centralcoastbass · 3 months
Best Are you feeling Lucky movie scene EVER!
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Voter Fraud Really
Voter President Fraud ...Really lol 1960 Kennedy VS Nixon ....
Chicago had more Kennedy votes in chicago than he won the election by hum????? stuffing the voter box by the Democrats was not only quessed but known by all ...where was the great press ?
  2000 Gore VS Bush ...South Florida Cubans vote for Bush ..just enough to win the election ....illegals can vote without being citizens as they can in 11 of 12 states the democrats won in 2016 ...one state they didnt win with driver ids ..UTAH lol voter fraud is both REAL and RAMPANT ..The press knows this ..they vote liberal left wing ..if the illegals didnt vote democratic ..they wouldnt be allowed to vote ..its totally unamerican to have the countries laws and policies made up by foreign votes ..ya sure Russia hacked the election ..well what did the press...elected officials and hollywood do by making sure you could vote without being a citizen ..you think Putin doesnt know ..you think hilary doesnt know ..you think 500 legislators dont know //yopu think the DNC doesnt know ..you think the RNC doesnt know seems like the only people who dont know are legal american voters ......i welcome trump to break the mold ..make america great again ..expose the corrupt politicians and press ..MAKEMYDAYPUNK !
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Jaunty Lego Man doesn't think there is room enough in this town for the both of you, but he would like to invite you to some tea, because he is polite. #jauntylegomanadventures #westerns #makemydaypunk #legos
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