
Nothing But The Truth ~ Kai Parker One Shot
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*not my gif
Pairing: siphon!Kai X witch!Saltzman!Reader
Word Count: 3,388
Requested?: Yes
This is a sequel to "I'd Rather You Lie." I've done my best to make sure this piece is readable as a one shot, but if you'd like to read the prequel, please read it here.
This IS a reader insert fic; I just don’t like writing with Y/N in the place of names. Use Rosalie/Rosie/Rose as a placeholder for Y/N :)
Description: Kai betrayed her trust, used her for his own selfish means. Now, he can't bear the pain and hurt he's caused her. Malachai understands now that he loves her, but is love enough to mend a broken heart?
Warnings: angst/heartbreak and minor mature language
The story begins after the break! I hope you enjoy reading it :)
“I’d rather you lie.” 
It was easier for Rosalie when he lied. It had been easier to believe it was real. Now, she’d heard the lies so often she couldn’t possibly know what was true anymore. Kai’s ramblings came to a halt. Rose’s smile was more akin to a grimace. There were no tears in her eyes; there was nothing in her eyes as if there was no soul behind them.
Malachai had hurt many people in his life. He’d murdered his siblings, and he’d spent years torturing himself. Somehow, this emptiness in her was worse than all the damage he’d done combined. “Rosalie…” She just shook her head, walking passed him. There was still no emotion on her face as she hugged her winter jacket around her body. Kai watched her walk away, feeling the snow settle in his hair. The cold did not compare to all the pain that consumed him. 
He tried to take a shaky breath. With a choked gasp and unbearable pain in his heart, Malachai watched her until she became a speck of dust in the distance. The worst part of it all? She didn’t turn to look back at him once.
Was it his fault for breaking her heart, or was it hers for allowing him to hold it in the first place? Her brain and heart grappled over this question every night, making it impossible to sleep. Thanks to Kai, she couldn’t return to the life she’d once loved. There was nothing left inside her that would allow her to love. 
It wasn’t as if Rose was a stranger to pain. She’d been abandoned by people before. The people who brought her into the world had died. The ones who adopted her into their home as a child saw her as only a paycheck. Even Alaric was dead for a few years before miraculously coming alive again. None of those heartaches had destroyed her in the same way Malachai had.
Perhaps it was because it was her first time truly being in love. She couldn’t feel anything anymore, not even anger. Though her mind and heart disagreed on whose fault it was, they both knew feeling the agony of that betrayal would consume her.
For now, all she could do was continue existing in an endless cycle – school, work, Dad, friends, eat, sleep, repeat. ~
A new semester was starting after winter break, and Rosalie considered it a fresh start. She would put herself out there again; she’d try to come back to life. Rose was sitting in a large lecture hall, waiting for the professor of her creative writing course to arrive. She twirled her stylus around her fingers, making random doodles on her iPad. Someone sat down a few seats away from her, but she paid them no mind. 
The hall continued to fill, and Professor Smith arrived ten minutes late. She was fun, and her quippy nature made up for the tardiness. Listening to a professor review a syllabus wasn’t boring for once. Rosalie was paying close attention, jotting down miscellaneous notes about due dates and assignment details. 
“Your final paper, worth 30% of your grade, will be a writing piece: eight to ten pages long with attention to all topics and techniques we’ll review throughout the semester. Students who do best on this assignment never fail to present their learnings in a unique, refreshing way. Nothing should limit your imagination. Isn’t that right, boy who can’t stop staring at the girl in his row?”  Rose was looking at the professor when she singled out the student not listening. As did the other students, she, too, looked around to see who the professor was scolding. Her grip slackened on her stylus as she heard his voice a few feet away. She would know that voice anywhere. “Y-yes, Professor. I’m sorry.” The professor nodded and continued. Malachai stole one more glance in her direction when the professor’s back was turned, and his eyes met Rosalie’s after weeks of not seeing each other.
Before he could talk to her, Rose rushed out of the lecture hall. Was he stalking her now? Swallowing away the bitter taste in her mouth, Rosalie instinctively made her way to her dad’s office. Glancing at the time, she knew Alaric was giving a lecture. Unlocking the door with magic and locking it behind her, Rose collapsed onto the couch. Her head fell into her hands, and her foot tapped against the ground anxiously. 
Rosalie hadn’t yet asked her dad for Kai’s true story. She didn’t want to know it anymore; she told herself she didn’t care about him and whatever was causing him pain. Whether she would admit it or not, Rosalie was lying to herself, just as Kai had lied to her for weeks. 
She stayed in the same spot for hours, finally looking up when she heard the door unlock. Alaric smiled at his daughter, unsurprised to find her here. This was a first-day-of-the-semester tradition for them – tea in his office and unpacking what happened in their new classes. Ric turned on the hot water kettle, pulling out mugs and tea for them. He only noted her troubles when she greeted him without energy, and his smile faded quickly. “Rosalie? What’s the matter?” 
Rose sighed deeply, not knowing where to start. “I need you to tell me everything about Kai, Dad. Please.” The turmoil had been suppressed long enough; she bit the bullet and watched Ric’s expression twitch. He didn’t say anything for a few minutes. Hot water and honey were poured into their mugs. Rose kicked her shoes off, curled her legs under her, and claimed the steaming cup of tea. The silence was broken only when Alaric sat beside her on the couch.
He was torn about how much he should involve her but hiding the truth from Rose allowed Kai to hurt her. Ric wouldn’t hide things from her anymore. “Malachai is Josette’s twin brother.” A confused expression came over Rose’s face immediately. “Jo is in her early 40s. How is that possible?” To his credit, Alaric told her everything without biased embellishments, telling her the story exactly as Jo told him. 
Of course, even he didn’t know the story from Malachai’s perspective. 
He told her about how Kai was meant to merge with Jo and become the leader of the Gemini coven, how he was never worthy of the position. When he found out the thing he lusted after for twenty-two years would never be his, Kai snapped, murdering four of his little siblings in cold blood. Kai stuck a hunting knife into Josette and took out her spleen. Ultimately, he was after Lucas and Olivia. The Coven locked him up in a prison world, and he escaped when Bonnie and Damon ended up there after the Other Side collapsed.
Rosalie listened to everything, finding it impossible to believe that the guy she knew – the guy she thought she knew – was capable of all of this. Even as she left her dad’s office, Rose repeated the story in her mind. There had to be more to this story. No one was born evil. Something must have happened to Kai - something so horrible and cruel that his only choice was to protect himself this way. 
Alaric had heard the story from Jo, but he hadn’t seen the tears Kai shed when no one was around to see them. Whatever caused him to snap tormented him even now, and no one should live that way. Despite this, Rosalie didn’t have it in her to forgive him. Maybe it was selfish, but he’d used someone who trusted him for reasons she could barely justify. 
The door to her apartment closed behind her. Trying to push the thoughts away, Rose walked over to her fridge. She pulled it open, and the wave of cool air sent her mind reeling back…
Even on the drive back to Mystic Falls, her thoughts were consumed with Kai. He’d kissed her, and then he disappeared. What kind of decent person does that? Rosalie had begun to think that maybe she didn’t know Malachai at all. Her thoughts would be proven right a few minutes later.  When Rose entered the Salvatore House, she heard the flames of the fireplace crackling and voices coming from the living room. “How do you know my daughter?” Her dad was threatening someone, holding them by their neck as he tilted the chair towards the fireplace. Damon forced him away, trying to calm Alaric down. “Easy, Papa Bear. Kai’s going to cooperate. Talk. Now.”  Kai? Her Kai? No… “Didn’t you know? I’ve been dating her for a while. Here I thought she told you everything, Alaric. Of course, she thinks it’s real, which is sweet, really. At least someone among us has a heart.”  Kai kept on talking, but she heard none of it. It was as if her senses had been disconnected from her brain. “She’s just so welcoming… it was so easy to step into her life. I could get into all of yours and take what I’ve always wanted. But you really didn’t need to torture me to get that out of me, did you? I think I’m an excellent communicator.”  Damon and her dad had already seen Rose standing there, and when Damon forced Kai’s chair around, she registered the briefest flicker of remorse in his eyes. She didn’t have it in her to care, not right now. All she did was turn around and leave. The air outside felt so much colder than she could bear. It bit her cheeks as tears filled her eyes. Rosalie refused to let them fall. She would not cry over someone who was using her.
The tears that had refused to spill all those months ago came bubbling to the surface. Her knees buckled below her, and her hands rushed to cover her mouth as a pained scream came out. All the agony at his betrayal created burning trails on her cheeks, and as she curled up on the ground, her shoulders shook with each sob. 
Rosalie finally let herself admit that she had loved Malachai: she probably still did. She’d put her heart into someone’s hands for the first time and this was what she earned in return. Nothing in her life felt fair. How many more people would hurt her before she could finally be free? 
The anguish she’d failed to acknowledge and process now took over. It subsided hours later when the chill from the open fridge had coated her spine and the door beeped in protest. Rose gave it a weak push and it creaked shut. 
She’d loved him, and now she didn’t think she could love anymore.
Caroline smacked a piece of paper down on the table in front of Rosalie. “The annual Whitmore Bitter Ball is on Saturday, and you’re coming.” Rose picked up the flyer, smiling without amusement at the clashing black and grey letters. “Come onnnn, you’re the one that’s most bitter in love out of any of us.” 
Elena and Bonnie gave Caroline a withering stare, while Rose just shook her head. “Sorry… insensitive.” She cleared her throat, trying to dispel the awkwardness. “You should come, Rosalie. We all deserve a night out.” Elena was gently encouraging in stark contrast to Caroline. Rose didn’t know how she felt about it. “Okay, dance or no dance, at least come dress shopping with us? We need your opinions.” Truthfully, it sounded dreadful. After a long blink, Rosalie smiled and agreed. “Fine. It’ll be just like high school.” It wouldn’t be for her; it would be for her friends.
A few hours later, Rosalie was walking between aisles upon aisles of dresses. Some were gaudy and drew way too much attention. Some were too plain for a ball. Then again, maybe plain was best – something that could help her hide in the shadows as she attended the dance for the sake of her worried friends. 
Rose ultimately chose a silken, black gown. It had an attractive sweetheart neckline and golden embellishments around the waist. The skirt didn’t puff out obnoxiously, and with a golden mask to abide by the masquerade policy, it was the perfect disguise.
On Saturday evening, Rosalie found herself standing in the corner of the grand ballroom. People were all over the place: some drunk, some dancing, some crying, and some doing all of the above. Rose watched people move about behind her mask, twirling the straw around in her gin and soda with extra limes. She’d promised Caroline she’d stay out for an hour, and thankfully, the hour was almost up. 
Downing her drink, Rosalie walked across the dance floor. She had managed to artfully avoid the masses until she reached the bar. The glass clinked down onto the granite counter, right beside someone also attending this ball alone. He turned around slowly, setting down his own glass. They looked at each other silently for a few heavy seconds, neither saying a word. 
Malachai’s eyes shined in the dim lighting of the ballroom, swimming with numerous feelings yet glistening with the joy of seeing her. Rosalie’s expression remained passive, unreadable. She’d cried her heart out already. What was the next step in the process of healing from heartbreak? 
“I don’t know how a ball for the brokenhearted could be such a hit,” Kai said. Rose smiled without amusement, looking around at the crowd once again. “You never know, maybe lots of people have broken hearts around here.” Malachai swallowed away the knot of emotion in his throat, his eyes darting to the dance floor. “Maybe you’re right.”
He refused to meet her eyes, and it sparked something inside her. It was some convoluted mixture of rage, pain, desperation, and, most unexpectedly, a tinge of hope. “Dance with me?” She held out her hand to him in challenge. Kai’s gaze flit between her hand, the dancing couples, and the gleam in her eyes. Whatever brought it back, he’d missed it dearly. He took her hand, leading her to join the crowds. 
Rose let out a soft laugh at the song change, wondering if Caroline had something to do with the music. War of Hearts played over the speakers as Kai’s hand came to rest on her waist. Their fingers linked together, and this time, everything else fell away. 
Come to me in the night hours. I will wait for you.
Both recalled the same memories as they stepped in unison. Their awkward first interaction in the coffee shop. The first date where Kai was trying to be charming but ended up spilling soda all over his shirt. His tears when the thoughts of his past tormented him. The devastation they both felt when Rosalie found out about Malachai’s betrayal. 
“Have you been stalking me, by the way?” Kai almost smiled, his brow rising. “Would you believe me if I said I had no idea you’d be in the same section?” He twirled her around, pulling her back to him. “Honestly, I don’t know what I’m supposed to believe, Malachai.” 
She’d been the only one who could use his full first name without making him flinch. Her eyes narrowed in suspicion, and Kai sighed, resigned with himself. “I don’t know what I can say, Rose. You have every right to not trust me. Let me just ask you one thing, and then I will leave you alone.”
I can’t help but love you, even though I try not to. I can’t help but want you. I know that I’d die without you.
“Do you honestly think I didn’t break my own heart when I broke yours?” His arms wrapped around her as Kai selfishly pulled her close. If this was the last time, he needed to hold her close. The back of his hand brushed her cheek, and he memorized the feel of her soft skin. He was close enough to see the reflection of his dark, satin mask in Rosalie’s eyes. 
Rose didn’t know how to react. Her first instinct was to say no. He had sounded so convincing when he gloated to Ric and Damon about how he used her. How could that be the voice of someone with a broken heart? That same person stood in front of her now, looking at her with deeper affection and sincerity unlike anything she’d known before. 
Rosalie held the hand brushing her cheek, wrapping her own around it before stepping away from Kai. “Malachai, I can’t do this again.” Kai had let her walk away once. He wouldn’t give up without a fight this time. “Please… I promise I won’t ever hurt you. I won’t lie to you. From now on, nothing but the truth.” 
I can’t help but be wrong in the dark, ‘cause I’m overcome in this war of hearts. I can’t help but want oceans to part, ‘cause I’m overcome in this war of hearts.
With those words, Rose threw her arms around Malachai and kissed him. Maybe it was wishful thinking, or maybe it was just plain stupid. It didn’t matter. Not trusting him had been so unendurably painful; even if he played her again, it would be worth it.
Kai froze in surprise for a fraction of a second, not expecting her to give him the one thing he wanted most. He took her face in his hands, suppressing a sob of relief and joy. Malachai brought her closer, hugging her flush against his body. 
People still danced around them, oblivious to the two souls who’d found each other and would never part again.
The end of the semester approached, faster than anticipated. Malachai and Rosalie had spent the last months together, and true to his word, he hadn’t lied to her… until tonight.
In his lonesome years in the prison world, Kai had honed his cooking and baking skills. Tonight, after a long week of finals, they were making Kai’s chocolate chip cookies – a recipe he’d refined and mastered over twelve years. Rosalie was whipping together browned butter and sugar, and Kai was chopping chunks of dark chocolate into shards with a knife. The apartment smelled like toasted sugar, and their playful banter brought them much-needed laughter. 
“Where’d you put the vanilla extract I brought over?” Rosalie was looking in Kai’s kitchen drawers, and just as she reached one near the edge of the counter, he stepped in front of her. “Not in that one! There’s nothing in that one. Let’s move on.” Why was he in such a rush to get her away from that drawer? 
“Malachai… what are you hiding from me?” He sighed and stepped aside, remembering his promise to her. Rose didn’t take her eyes off him as she opened the drawer. Looking down, she halted in shock at the only object inside: a small black jewelry box.
Kai grabbed it before she could, putting it behind her back. She gave him a look, raising her eyebrows in question. “What are you hiding from me?” She repeated her question, her voice even more pointed, now with curiosity rather than suspicion. Adorably anxious, Kai nipped at his lower lip and tugged at his hair momentarily. 
Setting the box on the kitchen counter, Kai flipped its lid. Within it, tucked into cushioned velvet, lay matching silver rings. They were similar in style to the ones Malachai often wore, the metal bands thick and fairly plain. He removed them both, showing her the inscription inside the bands: nothing but the truth.
“This isn’t a proposal. Not yet, at least.” Kai’s nervousness didn’t help him get these words out, but when he looked up, looking into her eyes, suddenly it was much easier. “I wanted us to have something that reminds us of our journey and how far we’ve come. I want us to have these.” Before he said anything more, Kai slipped his ring onto his middle finger. Rosalie accepted his gift and put on her ring. She took his hand and laced their fingers together.  “Thank you, Kai,” Rose spoke with tenderness, holding Kai’s face. “I’ll never take it off.” Their lips met in a sweet kiss, and the smooth metal of their rings clinked together quietly. They squeezed each other’s hands lovingly, now certain neither would let go.
That's all for this piece! Thank you to the anon who requested I give them a happy ending; this story would not exist without you :)
Please feel free to send any thoughts/comments/constructive criticisms my way. I always welcome them.
If you’d like to be tagged in future Kai Parker works, feel free to message me/leave a comment here. If you liked this story, feel free to check out my other stories from my Malachai Parker Masterlist (pinned to the top of my profile).
Until next time, JustAThoughtfulAngel
Master Taglist: @socio-kai-path1972, @bluelicious, @genevivetaylor, @kolsangel, @callsign-luckyshot
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imaginesforfandom · 2 years ago
Enchanted Shadows: A Witch's Dance
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Kai Parker x Reader
No pronouns used
summary: In the mystical realm of Mystic Falls, you, a young witch, find yourself entangled in the darkness of the supernatural world. Your heart heavy with its weight, you stumble upon one of the most feared and fascinating figures in the supernatural community—Kai Parker. With a reputation that sends shivers down the bravest spines, Kai's twisted humor and unpredictable nature draw you in despite the warnings. An unexpected encounter in your herb garden sparks a connection that defies the boundaries of your world. As you navigate the intricacies of Kai's troubled past and the allure of his enigmatic charisma, you're faced with a choice: stay away from the danger he embodies or risk everything for a love that seems impossible in a world where darkness reigns. 'Enchanted Shadows: A Witch's Dance' weaves a tale of forbidden attraction, empathy, and a love that flourishes amidst the supernatural shadows.
Enchanted Shadows: A Witch's Dance
The Mystic Falls night was shrouded in darkness, and you found yourself wandering through the abandoned streets, your heart heavy with the weight of the supernatural world you had become a part of. As a young witch, you had always been warned about the dangers lurking in the shadows, and it seemed that fate had led you to one of the most dangerous of them all: Kai Parker.
Kai had a reputation that sent shivers down the spines of even the bravest vampires and witches. His twisted sense of humor and unpredictable nature made him both feared and fascinating. It was said that he had no regard for anyone's well-being but his own, yet there was an undeniable charisma about him that drew you in.
One fateful night, while you were tending to the herbs in your garden, you felt a presence behind you, a subtle but unmistakable shift in the air. Before you could react, a voice whispered in your ear, "You're quite skilled with those herbs."
Startled, you turned to find Kai standing there, his blue eyes sparkling with an inexplicable curiosity.
"You... you shouldn't sneak up on people like that," you stammered, trying to maintain your composure.
Kai chuckled, a sound that sent a strange warmth through you despite your better judgment. "I tend to do a lot of things I shouldn't."
Over time, you found yourself drawn into Kai's orbit, despite the warnings of your friends and the nagging feeling in your gut that told you to stay away. He was an enigma, a puzzle you couldn't resist trying to solve.
As the days turned into weeks, you discovered that there was more to Kai than met the eye. He had his demons, his past filled with pain and isolation. You couldn't help but feel a sense of empathy for him, a desire to understand the darkness that consumed him.
One evening, as the sun dipped below the horizon and the stars filled the sky, you found yourself standing with Kai in the same garden where you had first met. His hand brushed against yours, a touch so gentle it surprised you.
"You're not like other witches," he mused, his voice uncharacteristically soft.
You met his gaze, your heart pounding in your chest. "And you're not like other vampires."
A ghost of a smile tugged at his lips. "Is that a good thing or a bad thing?"
You reached up, your fingers tracing the lines of his face, feeling the coolness of his skin. "I haven't decided yet."
In that moment, the world faded away, leaving only you and Kai in a fragile bubble of connection. It was a connection forged in defiance of the darkness that surrounded you both, a connection that held the promise of redemption and love in a world where such things seemed impossible.
As you leaned in, closing the gap between you, you knew that the path you were treading was dangerous, but it was a risk you were willing to take—for Kai Parker had become more than just a dangerous enigma; he had become the missing piece in your own complicated puzzle.
i love this one so much ;-;. i hope you like it just as much, if not more!
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chloe-skywalker · 3 months ago
Early Shower Gift - Klaus / Kai
Klaus x Fem!Reader (romantic)
Kai x Reader (friends)
Warnings: TVD
Word count: 1,200
Summary: Being friends with Kai and him giving you and Klaus a magical pregnancy.
Authors Note: Hope doesn’t exist. Or Freya just time line for Freya.
TVD Masterlist
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“Where are you two going?” Rebekah asked, noticing Klaus and Y/n ready to leave the compound.
“To visit her siphoner friend.” Klaus tells his sister their plans. Klaus wasn’t necessarily thrilled to go visiting the siphoner but Y/n had said Kai wanted to see both of them.
Klaus also didn’t want Y/n out and about much. She’s a vampire but she’s been sick throwing up the last couple weeks. It’s put all the Mikaelsons on edge, they all love Klaus’ wife the two had been married forever. Y/n is their family through and through. So her being sick when it shouldn’t be possible, it worried them.
“Why?” Elijah asked not trusting Malachai Parker. Not one Mikaelson did. But Y/n had met him before he was locked away and befriended him. When Kai got out he seeked her out and their friendship reconnected.
“He said he wanted to talk to the both of us.” Y/n shrugged. Kai wouldn’t even give her a hint and that was hard for him.
“Are you feeling well enough to go?” Rebekah was worried for y/n. She was the sister she always wanted.
“I’ll be fine. Knowing Kai it won’t take long.” Y/n nodded smiling at the female Mikaelson. Y/n appreciated all their concern but she trusted Kai and Klaus would be with her.
“I’m still trying to find out why you're feeling sick.” Kol tell’s her. Kol had gotten out every grimoire he had collected over his lifetime and was trying to find anything on why Y/n was seemingly sick. Y/n’s family to them, they all loved her and she loves them. Kol was worried about her. Elijah was the only one keeping a leveled compost, but he to felt nervous for his sister in-law.
“Thanks Kol.” Y/n smiles gratefully at him.
“Let’s go love.” Klaus wrapped his arm around her waist guiding her to leave. The sooner they left the sooner Klaus could get her back to the compound and keep her safe.
^     ^     ^
“Kai?” Y/n called out not seeing her friend as they entered the abandoned house Kai had given her the address to.
“You guys made it.” Kai greeted them excitedly as he walked into what used to be a living room.
“We did.” Y/n hugged him as he came over very excited to see the couple. “What’s up? You’re giddy.” Y/n noted as they pulled apart, and her ever protective hybrid pulled her closer to him.
“Have you been throwing up lately? Achey? Tired?” Kai asked her, smiling, looking her up and down.
“Why do you ask?” Klaus questioned defensively. How could he know how she’s been feeling?
Y/n rested her hand on Klaus’ chest to calm him before turning her attention back to Kai. “Yes. Do you know why?”
Kai nodded with a huge grin on his face. Which sent Klaus closer to the edge.
“Wanna share?” Klaus narrowed his eyes, preparing himself to kill the siphoner.
“What are those the symptoms of?” Kai smiled, rocking on his feet back and forth.
“A lot of things.” Y/n answers not wanting to get her hopes up for the impossible that did run through her mind.
Kai smirks. “Something a hybrid, especially an original can’t get.”
Y/n looks at him confused. “Pregnancy. But that's impossible Kai.”
“We’re over a thousand years out its not possible.” Klaus shook his head and Y/n was turned with the Mikaelson siblings. She herself is an original, there’s no possible way for her to get pregnant and why now? They’ve had a lot of sex over the centuries.
“You're welcome.” Kai smiled excitedly, raising his arms. Confirming that he had indeed given them the impossible.
“Kai, I don't know what to say.” Y/n was overwhelmed with shock and happiness and close to tears. She never thought she’d have kids after what Ester and Mikael did to all of them.
“I see the way you look at children. I’ve heard you express if you could you would. I found a way to give you that, and for it to be 100% both of you.” Kai explained to the couple. If he was gonna do a nice thing it’d be for the woman who stuck up for him and would defend him.
“Thank you.” Y/n hugged him as tight as she could without hurting him.
“Thanks mate.” Klaus thanked the siphoner as well. Klaus was shocked, astonished, and happily surprised he’d do that for them. Maybe his opinion of Malachia would have to change. After doing this for them, if Y/n wanted him to be an uncle to their kid, Kai deserved it in Klaus’ mind. The kid wouldn’t be possible without him.
“No problem. Think of it as an early baby shower gift.” Kai shrugged, smiling as big as his face would allow.
“Well there wouldn’t be a baby without you. Thank you Kai. Really.” Y/n laughed over joyed.
^     ^     ^
Once Y/n and Klaus left and went back to the Mikaelson compound, the two walked hand in hand with smiles on their faces. Which didn’t go unnoticed by the Mikaelson siblings.
“What’s your friend want?” Rebekah asked from the couch as she noticed the two enter before Elijah or Kol.
“He did something amazing for us.” Klaus was smiling a guinea smile as he answered his sister, all the while pulling Y/n closer to him. Y/n’s back was to his chest a smile on her face as well.
“Kol you can stop researching. We know why I’m sick now.” Y/n told the youngest Mikaelson brother.
“Why are you sick?” Elijah asked the million dollar question.
“What does my brother mean?” Rebekah questioned, still confused as to what Klaus’ words meant. Klaus seemed overly happy and normally that wasn’t because of anything good.
“Kai used magic and it’s the reason I’m sick.” Y/n told them.
Kol Stood up furiously. “I’ll kill him.”
“Don’t you dare.” Klaus narrowed his eyes pointing at Kol.
“Why not?” Kol looked at Klaus like he was crazy. Their family was harmed. Why would the siphoner still get to keep his life?
Y/n and Klaus exchanged look’s before Y/n turned back to their family. Klaus started rubbing over her stomach giving his siblings a teasing look while Y/n said. “I’m pregnant.”
“He used some spells and was able to create a magical miracle.” Klaus explained further, smiling widely at his siblings. Still reeling from the news.
“It’s 100% us. I don’t know how he did it. But he did.” Y/n tells them in their state of shock laughing at how things turned out so good.
Elijah, Rebekah, and Kol all got up worried for Y/n since this wasn’t something that's ever happened before. But they were also all excited to bring a little Mikaelson into the world, and they were happy for the couple. They all knew how much Y/n had wanted to have kids when they were human. Hell most of them did. But that choice was taken from all thanks to their parents. They would protect this child with their lives.
@padawancat97 @gruffle1 @starkleila
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chronic-escapixt · 1 year ago
UPDATES ~ 2025 ~
content warnings/tags ~ Dark fiction, CNC, dubcon, non-con, yandere, murder, abuse, trauma, stalking, dacraphilia, smut, rough sex, degradation, spanking, age gap, size kink, unhealthy dom/sub relationship, punishment, bondage, knife kink, blood, choking, kidnapping, breeding, unprotected sex, overstimulation (specific warnings will be listed on each post) Minors DNI
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summary - His anger only festers over the decades, all plans of revenge seemingly hopeless until she arrives. Rose Bennett made a choice to save her sister, ending up in the 1994 prison world where she’s unknowingly at the mercy of Malachai Parker. He woos her with his charm, determined to use her power for his freedom and her body for his darker desires...
I don't claim ownership of The Vampire Diaries or its characters. All credits go to the rightful owner(s). I only own my original character(s). I suggest you read the details post because it includes the background of our main characters and important lore specific to the fic.
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Table of contents:
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
status: WIP/under construction
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Dark Kai Parker x POC reader imagines & drabbles, and one-shots:
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Mine Forever . Bonus part - heretic!Kai x vampire!reader - Kai forces an unwilling reader to turn so he'll never have to lose her
A Deal with the Devil . Part 2 - witch!Kai x Bennett!reader - dubcon, cnc kidnapping
Human Sacrifice . Part 2 - prisonworld!Kai x reader - NONCON, kidnapping, etc.
Crush . Part 2 - 1994!Kai x witch!reader
Longing - post-merge!Kai x reader - Kai's POV, yandere, stalking, drugging
Sweet like Candy - witch!Kai x innocent!reader - foodplay
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Taglist (comment or reblog if you want to be included in the taglist & notified of future smut posts)
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hoteldreamss · 1 year ago
imagine || kai parker
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Твоё дыхание сбивается. Каждый коридор этого дома похож на предыдущий. Было плохой идеей прятаться в поместье. Но в стрессовых ситуациях ты сообразовала хуже.
Твои каблуки не такие шумные, когда ты ступаешь по ковровой дорожке. Оглядываясь, ты стараешься найти место, где могла бы передохнуть, всего пару минут, обдумать все обстоятельства.
Заглянув за угол, ты видишь рыжеволосую девушку. Она была первой, кто попался тебе в 2016-ом, она объявила охоту на тебя. Ты замираешь, хотя тебе следует развернуться, убраться быстро и как можно дальше, а не ждать пока она тебя заметит.
Кто-то хватает тебя. Тянет за угол, прячет за стеной. Ты прижимаешься к чей-то массивной груди спиной. Это должно быть мужчина, кто-то выше тебя. Он закрывает тебе рот широкой ладонью, второй рукой обхватывает тебя так, что прижимает твои руки вдоль туловища.
Ты не решаешься рыпаться. В конце концов рыжеволосая не идёт сюда, а ты всё ещё не поймана, всё ещё в безопасности.
— Ни звука. — Его дыхание обжигает кожу твоего уха.
Он не отпускает тебя. Твоё тело дрожит, от страха, тревоги и паники.
Когда вы слышите, как вампирша уходит, вы можете пошевелиться, и ты это делаешь. Незнакомец отпускает тебя, давая возможность развернуться к нему.
— Кто ты?
— Кай Паркер. Тебе придётся держаться меня, если ты хочешь выжить, новенькая.
— Что это за место?
— День сурка. Один и тот же день две тысяче шестнадцатого, только попасть сюда может кто угодно.
— Как… Как мне выбраться отсюда? — твой вопрос очевидный, хоть и глупый.
— Никак. Отсюда нельзя выбраться.
Ты не хочешь и не можешь поверить парню перед тобой. Тебе нельзя здесь оставаться. Ты не должна была вообще сюда попасть.
— Что? — тебе приходиться держать себя в руках, не плакать навзрыд и не истерить из-за безысходности.
— Давай. Нам нужно идти, если ты не хочешь попасться этим чокнутым. — Кай хватает тебя за руку. — Они тут устраивают Голодные игры с новичками.
— Если отсюда нельзя выбраться, почему ты просто не убьёшь их, или запрёшь �� какой-нибудь комнате? — Ты следуешь за ним, стараясь не отставать.
— Убийства здесь не работают.
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malachai-parkers-cupcake · 2 years ago
Wellcome to my page !
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About my page:
This page is for Chris wood and all his characters!
Like, malachai parker, mon-el, Jake Riley, and Adam Weaver!
This is specifically a [ X READER] so if you don't like that you may leave.
I take requests so feel free to ask for fictions, headcannons, or Scenarios for your shifting script!
Ask for cnc
Say anything homophobic, transphobic, racist, and do not say anything mean to anybody that comments or reblogs
Don't bully anybody
Don't hate on chris wood or any of his characters
Ask for things you want to see on this page ( sfw, nsfw, yandere, platonic, any trope )
Be kind
Spreed Positivity.
Tell me what you think about my posts ( please do tell me if you don't like something or if you love something, I would love to know what you think )
Ask for as many fics/headcannons/blurbs/ Scenarios as you can come up with don't be shy with your asks
Give tips or let me know if I messed up on a fic or I didn't write it how you meant
About me
My names Arashi but please call me Ara
I love tvd
I'm a shifter
I have a tiktok page @kai_parkers_cupcake
I'll post tips on shifting and stuff
Not all of these posts are going to be mine I will reblog stuff and use gifs that are not mine. I will also do photo dumps for Chris wood or his characters
Thank you for reading and have a truly beautiful day or night 🌙 🥰
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blueberry69x · 10 months ago
Kai Parker x Fem! Reader. Smut.
Hope you enjoy!! :)
DO NOT copy my work please!
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My friends would never approve. And neither did I anymore. One time. That had been it. Enough of him I'd had.. That was a big lie. But I kept telling myself it, cause maybe if I said it often enough it'd turn out to be true.
I hadn't seen him the last two weeks. Good. Because I can't face him right now.. Hell I can't face him ever again.
Caroline chewed on her bottom lip nervously. "Have you seen Stefan yet? I invited him over today. Though I'm afraid... He may not take me up on my offer."
"Relax. He'll be here soon." I sent my friend a reasurring smile as she let out a breath. Slowly I looked around. So many people. I should've never agreed to come to a party like this one. He was bound to walk in at any second. I knew him a bit. Party crasher. Sex on legs.
No one knew. I kept it that way. He had luckily for me- Agreed to keep it quiet too. Despite him not wanting to... I wasn't one to randomly hook-up. Not my cup of tea. But I couldn't resist him...
I just could not. His adorable smile. Those white teeth. Blue eyes. His hair- Rings! Damnit. I need to get over it..
Another drink. And another. I wouldn't allow myself to get drunk. Absolutely not.
Taking a deep breath, in through my nose and out through my mouth and... Repeat.
See I'm fine! Totally fi-.
"Mr. Sociopath at ten o'clock." Care whispered to me as I gave a curd nod, my head slowly turning, I took my time, pretending to scan the crowd first before I'd look at who had come inside..
My jaw clenched, whole body tensing.
Shit. Keep it cool.
Holy shit, he had about a three day stubble. Black boots, dark blue jeans, cuffed.. Jeans... A belt, rings, two bracelets. Both black. One looked like a string. The other like black beads. He wore a simple grey t-shirt. Simple but effective none the less. Then.. A leather fucking jacket- Where had he gotten that from-.
"Bastard." I mutter through clenched teeth. His eyes search the crowd too. Until finding mine where they stay and a shit eating grin lights up his face. In no time he's taking big strides over to where Caroline and I are and-.
"Hi." God this guy is quick. I look up at him. "What do you wa-."
He puts on this adorable smile. "You're ignoring my texts. Calls. I showed up at your house... About eight- if not more- Times. Why did you leave?"
Caroline her lips part in a knowing way. I shake my head. No. No. I can't have anyone know of this. Not even her.
"Malachai-." I grit out. He gives a nod. "Hm?" His eyes not once leaving mine.
"Answer me darlin'. Why did you leave my place?" He asked. "I made-." He looks down with a frown. First time I've ever seen him look... Uncertain?
I sigh. Take his hand and pull him away into an empty storage room, Liv is my friend.... She's the owner of this place she lets me..
"Oh~ Freaky.."
"Ow! What was that for-."
"I only have a few minutes before Care will suspect something..." I turn on the lights.
He stares at me with this.. This look I can't quite put my finger on.
"Why did you leave.. My place.. Y/n?" He asks me calmly to which I start to chew on my lower lip.
A few seconds of silence pass.
"Want me to do all the talking? Fine. I will." He nods.
"I woke up.. Right- Wait.. picture this.. I.. Woke up.. No.. Picture this. I'm naked and-."
I groan. "Kai.." His lips press together for a second.
"Sorry. I woke up-," He continues. "feeling.. Happy, very happy, giddy, I guess, so I take a look around. You've gone.. I don't hear the shower running. I listen, nothing. So... I frown to myself. Did I do something?"
He runs a hand down the back of his neck. "Then. I find your note. And I get the biggest stupidest smile back on my face-.."
Hey, so.. I'll be back in a bit..
I promise!! Uhm. So I am kinda
running some errands.. You know.
I will be back, haven't even had breakfast yet! ~Y/n <3.
"I go downstairs after my shower. And after I changed my sheets. And make you pancakes. With little smiley faces in syrup. I prayed you'd be back soon so the faces don't get ruined. And I sat on my couch. Waiting. An hour passes. Okay.. Maybe you just left.. Right?"
The tip of his tongue pokes the inside of his cheek.
"Two, three, four, five... Hours-."
'Hey. You done yet?'
'Y/n.. It's been two hours.'
'Why aren't you answering my texts?'
'What's wrong?'
'Did I.. Do something?'
'Y/n I'm sorry.'
"You ignored me. All I want to know is why? I even put a blueberry or two.. Or three or four or ten on your pancakes. What did I do? You promised me you'd come back."
My throat closes up further. I feel like I can't breathe. "I haven't even fucking changed my pillow cover! Every night I lay awake and when I'm lucky I pick up on the scent of you. Still left on my pillow case. It's almost faded completely. But I refuse to change it."
My mind flashes back to that night.. His subble against the inside of my thighs while he worked his tongue on me. The faces he made. The lewd and fucking hot faces he made. The way his mouth fit perfectly on mine, on my pussy, around my nipples. On my whole body... The dirty things he whispered. The way he gazed his sharp fangs across the vein in my neck but didn't feed on me.
How his hands felt. Grasping me everywhere. How he sounded. How he looked above me. How he looked under me. How his huge cock felt in my mouth. How it felt inside me. How he had been the best sex of my entire life. How deeply in love I am with hi-.
I had been too lost in my mind.. To realize he.. The door closed. He left. My cheeks burned with embarrassment. How I must've looked like a fool not saying anything and how fucking embarrassed he must be for admitting all this. Without getting an answer.
I rush out the storage room. "Kai!" I call out. "Kai!!" As my eyes hurriedly try to look for him. Nowhere.. He-. I lost him. I fucking lost him... I didn't even explain myself.. Goddamnit...
For the first time in two whole weeks I text him. Call him. 'Please Kai let me explain.' 'I didn't mean to.' I wince.
I'm such a bitch.
● ● ● ● ●
The next few days are spent sulking by me. I text and call. But he ignores me. I even go by his home. But he ignores me.. So this is how he felt these last few weeks?
I take in a breath of fresh air when something dawns on me. I need to go there.. Now.. He can't hide from me forever.
I'm such an idiot. I should've gone back here the first day after he left.
I open the door and walk inside the Mystic Grill. There he is, drinking his feelings away, if only I had thought of this immediately. Of course he'd go back here.
He looks at me, he looks sad, so fucking sad..
I walk over to him and slip into the bar stool located closest next to his. I watch as Kai downs a shot.
"Kai please.. I am so sorry please let me explain-."
"This one is on the house." The bartender winks at him. "Just like the rest."
He smiles. "Thanks." Before getting up to his feet and walking off, I don't hesitate and immediately follow after him.
"Frankly- I am not in the mood to talk or see you right now." Kai sticks his hands into his pockets and quickens the pace of his steps.
"I know, like you did last time I will now speak. You don't have to. I just want you to listen to me." He doesn't reply.
"I woke up.. Looking around. My body felt these weird tingles. I was so sore, but in the best way possible. Then I saw you, you were still sleeping with your head in the crook of my neck. I ran my fingers through your hair and you let out a sigh against my neck, I could feel your lips curling up into a smile. Even if you were sleeping.."
I ran my hand down my jacket. Smoothing out whatever I can.
"And what I felt in that moment scared the living shit out of me. My stomach did weird flips. I got hot all.. Over. However I took a deep breath and managed to move out from under you, even from off the bed without waking you up."
I bite my lower lip nervously.
"You turned to lay on your back. The sheets all messed up. You had kicked them off your torso, I watched for a fee seconds.. Probably even minutes as your chest rose and fell with the way you were breathing. You looked so at ease. So peaceful, so gorgeous.. I wished I could join you again.. Cause waking up in your arms was the best thing ever."
He didn't show any emotion besides the way his jaw ticked slightly there was nothing unusual about him.
"I got dressed. My panties were ripped so I sneakily stole your boxers." I smile vaguely At the memory. "What I felt.. Feel for you scared me. I wrote the note. Pressed a kiss to your lips. Ran my hands through your hair just one more time and then fleed. Was I planning on coming back after writing the note? Part of me wanted to.. But I didn't. I didn't because I knew. That if I did. I would never want to leave. I would want to spend the rest of my life with you. And that's not something you would have wanted. At least that's what I told myself. So I tried to let you go.. Ever since."
I didnt realize we stopped walking and his hands were cupping my cheeks. "Y/n. Listen to me. I may.. Look it-." He smirked. "But. I am not one to just sleep with anyone I meet. I am not one to jump into bed with the first girl that offers. I hadn't slept with anyone since I'd gotten out of the prison world besides you."
"Because I was secretly waiting on you. I wouldn't have cared if we ended up not having sex that night. I would've been over the moon with just the talking and out dancing together."
"It's not about the sex for me it's about you. Why can't you see that. Why did you run away from me.. I know you felt it too. Our connection that night-.. Went beyond anything.." He tries to search my eyes, desperately.
"I'm so sorry. I got so scared. It came to me so quickly... And I felt so much, so fast. That it scared me away. I am so in love with you it scares me shitless.''
Kai's lips part slightly as he sucks in a breath. I just realize what I confessed on accident.
"Fuck." He breathes out shaking his head as he wraps his arms around me. A gesture that comes as totally unexpected. But I happily accept it. Hugging him back.
"I'm not good with feelings at all. But what I do know is that I feel.. A lot.. For you and that scares me too. But it doesn't make me want to run.. I.. I don't want to run away from you. All I know is I wanna be as close to you as possible."
I can't help the smile forming on my lips as we both slowly let go of our embrace.
"Come back home with me.. I really want you to taste my pancakes... We can pretend these past few weeks didn't happen? You just came back... From your errands.." He gives me a hopeful look and I nod.
"Let's go big boy."
● ● ● ● ●
His pancakes are the best I've ever had.... His movie choices are amazing... His cuddles are the best. He's so... Warm.. And hard.. Soft too. All in the right places.
After the movies.. He decides to take a shower while I wait for him on his bed. We planned on falling asleep together too. Taking things slow.. Wanting to discover what our feelings really mean.
"Y/n! I'm done! You can come in immediately after me so I can leave the shower running!" He calls out to me as I obey and walk into the bathroom. His mirror is all fogged up so I draw a smiley face on it and a heart.
I hear the rain of water get louder. Meaning it's all hitting the floor. Meaning he just got out of the shower. "Awh.. A heart." I hear from behind me as I take a shaky breath when he moves closer to me.
Wiping away most the condence on the mirror. I dare to look up. He's looking right at me from the mirror. "Undress then darlin'." He smirks.
Smooth fucker-.
I give a nod and take a deep breath before I undress with his eyes on me. However Kai is getting dry himself too.
The sound of the water hitting the shower floor gets fainter and fainter. My heartbeat gets louder and louder and faster.. And faster, I can hear it loud and clear. Drumming in my ears.
Once I'm fully undressed I turn around. Facing him, he's blinking quickly a few times. My eyes go up and down again and again.
He's completely naked. His towel hung up on a small rack.
I watch him standing there. Damp messed up hair, beautiful face.. His adam's apple and collarbone visible. His pecs sculpted, nipples seem slightly hard. His chest heaving with the way he's breathing. Seems to be quite quick.
Like my own.
He has abs. Slight abs. Not too much. Just perfect. His waist is slightly curvy, curved inwards towards his hips, in the most masculine way possible. His v-line. Happy trail leads down to an area with dark curls.. Not too much hair overall though- Which leads to-.
His cock is perfect. Long, thick and so hard. He's.. Hard. My mouth nearly waters at the sight.
His thighs are thick and strong. Just like his calves and even his feet are perfect. Don't get me started on his big arms- And those big, skilled hands with long fingers-.
"Kai." I mumble to which he shakes his head. "Slow." He just says. I nod in agreement even though I don't agree. The dampness between my legs says enough. Just like the way my legs wobble as I make my way over and into his shower.
I don't even think I'm in complete control of myself when the shower turns off and I walk back out without getting myself too wet.
I step back on the towel he has on his bathroom floor. I'm met with a Kai who looks at me confused. He opens his mouth to speak but before he gets the chance to. I push him back against the counter, lean up to him and kiss him.
Passion, lust, desperate, wanting.. Love.
Are the words I'd use to describe this kiss. My hands are placed on his chest. His hands are.. Everywhere. From the crook of my neck to my ass. Squeezing.
Kai pulls back panting. "You.. Said.. Take it.. Slow." He manages, to which I shrug. "Changed my mind." I smirk and grab his hair pulling it back slightly to which he moans in response.
God how much I missed that sound.
I kiss his neck. Sucking on a few spots I know he enjoys...
He then suddenly puts me down on the counter and stands in between my spread open legs.
In no time he has two of those deliciously long fingers pumping in and out of me. "Holy fuck you're so wet." He groans out and moves them even faster. His other hand toys with my breasts.. Twisting my nipples, squeezing my boobs.
My hand is around his throbbing cock in no time. I stoke him teasingly slow. Taking my time.. Until..
A low growl comes from his throat as he pulls me back up to my feet. Turns me around so that I'm facing the mirror, spreads my legs apart and.. He's inside of me.
The stretch is as painfully beautiful as I remember. It makes me let out a silent scream against my hand.
My hair is fisted in his hand. With each hard thrust it's yanked back. Though his other hand grasps at my chin and makes me look at myself in the mirror. The combination of both these things.. Feels amazing.. Like my hair is getting ripped out my scalp. Yet it isn't.
"Look at you. Getting fucked. Aren't you pretty Princess?" He asks me. I try to answer. But I can't hypnotized by the way he looks and sounds.
Groans, grunts, growls, moans and evem the tiniest of whimpers leave his lips when he pounds into me from behind. His eyes hooded. Though keeping eyecontact with me. His lips beautifuly parted. His sex face is something else.
It makes my pussy clench.. Literally. I clench hard around his dick to which he whines. "Shit. You're gonna make me come." He warns.
I nod. My hands behind my back and on his thighs. Nails digging into them when feeling his cock twitch in release. My walls are coated with his hot cum as he squeezes my throat and gives a few hard and very controlled thrusts. Shooting me over the edge. My insides pulsate and spasm as I have one of the best orgasms of my entire life.
In Kai's arms. Cause he's calmed down and has his arms wrapped around me gently now, I shake and slowly land back on planet earth.
Not even knowing what planet I was on a few seconds ago when having my mind shattering orgasm.
Before I can get comfortable cockwarming him he's pulled out of me and I grip the edge of the counter, afraid I may fall. "Shh baby, I'm right here." I smile lazily and nod. Two strong arms pick me up and put me down somewhere nice and warm. Somewhere I wanna be for the rest of my life.
Kai keeps holding me. I realize I'm laying on top of him and under the warm sheets.
I listen to the calm rhythm of his heart.. And fall asleep to it. Not before whispering an 'I love you.' To him and Kai being Kai.. Whispers an 'I love you... Even more." Right back...
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so-long-soldier-writes · 2 years ago
He’s Like A Puppy
kai parker x reader
summary: an argument starts up when damon and bonnie return to the boarding house to find you and kai spending time together. it goes south when you start to defend kai against your friends' remarks.
≪ originally publishes on ao3: 2/24/23 ≫
tags: discussion of murder, cupcakes, small biblical references, fluff
word count: 967
“Don’t you see that he’s dangerous? You’re insane to think otherwise,” Bonnie scolds you, pointing at Kai in the corner.
Kai, who, at this very moment, is sitting on a stool with a cupcake, a bit of the frosting on his nose.
“Very dangerous,” you comment, holding back a chuckle. 
She rolls her eyes, “you didn’t see him in the prison world. You don’t know what he’s done.”
“Killed some people? Doesn’t everyone do that around here?”
“So you think it’s okay?”
“I mean, no, it’s not okay, but if we’re gonna declare Kai evil because he killed a couple folks, then everyone else here is, too. I mean, hell. Stefan’s been a ripper, Damon’s… Damon, Elena’s famous for turning off her humanity, Caroline’s temperamental.”
“Y/N, he massacred his family, there’s a difference.”
“Is there? Killing your family, or killing strangers who had lives and families that you know nothing about? And for all we know, maybe it was a Menedez’ brothers situation.”
“Okay, yes, I see your point about the strangers. But are you implying it’s okay to kill your family if they hurt you a teensy bit?”
“May I just say it was more than a teensy bit?” Kai interrupts.
“Shut up-”
“You shut up, Damon, I’m trying to hear all sides of this story.”
“Y/N, you’re talking crazy right now! He’s a liar. A manipulative, sociopathic liar. Besides, his name’s Malachai, for heaven’s sake! He said it himself, ‘it’s like his parents expected him to be evil��.”
You chuckle.
“What’s so funny about that?” Damon’s eyes narrow. 
“You do know that ‘Malachai’ literally means ‘angel’, right? In fact, it’s a Biblical name. Malachai was a prophet of… y’know that actually doesn’t matter. Regardless, you can’t tell that someone’s evil based on their name. Unless that name is literally, like, Lilith. Or Lucifer.”
“Whatever. You can’t trust someone based on their name, either,” she counters.
“Didn’t say I trust him off his name. Just said we should treat him as we do everyone else in this massive fucking house that’s killed a bunch of people. And how do we treat them? Oh yeah - with understanding, and reason.”
“He stabbed me in the gut, Y/N.”
“So has Damon.”
“Yeah, but I have the right to kill her because we’re friends.”
“Do you even hear yourself when you speak, or is it white noise in your head while a little mouse plays scrabble with sentences?”
“Uncalled for.”
“Was it?”
They’re left at a standstill. No one is sure what to say next. 
“Okay,” you carefully start, “whether or not you trust Kai, he’s here. And, for reasons I don’t know but I also don’t care, he’s been staying here, at the boarding house. Now, since I’m your out-of-town friend, I am also staying here, at the boarding house. So what’s wrong with us hanging out since we’re quite often, literally the only two people here?”
They, again, see the point in your statement, but continue to bicker about it anyway.
“He could hurt you.”
“Could, yeah. But we were chilling for two hours before you guys came back. Nothing happened.”
“Except he’s eating the cupcakes that Elena specifically made for the party tonight.”
“Maybe you shoulda labeled them ‘no touching’ or something.”
“Are you defending him over this now?”
“Well now I’m just pointing out the obvious.”
“I just… Elena’s going to be pissed when she finds her cupcakes gone.”
“Only one’s gone, she’ll barely notice.”
“I’ll tell her he stole it.”
“Yeah, what’s she gonna do? Make him throw it back up?”
“One, gross. Two… maybe I’ll just let her finally kill him. That would solve a lot of our problems.”
You can’t help but smirk, “and we’ve come full circle. House of killers.”
Damon’s eyes widen as he realizes, “wait. No, wait. But it’s, ack, you suck. Fine. She won’t kill him. Just get him out of the kitchen.”
You shrug and make your way over to Kai, who’s now licking icing off his fingers. “Wanna go watch a movie?”
“Sure.” The answer is hesitant, but his excitement is given away with a sparkle in his eyes. 
“What? This was the original problem, Damon! They can’t be alone together! What if he snaps again?”
“Bonnie,” you take a deep breath, “he’s not going to hurt me.”
“How do you know that?”
“Look at him - he’s like a puppy. Just needs a friend and he’ll be okay. I’ll be fine. We’re gonna go get out of your hair, get out of your cupcakes, and watch a movie.” You state, taking his hand. 
“Call if you need anything,” Bonnie just rolls her eyes.
“Might need a grocery store run, but I won’t need help.”
Halfway up the stairs, Kai looks behind him to face you, “why’d you call me a puppy?”
“Because you are one. Y’know, I mean what I said. I trust you, and you’re safe with me. You just need some company, Kai. It couldn’t have been easy being isolated for eighteen years.”
“So… you’re gonna be my company?”
“Is that okay?”
He smiles, his dimples showing on the sides of his face, “mhm.”
“Good. But two things… one, if you’re ever feeling angry or uneasy, come to me first, okay? I don’t want them to hurt you, so give me a chance to help you through it.”
“And two, let’s not eat any more of Elena’s cupcakes. I know, pissing her off is fun sometimes, and they’re really good cupcakes. But we can make our own so Damon doesn’t kill us.”
“Fine, I won’t eat hers.”
“Sounds good. Thank you, Kai.”
“Thank you, actually. Um, for defending me earlier, and being a friend.”
“Of course. Now, let’s go watch a movie. I have Oreos in my room.”
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imaginefan · 1 year ago
Never To Plan *Part 2*
Niklaus Mikaelson!Father X Son!Reader Malachai Parker X Male!Friend!Reader (platonic)
Word Count: 1620
Requested: @emaz-0225
Request: Hello I hope your doing well can you do a part two to Never to Plan where Katherine comes to New Orleans and finds Hayley and Elijah and tells them that her and Klaus son has turned off his emotions and they need to help him so they go to Klaus and they work with Freya and Vincent and Kol and Finn to get Dahila out of Y/N life and to get his Emotions back on but they get rid of Dahila but it doesn't work and then Stefan comes to town and tells them that Damon is with Elena but then Kai comes to town and helps fix Y/N and they go to England 🇬🇧 for a while
*Part 1*
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Katherine had caught the tail end of your interaction with Damon and Elena, she’d seen the look in your eye and while she had every intention of making them pay for what they had done to you, saving you was first priority. The only way that she could do that was to get the help of your father and his family, they were the only ones strong enough to get rid of Dahlia and free you from her control. Katherine made a quick decision and headed to New Orleans, she found Elijah first, he seemed like the one most likely to give her the time to explain everything.
“Katerina what are you doing in New Orleans, you know if Niklaus finds you here he will not hesitate to kill you.” Elijah reminded her. “Yes I’m aware but I thought you would want to know that (Y/N) is in trouble.” Kathrine answered. “A woman seems to be controlling his every move, after finding out about Damon and Elena he turned off his emotions, he’s in a bad place with a bad person we all know how dangerous that can be.” “Who was he with?” Elijah asked. “No one that I know, an older lady with dark hair, she was a witch.” Katherine listed. “Dahlia.” Elijah muttered “we knew that she had backed off but we should have known that it had something to do with (Y/N)’s disappearance.” Elijah said as he looked at Hayley. “The reason that she’s stopped going after Hope is because he took her place instead.” “We’re just supposed to trust her, what if it’s a trap?” Hayley asked. “Even if it were a trap, Dahlia wouldn’t know to use Katherine unless she had been in contact with (Y/N) in some way, so we have to assume that part if not the whole story is true and there is one person that can confirm part of it for us.” Elijah explained. “Though we will need Klaus for that.”
After explaining everything to Klaus, Elijah convinced him to call Caroline “Caroline, love I need to ask you something.” Klaus said. “What do you want Klaus?” She asked. “Elena and Damon are they together now?” Klaus asked. “What does it matter to you?” Caroline asked. “Answer the question love, lives are on the line.” Klaus prompted her as his free hand curled into a fist. “Yes they’ve been together for a little while.” Caroline answered. “He didn’t even bother to break up with my son. I take it?” Klaus asked. “I don’t know.” Caroline seemed to be thinking about something “but I’m sure that he was here in town a few days ago, so surely he knows by now.” “He does… And he’s probably become one of the most dangerous beings because of that information, thank you love, we’ll take it from here.” Klaus said before hanging up the phone. “She’s telling the truth, lucky for you we were devising a plan to get rid of Dahlia long before you showed up here, getting my son back is now the main priority.”
You honestly hadn’t expected that your family would be able to get rid of Dahlia but with the help of you grandmother they managed, however being back with your family didn’t make you feel any better, you didn’t feel any closer to wanting to turn on your emotions, even with all of them around you. Your mind travelled back to Elena and Damon and how you have given up everything to be with him and he so easily chose someone else. You should have known that it was going to happen but it still hurt.
Klaus had noticed that you weren’t changing, not that you were hurting any of them, you were careful with your little sister and stayed clear of the rest of the family barely interacting with any of them. He was sure that if he put you back in Mystic Falls the blood lust would spark, considering you seemed to travel out of New Orleans almost every night to hunt down someone to claim as a meal, Klaus was running out of ideas to help you and he voiced that to his siblings. “Well there’s one other person that might be able to help but I don’t know how we would find him.” Katherine said. “What?” Klaus asked. “Malachai Parker, he was friends with him before his family sealed him away, in fact that was what (Y/N) had originally gone to Mystic Falls to look into.” Katherine answered. “And?” Klaus asked. “Well as far as I know he’s still imprisoned somewhere but I don’t know where.” Katherine answered. “I guess you could start with the Parker Coven, they were the ones that sealed him, if I remember right there was a doctor in Mystic Falls that might know something her name’s Jo.” “That’s as good a start as any, shall we go brother?” Elijah asked “I’m sure our dear sister can hold the fort for you while we’re gone.” “As long as she does invite in every pretty face the propositions her.” Klaus smirked. “Now now, brother, no need to be cruel.” Rebekah crossed her arms over her chest “I’ll keep the place safe while you are gone.”
When Klaus and Elijah arrived in Mystic Falls it was evening, the town seemed somehow quiet and excited all at the same time, it wasn’t hard for them to follow the smell of blood to the venue of a wedding, when they walked in Klaus was quick to stop Damon from beheading the man in the middle of the carnage, covered in blood. “Damon, how nice to see you.” Klaus smirked as he pushed him away from Kai. “What are you doing?” Damon asked. “We’ll be taking him.” Klaus said. “What do you want with him?” Damon asked. “He’s going to help fix someone that you broke.” Klaus answered as he turned to see Elijah snapping Kai’s neck and lifting him over his shoulder. “Time to go brother.” Elijah announced.
They were driving back when Kai woke “who the hell are you?” Kai asked. “We are the original vampire family.” Klaus answered. “So you know (Y/N)?” Kai asked “he mentioned something about being a part of that family.” “Yes, in fact (Y/N) is the one that needs your help, he’s gotten into some trouble and you are the only person left that has any chance of helping him.” Elijah explained. “(Y/N) fell in love with Damon and as you can see he moved on quickly.” “So quickly that he didn’t even end it.” Klaus muttered. “Well then the sleeping curse was well deserved.” Kai muttered. “So what happened with (Y/N)?” “He turned off his emotions, at the time he had just sacrificed his freedom to save his little sister so he thought that there was nothing else left, since he had failed to find you as well.” Elijah explained. “Ever the selfless creature, he slaughtered half of what was left of my coven after they sealed me, apparently threatening to take something that my sister actually needed to live.” Kai smirked as he leaned back in his seat. “Best friend I’ve ever had, I’ll bring him back the same way that he had for me so many times before.”
When they finally got back it was one of the rare occasions where you were out of your room, wandering around in the quiet halls, your eyes fell on Kai first filtering out everything else. “Mal?” You asked. “You know I still hate that name Fangs.” He muttered. “I still hate that one.” You argued. “From what I hear there is not a lot that you don’t hate these days.” He smirked as he stepped forward. “How did you get out?” You asked. “Stabbed a witch, performed a ceremony.” He answered with a shrug. “I tried to get you out.” You almost seemed like you were panicking now, good you were starting to feel something. “I know you did, my father told me about the massacre after I was sealed and how you tried to find a way to get me out, he spent more time hiding from you than anyone else.” Kai explained and you nodded. “Well it’s okay because we’re both here now and I’d really like my partner in crime back especially since they’re all going to be after me for linking Bonnie and Elena’s lives together.” He answered with a smirk. “What did you do?” You asked. “Elena will sleep for as long as Bonnie’s alive.” Kai answered. “I also promised to find a way to never leave you alone, you remember that?” You nodded “well now I’m just like you, well apart from the wolfy part.” “You're a vampire?” You asked. “Kind of, you know I was a siphoner before?” He asked, you nodded. “That means that I feed off the magic you get from being a vampire, so I can use magic like any other witch and I have the benefits of a vampire.” Before anyone could do anything you hand your arms wrapped around Kai as you pull him into a tight hug. “I can always count on you.” You said softly. “Now more than ever.” He promised. “I missed you.” You whispered softly. “I think I missed you too.” He confessed as the rest of your family breathed a sigh of relief, you were finally back to normal.
The next day you decided that you needed a break from everything that was going on, you and Kai hopped on the first flight to England, where you had been staying before with a promise to come and see your family again soon.
Requests and general question!
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justathoughtfulangel · 2 years ago
Consequences ~ Kai Parker One Shot
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*not my gif
Pairing: heretic!Kai x vampire!reader
Word Count: 2,688
Requested?: No
Warnings: SMUT (18+ only), BDSM themes, Daddy kink, Dom!Kai, sensory deprivation, fingering, thigh riding, orgasm denial, spanking, blood sharing, unprotected sex (be safe!), oral sex (fem. receiving), and aftercare
This IS a reader insert fic; I just don’t like writing with Y/N in the place of names. Use Rosalie/Rose as a placeholder for Y/N and Wilson for L/N.
Description: Someone tried to play with Kai's girl, and he didn't like that very much. Now, she had to surrender to his every whim until he was satisfied... until he convinced her she belonged to only him.
Ice clinked around in the glass as Kai swirled his gin and soda. He was leaning against the bar, steadily downing his drink. Rosalie was just a few feet away, hidden in the dancing crowd but still in his line of sight. He couldn’t help but smile as he watched her prance around with Caroline and Elena, carefree with her closest friends. Rose glanced over to him every now and then, waving enticingly with a little wiggle of her fingers.
Malachai was dressed well, attracting attention with his classic rings and a smooth black jacket. Rosalie, too, looked so very sexy in her skintight black miniskirt and golden top. Unfortunately, Kai wasn’t the only one who thought so. With his attention occupied by the lovely little minx, Kai failed to notice someone approaching his girl.
Rosalie was perfectly capable of fending off unwanted attention, but Malachai made his way over to her anyhow. Impolitely shoving through the masses of people, Kai made it to her side, wrapping his arm around Rose’s waist and pulling her into his side possessively.
“Yes, so, as you can see, I have a boyfriend.” Rosalie tried to speak kindly, but really, she had no patience for creepy assholes who forced themselves onto women. Kai only had to glare at him wordlessly to send him packing.
“We’re leaving.” With his tone on edge, Rosalie knew it was best not to argue with him. Saying goodbye to her friends, she left the club with Kai, saying nothing and hoping he wasn’t too upset.
Malachai was possessive; he knew it, too. When he’d had much of what he wanted or needed in his life taken from him, he’d begun latching on to things he couldn’t bear to lose. Rosalie was the only one who he cared about. She was his family and his lover… his everything.
Sensing his distress, Rosalie’s hand reached for his, their fingers twining together as they walked to the apartment they shared. He squeezed her hand with much more force than normal, and if she were human, some of her bones may have cracked under the pressure.
It was late into the night, and no one was around. Unable to be patient any longer, Malachai hoisted her up over his shoulder – proud of the little gasp he elicited from her – and ran all the way to their home. He unlocked the door with magic and didn’t waste even one second before throwing her down on their bed.
With a snap of his fingers, all her clothes were gone. He towered above her, one of his hands enclosing around her neck and holding her down: at his mercy. It didn’t cause her any pain; it just showed her who she belonged to.
Rosalie was a strong, independent woman. Malachai knew that, too, and he respected her for it. This, however, was a side of her that only Kai was able to see. Here, she was his little plaything, and she loved every single thing he subjected her to… even the consequences of his depraved, dirty thoughts.
“You see this right here, princess? This is the difference between me and you. You’re a tiny little kitten, naked and trembling below me.” His free hand began trailing down her bare torso, two fingers pinching her left nipple cruelly. “I can do whatever I want to you, and you’ll just take it. Why is that?”
It was a rhetorical question, one that they both knew the answer to. Nevertheless, she answered him anyhow. “Because I’m your good little girl, Daddy.” Kai hummed in approval, loving how powerful she made him feel. “Is that right? Are you a good little girl for Daddy?” He slapped her right breast harshly, her squeal of surprise exciting him beyond measure.
“Aah! Yes, Daddy…” Pleased with her response, Malachai leaned down and kissed her deeply. It consumed her severely. “Daddy wants to try something a little new tonight, darling. Do you trust me?”
Kai’s hands continued to explore her body. Before she had a chance to answer, the index finger of his right hand began teasing her clit, sending her mind into a frenzy. “Y-yes Daddy… I trust you.”
He pressed a tender kiss to her cheek. “Tell Daddy what your safe word system is before we start.” His finger picked up the pace, making it difficult for her to speak. “Yellow means ‘I need you to slow down’. Red means ‘I need a break’. Black means ‘Stop everything at once’.”
Kai looked into her eyes, already loving the burning pleasure in them. “Good girl.” Kai’s lips trailed from her collarbone to her neck, nipping at the soft flesh. As his teeth drew the tiniest bit of blood, two of his digits thrust inside her. He positively growled when he felt how ready she was tonight; this would make things a lot more fun for them both.
Licking up the offensive drop of blood, Kai hovered above her. His fingers unzipped the black leather jacket from his body while the two inside her didn’t stop their assault. He wanted to see her get right to the edge of her ecstasy, anticipating that wild drop into rapture; only he had the power to take her there.
He discarded his jacket, tossing it on the ground. Rosalie was mewling and whimpering beneath him, and he smirked. It was so, so easy to get her in the palm of his hand.
“Are you close, baby girl?” Kai knew the answer to that before she spoke, but he enjoyed playing with her. It told her again and again that she was his. She could only nod, overcome by the torturous machinations of his fingers.
Grinning in triumph, Kai took his fingers out of her and slipped them into her mouth, silencing her protests. “You get to cum when Daddy tells you, princess. Not before, and not after.” Slapping her face lightly, his eyes bore into hers. “Nod if you understand.”
Rosalie sucked on his fingers, tasting her own juices, and tried to calm her racing heart. At his command, she nodded. Kai removed his hand from her lips, trailing the wet fingers down and circling them around her right nipple. As he did, he nuzzled into her neck.
“Do you have any idea how much I love you?” Rose’s body was still trembling with aftershocks from her denied orgasm, but she stroked his hair, nonetheless. “I love you just as much.”
Kai held her for a while, hoping for her body to relax almost all the way before continuing. He peppered kisses all over her face occasionally, reveling in the soft giggles. They were just as enchanting as any other sound from her. Once he felt her body sink into the mattress, Malachai used his favorite little cheat in the bedroom: his magic.
Without any toys or ornaments, Kai stole her sight. His touch returned, now multiplied. With her vision gone, Rose failed to decipher which of the six hands roaming her were connected to Kai’s body and which were purely a mirage. They were everywhere: clutching her ass, pinning her down, teasing every little bit that drove her mad with excitement.
With her orgasm just cheated away, Rosalie was right back on the edge. She couldn’t identify Kai’s real hands, but she knew exactly where his mouth was. It snaked down her sternum, painting her with wet, hot kisses. She whined in complaint, and Malachai wanted to taunt his little fucktoy.
“Let me hear how badly you want it, darling. You know much I love making you scream for me.” Despite his order, Kai silenced her. Their mouths meshed together, their lips dancing with the other’s in pure heat. He tugged his jacket off, not bothering to halt his attack on her. 
This was taking too long. Another snap and his clothes vanished along with hers. He wanted her, and he wanted her now. Stopping his little spell, Kai grabbed her hips and flipped her over. She cried out, and with one arm hooked around her waist, Kai played with her dripping sex, receiving a rush of pride as a result. 
Malachai’s fingers tangled into her hair, pushing Rosalie’s face down into the pillow. “I am the only one that can do this to you. You’re my helpless little toy, and you’re going to take each last drop of attention you get from Daddy gratefully.”
Not giving her what she wants just yet, he brought her legs closer together, sliding his hard cock into a little gap between her thighs. Rosalie’s eager juices soaked Malachai’s shaft, getting him ready to fuck her senseless.
“Ohhh, Daddy, please…” Rose was a whimpering little mess, pleading for him to just ravish her. “You want it that badly, huh?” There was nothing more Kai wanted than to make her wish come true, but he wasn’t done yet. Within a second, Rosalie found Kai under her. Her legs straddled his left thigh, her aching sex flush against his hot skin. 
“Earn it, baby girl. Ride Daddy’s thigh and get yourself right to the edge again. Do it well, and earn Daddy’s cock.” Fire coursed through her every nerve, making her mind melt into a haze of lust and attraction. His hand grasped her face, the cold metal of his rings contrasting with the heat flowing between them. “Look at me when you grind against me.” 
With her eyes locked on his, Rose started rocking her hips against the apex of Malachai’s thigh. He smirked up at her, feeling her wet his skin with her excitement. She could feel her clit rub against the hard muscles of his leg.
Taking her by surprise, Kai smacked his hand against her ass. He was rewarded with her little gasp, gripped her chin, and pulled her lips to his. With harsh, desperate desire, he spanked her again and again, nibbling on her lower lip and not letting her stop. Her skin grew hotter, and her body started trembling.
“Keep going, princess. And don’t you dare cum until I let you. Do you understand me?” Rosalie moaned loudly, nodding and doing her best to obey for as long as she could. 
Malachai wouldn’t make it easy for her, of course. Sitting up, he grasped her hips. His fingers dug into the soft flesh of her hips, and he rubbed her sex into his thigh. Her clit thumped against his pelvic bone with each rough grind. “Daddy! Please let me cum! Please, please, pleaseeeeeee! I can’t take it anymore.” 
Luckily for her, neither could he. 
Lifting her up, Malachai slammed her down on his throbbing cock. His moan mixed with her cute little scream, and his thumb assaulted her overstimulated clit. Rosalie’s eyes were screwed shut, and he did not like that even a little. “Look at your Daddy when he takes you. Open your eyes, and let me watch while I drive you insane.” 
Their eyes met once more, and a jolt of ecstasy ran up Rose’s spine. “Daddyyyy, please let me cum!” Kai thrust into Rosalie relentlessly, watching her unravel for him. “Cum.” With one word, she had all the permission she needed. Rosalie exploded with pleasure, her body thrashing atop his. “That’s it… just let go, that’s a good girl.”
She’d gotten her first orgasm, but Daddy was nowhere near done with her. Malachai turned and pinned her to the bed beneath him again, his hips not stopping. “Since you were such a good girl for me today, I have a little prize for you. You can cum as much as you want tonight, over and over and over, until you’re satisfied.” One hand closed around her neck, and his eyes bore into hers. 
“No, that’s not right, actually. You’ll keep cumming until I am satisfied.” Applying pressure to the sides of her throat, Kai stole some of her air. He was the only one who could have her like this. “You are mine. Say it.” 
“I’m yours, Daddy. I’m Daddy’s good little girl.” Rose’s voice choked out of her, and just as her first climax subsided, another began. She fell over that edge again, writhing uncontrollably.
Kai watched with triumph. “Just one good fucking, and you’re a toy for my amusement. No matter how hard you’d try to fight it, you will always end up Daddy’s well-behaved slut.” 
This went on for hours. Kai did everything he wanted with her, drawing mind-numbing orgasms out of her to his heart’s content. When the sunrise was just a few minutes away, Malachai begged her for just one more. “Please, baby. Just one more. You can do it. Just one more time for Daddy.” Rosalie was spent, never having known rapture like this before. 
She didn’t know if she had it in her, but as she felt Kai shoot his hot cum inside her, it hit her again. It nearly hurt with how it took over her body. Her teeth sank into Kai’s neck, drinking to fulfill her last desire. Malachai growled into her neck, finding the crook of her collarbone and returning the favor. As their last mutual climax quelled, both of them fed on the other. Elation, lust, and love flowed between them. 
Rosalie collapsed with exhaustion, and Malachai pulled out slowly. He looked down at the carnage he caused between her legs, going down to lick her clean. His tongue lapped against her sore sex, drinking down their essence and listening to her tired mewling. “Oh, I wore you out, didn’t I, baby girl? You did such a great job for Daddy.” 
Summoning a washcloth, Malachai wiped down her skin, ridding her of the sweat and the little bits of dried blood on her neck. Scooping her up, Kai rested her against his body. Rose’s head rested on his chest, and his comforting hand smoothed her hair.
“Thank you, Daddy… I love you.” He chuckled a little, finding it slightly amusing. “Princess, you’re thanking me? I should be thanking you. I’m so unbelievably lucky to have you. Thank you for trusting me, for giving me all of you… for letting me love you as much as I do.”
Kai held her as close as possible, pressing his lips to her forehead. “Are you okay, love? Hurt anywhere?” Given that she was a vampire, the fun sex injuries he got to inflict on her healed themselves. She may not have been physically hurt, but he knew she would be vulnerable and sensitive right now. Rose shook her head, not using her voice at first. “Daddy?” 
“Hmm?” His cheek pressed against her head, his arms squeezing his girl close. “Could we take a bath together?” Kai smiled at the simple request. He could give her anything she wanted, and she seemed to want nothing more than him. Their bathtub began filling in the other room, and Malachai didn’t let go of her just yet. “Of course, love.” 
Rose raised her head, listening to the running water behind the bathroom door. Looking up to meet his eyes, she rested her chin on his shoulder. “I love your magic.” Rosalie pressed her lips to Kai’s in a sweet, loving kiss. “I love my magic, too.” He really did. Not only because he could use it for his every whim, but also for his ability to use it to protect her. Keeping her safe and happy, making her feel cherished, what better use could there be?
Lifting her up in his arms, Malachai carried her to the bathroom. He set her into the warm water, sneaking in behind her. With her back resting against his front, Kai peppered kisses along her cheek, jaw, and neck. Nipping at her skin playfully, he laughed with her. Nothing was amusing; everything was just perfect. For someone who hadn’t known happiness for the majority of his life, this was everything he could have dreamed of and more.
Their mouths met again, their lips sliding between the other’s beautifully. This embrace was about nothing more than loving each other.
She knew him, and he knew her. He would never let go, and neither would she. They would have each other forever.
Thank you for reading! I had a lot of fun writing it, and I hope reading it was just as fun for you!
I welcome your thoughts, comments, constructive criticisms, or anything under the sun.
If you enjoyed this piece, check out more of my Kai Parker stories from my Malachai Parker Masterlist. If you’d like to be added to my taglist, please send me a message or comment on this post.
Until next time, JustAThoughtfulAngel
Master Taglist: @bluelicious, @socio-kai-path1972, @genevivetaylor, @kolsangel, @callsign-luckyshot, @felinegrate
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imaginesforfandom · 2 years ago
Nightmares and Confessions
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Kai Parker x Reader
No pronouns used
summary: After a harrowing nightmare, the reader seeks solace in the quiet of the night and finds unexpected company in Kai Parker. As they open up to each other about their fears and experiences, a deep connection forms. Amidst the darkness, an unexpected romance blossoms, promising a beautiful mess of emotions and desires in the face of supernatural chaos.
[Note: This story contains elements of supernatural themes.]
Nightmares and Confessions
You jolted awake, your heart racing as the remnants of a terrifying nightmare clung to your mind. Sweat coated your brow as you tried to calm your breathing, the images of your dream still haunting you. It had been so vivid, so real, and the fear it had instilled in you lingered like a dark cloud.
Taking a deep breath, you pushed yourself out of bed and made your way downstairs, hoping that a glass of water and a change of scenery would help banish the unsettling thoughts from your mind. The house was quiet, shrouded in the stillness of the night, and the dim moonlight filtering through the windows provided the only illumination.
As you descended the staircase, you noticed a figure on the couch, the silhouette of a person with their back to you. Your heart skipped a beat, panic momentarily replacing the remnants of your nightmare. But then, a voice that was all too familiar broke the silence.
"Couldn't sleep, huh?" Kai Parker's voice drawled as he turned to look at you, his blue eyes locking onto yours.
You sighed in relief, recognizing your fellow supernatural companion. "Kai, you scared me half to death," you admitted, a shaky smile forming on your lips.
Kai chuckled, patting the empty space on the couch beside him. "Come, sit down. Tell me about that nightmare. I'm a great listener."
You hesitated for a moment, but then you joined him on the couch. The leather felt cool against your skin, offering a stark contrast to the lingering warmth of your nightmare-induced sweat.
"It was just… a bad dream," you began, struggling to put the haunting images into words. "I was alone, and everything was falling apart. I couldn't save anyone."
Kai's expression softened as he listened, his eyes filled with empathy. "Nightmares can be a real pain," he said, his tone sincere. "But you're not alone, you know. You've got me, and I've got you."
You nodded, grateful for his comforting presence. "Thank you, Kai. It means a lot."
He smiled at you, his gaze lingering a little longer than it should have. "Anytime," he replied, his voice softer. "You know, I've had my fair share of nightmares too."
The conversation shifted, and you found yourself talking more openly with Kai than you ever had before. As the minutes turned into hours, you both shared stories, fears, and hopes. It was as if the darkness of the night had lifted, replaced by a connection you hadn't anticipated.
As the first rays of dawn began to creep through the windows, you found yourself leaning closer to Kai, your eyes locking onto his. The tension between you was palpable, and without another word, your lips met in a kiss that spoke of unspoken desires and the promise of something beautiful amidst the chaos.
In that moment, you realized that sometimes, even in the darkest of times, the most unexpected connections could blossom into something extraordinary. And as the sun rose on a new day, you couldn't help but smile at the beautiful mess that had unfolded between you and Kai Parker.
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fandomnsfw · 2 years ago
Making You Mine - Kai Parker x Reader
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Okay so this one is SUPER LONG I’m sorry I got into it! I hope its okay! Requests are open! I can do TVD/TO and Teen Wolf. Request away my lovelies.
Pairing: Kai x Reader
Prompt: You’re Enzo’s sister (not by blood) and you have a secret kink/lifestyle that only your best friend Bonnie knows about. Kai ultimately finds out.
Warning: Daddy kink, DD/LG, fluff, smut and lot of Malachai Parker which everyone loves!
“What?” You deadpanned, your face staring blankly into Enzo’s eyes.
“I said-”
“I heard what you said you bloody arsehole.” You grumbled at his cheeky response.
Enzo took you in when you were 5, you were an orphan on the street with no family and he knew how that felt so he chose to raise you in England until you were 21 then gave you the choice to turn and travel with him or to stay and have a human life. You chose to turn, because you didn’t want to leave the man who raised you to an eternity alone. He wasn’t just like a big brother…he was your big brother. Blood bound or not.
“All I’m saying is it’s obvious that you clearly like him.” Enzo supplied switching his gaze to his girlfriend who was currently sipping her coffee watching you and your brother bicker back and forth. Bonnie had become one of your closet friends and she knew pretty much everything about you, even a few things that Enzo didn’t. Such as your hidden lifestyle. Bonnie was open enough that you trusted her with your deepest secrets and desires.
“I don’t like him. More like I want him to bend me over while I scre-”
“Stop talking.” Enzo groaned as if you were causing him physical pain, chuckling along with Bonnie at the sour face he was pulling.
“He’s a psychopath so I personally don’t see the bloody appeal.” Enzo muttered after regaining his composure.
“He’s not like that anymore and you know it. Even Bonnie has forgiven him big brother.” You replied, rolling your Y/E/C eyes at his childish attitude.
“Yes but he doesn’t deserve someone as pure an-” Before he could finish his sentence Bonnie snorted making you blush because you knew exactly what she was thinking. You shot her a death glare picking up your coffee and taking a sip to avoid having to speak.
“What’s so funny?” Enzo asked obviously very confused by Bonnie’s reaction.
“You don’t wanna know babe.” Bonnie supplied making Enzo nod his eyes wide, like he was scared to know the truth. You knew if your big brother found out about your secret life he would never look at you the same.
After everyone finished their coffee, the couple dropped you off home and went out for their usual Friday Date night. Enzo was old fashioned and loved spoiling Bonnie. You thought it was so sweet how much he loved her. As you walked up to the house and saw Tyler’s car in the driveway you let out a pained sigh.  You were currently living in the Salvatore boarding house along with Stefan, Caroline, Damon and Kai. You and Tyler weren’t on the best of terms after he bit you when you first came to town. Thankfully Niklaus handed over his blood easily since he liked Caroline and you were also good friends with Elijah who you met a few years after you turned. You stopped as soon as you saw Tyler, Stefan and Kai in the living room. Looking over at all of them, each holding a glass of bourbon. You rolled your eyes and hung up your coat and scarf up.
“Hey Y/N how was your coffee date with Bonnie?” Stefan asked sweetly making me smile. Stefan was always so sweet and kind to you, his gentleness is probably what made Caroline fall for him so easily.
“It’s was good but Enzo tagged along so girl conversation was kept to a minimum.” You pouted over at him before walking over to the kitchen and making myself a cup of tea. You really were British you thought to yourself. You strolled back into the front room, taking a seat in between Tyler and Kai, bringing your feet up and tucking them under you, sipping your tea as you soon settled down.
“Jesus why do you look like you’ve grown wolf claws?” Tyler snorted sarcastically, you looked down at my fresh acrylic nails that you had done the day before. They were stiletto shaped so you nodded noticing his comparison.
“You watch way too much teen wolf Tyler.” You teased mercilessly making him blush faintly.
“I d-do not!” He stuttered making you and Stefan laugh.
“Not that I blame you I mean…Derek Hale is a bloody sex god.” You groaned, faking a shiver for emphasis. Stefan snorted and took a sip of his drink before glancing at Tyler who was sulking in the corner of the couch.
“Anyway what are you boys doing tonight?” You enquired curiously as you sipped your tea.
“Well we’re going out to the bar to have a few round of pool and some drinks.” Tyler informed, nodding in response you kneeled up on the couch and reached over Kai to get your book you were reading in the living room the night before. You smiled sweetly at Kai before a voice interrupted.
“Jesus do you have to wave that thing at me. I may dislike you but I’m still a guy.” Tyler groaned rubbing a hand over his face. You looked over your shoulder to see him trying not to look at your ass, you were still hovering over Kai’s lap when you rolled your eyes at him. You sat back down ignoring Tyler’s previous statement.
“Caroline won’t be back tonight she’s staying with the kids because Alaric has a conference in New York. I’ll be joining her tomorrow since Alaric is gonna be gone a few days.” Stefan smiled softly adding that he’d leave you the key to the cellar. You nodded before making your way upstairs with you cup and book in hand. You reached the top of the stairs and almost tripping over a pair of combat boots.
“GOD DAMN IT MALACHAI!” You screamed before hearing all of them burst out laughing.
“Oops.” Kai chuckled softly before you made your way to your bedroom slamming the door angrily. You and Kai share this side of the house, his room is directly across from yours and he’s always leaving his shit everywhere. Stefan and Caroline have the attic area and Damon has the other side of the house.
After the boys left you checked they were completely gone and decided to have some you time. You searched through your wardrobe and grabbed the locked chest that was in the back of the giant wooden closet. Grabbing a pink crop top that had Princess written on it, your high waist Calvin Klein undies and some white and pastel pink stripy thigh high socks. You grinned deciding to also grab your stuffed white teddy and spare laptop that you used in secret. Making your way to the bed after changing into the outfit, you laid down on your stomach turning on the laptop and opening tumblr.
You had been a little since it pretty much became a thing. You didn’t do the whole diapers and bottle thing but you liked feeling small and well…little. You turned on your Lana Del Rey CD and scrolled through tumblr, re-blog some things your friends posted.  Your profile on this laptop was purely for your daddy kink and little space so your entire blog was covered in pastel colors, cute frilly stuff and then the filthy gifs just to top it off. You turned up the music and kicked your legs aimlessly.
You rarely got to do this anymore because you lived in a house full of people, only one person had ever seen you like this and that was Bonnie. It wasn’t on purpose you just accidently slipped into little space around her one day. You guessed it was because of how comfortable you were with her. She was shocked at first but she went along with it because she’s understanding and cares. She even braid your hair. You loved that you had someone who knew about this, it made you happy that someone was so understanding.
You giggled as a message from one of your little friends popped up in the corner, you had known Lilly for years, she was a vampire and also had a vampire Daddy, you envied her for being able to find someone who understood everything and cared for her. You opened it to see a few pictures from over the past few days. A few of the pictures were of her and her Daddy (Alexander). Giggling as you scanned through the pictures of them at the zoo and making food together in the kitchen. Lilly was clearly in little space at the time the picture were taken. You sighed sadly, rolling onto your back staring at the ceiling intensely. You hadn’t had a Daddy in at least 10 years. Your last one was human and he didn’t know you were a vampire which is why it didn’t work out. Trust and honesty is needed in any kind of relationship especially these types.
You got up and decided to get some candy to cheer yourself up. Skipping downstairs with a grin on your face, the teddy still hanging in your grasp, you bent down and opened the cupboard you knew Kai hid his candy in. You picked up a lollypop and went to grab a chocolate bar but heard the sudden sound of a pair of keys hitting the floor. Jumping to a stiff position you spun round quickly hiding the candy behind your back. It was a literal version of a kids hands being caught in the god damn cookie jar. Kai stood there with wide eyes looking you up and down, you blushed looking at your feet trying to avoid his gaze.
“Hi…” You covered my mouth as soon as you realised you still had your little space head on. Your voice slightly more high pitched and full of innocence, blushing even brighter as you looked up seeing Kai’s eyes widen further if that was even possible.
“Hey Kai did you grab that th-” You heard Tyler making his way to the kitchen, your eyes widened in fear as his foot step got closer.
“Don’t come in here.” Kai interrupted him quickly, his eyes never leaving mine.
“Huh? Oh whatever come on lets go.” Tyler said stopping in the hall way right outside the kitchen.
“I can’t go I just realised I have to talk to Y/N about some stuff. I’ll speak to you tomorrow tell Stefan I said sorry.” Kai’s eyes narrowed as he looked you up and down once again.
Tyler sighed and slammed the front door on his way out. You were about to sneak up stairs and lock your door so you could text Bonnie and tell her possibly one of the most embarrassing stories of your life but when you tried Kai raised one brow at you like he was daring you to move from that spot. In that moment he looked like a Daddy who had caught his little sneaking candy when he said no. You made involuntary squeak that made his lips twitch slightly like he wanted to smile.
“Anything you’d liked to share?” He asked his voice slightly more stern than he usually spoke before you could stop yourself, you blurted out the truth.
“I’m a little.” Your eyes grew in size as you soon registered what came out of your mouth. The silence was deafening, the blush painting your cheeks increasing tenfold as you moved your candy filled hand to the front of my awkwardly.
“You have a Daddy?” Your eyes shot up looking at him in surprise that he knew what little was. His voice seemed tense like he wanted to yelled but couldn’t. You shook your head and began speaking.
“I’m unowned and haven’t been collared in about 10 years.” Your voice was quiet but you knew he could hear you. His eyes grew dark a smirk slowly making its way to his lips. He made his way over to you stopping as he backed you into the corner of the kitchen sides. He looked into your eyes, his blue ones softening considerably.
“In that case I might just have to make you mine. Would you like that princess?” He whispered a real smile appearing on his face. Your eyes widened as you stared at him like he had grown another head. You’ve wanted a Daddy for so long but to have the man you have been lusting after all this time to offer you everything you want was like a dream that you never wanted to wake up from.
“R-Really?” You question curiously in a soft innocent tone.
“Mhmm. We should have a trial period to see if it’s really what you want. Okay baby girl?” Kai responded his voice soothing and gentle. You nod your head eagerly a bright smile forming on your gloss covered lips. You looked up at him shyly through your thick lashes, he grinned back causing your heart to flutter slightly.
“God if I’d have known you were a little I might have made my move sooner.” Kai groaned his hands making their way to your waist picking you up and putting you on the counter top.
“D-Daddy?��� You said unsurely, since it was your first time calling him that. His eyes darkened slightly before his smile brightened.
“Yes princess?” He responded happily.
“C-Can I kiss you?” Your blush had yet to leave you face and wouldn’t be anytime soon as the thought of finally being able to kiss this gorgeous man in front of you swamped your mind. Instead of answering and cupped your cheeks gently before bringing his lips down to yours and kissing you softly. You felt so much emotion swirl in your stomach, his lips were surprisingly soft. They moved slowly prying your own lips open, his tongue cautiously slipped past your teeth wanting to explore all of you. His tongue investigated your mouth with so much tenderness you teared up slightly. He pulled back and stared at me in shocked wiping my eyes carefully.
“What’s the matter baby?”
“I’m s-sorry, it’s just I’ve been waiting for the right Daddy to come along and the fact that I’ve had a crush on you for a while and now this is happening…I’m just really happy.” You sniffed, smiling up at him happily. He kissed your cheek with a smile before picking you up and wrapping your legs around him. You giggled as he sped upstairs to his room, he placed you on the bed carefully before turning on his smart TV he had on his wall. He put on Netflix and sat on the bed with you, pulling you into his chest like you’d done it a million times before.
Sitting here with him felt so natural. You snuggled into him as he put on ‘Beauty and the beast’ you squealed as your favourite movie came on making Kai chuckle at you. Half way through the movie you got a message through Instagram. You opened it to see a picture of Alex and Lilly sat in what you presumed was their bed, Lilly was holding a teddy with one arm and the other was clutching Alex’s top. You read the message below.
‘When are you gonna come and see us? – A&L’
You sighed sadly, suddenly your phone was yanked out of your hand you tried to grab it but he moved it out of your reach. Suddenly the front camera had loaded up. Daddy pulled you into him, his lips pressing to the top of your head as you heard the camera sound go off, you looked at him confused as he sent it to Lilly and Alex with a message saying ‘Soon – L/F/N & K’
“You don’t have to envy your friends anymore princess. If you want selfies with Daddy or you want a new dress. All you have to do is ask.” He stated confidently, you stared at him with wide eyes. Before either of us could blink you were straddling him, your lips smashed against his. You hadn’t felt happiness like this in years. You left out a soft whimper as you pushed your hips into his. You pulled back and bit your bottom lip, both my hands resting on his chest.
“Jesus…You look so innocent right now.” He flipped you both over, his hands pinning your arms to the bed. He moved closer his lips hovering near your ear.
“It makes Daddy wanna ruin you.” He moved back slightly, looking down at you with lust filled eyes. He slowly kissed down your neck, his hands sliding up your crop top exposing naked breasts. You heard him groaned as he looked down at your body. You let out a needy whine as his lips enclosed around your nipple, his right hand stroking up and down your body soothingly, his other gently massaging your left breast as his mouth tend to the right. He continued kissing down your stomach making you arch into his touches, biting your lip to keep from whining again. As he reached the top of your high waist Calvin’s you gripped his shoulders your manicured stiletto nails digging into his flesh. He groaned and sucked a hickey into your ribs which you both knew would be gone before you finished but he didn’t care.
“Those little claws are going to be the death of me kitten.” He groaned as he tore off your undies you were about to snap at him for breaking your favourite pair of undies but when his lips were hovering over your dripping pussy you lost all words.
“I’ll buy you some of the same ones in pink whatever you want baby.” He spoke as if he knew you weren’t happy about the undies.
“P-Please Daddy…” You cried out as he kissed everywhere but the source of your problem.
“What do you want princess?” His hands rubbed circles into your hips making you buck into his touches.
“Touch m-me…Please D-Daddy…” You tried to clench your thighs together for some kinda of frictions but Kai pushed them down spreading them further as he did. Instead of replying he finally moved his lips to your soaking pussy, he licked softly at your clit causing you to lurch forward at the sudden immense amount of pleasure. Your hands thread through his hair tugging on it slightly. He didn’t give you any warning before entering you with two fingers, making you arch up in surprise, a moan making its way past your lips. Kai’s lips pulled away from your clit his husky voice only making your arousal worse.
“God your moans are filthy. Daddy’s so hard baby girl.” You tugged at his hair making his hiss, he sat up easing your hands off his hair and pulled his shirt off. You looked his toned body up and down admiring the view as he pulled his pants and boxers off. You stared at his member which was a lot bigger than you had imagined, it was thick and it made you keen at the thought of it being inside you.
“Like what you see princess?” Kai asked smugness radiating off him but you didn’t care. You nodded biting your index finger watching him as he got between your legs his fingers soon re-entering you. Sighing in appreciation as you pushed yourself as far as you could onto his finger. He moved his hand slightly, the heel of his palm against your clit, his ring and index finger got into a certain position. You knew as soon as his finger started moving up and down what he was doing. You screamed as his finger pushed into your g-spot firmly, you’d only been with one other guy who knew how to find and hit your g-spot. Most men don’t know where it is. Your screams were getting louder as his up and down motions got faster, he placed his hand on your pubic bone to hold you down.
He grinned down at you clearly loving the reactions he was getting, you instantly felt your insides clench as he made you cum for the first time, you saw white as you fell off the edge into bliss. Your body was having little spasms as you came down from your high but apparently Kai wasn’t done because as you started to see slightly better he started doing it again. You looked up at him with wide eyes.
“D-Daddy stop…” You sobbed your back arched slightly, another orgasm building up.
“Cum for me princess.” He demanded softly, his voice finally pushing you’ve over the edge once again as you felt yourself starting to squirt. It wasn’t loads but it was enough to make you flush in embarrassment. You knew what squirting was but had never experienced it so you were shocked beyond belief. You covered your face with your hands embarrassed at what had just happened. All of a sudden I felt Kai’s tongue at your entrance making your body twitch.
“God baby girl that was so hot…You taste so delicious.” He moaned as he continued lapping at the mess you had just made. You gasped at his words looking down at him in shock.
“D-Daddy I want your cock inside me…now.” You demanded you still managing to sound timid and embarrassed.
“Good because Daddy wants to see if he can do that again. With his cock this time.” Kai smirked as he moved his dick towards your entrance. As he pushed in slowly your hands grabbed onto him clawing at his back at a desperate attempt to ground yourself. He was by far the biggest you’d had making you feel fuller than you had ever felt. Once he was full inside he started thrust slowly changing his angles until he found what he was looking for. Once he found your g-spot again he started thrusting into it roughly.
“Shit! O-Oh god Daddy!” You screamed your nails still digging into his flesh drawing blood, making his speed increase.
“Princess you’re so tight I don’t know how much longer I’m gonna last.” He groaned his breath fanning across your cheek. Your body started to build for the third time tonight, your walls clenching round him.
“M-Me too Daddy…S-So close.” You screamed in pleasure as you felt yourself building further.
“Come on baby girl cum all over Daddy’s cock.” He moaned huskily into your ear. With that you fell off the edge more powerful than the previous two times, you felt Kai pull back still pounding into you mercilessly as he watched you cum undone all over him.
“P-Please Daddy cum inside my pussy.” You moaned seductively, biting your index finger for emphasis. He bite his lip letting out a pleasure filled groan as you felt his hot seed spill into you. You moaned as some of the hot seed trickled out because of the shear amount. He rolled off you and laid next to you pulling you close to his chest.
“Well done baby. You made Daddy very happy.” You sighed contently as he stroked your hair lovingly, whispering words of praise into your damp hair. After about 5 minutes he detangled himself from you making you whine.
“I’ll be back in a minute I need to get you some juice.” He said softly lend over the bed and kissing your forehead gently. You shook your head and made grabby hands at him.
“You want to come with me?” He asked softly, you just nodded in response. He chuckled and made his way to get you some clothes. He grabbed his shirt and boxers then left the room coming back with some panties and a cloth. He slid on his boxers and some joggers before moving over to dress you. He wiped you down before sliding his top on to you that he’d been wearing previously and the panties he’d just brought you. You sighed happily as he made sure your socks were set right before picking you up bridal style. You let out a giggle as he sped downstairs only to come to an immediate stop in the living room. You looked up at him confused before you saw his face. You looked at what he was looking at, there sat Enzo, Damon, Bonnie and Tyler. You jumped out of Daddy’s arms, which was a big mistake as you literally couldn’t stand. Kai caught me before you fell lifting you back up with a worried look on his face.
“Well this is sufficiently awkward.” Tyler whisper under his breath. You dared to turn and look at your brother, a blush covering your cheeks.
“That was kinda hot not gonna lie, though I didn’t take Y/N as a screamer.” Damon snickered making Enzo shoot him a death glare shut him up instantly.
“Well I’m happy for you. Your brother would probably say the same if he wasn’t so mentally scarred right now.” Bonnie added smiling softly at you.
“You heard her from all the way upstairs Bonnie!?” Kai screeched making you look up at him.
“Yeah…” Bonnie replied cautiously, at that Kai appeared to preen like he’d been told he was a god. You rolled your eyes smiling softly.
“Don’t look so smug Malachai. When I get a hold of you. You’re not gonna have a dick.” You heard Enzo growl as he sped towards both of you. Kai ran to the other side of the living room placing you of the couch gently, like that was his only concern.  Suddenly he was yanked back you grabbed the nearest heavy object ready to throw it when Bonnie stopped you shaking her head. You looked at her confusedly before turning to look at your brother. Enzo had his fist back ready to throw a punch at Kai who was pinned to the coffee table.
“Fine hit me if it makes you feel better but that not gonna stop me. I’ve waited far too long for this and I won’t give her up now. You might think my feels are just lust but they’re not! She’s the reason I’m trying to repent, trying to make myself better. The moment I saw her pure and innocent smile I wanted to be a man worthy of her.” You sat there shocked at his confession your hands trembling as you took in every word he said. He glanced over at you and smiled softly. You took a deep breath and smiled back at him. Your brother turned to look at me seeing the smile you had on your face. Enzo let him going letting Kai get up but making no move to help him.
“Just know if you ever hurt her. I will torture you before I kill you.” Enzo snapped before sitting down next to Bonnie. Kai nodded and left the room quietly. He soon came back with a glass of orange juice and a blood bag. He sat down passing you the glass before stroking your hair as you drank the juice, you shot him a smile as you finished the juice. He nodded smiling as if to say an unspoken ‘Good Girl’ after that you cuddled and sat with everyone talking around you.
You’ve never been as happy as you are in this moment.
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chronic-escapixt · 11 months ago
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Y/N: *rambling on about something Kai doesnt care about- though it sounds important, he can’t keep his mind from wandering*
Kai: … do you want me to eat your pussy?
Y/N: -wgat? 😳
Kai: do you wanna sit on my face and let me eat you out? *flicks his tongue suggestively*
Y/N: 😒... is that seriously all you’re thinking about right now?
Kai: *shrugs*
Y/N: *quietly considering it*
Kai: you know you want to.. 😏
Y/N: shut up!!
— okay I’m done… 🫠
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dizzydancingdreamer · 4 years ago
Bubblegum Princess, Cherry Angel | Kai Parker
Hello my lovelies! 2020 is almost over, can you believe it? I sure as hell can’t! I have no idea what inspired this, I truly don’t, but it seemed only fitting to end this year off with a raunchy round of sex! Because why the fuck not! I hope you all have a safe and wonderful new years, and I can’t wait to see you all in 2021! Please enjoy loves!
Description: He smells her bubblegum lip gloss and then wonders how on earth he managed to convince an angel to let him fuck her into next week, let alone get in his truck. 
Pairing: Kai Parker x Female!Reader
Warnings: THIS IS AN 18+ FIC ONLY!! Smut (terribly written smut is more accurate), nothing more than the usual but, like, it is like 7000 words of pure sex so read at your own risk
Word count: 9.2k
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The four hours in which it took two people to find magic within each other, all thanks to one tube of drugstore, bubblegum lip gloss. 
Hour One
Her bubblegum lip gloss attacks him from all the way across the café, cutting cleanly through the aroma of coffee and donuts and sending his heart racing at the obscenely sweet scent. He should hate it. No, scratch that, he shouldn’t think anything of it at all. It’s not in his nature to enjoy things- or to feel things at all, to be frank- but he can’t help it. The drugstore brand, wildly over-scented balm makes his head fuzzy like nothing else. 
Kai watches as she pours over the book in front of her, tilting his head when she scrunches her nose. She murmurs something inaudible, tapping a pen to her lip a couple times. One tap, two taps, three taps. Each time that pen touches her lip he grows more envious, his heart now very much in his throat. Does the pen know her lips taste like candy? Does it at least have the courtesy to enjoy it? He releases a breath when she finally writes something down, leaving her mouth alone. 
He forces his eyes away from her and back to his own coffee. Well, the term coffee should only be loosely used here; it’s more sugar and cream than actual coffee. The sweet syrup warms his chest as he takes a sip, lighting his taste buds on fire. Maybe this is what her lips taste like. He shakes his head to clear her face from his mind- a task much more impossible than one might think- before setting the mug down and turning to the device between his fingers. A cell phone. 
Kai presses the ‘on’ button, his eyes lighting up with the screen. Damon had handed it- the cell phone- to him a few days ago, muttering something about leaving the 80’s in the past where it belongs, and told him to get used to it. A little apple symbol appears and he scrunches his eyebrows. Is that supposed to be there? It disappears, replaced now by a picture of the forest he took a couple days ago. That’s better. He swipes past the lockscreen, coming to a page of little square pictures. Damon said those are called apps.
He clicks on one with a little bird- Twitter, he thinks it’s called- and opens it, scrolling a little sloppily through the page. He comes across a picture, one with a man holding a guitar, and stops to look at it for a minute. It looks like someone he used to know and he clicks on the picture to check. That looks like the same birthmark and he kind of remembers the guitar- 
All of a sudden the picture starts moving and music starts blaring from the phone, filling the quiet café with an obnoxious twang. It startles Kai, his heart jumping and his cheeks much too hot, and he drops the phone on the table, a sharp bang now joining the music. He grabs at his phone frantically, feeling all the stares that are now on him as he blindly searches for the ‘off’ button and sighing in relief when the screen goes black once more. Cell phones are awful, he decides in the moment. 
Kai hears soft giggles as his shoulders sag, the same bubblegum fragrance tickling his senses. The musical laughter and the sugary gloss are a lethal combination, one that taunts his senses and consumes him whole. The giggles echo in his ears, invading his head and bouncing around every nerve. He turns towards the sound- he doesn’t have a choice- and his eyes meet the girl, zeroing in on her glossy lips now wrapped around the end of her pen. He takes in her face, every curve and edge, before landing on her eyes and promptly losing his breath. Does she know she’s the prettiest woman he’s ever seen?
He smiles at her and rolls his eyes in what he can only hope is a playful way, holding up the phone and shrugging his shoulders. Her eyes draw over his face and down his arm, trailing fire over him with her very gaze before landing on the estranged device. She giggles again and Kai wishes he could grab the sound out of the air and pocket it. Is that normal? He bites his cheek as she looks back to her book, the pen still between her sweet lips. He doesn’t bother trying to answer the question; he doesn’t care. 
He clicks the phone once more, this time simply to check the time. A quarter to five. He glances back at the woman, his eyes widening as she slips her book into the leather bag hanging off her chair. Shit, she’s leaving. He stands quickly, shoving his phone in his pocket and slapping a five dollar bill on the table. When he looks up again she’s at the door, her bubble gum aroma fading as she clears the threshold. He shrugs his jacket on, racing out the door to catch up with her.
The cold air bites his skin as soon as steps onto main street, his eyes scanning for the pretty girl with the worn satchel and voice like a siren. He spots her halfway down the square and doesn’t think for a moment before jogging to meet her, his chest a mess of warmth and butterflies. Her head is down, lost in the sound of her heels against the pavement and quite oblivious to the love struck puppy chasing after her. It seems that only a bark will catch her attention now.
“Hey, wait up,” Kai calls, his heart screaming in his chest, “you forgot something.”
He’s a few feet away from her now and her bubblegum scent has morphed into the sweetest mixture of maraschino cherries and candy and every, little, perfect thing he’s ever experienced. It makes his mouth water and his cheeks flush, two things which are only intensified when she turns around and her eyes light up, a soft smile taking over her supple lips. 
She tilts her head at him, pulling her bottom lip between her teeth, “I did?”
He almost can’t answer, the cheesy line he had already lined up on his tongue melting away at the sound of her angelic voice. Two words. Two little words and she has him completely wrapped around her perfect finger. He doesn’t understand the feeling in his chest, the way her voice makes him feel like he’s breathing for the first time in his entire life, but he doesn’t care. That’s a recurring theme with this girl.
A grin spreads across his face, his stomach twisting as he finds his words once more, “you did,” he nods, taking half a step towards her. “You forgot to let me buy you dinner.”
Her face lights up even further as she throws a hand over her lips, her giggles once more flooding his body with tingles. She looks like an angel, the way her eyes close slightly when she laughs. She must know what she’s doing to him, how when she throws her head and her neck curves against the setting sun his entire body goes stiff. His fingers squeeze at his sides, wanting nothing more than to trace over her soft skin. What is going on?
“How silly of me,” she murmurs, her pretty eyes- yes that’s all he can think, that they are the most pretty eyes he’s ever seen- dancing over his face, “how could I possibly forget to let a man- whose name I don’t know- ask me to dinner?”
His cheeks flare with heat but he can’t wipe the adoring smile off his lips, “where are my manners? I’m Kai,” her takes her hand, pulling it to his lips and stealing a few more of those delicious giggles from her throat, “and I would really like to buy you dinner.”
She hums appreciatively, a wide smile on her lips. His heart flutters rapidly when she twists her fingers into his, running her thumb over his. Every part of her is soft- gentle- and he would give anything in that moment to be able to pull her into his arms. That isn’t normal, though, he knows that much. 
“Kai,” she tests his name on her tongue and his heart stops, his whole being screaming at him to beg her to say it again and again, “I like that. I’m y/n,” she supplies and the name clicks into his chest like a missing puzzle piece as she continues on her little ramble, “Kai.” She tilts her head, her eyes clouded over in thought, “something is missing, though. Is that your full name?”
His eyes widen, his chest flooding with dread at her soft inquiry, “no, actually. It’s Malachai,” he winces slightly as it rolls off his tongue- he always has hated that name- watching her closely for the moment she recoils in disgust, “I know, what were my parents thinking right? I sound like a villain-”
“I like it better,” she interrupts, her eyes catching his and her hand squeezing a tad harder, “it suits you. Malachai.” This time when she says his name he has to swallow the lump in his throat, his stomach tensing, “tell me, Malachai, do you like pizza?”
Hour Two
Her heart pounds hard in her chest as she sits in the booth across from him, his chocolate and honey scent still clinging desperately to her hand. She brushes an invisible strand of hair from her face, using the excuse to breathe him in again. He’s intoxicating, she muses to herself. Does he know he’s the most handsome man she’s ever seen? He smiles at her, his grin tugging at his red lips and sending her heart even further into overdrive. He must know.
“I hope this place has good pizza,” Kai laughs, the sound like heaven to her ears, “I haven’t actually tried it yet. If it’s awful I give you full permission to hate me.
She laughs as well- she can’t help it, she never giggles this much but he around him it’s impossible to not- pressing her hand to her mouth, “you’re lucky then; you chose my favourite restaurant. I always make sure to stop by the grill when I’m home. The pizza here is wonderful.”
That’s what she says. The pizza is wonderful. What she wants to say is that she doesn’t think she could ever hate him. That five minutes under his gaze, listening to his smooth voice and honeyed laugh, is enough to have her completely spellbound. That she’s almost certain by the time an hour passes she’ll forget every other boy she’s ever laid eyes on. What she wants to say is that she thinks he’s wonderful. But that’s not normal- not proper- so she just smiles at him.
He tilts his head, his eyes skimming over her face in a way that makes her cheeks warm, “when you’re home?”
She nods, trying to ignore the way he leans towards her slightly and how it makes her blood pump harder, “I go to school out of town. Not too far away but far enough that I have to live on campus. I actually have to head back tonight,” her heart stings for a moment, thinking about how she only just met him and now she has to leave, “I was only here for a day.”
“So I only have a few hours,” he hums, his smile like a bullet straight to her heart, “I think that’s enough time.”
His fingers slide slowly across the table, his pinky skimming her hand. It’s the simplest of touches- just a brush of his skin against hers- but it’s like she can feel all of him through it. She can feel his hands skimming her body, every inch of it, in intricate detail, as if she’s been in this very moment before and her muscles can recall each of his. It only increases when he grins, no doubt catching the way she sucks in a breath. The sinful twist of his lips strikes something in her. She has felt those lips on her, perhaps not in this life but definitely in another. She can feel it.
She’s breathless, the phantom feeling of his mouth on hers consuming her completely even as she speaks, “enough time for what?”
He slips his fingers between hers and she sighs, the feeling of their hands fitting so perfectly together overwhelming, “enough time to make you fall in love with me, obviously.”
Her mouth falls open and he laughs again, pulling her arm across the table and kissing her knuckles once more. Too late, she wants to scream, you don’t need an hour. She pulls her bottom lip between her lip, artificial bubblegum bursting across her tongue. His lips on her skin is too much; too much and not enough all at the same time. How is that even possible? 
She doesn’t need to ask herself the question again. No, this isn’t normal. Nothing about how she feels right now is normal. Not the way she wants to wrap her arms around Kai, not the way she feels like she knows him already, and especially not how she’s dreading leaving this town when normally she wants to run as far away from it as possible. The most not-normal thing about it all, though, is the way she wants to tell him each and every one of those things. She wants to grab his face, run her fingers through his gorgeous hair, and tell him everything she’s feeling right now.
But she can’t so instead she whispers, “what if I make you fall in love first, Malachai?”
Kai squeezes her hand tighter, his legs tangling with hers under the booth. His lips part, his tongue darting out and wetting his lips. Her heart hammers in her chest as she watches, ridiculously jealous at the notion of not getting to taste him in the same way. Her body floods with heat when his eyes twinkle, a response dancing on the very same, traitorous tongue, but before he can answer their waiter arrives, setting down a large pizza and turning to face her. He has blonde hair and an easy smile, one that would send most girls reeling. Matt Donovan. She remembers him from high school; he was a good kid but they never really ran in the same social circles. She doesn’t regret not knowing him, his group is part of the reason she left this town.
“Alright, one pizza. Is there anything else I can get for you,” he smiles at her and her heart doesn’t hammer anymore, it slows.
She tightens her fingers around Kai’s, her voice less melodic than moments ago, “no, this is great thank you.”
Matt nods, stalling a moment and smiling at her. She can feel Kai tense, his legs stilling against her own. Her eyes dart between the two and she catches the way his eyes narrow at the blonde, his head tilting as if calculating what he should do. His chocolate scent increases, if that’s even possible, wrapping around her like a blanket as he sits up straighter. Matt doesn’t even look at him, his eyes focussed on her and her alone.
“You sure I can’t get you anything else?”
She nods but before she can speak Kai answers, his voice clipped but a smile on his lips regardless, “actually,” his eyes lower to the nametag on Matt’s chest, “Matt, we’d love a box.”
Matt’s eyebrows scrunch and she giggles, a tad confused but deeply invested in the cruel twang to Kai’s voice. She meets his eyes, pulling her lip once more between her teeth and swallowing her heart that has crawled it’s way into her throat. Something about the way he’s holding himself- the way he taunts the boy she went to school with only a few years ago- makes her feel alive. Who would have thought that the bubblegum princess would get such a thrill from watching the devil go head to head with the boy next door? 
“A box?” she has to stifle another giggle, not wanting to appear rude despite how much joy she’s feeling.
Kai nods, “please, and the check. We really should get going now.”
Her heart thrums, wondering what on earth he’s up to. She doesn’t care. It’s starting to become a recurring theme with this boy; how little she cares about anything but being in his presence. Each second that passes she falls deeper into something she can’t explain. Her heart jumps when Kai’s eyes meet hers, his smile softening from the malicious grin that he had been aiming at Matt. She shakes her head lightly, nudging his foot under the table and rubbing her calf against his. 
“Alrighty,” Matt grumbles, “I’ll get that for you right now.”
She watches as he walks away, turning back to the man across from her with a grin on her glossy lips, “how am I supposed to fall in love with you when you don’t even feed me?” 
He laughs, tugging her hand to his mouth. She’s starting to think that her hand belongs there, pressed against his lips for eternity. Every time his lips swipe across her knuckles she swoons, sparks tingling up her arm. If his lips feel this good against her hand then they must feel even better- no, nevermind that. 
“You can eat in the car,” he suggests, his eyes searching hers as he draws another knuckle to his mouth and nipping lightly with his teeth. 
The feeling of his teeth scraping against her skin sends her reeling, a shiver racing up her spine as she registers his words. In the car. She presses her lips together. What does that mean?
“Let me drive you back to school.”
Hour Three
Kai watches her steal the last piece of pizza and laughs, tossing the box into the back of his truck and pulling her closer on the bench seat. She tangles her fingers through his free hand and his heart explodes in his chest. His eyes lock on the road again but his thoughts are stuck on the beautiful girl beside him whose hands are wrapped around his arm. She clings to him, her bubblegum and cherry and just plain irresistible scent invading his senses. She leans her head against his shoulder, rubbing her cheek against his jacket, and he forgets that she hasn’t been in his life more than three hours. 
They’ve been driving for an hour, laughing and talking as the sun set. She’s told him about her major, about the books she reads and her parents. She’s spouted all the lines of her favourite movies and listed her favourite cities in order even though she’s only been to a couple. He, in turn, has told her about his favourite song. He told her about the time he broke his leg and how he isn’t usually like this. How he’s never like this. She agreed with that, taking the opportunity to tell him how focussed she usually is. He didn’t mind when she spoke over him. Had it been anyone else he would have but he could listen to her talk for ages. She makes hours feel like minutes- like seconds- and every sign they pass he gets more and more desperate. He doesn’t want to leave her. He wants more of the minute-like hours.
“What’s your favourite color,” she mumbles, running her nose over his arm.
He’s never understood why people care about favourite colors. It’s just so trivial, the answer always changing, that it’s never made sense to him. Is it possible to have a favourite color? He doesn’t think so. For some reason though, when she asks him and her voice goes high at the end of the question- as if she’s truly dying to know his favourite color- his heart stammers, not wanting to mess up the answer. He glances at her, his eyes finding her bubblegum cherry lips. Maybe he has a favourite color after all.
“Red,” Kai responds, running his thumb over her wrist and smiling when she shivers against him, “my favourite color is red.”
She hums appreciatively, her voice bouncing around the cab of his truck, “I like red too. It’s not my favourite though.”
Her fingers untangle from his, her hand landing on his thigh, using him for balance as she tucks her legs underneath her. Kai sucks in a breath at her touch, a tingle shooting up his spine. Her innocent eyes peer into his, no doubt still thinking about colors without a care in the world. His mind, on the other hand, couldn’t be further away from the color wheel. 
“Why’s that,” he forces out, his voice gravelly, “what’s your favourite color?”
“Black,” she answers and for a moment he doesn’t think about her hand still curled around his thigh, “I think I like the color black.”
He scrunches his eyebrows. Black. He wouldn’t have pegged her for a dark colors kind of girl. Every part of her screams light. Goodness. She seems like the type of girl who likes laying in the sun and eating ice cream on hot days and filling the bath with more bubbles than water. No, she doesn’t seem like she is; he knows she is. He doesn’t have to ask her to know that she is the complete opposite of him. 
Kai can’t stop himself from asking, “why the color black?”
She moves her hand back to his arm, wrapping both of her arms around his, and he lets out a sigh of relief. Well, relief mixed with frustration. He didn’t want her hand gone, he wanted it higher. He’ll take her wrapped around him though, it’s just as good. It’s better. He can think of a hundred different ways he would like this woman wrapped around him. 
She presses her lips to his shoulder and he wishes the stupid jacket would just burn, “because it suits you. I didn’t think I liked it before today but now I think there’s something beautiful about it.”
Kai’s hand finds her thigh, his heart pounding fiercely, “the color?”
She gasps lightly when he squeezes, a sound that hits him straight in the gut. He does it again, this time harder, and she presses her forehead against his shoulder, her soft moan tumbling against him. His hand tightens on the steering wheel at the sound. He has no idea how he managed to get an angel into his truck. How he convinced her that he was good enough to sit this close to her; good enough to hold her in his hands and hear her pleasure. 
“The darkness,” she whispers, her voice hitching when his hand slides higher, “I didn’t think I would like the darkness this much.”
He digs his fingers into her jean-clad skin, reveling in her warmth and the way she squeezes her thighs around his hand. He bites his cheek, barely containing his own moans. She’s not even touching him and yet the sound of her voice alone has him so close. His eyes read the next sign, sucking in a harsh breath. Ten more minutes and she’ll be out of his truck. 
Kai looks over at her- perhaps for what will be one of the last times- forcing a sharp smile to his lips, “this darkness is nothing, princess.” His voice is hoarse, his words soft but pained, “it’s just a glimpse. I don’t think you would like the real thing as much.”
He watches as her eyes widen, her mouth falling open a touch. Exactly, he thinks to himself, now you’re starting to get it. He clenches his jaw, going to move his hand from her heavenly thigh when she stops him, her hands closing around his wrist. His shoulders- among other things- tense as she drags his fingers to settle directly between her legs, using her hand to guide his motions and arching into his touch. Holy fucking shit. 
“Princess what-” Kai tries to process his thoughts clearly but he can’t; the heat seeping from her and her fingers pushing his to rub against her are much too demanding for him to form a coherent sentence.
The sign for her university comes into focus as he rubs his fingers harder against her. A soundtrack of her moans fills the cab of his truck, her hands wrapping like a vice against his arm as she presses her face once more against his shoulder. He curses, breathing in her sugary aroma, his chest flooding with heat. All he can think about is how he has to park this damn car before he crashes and doesn’t get to experience more of the exquisite creature next to him. She rolls her head back onto the seat, spreading her legs further for him, her hands never leaving his arm.
“Just try me, Malachai.”
Hour Four
She moans as Kai’s hands find the button of her jeans, the tires of his truck screeching as he finally pulls into her dorm’s parking lot. As soon as he shifts the gears into park she’s on him, grabbing the collar of his jacket and pulling his lips to her own. God, she was right, he tastes chocolate and mint gum. He groans into her mouth, one of his hands finding her hip and pulling her onto his lap while the other goes to her neck, pushing her lips against his. She presses against him, rocking against the hard bulge in his jeans and gasping against his mouth.
“Malachai,” she murmurs, her hands sliding through his silky hair, “I need you.”
He wraps his arms around her back, pressing his chest against hers and backing her into the steering wheel. Her heart thunders when his lips meet her jaw, nipping at her skin before sliding back to her lips and pulling her bottom lip between his teeth. 
“Fuck,” her body lights up at the throaty tone of his voice, “are you sure, princess?”
She nods, the words lodging in her throat as Kai’s lips trace to her neck, his tongue flattening against her pulse point. She’s sure alright. She’s never been more sure of anything. She wraps her hands around his back, clawing at his shoulders and mewling at his skilled lips. She tugs at his jacket, trying her best to convey her need for the material to disappear. The girl is rarely speechless but right now, when she needs her voice the most, it’s as if it’s nowhere to be seen.
“Off, please get it off,” she finally murmurs against his lips, her hands splayed hard against his jaw as he shrugs the jacket off, “I need to feel you.”
Kai’s fingers curl around the hem of her shirt, sliding underneath and around her back, his fingers digging into her spine deliciously. She rocks higher on his lap, her lips finding his throat and sucking his warm skin into her mouth. She runs her tongue against the hollow of his throat, smiling when he bucks his hips against her. Tingles shoot through her as he brushes against her and she lets loose another moan into his skin.
“More,” she fumbles, seeing stars behind her eyelids, “I need more. I need all of you, right now. Please.”
She doesn’t even know what she’s saying; she just knows if he doesn’t make love to her soon she’s going to literally combust. She slides her hands down Kai’s chest, her fingers slipping beneath his shirt and glimpsing at his hard muscles. Her fingers explore slightly and she reels when he tenses under her, a breathy moan of his own joining hers.
He crushes her against him, his head falling against the seat, “angel, I will do whatever the fuck you want me to but not in my truck.” His hand slides to her ass, squeezing so hard her core clenches, his name slipping from her lips, “I am not about to let just anyone watch me fuck you into next week. That’s mine and mine alone.”
She can hear exactly what he means; you’re mine and mine alone. It sends another wave of heat coursing over her, her core clenching again, harder, and she nods furiously against his neck, “my room. Now!”
He laughs, pulling his keys from the ignition and opening the door. She giggles with him, sliding out of the truck and all but dragging him with her. He kicks the door shut, his arms wrapped around her stomach and his face buried in the side of her neck. She squeals gleefully when he lifts her, her back pressed against his chest as he kisses the side of her neck and spins her around. The cold air nips at her stomach, exposed from where her shirt rides up. 
“Malachai,” she whines, her hand sliding behind her and into his hair, tugging a tad harshly, “please hurry, baby.”
“You’re no fun, angel,” he murmurs against her skin but sets her down nonetheless. 
She wraps her hands around his arm, tugging him to jog after her, her giggles spilling into the night, no doubt waking up some of the other students as she leads him through the campus. She doesn’t care, she hasn’t felt this free in ages. He laughs with her and the sound of his joy exhilarates her, lighting her whole being up with a dangerous kind of fire. It weighs down her limbs, pooling in her stomach and soaking her jeans. His hand links with hers, his fingers squeezing hers as her body tingles. She’s so close to her dorm she can taste it- taste him and everything he’s going to do to her- and she hurries quicker.
She tugs him around a corner and he stops abruptly. Her heart jumps in her throat, wondering for a moment if he’s changed his mind. When she turns to look at him, though, his dark eyes pour over her, his lip pulled between his teeth. He looks like he wants to take her right here on the stoop of a dorm that isn’t her own. She squeezes her thighs, trying to ignore the part of her that reels at the thought.
He pushes her against the brick of her dorm building, his mouth slamming against hers, his tongue slipping between her lips, “Malachai, princess. That’s my name. Say it.”
She moans at his soft and stern tone, grinding her hips against his the best she can, “Malachai, I need you.”
He nods against her lips, his hands wrapping around her hips and pulling her up his body. She wraps her legs around him, sighing when he pushes her harder into the wall with his hips, pressing his hard length against her covered core and moaning into her mouth. His scent consumes her, lingering in her chest when he pulls back, his eyes consumed by darkness. Her heart thunders when his nostrils flare, her thighs clenching around him at the sight of his flushed cheeks.
“What room number,” he pants, grinding his hips and sending another relentless wave of heat racing through her.
She presses her mouth against his, her tongue lapping at his minty lips, “I’m in 102.” She tugs his bottom lip, pulling a heated groan from his chest, “it’s just a few doors down. Please, Malachai.”
She kisses down the side of his throat as Kai searches for her room, running her nose along his warm skin and sinking as far into his arms as possible. She tugs the key out of her bag when he slows, leaning away from him to unlock the door before turning the knob and all but falling into her room. She giggles as they stumble, pushing the door shut quickly and throwing her keys to the floor. No need for those anymore.
He tosses her on her bed and she can’t help but giggle at the feeling of her plush blanket, knowing soon it will be brushing her bare back as he slides into her. He makes quick work of her heels, pulling them off and tossing them to the side. She winces when she hears them clunk somewhere in her room- that loud sound better not have been one of them breaking, Kai- but is soon distracted when he kicks his own boots off, kneeling on the bed and crawling towards her. The bed sinks at his knees and her body thrums in anticipation.
As soon as he’s within arms reach she grabs him, her fingers twisting in his t-shirt as she hauls his body over hers. Well, she tells herself that she’s the one who brings him closer. In reality it’s he who complies, letting her command him in whichever way she so pleases. He leans down, finding her mouth and kissing her hard, lowering some of his weight onto her. She moans, pressing back against him and wishing that his clothes would just vanish already, their mutual affinity for jeans starting to become a problem.
“Angel, fuck,” he murmurs as her hands slide once more under his shirt and he grabs her fingers, pulling her wrists above her head, “I need permission right now before we keep going. Yes; I fuck you. No; we cuddle. I am more than fine with both options.” One of his hands slides down her belly and wraps around her hips, fire flaring everywhere he touches, “what’ll it be, princess?”
He hovers over her, his gray eyes soft on hers. For the first time tonight she can see them clearly and her breath hitches, an unexpected wave of emotion flooding her chest at the way he’s looking at her. All that talk about darkness and he’s anything but. She yanks her arms from his hand, instead loosely hanging them around his neck. She arches her chest as close to him as she can, feeling each layer of clothes between them in agonizing detail.
“As wonderful as cuddles sound,” she tangles her legs around his hips, pulling his hardness back to her heat, “I really need you to fuck me.”
A wicked grin settles over Kai’s face, his lips drawing to her ear and pulling the lobe between his teeth, tugging hard, his words sending shivers through her body, “then I think it’s high time these clothes go, don’t you?”
She nods, her voice choosing once more to vanish at the most inopportune moment. He pulls her onto her knees, his lips brushing her jaw softly as his hands find the hem of her shirt for the last time, dragging it slowly up her stomach and over her chest before finally discarding it next to the bed. His fingertips draw over her skin lightly, his pinkies grazing the valley of her breasts and his thumbs smoothing over her collarbones. Even the slightest touch makes her clench, knowing he’ll soon be putting those fingers to good work.
She thanks the heavens for a moment that she thought to put on a nice bra, her body flushing with heat when Kai sucks in a breath at the blue lace barely concealing her peaked nipples. His hands circle her waist, his thumbs trailing fire over her soft skin. He darts his tongue out again against his bottom lip, watching her breasts rise and fall with her breaths like a starved man. If a look could ever make someone come on the spot it would be this one. She takes a sharp breath, her chest swelling, the cups of her bra stretching, and his eyes darken.
“Fucking hell, you really are an angel, aren’t you?” he slides his hands up her ribcage, over the flimsy material covering her and flicking her hard nipples, his mouth falling open in a half smile at her breathy sounds, “my angel.”
She gasps, her eyes as wide as saucers, and Kai smiles, fully, his eyes flitting to hers as he does it again, watching her face as his fingers lazily sweep back and forth over her buds. Each brush of his fingers sends a jolt of electricity straight to her core, her body tensing at each pinch. Her hands jut out, grabbing onto his shoulders as to not fall over from the sensation. She squeezes her thighs, rubbing her jean clad legs together in her best attempt to quell the raging fire but it’s useless. Only he can put it out and he knows it, chuckling- a sound like ice cream melting on a hot day; slow and sweet- at her sweet agony before finally slipping behind her back, his fingers finding the clasp of her bra.
“Perhaps I should leave this on, hmm?” Kai teases and she whines, arching her back into his hand. “Watch the way you bounce,” he leans down, his mouth capturing one of her nipples through the lace, his tongue hot and wet against her, “the way the lace pulls.” His teeth find the edge of the cup gently, careful not to ruin it as he drags it over her chest. She jolts when his lips graze her nipple directly, a small taste of his electricity, “what do you think angel?”
As soon as her breast is free from the lace she digs her fingers through his hair, desperately pushing his face back to her chest, “please take it off.”
He laughs, his hot breath fanning her bud as his fingers pull at the hooks behind her back, finally releasing her from the suddenly constricting material. She hears it hit the floor but she doesn’t watch where it lands, her eyes locked on Kai’s as he lowers his mouth back to her nipple, his other palm sliding up her ribs to tease her other breast. His hair tickles her skin as he flicks his tongue over her, his fingers imitating the same sensation, twisting and flicking her peaked bud in time to the laps of his mouth. Her stomach twists, her core dripping from the stimulation. 
“Malachai,” she pleads, her fingers tugging at his hair, trying to find his eyes desperately, “please more. I need more.”
Kai tugs her nipple between his teeth, biting harshly and pulling a small hum of pleasure from her lips as waves of heat attack her body, “patience, angel.” He runs his tongue over her burning bud, soothing her skin once more, “I want you to feel everything. I want you to remember it- me.” He kisses across her chest, pressing his lips gently against her sternum, “every kiss-” he bites at her breast, sucking her skin roughly into his mouth, sending another jolt through her core, “every bite.” His hands drag down her stomach, lazily drawing circles as he teases the waistband of her jeans, “I want you to think about me in every class, I want my name to be the only thing you can say when you go to answer a question. That will take patience-” he kisses her stomach, his tongue dipping against her bellybutton and his fingers grazing the lace under her jeans, “but I think maybe these can go.”
She moans her agreement, the sound tearing from her throat as she nods, most likely once a coherent thought but now just a mess of want- of need. Kai quickly pops the button of her jeans, his fingers digging into the waistband and yanking, tugging her pants down in a way that very much goes against his wish for slow. She lifts her hips from the bed, helping him as much as she can to get the damn pants off. He chuckles as she writhes, each gentle laugh zeroing in on her now barely covered core and sparking little fires across her clit. The sound of the material finally pooling on her floor is like music to her ears but her eyebrows furrow when she looks at him, still completely clothed.
She sits up on her elbows, biting her lip, “come here,” she coos, her voice breathy and her chest heaving, “please, Malachai. C’mere,” she sighs when he complies, her fingers twisting his shirt when he settles between her thighs, “this should have come off ages ago.”
She clenches her bare thighs around his own jean covered legs, mewling as the rough material scratches deliciously at her skin.
“Of course, angel,” his nose skims over her neck as she pulls the material from his body, his voice low and teasing, her fingers gliding over the hard dips of his abdomen, “where are my manners.”
She hums happily- a kitten purring from some much needed attention- as he pushes her back, his sculpted stomach now fully on display for her viewing pleasure as the soft blanket tickles her bare skin. His attention is now focused on the matching, blue lace that is not even trying to conceal her core. Kai slides off her bed, kneeling beside her, and her mind races, her heart thumping hard in her chest. What are you-
Her thoughts are interrupted when his hands dig into her hips, tugging her so that her legs dangle off the bed. He spreads her thighs, his eyes latched on hers as he leans down, kissing the inside of her thigh much too lightly. Her fingers dig into the comforter as he pulls her legs over his now bare shoulders, his hot skin soothing her aching muscles. He plants another gentle kiss on her other thigh and she almost screams- do something Kai, do anything, please- her breath ragged as she watches his lips crawl closer to the soaked lace. She digs her heels against his back, hoping to spur him closer to her.
He runs his nose along the lace, straight down her clit and she gasps, the sensation like lava flowing through her veins, “Kai!”
He flicks his head up, squeezing her hips harder, “what did I already say about that, angel,” he kisses under her belly button, purposefully avoiding her throbbing nub, “what’s my name?”
His gray eyes are wild, filled with a hunger that makes her clench around her emptiness.
She digs her heels harder against him as his teeth tug at the lace, his name a delicious moan on her tongue, “Malachai.”
“Very good,” he praises, “you’re so good for me, baby.”
She moans again as he strikes gold, no response to the name other than pure lust filling her body. His hands tug at her panties, finally pulling the last article of clothing- if a piece of sheer lace even counts as clothing- from her body, exposing her pulsing clit to the cool air of her room. He sucks in a breath, leaning down to blow warm air against her, spreading her legs even further. She throbs, watching as he finally lowers his mouth, his tongue licking a stripe directly to her core and planting stars behind her eyes.
“Fuck, baby,” he moans, more to himself than her, his muscled arms wrapping around her thighs and crushing her to him, “I was right you taste like fucking candy. So damn sweet.”
He dives back against her, his hot tongue flicking her bud back and forth. Waves of white fire pour through her, compressing together in the pit of her stomach. Her fingers dig into the sheets, tugging at the plush comforter because she knows if she runs her fingers through Kai’s hair she might just rip it out. Her back arches, her breasts greeting the air as Kai’s tongue swipes straight to her core again, dipping into her heat before going back to her clit sucking hard. 
He moves one of his hands between her legs, his fingertips lazily circling her entrance as he continues to devour her, “so wet for me, baby. From the moment I first touched you,” he muses, his eyes finding hers over the arch of her sternum and swell of her breasts, “it’s like you knew I was coming.”
“Maybe I did,” she pants, squeezing her thighs around the man buried between her legs, letting out a strangled gasp when he sinks one of his fingers into her, “maybe ever since I locked eyes on you-” another gasp, this time from him pushing a second finger in and curling them both- “I’ve wondered how I’m going to forget you.”
He curls his fingers faster at her words, sucking that much harder on her nub. His eyes stay latched on hers, dark and determined. The ball of fire grows dangerously as his fingers brush over a spot- the spot- and she groans, her hand finding his hair. She doesn’t care anymore, tugging harshly on his silky hair and pushing his face as close to her as she can, grinding against his lips as her whole body starts to tingle. It’s like someone replaced her veins with fluorescents and Kai’s tongue is the outlet. 
“Well maybe,” Kai curls his fingers and her body jolts, teetering on the sweet edge of nothingness, “baby,” his voice is just this side of taunting, his tongue finding a tortuous rhythm, “I don’t want you to forget me.” 
He curls his fingers one more time and she falls- quite possibly in more than one way- over the edge, an earth shattering orgasm tearing through her entire body, “fuck, Malachai!”
Her body trembles in his arms, his fingers still twisting inside her, his mouth still latched to her, sucking and licking until she comes down from her high. She sinks back into her comforter, entirely spent and limbs heavy, his name still a moan on her lips. Her heat throbs, clenching and unclenching as she watches him stand. Maybe she isn’t so tired after all. She pushes her heels into her bed, crawling back towards her pillows as his hands find his belt, making quick work of the leather. He doesn’t bother pulling it from the loops, he just hooks his fingers in his jeans, his taut muscles heaving as he shoves his clothes off in one steady push.
She moans as her eyes land on everything he’s been keeping from her, her mouth watering at the sight of his thick, hard shaft bouncing slightly against his abs. She sinks back against her pillows, her toes curling at the thought of him- what was it Kai said? Oh, right- fucking her into next week. She stretches her arm out, her eyes lidded in anticipation and her nipples peaking once more, and curls her fingers at him. Come here, she almost screams, come burn yourself into my very being. She’s doing her best to remain composed but her skin is flushed, the feeling of his lips still fresh on her body, and her core aches to be filled with something more than his fingers. 
He kneels on the bed once more, his lips tilted and his eyes dark, and he crawls back to her body. He grabs her thighs when he reaches her, pushing her knees to her chest and baring her core him, stretching her muscles deliciously. She grabs his shoulders, digging her fingers into his warm skin and tugging him to hover over her, her legs pressed between them. His shaft presses against her still sensitive clit and she hisses, giggling slightly from the stimulation.
“Angel,” Kai murmurs, his lips pressing against hers as he rocks his hips against her, his tip teasing her entrance, “fuck, just tell me you don’t want to forget me.” He pushes in a few inches and she gasps, cooing at the way he’s already stretching her walls, “tell me you’re mine-” he pushes further, his eyes locking on hers and making her core tighten, her fingers digging harder into his skin. “Tell me you’re mine even if you’re lying.”
He pushes all the way into her, his thighs pressed against hers and his hand shoved into the pillows beside her head, keeping him from falling against her. She feels the most full she’s ever felt, her heat pulsing as he gives her a moment to adjust. She can feel each breath he takes, each slight bump of his hips as he holds himself back, each twitch inside her like he’s a lit match and her body is a temple about to be burned to the ground. She shifts against him and a line of fire zings straight from her bellybutton, a tremor of pleasure shocking her heart. Burn me, please, she chants in her head.
“How could I forget about you?” She breathes, her mouth falling open when he slowly pulls back, only to snap his hips back into hers, driving himself deeper than the first time, “why would I- ah,” Kai presses his chest against her knees, pushing her further into the mattress and leaning on his forearms, circling his hips and stealing the air from her lungs, “I’m yours, Malachai.” She resigns, her train of thought long gone, “all yours.”
“Absolutely right, baby,” he growls, pulling out of her again and slamming back into her as soon as the words are out of her mouth, “mine.”
His hand grabs her knee, pulling her legs apart to wrap around him as he settles into a faster pace. She wraps her arms around his neck, her fingers anchoring in his hair and tugging his lips to hers. She squeezes her thighs around his hips, her toes curling from his bruising pace, whining when he almost pulls all the way out of her once again before thrusting back. She arches her spine, her chest bouncing against his as he circles her arm around her back, pulling her flush against him.
She drags a hand down Kai’s back, her nails digging against his skin and drawing a sinful moan from him. His lips latch on to her jaw as he thrusts harder into her, his arm sliding behind her neck and holding her closer, “fuck, you’re so tight-”
He lifts to his knees, bringing her with him and shifting the angle of his thrusts, his shaft brushing the same spot from before. She lets go of his shoulders, falling back into her pillows to grip her fuzzy sheets for dear life. She can feel the fire from before start building again, only this time hotter, and she rocks back against him, doing her best to match his pace but it’s impossible. He has her legs around his waist still, her bottom half clean off the mattress as he pounds her top half into the pillows; there is nothing for her to do but let the pleasure wash over her. 
Kai pulls her leg further up his chest, hanging it from his shoulder as he smirks, tugging his lip between his teeth, “if only you could see how pretty you look princess, all stretched out for me.” She clenches at his words, the ball of fire pulsing dangerously, and he tightens his hand on her thigh, his eyes going dark, “do you like it when I praise you baby?” His voice is throaty and she can feel him twitch, just as close to coming undone as she is, and her walls clamp around him harder this time, “I’ll take that as a yes.”
“More,” she begs, screwing her eyes shut and letting the sound of his voice push her closer to the cliff, “tell me more. Please!”
He sucks in a sharp breath, his hips slamming impossibly harder against hers, brushing that magical spot relentlessly. His fingers slide down her leg, dragging through her folds to find her throbbing nub, circling his fingers lightly and drawing a strangled scream from her lips.
“And what should I tell you, hmm?” He presses harder against her clit, his fingers picking up the pace to keep time with his increasingly sloppier thrusts, “should I tell you that you look exquisite wrapped around my cock?” She moans, his words making white flash behind her eyes, her core squeezing and sending the first taste of her second orgasm spiraling through her, “that I can’t wait to flip you over in a minute and make you cum again,” her legs jerk, the second wave so much more intense than the first, so much more earth shattering, “and again,” he pushes into her one last time, throwing them both over the edge, “and again, angel.”
Her whole body splinters when he empties himself into her, meeting her release with his with a shuddered breath. She can’t even scream his name- god, she certainly tries though- the white, hot pleasure coursing through her veins, stirring a new life into her bones, only allows her to whisper it. Mouth it over and over again as he collapses against her sticky chest. Fuck, Malachai. He pulls out of her and she hisses, swallowing the last wave of electricity as she stretches her bones, delighting in the careful pop of her joints. 
“Fuck,” Kai rolls onto his back, his eyes shut and his mouth wide open, “that was-” he props himself up on his elbow, his eyes now open and swimming over her face, “that was just wow, baby. Fucking wow.”
She giggles breathlessly, her legs jelly as she turns to him, reaching her arms out. Her body still craves him, her skin aching to press against his in a way she’s never experienced. He wastes no time scooping her up, wrapping an arm behind her knees and pooling her on his chest. His other hand glides up her spine, his fingers pressing hungrily into her flesh. Her thighs slip around his hips as she sinks against his chest, her face finding the crook of his neck. His hands work at the kinks in her shoulders and she shivers, her body starting to light up again.
“Fucking wow,” she agrees as she presses her lips against his throat, squeezing her thighs as his fingers draw lower again, swiping over the dip at the base of her spine as she murmurs a soft, “you don’t have to leave yet, do you?” 
Kai’s body tenses under hers and her heart stutters, her chest stinging- oh, maybe he does. 
“If you do though that’s okay,” she rushes out quickly, pushing her hands against his chest to put some distance between the two of them, “I don’t want to keep you if you, uh, have places to be, I guess-”
He tightens his arms around hers, sitting up quickly, keeping her in his arms as he does so, “I have nowhere to be but here.” He presses his lips against hers and she sighs, reveling in his slightly salty taste, “nowhere I want to be but here, princess”
She nods, brushing her nose against his, “okay.”
Her fingers tangle through his matted hair and he sighs, leaning down to brush her back. Okay. It’s not what she wants to say- something more along the lines of please never leave- but she can settle for it for now. She shifts to straddle his thighs better, pressing her chest against him and sighing at the growing electricity. Round three it is. When she kisses him back she can swear she tastes a hint of her bubblegum gloss on his lips.
“Okay,” he agrees.
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chloe-skywalker · 2 years ago
Really? - Kai Parker
Kai x Fem!reader (Eventually)
Warnings: none
Word count: 1,996
Summary: They call in Y/n to babysit Kai
Authors Note: I used the name Hope as a nickname. Also like shes hundreds of years old. Used Twitter in this because Kai had a twitter in the show. This is REALLY old my writing has improved SO much since I wrote this. I wrote for english class in highschool as a sophomore. The date on the paper that I turned it in on was 5/26/16. This was never typed and honestly I completely forgot about it. But I found the 9 page story in my closest. Hope you all enjoy it. This is probably one of the very first times I every wrote a piece of fanfiction. I never posted it on tumblr, I’m pretty sure. I did rewrite some parts cause like I said my writing has very much improved since this lol.
TVD Masterlist
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“Ok, I did not come back to Mystic Falls to babysit some sociopath that I don’t even know!” Y/n said standing in the doorway to the livingroom. Y/n had her left hand on her hip with it pushed out to the side, and her right hand flat out pointing towards Alaric and Jo sitting on the couch together. It had been awhile since she had been in the Salvatore boarding house. “This was your idea, wasn’t it?”
“Relax, Hope. It was mine and Stefans idea. We figured you're a Hybrid plus a witch. Also you're not easily persuaded. Your best option.” Damon said, pouring himself some bourbon.
“Ha,ha,ah, NO!” Y/n said with anger filled eyes. “I don’t want to babysit the newest town problem.”
Y/n turned on her heels towards the front door, once she got there when she started to open the door Stefan appeared right in front of her. He closed the door before slinging his arm around her shoulders, walking her back to where everyone else was.
“Please do this Hope, if not for me or Damon do it for Jo, Liv and Luke. Please.” Stefan pleaded.
Considering that Kai was trying to kill his siblings, the Salvatore brothers being allies with them and not Kai, makes it more understandable why they were keeping him in their cellar or as Y/n liked to call it a dungeon.
Even though Y/n didn’t plan on coming back to Mystic Falls from New Orleans to help in their latest crisis, she would. Her father, the original Hybrid, wouldn't like it. He couldn’t bare to lose her, not his hope. That was her nickname and it stuck. Everyone calls her Hope because of it.
“Fine.” Y/n gave in, although a bit annoyed.
Y/n didn’t have anything else to do and hey, maybe this sociopath wouldn’t be that bad. She had never been one to judge without knowing the person. Her father just because his mother was unfaithful to a werewolf was judged for her actions. Y/n found that unfair.
Damon opened his mouth to speak, bringing Y/n out of her thoughts. “Ok its settled then you watch the little weasel.”
Soon enough they all left to go do what they needed to do, so Y/n  headed down to the cellar and sat against the wall. Having been told to stay close to the cellar because Kai was tricky.
Y/n went on her phone and got on twitter, not long after her phone went off with a notification for the social media app. And apparently Kai had heard it.
“You should follow me on twitter, cobrakai1972.” He said from inside the dungeon cell.
Y/n thought about it for a moment and she didn’t see anything wrong with friending him on twitter. “Ok, that was corbakai1972. Right?”
Once she heard that Y/n heard him get up and suddenly his face was behind the bars on the door. Y/n lifted her head to look at him, he looked surprised. “Wait, are you serious?”
“Yeah, why not?” she shrugged.
Kai raised his eyebrows in shock. So he decided to explain who exactly he was. “Well, I assume they told you exactly why you're babysitting me. Right? I’m the new big bad in Mystic Falls. In the prison world I kidded BonBon, multiple times. I assume she’s your friend since you are obviously friends with Damon, Stefan, Alaric, and the rest of them. Probably friends with Jo, Live and Luke as well if you're willing to protect them. They trust you enough to watch me.”
Y/n didn’t miss the way he said his sister's name with disgust, he must really want to kill her like they said. Considering he look’s 22 and Jo looks 44, Y/n took it as in prison worlds you don’t age. Also he killed Bonnie in one so you can’t die either. Damn witches are assholes.
“Well for one thing they told me their side of the story of what happened. Second thing, me and Bonnie are not friends so whatever kill her I don’t care. And yes, they are my friends I guess you could say. Third thing, trust me now that is a kinda long story. They do trust me but that took a very long time, being the daughter of the original Hybrid Klaus Mikaelson whom they trust as far as they can throw. Trust wasn’t an easy thing to earn, Especially since I’m alot like my father. They have me babysitting you because I’m a Hybrid like him as well, and a witch.” Y/n smirked at him which made him smile widely.
“So I guess that means I can’t convince you to let me out?” He asked with a cheeky grin. Y/n shook her head ‘no’ and they both laughed.
Y/n realized she liked his laugh, she didn’t think he laughs often. After a while their laughter died down they started talking about everything and nothing all at the same time. They talked for hours and at some point they had both started leaning against the cellar door. Then the object of ‘pasts’ came up.
“Kai we don’t have to. We don’t have to talk about the past or family if you don’t want to. I get it’s a touchy subject.” Y/n told him sincerely.
Kai nodded even though she couldn’t see him. “You're right we don’t, but I want to know yours and I take it that if I don’t tell you anything then you won’t tell me anything. Am I correct?”
He was right, she wouldn’t tell him if he didn’t share his. “Yes, you're right.”
Kai nodded. “Fine. My family called me an abomination and they physically and mentally abused me with magic and, not because I’m a siphoner. I can’t and couldn’t fight back. Since I couldn’t generate my own magic. My parents didn’t want me to possibly rule the coven, so they kept having kids till another set of twins was born. When twins turn 22 in our coven they merge and the winner takes both powers and becomes the leader of the coven. The other dies. When me and Jo were supose to merge they said no, I went on a rampage. They decided to let us merge but it was all a set up to send me to the prison world. One of my very own, like hell.”
Y/n felt sad for him, his parents turned him into what he was today. They made him into the sociopath, from how they treated him. It wasn’t his fault he was born a siphoner. Called an abomination in his own home growing up by the people who should’ve loved him. It was so wrong in so many ways.
Y/n wanted to lighten the mood a bit. “Wow. That's some history. Am I supposed to top that?”
“There’s more things to me than just that but some things stay secret.” Kai winked, obviously teasing her.
Y/n bit her lip and rolled her eyes at his coolness.
“Okay! Your turn.” He said excitedly through the door.
Y/n laughed before thinking where to start. “Ok, ok lets see, before and after my birth my fathers parents have been trying to kill me. And they're dead now and still try. So my father sent me away for a while. When he brought me back to live with him and our family, his siblings in New Orleans. Its not the only time I've been sent away, my father has a lot of enemies. He sent for me back when he came here and undaggered his siblings. We even have a house here. We caught up and that's when I met everyone. Lots of saving, lots of killing. But I think everything that me and my dad have been through made our bond stronger. There's more to me but you know some things stay secrets.”
Y/n heard him laugh at her copying of his words from before.
“Well I think we are pretty much tied on the who’s worse considering my parents beat me and your dad's enemies and parents keep trying to kill you. I mean at least mine let me live.” Kai let out an amused breath.
“OK well this is getting depressing.” She sighed
“Agreed.” He said
Then suddenly Damon’s name lit up Y/n’s phone with a text.
[ Hey won’t be back for a couple more hours. Please keep watching him.]
Y/n scoffed, fully annoyed she’d already been here for 5 hours.
“What?” Kai asked, having heard her scoff and seen the annoyance on her face.
“Damon’s going to be even longer.” Y/n was officially pissed. Y/n thought for a moment and then a brilliant idea popped into her head. “You know if I have to watch you why does it have to be here?” She smirked michevously up at the breunette.
“What do you have in mind?” He questioned.
“If I have to watch you I’m not going to do it here.” Y/n stated.
“Wasn’t that the point?” Kai questioned.
“So?” She shrugged. “His text didn’t say it had to continue here.”
“I’m pretty sure that’s not what he meant but I won’t stop you.” Kai smirked at her idea, completely ready to be free from his cell.
Y/n didn’t need a key since she was hundreds of years old witch.
 “They're gonna be pissed when they find out.” He told her as he stepped out the doorway.
“They can’t and don’t know how to kill me. And my father plus Aunts and Uncles wouldn’t let them lay a finger on me.” She rolled her eyes.
So the two of them walked upstairs when Kai spoke up. “So you really want to hang out with me?”
“Of course.” she nodded but when she looked over at Kai he seemed relieved. “Did you think I would say no?”
He scratched the back of his head looking to the floor.
“Kai” Y/n looked at him and stepped in front of him reaching up to hold his face in her hands. “After everything we just talked about, and me letting you out, why would I not want to hangout with you?”
Y/n leaned up and kissed him on the cheek. Kai couldn’t believe he might’ve actually found a friend.
“You mentioned your name when we talked. How if they named you Mlachia then they must have expected you to be evil. When I look in your eyes I don’t see evil, I see a boy that doesn’t know what love is.” Y/n looked into his eyes. Kai saw no malice, no hatred. She cared about him.
“You don’t know me. Not really.” He shook his head not believing that she could care about him.
“I don’t. But I’d like to.” She smiled warmly at him. Y/n lifted her shoulders smiling looking into his eyes. “Who knows, maybe you can change. I’m not saying to stop killing, I’m just saying maybe not kill everyone. People might see you differently.”
Kai laughed at the last part, it was probably true. “No one’s gonna ever see me differently. No one will ever see me as redeemed.”
Kai looked down actually feeling sad about that. No one would ever give him a chance. He’d never be forgiven.
“Hey, you want to know why my dad and everyone calls me Hope?” Y/n asked, she was gonna tell him anyway but luckily he nodded so she continued. He didn’t just nod though he also raised an eyebrow and made a look that made Y/n laugh. “He calls me Hope, because I’m his hope. His hope to be better, his hope of redemption. Maybe I can be your hope to.”
Kai smiled nodding along. “Maybe.”
With that they officially left the Salvatore boarding house to go have some freedom and fun.
Taglist: @padawancat97
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v-velvetykisscs · 3 years ago
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SUMMARY: kai kidnaps you to try his new powers on you and you try to escape him.
WARNING: yandere ! kai - obsessive, worshipper, sadistic , deranged ! kai ( basically normal kai lol ) heretic! y/n, tvd gang! y/n marking/carving kink, bondage, blindfolding, sexual references, pet names, blood kink??( swallowing of blood )
NOTE: this is so dirty, i feel like i'm teasing you guys. lemme know if you want a part 2!! :)
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god, she's so beautiful.
he thought as he stared at your drowsy form.
at the soft arch in your back, at your silky smooth curtains of hair and the way it cascaded onto your face, swaying softly with the breath of breeze that travelled through the double doors on either side of the corridors.
it was kai who had carried you bridal style through the empty hallways of mystic falls high and tied you up to the ceiling tiles. he'd done it all so meticulously, locked your handcuffs in around each of your smooth, porcelain wrists. wrapped a black headband around your lids, letting his fingertips graze the cold skin of your cheeks.
he could feel a twitch from under his kaki cargo shorts form as he let his mind drift to a vision of you wailing and moaning in pain as he practiced his magic on you. the thought of you writhing in agonising pain on your knees in front of him, relaxing into his touch as he grasped your chin tightly was enough to send him over the edge.
he yearned nothing more but to break you. to break you and bend you to his will. to mark you and claim you as his. but most importantly, to make you love him as much as he adored you.
flinching, you turned your limp head away from the white haze of lights seeping your vision through the black material covering your eyelids. you hear the monotonous hum of electricity.
what the fuck?
you jerk your head up suddenly, twisting your head from side to side as you try your hardest to see through the fabric tightly wrapped around your eyes. you finally feel the rest of your limbs outstretched and when you try to move your right hand you hear the loud jangle of chains.
is this some sick joke?
your heartbeat accelerates in your chest, ready to leap out of your ribcage and out of your dry mouth. you inhale shakily and try to tap into your magic but it's as if it's been dried up. panic surges through you tenfold as you realise you can't feel your magic through your veins.
"i'd give up trying if i were you, i've sucked up most of your magic. thanks for that by the way doll face.”
suddenly a pair of hands settled on the sides of your head and snaked around to reach the knot holding the folded fabric over your eyes on. with a small tug, the fabric came undone.
you blinked hard as your eyes focused on a tall figure towering over your restrained form, inching slowly toward you.
you’d be lying to yourself if you didn’t think he was breathtakingly gorgeous, with his chiselled jaw and button nose and the lopsided smirk resting on his plump lips.
but what entranced you most were his metallic blue eyes, a mixture of asphalt and gas-stove-blue flames, sparking with azure embers.
his eyes were kindled with excessive excitement, but the churning feeling from within the pit of your stomach and the goosebumps creeping over your bare arms outwardly showed the dread you had for the man shamelessly trailing his gaze down your shackled body, almost undressing you with your eyes.
fucking perv.
“who are you?” you hesitantly asked.
“oh i’ve forgot to introduce myself. manners, i’m kai, pleased to make your acquaintance. i'm quite offended damon and bonnie haven't mentioned me.”
“oh, they have. i know you're a social pariah and fucking psycho and i want you to unshackle me right now-“
suddenly, he gripped your jaw in his hand, interrupting you. the cold, silver metal of the ring on his index finger burning against your skin as he turned your face in his soft palm and you felt disgust at yourself the pang of warmth the action sent through your abdomen, spreading like wildfire to your cheeks.
his eyes squinted as he analysed every detail on your face, as if committing the sight of you to memory, photographing you into his dirty, perverse twisted mind.
"you've got quite the mouth on you, i'm surprised. considering how cute you look."
he let go of you gently, smirking at the look of distaste on your face.
after all, he loves the idea of a challenge.
“sorry about earlier, i didn't mean to knock you out. in fact i think i might’ve accidentally killed you, judging by the colour of your skin and the veins bulging out of your cute face, you looked like mouldy cheese” you crinkled your nose at this.
"why did you take me?" you whispered
"oh. i thought it was obvious. you're a freak of nature, well that's rich coming from me but i find you truly fascinating. besides, your regenerative powers make me feel less awful about toying with your life."
"my friends will come get me soon." you tugged against your chains, moving as much as the fetters allowed toward him threateningly, staring him down. you rattled against your cuffs and kept on tugging on them.
"nothing a little invisique spell can't fix. do me a favour and stop making such a fuss? it's insufferably annoying."
he lifted his hand toward you and you winced as a wave agony lashed across your face. you felt an invisible force tracing across your cheek painfully and you screamed at the sight of blood dripping down your jaw. your heart lapped against your ribcage in fear and you moaned with pain as kai's magic gouged lines into your face. soon the pain resided and your head lolled down as you stared at the floor.
you heard a loud crack and glass shatter onto the floor and from your peripheral vision noticed him pick up a shard. he advanced toward you, tilting your head up once again with his index and thumb abruptly, extending the mirror toward you. you stared back at your reflection, trails of tears under your sunken eyes and a bloody "K" letter carved into the skin of your cheek.
he licked his lips as he watched the blood pool at the edge of your face, dripping onto the floor, his eyes brightening at the sight. He turned to look into your face, his line of sight falling to your red lips, bruised from biting onto them. he placed his own above yours, ghosting over the skin and you felt his mouth stretch into a wide smirk. immobilised you drew in a sharp breath at the beyond-invasive proximity. feeling a shudder pass down your spine at the pool of heat building between the flesh of your legs, covered with skin-tight jeans
gently, he brushed your hair behind your ear whispering slowly into it.
"you look perfect." he told you, grazing your cheek with his thumb as he smeared the blood onto his finger, licking it off with his tongue.
you kneed him, eliciting a grunt of pain and tugged furiously at your handcuffs which gave way with the second yank, dawning coming upon you that your supernatural strength had regenerated. you burst into a sprint toward the doors to the outside, pushing them open forcefully and leaped out before being sent backward. You hurled yourself again in hopes you could pass the threshold to the outside but was knocked back again due to the invisible magical barrier planted at the entrance.
“come back doll face, i’m not done with you!” you heard him say loudly from down the corridor. you turned on your heel and chased down another corridor, bursting through another door.
with a whoosh of wind, the lights flickered intermittently. you looked around to see you landed into a cafeteria, adorned with white and red foldable, large lunch tables. you rushed to the double doors at the end of the lunch all and tugged them open.
you felt your heart plummet down into your stomach, drumming loudly in your ears, prying its way out of your body.
kai raised his head to gaze at you as you opened the door. his hand propped over his head, body slouched forward, as he'd been patiently waiting for you on the other side of the door all along. he wanted to make you feel like you stood a chance and thrived off taking that glimmer of hope away. he got off your despair and couldn’t help the cheshire smile pulling at the sides of his mouth, brimming with pride.
“found you.”
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