news24fr · 2 years
Près des deux tiers des fabricants britanniques craignent des pannes d'électricité cet hiver au milieu des retombées de la crise de l'énergie, selon une enquête de l'industrie, alors que les inquiétudes grandissent quant aux projets du gouvernement de réduire le soutien financier aux entreprises.Alors que le chancelier, Jeremy Hunt, se prépare à annoncer une forte réduction du soutien à l'industrie, l'organisme commercial Make UK a déclaré que l'impact des coûts énergétiques exorbitants sur les fabricants ne montrait aucun signe de ralentissement.Le groupe industriel, qui représente 20 000 fabricants britanniques, a déclaré que la réduction du soutien financier exacerberait les pertes d'emplois et réduirait la production des usines, ce qui nuirait à l'économie.Hunt devrait dévoiler un ensemble de mesures cette semaine pour aider les entreprises ayant des coûts énergétiques élevés, y compris la prolongation d'un programme au-delà de sa date d'expiration en mars.Cependant, la chancelière a déclaré aux patrons lors d'une réunion critique la semaine dernière que les mesures actuelles étaient "d'un coût insoutenable" et seraient remplacées à un "niveau inférieur".Selon une enquête menée auprès de plus de 200 hauts responsables de l'industrie manufacturière par MakeUK et le cabinet d'expertise comptable PwC, près des trois quarts des entreprises (70 %) s'attendent à ce que leurs coûts énergétiques augmentent cette année, les deux tiers déclarant qu'ils prévoient de réduire leur production ou emplois en conséquence.Dans les dernières enquêtes auprès des entreprises du cabinet d'expertise comptable et de conseil aux entreprises BDO, les employeurs ont également annoncé leur intention de suspendre le recrutement en raison des inquiétudes concernant une récession, les entreprises étant aux prises avec une inflation élevée et des pressions sur la chaîne d'approvisionnement.Make UK a découvert que jusqu'à 60 % des patrons étaient de plus en plus préoccupés par les pannes affectant leur entreprise, tandis que près des deux tiers (64 %) ont déclaré que les coûts énergétiques plus élevés constituaient le plus grand risque pour leur entreprise. Plus de 13 % ont spécifiquement envisagé de fermer l'entreprise ou de mettre en place des arrêts, et plus d'un sur 10 envisage de délocaliser la production dans un autre pays où les coûts énergétiques sont moins chers.Malgré l'inquiétude accrue des dirigeants de l'industrie, les prix de gros de l'énergie ont fortement chuté ces dernières semaines après une période de temps relativement doux au Royaume-Uni et en Europe.Les économistes de HSBC ont déclaré que la baisse des prix pourrait profiter aux entreprises et contribuer à faire baisser l'inflation. Elizabeth Martins, économiste principale à la banque, a déclaré: «En supposant qu'un soutien supplémentaire minimal à partir d'avril, cette baisse des prix de l'essence sera d'une importance cruciale pour de nombreuses entreprises.« Bien sûr, de nombreuses factures peuvent encore augmenter. Mais par rapport à certaines des factures auxquelles les entreprises étaient confrontées auparavant [current government support was introduced]les niveaux actuels semblent décidément plus gérables.Stephen Phipson, directeur général de Make UK, a déclaré que les niveaux de soutien gouvernemental existants étaient un sparadrap inadéquat, les fabricants étant également aux prises avec des perturbations continues de la chaîne d'approvisionnement, des pénuries de main-d'œuvre, des incertitudes politiques et des coûts de transport élevés.Inscrivez-vous pour Les affaires aujourd'huiNewsletter quotidienne gratuitePréparez-vous pour la journée de travail - nous vous indiquerons toutes les actualités et analyses commerciales dont vous avez besoin chaque matin
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stuartbramhall · 2 years
60% of Great Britain’s manufacturing sector risks closure due to soaring energy prices
60% of Great Britain’s manufacturing sector risks closure due to soaring energy prices
Dr Eddy Betterman The results of a new survey on the current state of the British economy are dire, suggesting that as many as six in 10 manufacturing businesses throughout the country are at risk of closing due to skyrocketing energy bills. MakeUK, a manufacturing lobby organization in the United Kingdom, announced over the weekend that 42 percent of British manufacturing businesses have already…
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drzigs · 4 years
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We need some help with reviews!   So if you would like some bubbles for FREE in exchange for giving us a review please do get in touch on [email protected] We’re specifically looking for reviewers for our CAT NIP BUBBLES, our DOGGIE BUBBLES and our PAINTING KIT, and possibly some others. We only have a few to give away – we are busy giving away lots atm – but if you email we will keep you in mind for future reviews as well.   You will need to be fairly nimble on the internet, and ideally able to take some good pictures too. And yes… CAT NIP BUBBLES! 😻😻😻 #giantbubbles #productreview #ecotoys #pettoys #productdevelopment #sharethebubblelove #changingtheworldonebubbleatatime #madeinuk #makeuk #petsathome https://www.instagram.com/p/CALQ1oOAnu8/?igshid=4xltvol4lhat
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ianchisnall · 5 years
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Our Government must start listening to businesses effectively The meeting that took place at the beginning of last week between the Department for BEIS represented by Andrea Leadsom and Kelly Tolhurst and a number of business network agencies has indicated that our Government is not willing to listen to businesses that have different opinions to them over such important issues as Brexit.
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genhowlter · 4 years
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basically purple-blue gradient 💜💙
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lifewithcasti · 6 years
Just for fun ! #castiyourfairylashmother #music #feelthebeat #yeah #mua #makeuk #eatglitter #awkward
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adannayauzor · 8 years
Brand New Video!!
(via https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y3a1jhcP7S8)
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radiobg-london · 2 years
Шест от 10 британски фабрики са застрашени от фалит заради енергийни сметки
Шест от 10 британски фабрики са застрашени от фалит заради енергийни сметки
Нарастващите сметки за енергия заплашват да извадят от бизнеса шест от всеки десет британски производители, според проучване, което разкрива мащабите на кризата, пред която е изправен следващият министър-председател, MakeUK, лобистката група на британските фабрики, заяви, че почти половината от производителите са изпитали скок на сметките за електроенергия с повече от 100% през последната година,…
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lapdropworldwide · 2 years
Six in 10 British factories at risk of closing — Bloomberg
Six in 10 British factories at risk of closing — Bloomberg
Soaring electricity bills are projected to drive manufacturers out of business Some 60% of factories in the UK are at severe risk of shutting down as energy bills across the nation continue to skyrocket, Bloomberg reported on Saturday, citing a poll conducted by MakeUK, a lobby group for British factories.   Nearly half of manufacturers have seen electricity bills surge by more than 100% over the…
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fx999blog · 4 years
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英银将长期维持低利率!英镑还有两大硬骨头要啃,恐继续下行失守1.25 英银将长期维持低利率!英镑还有两大硬骨头要啃,恐继续下行失守1.25 7月15日(周三),英国央行行长贝利(Andrew Bailey)参加了委员会的闭门会议。据两位出席会议的人士透露称,贝利向执政的保守党议员称,英国利率可能会在很长一段时间内保持在低水平,央行将尽一切努力支持经济。英国经济正努力从疫情中恢复,但目前看起来仍很脆弱,给央行进一步放松货币政策打开了大门。此外,英国还要面临疫情和无协议脱欧风险,这都导致机构警告投资者需警惕英镑下行压力加大。  行长称英国可能很长时间维持低利率 据悉,贝利除了表示可能宣布长时间维持低利率,还宣布英国央行将尽一切努力支持经济。 如下图所示,从5月初到7月15日,市场愈发预期英银在接下去的会议上选择货币宽松,其中不同颜色的线代表潜在的降幅点数 英国央行与英国政府进行密切合作,以遏制疫情蔓延对经济的影响。疫情已经导致英国陷入300年来最严重的经济衰退。随着对企业和工人的支持力度逐渐放松,英国失业率似乎势必会飙升,国债与经济产出的比例自上世纪60年代以来首次超过100%。 贝利对利率的评估应该会给政府带来一些安慰,即政府能够比正常情况下更长时间地应对高债务负担,因为其借款成本可能仍维持在低位。 贝利的这番言论实际上呼应了他6月份的言论。当时他强调,有必要在加息前收缩英国央行的资产负债表,这是央行取消紧急刺激措施策略的重大转变。 自今年3月就任英国央行行长以来,贝利监督将基准利率降至创纪录的0.1%,并增加了资产购买,以遏制疫情对英国经济的影响。英国央行还提供了慷慨的贷款,以保持较高的流动性。7月15日早些时候,英国财政大臣苏���克(Rishi Sunak)对下议院财政委员会称,中期来看,英国需要恢复“强劲和可持续的公共财政”。他表示,财政部未来的财政框架将需要考虑政府债务利息成本可能发生变化的风险。 脆弱的经济复苏为英银进一步放松货币政策打开了大门 英国经济正努力从疫情中恢复,但目前看起来仍很脆弱,表明英国央行和政府的斗争远未结束。 7月15日,英国央行货币政策委员会成员滕雷罗(Silvana Tenreyro)表示,英国经济从几个世纪以来最严重的经济崩溃中反弹,看起来就像一个中断的V形,在今年年底前触顶。在她发表上述言论之前,英国财政监督机构预测,英国失业人口将飙升至400万,数据显示5月份经济增长令人失望,通胀率远低于英国央行2%的目标。 英国政府预算预测机构警告称,如果疫情带来持久伤害,今年英国经济可能萎缩逾14%。在这种情境下,政府借款恐将逼近4000亿英镑(5000亿美元)。 这一连串消息似乎给英国央行首席经济学家霍尔丹相对乐观的评估泼了一盆冷水。霍尔丹是上个月政策会议上唯一投票反对加大货币刺激的英国央行官员。霍尔丹认为,迄今高频数据显示英国经济将迅速反弹。 经济学家Dan Hanson表示:“由于英国经济增长风险和通胀前景明显偏向下行,我们预计英国央行将再次放松政策。我们的基本预测是,英国央行将在11月采取行动。” 如果英国不能与欧盟达成自由贸易协议,今年晚些时候贝利和苏纳克面临的挑战可能会进一步加剧。欧盟是英国最大的贸易伙伴。根据英国最大的制造业游说团体MakeUK和服务公司BDO的联合报告,英国一些最脆弱的地区面临着“三重打击”:疫情、年底与欧盟的贸易减少以及关税问题。  上述知情人士称,贝利还提出了推动经济发展需要做的三件事。英国政府将解除封锁限制,让人们重返工作岗位,帮助人们克服对疫情的谨慎心态,包括使用公共交通,并寻求提高生产率。这些都主要由政府而不是英国央行负责。 英国首相约翰逊7月15日在议会发表讲话称,政府正在尽其所能保护就业,但是一些工作岗位的损失是不可避免的。市场预计7月16日的数据将显示英国就业率大幅下降。 可以预见的是,到今年年底,英国经济将面临更多的不确定性。届时,政府在疫情期间对企业和工人的支持计划将逐步取消,英国也将退出欧盟,可能不会达成贸易协议。所有这些情况都将加大英镑面临的下行压力。 实际上,已经有机构对英镑前景提出警告。7月15日,法国农业信贷银行建议投资者对英镑维持谨慎立场,认为当前汇价再度逼近诱人的抛售水平。 华侨银行外汇分析师Terence Wu警告,无协议脱欧的风险导致最近围绕英镑兑美元的乐观情绪受到了质疑。如果美元出现上涨,英镑兑美元可能跌向1.2500关口。 (英镑兑美元日线图) 北京时间7月16日9:48,英镑兑美元报1.2571/73。
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universomovie · 7 years
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  Photography: Sean Thomas. Styled by: Hannelore Knuts. Hair: Tamas Tuzes.. Makeuk: Natasha Severino. Model: Lara Stone.
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Modern Weekly Style Fall 2017 Lara Stone by Sean Thomas Photography: Sean Thomas. Styled by: Hannelore Knuts. Hair: Tamas Tuzes.. Makeuk: Natasha Severino. Model: Lara Stone.
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courtneytincher · 5 years
Markets live latest news on the pound, euro and FTSE 100: Thomas Cook collapses
Thomas Cook collapses as thousands left stranded abroad FTSE 100 dipped by 0.2% on Friday, registering its first weekly loss in three Dow closed down 0.6 percent at 26,935.07 Oliver Gill: The airline bosses who will welcome Cook's fall     2:46AM Website down  Holidaymakers seeking information are being left frustrated as the website dedicated to the collapse is not up and running. The website: https://ift.tt/2M9NFaz  The CAA says:  "We are aware that some users are having difficultly accessing the dedicated website for information and advice following Thomas Cook ceasing trading. Please keep checking the website as it is currently launching." 2:42AM CAA launches 'one of the UK's largest airlines' Richard Moriarty, chief executive of the CAA, said it had launched "what is effectively one of the UK's largest airlines" in order to repatriate British holidaymakers.He said: "News of Thomas Cook's collapse is deeply saddening for the company's employees and customers, and we appreciate that more than 150,000 people currently abroad will be anxious about how they will now return to the UK. "The government has asked us to support Thomas Cook customers on what is the UK's largest ever peacetime repatriation. "We have launched, at very short notice, what is effectively one of the UK's largest airlines, involving a fleet of aircraft secured from around the world. The nature and scale of the operation means that unfortunately some disruption will be inevitable. We ask customers to bear with us as we work around the clock to bring them home. "We urge anyone affected by this news to check our dedicated website, thomascook.caa.co.uk, for advice and information." 2:38AM Operation begins to bring home holidaymakers The Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) said the Government had asked it to launch a repatriation programme over the next two weeks, starting on Monday and running to Sunday 6 October, to bring Thomas Cook customers back to the UK. The CAA statement said: "Due to the unprecedented number of UK customers currently overseas who are affected by the situation, the Civil Aviation Authority has secured a fleet of aircraft from around the world to bring passengers back to the UK with return flights. "Passengers in a small number of destinations may return on alternative commercial flights, rather than directly through the Civil Aviation Authority's flying programme. Details and advice for these passengers are available on the dedicated website. "Due to the significant scale of the situation, some disruption is inevitable, but the Civil Aviation Authority will endeavour to get people home as close as possible to their planned dates. This will apply to both Atol protected passengers and those who are not protected. "Customers currently overseas should not travel to the airport until their flight back to the UK has been confirmed on the dedicated website. "Thomas Cook customers in the UK yet to travel should not go to the airport as all flights leaving the UK have been cancelled." 2:30AM Thomas Cook collapses Good morning. All eyes are on Thomas Cook this morning after the travel operator collapsed in the early hours of Monday.  5 things to start your day 1) A late-cycle surge in ‘leveraged loans’ has echoes of financial engineering before the Lehman crisis and could lead to a cascade of fire sales if conditions suddenly tighten, the world’s top financial watchdog has warned. The Bank for International Settlements said the high-risk loans have climbed to $1.4 trillion and are increasingly being sliced and diced much like subprime mortgage debt before 2007. Leveraged loans have exploded 2) London and the south east is poised to become the country’s biggest manufacturing region, overtaking Britain’s traditional industrial heartlands. A new analysis of official data by manufacturing trade body MakeUK and BDO revealed that the sector is worth £28.1bn a year in London and the south east, just £400m behind the north west’s £28.5bn. Manufacturing output by region in UK 3) Brexit is “not just a British” problem, car manufacturers from across Europe are warning, as they appeal for politicians on both sides of the Channel to avoid the UK crashing out of the trading bloc without a trade deal. 4) WeWork’s controversial chief executive Adam Neumann faces being ousted by the office space company’s board as it seeks to get its tumultuous US flotation back on track. 5) 'We're more likely to make fridges than an SUV': With one eye on the environment and one on exhilaration, McLaren boss Mike Flewitt tells Alan Tovey the GT will not please everyone.  What happened overnight Thomas Cook has collapsed, a failure that will likely consign the most iconic name in world travel to the annals of history. The Government and the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) have launched Britain’s biggest peacetime repatriation of customers. The CAA said the tour operator has "ceased trading with immediate effect". "All Thomas Cook bookings, including flights and holidays, have now been cancelled," it added.  Coming up today Today Flash PMI data from France and Germany will set the tone this morning. Recent results have shown a marked divergence, with the services sector in both countries holding firm as manufacturing suffers amid pressure from global trade tensions and Brexit uncertainty. There are suggestions that the data may show a pickup, although the bigger picture may still indicate Germany is on track to enter a technical recession. Recent data from France has tended to be more perky than its neighbour. Interim results ASA Trading update Northgate Economics CBI trends (UK), purchasing managers' index (eurozone and US)
from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines
Thomas Cook collapses as thousands left stranded abroad FTSE 100 dipped by 0.2% on Friday, registering its first weekly loss in three Dow closed down 0.6 percent at 26,935.07 Oliver Gill: The airline bosses who will welcome Cook's fall     2:46AM Website down  Holidaymakers seeking information are being left frustrated as the website dedicated to the collapse is not up and running. The website: https://ift.tt/2M9NFaz  The CAA says:  "We are aware that some users are having difficultly accessing the dedicated website for information and advice following Thomas Cook ceasing trading. Please keep checking the website as it is currently launching." 2:42AM CAA launches 'one of the UK's largest airlines' Richard Moriarty, chief executive of the CAA, said it had launched "what is effectively one of the UK's largest airlines" in order to repatriate British holidaymakers.He said: "News of Thomas Cook's collapse is deeply saddening for the company's employees and customers, and we appreciate that more than 150,000 people currently abroad will be anxious about how they will now return to the UK. "The government has asked us to support Thomas Cook customers on what is the UK's largest ever peacetime repatriation. "We have launched, at very short notice, what is effectively one of the UK's largest airlines, involving a fleet of aircraft secured from around the world. The nature and scale of the operation means that unfortunately some disruption will be inevitable. We ask customers to bear with us as we work around the clock to bring them home. "We urge anyone affected by this news to check our dedicated website, thomascook.caa.co.uk, for advice and information." 2:38AM Operation begins to bring home holidaymakers The Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) said the Government had asked it to launch a repatriation programme over the next two weeks, starting on Monday and running to Sunday 6 October, to bring Thomas Cook customers back to the UK. The CAA statement said: "Due to the unprecedented number of UK customers currently overseas who are affected by the situation, the Civil Aviation Authority has secured a fleet of aircraft from around the world to bring passengers back to the UK with return flights. "Passengers in a small number of destinations may return on alternative commercial flights, rather than directly through the Civil Aviation Authority's flying programme. Details and advice for these passengers are available on the dedicated website. "Due to the significant scale of the situation, some disruption is inevitable, but the Civil Aviation Authority will endeavour to get people home as close as possible to their planned dates. This will apply to both Atol protected passengers and those who are not protected. "Customers currently overseas should not travel to the airport until their flight back to the UK has been confirmed on the dedicated website. "Thomas Cook customers in the UK yet to travel should not go to the airport as all flights leaving the UK have been cancelled." 2:30AM Thomas Cook collapses Good morning. All eyes are on Thomas Cook this morning after the travel operator collapsed in the early hours of Monday.  5 things to start your day 1) A late-cycle surge in ‘leveraged loans’ has echoes of financial engineering before the Lehman crisis and could lead to a cascade of fire sales if conditions suddenly tighten, the world’s top financial watchdog has warned. The Bank for International Settlements said the high-risk loans have climbed to $1.4 trillion and are increasingly being sliced and diced much like subprime mortgage debt before 2007. Leveraged loans have exploded 2) London and the south east is poised to become the country’s biggest manufacturing region, overtaking Britain’s traditional industrial heartlands. A new analysis of official data by manufacturing trade body MakeUK and BDO revealed that the sector is worth £28.1bn a year in London and the south east, just £400m behind the north west’s £28.5bn. Manufacturing output by region in UK 3) Brexit is “not just a British” problem, car manufacturers from across Europe are warning, as they appeal for politicians on both sides of the Channel to avoid the UK crashing out of the trading bloc without a trade deal. 4) WeWork’s controversial chief executive Adam Neumann faces being ousted by the office space company’s board as it seeks to get its tumultuous US flotation back on track. 5) 'We're more likely to make fridges than an SUV': With one eye on the environment and one on exhilaration, McLaren boss Mike Flewitt tells Alan Tovey the GT will not please everyone.  What happened overnight Thomas Cook has collapsed, a failure that will likely consign the most iconic name in world travel to the annals of history. The Government and the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) have launched Britain’s biggest peacetime repatriation of customers. The CAA said the tour operator has "ceased trading with immediate effect". "All Thomas Cook bookings, including flights and holidays, have now been cancelled," it added.  Coming up today Today Flash PMI data from France and Germany will set the tone this morning. Recent results have shown a marked divergence, with the services sector in both countries holding firm as manufacturing suffers amid pressure from global trade tensions and Brexit uncertainty. There are suggestions that the data may show a pickup, although the bigger picture may still indicate Germany is on track to enter a technical recession. Recent data from France has tended to be more perky than its neighbour. Interim results ASA Trading update Northgate Economics CBI trends (UK), purchasing managers' index (eurozone and US)
September 23, 2019 at 02:46AM via IFTTT
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jezytha · 7 years
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💋😱SENTIRTE A GUSTO CONTIGO MISMA ES LO ESENCIAL 💫MAKEUK con mi modelo Ruth Blanco👌🏻 #makeupaddict #makeuplover #makeuplovers #makeupoftheday #makeupart #makeupaddiction #makeuplooks #makeuplook #makeuplove #makeupobsessed #makeupclass #makeupinspiration #makeupfanatic1 #makeup💋 #makeuplife #intamakeup #instamakeup #instalike #instapic #instacool #instafashion #instahappy #hightlight #highlightmakeup #makeupvzla #vzlamakeup #like4like #likeforlike #youtubers #youtubechannel
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grainnemccoy-blog · 7 years
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** ARE YOU 16-24, UNEMPLOYED & HAVE AN INTEREST IN THE MAKEUP INDUSTRY" I'm excited to announce I have been commissioned by YouthAction Northern Ireland, a youth work employability programme for young unemployed people between 16-24 to create and host an OCN Level 1 Certified Makeup Course in three different locations across Northern Ireland. This will be a 2 day practical, 1 day assessment course and it's being offered FREE by Youth Action Northern Ireland. The course includes TRAVEL EXPENSES, LUNCH, CHILDCARE (if needed) & A SMALL MAKEUK KIT. Please feel free to share and tag anyone you feel would benefit from this course. To book your free place or for more information contact phone Donna @ 07513173552 / [email protected] Newry/Armagh : 19th,20th & 26th July (Newry location) Fermanagh/Omagh : 21st,22nd & 27th July (Fermanagh location) Belfast : 10th,11th & 16th Aug (Belfast location) #makeuptalk #makeuptutorial #makeupcertificate #makeupgoals #makeup #makeupmasterclass #northernireland #makeupkit #makeupcareer #makeupconfidence
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spnfandomforever · 6 years
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Sneak peek of what’s to come❣️🖤💀🖤💀🖤💀🖤 #MUA #MakeupArtist #Makeuk #Cosplay #Cosplayer #JackSkellington #TheNightmareBeforeChristmas #MTLMiniComicCon https://www.instagram.com/p/BqoODEbB95r/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=794pvxwas8wo
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grainnemccoy-blog · 7 years
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** ARE YOU 16-24, UNEMPLOYED & HAVE AN INTEREST IN THE MAKEUP INDUSTRY" I'm excited to announce I have been commissioned by Youthaction Northern Ireland, a youth work employability programme for young unemployed people between 16-24 to create and host an OCN Level 1 Certified Makeup Course in three different locations across Northern Ireland. This will be a 2 day practical, 1 day assessment course and it's being offered FREE by Youth Action Northern Ireland. The course includes TRAVEL EXPENSES, LUNCH, CHILDCARE (if needed) & A SMALL MAKEUK KIT. Please feel free to share and tag anyone you feel would benefit from this course. To book your free place or for more information contact phone Donna @ 07513173552 / [email protected] Newry/Armagh : 19th,20th & 26th July (Newry location) Fermanagh/Omagh : 21st,22nd & 27th July (Fermanagh location) Belfast : 10th,11th & 16th Aug (Belfast location) #makeuptalk #makeuptutorial #makeupcertificate #makeupgoals #makeup #makeupmasterclass #northernireland #makeupkit #makeupcareer #makeupconfidence
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