#makes me squish him in my hand like a stressball
dumborangecat · 1 year
(Simon rant sorry) I love simon but GOD that man is denser then a rock (bad analogy ik sorry)
You could shove the answer straight up his ass and he still wouldn’t get it (T▽T) Practically every universe was (NOT SUBTLY) showing him that his impact on the world, basically his whole life, did matter AND that the crown totally sucks, and putting it back on is one of the worst decisions he could make at the time; and after running through like 4 whole universes showing him this all he can think is ‘i’ll get cursed the right way’ GAHHH WHY ARE YOU SO STUPIDD 。゜(`Д´)゜。 THERE IS SO RIGHT WAYYY
I can understand how in his relationship with Betty, he was too blinded by his love for her too realise that what was going on wasn’t healthy, that makes sense, BUT EVERYTHING ELSE?? HE LITTERALLY SAW HOW MARCELINE BECAME AN EVIL HORRIBLE (hot) VAMPIRE MURDERER, SOLELY BECAUSE HE WASN’T THERE TO RAISE HER and his only reaction was ‘wow, i can’t imagine mh marceline doing that. Anyway-‘ THE ANSWER IS RIGHT THERE YOU PATHETIC OLD MANNN
He sees how farmworld finn is so sad, and regretful about the crown that he’s basically a shell of the finn he knows, ENTIRELY because of the crown and he just ignores it, never connects the dots. He sees how the crown not only turned winter king into a selfish, self-centered, asshole but also how it ruined bubblegum’s life for a whole century and he never stops to think ‘hmm, maybe this is bad idea’. For a man with a degree you certainly don’t act like it
It took Beth spelling it out to him and Betty zapping the shit out of him for Simon to come to his senses, i’d glad he finally did but jesus watching him repeatedly not get the point was painful
I think Simon being both an accomplished antiquarian, the ex-ice king and (technically) successful author, but also the densest man alive is super funny, but just watching him get slapped in the face by whatever lesson he was supposed to learn only for him too brush it off and not learn a thing over and over again was so rage inducing
it’s like ‘You stupid old man! just get it already! for the love of god please!’
Anyway rant over, like and subscribe for more 10/10 1Am thoughts /j
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shadzytarts · 2 years
I just saw your koi boys and I need to know everything about them immediately (totally cool if there's no story tho)
WELL THERES A LITTLE BIT OF A STORY, So my friend has this ocean au, Astro sirens are like these big fish serpent guys, Sunrise is a big sun I think he's a lil based on a lion fish, and there's Moonfall who's his brother I think they're really neat (actually I should post some of my art of them now that I think about it)
Anyways Bit bit (the sun) and Bitey (the moon) are Mini sirens, they're about 6 feet long (This is kinda long vdgshak Warning for mention of some violence but it's okay) Story wise Bit bit and Bitey are in a Qpp, they wear rings on their tails kinda like friendship bracelets
One time Bitey tried to fight a bull shark which, was not a great idea and Bit bit got injured trying to get Bitey out of that fight safely. Bitey was passed tf out and Bit bit dragged him onto shore and tries to tend to their wounds, but they're both worse for wear.
One stormy night, Moonfall comes across them (giant astro siren Moon, he's https://www.tumblr.com/crabas-lordes 's character) Bit bit's not doin great but's protective of Bitey, he can barely keep himself propped up on his arms bc he got a lil nerve damage (He just has a shaky arm now) bc of the storm Moonfall's feeling pretty soft so he decides to help them out even though Bit bit isn't very trusting of a giant predator.
So Moonfall keeps them in his under water cave home for a little while under the condition that when they're both healed up they need to leave and the next time he sees them they're a meal.
And Bit bit's like "ok", Bitey's passed out basically that whole time, he doesn't stay long after he wakes up with his messed up fin and they say their last goodbye to Moonfall After that they're taken in by Squish who's this seaslug astro siren (I'm p sure they're a sub species so they're a lil smaller than the regular astro sirens) who belongs to https://twitter.com/BShikiwara they. She's very motherly and just adopts everyone teensy Moonfall is her friend so Moonfall sees Bit bit and Bitey again like "ah- fuck its you" but he can't follow through with eating them cause Squish would kill him
So Bitey's like "oh yeah I recognize you" and just has the audacity to be like "lol you can't eat us you're emotionally attached" and they have this relationship of Bitey teasing Moonfall about that and Moonfall being like "bet" and trying to scare Bitey by dangling him over his mouth a lot Bit bit's kinda worried about Bitey but doesn't interfere much, Bitey has depressive episodes so one day he kinda tries to swim away from everyone and Bit bit's left worrying about him Moonfall follows him around noticing he's sad and bitey gets kinda "why're you here, I'm just food to you" and Moonfall's like "you cant even offer me sustenance" and's pretty persistent on keeping an eye on Bitey to keep him safe So Bitey kinda gives up tryin to get away from him and they end up having a very depressed conversation where Bitey shares his "im kinda nothing but a snack /neg" feelings and Moonfall listens ands like "I never really thought about that"
After that Bitey just generally feels comfier around Moonfall and just implicitly trusts him, and makes depressed jokes with him like "If i died would u keep my bones?" / "how would you like to eat me, I really wanna be grilled" and Moonfalls just "lol dw i'd grill u" there was an incident where Bitey was being dangled over Moonfall's mouth while they were fuckin around and he purposefully dropped in and Moonfall had a heart attack and choked him out like "don't do that again omg" I love their relationship, Bitey looks up to Moonfall and wants to be a big strong guy like him even tho that's not possible he's stuck at 6 feet long Sunrise on the other hand just sees Bit bit and Bitey as stressballs and dolls to throw around which like, Bitey's better at dealing with than Bit bit is cause Bitey will actively try to get away from him and Bit bit will just accept his fate be'in squeezed and tossed around like nothin which really hurts him He's ok Moonfall and Squish are protective of him when Sunrise gets too rough
Bit bit and Bitey wear ponchos bc Bit bit's self conscious of his shoulder scar and Bitey wears his as emotional support for him. Bitey thinks his scars are really cool They're also super food motivated, Bit bit's the more cautious one but Bitey'll just omn your whole arm on accident if you offer food
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roscgcld · 4 years
HEADCANON + VARIOUS || what cuddling will include (second years)
anime: jujutsu kaisen
characters: zen'in maki, inumaki toge, okkotsu yuta
pronouns: them/they
proof read: N/A
note: if you are a manga watcher and not a reader, pls skip yuta’s section! i just want to write something for yuta cause honestly, he is really hot lol~ it would have been incomplete to not have yuta here. also, i didn’t write for panda just cause…well, he’s panda
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I like to think that the badass supreme Zen'In Maki is the biggest cuddle bug on the entire planet - like hello, she is so soft to her friends lol
She is going to be the bigger spoon no matter what. It’s not like she doesn’t like being the little spoon or anything; she just feels more comfortable being able to hold you in her arms
Pillowtalk will also be a reoccuring thing between you two, no matter what time of the day or night may be; you two can talk for hours on end
She loves to play with your fingers whenever she gets the chance, since she finds comfort from them
Also soft kisses on the space between your eyebrows - that is the spot she always kisses to tell you that she loves you without directly saying it
Lets you play with her hair, since when you two cuddle it’s usually down and free from the ponytail she has it in all the time
She loves to trace your face with her fingers too, making a few comments on how perfect you are in her eyes
She loves to ask you questions about your life and hear you talk about it, even if you deem to be boring - she wants to get to know you inside and out, so leave it to her to dig all your secrets from you
Her entertaining your questions about her life with the Zen'In clan before leaving, Mai, and how she taught herself to be a top tier weapons specialist
“Maki, can you teach me how to use Playful Cloud one day?”
“Cupcake, I love you, but you can barely handle a katana.”
“How rude.”
Cue Zen'In smirk - I just, I just need a moment
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With him, I like to think that you two will cuddle whilst sat together on his bed, his back to his headboard and you against his chest whilst he wraps his arms around you
Soft boy will just stare at you with his shining eyes, like you were the most precious thing in the entire world
His fingers will be laced with yours and just resting in your lap, squeezing from time to time to answer your questions wordlessly whilst his chin will rest on your shoulder
Sometimes you two will just put on a movie and cuddle, your arms resting on his whilst he hugs you from behind, blankets tossed over your laps and pillows all about you
He likes tracing pictures on any part of your body he can reach - your thighs, arms, stomach, the back of your hand, your wrists; he just likes to trace random shapes because he just finds that comforting
Soft cheek kisses - poor baby doesn’t want to say anything and accidentally hurt you, but I bet you he loves to press kisses all over your cheeks because he thinks they are soft (author-chan says this since she has chubby ass cheeks lol)
He likes to squish your cheeks as well, since he finds them super cute and treat them like stressballs when he’s stressed. But he makes sure to never hurt you too much, since he doesn’t want them to be sore from his constant abuse
You would try to slap his hands away, but my dude is so strong he will just end up pinning you down and start tickling you until you give up and let him play with them - that sounded so wrong oh my lord-
“Pretty.” - just, can you imagine him saying that??…I need a moment.
Overall a super cute and loving boy who just wants to shower you in all the kisses and cuddles because physical touch is his love language
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I like to think that because of how Yuta had little to no interaction with people at an early stage in his life, he isn’t quite sure how to go about it
Having a cursed spirit as a financee doesn’t really count as dating, does it? But I like to think that both yoou and Rika have spoken before, and when the girl realises that Yuta likes you a lot and hurting you is going to end up hurting him as well, she has just learnt to accept it with a stern warning to protect her beloved
Even after that, poor boy doesn’t know how to react when you’d ask for cuddles - probably just stand ther with wide and shocked eyes whilst his face explodes in diferent shades of red
I like to think usually he’d just be seated on the bed, reading up on some books that Maki suggested for him to read from the library with you clinging onto one of his arms
He’d try to act all natural, but in reality he has to re-read the same paragraph like, three times to process it since you were so deadset on distrcting the blushing boy
Eventually though he’d just give up and after coaxing you to let go of his arm, use the same arm to wrap around you shyly instead
Loves it when you rest your head on his chest or shoulder, since he finds it easier to hide his face from you
After calming down though, he’s just look down at you with the softest look on his face whilst wrapping his arm around you tighter, resting his head on yours with a content smile
His free hand is probably petting your head or holding your hand just so he can just admire you without getting caught with a soft smile on his face
He’s just overall grateful that you decide to stay by his side when others then to shun away from him, even if he is more awkward compared to the average person - but the fact that you’re willing to do whatever heis comfortable with without comment makes him treasure you even more
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© roscgcld — all rights reserved to me, rose, the author and creator of these works. do not repost/translate/claim my work as yours on any platform
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