#make you love me and make you happy and i'm only slightly neurotic about it :))))
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Hi! I'm your OTH/Haley loving anon again (still haven't set up an OTH blog but am so excited that you're going to follow---you might be the only one!) Anyway, I saw someone say that Haley was too perfect to be an interesting character, but I actually think she has some consistent character flaws. The primary one imo is that she has fairly rigid, unrealistic standards and expectations and reacts too strongly when she or anyone else invariably falls short of them. And sometimes she reacts just THINKING someone did the wrong thing even when it turns out they didn't lol. She can be kind of tense and neurotic (Nathan making her not just more relaxed but BRAVE and more willing to take risks is a recurring thing!), and she can be totally judgmental :) I think her strengths far outweigh her flaws and love how deeply she cares and how hard she tries, but I think she does have realistic flaws and layers. Sorry to be such a Haley stan, but I know you love her too! I was curious what you love about Nathan---I adore him and think he's very underrated but I know some people think he became a lot less interesting as the series went on?
Hey! Oh, and I'm sure that won't be true. 💗💗
As for what you're saying about Haley's imperfections, I completely agree. While I realize her character doesn't receive the same focus as Brooke and Peyton, she's still far from perfect and is shown making mistakes fairly often. Her judgmental side comes out a lot. I mean, watching season 1, it's very obvious why Lucas and Haley stayed best friends from childhood to adulthood. Beyond their affection for each other and strong bond, they're easily the most judgmental characters out of the core five. When Nathan starts to influence Haley and bring out her more open minded, braver side, Lucas becomes defensive, critical of Haley acting differently, fearing she's losing herself. Not to make this about Lucas. It's just interesting to think about the original dynamic between Lucas/Haley/Nathan and how both guys brought out different aspects of Haley's personality. Plus, I always think about how Nathan's influence on Haley and him urging her to be brave enough to go after her dreams is what led to her biggest "mistake" of the series, aka the tour and the Chris Keller of it all. But anyways, Haley is an extremely rich, though sadly overlooked character, and no one is going to tell me differently.
NEVER APOLOGIZE FOR BEING A HALEY STAN. I feel like there aren't nearly enough of us LOL
I don't know? Nathan's just.. amazing. I adore everything about his character development. I loved watching him evolve from a selfish, cocky, teenage boy who was molded by his abusive father into following in his footsteps so that he could achieve the success Dan wasn't brave enough to pursue to a compassionate, brave, selfless, devoted husband and father who would do anything to make his family happy. Nathan is so flawed and made many mistakes over the course of the series (though I still personally think that he gets cut too much slack compared to Haley in most circles), yet he basically owned all of them and is the first to acknowledge any wrongdoing. As for Nathan becoming less interesting.. to be honest, I agreed with that for a long time. It's probably due to the show lasting for nearly a decade and my personal interest fading around seasons 7 and 8. I was still in high school when the show ended. So personally, I missed the snarkier, passionate, slightly bad boy Nathan. It was only later that I fell in love with dorky, sweetheart Nathan who willingly gave up his basketball dreams for the sake of his health and was courageous enough to begin a completely new career. While season 8 will forever be my least favorite, Nathan's arc where he goes back to college and puts in the work to become a sports agent is underrated. School never came naturally to Nathan, and yet he had to rely on his brains and ability to learn rather than falling back on his talent for basketball. Plus, it was sweet watching Haley and Jamie helping him study.
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the way my only true passion in life is helping other people and fixing stuff for them and making them happy and i thrive on the praise i get for days and if i don't i just start questioning my self worth because i associate my value as a person with my ability to solve problems <3 <3
#i'm actually happy rn because my mum's blinds stopped working and i figured out a way to cover her windows so she can sleep well#because she only has shitty see through curtains but i also know this is not okay and can't go on like this forever wahh but i just.#*anakin skywalker voice* i'm good at fixing things. always was [breaks down crying]#also i'm a narcissistic piece of shit and /will/ find a way to make the person in question repeat the praise like five more times#because i can't get enough of hearing it<3#even though it always makes me blush which is just soo not me i rarely ever blush because i'm generally pretty shameless and don't#get embarrassed easily and even on the off chance that i do i just? don't blush? and thank god for that because i am So pale#it'd be instantly obvious afsldls but yeah yeah being told i did good and can make a difference and am invaluable is just aaaaaaaa#funnily enough i don't care about most people's opinions enough to be a full time people pleaser but if i like you i will agressively#make you love me and make you happy and i'm only slightly neurotic about it :))))#unprompted rant sorry#angie.txt
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"Clueless" *Part 2*
I feel bad because I actually have more of this written but if it doesn't end on a cliffhanger, what's the fun in that?
(y'all I can't help but add Tai gifs I'm sorry it's so appropriate 🤣)
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Part 1
Part 3
Rafael walked out onto the massive deck of the house. It housed a giant cabana lined with benches and pillows, complete with a tiki bar. Surprisingly it had not been overtaken by the party...yet.
You followed him into the cabana, where he promptly went behind the bar and fixed himself a scotch.
“What are you drinking?” He asked you.
You didn’t really drink a lot, but you didn’t want to look like a pansy. You racked your brain trying to remember any kind of drink you remembered seeing in movies.
“I’ll have a jack and coke,” You smiled nervously. He nodded and obliged, handing you the drink. You looked at it for a moment; it looked like a normal soda, how bad could that be? You took a big swig.
You were wrong-- it is VERY bad.
You almost choked as the burn of the whiskey fell down your throat, you looked around for napkins or something, praying to God this wasn’t how you were going to die-- trying and failing at impressing the most gorgeous man you’d seen in your life.
“Oh god, honey are you ok?” Rafael grabbed a water bottle and handed it to you. You grabbed it from him and chugged it quickly. Finally after a minute, you could breathe again and fully embrace the humiliation of what had just transpired. You didn’t want to look at him, you must have looked like an idiot choking on a cocktail like a prude. Ariel had taken you to enough parties in college, why hadn’t you practiced this before?
“Yeah I’m fine…” You muttered, staring into the deck floor.
“...Maybe light on the jack?” You could hear the smile in his voice. You looked up to see him holding another coke, with the Jack Daniels bottle in his hand. He ever so lightly splashed some whiskey into the glass and handed it to you. You sipped it this time, barely tasting the alcohol.
“...Thanks,” You smiled nervously, feeling your cheeks burn hotter by the second. Either you were the lightest lightweight on earth, or he made you nervous. You were pretty sure it was both.
“Not much of a drinker, are you?” He kept smiling at you as you shook your head NO.
“...Curiouser and curiouser,” He chuckled as he came back around the bar with his drink and nodded towards the pillowed benches. You followed and sat beside him on one, curling up your knees beside you like a mermaid tail.
“...What is?” You gave him a questionable look, waiting for an insult.
“You and Ariel’s relationship,” He gestured towards the house. “You don’t drink, you don’t party, you’re clearly WAY more intelligent,”
“...I know, she’s so awesome and I’m just--” You started to degrade yourself with a sad smile while pushing strands of hair behind your ear nervously.
“No no no,” He stopped you mid sentence, taking your hand. “Actually I was implying the opposite,”
Now you looked at him in even more confusion.
“I was going to say you’re way too good for her,” He finished with that amazing smile still on his lips.
You felt yourself go light headed; you seriously could not be this sensitive to alcohol, could you? You’d drank before, wine and champagne and what not. Even some jello shots at a few parties, where you couldn’t taste the alcohol at all. THAT was a bad night. But it couldn’t be the alcohol making you feel this way-- it had to be him.
“OH, um--” You snapped your hand back instinctively, any form of social intimacy freaked you out. But you instantly regretted it, missing the feeling of his warm skin on yours. So you fought your neurotic brain and moved it back forward slightly, where your fingers were still touching.
“No, um-- Ariel’s right,” You continued. “She saved me,”
“I highly doubt Ariel’s saved anyone in her life,”
“Hey! That’s my best friend you’re talking about!”
“....Sorry,” He apologized. “I just don’t see what you see, apparently,”
“She has a huge heart, really,” He gave you a skeptical look. “Really!” You insisted.
“Look-- When I got accepted to Harvard, I didn’t know that my scholarship only accounted for the tuition, NOTHING else. So I didn’t-- I hadn’t saved anything for loding,” You sipped your coke as you continued. “So, I begged the housing department for ANY kind of room they could give me, I even offered to sleep in the janitor’s closet!”
A laugh from Rafael caused you to stop talking and look down at the floor, instantly embarrassed again at your sad sack of a life. Instantly Rafael went for your hand again but paused, noting your uneasiness from before.
“I’m sorry, I don’t mean to laugh at you,” He apologized. No one had ever cared enough to keep apologizing for YOUR lack of self esteem issues, flinching anytime anyone even coughed on you in an aggressive manner.
“No no, it’s fine, I just--” You now placed your hand over his, a feat in your social anxiety ridden brain. “It’s me, it’s not you,” You tried not to stare at your hands touching, but inside you were so proud of yourself and so happy to have his hand touching yours again, it was actually comforting.
“Anyway, um so--” You bit your lip nervously. “So I was just about to-- I don’t even know what, find a homeless shelter or a bridge, I guess,”
Rafael smiled in amusement and chuckled slightly, checking to make sure you weren’t thrown off by it again. You smiled and laughed at the thought of you dragging everything you owned to a bridge on campus to set up camp.
“But Ariel saw me, and took pity on me I guess?” You shrugged. You really weren’t sure of the thought process that went through Ariel’s head that night, you were just so grateful she had been there.
“She asked me if I had a place to stay and I said no, so she told me that she had a suite all to herself and that she really didn’t do well by herself and that she had just been heading to the housing department to ask for a roommate,” You smiled at the memory.
You weren’t entirely sure how true it was at the time, but knowing her as well as you do now, you knew she did NOT do well by herself. She was confident and full of self esteem to everyone else in the public, but when it was just the two of you she seemed almost...sad, most of the time. Like being happy was just the dress she put on to wear in the world.
“....I hadn’t thought about it like that,” Rafael said softly, now slightly regretting how snarky he was towards her most of the time.
“And now I know why,” You gestured towards the house. “That thing about her mom not wanting to ‘deal’ with her, I honestly don’t know what I’d do if I didn’t have my parents,”
“Yeah, my mami and abuela are the two most important people in my life,” He nodded in agreement. “And Ariel...well, as far as I know, she’s never had a ‘dad’ stick, and her mom is just…” He paused. “Not really interested in her daughter,” He added with a sad shrug.
“...Your dad didn’t stick either? You asked cautiously, hoping you weren't prying.
“My dad…” He chuckled sarcastically. “My dad was...let’s just say life actually got better when he left,” He looked down. You saw pain and shame in his eyes, and you instantly empathized.
Not so much with the dad thing, but that constant nagging of shame and hurt. Which was totally unnecessary because you actually had the most loving family in the world, which only made you feel more guilt and shame, because you couldn’t appreciate it the way you were “supposed” to. It was just the way you were wired, and they understood that. But it didn’t help sway your guilt.
“He shacked up with Ariel’s mom for a few months and then took off with a LOT of her money,” He clenched his fists of the thought of the trail of destruction his father seemed to always leave behind.
“Luckily, Ariel’s mother didn’t associate myself with that asshole, although I’m pretty sure it’s because she wanted to replace him with me,” He shuddered at the memory of the several times Ariel’s mom had tried to “seduce” him when he was younger.
“Oh God,” You inadvertently made a grossed out face. The offended look on his face instantly made you panic. "Not like, you're gross. Just...she's gross. Hitting on a kid like that,"
"Oh I was ummm.." he chuckled nervously, looking towards the ocean. "I wasn't a kid per say," he coughed awkwardly.
"....How old were you?"
"I think I had just started at my first practice," he avoided the question. "She has a thing for lawyers. Probably becauses around them so often, always divorcing husbands,"
"So like, 28. And her mom was on husb--" You tried doing the math yourself.
"...I'm 15 years older than Ariel," He answered your mental question.
"Oh well, I mean that's cool," You smiled awkwardly. You failed to mention that you had graduated a year early in high school, so you were two years YOUNGER than Ariel.
"Uh huh," he raised an eyebrow with a chuckle.
"I get along with older people anyway," you said, than backpedaled immediately."I MEAN, not that you're old, just--"
"OldER," He kept his amused look at your faltering.
"I'm sorry, I wish I could blame this on the alcohol but I'm just…" you sighed. "Not made to interact with Humans,"
"Aw hey now come on," he punched your shoulder like a kid. "You're doing great, it's really cute," he smiled then realized what HE had just said, and backpedaled.
"I mean, endearing," he found a more suitable word, trying to hide the fact that he was probably a little buzzed and more attracted to you than he probably should be. However he noted the somewhat disappointed look you had when he corrected himself.
"You're probably the first person to think so,"
"Except Ariel, right?"
"She tolerates it, she definitely doesn't think it's 'cute'. She's tried to 'fix' me since we met,"
"Seriously?" "Who does she think she is--?" He started to get up like he was going to give her a "talking to".
"No no no, it's fine Rafael really," You stood up quickly and pulled on his arm gently, making him turn around quickly. You wondered if he had just felt that….reaction between you.
You were far too intellectual to believe in trivial things that people spoke about like a "spark", but in that moment you had to think to yourself maybe they had a point.
"Right, sorry," he nodded and quickly sat down. "I may be a little more buzzed than I thought,"
"No that was really sweet, honestly," you smiled softly. "I probably didn't explain it well," "She just wants the best for me,"
"You're perfect the way you are, Y/N," "I mean, you seem like a good kid,"
"Kid?" You were suddenly offended, though you weren't sure why. You'd always been thought of as a child, being younger than your peers most of your life. Always in higher classes in high school, younger than your college classmates. It had never bothered you before, not once.
But when Rafael called you a "kid", it felt like a gut punch, which made you feel even worse. You just met this guy, what was wrong with you?
"Person," he corrected himself. "I meant person," but the damage was done.
"....I should go check on Ariel, make sure she didn't get herself in a 'situation'," you turned to walk back into the house.
"Hey no wait Y/N, I thought we were--" He started to go after you but you put your hand up.
"No, really. I probably shouldn't have left her alone in the first place," You didn't even grab your drink you just waved your hands dismissively and disappeared back into the party before he could say anything else.
“....I guess I’ll sleep in my car,” He muttered to himself as he headed back around the house.
The next morning Rafael had to leave early to get back to the city, but he had texted Ariel.
"Tell Y/N I'm sorry, and tell her if she has any questions about law to text me anytime, day or night,"
"What did that dick do to you?" She stomped into her bedroom, where you were sleeping.
"What? Your bro-- Rafael? Nothing! He didn't do anything!" Your head snapped up instantly awake.
"Well what's he apologizing for?" She held out her phone; you didn’t have your contacts in so you couldn’t read it.
"...For calling me a kid," You shrugged sadly.
"Oh. Well you ARE a kid, sweets" Ariel instantly dropped her anger into her happy self, patting you on the head like a dog.
"No I'm not…." You muttered. "Did he say anything else?"
Ariel didn't like the idea of that pompous prick getting his claws in you, she didn't like it one bit.
"Nope," she lied.
"Oh," you replied sadly.
"Oh please don't tell me you care what what that bonehead thinks" she scoffed. "He thinks he's some 'big deal' because he has a fancy title,"
"No he doesn't," You instantly defended him, though you weren’t sure why. Weren’t you mad at him? No, actually you were kicking yourself for taking it so hard and just leaving him on the beach. You could have stayed there talking to him all night.
"Oh no, he got to you didn't you?" She acted concerned. "ugh I knew it, I should have warned you,"
"Warned me?" You looked at her confused.
"Yeah, it's what he does," she continued to lie. "He likes to seduce my friends for sport," She continued to spin a web of deceit.
"I...I don't believe you," You mumbled. You had never dared to even slightly disagree with Ariel, terrified anything would set her off and she’d “disown” you.
"Excuse me?” Her head whipped around.
"I don't believe you," you repeated. Her eyes widened with shock at your defiance. She almost lost it on you, before realizing honey worked better than vinegar.
"Honey, think about it," She came around and sit next to you on the bed. "He reeled you in and then called you 'kid'. Probably because you started making heart eyes at him, right?"
"I don't, it wasn't--" You tried recalling every single detail of the interaction.
"See? He just likes the sport of getting women to fawn over him and then move on,"
"But then why did he apologize?" You pointed out, still not sure of her accusations.
"Probably because you're my best friend and he knew I'd kick his ass for hurting your feelings,"
"But--" You were sure it had been YOU who walked away from HIM. But...he didn’t come after you. Maybe he was satisfied with making you upset?
"He didn't ask me to give you his number," she flat out lied. "He obviously didn't want any more contact with you sweetie,"
She had a point. She smiled in victory when she saw the determination and hope in your eyes dissolve into sadness.
"I'm sorry, honey, I should have warned you," she feigned sympathy, pulling you into a tight hug. "Now let's get that skeezer out of your mind," she grabbed your hand and pulled you away.
A few days later
Rafael was bewildered that you hadn't contacted him. Did he imagine the connection you two seemed to have? Was he more intoxicated than he thought? No, that wasnt possible. Had he really hurt you that much by calling you a kid? And if so, why? Did you feel something that would hate for you to see her as a kid?
He decided to text Ariel.
"Hey...did you tell Y/N what I said?"
"Yes. She said to fuck off. You must have really pissed her off BRO."
That didn't seem right. That didn't even sound like something you'd say. It sounded like something his evil stepsister would say.
"Did she say that or did you say that?"
"Stay away from my friends, and get your own you perv,"
He knew it. She probably didn't even give you his number. “Oh god,” he thought. What if she hadn't said anything at ALL?
He needed a plan.
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Hi!!! I've just gotten my wisdom teeth removed and I'm emotional wrecked. Who knew I would miss those little shits? Anyway, could you maybe write something short about Y/n having her wisdom teeth removed and being super sad and in pain and Harry is just there to help her feel better? I love your writing and honestly read all of your work twice at the least. ILY
(She would stare at him like he was god’s single greatest gift to humanity.)
“You’re gonna take care of me?” she garbled, gaping so he could see the gauze squished into her mouth and a little bit of blood trickling out of the recent incisions. He tried both not laughing or wincing, but couldn’t help an endeared little smirk tugging at the corner of his lips at her genuinely awed expression, as if she couldn’t believe he was actually there. Thsy’d had to remind her a few times that he was her boyfriend, which worried him a bit at first—he reckoned he’d watched The Vow a few too many times.
“Yes, lovie,” he’d rasped, a warm chuckle rumbling in his chest as he brushed away a lock of hair that was dangling dangerously close to her open mouth. This seemed to cheer her up, because she made a contented little cooing noise, the kind you would expect to come from a woodland creature or a baby, before nuzzling her cheek against his knuckles, gazing up at him shyly while blushing a bit. The older dentist in the room had sighed wistfully while passing by for her post-operative check-up, while her younger assistant sniffed jealously. Loopy from drugs or not, y/n took one look at the woman’s lustful gaze on harry’s bottom and glared at her fiercely, mouth full of gauze. He’d said he was her boyfriend, hadn’t he? That made her his girlfriend and thus perfectly eligible to grab his...
“Oh!” Harry yelped in surprise when y/n’s hands reached behind him and greedily squeezed a handful of his bubbly bottom, a gesture usually performed the other way round, not that he was protesting.
“She’s a bit loopy,” Harry explained sheepishly, a little pink in the cheeks, to the dental assistant, who was now huffing and sneering down at her clipboard. y/n simply batted her eyelashes, mouth still wide open, while Harry gently placed her hands down and she sneakily let them travel down his back and then deliver a firm smack to his backside.
“I can see that,” the assistant muttered darkly. She stuck her nose up in the air, and marched out of the room.
Satisfied that her nemesis was out of the picture, y/n settled back into the chair politely and thought back to what Harry had said before about how he was gonna take care of her and how the smooth planes of his perfectly sculpted face had felt against her cheek; thoughts that once again send blood rushing to her cheeks, and send her into a fit of cute giggles, staring up at the ceiling but not particularly anything as she does so with fingers pressed slightly to her puffy lips.
“Proper spanked me in front of the dental assistant only moments ago, love, and now you’re goin’ all blushy on me,” Harry teased lowly, his own dimple poking out as this sent his girlfriend into even louder giggles, ones that she covered with her hands.
After leaving the dentist’s office, however, things had quickly taken a turn for the worse once the drugs slowly exited y/n’s system. dental pain is quite arguably one of the most excruciating pains to exist on the face of this planet. especially if you’re the one going through it. and besides the physical pain...y/n seemed to be having some attachment issues to her teeth, as well.
“...Harry?” y/n whimpered, curling further into her boyfriend’s chest and looking dolefully up at him with wide, tear-filled eyes. His forest green eyes flitted to hers in surprise of her sudden wakefulness. She’d been silent most of the car ride back, after ten minutes of initial happiness and humming his songs loudly under her breath. Once they were back home, she’d clung to his side, and he had to carry her up the steps to their flat, bridal style, because she was kind of flopping all over the place, but he didn’t mind an excuse to hold her so close to him. He helped her into a jersey that smelled just like him to comfort her while she was still neurotically out of it, her cheek squished to his chest while he put Tiger King on Netflix, but admittedly paid more attention to he, looking down every now and then to see a deep-set frown on her fresh face.
“What is it, baby?” he asked. She decided he loved his voice as he talked to her like this, because it was low and pleasant and he took his time saying each word, so it rolled off his tongue like syrup with authenticity and an accent that knew no exact heritage, but Harry. His green eyes were attentive, fingers stroking down her back. “do you need anything?”
“I hurt,” she sniffled, lips trembling. He pouted in response, turning over so he could hold her properly, hips melding together.
“‘M sorry. Do you want more medicine?”
“No,” she said indignantly, like it was obviously not what she would want.
“You sure?” he asked slowly, eyebrows raising. “I thought it hurt?”
“Not that,” she shook her head, eyes shifting to her nervously twisting fingers heartbreakingly. her lips trembled a bit, and Harry grew alarmed. He was him, so he’d naturally spent hours on WebMd, reading up on the side-effects of even such a common procedure as wisdom teeth removal. Had the dentist damaged the crowns of any other teeth? had she hurt y/n’s gums? what if—
“What’s wrong then, hm?”
“I— I just...” she burst into tears, sobs breaking as she choked out an explanation. In a hushed voice, she confessed: “I miss my wisdom teeth!”
He blinked once. Twice.
“You...” he paused. “Miss your teeth?”
y/n nodded, big eyes filling with tears again at the mention of her long departed acquaintances.
“Like...they were always there for me, you know?” she garbled, tears slipping down her face as Harry frantically tries to swipe them off her cheeks with his own thumbs, while also confirming that his girlfriend has, indeed, finally lost it.
“I mean,” Y/N took a deep breath before diving into a heartfelt monologue dedicated to her teeth. “I could be going through the worst day ever, and i could be a total bitch and most people would probably leave, but my teeth never left me. and like, they never even wanted to leave and they were always there, but I never even tried to make them feel wanted,” she sniffled, blinking back tears dramatically while Harry rubbed the small of her back, handing her a tissue she blew her nose into. “I know that humans don’t need them to chew on raw animals anymore, but...can you imagine how that feels?” She empathized, emotion in her voice, “to constantly be there for this total bitch and then she just wakes up one day and feels a pinch in her mouth—“
“Not a pinch,” Harry muttered defensively, recalling Y/N screaming bloody murder the night before, but unsure as to why he’s defending her from...her.
“—and decides to tear them apart, evicting from the only place they’ve ever really known. I didn’t even say goodbye, and it makes my heart sad,” Y/N aid so defeatedly, it kind of breaks Harry’s heart, too.
“And you know the worst thing,” she whispered brokenly: “they never even saw it coming.”
“Okay, that’s enough,” he stated, wiping away her tears delicately, watching her face until each one was gone, a bare sniffle the only reminder she’d been crying. “I love you too much to let you do this to yourself. We’re gonna watch a rom-com, and...”
“But, I never even named them!” she gasped wetly. He ignored her as she murmured alejandro, wisdom the wisdom tooth, and other potential names for her deceased teeth; while simultaneously contemplating if she could break into the dentist’s dustbin and maybe sneak back her teeth.
But when the day comes to an end and the drugs are flushed out of Y/N’s system, Harry takes care of her. He makes sure Y/N’s getting enough water and eating well; sets a timer to wake her up from her naps and feed her the bitter medicine her scowl suggests she wouldn’t take if it weren’t for him. He would make sure to replace her gauze even if she’s a bit squirmy from all the blood in her mouth, and most definitely wouldn’t be stingy when it came to cuddling; squeezing her so tight with his strong arms, trying his best to minimize the pain as much as possible. that meant pressing light kisses to her puffy cheeks. When she’d be up from an aching mouth, he’d be the one putting his hand under her jaw, massaging lightly, to help relieve some of the ache. He make sure her food was soft and the right consistency, and hold back her hair when Y/N’d inevitably puke from the taste of her medicine, or soothingly rub his warm hand over her back when she was tremoring from the anesthesia leaving her freezing.
“Are you staying?” Y/N asked in the morning, yawning as Harry pulled her up to his chest, stroking her hair.
“Yes,” he nodded, lips pressed to the side of her forehead. “Unless you want me to go.”
Because like her wisdom teeth, Harry would never let go.
#harry styles#harry styles imagine#harry styles x reader#harry styles imagines#harry styles blurbs#harry styles x y/n#the LAST LINE LMFAO FORGIVE ME IT WAS LIKE 4 AM WHEN I WOKE TO WRITE THIS
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Ah may I please request a matchup for RWBY? o: I'm a pansexual female who frankly possess no gender preference, as I fixate myself on one's characteristics, as opposed to their identity. Artfully stitching together creations piece by piece, conducting research, playing video games, as well as providing assistance to those around me are what I find enthralling. I adore nature, too. I'm compassionate, neurotic, at times rude, analytical, ditsty, motherly, and always well intentioned.
Now here is a good one. It took sometime to think but I feel you would be with…
The calmest book loving cat Faunas, Blake Belladonna is the best Waifu for you.*When she first met you she didn’t treat you any differently from Yang or Ruby. Short answers and all.*As time went on though she noticed how kind and caring, almost motherly you were to anyone that needed it. Faunas included. This intrigued her.*She would befriend you while you were diligently doing research for a project assigned by Oobleck. She had to research something similar and you bonded over it.*After her secret was let out, Sun informed her you were looking high and low for her. He mentioned they seemed extremely worried like you are afraid she was injured. That cemented her feelings of love for you.*When she came back you were the first person she saw. She was so afraid you’d judge her when she told you the truth about her being a faunas only to be surprised that you loved her all the same. An accidental confession she loved.*She loves researching with you and will try video games for your sake. If she can’t get behind them to much she leans on you and reads as you play occasionally chatting with you.*Seeing how you help people and expect nothing in return inspires her to be even better than she is. Especially when you help a faunas without much thought.*You may be neurotic and slightly ditzy but she knows you mean well. She helps you out if your mind draws a blank when thinking of something and smiles as you go around all happy like. It warms her heart to see someone so happy.*PDA makes her nervous. Mainly because she’s afraid more people will learn about her heritage. So hand holding and quick pecks on the cheek are what you can expect. In private though, lets just say Ninjas of Love has given her some ideas on kissing. She loves cuddling though.*When ever you cuddle she lets you pet her ears. Its a huge sign of trust for her and it makes her happy you are so gently. She sometimes purrs when you rub her cat ears between your fingers.*After she ran you ran after her. When you arrive at her home she goes wide eyed but cries when you hug her telling her you love her greatly. Even her parents can see how genuine you are with her and love you to.
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