#makes me wonder if bulma got the idea of wishing for a prince on her own
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No, it's actually an unhinged gremlin.
I think we all knew who the OG Vegebul shipper was.
#makes me wonder if bulma got the idea of wishing for a prince on her own#i bet her mother put that thought into her head#then panchy sees a prince and decides that he belongs with bulma#bulma#vegeta#vegebul#dbz meme#panchy briefs#dbz#meme is old but so am i
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Invasion Ch. 12

Description: A planet conquering race of Saiyans invaded Earth and deemed it worthy of habitation. After bringing the humans to their heels, they set up a new society where humans had one role, to serve. You found yourself in the unlucky faction of being bought and sold as a human pet. With absolutely no interest in owning a human but no way out of having one, Kakarot made a bid on you at the urging of his brother. It was only a matter of time before you were either killed or forced into obedience.
You can find previous chapters in this link: Ch.11 or you can read it here on my AO3
A routine developed for you, wake up, eat, meet with Gine to train, eat lunch, train more, eat dinner, heal any bruises and scrapes in the healing pod, then back to the palace. Bulma had left you alone for the most part, which was good because you really didn’t feel like explaining to her where you were going and what you were doing. That morning you finished your breakfast and opened your door to head out, but you ran smack into the one person you were just trying to avoid.
“Shit, sorry, Bulma.” You said as she took a step back.
“Where are you going in such a hurry?” She asked the question you were trying to avoid.
“Um, just out. I need some fresh air.” You lied.
She pushed her way into your room, “yeah, I understand that completely. Today is not going to be fun for anyone.”
You turned to face her with your brow furrowed, “why not?”
She stared blankly and confused at you, “you- today’s the trial for Kakarot. Did you forget?”
“Fuck. I didn’t even- I knew it was coming up, but I didn’t realize it was so soon.”
“Are you okay? You’ve been a little off lately.”
“Yeah, I’m fine. Um, the trial, you’ll let me know what happens?” You hoped to distract her from more questions.
“You do know that you’re expected to be there, right?” She continued to regard you as if you had a second head or something.
“Me? Why? I didn’t have anything to do with it.”
“Because Vegeta wants to show us off to his father and from now on you’re required to attend any event in the palace. But besides all of that, you love Kakarot, I thought you’d want to be there?”
“Loved,” you corrected, “he made it abundantly clear that it was just great sex.”
“I’m- I don’t know what to say here. You seem so careless about this?”
“No, I cared, I cared too much and ended up hurt. I can’t hold onto those feelings when they meant nothing to him. I’ll go to the trial because the last thing I need is Prince Dickhead angry at me, but I’m not going because of any assumed loyalty to Kakarot.” You felt bad for snapping at her, but you honestly didn’t have the capacity to show any sympathy anymore.
A heavy silence fell over the two of you as you stood there for a moment, “is there anything else I need to know?”
“Just be ready within the hour to meet with the King before the trial and I’d change your clothes if I were you. Also, Vegeta says we don’t speak unless spoken to and even then we probably shouldn’t speak.” Her expression had dropped from concern to one of sadness as she left the room.
You let out a frustrated sigh, wishing you’d said more to her or done something else to make her understand, but it was all too overwhelming and you honestly wanted to just forget everything and move forward, whatever direction that actually was.
Picking out a decent dress shouldn’t have been as hard as it was, but there you were with too many choices and honestly, not enough motivation to care. You grabbed the one that didn’t make you feel completely exposed, black silk with a low cut back. You threw your hair up in a semi-presentable bun and headed down to where you assumed Bulma and Vegeta would be.
You descended the stairs to the main hall to see the two of them standing next to one another as they waited a few feet away from the door.
“Cutting it close, human.” Vegeta snapped as soon as you were within earshot.
“Sorry, dresses aren’t my thing.” You shrugged.
“Clothing isn’t your thing, breeding isn’t your thing, if we weren’t so pressed for time, I’d love to hear what your thing actually is.” He grabbed your arm and pulled you around to his other side.
You peered over to Bulma who looked absolutely flawless in a long, strapless, red dress that hugged her curves almost as if it was her own skin. Vegeta was also apparently wearing his best, his armor was adorned with gold around the seams, a cape flowed behind him, and his emblem was embossed on his breastplate. They really did look like a royal couple and then there was you, looking like you’d rolled out of bed just moments before.
“I’d rather not go on the assumption that she told you this already, but you will not speak, no utterance of even a syllable If you’re spoken to, you’ll answer with a nod of your head. Understood?” He seemed even more tense than literally any other time you’d seen him.
“Got it. No words.” You wondered if Gine was going to make an appearance. She probably didn’t even show for training that morning, especially if she knew about the trial being that day.
“When this is over, there is still the matter of your use to be discussed. Don’t think I’ve forgotten.”
Before you could respond with some half thought out comeback, the large doors opened, and you immediately felt a tenseness building in your stomach.
The second you laid your eyes on the King, you knew what all of the hype was about. His demeanor alone was demanding of respect as he carried himself without an ounce of carelessness or patience. The scowl he held on his face seemed like a permanent fixture, at least you’d seen Vegeta with a little more range.
“Father.” Vegeta nodded with a slight bow of his head.
“Don’t be so familiar in front of others. Have you already forgotten all of your etiquette?”
“I apologize, King Vegeta.”
You held back any facial expression you wanted to give in the moment about his name being the same as Vegeta’s and their entire planet. Vegeta didn’t seem like the ‘junior’ type.
“Allow me to introduce my humans, this is Bulm-“
The King waved his hand dismissively, “I have no interest in knowing either of their names. My concern only goes as far as the abomination of their blood mixing with a saiyan’s.”
“Our race has bred outside of our line in previous years, they’re the most compatible to-“
“You’re doing nothing but chasing a myth with this hybrid idea of yours. I’m only allowing this rouse to continue because this planet has resources we can exploit and the humans seem to keep the morale up for the lower class saiyans.” The King seemed to sneer at the two of you with a glance that barely lasted one second.
“Of course, sir. I apologize for suggesting their usefulness expands beyond that.” Vegeta cowering was an odd sight to see.
“We need to discuss the sentencing before the trial begins. Where can we speak privately?” He made no move to look at the either of you.
Vegeta snapped his fingers at one of the saiyans standing to the side, “show the King to the study, I’ll be along shortly.”
“Do not keep me waiting, Prince Vegeta.” He shot him a warning glance before following the saiyan.
You waited a moment before relaxing a little. Your entire body had been tense that whole time and it was exhausting.
“Go to the throne room and wait for the trial to begin.”
“Do I have to be there?” You asked.
A thick silence lingered for a split second and you noticed the Prince’s jaw tense before he turned to you and clamped his hand over your throat.
“I’ve suffered your insolence for long enough, if you truly wish to be excused from this then I’ll be more than happy to end your involvement now.” He tightened his grip, his fingers digging into your skin and cutting off any air supply you had.
You grabbed at his forearm, struggling to breathe as your vision blurred, “p-please-“
“I’m not in the habit of repeating myself.” He released your throat and left you gasping and choking for air as he headed in the same direction the King had gone.
You held your throat as you inhaled sharply and filled your lungs with air once more, your eyes watering.
“Let’s go.” Bulma placed her hand on your back and guided you with her, offering nothing else for comfort.
After a moment of walking with her, you were finally able to breathe normally and felt like the color had returned to your cheeks.
“He won’t hesitate to kill you, especially not with the King around.” Bulma finally spoke as you walked.
“Maybe that would be better than this?” You rubbed your neck, knowing bruises were already forming.
Bulma stopped suddenly and turned to you, “if you want to keep toying with your life, then do it when I’m not around. This isn’t a perfect life and it’s by no means the life I wanted for myself, but it’s what I have and I enjoy waking up everyday knowing I’m still alive because I’ve seen what happens to the others who weren’t as lucky, who didn’t get the same opportunity as me.” The tears in her eyes remained there, never falling and staining her cheeks.
“Bulma, I-“
“Just stay on his good side when I’m around, please?” She didn’t wait for you to respond before she returned to her path and walked ahead of you.
You felt bad for putting her in any kind of harm’s way. You could tell she was just as frightened as you, but there was something more to it than that. There was still a lot of unknown bits to how Bulma ended up where she was. You never really asked and she never really offered the information freely. Of course there was the curiosity, but you assumed it wasn’t the same as yours. She always seemed so much more capable and put together, and less likely to end up in an auction. She had a genuine fear that doesn’t come from just hearing about something bad, it comes from experience.
You followed her in silence, wanting to reach out and apologize for being selfish, but you couldn’t find the right words that didn’t make you sound like a complete jackass. You entered the throne room, which had been altered a bit for the trial. Two thrones sat at the far end and a cement post had been placed in the center with what looked like an iron fixture on it.
Bulma took her place next to one of the thrones, obviously knowing which one was for the Prince and which was for the King. You stood next to her and fought with yourself on an apology before deciding on how to say what you needed to say. You grabbed her hand suddenly and squeezed it slightly, pulling her gaze directly to you. She offered a small, fleeting smile before turning away again, but she made no move to take her hand from yours.
You stood there together for what seemed like hours. Either time had stopped or it was just going by so slowly due to the anticipation. You felt anxiety sitting like a rock in the pit of your stomach, not just about the trial, but seeing Kakarot again. You hadn’t seen him in what felt like months but had only actually been a few days. You flexed your freehand, feeling the ache still settling in your fingers from the last session with Gine. You didn’t have the full time in one of the healing pods so there were still bruises and aches that remained. As a few other saiyans entered the room to stand in witness of the spectacle, you thought about how far you’d come since your first time take a step into the palace. You were overshadowed by Kakarot, all of it seeming so daunting in the moment.
The second Vegeta and the King entered the room, Bulma released your hand and seemed to stiffen. Her demeanor changed completely, but you assumed she was more accustomed to this sort of thing than you were. You silently chastised yourself for not asking her what to expect at the trial, how it would go down and what would happen afterward. A few moments passed after they took their positions in the thrones, then the large double doors at the end of the room opened, several saiyans entered, surrounding Kakarot. He was restrained almost in overkill. He was adorned with a collar similar to the one you had, only this one was thicker and probably had a lot more stopping power in it. They even had his tail restrained and pinned down around his waist. You couldn’t help but smirk at the black eye Turles was wearing, it made you feel a little better knowing Kakarot was most likely the one who gave it to him.
“Kakarot.” Prince Vegeta spoke first, drawing attention from everyone in the room.
“Prince Vegeta. King Vegeta.” He offered barely a nod at them while he glanced at you.
Just his gaze alone sent a shiver through you. You still felt that pull to him, regardless of what he’d said before. The pain and hurt was still there, but seeing him again made your feelings grow complicated. Your eyes met his in a split second and you wanted two things, to hit him and make him hurt the way he’d done to you, and then kiss him.
“Let’s begin. You’re being tried for murdering seven elite warriors and conspiring to overthrow myself and the Prince. These are treasonous charges, how do you plead?” King Vegeta said with as much disinterest as he could.
“Not entirely guilty.” Kakarot said.
“Explain.” The King urged.
“I’m only guilty of some of it. I did kill the elite warriors, I take the full sentencing for that, but my motives were my own. I had no plans to unseat you or the Prince.”
A lull of gasps and muttering spread throughout the room from the other saiyans. You noticed Gine and Bardock standing towards the front of the crowd with Raditz near. You wondered if they would stay after the trial, mainly Gine.
“You admit to slaughtering seven saiyans without provocation?” The King questioned.
“I admit to killing them, but it wasn’t without reason.” Kakarot continued to steal glances at you.
“Out of my own curiosity, I will grant a less severe sentencing if you share your reasoning behind murdering your fellow elite warriors.”
There was a silence that fell over the room as everyone froze with intrigue, wanting to hear his explanation. You were also extremely interested in why he would do such a thing, especially when he made such a point to be in defense of his brother and the other saiyans. Kakarot looked back at his family, his gaze meeting Gine’s in that moment before he turned back around.
“I can’t do that.”
“Can’t do what exactly?” The King pressed.
“I can’t share my reasoning.”
“Kakarot, please!” Gine called out, but was quickly silenced by Bardock pulling her back and placing his arm around her.
The King seemed to grow annoyed as he sat forward, “and why not? Are you protecting someone? An accomplice?”
“I acted alone. I’d like to request my sentencing now.” He seemed to be in a hurry to get it over with.
You looked over to Vegeta who had remained quiet. His hand gripped the arm of his chair to the point where his fingers were digging into the wood itself. There was more to this than Kakarot was letting on and Vegeta seemed to have answers.
“You’re forfeiting a right to a fair trial? Without sufficient evidence to discount the charge of treason you will be taking on all charges, regardless of your plea.” The King explained.
Kakarot gave you one last glance, “I plea guilty to all charges then.”
Your heart sank as more muttering erupting throughout the room. Gine turned towards Bardock and buried her face in his chest. Kakarot remained calm and stoic, giving no emotion away as he awaited his sentencing.
“Why is he doing this?” You whispered to Bulma.
She turned her head towards you, “I-I don’t know. I’ve never seen a trial like this before. Normally they have witnesses to their character, their actions, someone to defend them, but he’s giving up all of that.”
“You leave me no choice but to continue with your sentence. Since you are under the Prince’s orders, I’ll allow him to deliver the ruling.” The King sat back in his throne.
“As an elite warrior you pledged your allegiance to protecting all saiyans under the rule of myself and the King. You broke that allegiance when you took the lives of those you swore to protect. We find you guilty of all charges of murder and treason, for which the sentencing is death.” Vegeta spoke with little emotion, his hand still holding a death grip on the arm of the throne.
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Baby Steps
Chiccolo Week 2017
(Not exaclty adult material, but still read with care)
Chichi knew that tingle inside of her body, her blood boiling and her insides twisting with pleasure. It’s been so long since she felt it.
And at the same time, it was weird, because she could feel the inexperience of her soon to be lover, she could feel him shivering under her touch, his eyes opening from time to time to analyze her and react according to whatever emotion she was displaying.
It was actually… sweet, and exciting to know she was the one with experience, while she was sure Piccolo was an absolute and completely pure virgin.
A giggle tried to escape, but she caught it. It was not the time for laughing.
To think that from all the people in the world she would be passionately kissing Piccolo… Piccolo! Son of the Demon King, kidnaper of her son, murderer of his husband (not that it actually counted anymore since he came back a year later), and she could keep going with the list. But not now.
Now she was more than ready to take this man to her bedroom and show him a thing or two.
As she grew up, she never saw herself as any kind of femme fatale. She wanted to be the devoted wife who only made love to a very sweet husband… But today she knew that the time for slow love making would come, but right now she wanted to screw the brains out of her lovely namek.
Her hand, which had been on his neck for quite a long time now, started to travel down. He tensed, so, she stayed on his chest, waiting patiently for him to relax again. When he did, when his kisses were about to make her forget about the bedroom and seriously consider to just do him here in the living room (Kami bless Bulma for taking both of her sons for the night), her hand traveled down and aimed to caress his crotch… and in a second she felt dizzy, her body moved violently and she found herself in an unlady like posture on the couch, with Piccolo standing with his back at her, holding his head on his hand.
The namek did not answer, he just started passing from one side to the other mumbling for himself in namekian. Chichi felt herself heat up in a non-pleasure manner.
He did not, just keep walking from one side to the other.
Not able to wait any longer, Chichi stood right in the middle of his path, pushing him from his wide chest. Not that she would be able to stop him at all, but she KNEW he would react. It was not like he would push her away and just keep acting like an imbecile.
He did, and looked at her, then walked away from her and just turned on the lamp beside the couch. It was like kicking the corpse of the sensual moment, which had died like a minute before when he shoved her away.
- Im sorry Chichi. I… I just can´t,
- You WHAT?
Piccolo turned away and had the decency of blushing.
As adorable as she always found that purple blush, right now she was very pissed off to actually care about her cute big boy.
- Is it something I did? Was I going too fast?
A horrible idea appeared into her mind, and Chichi petrified.
- Don´t you love me anymore?
Piccolo seemed to panic at her words, and in a flash of super human speed he took both of her hands. His mouth opened once, twice, and then he looked away. Finally, he embraced her with a very measured force, enough to make her feel what he was trying to say.
Chichi felt her anger easing a little bit.
- Listen, I love you, ok? And, I thought you and I were going to move to the next step… I… I thought you found me pretty.
Piccolo made a noise… he was so, SO bad with words.
- I am sorry I pushed you before you were ready; I know you haven’t done this in the past. I… I am going to take a shower and then to sleep, ok?
The namekian allowed her to leave his arms and saw her leave up stairs.
This was awful.
Piccolo clenched his fist and felt like he could punch anything, but he was also aware that he might end up destroying the house if he did that.
Chichi had been… insistent, about this intimacy thing. When she kissed him for the first time, he had been a rock. He did not move, neither did he answer. He just stayed there like an idiot.
He could probably had lost her on that very day, if not because the immense shock face he made when she pushed away, and apparently he had blushed until most of his face had acquired a purple tone. She had giggled.
It took him some time to learn how to properly kiss her. She was an amazing and patient teacher, by the way, and to say he did not enjoy doing it would be a lie. He did enjoy it, he really liked it… but… but his body was not human like hers, neither saiyan like Goku´s. He just… did not felt exactly what she did.
Piccolo looked away.
They were supposed to be moving forward, to make a steady relationship. They were not ready to tell everyone they were a thing, and so far, the only ones who knew were Vegeta and Bulma… The namek growled when he remembered the saiyan prince.
A week ago, they had been training. While taking a break and searching for a sip of cold water, they both had heard the women talking.
“Oh please calm down” – Bulma had said – “I am sure is going to be fine. I mean, yes, he IS tall, and I had been ogling at that foot size of his. But I don´t think it will be bad at all”
Piccolo had been confused while Chichi had started mumbling some weird thing about the children going to Capsule Corp on the next weekend. However, he had been distracted when Vegeta started howling with laughter, to the point of almost crying.
Both women came running, and were shocked at the vision of the saiyan prince in such a state.
In the couch, Piccolo finally understood the reason why the little idiot had been laughing so hard.
Two hours later, the namek stood up. He had taken a choice, and it was not or never the moment when he could change things. Chichi would obviously wait for him to be ready to do this… intimate thing with her. Something she OBVIOUSLY wanted. But if their relationship was going to move forward, he needed to speak with her.
He needed to be honest.
Chichi heard him get inside her bedroom, but decided to keep staring at the wall. What did he want anyway? She could not avoid but feel like he did not want her, or maybe he felt pity for her… or maybe he felt like he was just too strong and was going to rip her apart or something… that one was actually a little bit scary. But she trusted Piccolo.
He was standing behind her, looking at her. She could feel his eyes on her.
But he said nothing, and she rolled her eyes. Yes, it was cute that he displayed his emotions with actions instead of words, but this time she really needed to know what in the hell was happening inside his head.
Piccolo stared at Chichi, full aware that she was awake and ignoring him. His eyes roomed around her beautiful silhouette under the thin blanket. She was wearing a small seeping gown. He wondered if it was something meant to be sexy, or just something light and comfortable to sleep.
Piccolo sighed. And his hands went to his shirt. He took it off from the belt and tossed it aside. Then came the belt, which pooled in the floor.
Chichi turned around when she felt him sit on the bed, and then saw him kick away his shoes.
What was going on? Was he here to pity do her? No thank you. She preferred a thousand times to remain unsatisfied than have a pity first time. It was ok if he did not desired her… however, she felt hurt.
Piccolo usually understood her better. Did he not realize that by this “I am going to do it to you just because you want it” thing he was deeply hurting her?
The namekian stood still for a long time looking at the other side of the bedroom, until he finally lifted a little his body to take off his pants and toss them away with the rest of his cloths.
Even with the current situation, Chichi used the opportunity to contemplate the partially covered by the blanket green nice ass he was sporting. She had dreamed about biting those emerald globes.
But the show was soon over; when in a quick movement he lifted up the blanket and lied still on her bed, his head on the pillow, facing her with an unreadable expression.
- We are not going to do it anymore, Piccolo.
She sat on the bed, crossing her arms.
- Listen, it is ok if you are not ready for this, or… or if you are not sure about us. I get it, ok? Just, just, I don´t even know what are you doing here.
As usual, he did not answer, he just stared at her for a long time, until finally, one of his arms reached for her in a silent invitation, and Chichi thought that she finally understood why he was there.
He had come to sleep. As simple as that.
As to why was he naked… maybe and he was slowly training himself to be in a very intimate situation with her. He was trying.
Chichi smiled and felt a little bad with herself.
Goodbye to the femme fatale. This was Piccolo. Completely out of any sort of experience Piccolo. She was supposed to take baby steps with him. So she followed his example and took away her night gown, his eyes were immediately glued to her boobs. It was a not a lust gaze, not an “I wish I could suck that nipple” kind of look. It was mostly… curious… probably because he did not have nipples himself, unlike male humans.
Chichi lied on the bed and removed her underwear. This was not, of course, the way she thought she would end up naked and in bed with Piccolo, but still.
She shivered a little at the sensation of not having any clothes while being in her own bed with a man she was romantically involved with, but paid no attention and got close to her partner, nestling herself in his arms.
It felt so good.
He was so warm; his smell was filling her lounges. She kissed his cheek and felt happy at the sensation of finally being able to stare at him directly at his very nervous eyes. Their heights being so, SO different.
Being in bed felt good. So she moved closer, trying not to live an inch of her skin without touching something of him. After all, she was well aware of what she was going to find while pressing herself after a male body, and being honest, she was a little curious anyway.
The problem was that she found nothing.
She looked at Piccolo, and found him looking at some point in the wall behind her. So, and since he was not responding, she tried again. His toes moved slowly, discovering that the bumpy red edges that decorated his arms were also present on his legs, besides of the weird and addictive to constantly touch fine lines that lined up his skin.
Her knee also found the bumpy red edges in other sides of his body.
Chichi was a little bit of confused, she looked at him again. He was starting to blush with embarrassment. Her sexy green alien was overwhelmed by so….
That was the moment when it hit her.
Her sexy, nipple less, green ALIEN… how on earth had she been so amazingly blind??
Just because he was, let’s say… humanoid, that did not mean he was like humans.
Chichi felt ashamed of herself and her stupidity, wondering how hard it must had been for him all of the pressure from her side.
- Oh… oh sweety…
Her hand lowered and she touched the empty space between his legs. It was a very VERY weird feeling. But his skin was just… there… a blank space of smooth skin with nothing special about it. She caressed him slowly, seeing that he had absolutely no reaction. He was just… blank. And since he had not that parts of his body, it was also possible that he did not fell any sexual desire… unlike her, who had been thinking for months of ravishing him against a wall.
- I… I am sorry.
- What for darling?
- Making you waste your time with… me.
Chichi stopped touching him and looked at him completely confused.
- What…
- I cannot give you what you want… but I, I truly enjoy being around you. So… so I am sorry for being selfish.
The woman denied with her head and cuddled against him.
- I am the one who should be sorry. I just… I just see you as any man from the world. Even when you are so different, I still… well… I out you on the very same category than all men in the planet. I should have…checked some facts with you.
Piccolo finally looked at her.
- Are you… are you going to… stay?
- You won´t get rid of me so easily, Piccolo Dai Maho Junior. You think that not having manly bits is enough to make me change my mind?
- Well…
- Shhh…
Chichi cuddled closer. She wondered if someone knew about THIS part (or lack of) of namekians.
Piccolo could not desire… but he wanted to make her happy, and making love with him would indeed make her happy.
Chichi smiled like the cat that ate the canary, feeling the amount of trust he had on her by having revealed that truth about himself, and thinking about how much he liked to make her happy… so, so happy.
It seemed her teaching days were coming back, with a new and VERY interesting subject.
Chichi closed her eyes and hugged Piccolo back.
“Baby steps Chichi” – she thought before falling sleep – “Baby steps” THE END @chiccolofans
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