#making kacchan launch the ball for him
evelynpr · 30 days
This is supposed to be the silly cracked 4koma- why does it have such an empathetic description for bakugo???
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Like, ok Mr. Personification of Marina and the Diamond's "Oh No" here's your insecurities on full display
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ticoryblues · 2 years
Okaeri BkDk Day 7
Flowers/ Moving/ Breakfast
“Ready Kacchan?”
Katsuki looked up from his phone as Izuku walked towards him with a duffel bag slung over his shoulder.
“Hell yeah.” Katsuki smirked, the bravado faltering and heart skipping a beat when Izuku took Katsuki’s hand in his.
A year into dating and these little things still made his stomach flip. This was all very new to him, and loads of therapy session were the reason why he bit back the urge to snap and crawl into his room and avoid his feelings.
Yeah he was done with his pining stage. It was time for the whipped romantic in him to shine. All those lessons from shoujo manga finally scored him a boyfriend.
He was prepared for it yes, but he failed to take one thing into consideration.
Izuku was a sappy, over the top, hopeless romantic that threw Katsuki’s shoujo fantasies to shame.
All this—hand holding and dates and cheek kisses, when Izuku would slowly link their pinkies while doing homework and not fluster! — there was only so much Katsuki’s eighteen year old heart could handle.
They had come a long way. No more looking at down at each other. No more chasing the other’s back.
Side by side. As it should be.
And just how quickly things were changing, at a larger scale too. Graduation was just a month away, every student of 1-A or rather 3-A with at-least three agencies interested in them.
That’s it. They made it. After years of evading villain attacks and illegally fighting for their lives, they finally made it to the finishing line.
The Graduating Heroics Class of 3022 would debut as rookie Pro Heroes in less than a week.
Endeavour’s agency or rather Todoroki’s agency was launching the Wonder Duo. Promo shoots, costume upgrades and press schedules had the next year completely packed for the two of them.
“Ready.” The grip in Izuku’s hand tightened, holding on tightly. And Katsuki was ready. Ready for his hero career to start, for his dream to start.
But for now, for today—it was just the two of them.
“Let’s go.”
The pair walked in comfortable silence, huddling closer as the cold January wind whistled past them.
The first morning of the New Year.
Every year, his mom would drag him out of bed in the bitter cold and trek up all the way to the shrine for hatsumode. She would get him an omikuji, a fortune telling paper to predict the course of rest of the year.
Then they would sit by the kotatsu together, watching cheesy slapstick comedians on the cable, eating oranges and mochi for dinner.
Katsuki wasn’t superstitious or overly religious per say, but he was a little old school for certain traditions.
It was more of a sentiment.
So Katsuki proposed the idea of making a first shrine visit before kick starting their hero career.
Izuku’s grip tightened as the reached the crowded shrine. “We should have started early.” He scratched the back of his neck.
Katsuki had told him before hand but Mr-OFA had pulled another all-nighter on the AITA reddit section and slept in. If it was any other day, Katsuki would have chewed him out, but one look at the sleep rumpled freckled face and an apology kiss on his head was all it took for the blond to short circuit.
Bakugou Katsuki was close to going into cardiac arrest with each passing minute.
All the Stay close Kacchan and pulling him closer by looping an arm around his waist and wrapping his scarf around Katsuki’s neck for him—his heart was hammering against his ribcage like a ping pong ball.
He knew Izuku was a gentleman but damn….
Katsuki needed a distraction from his distracting boyfriend.
Katsuki tugged at their joined hands, pulling Izuku towards the wooden wishing plaque and pulled out his marker.
Another sentiment. Before any important exam or result day, Katsuki would visit the shrine or write down his initials on the plaque. He had hogged on more than three-fourths of the wishing plaques before getting into U.A
From today, he and Izuku would start a new journey, he wanted everything to be smooth. Grabbing one wishing plaque for a happy home and scratched their initials onto it.
B.K & M.I
“I didn’t know you believed in this Kacchan.” Izuku’s voice was oddly quiet and in awe.
“I don’t. I’ll make a happy home on my own.” He hung the plaque and turned to him. “It’s more like a reminder of what I promised myself.”
Turning towards the shrine, the two bowed and clapped their hands thrice, sending their prayers for a prosperous new year.
“What’d you pray for nerd?” Katsuki teased. “The Limited Edition All Might Action Card?”
“Ha, ha. Very funny. You know I already have all the premium action cards.”
Katsuki snorted, shaking his head. “But what the fuck you asked God for so long? You stood there for fifteen fucking minutes muttering like a broken record.”
“I prayed…” Izuku gave him the side-eye. “For a hundred lifetimes with you.”
That sneaky little…..
Undoubtedly, Katsuki’s cheeks were stained a deep red at his sap of a boyfriend.
Like hell he was letting the nerd one up him! He could make him blush and stutter too. It takes two to tango—
So, crossing the one line he vowed he’d never do if he ever found himself in a relationship, he cleared his throat and looked him straight in the eye, “Just a hundred?”
The bright, radiant grin Izuku gave him was totally worth the cheesy line. The things love makes us do.
Izuku shuffled on his feet, fiddling with the keys to their house.
Their house.
He had been grinning like an idiot, staring into the void, eagerly awaiting this day. They were finally moving in together.
To wake up next to Katsuki everyday, to come home to him after patrol, eat cheap takeout on the floor.
Side by side with Kacchan.
It was surreal.
He couldn’t wait.
“On three?”
Katsuki nodded, undoubtedly as giddy as Izuku felt, just a bit more subtle than Izuku.
Izuku swung the door to their apartment open, holding onto Katsuki’s hand with a death grip. The Wonder Duo crossed the threshold together, entering into their first home together.
It was small, ratty and unfurnished but it was their home.
Their humble beginning. Years down the lane when they’re well settled heroes, they would walk down the street and revisit the memories all over again.
Midoriya Izuku couldn’t wait to start the new chapter with Bakugou Katsuki. With their salary as rookie heroes, all their house had was a loaf of store bought bread and a lone dandelion in a fancy china vase that Izuku insisted they must have in their new home.
All cause it reminded him of Katsuki’s fluffy hair.
Izuku rolled out a single futon in the living room and lied down on his back, staring up at the cobweb filled ceiling.
The house was far from ready; painting, plumbing, unpacking— a lot still needed to be done.
But as Katsuki laid down beside him, shoulders touching, he couldn’t think about anything else.
Katsuki snorted and looked at side. “Hey there.”
“So, ready to deal with my snoring?”
Katsuki squinted, “I’ll kick you if you disturb my precious sleep.”
“I love you too Kacchan.”
Katsuki grinned. “Be ready for a strict diet. I won’t let you have cheat days nerd.”
“Once a week?”
“Absolutely fucking not!”
“Once a month. Final offer.”
“…Deal. And you vaccum everyday.”
“And grocery shopping. You wait for me before starting any new show. No watching episodes without me Kacchan!”
“Hai, hai.”
“To making new memories, yeah?” Izuku smiled softly and tipped Katsuki’s chin. Katsuki scooted closer and leaned in, kissing him long and slow.
Pulling away, Katsuki grinned. He would get this everyday now. Yeah he could get used to waking up to this.
Green eyes sparkled as they opened, crinkling at the corners. “Welcome home Kacchan.”
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vaulter-byer · 2 months
Vaulter vs BHA Season 1
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Challenge 1 - Thief on the Railway Bridge
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I use my ES translation ability to slide up the walls of the buildings, so I can get a better view from above.
I jump down between the rails and use my ES translation ability to charge at him when his back is turned.
Now I have a perfect shot as I launch up to his neck, then use my powers to temporarily paralyse him from the neck down using CF insulation.
Kamui can now use his ability to trap the thief.
Challenge 2 - Slime Creature in Tunnel
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With the big black spot in my static senses, due to slime being mostly water, there's no way he's gonna get the jump on me.
As for fighting him directly however, I got nothing.
I can at least call for help, and keep him distracted until heroes arrive, keeping other people out of danger as I go.
Challenge 3 - Slime Creature & Kacchan
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Water's my biggest weakness, but I can get in close, and grab Kacchan's arms pushing them back, Kacchan will sink deeper but, then I can use my CF conduction, to activate Kacchan's quirk.
The blast will make a gap, between Kacchan and the slime, which I'll slot myself into, but Kacchan is still held by his arms right now.
I break Kacchan's arms, so they cross behind him, holding me against his back, and then fire again.
The blast injures Kacchan's arms, but it also frees them.
Now I aim them at his feet and fire again.
He's free, now to deal with the slime.
Use CF momentum, to make the pieces of rubble and dust form a bubble, around the slime, then us ES attraction, to stick them together like glue.
I can hold it just long enough for Backdraft to step in and capture the slime.
Challenge 4 - UA Entrance Exam
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I use ES translation to get onto the rooftops for a better view, then jump down and use CF momentum, to throw pieces of rubble at the robots to destroy them, it means I only get the 1 point bots.
I use ES translation to quickly approach Urara, then CF momentum to throw the rubble off her, using ES translation to pull her to safety.
I can't fight the big robot, so I ignore it.
Challenge 5 - Fitness Test
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CF momentum to throw the ball.
ES translation for the dash and long jump.
Toe-touching and sit-ups are just easy for me in general.
I'm gonna have to take an L, on the grip strength and side stepping.
Challenge 6 - Combat Test
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Use ES translation to evade Kacchan's attacks, luring him beneath the ideal spot, when he uses the long-range attack, charge kick his hand upwards, by using ES translation.
Urara can now win.
Challenge 7 - Raid on the USJ
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Knowing my own abilities, I figure they brought an electricity user, to knock out communications.
I use the large rocks, to launch myself and land, using ES translation.
From above I can find the electricity user.
I Use ES repulsion, to use the gravity from the fall, to slick myself over to the target, all while being too slick to be hit directly.
Meeting a fellow electricity user, I realise that I'm gonna need a long-range attack.
I can pull his arm away and free Denki, if I can just throw a rock at his left side, one that's charged with ES attraction, so it sticks to the back of his hand, and peels his fingers back.
I took note of the insulating sheet on arrival, and using a rock with ES attraction, I throw the sheet to the left, so that it obscures our positions, and appears as though, we're trying to circle around to his right, while I go the other direction.
The sheet blocks his perception of us, so he has no time to react to my throw.
Using airborne Denki to block his vision, I use ES translation to slip past Denki, placing myself between the two of them.
I push still airborne Denki towards safety, using my back alone, so that I'm facing the hostage taker.
I won't make it back to safety before he attacks, but now his attention's on me, and I can rely on Kyoka to attack now, since she did go left back then, and her movements are still obscured, by the insulating sheet.
Now we can contact the other heroes.
Aizawa must be tired, so I go back to help, same as Deku did.
When Nomu is holding Aizawa, I use ES repulsion on Tomura, in an attempt to get a better look at his face, by making the hands slip off him, so I can just his actions better.
Tomura tries to command Nomu to kill me, but my technique has also separated his vocal cords, as well as hold his mouth open, and his tongue elevated in the middle of his mouth, so now he can't speak, or close his eyes either lol.
This causes him to engage me directly, but his disintegration quirk is neutralised, because I used CF condensation on myself.
Now I use the exposed sub-dermal skin on his neck against him, CF insulation paralyses him from the neck down.
Now use CF expansion to make an air pocket, so I can approach Kurogiri, seeing the armor I use CF insulation on it, so now they're both paralysed.
Now it's just the Nomu.
I prepare myself to fight him, if I can keep him on his toes using ES translation, I can distract him long enough until help arrives, but he doesn't attack without instruction.
The fight is over.
Challenge 8 - Rescue Training
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I use ES attraction to grip to the wall, so I can make a quick descent, by jumping down in steps.
While the stretcher victim is tied to the rope, I use ES translation to push myself up the hill, while holding the stretcher.
With the additional weight, it's slower than other methods, but it's much more stable.
Challenge 9 - "Unknown" character in USJ
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I soon realise that we're gonna need Minoru.
Now we just gotta get the villain over to the trap.
I use a rock with CF attraction, to pull Shoto from his grasp, by peeling the villain's fingers back.
Now pushing Shoto away with my back, I use ES translation to push away from the villain, while still facing them.
This distraction gives the others the opening they need, and the villain is pushed into the trap.
Villain captured.
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makeste · 3 years
BnHA Chapter 313: Deku VS Lady Nagant
Previously on BnHA: Hawks’s super-hot badass murder senpai Lady Nagant showed up to fire a cupid’s arrow into my heart, and a bunch of literal bullets into my son. Deku was all “oh shit it’s Hawks’s super-hot badass murder senpai, what do I do, let me think back to Hawks’s advice for a sec.” Flashback!Hawks was all “anyway Deku so if my super-hot badass murder senpai ever shows up you’re basically screwed so you’d better abscond the fuck out of there.” Present!Deku was all “lol idek why I flashed back to that conversation since I’m just going to do the exact opposite of what Hawks said” and charged directly toward Nagant because WHY NOT. Overhaul was all “waah I need to get back to my boss who I put in a coma out of love” and Nagant was all “jesus christ why did I even bring you here” and had a flashback to AFO who was all “ILU NAGANT IMMA GIVE YOU AN EXTRA QUIRK SO PLEASE CAPTURE DEKU FOR ME PLEASE AND THANKS” and yeah. Shit is all over the place right now and I love it.
Today on BnHA: All Might gets attacked by a pair of discount assassins and is all “Call an ambulance! ...BUT NOT FOR ME” and it’s really badass but also I really wish he would stop tempting fate like this. Lady Nagant is all “[casually flies around town shooting shit]” and I’d be lying if I said I wouldn’t read an entire chapter of just that. Deku is all, “[gets shot (≥_<)]” and releases a giant Smokescreen which prompts En to show up. En is all, “( •᷄⌓•᷅ ) (⌣̀ Δ⌣́) ( •̀_•́ )σ (¬、¬) (눈_눈)” which I consider to be a high point of both the chapter and of my life. The chapter ends with Deku using the Third’s quirk to launch a bunch of random objects at Nagant so that he can jump up and grab her arm all sneaky-like, and I’m sure this is going to prompt another week’s worth of discourse that I don’t care about at all, but fuck it, I’m having a good time.
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you named your car??
you named it Hercules??
I love you so much??
please marry me you giant fucking dork???
lmao speaking of huge fucking dorks
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who the fuck are you clowns. la dee da we’re gonna murder All Might with our synchronized spear attack!! I mean... they’re clearly trying their best... maybe I should just be nice and politely hype them up like All Might is so clearly trying to do
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like okay, but we all agree that this is actually the least intimidating attack any of us has ever seen, right?? these guys zipped up their hoodies all serious-like and are trying to attack All Might and Hercules with their Walmart tiki torches, but just, no?? right?? like the only way this could possibly be effective is if they were trying to kill All Might with secondhand embarrassment
“those are assassins” this is a VERY generous assessment, All Might
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[slaps roof of car] this baby can fit so many weaponized festive backyard lighting solutions in it
and yet, even after watching this with my own two eyes, I still can’t take these dudes seriously. idek what it is. anyways r.i.p. Hercules, I loved you a lot but I guess you weren’t actually a very good armored car were you
omg they didn’t know it was All Might??
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okay 1) for a moment there I was like “oh hey maybe they’re not so bad after all” but then a moment later it was like “ah nope, they are.” like, that was an interesting .06 second emotional journey there. anyways 2) All Might you have my permission to kick their asses for this disrespect, and 3) anyone else all of a sudden getting “wouldn’t this be an interesting time for Stain to suddenly show up” vibes?? no?? just me???
(ETA: hmm tbh I’ve still got those vibes and they haven’t gone away lol. Stain?? you out there buddy?? do you want to be cool for just once in your life. ball’s in your court pal.)
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omg he’s shouting at them about how much Deku has suffered lmao and they’re just like falling over from being scolded
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so they have absolutely no idea what he’s talking about though, right? “SIR THIS IS A WENDY’S” well whatever, you killed his pet car so he’s in a bad mood now
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(ETA: also, the more I look at this panel, the more I’m just like, why the hell would you phrase it like that though, sob. way to doubly tempt fate?? are you trying to give Horikoshi a challenge??)
and now back to Deku who is randomly bouncing around the city and narrating it to himself just in case he was confused about why he was doing this
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who are you talking to Deku. but thanks we appreciate it
man you gotta love that overconfidence. the smartest guy in the world warned you away from this lady, so SURE, LET’S RUN RIGHT UP TO HER. “I APPRECIATE YOUR INPUT, FLASHBACK!HAWKS, BUT I’LL TAKE IT FROM HERE” well okay then!!
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I think it would be funny if RHA.com put little Buzzfeed-style polls in between the chapter pages so they could survey people at random intervals as they read their way through the chapter. like, you finish this page and then there’s a little poll there asking “do you think Deku’s plan of catching up to Lady Nagant and finding out where Shigaraki is will work?”, and you click “no” just like everyone else and then nod as the results show that 97% of your fellow readers also picked “no”, and you chuckle to yourself wondering how many of the 3% accidentally clicked on the wrong option by mistake, and then you keep on reading
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update: Deku’s plan not really working out. sources tell me my boy has been fucking shot. this is an ongoing story and we will keep you posted with the latest developments as they come in
wait what
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feel free to explain to the rest of us what all of this “UNLESS...” and “THAT POSSIBILITY...” shit means anytime, Deku
oh lol did he realize she could fly??
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BREAKING NEWS UPDATE, CNN’s John King reports that Deku is still fucked. eyewitness reports now coming in that Nagant is doing no-look shots and basically not even giving a fuck. sources described her mannerisms and expression as “sexy, but in like an effortless sort of way.” we will continue to bring you the latest
so now there’s basically an entire page of Deku being all “ah fuck so she’s basically closing in and she could already hit me with impossible accuracy even from Far Away, so if that’s the case then her being Up Close is probably going to be even worse!” making good use of that Big Hero Brain there, Deku
so now what, you’re doing some kind of spiraling kick thing?? how is that going to help
oh lol he’s using Smokescreen to create some cover. aww, good for you Deku you named one of your Smokescreen attacks
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seriously, AFO?? you basically told her what Deku’s exact strategy was going to be but then couldn’t be assed to drop that little, small, barely notable piece of knowledge that Deku is rocking multiple quirks?? is it supposed to be a secret or something?? you dropped the ball here man
damn this is getting intense now
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(ETA: the way En is poking Deku’s head in that first panel is fucking sending me, I love this guy so much omg.)
well then what are you planning, Deku?? I’m actually really curious!! I am genuinely starting to be invested in this fight scene not only in the “wanting to see who wins and how that impacts the plot” sense, but also in the “wanting to see how it happens because the choreography and strategy is actually pretty cool” sense, which honestly hasn’t happened for quite a while now! this is fun
anyway so what’s up Deku, are you going to use another quirk?? I’ve been speculating that he hasn’t actually unlocked the last two yet (since Two and Three didn’t exactly seem convinced when we last saw them), but maybe I’m about to be proven wrong
(ETA: well he clearly has Three’s obviously, but Two’s is still MIA, and that’s the one I am of course the most curious about. that’s the one we’re all curious about, let’s be real.)
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(ETA: so yeah, after thinking on it, I’m not gonna say “please no Deku discourse on my blog” this week, but I probably will ignore any discourse that does come my way though, just because I don’t have much interest in getting involved in what would probably be a pretty repetitive discussion. like, I can just sum up my opinions (which is what they are) here instead. in fact here they are lol:
1) I like the SIXQUIRKS and I like seeing Deku be a badass.
2) I also don’t think Deku is too OP. more like he’s exactly as OP as he needs to be at the moment, given that we’re approaching the end of the series. I expect the other kids will also be pretty damn OP when we see them fight again. we’re just at that point now where they’re all badasses (as well they should be; they’ve grown a lot and they deserve it). it’s just that Deku’s the one we’re getting to see right now.
3) of course I miss Kacchan and the others, but for me this vibes much closer to the MVA arc where even though I missed them, I was still having a blast (as opposed to the dark days of the Basement arc where I was pretty much losing it lol). like, even though Kacchan’s my favorite, I still love Deku a lot and this arc has been amazing for him getting to shine on his own (for like the first time, really).
4) y’all know I love the OFA plot and I’ve never been shy about that lol. I like all of the Vestiges a lot. Banjou and his over the top personality; En and his “guy you thought would be serious and :| all the time but is actually hyper-animated and ALL OVER THE PLACE” energy; Shiro who actually is a :| sort of guy lol; Three who I still expect will be fleshed out in a more detailed flashback at some point; and of course Two, who, well. you know what I think about him lol. Bakuverse is still on the table and I’m still hyped. I don’t think it’s a coincidence that we still have yet to see Two actually talk to Deku (as opposed to talking to the other Vestiges while Deku is distracted). did he lend him his power yet?? or is he still holding out?? either way it’s definitely going to be a Big Thing when it finally happens and I can’t wait to see it.
5) Lady Nagant is Everything and just because Deku grabbed her arm doesn’t mean the fight is over yet lol. Overhaul hasn’t come into play yet either. not to mention that even if the fight is over, the “where do we go from here” part still has me excited either way. her connection to Hawks and the HPSC is very intriguing and we’ve barely touched on that as of yet; she definitely has more of a role to play in this.
6) last but not least, I feel like every week the discussion is all about how much focus Deku’s getting, and how OP he is or isn’t, and OFA this and OFA that, but meanwhile I’m actually so invested in the character development here though?? the way Deku has distanced himself from everyone (except for the Vestiges, because of course they’re already dead so it’s not like they can die again lol)?? the way he’s pushing himself far too hard and we can see the shadows in and under his eyes, and the fact that he never smiles, and even All Might has remarked on how he isn’t taking care of himself at all?? the fact that he’s so single-mindedly obsessed with focused on stopping AFO?? the fact that he’s still the same sweet old Deku despite everything and was so kind to that fox lady with the umbrella, but there was also something so sad about that scene because it felt like a reminder of the type of hero that he wants to be, but that he’s not allowed to be right now?? because the stakes are too high and the world is falling apart?? and he feels like he’s the only one who can do something about it?? and that he has to be?? and that he is putting so much pressure on himself right now, and it’s absolutely too much pressure for any one person to bear, and I feel like no one is fucking talking about this lol goddammit.
anyway so yeah. I have feels about this, and every week that slow-burn angst is getting more and more intense behind the scenes, and I feel like it’s all going to hit a breaking point eventually. sooner rather than later. it really feels like a mirror of Katsuki’s post-Kamino arc. where all that angst was just churning below the surface for like twenty chapters and then it finally was like “okay it’s time” and it all came bursting out and we got the best five chapters of the fucking series (in my admittedly biased estimation lol).
basically, I know that most of fandom is billing this as either the “villain hunt” arc or the “solo Deku SIXQUIRKS fighting arc” or whatever. but for me, it’s always been and still is the Deku Angst arc lol. the cool fights are a sexy bonus (the worldbuilding less so because even though it’s interesting to see society at such a low point, it’s also very depressing and gets old pretty fast), but for me the thing that’s really keeping me engaged chapter after chapter is seeing Deku like we’ve never seen him before. seeing him all quiet and withdrawn and brooding and focused on AFO, AFO, AFO, and seeing that “he just doesn’t take himself into account” mentality taken to extremes. I am invested in that. I’m soaking up that angst each and every week, and I’m invested in seeing what comes of it. it’s a big picture thing. week to week this arc might just seem like a bunch of villain fight scenes, sure. but Deku’s emotional journey is the thread that’s going to carry this arc through from beginning to end, and for that I’m willing to be patient.
anyway that turned into a BIG OL’ RANT there but yeah! so those are my thoughts on the disk horse as it currently stands. and like I said, I’m open to discussion, but tbh I will probably just wind up repeating these same talking points endlessly so just a fair warning lol.)
anyway so Three says Deku has yet to use his quirk at ALL but now he’s trying to combine it with another quirk?? damn. also please check out En’s face here you guys
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En launching a sneak attack up my favorite character list by the sheer power of his expressions alone. he really knows how to make the most of his screentime
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at this point the 3% from that hypothetical poll earlier are starting to feel prettttty damn smug, I’ll bet. well shit
what in the fuck
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?? so like releasing his chi or whatnot?? isn’t that basically just like base OFA all over again?? also Deku did you seriously just apologize to Gran’s cape
update: Nagant has turned her eyeball into a gun
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hm. hmmmmmmm. ...okay yep, still somehow sexy
anyway so she’s just floating up there building suspense, as one does. lord I sure hope she has good reflexes because something tells me she’s going to need them
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but without the cape and the hood how will you continue to look like an enigmatic badass. you really can’t. which means we might finally be moving on from the wandering nomad part of this arc, stay tuned
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I hope he went full Kacchan with the dialogue there. his face sure looks like it lol. popped out of a building all mad fdskljlkj omg
well this was fun, shit. I still have basically no idea what Three’s quirk does though lol. like, can he use it to charge up objects with kinetic energy or something?? but then what was all of that talk about combining it with one of the other quirks?? or was that just because he was using Smokescreen at the same time??
(ETA: having seen and read an additional half-dozen explanations of Three’s quirk, I can say with confidence that I still have basically no idea what it is or does.)
anyway so!! Deku is a badasssssss but something tells me not to count Nagant out just yet even so. also I really enjoy seeing Deku flip out on people like he doesn’t have a fucking hole in his torso because it reminds me of A CERTAIN SOMEONE and I always love to see him channeling that feral energy; I feel like it’s been a while
anyways good luck to you both!! I truly wish that both of you could win. but if not, then maybe you can at least become friends instead. you have so much in common, you both can fly and have multiple quirks and you’re both badasses, and plus it would just be really funny to see the look on Hawks’s face lmao
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dekuskacchan · 4 years
Tell Me I’m Dreaming
Rating: T
Warnings: Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Mentions of injuries and hospitals, Bakugou Katsuki needs a hug
Summary: Katsuki wakes up in the hospital after the war to find that Deku is still unconscious.
A/N: Hello! SO chapter 298 is out now and it left me Feeling Some Things. i hope you like!
AO3 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/28970094
It was the last thing Katsuki remembered before he’d blacked out. He was bleeding, dying, fighting with all his might, and then, as the adrenaline wore off, there was nothing but unbearable pain.
And Deku.
Katsuki cracked his eyes open with a groan, taking in his surroundings. Instead of lying on rough, dirty terrain, he was now in a bed, his torn costume replaced by a scratchy, blue gown. An oxygen mask covered his face.
“Shit!” Katsuki hissed at the ache in his side as he lurched forward, ripping off the mask.
“He’s awake!!”
An entourage of classmates was there to greet him, shouting in excitement that he was okay, but Katsuki only had one thought on his mind.
Where was Deku?
“ARE YOU TRYING TO DIE?!" The little purple runt was gripping Katsuki by the back of his gown, trying to hold him back as he ran through the hospital.
“Midoriya hasn’t shown any signs of waking up,” they’d said.
“Shut the fuck up! You’re gonna kill me even harder by yanking me,” Katsuki snarled, shrugging off the leech as he marched on.
Deku was the only one who wasn't awake.
Katsuki was littered with wounds, but the sickening anguish he felt upon hearing those words was unlike anything he’d ever felt.
"He’s dead meat if he thinks he can die on me" Katsuki growled as he approached Deku's door, wrenching it open.
Katsuki stopped short, staring in disbelief at the sight before him.
Deku had experienced his fair share of injuries, but Katsuki had never seen him look anything like this.
He was lying supine, body heavily bandaged, with all four of limbs fully casted. His legs were in traction, and braces fit snugly on his shoulders. His breathing was so shallow that Katsuki could barely fucking tell he was even breathing at all. A monitor beeped quietly, tracking the slow, even rhythm of his heart.
Katsuki gritted his teeth, anxiety bubbling in his chest.
“Young Bakugou,” a soft, broken whisper startled Katsuki.
He was so lost in thought he hadn’t noticed All Might sitting at Deku's side. He looked like shit, skin pale as a ghost, eyes more sunken than usual.
“How-” Katsuki swallowed, “how is he?.”
“Don’t fucking sugarcoat it,”
All Might sighed and nodded.
“All four of his limbs were shattered, and he has some broken ribs. He’s been comatose for two days,” his voice was grave, “the doctors have no idea when he’ll wake.”
The words felt like daggers, twisting in Katsuki’s chest, gouging out his already bleeding heart and ripping the air from his lungs.
No, no no no, this isn’t real. How is this fucking real?
“--stopped the internal bleeding,” distantly, Katsuki heard All Might speaking, but he wasn’t paying attention.
A coma. He’s in a fucking coma.
Images flashed through his mind. Deku, destroying his body with each desperate punch. Deku’s shocked cry when Katsuki launched himself into All for One’s tendrils to protect him. Deku’s mangled body falling to the ground beside him. Deku, Deku, Deku, Deku was fucking dying-
“--know this is hard for you too, young Bakugou,” All Might was still rambling, and a molten rage rippled through Katsuki’s body.
How is he so fucking calm?
“You...fucking asshole,” Katsuki growled, eyes narrowing, “you FUCKING ASSHOLE.”
All Might’s mouth fell open in alarm as Katsuki all but sprinted across the room, grabbing him by the collar.
“You- this is your fault, Katsuki seethed, “you lied to us, you hid information, you- you could have-”
“I know,” All Might nodded somberly.
“HAAH?!” Katsuki shouted.
“I know,” All Might’s voice was firm now as he looked Katsuki in the eyes, “I should have been more open with both of you. If I had, maybe you wouldn’t be in this situation.”
Katsuki was trembling in fury, blind to all but the overwhelming grief he felt, and suddenly his fist was colliding with All Might’s jaw. He reeled back with a groan as a searing blast of pain surged through his injured shoulder and abdomen.
All Might grunted and rubbed his face, but he seemed unsurprised. Like he fucking knew he had this coming. It pissed Katsuki off even more.
“Alright, I deserved that,” he grunted, eyes widening in concern when Katsuki doubled over in pain, “but, young Bakugou, you need to rest-”
“Shut the fuck up,” Katsuki spat, “Deku almost fucking died.”
Logically, Katsuki knew that All Might was just as helpless here as he was, and he was suffering too, but for some reason that was making Katsuki even angrier. Angry at All Might and his fucking secrets, angry at Deku, at Shigaraki, everyone in this fucking hospital, at himself-
“So did you,”
Katsuki flinched at the memory, balling his hands into fists.
“That’s- that’s fucking irrelevant.”
“No, it’s not. If it weren’t for your quick thinking, young Midoriya might not be here right now. You’re right to be angry. But please, be angry at me, not-”
“I am angry at you!” Katsuki roared.
“You’re angry at yourself too. You shouldn’t be,”
Katsuki sank to his knees in defeat. White-hot bile rose in his throat, choking him as he tried to speak.
All Might gently rested a hand on his uninjured shoulder.
“Please, rest. You’re going to cause yourself further harm.”
“He...what if he- he can’t-” Katsuki stuttered, pressing the heels of his palms into his bloodshot eyes to prevent tears from falling.
“He won’t,” All Might tried to comfort him, but Katsuki could tell he was scared too, “this is an excellent hospital, the doctor’s are doing everything they can.”
“Well they’re not fucking doing enough,” Katsuki snapped.
“I’m worried, too. But we can’t lose hope, young Bakugou.”
Katsuki felt All Might kneel beside him.
“I’m sorry,” he was on the verge of tears, too.
“Fuck you. You should be,” Katsuki grumbled, but it lacked the venom he’d intended.
A sudden knock startled both of them. Katsuki raised his eyes to see Present Mic’s head peeking through the cracked door. He looked like shit, too.
“Aizawa wants to talk to you,” Mic murmured, “and you should be in bed, Bakugou.”
“Tch. You should go to hell,” Katsuki growled.
All Might nodded solemnly as he stood, offering a hand to Katsuki to help him up, but it was stubbornly batted away.
“At least sit in a chair, then, young Bakugou,” All Might sighed reluctantly, “I will return shortly. Please, be careful," and with that, he was gone, closing the door behind him.
Katuki shifted his gaze to Deku. He watched the gentle rise and fall of his chest as he breathed quietly, listening to the steady beeping of his heartbeats on the monitor.
I might never get to tell him.
Katsuki clenched his teeth, struggling to maintain his composure as the thought reverberated through his mind.
I’ve been a fucking coward and now I might never get to tell him.
Deku had always watched Katsuki so closely. He was always watching, always reaching out to him, always had a hand open for him- but now that Katsuki was finally reaching back, Deku's hand was gone.
Suddenly, Katsuki had never felt more alone, and the dam broke.
He hunched over, slamming his fists on the ground as broken sobs wracked through him. His injured body screamed in protest, but he didn’t care. All of his wounds fucking paled in comparison to this- this was agony.
“Wake up, you asshole,” he gasped, gripping the side rails of the bed, “you can’t just fucking die on me.”
The tears were flowing freely now, blurring his vision, burning hot against his skin.
“Aren’t- aren’t you supposed to be the fucking chosen one? Don’t you want to win and save everyone? You can’t win if you’re dead,” Katsuki cried.
He was dizzy. He couldn’t breathe, he couldn’t think, nothing existed except this overbearing, unwavering hurt.
“You can’t die. Don’t fucking die on me.”
Katsuki was helpless as he spiraled, choking on tears as he pleaded for Deku to just fucking wake up already, until he was finally spent.
He was more exhausted than he’d ever been in his fucking life.
His body slumped, head dropping to the mattress and arms falling limp at his side. There was nothing he could do, and he knew it.
He had never felt so powerless. All he could do was sit here and fucking wait for Deku to wake up.
But what if he never does?
“Please wake up, Deku. I need you,” Katsuki whispered hoarsely, raising a weak hand to hold Deku’s arm.
“Just don’t fucking die.”
Katsuki wasn’t sure how long he stayed like that. He was drifting, falling, desperately clinging to Deku as his only anchor to reality, and then suddenly, the heart monitor picked up speed.
His mind raced with fear. Shit, shit shit shit where is the fucking doctor? He’s--
Deku stirred beside him, grimacing as his limbs budged, and Katsuki’s own heart skipped a beat.
“Deku?” he whispered.
There was no reply. Deku’s face slowly relaxed, his body unmoving, and Katsuki hung his head. His mind was playing cruel tricks on him now, not fair--
Katsuki’s head snapped up once more, and without thinking, he reached up to cradle Deku’s face. He was searching for any tangible proof that this was real, that he wasn’t dreaming, he really just heard his voice--
Tired, green eyes cracked open to meet Katsuki’s, and his breath caught in his throat.
“Kacchan, is that you?” Deku croaked.
“Yeah, Deku, it's me.”
Deku’s eyes welled up with tears as he smiled, and Katsuki’s anxiety instantly melted away.
A/N: WHOOPSIE aha I made pain :’)
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Time for the rest of the first challenge. Event. Whatever. Words hard.
[No. 26 - Chase Down The Leader]
We flashback just a minute or so from where we left off, in order to see just how Izuku pulled off his impressive launch across the field. He stands at the start of the minefield, watching other students pick their way through - and occasionally setting off mines with missteps - while having a veritable mumblefest over the mines and the general issue of trying to pick past them. 
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The general gist of the mumbling: The mines are the type that blow up when stepped on, and aren’t that strong, but can throw a student off enough to possibly cause a chain reaction and lose them a lot of time. It’s better to go slow to avoid damage, even for leaping types, and trying to slow others is a guaranteed time loss. Izuku then analyzes the field in front of him, noting the spots people avoid and that most students will be most on guard at the entrance, which means there are plenty of mines left for his plan so long as they stay frosty. 
Izuku puts his armor plate to work digging up mines, muttering about how anti-personnel mines should only be 14 centimeters or so deep (about 6 inches). Jirou, just making her way into the field and using her quirk to… I guess disable mines in front of her? Anyway, she actually notices Izuku is up to something and asks what he’s doing, though I think it’s not one she expects to get answered. In short order, Izuku has a pile of about a dozen mines, and mentally claims he’s taking a page from Kacchan’s book. Meanwhile, Present Mic announces Shouto and Katsuki are still in the lead, and that they’re about to cross the finish line.
Not for long, though, as Izuku names his adhoc maneuver ‘great blasting turbo speed’, throwing himself on top of his armor sheet and onto the pile of mines, launching him over the field and right towards the two leading the pack. Pretty much everyone hesitates or stops to stare for a moment, shook by the sheer brass balls it had to take to literally blow yourself sky high. The two most shook, of course, are Shouto and Katsuki, who only just start moving again when Izuku actually flies ahead of them, forgoing their fight in order to catch back up.
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Izuku considers the whole experience intense, and is even more focused now that he’s managed to gain the lead. However, there’s one huge issue - he didn’t think far enough ahead to consider how he was going to land. As if that’s not enough, Katsuki is throwing himself forward with more explosions, screaming at ‘Deku’ to get back there (presumably to fight). Shouto’s not far behind, giving up keeping the others hindered in exchange for the speed he gets from icing over the field ahead of him - he doesn’t have time to worry about those behind him now.
Present Mic announces the temporary ceasefire between the two in order to chase down Izuku, and how when a common enemy appears, people stop fighting - then tacks on that, well, actually they’re still fighting, just not each other. Aizawa wonders what his friend is even trying to say. 
Izuku starts floating away from his armor sheet, the larger surface area causing it to stall and slow faster then he is. He grabs onto one of the wires as he recognizes this, and that if he loses time on his landing, passing the two again will be impossible. As the two just start to rush past him, Izuku swears mentally, telling himself to not let go - while he’s still ahead, this is his only chance. So, if passing them is impossible, then he has to maintain the lead. 
Somehow, he manages to flip in the air, using the momentum to bring the armor plate swinging around and into the ground right between the two, the pressure enough to set off several more mines. The two are forced to stop from the resulting explosion, while Izuku’s newfound momentum throws him readily ahead. 
As he falls into a duck and roll, Present Mic announces how Izuku blows off the competition with no time to lose. He goes on to marvel at Aizawa’s class, wondering what he’s teaching the kids. Aizawa says it’s not his doing, and that they’ve been spurring each other on all on their own. Present Mic rolls on with his commentary, asking who could have predicted such an incredible turn of events? Aizawa asks if he’s being ignored as Present Mic announces the first one back to the stadium:
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Midoriya Izuku. The crowds go absolutely wild. Outside the stadium, Death Arms recognizes Izuku as the kid from a year ago. At home, Inko falls off the couch sobbing while repeatedly stumbling over Izuku’s name. In an unknown location, Shigaraki watches on while scratching idly at his neck. 
Izuku looks around the stadium while breathing heavily, eventually looking at one spot in particular. Somehow, he’s found Toshinori in the stands, and the two have a Moment™ from across the stadium. 
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These fucking two, man. 
While Izuku is trying to keep himself from crying, the other students start making their way across the finish line as well. 
Toshinori thinks about how Izuku has the spirit of a savior hero to the core, but the sports festival is a competition that tests the exact opposite of that - your willingness to take down the enemy. Heroes nowadays depend on popular opinion so much. So many selfishly seek to beat everyone else. But that’s not Izuku - and that’s why Toshinori chose him, even as he thoughts that lack of selfishness would be his one weakness. He claps in the stands, happy to have been proved wrong and mentally apologizing for doubting him, even as he laments Izuku’s crying habits.
Some business students nearby catch Toshinori’s attention, mostly due to them discussing Izuku’s potential and how they’d market him. They talk about how Izuku’s stock is about to rise, but it’s hard to say what’s still in store for him since he didn’t show his quirk. They then start speculating about how a hero agency would market him if they took it on, with one pointing out how he’s not much to look at, so they’re have to push his skills and his unique, almost artistic sensibilities. When the resources you need aren’t there… Well, we don’t hear how that gets handled, but Toshinori does note how some things never change.
We get a brief narrative insert about the business course, most notably how they have nothing to gain by directly competing in the sports festival. Instead, they hone their skills as salespeople and run business simulations. 
Back with the hero students, we see Katsuki and Shouto both catching their breath. Katsuki is furious at Izuku once again managing to wrangle a win right from under him, while Shouto is just staring after Izuku silently. Present Mic announces more racers reaching the finish line, and that the standings will be gone over later, so the students can catch their breath for now.
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Ochako and Tenya make their way over to Izuku. Ochako calls Izuku’s strategy awesome, while Tenya is in despair over losing a race with his quirk, stating that he still has progress to make. Ochako states that she’s jealous of Izuku’s first place; Izuku flushes and hides his face behind his arms, stating that it wasn’t that impressive, and was still too close. Internally, he laments that he just got lucky, that all his chance strategies happened to work. They say it’s awesome, but it was just a lucky break, and that the real test of skill starts now.
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Anyways, Midnight announces the end of the race, and we get the results:
Midoriya Izuku
Todoroki Shouto
Bakugou Katsuki
Shiozaki Ibara
Honenuki Juuzou
Iida Tenya
Tokoyami Fumikage
Sero Hanta
Kirishima Eijirou
Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu
Ojiro Mashirao
Awase Yosetsu
Asui Tsuyu
Shouji Mezou
Satou Rikidou
Uraraka Ochako
Yaoyorozu Momo
Mineta Minoru
Ashido Mina
Kouda Kouji
Jirou Kyouka
Kaibara Sen
Tsuburaba Kosei
Kaminari Denki
Bondo Kojiro
Yanagi Reiko
Shinsou Hitoshi
Kendo Itsuka
Shishida Jurota
Kuroiro Shihai
Kodai Yui
Rin Hiryu
Shouda Nirengeki
Komori Kinoko
Kamakiri Togaru
Monoma Neito
Tsunotori Pony
Hagakure Touru
Tokage Setsuna
Fukidashi Manga
Hatsume Mei
Aoyama Yuuga
I wasn’t able to find this list in word form anywhere online, so I made it myself. You’re welcome. I also calculated the points each of them had going into the second event, but I’m not gonna worry about that here. I’ll do individual and team points when we actually get to the teams. That way, we’ll know who has which teams’ headbands at the end!
Moving on with the chapter. Midnight announces that the top 42 from the qualifying round will move on, conveniently just including every hero student as well as the two non-hero students who managed to place higher. For those who placed lower, the sports festival will have another way for them to show their stuff!
(Not that we see said show, which I mean, makes sense narratively speaking, but also…)
[I was going to insert the server discussion about my thoughts on the arbitrary cut-off point here, but it’s getting long enough to merit its own post at this point. So look forward to that whenever it goes up!]
Anyways, Midnight continues on, explaining that now the main selection really begins, and that the press corp is going to be jumping out of their seats, so the students should give it all they’ve got. Now, onto the second event, which she already knows - which confirms these are predetermined by UA and they just do the randomizer for the sake of the crowds. Said event is… 
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the cavalry battle!
Kaminari is nervous at that, thinking about how he’s going to suck. Mineta is also looking concerned. Tsuyu notes they’re teaming up, but how, exactly? Midnight explains with a neat little graphic:
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Basically, participants get in teams of two to four, and get into a horse-and-rider formation. The rules are the same as your regular cavalry battle - snag the opponent’s headbands while guarding your own - but with a twist. Each student has an assigned value based on their placement in the race. 
Sato notes that it sounds like the points in the entrance exam, so it sounds simple. Hagakure comments on how this means the point value of each team is based on its members. Midnight snaps and cracks her whip at the students that she’s about to explain, so they should shut up already. 
Individual point values start at five, at the bottom, so the student in 42nd place is forth five, 41st is worth ten, etc etc. However, the first place participant - that is, Izuku - is instead worth a whole ten million points.
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That, my friends, is the face of someone realized they done fucked up.
Basically all the students stare down Izuku as he goes stiff from the internal panicking. Shinsou and Hatsume seem to be shown particular interest in it. Midnight finishes the chapter by noting that the higher-ranked students are the ones to aim for, and that this survival game is a chance for a comeback. It’s anyone’s game!
And with that, we end chapter 26… and volume three. Which means bonus content will be coming soon! See y’all then, and we’ll be back with more sports festival action in the next volume. 
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dumbbitchenergy17 · 4 years
Extra Part 9
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U.A. a school for students to learn how to become the best Pro-Hero. When young Y/n Midoriya returns from her traveling to be accepted through recommendation. What awaits her when she meet the explosive blonde Katsuki Bakugo
Words- 3062
Katsuki Bakugo x Midoriya!Reader, Izuku Midoriya x Cousin!Reader
Warning-Spoilers from show and Hero license Arc, and fighting scenes.
Series Masterlist
You had followed Bakugo around the city-like district for a while with no encounters with any other examinees. “Bakugo you shouldn’t just run off.” You called after him as he began climbing up a ladder to a highway.
“Hey Kaminari why did you follow us?” Kirishima asked right behind you as you all climbed.
“I dunno. Cause you guys started running then Y/n followed. I didn’t wanna end up alone” Denki answered. “Where are we going?”
“SHUT UP.” Bakugo yelled not wanting to be with you all.
“Why you always gotta be so mad?” Denki complained.
“I told you to chill out Bakugo.” Kirishima scolded the blonde, “Looks like there’s a lot of people up there.” Bakugo was the first to get onto the street with you following and Kirishima and Kaminari behind you, “So I think the four of us should work together.” Kirishima states.
“Go die.” Bakugo huffs
“Come on man.” Kirishima groans.
You sigh following the blonde “We just need to find someon-”
“LOOK OUT!” Kirishima yells as he pushes you forward out of the way of an attack. He grabbed by some flesh like blob
“Kirishima!” Denki cries out you watch in horror as he is smushed up into a ball of goop and that’s when you see that you're not alone. In front of the three of you is a student from Shiketsu holding the Kirishima blob surrounded by more blobs of other students. ‘I think his name was Shishikura’ you thought “What the crap. Did that really just happen?” Denki looks at the blobs of students.
“All I know is that bastard looks like he’s to blame.” Bakugo growls out stepping forward, “So I’ll kill him.”
“I’m from Shiketsu. Please notice my school keeps our hats on when we’re working,” Shishikura stated, holding the blob of Kirishima that twitched and moved every so often. “Why’s that because each and every one of our movements is crowned by the legacy and honor of our school.” He drops Kirishima, him falling, lying with the other blobs. “This is a demonstration. Proof of the difference in level between my peers and your vulgar class. We value obligation and dignity things that appear to be sorely lacking among you.” 
Bakugo smirks back at the student in front of you three “I really hate your type.” 
Kaminari pales and glances at you “He’s hard to follow. Makes me feel kinda dumb.”
“He said his beady eyes are full of tears, so he can’t see how strong his opponents are” Bakugo mocks him making you chuckle.
“My eyes are dry and handsome, thank you!” He yells
“Hey. Maybe don’t provoke this guy?” Kaminari tries to warn Bakugo, “Look what he did to Kirishima!” A ‘tch’ comes from Bakugo as both him and the Shiketsu student glare at each other.
“U.A High I have respect for your school. I take pride in the fact that our institutions are treated as equals.” He leans forward flesh coming from behind his back, “But your class is shameful, you act in ways that disgrace heroes.”
“He’s attacking again! I don’t wanna be gross!” Kaminari hides behind you as you watch to see what Bakugo is going to do.
“Bakugo don’t do anything reckless.” You warn him
“Shut up! ‘Obligation?’ ‘Dignity?’ you just like to hear yourself talk. I don’t see any proof. Show us with your actions, not your cheap words. If you can.” He taunts him a grin on his face.
“Beast. You’re worst of all, Bakugo!” He yells kneading five fingers out of thin air and launches them towards you all. You get ready to defend a red haze surrounding your hands, while Bakugo uses one of his special moves.
“AP Shot. Auto-Cannon!” Little explosions are sent flying towards the fingers destroying the flesh some of the explosions hitting Shishikura. “I had to make a weak version so I didn’t kill anyone.” Bakugo smirks as Shishikura gets back up 
“You know what, this is why everyone’s terrified of you- you’re way too hardcore!” Kaminari watches his friend in fear. The flesh that Bakugo had destroyed started floating back to Shishikura’s arms.
“So those weird flesh things just float back to him?” You question as his arms go back to normal.
“I see now. I’ll teach you a lesson by breaking you.” He calls out more flesh leaving his arms surrounding him.
“Uh Bakugo you better think of something or we’re gonna end up like Kirishima.” You called out ready to fight.
“This will show you what it means to be dignified and behave like a hero!”
“What is up with this disgusting dude?” Kaminari shivers grossed out by this whole situation.
“He thinks he’s better than us,” Bakugo rushed towards him, “But I bet he’ll shut up when I-”
“Hey, wait don’t forget we’re in the middle of a test!” Kaminari calls out as you both watch as the blonde goes to attack,
“That’s exactly why I’ll kill the guy!”
“Bakugo stop, we have to focus on the task at hand.” You yell out.
Flesh shoots out towards Bakugo as Shishikura yells, “Absurd!” You and Kaminari both rush to fight as you use your quirk to hold pieces of flesh while Bakugo explodes them.
“Ugh let’s get this fight over with,” Kaminari puts some projectiles into his new gear and fires towards him, “Maybe this’ll speed things along.”
Shisikura dodges. “You should work on your aim.” He comments sending an attack towards Kaminari but you stop it sending the flesh back to him creating a shield in front of you and Kaminari as more flesh heads towards the two of you. “And your look. Maybe I can make you something more appealing.”
“Enough talk. Die!” Bakugo yells, sending another AP Shot towards your opponent. A huge explosion happens, smoke covering your field of vision clearing to show him covered with flesh in front of him as a shield.
“You’ve left yourself open.”
“Kacchan!” You yell but are too late when there is a lump of flesh on his shoulders.
“What the-”
“You weren’t paying attention. I had a piece of flesh sneak beneath us. You saw Kirishima earlier once I touch you, you’re my plaything.” Bakugo struggles to free himself as he begins to get smushed into a lump
“Bakugo!” Kaminari and you both rush to his rescue.
“Hey! Idiot! Fix this!” Bakugo yells at you, tossing something to you, and you both have no choice but to watch him turn into a lump of flesh like the others. 
“Pathetic. You must be remade from scratch.” You both look at the blob that is Bakugo that squirms.
“No way!” Kaminari eyes widened and you look at Shishikura with disgust.
“This is a demonstration. The test has an unusually low passing rate at first this seemed counterintuitive given our current world. With All Might retired, wouldn’t it make more sense to flood the streets with heroes? And so, I must assume that their goal is to weed out the riff raff. We can surmise that they’ve starting to be more selective in order to bring the profession of hero to a higher level. And I agree with this way of thinking so I decided to thin the herd myself.” Shishikura rattled on about the reason he was here.
“You’re not even focusing on the test.” You frowned.
“You’re ignoring the test because you think you’re superior? What are you, a crazy person?” Kaminari looks at the guy across from the two of you in confusion.
“I’m simply separating the mediocre and extraordinary,” He brings his foot up pressing down against the lump of Kirishima, “By the way, your comrades here still feel pain in this form. Your untamed electricity will torture your friends if you use it.” He points out and he was right Kaminari quirk can sometimes go out of control when he uses it.
“Ugh you’ve been doing nothing but hurling insults at us this entire time. I’m kinda starting to take it personally, ya know.” Kaminari sighs, pinching the bridge of his nose.
“Then perhaps you are more self-aware than I thought I’d take time to reflect on your failure.” He sends flesh fingers towards the two of you.
“How about you reflect on this!” You yell, throwing the object Bakugo had given you a explosion happening, sending his attack halting.
Both you and Kaminari dodge a piece of flesh heading towards you, “Those ugly-ass gauntlets of his aren’t just some kind of fashion statement. He can use that gear along with his nitro sweat to create simple grenades.” You replied, getting ready to retaliate.
“That’s it! He tossed it to you.” He put the pieces together. You and Kaminari both stood fully a red haze surrounding your hands as the same red followed your eyes.
“By the way, big shot.” Kaminari called out holding out his hand that had sparks coming from it, “You stumbled into a really killer spot.” Shishikura tries to run away but you use your quirk to keep him in place as Kaminari fires electricity at him. He falls down sparks coming from him, it all made sense with Kaminari new gear he would be able to attack without hurting his teammates. That was the same thing with Bakugo; he had used smaller explosions not because he wanted to test out a new move, so he wouldn’t hit Kirishima, Kaminari, and you. He actually had you all on his mind.
“Listen up. Bakugo might seem like a total jerk on the surface, but he’s actually trying really hard to be a pro hero.” You defend the blob of a friend in front of you and you could see that Bakugo was slowly going back to normal. “He threw that grenade to me while being attacked. That was a result of calm judgement and planning and Kirishima is a such a good dude that he rushed into enemy territory for his friends, even thought it was a totally stupid thing to do.” you continued on as Kirishima started going back to normal. “You only know bits and pieces of these guys. Don’t insult what you don’t know!” You yell a ball of red energy forming at your hand and Kaminari readies his electricity.
“I’ll teach you both to be more aware of your place. You degenerates!” He yells and you both get ready to attack but a punch to the gut by Kirishima stops him followed by an explosion sends him flying back.
“The more damage he takes, the more people get released.” Kirishima points out.
“No wonder he was only using long-distance attacks.” Bakugo replies and they both turn to the two of you.
“Thanks for the save you guys.” Kirishima nods.
“You idiot. What took so long?” Bakugo yelled, flicking your forehead “Oww I just saved you guys.” You rubbed the spot he flicked.
“Why are you so mean?” Kaminari cries, “No one’s ever gonna like you if you act that way! Woah, look behind you!” Kaminari points behind you three. “Those other flesh balls are all waking up.” You watch as the other capture students turn normal getting up. Bakugo licks his lips looking at the multiple students
“We’ve got targets.”
The four of you standoff to the new opponents. One opponent looks and sees the four of you standing across from them. “Hey! They’re from U.A.” They yell and everyone else notices as well and gets ready to fight.
“So game plan?” Kirishima asks, hardening one of his arms.
“We fight.” You yell running past them going straight into fighting, knocking down a few students with a blast of energy using hand to hand combats mixed in with your psionic energy.
“You heard her.” Bakugo smirks rushing after joining in on the fight. You and Bakugo work in tandem you using your quirk to weaken them physically then sending them Bakugo way to finish them off with his quirk. You also used your quirk on the defensive stopping people from hitting your friends targets and you own as well. Bakugo and Kirishima were able to get their two targets with Kaminari following right after. You made you way over to one of the students that were knocked out going to get your final person.
“Y/n watch out!” Kaminari yells and you turn just in time to see someone rushing towards you trying to hit your target. A red haze surrounds their body as they almost touch you but you bend backwards, one of your arms going to the ground as the other flings over your head. The person follows right as you bend back flying right over you hitting one of the walls getting knocked out. You stand upright getting your final person the target on you lighting up blue and you turn to look at the three guys all of them shocked. Some are better than others at hiding it, Kaminari’s jaw is on the floor as you go over to them.
“That was so cool Midoriya.” Kirishima compliments you and you smiled.
“Cool! That was so badass you were like woosh and then that guy went right over you. How did you even do that?” Kaminari was fanboying over what you just did making you laugh and Bakugo huff.
“Relax Denki, I’ve just been training a lot now that’s all.” You patted him on the shoulder heading off toward the designated area for people who passed. Kaminari turned to the other guys
“She called me Denki.” He freaked over a girl calling him by his first name,
“That is your name though Kaminari.” Kirishima pointed out.
“Yeah but she didn’t call you guys by your first name huh.” Kaminari pointed to the two other boys.
“Shut up Spark Plug.” Bakugo growled explosions popping from his hands.
You had finally made it away from the city area and was heading towards the anteroom when an announcement went off “Oh. 4 more one after the other our total’s at 83.” The voice droned off continuing to announce.
“Whoa, this entire arena’s going insane.” Kirishima said as you could see fighting happening off in the distance.
Kaminari looked forward before pointing “Hey, look, some of our classmates.” You could also see that Izuku, Uraraka, and Sero had passed as well. “Aw, yeah! Class-A represent!” Kaminari cheered heading over to the three of them.
“Oh you know it! Our class is amazing! We did it!” Uraraka smiled and her and the three other boys began to dance leaving you, Izuku and Bakugo on the side. 
“Hey Izuku! What happened to your face?” You rush over to your cousin looking at the cut on him, coddling him making him turn red. You both saw Bakugo making his way over to you two.
“So you passed, too. How’d you manage that, Deku?” His face showing hidden anger
“Kacchan. Hey!” Izuku greeted him and you could see he was getting nervous. 
“Guess I shouldn’t be surprised with that Quirk you got.” He grumbles walking past the two of you and you hear Izuku gasp and begin to freak out. “It looks like you’ve made that borrowed power your own.” Bakugo said, walking off to the anteroom.
You look over to your cousin and he seemed deep in thought at what Bakugo had said. “Izuku does Bakugo know about your quirk?” You both begin to make you way out of the arena with the others following behind you.
“Uh that’s complicated.” You both enter the anteroom seeing more of your classmates there.
“Oh, hey! What a relief. I was starting to get so worried.” Momo smiled as you guys walked up to her.
“No need to worry about us, Yao-momo.” Kaminari answers, “What’s up? When did you guys pass? You been here long?”
“We just finished as well. Todoroki beat us.” Shoji pointed over to where the bi-colored boy was sitting.
“I was kinda shocked Bakugo wasn’t here already.” Jiro added seeing him arriving with the group. “But I get it now. It’s because you were with him.”
“Oh come on! Why is everyone dragging me today? Y/n and I actually helped them!” He cried out in frustration.
“Oh I know she probably had to watch over the three of you to make sure you passed but surprised you did something.” Jiro looked over to you.
“They were completely helpless.” You tease them and Bakugo is ready to beat you up will Kaminari cries feeling dumb. You head over to where Izuku is and there he was talking to Todoroki.
“Looks like only twelve from our class have passed.” Todoroki gets a headcount of the people you’re with.
“So nine more to go.” Izuku states and Momo walks up to the group. “And the announcement said only 17 spots left.” You all look at the tv where it was showing live footage from the arena. Come on guys you can do it.
Ms. Joke and Mr. Aizawa watch from the bleachers as the fight continues on. “Wow. seven people just passed at the same time. That leaves only ten open spots.” The announcement goes off. Ms Joke laughs standing up seeing the people heading towards the anteroom.
“Ha! Those seven were all from my class! See e’m? They’re heading into the anteroom.”
From inside the anteroom you see more people come in all not from your class.
“Looks like our class,” Momo trails off.
“Still has nine people who haven’t passed.” Jiro finishes for her as the time begins to run out, “I hate to say it, but it’s not sounding good for us.”
“Come on guys you can do it.” You whisper to yourself watching the tv. You all watch as UA comes together taking out a swarm of examinees and then you hear the alarm go off.
“The last students passed! Every stop is now filled. One hundred students will advance! The end is finally here! Wah-hoo” The announcer yells excitedly. 
“Yeah!” Kaminari and Kirishima cheer as you class freaks out.
“Our entire class passed the test, I’m so excited!” Uraraka beams, throwing her hands up
“Aw, man! I am so proud of us!” Sero cheers.
“We all made it!” You smile looking around at your other classmates.
“We really pulled it off, you guys.” Izuku sighs out in relief as your classmates on the field begin to join you all. A step closer in getting our licenses.
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shutupandshipit · 4 years
Little Socks - Oneshot
Summary: So, Katsuki thought maybe he was ready to broach a subject the two of them had never discussed before. Not even in passing. "Izu," he said, head pillowed on his arms on the edge of the tub while he waited for his alpha to finish rinsing off and join him.
"Yes, love?" Izuku replied absentmindedly, hands still shoved root deep into his mass of curls. Even wet and brushing his waist, his hair was still thick with a stray curl poking out here and there in rebellion against the water.
Katsuki's omega purred contentedly in his chest at the pet name. He let the sound out, just a quiet rumble from his nostrils, barely loud enough to hear. "Have you ever thought of having pups?"
Or where Katsuki and Izuku discuss having kids, and Izuku lets on about a fear he has.
Pairing: Bakudeku
Rating: T
Author’s Note: It’s a Christmas fic, y’all. Pure and simple fluff. Enjoy!
Katsuki and Izuku had been together for the better part of a rather domestically happy decade. Yeah, they had their bad days just like any other couple, but they were good more often than not. Christmas Eve found them getting ready to wrap up another happy year together. This would be their first holiday season together without being on call for some time because even though the country pretty much shut down for the holiday, villainy never ceased. So, heroes took turns being on call during the holidays. This year they weren't even on the list as backups. They had from the 24th of December all the way to the 2nd of January all to themselves.
So, Katsuki thought maybe he was ready to broach a subject the two of them had never discussed before. Not even in passing. "Izu," he said, head pillowed on his arms on the edge of the tub while he waited for his alpha to finish rinsing off and join him.
"Yes, love?" Izuku replied absentmindedly, hands still shoved root deep into his mass of curls. Even wet and brushing his waist, his hair was still thick with a stray curl poking out here and there in rebellion against the water.
Katsuki's omega purred contentedly in his chest at the pet name. He let the sound out, just a quiet rumble from his nostrils, barely loud enough to hear. "Have you ever thought of having pups?" Whether it was an outcome of his stupid omega brain or a conclusion he'd come to on his own, Katsuki had wanted children with Izuku since they'd gotten together in their first year as pro-heroes. Not wanting to push, he'd never mentioned the topic and figured Izuku would eventually bring it up. They'd been unmarried, sharing a teeny tiny apartment with four other people, just starting out and living paycheck to paycheck. It had been a bad time, so he'd let it drift to the back of his mind, and waited.
Things were different now though, and Izuku still hadn't brought it up. The idea. The possibility. The, Katsuki was hesitant to say, eventuality.
Izuku stalled for the space of a moment, but didn't raise his head to look at Katsuki. It was harder to tell with the heavy moist air of the room, but a sour note slashed straight through Izuku's normally mint and rainstorm scent. He could hear as Izuku swallowed and continued rinsing conditioner from his hair. "Uh, no, not really. Why do you ask?" That sour note flared again.
A lie if Katsuki had ever heard one from Izuku. Taking the higher road, he didn't call him on it.
Humming, he reached out a hand to wrap a strand of Izuku's hair around his fingers. "Just been thinking that we're in a good place for it. We're at the top of the hero charts, have a steady income. We're not starving sidekicks anymore. We've been married for three years now, and mated longer. I think we're ready."
Finishing, Izuku wound his hair into a knot on the top of his head that Katsuki was going to have to untangle for him later, and waited for Katsuki to adjust so he could climb in between his legs. Izuku leaned back against his chest. Catching one of his hands, he dugs his thumbs into the sensitive flesh of his palm, massaging gently.
"Izu?" Katsuki said against the top of his head when he didn't answer. He couldn't see Izuku's face, but he could feel the tension all along his back.
"That was a lie."
"I know."
"It's just that..." Trailing off, Izuku released a frustrated little huff.
"Do you not want to have kids?" Katsuki's omega whined pitifully in his chest, jumping to conclusions as it always did. He shoved its head down, refusing to take Izuku's silence as confirmation.
Izuku didn't speak until he moved to Katsuki's opposite hand. "It's not that, it's just that... I'm scared."
Katsuki pressed a kiss to the back of Izuku's neck before moving to pepper his shoulders. "Why are you scared?"
Breath hitching, Izuku tilted his head in submission and Katsuki's omega purred at the display. "It's just that... I didn't grow up with my dad around. I haven't seen him since I was four. I haven't talked to him since I was six! The only reason we know he isn't dead is the flowers he sends every year on my parents' anniversary and my birthday cards!"
Katsuki ran his free hand over Izuku's belly, pulling his flush against his body. "I remember the day he left. It was the first day we met and I shared my ice cream with you because you looked so pitiful. Even your All Might balloon looked depressed, partially deflated and almost hitting the floor. It was so ugly."
Izuku snorted out a small laugh which was the whole reason Katsuki had mentioned it anyway. "I just... how am I supposed to know how to be a dad when I never had one around? What if I'm a terrible dad? I don't... want to be a bad dad. I don't want to be like mine was... is."
"Izuku, baby, listen to me," Katsuki said, moving his hand so that he could slot their fingers together, squeezing tightly, "You're not going to be a bad father, you want to know how I know? Because you had a mother who raised you right. You're great with kids of all ages. And you're you. Nobody is perfect, that's not what I'm saying. Everyone makes mistakes. That's why there's two of us. We're a team."
Izuku struggled against his hold, trying to turn and face him, but Katsuki held fast. He snarled, frustrated. "You don't know that though! You can't know that!"
"I do because you're my mate! I wouldn't have chosen some two-bit alpha who was going to be a shit dad," Katsuki told him truthfully, and sighed when Izuku only continued to struggle. He let his alpha turn to face him, but caught his face in his hands before he could talk. "Izuku, just fucking be there and you'll already be doing better."
Tears filled Izuku's eyes and spilled over just as quickly. Shakily, he asked, "You really think I'd be a good father?"
"You really want to have kids with me?"
Katsuki pressed a kiss to his nose and then his forehead. "Have since we first started dating."
Green eyes grew impossibly wide. "Really?"
"Really really."
Izuku beamed, pressing in for a languid kiss that Katsuki drank up. When they pulled apart, Izuku was still smiling.
"Get back in here, nerd," Katsuki grumbled, pushing on Izuku's shoulder to get him to turn back around. "Tomorrow's Christmas, and I want to get to bed soon."
They woke with the rising of the sun like the did most mornings, but Christmas was a particularly special sunrise for them. It had been the day they'd started dating, tipsy and swaying beneath mistletoe at Yaoyorozu's home. Bundled tight in heavy coats and scarves, they climbed to the top of the roof with cups of steaming coffee to cuddle together as the first rays of sun crested over the horizon. Around them, the world's sounds were silenced with the thick blanket of fresh snow.
Anxiety was a thick cord around Katsuki's throat making it difficult to enjoy that silence, and it was all he could do not to let the anxiety leak into his scent. He tugged at his scarf as he cleared his throat. Izuku glanced over at him with sleepy green eyes and that dopey enamored smiled Katsuki loved so much. "Listen, I know we're not doing gifts till later, but I want you to open this one now." He extracted a thin black box from the pocket of his coat, holding it out to Izuku with a trembling hand.
Sitting up straight, Izuku stared down at the box in confusion. When he traded his coffee mug for it, he frowned and then grinned again. "What's in here, Kacchan? It's so light."
Rolling his eyes, Katsuki huffed, "Just open it, alright."
There wasn't much too it, just a lidded box he'd taped shut and slapped a bow on the top of, but he'd kept it tucked away just for this moment.
Izuku was careful as the sky began to brighten. He peeled each piece of tape off to ball up and tuck away in his pocket. When he lifted the lid and handed it to Katsuki, he just stared down in confusion at the contents.
The anxiety reared up again, hot in Katsuki's stomach, musky and so thick in his scent that even he could smell it. His omega whined just as anxiously, a high whistling trill only he could hear. They waited.
Izuku picked up the teeny tiny pair of socks, one patterned with his hero colors and the other with Katsuki's. He chuckled, and Katsuki's throat clenched. Izuku hadn't turned to look at him yet which gave him time to hide the sheer panic that roared through him. "These are so cute, Kacchan," he cooed, "but it's kind of a weird gag gift. These are way too small for me. They're small enough for a-" He cut off abruptly, eyes having dropped back to see what else was in the box.
Tears bloomed in his eyes as he picked up the picture of an ultrasound, hands trembling as he stared. He looked to Katsuki, smile watery. "Is this- Are you- Kacchan?"
Katsuki nodded, mouth still set in an uncertain line as he looked at Izuku. "I'm pregnant. I found out a few weeks ago, but I wanted it to be a surprise. I didn't know how you would react, and-"
With a happy cry, Izuku launched himself at Katsuki, and the careful grip he'd had on their cups disappeared in favor of making sure they didn't go plummeting to their deaths. Their cups clattered down the roof and dropped into the snow with soft ' thumps '.
Izuku pressed kiss after kiss across Katsuki's face until they were both laughing with the thrill of it. "You're pregnant! I'm going to be a dad! I-I-I-I-" He was sobbing, full-bodied and snotty and grinning. "Kacchan, I can't wait!"
"There's going to be nothing to wait for if you knock us off the roof and kill us, shitty nerd!" But he was laughing and holding Izuku back just as tightly as they rocked to and fro. Their scents tangled and mixed as harmoniously as they always had.
Pulling back and kissing Katsuki again, he said, "Let's name her Katsumi!"
"You don't even know if they're going to be a girl!"
"Taiyo if  they're a boy!" Izuku replied immediately, smile blinding as the orange sunrise illuminated his face, "But I just know. It's an alpha thing. They're going to be a girl."
Rolling his eyes, Katsuki just hugged Izuku tightly against his chest, pressing a kiss to his alpha's forehead.
"Best Christmas present ever," Izuku whispered.
Of course just like Izuku predicted, when their baby was delivered, they had a little girl.
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kaoru-takaida · 3 years
MHA Collab Fanfic
Kaoru pounces forward on all fours. Midoriya immediately jumps back, trying to put some distance between him and Kaoru. Bakugou takes the opportunity to use his explosions to launch himself at the fox girl. Kaoru spins once in the air, changing the angle of their body. They hop off of Bakugou's left shoulder, springing off with the same motion of a wild fox. Bakugou scoffs, clearly irritated
Midoriya forms a fist. Kaoru sees this, and with one swipe of their hand, sends a small wave of flames at Midoriya. He dodges out of the way, only to be met with multiple little fire balls being sent his way as Kaoru flicks their fingers at him. They skid, landing on their feet. Bakugou lurches forward at Kaoru, fist extended. But Kaoru springs away. With how fast Kaoru is moving, Kacchan can't get a good hit in. Midoriya observes as Bakugou explodes the ground where Kaoru once was. Midoriya looks for an opening, but is stopped as Kaoru kicks the air, sending another small wave of fire his way. Midoriya dodges the flames. The fire they're throwing my way is keeping me at bay, preventing me from getting an opening fast enough to throw a punch.
The class watches in awe as Bakugou and Midoriya try to get close and attack the fox girl. The two boys stop a moment to catch their breath. What is this Quirk? The super speed itself is enough to keep up with speed types like Iida, or Gran Torino. But somehow in this power the fire is formed and used. Midoriya thinks. He scowls again. Do they have multiple Quirks? No. That'd be impossible.
Kaoru grins at them. "Come on, Deku, Kacchan." They point at themselves with their thumb at their chest. "How about I let you in on what my Quirk is? Seems only fair." Bakugou and Deku both choke in surprise. Kaoru tilts their head. "Although… I think Bakugou might have an idea?"
"Huh?" Midoriya looks up at Bakugou.
Bakugou scoffs, before putting a hand of reasoning out. "I'm taking a wild guess here. But judging by the fight with Kirishima, and the little bit we fought you, I'd say you can create flames from how much you move."
Kaoru puts a hand to their chin. "Hm? And what gives you that idea?" Bakugou gives them a glower.
"When you fought Kirishima. Everytime you jumped off of the building wall or the ground, you touched it with your left hand." He points at them. "That was the one you used to launch that attack on the building. And then your attacks at Deku just now." He crosses his arms. "The little fire balls were weak because you were flicking your fingers. And the kick move you used was from when you landed and slid across the ground."
The rest of the class is speechless. Kaoru places both hands on their hips. "Wow. You got it right!" They say. "Most of it anyway."
Kaminari looks over at Bakugou. "He was able to figure it out just in the little time he saw them fight?"
Jirou shrugs. "It's easy to forget just how smart Bakugou really is." She tells Kaminari.
Kaoru lifts a fist up slightly. "My Quirk is something I call Fox Fire." They point upward like a teacher giving a lecture. "To explain it fully, I can convert Kinetic energy into Thermal Energy by storing it, amplifying it, and then releasing it at will as flames." Kaoru rubs their hands together. "Here's a science lesson for you, friction is the opposing force of Kinetic energy. When friction stops Kinetic energy, it can cause thermal energy. There is an instance before your foot touches the ground where Kinetic energy is released. My Quirk allows me to use this principle to store the Kinetic energy and amplify it before I apply an opposing friction to create the thermal energy needed to make flames." They stop rubbing their hands together. They pull their hands apart, and a small puff of flame is seen. It fizzles out as they place their hands on their hips again. "In shorter terms, yes. I can make flames from moving."
Midoriya puts a hand to his chin. "I see…" He says. "The Quirk itself is complex in nature. And the fact they can amplify the amount they store is definitely intriguing." He begins to mutter. "I wonder how this could be applied in the field. Imagine in an urban environment being able to have an absurd amount of energy. And the different ways it could be applied just in regular everyday uses makes it a very versatile Quirk-."
"Stop your muttering, Deku!" Bakugou shouts. Deku snaps out of it. Bakugou growls at Kaoru. "There's no way I'm gonna lose to such a stupidly complicated Quirk." Bakugou pulls his hand back behind him before using his Quirk to blast off. He launches himself at Kaoru.
Kaoru dodges again, but this time, it's Midoriya that bolts forward at them. Kaoru puts their arms up to shield themself. Midoriya releases a punch at them. Detroit Smash! Kaoru takes the hit, flying through the air backward. Bakugou snags the fox girl by the arm and smashes an explosive punch at them. "Die!" They block with their right arm. Bakugou jumps into the air and swings Kaoru around using his blast for momentum.
"X-Catapult!" He releases Kaoru expecting them to slam into the ground. But in the seconds between moments, Bakugou sees them snap their fingers on their right hand, pointing directly at him. The look in their eyes was different than he'd seen in them. This look was the look he had in battle. The look of someone who will do whatever they need to to win. A huge burst of fire explodes from their fingers at him. He gasps in surprise.
"Kacchan!" Midoriya tackles Bakugou to the side, pulling him from the path of the blaze. They both fall to the ground as the fire sizzles away and Kaoru skids across the ground. When Kaoru looks up, Midoriya is getting to his feet. "Kacchan, are you hurt?" He offers Bakugou his hand to help him up.
Bakugou swats Midoriya's hand away. "Leave me the hell alone, you idiot!" Kaoru flinches at Bakugou's sudden outburst. Their ears perk up in alert. "I don't even get why you felt the need to challenge the fox with me! Couldn't you just wait your damn turn or keep your mouth shut?!"
"Kacchan…" Midoriya begins.
Bakugou got to his feet. "I could have taken them by myself!" He shouts. "I would have been fine!"
Bakugou… Kaoru thinks, looking concerned. I made a mistake…
"I know you could. But I just-." Midoriya stammers.
"Think I'm weak or something? Like I needed help from a loser like you!" Bakugou snaps, temper flaring.
"That's not why I asked!"
"Like hell it isn't! If you think you're hot shit, why don't we just find out here and now?!" Bakugou hisses. Kaoru gasps and springs forward. Just as they do, Bakugou takes a swipe at Midoriya, shocking everyone. Midoriya tenses, bracing himself, eyes clenched and arms over his head. Aizawa goes to activate his Quirk, pulling his binding scarf back. But he's a second too late. An explosion sounds out and then a deafening silence. Aizawa snaps the scarf around Bakugou, pinning his arms to his side. He yanks it back, pulling Bakugou back and off his feet onto his haunches and to the ground. The class stares in shock as the smoke clears. Midoriya opens his eyes and chokes in surprise at the sight.
Kaoru stands there, arms spread, having taken the explosion head on. The impact of the blast was enough to knock their clip from their hair, undoing it. It falls over their face, shadowing their eyes. Their nose is bleeding along with the side of their mouth where the lip had split on the bottom. The class is mortified, and even Bakugou is stunned at this.
Kaoru begins to fall backwards. Midoriya grabs onto them, catching them under the arms. "Kaoru!" A streak of blood drips from a gash on the left side of their head.
Bakugou scowls. "You idiot! Why'd you jump in the way?!"
Kaoru opened the one eye that hadn't taken the blast and looked over at Bakugou. "I'm sorry. My body just moved… Without thinking… " Bakugou chokes now, suddenly remembering when Deku had rushed to save him, when he'd been taken captive by the sludge villain a few months ago. He scoffs and looks away.
Aizawa yanks Bakugou to his feet, pulling him closer by the scarf. "You were out of line, Bakugou!" Aizawa hisses. "Normally, I'm pretty forgiving with your antics, but given you were to be on your best behavior for the new student, I have no choice but to punish you."
Kaoru quickly saunters to their feet. They go over to the two of them and gently pull Bakugou away from their teacher. "Mr. Aizawa, please don't punish Bakugou." They plead.
Aizawa cocks an eyebrow. "What?"
Kaoru pushes Bakugou back a little more, separating them. They place a hand on their chest. "I was the one who agreed to the two on one battle. Even though I knew it would upset Bakugou." They look over their shoulder at him, an apologetic look on their face. "I'm truly sorry, Bakugou. I was hasty in trying to show off my Quirk, I didn't take your feelings into account." The class, still perplexed at what unfolded, can feel their sincerity. The way they had apologized with genuine respect made even Bakugou surprised, his jaw dropped in awe.
Aizawa rubs the back of his neck, not entirely sure what to do. Aizawa lets out a slow sigh. He eases the tightness of the scarf. "Fine. Since Takaida asked, I won't punish you, Bakugou." Bakugou scoffs looking at the ground. Aizawa pulls the scarf a bit so that Bakugou takes a step toward Kaoru, before he releases him, pulling the scarf off and away. "Take them to the infirmary. Make sure they get taken care of."
Bakugou exhales a rough breath. "Fine. Whatever." Kaoru sighs a sigh of relief as Aizawa turns to the class.
"Alright, class. I know it ended on a sour note, but that's all for today. You're free to use this time for exercise if you want till the end of class." He tells them, walking towards them.
Kaoru grimaces and sways a bit, holding their head, hissing in pain. They sway a bit too much because they almost fall over. Bakugou takes them by the arm, catching them. "Hey, are you dizzy?" Midoriya watches the two as Kaoru gives Bakugou an embarrassed smile.
"Yeah." They say, leaning forward a little. "I stood up too quickly before. My head is killing me." Bakugou slips off his grenade gauntlets, and sets them on the ground. He then scoops up Kaoru into his arms. Kaoru gives him a shocked wide eyed look. "Kacchan… You don't have to carry me." They tell him, stammering.
"Don't tell me what to do." Bakugou says. He scowls. "And stop calling me Kacchan!" Kaoru smiles smugly as he begins to carry them away.
"Aw." They begin. "Nah. I don't think I will. It suits you." Kaoru teases.
"The hell does that mean?!"
Midoriya smiles as Bakugou leaves, still shouting. He puts a hand on his chin. Kaoru has the skill. But I wonder if they've been active only a short time? Midoriya thinks to himself. While it's obvious they have a pretty unique and powerful Quirk, they didn't really use it in a ton of different ways. Just your turn if the mill swipes and kicks. Midoriya drops his hand to his side, looking down at his fist. And then there's their speed. Kaoru was fast, but not light on their feet. I guess being part fox might have to do with the speed? But speed like that isn't natural. To get to be that fast, it would take years of experience. Like with Iida's Recipro. He clenches his fist. But it's clear that Kaoru doesn't have that experience.
Kaoru fumbles with their duffle bag. "Crap." They say as they accidentally drop a stuffed rabbit. It bounces slightly on the dirt. Kaoru readjusts the strap on their duffle to bend down and grab the rabbit. A hand reaches down and grabs it before they could get a chance. Kaoru looks up. It's Kirishima. "I saw you drop this. Here ya go." He tells them. Kaoru smiles and takes the stuffed bunny from him. "Your rabbit is adorable."
"Thanks." Kaoru tells him.
Bakugou walks up behind him. "Aren't you a bit old for stuffed animals?" He asks.
Kaoru grimaces, embarrassment on their face. "You think so?" They ask, looking to the side. They look down at the bunny. "This bunny is the first toy I ever got from my uncle. It's something like a comfort object for me. I guess I never grew out of it."
Kirishima smiles as they pack the stuffed animal in the duffle on their shoulder. He then points at the bandages on Kaoru's face. "I meant to ask if you're okay going on this trip." Kirishima asks. Kaoru looks up at him, giving a small "hm" in response. "Sure you're okay after the big hit you took yesterday?"
Kaoru gives a small smile. "Oh. Yeah. I'm perfectly fine." They answer. "It was a small concussion. I got healed up by Recovery Girl. She said I would be fine, but to avoid being hit in the head for the next few days."
Bakugou tsks and walks over. He grabs the strap of the duffle and slips it off of Kaoru's shoulder. "Give that here." He tells Kaoru. He slips the strap onto his own shoulder.
"Oh, you don't have to do that." Kaoru begins. "It's kinda heavy. I ended up packing a few training weights…"
"Shut up. This is nothing, idiot." Bakugou tells them. "You're weak ass shouldn't strain yourself too much before camp."
Kaoru gives a look of surprise before giving him a small smile. "Thanks." They tell him. His eyes go to the few bandages on Kaoru's face and head. One on the cheek and the other where the head injury had been. He then readjusts his grip on his own bag and walks away.
Kirishima laughs nervously as they both watch him walk toward the tour bus. "He feels bad about hurting you." Kirishima tells Kaoru.
Kaoru tilts their head. "But why? It was my fault." Kirishima sighs, making Kaoru cock an eyebrow at him.
"You really are something special, huh?" He asks. Kaoru isn't sure if it's a compliment or a joke. But they decide not to ask.
When choosing seats, Kaoru decides to sit with Bakugou. Who doesn't seem too jazzed about it at first, but ultimately doesn't argue against it. Kaoru doesn't really start any conversations since it seems Bakugou doesn't want to talk. So Kaoru plays games on their phone while snacking on some chips. They even offer some to Bakugou, holding the bag out to him without a word. Bakugou quietly takes a few, a small "thanks" being uttered.
Kaoru can't stand the awkward silence between the both of them after that. So to break the ice, Kaoru turns to Bakugou. "Do… you have a favorite Pro Hero, Bakugou?" Kaoru asks.
"Huh?" Bakugou asks. At first, Kaoru wonders if they'd brought up a touchy subject. But decides to press on anyway.
"Is there a Hero you really like, or look up to?" Kaoru asks.
Bakugou gives the fox girl a skeptical look. "Why do you wanna know?" He asks, his tone sounding a bit cold. Kaoru grimaces at the tone and starts to fuss with a piece of their hair.
"Ah, well, to be honest I was just curious, is all." They begin. Kaoru gives a nervous smile. "I really like heroes myself. I'm something of a fangirl." They look around the school bus at the other students, a serious look on Kaoru's face now. "Every one of us came to this school in hopes of becoming the greatest heroes ever. And all of us have the potential." Kaoru looks at Bakugou now. "Especially Bakugou." They say, giving him a confident smile. Bakugou gives a slight choke in surprise, being caught off guard at their genuine praise. Kaoru puts a finger to their lips. "Don't tell anyone else this, but I think you'll become one of, if not, the greatest of all heroes."
Bakugou can't help but feel their sincerity. He looks away out the window next to him without a word, looking slightly annoyed. Kaoru looks back at their phone and decides to let the matter go. After a few seconds of silence, Bakugou gives a little growl of annoyance. "All Might." Bakugou says finally. Kaoru's jaw drops a bit, looking over at him, staring out the window, not making eye contact. "My favorite hero is All Might."
Kaoru smiles and gives a giggle. "He's my favorite, too! I can't wait to meet him!" She says in an excited voice. Bakugou grunts, seemingly unamused. But in actuality, a slight blush is over his tough and angry looking face.
A decrepit old hand taps on a desk, the monitor screen before it's holder being the only light in the darkly lit room. "I see…" He says. He taps the desk again, but this time, sliding over a small photo with his index finger. A school photo of a girl in a U.A. uniform. "So you've finally resurfaced." He stares. He smiles a big grin, despite the oxygen mask strapped to his face. "Perfect timing. I've more gifts for you to hold on to for me for my dear Tomura." He chuckles. "My precious armory."
Kaoru looks down at their cellphone as it vibrates, a call incoming. They scowl looking annoyed before hitting "ignore". Kaoru closes the phone and the lock screen shows 30 missed calls, 10 voicemails, and 20 text messages all from the contact listed as "Uncle".
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krystalficloverdh · 4 years
My hero - Kacchan vs Deku part 2
Chapter 6 
Hello again! Here it is if you want to read more 
“Do you really think that he’ll come at her first?” Ojiro asked Ochako as he looked up at Izuku. She was standing on a branch in the highest part of a tree, she was looking for the flag and when she found it she jumped.
“Dude, she just declared war moments ago.” Ochako said raising an eyebrow as Izuku lands softly at her side laughing nervously at Ojiro.
“Yeah sorry about that.”
“No worries.” Ojiro waved his hand as they gathered around the blue flag, they placed it in the middle of the river over a little island and they decided that Tokoyami will watch the flag, Mineta will be in charge of traps around the area and the rest will look for the flag.
Izuku gave a sideway glance at the boys that will guard the flag.“Beware of the invisible chick guys.” Izuku said and eyed Mineta. “If you see movement, use those balls and throw them at all directions.” She began to walk but stopped at his confused face. “That way at least one them will stick to her body so you can see her move, you said those things are sticky right?”
“Yes sir!”
“Good grief we have these magical devices so we can communicate with each other.” Ochako said as she touches the earphone in her right ear.
“Yes, this way will be much easier if someone needs help.” Ojiro commented as the others nodded.
“I’m a little worried about Iida-kun, Bakugou seems not very easy to work with.” Ochako sighed out and the rest looked at Izuku.
“Aw come on! Kacchan is...nice?” Izuku said with a nervous laugh.
“He’s only nice to you.” Tokoyami pointed out.
“Yeah! Only you can tame that beast!” Mineta said dumbfounded.
“Beast…?” Izuku muttered to herself in shock. “That’s only a normal Katsuki.” She said to the incredulous gazes. “You haven’t seen him mad..at all.” She smirked at the last part.
The sound of a horn is heard to indicate that they can start, Izuku smiled and nodded at her team.“Let’s go, the flag it’s straight ahead.” She said as she points in the flag’s direction.
The three teens walked in the silent forest for a few minutes but no sign of the other team, Izuku was walking in the middle, Ochako on her right and Ojiro on her left.
“It’s too quiet.” Ochako whispered to her comrades as they walked in the forest
“Yeah very.” Ojiro whispered back.
“Deku.” A glance of Katsuki appeared in the corner of Izuku’s eyes, he stretched his neck and lunged forward.
“Shit! LOOK OUT!” She dove back as she used a wave of energy to push away her comrades as well from the explosion he sent at the three or more like at Izuku.
“That came out of nowhere so quietly...!” Ochako got on her feet with Ojiro, they glanced at the dissipating smoke and found out a shaking Katsuki with his fists on a crater he created with his magic looking directly at Izuku, who was already on her feet.
“THE SHIT?! Don’t dodge my attacks!” Katsuki growled at Izuku.
“You really…” Izuku raised an eyebrow and whispered behind her. “When there is an opening, run for the flag.”
Katsuki immediately launched himself at her, he winded his right arm for an explosive punch, Izuku dodges the blow by bending down and with her open palms she pushed against his chest and a wave of energy sends him backwards slamming into the ground, a gust of wind came out of his lungs because of the impact.
“You always lead with a right hook, I’m quite a good observant you know?” She said as she winked at him while Katsuki was getting up from the ground with a murderous look on his eyes. “Now I really have your attention…” She muttered at herself. “NOW! GO!”
Ojiro and Ochako ran towards the flag as Izuku watched them from the corner of her eyes for a second, the moment she looked at them Katsuki lunged at Izuku with a strong explosion. Katsuki managed to pin her down on the ground, the impact made her cough because of the dirt.
“OI OI OI YOU HAVE SOME FUCKING NERVE TO LOOK AWAY! YOU’RE SUPPOSED TO LOOK ONLY AT ME! ” Katsuki bared his canines to snarl at her as he straddled her hips with his own and she hitched a breath as she looked at his crimson eyes.
“KYA!” A loud cry was heard from above in the tower and everybody looked at the source of the sound to find a shocked All Might gripping his face, the hero quickly cleared his voice and pretended nothing happened.
Izuku snapped from her trance as she hit with her forehead at Katsuki and with some little magic to get him off her. She got on her feet and they lunged at each other, the impact of their magic created a big explosion causing the trees around them to fall down, the other students at the tower looked down in shock at the scene, Izuku had an exposed shoulder and Katsuki removed what was left of his cloak.
“Bakugou and Izuku-chan are beasts!” Mina exclaimed in awed at the same time All Might was nervously looking at the damage.
“Why won’t you use your sword?...Deku.” Katsuki’s voice was low and Izuku tensed up as he looked at her in the eyes. “ARE YOU LOOKING DOWN ON ME?! DIDN’T YOU TOLD ME THAT YOU WERE GOING TO MAKE IT YOUR OWN?!”
Izuku widened her eyes in shock as she saw the hidden pained look in his eyes. “That’s not…!” She shouted at him as she clenched her fists.
Izuku’s face turned serious as she unleashed One For All from her back, she glowed bright green and red lightning braced her skin. She touched her device with a shaking hand as she looked at Katsuki. “Ochako prepare yourselves, here comes a big one.”
“You got it!” Her friend speaked through the earphone.
The pair crunched on their knees and lunged at each other, they created a second and more powerful wave causing the rest of the trees and the other teammates to fly away from the impact. As the wave continued, the red flag from Katsuki’s team could be seen, there were no trees to hide it anymore and the rest of Katsuki’s team were blown away with the rest of the trees. Izuku gritted her teeth in pain while she used her telekinesis to keep her teammates on the ground and guide them towards the flag, her head was getting dizzy.
Ochako held hands with Ojiro and grabbed the flag. “I HAVE IT!”
“BLUE TEAM WIIINS!” All Might’s voice rang loudly.
“Haaah that was too much…” Izuku signed as she lets go of One For All and looked at her injured arm, that looked pretty nasty. She felt the strength of her legs to loosen up as she swayed backwards. She gave a pained smile at Katsuki whose face was shocked as she started to fall backwards, Katsuki captured her before she could hit the floor and looked down at her.
“You...read me like a book...seriously…you need to stop breaking your fucking arm.” His voice was strangled as he saw her arm.
“But I won didn’t I?” She gave him a cheeky grin and Katsuki gave her an intense glare as he touched his forehead with his, her grin completely gone.
“Listen here Deku, today you beat me but remember I’m going to be number one.” His voice was an octave lower. “You fucking hear me?”
“Loud and clear.” Izuku smirked at the challenge but hissed at the end because of her arm.
“Man that was some heated battle!” Denki ran up to them and grinned down at them.
“Izuku-chan your wounds.” Ochako stepped up to them. “We already told Recovery Girl, she’s there.” She pointed at a little tent over the tower as Katsuki lifted Izuku in his arms and walked towards the improvised infirmary.
“Young heroes it’s time for your critique.” All Might came from behind them with a strained smile and tried to carry Izuku himself but Katsuki hissed at him and walked faster, the legendary hero shaked his head at the gesture and walked towards the tower.
The class cheered as they heard about UA’s festival coming up in two weeks, Aizawa was explaining the details, they were going to spar between classes, have a ball and a lot of people from all over the world will be visiting to the festival. Izuku was beaming excitedly at the opportunity, what a way to challenge to get stronger.
“Man I can’t wait to get new potions!” Ochako called out as the class ended, when the festival starts people gather in the streets to sell the most strange potions in the decorated streets. “I want one for my dizziness, whenever I use a lot of magic, I get dizzy easily.”
“I have to buy some armor, I have to practice with its weight.” Izuku said.
“I need some upgrades for my armor as well.” Iida commented as the group walked on the streets.
“Then let’s go to Mei Hatsume’s store then! I heard that she’s great and works for UA.” Ochako suggested at them and they titled their heads. “Whatever you need she’s your woman.”
The group reached an armoury and potions store, they stepped in and encountered a girl with big yellow eyes and pink hair.
“HELLO AND WELCOME TO MY DOMAIN!” The girl beamed. “My name is Mei Hatsumei what can I do for you?” She said as she crossed her arms over the counter.
Izuku looked around and noted that she was left alone, Iida and Ochako were already looking for their stuff. “I’m a swordswoman, I need something to protect my arms.”
Mei smirked and guided her into the store. “You need some bracers and for your shoulders as well.” She took out blackened steel bracers along with shoulder armor and placed them over Izuku. “HOW ABOUT THESE BABIES!”
Izuku moved her arms and grinned. “Looking good, I tend to levitate a lot and land quite hard and these boots are worned out.” She moved her boots to prove her point.
“OOOH I HAVE A FEELING THAT YOU AND I ARE GONNA GET ALONG SO WELL!” Mei jumped in excitement and took out some red boots with a hardened black soles. “Try them, these are my new special design of mine.”
“They’re perfect, Can’t wait to try these! You’re awesome Hatsume!”
“HELL YEAH I AM! AND CALL ME MEI!” She clapped Izuku’s back.
Izuku smiled and looked around to find Ochako staring at some potions with a very serious face. “Seeing something you like?” She asked and her friend turned to face her.
“You look so awesome Izuku-chan!” Ochako beamed happily.
“What are you looking at?”
“I’m thinking about the anti-dizziness potion and the healing potion.” Ochako pointed the potions and Hatsume popped behind them.
“YES! YOU HAVE A GOOD EYE!” Hatsume shouted and extended one arm towards wall full of potions. “I have to breath under the water, to make you invisible but time is limited and these are my newest babies.” She showed the bottle to the girls.
“Birth control.” Izuku read out loud the label attached to it and when she processed what she just told she turned bright red. “WHAT?!”
“Wow! You actually have one of these.” Ochako whispered as she grabbed the bottle.
“Just helping some sisters out.” Hatsume lopped an arm around Izuku’s shoulders and gave a sly smile. “You know hormones.”
“So...you drink it and that’s it?” Izuku snapped her fingers. “Hocus Pocus no baby on the way?”
“Pretty handy, huh?” Hatsume wiggled her eyebrows. “These get selled pretty well, always use protection!” She gave her thumbs up at the two.
Izuku scratched the back of the neck looking at the bottle. “I don’t think I’ll be needing that anytime soon.”
“You sure?” Ochako teased her and Izuku choked as her explosive friend came to her mind. “Ooooh you were soooo thinking about him didn’t you?”
“OH JUICY STUFF!” Hatsume smirked at Izuku. “I have these anytime you need them, I’m your woman.” She whispered as she pointed with her thumb at herself.
“Have you decided what to buy?” Iida’s voice rang behind the girls.
“Thank you Iida!” Izuku thanked internally her friend.
Iida looked at her armor and nodded in agreement. “A true swordswoman.” Iida gave her the thumbs up and she smiled in return.
The group paid their upgrades and Hatsume waved at them as they got out of her store to blend on the streets.
“COME AGAIN IF YOU NEED MORE OF MY BABIES ANYTIME !” Hatsume yelled and winked at Izuku at the last part.
“She was so full of energy.” Iida called out completely clueless.
“She was a bit intense I admit but I like it, she seems nice.” Izuku replied.
“Yeah...She has some good stuff .” Ochako said and Izuku tensed up at the last words.
After watching some stores they decided to go back to the guild, the group walked in the hallways watching all kinds of people practicing their magic.
“MIDORIYAAAA IS...HERE!” All Might slid in front of them out of nowhere and the teens jumped back in surprise,
“ALL MIGHT!” Izuku gasped and the hero gave a wide grin and showed a box.
“Would you care to share lunch with me?”
“Like a maiden!” Ochako whispered to Iida.
Izuku waved at her friends as she followed All Might to a private room for teachers and he pair took seats around a small table and began to eat. The hero signed as he turned in his skeletal form as he poured some tea and Izuku arranged their lunch.
“Fifteen minutes?! For real?!” Izuku asked in shock and stood quickly.
“That’s all I can manage at the moment...Thirty if I stretch it.” All Might said as he clenched his right fist.
“I...I’m so sorry!.” She bowed to him and All Might ruffled her hair at her sad tone.
“Worry not young Midoriya, it was bound to happen sooner or later.” He chuckled. “You are the last one to apologize! You’re doing a great job!” He grinned warmly at her.
Izuku returned the smile and told the skeletal man all her progress, how she was able to use it more without breaking any bones, her newest armor and boots, the hero was nodding proudly all the time.
As time went by, All Might’s expression turned gloomy and sad. “To be honest...I don’t much time left until I use the last bit of One For All’s magic.”
“You…?” The smile on Izuku’s face disappeared instantly.
“There are villains biding time out there.” He looked at the window. “People are starting to notice and you saw it at the USJ incident.”
“They know.” She said in a low voice and he nodded.
“That’s why I gave you this power, because I expect you to inherit my self. The upcoming festival is a wonderful way to show the world that...The All Might of the new generation and as my sucesor.” He paused and looked her in the eye. “You, Midoriya my girl! Have arrived! I want you to be known to the world!”
When the meeting ended Izuku wandered over the guild’s grounds, she was excited and scared at the same time. At the end of the day she returned to the dorms common room and spotted Katsuki resting in the couches talking with Kirishima.
“Hi guys.” She smiled at the two.
“Izuku-chan SO MANLY!” Kirishima crossed his arms and winked at her.
“Thanks.” Izuku laughed as Katsuki kicked annoyed at Kirishima’s ass.
“Ow ow!” The red head rubbed his butt and gave a glance at his friend.”I get it...You want some Izuku time.” He whispered to Katsuki and looked at Izuku. “Man look at the hour! Mina is waiting for me! Bye bye.” He ran towards the girls dorms.
“I don’t think you’re allowed to go there...and he’s gone.” Izuku noted and seated next to Katsuki.
He looked at her head to toe and smirked when something red catches his eye.“Only you would buy those ugly ass shoes.” Katsuki teased her.
“What? Excuse you! They’re the coolest!”
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kewltie · 5 years
"Ochako-chan, did you know how pretty and nice you are?" Izuku coos, rubbing his cheek against her as he attempts to climb onto her lap like an overgrown child.
Uraraka giggles. "I do, but tell me more anyway, Deku-kun."
"Fucking hell." Katsuki groans in the distance. "I'd capped his drink at fucking three so who the fuck—?!" He’d had only leave Izuku alone for ten minutes and the next thing he knows Izuku snuggling up to Uraraka and half of their classmates.
"It's our long waited reunion." Mina bumps his shoulder playfully. "Leave him alone, killjoy."
"He get stupid when he's drunk," Katsuki seethes in his seat as he watches Izuku croon lovenotes into Uraraka's throat. He’d never met a worst lightweight then Deku, who become some kind of demented affectionate monster.
"You're just the best and so lovely! A great hero too!" Izuku insists, tilting so far into her arms that she nearly fall over if Iida wasn't there to hold the two of them up. He sighs happily in his makeshift cocoon of extra limbs. "I'm so lucky that we're friends."
Uraraka smiles and pats his cheek affectionately. "Me too."
Katsuki never understood how Izuku can stay coherent, formulate near perfect sentences, when he's drunk but is reduced to the mental capacity of a needy hapless child. It's the biggest fucking joke ever.
"Let's get some water in you," Iida says, trying to pry him from Uraraka's person, but he refuses to budge.
Izuku lights up at the sound of his voice. "Tenya-kun!" he says excitedly, and leans pass Uraraka's shoulder to shove his face right up to Iida. "You're amazing too! So smart and capable, the best class rep we ever had!"
Iida's lips twitches. "I see."
"You guys are the best friend! The absolute bestest," he cries out, lips wobbling precariously as he makes the effort to bury them in a big hug. "I don't deserve any of you!"
"Here come the fucking the deluge of tears now," Katsuki murmurs under his breath as Mina laughs hysterically next to him.
"Drunk Deku is the best Deku," she hums, and then because she's such a bitch, she hollers at the group. "I love you, Deku-kun!"
Izuku, who was trying to drown his friends in his tears, stops and looks back at them. All bright eyes and a beatific smile on his face. "I love you too, Mina! You're just as beautiful as the stars! Kirishima-kun really hit the jackpot with you!"
Mina flashes him a thumb up and a grin, before turning back to Katsuki. "Seriously, best Deku ever," she says gleefully. "My ego is so feed right now."
"Fuck you," Katsuki grumbles, gripping the edge of the wooden table until he can hear it slightly give away under his palm.
Tororoki gets up from his seat and approaches the group cautiously. "Midoriya, you should let them go now," he comments. "I think they might need some air to breathe."
"Shouto-kun," Izuku says, dropping his so-call bestest friends for a new face. "I didn't forget you either!"He launches himself at Todoroki, clinging to his front and gushes feverishly, "You're so handsome and smell so good! 12/10, would walk into the sun for you—"
"Yea, okay, that's enough." Katsuki rises from his seat and stomps over to Izuku as Mina's annoying cackles follow him.
Todoroki's dumb face doesn't even change at all under a flood of Izuku's praise, but there's an ever so slightly twitch in the corner of his mouth. "You're drunk, Midoriya," he says fondly, but doesn't pull away from Izuku's grabby hands.
Katsuki glowers.
He reaches out, seizes Izuku by the back of his shirt, and hauls him away from Todoroki fucking Shouto and every fucking waste of space in this room. He places him in a corner away from the crowd while everyone else pretend they're not enjoying another drunk Deku's episode.
Izuku blinks, a little dazed but then a smile blooms across his face in recognition. "Kacchan! Where have you been? I miss you so, so much!"
"Yea?" Katsuki says dryly. "I just couldn't tell by the way you attached yourself and confessed your love to half the people in this room."
Izuku pouts, swaying forward slightly. "But I love you the bestest!" he claims. "To the moon and back! As deep as the ocean! And to the far edge of the universe!"
"Poetic," Katsuki deadpans.
Izuku sulks. "I mean every word!" he insists, pressing closer to Katsuki. As though dropping a secret in his ears, but Izuku’s volume remains the same, he not-whispers, "Don't tell anyone because I don't want to be mean or anything, but you're my absolute favorite, Kacchan."
Katsuki drags his hand down his face as a chorus of laughter from behind them echoes through the room.
"You're so embarrassing," he says, feeling the heat rises from the pit of his stomach.
"Love is not embarrassing!" Izuku declares in an offended huff. "It's beautiful and sweet and heartwarming so take it back!"
"No," he asserts. Plain. Simple. Unmovable.
But then—Izuku's eyes glisten, shoulders hunch over, and his lips wobble. Katsuki stares at him in horror as Izuku starts to cry. "Take it back, take it back now!" He pummels Katsuki's chest. There's no trace of his OFA behind his fists, but fuck do they hurt anyway.
Katsuki catches Izuku's fists in his palm. Exasperated, tired, and fucking whipped that he is, he says, "Fine, fine, I take it back. It's not embarrassing, okay?"
"Really?" Izuku sniffs, all wet eyes and hopeful smile. "Then gimme a kiss so I know you mean it."
"God, you're so fucking annoying," Katsuki grumbles.
"Kiss! Kiss! I want my kiss, Kacchan," he whines, tugging at Katsuki's hands like a demented child.
Katsuki's flushes because he knows there are eyes on them. Fucking too many eyes as they watch Katsuki get publicly ridicule by his own fucking boyfriend. God, fucking Deku."Not right now," he mumbles. "At home, alright?"
Izuku's eyes narrow, determination set in those green eyes, and he breaks from Katsuki's hold to push up and kisses Katsuki for himself. Slobby, yearning and so full of love. Kacchan, Kaccchan, Kacchan, the kiss says. Begs. Whines insistently.
It's overwhelming and fuck is Katsuki hungry for it.
His hand wraps around Izuku's back to drag him closer in by the nape till their chest to chest and there's no room for anybody else. He kisses back like a starving beast, pawing at every inch of Izuku's body. He wants to ravage, to feast, to, to—he slips a hand under Izuku's shirt.
"W-wait, stop, stop!" Izuku reels back and shoves Katsuki off of him. Face red with shame, he wails, "Don't touch me! I have a boyfriend!"
And finally his last trace of sanity snaps. "I'm your boyfriend, stupid!" Katsuki snarls, because drunk Deku is the fucking worst for blue-balling him. "And you kissed me first!"
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yeet-man · 4 years
One's Rebirth (Chapter 2)
A/N: I might upload a chapter every week from now on. I don’t know, depends on if I get any requests to keep me busy or not. With that said, I hope y’all enjoy chapter 2 of One’s Rebirth!
By the time Mr. Aizawa had entered the classroom J’me was in a world of his own thinking about everything he could do with his quirk. 
“Good morning class I am your homeroom teacher Shouta Aizawa.”
“Good morning Mr. Aizawa!” Everyone said in unison except for J’me who was still distracted in his own world.
Mr. Aizawa saw that J’me was distracted and called out to him. “Young man do you think you will be a hero if you just sit and daydream all the time?” He said this loud enough to snap J’me back into reality.
“Hm?” He said looking at Mr. Aizawa before noticing he was talking to him. “Oh my bad EraserHead, I don’t think daydreaming will turn me into a superhero. I've just been distracted lately. My apologies.” 
Shouta Aizawa was surprised that he already knew exactly who he was. “Hmm...you’re fine, just pay attention more alright.”
He responded with a small nod so he wouldn’t take anymore of his time.
He coughed to get the room’s attention on him again. “Now then today we will be doing a quirk apprehension test to test the limits of your quirks and the potential of them.”
“Wait what!?” Everyone said in unison again except for J’me. He was wondering what kind of changes were made when he stepped foot into this new world.
“That’s right, we will be having a quirk apprehension test now hurry up and get ready. After that meet outside to start the test.” 
J”me sighed, even though his blood was pumping and adrenaline started to flow throughout his body he didn’t feel that excited surprisingly.
Mr. Aizawa had left the classroom by this point and everyone was mainly talking with each other except for J'me, he was actually getting ready for the test. He would be at least till someone walked up and started to talk to him.
“H-hello my name is Izuku Midoriya and I was wondering how you knew that Mr. Aizawa was EraserHead.” 
J’me turned around to face the real protagonist in the series. “It’s simple really Midoriya, when you do alot of research on things you tend to find out about other things. It’s really simple actually.”
Midoriya was nervous and muttered to himself as usual which pissed J’me off. When he was in conversations he wanted it to be back and forth not waiting for one hundred years for an answer.
“Look Midoriya if you won’t say anything else I’ma go ahead and get ready.” J’me started to turn around and head out the door to get ready for the test.
“Wait!” Midoriya called out before J’me had left the area. “W-what is your quirk if you don’t mind telling me.”
J’me turned his head around to face the green haired boy. “You’ll find out when we do the test, also the name’s J’me Falcon.” With that he finally left the room to get ready for the test and got ready to beat Midoriya and Bakugo.
By the time J’me got outside and to the spot they were going to take the test at, everyone was already there and proceeded to look at him.
“Y’all got a fucking problem with me being late?” He was getting annoyed that everyone was looking at him.
“Everyone pay attention!” Mr. Aizawa spoke up so everyone would look away from J’me while he settled into the crowd around him and watched Mr. Aizawa.
He went over the rules and stuff for the quirk assessment test and had Bakugo go first as an example just like the normal timeline.
Bakugo had gotten into a baseball pitching like stance. He brought the ball back behind his head with his right hand. Bakugo then bought it forward and threw it, adding explosions to the throw. It made little 'o' shaped circles of smoke as he went up into the air and came crashing back down into the dirt.
705.2 meters. That was the distance the device read when Mr. Aizawa pointed the said device at the ball when it stopped rolling. 
Everyone was in shock seeing Bakugo's score, whispers started to break out from the crowd before Mr. Aizawa shut them up.
"One more thing before we start the quirk assessment test, the one who comes in last place will be expelled from U.A." 
"What!? That's unfair it's only the first day of school!" A girl from the crowd called out. She stepped forward and looked at Mr. Aizawa. She was Uraraka Ochako which J'me remembered her for having a huge crush on Midoriya later on.
"Are disasters fair? Are tsunamis, hurricanes, and tornadoes fair? No they aren't and neither will life."
Uraraka showed a frown on her face and disappeared back into the crowd while Mr. Aizawa continued.
"Now then let's begin, Midoriya you're up next."
Now this is where a little bit of the timeline changes. Instead of Midoriya needing two tries to transfer All for One into his finger he only needs one.
Midoriya stepped into the white circle with the ball in his hand. He got into the same baseball pitching like stance Bakugo did, bringing his right hand behind his head. He then launched the ball forward using All for One but only at his finger, the last contact with the ball.  
The ball flew through the air at amazing speeds. A couple seconds passed before the ball landed on the ground, reaching a total of 705.3 meters. Everyone was shocked except J'me.
Bakugo walked out from the crowd and started yelling at Midoriya. "WHAT THE HELL YOU QUIRK LESS NERD! WHEN DID YOU GET A QUIRK!" He was furious that Deku had beat him even if it was by a single decimal of a meter.
A sudden explosion could be heard, it was Bakugo using this quirk to go after Deku. Before he reached him Mr. Aizawa and J'me acted. J'me got in between the two rivals while Mr. Aizawa used his quirk to tie Bakugo in place. 
"Bakugo! None of this nonsense you are an adult and not a mere child now act like one."
Bakugo struggled against the special kind of rope that was holding him back. "You...why are you trying to protect Deku! He's a weak, quirk less bastard!" He said, still trying to break free.
"One reason Bakugo it's because I. Hate. Your. Fucking. Guts. Also you are a pretty big cunt." 
His eyes widened and he became even more furious and attempted to escape but ultimately failed in doing so. "I'LL KILL YOU DAMN IT!" He kept screaming these words at J'me till he just tuned out Bakugo.
J'me turned his attention to the green haired boy and began to walk over to him. "You are alright Midoriya?" 
Midoriya was shocked to see someone stand up to Bakugo like that. "Y-yeah I'm f-fine...uh J'me how are you able to stand up to Kacchan like that?" 
"That's something you best not worry about." He smiled at Midoriya and turned to Aizawa. "I'm guessing that this is done here? If so, may I go next." 
Mr. Aizawa nodded and J'me stepped into the white circle while Midoriya went back into the crowd. Bakugo still struggled but was let go soon enough after he had calmed a little.
J'me looked in front of him and took a deep breath. "I can't make handsigns in front of everyone, that would be extremely embarrassing...maybe I can do this..." He muttered, having a plan in mind that was worth trying. He exhaled and tossed the ball up.
For J'me it felt like everything started to move at a slower rate but that was just his mind. He pulled his right arm back while his left arm stayed at his side. His fingers closed only leaving his palm the only thing that was open on his hand. As the ball was falling J'me muttered something to himself. "Wind Style...Gale Palm..." This was the name of the jutsu he wanted to use.
The wind style gale palm was a jutsu that when used would send a huge blast from the user's palm and to their opponent. The blast could be dangerous depending on how much chakra was put into it. J'me put enough for it to just go further than Bakugo's score.
J'me went into a baseball pitching position but left his other arm at his side. His right arm was at neck level and behind it a little. As the ball fell in front of his eyes that's when he trusted his arm forward in hopes his plan would work.
For a split second, nothing seemed to happen, all of a sudden an enormous blast of wind came from J'me's palm. Since the ball was small and had little weight it blasted into the open field. The area around J'me was a little destroyed, dirt was sent everywhere and to some people in the crowd could feel the wind from where they were.
Since J'me was not expecting that kind of blast he fell on his ass. While the ball was flying through the air everyone made a 'o' face. 
The ball flew through the air at incredible speeds. When Mr. Aizawa checked it to see the distance it showed 1,732.9 meters.
Everyone gasped at the score J'me had gotten, even Aizawa showed a small smile.
J'me looked down at his hands and noticed something new that wasn't there before. Injuries on his arms? There were cuts going all up his arms that weren't there beforehand. Maybe it was from using his quirk for the first time? He didn't understand why something like that would happen. Nonetheless it probably wouldn't be the best to question it right now.
He stood up and put his hands inside his pockets to hopefully avoid questioning. He made his way back to the crowd, once there Midoriya walked up to him.
"J'me your quirk is so amazing! The way you sent the ball through the air was cool!"
He gave a little smile before speaking. "It was nothing besides that's not even the base of what I'm able to do with my quirk."
Midoriya gave a smile and nodded before he walked back to where he was standing. He was excited to say the least about J'me's quirk.
The quirk assessment test had ended as if it was five minutes not over an hour.
Mr. Aizawa pulled the list of everyone's score and place. "Instead of going over individual score's just look at the board to figure out where you landed."
J'me looked up at the board to see that he earned a nice third place while Midoriya ended up last.
"I was lying, no one is going home, I lied just so you would give it your all on the test." Mr. Aizawa had surprised everyone with his lie except J'me and Momo.
The class was dismissed soon after. On the way home Kirishima started to run after J'me so they could speak.
"Hey! Wait up!" Kirishima yelled, running to catch up with J'me.
"Hm...?" He turned around to see the red headed figure running to him.
"I'm sorry if I'm bothering you but I wanted to get to know you better. You seem like a really cool person." He spoke slowly to catch his breath.
"I see...what all do you want to know about me?" He turned around, started walking at a pace Kirishima could keep up with.
"Well I just want to know everything about you. In my opinion you were amazing in the quirk assessment test." He said following behind J'me to the train station.
J'me chuckled as he was walking. "Naw I wasn't amazing. I just did the best like everyone else."
Kirishima chuckled as well. "I thought you were tho, I mean the way you threw the ball looked really amazing!"
"Thanks Kirishima I appreciate it man." He offered a fist bump and Kirishima accepted.
"So how do you know my name?" He was curious to know how J'me was able to figure it out quickly.
"Oh uh I happened to know someone who was able to get me the roster and what everyone looked like in 1-A." He made up a lie on the spot wanting Kirishima to believe it.
"Oh I see!" He fell for the lie as if it was the truth.
They soon arrived at the train station. They exchanged numbers and went there separate ways.
On the train ride home J'me looked at the window and started thinking. "Why was I put here? What do I have to do in order to head home?" All these questions ran through his head like an endless loop.
An hour goes by and the train comes to a stop. J'me stood up and left the train, heading in the direction of home. 
By the time he got home he realized something else. His brother nor sister were here only his mother.
In the real world J'me had an older brother and an older sister. He did hate them sometimes but they were family so he couldn't hate for too long.
The house was big as if four people lived here but it was only two. He walked directly to his room and threw his stuff on the bed.
"Why the hell is all this happening? Let's see how did my last day go before I got here? It started off as a normal day, I woke up at five in the morning to get ready for school. The bus ride was also normal, sat by myself and listened to music." He kept thinking out loud to figure out how he got there.
"My classes were normal and so was the bus ride home. After I got home I just fell asleep since I was tired only to wake up in this world." What J'me didn't know was the thing that happened when he was out cold 
He sat down on the bed and started thinking about the new girl since he couldn't figure out how he got here. "I wonder how she got here...Mari was her name right?" He had only remembered this because when Mr. Aizawa called her name she stepped forward. 
He laid down and closed his eyes thinking of how they got here. He fell asleep and started dreaming of many things at once.
He woke up at midnight because someone was blowing up his phone. He sighed, turned to his right and grabbed his phone only to see it was Kirishima.
"What the fuck does he want at this time at night?" He thought to himself.
He texted him back so he would stop blowing his phone up. "Kirishima, it's midnight man what do you want?"
"J'me! Hey man you think we could meet up somewhere? I need to talk to you and it can't wait till tomorrow."
"You want me to sneak with the chance of getting caught just to meet up so we can talk?"
"Well when you put it like that it sounds bad..."
"You better be glad we became friends Kirishima. I'll see at the corner store near my house and get there as fast as you can." He gave Kirishima the address and took off.
Walking through the dark streets of Tokyo, Japan J'me found it looked astonishing. He enjoyed the five minute walk that took him to the corner store. Once he got there he sat down and waited for Kirishima.
It wasn't until thirty minutes later that Kirishima had finally made his appearance. "I'm sorry I took so long man." He spoke quietly as he sat down next to J'me.
"It's alright, now what do you want? Why did you make me sneak out so we could talk?" He was confused by how Kirishima had done this and whatever it was had to have been a good reason.
Kirishima sighed and put a serious expression on his face. "I know you were lying about how you know class 1-A. When I got home I did some research and found out that the list of the roster had never been leaked. Tell me the truth on how you know us J'me."
His heart began to race as Kirishima spoke. How did he figure that out? How much time did he spend on research? He took a deep breath and exhaled. It felt like hours before J'me spoke up. "Fine you want the truth...I'll give it to you. I'm originally not from this world, you see where I'm from this place is a show called My Hero Academia. I don't know if I'm supposed to be here or not and I'm trying to figure out how I got here. That's how I know y'all but since I got here the timeline is starting to take effect. You see there was one student that I didn't know and it was Mari...I better stop speaking before I completely fuck everything up."
Kirishima gasped in complete shock at how J'me knew them. "What! That's so cool! You gotta tell me everything!"
"No! Kirishima I can't or else everything I change now please forget I said this." He slowly stood up and began to walk home. Before he completely left he tilted his chin to Kirishima. "I'll see you at school tomorrow Kirishima!" He waved goodbye and walked home.
J'me easily got back inside without being caught. He went into his room and laid down. "Hopefully Kirishima shuts his mouth..." He repeated this a couple times before passing out.
The next day would truly be the start of his new life in My Hero Academia.
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peonyneko · 4 years
Dodge This! | Katsuki Bakugou x Reader
| Prompt:  Reader and Katsuki are the last two surviving players during dodgeball
Going above and beyond for a mere school game isn’t something that is common. Whether you win or lose, the game is just a game, right? Well, trying telling that to the competitive bunch at U.A High School. The last duo standing? Katsuki Bakugou was definitely expected. But you? Completely capable but definitely not expected. Are you going to dodge this or lose?
| Warning: Violence but not really, and cursing. Mentions of falling to the ground from a slightly high height (if that possibly triggers anyone).
| Word Count: 4,000+ (Sorry!)
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Reader’s Quirk: Air Manipulation
How it works: Using their body and the air around them, the user is able to pretty much use the element to their advantage. For example, they are able to create winds, levitate, fly, and so on.
Drawback: Overuse can make them dizzy and breathless. User can pass out from exerting more than their body can handle. The manipulation can prove to be fatal for the user and/or others if the actions are not carefully handled. 
This was it. No one expected this to be the final line up. Katsuki versus Izuku? Highly expected. Katsuki versus Shouto? Also very expected. That, however, was definitely not the case, right now.
“Alright, the showdown that determines which team wins. Bakugou Katsuki against L/n F/n,” Mr.Aizawa calmly spoke. Cheers can be heard throughout the entire gym. No one in the class thought this is what the last round would be. 
“I’m about to absolutely destroy your chance to win,” Katsuki snarled, tiny sparks emitted from his hand.
“For fuck’s sake,” I mumbled. How on Earth did I not get hit? I fought as best as I could but to survive to the last round was surprising. 
“What did you say?” his brows were furrowed. The pair of red eyes were set on me, displaying a certain emotion. Not anger, but rather immense excitement to win. I shook my head in return.
“Good luck! Win for us, y/n!” Mina yelled from the gym bench. I turned around and offered a small, hesitant smile.
“We’re counting on you, Katsuki!” Denki called out waving his hand in the air.
I noticed how empty the rectangle was. No one besides Katsuki and I were standing. Everyone was out. As if it weren’t obvious already, it hit me. Oh no. I’m alone fighting this lunatic. A lunatic that I had an odd fondness for.
Why did it come down to this? Why did it have to end up with only him and me?
“Okay, class. Settle down. As usual, you are free to use your quirk. However, be aware that this is not a life and death situation. Do not to harm one another for any reason other than what is appropriate for the game, otherwise, you will be eliminated. The assignment will be graded based on participation. You all will be split between the two groups. For the assignment, the losing team will get 50 points while the winning team will get 100 points,” Mr. Aizawa looked tired, as usual. Hmm... I did hear that he stayed up trying to prepare papers for a future assignment. The class was quite excited because it has been a while since we got to do these activities. As usual, we wore our hero attire to use our powers to the best of our abilities. I sigh as I pull up my pants for the ninth time.
“Heck, yeah!” Denki yells out startling a few others around him. 
“Group A will be on the right side of the line. Group B will be on the left side. After you hear your name, go stand on the correct side,” Mr. Aizawa pointed at the middle of the humongous gym.
“Group A consists of Bakugou, Iida, Asui, Ojiro, Koda, Tokoyami, Shoji, Kagakure, Yaoyorozu, Aoyama, and Kaminari. Group B consists of Midoriya, L/N, Todoroki, Sero, Jiro, Sato, Mineta, Ashido, Kirishima, and Uraraka,” chattering can be heard throughout the gym. Both groups motivated to defeat the other.
“Damn, looks like I’m an enemy this time, huh?” Eijiro smiles towards Katsuki, only to ‘tch’ in return. Hm, now that I think about it. Eijiro and Katsuki rarely worked against each other.
“Don’t expect me to hold back,” he replied glaring at the entire opposing group.
“Oh, I forgot to mention,” the class settled down after hearing the teacher’s voice once again.
“There will be two rounds. The first round will be a normal group effort. However, the second round is one on one. The second round will only begin once each group has a single surviving player,” as soon as those few sentences left Mr. Aizawa's mouth, many were left confused. What are the chances of there only being one on each team?
“You must be wondering, how that is possible, right?” the class collective nods in return.
“Well, there are chances of two or more against one. I am taking that into account. In those situations, to make the game easier, I’ve decided that any balls that hit the single player competing against two or more players will not be counted. Does that make sense?” Mr. Aizawa tried to make the instructions as short and clear as possible.
“Also, the last person to survive in each group receives an extra 50 points. In short, you should play to survive until the last round,” those two sentences were enough to make everyone consider their teams as individuals to defeat, indirectly that is. 
Both groups had a new goal: save your group but with the intention to survive until the end.
Mr.Aizawa turned around to sit on the lowest bleacher row. He should take this time to sleep but I’m pretty sure he needs to monitor us. Once again, I  reach down to pull up my pants.
“Ha, I’m gonna beat every single one of you until I’m the last to stand in here,” Katsuki challenged, pointing at the rectangle we all stood in. 
“We’ll see about that,” Shouto responded, already preparing ice on his hand.
“Y/n!” Izuku called out with his left hand in the air. A hum leaves my mouth to indicate I’m paying attention.
“I hope this doesn’t sound too weird but I noticed you were having difficultly with your pants earlier. Are they a size too big?” he questions.
“Oh, yeah. I grabbed the wrong pair in a hurry. These are from the very first design so the size is incorrect,” I sigh. It’ll be hard to focus on the game if my pants keep slipping. 
Izuku mumbled a little to himself before walking up to Momo on the opposite side. A small conversation continues between the two before Momo hands him a black object. Is that a-
“Here! Momo was able to create a belt for you!” he cheerily claimed.
“I... Thank you! You didn’t have to do that,” the belt lands in my hand. Rather than a normal belt, it was a long cloth-like belt that I’m able to tie down to adjust to my waist. Good thinking, Momo. 
“Not a problem at all. It’d be hard to have fun if you had to focus on your pant uh... not falling. Since the experience counts, none of us should hesitate to move because of our outfit,” I smile at his kindness. Managing to gain Momo’s attention, I mouth a ‘thank you’ to which she happily nods.
“Deku! Quit playing around before the game even starts!” small explosions could be heard blasting out of Katsuki’s hands. 
“Huh?” both Izuku and I claimed while we turned around to face him.
“Oh, I know. I wasn’t playing around Kacchan,” Izuku looked at him with determined eyes.
“Don’t expect me to hold back,” he continued. I could feel the energy running coursing his veins.
“You better not,” Katsuki turned his back to us before walking off. 
“Quiet down. When I say go, you all are free to start,” Mr. Aizawa was sitting on the bench
“Ready? 3, 2, 1...”
 “... Go,” Aizawa signaled the start of this round.
“Fucking die,” the glowing heat barely grazes my pants. I was stunned. One more foot and it could’ve burnt off. My pant isn’t fireproof like the rest of my outfit. I didn’t even get the chance to think before a ball flies towards my chest. I duck down while simultaneously grabbing the nearest red ball. Quickly! Think. Think! 
I raise my arm launching the ball in the air. It lands about a foot from the left corner of the rectangle. Hm...
“Damn it. I missed,” I somewhat halfheartedly whined. Please work...
“Are you even trying?! Of course, you’ll miss if you throw it like that,” he flings another ball at me. However, this time it was on blazing with fire. Oh, heck no. 
A grunt leaves my lips as I reverse the ball towards him. The gust of wind spirals the fire in the air. He easily dodges it with a light explosion. I levitate, with the air underneath me to support my feet. My ground wasn’t too far beneath me. My body standing two feet above the flooring. I pull five spheres towards myself before looking at where Katsuki was standing. This definitely won’t be easy. But I am not willing to lose. Easy. Don’t lose it. Concentrate.
I take a deep breath and launch two near his leg. One barely grazing him while the other was far left.
“Missed!” he snickered. Yeah, I missed. I looked down. An aimed look of disappointed pasted onto my face. 
“Don’t be sad! You can do this!” Eijiro shouted from the bleachers with his toughened fist. As soon as I smile back at him, a red object zooms past my vision. I flinch back at the quick action.
“Focus. I want to win this with your full effort involved,” he looks straight up into my eyes. Is it that seriou- Well, yeah... It is. 
“Same here, dude,” I respond while controlling the levitating spheres in the air. Not giving him the chance to pick up any more balls, I push the remaining three of mine towards his way. One floats past the left shoulder. Another flies above his head. The third paces beside his left knee.
“Missed again, floaty,” a chuckle leaves his lips. Floaty? Floaty??
A visible sign of confusion plants on my face. My eyes don’t leave the balls on the palm of his hands. 
“I manipulate the air. Floating comes with it for free,” I swing to the left, avoiding the pair he aimed at my shoulder.
“Aimed too slow. Missed me,” I managed to return his words at him.
“Tsk. Not for too long,” both his arms rise. Two explosions take place, surrounding almost all exits possible. The heat fills up around me, leaving me in a vulnerable spot. I can’t see him or anything else.  Look for an exit, dummy. There! For all I know, Katsuki could be waiting for me to get out to hit me out. However, I’ll regret not getting out when I had the chance. I lift off the ground, quickly flying out the right top patch that had a closing hole. Not making it entirely on time, my bottom right leg catches on fire. I place myself back on the ground, hissing as I feel the burning heat.
I blow the spreading fire away with small consecutive winds. The burnt cloth scent fills the area. My right leg is now visible. My pants are burnt an inch beneath my knee along with a section of the belt. Luckily, it did not fall apart. Not wanting to distract myself, my eyes search for the blonde boy. My attention sets on where Katsuki was standing - slightly ahead of the middle of his portion of the rectangle. Not yet. 
“Try not to expose my lower body. I don’t want any comments from the guys. You know the ones I’m talking about,” I grabbed two balls with my hands and fling them at the blonde male. Hm. It’s okay. Continue.
“Idiot, you keep aiming too far away. Are you even trying to win? And I’m not a pervert, you know,” he angrily shoots out another ball encased in fire. My fingers rush to gain control of it. It flies past the middle line and glides far from him, landing at the right corner of the rectangle.
“Dammit. I am trying. You’re fast so the aims miss.”
“And I know that you aren’t,” I bend my knees to lower myself but didn’t properly grab another ball while talking.
Noticing my mistake, Katsuki grins and throws the ball in his hand towards me with bare brute strength. My eyes widen in shock but I crawled backward from my position. The ball soars straight past where my figure previously was. If I stayed there, I would have crashed flat onto the ground. My heart hammers against my chest at how close and dangerously fast that was. A furious grunt escapes from his mouth.
Pushing myself up, I lift off the floor to place myself higher than him. The cool air brushes against my body. It felt incredible after the amount of physically exhausting actions taken.
“Are you sure you want to do that?” he smirks before aiming three consecutive red balls at my leg. Luckily, my reflexes kicked in quickly enough. I successfully lift myself above all three aims. To avoid any contact I jump higher and higher in the air. To avoid any misses he fires faster and faster. Both of us were ready to fight it out till the end. The same actions of rising and aiming continued a little longer for our separate benefit. It might be a mere game but that’s why it’s fun to make it crazy, right?
Similar to the beginning, I rise five balls and place them near me in the air. I blast all quintet of them in a spiral. Katsuki blasts himself to the right, easily skipping away from every single one. I groan, disappointed at the scene.
“Take this!” he sneers loudly boosting himself in the air and blasting the same amount of ball at my chest. I rise higher to the far right, setting another significant distance from the floor and I. Focusing too much on my placement, I barely noticed the four blazing red spheres heading towards me.
Before I can gain control of another proper footing, a second of dizziness blurs my vision. A gush of wind tickled my body. My body felt heavier and the ceiling looked further away. A single shout of my name from a familiar voice enters my ears. Katsuki? It was a beautifully scary few seconds of excitement. Sadly, it didn’t last long enough for me to catch myself. I harshly dropped down 10 feet onto the floor. Thud! A short scream emits my throat. My voice echoes throughout the wide room. Everything stilled for a second. Katsuki, the class, and Mr.Aizawa frozen at my sprawled body.
The class collectively shouts my name, shocked at my dangerous fall.
“Do we need to stop here?” Mr.Aizawa called out, sounding slightly worried about any broken bones. 
“No!” I hastily grunt out. Painful thumps course through my body. Luckily, I don’t feel any actual damage. 
“I’m fine. Just lost my step there,” jumping back onto my feet I prepared myself for the hectic game.
“You good there?” Katsuki looked serious. The pair of red eyes bored right into my figure. Was it at the game or my fall? Nope, that’s just him. I nod to reassure my safety.
“There were many horrible falls I’ve experienced. This is just an addition to my collection.”
After rolling my shoulders, I reach out for the red ball to my side. For now, I need to take a break from my quirk. Otherwise, it’ll be hard to complete important movements.
“Alright then, get ready,” sparks form on his hands as he rises above me. Once again, he blinds my field of vision with an explosion. I turn my head, my arms in front of me, trying to avoid. Not wanting any surprise hits, I ran randomly on my side of the rectangle.
“Running is the only choice, huh?”
He looks down at me, setting a fiery explosion in front of me while simultaneously hurling a ball at me. His entrapment was almost successful. I step forward, my back inches away from striking me. Running back and away from the blaze, I sling the ball at his legs. It flies between his legs, landing a few feet behind him. 
Setting himself down, he grabs another ball and blasts it towards me at high speed. I flinched and sway to the side. With a successful attempt in grabbing the nearest rubber ball, I project it on his right side. This is fine. This is enough. Right?
At this point, I stopped running and tried to catch my breath. My arms bent and my hands resting above my knees. It’s only been 15 minutes yet it felt like an hour.
“What? Tired?” he mocked on his feet.
“No, not really,” I was on-guard, prepared to dodge anything that comes my way.
“But you might be,” my smile causes him to frown in confusion.
Ignoring my words, he blasts fire with his right arm. A hiss leaves my lips as I feel the intense heat, especially near my naked leg. I step further away from the middle boundary that separates us. Katsuki foolishly steps forward, ready to shoot continuous pockets of blazing rubber balls. This is it. He is where I wanted him. One foot closer to the middle line could’ve made this easier but this is good. A small chuckle left my lips. I’ve been waiting for you to stand there, Katsuki.
I raise my arms, quietly raising all the balls I’ve purposely landed on all sides of the rectangle. Each attacked I “missed” was made to fool. To fool everyone so even Katsuki ignored the fact that there were seventeen balls placed behind him in various positions. My silent trap to capture the fuming dragon.
Admittedly, this could’ve flopped immediately if there weren’t so many balls surrounding me. I made sure to leave many of them around me so my actions weren’t obvious. Luckily, my acts of disappointment from “missing” seemed to have helped.
Once again, I float into the air creating further distance between the two of us. A safety step to ensure I do not get blasted and knocked out by any explosions. My vision was clear, all the red balls were where I can see them. All positioned pretty much where I wanted them. 
“Great game, Katsuki!” I say. Our expressions begin to contrast a great amount. My face shows satisfaction, delight, and hopefulness. Katsuki’s face shows confusion, frustration, and fury.
Lifting a spare single ball near his side, I rapidly tug the ball towards him. He swiftly turns sideways blasting at the decoy. I smile at the false trap I placed him in. Luring him in, grabbing his attention away from the official entrapment, and then closing all possible exits. That’s how I wanted to beat the strong and intelligent male in front of me.
“Got ya,” this time I actually lift all seventeen balls into the air. Some high in the air and some low to the ground. Some close by and some far to the sides. A surge of energy, nervousness, and excitement travels through my veins. My heart beating rapidly, wishing this trick successfully works. The fuming dragon stepped into the snare himself, not acknowledging that I had the rope in my hand the entire time.
“Sorry!” I shout out, once again grabbing his attention. 
“Try and dodge this!”
As soon as I reach my hand out, grabbing “strings” in the air, realization strikes him. It strikes him a second too late. One by one, hit by hit, the red spheres crash onto his figure. Hitting his shoulders, arms, legs, back, and sides. Thumps of the fallen balls echo throughout the room. Thump. Thump. Thump. Thump... Thump... Thump. The last red ball stops bouncing and that was it.
No one speaks.
I felt breathless from the successful mission. Eye widened at the red spheres on the ground surrounding his body. I felt breathless at his intense red gaze. Surprise builds upon my face. It... It worked. Wait. Did I win? 
“Y/n! You did it!” Izuku was the first to shout out in victory. His eyes gleaming with happiness. The rest of my group shouts out in glory. Rising from their seats, they make their way towards me.
“We won? You all, we won,” I tell them, shocked. It worked?
I quickly look at Mr.Aizawa, wanting to know it was a guaranteed win.
“Y/n representing Group B wins,” he calls out. Groans from the other team contrast the cheers of mine. 
Mina and Kyoka tackle me into a hug, congratulating me on the group’s win, along with my win. It felt amazing to win. Especially winning against someone as strong and capable as Katsuki, it felt as if I were the luckiest person on Earth.
“I didn’t realize you had that plan up your sleeve until I noticed the placement of the balls. You even acted sad every time you’d miss so many of us got worried,” Izuku looked at me with his green sparkling eyes. Hm. I wonder who would’ve won if Izuku and Katsuki were to battle.
“Yeah, I decided to go with it shortly after the game started. I didn’t know what else to do so I took my chance. Didn’t think it would actually work though,” a small embarrassed chuckle.
“It’s good that you went along with your plan. It did work out and that’s what matters,” Shouto spoke out, standing behind the Izuku. 
“Yeah, I guess you’re right,” I smile at his comment. Our small celebration and conversation were cut short when Mr.Aizawa raised his hand to gain our attention. 
“Everyone, go back to class. There are 15 minutes left but I have been called by the principal,” Mr.Aizawa said before heading out the door. 
I turn around, looking for Katsuki but couldn’t find him. Is he okay? I hope it didn’t hurt him. Then, I managed to see Katsuki running after the teacher. Since we have lunch after this, I’ll try to check on him then. After all, we do sit a table or two away from each other.
The class slowly walks back to the room. Speaking away about the extreme and we just played. It was a basic participation grade, so none of us lost.  
“Hey.” I turn back at the familiar voice. He was standing with his hand in his pocket.
“I asked Mr.Aizawa for permission to go to Recovery Girl. Follow me.”
“Huh? Why?” I was confused at the sudden requirement.
“You really don’t notice your bruises and the blood on your back?” he asked. I realized what he meant right when I touch my back. I hiss on impact, feeling the bruise and possible wound that could have formed from the fall.
“Oh, I guess the adrenaline got to me.”
He starts walking towards the nursing room and I tag along with him. A slightly awkward silence roams around us as we enter the destination.
“Are you okay?” he lifts his eyebrow at my question.
“Of course, I am. Other than the bruise I gave myself, the balls were completely harmless.” 
“Oh, okay. That’s good,” I felt relieved to hear that he didn’t get any major injury.
“I don’t know how many times I’ve told you this but be careful when you’re floating at a great height. So far, you didn’t get any major injuries. I can heal you as much as I can but you’ll have to learn to quickly re-activate your quirk when falling from blur and dizziness. It’s hard but once you learn that, you definitely will have another advantage to count on,” Recovery Girl hands me a pack of ice for my back. Sliding off the bed, Katsuki and I get ready to leave for lunch.
“Well, you’re both good to go. You’ll feel tired so make sure you get enough sleep today,” we both nod and thank her as we exit the door.
Katsuki walks next to me. Both of us were the only ones in the hallway. I turn my head to look at him. He looks back at me.
“Next time, if we play the game and you and I are left. Come at me with all you’ve got. I know I’ll beat you,” he grins.
“I was just lucky, this time,” I shrug. He frowns at my comment and halts.
“Bullshit. I’m not saying this to make you happy. You went along with a plan that suited your quirk and won. That’s that. If it was sheer luck, you wouldn’t have worked hard to make it work,” his words felt heavy and helpful.
“And besides, I already know I would win if it came to a real battle. Until then, keep improving, floaty. If you’re unhappy with the results, keep working. Though, I’ll keep rising so don’t think you’ll win against me.”
“O-oh. Well, thanks. I didn’t think you’d uh say that to me,” I respond. My neck felt hot from embarrassment. I hope nothing is noticeable.
“I didn’t have a big place to practice until I came here and moved into the dorms,“ Katsuki was attentively listening to what I had to say. I still felt nervous at his gaze but tried to compose myself.
“Well, practice and practice as much as you’d like. You’re trying to be a hero for a reason, right? You can’t count on luck to save people. You have to count on yourself,” he starts walking again.
“I know. Now, I’m practicing as much as I can. Whenever I can. Being a hero comes with a dangerous cost but you’ll just have to go for it. Save as many as you can. Save anyone who looks for help,” I say, unknowingly walking ahead of Katsuki.
“Oi!” he shouts and I turn around. He had a wild look on his face.
“Dodge this,” my eyes widen in confusion at the small ball in his hand. How? Where did he get that from?
“Wha-gh,” a weird sound leaves my throat as I bend down. My hand sticks out, stopping the ball mid-air. Deactivating the stop, the ball falls onto my hand.
“To improve your quirk’s re-activation, you’ll have to stay in the air longer, right?” I nod at his question.
“Well, practice that throughout the day. Try throwing a ball into the air, stop it in mid-air, fly after it, and continue that process while floating. This trick could be helpful when saving many people,” his voice sounded calm and soothing.
“Oh, thanks for the idea! But the only downside is possible injuries. I don’t want to break any bones. And I don’t have a trampoline or something soft to catch me,” I was slightly lost in thought before a small idea hits me.
“Um, if you don’t mind. Can you practice with me at times?” he only looked at me in return. I begin to panic a little bit.
“Well, you don’t have to. It’s just you have very quick reflexes and what not so it’ll be helpful for me. And-” before I can continue he cuts me off.
“Do I need to repeat myself?” I shake my head, my mind shocked that he agreed.
“Alright, come on. I don’t want to miss lunch because you’re taking too long to walk,” he walks faster than before. I scramble on my feet trying to catch up. 
Before you knew it, you both began practicing together. Before you knew it, you fell harder for him.
Before he knew it, you both began walking together. Before he knew it, he fell for you.
But now you both secretly knew it, you’ve fallen for each other.
This is the first post on my writing blog. How is it? Is there anything you recommend or want me to improve on? 
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makeste · 4 years
Previously on BnHA: Endeavor, Mic, and Aizawa finally caught up with Crust and Miruko after 19 years to help deal with the High End Noumus. Aizawa used his quirk on them, but Girl Noumu was able to get away and shoot acid at them all, and that one bone-tentacle-y Noumu was also able to attack Mirko with his quirk. Speaking of Mirko, she spent most of the chapter kicking away at Tomura’s Noumutank like those guys with the battering ram in Beauty and the Beast. Or maybe just kicking it one time very, very slowly while we cut back and forth from the scene. It was hard to tell. But either way, she didn’t quite manage to shatter it and instead just left it all cracked and leaking. Anyway so everyone keeps saying that if Tomura escapes that would be Very Bad, and I’m inclined to agree, especially since Aizawa and Mic are looking all serious and vengeful, and I’m really going to need them to not die, ever.
Today on BnHA: Endeavor helpfully and terrifyingly cauterizes Mirko’s wounds while Aizawa holds off the Noumu with his quirk and buys time for Mic to go after Ujiko and Tomura. Mic and our new optician friend Exress race down the corridor and Mic immediately uses his quirk to shatter Noumuraki’s tank, which is the fastest and most efficient action we have seen in this entire arc so far. Mic then CORDIALLY INTRODUCES UJIKO’S FACE TO HIS FIST, which caused me to have an awakening, but unfortunately the same can’t be said for Tomura, who’s now lying on the ground very much not awake and seemingly dead. So I guess that’s it, guys. Looks like Dabi is the main villain now. Good for you Dabi, those are some pretty big britches to fill. No that wasn’t a crack about your height. God you’re sensitive. And so now we get to wait another two weeks! You know what, let’s just focus on the part where Ujiko got flattened like a paper bag.
so this is the chapter that was originally scheduled to be released on Kacchan’s birthday, but what are the odds he’s not even in it. how do you all think the traffic light trio is doing. this has been the world’s longest evacuation. or do you think they already finished a long time ago and are just hanging out now and being all “can’t wait to hear back from everyone else, I’m sure they’re all fine and dandy.” which would be funny, you see, because everyone else actually isn’t fine and dandy at all! do you get it. ahaha jokes
anyway so this chapter is titled “the three of us”, so I’m guessing there’s more Aizawa/Mic/Shirakumo angst on the horizon! so you’re just going to keep on assaulting my battered heart then, Horikoshi. cool. coolcoolcoolcoolcool
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fffff -- okay well whatever!! it’s a manga!! she’ll be fine! they have manga science! Recovery Girl can heal her legs and her side and everything else, and get her a nice new robot arm, and she’ll have a cool scar on her ear. happy thoughts happy thoughts
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IS HE TALKING TO ME OR HER. I FEEL LIKE HE’S TALKING TO ME. don’t worry Endeavor I will look away for this part
lol excuse me what now
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5 minutes?? by whose reckoning, exactly?? jesus christ. I bet if he turned his flames off we’d learn that he has grown a whole new actual beard. Endeavor. civilizations have risen and fallen. okay you know what, new theory, Ujiko’s basement lair is somehow running on Narnia time
OH MY FEELS HE SAYS HE OWES HER A DEBT AFTER KYUSHU. referring of course to when she showed up out of the blue to save his ass from Dabi. anyways though how nice of him to express his gratitude by setting all of her wounds on fire
I guess we can stand down from red alert now though since Mirko is clearly going to be just fine
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somehow she has more calm while getting her horrific injuries cauterized than I do when trying to decide whether or not to sell electronic turnips in a video game
wuh oh
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WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT HE’S A BARREL OF LAUGHS. actually no that’s a lie, you definitely would have had and did have more fun while fighting Mirko
also, this angle of Endeavor’s face, though
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god damn it as per usual I have no idea what is going on in action panels even when I stare at them intensely for a full minute or more
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I don’t even remember how many Noumus are left at this point now. who’s that sunfish-looking one on the right near Mic?? is he a new one?? is that Crust jumping around in the middle, or is he the one standing near the sunfish Noumu? who is it that’s firing that laser or whatnot in the middle?? did this big Noumu in the foreground on the left just get decapitated??
honestly it seems like they almost have things under control at long last. Aizawa and Mic should just head after Ujiko is already and leave the rest of them to it
so Mirko is now giving them all the details about Tomura and how he’s currently chilling out floating in his sensory deprivation tank
and she’s all DON’T LET SHIGARAKI WAKE UP as if she wasn’t the one trying to smash the capsule open in the previous chapter?? or did she assume he would just sleep through all that lol
also the High Ends have apparently still not completely woken up themselves yet. guess we should be grateful
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if Aizawa Shouta ever cuts his hair I will declare a national day of mourning
anyways though, reinforcements! about fucking time
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did anyone else immediately blink right after reading that last sentence, and then feel a profound gratitude for being able to blink freely at will. holy shit. blinking is so great
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what happens if he has to sneeze?? oh my god. and what the fuck why is this a one-man show anyway, where the hell is your husband
okay there he is
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“I’m here, too,” says Vision Hero: Exress. and so he is. so what kind of quirk do you have, then, x-ray vision? really hope not, no offense. just don’t see how that would exactly be useful right now. or maybe it’s laser vision, in which case yeah okay we can work with that. you heard the man, go on ahead then
this motherfucker is still alive?!
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I really cannot express enough just how steep of a cliff Endeavor has fallen off of in this arc. he has not done a single useful thing aside from the cauterizing. so now it’s up to Eyeballs Hero: Sees Real Good to hopefully somehow oneshot this guy whom the number one hero barely managed to scratch
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CRUST ACTUALLY DID SOMETHING. took me a minute to realize he was shouting “go” in that speech bubble, as opposed to randomly screeching out his age, 60
Mic and Aizawa are so hot but I’m feeling such impending doom right now
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-- oh no. oh fuck. I just realized -- why are they splitting them up?? sir that’s his emotional support hero
ffff for reals though I feel like Mic doesn’t have the same plot protection as Shouta. and I also feel like this is a very stupid decision in general, and that the guy who can cancel out quirks should be included in the group of people rushing in to capture the scary big bad whose quirk is an insta-kill. but what do I know, I’m just a regular person who didn’t go to hero school and get their hero MBA so MAYBE I’M WRONG. but am I
oh shit oh shit oh shit
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not really clear on what Mic is doing here since he should in theory just be running like a normal person, but I can’t complain much about the dynamic pose. and meanwhile Ujiko has finally snapped to the fact that he should have woken Tomura up a good half hour ago!
and on top of all that, it sounds like they didn’t destroy all of their supervillain research data either, so if he does manage to escape we could be right back to square one before long. good thing they definitely positively won’t let him escape!!
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nghhh everything’s shattering all dramatically and in slow motion
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swear to god if this chapter ends with Tomura opening his eyes while we cut to another two week break, I will... ... ...well I guess I’m about to find out though because that’s exactly what’s going to happen isn’t it
(ETA: if you can sleep through Present Mic’s attack you can really sleep through anything huh.)
lol but first
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sploosh. down he goes. timber. still a sleepy boi. I take a nap right here
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1) the fuck is he doing, 2) is this the first time we’ve seen Aizawa call Mic by his name??, and 3) WHAT DID I TELL YOU THOUGH
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UNDONE BY AIZAWA’S SOFT EXPRESSION AND WISTFUL EYES NOOOO I lied I am not a stone at all I am a big squishy marshmallow of feels oh fuck
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he straight up ENDED HIS LIFE. holy shit. 4/24/2020. the day I was sexually attracted to Present Mic
anyways now back to your regularly scheduled sad feelings at the reminder of the fact that yep, Ujiko and all of his fucked up experimenting absolutely did make Aizawa cry. not that I’m saying that’s a crime of even greater magnitude than all his other crimes of kidnapping and torture and research using human children. I absolutely am not saying that. just implying it. in a joking manner. semi-joking. partially. kind of
(ETA: also, belated shout out to the fact that his excuse for doing it was so he could verify that it wasn’t another clone. and since it’s Present Mic, there’s a 74% chance he screamed out “CLONE CHECK!” in English too, which, bless.)
I know there’s a particular side of fandom that largely thinks that all heroes are Garbage Scum, but I mean, look at this scene though of Gazerbeam crouching down to gingerly check Tomura’s vitals. idk, I thought this was surprisingly gentle
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I should probably be more concerned about that statement, but truth be told, I’m much more anxious about Gazerbeam going the way of his namesake shortly henceforth. please be careful please I know he looks all floppy and wounded and surprisingly vulnerable --
-- okay, very surprisingly vulnerable --
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I really do have a thing for the hair covering the eyes huh. I’m learning things about myself!
but still! he could basically just blink at you at this point and you would turn to dust, Gazerbeam. DUST. ASHES. DEBRIS SCATTERED TO THE WINDS
wow apparently that space tube was doing a lot more than I thought
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mhmm. sure. Horikoshi. dude, I can see you sitting there shaking with barely suppressed laughter. did you really think this would get us to let our guards down. are we a joke to you. did you think we would just be all “oh gosh I guess he really is dead then, wow, what a twist”
oh!! the reinforcements!!
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did you hear that guys. it’s done. the heroes won and Tomura is dead and it’s really over just like that. what a positive ending for everyone. except Tomura I guess
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I’ve said before that U.A. needs to add a course about tempting fate to their curriculum, and I stand by that. this is absurd. it’s like y’all want to die
oh look at that Endeavor finally killed one
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was that really so hard. could you not have done that earlier
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“what if... I dragged it out so much that the dragging-out was the cliffhanger?” that’s some galaxy brain you got there dude. let’s just end the chapter on that WHY NOT
anyway. so there you have it guys. just look how dead he is. that’s the smile of someone who is absolutely, certainly, one hundred percent dead. look at him, all at peace. definitely not gonna finally wake up two weeks from now and properly introduce himself to our new friend Gazerbeam and my new we’re-just-trying-something-out-and-taking-it-slow-and-we’ll-see-where-it-goes boyfriend Present Mic!
lol I can’t lie, these last couple chapters have tested my patience a bit! fortunately this chapter had many saving graces in the form of Mirko, Aizawa, Mic, and for reals though Gazerbeam whom I genuinely did grow attached to almost immediately for reasons beyond my grasping. but I’m starting to get an inkling that Horikoshi is just incapable of pacing himself well whenever the story moves to a basement. or maybe I’m just cranky on account of being holed up in lockdown since time immemorial and only getting my new BnHA fix every other week! maybe, that could be it. maybe. ah well. at least Present Mic punched Ujiko in the fucking face
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sombrz · 5 years
The Evolution of Katsuki Bakugou and The Importance of Saving
after the last chapter, i couldn’t help myself and wrote down a huge...meta? description of a collection of moments? relating to bakugou’s ongoing arc with his increasing dedication to prioritizing rescuing others in his pursuit to be a top hero. feel free to add on if i somehow forgot something!
behind the cut bc it’s really image heavy!
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we’re introduced to the concept of combat vs rescue, win vs save - and of course it’s by comparing our main boys. they started on opposite ends of the spectrum, after all. deku’s all hero, no super. bakugou’s all super, no hero. so yeah, bakugou managed to get first place in the entrance exam without a single rescue point. which is a feat considering even iida managed to get 9 points and it was clear he wasn’t thinking about helping others until he saw deku’s bravery when uraraka was in danger. at this point, bakugou’s only interested in showing off. being flashy and tough, proving he’s the best!
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bakugou’s first rescue and he could give less of a shit! he saves deku from running into kurogiri’s portal here, not with the motivation of saving his life but to get him out of the way - he jumped into the fray in order to take down kurogiri. saving deku isn’t even a plus, really, it’s just a side effect.
deku’s still grateful though.
EXTRA 1: THE FIRST OVA (actually written by horikoshi!)
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bakugou initially complains about having to be on rescue duty, but he still gets praised by thirteen for his efforts: many heroes struggle with the parts of heroism that they can’t easily solve with their quirks, and simply by manually pulling the stretcher up, he’s showing he’s capable of overcoming that. a beautiful hero, indeed. then, later, while he himself doesn’t rescue todoroki, he works in tandem with deku and class 1A to ensure that save AND their victory. and while iida, uraraka and asui give deku the credit of coming up with their plan, and he modestly returns the praise to everyone, he makes sure to give indivudual kudos to bakugou - because like this OVA, aizawa’s ‘twin pillar’ speech, all might’s ‘raise each other up’ speech, and the upcoming movie all prove: deku and bakugou work best when leading their peers together using the ‘save AND win’ mentality.
CHAPTER 65 + Ultra Archive Databook Omake
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saves deku again, this time from all might. this is interesting because he’s doing this for both their benefits despite still not really having the ‘rescue’ mindset. he’s counting on deku to make it to the gate, but he was the one (by launching deku towards the gate to begin with) who assigned them these roles. deku as the runner, while bakugou distracts all might and therefore, shields deku from the brunt of the attack. he’s putting himself in physical harm for deku. but he’s not thinking it that way: to him, this is still just for personal gain (passing their exam) and due to (thanks to deku) a renewed sense of willpower and drive. he sees these actions as his own willingness to destroy himself for a victory.
 and he’s definitely pissed later during the databook omake that deku went back for him, seeing no positives in deku’s innate inability to ignore others when they’re in trouble (especially when that someone is bakugou himself - since we learn during this exam that bakugou equates all might being able to stand against any kind of tribulation by HIMSELF and coming up on top as what makes him the strongest hero). 
EXTRA 2: THE FIRST MOVIE (not written by horikoshi but i still wanna bring it up)
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uraraka can’t fight back or escape the drones because she’d have to release her quirk to do so - which would put deku and melissa in danger. but when things look grim, who comes to the rescue? bakugou does! like his first rescue, he’s not doing this with the thought process of ‘oh i have to save my friend’ but rather, ‘hey i just got here and there’s things to fight and one of them is about to attack uraraka so might as well start with that’ but in this case, it’s....the action that counts! and the action was still heroic! he did it in a very dramatic way too!
CHAPTERS 79, 80, 85, 90
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i decided to group all these together. it’s all in the same conjoined arcs and it’s a little more nebulous on whether it counts for this particular meta because, well, bakugou doesn’t really do any rescuing. i didn’t bother with the sludge monster scene because it’s pretty clear-cut but i think that this really set the baseline for all future bakugou development and he filled the role of the damsel in need of rescuing - so it definitely affected his perception of it.
things i wanted to point out: during the forest, he and todoroki are together since they ended up partners during the forest activity. at some point after (or maybe as it happened) the mustard gas filled the forest, they came across tsuburaba and todoroki decided to carry him through the rest of the way. todoroki also has to continually point out to bakugou that he should avoid using his quirk as to avoid further endangering their peers still in the forest (since, y’know, fire and explosions + wooded area = bad). for this entire time, bakugou is the hothead who just wants to fight and needs to be reminded that, hey, others could get hurt if you’re not careful. he barely pays tsuburaba any mind either, and we can probably assume he refuted it if todoroki even slightly implied they take turns carrying him or something.
he still helps out tokoyami even though he didn’t really need to, since todoroki’s fire would have probably sufficed on its own. so that’s nice! but then the convo switches gears to the fact that the legue of villains are here to kidnap bakugou and his friends all agree to be his [fandom voice] defense squad. EXCEPT, WAIT, WHAT THE FUCK? HE DOESN’T NEED ANY PROTECTION, THANK YOU VERY LITTLE, HE’S FINE BY HI - oh, yikes, and he got taken by mr. compress. i do like how he did listen to todoroki telling him to follow them, and must have stopped grousing about it long enough for the guys in front to not realize when he and tokoyami got taken. 
uraraka’s the first to bring up that bakugou would probably feel bad about being rescued - because of his pride. that’s what leads deku to add the caveat of, if we offer our help to kacchan, kirishima should be the one reaching out - at this point, bakugou would hate help from anyone, even though he KNEW that he was a hindrance to all might during the fight, and deku knows from personal experience after the whole sludge monster debacle, but it’s less of a blow to his ego if it’s someone he doesn’t see as a threat, and he’ll be less hostile if it’s someone he recognizes completely as a friend. the fact that he’s starting to see anyone as a friend is a lot! and though he denies it later, that grin says it all - he’s glad to be saved. he’s thankful.
CHAPTER 110 (& 113)
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this is also an interesting one. i wish more people did a bit of retroactive meta for bakugou during this arc, because everything he does really shows his mental state in the aftermath of his kidnapping. anyway, while the first part of the exam was to show off your battle prowess against foes (which, another interesting note, bakugou would have FAILED without kaminari), the second test is where you show off your saving skills. and this is NOT what bakugou does. his tagalong BFFs chastise him for his behaviour, but the ‘victims’ seem to realize bakugou is observant enough to know they’re low priority civillians. this doesn’t stop them from taking points off for his bad attitude though - because the thing about bakugou is he’s actually emotionally intelligent enough to understand other people (when not clouded by personal feelings), but he repressed his empathy at a young age and therefore struggles with acting appropriately without coming off as terrible. and he ends up failing because he presumably doesn’t try to alter his method and lets kaminari and kirishima do all the heavy lifting while being unusually complacent throughout - not even bothering to check out the big gang orca fight, despite apparently being aware it was happening.
but also, side note about the first test - where kaminari notes that bakugou held back on using his more powerful attacks because he didn’t want to hurt kirishima (who was on the ground) or kaminari. i didn’t include it as its own thing here since it more shows bakugou’s development in terms of teamwork, and not really rescuing - though i DO think getting kirishima back was on bakugou’s mind - but it’s still bakugou being pre-emptive and mindful of not hurting others and caring about his friends. sowing the seeds for his future motivations.
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after he failed his exam, finally vented his guilt and frustration, and beat deku in their fight - all might shows up with some words of wisdom! bakugou admits that all that ^ wasn’t what he wanted to hear, but a cool thing about bakugou is that he always absorbs criticism and advice and takes it to heart (ex: bakugou’s start line!) he’s not averse to changing himself to improve, and if his IDOL says that being a bit more like deku is the way to be the best hero: that he can finally put aside all that anger and all those misunderstandings, and instead rise up by helping deku and keeping pace with him? surpassing him? that saving people is just as important as the final victory? then there has to be some truth to that, right?
bakugou has nothing to do now but let all those revelations simmer, attend his remedial classes, and wait to be relevant again.
and so we’re now in a different ball game!
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let’s fast-forward a few months. bakugou’s been out of the spotlight for a bit, if you don’t count him getting his babysitting credentials, joining a band and just generally being more invested in ~friendship~. but we haven’t seen him fight anyone for a while! he automatically puts himself in the leadership position of team 4, annoys his friends by being bossy and impatient, same old bakugou, and then - wait, he throws himself between kamakiri and jirou to save her?
we finally see the fruits of his labour after deku vs kacchan 2. the old bakugou wasn’t a team player, didn’t care if anyone else got hurt as long as they didn’t get in between him and his opponent - him and victory. the new bakugou is still prickly, still has the same personality, still wants nothing more than to surpass the number one hero - but he’s had a change of heart. the new bakugou has discovered a new strength, and that’s the desire to rescue others.
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i don’t even have to say anything. class 1A does it for me. while monoma, tokage and class 1B are shocked beyond belief that bakugou is capable of changing...his friends are just proud and happy. at this point - seeing him day in and out - they (especially the ones he’s built up closer friendships with, like kirishima and kaminari) all know exactly how he thinks and feels. 
we also get to hear that, before the fight even started, he straight-up put it out there: ‘if you guys are in trouble, i’ll save you. if I’M in trouble, YOU gotta save me.’ and that’s the next step, right? bakugou never put stock in protecting others, sure, but he was adamantly threatened by the idea of being the one that needed protection. because that would mean he was weak, right? he can handle anything by himself! except....his friends saved him in kamino ward, and maybe - his databook bio implies this too - time to reflect on it has let him see that...was okay. we saw in the license exam with kaminari, and during the culture festival with jirou and the band (both things that are brought up here) that he’s begun to - not just acknowledge his peers as worthy of respect, as he did with todoroki and yaoyorozu after the battle trial and with kirishima and uraraka after the sports festival - but TRUST them too. specifically here, he trusts that if he fucks up or if class 1B decides to target him, he can count on his teammates - on jirou, sero and satou - to rescue him and take over when he can’t do it himself. and they do, so well done!
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the sketch is from the volume extras: to let us know that bakugou attacked from up above in the air (and the lamp post) in order to make sure no bystanders got hurt from his explosions or todoroki’s ice. :)
anyway, this is his official premiere into the hero world! his first licensed fight, and it serves as a surprising template for how bakugou operates these days. for one, he has no qualms with teaming up with todoroki - whom he claims to dislike (haha, suuuuure, kacchan). two, he lets todoroki call dibs on the main baddie while bakugou takes care of all the lackies (in one fell swoop bc he’s THAT GOOD) - even though one could easily argue that there’s less glory in that. three, he’s aware of his surroundings and notices a civillian in danger at the same time as all might, moving quick to save her, whereas todoroki only manages to react in the aftermath - because, as we’ve seen, rescue is now firmly imprinted in his mind’s eye. if he sees someone in trouble, that’s going to be the most important thing to him. four, we find out after the fight that he prioritized saving everyone’s wallets and purses before blowing up all the lackies. and i love that bakugou’s more talented at snatching wallets than actual goddamn thieves. master cook, natural musician, battle genius, honour student.....pickpocket extraordinaire?
bakugou’s still rude to the civillian, still brusque with the pro heroes (even trying to act cool when faced with proud dad might head pats), but this fight showed us where his priorities lie - and it’s not what they were when he started school and couldn’t even garner a single rescue point.
EXTRA THREE: THE SECOND MOVIE (also not written by horikoshi but it seems he had more of a hand in it)
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the movie’s not even out yet but it’s clear that the boys are going to be leaning HARD into their new shared mantra. defeating nine and his lackeys, in order to save everyone on the island, and personally motivated by protecting mahoro and katsuma in particular.
so even though we don’t know the nitty-gritty of what happens yet, i felt the need to include it. bakugou’s gonna be doing a lot of saving in this movie. i can tell.
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he doesn’t do any rescuing here. on the contrary, he and the multi-quirk boys almost let a couple people get run over by a truck head-on because they’re still too slow to keep up with endeavour. but endeavour’s words here are pointed directly at bakugou: he can’t treat hero work like school, he can’t make excuses for his shortcomings - because he has to work his ass off in order to save lives.
once again, the narrative ties bakugou’s growth with the lesson that the goal of heroism is to save other people. 
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earlier that week, endeavour set the three main tenants of heroism: combat/suppression, evacuation and rescue. the intent was to show that a top hero has to do all THREE, instead of just one, but a lot of fans obviously instantly tacked one of those on each of our trio. i wasn’t surprised that most put ‘combat’ as the bakugou one. because, yeah, bakugou....battle instincts, feral boy, here to fight and win....
BUT THAT’S BECAUSE Y’ALL WEREN’T PAYING ATTENTION SINCE SOME OF YOU ARE ACTING LIKE THIS IS SURPRISING. so, let’s break it down - bakugou’s the first out of the car and first to activate his quirk. he’s so in the zone that he doesn’t even turn his head when catching his suitcase. and what does he do? he, ONCE AGAIN, just like in the ch219 fight, allows todoroki to be the one that handles the villain. instead, he uses his new supernova flashstep move to focus on RESCUING THE HOSTAGE. he catches ending by surprise, securing natsuo away from him, and blasts away to safety while also using his explosions to rip the other cars out of ending’s grasp, fully entrusting in deku’s ability to catch the cars safely and evacuate all the bystanders with zero injuries, and DEFINITELY zero corpses.
early bakugou would have immediately stormed for ending (then again, early bakugou wouldn’t have chosen to do this internship in the first place) but he’s not that guy anymore. we’re dealing with bakugou 2.0 now, and we have for a while now.
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chemicalmagecraft · 4 years
The Gamer Hero, Deku Chapter 24
A/N: Sorry I haven't updated in so long but first there were finals and then I kinda just needed to get back into the mindset to write this... My writing needs a bit of momentum sometimes.
By the way, I've decided to stop putting those accent things in Shoto and other people's names. I still haven't figured out how to do them using the keyboard so I have to find it somewhere every time I want to use it, which can get annoying... That, plus the fact that Shoto is probably going to be referred to by his first name a lot in the story soon? Yeah I hope you guys don't mind.
MattKennedy: Yeah, totally! The OFA Quirks that Izuku has unlocked so far are Fear, Skeletal, and Magnetize. Fear is an emitter Quirk that allows the user to raise or lower the level of a person's fear by making eye contact, Skeletal is a transformation Quirk that allows the user to turn any part of their body into a hardened, bone-like substance, and Magnetize is an emitter Quirk that allows the user to magnetize any object (though it explicitly does not work on living things or any body part attached to a living being). There are only three OFA Quirks that have yet to be shown, which are (SPOILER ALERT) Mending, Blackwhip, and Float. The only two of those that I didn't make up are Blackwhip and Float. Oh, and a fun fact: originally I thought of a Quirk that would let Izuku flatten people and things into any flat surface to kinda-sorta turn them into graffiti (actually I think it was the first original OFA user Quirk I thought of...) but decided against that because it would probably be a little overpowered if Izuku could just take out anyone he could push into a flat surface, even if there was a limitation on just slapping someone on the head so hard they become part of the ground, so I replaced it with Mending. Another fun fact, Fear causes Izuku's eyes to become slitted like a snake's.
"This tournament has been so exciting so far!" Mic-sensei shouted.
"It's almost over, but I doubt there won't be some more... excitement," Aizawa-sensei added.
"That's right! This next battle will be Aoyama versus Bakugou! Who will win, folks? Will it be the radiant paladin, or will the red-hot warmage!"
"Start!" Midnight-sensei said.
"Let us have a glorious battle, mon ami!" Aoyama glittered.
Kacchan laughed. "Like it'd be anything else! Hit me with your best shot!"
"As you wish!" As with Tokoyami's fight, Aoyama opened by turning his sparkles into lasers. But while Kacchan dodged them his navel started to glow again. Aoyama struck a pose, and ribbons of light erupted from his stomach and enveloped him. The armor looked slightly thicker than what he had last time, but was unmistakably the spell he'd used last time.
"Let's see what you can do!" Kacchan shouted. He blasted himself at Aoyama, fists blazing. He slapped Aoyama in the armored chest and shot himself back with a small explosion. The hits caused Aoyama's armor to fluctuate and knocked him back, but aside from looking a little less vibrant the armor held. Kacchan grinned.
Aoyama smiled back at him and shot another wave of lasers. Kacchan tried to phase through the lasers with Fire Embodiment but was still blown back anyway. "Shall we get this battle started for real?" Aoyama asked as he struck a pose and used the distraction to fire up his Quirk again. His armor thickened and formed a stylish helmet, then the excess light flowed down his arms and formed into a rapier and buckler. Aoyama flourished his sword and shouted, "Taste the sting of my Silver Chariot! En garde!"
Kacchan's grin widened. "If that's how you're gonna play this..." he muttered. He struck an equally dramatic pose, almost literal fire in his eyes. A glow similar to Fire Aura engulfed his body, but it looked deeper somehow. I honed my senses on it and heard a ping.
A new skill has been created through special action! From extensive use of skills to understand magical effects, the skill 'Analyze' has been created!
"That'll be useful," I muttered. It created a text box with information that I already knew some of from using Eye for Magic. Which meant it would probably be made passive by Tactician, unlike Eye for Magic or Open Mind. Score. Now if only I could get an Open Mind version... I filed that away for later and looked at the Analyze text box.
Fire Ignition
An infusion of the fire element into one's body stronger than Fire Aura. Grants greater enhancement than Fire Aura, but damages the user.
Increases attack damage by 90%, increases movement speed by 45%, increases STR by 30%, user generates extreme heat.
150 MP used per minute.
User takes 150 HP of fire damage per minute.
Locks user into using exclusively the fire element.
Maybe he tried to brute force Fire Embodiment and got something somewhere in between? It looked like I'd be healing him after this fight...
The ground crackled and glowed from the sheer heat pouring out of Kacchan. "If that armor of yours is Silver Chariot... how 'bout we call what I'm doing Magician's Red?" Even I could barely follow it when he ran at Aoyama, leaving only a few burning footprints behind him. He was behind Aoyama before he could even react, and slammed his leg into him. Aoyama was sent flying, sparkles erupting from where Kacchan kicked him. Aoyama almost flew out of the arena from that one attack, but managed to force himself to slam into the ground using light magic, leaving a rainbowy afterimage of himself for a second. The ground cracked from the hit and Aoyama's armor looked a little worse for wear, but Aoyama just looked a little dazed. He used that new spell, Starlight Dash, to get up immediately.
"DIE!" Just in time, too. Aoyama just barely managed to Starlight Dash out of the way of Kacchan dashing at him. Kacchan stopped on a dime when he passed through Aoyama's afterimage, shattering the ground from his stomp, and shot himself at Aoyama again. It almost looked like he was hitting the ground so hard that he was being launched around by the recoil... Aoyama flinched and raised his shield. Kacchan slammed shoulder-first into the shield. The buckler flashed in an explosion of light, knocking Kacchan back. He almost landed outside of the arena but Fire Dashed back in just in time. "Not bad," Kacchan said. Then he lunged back at Aoyama. He let loose a flurry of almost-blows, just barely stopping himself from triggering Aoyama's shield trap whenever he maneuvered it in place with an explosion. Even though Kacchan never landed a hit on Aoyama, though, each explosion pushed him back a bit.
Kacchan yelled and slammed the ground in front of Aoyama. The ground exploded, knocking him into the air. Then Kacchan wiped his forehead and flicked his hand at Aoyama. A few small beads of fiery light flew off of his hand, landing on Aoyama's armor and shield. The mana-charged sweat droplets exploded, launching Aoyama back. Before he could touch the ground, Kacchan tackled him again. This time Aoyama didn't manage to save himself in time. He dropped outside of the arena and let his armor dissipate. Meanwhile, Kacchan collapsed to the ground. His skin was red, and he had steam rolling off of him. Luckily his pants were mostly fine, but his shirt was more ash than shirt...
"The match is over!" Midnight announced. "Aoyama is out of bounds! Bakugou is the winner! Now go to the nurse before your next match, Bakugou."
I waited in the waiting room while Kacchan got chewed out by Shuzenji-sensei. Sonia flinched at something and sat down next to me.
"Hey, Izuku," she muttered out loud, even though she was still incorporeal. She liked doing that sometimes, probably because she was a sound elemental.
"What's up, Sonia?" I asked.
"You... might wanna be extra nice to Iida for a while..."
"Did you eavesdrop on a conversation?"
She frowned. "It's not... I hear everything within my range. That's just what it's like as a sound elemental. I used to not... process it, I guess, but now that I'm contracted I know what everything I hear means..."
"Oh." That was... interesting. I'd heard the elementals say things that implied they existed somehow outside of being summoned, but that was... interesting. "Do you... want to talk about it?"
Sonia shook her head. "Nah. It's actually a lot nicer than not really knowing anything that's going on. Besides, Granny's almost done yelling at Kacchan."
I got up. "Alright, then. Let's go."
Kacchan grinned toothily at me. "So. It's you against me, huh?" He said over the roar of the crowd. "I figured it would be." He did his signature fist-punch. "Let's have a great fight, Deku!"
I smiled at him. "I'll make sure of it."
"Midoriya and Bakugou have shown themselves several times in the sports festival to be very talented and very powerful," Aizawa-sensei added. "Honestly, even I've been inspired by the crazy things the students have been doing..."
Kacchan jumped at me with a proto-Flash Step, boosting with his explosions. I reacted just in time to activate Elemental Embodiment, and Kacchan swung at air. It still hurt because he used fire magic, but I rematerialized behind him and Bass Blasted him. Naturally Kacchan didn't go anywhere near the edge from the sound blast, but he went a bit further than I thought he would. "LIMIT BREAK!" I shouted right off the bat. I swung my arm like I was throwing a bowling ball, outputting a lot of ice magic. "GLACIER PRISON!" Kacchan was encased in a giant wall of ice. Just as I thought, that was only a temporary stop. I could see him melting through the ice already. I Flash Stepped in front of the Glacier Prison and activated Ice Aura. I kicked the base of the ice, cleanly breaking it from the ground, and pushed it with a small use of OFA combined with ice magic. The entire Glacier Prison started sliding like in Kirby when you move into an enemy you used Ice Kirby on, if you were able to freeze boss-sized enemies with Ice Kirby.
Kacchan exploded out of the ice in a wave of steam and water before he went out, spraying half the arena in water as he hurtled straight towards me. I planted my feet and swung back to hit him. He threw a few strands of his hair at me for some reason, then cocked his own fist back. When I went to swing, my arm was stopped by something, letting Kacchan get a free hit on me. Whatever blocked my arm didn't stop me at all from getting knocked back. I had Dune raise a few rock walls for me to crash into. I got back up and... tried to Flash Step. Something around my chest this time stopped me. Luckily Damage Reduction meant that it didn't hurt me too much... I looked down at what was blocking me and saw several strands of long fibers. As I watched, a few more threads of silk wrapped around my body.
"You've probably noticed by now, huh?" Kacchan said. And then I thought to check his affinities again. Sonic 40 and Bio 30. "You can come out now, Leaf!"
The silk anchored to the rock wall I threw up grew and morphed into a green-haired boy in a green blanket cocoon that may or may not have been a giant leaf. He grumbled a bit and said, "Hey."
"The surprise is over, get him," Kacchan ordered. Thousands of strands of silk erupted from the bio elemental and wrapped around me and the surroundings. I was quickly wrapped up tight in a silk cocoon. I tried to use Lightning Embodiment to escape, but the webbing was resistant enough that that was a waste of time and MP. I struggled, trying to get some leeway, and took stock of the situation. I couldn't really move, the silk blocked my lightning, I could hear, or rather not hear, that there was enough material that it was soundproof, Halitus told me that it was airtight... I tried water and then bio. Water just left the cocoon wet, but I was able to merge into the web with bio. Leaf tried to keep me in the center, but I was, with a little difficulty, still able to phase through the silk. My hand got free of the web, so I slammed it into the ground and turned it into roots. I pulled the rest of my body out of the cocoon by turning into a small oak tree.
"OH WHAT THE HELL!" Kacchan shouted. "Alright, let's do a pincer attack on the tree!" Kacchan Fire Dashed at me from one side while Leaf lashed out with silk from the other. I burst into cactus needles, evading the webs and stabbing Kacchan a few times. I gathered my body back together, except for a few needles that Kacchan manage to incinerate, and reformed behind him. Kacchan turned around, murder in his eyes. "Leaf," he growled.
Leaf sighed and shot more silk at me, while Kacchan threw fireballs where Leaf wasn't covering. I smiled at Kacchan before turning into water. Leaf's string shots stabbed right through me, splashing even more water around. It didn't help that all of Kacchan's fireballs hit into what remained of the ice prison, nor that I had Rayne subtly spread all the water around. I "fell" into the puddles, then popped up behind Kacchan. I slapped him with a wave of water, soaking him, then switched to Lightning Embodiment.
"Ah, shi-" Kacchan started to say before getting punched by my lightning fist. He coped a lot better than the last time I used that combo, though, because after only a few hits my hand hit his wooden face with a lot less impact. Kacchan smirked and transformed his arm into a bunch of vines, which he wrapped around me. I changed back to normal and almost immediately turned to air to get away. Kacchan cursed as I rematerialized on the far side of the arena from him. He pointed at me, a fire lit on the tip of his finger. I grinned, activated Eye For Magic, and mirrored Kacchan perfectly, copying the magic he was putting into it almost perfectly. He shot the fire bullet at me, which I copied. Then he blinked and summoned more fireballs. I summoned more fireballs almost immediately. With my INT it was hopefully quick enough to look simultaneous. We threw a few more fireballs at each other before Kacchan realized that that was getting him nowhere.
"You're not finishing me off with a stupid copycat game, Deku!" Kacchan dashed at me using Fire Ignition. I managed to mimic it with One For All, but fumbled with the explosion to the face that followed it. My head shattered. Conveniently it happened to be made out of stone and I was able to piece it back together. "Damn Elemental Embodiment..." Kacchan blasted me a few more times. This time, however, I blocked the explosions with a Mana Shield, then hit back with a Steam Blast. Kacchan recovered with Fire Dash, then started flying upward. "Come and get me, Deku!"
I grinned, forming Halcyon Wing to fly after him. Really, it was bound to happen at some point. I flew after him, just barely lagging behind him. I flapped my wings, shooting a few feathers at him. Thanks to Halcyon Wing's secondary effect his flight spell also faltered for a moment, letting me catch up and kick him toward the boundary. He blasted himself back up and threw two blades of heat at my wings. I scattered my wings into feathers long enough for the blades to miss most of the feathers, then reconstituted my wings with most of the rest of the feathers. I threw the few that I left out at him and followed up with a small lightning bolt. Kacchan dodged the feathers, but I curved my lightning to strike him in the shoulder. It wasn't enough to do any major harm, but he growled and clutched his arm from the shock. I grinned and fired an Ice Beam at his hand, which was clutching his arm. I also iced that lightning wound for him while I was at it.
"DEKU YOU FUCKER!" Kacchan shouted as he plummeted. He caught himself with Fire Dash, supplemented with Fire Ignition, and rammed straight at me. The fire melted the ice as well. I flapped my wings, which was now no longer enough to screw up Kacchan's Fire Dash, and ascended fast enough that I hoped I would dodge him. It didn't work. "DIE!" Kacchan screamed as he punched me in the face. I shot all my feathers at Kacchan while I was still ascending, then turned to air. I floated down while Kacchan dodged all the feathers, then turned back when I was under him. Ping. I stopped falling before I even used a flight spell.
"Really?" I muttered to myself. "I get a flying Quirk now?" I shrugged it off and reached for the source of my new Quirk, Float. "Hey Kacchan!" I shouted. He pivoted in midair to face me. "Limit Break: Flurry of Blades!" A spear appeared in my left hand and a kunai in my right, both glowing brighter than my normal level 98 Bound Blades. I gave the spear Electric Aura and the kunai Wind Aura, then threw both of them at Kacchan. He dodged them both and shot an explosion off at the spear, but I'd already created my next two weapons, a flaming flamberge and a steam rapier. Bound Blade's interaction with One For All was interesting. Trying to supercharge a single weapon would either make it explode or cause it to become gigantic. Both of those could be useful in the right circumstances, especially as a surprise, but it was a lot better to just generally enhance the skill itself. This made the weapons slightly stronger and gave me a sort of connection to them, but there was an even bigger advantage to it.
Namely the fact that I could make a theoretically infinite amount of weapons, and give them their own individual Elemental Weaponry. Within a few seconds, I'd thrown a little over a hundred weapons at Kacchan. He managed to dodge most of them, though. "What, are you just gonna keep throwing weapons at me, Deku?" he asked. "That's not gonna work!"
I grinned and looked at the mass of floating weapons above Kacchan that I managed to keep him from noticing just by keeping him focused on dodging. "You'd think that..." I sent all the weapons at him at once. Kacchan noticed before any of them actually hit him, thankfully, and started dodging and exploding them again with more than a few curses. While he was preoccupied, I started charging up a large ball of ice magic. When he was most of the way done with my storm of weapons, I threw the swirling ball of frigid energy at him. "Arctic Storm!" I shouted when it hit him, engulfing him in a miniature blizzard. He was tossed out the side, steaming and covered in frost, and I had Halitus make an air cushion to keep him from hitting the ground too hard.
"Bakugou is out of bounds! Midoriya wins!"
I floated down next to Kacchan, landing lightly. "You suck," he told me with a grin wide enough that I had the strangest feeling he wasn't being sincere. I offered him my hand, which he grabbed. "Still, that was a damn good fight," he said as I helped him up.
"C'mon, let's get you patched up so you can accept your silver medal," I said.
He snorted and lightly hit me. "Fuck you, asshole."
"Love you too."
Elemental list:
Midoriya: Halitus, Dune, Rayne, Blaise, Juniper, Mifuyu, Raimon, Iggy, Sonia, and Claude
Bakugou: Pyra and Leaf
Tokoyami: Corvo
Uraraka: Nebula and Ion
Hagakure: Lucy
Tsu: Bubbles
Aizawa: Charlie and Cassiopeia
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