#making friends and then maintaining friends has never been my strong suit haha
fairyhaos · 1 year
i have a question and ik it’s kinda weird. But how do u make close friends at school that are comfortable to hang out with? like I have a lot of friends from different friend groups and it’s awkward to hang with all of them at the same time cuz different things that made us friends and one on one is weird cuz it’s like what do we rly do? also like I feel awkward and am kinda socially awkward but I feel i’ve gotten better yk. and idk like it’s hard finding kpop stans who stan my ult group.
and idk I just want advice for it cuz I feel a lil awkward and like I lost my friends that made up a friend group for me cuz we were just toxic for each other like one was shit talking behind my back and they both were talking abt some of my private rants I said to each one of them and I was kinda toxic too. sorry for this being long and kinda uncomfortable/awkward.
hi there! honestly, i'm not sure if i'm the best friend-maker myself, but *cracks knuckles* let me see if i can give you a hand, anon
for me, i'm not the sort of person who enjoys having a very large friend group, so i always stick to about three or four other friends that i always stay with. maintaining friendships, for me, is honestly kind of stressful which is definitely not the point of a friendship, right?
making friends is hard, anon, i get it, and especially making close friends. but I'd say stick to one friend group, or even just one friend, and try to become closer to them first. trying to become close to too many people just doesn't work, personally. it doesn't necessarily mean you ditch the others, but you just spend more time with another. you know?
i'm getting a little off-topic though. in my experience, however, it's about making an effort. it's important to know who, in particular, you want to become close with, and you have to make an effort to do that. talking to them more often, even if you feel awkward, joining in when they're around other people, just showing that you're someone that's available for them to be able to be close with. to show you want to be their friend.
and also? make an effort to show you care. remembering things they say, remembering things they do, all of that.
putting in the effort is the first part, but from then on, you kind of need to let the friendship build naturally. friendships are weird, and sometimes the person you want to be close with ends up kind of being an asshole, but that's okay. that's when you realise that maybe they're not for you. sometimes, you can form the closest bonds with people you thought you'd get along with the least, because one afternoon while you're together you just click and you can build the bond even further from there.
i hope it helps you somehow, and good luck <3
it's a fine balance, honestly, and as someone who's only ever just had a couple close friends and then loads of nice-people-i-know, this is about the best advice that i think i can give you.
make the effort, even if it feels awkward, and let time help you do the rest. friendships need to be built on that effort first, but the rest needs to happen naturally.
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sorrry for being a pain! here’s some more eheh and thank you.
laugh quite a lot and i like to read, i’m quite bubbly but i don’t trust people very easily. relationship wise id like my independence and my love language is acts of service. altho i do quite like hugs and forehead kisses PDA-wise. i’d like to date someone who after a bad day we could both talk about it and like comfort each other but could also go a few days without seeing each other and conversation would still flow like nothing has happened. i have a large family so they need to be good with kiddos and dogs!
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Don't worry about being a pain! I just needed a little more info, that's all haha
Also, I got really carried away with the drabble part... it's a little long whoops
Okay, anyway, hear me out, I match you with...
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At first impressions, things would probably be a bit rocky between you two
She found you frankly kind of annoying, and you found her too mysterious and stoic
BUT as time passed between the two of you, she found herself slowly enjoying your presence more and more
Because, although your cheerfulness and optimism seemed annoying to her at first, it ended up becoming a source of comfort for her
Whenever everything seemed to be going South, she'd always turn to you, and your unbothered smile
It lifted her up every time she saw it
But she wouldn't tell you this outright
She had a job to do, and a relationship would only interfere
So, surprisingly, it was you that had to confess to her
You weren't exactly sure what drew you to Yelena, but maybe it was the way her demeanor started to look less cold and apathetic, and more so confident and relaxed
So, with Onyankopon's reluctant help, you managed to get some alone time with her, and confessed your feelings to her over some warm tea and pastries you bought from a local bakery
She admitted, very casually, that the feelings were mutual
Somehow, throughout the whole thing, the most reaction you got out of her was a light pink tint on her cheeks
But, considering Yelena, that was a big step
Following the start of your relationship, your dynamic didn't change all that much at first
Things were kept mostly private while she eased into things a little bit
Not only did she have a steel reputation to maintain, but she had also never been in a relationship before. It was a new level of vulnerability for her
During this time, though, she'd worry about her abilities as your girlfriend
She wasn't exactly extremely affectionate, and scarcely had free time to spend with you
So you'd always reassure her, during your rare times alone, that you loved her, and she had nothing to worry about whenever she'd forego your time together in favor of working late hours into the night
And once her confidence in your relationship began to flourish, she was a lot more open about it to other people
It wasn't uncommon to see Yelena walking around holding your hand as she went to and from meetings, or to have her brush her hand soothingly across your thigh whenever said meetings got tense
She was still a bit more affectionate behind doors, but that was to be expected
She especially enjoyed the height difference between you two, bending down to wrap her arms around your waist and stand up straight, pulling you into a hug
And trust me, she'll melt if you wrap your legs around her and lean on her shoulder
It's one of those rare times you can see her blush
But, throughout your relationship, you notice just how quickly Yelena is at your hand and foot
Getting Yelena to do anything for others is a bit of a... challenge... but when it comes to you, she does it all without another word
She treats you like a queen, always preparing food/drinks when you need it, giving you massages when you feel tense, helping you with your paperwork to lift stress off of your shoulders, even when she has her own work to finish long after you've gone to sleep
She also gets very protective over you after a few months of dating. Honestly, sometimes, it borders on possessiveness
Her work is dangerous, and she hates to drag you into it, but it seems mostly unavoidable
So, she often tries to stick by you in tense situations, steering you away from danger
Whether that be encouraging you not to get involved with people she knows will backstab you, to physically getting in between you and harms way
She just needs to make sure that you stay safe, she wouldn't be able to live knowing she let something awful happen to you
She does respect your space, though, and leaves you to your devices often
And it makes her so proud to see just how amazing you are, both on the battlefield, and in meetings, pretty much anywhere
She admires how strong and capable you are in so many ways, she loves to see you flourish like that
Plus, I can totally see Yelena being a huge family person
Once the war ends, she'll start with something simple, like a dog
And so, you lead her to a dog shelter, expecting to walk out with a doberman or an English mastiff
Instead, she ends up getting a tiny little chihuahua puppy, small enough to fit in her palm
The image almost makes you laugh, but the death glare she shoots you following her choice shuts you up right away
She'd name it Teacup or something
And god, she'd love that little dog to death
But even so, after years of living with you and the dog, she still felt a little lonely
So, she'd probably bring up the idea of adoption (since, of course, you're both women and can't just have a child)
Bonus points if Yelena has to dress up as a man to go to the adoption center because the employees were hesitant to let two women adopt
And that would lead you two to where you are now: a small little house in a big city, living within mere blocks of all your best friends, and your three adopted sons. And Teacup, of course
Yelena has no idea what she did in her life to deserve it all, but god, is she glad things worked out the way they did
"Y/n?" A voice, unassuming to the unknowing ear, but easily recognizable to you, piped through the commotion. Soldiers and officers milled about left and right, chattering and laughing, filling the long hallway with loud echoes of banter.
You squeezed your way in between men in uniforms left and right, searching for the source of your voice. You didn't have to look far, though, since her impressive stature already stood her above almost everyone in sight.
Once you were in arms reach, Yelena reached out to intertwine your fingers in hers, filing through the crowd with much more ease than you had been granted, given her intimidating presence.
She pulled you down the hallway, further from where the soldiers had all gathered, and led you down to the hotel room you had shared for the time being. She whipped the keys out of her pocket, sliding them in and unlocking the door with a click.
You brought your hands to your head, rubbing small circles into your temple in an attempt to quell the dull ache already materializing.
"Geez, those guys are so noisy." You sighed, resigning to your headache as you collapsed on the sheets of the bed, tension leaving your body as the plush mattress engulfed you.
"It's unavoidable." She sighed, locking the door and stuffing her keys back into her front pocket.
A comfortable silence filled the space, Yelena shedding her suit jacket at the door and hanging it up on a nearby rack. You basked in the silence, the lack of chaos finally bringing you a moment of relief after nearly five days of non-stop obligations. A small smile formed on your lips as you felt your girlfriend gently drape a blanket over your still form, the warmth engulfing you immediately as she knelt down to remove your uncomfortably tight shoes from your feet.
The relaxed smile dissolved from your face almost immediately as a shrill ringing piped up in your ears, disturbing the silence. You were practically scowling by the time you opened your eyes, but they softened at the sight. It wasn't you, turns out, but a kettle of boiling water from the other side of the room. Yelena already had two cups laid out on the counter, and was digging through the cabinet containing all the teabags.
Your eyes fluttered shut once again, vision going black as you took in solely the sounds of the room. The piping quieted suddenly, replaced by the hollow sound of pouring water, then the clanging on the metal pot as Yelena sat it perhaps a little too carelessly back on the metal stove. If there had been any other noise, perhaps a thud of footsteps outside the door or a running air conditioner, you wouldn't have been able to pick up the quiet plop of Yelena dropping the teabags in, but it was surprisingly discernable through the quiet.
For the next few minutes, there wasn't much at all, save for the rhythmic taping of Yelena's foot, spurred by her rare moment of impatience. You could already feel sleep taking a hold of you, weeding the tenderness out of your muscles and numbing the pain in your head. Your breaths evened, preparing to drift into a short, sweet unconscious.
But, before sweet sweet sleep could engulf you, the old metal trashcan opened harshly, hitting the wall and startling you out of your tranquility. Yelena yawned, throwing out the teabags and bringing both steaming cups towards the bed.
She placed one on the nightstand, holding the other in her hand, steadying herself as to not spill the boiling water onto the sheets. Her large and slender hand found your back, rubbing up and down soothingly.
"How was the meeting?" She asked, taking a long sip from the cup.
"Tired..." You sigh into the sheets peeking your eyes open to gaze at your lover. She had her eyes transfixed on the steaming beverage in her hands.
"I figured it would be." She sighed, placing the cup onto the nightstand on the opposite side of the bed. "They've been working you to the bone recently. I know you still have more work to do before the day is over, but I prepared you some chamomile tea with honey."
You resigned from your comfortable position on your stomach, sitting up the lean against the head of the bed as you took the cup to your side. You took a long sip, enjoying the taste of the tea, warm and soothing, and not too bitter due to the honey mixed in.
"I can't wait 'til tomorrow." You sigh. "It's my day off, for once. There was this new restaurant in town that I wanted to try. I heard it's good."
Yelena hummed in response, making a mental note to set up a reservation.
"Are you sure you're okay with this?"
"What do you mean?"
"You don't need to take so many hours." She responded dully.
"But I want to." You sigh, setting the cup down to your side. It was still too hot. "Stuff needs to be done, someone has to do it."
Yelena frowned, bringing the cup back up to her lips to distract yourself. "You overwork yourself too much. Seriously."
A silence filled the room once again. Not awkward, like you expect, just content. You knew you had very little time before there was more work to be done.
After an amount of minutes, maybe five, maybe twenty, a knock sounded on the door.
"L/n?" The voice traveled through the door. "Your meeting is in five minutes, are you ready."
You sighed, kicking the blankets off your legs. "Yeah, I'll be there." You pick up your suit jacket off the floor, pulling it over your shoulders. Just as you are about to leave, a hand grasps around your risk, tightening quickly and forbidding you from leaving.
You turn around and soften at Yelena as she sits at the edge of the bed. She tugs you closer, and you put your hands on her thighs to stabilize yourself as you lean in to plant a kiss to her lips.
"Good luck at your meeting." She says, running a thumb over your wrist. "I'll be right here waiting for you when it's over. I'll have something nice prepared for dinner." You smile and thank her, pulling away to kick your shoes back on.
You reach the door, grabbing the knob and twisting it.
"I love you..." She calls from behind you. Her voice is muffled slightly, and if you turned around now, you were sure that her back would be turned to you, probably already busying herself with paperwork.
"Love you too." You echo back, opening the door and slipping out, hurrying to the meeting room while you try to smoothen out your tussled hair and rub the tiredness from your eyes.
Yelena hears the door click, turning around to stare longingly at the cup of tea you left at your nightstand. She saunters over to pick it up, now cold, and bring it to the sink. You hadn't taken more than a few sips, it seems.
She sighs, placing the dish into the counter. "Seriously," She exhales, “what am I gonna do with you..."
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second-chance-stray · 3 years
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RP Log: Cravs and Rising talk after Dirtpatch.
Rising Lotus Pushed the door to the company hall open, bucket full of who knows what in her off hand. After pulling it shut behind her she saw the familiar face in new clothes. “Oh, Hey Cravs!” her face brightened up, eyeing the woman up and down afterwards. “New gear eh? Been plannin’ to change things up or jus’ sort of somethin’ you ended up doin’?” she set her bucket down, the contents looking to be squirming around each other.
Cravendy Hound had bought the new gear yesterday but had just gotten around to wearing it for the first time. It felt odd at first. Part of her didn’t want to leave the house - to switch back to what she was used to and carry on with the day. But what did she have to fear?
Cravendy Hound: “Oh, uh, yeah! I don’t know. The usual’s more suited for gunnin’, but since I kept endin’ up in close combat, I figured I should get somethin’ for that. Somethin’ I can really move around in if I wanna sock someone.” She eyes the strange bucket curiously. “Fishin’ supplies?”
Rising Lotus Stepped forward, nodded at the explanation as she studied Cravendy’s new armor a bit close. “Aye makes sense, looks a bit thicker than your old stuff, good for takin’ a hit for sure.” she gave it a final nod of approval. “Looks good on ya, an’ it’ll be nice to know you’re well protected if we end up brawlin’ together.” she flashed a cocky grin before looking over her shoulder at the bucket.
Rising Lotus: “Oh sorta, more jus’ fish food. Worms an’ slugs an’ other things they eat. I ought to learn to make ‘em into dry food, can build up a stock of it.”
Cravendy Hound stretches an arm, her hand placed above her shoulder as she makes tight circles with her elbow. The thought of actually fighting with her fists again was a bit daunting, but there’d be plenty of time before then. Time to practice with Rising or on a punching bag, perhaps. “Don’t go easy on me if we train together.”
Cravendy Hound: “Eurghh...Did ye go diggin’ for this stuff?” She taps the side of the bucket with her foot, jostling it to take a look at what’s underneath the first layer.
Rising Lotus: “Of course not! I expect the same from you too! Don’t get strong from holdin’ back.” she cracked her knuckles with a snicker “Maybe we could start up a company trainin’ day, keep everyone on their toes. Not the same as fightin’ giant weird spiders but good enough I ‘spose.”
Rising Lotus She gave the bucket a tap herself. “Aye, dug up or caught. Some of it I paid some kids to get for me, gives them a bit of gil and a fuller bucket for me. They know the area a bit better too.” she let out a content sigh, licking her lower lip as it seemed she was working up to say something. “So, umm...Dirt Patch looks pretty nice now huh?”
Cravendy Hound: “That was the only time I fought a giant robot spider, and I’m ‘opin’ it’ll be my last. Still one time too many.” Cravs rolls her wrist around, imagining how painful it’d be to punch solid metal. On second thought, melee training didn’t sound so appealing anymore, but still. It felt like something to keep up.
Cravendy Hound smiles at the thought of Rising putting kids to work, the gross treasures that they’d bring back. It was smart thinking too. On the subject of Dirtpatch, Cravs simply nods. “Yeah, it’s a pretty lil’ place now. The villagers are a tough bunch and can take care of themselves, but I can’t ‘elp but worry for ‘em...Maybe I’m just gonna miss them askin’ for ‘elp all the time.”
Rising Lotus Returns the nod. “Aye, from what they started with an’ all, it’s crazy how fast we could help them get back on their feet. That’d bein’ said...I’m sure they wouldn’t pass up free help if you paid them a visit.” she let out a light chuckle, smiling softly. “Mostly wanna see how that bird is gonna grow up myself..” she cleared her throat after she spoke, silent for a few moments before finally mustering herself up to speak.
Rising Lotus: “How about uh.. You… I mean..” she broke her gaze with Cravs, running her hand over the top of her head to her neck. “Are you doin’ alright...an’ stuff?” she huffed lightly, perhaps a bit frustrated at her delivery of the question.
Cravendy Hound nibbles on her bottom lip in thought. From typhoons to bandit attacks, Dirtpatch felt like it was just one disaster away from going back to being nothing. But the paranoia stemmed from protectiveness, and Cravs cared about the village...which was a first. There were pros and cons to the feeling. “Yeah, I think I’ll keep an eye on the place. I don’t know, it’s just that the brighter ye shine, the darker the shadow. Somethin’ could ‘appen, but I guess worryin’ ain’t doing anyone no good.”
Cravendy Hound: “Oh.” Crav’s face goes blank. She hadn’t been expecting anyone, let alone Rising as well, to follow up. “Er. Yeah I’m fine...I mean. What stuff are ye referrin’ to?” Her voice dims and wavers towards the end. She has a moment in her mind and naught else could fit what Rising was asking about, and yet she still finds herself doubting herself.
Rising Lotus Goes to speak but instead weakly shrugs, taking a short breath before trying again. “Jus’, whatever I guess.” she clenched her fists, eyes shutting tightly in frustration at her vague questions. “No… jus’ after your walk an’ everything, an’ the night. I jus’ wanted to make sure that you’re alright after that.” She finally returned her gaze to Cravs, looking concerned. For her friend of course, but also that her blabbering would scare the woman off.
Cravendy Hound finds Rising’s uncertainty comforting in a weird way. Both of them being so careful and unlike how they usually were, like a pair of awkward teens. Cravs lets out a breath, smiling. “Haha, ah...yer sweet. Riylli was waitin’ for me after, to make sure I was okay too. I’m still ‘ere. Not sick, not dead. Still ‘ere.”
Cravendy Hound: “The short answer is both. Fine in some ways, messed up in others, but that’s nothin’ new. I, uh, wanna take this talk somewhere else? Somewhere others won’t judge me for ‘avin’ a soft ‘eart,” Cravs notes, looking around the hallway.
Rising Lotus Let out a soft sigh as she answered, relieved to hear any answer at all. She did however break her gaze again at the sweet comment, cheeks flaring up a bit “She did eh? Hm, that was nice of her..” her eyes darted back in Crav’s direction as she continued to speak, nodded quickly at the offer to change locales for their chat. “Y-Yeah, sorry, shouldn’t of jus’ dropped that..out here.” she glanced down to her bucket, snatching it back up.
Rising Lotus: “You want to come to my room? I don’t want to leave these things out here, an’ I’m sure you don’t want ‘em anywhere near yours. It’s jus’, a bit messy though.”
Cravendy Hound agrees to the suggestion with a nod of her head, and starts towards the company rooms. As she walks over, she wonders just how messy Rising's room could be. Cravs steels herself for the worst case scenario - a room full of slug buckets and worms. Definitely worth seeing though.
Rising Lotus After stepping into her room Rising set her bucket of crawlies on a crate near the door, placing a board over the opening followed by a rock or old brick, the bug storage system of champions. “That ought to keep them in place…” as she lead Cravs to the couch, Hopp could been seen floating in the little pool in the corned, wiggling its feet in the air while it slowly bounced from side to side. She chose the chair to sit in, glad she had kicked most of her smallclothes toward her bed just earlier that day
Rising Lotus: Was quick to break the silence as they settled in. “Sorry, uh.. About bein’ so..clumsy with…” she merely twirled her hand between the two. “Have a hard time with it these days.”
Cravendy Hound is pleasantly surprised by Rising’s room! The generous amount of fish tanks were to be expected, but the channels that connected the smaller to the larger...it was impressive to behold and likely required a good deal of effort to maintain. She lets out a whistle and takes a seat. “The freshest and finest food for yer fishies.”
Cravendy Hound: “Clumsy? What, ye mean with yer words?” Cravs scoffs. “Oh, don’t worry. We both ‘ave that problem, and I know ‘ow ‘ard it can be to just talk sometimes.”
Cravendy Hound: “I mean, just listen to me! Barely got a ‘andle on speakin’ as is,” she laughs. “Even ‘ad people think I was speakin’ another language. And to that, I say...Bugger off.”
Rising Lotus Snickered a bit “I’ve definitely been given’ a hard time for not know some of those hoity toity words them well learned folks use..” she grinned “course once you rough ‘em up a bit they tend not to care.” she sighed, looking much more calm in a familiar environment. “But jus’..stuff like that...last person I could talk easily with it ‘bout…” she trailed off, merely shrugging weakly.
Rising Lotus: “Anyway, hard as it is I still wanted to check up on ya, cause, ya know.” she huffed a bit, she wasn’t about to get that shmaltzy yet.
Cravendy Hound: “Heh, music to my ears. Yer speakin’ my language,” Cravs says, a smug smile tugging up the corner of her mouth. When Rising continues on about the ‘last person’ she could speak easily with, Cravs fills in the blanks on her own, and doesn’t push it. Wasn’t right to open old wounds.
Cravendy Hound leans back in the chair and rests her head against the wooden surface behind it, staring forward. God, it felt so foreign to her to be open /at all/ and yet here she was. Doing that strange and odd thing again. But it felt right, and Rising wasn’t the type to judge anyway. Cravs had promised to herself to change, and this was simply a part of that.
Cravendy Hound: “And I appreciate ye checkin’ up on me. So..uh.” She makes a sputtering sound, unable to get ‘thank you’ out. Some things would have to come later. “...uh, yeah. Truth be told, all that stuff with Wyda disappearin’. It never felt right to me. I’m not over it, and maybe I never will.”
Rising Lotus Smiled softly at the thank you, despite the lack of actual words. She gave herself a few moments to think next, wanting to choose her words carefully given that situation. “I don’t understand what happened at all, an’ I don’t know much ‘bout your past, but I don’t think that’s somethin’ you can really jus’ get over. Jus’ gotta bear it with ya, but you folks who’ll help ya with it.” she really hoped she wasn’t just talking out of her arse and it made sense.
Rising Lotus: “..though I know it’s hard to do. To uh, trust people, I mean. ‘Specially when you try an’ put about a strongness to yourself.”
Cravendy Hound: “Yeah, it just sort of becomes a part of ye. Somethin’ that ‘urts from time to time, but denyin’ it’ll make things worse,” Cravs sighs wistfully. “I don’t know. A big part of me thinks I don’t deserve anythin’ good, especially yer trust, after what I did. But seein’ Dirtpatch get restored with all yer guys ‘elp...I’ve been tryin’ to tell myself it ain’t hypocritical to do good after ye’ve done bad.”
Cravendy Hound tilts her head slightly to her left, one eye covered by a long twist of hair and the other, unmasked. “Compared to ‘ow I was doin’ at the start of everythin’, it’s like day and night. Knowin’ that there are others goin’ through somethin’ similar, or just knowin’ someone cares. Took awhile for it to start sinkin’ in, but once I did...it ‘elped. Just ‘avin’ friends like ye.”
Rising Lotus Rising cocked her head as Cravs mentioned what she did, not quite sure what it might have been. As she said, she didn’t know much about her past, but smiled nonetheless at her revelation about their work at Dirtpatch. “Aye, most of the time you can turn things around, ‘less you’re like some sort of murderer or somethin’ I ‘spose. But we all make mistakes, you jus’ gotta try to keep movin’. She paused for a moment, chewing her lower lip as she mulled her words over.
Rising Lotus: “I understand.. I mean what I was goin’ through the last year before joinin’ up with Heartwood wasn’t too crazy, but it wasn’t very good. An’ jus’...bein’ here an’ meetin’ new folks has helped a lot. An’ meetin’ you, I mean you’re the only one I can understand what you’re talkin’ ‘bout most of the time!” she chuckled lightly “So many of them are jus’, aether this an’ some mechanical thing that! With you though…” she shrugged. “It’s easy I guess.
Cravendy Hound bites on her bottom lip at the mention of murdering. But hey - was it really murdering if the other person deserved it? Cravs lets out a controlled breath, sure that Rising is instead referring to ‘axe-crazy’ people as opposed to what she had engaged in. Which kind of fit that category too. Being a pirate led to those sorts of situations, just part of the job! She forces a fake smile to cover up her reaction.
Cravendy Hound: “Pff, I’m sick of all the aether talk too. Seems like it can do everythin’ and then some. I, for one, am just interested in ‘ow to avoid bein’ blown up by it,” Cravs wryly notes. “But yeah...I’m thankful for all of ye. Yer a good friend, and a good person.”
Rising Lotus “You’re a good friend as well, an’ I think you’re a good person, even if you think otherwise sometimes.” smiling contently for a moment, she started chuckling nervously. “..Speakin’ of thin’s blowin’ up.. Had Mayumi look at my spear an’, aside from it bein’ shite, which I knew, guess it’d gettin’ less stable. The aether part could explode one of these days.”
Rising Lotus: “O-Only when it’s on though,” she was quick to correct herself “An’ she said it’d be pretty obvious, it’ll start cracklin’ an’ shakin’.” letting out a long sigh she lean back into her chair, through her head back over the top. “It’s been a pain in the ass most the time, but a good spear over all. Gonna be a shame to lose it.”
Cravendy Hound straightens her back at Rising’s claim. She thought she was a good person? Really? A blush rises up into her cheeks as she stammers a response back without thinking. “N-no, I’m not, and the sooner ye find out the better. So ye don’t feel disappointed.” But despite what she was saying, her heart fluttered with a tiny bit of pride. She must be doing something right to give Rising the impression.
Cravendy Hound: “Uhh, what? It’s gonna explode?! And that’s somethin’ ye can’t fix?!”
Rising Lotus Shook her head. “Nah, it’s too broken. Materials aren’t holdin’ up or somethin’.. Can’t remember the specifics Mayumi said.” she let out another drawn out sigh. “Jus’ that it’ll probably happen, an’ I don’t got a back up right now. Bit too late now, but maybe I ought to check out where my old one was left.” She sat forward once more, lifting herself form the slumped position she was just in.
Rising Lotus: “It was what I spent the money I had saved up on when I first got to Idyllshire. It’s been a pain, but it’s had more than its fair share of good battles.”
(Cravendy Hound) like a reliable old car, this spear is )) (Rising Lotus) And like a reliable old car, it also is probably a deathtrap in some way xD)) (Cravendy Hound) old car that was bought used already )) (Rising Lotus) gotta put money in to fix it every other week))
Cravendy Hound grimaces, worried about the spear shaking and exploding at any moment. “Swivin’ sacks of salt, guess it was a good thing ye got May to look at it then. I didn’t even know that was a thing that could ‘appen with spears. Always assumed they like fancy knives on a stick, but err...Better than that of course.”
Cravendy Hound: “Call me sentimental, but I ‘ave a ‘ard time lettin’ old possessions go. Though I guess it’s different when yer stuffs been nothin’ but trouble.” Cravs reaches back and pulls out her flintlock pistol. She feels its familiar weight in her hand, considering the curves of the weapon with care. “For instance, I can’t imagine lettin’ this explode. Would rather let it retire.”
Rising Lotus “Well it’s a bit different when it has aether parts makin’ a fancy energy blade, normal spears don’t explode, they’re jus’ metal an’ wood. But aye, would’ve been bad for all of us if we didn’t know it was comin’.” she grimaced at the thought. Rising examined the firearm as Cravs brought it out, nodding at it’s craftsmanship.
Rising Lotus: “I’m with ya, but since we can’t really take it apart it’s probably best to jus’ let it blow up. Wouldn’t want it to accidentally go off in my room."
Cravendy Hound twirls the pistol over her hand, a motion clearly practiced far too often. Without noticing at first, she does the same motion with her other empty hand. Cravs blinks, suddenly and acutely aware of the twin gun’s absence. She sighs and makes a mental note to go searching for it one day...but the odds of finding it were slim. There were more useful, and less nostalgic, ways to spend her time. Cravs tucks the gun away.
Cravendy Hound: “Hm. Is yer spear in this room right now? Maybe it’d be best to...iono. Put it outside just in case. Are we talkin’ a big explosion?”
Rising Lotus “Don’t worry it’s outside, and lemme think…” she rubbed her chin “Mayumi said ten somethin’, I don’t think it was malms cause that’d be crazy, so yalms probably? Enough where no one should be near it when it’s gonna blow. ‘Less you’re tryin’ to blow ‘em up then ya know, the more the merrier.” she shrugged, might as well make the best of a bad situation!
Rising Lotus: “Well I’ve kept ya for long enough, I’m glad you’re doin’ alright Cravs.” she cleared her throat, scratched the back of her head as she watched the fish right past her friend. “An’ ya know.. You can always ask if you wanna.. Talk an’ all. I’m here for ya.” her cheeks turned red at the sudden show of sentimentality.
Cravendy Hound gets the sense that Rising doesn’t share her concern over the explosive spear, and slumps. “Seven ‘ells, if I find a crater in yer room one day, then ye can bet yer sorry arse I’m gonna lecture ye until yer ear falls off!” She shakes her head.
Cravendy Hound: “Heh, of course. Thanks for listenin’. And I could say the same back to ye.” Cravs gets up and stretches, ready to return to...whatever she did during the day. Not even realizing that she said thanks for one. As she makes her way out of the seating area, she taps her foot against Rising’s bucket of bugs with a smirk. “Don’t let me keep ye from feedin’ yer pets.”
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This is an old interview from Eternal Summer. I need to practice my Japanese so I translated it.
Character interview vol 2: Rin x Sousuke
Interviewer: Today we're receiving Rin Matsuoka and Sousuke Yamazaki from the Samezuka Academy swimming club. Rin: Thanks for having us. Sousuke: Thanks for having us. Interviewer: Well then, please introduce yourselves. Rin: I'm a third-year at Samezuka Academy and the captain of the swim club,  Rin Matsuoka. Sousuke: Sousuke Yamazaki, likewise, 3rd year and in the swim club. Rin: Isn't that a bit short? Sousuke: Is there even anything else to mention?
Interviewer: Okay, first, please let me ask about the first time you two met. Rin: I feel like it was during elementary school and we were in the same class or something... Sousuke: And also our houses were nearby so were able to play together a lot. Rin: Right! The swimming club we went to together was really huge. Interviewer: Sousuke-kun you transferred from a high school in Tokyo, right? Sousuke: Yeah. Rin: This guy just arrived suddenly without saying anything. Sousuke: I was going to see you at school anyways. There was no need to tell you. Rin: I guess that's just like you to do that. Interviewer: Well now, let me right away tell you today's theme to get you talking! Rin: Theme? Somehow I have a bad feeling about this... Interviewer: While we're doing the free talk, I've prepared a conversation that fits the theme I'd like you to talk about. Sousuke: Are you doing the same thing with the others? Interview: Of course! Rin: Then I guess we have no choice... Sousuke: So what is the theme? Interviewer: Your theme is "What if we weren't members of the swimming club"! Sousuke: Uh? That's surprisingly normal. Rin: Normal is fine, fine! Interviewer: If you did a sport other than swimming, what would you do? Rin: I've never thought about that... Sousuke: You're good at soccer, aren't you? It's your specialty, right? Rin: Rather then calling it my specialty...Well, I'd choose it over, say, baseball. Sousuke: You're good at sports that use the feet. Rin: You look like you'd be suited for rugby. Sousuke: You say that just because I'm huge. Rin: But you're strong too. You're bad with small details so sports with complicated rules might be no good for you? Sousuke: Leave me alone. Rin: Haha. Sousuke: You do skateboarding sometimes. Rin: Yeah, though I don't think you can call that a sport. What about you, what would you do? Sousuke: Doing the same as you would be annoying. Rin: Answer seriously! Otherwise this isn't an interview! But... Sousuke: I guess so... Sousuke / Rin : I've never really thought of anything other than swimming. Interviewer: What about something other than sports? Sousuke: How about music? Rin, you have quite a lot of CDs, right? Rin: What I listen to the most is western music. At first I was listening to that to study English. I like listening but I've never played an instrument. Sousuke: Then do the vocals. Rin: I'm sloppy...Hey, so far we've only talked about me. What about you? Can you play any instrument? Sousuke: Ah, to tell the truth, moving tiny things is a bit too... Rin: What about drums? That fits you, doesn't it? Sousuke: Ah, I've used those at the arcade before. Rin: Show me next time, that sounds fun. Sousuke: I don't mind, but I'm not that good. Interviewer: Do you two have good grades in music? Rin: Average. Sousuke: Same. Rin: Liar. Sousuke: ...below average. Rin: It might be no use with music. Sousuke: Right. Interviewer: (laugh) Thank you very much. Since you are here, I would really like to ask about your juniors Aiichirou Nitori-kun and Momotarou Mikoshiba-kun. Rin: Ai used to specialize in the long distance free but since he said he wants to participate in the medley relay, he's learning breast and really puts in a lot of effort. He's really working hard. Sousuke: His time still needs work but he has good endurance. Rin: Momo can be capricious but... Sousuke: The difference between his ups and downs is extreme. Rin: When it counts he looks really strong, but because his time usually doesn't shine during practice, selecting him as a member for the competition is a bit of a gamble. Sousuke: It's your job to figure it out, mister Captain! Rin: Shut up. We are polar opposites yet we share a room. If we could agree on something that would be a great incentive... Sousuke: Yesterday I peeked into their room. It was really messy... Rin: What! These guys... Interviewer: What are Nitori-kun and Momotarou-kun to you two? Rin: Umm, they are juniors that keep my hands full. Sousuke: They are boisterous guys. Rin: But, I can't tell what their possibilities are yet. I'm looking forward to it. Sousuke: Right. Interviewer: Continuing, what are the members of the Iwatobi Swim Club to both of you? Rin: Friends and rivals. I think they are opponents worthy of us. Sousuke: I don't plan on getting used to them. If both sides can get some good swimming in, isn't that good enough? Rin: That's right! Interviewer: Then please say a message for the members of Iwatobi High School Swim Club! Rin: Let's meet at the next tournament! Sousuke: Well, good luck, at least. Interviewer: Thank you for those cool messages! While we're at it, please send a passionate message to Nitori-kun and Momotarou-kun too, please! First, Nitori-kun. Rin: Ai, your earnest attitude is your strength. Have more confidence in yourself. Also, tidy up properly! Sousuke: There isn't anything I want to say really, since we meet at the club everyday. I guess, ascertain your condition and swim. Interviewer: Thank you very much. Now, your message to Momotarou-kun please. Rin: Momo, you have good skills so hurry and learn to use them properly and come. And stop picking up and bringing weird things. Also...don't...don't chase after Gou so much. Sousuke: Are you worried? Rin: Shut up. Anyways, you 're not unbalanced in anything. You only swim under pressure. Sousuke: If there's unbalance in swimming it's because you're not concentrating enough. Learning to calm down is the first thing to do. Rin: Haha so harsh. Sousuke: Obviously. Rin: Well, you two, nice to be working with you. Let's all do our best! Interviewer: Thanks a lot! Now then, to conclude, please give a message to each person who has been reading! Rin: Let's see...For my dream and to make the greatest team ever I'll continue to push onward. Summer has barely begun but I want to pile up more practice and training from now on. I don't intend to make any compromise. That's why, if we manage to make even a small impression on someone, that would make me really happy. This interview turned into meaningless stories but, please continue to support me from now on. Sousuke: Me too. Right now I just think about swimming. There are all sorts of things I want to grasp but first I want to pull myself together here in this place. That's all I want. Interviewer: Would this be a declaration of your determination? Rin: It might be. Sousuke: Yeah. Interviewer: Thank you very much!
Q&A about the episodes on the right Interviewer: You get really fired up about rock-paper-scissors, uh? Sousuke: Because being on top is a pain. Rin: I agree. Interviewer: What was the conclusion? Rin: I won. Because Sousuke is bad at rock-paper-scissors... Sousuke: Shut up. I lost on purpose. Rin: Liar. (laugh) Interviewer: What did Momotarou-kun do after the cookie? Rin: He came begging. It's a different story, I tell you. Sousuke: Because you didn't tell him, right? Rin: Wrong. He just decided to get the wrong idea! Sousuke: What if you ask Gou to make him some next time? Rin: Aren't you kind. Sousuke: It's better than being made to cry each time. Rin: That was really loud... Sousuke: Please give me a break from that. Interviewer: At Iwatobi High School, Gou-san did a bentou check. Sousuke: She sure is strict, isn't she. Rin: Because at that concerned place there is that concerned guy.. Sousuke: Is Gou knowledgeable about maintaining nutrition? Rin: Do you think she is? Sousuke: I guess not. Interviewer: It seems Momotarou-kin's hobby is collecting stag beetles! Rin: Is he an elementary school kid... Sousuke: He's an elementary school kid. You should go catch stag beetles together. Rin: No thank you!
Haruka x Rin interview here
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lynfantasy · 6 years
(For this character ask challenge)OOF. Alright, prepare yourself for salt, because I absolutely love this character no matter what, and that is precisely why I am very mad at the official crew about him. (Though I swear this isn’t ALL salt.)
The last time I did this ask challenge, I answered these questions for Lotor here, but that was before season 5 even came out. Now…
(Putting this under a read-more because this is LONG – there’s two long playlists under the “song” section, and I added a ton of screenshots at the end.)
Favorite thing about them: I loved how complex and out-of-the-ordinary he was. He wasn’t a hero, he wasn’t a villain, and he wasn’t even a traditional antihero. He wasn’t good, but he was altruistic; he wasn’t bad, but he was willing to do things that no one else would. He was neutral, and he didn’t need to be redeemed into goodness. He certainly didn’t seem to have any reason to fall or rise – he already knew what he wanted and how he was going to get it, and both his motives and means were shockingly pure.And then…Least favorite thing about them: Season 6 just completely ruined him. That colony thing?? I’ve vented to many friends about this, and there’s a post I have half-written that I might put up sometime, but it just doesn’t make sense to me. The creators of the show said that they wanted him to be a morally gray character, but then they had had him commit a truly evil act? And he doesn’t even seem repentant for it? I just can’t forgive them for doing this to him. This wasn’t some “cool plot twist.” I’m not sitting here, thinking, “Wow, I really fell for that, didn’t I?” I don’t feel like Lotor betrayed me. I feel like the writers betrayed him and did him a disservice.Favorite line: “All I ask is that you judge me by my actions rather than your preconceptions of my race.” This line was just… wow.Also: “My father’s blood is not just in my veins. It’s also on my sword.” Damn.I also still very much love his opening speech in season 3, and a special shout-out goes to his speech in the beginning of season 6 until Sendak interrupted it.BrOTP: Mmmm, well, Team Sincline forever. In a better universe, they’re all still getting up to their own shenanigans together.I also still wish that Lotor and Keith had gotten a chance to bond. It could have been great.But let’s all take a moment to acknowledge what a great and supportive friendship Lotor and Shiro had in season 5. That was good. Good on you, (clone) Shiro.OTP: Lancelot. I can’t really explain why, but this is my favorite ship. In a close second place comes Polycline, the ship of Lotor and his generals all together in a romantic sense, which just warms my polyam-loving heart.As for what I would like to see in canon, well, I was pretty happy with Lotura, and I’m still holding out hope that they might have some dramatic redemptive reconciliation.NoTP: Eh, I don’t really do NoTPs. I can’t say I’m fond of Lotor/Throk, though.Random headcanon: I think Lotor’s ships are perfectly capable of making it through the Quantum Rift without being subjected to the time dilation effects. I also think that, on more than one occasion, Lotor has purposefully turned down the protection against time dilation because he can’t afford to take time off but he really needs a break, and what better way to accomplish that than to take a trip that will give him weeks or months to himself but will only cause him to miss about a week in regular time?Unpopular opinion:
Song i associate with them: Hoo boy, I have not one but two playlists for him… Instead of linking a playlist, I’ll just list the songs for you all to find at your leisure, since everyone uses different music services (and honestly, I just pirate off of YouTube 99% of the time).
My “canon” playlist, in chronological order, is:
Natural by Imagine Dragons – I’m so glad this came out recently, because if there’s any singular theme song that fits Lotor in every canonical aspect, this is it.
Who We Are by Imagine Dragons – Team Sincline. Need I say more?
Best Day of My Life (minor key) by Chase Holfelder – If you only know this song in its major form, you might very well be wondering why it’s here, but Chase Holfelder’s minor key version has a very different tone to it, and I think it fits Lotor quite well for season 3.
Gold by Imagine Dragons – This works for his rise to power in season 3 and fall in season 4, as well as hinting at his eventual rise and fall again in 5 & 6 and that final snap at the end of 6. It could honestly go at the end, but I thought it fit best here, as the season 4 song.
Icarus by Bastille – I associate this song with both Keith and Lotor in seasons 3 & 4. Honestly, if you listen to the chorus, it sounds like them both at the end of season 4. Icarus (Lotor) is flying too close to the sun… Icarus (Keith) is flying towards an early grave.
Blame by Bastille – This isn’t a perfect fit, but it reminds me of Lotor’s pleading with the Paladins at the beginning of season 5 to not hand him over to Zarkon. Honestly, I sort of picture Lance as the one singing the scathing verses. There’s no room for you here.
I’m So Sorry by Imagine Dragons – This could also go anywhere, but I can picture this as a backdrop to Lotor’s final confrontation with Zarkon. It’s so scathing and sarcastic, except for the bridge. I imagine the bridge as being addressed to Lotor’s generals.
White Blank Page by Mumford and Sons – Canon Lotura. Just… just listen to it. It’s so tragic and fits them so well for season 6.
This Is Gospel -> Emperor’s New Clothes by Panic! At the Disco – Initially, I was going to put just Emperor’s New Clothes on here for Lotor’s breakdown in season 6, but I listened to these two back-to-back, and I thought that This is Gospel fits in a tragic way if you think of it as the sane part of Lotor’s mind trying to warn Allura, knowing that he cannot fight the corruption of Quintessence.
Wolf In Sheep’s Clothing by Set It Off – …I mean, in light of season 6, how could I not include this one. The bridge is basically a summary of that final confrontation.
Viva La Vida by Coldplay – Initially, I had this as a song for season 4, but I couldn’t leave this playlist on such a bitter note. I like to picture that Lotor will eventually come out of the Quintessence field and, alone and without resources, will have to hide out somewhere and rethink a lot of things, and this song is perfect for that.
I’ll Be Good by Jaymes Young – Following the thread of an eventual redemption from the previous song, I think this would suit a redeemed, post-s6 Lotor very well. It’s also simply a very bittersweet and beautiful song to end off on, and it stands in very strong contrast against Natural, the first song on the playlist.
My other playlist is for miscellaneous songs that don’t fit into the canon timeline and for ship songs. In no particular order:
Stay Frosty Royal Milk Tea by Fall Out Boy – This is such a Lotor song, but it technically doesn’t fit canon, since he did become emperor. However, I’ve got an AU story that this fits perfectly, and I think it suits a lot of other Lotor-centric AUs I’ve seen. Besides, thematically, it really does fit Lotor pre-s5.
Broken Crown by Mumford & Sons – The meaning of this song is ambiguous, but if you interpret the “crown” here as literal, it could suit Lotor pretty well, especially in an AU where he refuses to rule.
Therapy by All Time Low – I think this would fit a human AU best, but it could work for any version of Lotor who is introspective about his own flaws and problems.
Battlefield (Meet Me on the Battlefield) by SVRCINA – I’m a little iffy on this one, but someone else recommended it to me as a Lotor ship song, and I do think it could fit a few different Lotor ships quite nicely. The song is primarily about revolution and altruism, both of which fit Lotor, and the romantic aspects would work well for a Lotor/paladin ship.
I Walk the Line by Halsey & Walking the Wire by Imagine Dragons – These two songs work well as two sides of the same coin. I particularly imagine them for Lancelot. Lotor sings I Walk the Line, talking about the difficulty of maintaining a balance between his relationship and his loyalties in the war but declaring that he will be true to Lance above all, and Lance sings the far more optimistic Walking the Wire, saying that although this balancing act is difficult, they will come out on top, together. It could theoretically work for another Lotor ship, but Walking the Wire is such a Lance song that I really picture it for the two of them.
Hold Me Tight or Don’t by Fall Out Boy – Funny story, I pictured this as a Sheith song first, but then @noirsongbird recommended it to me as a Lancelot song, and… yeah, it fits. It also specifically fits one of her (very good!) fanfics, so that’s cool.
King and Lionheart by Of Monsters and Men – Technically, this could sort of work for any Lotor/paladin ship, but I think it would work better for Keitor, Shotor, or Lancelot. It was recommended to me by @noirsongbird as a Lancelot song, and I have to agree that it fits them very well.
I Don’t Know Why by Imagine Dragons – Again, this could work for multiple Lotor/paladin ships, but I picture it for Lancelot. It’s a great forbidden love song, so it would suit a secret romance across battle lines quite nicely.
So… yeah. A lot of music. Sorry? I’m sure this isn’t even everything, haha.
Favorite picture of them: Oh gosh, how could I choose…
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Like… damn.
But also…
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He’s so cute and pretty??
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I mean, just look at him.
For favorite fanworks, I’ve got to put this one up, of course (and please follow this link to the post for it and give it a like!):
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This was a gift to me for my very recent 20th birthday by my amazing friend @honestlyprettychill (thank you again babe)!!
There’s a lot of other really good Lotor fanart out there. Check out @itsnotdoneyet and @invidiaesc for some great stuff.
Annnnd that’s it! Sorry this took so long. I hope I answered the questions to everyone’s satisfaction! I have an ask for Keith that I’ll work on next, but I don’t have any after that yet, so please feel free to send in more!
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lululululipop-blog · 6 years
Ch. 1
Sweet Like Candy...?
Hmmm... first two chapters are done. I honestly had to do all the revision, and editing myself, so it took way longer than expected. But please enjoy and keep a lookout for new stories I’ll try to post faster. Haha
Just a Little Something~ 🌸
“She’s not talking to me,” blond hair and red eyes was what trademarked the hot tempered male that spoke.
His friend, Kirishima, saw that he was looking away towards the end of the lunchroom, admiring the small girl who would look back occasionally to give a grim look, only to turn away once more as if making a point.
Kirishima took some of his mate’s food, stuffing it in his mouth; his friend didn’t even pay much mind to it. He simply waved him off which showed immediately how much this ordeal was bothering him.
“Yo, Kacchan, what’d you do? She’s not usually like this,” Kirishima spoke through mouthfuls of Bakugou’s food.
Bakugou growled at his words, “Damn it if I know! I’ve been thinking since this fucking morning and nothing has come up that would be considered out of the ordinary! All I know, is we were fighting that random villain out in the streets, then she decided to stop talking to me! Didn’t even bother to visit me in the hospital, dumbass.”
Kirishima hummed in understanding, “Girls are confusing.”
Bakugou nodded at this, “No shit. And she’s making it rather obvious that she’s angry as well. That idiot.” His statement seemed gentler than his usual tone, showcasing how truly he was worrying about her.
Kirishima found this admirable, so he offered his own advice, “Why don’t you just ask her?”
Bakugou turned as if he had just been electroshocked by Kirishima’s sole words, “Huh? You’ve got to be kidding me. If she wants to solve whatever is going on, she’ll come up and talk to me first! I’m not going out of my way to talk over something when she’s the one angry about it.”
He took his water bottle and drank it quickly, extinguishing the flames that were starting to grow even stronger inside him. Water could only do so much, however.
Kirishima seemed to be taking a liking to playing around with Bakugou’s food, and he began building a large tower out of the sauce packets Bakugou had brought, “Then... how about you try acting sweet for a while?”
Bakugou seemed confused at this. How would one act sweet? Sweet was something quite out of his Kacchan-dictionary that consisted of specifically vulgar language with the addition of a few superhero terms and the occasional, “Stupid” and “idiot” added in. “Don’t look down on me,” would be the summary in the back of his dictionary.
Kirishima shrugged, “Nothing is gonna get solved if neither of you do something. Instead of talking it out, perhaps you could try different things until she’s happy again.”
Bakugou didn’t like the idea of that, “Why do I have to be the one to make the first move?”
“Hm, would you rather admit that you’d give in to her if she was the one who spoke first?” Kirishima spoke without thinking, but couldn’t take the words back. They were already out there, disintegrating into the very depths of Bakugou’s brain.
Standing up, he took a strong grasp of Kirishima’s shirt and pulled him to meet him face to face, the pile of sauce packets toppling over, “How the hell am I supposed to act sweet?”
Surprised that Bakugou seemed to actually be thinking of taking up the offer, Kirishima nodded, smiling a toothy smile, “Well... first...”
“Delivery for (y/n) (l/n)?!” A mailman called out from the class doorway.
Now, (y/n) wouldn’t be considered unpopular, she had her good number of friends and she was deemed as a promising hero, but she definitely wouldn’t be considered popular enough to have a secret admirer. And, from the large bouquet after bouquet that appeared behind the mailman, arranged with a variety of balloons, clearly someone had it bad for her. Or perhaps she had won a prize, which seemed like the more likely answer even though she hadn’t participated in anything that would call for a reward.
Her friends urged her up, so, hesitantly, she began walking up to the ever so happy mailman, as he handed her the pile of bouquets in a wagon, and a letter. “You’ve got quite the caring boyfriend,” the mailman finished, before moving to the side.
(Y/n) seemed bewildered. What boyfriend could he possibly be talking about? The one she did have would never do anything like this, clearly it was some sort of stalker.
She opened the letter, slightly nervous but trying to bite back the fear from showing on her face. The handwriting was perfectly printed and the scent that engulfed her was that of spicy peppermint; fresh. The only recognizable part of it that could possibly pinpoint the source of the letter, was the signed name at the bottom: Bakugou. She turned her head to the side to ensure that she hadn’t just imagined the name, and rubbed her eyes. Opening them again, she squinted at the paper, almost burning a hole through them with her sharp stare as if somehow the name would suddenly change. Nope, Bakugou’s print was still on there, making fun of her. This must be some sort of prank Kirishima or maybe one of the other guys were playing on her. There was no way—
Interrupting her thoughts, the mailman moved to the side and the balloons made way in the middle of the long school hallway. There, dressed in a delicious suit of crisp black with matching, polished, black shoes and a red undershirt, stood Bakugou, with an assortment of roses and yellow daffodils. (Y/n) covered her mouth to keep from laughing. Although he looked oddly stunning in that suit, it did not at all match his personality. And she didn’t want to attempt at embarrassing him after he did all this, but it was a very non-Bakugou sort of thing to do. He must have been forced by someone to do this. As he strolled up to her, it took all she had to keep back a silly smile while everyone else stared in complete awe of Bakugou’s sudden turnaround. Just as she was about to give up and just laugh out loud, Bakugou came up face to face in an incredibly suave and swift move, taking (y/n)’s waist and dipping her, that (y/n) couldn’t help but gasp out in surprise.
“Good morning,” he stated, handed her the flowers, kissed her cheek and then entered the classroom, not even shoving his way through the crowd of students.
(Y/n) stood with the letter in her left hand, the bouquet of flowers in her right, and a mailman and wagons of balloons behind her, eyes unbearably wide.
“Class is starting,” an unknown classmate whispered to her.
Slowly, so very slowly, (y/n) trudged towards her seat. The hot-headed, hard-to-maintain Bakugou... that was definitely not him.
It must have been a joke, a very odd and bizarre joke that, maybe once the punchline was thrown, she'd be able to understand. But there seemed to be more occuring, all in just the span of a single morning. She was probably going to have to take him to the nurse to make sure he hadn’t been hit by some very clearly powerful quirk.
(y/n) pulled out her notebook and began jotting down every bizarre occurrence that she believed would provide as useful information when asked what she deemed was wrong in her usually temperamental boyfriend. She did well hiding her spying glares towards his spot.
[8:00 a.m.]
A fellow classmate (Kaminari) came up to Bakugou and began making fun of his attire.
"Damn, red? Making some sort of fashion statement, are we?"
Kaminari then proceeded to tap the back of Bakugou’s head with his pointer finger. Bakugou simply continued trying to take notes that (y/n) would later have to ask for. This went on for a few more seconds until Bakugou grabbed the boy's finger, giving him a piercing glare. Perhaps this would finally break Bakugou into at least showing a little bit more of his original self?
"If you have enough time to be commenting on an outfit, perhaps you should have entered a fashion school. You're here to learn how to be a hero, act like it," With that statement, he let go of the boy's finger and returned to writing more notes.
Kaminari looked astonished, but ashamed and went back to his table, grumbling about how even heroes should know how to dress.
Bakugou caught (y/n) staring at this moment, and shot her a cute smile and wave. It was a double hit that would have worked if that were how he always acted, but it simply caused (y/n) to shiver and turn back around.
[8:40 a.m.]
"Everyone, turn to page 64 of your History of Heroes and fighting throughout the world. Raise your hand if you would like to read once you reach the page!”
And just like that, not only had (y/n) missed an entire forty minutes of notes but, now, she had even forgotten her book at home. Which meant she would not be able to go through that lesson that day either. And to make matters worse...
“All right, since no one’s participating how about.... (y/n)? Please read the first paragraph out loud.”
(Y/n) was positive the teacher must have some sort of radar that sensed distraught in her students and was glad to use that to her advantage.
Sadly, (y/n) stood from her chair and apologized, “I’m sorry, but...”
And just like that, a knight in shining flames appeared next to her.
“What she’s trying to say is, that, we haven’t been able to see each other lately, so is it all right if we sit next to each other today?” Bakugou asked, giving the teacher a sad sort of glance.
The teacher shook her head, not really being able to believe that Bakugou was genuinely asking and not screaming that he demands her obedience, “I’m sorry, but, seats are assigned and it wouldn’t be fair to the rest of the alumni if you got to switch and they didn’t.”
Surprisingly, the teacher actually looked apologetic. Probably a sucker for romance.
Bakugou peered down, almost as if he was trying to keep from looking sad, “Ah, I see. No, I understand. You are a just and fair teacher after all, I wouldn’t expect less from you. But, you see, we’ve already been unable to see each other outside from school since we’ve been so busy preparing for our own futures that we’ve hardly had time to think of where she and I will be heading... together! I just fear that we’ll grow apart... after all, we’re already told by so many adults that,” Bakugou sighed and held on to (y/n)’s hand, “Romance... doesn’t exist in an adolescent’s heart. Could it end up being true?”
He ended the blow by giving the teacher a forlorn look straight into her eyes. The teacher seemed to be in tears and the whole class was silent.
Finally, she took a large, shaky breath and nodded, “Yes, I understand. I don’t wish for you to end up believing in what they say about you and,” she smiled joyfully at (y/n), “your girlfriend and end up giving up on a past love like me. NO! Please, take a seat next to her. And, what is this, are you sharing a textbook with each other? Ooh! Romance IS alive still! All right kids! Settle down, I think we’re going to do some partner reading instead.”
Of course there were grumbles, but the closet romantics were silently cheering the couple on.
The teacher came up, wrapped her hands around Bakugou’s, and smiled, “Stay strong!” With that, she disappeared to the back of her desk and pulled out her phone. Perhaps to make a call from a long forgotten lover... or something.
For the next twenty minutes, it was a k-drama of Bakugou leaning in so she could smell the sweet scent of cologne (which he’d never used before), and slight blushing coming from (y/n).
Something was definitely not right. She had seen something from Bakugou in the middle of his speech. Everyone else had seen him as proper and a romantic during it, he seemed incredibly sincere. But the real Bakugou would never dare even attempt to utter such sweet sonnets, and she knew this for a fact.
What made it even more clear was the slight twitch of his eyebrow that showed clear frustration. Bakugou was still in there somewhere.
15 notes · View notes
maudanouk · 4 years
LENNY arrives at the WITTGENSTEIN HOUSE. Here is the garden and around it some flower beds, a space cultivated for flowers for Margot, to make a spray for her hair, to perfume the sheets.[2] The WITTGENSTEIN HOUSE embraces him warmly with its garden.
Every man must create it new and different out of himself: new and different. [3] Once on a June evening, in those long gone years when the ends of days sank into silence, I was waiting for a total eclipse of the sun on a terrace facing a garden, overlooking the foliage of a maple tree. [4] And I thought of you Lenny. In the sudden darkness I saw you, hidden behind a veil, the massive walls of the Vatican Palace. A faceless silhouette.
I have no image [...] because I am no one.[6] To become like everybody else; but this, precisely, is a becoming only for one who knows how to be nobody, to no longer be anybody. [9] And so, for my first adress the lightning was so dim, no photographer, no TV cameraman, and not even the faithful saw anything of me but a dark shadow, my silhouette. They did not see me because I do not exist.[10]  The prim speech imposed upon them, the lessons in good behaviour, the veil of mystery you profess to hang before their eyes, serve but to stimulate their curiosity. [7] In being everywhere and nowhere I was [...] the object of much social curiosity; people payed attention to this, spoke about it, remembered it.[8] Now that I am pressed on all sides, I maintain my equilibrium, because, no longer attached to anything, I depend on myself alone.[10]I love the immediate presence of him who is in possession of no space other than that in which I exist.[11] I keep praying for You to make something happen so why this awful, crawling feeling that nothing ever does? [11]I either hardly feel it, or don't feel it at all.[12] God does not shout. God does not whisper. God does not write. God does not hear. God does not chat. God's infinite silence...[13] I said to myself: Why should I strive to find what does not exist? [14] By extending myself precariously I exist, outside of the stability where the other subject remains asleep or dead. [15] And in the end I only thought of her[16], my Margot. I don’t know her yet but you will help me find her.
The new is born of the old; the new is only the repetition of the old.[5] What you’re looking for is a complete inversion. Again a mystery, a face that is not yours but this time it will not be no image but all image. The new self is constructed from a triple contingency: faith and doubt; hope that will be happy at an indeterminate time; bonds of unconditional Love.[18] When i watched the total eclipse of the sun that summer evening it soon became dark and an eclipse wind, like a wave, had risen when suddenly from the neighbouring house burst forth a sort of wild dance, with the strange, biting, astringent sound of Pan’s pipes. Young people were celebrating some festival, they had confused shadow with twilight and were playing as night fell. However much one knows about it, the veiling of the sun’s light is disturbing and transports one to another world. [18] I saw you cover up in darkness and now i see you longing for the unveiling of the sun. And in this twilight a party shall rise so that the heart, that obscure, celestial flower, undergoes a mysterious blossoming. 19]That is the only way great loves stories are born and I don't want any more part time believers.[20]
LENNY discovers a garden in this Genesis, naturally, and in this garden only the apple tree interests him, tempts him: he can see its flowers.[21] He walks towards the tree. The WITTGENSTEIN HOUSE is observing him. As LENNY reaches for one of the blossoms a bee flies out of it.
But how can i find my Margot in this city still so strange to me?
You have to understand what she likes. Margot is the bee and you are her honey. What does Margot like?
LENNY (looking at the flowers)
Margot likes wind in her hair and salt cristals on her skin, lace and hoodies, rings on her fingers and flowers in her hair, black panthers and partridges, walking barefoot on wet grass and wearing mid calf boots, day dreaming and ADHD, dancing underground and sleeping in white sheets, birch trees and skyscrapers, gel nails and knitting, smocking and drinking tee, equal rights and mini skirts, her birthday and celebrating christmas with her family, a Ferrari Portofino and umberella pine trees, Fellinis Roma and Mario Cart, Los Angeles and Palermo, seashells and pinecones, Zorra by Bad Gyal and playing the Bach Suite Nr. 1 on her Cello, passion fruits and rough fights, oranges and jeweled persian rice, fig trees and Coke, dry white wine and soft cheese, creaky parquet and soft carpets, stone basins and hot springs, ....
The mask does not hide the face, it is the face.[21] Your new face should combine all these elements to a story. You become invisible by making, on the contrary, a lot of noise.[22] [...] the veil of mystery you profess to hang before their eyes, serve but to stimulate their curiosity[23]. In being everywhere and nowhere [...] the object of much social curiosity[24] people will pay attention to it, speak about it, remember it. And I will be the embodiment of your story the place where all elements manifest in a happening. A great feast Margot will want to attend.
A downpour of summer rain patters on the front window.  MARGOT is waiting at a red light. Her phone buzzes and she opens the message. 
My darling friends, there’s one spectacular party in the making! Join us tonight at the Wittgenstein House to another glass of white wine under the fig trees, eating fresh fish on soft carpets next to blossoming anthuries. Glowing cheeks from dancing till dawn. Bring a delicate, floating, spring bouquet of florets in new leaf green, cherry blossom pink, and marigold yellow[25] and we’ll serve everything else. XOXO EROS (Gossip Girl, Prince Charming, SHY GIRL, haha)
The rain had stopped. The water evaporated on the hot asphalt and left a sultry summer evening air. AVAs car is speeding down the Ringstrasse. The roof of the cabrio is folded down and the wind blows through their hair. 
AVA (lost in thought)
Do you think EROS will attend the party today? I wish we’d find out who’s behind all this uproar. Maybe it’s one of our friends hiding behind a second persona. It would make sense because EROS seems to like all the things we do. 
Some weeks ago we’ve never heard about him and now he's everywhere.  Noise, ruckus, rumors spread.[27] I’ve heard the parties are supposed to be unique in its kind and his face, enveloped by a more or less dense veil[26] has sparked many suspicions. (sighs) I think he looks like Hauru, wearing drop earrings made of rubies and emeralds combined [...] dripping down[27] his lobe, a radiant boy [...] his blonde chin length hair making him the cynosure of all eyes.[27]
AVA shakes her head and starts laughing.
It’s dark but the garden is enlightened by the colourful lights emerging the windows. The WITTGENSTEIN HOUSE is radiant and reaching in all directions, emitting visual, audible and perceptible vibrations. The air smells of Un Jardin en Méditerranée. The Ferrari Portofino enters the SITE. AVA and MARGOT step out of it. Instantly they are surrounded by an electric atmosphere. People get chauffeured around in Mercedes Benz with Cristal champagne.[28] On inspecting the entrance facade, you can discover a series of metaphors and symbolic signs.[29] It would be too strong to call this fantasy a portal to Hell, but it is surely no entrance to a Heavenly Jerusalem[30]. AVA and MARGOT join the stream of guests walking through the garden towards the WITTGENSTEIN HOUSE greeting, kissing, hugging.
The party begins as people are moving in, gathering in the entrance hall and taking a stand up cocktail.[31] There is champagne, caviar and fireworks.[32] Ahead, some distance from the entrance, is a great mural of brilliant color.[33] Opulent Ornaments, heavy textiles, reflecting surfaces. The materials come from the everyday domestic sphere, much having to do with ornamenting the body: copper and brass wire, buttons, beads, baubles, hooks, eyes, straps, false fingernails, makeup, hair, ribbons, lace, thread, shells, feathers, and bones. The amulets are fetishes, beautiful ornamental objects, and they are connected to the fetishism of architectural representation.[34] 
This is the moment we’ve been waiting for. First Impressions are made. About me as the entrance always affects the following impression of the whole house and about you. Especially Margots first impression of you. I am preparing you, bit by bit, so that, at the desired moment, I can give you the final instructions and have it all fall into place.[35] 
MARGOT (whispering)
Ava! Look at this man sitting on the seashell sofa in the garden. He’s knitting all alone while everybody else is clinking glasses. 
AVA (teasing)
Why don’t you bring him a glass of Prosecco. I know it, I feel it, and you will say it.[35]
MARGOT (concentrated)
You just know me too well and yes, he is cute.
MARGOT walks over to the LENNY carrying a glass of prosecco. Rising up in a warm haze, the innumerable modern statues towered on their pillars half way up the golden webs of sunset.[36] The garden is a collection of living beauties, rare Plants, exotic Flowers and Fruits. The trees are old and high and in between long white cotton cloths are hanging in the trees, blowing in the wind, rendering shadow plays. LENNY is sitting in the seashell sofa sheltered from the wind, warm sunbeams began to play, streams to flow, and groves of pines diversified the rocks. [37] MARGOT hands him the glass.
MARGOT (laughing)
Hello strange man, what are you knitting? 
Some of the more exotic plants have to be taken indoors for protection from the cold night air and swaddled in thick woollen garments.[38]
MARGOT We have, indeed, become a flower growing people.[39] So you’re actually a textile and dress designer[40] for plants of all kinds. (laughs)
When, on a summer evening, the melodious sky growls like a tawny lion, and everyone is complaining of the storm, it is the memory of the Meseglise way that makes me stand alone in ecstasy, inhaling, through the noise of the falling rain, the lingering scent of invisible lilacs.[41] Or when I reach out to touch a fragile tree and blossoming spicules float downwards and fade, each with its clear, tiny tinkle.[42] These are the moments I cherish most. I am in love with them and that is why I take care of them. 
MARGOT (hesistating)
But for me love is not only loving and caring. It fun when it starts getting way more complex. It is raucous, low, full, pleading, vulgar, sharp, cutting, jovial, harmonious, commanding, harrowing, seductive, explosive or irritated[...] noble, high pitched, servile, majestic, ample, sick, affronted, clothed in silence, echoing with the sea or forest, undercut by the twittering of birds, howling like a wild beast, [... ]asking questions and saying come here, an alarming voice, broken, sobbing [43]. 
LENNY (sighs)
Until now I’v only got to know a more one-sided monotonous love but thats another story. I’d be excited to get to know your kind of love.
MARGOT (excited)
Oh look over there! It’s a real black panther prowling through the peach trees!
People are appearing in the open doors of the WITTGENSTEIN HOUSE following the excited call of MARGOT. People start bringing out plates with all kinds of foods. The WITTGENSTEING HOUSE opens all the windows that all the curtains flow in the summer breeze. A stone basin appears and now the air is filled by lapping and cricket chirping. 
After eating the WITTGENSTEIN HOUSE starts playing Promiscuous Girl by Nelly Furtado. Slowly the dancefloor is filled with curiously dancing people. Tossing their hands in a wanton and lascivious manner, rolling around, twerking. MARGOT catches LENNYs eye and they dance towards each other.
♪ Promiscuous girl You're teasing me You know what I want And I got what you need ♪
MARGOT (smiling)
Feeling a little afraid is normal when facing something new, in a place or in a way you’ve never experienced before.[44] You don’t look like you’ve ever danced before. SPEAKERS
♪ Promiscuous boy Let's get to the point Cause we're on a roll Are you ready? ♪
LENNY (laughing)
You’re not that wrong with this assumption but you dance the way you love, it seems. Raucous, full, pleading, vulgar, sharp, cutting, jovial, harmonious, commanding, harrowing, seductive, explosive.[45] SPEAKERS 
♪ Wait... I don't mean no harm I can see you with my t-shirt on ♪
LENNY takes MARGOS hand and twirls her around. SPEAKERS
♪ I can see you with nothing on Feeling on me before you bring that on ♪
[2] Serres, The Parasite
[3] Deleuze, Francis Bacon The Logic of Sensation
[4] Serres, The Five Senses
[5] Serres, Hermes Literature Science Philosophy
[6] The Young Pope
[7] Rousseau, Collected Works of Jean-Jacques Rousseau
[8] Foucault, The History of Sexuality Volume 2
[9] Deleuze Guattari, A Thousand Plateaus
[10] The Young Pope, (Grammatics changed)
[10] Rousseau, Collected Works of Jean-Jacques Rousseau
[11]  Serres, The Five Senses
[11]  The Young Pope
[12] Wittgenstein, Philosophical Investigations
[13] Aquinas, Summa Theologica
[14] Rousseau, Collected Works of Jean-Jacques Rousseau
[15] Serres, The Five Senses
[16] Rousseau, Collected Works of Jean-Jacques Rousseau
[18] Serres, The Five Senses
[18] Serres, Branches
[19] Hugo, Les Miserables
[20] The Young Pope
[21] Deleuze Guattari, A Thousand Plateaus
[22] Serres, The Parasite
[23] Rousseau, Collected Works of Jean-Jacques Rousseau
[24] Foucault, The History of Sexuality Volume 2
[25] Kassinger, Slime
[26] Deleuze, Cinema 1 The Movement Image
[27] Serres, Troubadour of Knowledge
[27] Rand, The Fountainhead
[27] Hovestadt Buehlmann, Quantum City
[28] Hovestadt Buehlmann, Quantum City
[29] Hays, Architecture Theory since 1968
[30] Frankl, The Gothic
[31] Schumacher, The Autopoiesis of Architecture Vol 2
[32] Carter, Anthony Blunt His Lives
[33] Ockmann, Architecture Culture 1943 1968
[34] Hays, Architecture Theory since 1968
[35] Asimov, Complete Robot Anthology
[35] The Young Pope
[36] Proust, In Search of Lost Time Vol IV Sodom and Gomorrah
[37] Wollstonecraft, Complete Works
[38] Proust, In Search of Lost Time Vol II Within a Budding Grove
[39] Gothein, A History of Garden Art
[40] Callan, Dictionary of Fashion and Fashion Designers
[41] Proust, In Search of Lost Time Vol I Swanns Way
[42] Asimov, Complete Robot Anthology
[43] Serres, The Five Senses
[44] Del Toro, Cabinet of Curiosities
[45] Serres, The Five Senses
0 notes
themoonisbeautiful · 4 years
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Someone sent me this reading about your sun and moon. I tried it and it is so true? I’m gonna try to himay and react to each sentence just for deeper analysis to myself.
Deep inside you likely feel a lot of doubt no matter how convincing and self-assured you may seem to people. 
This was the first sentence, and all I could say was what the fuck. Just the first sentence and it felt like it read my whole self and life. Because this is fucking true. I do have a lot of self-doubt. I just pretend and act sure and confident, but yo. Deep inside I’m this coward doubtful person that no one must have known. Maybe this is one of those “mysterious” side of me as a scorpio, and only those whom I’ve opened up to must know how doubtful of a person I am.
It is next to impossible for you to set goals and define your purpose in life. 
Again, this is true. I was only in the second sentence and I can’t agree no more. It’s very accurate especially now that I’m in my 20s and people expect me to have a plan in life. People around me do have plan -- whether older, same age, or younger. I always think about it but it’s so hard to plan and set goals? What more to define my purpose in life. Thinking about it further, my doubtful self, described in the first sentence, might be a factor as to why setting goals and defining my purpose is extra hard than anyone.
You have too much trust in those around you and this can be a weakness if you always want to hear everyone's views. The people close to you like all natives of Moon in Libra, regardless of whether they are friends or family, powerfully influence you. 
Oh god. Another fucking true shit. I don’t know if it was because I doubt myself so much that I have more trust in other people, or it’s the other way around. Either way, this is still true. I always want to hear everyone’s side, opinion, their thoughts, because I trust other people more than myself. Hence, it is true that in  way those people around me, those I listen to and trust, have so much influence in me because I tend to follow what they say more than myself.
The way others see you is how you tend to evaluate yourself, instead of by the way you really are. Acting according to your own true wants is important for you to learn. Do not worry too much about what other people might think of your behavior. 
Oh my god. I can’t say anything but fucking shit yes. This may be synonymous to “I tend to compare myself to others and find validation from others.” I know, this is a really bad habit (and I promise I try not to do this but I really can’t help it) but I always compare myself to others that it makes me doubt myself more. I compare other’s prodcutivty and success and mine. Again, I don’t know who’s affecting who, if is it because I’m naturally doubtuful or was that exatly why I was doubtful. But the following sentences, made me feel assured that I should stop it. I’m always worrying and anxious about what people think of me, and I should stop it. I should just do what I want and be what I want. 
Others are drawn to your leisurely and elegant personality and attracted to your charming nature. 
In relation to that previous sentence, this sentence feels like telling me that I shouldn’t really worry about what people think of me because being my true self, being whoever I am is my charm? But is it? I’ve heard people tell me something like this. But really? Again, my doubtful self is showing (or is this I’m just afraid to validate or I’m afraid to be called suepr full of myself by admitting). Hopefully I can humbly accept this.
Your combination balances a peaceable and graceful Libra with a hard driving and forceful Scorpio. You know naturally when to use tact and diplomacy and when it is smart to be assertive. Your power to manage others works to your reward in life, even though you are not as assertive as your other Scorpios. 
The first sentence made me felt, wow. That was a beautiful sentence. At the same time I somewhat understand it as there’s a battle (yes battle not balance fjslfjsd) of peace and force inside me. The following sentence, I’m not too sure or I haven’t noticed it myelf. Maybe I do know how when it is to be assertive? Do I? I’m not sure because I’ve never really considered myself as assertive. Just forcing myself to be one when it really, really needs to be, maybe yes. Also, managing others? Maybe, but I feel like I still have to learn a lot on this. But the last one, must be the answer why think this way. I’m not as assertive as other Scorpios. That’s true.
Maintain your freedom and concentrate on doing what you believe is best for you. 
I think this is similar to one of those sentences previously. I feel like this sentence is telling me, again or maybe emphasizing, to trust myself more. Believe in myself. It would be best for me.
You are a dreamer and a romantic. 
This one, maybe a few years back I would super agree. But not, reality hit me hard and I’ve become pessimistic (I’m not sure if this is the right term or another word similar to this). I’m not actually sure if I could still consider mysef as a dreamer when I can’t dream anymore. I don’t even know now how to set goals in my life. But okay. I just searched what dreamer meant and what I found was:  “spend a lot of time thinking about and planning for things that they would like to happen but which are improbable or impractical.” On a second thought, I might be really a dreamer. I do spend time thinking about things but those aren’t gonna happen. Maybe I’ve come to realize as I aged that they’re improbable that it has been hard setting goals and defining my purpose. Always stuck in impracticality and when I try to set realistic goals, it’s just too hard.
For the romantic, at first, before I look for the exact definition, I can’t really see myself as one because first, I’ve never been in that romantic position. I can’t imagine how, and I’ve lost hope in finding love (i know im only 20 but wtf. I think I’ll still be really single even at the age of 30... or forever). But as I read the definition, “who often takes an idealized or old fashioned view towards love or who acts in a manner traditionally thought of as courting or wooing a significant other. An example of a romantic is a person who watches a lot of old love stories on TV,” I think it applies to me. When it comes to love I think I’m still old fashioned, an old soul or something that courting or wooing would be really nice? Unlike some people nowadays, if ever, and just if ever I’m not necessarily gonna be single forever, I’d still like to fall in love slowly, yet surely ? Wait it’s really hard to explain at this point since I’ve never experienced and only seen them through my friends’ love life or in k-dramas.
You like to delve deeply into things and you are never happy with surface impressions. 
I’m not sure in which perspective should I look at this sentence but, between delving deeply into things vs surface impressions, of course I’d choose delving deeply. I think it’s more honest? It’s more trustful? More feeling of at ease to know what exactly behind things? Bottom line, I also agree on this.
You have a strong belief in people and the knowledge that they have. 
I don’t know why this sentence keeps on being rephrased or does the person who made this really want to emphasize on this? Haha. But like what I said. this is true. I do believe in people and the knowledge that they have. It’s actually interesting how people think and what they know? How different are their knowledge from mine? Although most of the time, I feel more doubtful and dumber, but I do see how much potentials and capabilities they have, that’s why I believe in them. It’s just sad that most of the time, people don’t see it themselves. It’s sadder that I don’t see it on myself too.
You are too frequently only concerned with instant gratification even though you have the intelligence, charm, and magnetism to achieve a great deal in life. 
Although I usually convinced myself that I’m not like this, but as I contemplate on myself, I am somewhat like this. I want to see results fast as fast as possible. and if I don’t I tend to consider it automatically as a failure, thus doubting myself, thus giving up easily. But maybe, as the following clause states, I should really stop this doubting and stop giving up easily. If I don’t get those “immediate rewards” or results quickly, I should stop thinking that I’m not worthy or I can’t do it because I can still. I just need to be more patient, and more persevering I guess? 
Guard against taking less than you are able of accomplishing or becoming complacent. 
Okay I think this relates to the sentence above. I’ve been doubting myself so much, and thinking that I’m not worthy or that I can’t do anything much that I’ve been scared to doing more of what I’m capable too. I’ve always underappreciated myself, and always and always think that everything I do is always not good. Hence, in order to avoid this, I always choose not to take risk and go to the safe zone.
Just as a  counter-argument, but how can I know if I can’t do it? What if it really is out of my capacity? But I wouldn’t know if I wouldn’t try it right? But what I tried it and I really can’t and others are affected by my performance? So does that mean I should give up easily, again? 
Your abilities are well suited to politics, law, and social work. 
For this sentence, I want to laugh. I’ve never dreamed of being involved in politics or law, and I don’t think I would ever dream of it. I may eat my words in the future but I really can’t see myself in that field. Maybe once when I tried thinking if I could be the president. I told my parents I would tell all the people to plant trees. Back then, I didn’t know how hard it is and it’s not easy as just commanding people to plant trees. Maybe another time when I was watching legal dramas? I thought it was cool to be a lawyer or judge, defending the weak and such. Also another time whenever I think maybe it would be nice if I could by the first lawyer or something my family (immediate fam). But me to the person who made this: are you really sure??? How?? Which ability? Which aspect? You jsut told me I’m so doubtful. How are my abilities suited for politics and law? Just thinking about learning politics and law makes me doubt and stress myself. It’s too hard. Too complicated. Especially here in my country? Oh god. Maybe social work would do. But I think I’d choose that as a part-time work.
The creativity of the Scorpio enhances Libra Moon and gives you good taste and strong creative interests. You can be disconcerted if a color scheme does not match because you are very sensitive to visual stimulation. 
This is actually cool. I’m not sure if this is true to myself though because I consider myself more of a trying hard artistic person, if I look at being creative in this perspective. Again, I consulted the best friend google and it says, “ having or showing an ability to make new things or think of new ideas. : using the ability to make or think of new things : involving the process by which new ideas, stories, etc., are created. “ Maybe I am really? More than people telling myself that I am creative, maybe I really am? I’m in the middle. I’m not sure exactly. It feels like I am creative but at the same time I’m not fully creative. I don’t know it’s still confusing. or am I again underappreciating myself.
For some Scorpio-Librans, zealotry is the result of the quest for truth. Your imagination is very strong and you need to guard against being fooled by charlatans who offer the secrets to the universe. 
This part gave me a hard time understanding. I can’t comprehend exactly what it is telling me, such that what’s the connection of imagination with being fooled? I can’t understand this yet, maybe I need to think this over and over, and deeper. But with that phrase “guard against being fooled by charlatans who offer the secrets to the universe,” okay I might agree on that. People say I’m gullible (yes this is me validating my personality from others), and I’ve realized that too and I should be careful of this gullible-ness.  
You will hurry whenever you sense injustice or unethical conduct is compromised, because you believe in fair play. 
Is this why earlier it stated that my abilities are suited for politics or law? Lol. But in a way I have to agree on this 1/2. When I see that something is not right, or as the phrase states it, when I “sense injustice or unethical conduct is compromised,” not that I will act again, but it will really bother me. Maybe if I’m less doubtful or I’m good at speaking I would “hurry” and act on it, but it will bother me first. I will think about it first, if am I being in the justice side or not. Sometimes, I would also consult others first.
You need to be careful about your tendency to preach and moralize because of your code of ethics. 
With this, I have to somewhat disagree. Like what I said earlier I do get bothered so much if I sense injustice or something unethical. But I wouldn’t act on it right away. I wouldn’t really preach or moralize most of the time, maybe if I really have to? Or if someone started debating or talking about that to me? and nowadays I’m also leaning towards doing something like Socratic method, rather than “preaching” and “moralizing,” I think. To some extent it  might still be “preaching” and “moralizing” but strictly speaking, I’m not sure if I tend to be like that. To add, my friend also told me she doesn’t see me that way (yes, validating from others again).
Delight and leisure loving are found in the signs of your combination. Basically you are a libertine no matter how high-minded and idealistic you try to be. 
This one. It’s so..... huh? I don’t know. Sure, I can see how I love delight and leisure. Super love especially alone times. But the libertine. high-minded. idealistic. Those words look simple but what definition exactly? how exactly? but maybe, and from what I can understand, it means that no matter how I try to pretend to be perfectionist? or having high standards? in reality I’m not? because at the end of it all, if I’m faced with something that delights me  or seems to be a leisure, I’d be satisfied with it? Am I making sense? Am I even making the right interpretation? I need to think about this further.
The barriers to your fulfillment are laziness and self-indulgence.
And so the whole paragraph ended with a warning. It true but a little bit ironic. I think it’s true that laziness might be really a barirer to my fullfillment--but I’d rather call it easily discouraged. Sometimes, I think I’m lazy because I’m really lazy. Other times, I think I’m lazy because I’m discouraged and don’t want to do it. And speaking of not doing it, like self-indulgence, if I won’t do it, I won’t do it (unless needed or I’m forced to but I think that would just bring bad results). When I want to do it, then I will do it. And yes, I said it’s a bit ironic because going back to the very top, the first paragraph seemed to be telling me to do what I want and not be afraid of what people think of me, yet here it’s as if telling that at the same time be careful. Or maybe I need to find the right balance? This last sentence, is a warning, but a very hard-thing-to-do warning. 
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emilyplaysotome · 7 years
Away and Back
After seeing @hotcocosharing‘s story prompted by @hifftn‘s story challenge I wanted to participate and this is what I came up with! I did this for fun which means it was a quick write with no revisions and probably a ton of errors...hope you enjoy it.
Like most nights without him, I’d reverted back to my “gross self” as I liked to call it - wearing stained sweatpants that had been diligently broken in after a decade of hardcore lounging. My hair was tied back, my makeup was off, and I was wearing the free glasses I’d gotten a few years back thanks to a promotion at Costco. 
It was fair to say that the nicest part of my outfit was an oversized t-shirt of his that I’d swiped from his apartment, but it did little to help my slovenly appearance. 
I’d taken the shirt home after the first night we spent together, insisting that I’d return it after washing it when in actuality I’d hoped to keep a memento. At the time I’d been uncertain as to whether or not we’d ever see each other again but as we continued to go out and it soon became obvious that I wasn’t simply a one night stand, the shirt quickly lost its souvenir status.
Instead, it served as a reminder of the man I loved during the long stretches we were apart - something that was a common occurrence for us.
On nights like tonight when he wasn’t around, I relished my solitude while simultaneously surrounding myself with the person I missed.
With my laptop open, I watched tv as I allowed myself to go down rabbit hole after rabbit hole to a soundtrack of variety shows and comedy programs. 
The cheap beer I drank on nights like tonight always made me gassy, and unconcerned with appearances I embraced it, belching loudly and allowing the noise to reverberate off the walls in my small, one bedroom apartment.
I think it’s fair to say that most girls would whine about the fact that their boyfriend spent most days on the road, but to be honest, I really liked what we had. 
Our relationship had provided me with the freedom to indulge my true self - a girl who enjoyed fried food, farting, and belching without worry that those around her would judge her. On nights like this I could be totally disgusting, and thanks to his schedule, he would have no idea.
We’d met through my work, and upon first glance he thought of me what everyone did. I knew that I came across competent, charming, and professional which was more than I could say for the others on my team.
Yes, I wanted a picture as did they, but the difference was that it was my job to photograph him and his friends. 
That day the stylist, beauticians, and even my assistant had taken turns swooning as they meekly asked for fan photos, all the while batting their eyelashes as they fantasized about something more. When the guys had asked me if I wanted one too I’d shaken my head and noted that I didn’t take fan photos on a job, and proceeded to ask them to disrobe so I could capture what it was we’d all been tasked with getting. 
Photographing five chiseled men wearing nothing but underwear and the occasional over-shirt probably seems like a dream to most, but I promise it’s nothing but a pain. 
The studio is always too cold, the talent is always uncomfortable, and on top of all that nothing is more awkward than having to objectify a group of people as you attempt to give your direction in the hopes of capturing that one, perfect salacious photo that will move magazines and further your career.
Over time I’ve learned that substituting words like “handsome” for “sexy” or “hot” allows for a more professional dialogue, and I remembered snapping away that day, saying things like, “That’s great. Three more oh-so-handsome photos and we’ll be done.”
After the shoot he’d come over to thank me for the day, like everyone always did, and I was polite in return. 
He asked if I had an Instagram account and I told him that I had a professional one in order to showcase my work. To that, he immediately took out his phone and followed me, telling me to tag him in the BTS photo his manager asked me to post and I agreed, figuring our exchange was purely business.
When I shared it out an hour later, he immediately “liked it” and as a result my modest following of 10k jumped to 100k practically overnight. 
I figured like most of the people I photographed I’d never speak him again, but as the months went on he’d message me over the app in response to my stories, or another shoot I’d done. I was always taken aback to see a message from someone like him, but never did I think he had any ulterior motives until the day that he messaged me in response to a BTS Instagram Story of my shoot with a popular young idol:
Kyohei Rikudoh - Beautiful! Can’t wait to see the final shot.
Me - Haha yeah it was a fun shoot.
I expected that to be it, but that night he sent more.
Kyohei Rikudoh - More fun than mine?
Me - Never ;)
I didn’t think twice about sending a playful answer seeing as how the pop idol world was full of social landmines that I’d learned were best laughed off. 
I figured he was like any other pop star and craved reassurance, certain my non-response would be enough to put our conversation to bed, however he persisted.
Kyohei Rikudoh - If you think I’m fun on set, you should see me on a date...want to go out sometime?
He had to be joking, or even worse, one of those pop stars who used women for fun after working with them. Seeing as how I had no desire to be added to his roster, I laughed his message off once more.
Me - Ha. Very funny Mr. Pop star. Night.
Kyohei Rikudoh - I’m not kidding. Have dinner with me...please?
Me - Not trying to be in a tabloid and I’m more of a relationship girl...so thanks for the invitation but I’d rather not waste either of our time.
Kyohei Rikudoh - It’s not a waste if I’m with you...and there won’t be a scandal. I like you.
I’d initially rolled my eyes at the response, not believing him for a second and chose to ignore the message. I went to sleep and awoke the next morning to several new messages from him in which he made a strong case for joining him for dinner.
Ultimately I relented, joining him for dinner, then sex, and much to my surprise we’ve been together ever since.
He’d be returning in a few days, and I’d shed my “gross” self for the one better suited for a pop star’s girlfriend. 
Upon reuniting I figured we’d do what we always did - catching up in each others arms after having sex, followed by a few days of living together, until he once again disappeared from my life for weeks, giving me the opportunity to revert into the person I’d never let anyone see but relished being.
The beer was making me sleepy, and I let out an unbecoming belch as I settled into the couch, too lazy to attempt to make it to my bed. 
My television continued to drone on in the background and with my week free of photoshoots I had no need to worry. If I overslept, I overslept. I didn’t need to be anywhere this week and it was a great feeling.
With no obligations, I snuggled into the nest I’d created on my couch - surrounded by empty beer bottles, takeout, blankets, and pillows. 
It was something you’d expect from a frat boy, not a professional woman but it was so comfortable...so freeing...so...
Hearing his voice made me feel as if I’d been doused with a bucket of ice water, and I quickly shot up only to verify that my boyfriend had indeed returned and had caught...me being me.
“What are you doing here?” I asked, trying to hide my panic.
He’d seen it all (other than the burping and farting thank god), and he looked at me both surprised and amused, cocking his head to the side as he crossed his arms and shot me a teasing grin.
“They say there’s no place like home and I’d have to agree...”
“You’re such a cheeky bastard,” I said, throwing a pillow in an attempt to distract him from how mortified I was. “You know this isn’t your home, right?”
“Might as well be...you gave me a key and all.”
“With the understanding that you’d give me a heads up before coming over...”
“I wanted to surprise you.”
“Oh, believe me, I’m surprised.”
He laughed again and I threw another pillow at him.
“So this is what you do when I’m away,” he said, nimbly dodging it as he quickly pinned me down on the coach. “I had all these ideas that you went out, met guys...but really...”
“See! This is exactly why I never wanted to date a pop star in the first place! You wouldn’t understand...”
“Oh no...I totally understand,” he said before giving me a kiss. “May I join you?”
I could feel my face flush from being in such close proximity to the man I loved, and nodded, relieved that my appearance hadn’t scared him off. 
Flashing me another naughty smirk, he left my side and headed to my bathroom where I watched as he removed his jewelry and hopped in the shower, returning to my living room wearing nothing other than his boxers. 
It was that that I realized for the first time my perfect pop star boyfriend was without his usual embellishments and I realized that even when we hung out at home, just as I’d done, he’d always made the effort to style his hair and maintain a certain appearance in my presence.
This version of Kyohei Rikudoh was free of his usual pop prince aura, and there was something almost boy-next-door about him as he approached me with wet hair, two open beer bottles, and a playful grin.
I took a sip, and much to my surprise, for the first time since meeting, we didn’t reunite with sex. In that moment it struck me that drinking cheap beer from the convenience store as we looked our worst, somehow managed to feel more intimate than anything we’d done to date and I felt myself relax next to him.
For a few minutes we enjoyed a comfortable silence before he reached over and grabbed the remote, flipping aimlessly through channels before finally settling on a soccer match that had been played earlier in the day. 
He put his arm around me, and pulled me close before taking another swig and finding myself the happiest I’d ever been in a relationship, I snuggled close to him.
“Hey Kyohei?”
“Welcome home.”
He looked at me with a smirk, and then, belched in response. 
I laughed, and for the first time wondered if I’d found my perfect man.
I hope you enjoyed my little take on your challenge. I keep saying I need to focus on my IRL projects (which I do!) but I couldn’t help but take a stab at this.
As always, if you found this story and liked it...I hope you’ll consider sharing it and if you’re feeling really generous I hope you’ll consider buying me a coffee!
Thanks for reading!
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erindarroch · 7 years
Hey! I'm a huge fan! In one chapter of Domestic Bliss, Han and Leia are recalling a mission gone awry where they have to sleep together before they are together. What made Leia let her guard down and allow this to happen? Will you and Justine ever write a story about this event? You also wrote that this wasn't even the first time they'd had to share a bed. How did those arrangements work out? Will you be treating us to stories about the other times this happened early on in their relationship?
Hello, Anon! Thank you for your question, and please accept my apologies for taking so long to answer it. I've been on holiday.
@jhgraham and I hold virtually the same headcanon re: the development of the relationship between Han and Leia in the period between ANH-ESB and we have plenty of rough sketches in our "plot bunnies" box for that period, but we've never actually made a proper story of any of it (yet). I guess we've been too preoccupied with making happy H/L kiss and canoodle (among other things) in the post-RotJ period. ;) But your questions have our minds awhirl once again, as it's a period we're both strongly attracted to (as readers) and we do plan to write our own versions of events...someday.
It's just that...to do it properly means to take it slowly, because that's the way H/L's relationship developed (slowly). However, as writers, we're often too impatient for the payoff to dedicate ourselves to writing that build-up, you know? And we're too lazy! Compared to the cozy/settled post-RotJ period, the UST between ANH and ESB is fairly difficult to master and maintain, imho, and so we tend to depend on others in this little H/L community who are better than we are at writing that delicious stuff. We just gobble it up greedily and beg for more! haha
Having said that, though, we think about it A LOT and I imagine we will someday attempt to write some of these things up ourselves.... 
As for what made Leia let her guard down and allow Han to cuddle up to her when they were alone on a mission and sharing a sleep sack? Well... we think that sort of thing took a loooong time to develop, too. From their first touch in the trash compactor and that warm embrace after the first DS was destroyed, we extrapolate and imagine that they became increasingly comfortable with physical contact after that. Of course, at first, it was purely out of necessity and/or the result of strong emotion but, over time, mission after mission, year after year, they get closer and closer. They are allies, after all, and they have to trust each other to a certain degree, even at the beginning. Then their friendship becomes increasingly warm and intimate, trust grows, and the attraction just gets stronger. 
For example, we have a fairly well developed outline for a story in which they are betrayed by a contact and find themselves cornered in an unfamiliar city. They hole up for a day or two because Leia is injured and needs to rest before she can move without attracting attention. In that short time period, they are forced to share a bed and each takes some comfort in the other's proximity and touch (although it doesn't last). Leia wants Han and she knows he wants her, too, but she won't allow herself to become involved with a man who continually insists that he won't be sticking around for long....because that would be foolish, and Leia Organa is no fool. In the meantime, Han wants Leia and he knows she wants him, too, but he has developed an aversion to close attachments (Chewie being the only exception), and his life and livelihood pretty much depend upon him keeping a low profile and avoiding Imperial entanglements. He certainly doesn't think it's a good idea to become attached to a headstrong revolutionary whose whole raison d'etre is to provoke the Empire and bring it down. So he's conflicted.... 
But the heart wants what it wants. And so it goes. 
We don't think it was anything like "love at first sight" for either Han or Leia, but we do think their attraction was powerful from the start. They are drawn to one another over and over again, but then one or the other of them veers away for the reasons stated above. However, each and every experience they share is a thread in the tether that eventually binds them to each other forever. We imagine that things were beginning to intensify between them just prior to when we see them again in ESB, when they were slowly inching in the direction of becoming sexually involved. By the time we get to ESB, they have history. They have shared all sorts of things that comrades-in-arms share (including occasionally enduring rough sleeping arrangements while on missions). They are friends, but (so our headcanon goes) definitely heading in the direction of becoming "more than friends" by the time they get to Hoth. We don't think they had a sexual relationship before the trip to Bespin, but we think they were getting awfully close to it. Promises were made.... And then Ord Mantell happened. Han changed his mind about staying. Leia got really pissed off about that. And that's how we see them at the beginning of ESB. 
If you want to know exactly what our head canon is re: this period, read "Mergers and Acquisitions" and "Between the Lines" by Sue Zahn [ @suezahn ] These are the fics leading up to her trip-to-Bespin story, "Into the Fire". In particular, there is a scene in M&A that takes place on the couch in their hotel suite, which is mmmmm-mmmm-mmm good! Immortalized in a rough sketch by the great Leela Starsky (Kate McCredie), too. That is (according to our shared hc) as close as they ever get to sleeping together before the trip to Bespin. 
Thanks for your interest and support, Anon! Sorry for writing you a novel-length reply. I think about these things waaaaay too much.
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fy-girls-generation · 8 years
[INTERVIEW] Sooyoung in Sports Donga (March 2017)
SNSD’s 10 Year Friendship According to Sooyoung Really sad about Wonder Girls’ disbandment as a fan, understands the preciousness of popularity so always remember the beginnings Sunday morning of August 5, 2007. Inside of the 45-person bus en route to the Seoul Deungchon-dong SBS public hall. Two days ago, debut single ‘Into the New World’ had come out and it was the road to their first stage for SBS ‘Inkigayo’. Inside of the silent bus, members could not look at each other. It was because if their gazes had met, tears would pour out of their eyes. To avoid gazes, they looked out the window endlessly, but they were not able to see anything properly. At the time, the outside of the bus was wrapped with a photo of SNSD. Members looked out at a landscape that they couldn’t see properly and held in their tears. And they went on their first stage. The girls held their tears back and finished the stage. On the way back to the waiting room, the members teared up one by one. Parents who came to congratulate them on their first stage cried together with them. These tears were warmer than the tears shed countlessly during their time was trainees, 3 and a half years if it was short, 7 years if it was long. The girls came back to their dorm and cried again. Sooyoung who we met on the 21st at the Seoul Cheongdam-dong SM Entertainment office building recalled that time and smiled, saying “I remember looking out at the scenery out the window and sniffling, not really seeing anything. It was a stage we went on after practicing the leg kick for 1 year”. The leg kick Sooyoung references is a point choreography in the ‘Into the New World’ performance. Even now when we go overseas for concerts, we gather in the same room to chat. Most of the members have spent 1/3 of their lives together. “Secret to 10 Years is Friendship, Concern and Respect Among Members” – What is the secret to maintaining the team for 10 years? “It’s the high degree of intimacy among members. It’s not a relationship connected simply by work, but we meet each other as friends, so we are able to go for a long time. There are no incidents of a member having total control of another because they’re older or anything like that. We know what each person likes and dislikes, so we respect one another, we consider one another, and we concede for one another and have been able to come all this way.” – Now that it has been 10 years, do you see each other less often? “There are still a lot of stories we have to share. It’s a huge thing to have been together for 10 years. Most of the members have spent 1/3 of their lives together. I’ve spent 1/2 of my life so far at my current agency (SM Entertainment). I almost don’t have friends my age aside from my members. We speak to each other about everything, from each others’ concerns, to work, to family. Members are friends like that.” – We heard you set time aside to share stories daily during early days of debut. “For a while we had ‘5 Minute Talks’. We made it mandatory to share stories every day with each other. As we wrapped up each day, we talked about things that disappointed us that day, things we have to be cautious about, and areas of improvement. (After we left the dorms) We each had our own space, and as we spent time with family, we haven’t been able to continue doing it but we did it for a while. Even now, when we go overseas for concerts, we gather in one room and share many stories with one another, as we had back then.” – Do you also talk about dating and discuss work (individual projects)? “We talk about trivial things like ‘What should I wear tomorrow’ to giving advice on projects, saying ‘going forward, do more of this’. Since it’s listening to a different female celebrity’s story who you’ve been with for 10 years, so it impacts me and gives me a challenge.” – If one member does something, is it the duty of other members to go and cheer them on? “More than money, the most important thing for the members is time. Recently, I did a charity concert and I felt bad asking the members to come. Because I would need to use up their precious time. But Tiffany said ‘You won’t ask because you’d feel sorry about asking’ and she made time on her own to come. And performed with me. When members release a solo album or film a drama, I go to cheer them on. To one another, that is the biggest and most precious gift.” — After their 5th album “Lion Heart” released in August 2015, SNSD have been promoting individual activities. Especially this year, Yuri has had her first starring role in a public broadcast drama through SBS ‘Defendant’, and Seohyun will star in MBC weekend drama ‘Thief, Mr. Thief’ starting in May. Yoona enjoyed joy of box office success with her first Korean movie ‘Confidential Assignment’ which opened in January. Sooyoung started acting in the KBS 2TV sitcom ‘Unstoppable Marriage’ that aired starting in November 2007. – Yuri and Seohyun have hit their strides as actresses. “Yuri extensively studied the occupation of a lawyer for ‘Defendant’. She worried a lot about her image as SNSD overlapping (with the character). But as each episode went on, she became assimilated into the character. As a friend, I think she did well so I am proud. Seohyun’s emotional sensibility is good. She always surprises me. I wondered if she would be able to do it, and she did it well. She’s a maknae dongsaeng who will do well so I don’t need to worry.” – In the 20 year history of South Korean girl groups, SNSD has taken up 10 years of it. There must be a huge sense of pride. “(During group promotions) Even just 2 years ago, I didn’t fully understand the huge meaning behind everything I’ve done so far. I didn’t know how difficult and big it was that we received daesangs as a girl group and toured internationally. We were too busy working hard to prepare the tasks right in front of our eyes and stand on stage. As we did our individual activities, I understand that the work that I do as SNSD is the most valuable work that I can do. I received generous love beyond my abilities. Because the 8 of us were together, we were able to ride the boat of SNSD.” – You must have felt more empty than anyone else at the disbandment of debut mates, Wonder Girls. “As I watched Wonder Girls band transformation, I really respected them. As we have been doing performances for 10 years, if someone had recommended to us to transform like that and to attempt it, would we have been able to do it. I was curious about their transformation so I searched and read all of the Wonder Girls interviews. Wonder Girls were a good influence, and we were a good driving force for one another. As a fan, I was disappointed (at their disbandment), but as a colleague, i am still cheering them on. As I can still listen to their music.” – We heard the 10th anniversary album is coming out in the summer. “(10th anniversary album) is the right and obvious thing to do, and since last year, all of the members have been showing their desire. It’s the biggest event that the members have been looking forward to.” — “Hope to be Remembered Forever as Representative of Girl Groups” ‘Into the New World’ as a song became a rally cry for students at the Ehwa Women’s University last year. It also sounded out at a candlelit vigil demanding the impeachment of former President Park Geunhye. Among people in their 20s who have participated in idol culture, SNSD became a language. A language of the heart that makes you feel a sense of unity in song. – What does ‘Into the New World’ mean to SNSD? “Isn’t it a masterpiece among girl group debut songs? Haha. It’s a point of pride for idols to have caught the attention of the mass public. It’s a happy thing to have a song that can be sung together with people of various generations.” – TWICE has been named as the ‘K-Pop Girl Group Who Will Continue SNSD’s Legacy’ by Yomiuri Newspaper in Japan. “I’m proud that they are being introduced as ‘continuing SNSD’s legacy’. During our time, whenever a rookie came out, they were called ‘The 2nd BoA’. Now ‘The 2nd Soshi’ are coming out.” – How do you feel watching girl group hoobaes these days? “They are so pretty, and doing well. Our girl groups do not show individual emotions. It’s because we always have to smile. It’s impossible to be happy and joyful every day, but I want to applaud them for always maintaining their smiling appearances.” – What is a strong suit unique to SNSD? “We try to emulate the positive qualities of one another. If one person works hard, a different member does as well. Whoever sets the precedence, we all give and receive positive influence. The fact that we greet others well is also a strong suit. More than anything, we were not successful at first try, so we’ve never forgotten the ‘hungry mindset’. We know the preciousness of popularity.” – How would you like SNSD to be remembered? “I hope we will be forever ‘representatives’ of girl groups.” If you were to choose the most critical moment in SNSD’s 10 years, it would be Jessica’s withdrawal. We wonder if that incident made SNSD even stronger. Like a riddle, Sooyoung recited a famous dialogue from a popular drama. “I liked all of the days we were together. Because the days were good, and because the days were not good, and because the days were just enough….”
trans by SonexStella
source: Sports Donga
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smileyanie · 8 years
Tumblr media
I share again a full translation of Sooyoung. She really convey a deep message in every words she said. I hope you all have time to read this.👍👍👍👍🙆🙆🙆 [INTERVIEW TRANSLATION] Sooyoung in Sports Donga (March 2017) - "SNSD’s 10 Year Friendship According to Sooyoung":, credit sonexstella Sunday morning of August 5, 2007. Inside of the 45-person bus en route to the Seoul Deungchon-dong SBS public hall. Two days ago, debut single ‘Into the New World’ had come out and it was the road to their first stage for SBS ‘Inkigayo’. Inside of the silent bus, members could not look at each other. It was because if their gazes had met, tears would pour out of their eyes. To avoid gazes, they looked out the window endlessly, but they were not able to see anything properly. At the time, the outside of the bus was wrapped with a photo of SNSD. Members looked out at a landscape that they couldn’t see properly and held in their tears. And they went on their first stage. The girls held their tears back and finished the stage. On the way back to the waiting room, the members teared up one by one. Parents who came to congratulate them on their first stage cried together with them. These tears were warmer than the tears shed countlessly during their time was trainees, 3 and a half years if it was short, 7 years if it was long. The girls came back to their dorm and cried again. Sooyoung who we met on the 21st at the Seoul Cheongdam-dong SM Entertainment office building recalled that time and smiled, saying “I remember looking out at the scenery out the window and sniffling, not really seeing anything. It was a stage we went on after practicing the leg kick for 1 year”. The leg kick Sooyoung references is a point choreography in the ‘Into the New World’ performance. Even now when we go overseas for concerts, we gather in the same room to chat. Most of the members have spent 1/3 of their lives together. “Secret to 10 Years is Friendship, Concern and Respect Among Members” – What is the secret to maintaining the team for 10 years? “It’s the high degree of intimacy among members. It’s not a relationship connected simply by work, but we meet each other as friends, so we are able to go for a long time. There are no incidents of a member having total control of another because they’re older or anything like that. We know what each person likes and dislikes, so we respect one another, we consider one another, and we concede for one another and have been able to come all this way.” – Now that it has been 10 years, do you see each other less often? “There are still a lot of stories we have to share. It’s a huge thing to have been together for 10 years. Most of the members have spent 1/3 of their lives together. I’ve spent 1/2 of my life so far at my current agency (SM Entertainment). I almost don’t have friends my age aside from my members. We speak to each other about everything, from each others’ concerns, to work, to family. Members are friends like that.” – We heard you set time aside to share stories daily during early days of debut. “For a while we had ‘5 Minute Talks’. We made it mandatory to share stories every day with each other. As we wrapped up each day, we talked about things that disappointed us that day, things we have to be cautious about, and areas of improvement. (After we left the dorms) We each had our own space, and as we spent time with family, we haven’t been able to continue doing it but we did it for a while. Even now, when we go overseas for concerts, we gather in one room and share many stories with one another, as we had back then.” – Do you also talk about dating and discuss work (individual projects)? “We talk about trivial things like ‘What should I wear tomorrow’ to giving advice on projects, saying ‘going forward, do more of this’. Since it’s listening to a different female celebrity’s story who you’ve been with for 10 years, so it impacts me and gives me a challenge.” – If one member does something, is it the duty of other members to go and cheer them on? “More than money, the most important thing for the members is time. Recently, I did a charity concert and I felt bad asking the members to come. Because I would need to use up their precious time. But Tiffany said ‘You won’t ask because you’d feel sorry about asking’ and she made time on her own to come. And performed with me. When members release a solo album or film a drama, I go to cheer them on. To one another, that is the biggest and most precious gift.” — After their 5th album “Lion Heart” released in August 2015, SNSD have been promoting individual activities. Especially this year, Yuri has had her first starring role in a public broadcast drama through SBS ‘Defendant’, and Seohyun will star in MBC weekend drama ‘Thief, Mr. Thief’ starting in May. Yoona enjoyed joy of box office success with her first Korean movie ‘Confidential Assignment’ which opened in January. Sooyoung started acting in the KBS 2TV sitcom ‘Unstoppable Marriage’ that aired starting in November 2007. – Yuri and Seohyun have hit their strides as actresses. “Yuri extensively studied the occupation of a lawyer for ‘Defendant’. She worried a lot about her image as SNSD overlapping (with the character). But as each episode went on, she became assimilated into the character. As a friend, I think she did well so I am proud. Seohyun’s emotional sensibility is good. She always surprises me. I wondered if she would be able to do it, and she did it well. She’s a maknae dongsaeng who will do well so I don’t need to worry.” – In the 20 year history of South Korean girl groups, SNSD has taken up 10 years of it. There must be a huge sense of pride. “(During group promotions) Even just 2 years ago, I didn’t fully understand the huge meaning behind everything I’ve done so far. I didn’t know how difficult and big it was that we received daesangs as a girl group and toured internationally. We were too busy working hard to prepare the tasks right in front of our eyes and stand on stage. As we did our individual activities, I understand that the work that I do as SNSD is the most valuable work that I can do. I received generous love beyond my abilities. Because the 8 of us were together, we were able to ride the boat of SNSD.” – You must have felt more empty than anyone else at the disbandment of debut mates, Wonder Girls. “As I watched Wonder Girls band transformation, I really respected them. As we have been doing performances for 10 years, if someone had recommended to us to transform like that and to attempt it, would we have been able to do it. I was curious about their transformation so I searched and read all of the Wonder Girls interviews. Wonder Girls were a good influence, and we were a good driving force for one another. As a fan, I was disappointed (at their disbandment), but as a colleague, i am still cheering them on. As I can still listen to their music.” – We heard the 10th anniversary album is coming out in the summer. “(10th anniversary album) is the right and obvious thing to do, and since last year, all of the members have been showing their desire. It’s the biggest event that the members have been looking forward to.” — “Hope to be Remembered Forever as Representative of Girl Groups” ‘Into the New World’ as a song became a rally cry for students at the Ehwa Women’s University last year. It also sounded out at a candlelit vigil demanding the impeachment of former President Park Geunhye. Among people in their 20s who have participated in idol culture, SNSD became a language. A language of the heart that makes you feel a sense of unity in song. – What does ‘Into the New World’ mean to SNSD? “Isn’t it a masterpiece among girl group debut songs? Haha. It’s a point of pride for idols to have caught the attention of the mass public. It’s a happy thing to have a song that can be sung together with people of various generations.” – TWICE has been named as the ‘K-Pop Girl Group Who Will Continue SNSD’s Legacy’ by Yomiuri Newspaper in Japan. “I’m proud that they are being introduced as ‘continuing SNSD’s legacy’. During our time, whenever a rookie came out, they were called ‘The 2nd BoA’. Now ‘The 2nd Soshi’ are coming out.” – How do you feel watching girl group hoobaes these days? “They are so pretty, and doing well. Our girl groups do not show individual emotions. It’s because we always have to smile. It’s impossible to be happy and joyful every day, but I want to applaud them for always maintaining their smiling appearances.” – What is a strong suit unique to SNSD? “We try to emulate the positive qualities of one another. If one person works hard, a different member does as well. Whoever sets the precedence, we all give and receive positive influence. The fact that we greet others well is also a strong suit. More than anything, we were not successful at first try, so we’ve never forgotten the ‘hungry mindset’. We know the preciousness of popularity.” – How would you like SNSD to be remembered? “I hope we will be forever ‘representatives’ of girl groups.” If you were to choose the most critical moment in SNSD’s 10 years, it would be Jessica’s withdrawal. We wonder if that incident made SNSD even stronger. Like a riddle, Sooyoung recited a famous dialogue from a popular drama. “I liked all of the days we were together. Because the days were good, and because the days were not good, and because the days were just enough….”
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russellthornton · 7 years
Texting Before the First Date: A Complete Guide to Doing It Right
So, the day, time, and place are all booked? You’ve got a week to go until the first date, should you be texting before the first date?
Texting before the first date can be tricky or helpful, depending on how you play it. I would probably need more than two hands to count on my fingers the number of times I’ve agreed on a date, but leading up to it either:
– She’s had a change of plans. – Cancelled at the last minute. – Or even worse, totally forgotten about the date.
The first date is a slippery affair. It can also be counterintuitive–playing it too ‘by the books’ when you’re texting makes the other person think they’ve won you over and there’s no challenge. But if you don’t text at all, they might assume you’re not serious about meeting.
I’ve even had it when a day and time goes by without either of us acknowledging it because I totally forgot. That’s pretty bad. Other times, we both maintained a text conversation that builds a cool excitement in the days leading up to the first date. The date itself then feels like a climax, rather than reviving the dead.
Have you over-planned the first date?
I try not to set formal dates at all, rather I build up conversation and banter, letting a meeting emerge from my weekly patterns or from hers. This way our time together feels less predictable. It presents an opportunity for us both to get value, rather than me having a desperate desire to close a deal.
I’m never the used car salesman… This goes for both men and women. However, it’s usually the guy chasing the girl more, so usually it’s the guy who needs to crank the brakes a little to show that he has quality options. [Read: How to text someone when you want to make the first move]
Texting before the first date when it’s scheduled
Sometimes you both have busy lives. So scheduling a time in advance really is the sensible way to go about it. Even though it’s not my first option, I’ve had many cool first dates that I planned a week ahead or even more on rare occasions. Here are some of the ways I  text leading up to the date
#1 Not going into detail. She may be a little hesitant or nervous about meeting the first time. So I don’t want to give her feeling that the first date will be a regimented affair or that she must follow some extravagant plan.
Instead, I keep it light. This goes for both the girl and the guy. The mood I go for is ‘Who knows what will happen? This is just a chill cool meeting, not an official date.’
Her: ‘So, where r we going?’ Me: ‘Let’s meet at clapham common station. We’ll grab a quick drink and throw straws at people.’ Her: ‘Ok sounds cool I used to do athletics… see you Thurs.’ [Read: 30 fun first date ideas that will leave them wanting so much more]
#2 Not texting much. The previous example illustrates this rule too. I go short and sweet. And once the logistics are set, the way I view it is that the more I text a girl before a first date, the more I feel as if I try to keep her committed to it. This is not always true, but it’s a general rule of thumb.
She’s already going to meet me in person; I don’t want to hound her. I want her thinking about me during the week and about meeting this busy, fun, mysterious guy. I might message something completely non-date related or fun: a meme, some observation. [Read: 20 flirty ways to text your crush and keep them interested]
#3 Not checking in on her. I won’t ask her questions like ‘how you doing this morning?’ because that just seems too personal before a first date. I usually avoid questions at this point altogether. I might just make a statement here or there.
After the first date has been arranged, I tell her to save the date in the calendar so that she doesn’t forget.
I might say something silly like ‘I’m a lady so don’t stand me up ;)’ or ‘If one of us is late drinks are on them.’ It sort of stresses a boundary, because I value my time. Then I just assume she’s handled her own s***.
#4 Not sexualizing. Girls, if you don’t want a one-dimensional fling, then it’s probably best not to suggest you’re sexually keen. But it is a good test in some ways. As a guy, unless she’s giving crazy sexual signals I won’t be sexual over text before the first date. For me, that’s a bad idea—like stepping into a bear trap. [Read: 18 things a girl does that makes a guy think she’s an easy lay]
Of course, I am a guy, but once she thinks she’s figured out that single one intention she might ignore my other dimensions, or have second thoughts about meeting up.
So I play it smoother, more like a gentleman, and let her imagine what could happen. Gentlemen know how to play it smooth, even if you both do want to get it on swiftly. [Read: How to get lucky on the first date: 15 secrets to get laid]
#5 Indirectly texting an hour before. Examples:
– ‘Hey running like 15 minutes late sorry.’ *I’m usually fashionably late* – ‘Hey, I’ll meet you outside of the entrance next to McDonald’s. Catch you soon.’
These indirect messages an hour before remind her of the date in case she lost track of time. If there’s no reply, or if I want to be more direct, I’ll say: ‘How are you doing for time? If you’re too early someone will prob try to take you on a pre-date.’ [Read: How to avoid getting stood up on a date]
#6 Tell 30-40% or less. Sometimes girls flood guys with a slew of questions before the first date, as if trying to get a read on their very soul. Or a guy gives away too much about who he is—which is probably more common.
I think this is a bad idea for a couple of reasons. Firstly, even my closest friends and family have a difficult time at working me out at times. So that’s why I never fall for this trap.
Although she’s asking me to tell her everything about me, she doesn’t really want to know—even if she thinks she does. Plus, if we have great chemistry over text together it just becomes too much.
It builds up too much of an image of who we both are before even speaking face to face, and it’s bound to be too much to live up to.
Instead, I’ll tell her like 30-40% about me so that feel she doesn’t get anxious that I’m too much of a stranger. Just enough for her to feel comfortable that I’m a cool guy that she wants to hang out with, and so that it feels right for both of us to meet up and chat. [Read: 7 stages of first date panic and how to quell them]
#7 Not psychoanalyzing the person over text. If they seem reasonably normal and there’s no major warning signs, then I won’t make a call on whether our personalities suit. I think for women it’s more important to do some digging just so that they feel safe with the person *and obviously meet somewhere public.
But it’s hard to get a read on who someone is even in person. Doing so over text is an exercise in disappointment I think. The same goes for if I try to tell her who I am over text.
It’s a strange experience to have a massive profile built up about someone before the first date. Not knowing too much beforehand, let’s the date become an exploratory experience.
#8 Not fronting personality. When I’ve tried to show my cleverness or some strong aspect of my personality through text before the first date, it’s been like pretty much setting myself up to have to act a role on the date itself.
I write professionally, so I turn a half-decent phrase or create convincing imagery, but I prefer not to try too hard to impress over text, so that when we see each other in person she can be pleasantly surprised by my sense of humor, confidence, worldliness, and so on.
I make a chilled first impression over text and then know I can go in chilled on the first date without confusing her, and slowly crank it up. [Read: How to subtly flirt with a girl: The art of subtle seduction]
#9 Not replying with longer messages. This one goes without saying unless you deliver some important logistical information. Imagine the scene below:
Him: Cool, looking forward 🙂
Her: Looking forward to meeting too! This will be fun. I haven’t been to Clapham before, but I heard it’s got great bar life and is pretty suave. Hope I won’t be disappointed! 🙂
Him: Yeah, it’s great, not sure about the suave bit LOL 😉
Her: Haha, I hope you’re right. The only bar I’ve been to in south London is one in Brixton, which was interesting. LOL, Clapham isn’t suave? Well, okay… I guess I’ll have to be careful then.
Sending long text messages to someone before you know them well can be a sign of large-scale naivety to social norms, which might in turn indicate low intelligence or desperation. Any guy who looks for quality makes a note of that, so keeping it reciprocal maintains a feeling of suspense and challenge. [Read: How long should a first date last? Your guide to timing it right]
Texting before the first date is like the formalities before a courtly dance. Being overeager makes the other person think you’re likely to trip over your own feet. But a brief nod and smile tells them you’re a confident mover. When your turn to pair up eventually comes, you’ll get to find out how well you move together.
[Read: The texting and follow-up guide after a great first date]
The next time you’re confused about texting before the first date or wondering what you need to text, just follow this guide. You’ll never, ever go wrong!
The post Texting Before the First Date: A Complete Guide to Doing It Right is the original content of LovePanky - Your Guide to Better Love and Relationships.
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