#making fun of him for a stupid mistake is one thing. oversimplification of his character to focus on traits extrapolated from passing lines
orcelito · 2 years
I guess my #1 pet peeve for akechi takes (aside from the pervasiveness of fandom pancake akechi, though that's honestly kinda related) is when people scrub him clean of his rough sides & bad personality to focus more on the Prince side. Which there aren't many of those these days (at least from what I've seen), but a few still do exist, and it's just like
We are not looking at the same character. My favorite character of persona 5 is an utter fucking bitch. Even in prince mode, he's passive aggressive as hell. Stop trying to make him all cutesy and sweet. You make me sick.
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flashfuture · 3 years
The only thing Hal and Bruce can agree on is yeah Clark is hot, but the other can’t know they agree on this for it wound both their prides.
Yeah sometimes Hal’s general unfearlessnes is actually quite scary, I mean if he scared for him if he was like..a real friend. But in a character sense I do think it’s fun to compare that, once again, to Kyle who was pretty dang afraid of shit but leaped anyway. One has no perception of it so does not register it, while the other has perception but goes anyway. That’s a bit of an oversimplification but idk it’s very intesting in a meta sense because if you really don’t have a perception of something when it bites you in the ass like with Hal and Parallax, it bites hard. Idk if that makes sense but it’s like...yeah
God conn and Kyle are so funny, but like for superheroes their friendship seems very...idk? Legitimate and like (real-ish) like so many friendships I have are like that where it’s like in-depth discussion on some kind of deep topic then haha funny meme. Really, I think it’s fair to say Kyle is Conn’s Maniac Pixie boy if I’m being honest. Like random hot dude shows up and is emotionally avilable and pretty and sweet, yeah not a bad catch for a first relationship (he legit falls out of the sky).
Also I will always narc on Kyle for being *surprise pikachu* at his parentage when in relaity it’s very obvious. Kyle does give the vibe of someone who really loves nature but also enjoys the hum drum of city life as well, he really couldnt pick. He just likes places, which I know is a weird thing to say but like, yeah.
Ya know when Jess debuted the first thing on earth Twitter was “finally coast city lesbians, we ride tonight.” (I kid I kid)
John looking Ganthet dead in the eye while flames burn behind him is such a mood, ironic, brilliant, his mind...
Also gonna note that Clark and Bruce look very similar according to canon like so much that people can mistake them for the other. Which narcissism much, Bruce? Lol yeah they can’t know. It would be offensive to even consider having something in common
That is the difference between Hal and the others tho. He doesn’t see a bad idea or a stupid dangerous stunt he sees a way to win and goes for it. Kyle is like welp this will probably kill me but here we go anyways. Parallax was a massive retcon that sort of never made sense because Parallax!Hal wasn’t scared. he was angry and he was mourning but he wasn’t scared so whatever. but yes say the fear entity did get into him well Hal’s never fought fear like that before. (Not to say Hal hasn’t been scared but that’s more in the moment panic. His dad dying, Barry being in danger etc) It doesn’t last. That’s why I genuinely hate them trying to give Hal fear because it made him unique. he wasn’t putting on airs or being arrogant it was something uniquely Hal. 
Honestly Conn and Kyle have one of the purest relationships to me. Like it was built on the past of Hal and Ollie but became so much deeper in that they had so much in common and Kyle told things to Conn he admits he’s never told anyone else not even his girlfriends so. Just their friendship I love it and I miss it and I’m angry every day about it. 
Oh my god like okay they don’t draw Kyle with particularly tan skin but pssh they white wash Conn just fine and he’s very dark skinned so I’m ignoring that. But even consider Kyle’s eyes are naturally brown (the rings turn their eyes green you see it with John too it’s very sexy of DC to give us that) and his hair is black. Buddy, baby, darling how could you have thought you were totally Irish. 
Why kid you’re right. They were. Jess is also Earth based generally so she becomes more popular on twitter than Hal and he’s not bitter he’s really not. 
John is just the best. 
The Guardians are like: And we forbid you from interfering 
Hal: What no fucking way
Guy stomping on Hal’s foot: Of course we will go be productive elsewhere
Once they’re outside
Hal: John we can help fix the
John: Shut up Jordan- go get Kyle. I’ll find Guy. Rings up in 5
That’s the whole dynamic it’s the best
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