#incedible sulk writes
theincediblesulk · 5 years
A Day in the Snow
Me? back from the dead with something new? more likely than you think.
In all seriousness though, hello again I know it’s been a long while since I’ve done anything with this, but it’s been in the works for months. So, here’s part 2 of the Rise of the Guardians AU from so long ago. I hope you like it!
Word Count: 1,954
Content Warning: snowball fights, sledding accident, lost tooth
please tel me if there’s anything else that should be tagged!
Find it on Ao3!
RotG taglist:  @bleepblopbloop56 @confinesofpersonalknowledge@awkward-eko @virgils-jacket @notalwaysthevillian @this-is-just-another-fangirl @fantazeyiskey  @phyling-squirrel @thekeytohappiness-is-you @residentanchor @ierindoodles @deathshadowrules @your-average-dysphoric-homie @nerdychef-jean @munchkin-the-slendermum @figurative-chill-pill @theresneverenoughfandoms @absentmindedproff @bloodropsblog @sanderstalker @beetlequail @wildhorsewolf @changeling-ash @irrlevantbutfabulous @quoth-the-sparrow 
General Taglist:  @jynxlovesluck @an-ace-up-my-sleeves @chemicallyimbalanced-shadowling @lotors-gucci-gang @anuninspiredpoet @angered-turtle @cdragontogacotar @virgiliananxiety @justmyshitandmoreshit @snakearebaes @agirlwhodarestodreamx  @poundland-twoface @gianalator @hanramz-the-fander @enderperson43 @i-really-dig-the-purple @moonshine-the-not-so-secret-emo @ultimate-queen-of-fandoms2 @marvelismylifffe @idon-kno @falling-ina-forest
If you’d like to be added or removed from the list, please feel free to send me an ask!
Virgil was bored. 
That was nothing new for him though, not for this time of year. The children had all gone back to school, more people complained about the snow and cold than those who enjoyed it, and the excitement of Christmas and “Santa Claus” had worn off. It was time for the world to warm up and for people to get back to their lives.
So, Virgil was left with being bored. Sure, he could make it snow, but the last time he did that he got himself in some trouble. He didn’t want to experience that again. The memory was enough to make him shudder. So he waited, listening for an excuse to have some fun. 
Lucky for him, it didn’t take long to find an excuse. 
Virgil has let the wind carry him, nowhere particular in mind when he came to the small town where he spent most of his time. He could see the people getting up and starting their day, hear the voices calling to each other on the street as they moved throughout their normal activities. Most of the people on the street right now were adults, getting newspapers and leaving for work. The lack of children is what made Virgil curious enough to get closer and investigate. 
“- too cold for school is what the message said.” Virgil heard a woman say into a phone as she picked up her paper from the step in front of her home. Looking around, Virgil smiled. It seemed Mother Nature might be on his side today after all. 
The world looked chilled. The greens in the plants that had started to grow back looked slightly dulled against the chill leftover from winter, many of them had a small sheen of ice reflecting the light from the sunrise. The plants that didn’t looked heavy were dripping water that moved too  quick to freeze as if fell to the ground. 
A cold day? At this time of year? Well, that was something Virgil could work with. Smiling to himself, he called upon the wind to take him higher. If the kids were staying home from school due to the cold, he might as well make it worth their while. And what better way to that then by turning a cold day into a snow day. 
To say the kids were happy when they woke up was an understatement. Many of them were outside as soon as possible to play in the freshly fallen snow. Something many thought was gone for the year with Easter around the corner, so it was a pleasant and very welcomed surprise. Seeing the kids happy and smiling and hearing laughter brought a smile to Virgil’s face. He makes them happy, even if they can’t see him. He provides fun for them when they want it and need it most. And, as he told himself, that was enough. 
“Come on Remy let’s go!” He heard. Looking to the left from his perch on a tree branch, Virgil watched a young boy jump from a porch while putting on his coat. He was moving quick, wanting to go and play with his friends on his day off. His wide smile was enough to tell Virgil that the day was a success already. 
“I’m coming!” The boy, Remy called back. He was stopped by his mother, grabbing his arm and placing a hat on his head. Remy sighed and adjusted it, mumbling some complaints. 
“Oh hush,” his mother spoke, “you don’t want Virgil Winters nipping at your nose do you?”
“Who’s Virgil Winters?” Remy asked, running off before an answer could be given. 
Virgil watch the boy ran to catch up with his friend, an unreadable expression on his face. It wasn’t uncommon for people not to know who Virgil was, but they weren’t usually so in your face about it. It was almost an unspoken thing, someone mentions Virgil Winters and you just ignore it. You don’t ask about it, not like this kid did. 
“Who’s Virgil Winters?” he mumbled, following a little way behind the group, “I’ll show you who Virgil Winters is.”
Virgil began packing the snow in his hands, forming a snowball. He watcheded the group of kids settle and begin playing in the snow; making building snowmen and making angels. He waited, looking for the perfect opportunity to throw his snowball. He saw the boy, who he assumed was Remy based on the amount of times people had called the name out, begin to turn and took the moment. He threw the snowball, hitting the boy in the nose. 
Everyone froze when that happened. The other kids looking at each other to try and determine who had thrown the snowball. Remy looked at his friends too, confused at first. A smile made its way to his face slowly, he began to laugh before stooping down to pack a snowball of his own. 
It didn’t take long after that for an all out war to begin. The kids were running and screaming, making snowballs and throwing them as quickly as they can. Virgil created a few of his own, leaving them on the ground for the kids to find and throw. He felt himself start to smile, watching the fun and leaning against the staff he carried.
This was it. This is what he did, and he enjoyed it. He liked giving people something to do and something to make them laugh. He loved seeing the joy on their faces, even if they never knew it was him. He could live his whole life being unknown, as long as he could keep making people smile. That’s what mattered to him. He didn’t care what the man in the moon had to say about, if he ever had anything to say about. 
Virgil was pulled from his thoughts suddenly when he heard the laughter pause. Looking around, he saw all the kids looking at each other, some in shock and others in fear. The mumbles of ‘who hit…’ and ‘it wasn’t me…’ reached his ears. Looking over, he saw a child who hadn’t been involved in the fight had snow on their back. It was clear, looking the tense posture and shoulders, that this person hadn’t expected to be hit by a snowball. 
Virgil made a snowball of his own, throwing it when the person turned around. The children gasped and dropped their snowballs, watching as it hit the other in the face. When the snowball hit, it seemed the child’s attitude changed. They no longer looked angry, instead beginning to laugh. The other’s soon joined in, and the snowball fight continued. The children shrieking with joy. Everything was going just how Virgil wanted, and he was even able to throw a few snowballs of his own. 
It seemed as if nothing could ruin this day. Everyone was having fun and things were going good. And then he heard aa yell from behind him. Turning, he saw Remy had fallen on a sled, and that started the chase. 
Remy was scared, it wasn’t hard to tell. It was written all over his face as the sled rushed down the hill and towards the road. He could see the cars passing back and forth, could hear the hum of the engines and the muted sounds from the music playing inside. He could hear it all, but it sounded so quiet. It sounded muffled and muted, like he had cotton stuffed in his ears. Remy didn’t know what was going to happen. He was moving too fast to stop, and he was afraid to let go. He didn’t know what to do, all he really knew is that the cars on the street were getting closer and he was almost out of time. He heard the squeal of the breaks and he heard the horns blaring all around him. He waited, tense and ready for the impact that was sure to come with all the noise around him. It never came though.
“Hang on kid, I got ya.” Virgil said as an ice path appeared to guide the sled away from traffic.  
Slowly, as if the boy had heard him, Virgil watched him open his eyes. He watched as the wonder and excitement replace the fear on the boys face, and listened as his laughter filled the air around him.
Virgil smiled, seeing the joy on the boys face and hearing his laughter. This is it, they were having fun! This had to be the moment where the kids realized that there was someone who brought them the snow, someone who made it possible for them to have fun on days like this. They had to believe he was there, they had to see him now. There was no avoiding, this was the moment he’d waited for his whole life. One of them was going to say it, they were going to say his name and believe in him, and they would see him. 
“Remy watch out!”
Virgil was ripped from his thoughts to see the sled flying through the air. The boy, Remy, was still smiling, but you could see his expression changing. You could see him bracing himself, and when Virgil looked forward he saw why. He was heading straight for a statue in the park. 
Everything seemed to slow down suddenly. Virgil and the children all watched as Remy flew through the air. No one knew what to do or how to stop him, no one could look away from the scene unfolding before them. There was no stopping what was happening in that moment. 
Remy hit the statue with a loud thud, causing everyone to cringe and turn away. Everything seemed to pick back up then, the kids rush at the statue, cries of “Remy!” and “Are you okay?” overlapped each other as they all tried to check on their friend. Virgil stood back, not knowing what to do or what to say. Not knowing if they could see him there or if they believed in him enough for him to be able to help. Instead, he watched and waited. 
The worried yells quickly changed to cries of joy and excitement as Remy’s hand shot into the air, “Look, a tooth!”
“Dude that’s awesome!” one of the girls called out, a bright smile on her face.
“That means cash.” another boy said.
“Tooth fairy cash.” chimed in another boy standing next to him. 
“Hey wait, come on.” Virgil said, moving so he was standing outside of the huddle. “What about all the fun we just had? That wasn’t the tooth fairy, that was me! Don’t you rememb-” his words were cut off with a sudden gasp as the kids passed through him. 
‘No.’ was all Virgil could hear, all that was running through his mind as the small group began making their way out of the park and towards their home. This wasn’t how it was supposed to go. They were supposed to have fun and that was supposed to make them believe; they were supposed to see him now. That was his plan, that was how it was supposed to work today. 
He couldn’t bring himself to go after them. Not now, not when he could still feel the ghost of them passing through him like he was nothing. Not when the pain of realizing they’ll never see him, that no one will ever see him, is still fresh. 
He couldn’t go after them, all he could do was try and accept his fate. He would be alone, forever. Cursed by the Man in the Moon. That’s all he was, and all he would ever be.
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princeanxious · 6 years
Whats he hiding???
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A toiny baby birb, thats what!!
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(Here, have a few doodles, more to come in the future if you want them!)
General Art Taglist; @fandergecko @equipodeleo @221biotchplease @solemn-vow @today-only-happens-once @asterias-confused-writings @fandersideas @raygelkitty @analogical-chaos @panic-at-theeverywhere @ultimate-queen-of-fandoms2 @midnightcandy @iaminmultiplefandoms @xx-pink-lars-is-best-lars-xx @misstallip @jadedragon1903 @mewmewmika @winglessnymph @confinesofpersonalknowledge @jaxthejoker @planetsanders @queen-of-all-things-snuggly @thekeytohappiness-is-you @shesavampirequeen @allycat31415 @nasayeepo @allfavoritesaside @could-always-be-gayer-2 @theresneverenoughfandoms @sleepyssnail @ajdraws0430 @nyarsenic @awkward-eko @the-incedible-sulk @whatwashernameagain @anxietywolf @anxiousangelvirgil @moonfang03
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stillebesat · 6 years
Could you do the, "I'm with you to the end," for the Protective/Loyal dialogue prompts please?
The Finish Line
Sanders Sides: Logan, RomanFic Type: Human!AuBlurb: After years of training, Logan Star is finally going to accomplish the one goal he’s had since his first High School track meet. Beat Roman Prince.Warnings: Injuries. 
Logan allowed a small smile to briefly grace his face as he rounded the final bend before the finish line, the sudden roar of the crowd waiting to see the winner assaulting his ears after listening to his own haggard breathing for the past twenty-six miles.
Almost there.
Half a mile. His heart swelled in his chest. Half a mile and he would finally achieve the goal he’d had since his first high school track meet.
Beat Roman Prince.
Logan let out a breath, zeroing in on the finish line. Stay relaxed. Don’t screw it up now. He had the lead for once, having overtaken the Marathon Prince back at the nineteenth mile marker.
For once he’d managed to keep a level head. For once he had managed to not let Roman’s teasing goad him into wasting his energy. No, for once he’d allowed his rival to take the early lead and hadn’t raced to try to keep up.
The Marathon Prince excelled in quick starts, having often run four-minute miles at their track meets, but Logan was the better long-distance runner. Comparing their past stats had proven that. Roman only could keep his lead before now because Logan and others in the past had tried to follow the Prince’s quick start pace.
Not this time.
Logan had conserved his strength for this last half mile. Saving it all for this final sprint.
He had no idea how far behind him Roman was. He hadn’t looked back once he’d passed his rival. It could be a couple of feet, it could be a mile.
It didn’t matter. Because either way, Roman Prince was finally going to eat his figurative dust. 
“Go.” Logan breathed, forcing his tired legs to move faster, the roar of the crowd spurring him to break into a full on run.
A final sprint. The last half mile.
For once, Logan Star would come in firs–
Agony coursed through his right leg like a lightning bolt and Logan only managed to run a couple more steps before he fell to the ground, barely hearing the gasp that went through the crowd as he bit down hard on his lip to keep himself from screaming.
No. Nonononononono!
He looked up through his tear blurred vision to the finish line only six hundred yards away.
It couldn’t end like this.
Gritting his teeth, he shoved back to his feet, waving away medical personal coming to his aid.
He would not let Roman win! This was his victory! HIS TRIUMPH.
No leg injury was going to get in the way of that.
He had the lead.
Logan broke into a hobbling jog, practically hoping with his left leg, his right barely able to move let alone support his weight.
This was HIS win!
His heart sank as the crowd roared, breaking out into applause and cheers that could only mean one thing.
“Prince! Prince! PRINCE! PRINCE! PRINCE!!” The crowd chanted in an increasing crescendo.
Logan bit back a sob, trying to hobble faster, only the agony was swiftly increasing from lightning bolt to a nuclear explosion. Between one blink and the next he found himself back on the ground, clutching at his right leg three hundred yards from the finish line.
So. Close.
Any second now, The Prince would dart past him, claiming the victory that had been just within reach  Logan closed his eyes, fighting to keep tears from falling. He’d been so close! So close and his own body had betrayed him.
“Hey Specs.” A warm hand grabbed him by the upper arm, pulling him back to his feet.
Logan yelped, another lightning bolt shooting down his leg as he looked up, eyes going wide.  “Ro-” He choked out, staring at his rival’s sweat-covered face. What was he doing?
The Marathon Prince flashed him a tired smile. “Come on, I got you.” He said, slinging Logan’s arm over his shoulders. “Just keep that leg off the ground alright?”
He could barely control the leg, let alone lift it. Logan inhaled sharply, seeing spots in his vision as Roman moved them forward. He dug his fingers into the Prince’s shoulders, hopping along. “What are. You. Doing?” He gasped out. “Go win. Your race.” Again.
His rival had no reason to stop. No reason to help him. Why was he helping him!
Roman tsked, shaking his head. “This is gonna be your win, Specs. Not mine.”
No it wasn’t. He was the one with the injury. He was the one who couldn’t walk. Roman could easily use his sprinter’s speed and win within four seconds. Logan gritted his teeth. “Leave me, Idiot.”
The Marathon Prince huffed a laugh, increasing their speed as for a third time the crowd roared behind them. “I’m staying right here.”
Logan shuddered, his injured leg a beacon of agony, pulsating with every hobbling step, his other one not much better from the strain of supporting most of his weight. “Why?” The finish line was only a hundred yards away. Roman could have easily crossed first ages ago.
Prince shot him a look, determination burning like a fire in his amber eyes. “Do I need a reason?”
His heart skipped a beat. Logan forced himself to look away, staring at the checkered line approaching. “Yes.” They were rivals for crying out loud!
Fifty yards.
“Just know then that I’m with you to the end, Specs. Trust me.” He flashed another brilliant smile. “You’re going to finish this race whether you like it or not.”
Logan made a face. What kind of sentimental crap was this? The heat had obviously gotten to his competitor. “Roman.”
“You heard me.”
Ten yards.
His heart climbed into his throat as he caught the sound of the footfalls of their third competitor fast approaching. Despite himself. Despite knowing it was hopeless. Despite knowing he wasn’t going to win and that the Marathon Prince would claim another victory, Logan increased his pace, barely able to take a full breath as he road the waves of agony with every hopping limp forward.
Logan Star may always be second place runner, but he wasn’t going to allow himself to drop down to third or fourth.
Two yards.
So close.
He could practically feel the other guy breathing down their necks.
“Get ready.” Roman said, suddenly slinging Logan’s arm off his shoulder.
His heart sank. He knew it. This was when Roman would take the lead and win–Logan yelped as his rival shoved him forcefully in the back, sending him staggering ahead of the Marathon Prince and over the finish line.
Everything went silent. The only sound he could hear echoing in his ears was his own haggard breathing as Logan collapsed for a third time to the pavement, eyes wide.
No way.
No. Way.
He’d… “I won?” He whispered in disbelief, barely able to hear himself as the crowd roared to life with celebratory cheers and horns exploded around him. What? How–WHY?! Roman could have easily–
“You won.” Roman said warmly into his ear, pulling him back to his feet long enough to scoop Logan into his arms. “Congratulations.”
He’d won.
Logan melted against his rivals sweat-covered chest, feet crying out in relief that they were no longer supporting him, though his leg still felt like a pulsating sun about to go supernova. “Thanks.” He whispered as Medics surrounded them, guiding the two of them off the track and into the medical tent to get his leg looked at. 
He’d have to demand actual answers from the Prin–Roman later on his actions.
“No problem, Lo.” Roman said just as quietly, giving him a small smirk once they ducked out of sight of the spectators. “Rematch once you’re recovered?”
Logan flashed his own grin, eyes lighting up. Was that even a question? “Of course.” He’d look forward to it.
Taglist: @loverofpizzaandallthingssweet @not-so-innocent-bi-sander @redundant-statements-for-400 @aikogumi @depressed-alone @lizziepopanime @midnightcandy @sidewritings​ @nekoabi @ironwoman359 @ilovereadingandilovebreathing​ @ultimate-queen-of-fandoms2 @theblackhoundsdaughter @littlemiracle05 @virgil-has-a-houseplant @caristars @seas-space-and-stardust @thedannyparable @faacethefacts @but-jesuschrist-im-never-good @fancydelusionluminary @generalfandomfabulousness @the-incedible-sulk @i-am-avacado @entitydark @unikornavenger @iris-sanders-athena @narniasfinestavengingsociopath @queen-of-all-things-snuggly @uniquesoulshatter @made-of-bitterness-and-sarcasm @moltengoldenstardust @sanders-is-awesome @myownhappilyeverafter @dragonsight9 @loving-neko @lucifer-in-my-head  @punsterterry @riley-castillo @sleepyssnail @fandomcrazy899 @fuck-perfection-be-a-mess @yay-cats9 @sanders-sides-thuri @fandersfic-logince @fandersfic-logan Thanks for the prompt!!! I enjoyed writing it and I hope you like it!!
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emovirgil-sanders · 6 years
I named the file for this “I write sins, not falsehoods” and I just love it.
Uh, I found it here.
Taglist for edits: @the-incedible-sulk 
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galacticchaosminion · 6 years
Someone please write a fic about this @the-incedible-sulk 
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crankywhenprovoked · 5 years
omegaverse prompt 8 with analogical?
Omega goes to an Alpha, who doesn’t look too menacing, and clings on them to get away from another creepy Alpha/Beta. 
Flipping another page of his book, Virgil picked up his coffee and took a small drink, the dark flavor filling his taste buds.  The sounds of the coffee shop around him soothed him, as it did every morning, when he came to relax before getting his day starting.  Above the door at the front of the store, the bells chimed their alert that someone new was coming in.  Taking another drink of his coffee, Virgil looked up as he heard steps coming towards him.
Barely getting a good look at the male, Virgil blinked fast as suddenly the smaller male was tucked against his side.
“Uhm.” Virgil said, resting his book on the table.
“I’m sorry, I know this is weird, but please don’t push me away.”  The other male, that Virgil could smell was an Omega, said as he peeked up at him.
Blinking a few more times, Virgil let his arm rest around the Omega’s shoulders, looking around the room.  The bells over the door chimed again as a man stepped into the cafe, eyes scanning around the place before landing on the male under his arm.  A small snarl curled the other man's lip as he headed to the counter and stood in line, side eyeing the pair of them.
“Someone you know?”  Virgil asked, pulling the Omega closer to him.
“He likes coming to my job and makes comments about me, and today he was coming in as I was leaving to walk home.  So I came here, because.” He trailed off, his face turning red.
“Because?”  Virgil asked, turning his attention fully to the Omega.
“Because I was hoping you were here.  I’ve seen you in here a handful of mornings and you looked like a nice Alpha.  I’m sorry.”
Virgil shook his head, giving a glance over to the male that was now sitting at another table, glaring daggers at the pair.
“Don’t be, I’m glad I was able to help.” Virgil trailed off, tilting his head.
“I’m glad I could help, Logan.”
“Thank you, uh.”
“Thank you, Virgil.  Honestly I don’t know what I would have done if you hadn't been here.”
Virgil nodded, picking up his coffee and taking a drink, trying to swallow the bad taste he had in his mouth, knowing exactly what the other Alpha would have done.
“I don’t think he’s going to leave anytime soon though.”  Logan sighed.
“Then I’ll just have to walk you home.”
“You don’t.”
“Hey, you asked for protection, and I’m going to give it to you.  So just let me finish my coffee and we’ll go, yea?”
“Ok.  Thank you.” Logan mumbled, smiling softly as Virgil held him tighter, relaxing fully for the first time in a long while.  “Thank you.”
Tag list:
@a-blog-just-for-sanders@ace-v-p-d@acechirou@acrobaticcatfeline@ahoardofsides@aikogumi@alextheodd@aliferous-ly@all-these-trees-stealing-mah-o2@allaboutme7@allierox15@allthemetalsoftherainbow@an-anxious-gay-mess@angeliclogan@angered-turtle@anonymouseandkeyboard@anxie-teaa@anxious-darkwolf@anxiousoddish@anyay666@aph-roma@areyousirius-noheisdead@thestoryofme13@artistictaurean@asalwayss@ashbash-the-trashcash@AskolotlQuestions@asterias-confused-writings@blaikleethepanagender@blazeimagines101@bluebellie01@candiukas@captain-loki-xavier@catsandrandomness@cinderlunarcyborg@cinquefoilelove@clueingforblogs@confinesofpersonalknowledge@confinesofpersonalknowledge@countessmissyshort@crankywhenprovoked@Moltengoldenstardust@datonerougecookeh@deadinsidebutliving@deathbyvenusftw@deep-ocean-blues@dementeddracon@depressed-alone@devastate-my-space@digitally-analog@do-rey-me@dreamerhowelll@dudlebuggs@emokittenlikesgore@emovirgil@erlenmeyertrashofsandersides @evilmuffin@faacethefacts@theresneverenoughfandoms@faithhopefelony@fanatic564@fandergecko@ffsas-side-account@fricksonsticks@funsizedgremlin@grey-lysander@hamster-corn @hanramz-the-fander@happypappypatton@heythereprincey@hghrules@hissesssss@hoodie-bros​@hottopicvirge@icbatocomeupwithausername@runyou-cleverboy-andremember@inkyroo@irwinscupoftea@ispeakhalflies@ive-given-up-on-it@jade-dragon226-fan@johnnyboylaurens@justmyshitandmoreshit@k9cat@katatles-the-fish@katesattic@kentato-kenart@kickthenavi@koalaaquabear@kurna-kovite@l-i-t-vocabcards@lacandra@lana–22@lo-brokeit@logically-alone@logically-asexual@logically-sided@louisthewarlock@lynisnotamused@madelynna@magicmapleleaf@makemeaplant@maximum-fander@memesanddreamsinc@mercythemermaid@micha-like-you-find-in-rocks@migraine-marathon@milomeepit@minamishipsit@mollycassmith@multi-fandom-trash-x9000@muontsy2@musicphanpie-b@musicsavedmefromdeath@neko-ereri@nightlovechild@nightmarejasmine@nuttytheorizer@nymphaedoratonks@nyxwordsmith@on-lock-like-attica@osnapitzbc@out-of-existence@pal-im-not-clever@pandagirl0730@pansexual-cat@pansexual-cat@Paxtonlovestea@pearls-of-patton@pieces-of-annedrew@pinkeasteregg@planetsanders@poundland-twoface@galacticallynonbinary@prplzorua@purplesatankittycat@radioactivebread@rainbow-beaniegirl@raisin-oatmeal-cookie@reba-andthesides@redundant-statements-for-400@robanilla@roman-is-a-gay@romanssippycup@rose-gold-roman@royallyanxious@rptheturk@ruuworld@sanders-fam-ily@sanders-sides-things@sanders-trash-4ever@sandersfanderscandoers@sanderssides-deathangel@saphirestrike@sarcastic-anxious@save-dirk@savingshae@sehtah@septifanderplier@shesavampirequeen@shygirl4991@sides-of-a-sunset@silentwhistlingwind@silversunshine2012@siriuswhiskers@smokeyrutilequartz@space-d0ubt@spacenerrrd@starlightlogan@starry-eyed-haiku-dreamer@storytellerofuntoldlegends@strangerthings-and-phan@strangerthings-and-phan@thesilentbluesparrow@superintrovertfangirl@thats-so-crash@the-feels-are-coming@the-incedible-sulk@the-optimism-of-the-ostriches@the-prince-and-the-emo@theanxietyofbeinganxious@thecrimsoncodex@thenerdycube@thepusheenqueen@katie-the-noble-fangirl@theworldismysupernova@thisisshien@thomas-must-get-to-sleep@thought-u-said-dragon-queen@too-random-for-me@toujours-fidele@trashfireiplier@trashypansexual@tree4life25@trivia-goddess@unknownsandersfan@urtrashhq@vampyrsarah@violetmcl@virgil-is-verge@virgils-anxiety@vivimarius@voices-and-stardust@vulnerablevirgil@walking-encyclopedia@watch-me-introvert@XxxxWitlee@yourhappypappypatton@l-i-t-vocabcards@enderperson43@heck-im-lost@johnlockandrarry@ultimate-queen-of-fandoms2@beetlequail@mildly-entertaining-fiasco@lemonyellowlogic@analogical-mess@dr-gloom@max-is-tired@charakitcat@sadnessisasocialconstruct@noon-shadows
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notalwaysthevillian · 6 years
Royality - meeting at a dog park, excitable dogs, maybe some flirting and arranging a “play date?”
Anon said: Can you write something for Royality? -PB
Dog Park
Warnings: none that I can think of?
Pairing: Royality
Word Count: ~300
“Dodger, wait!”
The fluffy brown Akita bounded through the park, chasing after a squirrel. Roman darted after him, calling Dodger’s name as he ran.
The dog changed course, bounding towards another human, causing Roman to slip and fall on the dewy grass. He heard someone fall fairly close by before the sound of the cutest giggle filled his ears.
“And who do you belong to?”
Roman scrambled to his feet, easily locating his dog. He grabbed the leash, tugging Dodger to his side and off of whoever he’d just knocked over. “Sorry, he’s mi-”
The words died on Roman’s tongue as his eyes landed on one of the most handsome men he’d ever seen.
The man flashed him a smile as he popped to his feet. “Hi, I’m Patton! My dog’s name is Oliver.”
“Oliver? Like Oliver and Company?” Roman asked, just now noticing the shiba inu sitting at Patton’s feet. “My dog’s name is Dodger.”
“What a coinkydink!” Patton kneeled down, letting Dodger lick his face. Between giggles, he asked, “What’s your name?”
“Roman. Roman Valentine.”
Patton straightened up, a slight blush rising to his cheeks. “Does that mean you make a good valentine?”
An easy smile settled onto Roman’s face. “My past valentines have thought so. Care to try me out?”
“You don’t have plans already?” Patton looked genuinely confused. “You’ve got a cute dog, a great smile, and a handsome face. How are you not taken?”
“I guess I hadn’t found the right person until today.” Roman laughed as Patton squeaked. “But I can’t wait a whole week to take you out. I had plans to take Dodger to the dog park tomorrow, would you and Oliver care to join us?”
“What do you think, Oliver?”
Oliver let out a bark and wagged his tail.
“It’s a date.”
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General Tag List: @angels-and-dreams @at-least-seven-pretty-potatoes @blenderkit17 @breloomings @buckydeangirl91 @certifiedtrashxx @corkeecoderyt @derp-fox-ok @dylanistransblog @elzenti @emmymagicpond @enderperson43 @entpscarleharrrr @fangsandrainbows @g-gemi @galaxypankitty3030 @generalfandomfabulousness @heck-im-lost @i-really-dig-the-purple @iamanemotrashbag @idon-kno @im-shooting-straight @izzynuggets @jemthebookworm @kaileah-kat @kameraishere @katie-the-noble-fangirl @kilala2tail @levy-the-b00kw0rm @loveyatothemoonandback @max-is-tired @melchann @musikasworld @mycatshuman @naw2702 @notice-me-cat-senpai @onenightjoanly @phander-trash  @probablysomeproblems @punsterterry @quaking-alot @ravenclawangst @realspookygiraffe @reba-andthesides @royallyanxious @scuzi-q @sir-squiggles-the-art-blog @surleytemple @the-fandoms-are-takin-over @the-incedible-sulk @therealpeterpan @theunoriginaldaisy @unlikelynightmareconnoisseur @why-should-i-tell-youu2 @my-analogical-romance @theresneverenoughfandoms @tinysidestrashcaptain
@notveryglittery you like royality right?
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princeanxious · 6 years
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quoth-the-sparrow · 6 years
Analogical Headcanons
Hey there! Who's ready for some analogical human!au headcanons? Hmm? What's that? No one asked for these? Oh well, you're getting them anyways!
Who would:
Give nose/forehead kisses: Logan. He isn't a huge fan of displays of public affection but he does like giving these kinds of kisses; especially if they are in a crowded place and Virgil's anxiety is getting to him.
Gets jealous the most: Virgil, though it isn't as much jealousy as it is being over-protective. A few weeks into their relationship, they'd been at a bar and some frat guy tried to hit on Logan. Virgil got upset and stood in between Logan and frat guy before Logan even had a chance to say anything, telling him to back off because 'this nerd is taken.' Logan liked that Virgil cared enough to intervene, but reassured Virgil that he could take care of himself in situations like that.
Picks the other up from the bar when they're too drunk too drive: This has only happened once. They'd gotten into a huge fight that ended with Virgil storming off and driving around. He ended up at some dive bar and (unwisely) decided to go in and have a drink. Except one drink turned into two, which turned into five. Eventually he got so drunk the bartender cut him off and refused to let him drive home. Virgil, sad and lonely and upset that he couldn't drink anymore, called Logan. Logan went to pick him up, and when he saw Virgil crying and stumbling outside the bar, all his anger went away. He took Virgil home and took care of him.
Takes care of on sick days: They both take care of each other. But where Virgil can be coaxed to cooperate by some soft logical words, Logan has to be fought and argued with. Especially when Logan doesn't want to stop working. Virgil has had to physically pick Logan up and carry him to bed on multiple occasions. (Logan, you stubborn boi, let your boyfriend take care of you!)
Drags the other person out into the water on beach days: Virgil. They had traveled to California to visit their friends Roman and Patton for a week and they'd all gone to the beach. Logan had wanted to stay at the hotel but Virgil convinced him to come. With Roman and Patton's help, they pull Logan into the water and they have a wonderful day splashing and swimming in the ocean!
Gives unprompted massages: Logan. He mostly does this when Virgil has trouble sleeping. He'll stroke Virgil's back softly at first, then work out the knots and tense muscles until Virgil relaxes and falls asleep.
Drives/Rides shotgun: Virgil likes to drive, mostly because Logan prefers to read or write while they travel in the car. Logan only drives if he needs to.
Brings the other lunch at work: They both work from home (Logan writes both science-fiction and mystery novels and Virgil is a YouTuber) but they always make sure to take an hour break to eat lunch together.
Has the better parental relationship: Logan's parents were strict when he was growing up; always expecting perfect grades and for their son to be the best in everything he did. They didn't approve of Logan being gay, and they kicked him out when he was outed by his older brother. Logan went to live with his Uncle Joan, who didn't have a problem with Logan's sexuality. Logan still doesn't talk to his parents, and often refers to his Uncle Joan and their partner Talyn as his parents. Virgil was raised by two loving moms, and they adore Logan. Joan and Talyn also adore Virgil, and Virgil gets along with them both really well! Logan and Virgil alternate having holidays with their parents when they can't all be together.
Tries to start role-playing in bed: Virgil had been wanting to try things in the bedroom for a while, and finally got the courage to talk to Logan about it. To his surprise, Logan admitted he was also curious, and was willing to try out some things. (Communication is so important in situations like this!)
Embarrassingly drunk dancer: Logan. He doesn't get drunk often, but when he does he loosens up tremendously. They'd been having a New Year's celebration, just the two of them, and they'd both drank more than they'd originally planned. Logan got so drunk he took his clothes off and danced on the table in only his underwear and tie. Virgil thought it was both hilarious and attractive. Logan woke up the next morning with no memory of the incident, and Virgil had to tell him. Logan was embarrassed and hid under the covers. Virgil hugged him and promised to never tell anyone else about it.
Still cries watching Titanic: Virgil. Not full-on bawling, but there are always a few tears. Logan smiles softly at him and holds him closer whenever this happens.
Firmly believes in couples costumes: Logan. He loves planning them, and Virgil is always willing to dress up in whatever 'nerdy' costumes Logan picks out. They dress up every year, even if they only stay home and pass out candy to trick-or-treaters.
Breaks the ' no expensive gifts rule' during Christmas: Logan. He loves the act of giving gifts; it's one of his love languages. He always breaks the rule every single year, but no one can talk him out of doing it, so they just let him do it.
Makes the other eat breakfast: They can both be pretty bad about taking care of themselves, but they are really good at taking care of the other. If one of them has to eat breakfast, the other does too. Meal times are especially important to both of them; sometimes during busy weeks it's really the only time they have to spend together. (Virgil has a posting schedule he likes to stick to for his YouTube channel, and Logan always worries about meeting his deadlines for his books.)
Remembers anniversaries: Virgil. They're really important to him, not only because Logan is incredibly important to him but because they're solid proof that Logan truly loves him. (Why else would he have stuck around to make it through one, two, three years together?) Virgil always plans out the anniversaries, and Logan lets him because he knows how important it is to Virgil. (Except Logan insists on planning their 7th year anniversary, and he proposes to Virgil on that night! Of course Virgil says yes!!!)
Brings up having kids: Logan. It's a year after they got married, and Logan had been thinking about it for awhile. Virgil is anxious about it (What if the kids don't like him? What if he's a bad parent?) After much discussion and comforting, logical words, they decide to adopt. They end up adopting a cute little boy named Emile!
Bonus stuff!
Virgil and Patton have been best friends since childhood.
Patton moved to California for college, though him and Virgil never lost touch! They Skyped, texted and called every chance they got.
Logan got to know Roman when one his most popular science-fiction novels got turned into a TV series. Roman was cast as the lead role, and the actor insisted on speaking to Logan so he could know everything about the character he was playing. They ended up becoming best friends as well, though they will occasionally butt heads.
Logan and Virgil lived in Florida for the longest time, but shortly after they got married, they made the move to California, both to be closer to their best friends but also to help with their careers.
Virgil had been the one to introduce Patron to Roman, and they instantly connected with one another. 'True love at first sight!' as Roman so often likes to put it.
A/N: I hope you all enjoyed that! I had a lot of fun writing it. Please re-blog this and let me know what you think! Thank you all so much for your support and encouragement; it means more to me than you know!
Tagging: @fandersfic-analogical @areyousirius-noheisdead @the-incedible-sulk @galaxywitchwolf13 @silversmith-91 @anuninspiredpoet @today-only-happens-once
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wolves-on-caffeine · 6 years
Gifts Prompts for Avery
Logan and Virgil have been married for five years. Tell a story about the different things that they do to surprise each other- or simply brighten up their day.
Virgil doesn’t have the courage to confess to Logan directly, so instead writes “secret admirer” letters and slips them into Logan’s locker. He does not expect the other to play detective to find the “culprit.”
Virgil and Logan, the two most aro men around, have decided to fake date each other so their well-meaning family will stop asking them if they’ve started a relationship yet. This goes... Both very well and very badly. [meant to be humour, but take it however you’d like!! ^-^]
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jynxlovesluck · 6 years
"We are all unique. There is nothing to difference us in any space. We are all puzzles. We don't have matching pieces.
We are all scared. We are all wanting.
For that, we exist."
-Jynx Assana
He didn't know what was wrong.
It was simple. He didn't need to do much.
Just a poem, a few twisted lines that maneuvered into vines that roses would adorn and his audience would love. Intricate beauty. Soft pain. Hard happiness. The freedom to explore his own depths in a safe way.
His head hit the desk, wooden drawers rattling like the python strangling his mind. Why? Why wouldn't the words be? Why wouldn't they gush and run over him in a shower of brilliance?
Roman was the pure essence of creativity. He was romance. He was Patton in pain, Logan in the briefest sense. He was Virgil in the slightest touch, a drop of dread curled into his prose.
But his pilot G-2 pen (filled with red and blue and yellow and sunsets and tears and royalty and love and every single color he could be in want for) did not write. His own looped, cursive handwriting did not glide over the page. His words did not squish and become jagged. His ink did not run slower then his mind could move, did not halt his progress.
Roman was stuck. His desk didn't help. His bed didn't help. Riding a dragon. Sleeping on a cloud. Watching a movie. Waiting.
It did not help.
Where could his power have gone?
This fate had to be worse then writer's block. That is a mistress he had danced with many of times at least showed herself with time.
No, this was her distant sister. Someone far more mean. And far more sadistic.
This was doubt. She holds him like a friend. She steals his mind away like a love that never lets you sleep. She is a statue of a God. Seemingly perfect. But an echo of an image of something pure and holy.
He knew this. But her words were melodious. They flowed sweetly, sugary, with all the conviction of a mother, and all the sense of someone too old.
“Why do you try?” She croons at him. “Why do continue on when no one can love your work.”
She appears behind him, grabbing his shoulders and pulling his back to her chest. Her voice was venom, and he lapped it. Creativity could not survive on doubt.
“And if no one loves your work,” she continued on, giggling like a patient on laughing gas that has never breathed fresh air, “then who would love you? Who would remember you when you are dust and bone and more dust?”
Roman's heart beat. His room was too small and dark. His eyes too heavy with their burden of keeping him aware.
She was going to starve him.
“Why do you write if no one will ever care?”
And, with two fingers, four, six. With all eight fingers letting go of him, he dropped like a heavy stone.
There he is. A rock on the ground. Just as CD as doubt herself.
Still, his pen was in hand.
And he arouse.
Her laughter stop. “So, you will continue to fight?”
His pen was his sword. “Yes. I do.”
She sneered, ugly and terrible. “Then suffer. Suffer and suffer and die.” She stood tall, shaking with anger at him and his defiance.
Roman smiled. There was nothing in that smile but stubbornness, pride, and soul consuming spite. “And I'll write and write and I will give up never. My hand will fail. My eyes will go. My mouth will no longer move to tell stories. And still, I will write.”
She screamed, ghastly and disappeared in a blinding white.
His room was warm red and gold again.
Roman stood with shaking knees. Lifting his own that is a weapon. And in the air, wrote the story of doubt and her competitor.
Later, Roman would be cuddled by Patton, would be made comfortable with blankets by Logan, and be handed popcorn by Virgil. They would watch a movie. They would never know the battle he had just fought, the battle he must always fight.
And Roman would not care.
Because only the creator can battle doubt, and still live.
-The End.
List: @the-incedible-sulk @raiseafuckingglass @thewritingasexual @romansleftshoulderpad @severe-fangirl-syndrome @poisonedapples @nyarsenic
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starsingingauthor · 6 years
Fandom: Thomas Sanders, Sanders Sides Pairing: Analogical, LoganxVirgil Contents: Fluff and snow Summary: Authors could be unobservant sometimes, sometimes while new things are happening A/N: This is so short, but it is fine. I meant to have more and I might add on more in this universe. But right now have this. I was listening to Snowy and Waterfall from the Undertale ost while writing this.
Tagged Peeps: @the-incedible-sulk
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Logan sat at his desk typing away at the newest novel he was working on. He wasn’t sure how long he had been working on it, but inspiration had hit him and he wasn’t really one to stop when things were going really well. He stretched as he leaned back in the computer chair, noticing that it had gotten a bit darker in his office. The man sighed and got up, pulling the jacket he was wearing closer around him in the slight chill the room had gained. He did need to find something to eat before going back to his work.
In the living room he found Virgil spread out on the couch scrolling through his phone. He looked up and smiled softly, “Hey Lo. Did you notice the snow?” The question caused Logan to pause in his trek to the kitchen.
“It snowed?” He turned and looked out the window and mentally corrected himself. It was still snowing. “Oh.” His thoughts were interrupted by the soft laughter coming from Virgil. It caused a slight blush to blossom on Logan’s face. “I grew up further south, so I’ve never been anywhere that had snow before.” He defended himself softly.
“I get that. Come on, we need to get you dressed in something warmer if we’re going to go outside.”
“Why would we go outside? It is cold.”
“Because I want to play in the snow with you, ya nerd.”
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dr-gloom · 6 years
He Hates Coffee (But He Loves You)
A birthday present for @the-incedible-sulk! Happy birthday, kiddo! <3<3<3
((it’s just now the 16th so no I’m not late ssshhhhh
Fandom: Sander’s Sides
Pairing: Analogical
Words: 1,046
Summary: Virgil hates coffee, so why does he keep coming back to this small coffee shop?
Tags/Warnings: Virgil has anxiety, but I mean who doesn’t, cute af
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@hungry-red-panda @neonb-fly
Virgil didn’t know why he kept coming back.
He hated coffee because it made his anxiety worse, he hated how loud the place was, and he hated all the dumb hipsters and wannabe-writers. Yet every day, like clockwork, he showed up at the small coffee shop between ten and eleven AM to order a large black coffee (which he dumped a cup of sugar into, not that anyone knew). Every morning, like clockwork, when he walked up to the counter and ordered his coffee the barista at the register would smile kindly at him and write the order on a cup.
He would mouth Virgil’s name as he wrote it, long since memorizing it since he was the one on shift whenever Virgil came in. Virgil would pay, and their hands would brush when the barista handed his change back, and Virgil would pretend his cheeks weren’t coloring at the slight contact. On a slow morning, Virgil would share brief, casual conversation with the barista. On busy mornings, he would watch the other work until his coffee was ready.
Virgil knew exactly why he kept coming back.
Logan Abbott.
Virgil had first come to this busy coffee shop in the middle of finals week. It was the closest coffee place to campus, and Virgil had stayed up all night in the library (thank god it was open twenty-four hours) studying for his astronomy final. He’d desperately needed caffeine, but he didn’t want to pay the school’s outrageous prices, so he’d searched Google for the nearest place and just followed the map. He’d looked up at the building with a scowl, grimacing as he walked in and the smell of coffee assaulted his nose.
The dower look melted off his face when his eyes landed on the barista. Logan - according to his nametag - was standing behind the counter, seemingly bored as he wiped down the counter. The coffee shop was particularly empty that morning, so Logan hadn’t had much to do, but as his boss always said “if you have time to lean, you have time to clean”. Virgil watched him, frozen in the doorway of the coffee shop, taking in his soft-looking brown hair, the slim, attractive angles of his jaw and nose.
Maybe he didn’t hate coffee as much as he thought he did.
He’d fallen hard, and he’d fallen fast. When Logan asked what his order was, Virgil’s heart rate sped up at the sound of his voice. He panicked and ordered a black coffee. He doesn’t even like coffee, why didn’t he order green tea???
So he’s been coming to this same coffee shop for almost seven months now, ordering the same plain coffee and dumping enough sugar in it to give an elephant a sugar rush.
Virgil walks up to the counter, it being a less busy day, and smiles at Logan. “Hey, Lo.”
Logan smiles back, more of a twitch of the lips. “Greetings, Virgil. The usual?”
Virgil’s heart skips a beat when he hears his name on the other’s lips and he nods. “Yeah.” Logan rings him up, mouthing Virgil’s name as he writes it, and Virgil leans against the counter while Logan fills the order. His heart was pounding in his chest as he thought about the question that’s been sitting on his tongue for the past two months. He just needed to get up the nerve to ask. The worst that could happen would be that Logan said no, right?
He could laugh in your face. His mind supplied. He could not be gay; you could disgust him. You’d lose the cheapest source of caffeine you have, you’d be humiliated, and you’d lose a friend. Was Logan really a friend, though? Sure, they talked and laughed together, but they never hung out outside of the coffee shop. And yeah, he’d be super embarrassed and never come back, but… that wasn’t the end of the world, was it? Virgil swallowed down his fear, looking up at Logan as the other approaches with his coffee. Virgil takes it with a smile.
“Have a pleasant day, Virgil.” Logan says in a soft tone, turning around to wipe down the counter. Virgil straightens up, his heart - which had just calmed down - speeding up again. “I- Logan, wait.” Logan turns around to look at Virgil with an eyebrow raised. “Yes? Is there something wrong with your coffee?” Virgil shakes his head, taking a shaky breath.
Like a bandaid.
“Doyouwannagooutsometime?” Virgil’s shoulders hunched up around his ears and he stared at the countertop, afraid of whatever expression was on Logan’s face. As the silence grows, Virgil feels his anxiety rise, shaking slightly. He’s just about to turn and leave when Logan speaks up. “I’m sorry, I didn’t understand that. Would you mind speaking more clearly?”
Virgil’s face slowly turned red as he looked right at Logan, speaking slower, his hands shaking slightly. “Do you wanna go out sometime. Like-... Like a date. With me.” Logan’s eyes widen slightly, and Virgil is setting himself up for rejection, looking away. Oh well, it was nice while it lasted. Maybe you’ll get lucky and he actually won’t mind of you keep coming b-
“That sounds lovely.”
Virgil’s head snaps up to look at Logan, eyes wide. “W-wait. Really?” Logan nods, giving Virgil a small smile. “Yes. I had actually been debating with myself for quite some time to ask you the same, though I feared it may be seen as highly unprofessional.” Virgil felt a smile grow on his face, and try as he might, it wouldn’t go away. He laughs lightly. “Cool. Awesome, okay. This Friday? The diner on 23rd street, six PM?” Logan nods, taking a napkin and a pen and writing on it, handing the napkin to Virgil. “That sounds satisfactory. This is my number, feel free to contact me before Friday.”
Virgil’s face burned as he took the napkin, studying the neat scrawl before putting it in his pocket. “O-okay. Cool. See you tomorrow.” He rushed out of the coffee shop, heart racing. When he deemed himself a safe distance away, he stopped walking and leaned against a building, letting himself freak out, hands flailing as he bit his lip to try and contain his smile.
He had a date with the barista.
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crankywhenprovoked · 6 years
kisses where one person is sitting in the other’s lap with Prinxiety?
Lazily flipping through the channels, Virgil was starting to contemplate giving up on the tv all together.  Clicking through a few more channels, he landed on a movie that he’d seen before, before tossing the remote on the table.  Pulling out his phone, he started to open up an app before his phone was pulled out of his hands.
“Hey!” He huffed, before suddenly his lap was full of royalty.
“Is for horses.” Roman said, setting his phone to the side, before wrapping his hands around the sides of Virgil’s neck.
Pulling him closer, Roman waited until he got a small nod before pressing their lips together.  Virgil’s hands moved to Roman’s hips, holding on as Roman deepened the kiss, thumbs brushing Virgil’s jaw.  Shifting closer, Roman tilted Virgil’s chin up more, letting out a soft groan as Virgil’s hands slid under his top.
“Don’t get too hansy now, we are on the couch.” Roman mumbled against his lips, sucking softly on the Virgil’s bottom lip.
“You started it.” Virgil shot back, letting his hands slide higher up, fingers spread wide.
“Roman.” Virgil smirked, groaning as Roman kissed him again, holding on tight as Roman sunk them out of the room.
Tag list:
@221biotchplease@a-blog-just-for-sanders@ace-of-hufflepuffs@ace-v-p-d@acrobaticcatfeline@alextheodd@all-these-trees-stealing-mah-o2@allaboutme7@allthemetalsoftherainbow@alyssadashrub@anastasialestina@angeliclogan@angered-turtle@anony-phangirl@anxious-darkwolf@anyay666@aph-roma@areyousirius-noheisdead@asalwayss@AskolotlQuestions@asterias-confused-writings@baileystarsketches@the-incedible-sulk@blaikleethepanagender@blazeimagines101@bluebellie01@candiukas@captain-loki-xavier@catsandrandomness@chillingintent@cinderlunarcyborg@cinquefoilelove@clueingforblogs@completelyclevername@confinesofpersonalknowledge@crankywhenprovoked@datonerougecookeh@deadinsidebutliving@deathbyvenusftw@deep-ocean-blues@dementeddracon@depressed-alone@devastate-my-space@didsomeonesayyoutube122@do-rey-me@dreamerhowelll@dudlebuggs@echomist13@elder-jeremiah@elvishfrenchassassin@emokittenlikesgore@emovirgil@emphoenixcat@erlenmeyertrashofsandersides @evilmuffin@faacethefacts@fabulousfanaticfander@thats-so-crash@fairly-close@faithhopefelony@fanatic564@fandergecko@fangirlsanonymous@fireflightyt@funsizedgremlin@gamerzylo@gayrobotalien@grey-lysander@hanramz-the-fander@heythereprincey@hi-disappointed-im-daughter@hissesssss@hoodie-bros​@hottopicvirge@runyou-cleverboy-andremember@imaflashcard@inkyoo@inkyroo@iris-sanders-athena@ive-given-up-on-it@jade-dragon226-fan@jaybingu@jughead-is-canonically-aroace@just-another-transblog@justmyshitandmoreshit@k9cat@kentato-kenart@kickassking14@kirsten-the-freak@koalaaquabear@kurna-kovite@l-i-t-vocabcards@lacandra@lacrimosathedark@lana–22@lockolocka@logically-sided@louisthewarlock@madelynnaa@magicmapleleaf@makemeaplant@makemeaplant@maximum-fander @mercythemermaid@micha-like-you-find-in-rocks@microsoft-nerd@migraine-marathon@milomeepit@minamishipsit@mollycassmith@moonlightinwater@multi-fandom-trash-x9000@muontsy2@musicphanpie-b@musicsavedmefromdeath@mydogsaresofuckingstupid@neko-ereri@nightmarejasmine@notallpotatoesarefrenchfries@nottodaylogic@notveryglittery@nuttytheorizer@nymphaedoratonks@ocotopushugs@on-lock-like-attica@osnapitzbc@pandagirl0730@panicatthefalloutphanficfandom@pansexual-cat@pastel-patton123@pattykrabbies@paxtonlovestea@pearls-of-patton@fricksonsticks@phanic-at-the-malfoys@pieces-of-annedrew@pinkeasteregg@planetsanders@potterlover394@poundland-twoface@prinxietypreoccupied@proudhufflepuff@prplzorua@purplesatankittycat@radioactivebread@rainbow-beaniegirl@ray-rambles@reba-andthesides@redundant-statements-for-400@roaring–20s@robanilla@roman-is-a-gay@rose-gold-roman@royallyanxious@rptheturk@ruuworld@samidaboss3@sanders-fam-ily@sanders-sides-things@sanders-trash-4ever@sanderssides-deathangel@saphirestrike@sarcastic-anxious@sassy-in-glasses@save-dirk@sesame-icecream@shygirl4991@silversunshine2012@siriuswhiskers@smokeyrutilequartz@smollestsinnamonroll@space-d0ubt@spacenerrrd@the-feels-are-coming@spoonfullofcrofters@starlightlogan@starry-eyed-haiku-dreamer@stars-in-mine-eyes@stormblessedcastiel@storytellerofuntoldlegends@strangerthings-and-phan@superfandertrashbros@superintrovertfangirl@thatonenerdtm@the-optimism-of-the-ostriches@the-prince-and-the-emo@theanxietyofbeinganxious@thecrimsoncodex@thegirlwiththedragonheart@thenerdycube@thepusheenqueen@theroyalramen@thesilentbluesparrow@theworldismysupernova@theworldismysupernova@thisisshien@thomas-must-get-to-sleep@thought-u-said-dragon-queen@too-precious-to-process@too-random-for-me@toujours-fidele@trashfireiplier@trashypansexual@unknownsandersfan@urtrashhq@v-blue-writer@vampyrsarah@virgilisaneternalmood@virgils-anxiety@virgils-hoodie@voices-and-stardust@vulnerablevirgil@watch-me-introvert@weird-short-person@whyamihereohwell@wowimanerdblr@yamiaainferno@yonnie-boy@yourmomsafalsehood@l-i-t-vocabcards@enderperson43@houseplxnthoodie@ultimate-queen-of-fandoms2@nicoandtheninegalaxies@beetlequail@katie-the-noble-fangirl@johnlockandrarry
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princeanxious · 6 years
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quoth-the-sparrow · 6 years
Analogical Headcanons pt 2!
Hey folks! Since a lot of people seemed to like the original human!au headcanon post I made, I decided to add some more! 
About Virgil
Virgil Grey started YouTube for fun. He played video games and discussed theories about them
He also started talking about mental health and LGBTQ+ matters
He didn't expect to gain such popularity; he went with it and decided to make it his full-time job because it made him happy, and he didn't have to deal with people face-to-face
He also liked being his own boss
Originally he'd wanted to get into art school but then his YouTube career took off
He started doing 'Sketch With Me' videos, and mini sketchbook tours once he got the courage to show people his artwork
His viewers loved it and his art videos soon became one of his most popular series
Eventually, he got to have his own website where he sold prints of his art
His two moms made sure he was listened to, and they support him wholeheartedly
They also helped him find healthy ways to cope with his anxiety and bouts of depression
Virgil was very grateful to his moms; they always had his back and it was comforting to know he'd always have them in his corner
Virgil is an only child, and he sometimes had trouble making friends
Until he met Patton Thompson in the 3rd grade
Patton was funny and kind and was always nice to Virgil
They bonded over their love of stuffed animals, Disney movies, and cartoons
They were inseparable; always having sleepovers and going places together
They remained best friends their whole lives
About Logan
Logan Sterling had always loved space, the ocean, science, and mystery. He would write stories where the characters would go on great adventures, solving mysteries and discovering new places
His parents never approved; they discouraged his writing every chance they got. They wanted him to focus his energy on 'realistic' goals, goals they wanted for him
Logan gave up writing for a while, wanting nothing more than their approval.
Once he got into high school, he realized there would never be a way for him to truly gain their approval. They always wanted more, expected more, no matter what he did
So despite their protests and lack of support, he joined a Creative Writing Club. He entered writing contests and won
He decided that he wanted to go to college to be an English major, to maybe teach creative writing and work on a book of his own
He didn't tell his parents; they had a fight every time Logan mentioned his writing
Logan was always compared to his older brother, who, in his parent's eyes, could do nothing wrong
His junior year of high school, he started going out with a cute boy in his class
Logan had known he was gay since middle school but never had the courage to come out
Sadly, the relationship didn't last long. Logan's older brother caught them kissing and told their parents
Logan's parents were livid; they ranted and yelled about how disgusted they were, and that they were disowning him
Logan finally stood up for himself and yelled back, saying he didn't want awful parents like them anyways
He packed his things and called his Uncle Joan, who came over immediately and helped Logan get all his things safely out of the house
Joan and their partner Talyn are supportive of Logan, and they both love him dearly
For the rest of his life, he refers to Joan and Talyn as his parents
How They Met
Logan and Virgil met by complete chance
At the time, Logan was 23 and Virgil was 25
They were in the same tattoo shop getting work done
Logan was getting a galaxy tattoo on his back; he wanted something to show his love for the stars but also wanted it somewhere he could hide it in case he got a job where they didn't allow tattoos to be shown.
Virgil was getting a swirl of purple nebula dotted with yellow stars around his upper arm
They were both going to be there for a while, so why not strike up a casual conversation?
They got to flirting talking, and they basically hit it off. Virgil was sarcastic and teasing, and Logan quipped back with no hesitation (what a sassy boi)
Virgil likes that Logan is so passionate about things he's interested in
Logan likes that Virgil doesn't seem to be afraid to say what he's thinking
They decided to go out for coffee together the next day, and they exchange phone numbers
After a week of getting coffee together and texting one another basically non-stop, Logan asks Virgil to come to dinner with him
Virgil agrees and gives Logan his address to be picked up later that night
Logan arrives at the house to pick him up and Virgil is looking so damn good! Boy's make up is on point, and damn does he look good in his skinny jeans
Virgil can't keep his eyes off Logan either; how could a guy be so charming and cool and attractive?
They're so damn Gay™ for each other, basically
Needless to say, the date went extremely well and they stayed together their whole lives! (Cliche? Maybe. Totally cute? You bet!)
A/N: I had a lot of fun writing these, and I’m so glad to be able to share them with you all! If you like this, please re-blog and let me know what you think! Thank you for all your support, it means a lot to me!
Tagging: @fandersfic-analogical @areyousirius-noheisdead @silversmith-91 @the-incedible-sulk @anuninspiredpoet @today-only-happens-once @theresneverenoughfandoms @arandombisexual @metaphoricalpluto2 @maya-tl
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