#make relocation
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smulie · 23 days ago
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• Reach level 10 of the Business career - 8/10 Invest with Lapis, he definitely has your best interest in mind. previous/next
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adastra121 · 2 months ago
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“When working with dangerous elements, it is best to keep a safe distance.”
Template by @danger-bird. I included his full design below:
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Other MCs' Character Lore:
Mourning Mist (Luneth the Reluctant Unnamed)
Thick as Thieves (Alon the Stray Hound)
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alienssstufff · 1 year ago
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everyone say thankyou cherri cherrifire for the Free Glass 😌🙏
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plantanarchy · 1 month ago
my singular other greenhouse coworker who only works on my days off has taken a disliking to my reorganization of production stuff to ease relocating a lot of it very soon and she's started some kind of strange passive aggressive thing where she keeps putting things back where they were and now has taken every single piece of note paper or post it note and?? Idk? Hid it? Taken it home?? Bizarre
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nyaskitten · 7 months ago
Based on Ras' smile when the Mergequake occured in episode 1, as well how Rapton claims in episode 5 that Ras and Beatrix's "plan" worked out perfectly, I have a feeling that Imperium had some sort of means of tracking when and where Mergequakes would be happening. I just want to know how...
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stacytea · 1 year ago
okay, lemme just say: Gil-galad, who hated being the king Gil-galad, who had never wanted to be the king in the first place Gil-galad, who was crowned anyway, because there were hardly any finweans left around and the noldor in Beleriand needed a king, just so they can hold onto something, have some semblances of normality in the apocalyptic post-nirnaeth time Gil-galad, who became the high king when he was only 13/14 if we convert to human years, who was barely able to hold back tears in front of crowds as the crown was being placed upon his head Gil-galad, who had been raised by Círdan on Balar, among Teleri, and now he was the number 1 person in a culture that he didn't even feel like was truly his. A culture that so far he had only been taught about, had never participated in. Gil-galad, who politically hardly ever got to make his own decisions, whose role as the king was mostly limited to signing up whatever the parliament needed to validate and who was ascribed the blame whenever an idea backfired Gil-galad, who always wished he could've just lived a simple life on Balar, alongside Teleri, worked on a fishing boat and stuff like that, but instead he was manoeuvred into politics and bureaucracy, and an office that everyone at this point already knew was cursed, overall an enormous amount of responsibility, when he was basically still a child Gil-galad who was handling it all quite well until the third kinslaying happened Gil-galad, who was something like 15/16 in human years when the third kinslaying happened, who then had to face the reality of his reign, which was: he held little to no power. He was just a teenager, put on a throne, so the noldorin power in beleriand didn't seem to be crumbling as badly as it actually was. And he definitely wasn't able to protect his people Gil-galad, who was still doing his best after the third kinslaying, but also he started turning completely self-destructive in his free time. Like, there wasn't a single weekend he wouldn't spend at some party, drinking until he blacked out, taking whatever drugs he could get, getting involved in all kinds of reckless/precarious sexual behaviours Gil-galad, who just wanted someone to show up and take over the kingship , but was aware that all hopes for it had been wiped out when the feanorians attacked Sirion. That any hopes were gone along with Eärendil and his little sons. Gil-galad, whose role was mostly representative, so he had to be present at all kinds of events, no excuses. ,,What do you mean you need a day off? You're the king, ffs!!! Get your hangovered ass over there, it's not like you're going to work'' It pretty much resulted in young Gil-galad quite often showing up in public hangovered/ still lightly drunk/drugged/ overall messy af. And aside from the toll it took on his reputation, like- the king who has some serious troubles with substance abuse is probably easy to be influenced on many matters; it's also the fact that he was crowned to raise the morale among noldor, to message: ,,Look, we still have a king, it's not that bad!" How does it impact the Noldor when they repeatedly see their king barely able to stand upright or retching in some darkened corner? Not well, to say the least. Gil-galad, who felt trapped by the kingship. Gil-galad, who knew there was no way out of it for him, other than by suffering a painful death like basically every one of his predecessors Gil-galad who was being self-destructive and he didn't care about getting hurt because ,,hey, I have no control over my own life anyways :)))'' but also Gil-galad, who grew out of his teenage years and in his early adulthood had some ,,I can't keep living like this" moments , especially after waking up somewhere on the cold ground, feeling like shit and covered in vomit and all other kinds of fluids either his own or someone else's or both
Gil-galad who was in his early twenties (again, converted to human years) and decided to get his life together, because if he's trapped anyway, he can as well try to make it a little less horrible for himself
Gil-galad, who had maybe never got quite the amount of support he needed from Círdan, but Círdan had definitely taught him a lot and enough for him to be able to get by in life and politics
Gil-galad, who started getting his life together in his early twenties, and even if he stayed dangerously close to alcohol/drugs addiction and kept his inclination for partying for the rest of his life, he was actually doing fine
Also sometime after the War of Wrath began, it turned out that Eärendil's sons had made it out alive after all, and maybe it wasn't fixing all Ereinion's problems, but it sure was SOMETHING
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tit-spoilers · 2 months ago
🕯🕯🕯Dan and Phil 2.0 Phodcast🕯🕯🕯
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sofargoneao3 · 8 months ago
I haaaate the argument that there can’t be an order TV series because we know what happens to them. WE DONT!!!!!
Yes, we know the absolute endgame of James, Lily, etc, but what actually happened during the years after Hogwarts are a total mystery. How did Peter pull the wool over their eyes? What happened to snape when he joined the death eaters? How did Sirius come to distrust Remus? What happened with Lily’s pregnancy? What’s the deal with the Malfoys & the rest of the Black family (Regulus????)? Also just the general political climate of that time period is so relevant, it would be very interesting to explore (also 1970s period piece lolol)
There’s sooooo much opportunity for character development and to emphasize future plot points I honestly don’t think knowing most of them d*ed would put people off. Also most people who enjoyed Harry Potter are adults now and would prefer a story about adults imo
Thanks for coming to my ted talk (re: @petals2fish for posting about a tv series)
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hplonesomeart · 1 month ago
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HOLY SHIT WHAT’S GOING ON GUYS THE FLOOD OF NICE MESSAGES LOL (no it’s alright I don’t mind receiving nice notes or tags, it’s always allowed!) This is incredibly sweet and kind of you, glad I’m able to inspire you! I think anyone has the capability to learn animation it just takes a stinking long time to work on, but the results are rewarding in the end! I wish you the best with finding your own animation style and making those ideas come to life! You can most certainly do it!
I’m the prime example of being an over-thinker so it’s very much appreciated having a small close-knit support system over here. Thanks for being here to witness my self proclaimed “exposure therapy”—we’re getting over the posting anxiety together whilst mentally holding hands and skipping along YIPEEEE /J
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chayscribbles · 3 months ago
hola. i'm not dead. at least, not physically.
a lot of things have been happening in my life (mostly... not good) but i think things are settling down for now. hopefully. i'm not gonna promise some big dramatic comeback to writeblr but i certainly wanna dip my toes back in soon. i miss this place.
anyways, i'm strapped for cash, so expect an art commission info post dropping soon lol. i know it's the holiday season and everyone is broke but i guess it's worth a try.
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freezingwhitefire · 4 months ago
Canon deity names (or canon-ish) (domains are my thoughts or what was mentioned at some point)
Din (Power/Fire/Battle[?]), Nayru (Wisdom/Love/Water), Farore (Courage/Life[Nature]/Secrets), Hylia (Light/Healing), Demise (Destruction), Majora (Chaos)
My names for some deities (not canon but have to exist... maybe)
Kishin (Order), Aiyana (Time), Ithra (Death and Rebirth)
(Kishin is the Fierce Deity because have you ever messed up someones nice orderly space? They will fight you and kick your ass for it.)
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redgearsmovin · 3 months ago
it's cute to think how much smitty (and the others, but mainly smitty) takes care of warehouse mouse.
in the first season, warehouse mouse is more of a troublemaker and sometimes only grumbles (?) and doesn't speak any recognizable words. then as episodes go by he speaks a somewhat understandable language even if the sentences aren't that clear.
in some moments we also see Smitty make sure that warehouse mouse practices manners, like here Smitty gives Mouse his sort of firm (?) look and Mouse then asks for food nicer and says "please".
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also maybe just me but Mouse looks neater (?) in later seasons, which just makes me think that is a result of Smitty maybe grooming and cleaning him lol. just overall good pet care like making sure his hygiene is well-kept and teaching tricks like speaking english and saying please and thank yous 👍
and also it has been pointed out that, instead of just smitty and nina interacting with mouse the most, he interacts and befriends the other movers just as well.
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unexpectedbrickattack · 2 years ago
I love the thought of...Peppino being absolutely Livid but still a Very down to Earth guy. And that even though he's angry, anxious and desperate he still grabbed/saved as many people as possible when the tower fell and I think that says a lot about him tbh, love this man I would eat at his restaurant-
I saw a comment on some reupload of the final rush out the tower and it was like ‘you can interpret it two ways and i love them both. 1) as much of a hassle as they gave him, the bosses were kinda like hired muscle to stop peppino from getting to the end. They dont really have any issues with him personally and he doesnt think theyre Bad people. He still makes sure everyone gets out okay. Or 2) this man FUCKED them up, they saw EACH OTHER get fucked up, and if theres anyone who can tear through this building fast enough to escape, its this guy’ and i think about that soooo much its so funny
Obv the game mechanics make it so that Peppino simply walks over them to pick them up; you cant mess w gameplay, and honestly keeping the speed up for each character pickup made everything flow so well.
I do like to think that he was actually panicking trying to find everyone. He didnt know the fucking tower would COLLAPSE he just wanted the fucking Pizzeria Explode Beam to be gone !!! And now everyone is trapped!!! When i played that last level i LITERALLY was like (wide eyed) OKAY WAIT I REMEMBER THIS. THE GNOME LEVEL like i was trying extra hard to remember where i was so i could determine how close i was to the bottom AND who else was left. I like to imagine peppino doing the same; hes running and looking for everyone he remembered bumping into earlier bc he doesnt want them to get trapped in the rubble 😭 like YEAH they made my life fucking hell but they dont need to like. Die for it 😭
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0zzysaurus · 4 months ago
How do you think tfa would react to G1 Wreck Jar? This junk robot does not only live on a scrapyard planet, he leads the population of fellow junk bots and fought Springer, 'the toughest autobot triple changer' before getting knocked tf out by a child in an exosuit. Then danced with Hot Rod like a minute later while Ultra Magnus was dying just around the corner, and was all for destroying Unicron with this new, pretty friend he just met.
TFA Wreck-Gar would need a solid couple of minutes to process all that information about his counterpart, but ultimately? I think he’d end up becoming his biggest, loudest, most persistent fan. He’s already had one identity crisis, but now? He’s gonna parrot his every word, he’s gonna take on all of his traits and build a new persona with them. His ego is going to skyrocket through the roof, knowing that for some reason, the two of them are intrinsically linked.
For G1 Wreck’s opinions on it all, he’s elated to have a new recruit, and the perfect protege at that. There’s always room for training, too, particularly in the art of “how to maintain an air of comedy and professional showmanship during a battle to the death with your enemies”.
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sarenhale · 1 year ago
I received an interview request from a studio I applied at like 1 year ago asking for me to talk with them cause they're interested in me???!?!?!??!?! WHAT IS GOING ON BRUH HELP
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endhowks · 2 years ago
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Enji, sleeping alone for more than 10 years is not used to sharing a futon anymore - well, certainly not like this anyway!!
Beware Hawks! Hopefully you are a light sleeper? No roast chicken after midnight please! ◉︵◉゜。
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