#makes me wonder if the Snow Queen saw the group's snowball fight
soraavalon · 2 years
DM: Cold but grinning and you guys head on into Winter. Who, Hunt has the highest passive perception, right?
Hunt: Yep.
Nathaniel (OOC): Oh boy.
Hunt: 21.
DM: Right.
Tark (OOC): Ugh.
DM: So I think a few hours later you guys are starting to talk about like, 'Okay, we should start finding a place that would be worth camping.' You're kind of near some woods so you're talking about camping there, Hunt you notice two things;
Hunt: Uh-huh.
DM: One; most of you kind of start noticing, which is on the horizon, not the way you're going but off to your right, you see again the dark sky and again it's that weird winter night where everything is strangely bright as there's a big moon overhead passing through the clouds. You can see down the horizon this huge white blizzard that is stretching up into the sky and roaring and roiling far into the distance.
Hunt: Oh. How far off is this blizzard?
DM: It's a ways off, it's on the far horizon, but huge enough that you can see it towering there and all of you can notice that as you're continuing on. Marigold and Mistletoe, you would both know that this is the Endless Hunger that stalks through the lands through the lands of Winter and that you want to avoid that thing at all costs.
Marigold: Neat.
Nathaniel: Great.
Mistletoe: Is it something that moves?
DM: It does move, yes.
Mistletoe: Okay. Can I tell which direction it's moving?
DM: Go ahead and make I'll say either survival or investigation.
Marigold: Can I help?
DM: Yeah you can help.
Mistletoe: It's not gonna be investigation.
DM: You guys also have your inspiration.
Marigold: I will help Mistletoe:
DM: 'Kay and Hunt, as you are kind of being told what this is and everyone is sort of squinting off to see how far it's going; you notice that some of the snow flurries coming down are taking shapes and at first you think you're imagining it but you start noticing more and more shapes of faces and figures kind of on the edge of your periphery every once in a while.
With an 18 investigation, Mistletoe you can see it's sort of moving in the same direction as you, but it's not coming closer.
Mistletoe: Okay. "We're definitely going to want to keep an eye on that and if it seems to be moving towards us, we're gonna wanna pack up and move it."
Hunt: Mistletoe, do you know this area well?
Mistletoe: Yeah.
Hunt: Okay, does the snow normally turn into shapes and faces?
Mistletoe: I've definitely seen that before, haven't I?
DM: Mm-hmm.
Mistletoe: Do I know if it has any, are we near that lake that we went to?
DM: You are not. But I will let you roll either Intelligence or Wisdom check to see what you remember about that.
Mistletoe: I remember who they were connected to.
DM: Right.
Mistletoe: Okay. *rolls* I'm gonna use my inspiration for this one. *rerolls* Oh that's so much better, that's a 21.
DM: So you remember very clearly that these were connected to the Snow Queen and you remember when your father sent you to look for the Snow Queen it was because she has her eyes and ears everywhere.
Mistletoe: So not an unusual thing to see them swirling around here.
DM: No, it's a little disconcerting 'cause it means you're in fact being watched and listened to, but and as Hunt points it out, the rest of you can start to kind of see these shapes forming and hear these little whispers on the breeze. But Mistletoe, you know exactly who this is connected to.
Mistletoe: I'm going to cheerfully wave at them and just say, "Say hello to Her Majesty for me."
DM: They scatter immediately.
Mistletoe: And I will explain essentially what they are.
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twsted-princess · 4 years
Christmas gift to my dear friend @wispy-selfship-eden​ who’ve been bullying me with kindness so consider this payback.
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‘You can do this Mai, you’ve just giving him a cake. You can do it.’
Maisie thought to herself, repeating those words over in her head as Professor Trein finishing his lecture on snow creatures. The bell was going to ring any second down and every student had their ears peeled for that glorious ring but she was more focused on peering down at the bag beside her. At the sound of the bell Train sighed “Alright class is dismissed.” causing a large group to cheer in joy. But before the crowd could burst out from their final class a stern meow halted them. “Don’t forget that you still have homework to do, and I expect it to be complete at the proper time.” A few procrastinators sweated profusely at that but the students were already heading out the door and into the crowd. Outside the ground was covered in snow and as snowflakes fell from the sky the students flock to one another. Some discuss plans for winter break, others for a possible snowball fight, but Maisie avoided the large groups as she hurried down the hall. She clutched a bright blue box with a snowman painted on front to her chest, once she was in the clear she looked into the box. No damage. Sighing to herself Mai walked the corridor with furrowed brows. This’ll be fine. How could she possibly screw up giving a Christmas present to her crush?  She’s been planning this for weeks, she pondered long and hard about a gift for Lilia. There’s so many things you could give a vampiric fae who’s older then the ground itself but she wanted to make it special. Another instrument? He already has one of everything. A recipe book? No, she could still see Sebek violently shivering at the thought of Lilia in the kitchen though she wouldn’t have mind. Maybe a sweater or scarf? Esme was already making them so she didn’t want to copy. Then it hit her, a cake! Yeah Mai wouldn’t the greatest baker but she had Melanie and Esme to help her if things went south. So she an entire week crafting the perfect yule log cake, she may have ruined at least three of them (at least only one was burnt) but Petva was more then happy to eat them so no waste was needed. Once she got it just right it was time to decorate. Fondant shaped like holly, macaroons in the shape of little mushrooms, white and dark chocolate to add detail the the frosting, all topped off with a good helping of powered sugar to look like fresh snow. It looked perfect and once is was placed in a box she knew that he would like it. But there was still that feeling deep in her gut that this could go horribly wrong, as much as she tried to ignore. Upon reaching the room of mirrors she stood by the Diasomina gateway waiting for him to come. Maisie began to fidget with the bag, her eyes on the ground as she listen the other students walking around and chatting. She could hear a familiar voice grumbling “Stupid Ace why couldn’t he give me some of his sushi? There was too much for him to eat?” Looking up Mai saw her room mates Melanie and Komali walking to the headmaster’s office to give Esme her lunchbox, Grim was top of Melanie’s head angry at Ace per usual. “I’m sure he would have given you a piece......if you hadn’t tried to steal it under his nose.” Mali sighed as the gray furball slumped in defeat. Maisie giggles causing Melanie to notice, the two girls wave to their friend wishing her good luck. She waved back and as the trio left she looked around for Lilia. ‘Where was he? He didn’t have music club today so maybe he was with Malleus? Or with Sebek and Sliver?’ Maisie started to get worried, what if he wasn’t going to show up and she’s just going to look like an idiot? That is....until something happened. “What’s that you got there Maisy-Daisy?”
If she wasn’t holding the bag Maisie would have crashed into the ceiling. Letting out a half scream half yelp she turned around to see Lilia, her crush, floating upside down. Of course he’s try to scare the living daylights out of her but he’s cute so he can get away with it. Mai quickly hides the bag behind her as she quickly stammers “Oh uh nothing!! Nothing at all hehehe w- what are you talking about?” Lilia swoops down and smiles at her knowingly “Well you’ve been standing here for some time now so it must be important.” He chuckled as Maisie’s face turn red and she squirmed in embarrassment. Was he really here the whole time, just for a quick spook? Oh whatever she can worry about that later. ‘Ok Mai. Just like we rehearsed. You. Can. Do. This.” Quickly she pulled the bag out from behind her and held it in front of Lilia. “P- Please accept this I worked super hard on it and you should know that I really like you a lot!!!!!!!!” The fae smiled charmingly at her before giggling “Fuhuhuhu~ I really like you too my dear Maisy-Daisy~” Oh why did he have to give her that nickname? Doesn’t he know that she gets a heart attack every time he says that? Taking the bag from Maisie’s grasp Lilia then reached into his jacket pocket, Maisie watched as he pulled out a small box wrapped in gold topped with a sliver box. “I actually have something for you in return, I do hope you like it.” Maisie’s cheeks turned even redder and she shook her hands in front of her in protest. “Y- You didn’t need to get me something!!! I j- just wanted to be nice that’s all!!!!” Lilia in return shook his head and pushed the gift into her hands “You worked hard on this present, it’s only natural that I put just as much effort into your gift. Please enjoy it my little dove.” Blushing profusely Maisie took the gift and held it to her chest smiling softly. “Thank you Lilia.” The fae smiled and stepped a bit closer to Maisie, before she could blink he tugged her down by her tie and kissed her lips tenderly. When he pulled away Lilia couldn’t help but chuckle at how her face turned into the inside of a watermelon. He then patted Maisie’s cheek and said “I love you my little rose, I do hope you like my gift.” before walking away with her bag with a cheeky smile.
Once Maisie snapped out of it she smiled and planted her hand on the cheek Lilia touched. He never fails at making her heart stop, but she loves him as much as he does. She soon was back at the Ramshackle dorm and upon opening her gift the other tenants freaked out when she suddenly fainted, her soul ascending into the afterlife. As Esme, Grim, and Melanie tried to bring her back Regina and Somali noticed that inside the box rested an entire tiara. Dressed in emeralds and rubies with little diamonds dusted the sliver crown like tiny snowflakes. It was obvious that this liked costed a fortune, perhaps Lilia commissioned the piece himself. Inside the box also laid a letter written in elegant cursive detailing how passionately loves Maisie, how she is his queen of night and that Lilia hopes their love will inspires families to tell tales of their adoration to their children for centuries. Meanwhile Lilia was at the Diasomnia castle, staring down in bewilderment at the cake his Maisy-Daisy made. It’s.........beautiful, a true masterpiece. ‘My dove really is full of surprises’ he wonders fondly as he prepares a pot of tea, the perfect company for a slice of delicious cake. As the snowflakes danced outside Lilia and Maisie shared the same thought.
‘I love them so, so much.’
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Thera’s Journal Entry #30
My ship sat in the hangar of the Tower, the ramp down as I got ready for the Dawning. The celebration began today, and I always decorated my ship for the occasion. I started to open boxes that I kept in my closet. They were filled with ornaments, a mini christmas tree, and lights... lots and lots of lights. Christmas music from Pre-Golden Age played through my speakers.
Fellow Guardians waved as they passed my ship. They knew that every year I did this, a few stopped to have a short conversation. With everything that has happened this year, the Dawning still put a lot of people in good spirits.
Scout was floating around, enjoying his new shell that I had bought him. It was one called the Tangled Shell. It was light blue (one of his favorite colors), with a Dawning star on it, along with bright lights covering it. I had saw him eyeing it before, and bought it for him as a early Dawning gift.
I pulled out the mini tree, took a seat on the floor, and began to fix up the branches.
“Hey, Thera!” I heard, as I was working on the last branch.
I looked up to see Ann, a gun strapped to her back, and a hand gun in a holster at her hip. Her helmet was tucked under her arm but was soon transmatted away by Poppy.
I stood up. “Just got off the field, huh?”
“Yeah, had to do a strike for Zavala, and two patrols. But, now I’ve got the rest of the day off.”
“Good, help me out with the decorations.”
“You’re decorating the Queen of Hearts?” She asked as she walked up the ramp.
“The inside. I do it every year.”
She looked inside one of the boxes and pulled out a bunch of lights that I had used for at least five years, probably more. Might have been ten. I don’t know.
I went to place the small tree, which only reached up to my waist, in the corner of my ship, near the door to the cockpit. “Hey, plug those up and see if all the lights work.”
“You know,” Ann said as she moved over to a plug in. “I’m surprised to hear you listening to music like this.”
“It gets me in the holiday spirit. I don’t just like AC/DC and Aerosmith and all that.”
“Hey, I’m not hating on it. It’s pretty nice.”
She plugged the lights in then turned to me. “I think you need some new lights.” Poppy stated.
I turned to see that most of the lights were either dim, or not working at all.
“Hey, can you-”
“Thera!” Came a voice. I walked down the ramp to see an exo warlock, Myth-3 was her name, holding two boxes.
“What do ya need?” I asked.
She laid the boxes on the ground. “Hannah wanted me to bring these to ya. Dawning decorations from last year that were never sold.”
Hannah was a non light bearer who sold all sorts of things in a large shop down in the city, close to the Tower. She sold everything from furniture, to clothes, to books, and everything in between.
“Bring em up here.” 
Myth did so and I opened them up.
“Good, new christmas lights. Ooh, colorful ones.” I pulled them out.
“She said you’d like those.”
“You be sure to tell her I said thank you.”
“I will.” Myth said with a wave as her Ghost transmatted her away.
I turned back to Ann. “We’ll do these lights first. You check out the what’s in the rest of these boxes while I hang em.”
I hung the bright, colorful lights around the main room, then hung another smaller set in the small bedroom of the ship. I went back to Ann, who was going through the other box, which was filled entirely with ornaments except for a few tree toppers and a new garland.
I pulled out a star tree topper and the garland. Both of which were Nebula Rose, the same color as my armor. Hannah always knew just what you’d like.
“Sweet.” I heard Ann state.
“Alright, I’m going to get the garland and mini lights put on the tree, then you start handing my ornaments.” I said.
I finished up with the garland and lights, then Ann started to hand me ornaments after she put the hooks on them. I put them all around the tree, then handed the tree topper to Ann.
“Here. Put it right on top.”
And she did so.
I hooked up the tree to the nearby outlet and smiled at the pretty bright lights.
“It’s awesome,” Ann said, digging through a box. “But you’re missing something.”
She pulled something out and pulled over a chair. Then she reached up and hung a mistletoe from the ceiling.
“You’re gonna need this for your date with you-know-who.” She gave me a grin.
I rolled my eyes but smiled. “Speaking of which, I have to pick up a Dawning gift for him.” I said, heading off the ramp, closing up the ship, and heading to the main area of the Tower.
Ann followed behind. “What did you have in mind?”
“He’s got no casual clothes, only his armor. I was thinking about buying him some. Something to wear if he ever wants to relax in comfort.”
“That’s nice. What’s the plan for the date?”
“I’ll tell you after it happens.”
Ann shrugged.
“Oh, and I’m going to make him some cookies. He always enjoyed my baked snacks.”
“Your baked snacks are amazing!” She exclaimed. “I heard you made a whole bunch and then gave them to some people here in the Tower.”
“Yeah. Mostly those who’ve played a big impact in my life in one way or another. People who do a lot of work and deserve a baked snack. If I could, I’d give all the Guardians one, but that would be way to much work.”
Ann smiled as we exited the hangar. She looked around in awe of all the decorations. I smiled at her wonder filled eyes.
I remember my first Dawning. Walking into the Tower made me so happy, to see everyone having fun. The decor was always so beautiful, and there was cheer all around as gifts were exchanged. Zane and I had started a snow ball fight with some other hunters once, while Sora and a few other warlocks were sipping hot chocolate and talking nearby. Most of the other hunters had fireteam members and friends who were in the group of warlocks so we got an idea.
Everyone had grabbed a large snowball and we ran up to them. At the count of three we all threw the snowballs at the same time, covering every single warlock in snow.
We did not expect that they would grab their own snowballs and throw them back. And we certainly didn’t expect to lose a snowball fight to them either. But it was a great memory I had. Screaming and laughter as we ran around, dodging snowballs and sometimes slipping on the ice. I remember a few others that were around joining in as well. I think a snowball hit Shaxx, cutting him off from announcing in the Crucible. I was pretty sure that the snowball that knocked a hunter off his feet and made him slide across the floor was thrown by Shaxx.
Speaking of snowball fights....
Ann was ahead of me so I quickly grabbed some snow and made a ball out of it. I saw Tess Everis out of the corner of my eye smile then look down as I threw it, hitting Ann on the back of the head.
“What the-” She turned around the see me fixing up another one and ducked just as I threw it.
She grinned and soon a snowball fight between the two of us broke out. The two of us ran about the Tower, chasing one another with snowballs. Ann slipped on some ice once as she ran at me and fell to the ground. I couldn’t remember laughing so hard.
Ikora watched as the two of us ran past, smiling. I knew she hadn’t seen me act like this for years.
We ended up doing a circle around the Tower and ended back at the bazaar again. Ann threw a snowball at me and I ducked down. It whizzed past my head and hit Ikora square in the chest. She folded her arms and grinned, looking down at the snow on her robes. Ann and I froze, not knowing what to expect.
Ikora reached down and grabbed a handful of snow.
She threw it at me and hit me square in the face. Ann started to laugh before another one soon hit her.
“Try to aim away from me, you two.” She stated.
“Yes, ma’am.” Ann answered.
The both of us calmed down.
“Oh, shoot, right. I’ve got to head down the Hannah’s to get Crow’s gift.” I said.
“Alright.” Ann said, still giggling as she brushed some snow off of her.
We headed down to the city and walked down the streets, which were filled with warmly dressed civilians, a lot of them holding presents. I entered a shop and a bell rung above me.
A women in her thirties looked up from the book she was reading at the desk by the door. She had curly blonde hair, white skin, and brown eyes and wore black framed glasses. That was Hannah. Her red lips smiled as she saw it was me.
“Thera!” She exclaimed, closing her book and standing up.
“Hey, Hannah.”
“What brings you here? A quick Dawning gift?”
“Yes, actually.”
“Really? Who for?”
“She’s got a date in a few days and needs a Dawning gift to surprise him.” Ann answered for me.
“Ooh, a date? What are you hoping to find?”
“Something warm. He doesn’t have many casual clothes. I think he’d like some.”
“I have just the thing. Come.” She gestured with her hand to another door which led to a room full of clothes of all sorts hung upon hangers.
She went over to a rack that only had sweaters and picked through it.
“What colors does he like?” She looked back and asked.
“Uh, black and dark blue. Maybe dark purple.” I answered.
She pulled out a sweater with black and blue stripes and handed it to me.
“Does this work?” She asked.
I checked the size to make sure it was right. Scout had asked Glint what size he thought Crow was. The sweater would fit perfectly. “Perfect. I’d like some regular trousers, preferably black if you have that color. And some boots. Oh, and some gloves.”
“He a hunter?” Hannah asked as she grabbed some black pants off of a shelf and then went over to the shoes section.
“Well, I guess so.”
“What do you mean, you guess so?”
“He hasn’t really chosen a class yet.”
Scout appeared beside me. “With the way he dresses, he’s a hunter.”
Hannah laughed as she grabbed some snow boots. She took a pair of dark blue gloves as we went to the desk. I stopped to look at some wrapping paper and grabbed a roll that was blue with gold Dawning designs on it. All the objects were laid out on the desk.
“50 glimmer, for all of it.” She stated.
“It looks more than that.” I said, pulling out some glimmer and handing her a hundred. “And thanks for the decorations. I needed some new ones.”
“You’re very welcome. Come back if you need more Dawning gifts.” She said with a wave as I walked out of the store. Ann had the box full of stuff in her hands.
“Alright,” I turned to Ann. “I’m heading to my room to work on wrapping this stuff. And I’ve got to get to work on making some snacks for Crow.”
“Okay. I’m heading into the Crucible to finish up some bounties.” She said.
The elevator took us up to the Tower and we parted ways. I headed up to my room and left the box on my unmade bed. I pulled out the wrapped paper, arranged all the items the way I wanted them to be, then sat it on the floor. I sat beside it and began to wrap up the gift with a smile on my face.
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let-it-show · 4 years
Your Light Gets Me Through
This is just sort of...well writing to deal with my own blah today but Elsa being in the north, and it’s just not how she thought it would be. ------------- The air of the dark sea was cool and revitalizing. Riding across it, even slowly walking and wandering across it always made Elsa feel so free, so fresh, so energetic. The forest lent her a similar elation with the way the birds chirped and the trees rustled with little breezes gently blowing through. Everything about the place she dubbed her secondary home was what she thought she wanted. It was what she thought she had to be. And yet she still found herself dreaming. There was still something she craved and she couldn't reach it, couldn't find it, even as she reached deep inside herself and asked herself all the questions she could find. It frustrated her and often she found herself surrounded by small ice crystals as she struggled to make sense of her place. What did her heart want? All was so well at first, as the initial couple of months came and went and she acclimated to a life where she was not provided for, where she had to do so much more than ever before. That in itself was not a problem. Elsa never shied away from work or responsibility despite the murmurs she sometimes heard in Arendelle in regards to her stepping away from her position. No, Elsa was more than okay with taking care of herself. Still, the Northuldra always welcomed her and offered her food, her own hut for whenever she would like to be with them, and a warm place by their fire. Elsa had felt at ease with her choice, knowing she was always welcome with them just as she was in the castle. As time went by however, it seemed that the charm of having the legendary fifth element, the snow queen that was only ever whispered about in stories, it seemed that it was losing some of its sheen. Elsa didn't always know what to do with herself aside from stay in Ahtohallan. She would help the Northuldra and assist in hunting, building, anything really. While at first she had felt a little in the way, she quickly learned their ways and felt she was a valuable member of the group. That was all she really wanted to be. She didn't want to stand out and attract all the attention as she had at times back in Arendelle. She just wanted to be, she wanted to belong without fanfare. That didn't mean she didn't want to use her magic to bring others joy, to bring them total awe. Elsa always found excitement in making someone happy if and when she could, be it the Arendellians or her sister. Anna. She missed her, dearly. Whenever she went to see her Anna greeted her with the same enthusiasm she did even when they lived together. It was hard to remember a single morning where Anna didn't run at her and crush her in the tightest hugs. She'd managed to take Elsa down a few times. Those were the best mornings of her life if she was honest. In her mind she had seen her life in Ahtohallan perhaps surpassing that as she found her place, found an energy and magic like hers and a sense of belonging. When things quickly settled down to normal she couldn't help feeling a sense of longing instead. While the Northuldra were always happy to see her, sometimes they would simply wave in acknowledgement. Greetings were pretty lowkey. No one crushed her with an embrace that warmed her very soul. Of course, who there could? She had known no one there very long and even with many conversations she didn't feel anything settle into place with the same familiarity and ease as with Anna, or even the same as Kristoff. Elsa told herself often that she just needed to give it more time. Of course she would still feel like an outsider with life being the normal day-to-day activities. Not every day or even every week would bring about adventure. She'd often had adventures with Anna though. She remembered a morning fondly where she, Anna and Olaf all found separate notes that were meant to be merged into one as Kristoff had tried a clever little game to bring them berry-picking. Such a simple little thing but it had brought a great smile to her face. Many of those memories stayed in her mind, even ridiculous ones like Anna chasing her through the castle - as an adult - and them managing to spill chocolate absolutely everywhere. It didn't mean she wanted the Northuldrans to chase her around and have a food fight. But she wanted that spark of fun and joy back the way it used to be and the way it also wasn't for thirteen long and sad years of her life. Elsa had made her choice though, hadn't she? She had a family of sorts in the forest. She rode Nokk across the grass with the reindeer and sometimes led a group for a beautiful ride on the frozen ocean. Bruni would play dangerous fire games with the children with Elsa there for backup if it got out of control. Gale was willing to lift and float just about anyone around if they wanted it, sometimes with kids riding little ice creatures Elsa had crafted - which made for some incredibly fun demonstrations. And the giants? Well, they liked to keep to themselves but were willing to lend a hand here and there, sometimes letting themselves be covered with artwork. She was surrounded with her elements and her people, and yet, Elsa felt lonely, she felt that lack of happiness she felt with Anna. Time wore on and she continued to feel it tugging at her mind. The melancholy she felt only let up entirely when she saw Anna. Whether she was half flopped over Anna in the big bed at home or having a slightly treacherous snowball fight with her, Marshmallow and the giants, she felt complete with her sister there. So it was most nights she found herself in Ahtohallan to view her most cherished memories, her mind buzzing with what she should do. Anna made it more than clear she was always welcome back. The thought of leaving the place that had called her filled her with an odd sort of guilt she couldn't pinpoint though and it left her wondering if she was ever meant to be happy. Until she figured it out, she could relive her favorite moments through the images on those icy walls - and that's just what she did.
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ai-katsuu · 4 years
Wonderland Ball (3/4)
Chapters: 1  2  3  4
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At the opposite end of the room, Queen Alice, finally done with greeting her audience members, sighed back on her throne in content. “This is the best outcome of any party Fairy Tale Island has had. I mean you’re amazing, Hatter!” she grinned at her dearest friend. 
“But of course, Alice dear.” he tipped his hat, “Throwing parties are my specialty after all.” 
“I was the one who brought the guests over,” the Cheshire Cat intervened. “Wasn’t easy, you know?” he smiled at the Hatter who only frowned back.
“Oh, yes. Tell me, how did you manage to get the Fearless Seven to come?” Alice excitedly asked him. 
“He transported them here without warning,” a short witch with a grey bun walked into the scene. “I saw the whole thing myself from my room.” she calmly mentioned. 
Alice gasped at the Cheshire Cat, who now had his tail in between his legs, “Is Zeniba telling the truth?” 
“Well, in a sense yes.” he mumbled. 
“He was also rude to Prince Jack’s wife.”
“Yea, called her a servant.”
“You know I don’t fancy you two being here.” the Cheshire Cat frowned at the twins who had just entered. 
“Cheshire, how could you?!” Alice scolded then turned to her friend in the white suit.  “Rabbit, could you call her for me please? I want to apologize on his behalf.” 
“Wife isn’t here, miss. He failed to include her in his transportation spell, just like how the F7 fails to be on time.” he grumbled. 
“You left her behind?” she stared at him. 
“I wouldn’t say left, more like, dis-included?” he looked sideways. “Alice, with all due respect she wasn’t even a princess. He married a commoner.” 
“Your point?” Alice challenged, “Royalty or not that is his family, now both of them will be apart from each other on Christmas Eve. I want you to write an apology letter to this woman and apologize to Prince Jack yourself. That’s an order.”
“Oooh, someones in trouble.” the Mad Hatter grinned. The Cheshire Cat glared at him before bowing at Alice,
“As you wish, Your Majesty.” 
“Your Majesty, Prince Howl is here,” Zeniba smiled, a young blonde man charmingly smiled at her. 
“I’ll take care of this. Hatter, make sure he follows through.” Alice told him before standing up and greeting the wizard. 
“Of course, Your Majesty.”
Once midnight had struck, the ball had come to an end, and the others went back to their suite. Exhausted from all the mingling and formalities, the group immediately fell apart when they got to their beds. 
“I think I might have bruised my arm when I threw Peter over the table.” Arthur examined his bicep. 
“Shut it, at least you weren’t chased around by two she-demons who want to put a dress on you.” Hans grumbled. 
“You think Papa sent Jiminy on purpose?” Noki asked.
“Please, I don’t want to think about it.” Kio responded. 
They all awoke the next morning and spent the day in the Wonderland Palace. They had high tea in their suite, played several games, and even got a chance to meet with Queen Alice herself. They were wrapping up the conversation when Alice stood up, 
“Prince Jack, may I speak to you?” 
“Of course, Your Majesty.” 
She pulled him off to the corner of the room and it took Jack by a great surprise when she bowed; not as a greeting but as an apology. “Your Majesty? Please raise your head!” he told her.
“Prince Jack, you have my deepest apologies for how my right hand man treated your wife. I’m sincerely sorry she could not be here. His actions do not reflect Wonderland’s beliefs and morals.” 
“Your Majesty, I am not upset with you. You weren’t the one who said those things after all. Though I would be lying if I said I was not disappointed with how he treated her.” he sadly told her. 
“Apologies are in order from him. Please, allow me to let you and your friends leave early.” she said. And that’s what happened. The Cheshire Cat appeared right beside her and waved his hand, the purple mist covering them as they were transported back to the gates to the White Palace. 
“I will never get used to that.” Briar said, holding her head. 
“Well at least we’re back. That was exhausting, not gonna lie.” Pino said, twisting his back. 
“Do you hear music?” Gwen asked them. The others nodded and followed the sound that echoed through the halls. It led to the doors of the ballroom they saw bright lights that's shone through its cracks. Briar opened them to see a sight that none of them would have expected.
Townspeople, man and woman, kids of different ages, running around, singing, dancing to their heart's content. Elders gave gifts to their grandchildren, grandchildren played around with ribbons that were attached to a large pole, adults ate and drank while watching the band perform. 
Somehow, snow was falling from the ceiling and people of all ages were making Snowmen, sledding, having snowball fights, or creating snow angels. It was full of laughter and fun, a different energy radiating from the Wonderland Ball. 
It's the most wonderful time of the year!
With the kids jingle belling and everyone telling you, be of good cheer!
It's the most wonderful time of the year!
“What is this…?” Snow felt a small smile coming to her lips from the excitement and liveness everyone was exerting. 
“Are these all the people from Golden Goose?” Merlin questioned. 
“Why are they all here?” Hans looked around. 
“Oh, Your Highness'!” Isabella, in a lovely green dress, curtsied to the thirteen princes and princess’ “Welcome back!” she beamed. 
“Isabella, what is all this?” Jack asked her.
“Golden Goose's annual Christmas Eve Party, Miss Audrey had the suggestion of moving it to the palace ballroom so that it would be much bigger! She planned all the songs, the presents, and hosted the whole event.” 
“She did all this?” he looked around at the green and red festive lights. 
“You bet your high privileged ass she did.” Frost floated down to the group. “With my help and Isabella’s, this was all possible through her hard work.” he threw a snowball directly at him. A few sparkles appeared on his eyes before Jack started laughing, but quickly regained his composure. “Oof, tough one.” Frost laughed. 
“Where is Audrey?” Arthur asked. 
Frost smiled, leaning on his staff and gestured to the crowd behind him. 
There'll be parties for hosting, marshmallows for toasting
And caroling out in the snow
They'll be scary ghost stories
And tales of the glories of Christmas's long, long ago!
Amongst the crowd Audrey was singing along with the band, playing with the children and dancing with adults. Her hair was up in a bun, loose hair stands out, and wore a red dress that extended just below her knees. Her see-through heels made it a bit difficult for her to walk, but Isabella made them just for her.  Not a trace of sadness or jealousy was on her face as she sang an unfamiliar song to them. 
“It’s a traditional song from the outside world.” Frost told the group, “She’s been playing a lot of Christmas carols from out there. Honestly much better than the ones they have here.” 
It's the most wonderful time of the year!
There'll be much mistletoeing and hearts will be glowing
When loved ones are near!
It's the most wonderful time of the year!
The crowd applauded as the song ended, as did the group. Frost threw his staff up lightly after clapping, “Well your highness’ I have to help a big red man deliver his presents for Christmas and I’m already on the Naughty list. Probably,” he went to the nearest window and opened it, “later nerds.” the wind started blowing in his direction. 
“Snow Queen said hi by the way.” Jack called out.
“Wait, what?” Frost turned back, “No wait! Just when the conversation was getting interesting!” but was then blown away by the winds. 
The group had decided not to interrupt the party and went back to their rooms, hoping to greet Audrey after. After the party had ended, Audrey made her way to the parlor exhausted and removed her gloves. 
“I didn’t know you could sing. You always refused to.” 
Audrey turned around to see Jack smiling with his arms crossed. “Jack! You’re back!” 
Jack beamed as he welcomed her with open arms as she ran towards him. “I missed you so much, I’m so sorry you got left behind..” he buried his head on her shoulder, trying to make sure he didn’t ruin her hair. 
Audrey shook her hair, “It’s fine. I got to plan this party and meet everyone from Golden Goose. Oh Jack, they’re all so lovely and their traditions every Christmas are amazing!” 
Jack nodded, “I’m glad you enjoyed it, but it’s not okay. You should not have been left behind, that was rude of him to leave you out.” 
Audrey shrugged, “I guess, but at least something good came out of it.”
“Yes, you won’t have to spend Christmas with them next year, don’t worry.”
“What do you mean?” Audrey laughed.
“Spending the evening with commoners is hardly the right way to celebrate Christmas, there should be balls, and elegance.” he told her.
“Well, sure but there’s nothing wrong with their traditions.” Audrey’s smile thinned down. 
“It’s hardly fitting for someone married to nobility. You should be spending it with all of us at these balls.” he raised a brow.
“I’d love to spend it with all of you, but the traditions you just saw are not ‘hardly fitting’, they’re wonderful.” she frowned. 
Jack rolled his eyes, “Audrey please, why spend your holidays in the cold filthy streets when you can spend it warm and cozy in a palace.”
“There is nothing wrong with where they live.” she said now angry, “Their happiest memories are on those streets. And mine are too, wandering around several towns, I’ve seen the joy they all have.” 
“That’s impossible, no one can be truly happy there.” he firmly told her, “I don’t want you to live or be treated like a commoner, you deserve much more than that. For goodness sake, you’re married to a prince!” 
“What’s wrong with being a commoner? They’re the same as you, they just have a different lifestyle!”
 “Commoners don’t have all these riches you see around you. They’re not as well off as we are. We can easily afford anything we want. If we have the money then we can spend it, what’s wrong with that?!”
“Nothing! Nothing is wrong with the lifestyle of a noble but neither is the lifestyle of a commoner! They’re two different things but that doesn’t mean that either status is worth greater or less of value, they all deserve equal treatment!” Audrey stared him down, “Maybe if you actually experienced the life of one you see that we aren’t as pitiful or filthy as you think we are.”
That crossed the line for Jack as he looked at her one more time and stormed out of the parlor. The twelve people who had their ears pressed to the door heard footsteps coming and they quickly hid behind the large curtains. Jack pushed the door open with violence as he marched through the halls. Audrey on the other hand, not realizing the error both of them had made, made her way outside of the parlor and walked the opposite way.
Once the two were out of sight from each other, the twelve princes and princesses came out of the curtains. 
“That can’t be good…” Gwen frowned.
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yourdeepestfathoms · 5 years
Goodbye To A World
It’s been three days and a bone-deep ache is still infecting every inch of Joan’s body. She wasn’t sure what was causing it or what was going on, but she didn’t expect to get an answer. Certainly not from a bird.
The crow has been visiting Joan’s window for about a week now. It pecked on the glass late one night, but wasn’t there when Joan turned her head to look. No, it was now inside her room.
Joan leapt backwards against the headboard when she saw the crow perched on her keyboard. Her mouth was open in shock, but no words came out.
   “I apologize,” Said the bird, “I did not mean to startle you.”
Joan audibly sputter and then stammered on her words. The bird tilted its head at her.
   “My, are you shivering.”
   “How are you-?! You- a bird-?!” Joan choked.
   “Calm yourself.” Said the bird, “I am not a threat.”
   “How are you talking?”
   “How are you here in modern day?”
Joan shut her mouth. The bird chuckled.
   “This world is a strange one. I’m sure a talking animal is nowhere near as strange as resurrection of a lady in waiting from five hundred years ago.”
   “I...I guess.” Joan blinked.
   “Allow me to introduce myself,” The bird flapped over, “I am Fate, watcher of shades and guider of souls.”
   “Joan Meutas...keyboardist and music director.”
Fate laughs.
   “What are you, uhh, doing here?”
Even with its beak and animal features, Joan swears she saw Fate frown. A crest of feathers ruffled around their head and then they sighed.
   “I am a being that guides souls to Death,” They began to explain, “I watch over them until departure and then take them to Judgement.” They look up and Joan seems confused, “Now you, the other three, and the queens are interesting cases. You’re not...human. Not really. The existence of you ten disrupts the balance of the universe. It’s...difficult to manage at times. And, because of that, things need to be done.”
Joan still has her eyebrows furrowed, not understanding.
   “Regeneration. That’s what we- the Ministry- dub what you ten may go through. It’s a disappearance for a short amount of time and then you return, usually with a new form. This process, the short absence, gives us time to balance out order.”
   “Okay...” Joan said slowly, “So that’s happening to me?”
Fate frowned again, but it doesn’t stay for long.
   “I hope.”
After the ache came the shivering. Joan was naturally cold all the time, but now she always felt like she was freezing, no matter how many layers she put on. It earns her worried looks from Fate, who has stuck around her since their first meeting that night.
It was just the regeneration process, though. Apparently. That’s what Fate said. Joan didn’t know for sure, as she wasn’t an otherworldly being that balances out the universe.
There was another one of those. A brilliant golden owl that Joan sees around at least one of the queens. It’s silent and doesn’t interact with her, just watches from afar.
   “That’s Destiny,” Fate had informed, “They prefer the queens because, you know, they’re so ‘special’ and ‘important.’”
Joan laughed a little from where she’s seated in front of her keyboard, preparing for the next show. Fate is hopping along the rims, as crows do, invisible to everyone that wasn’t her.
   “The queens are important,” She said.
   “Indeed,” Fate nodded. They craned their head around and stared at the owl who was watching from one of the wings. “Are you going to come over here or not?”
Destiny tipped their beak up, miffed, then flew up the stairs of doom, disappearing from sight.
   “I bet they’re great at parties.”
It was during the show that Joan was struck by a sharp flare of pain and then nauseating dizziness. She had to squeeze her eyes shut, fumbling to continue playing whatever song they were on. This went on for the rest of the performance and when it was time to get offstage, Joan was tottering to the side and...
   “Woah there,”
Joan pried open her eyelids and stared up at Jane, who had caught her before she hit the group.
   “I’ve got you, sweetheart.”
   “Jane,” Joan mumbled, the name slurring across her lips, “Hey...” She giggled a little, clearly delirious from her several dizzy spells.
Jane smiled fondly down at the girl, helping her stead up normally. Joan still leans against her, nuzzling her face into the queen’s soft chest.
   “You’re warm...” Joan murmured.
   “And you’re very cold,” Jane said, worry slipping into her voice. “Are you feeling okay, honey?”
   “Juuust fine,” Joan replied, “Can you just hold me for a little longer? You’re really, really warm Lady Jane...”
Jane obliged and held Joan for a few more minutes. It was Joan who eventually pulled away because she noticed Destiny perched a few feet away on a speaker. Joan lets Jane know she’s okay and the queen walks off.
   “Hello,” Joan smiled slightly at the owl.
   “Oh you poor soul.”
Destiny’s voice was quite the contrast to Fate’s. It had a slight accent to it and the words were dripping with molten honey when spoken.
   “So weak and frail. How are you not sobbing in fear right now?” Asked the owl.
Joan blinked, looking confused.
   “Destiny.” Fate flew over, landing beside its sister-being.
   “Did you not tell her?” Destiny snapped their head around to look at the crow.
   “You didn’t.”
   “What are you two talking about?”
Destiny and Fate look at Joan, then back at each other. Fate is shaking their head, but Destiny doesn’t listen to whatever they’re silently pleading about.
   “You’re dying, Joan.”
The fear was intense. Extreme. Unnerving.
Will they remember her? Did they even care? Should she tell them?
Looking at Bessie and Maria and Maggie at dinner, Joan wonders if she’ll ever see them again.
   “Hey, can I talk to you?”
Destiny looks cautious, but they fly over.
   “What do you need?” They asked.
   “I just want to talk. Might be the last time. Don’t know when I’ll disappear.”
Joan’s eyes are blank. They’ve been that way since yesterday, when she was fully informed on what was going on with her.
   “What’s going to happen to everyone? After I’m gone, I mean.”
Destiny frowned deeply at that. It’s like they were upset that Joan was speaking of her upcoming death.
   “Life will go on. They will recover.”
Joan nods and looks to the ground.
   “Listen-” Destiny sighs. “I’m sorry. None of us in the Ministry wanted it to come to this, but-”
   “I get it.” Joan cut them off, “I do, really. You need balance. It would be selfish of me to resist and risk ripping the balance between space and time in two.”
Destiny is quiet for a moment, pursing their beak into a tight line.
   “The least I can do is give you a request. Is there anything you’d like me to do for you?”
Joan feels her throat tighten and she braces herself for one last difficult conversation.
   “Take care of everyone. Please.”
Destiny nods.
   “Of course.” Said the owl, “I will make sure your wish comes true.”
They start to leave, then stopped.
   “Be brave. This isn’t goodbye.”
Two days later, Joan stays up watching the sunrise and wonders if this was the last time she’ll ever see it. Why are things the most beautiful when they’re about to be taken away?
   “Is it time?” She asked.
   “Almost.” Fate answered.
Joan hugged Bessie the moment she saw her. The bassist seemed to be surprised, but hugged back tightly.
   “And what’s this for?” She asked, smiling brightly.
   “Nothing,” Joan shrugged and then grinned back, “Just thank you. For everything. I love you so much, mama.”
Joan calling Bessie her mother nearly sent Bessie into the fifth dimension and she embraced the girl again, this time pressing a kiss to her forehead.
   “I love you, too, my little dea.”
Joan giggled at the nickname and then flung herself at Maria when she saw her coming downstairs. She actually leapt up onto the drummer, clinging on with all her limbs like a koala and they both burst into fits of laughter.
   “Someone is full of energy!” Maria chortled, bouncing Joan in her arms. “Morning, Joey.”
   “Morning, ‘Ria,” Joan replied, burying her nose into the older woman’s soft locks. “Love you.”
   “I love you too, Jo.”
Joan shot out of Maria’s arms and scooped Maggie up into her own, stunning the youngest. She was still for a moment before giggling.
   “Oh, Maggie! My little sister! I love you so much!” Joan gushed, nuzzling her cheek up against the guitarist’s, who has yet to stop laughing. “I love you all so much!”
It was true. Joan never realized that she didn’t say it enough, hardly ever because she was too shy or too afraid that they’ll get rid of her. But she’s finally realized how much they mean to her and how much she means to them.
Too bad it was at a time like this.
Before they get to the show, Joan convinces the other three to go to the park. There, they spend an hour and a half just running around in the snow and having a good time. They had an epic snowball fight- Maggie and Bessie vs. Maria and Joan. Of course, Bessie obliterated them, but it was just so enjoyable to play like that. Bessie even snorted at one point, which causes the other three to howl and nearly collapse.
When they finally went to the theater to get ready, Joan immediately catapulted herself at Jane. The queen is surprised at first, then smiles and takes Joan into her arms.
   “Hello, sweetheart,” She said in her wonderful voice, “Happy today, aren’t we?”
   “Definitely!” Joan chirped, nuzzling up close to Jane like a kitten, “It’s a good day, mum. I can feel it. This performance is gonna be great!”
Jane chuckled and rubbed Joan’s back. They stayed together before Joan eventually pulled away to get ready and also see the other queens.
That performance was by far Joan’s best. She was so full of life and energy, even jumping out of her stool at one point and playing on her feet. She danced to every song, even occasionally joining in on the singing. She got many bright smiles from the queens, who couldn’t take their eyes off of her.
However, all good things must come to an end eventually.
A golden orb flitted around Joan. She almost messed up because she tried to follow where it was going, but it dissolved into the air. A few more appear, seemingly from around her feet, and her body suddenly gets very heavy.
When Joan looks down at her hands, they’re tinted blue, as if she has frostbite.
Her time with everyone...ends now.
Icicles are growing through her stomach. Her ankle is on fire. Her chest is constricted. She can’t breathe.
The situation hits Joan hard. She was about to die.
She didn’t want to die.
Joan cried through the rest of the show. From I Don’t Need Your Love to the MegaSix, the tears did not stop falling. She wept and sobbed until she felt like she couldn’t breathe anymore. The freezing cold and excruciating agony infecting her entire body only gets worse.
The MegaSix ends. Joan stumbles out of her chair while Cleve did giving a goodbye speech. Everyone stares when the keyboard clatters to the ground and Joan staggers on center stage.
   “Joan?” Jane called out worriedly.
   “Sweetheart?” Bessie tried quietly, “What’s wrong?”
   “I love you,” Joan whispered. Several orbs twirl around her, “I love you all so much.” She pauses and swallowed painfully, “I think...it’s time for me to say goodbye.”
A chorus of “Huh?!” and “Goodbye?!” sounded all around her as everyone, even the audience, who probably thought this was a special scene added in, were shocked.
   “Joan, what the hell are you talking about?” Aragon asked.
   “We aren’t human,” Joan said, “Not really. Our existence disrupts the balance of the universe, so sometimes we have to go through a regeneration process.” Another pause, “But that isn’t the case with me. I am excess. Me being here is causing strain on the order of the world. But because I am so unnecessary, I can be removed and the balance can be restored.”
It almost sounded like something scripted, but the looks of shock and horror on the other’s faces were too real to be just really good acting. The audience murmured in confusion.
   “I’m going to disappear.” Joan said.
Shocked gasps. Startled glances. Stunned expressions.
   “But...I’ll never forget any of you. Even if I didn’t know you in my past life. I’ll remember all of you.”
   “Stop it, Joan!” Cleves growled, but her shimmering eyes betrays her masked anger, “Stop! Are you even hearing yourself? This is insane!”
Joan looked at her and smiled weakly. More orbs glow around her.
   “I know,” She laughed dryly, “I didn’t want to believe it, either, but...it’s happening. My body feels so heavy. Everything hurts. It hurts so badly.” She choked for a moment, the sobs overtaking her for a few seconds, “But it’ll be over soon. I’ll be gone.”
She splays her hands open and looks down at them. They’re a deep shade of indigo, now. Her lips are tinged blue.
   “But I’ll never forget. Even when I’m gone. I’ll never forget...”
A wave of fatigue washes over her and suddenly she’s so tired...
Fate appears. Their ebony feathers are glistening under the stage lights. Destiny watches from nearby.
   “Are you ready?” The crow asks.
Joan nodded and turned away from her family and friends, trudging up the very edge of the stage. She doesn’t acknowledge the audience- they do not matter.
   “Thank you, Maria.” Joan began to speak again, using the last of her energy on these final words, “For being my friend. You were so much more than that, though. You were my big sister. You were always there for me. You always cared. I love you so much.”
She looks to Maggie next.
   “Maggie...god, I’m gonna miss your ferret face,” She choked out a laugh, “Take care of yourself, okay? I know things feel like shit sometimes, but it’ll get better. I promise.”
Then, the queens.
   “You are all amazing. I’m so glad I got to meet all of you and be apart of this.”
Finally, Jane and Bessie.
   “I’m gonna miss you a lot...both of you. Jane, I’ve always seen you like a mother. Bessie, you took me under your wing like I was your own. I felt safe. Loved. With both of you. I love you, mama.”
Tears are falling, now, but not just by Joan. Almost everyone onstage are crying.
   “Joan,” Fate reminds softly.
   “Goodbye.” Joan said. Her body began to glow. Numbness spreads throughout every nerve. “I had a lot of fun. Getting to have a dream... Getting to play music... Getting to know all of you... Getting to live. I’ll never forget it.”
The light grows brighter. It’s almost enveloping Joan completely. She can barely see, but that might just be the overflowing tears obscuring her vision.
   “Goodbye.” One last time, so softly. “It’s okay if you forget me. I’m not worth remembering. But...thank you for giving me something that was worth living for.” Joan tips her head up and smiled weakly, “For five more seconds,” She mused in a watery voice, “we’re ten.”
A blinding flash of golden light bursts through the theater. Many have to shield their eyes, but then they uncover their faces, Joan is gone. Only a pale yellow flower covered in frost is left in her absence.
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theincediblesulk · 5 years
A Day in the Snow
Me? back from the dead with something new? more likely than you think.
In all seriousness though, hello again I know it’s been a long while since I’ve done anything with this, but it’s been in the works for months. So, here’s part 2 of the Rise of the Guardians AU from so long ago. I hope you like it!
Word Count: 1,954
Content Warning: snowball fights, sledding accident, lost tooth
please tel me if there’s anything else that should be tagged!
Find it on Ao3!
RotG taglist:  @bleepblopbloop56 @confinesofpersonalknowledge@awkward-eko @virgils-jacket @notalwaysthevillian @this-is-just-another-fangirl @fantazeyiskey  @phyling-squirrel @thekeytohappiness-is-you @residentanchor @ierindoodles @deathshadowrules @your-average-dysphoric-homie @nerdychef-jean @munchkin-the-slendermum @figurative-chill-pill @theresneverenoughfandoms @absentmindedproff @bloodropsblog @sanderstalker @beetlequail @wildhorsewolf @changeling-ash @irrlevantbutfabulous @quoth-the-sparrow 
General Taglist:  @jynxlovesluck @an-ace-up-my-sleeves @chemicallyimbalanced-shadowling @lotors-gucci-gang @anuninspiredpoet @angered-turtle @cdragontogacotar @virgiliananxiety @justmyshitandmoreshit @snakearebaes @agirlwhodarestodreamx  @poundland-twoface @gianalator @hanramz-the-fander @enderperson43 @i-really-dig-the-purple @moonshine-the-not-so-secret-emo @ultimate-queen-of-fandoms2 @marvelismylifffe @idon-kno @falling-ina-forest
If you’d like to be added or removed from the list, please feel free to send me an ask!
Virgil was bored. 
That was nothing new for him though, not for this time of year. The children had all gone back to school, more people complained about the snow and cold than those who enjoyed it, and the excitement of Christmas and “Santa Claus” had worn off. It was time for the world to warm up and for people to get back to their lives.
So, Virgil was left with being bored. Sure, he could make it snow, but the last time he did that he got himself in some trouble. He didn’t want to experience that again. The memory was enough to make him shudder. So he waited, listening for an excuse to have some fun. 
Lucky for him, it didn’t take long to find an excuse. 
Virgil has let the wind carry him, nowhere particular in mind when he came to the small town where he spent most of his time. He could see the people getting up and starting their day, hear the voices calling to each other on the street as they moved throughout their normal activities. Most of the people on the street right now were adults, getting newspapers and leaving for work. The lack of children is what made Virgil curious enough to get closer and investigate. 
“- too cold for school is what the message said.” Virgil heard a woman say into a phone as she picked up her paper from the step in front of her home. Looking around, Virgil smiled. It seemed Mother Nature might be on his side today after all. 
The world looked chilled. The greens in the plants that had started to grow back looked slightly dulled against the chill leftover from winter, many of them had a small sheen of ice reflecting the light from the sunrise. The plants that didn’t looked heavy were dripping water that moved too  quick to freeze as if fell to the ground. 
A cold day? At this time of year? Well, that was something Virgil could work with. Smiling to himself, he called upon the wind to take him higher. If the kids were staying home from school due to the cold, he might as well make it worth their while. And what better way to that then by turning a cold day into a snow day. 
To say the kids were happy when they woke up was an understatement. Many of them were outside as soon as possible to play in the freshly fallen snow. Something many thought was gone for the year with Easter around the corner, so it was a pleasant and very welcomed surprise. Seeing the kids happy and smiling and hearing laughter brought a smile to Virgil’s face. He makes them happy, even if they can’t see him. He provides fun for them when they want it and need it most. And, as he told himself, that was enough. 
“Come on Remy let’s go!” He heard. Looking to the left from his perch on a tree branch, Virgil watched a young boy jump from a porch while putting on his coat. He was moving quick, wanting to go and play with his friends on his day off. His wide smile was enough to tell Virgil that the day was a success already. 
“I’m coming!” The boy, Remy called back. He was stopped by his mother, grabbing his arm and placing a hat on his head. Remy sighed and adjusted it, mumbling some complaints. 
“Oh hush,” his mother spoke, “you don’t want Virgil Winters nipping at your nose do you?”
“Who’s Virgil Winters?” Remy asked, running off before an answer could be given. 
Virgil watch the boy ran to catch up with his friend, an unreadable expression on his face. It wasn’t uncommon for people not to know who Virgil was, but they weren’t usually so in your face about it. It was almost an unspoken thing, someone mentions Virgil Winters and you just ignore it. You don’t ask about it, not like this kid did. 
“Who’s Virgil Winters?” he mumbled, following a little way behind the group, “I’ll show you who Virgil Winters is.”
Virgil began packing the snow in his hands, forming a snowball. He watcheded the group of kids settle and begin playing in the snow; making building snowmen and making angels. He waited, looking for the perfect opportunity to throw his snowball. He saw the boy, who he assumed was Remy based on the amount of times people had called the name out, begin to turn and took the moment. He threw the snowball, hitting the boy in the nose. 
Everyone froze when that happened. The other kids looking at each other to try and determine who had thrown the snowball. Remy looked at his friends too, confused at first. A smile made its way to his face slowly, he began to laugh before stooping down to pack a snowball of his own. 
It didn’t take long after that for an all out war to begin. The kids were running and screaming, making snowballs and throwing them as quickly as they can. Virgil created a few of his own, leaving them on the ground for the kids to find and throw. He felt himself start to smile, watching the fun and leaning against the staff he carried.
This was it. This is what he did, and he enjoyed it. He liked giving people something to do and something to make them laugh. He loved seeing the joy on their faces, even if they never knew it was him. He could live his whole life being unknown, as long as he could keep making people smile. That’s what mattered to him. He didn’t care what the man in the moon had to say about, if he ever had anything to say about. 
Virgil was pulled from his thoughts suddenly when he heard the laughter pause. Looking around, he saw all the kids looking at each other, some in shock and others in fear. The mumbles of ‘who hit…’ and ‘it wasn’t me…’ reached his ears. Looking over, he saw a child who hadn’t been involved in the fight had snow on their back. It was clear, looking the tense posture and shoulders, that this person hadn’t expected to be hit by a snowball. 
Virgil made a snowball of his own, throwing it when the person turned around. The children gasped and dropped their snowballs, watching as it hit the other in the face. When the snowball hit, it seemed the child’s attitude changed. They no longer looked angry, instead beginning to laugh. The other’s soon joined in, and the snowball fight continued. The children shrieking with joy. Everything was going just how Virgil wanted, and he was even able to throw a few snowballs of his own. 
It seemed as if nothing could ruin this day. Everyone was having fun and things were going good. And then he heard aa yell from behind him. Turning, he saw Remy had fallen on a sled, and that started the chase. 
Remy was scared, it wasn’t hard to tell. It was written all over his face as the sled rushed down the hill and towards the road. He could see the cars passing back and forth, could hear the hum of the engines and the muted sounds from the music playing inside. He could hear it all, but it sounded so quiet. It sounded muffled and muted, like he had cotton stuffed in his ears. Remy didn’t know what was going to happen. He was moving too fast to stop, and he was afraid to let go. He didn’t know what to do, all he really knew is that the cars on the street were getting closer and he was almost out of time. He heard the squeal of the breaks and he heard the horns blaring all around him. He waited, tense and ready for the impact that was sure to come with all the noise around him. It never came though.
“Hang on kid, I got ya.” Virgil said as an ice path appeared to guide the sled away from traffic.  
Slowly, as if the boy had heard him, Virgil watched him open his eyes. He watched as the wonder and excitement replace the fear on the boys face, and listened as his laughter filled the air around him.
Virgil smiled, seeing the joy on the boys face and hearing his laughter. This is it, they were having fun! This had to be the moment where the kids realized that there was someone who brought them the snow, someone who made it possible for them to have fun on days like this. They had to believe he was there, they had to see him now. There was no avoiding, this was the moment he’d waited for his whole life. One of them was going to say it, they were going to say his name and believe in him, and they would see him. 
“Remy watch out!”
Virgil was ripped from his thoughts to see the sled flying through the air. The boy, Remy, was still smiling, but you could see his expression changing. You could see him bracing himself, and when Virgil looked forward he saw why. He was heading straight for a statue in the park. 
Everything seemed to slow down suddenly. Virgil and the children all watched as Remy flew through the air. No one knew what to do or how to stop him, no one could look away from the scene unfolding before them. There was no stopping what was happening in that moment. 
Remy hit the statue with a loud thud, causing everyone to cringe and turn away. Everything seemed to pick back up then, the kids rush at the statue, cries of “Remy!” and “Are you okay?” overlapped each other as they all tried to check on their friend. Virgil stood back, not knowing what to do or what to say. Not knowing if they could see him there or if they believed in him enough for him to be able to help. Instead, he watched and waited. 
The worried yells quickly changed to cries of joy and excitement as Remy’s hand shot into the air, “Look, a tooth!”
“Dude that’s awesome!” one of the girls called out, a bright smile on her face.
“That means cash.” another boy said.
“Tooth fairy cash.” chimed in another boy standing next to him. 
“Hey wait, come on.” Virgil said, moving so he was standing outside of the huddle. “What about all the fun we just had? That wasn’t the tooth fairy, that was me! Don’t you rememb-” his words were cut off with a sudden gasp as the kids passed through him. 
‘No.’ was all Virgil could hear, all that was running through his mind as the small group began making their way out of the park and towards their home. This wasn’t how it was supposed to go. They were supposed to have fun and that was supposed to make them believe; they were supposed to see him now. That was his plan, that was how it was supposed to work today. 
He couldn’t bring himself to go after them. Not now, not when he could still feel the ghost of them passing through him like he was nothing. Not when the pain of realizing they’ll never see him, that no one will ever see him, is still fresh. 
He couldn’t go after them, all he could do was try and accept his fate. He would be alone, forever. Cursed by the Man in the Moon. That’s all he was, and all he would ever be.
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emmielupinblack · 6 years
In Over My Head
Remus Lupin x Reader
Rating: Mature
Warnings: language, hints at sex/sexual language, angst, implied nudity, bodily harm/possible near death experience, fluff.
Note: I was going to write a fluffy, cheesy snow fic. Then, this came out. I’m not sorry. Oh, and I tend to rate storied a little conservatively. This may be considered a Teen and Up fic. But, there is a bit of sensitive material. So, I rated it Mature.
Read on Ao3
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James’ parent’s winter cabin was pretty much the coolest place on earth, especially when it snowed. You had gotten there two days before. And, as luck would have it, it started snowing just moments after you got there. James was stoked, instantly throwing a huge snowball at Lily before your group even got through the door.
Everyone quickly claimed their rooms. Of course, James and Lily earned themselves the master suite, since it was James’ family place. Sirius and Peter ended up in a smaller room beside them, and instantly started fighting over who got the top bunk.
And, last but not least, you and Remus were given the guest room, complete with a queen-sized bed, and dresser to share. Since you all planned to be there for just over two weeks, it was good to get settled.
And now that you were all cozy, it was time to start having a little fun.
Remus waved his wand, sparking a fire in the large furnace in the corner of the living room. Sirius curled up under the large blanket on the love seat, offering Peter about a foot of cover. You rolled your eye at your best friend. He was honestly such a prince sometimes.
James and Lily huddled under a blanket on the floor, just a few feet from the furnace. James wrapped his arm around his fiancé, smiling contently.
Remus had given you his over-sized jumper, opting for a smaller blanket that he found in a nearby closet. He pulled you onto his lap and held you close.
“You know these mountains are haunted,” Sirius informed the group with a grin. “The muggles say ghost of lost travelers and hikers wander around here, still trying to find their way home.” Sirius lifted his hood over his head and held his hands in front of him, wiggling his fingers. “Some of them feed off your energy if they spot you, sucking you dry until you’re one of them.”
You rolled your eyes. “Pads, that’s the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard. I mean, are they ghosts or vampires? Or are there just rogue Dementors out here?” Remus chuckled against you rubbing your arm affectionately.
“Where did you hear that, anyway?” Remus asked, pulling you a little closer. He rested his head on your shoulder. Sirius cocked his eyebrow, still grinning.
“It’s legend, Moony. I’m just passing on the tradition.”
James shook his head, snorting out a laugh. “Well, I’ve been coming up here since I was four, and I’ve never seen a ghost up here. Besides, there’s a lot of forest. They have a lot of places to go other than here. You know, if there really is something out there I’m sure it’s a monster. A magical creature loose in the Muggle World.” Lily glanced over at you and rolled her eyes. You smiled as he eyed James, then Sirius.
“You two are so impressionable.” Sirius scoffed, leaning forward.
“Don’t trust me? Fine! Let’s send Peter out there and see if something comes for him!” Peter froze, then turned to his friend. Remus shifted under you, frowning.
“No one’s going out there. It’s bloody freezing! If your ghost or monster friends don’t snag him, the temperature alone will off him.” Remus shook his head at Sirius, who frowned. “Enough ghost stories. How about something more cheerful?” Remus kissed your covered shoulder. “Like what we’re going to do tomorrow for Y/N’s birthday.” You blushed, having forgotten that your birthday was only a couple of hours away.
“Oh yeah! Well, sounds like we won’t be seeing you two love birds tomorrow!” Sirius winked. “Maybe you two could let me join you. I’d love to blow both of your minds.” Sirius joked, wiggling his eyebrows.
Remus sighed. “Nice try, Sirius. But she’s all mine.” He grinned, kissing your cheek. Sirius shrugged, smirking.
“Worth a shot.” Sirius muttered, shooting you another wink.
Lily shook her head. “Well, we’ll figure out something.”
“We could build an igloo doghouse for Sirius!” you exclaimed, chuckling. Everyone around you laughed, especially Sirius. He turned to Peter beside him, shoving his friend’s shoulder hard.
“Yeah. It would be better than listening to Wormtail’s snoring any longer.” Peter stood to his feet, shoving Sirius’ leg with his foot.
“I do not snore!” Peter huffed. “You’re the one who snores like the Hogwart’s Express!” Peter crossed his arms over his chest and stuck his tongue out.
“Bullshit! I’m too pretty to snore!” Sirius stood, still clutching his blanket. You rolled your eyes.
“Rem and I have at least three different walls between ourselves and you two, and trust me, I hear two different snores coming from your room.” You bit your lower lip and grinned. Sirius raised an eyebrow, then huffed a laugh.
“Yeah. The only reason you can hear Peter is because Remus doesn’t make a bloody sound in his sleep. It’s like he’s dead. I remember wondering if he was still there some nights at school.”
Remus hugged you, yawning against your neck. “Speaking of sleep, I’m about to fall asleep right here.” He tapped your hip, urging you off his lap so he could stand. “I’m going to head in. I think I’m still hungover from last night.” He smiled at the group, then turned to you. “Are you okay?” You nodded.
“Yeah. I’ll actually come with you. I’m tuckered out too.” You turned to your four friends and nodded. “I’ll see you lovely creatures in the morning, yeah?”
James laughed, nodding. “Yeah, go get some sleep,” he teased. You rolled your eyes, then turned to your boyfriend, who took your hand in his. It was a good idea to head to bed while you were still warm so you could heat up the frigid bedsheets quickly. Since each room had a furnace, it took a while for the place to heat up.
“G’night,” you mumbled to everyone. You heard each friend mumble back, before continuing to chatter amongst themselves.
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Remus shot up, instantly waking you. “Remus?” He snatched his wand and tapped it against the candle on his night stand. He pressed his finger to his lips and nodded at you.
“I heard something just outside the window. It sounds big.” Remus gripped your hand, silently urging you to stay there, then lifted himself to peer out the window. A low, loud crunch echoed from what sounded like only a few meters from the window. Remus squinted as he slowly wiped the condensation from the glass.
“See anything?” you whispered. That moment, Remus’ eyes widened more than you had ever seen before. “Rem?”
Remus quickly ducked away from the window and protectively wrapped his arms around you. “Acromantula.”
You giggled, shoving him playfully. But, he slammed his palm against your mouth. You could tell by the fear in his eyes that he was telling the truth. “Shit, what is it doing here?” you muttered. Then, your brain clicked with a startling realization. “We can’t let it get onto the roof. It sounds large enough to crush the whole cabin.” The crunching got louder, erasing any doubts.
You launched out of the bed and rushed to the door. You needed to let the others know of the danger. Not that six young adults barely into their twenties would be able to take down an Acromantula. You had no idea why there was one out there. Throughout your study of magical creatures, you had never heard of them living outside of the Forbidden Forest. And the real question was, how the heck did it end up in the Muggle World?
Tip-toeing up to Sirius and Peter’s door, you turned the knob as quietly as you could. Once you were in, you raced over to your two friends, who were both snoring.
“Peter, Pads, wake up.” You shook Peter, who immediately launched from his bed. Sirius groaned, slowly opening his eyes. You shushed him. “Sirius, Remus saw an Acromantula outside. We need to get it out of here.” Sirius’ eyes locked on yours, his face firming.
“There’s a what?”
You shushed him again. “Get up. It sounds big. Remus’ eyes nearly leapt from his skull.” Sirius nodded and quickly jumped down from the top bunk. He rushed to your side, staring at the window. It almost sounded like the loud footsteps were following you from one room to another.
Remus popped up in the doorway with Lily and James behind him. Peter turned to him, practically shaking.
“What do we do now?”
You turned to him. “We need to lure it from the cabin, kill it if we can,” you answered, your voice stern. “We can’t let it destroy the cabin, or let it get any closer to other muggles.” Remus glanced up at you with a hint of amazement in his eyes. “We can’t let it get on the roof,” you continued in a whisper. “It can probably already smell us—”
“Can spiders smell?” Sirius asked, raising an eyebrow. You rolled your eyes.
“Yes, Padfoot. Spiders can smell. And they can smell their next meal better than anything else. But, we need a plan.” You turned back to Remus. “Sirius, James, and I can lure him away from the building—”
Remus shook his head. “Absolutely not—”
“We can transform. Peter may be too small and slow for him to follow. The three of us are much faster. But, I’m sure he’s like a nice tasty stag, dog, or horse.” You grinned at the two other animagi. They nodded back. “Remus, we’ll be fine.” You smiled at your love reassuringly. “The three of you can hang back until he is far enough. Then, we all hit him at once. That should bring him down.”
“Sounds like a plan,” Sirius backed you, placing a gentle hand between your shoulders. “It’s better than anything I would have come up with.” Remus finally nodded, then let you pass as you made your way. Sirius followed you, stopping beside Remus. “Rem, she’s smart. Brilliant. She’ll be okay.” He patted his friend’s shoulder. “I’ll watch her.”
Remus let out a doubtful sigh, then nodded. “Thank you, Pads.” Then, the six of you headed out to execute your plan.
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You followed close behind Sirius, your hooves smashing into the loose snow. He paved the way through the trees, his almost silent paws marking your path. James galloped beside you a few meters away, dodging big trees as the monster trampled behind you. And, fuck, that thing was fast.
You turned your head slightly, peering back at the beast. It was just small enough to slip between the trees and maintain its speed.
When you turned back to your path, you realized that Sirius and James were off to your right. Shit. Why were they all the way out there? But, before you could turn, the ground beneath you shifted, forcing you to slide down the ice.
The moment your body stopped sliding, you were plunged into icy water. The river. You forgot that there was a river out this way. It hadn’t frozen over yet, much to your dismay. You quickly transformed back into your human form and paddled frantically.
“Help!” you tried to scream. But, it came out as a strangled whisper. Sirius and James were probably too far and too preoccupied to notice that you were gone. You knew it would only take minutes for you to die in the nearly frozen water. And, the worst part was, you didn’t even have your wand.
“Remus,” you huffed as you violently shook, struggling to stay afloat. “Someone. Please.”
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Remus peered down at the dead creature, his wand at his side. Sirius transformed beside him, grinning.
“Fucker,” Sirius growled at the beast. “Good job, guys.” He smiled at Lily and Peter, then Remus. Remus snapped his gaze back to an approaching James. His eyes roamed before he froze.
“Where’s Y/N?” he asked frantically. Sirius raised an eyebrow, then turned around.
“She was right behind me a few minutes ago.” His eyes locked on the river. “But, now that I think about it. I didn’t see her when Prongs and I turned back.” In that instant, Sirius saw something moving in the river and locked in on it. “Oh, shit.” Remus followed his gaze as his Sirius quickly ripped off his jacket and started sprinting for the water.
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Sirius stripped down to just his black jeans and dove straight into the freezing water, narrowly dodging a chunk of ice. Remus stood along the side, itching to get into the water. But, he knew that the more people that went into that water, the more people they would need to worry about warming. And he wanted to be there for you.
Sirius paddled towards your bobbing form, huffing as the shock from the icy water chilled his bones. “Y/N!” he huffed as he swam closer. He finally grabbed you by the wrist and pulled you to him. You were freezing. It almost felt like you were colder than the water surrounding you. He had no idea how long you had been in that water, but it was enough to turn you as pale as the ice surrounding you.
Remus stood along the edge, quickly accepting you from Sirius’ grasp. James pulled Sirius out and wrapped Sirius’ coat around his friend. Sirius was shivering, but still fully alert. You, on the other hand, were barely breathing. Remus pulled off his coat and jumper, wrapping you in them. Then, he threw you over his shoulder, staggering, before heading back to the cabin.
James transformed back into his animal form and approached Remus. Remus knew exactly what his friend was implying. It would be faster to get you back. But, he knew James could only carry one of you. And, out of you and Sirius, you needed to get warm much quicker. Sirius would be okay for a little while longer. So, Remus did his best to quickly secure you to Prongs’ back and watched as he galloped away. Remus sprinted back, followed by the others, hoping that it wasn’t too late.
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Everyone rushed around you, scattering to get your wet clothes off you and find something warm. Remus fished frantically through your drawer, finding a large sweatshirt and a pair of fleece sweatpants, hoping the material would help preserve what was left of your body heat.
“Moons, she’s like ice,” Sirius observed, gripping your wrist. He had quickly changed into dry clothes, but his teeth were still chattering. Remus frowned as his body buzzed with anxiety. He couldn’t lose you, and he needed to keep tabs on his best friend too.
“C’mon,” he instructed. “Let’s get this on her.” He tossed Sirius your sweatshirt, then quickly covered your frozen skin. He rubbed your legs, hoping to warm you up as James lit the furnace in the small room.
“Lily, what about that muggle blanket on our bed? There are outlets in here. Muggles built this place. We can plug it in and get her warmed up!” James exclaimed, pleased with his idea. The other two men turned to Lily, confused.
She stared at her fiancé for a moment, then nodded and raced for the door. She returned less than a minute later with a large, blue and purple plaid blanket, and plugged the cord into the wall.
“Muggles have some great ideas,” she mumbled. Then, she shoved Sirius aside and draped the blanket over you. “This will warm up soon.
“Turn it up all the way!” James shouted, reached for the controls.
“No!” Lily shouted, grabbing the remote. “I don’t want to burn her. Medium heat will be plenty.” Remus watched in shock as the commotion want on. He didn’t care what happened. All he cared about was getting you warm again and making sure you were okay.
Remus lifted the heated blanket and slipped underneath it, pulling you close. He figured that any heat you were exposed to would help. His arms firmly wrapped around your rigid form.
“I’m sorry, Moons,” Sirius muttered, bowing his head. “I was supposed to watch her. I promised—”
“Don’t,” Remus snapped. “This isn’t your fault. It was an accident.” Remus moved some of your damp strands from your face. “Plus, we were all a little preoccupied.” He smiled at his friend. “She’s alive because of you too. Your quick reflexes have gotten all of us out of some pretty shitty situations.”
Peter nodded behind Sirius, making Remus smile even wider. James made his way over to Remus and patted his shoulder, then took Lily’s hand.
“We’re going to head into the kitchen and get something to eat. Do you need anything?” Remus shook his head. Sirius rose from his chair and nodded at Remus, who nodded back.
“I’m going to make some tea. Do you want some?” Sirius asked, turning towards the door.
“Sure, thanks.” And, with that, everyone left, leaving Remus to wait for you to wake.
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You sucked in a deep breath, then opened your eyes, finding a sleeping Remus at your side. Dim sunlight was shining through the window above the bed. It was obviously early morning, or late evening. You didn’t care. All that mattered was that you weren’t in that river anymore, and that you were alive.
You turned your incredibly sore body towards Remus, who woke with your movement. His gorgeous hazel gaze widened as he watched you.
“Y/N,” he whispered with a smile. “Oh, thank Merlin. How do you feel?”
You winced a little as you reached up for his face. “S-Sore. But, I’m warmer than I was last night. That’s for sure.” You wiggled under the incredibly warm blanket over you. “Is this Lily’s?” Remus nodded. “That brilliant woman—”
“James thought of it while Sirius and I were getting you into some dry clothes. I have to thank him. And Sirius.” You snuggled back into the warm blacked and sighed.
“How did I get out of that river?” you asked, your voice hoarse.
Remus pursed his lips. “Sirius dove in the moment he spotted you. He’s the one who pulled you out. I-I don’t know how to thank him. And Prongs for getting you back here so quickly.”
“You don’t need to,” a low voice muttered from the doorway. You both turned to Sirius, who leaned against the door frame. “Glad to see you’re okay.” He turned to Remus and nodded. “We were just trying to save our friend. Trust me, you’ve been there for us too, Rem. Don’t you worry about it.” Remus blushed a little and sighed, pulling you closer.
Remus turned to you, kissing your forehead. It smiled at the slight warmth, a stark contrast from hours earlier. “Are you hungry? Or thirsty? You should eat something,” Remus asked in a light panic. That was his worried voice, and you knew it too well.
“Sure. Anything is fine, Rem,” you answered, hoping to calm him by eating something. His worrying never bothered you, even though it happened a lot. It was rather endearing, although you were always concerned about him when he started to spiral.
Remus pressed one more kiss to your forehead, then rushed from the room in search of food. Sirius approached you and took a seat on the side of your bed, offering you his famous smile.
“I’m glad you’re okay. That river was fucking freezing. I honestly don’t know how you lasted that long in there.” Sirius reached out, taking one of your hands in his. “Remus was beside himself. I could see it in his eyes.”
You nodded. “Thank you, Sirius. For going after me.”
Sirius chuckled. “Anything for my favorite girl.” You giggled, squeezing his hand. “Don’t tell Lily.”
“Are you okay? You were in that water too.” You glanced over your handsome friend, taking in his crazy waves and slightly paler-than-normal complexion. But, Sirius nodded.
“I’m fine. I was cold and nauseated for a while. But, I dried off quickly.” He sighed. “It’s you who was in there for Merlin knows how long.”
“Eleven minutes.” You bit your lower lip, remembering the sheer panic that raced through you. “I counted to eleven minutes before I blacked out. I could hear your voices when everything went fuzzy. You know it takes just—”
“Fifteen minutes to die from hypothermia.” He nodded, frowning. “But, it can take up to an hour. I’m just glad we got to you, and you didn’t go under the water.”
Both of you peered up as Remus returned with a steaming bowl. “Don’t give me any credit. Lily and Peter made this for us earlier and had some left over for when you woke up. It’s really good.” He handed you the bowl and spoon, then slid back under the blanket. He wrapped an arm around your shoulders, smiling as he realized you were almost back to normal temperature. “I know soup is an odd breakfast, but it’s warm.”
“Thanks, babe.” You smiled, then took a bite. He was right. It was good. Not that it was a surprise. Peter and Lily could make an old shoe taste gourmet.
Sirius and Remus smiled as you enjoyed the warm meal. You could see the anxiety and fear ease from their bodies. Sirius still sat close, always like a protective older brother since second year. And Remus, the love of your life, leaned his head against your shoulder. You knew that they were not going to let you go outside until the snow stopped falling. You were most likely going to be cabin-bound for the next day or two. But, at least you were alive. And that was the best birthday present you could ask for.
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Remus Lupin Tags: @evyiione, @sly-vixen-up2nogood
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merlinficreview · 7 years
The Student Prince Chapters 26-30 Review!
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The Student Prince by FayJay
Word Count: 145222
Chapter 26
We open chapter 26 with, "They fired Val."
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I mean duh. You can’t just leave the heir to the throne alone for several hours every week. Arthur goes on a massive rant about how stupid his dad is for firing Val and I’m just getting Charlie Brown teacher speaking the whole time in my head reading it. Shut up, Arthur, your dad is 100% in the right for firing Val.
Merlin tells Arthur to just give Val a reference himself. Again, duh. Arthur’s not a very bright boy, is he?
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“He grinned at Merlin. ‘Hey, I tell you what, though – the pater thinks that you're the bee's knees. Apparently he had no idea that my roommate was a wizard, but he thinks that we should spend lots of time together.’” Um… this makes no sense. Wasn’t the whole reason Merlin roomed with Arthur because Merlin is a wizard and is the one assigned to protect him? In Chapter 2 this happens, “Professor Gaius cracked a smile. ‘My dear child, I authorised it. If Mrs Singh is to be believed, you are far and away the most gifted wizard of your generation. The most powerful wizard in Britain is always kept close to the king – or queen – to be ready with protection or advice as needed. In time, that role will fall to you. I'm just helping you to prepare for your destiny.’” So I don’t believe for one second that Uther didn’t know Merlin was a wizard.
Later, Merlin, Arthur, Kay, Gawain and Lance are at a pub talking about football. It’s all super boring to me. Kay is bitching to everyone about how the teams they support aren’t “real” teams and as per usual, Kay can fuck off.
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Oh, P.S. I’ve recently discovered Schitt’s Creek and love the reaction gifs. So be prepared for a Schitt (haha) ton of them. Sorry not sorry.
Then Arthur starts sending Merlin dirty texts.  Arthur convinces Merlin to meet him in the bathroom for a blow job. “’That was – that was really stupid,’ Merlin muttered, and Arthur pressed another kiss onto the corner of his mouth, like a prize. ‘I know,’ he admitted, hitching his underwear and his jeans back up and having the grace to look rather embarrassed, now that he'd had his bloody way. ‘We really can't do that again. I just – I wanted to know you're mine. I wanted to know I could have you. Now, or whenever I want.’” Comments like this are such huge red flags. That possessiveness is not cute, Arthur.
Anyways, Lance walks in when they are cleaning up and pretty easily figures everything out. He keeps asking about whether or not Gwen knows. Why is everyone so behind the times with this shit? Do these people not communicate? I thought they were supposed to be friends. Arthur tells Lance the exact same thing Merlin has been telling him for months: Gwen is into him and Lance should ask her out, blah blah blah; I no longer fucking care. For some reason he believes Arthur when he never believed Merlin. Whatever. Lance promises not to tell anyone he saw Arthur and Merlin together.
Later Merlin gets a text from Gwen telling him that Lance asked her out. Again, whatever.
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Chapter 27
Nothing really happens in this chapter. It snows so Arthur and Merlin meet their guy friends outside for a snowball fight.
Afterwards, Arthur lectures Merlin about not shaving because it means they can’t kiss. Then they have sex and Arthur throws up another red flag, “’You're all mine, aren't you?’ said Arthur, hoarsely, at last. ‘Not ever going off with that bloody Edwin again, or anyone else – just mine.’” Though I do agree that Merlin should stay away from Edwin, what with him being THIRTY and all. Also, Arthur’s bodyguards must be really fucking stupid. Isn’t there someone posted outside Arthur’s room at all times? And don’t the bodyguards have rooms right next to Arthur and Merlin? How can they be having all this loud sex and no one has figured it out? Not a group I’d want to keep track of the heir to the throne.
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Chapter 28
Merlin, Arthur and Co are at the Vic when Merlin spots some of his Gaysoc friends. One of them, Cedric, has a black eye. Merlin asks him about it and Cedric says he was the victim of a hate crime by other students but he doesn’t know exactly who did it. Poor Cedric. Then they invite Merlin to go clubbing with them in the near future.
Prepare yourselves for what’s about to happen next, gang.
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When Merlin goes back to his “friends” we get this lovely nonsense after Merlin tells them what happened, “’Well, come on,’ said Kay. ‘Is there any bloody wonder?’ Merlin counted to ten silently. ‘I'm sorry – what?’ he said, when he could trust his voice. ‘Well, have you seen him? God, there's swishy, and then there's The Return Of Julian Clary.’ He shrugged. ‘I'm just surprised it's taken this long for somebody to kick his head in, frankly.’ ‘Easy now,’ said Gawain. ‘Oh, bollocks. I saw him walking around a bar wearing a purple smoking jacket one day,’ Kay scoffed. ‘He was totally asking for it.’”
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Yup he was asking for it, by wearing a jacket. Gawain’s “easy there,” is the only thing anyone says by the way. Gawain then fucks up his barely there confrontation by turning around and agreeing with Kay, “’Ah, come on, now, Mao! He's not saying the feckers were right to beat the shite out of your man there!’ said Gawain. ‘Obviously they're scum. Just – he's been a mite provocative, you know? Lot of people find that kind of thing upsetting.’ Merlin stared at him. ‘What – smoking jackets?’ ‘Aye, well – there are some headcases out there,’ said Gawain, shrugging. ‘He might be better off keeping his head down a bit more, that's all.’”
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Except that is literally EXACTLY what Kay said. Just when I was rooting for you Gawain. Fuck all of you.
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Merlin does the only thing he can possibly do in the situation and leaves. Oh were you wondering what Arthur does during all of this? Fucking nothing. Then when Merlin gets up to leave, “’Merlin!’ said Arthur, and Merlin couldn't help turning back and meeting his gaze. Arthur looked embarrassed, and more than a little ashamed – but he still wasn't speaking up. He didn't have to out himself damn it! He could just tell Kay that he was full of shit. Merlin couldn't understand why he was holding off. He turned on his heel and walked out of the bar, feeling like somebody had scooped out his heart, and went to talk to the dragon.” Merlin is totally right here. Arthur telling Kay to knock it the fuck off isn’t proclaiming himself gay. He could just as easily say, “Stop with the homophobic victim blaming bullshit, Kay.” That’s it. Remember how your friends are a reflection of who you are? There you go.
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So Merlin goes and talks to the dragon, who is as useless as always. Then he goes to talk to Lance in a scene that we don’t see.
Later, Merlin is in his dorm room when Arthur comes in. “’I'm sorry,’ said Arthur, as the door closed behind him. There was an awkward little moment, and then Arthur crossed the room to stand next to Merlin's bed. Merlin still didn't look up at him. Arthur sighed. ‘I fucked up. I'm sorry.’” This would probably be more meaningful if Arthur hadn’t done this a thousand times before. Kay has been spouting his gross bullshit at Merlin for MONTHS and no one has ever said anything. Or you know, stopped associating with him, which is what they should have done. So this is a pretty empty apology as far as I’m concerned.
Merlin reads Arthur the riot act about how fucking awful Kay is and Arthur just refuses to listen and defends him over and over. It’s incredibly frustrating to read, I just have to copy and paste the whole thing because it’s that absurd.
“’Kay's a dick,’ said Merlin. ‘I don't understand why you put up with him.’ ‘He means well,’ said Arthur. ‘He does not mean well! You just get to ignore all the ways he's a dick because you're a rich white bloke, and passing as straight!’ ‘No, that's not fair," Arthur said, crossly. Merlin just looked at him until he crumbled. ‘Well – well, okay, I suppose I can see your point. But I've known him forever, and he's been a good friend to me. I trust him.’ ‘Does he know you like cock?’ ‘I – well, I mean, you know, at Eton most people – I mean, there were no girls. Um. But that didn't really count. He wouldn't think it counted. So – well, no, not really.’ ‘So you don't trust him.’ Arthur raked a hand through his hair. ‘He's – look, I know why you don't like him, and I'm not saying you're wrong, but Kay never lies to me, and I know he isn't trying to use me to get something, and I know that he'll always have my back. Maybe that doesn't sound like much to you, but to me – there haven't been all that many people I could say that about, in my life, and – it counts for something. It counts for a lot. Even if he is kind of a dickhead.’ Merlin considered this. ‘He's a bully.’ ‘No – well, no, he – well.’ Arthur bit his bottom lip. ‘Well, yes, okay. He is a bit of a bully, but if you stand up to him he's fine.’”
All of Merlin’s points seem familiar...
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Oh right, that’s why.
None of that makes any fucking sense, Arthur.
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Everything Arthur says to defend Kay is so easily dismissed by Merlin and yet Arthur keeps trying. This shit is why I am so suspicious of Arthur’s group of friends. You don’t hang out with someone who is so awful for so long without agreeing with their nonsense or at least some of it. You just don’t. I think I’ve read one conversation involving Kay where he doesn’t say something misogynistic or homophobic and even in that conversation, he’s still an asshole. That means he does literally nothing else except spout hateful nonsense to people. Which means his friends participate in it, just not in font of Merlin, because there’s literally nothing else Kay talks about. If they weren’t participating, they wouldn’t be friends with Kay because they would have nothing else to talk to him about.
Run Merlin. Fucking run.
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“You should have said something. God, when I thought you were straight – you would have said something, a month ago.”
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HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA at Merlin believing this. I think Arthur has told Kay to shut up exactly one time. No Merlin, Arthur would NOT have said anything.
Arthur gives Merlin a stupid non-apology and Merlin immediately forgives Arthur for no reason. So nothing gets resolved whatsoever.
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Chapter 29
This chapter opens up with Arthur, Merlin and Blanche talking about Christmas. Arthur is going to be giving an interview or something. Kay shows up. He’s homophobic and sexist as usual. No one says anything, as usual. Kay goes on and on about some princess Arthur is supposed to marry. It’s annoying and a waste of time because we’ve read basically this same scene about 20 times at this point.
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Merlin gets up and leaves the table.
Merlin goes and hangs out with the dragon on the plane for a while and the dragon casually mentions that Val sabotaged the engines when Merlin and Arthur almost crashed. I mean… duh? I don’t feel like the dragon should have to tell Merlin this. It was pretty obvious. I also feel like this should have been addressed sooner but since Arthur is on his way to meet Val to exchange Christmas gifts, we needed to get that drama for drama’s sake in there.
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Merlin finds Arthur alone on the beach with Val and Ewan. Merlin teleports to them and puts himself in front of Arthur as Val shoots at him. Merlin turns the bullets into bees. Then Merlin makes a whole bunch of bees and makes them swarm on Val, killing him.
Arthur asks Merlin what he did, Merlin tells Arthur that Val was the one who tried to kill him. Arthur looks terrified at Merlin, who then passes out.
Anyone else find Merlin becoming a hella ruthless murderer come out of nowhere? He could have just restrained him. Merlin’s never been a violent person up until this point.
Chapter 30
We get a couple of cliché scenes of Merlin waking up and being disoriented just to fall unconscious again. Whatever. Finally he wakes up to Gaius telling Merlin that Arthur and Ewan are fine.
“’Oh my God,’ he exclaimed, his voice going suddenly high with shock. ‘I killed a man.’ He drew in his breath with a hiss and stared at the wall, trying to make sense of that, trying to fit his sense of who he was around this new thing. ‘I killed a man. I used my magic for that.’” Merlin realizes what he did and he thinks about how he would do it again for anyone he loved without hesitation. “Merlin would not stand by and let innocent people become victims. Not when he could stop it.” Here’s the thing though, he didn’t just stop Val. He straight up murdered a bitch without thinking. Val was, at the time, not actively trying to murder Arthur anymore. He was running away. There was no reason for Merlin to kill him over just stopping him.
Gaius actually gives Merlin not shitty words of wisdom for once, “Gaius looked away. ‘I would like to say no, Merlin. But I'm afraid that would be a lie. Sometimes one does not have the luxury of being the person one would like to be. And sometimes there are no honourable options, and one must choose the least dishonourable.’” Good job, Gaius.
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Gonna have to disagree that Merlin did the least dishonorable thing though.
Merlin tells Gaius what happened, “Gaius raised one hand. ‘Sorry – am I to understand that you have actual conversations with the Great Dragon?’ he interrupted, in a tight voice. Merlin nodded. Gaius closed his eyes for a pained moment. ‘I see. And it didn't occur to you to mention this earlier?’ ‘Er – I thought this was obvious? When I told you that I'd put him into the plane?’” I agree with Merlin. I don’t know why Gaius is acting like this is brand new information.
So Merlin tells Gaius that the dragon told Merlin that Val was the one who broke the engines, “Yes. And I felt like such an idiot for not wondering more about what had happened, and getting totally sidetracked by – by – er, by other things.” That’s what I said! It doesn’t make sense to me though that Merlin wouldn’t want to figure out what happened, no matter how distracted he was by sex with Arthur. Arthur is supposed to be the love of his life and Merlin wasn’t the tiniest bit curious about who had tried to murder him? REALLY? I find that incredibly unbelievable. If someone tried to kill someone I loved, I wouldn’t stop until I figured out what happened. Even if I believed that Merlin was so stupid he really thought the engines both just spontaneously stopped working as the result of an accident or mechanical failure at exactly the same time, I find it weird that Merlin wouldn’t want to figure out what made them stop working.
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Anyways, Gaius tells Merlin that Uther wants to employ Merlin full time as Arthur’s bodyguard. So… doing exactly what he’s already been doing. He’s been Arthur’s bodyguard this entire time. That’s literally the reason he goes to school for free and why he shares a room with Arthur. Why are there so many continuity issues these last few chapters or so?
Gaius asks Merlin why Val tried to kill Arthur, “’Money,’ said Merlin, tightly. ‘It was just the money. It was for some splinter group of the Provisional IRA, but Val didn't care about the cause – he was just doing it because they'd offered him such a lot of cash. It was supposed to be the first of several key strikes, but he didn't know what the others were going to be.’ He shook his head, remembering the crawling sense of horror. ‘He could have done it any time, you know – he'd been ready to act for months, and was just waiting for the word to strike. God. If I hadn't been in the plane with Arthur that day – I mean, it was so close! And if he hadn't decided to get stupidly fancy and sabotage the plane – if he'd just shot Arthur on his morning run one day...’ his voice trailed off, and Merlin shuddered.”
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How could Merlin POSSIBLY know this? The dragon didn’t tell him and as soon as Merlin found out Val was the one who broke the engines, he went directly to find Arthur. Then after her murdered Val, he promptly passed out until this moment. There’s no way Merlin could know this information.
Merlin asks where Arthur is and Gaius tells him he’s being protected by bodyguards and Nimueh. Merlin acts surprised by this and asks Gaius about it, “’Oh, she's no fan of His Majesty the King, but she loved Igraine, and she'll not let any harm come to Igraine's son on her watch. You surely didn't imagine that Arthur had been bereft of magical protection until you came along?’ Merlin blinked. ‘Well,’ he said. ‘I thought you said that the wizards were pissed off with Uther?’ ‘Oh, the King is not exactly going to be winning any popularity contests among the wizarding community, but he's always had magical security staff.’” This is exactly why I don’t buy that Uther was unaware that Merlin was a sorcerer. Gaius flat out says that Arthur has always been protected by magic users and that Uther has always had a magical staff. So he just let Arthur travel far away without any magical protection whatsoever when up until going to University, Arthur’s always had it? Yeah, there’s no way that happened. So he HAD to have known about Merlin. Gaius tells Merlin that Morgana is with Arthur in London. Then he leaves.
Not much else to say about this post other than what I’ve already mentioned. I still hate Kay and I HATE that his behavior is portrayed as acceptable. I hate that Arthur is cool with Kay spouting all that bullshit just because he’s “loyal.” What? REALLY? That’s the type of person you want to be loyal to you, Arthur? WHY? I also found it stupid and unbelievable that Merlin never once was like, “Well golly gee, that sure was a strange plane malfunction. I should look into that so the love of my life isn’t in danger of dying like that again!” Still don’t believe Uther had no idea Merlin was a wizard too. Not buying it, sorry.
I know I say this a lot but I HATE drama for drama’s sake. Cut that shit out, authors. You can create drama without it being super obvious that’s exactly what you were doing. If your characters are behaving in totally unrealistic ways just so you can shoehorn in that major drama plotline, stop it and find another way to do it.
Until next time:
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