taleswritten · 8 months
i see a lot of ff7 blogs follow me and hi hello welcome. while clive (ff16) is my main muse, i do have a cloud muse but pls keep in mind and respect that my cloud is genderfluid.
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Even If the Planet Shatters Around Me Now
“Do not get cocky,” Sephiroth glared down the length of Masamune’s blade at the young man dangling there, impaled through the torso bare millimetres from anything vital. Blood poured from a dozen more wounds earned from his relentless attempts to take on the Elite SOLDIER by himself and cover the retreat of his miscreant friends. Fellow members of the slum-based rebel group, AVALANCHE, they had been reluctant to leave their comrade behind in the slowly destructing reactor, and were not nearly far enough out of the labyrinthine structure that Sephiroth could not catch up to them.
The valiant rebel seemed to realise this, fear and anger sparking in his bright blue eyes through the haze of exsanguination and certain pain, teeth grit and features twisted. He let his own weapon fall and gripped the blade run through him instead, as though he could keep his nigh inhuman opponent there, if only he could prevent Sephiroth from reclaiming his weapon. The SOLDIER’s marble smooth and generally unaffected expression curled into the faintest smirk, and rather than rip Masamune free, he swung the whole blade. His unreal strength sent the slighter swordsman hurtling down the walkway to crash into the very exit he had attempted to guard. There he lay broken, like a marionette with cut strings. Sephiroth gazed down at the young man as he strode forward, a feeling like disappointment flitting through his mind now that their battle was over. The results had been decided before the fight had even begun, as far as Sephiroth was concerned, but somehow the spirited rebel had actually presented a challenge, and in an opponent who was no mere gargantuan monster with teeth and claws and very little intelligence, that had become rare. It wasn’t until he had to stop and blink the rivulet of blood from his eye that Sephiroth realised this low born slum rebel had even managed to land a cut. He thumbed the thin line of red from his brown and moved to pursue the rest of the AVALANCHE rebels when he found himself stopped again, this time by a tug on the hem of his long, black coat. At his feet the beaten and bloodied fighter gripped the leather with a tenacity that sent one pale brow arching higher on Sephiroth’s mask-like features. “Ohh? Still alive…?”
“Don’t…” The blond’s voice rasped wetly in his chest, desperation mingling now with the agony and the fury that still burned lowly. “Please…”
It seemed to gall the young man to say it, leaving a taste worse than the metallic tang that must be coating his tongue now. Sephiroth glanced away in the direction of the rest of his targets and felt the tug again. “They’re not… I set the bomb, I....”
As though to underscore his claim, another small explosion rocked the massive building, one in a chain that had been gradually tearing the plant apart. Sephiroth considered that he ought to just kick the slum mongrel’s hand away and leave him to bleed out or burn up, whichever of the fates he’d brought on himself claimed him first, but hesitated, actually responding instead.
“You would not have gotten this far to set that bomb alone. You are all equally culpable in the eyes of ShinRa.” They were cold, dispassionately spoken facts. Sephiroth himself did not particularly care. The loss of the reactor’s functionality would only be a temporary blow to the lives of those privileged castes who resided above the Plate. Even so, to maintain the status quo, the retaliation of ShinRa would be swift and merciless to anyone identified as part of the plot. But surveillance had gone down just prior to the incursion. As far as Sephiroth was aware, only he knew the names and faces of the young man’s co-conspirators. 
“Please,” he was glaring up at Sephiroth like he still wanted to kill the sliver-blond warrior, something strange and unreadable mingled in the expression. It intrigued the Elite in his inability to identify it. Tears had sprung up in the bloodshot blue wells of those eyes, clumping the lashes and cutting trails through the red sheeted down that deceptively and beautifully sculpted face. 
Sephiroth had always been given to understand that the denizens of the slums were all common and homely, if not ugly and malformed. Clearly that had been misleading.
“I’m the one-...” he tried again and stopped, seeming to realise that track wouldn’t work any better on Sephiroth a second time. His fingers slipped on the SOLDIER’s coat just briefly and caught again. When he spoke next his voice came out exhausted, almost crushed. “...I’ll do anything, Sephiroth...” Almost. 
When Sephiroth stepped again, he turned, away from the exit and faced his fallen opponent. The edge of Masamune’s blade came to rest beneath that sharp, elfin chin. 
“‘Anything’?” The inflection of Sephiroth’s intrigue coloured the dark velvet of his baritone, and he watched a more powerful shudder pass through the young man’s near constant, full body tremor. Neck on the line along with his friends, he nodded. A green orb of materia, set in the hilt of the same weapon that had laid waste to the blond fighter, now flared into potency. Warm, verdant light swirled around and settled over the wounded man, a low level healing that would only stave off the worst effects of the damage Sephiroth had done, without giving back his enemy’s full virility. Sephiroth would not give him any opportunity to rescind the statement in the scant moments between the crumbling trap of the reactor and ShinRa Tower’s impenetrable security. 
He needn’t have concerned himself overly much. As though Sephiroth’s acceptance had been all he’d been waiting on, the battle-wearied young fighter slumped into unconsciousness as soon as the Elite SOLDIER lifted him from the overheating steel floor. He remained almost comatose for hours after the grueling encounter, well long enough for his wounds to be tended, all the necessary paperwork to be processed, and for Sephiroth to dispense with his own duties, post mission.
The glacial swordmaster returned from his duplicitous, but utterly uneventful debriefing well after dark had fallen to find his strange prize awaiting him, sedated, restrained, cleaned, and mended. The only remaining evidence of their furious battle against one another was a thin, pink scar on the slum rebel’s torso. 
All the lighter gashes had been effectively erased by Midgar’s more than state-of-the-art medicine. Even the old scars of his hard life beneath the Plate were gone, but this, where Sephiroth had first run his adversary through, he had wanted the young man to carry always, and remember. 
Sephiroth seated himself upon the edge of the elegant divan and ran the tip of his finger over the mark, watching the shape of the young man’s eyes move beneath the lids as he swam lethargically toward consciousness. What had his comrades (the ones that Sephiroth had absolutely, definitely not personally seen) called him again…? Crying out for him to hurry, to stay strong, to run… Ah, yes.
Sephiroth leaned in to purr the name against his ear, “Cloud…”
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milteine · 4 years
   The city comes alive at night. The passing of the sun hides all the bright, ugly parts of the world -- casting a spell. A glamor. A romanticization of something hideous. Most profit off of the sun, the magic of honesty, but Lucifer profits most when the moon rises. Desperate people cling to the fantasy he brings. People want to be lied to. 
   He clutches a flute of champagne, donning a half-there smile as he mingles with mindless aristocrats and the rich. Nothing new. Nothing interesting. Here he sits, in his bubble of lies, without an entertaining creature in sight. He sips on his bubbly golden drink, examines the room with heavy red eyes. He’s hungry. He brushes a crumb off his pant-leg, recently having enjoyed a plate of macarons. His tongue runs over his teeth, lashes blinking slowly at the way the woman in front of him drones on about her new vacation home in the hills. 
   Yes, yes. Riveting. Lucifer downs his champagne with another heavy swig and sets the glass on the woman’s tray. She looks at him like she’s committed some great crime as Luci simply... walks away. The room is pretty, at least -- they’re on the top of a high rise building. The ceilings touch the sky, a massive golden chandelier hanging like yellow ice, and wreaths of lavender and roses line the walls and entryways. 
   There’s an ice sculpture of Luci’s face, too, naturally. They never get his nose right. He’s under the impression that this will be another uneventful night -- at least until he gets away to one of his night-clubs -- until someone new enters. Someone fresh. Someone... Lucifer watches them from across the room. They smell like the sea in the peak of summer. Inviting. 
   And they aren’t what they seem -- not by a long-shot. He’s wearing a dress. Petite, blonde. That wig is nice. Lucifer leans against a roman column and gazes with crimson eyes at the possibility of a new toy. He speaks with the body-guard, expertly passing off as someone he’s not. A noble-woman. What brings you here, pretty?
   Lucifer decides to watch for now. He’s curious. What will they do?
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reno2ndgun · 4 years
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All organinc. Made only with First Class Asshole.
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mxkoiinfused · 4 years
{ @makoeycd​ continued from here x }
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“ --- That’s it, “ he purrs hearing Cloud FINALLY give in to his demands. “ I always get my way, Cloud... you should know this by now. “ Seph holds off a little longer, not wanting to give in right away himself.
He wonders how long this could go, how long could Cloud hold out? No, he wouldn’t be THAT mean. A low chuckle rumbles from his chest, a finger coming to trail down the other's chest.
“ You beg so well... I suppose you deserve a treat. “ Sephiroth purrs only then does he now cave to Clouds begging. Oh how sweet Strife sounded asking for his touch, for his kiss.
Lips press to Clouds in a heated kiss, hiking the other back up and pressing him once again against the wall. “ You look cute when you’re flustered, just thought I’d let you know. “
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the-blackest-spider · 4 years
Your Pain is My Own
Everyone has a darkness in them. It was human. But most ignored it. Never allowed it to develop and breathe. They suffocated it. Destroyed it with the light that was safer. Better. Sane. Some had control of their darkness, others did not and were utterly consumed by it. Perhaps, luckily for Cloud, Natasha was the former. But she wondered at times, if she could lose control. The prospect both terrified and excited.
But she shouldn’t be thinking about it now. She was stalling and she knew it and eyes were watching. Hungry for violence. For pain. A show.
The pulse in her neck jumped beneath the collar of her pristine white shirt and dark blue almost black suit coat and matching tie. Nimble fingers moved as hands rose and undid the tie, slowly pulling it off and casting it aside. Next came the suit coat followed by the top three buttons and sleeves being rolled up to elbows.
Part of her felt sick looking at Cloud as he was now. Tied down, held by restraints that could tame things far stronger than either of them. Monsters. Though, wasn’t she one?
Yes she was.
And that part of her almost enjoyed seeing him there as he was. It flared through her like a fire. But she stamped it down. There would be no pleasure in this. For she had made a fatal error. She got close to her mark. They had laughed, had some good times and now she was going to have to ruin it. Because even though she wouldn’t be her worst or best, she still had to hurt him. She had to make it good for those watching.
“Hello, Cloud.” She spoke, but it was not her voice, not as he would know it. She had taken care to use technology to disguise it and had him blindfolded. She sold her superiors on the methods, promising it would yield results because he would be in darkness, he would not know what was coming, who was there.
For the first time in Natasha’s life, that she knew of, she felt like a COWARD.  
Not wanting his blood on her hands, she opted for full gloves rather than her usual fingerless. And there would, at some point, be blood. But she was going to give him once chance.
Don’t be a fool, don’t be stubborn just talk dammit.
She begged the boy silently.
But Natasha knew he wouldn’t. He was too good, too honorable. He wouldn’t betray those he called friends. She respected that, even understood it. Ironically she had been in his place once. It was bitter, that irony. Tasted horrible.
“Tell us about Avalanche. Where do they meet? Who is behind them?” Because someone was fronting, they had someone inside Shinra, but who was the question.
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turkoftheslums · 4 years
@makoeycd​ replied to your post: You did this, guys. You did this.
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“Everybody needs a lil’ butter in their lives.” Right, @gyahahahaha​?
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honeybeeout · 4 years
[ fix ] andrea treating an injury cloud has perhaps?
“Stop squirming,” Andrea chastised. “Do you want this to heal crooked? Take another drink if it still hurts.” He didn’t have the best bedside manner, he’d be the first to admit, but Cloud also wasn’t very likely to listen if he spoke gently. He wanted to ask him how he’d broken his wrist, but he sincerely doubted he’d be coming to him for help if it was something he wanted to get around. “Almost done, grin and bear it, bright eyes.”
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hatredheld · 4 years
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@makoeycd​ said:  ❛ I’m sorry. For whatever happened to you. For whoever hurt you so deeply that you see things like friends and fondness as weapons instead of shields. ❜
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     && he did not like that!!
The words run off of him like a river flowing over smooth stones. In one ear, and right out the other. The corners of his lips twinge up into a smirk— oh, Cloud was so funny sometimes. 
“ What is with this change of heart? ”
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fairweatherpuppeh · 4 years
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      “Huh... you look almost sad today, it’s kinda strange to see one of you with such human expressions ya know?” Zack as always was humming as he washed the lilthe blonde’s hair very gently, he was so careful with the fish boy.          “I wonder... What’s it like where you’re from? I bet the ocean is sooo super pretty!” he chirped, chuckling, yes he was talking once again to this man who likely couldn’t understand a single word he said as he carefully rinsed the soap from his hair and his scales.          “You have... the fluffiest, prettiest hair, you know? Kinda like clouds.”
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roseusuitta-a · 4 years
‘ welcome to le baguetto squad ‘ 
here is your icon and also link to the discord server ucu have a brilliant baguetto day ucu 
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Who are some of your favorite people on your dash every day and why?
// Ohhh! Excellent question! These aren’t in any particular order except whatever’s going on in my subconscious. Probably mostly based on how OFTEN I see them, since they question says ‘every day.’ @the-blackest-spider Because we’ve been friends here for years and it’s always a pleasure to see what sort of shenanigans Natasha is getting up to, even when none of my muses are involved. She’s created such rich worlds and varied relationships for her muse, and then I always smile when something from her OOC blog pops up, because it’s usually #relatablecontent
@sentineloftheunderworld Because damn, I can’t help myself, I have a THIRST for Vincent Valentine (I had his OG splash graphic as my computer background for a LONG time and hung print outs of the covers for Dynamite Passion and Satan Impact up in my locker at school.) Also the mun is the most precious, and the way they’ve crafted their Vincent just makes me ♥u♥ and also LOL!! because he’s so perfectly dry. Please, anons, keep sending this man all your poorly crafted questions. I love nothing more than to watch him shoot you down with his deadpan wit. @makoeycd Comes up with all the best gender fluid Cloud Strife content, and is always SO in character. Like I know some folks are pressed about it, but I really just see it as emphasising an obvious part of Cloud that Remake just doesn’t take the time to fully explore because they’ve got missions and shit to do and a world to save! If Cloud could slow down for a minute he would absolutely be exploring this feminine side Andrea helped him unearth from beneath all the militaristic, toxic masculinity. (LET HIM PLAY THE PRINCESS IN THE GOLD SAUCER PLAY GODDAMNIT, SQUARE!! Give me the Barret date they deserved!!) Ares is also a pleasure and I love to see what OOC stuff is going on in his life, what video games he’s playing and such. @reno2ndgun Busts me up with all the ask box crack that is just constantly coming his way. Like, I do not have a great talent for RP crack myself, but I can appreciate a mun and muse combo who knows how to roll with that nonsense and turn it into ART. (SHIT LIKE THIS OMG!!!) And on top of that, they mix in a tasty dose of pain and angst on the side that I’m just like *chef’s kiss.* Yes. 
@sephgang Comes up with awesome head canon ideas to flesh out the sometimes barren framework that was Crisis Core especially. I love bouncing ideas off of them, and seeing what their interpretation of the characters are. The kind of nice thing about a framework is that individuals can focus on different elements of situations and characters and draw their own conclusions, so even when an interpretation differs from whatever conclusions I’ve drawn I still find it fascinating!!
That’s most of who I see on the regular and who make me grin just as often. 
Oh, and every times something from @boomchickfanfiction or @tomowowowo comes across my dash I just vibrate into the stratosphere because their fic and art GIVE ME LIFE!!!  
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hostiias · 4 years
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“i promise i’ll be a good girl”
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        Snap! The lace of her garter snaps against her thigh as Zack pulls it up and lets go, relishing in the slight red mark it. His mouth follows his hand, leaning down to lick at the red skin--soothing the irritation with his tongue and a pleased hum. “Good, I don’t want to have to punish you if you aren’t, baby doll~.” he hums, fingers dancing along the lace of her stockings and almost purring at how her skin feels like this. Cloud is always surprising him, but this is definitely his favorite one. She’s left her hair down, adding a blend of make-up that he can’t wait to see all over his lips and running down her face. Zack can’t say he likes hurting Cloud, but he loves making her come undone; cry with pleasure until she can’t hardly stand it anymore and begs him. 
            Her waist looks smaller in the corset-style lingerie she’s laced herself into and it takes his breath away. It’s all baby blue and floral; exposing her skin while giving her modesty over the dip between her legs and her chest. There’s a silver angel feather dangling from her ear and he knows; knows it means that she wants to be a girl--that right now she’s the woman of his dreams. Oh and how he loves her for all she is; laced up and whimpering for him. It doesn’t matter to him if Cloud likes to be a girl sometimes; if she doesn’t fit in with societies idea of what gender should or shouldn’t be--of what she is allowed to like or not like. Callouses slip from her thigh (regrettably forcing him to let go of the straps he’d been toying with) to grip at her hips and he digs his thumb into them briefly. 
              They continue their journey up until he can curl his fingers over her waist, gripping the dip of it and rubbing the soft lace over her skin. He’s been teasing her--light touches meant to inspire her imagination into thinking on what he’s going to give her next, but never giving her much. “Oh baby girl look at you...” He catches her gaze and licks his lips before slowly gliding his gaze back down. “I’m gonna eat you up~.” And it’s a promise as he shifts down, hands moving back to her perfect thighs (taking a moment to scrape his nails over any skin that’s exposed) and spreads them, nestling his head against her hip. He nips at the edge of the panties hugging her hips before he finally noses under them and he bites down. It’s not hard enough to draw blood--but enough to leave a nice indent in one of her most sensitive places. He growls low in his throat, stroking his tongue where he just bit. 
                “Do you want that baby~? Want me to dive under these pretty panties that look so good on you and use my mouth on that pretty clit of yours~?” 
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reno2ndgun · 4 years
He’s not looking where he’s going, distracted by someone who keeps trying to flirt with him. He’s trying to escape their view and it works but not without causing him to run straight into Reno and spill his drink on him.
The beverage spills out from his cup and onto Reno and him both. Damn it! This dress was expensive - and now it’s likely to be ruined because of his own clumsiness. It makes him let out a surprised gasp and then - Reno is making some sort of sex joke?
It makes his cheeks heat up. Damn it, damn it, damn it! “Uh….” What the hell is he supposed to say to THAT? “Sorry about that.”
Reno hadn’t actually seen the person when he’d made the wisecrack, but when he looked up he had to stop and just look. “.....wow. You....Look stunning.” He hadn’t even thought about the response  to those stunning blue eyes before blurting and froze for a few minutes.  In those heavy few minutes one of the other dancers Tapped the shoulder of a dark woman with a head full of tight braids clear down to her back. “Fifi.....I think your son found somebody.” The kind faced woman looks over and slowly, painted lips peel into a smile that she gently conceals behind long fingers. “oooooh boy I know that look.” Reno finally collects himself and shakes his head, fumbling for a waiters towel from one of the serving karts, his face red down to his collar, “Here, I’m...I’m really sorry about the dress and running my mouth off earlier.” He offers the towel to Cloud first, “I’m Reno.”
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mxkoiinfused · 4 years
{ @makoeycd​ }
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“ --- Cloud? “ Red calls sniffing about the mountainous terrain they had left off in. He hadn’t seen Cloud all day and Red was WORRIED for his friend. He’d followed the path where the blondes scent still lingered until he’d come across the other.
A pause.
Cloud doesn’t seem to be all there at the moment and quickly Red is at his side gently pushing his muzzle into Clouds hand in an ATTEMPT to bring him back to reality. “ --- Cloud are you alright? “
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ancientblxde · 4 years
yeah i've been getting hate about making my cloud genderfluid, i've seen some other people get hate about their portrayals, even changing urls. it's ridiculous.
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So basically they’re ignoring the fact that not only cloud can kill it in a dress but in said dress, MANAGES TO EVEN WIN OVER TIFA AND AERITH?! If that’s not genderfluid then IDK what is hun!
And man, these anons are babies cause they don’t have the guts to have fun or anything so they gotta gatekeep. But you keep doing what your doing hun since fuck, Cloud looks better in a dress then they do <3
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