#make my shirt longer and to cover myself up. on one side I'm still thinking what an asshole move that was
lady-lycany · 5 months
sometimes I remember random sht back from school (students trying to bully me or making me uncomfortable) and today some of these things have me like ?????????
why did that work? It shouldn't have.
and then sometimes I'm still like "okay, what the actual fck"
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littleplantfreak · 2 months
Umemiya Hajime x Reader
1700+ words
All aboard the angst train! I'll be your conductor. Please keep all your hands, feet, and hearts within the car at all times! (Read the CWs!)
Cw: Character death (implied), Thalassophobia (if you don't like the ocean this isn't for you dude), Heart Disease/Heart Attack, Animal death maybe? There's a one line comment. Angst without comfort
Thank you @hvlcy0n for helping me with the title, and i'm sorry if it makes you sad. Also I read and edited it like twice so if the sentence doesn't make sense, or there's a typo I will be alright.
A delayed honeymoon with an unhappy ending. That's it for synopsis.
Life is a lot like the ocean. It ebbs and flows, pulling you from the place you once were. You can feel the otherworldly tug even if you bury your feet and hunker down, never able to figure out if you've managed to stay in place long enough to catch your breath. Sometimes, when a wave large enough comes along, it knocks you off your feet, rolling you across the coarse floor. Breathing is no longer a choice as you struggle, and salt covers your tongue before it seeps down your throat.
The ocean today, though? Today, the sun bathes you in warmth as the water soothes itself against the coast. You couldn't have asked for a more perfect week to spend your honeymoon here.
When you and Hajime first got married, there was no time for a real trip. Right in the midst of summer, when the community greenhouse he ran was in full bloom, and your work insisted there was no way for you to take off enough time to properly travel anywhere, marital bliss was enough to keep you more than satisfied, and it still is! But your husband insists this is necessary for both of you to take time for yourselves, says it's actually a crime for him to have taken this long to spoil you the right way. He's been acting kinda funny, so you've chalked it up to the stress he's had to endure to make sure everything was squared away before you both came here.
The sundress you're wearing is just for him, the color he loves best on you blowing in the cool breeze, lifting it higher on your thighs, and he's watching that more than the scenery around you.
"Take a picture, it'll last longer." You're teasing him because he's been taking photos nonstop since you arrived a few days ago.
"Shoot! You're right," he says, patting the pockets of his shorts only to come up with a hand full of shells that he's been collecting during your walk along the beach. "Shellfish of me to be keeping this view to myself, huh? Need to show everyone how pretty my wife is," and he stresses the word wife like he always does; it's liquid warmth that makes its way past the barriers you'd put up long ago as if they were never there in the first place. Only because it's him, you think, because if it had been anyone else, you wouldn't be nearly as smitten or prone to tears when his words hit the spot in your chest that makes you breathless.
"Mr.Umemiya forgot his camera? How careless," you tut, walking up to him and tugging on both sides of his open shirt, the same one you wore to bed last night. "Looks like we might have to go back to our room and look for it. Maybe it's under the covers?" You ask innocently, or as innocently as you can pretend to be. For a second, his expression is one of confusion as he tries to figure out if you're being serious. The look in your eyes must've clued him in because his big beautiful smile spans the length of his face, almost blinding you in the process.
"You know what? I think I did leave it there. Sorry to make you walk all this way out here without it, lovey, mind if we go get it?" And before you can answer, he's hoisting you up into his arms as easily as he has any other day. You're carried far past the umbrella you set up earlier and even further along the trail of tall grass that lead towards your small beach house. He huffs a little, easing you to your feet on the hardwood, and you pat him on the chest.
"I know you're getting older, so you might wanna take it easy with lugging me around everywhere." You smile.
He gasps, offended by your suggestion just like you thought he would, "Never. If I had it my way, I'd carry you 24/7."
"If I had it my way, you'd never leave our bed again."
"I might be able to arrange that," he murmurs, drawing you in as he plops down onto the edge of the bed. Sitting sideways on his lap, you thread a hand through his hair before taking a good look at him. Still handsome as ever, your gaze traces the shape of his lips and the dip of his nose, trailing a way to the scar on his eyebrow, years old but still a vivid reminder of the past. When you settle on those light eyes of his, you frown. Were the circles under his eyes always so dark? His own gaze smothers you half loving, half exhausted, sending a prick of anxiety down your spine.
"Why don't we nap first? I'm a little tired from walking earlier," you lie, and it burns, but it's a necessity when you know he'll try and perk up if you were to say he looked tired, making light of it and showing you just how awake he can be.
He's thrown for a moment because the words coming out of your mouth aren't sounding quite right. He shakes it off with an easy smile, maneuvering you both up higher on the bed, and he grabs the blankets to wrap over you before throwing his leg across your hip, pinning you so you're face to face with him. "This alright?" he asks.
"Better than alright." Snuggling closer, he's practically surrounding you, and it eases the earlier nervousness out faster than it came.
You can't see the ocean from where you're at in the field. It's a shame because it would've made a stunning picture. Still, the one you got of Hajime and yourself sitting on the bench near an ancient oak tree, wild flowers spanning across the background for miles was just as good.
His arm was thrown loosely over your shoulder, wind whirling the strands of his hair as he smiled and laughed with the old man who took the picture for you. It's your last day here before you go home, and you've taken it easy after that last day at the beach. Stretching up, you take in everything for what it's worth, trying to commit it all to memory. Sure, you have plenty of photos and videos taken, but you'll never feel this specific way on this specific day ever again.
As you soak up the tranquility, he asks if you want a drink. No sooner do the words sounds great come out of your mouth than he shoots up and tells you to wait there for him. It's only a jog down the road. You go to get up, but the insistence that you relax pushes your legs to sit once more, heaving a sigh at his doting.
Ten minutes go by, but he could just be chatting with the person at the farm stand. He has a bad habit of bringing out the extra long stories when he's in a good mood, usually leaving you to be the one dragging him away. Twenty minutes has the pebble in your throat feeling like a rock, kinda like the ones Hajime can grab with his toes in the the sand under water. The first time he showed you the trick you called him monkey toes and laughed till he splashed you in the face calling you Mrs. monkey toes. When you start the walk, you feel the pull of a wave on your legs. The ambulance siren is drowned out by the water in your ears.
If he had to describe you with one word, Umemiya Hajime would know immediately what to say. Strong. Stronger than he is, even if you didn't believe it. It was hidden and yet plain to see, often being mistaken for something else. You complimented each other so well that he doesn't imagine a time when he'd have to be without you. He is without you right now, digging for his wallet as he approaches the farm stand he's spent an hour at a couple days ago, talking to the couple who ran it and gushing over their produce before showing pictures of his own garden and greenhouse.
He'd be lying if he said the pressure in his chest didn't bother him, but he could push through it. It's not like he was unaccustomed to pain given his background, and he has to wait for the results of the tests the doctors ran a few weeks ago before he starts stressing over how to tell you there's something wrong with his heart. It doesn't sound right. It's the heart he loves you with, loves the town with, and loves his siblings with. So saying there's something wrong with it, though logically he knows there's a difference, is hard to believe.
What's harder to believe is that the world has spun on its axis, gravel cutting into his arm though he just barely feels it over the pounding in his ears and chest. He recalls at this moment the fact that animals hide when they're sick and ailing, and briefly wonders if that's what this was. Deep in the back of his mind was he trying to spare you the stress of what was about to happen? He would've made the decision regardless, but there must be some comfort in it.
Try as he might, the screeching cacophony of noise and light that was once normal sensation only furthers his stomach's twists and turns. He can feel a breath ripped from his lungs, and then everything starts to get a little hazy. He feels the sun on his face, hears the bubbling of the ocean, and for a moment, he's at the beach with you.
Sometimes life is like the ocean. Sometimes, a riptide pulls your legs from under you and drags you deep beneath murky depths, panic causing you to sink only further and further, light swallowed up just like you. If you manage to surface, you're exhausted. If.
Can you see the hand slipping up past water's edge, grasping at air to be pulled up? You thought the ocean wasn't that close, but the cold laps at your legs even before you get to the farm stand. The world dull and gray like far off waves surrounds you when you see your husband being put into the ambulance, usually warm skin tone mimicking the same water that seems to drown you.
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layla4567 · 10 months
I'm just a librarian ✿ pt5
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Steven Grant/Marc Spector x Fem!reader
Summary: You begin to discover things about Marc/Steven's past as your adventure begins.
Warnings: murder mention, death mention, persecution, swearing, sexual tension(?,
A/N: the next part will be the final, sorry!
Part 4
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The next morning I woke up with the horrible feeling of having only slept two hours. What's worse, I had had a horrible nightmare where some men came into my house and someone mentioned something about a giant talking dove… anyway. I slowly sat up in bed rubbing my eyes and watching the morning light coming through my window. I stretched my arms like a cat, stretching and got up, yawning, dragging my feet towards my kitchen.
"I had the craziest dream of my life.."- I said to myself even with my eyes closed.
"It wasn't a dream"
I gasped and jumped on the spot, waking up. To one side Marc was resting on my couch, he was still shirtless and covered with a blanket. He rested his elbow on the cushions and looked at me seriously.
"For God sake, Marc!! Jesus!, you scared me. I didn't remember you were here"
Marc continued seriously and stood up slowly putting on his shirt. As best I could, I went to prepare breakfast for both of them. I needed a good cup of caffeine. While I prepared pancakes Marc sat in the chair inspecting his wound. The bandage was still in place and the cut was no longer bleeding. I finished breakfast and served it on the table.
"Thanks..."- Marc murmured, surprised.
"No problem, I'm used to having breakfast alone but I thought you would be hungry too"- I said confused by his reaction.
"No, it's not that, it's just that… I haven't had pancakes in years…"
I almost choked on the pancake I put in my mouth and looked at it with my mouth full and big eyes.
"In years?! So what have you been eating??"
"What I found in Steven's refrigerator, or leftovers…"
"That sucks, I don't know how you're still alive."
He laughed softly and I smiled, satisfied that I was able to get a smile out of him, again.
"Let's say that in matters of survival I excel quite well"
"Oh well, since you're bringing it up, I want to know exactly what you do."- I said, clasping my hands and leaning under my chin.
"Are you sure? It's not a very nice story."
"You owe me"- I said pointing at him with a finger
He looked around remembering last night's disaster and nodded. He told how he used to travel the world killing people, he was a mercenary, he worked for people and he had to obey, that's what they paid him for. One day someone hired him to rescue an important statuette in Egypt, but during the expedition a member of the team betrayed him and fatally wounded him. Failing, he took refuge in a pyramid, he felt his strength abandon him when an imposing figure with the head of a bird spoke to him with a voice from beyond the grave. He said his name was Khonsu, the Egyptian god of the moon. The cunning god saved his life in exchange for him becoming his avatar, that is, his faithful knight.
"Or his slave, depending on how you want to see it"- he muttered angrily
"What happened after that?"
He sighed with reluctance. And he related that now he called himself "Moon Knight" and served Khonsu. Unfortunately, the man who treacherously escaped with the statuette, Marc suspected that he was a follower of Arthur Harrow. Obviously Steven knew nothing about this, that's why sometimes he woke up in a place he didn't know, because Khonsu ordered Marc to go to those places.
"Holy shit..."
I stared at him weighing the information. Now you felt the pieces fit together, his fighting skills, the people chasing him, even that strange figure I saw running across the rooftops.
"So.. a mercenary.."
"Go ahead, say it, I know you have a bad impression of me right now"-Marc felt how you felt aberration for his work.
"I wasn't going to say anything, I was just thinking that everything makes sense now"
He looked at me confused so I told him everything I had been noticing in him since he first appeared, at least as Marc and not Steven.
"And I thought I was being subtle, you don't know how hard it is to imitate Steven's accent"
Marc began to awkwardly imitate his counterpart's British accent and it made me genuinely laugh. Suddenly he frowned and rested his hand on the back of my hand that was resting on the table.
"I know that what I'm about to ask of you will border on the height of disrespect, but I need you to come with me.."
Before I could say anything he continued speaking quickly.
"I'm serious. It's important that you don't stay here because now they know where to find you and they won't hesitate to extract information from you by force"
A small wave of panic made my blood freeze, I didn't want to imagine what those men could do to me if they entered my house again. But I didn't want to leave so suddenly either. Marc sensed my fear and explained
"You may have to move to another place for a few days until this is all over. If you come with me we will settle in Cairo in a small house with all the comforts, you will only have to worry about the intense heat of the sun"-He tried to smile
Cairo… suddenly superimposed images came to my mind. Pyramids, sand, camels, dunes… everything I had read in the library books came to my mind like a whirlwind. Egypt was known not only for its pyramids and all the culture that came with it but also for its high temperatures and sand storms.
"I understand that this is all confusing and sudden but I need you to-"
"I will"
Marc was surprised by your quick and confident response. I looked into his eyes with determination, trying not to regret my decision, even so, I knew it was the right thing to do. Stay would have been a suicide plan
"But I still need to know things about you, such as where you lived before, your father or mother, etc"
Marc's face tightened when he heard the word mother and a look of disgust crossed his forehead. His mother was the last thing he wanted to talk about.
"Fine I promise, but not now. You must pack your bags, we leave in an hour"
I got up from the table and Marc imitated me, nervously I went to my room and grabbed all the clothes I could find, I particularly chose cool and light clothes that would help me withstand the heat of Egypt. When I was almost finishing the suitcase, I looked for an object in the drawer of my nightstand, a small ring that I inherited from my mother before she died. I rubbed it lovingly, polishing it gently, and put it in a pocket of my suitcase. When I finished, I looked moved at my room and touched with my fingers the photo frames that hung on the walls, all my photos of me, my friends or family. I felt like I had been punched in the stomach. Was I really about to leave all that behind? I shook my head to clear those thoughts and went to the kitchen where Marc was already ready.
"Let's go, the faster we get there the better, a jeep will be waiting for us outside."
Marc was about to leave when he suddenly remembered something and took two caps out of his backpack.
"Maybe this will help hide our identities just in case. And it also protects us from the sun"
With a sigh I took Marc's hand and we left my apartment. At no point did Marc let go of my hand, I didn't know if it was because he didn't want me to get lost or because of something else. When we arrived at the place the jeep was not there, it had a slight delay and we had to wait for it. Marc seemed impatient and from time to time he took quick glances towards the sky or what seemed to be the roof of a house.
"What are you looking at?"-I said looking at him
"Nothing, it doesn't matter.."
But Marc avoided eye contact with me and continued to look up, and not only that but he also made faces of annoyance by frowning and pursing his lips or making small angry pouts as if he wanted to shut someone up. I couldn't contain myself anymore and I turned around to where he was looking but I didn't find anything. I started to think he had gone crazy until I remembered the whole story about that Khonsu bird.
"Ohh I got it, It's the lunar god you told me about"
He nodded with a grunt and looked away.
"And what's he saying now?"
The middle-aged man didn't want to answer and instead returned to see Khonsu, increasingly angry.
"He says something about me?"
"He's getting involved in what doesn't matter to him."
I was going to say something else but he exclaimed again irritated.
"And he should learn to keep quiet!"
People passing by looked at us confused and worried about Marc's mental health. I smiled nervously, placing a hand on his shoulder and looking at the people out of the corner of my eye.
"Ok ok! easy man..I see you two have a lot to talk about"
"Anyway, I hope the jeep doesn't take long to arrive. I already want to get out of here."
I have never agreed more with him. We both stood a little away from the people waiting for time to fly. With my arms crossed I fixed my gaze on any point and my mind began to wander, I remembered everything I had experienced so far, Steven's arrival, his strange behavior, the thieves and then Marc's confession. All of that had happened in a matter of hours or days. They were the busiest and most chaotic weeks of my life, maybe my boss was right and I should take a break, although these were not the vacations I imagined. Suddenly a shake on my arm brought me back to reality, I looked at Marc intrigued and I could see the fear on his face.
"We have to run now"
"What? But why? What's wrong M-"
Marc didn't let me finish speaking because he grabbed my chin and turned it towards where he was looking. When I turned my head I saw four guys pointing in our direction. After exchanging a few words they began to approach at a safe pace towards where we were. A chill ran down my spine and for a second I was frozen in place.
"Come on, run!"-He said pulling my arm.
But I couldn't move and I felt stupid for that, but the shock was so great that it had paralyzed my body. Although I wanted to move because I was aware of the danger, I couldn't. The four men, noticing Marc's urgency in wanting to leave, began to advance faster. Marc grabbed my wrist firmly and with an accurate push he managed to get me moving.
All that was missing was that little push necessary for my feet to start flying. I was running so fast that I couldn't feel the ground beneath me, I even seemed to be running faster than Marc. The pursuers ran after us pushing people who fell to the ground screaming or moved away offended. We avoided food stalls, street vendors but the other men threw everything in their path without caring. Although they were far from us, they ran very fast and it was difficult for us to keep them away because I was starting to get tired, Marc was dragging me and I couldn't keep up with him well. Suddenly Marc turned a corner and we hid in a narrow alley, in the brick wall there was a hole that two people could easily enter if they squeezed together. He put a finger on my mouth to silence me and dragged me to the gap in the wall. Obviously it was very narrow and it was difficult for both of us to fit in. I had to put my head against Marc's chest and I could hear his unbridled heartbeat reverberating in his chest like a drum. The four men who were still running stopped in front of the alley, inspecting it with their eyes. My pulse accelerated and I got closer to Marc's body as if it were a protective shield, he gasped softly and closed his eyes tightly. The men said something and separated, looking elsewhere, two to the left and the other two to the right. I felt my soul return to my body, I tried to take a deep breath and moved a little further away from Marc, or at least as much as could be possible in that narrow hiding place. Her heart was still beating fast and I wasn't sure if it was because of the proximity or because of the men who were chasing us. I raised my head to see him and his eyes shone abnormally and… his cheeks seemed slightly pink, but I guess it was from the effort of running so much.
"I-I think they've already left, we should leave"
"Yeah.."-he gasped
We slowly left the hiding place although we had to use force to leave the narrow gap and I almost fell on top of Marc if it weren't for him holding me by the shoulders. We walked until we left the alley and after looking everywhere and seeing that our pursuers were not close we began to jog. But the calm didn't last long because the four of them met again, it seemed like they had emerged from the sewers and chased us like dogs again. I was already exhausted and I felt my legs burning from the effort, when I felt that my thighs were going to tremble and I was going to fall to my knees on the ground, a honk made us turn our heads. The jeep had arrived and its driver, Marc's friend, was waving at us with his arm and shouting loudly for us to get on, but we were practically surrounded so Marc decided to quickly climb a staircase of a building that led to a balcony while the confused men It took them a few seconds to react before coming up with us. When we got to the balcony the jeep was right below us on the street.
"Are you ready?"
"For what?!"-I exclaimed scared
"For jump!!"
Marc held me by the waist and practically pushed me down as he fell with me. My scream was so strident that it could practically have been heard all the way to China. With horror I saw how the ground was getting closer to my eyes, I felt like my life was passing in front of my eyes. I closed my eyes and covered my face with my arms while I whimpered in fear, expecting the worst. But thank heavens we fell into the seats of the jeep while the driver started the vehicle that skidded and smoked the tires while we left the four guys behind cursing and showing the middle finger. At breakneck speed we were able to escape safely, although it was a stretch because I was on the verge of a nervous breakdown.
"Are you ok?"-He asked me worried
I was about to answer him in a bad way but I stopped myself because everything that was happening wasn't his fault, but honestly it was beyond me.
"I've been better.."-I said sharply and breathlessly.
We settled into the seats trying to catch our breath and gather our thoughts. Marc better have a plan to emerge triumphant from all this shit because otherwise I don't know how we could face Harrow and his sect of lunatics, we hadn't started our search and I was already feeling fed up. To calm things down, Marc's friendly friend started a chat.
"Hi!, you must be Y/n, Marc told me that I would have to pick him up and a pretty girl for Cairo, although he never told me that you were so beautiful."-he said winking
In another context, that type of "compliment" would have made me sick, but I was too exhausted to think about it, and Marc's friend didn't seem depraved, well after all, if he was his friend, he had to be a good guy. Even so, Marc covered his face, embarrassed and wanting to kill him, a laugh left my mouth without thinking about it.
"By the way I'm Leo, at your service"
I nodded with an amused smile while Marc looked in another direction trying to suppress the embarrassment he felt right now. I looked at him to see if he would turn his face or say something but since that didn't happen I decided to tease him a bit.
"So you told Leo that a pretty girl was waiting with you, was that girl me?"-I said, biting my lip, I inferred into a smile.
Marc shivered a little uncomfortably and shifted nervously in his seat but still didn't look at me.
"And what else did you say about me?"-I said with a honeyed and innocent voice.
Leo looking at Marc from the rearview mirror was holding back his laughter but it was obvious that he couldn't, he saw it and frowned.
"Oh come on!"-Marc said looking at me angrily and then looked away again.
Now Leo and I burst out laughing, it was a relief to laugh despite the difficulties. That seemed to calm the atmosphere because then the three of us seemed more relaxed. When I realized we were no longer in the city but traveling along the empty road. In the sky the sun was slowly descending through the horizon, dyeing the sky and the clouds orange and pink. I stood admiring the colorful landscape while counting the hours to reach Cairo. Suddenly the dream overcame me and my heavy eyelids began to droop until I closed my eyes. My head hung downwards and the soft rattle of the jeep shook my body. Unintentionally, all my weight swung to one side and I fell on top of Marc with my head resting on his shoulder. He seemed to be startled because he turned his head quickly looking at me confused and uncomfortable, but he didn't have the courage to push me aside so after a few minutes, sleep knocked him out too and he fell asleep with his head on mine. Leo saw us both from the mirror and smiled to himself.
"These lovebirds will end up in love"
As the jeep traveled down the long road, a tall, imposing figure with a bird's skull watched from a distance, crouching as the vehicle drove away. Guñendo stood up and placed his cane on the ground with a sharp thump that would have made the earth shake.
"That girl will give us problems, I hope you know what you're doing…Marc"
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
tag: @corpsebridenightamare @perfectprofessorloverapricot
I know I owe you a big apology for taking so long to continue this series and another apology because the next part will be the final one. But I've lost a little interest in this story and if it weren't for the fact that I respect that several of you like this series I would have canceled it a long time ago.
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goose-duck · 2 months
♡Our World♡ (pt. 3)
Killer x Reader
In this part reader takes Killer shopping :D
Killer from One Piece but he's in our world and meets u
Pt 2 Pt 4
I woke up still in Killer’s strong arms. It's now late morning, around 11:30. I look up at him and stufy his face…it's beautiful. He has a sharper facial structure but his sleeping face looks so soft. I raise my hand up to his face, gently brushing some of his hair out of his face and smiling at him. He's real…he's really here…and in my bed…wow…how did I even manage this? I guess the universe said I deserve something good for once. How kind, thanks universe.
He starts to stir awake after feeling me move his hair. I smile up at him as he opens his eyes, “good morning…” he's a little groggy and confused but smiles at me too, “good morning.” He shifts a bit, letting me go and sitting up in the bed. “How'd you sleep?” I ask while following him in sitting up and stretching. I feel his eyes on me as my shirt lifts a bit when I stretch. He then pokes my stomach and I let out a small shocked noise and give him a playful glare. “I slept well.” He says, giggling under his breath at the sound I'd made when he poked me. I reach over to poke him back but instead of the reaction I wanted he just smiled softly at me. I groaned and gave him an annoyed look before getting out of bed. He soon follows, getting out of the bed and following me out to the kitchen.
In the kitchen he gives me an awkward look, remembering my severe lack of food. I look back at him, realizing he probably doesn't want to eat the crap I've grown to get used to. I give him an award smile before speaking, “uh…I don't really have food…I'm sure you remember…I uh…hm…uhhhh…you're already dressed. Give me a few minutes, I'll go get dressed and we can go buy food….and buy you some more clothes since I don't think you want to wear those the whole time you're here. He nods, “okay, I'll wait here then.” He leans against a wall in the kitchen and watches as I leave to my room to get changed. 
I decide not to bother with trying to look good, it doesn't really matter, just a quick shopping trip. I throw on some decent clothes and stare at myself in the mirror for a few seconds, I can only sigh when I see my hair, not willing to even brush it right now…maybe later…I should shower later…that's always so much work…I sigh again at the realization it's been even longer than usual since I've properly taken care of myself. My joy for life has slowly been dying, I haven't really talked with anyone in a long time, I've just been alone…suppose it takes the fun out of being alone when it's not a choice. 
I leave my room, putting a smile on my face which becomes more genuine when I see Killer still leaning against the kitchen wall. “hey..” I say a little sadly due to my earlier thoughts. He seems to notice this but choses not to comment on it, just nodding at me instead. I notice he has his helmet on and give him an awkward look, “uh…I don't think you can wear that to the store…” I understand it makes him more comfortable, however society won't be too comfortable seeing a big buff guy in a helmet. He rocks his head to the side a bit confused but takes it off anyway, trusting me. I still have some masks from the mask mandate a few years ago so I go grab one and hand it to him, “wear this instead. You'll scare less people…not that I think you're scary…but…I think you understand.c” he nods, “yeah, I get what you're saying.” he puts the mask on, it covers the lower half of his face while his bangs cover the upper half.
I start walking towards the door and he follows behind me. I slip my shoes on, I'd intentionally tied them loosely when I first wore them so I could do this…sure they fall off sometimes but at least putting them on takes a few seconds less. Killer puts his shoes on and gives me a nod, silently telling me he's ready to go. 
I push open the door and step out onto the front steps and feel extremely dizzy…I stop suddenly and hold my head. Killer gives me a worried look from behind his shaggy blonde hair and reaches a hand out for me. Before he can touch me I move away a bit and plop down on the ground a bit roughly. He pulls his hand back and knees down, “what's wrong..?” He asks, confused and concerned. I can only groan in response. This seems to worry him a bit more, prompting him to check if I'm sick but putting the back of his hand on my forehead. I gently grab his hand in both of mine and hold it in my lap, trying to collect myself, closing my eyes and breathing, using his hand to keep me connected to the world while I can't. He sits on the ground with me, allowing me to do what I need to as he quickly understands this isn't the first time I've dealt with this.
After a few minutes I sigh and open my eyes. Looking down at his hand I rub it with one of my thumbs before letting go and standing up. “Sorry about that…” I awkwardly apologize even though I know I shouldn't, it wasn't my fault. “Don't apologize. Are you okay?” He kindly asks, still giving me that worried look and resting his hand against my lower back. “Yeah, I'm fine.” I give him a soft smile, “let's go?” I ask, just wanting to go get food and clothes for him and forget this happened. He nods at me, noticing immediately that I didn't want to talk about my health at this time.
I walk over to my car and unlock it, getting in the driver's seat and waiting for Killer. He soon gets in the passenger seat and puts his seatbelt on, remembering what I'd taught him yesterday. He nods at me once the seatbelt is secure and I start driving. On the way to the store I asks me about a few things, such as street lights, things about my car and other cars and a few other bits of information one might want to have while in an alternate universe.
Eventually we get to the store. I wanted to park close to the entrance but there were no spots so we ended up parked pretty far away. I'm annoyed by this and it shows. After I park I sit in the car for a second before unbuckling my seatbelt, Killer doing the same soon after. Before I can get out he puts a hand on my shoulder, “Are you sure you're okay?” He asks me, not wanting to make me do something I don't want to just for his comfort. I nod at him, putting my hand over his, “yeah, just…having a bad day…it's not your fault…just…health stuff…” he nods at me in an understanding way. I don't know if he has personal experience, either with himself or someone else but he seems to get what I'm talking about without further explanation.He takes his hand off my shoulder and I get out of the car and start walking over to the store, him following close behind like a body guard. 
Once in the store I go straight for the food, picking up some breakfast foods and some other things likes fruits and vegetables. I skip getting drinks because most of what I actually already own is drinks so I don't need more. I also buy some sweets, just some cookies and a cake mix to make with Killer later if he's interested…or if I even remember I bought it. Killer follows me around holding the basket for me. I'd handed it to him right after I picked it up and he didn't question it, how convenient for me. 
I then walk over to wear the clothes are. “Grab whatever you want, okay?” I tell him and he nods in response, handing me the basket of food items. The basket is heavier than he makes it look and I struggle to hold it, opting to set it on the floor and just keep a close eye on it. Killing gives me a confused look when he sees I'm not strong enough to hold the basket of foods, there's an undertone of concern but after seeing my earlier health struggles he decides it's probably related to that and just heads for the clothes. 
While standing around intensly watching my floor food a man comes up to me and strikes up a painfully awkward conversation as I shoot down everything he says. He starts to get too close for my liking so I push my basket away with my foot and glare at him. He doesn't seem to get the message so I directly tell him I'm not interested in talking to him. This seems to piss him off. It gives me a weird thrill to know I've upset him, I still however feel this deep-rooted worry that he'll hurt me in some way. He starts making a ruckus that gets Killer’s attention but seeing the look on my face, one of mischief he decides not intervene yet, instead just watching closely. The man sees the look on my face and goes to slap me, luckily for me he's rather scrawny so I just grab his wrist. It's a little scary but I like the adrenaline flowing through my veins, I don't have energy often but adrenaline gives me some for a while and I take full advantage of it, even if it does nothing but get me in trouble.
The man pulls his arm away from me and I give him a conniving little grin, “didn't like that? Don't try to hit me then.” I smirk at him, knowing i’ll be fine as I'd noticed Killer watching us. I trust Killer will step in if I need him to and he trusts me to handle this situation. I like feeling trusted, even if all he's trusting is me to not let my joy of causing trouble get out of hand. It's clear Killer is keeping a close eye on the man’s actions, he has no trust this guy won't do something, but he trusts me to handle it. I like someone who doesn't just take me for my health problems but can see I find joy in things like this. This behaviour shouldn't be encouraged, however if it's going to be there it should be put to good use. It seems Killer understands this, probably from having to deal with Kid in his world.
The man tries to attack me again so I use my palm and push up against the bottom of his nose, making it bleed and making him stumble back confused. Killer decides now is the time to stop this, walking over with an armful of clothes. He looks at me, “lets go.” he then picks up the basket and begins to walk away, not waiting for me to follow but expecting me to do it, hoping I'm mature enough to know when I should stop. I take one look back at the guy with blood now dripping from his nose then speed walk after Killer, not wanting to lose him in the large store. Once I ketch up to him he gives a look, the same one I'd imagine he’s given Kid many times when he's caused trouble. His look then morphs into relief when he sees I followed him as he'd hoped.
Killer slows down a bit to allow me to take the lead. I walk over to the cashier and start putting things on their convairbelt thingy. Killer just watches me to this before putting his clothes down too. I take the now empty basket and put it on the stack nearby. I then come back and pull my card out of my back pocket. I didn't bring my whole wallet, just the card, it's much easier…mostly because I need to clean out my wallet, it's full of receipts. The price of everything is about $350 and I look stunned for a second before inserting my card and putting in my pin. My pool digital wallet…it's so dead…I'm not in dept yet but I have a solid $12 left. Child me would be excited, but now I'm just sad.
The cashier had bagged our things so we can just pick them up. I take the lighter bags while Killer takes the heavier ones, he gives me a soft look as he watches me try to carry everything. He takes the bags from me and snickers at me as I give him an offended look. “let me hold those for you.” he says, causing me to give him a slightly more dramatic offended face, “let me carry one?” I ask, wanting to feel helpful. He laughs under his breath, “alright.” he hands me the lightest bag. I side eye him but take it anyway, beginning the trick back to my car parked so far away. Killer doesn't seem to mind the walk but I suppose he's used to having to walk everywhere while I sit at a desk watching cameras all day.
I pop the trunk and put my one bag in and tell killer to put his bags in too. He puts everything in the trunk then backs away from the car a bit, looking at the popped trunk. “what?” I give him a look, not understanding why he's so interested in it. He just shakes his head, “need any help?” I shake my head, “nah, I've got this.” I grab the edge of the trunk and slam it shut. “see, I'm so strong!” I giggle at my own shenanigans. He smiles at me under his mask and pats me on the head, “very strong, Y/N.” he then gets in the car and waits for me to join him. I quickly get in, a bit more pep in my step, ready to get home and spend more time with the masked man…well, I suppose he's not masked when we're at home…or uh…my home.
Once we get back to my house Killer doesn't let me take any of the bags, not believing I can walk up stairs and hold anything. I call him rude but don't fight him on it, instead giggling. Once in the door killer seems hesitant to walk on my hardwood floors with his shoes on. I give him a confused look not understanding at first before I pick up on his thoughts, “it's okay, you can just take your shoes off after you set everything down…uhhh…put the food on the dining room table for now and put your clothes in your room. He does exactly that, putting the food on the table and taking his clothes my room.. my room? Isn't he supposed to be in the guest room? Is it that ugly? Eh…I don't really care, sleeping with him last night was nice, he's warm…I am not warm. 
He comes back and takes his shoes off, watching as I kick my shoes off yet again. I walk into the dining room kitchen combo and start putting the food where it's supposed to go. Killer takes off the mask I gave him and leaves it on the counter by the back door. He doesn't help me put the food away, but I didn't ask and I didn't want help anyway. We just chat while I do this. 
About half way through I get dizzy from walking back and fourth and just stop in the middle of the kitchen holding a peach. I squeeze the peach a bit, trying to get a grip on myself as my vision blurs. Killer stops me, quickly taking the peach from me and setting it down on the counter. He then takes my hand and gives me a worries look. I squeeze his hand and start breathing a little heavier before leaning against him. He puts a hand on my back to further support me as I start to sink down a bit, trying to safely get myself to teh floor. He helps me get down and sits on the floor with me. I lean against him completely, almost in his lap, prompting him to actually put me in his lap, making me easier to hold onto. I lean against him, I'm in pain, my head has this intense ache, it's unbreable, it's not pain but it's so sickening I can't handle it. Killer rubs my back and continues to let me squeeze his hand as hard as I want.
After a few minutes my body untenses and I relax againt him, causing him to look down at me. The smile etched in his face shakes a bit, he's worried, his mouth refuses to show it but his eyes clearly show his concern. I try to look up at him but I start to get dizzy again when I move my head so I stop and drop my head back to where it was. I feel something against the top of my head, it's him, his mouth, his lips, he's trying to comfort me, giving me a soft kiss on the top of my head. I wonder if his lipstick is in my hair now or if it'd all rubbed off last night. I let out a soft hum, telling him quietly that I'm okay. He hums back, a silent acknowledgment that I'm still there with him and conscious.
After a few minutes I start to move a bit, the dizziness subsiding enough I can look up at him. As he feels me move he removes his head from on top of mine, he looks down at me and I look up at him, his smile softens a little and my flat expression lights up a bit at the sight of his face. He gently squeezes my hand, “gonna be okay?” he asks softly as if his voice would hurt me if it were any louder than a whisper. I nod at him, laying my head against his chest a again for just a moment, giving the middle of his chest a quick kiss of appreciation before sighing and pulling away. “I'm okay, Killer…” I say, giving him a slightly tired look. He responds with a small nod and a soft, “okay.” he begins to rub the palm of my hand like he had last night and I look down at his hand holding mine, I smile a bit more. “thank you.” I say softly. He lets out a huff but nods.
A few minutes of sitting in comfortable silence later and my energy is back for now. I get up from his lap and with some help from him I'm standing again. This time he doesn't wait for me to ask, he just starts helping me move groceries, “tell me where things go and I'll put them there, you should sit and relax.” I do as he tells me to and sit down at the dining room table and start directing him on where the food goes, asking him to keep the box of waffles out so we can have breakfast after. He does exactly as I tell him and soon enough all the food save for the waffles is put away.
I stand up to make the waffles and he gently pushes me back down, “I'll do it, don't worry.” he tells me. I give a questioning look, wondering if he’ll know what to do with the frozen waffles. He looks back at me after opening the box of waffles realizing he's never seen premade waffles before, “uh…these are waffles..?” “yeah?” “how do I..?” “you see that thing?” I point at the toaster and he nods at me, “yeah?” “put one in each slit and push down on the bit in the front.” he nods and does as I say and gives me a look like that's the weirdest thing he's ever done in his life. I just give him a smile in response to his confusion. 
He jumps a bit when the waffles pop up. He goes to grab them and I throw a nearby napkin at him. He quickly stops and looks at me like I'm crazy. “unplug it first.” “what?” i point at the wire and he looks at it, “pull it.” he unplugs the toaster successfully, I clap, it comes off a little sarcastic but I'm trying to be nice. He realizes something else, “where are the plates?” I make a dumb face, “oh.” “well?” “the cabinet above you.” he opens the cupboard and grabs two plates. He puts two waffles on each plate. He remembers where he put the syrup so he goes and grabs it, putting some on his and setting his plate on the table. He then puts my plate in front of me and hands me the syrup so I can put as much as I want on. I decide to drown my waffles…as per my usual. He looks at me like I've just murdered his captain, I look back at him like a little dastard knowing that bothered him. He sighs and gives a soft look, “waffle murderer.” he jokes. I start laughing as he hands me a knife and fork and sits down in front of his waffles.
We both eat silently, I figure he's usually quiet when he eats but I'm just being sure I don't choke…I'm really good at getting hurt I've noticed, choking included. After we both finish our waffles he takes our dishes over to the sink and sets the in the sink, giving my dish pile a glare, “do you ever wash your dishes?” I look away from him and pretend I didn't hear him. He sighs and starts doing the dishes. I suddenly turn around looking a bit shocked he's doing my dishes for me, “what are you doing?” “the dishes you won't do.” I give an awkward laugh, “oh, right…sorry..” he gives me a bit of a sad look, “you don't need to apologize for everything, it's okay…this stuff wouldn't be effecting anyone other than yourself if I weren't here…” he softly says. I think about that for a bit, “I think I'm apologizing to myself..? Like, I feel like I've done something wrong even when I haven't exactly…does that make sense?” I question to both myself and him. He nods, “yeah, it does..” he looks a bit sadly at the dishes before snapping out of it and continuing with his washing.
As he does this I go on my phone and play some games. He soon finishes up the dishes and looks over at me, “what's that?” “a phone.” “what's it do?” “more than I can be bothered to list off.” “I get the feeling you couldn't be bothered to read off a list of two things.” “you're right, however this thing actually does too much for me to say it all.” I giggle a bit and he does too. He comes over and sits beside me at the table once again, “how about you show me then?” I nod, “alright..” I start telling him about different things my phone does and I show him some games, even teaching him how to play Minecraft a little bit. He seems to be intrigued by this, enjoying learning about my phone.
Eventually I ask him if he wants to take a picture together and he gets really excited, only rich people get to take pictures in his universe, he finds it extremely cool that anyone can just do that whenever here. He's excited to have his first picture taken. I pull him in and snap a selfie with him. I quickly bring up the photos app and show him the picture, he seems very happy with it, asking if there's a way he can have one to keep. I nod and print off the picture for him and hand it to him. He smiles softly at it and puts a hand on my head, rubbing it at bit, “it's beautiful…” “hm?” “this picture…I won't ever lose it…” “I can print some smaller versions and put them in lockets so we both have ones if you'd like?” “yeah, that'd be nice…” he continues to softly smile at the photo while I print off some smaller versions and put them in two heart lockets. I hand him the sliver one and put the gold one on myself. He gently holds the small locket, smiling at it, “thank you…” “of course” I smile back at him and put a hand over the one holding his locket. He looks at my hand, letting go of the locket and taking my hand into his own, bringing it to his lips and kissing my knuckles.
“you're very sweet…I'm happy you're the person I met when I came to this world…”
“I'm happy I met you too…it's only been two days, but I feel so much more alive than before…”
“like I'm your reason to live or something?”
“yeah…maybe…some sort of hope…that I can be alive…and that all the work i put into living, it's not all for nothing…”
“it's for you..”
“it's for you.”
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countrymusiclover · 7 months
45 - No Normal Conversations
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Part 46
Family is More than Blood
Klaus and Ethan had went their separate ways leaving me alone by myself standing outside the office wooden door. Fiddling with the fabric of my shirt I sucked in a breath not wanting to nosey yet dying to know all at the same time. Caroline and Missy had been in there talking for close to two hours nonstop. “Fuck it, Raelyn.” I cursed under my breath moving my ear against the door great full for vamp hearing.
“Missy, I'm sorry this has become a huge struggle for you. This is never an easy task for even experienced vampires.” Caroline was the first one to speak in the conversation.
On the inside of the office Missy sighed heavily sitting down in the nearest chair. “I don't want him to turn and then regret it. I mean I've heard aunt Rebekah and aunt Elena how they hate it.”
“Hey, no vampire turning experience is ever the same story. I mean I got killed by Katherine shoving a pillow over my face after she posed as my best friend.” Caroline clasped her hands together lowering herself down on a knee to be eye level with her. “Melissa, I want you to listen to me. Having concerns over this is completely normal.”
She wiped underneath her nose sniffing. “I just don't know what the right call is. I…I've never turned anyone before and then there's the whole sire bond control and how well he can control his desire for blood. The only simple thing would be making him a daylight ring.”
“We'll just take it one step at a time. I will be here for you along with your parents.” Caroline declared from what I could hear until someone came walking around the corner drawing my attention away from it.
“Raelyn, can I ask you something…Are you snooping on your daughter?” Jacob paused in his steps in front of me.
I take a step backwards from the door. “No.”
“Rae, you're lying when you bite your lip.” He challenged me.
I gasped huffing my arms crossed over my chest. “I do not!��
“Yes, you do.” Jacob sent me a look. “Anyway, with you having been a heretic longer than I have is there any chance that you could make certain parts of me function again?”
“I’m sorry, what did you just ask me?” If I had been drinking something I would have choked on it. Covering my mouth I coughed into my hand.
My twin brother held his hands in front of himself. “I am asking if you can make it where I can give Hayley more children.”
“Jacob, I…I don’t think it is possible. And I don’t have my magic ability at the moment.” I shake my head in disagreement feeling goosebumps crawl up my skin at the thought of taking my magic back at this time.
Jacob dropped his hands to his side. “Rae, please think about this for a second. Andrea is the only child we have.”
“And that’s a reasonable reason for me to take back my powers when you haven’t comprehended that I nearly tried to harm everyone in this school. That’s the reason I put it away in Jo’s hunting knife.” I parted my
Ips in disbelief.
“Raelyn, you keep popping out babies. Like I'm glad you can but goddamn you have an army of supernatural soldiers.” Jacob suddenly snapped at me catching me off guard.
I dropped my mouth open. “J…I…I’m sorry.”
“Sorry isn’t enough here.” Jacob stomped up to me snatching my wrists and I winced feeling him siphoning from me. “If you won’t help me then just teach me the spell and I’ll do it myself!”
Shoving him against the wall with vampire speed I showed my fangs to him. “It’s not a spell that gave me that ability, Jacob!”
“Then what was it?” He spat back at me.
I sniffed through some tears not wanting to remember all that time without him in my life. “Esther tried to kill all of her children until I siphoned her dark magic away. Uncle Joshua tricked me into becoming the Leader of our Coven. Her power was killing me until I died becoming a heretic. Only my stomach is still mortal it's not something I can do without using black magic.”
“You’re gonna make me say what I’ll regret saying to you aren’t you?” He asked me.
My eyes shifted to focus directly on my brother's eyes. I never thought we would be having a fight like this and it scared me the second the words slipped from my mouth. “Say what, J?”
“You’re being selfish, Rae. You’re being selfish by not even considering the possibility of doing the spell if I hadn’t asked you.” Jacob flashed his fangs, pushing me away with his hands roughly where I stumbled into the wooden wall behind me.
I grunted, pressing my back against the wall, remaining almost stuck to it out of fear. “Jacob…”
“What the hell is going out here?” The office door opened and Caroline stood in the doorway with a hand on her hip scowling.
My twin brother rolled his eyes, vamping off without another word. “Nothing that concerns you, Forbes. Just my sister being extremely selfish.”
“Raelyn, what is he talking about?” The blonde turned her head at me.
I slowly pushed myself away from the world, still processing what had just happened before my own eyes. “Uh…I have no idea. I..I need some air.” Vamping off in the distance of the mansion I got away from there as fast as possible. Entering a bedroom upstairs I felt my whole body shaking and my heart inside my chest was tightening even if it no longer beats to keep me alive.
Gripping fists full of my hair I paced back and forth around the room. Someone vamped in the bedroom while I reached up on the dresser for the knife. Drawing the blade down into my right palm I felt the burning of my magic inside of me even though I had none currently. “Raelyn, is everything alright?”
“Phasmatos triut nas ex veras, maquis dumnas rotenem-“ I clutched the hunting knife in my hands with the window glass behind me beginning to shake and shatter into pieces until someone snatched it from my hands and I couldn’t feel the tingling anymore.
Klaus was the one who had come into the room. “Rae, what the hell are you doing?” He held the knife away from my reach.
“Destroying where my magic is stored because my brother now hates me.” I attempted to reach for it but he saw my movement before I could make it. Klaus grabbed my wrists holding them above my head once I was trapped between him and the wall.
Klaus tilted his head so confused. “Rae, you’re not making sense right now. Jacob doesn’t hate you.”
“Yes he does, Klaus. He got upset when I told him I wouldn’t take my magic to dark magic to give him and Hayley the chance to have more kids like we do.” My chest heaved up and down and our noses were inches from touching.
The hybrid didn’t move from our current position furthermore he stepped closer if it was humanly possible reaching up with his other hand to wipe away some falling tears. “Rae. He’s your brother, you’re twin, he couldn’t hate you if he tried. Believe I know a simple sibling squabble when I see one.”
“You won’t ever understand.” I shake my head vamping out of his grasp easier than normal since his guard was down.
Klaus yanked his head in the direction I was watching me going for the hunting knife that was on the carpet floor. “Oh no you don’t.” He vamped onto my back pinning me down the second my fingers brushed the handle.
“Ah Nik! Get off me.” I screamed with his body on top of mine. I elbowed him in the stomach giving me the chance to roll onto my back and hug the blade to my chest.
My husband held himself by the palms of his hands on either side of my head. “Love, I don’t know what has gotten inside that head of yours. But I certainly don’t care for it at the moment.”
“You don’t need to understand. Just know that once my magic is gone for good everything has to be better.” I declare meeting his baby blues.
His eyes changed briefly to the familiar yellow and I heard a low growl from the back of his throat. “One minute you’re telling me you’re magic is who you are so that’s why you are waiting until you’re comfortable again and now because your brother wants to knock up his wife some more you must completely destroy a huge part of who you are. Raelyn, that’s bloody ridiculous - ooohh!”
“You can’t stop me, Nik.” I moved my closest knee up into his crotch and he moaned in pain giving me the chance I finally needed. Grabbing the knife in both hands I began chanting the destruction spell for the second time. “Phasmatos triut nas ex veras, maquis dumnas rotenem-“
The bedroom door that Klaus had shut behind him got flung open a second time. I could hear heavy breathing and the person’s heart beating rapidly meaning they definitely were human. A hand grabbed the doorframe and I saw Lizzie Saltzman struggling to catch her breath against it. “Oh my god what I wouldn’t give for vampire speed.”
“Son of a bitch. Elizabeth, what are you doing here?” I snapped pausing the spell for a third time, annoyed by my siphon niece's presence.
She put her freehand over her heart. “Touchy Auntie Raelyn. I…uh sorry can’t breathe.”
“Lizzie, I’m kind of in the middle of something. So can you please get on with what you need to tell us.” I was growing impatient hearing my husband’s moans of pain dying down meaning he would be going for the knife in the next available position.
She finally had caught her breath standing more upright in the doorway. “Sorry to spoil whatever you were doing. I think Andres is dating gross Connor or one of the other Townies at the high school.” She scrunched her nose when the words came out of her mouth.
“No she’s not. Andrea, can’t possibly be old enough to date yet.” Klaus shot in a sitting upright position glaring at the witch.
Lizzie made a scoffing sound at him. “She’s practically a teenager, Uncle Klaus.”
“That doesn’t mean anything. Hell, I didn't let Hope or Melissa date until now.” Klaus shrugged his shoulders not liking the thought of it.
The Saltzman blonde quipped back. “What about Alina then?”
“Her situation was completely different than my other kids and you know it.” He raised his tone at her waving a finger at her warningly.
Tightening my grip on the hunting knife handle I began chanting. “Enough both of you! Phasmatos triut nas ex veras..”
“Elizabeth, stop her.” Klaus instructed her quickly before I could finish the spell.
Lizzie snapped her fingers previously siphoning some magic from the walls of the mansion allowing her to draw the blade from my hands and turn it invisible before our eyes. “Invisque.”
“Niklaus Mikaelson!” Whipping my head to my husband I wanted to ring his neck so badly, showing him my fangs and vampire eyes.
Lizzie shifted her gaze between the two of us moving her finger around in a circle gesturing to our current state of still laying on the floor with torn clothing and messy hair. “Am I missing something else or did I just interrupt you two having sex?” I facepalmed myself sometimes wishing she wasn’t so much like Caroline at times.
Comments really appreciated ❤️
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morganlefaye79 · 1 year
I just got some very bad flashbacks. Earlier tonight I posted this:
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at the time everything was fine but soon after a wave of dread came over me all the dread that I felt as a kid and young adult until I was in my early 30's. Because my life only started like 12 years ago.
Don't get me wrong, I have positive memories from childhood, but they are quickly replaced by so many that are bad that I don't want to think of them, but at the same time, I need them to convince myself that not everything was bad. It is hard to explain and I don't expect anyone to understand.
I was biologically born female, but I never felt entirely like one, all my interests were more likely towards boy stuff. Which was a big issue because at the time, boys and girls were more strictly separated. I was only allowed to play with boys when my brother was with me and he was already a prick when he was young. So I had often to play pretend to have friends at all. Especially since my life was very sealed-off from normal kids. (Kids from non-military personnel).
I was forced to wear dresses and little patent-leather shoes in the same color to my dresses (I still hate pastel pink). I hated it! I climbed trees with them so often until my mom gave up and dressed me in pants. I got all the new Barbie dolls from my mom which I either beheaded, or cut the hair off because I wanted to play with cars and Lego.
I had to wear my hair long, because girls do that, only boys do have short hair. My mom always escorted me to the hairdresser, that I couldn't tell them to cut my hair short, because she knew I would.
And there are so many more examples like this one that makes me hate my life.
When I was 19 I met my first love (I just left home and only left a note for my parents that I was going out) He was a drummer in a rockband. He was the one that showed me how to play the drums actually. I loved him, it took me too long to see that it wasn't the same on his part. He found it just cute how naive I was. Well I hope his balls still hurt from that hit he got.
The second relationship I had lasted 13 years, far too long I would say in hindsight. He was not abusive towards me in a physical way, but very manipulative so it took me 13 years and 3 mental breakdowns after leaving him to get a hang of myself again.
And for what? Just because I tried all those years to run away from my childhood, from those memories. From being called a female and trying to pushing me in that mold although I refused to fit in with all my might.
I'm next month 9 years in into my current relationship, I started to heal myself. Could breathe again and be myself. Only a year ago, I dared to tell friends that I felt like I'm non-binary, only 6 months ago I changed my pronouns on my socials, and only 2 months ago I told my partner because I was afraid to be cast aside. Which I know now was a fear that came from all what I have gone trough and not because my partner is an ignorant prick.
I thought often about a transition, but as of now I'm fine with just being able to be myself. Wearing the clothes I want, which are mostly hoodies and wide shirts. Although I'm more on the androgynous side, I cannot cover up my femaleness entirely because I was cursed with a big chest which no binder can make disappear.
Not long ago, Germany changed their laws towards trans/non binary citizens. I can now change my first name to something either neutral or to the other gender (which would be for me a male name), without any questions, which is actually great. A first step towards more acceptance for those of us that are different. So that we may not feel like that any longer and being allowed to be ourselves.
The punchline for this evening is: It is never too late to get your life back.
If you made it to this point, I'm sorry for the rant, but I feel somewhat better now. It seems I needed this.
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lessapander · 1 year
Lots going on... but not right now.
I'm in that weird limbo where there's a lot of things that I need to do, want to do, and will soon do, but currently can't actually act on anything. So I'm sitting and twiddling my thumbs to myself, making lists and plans, and then chomping at the bit to get going already, come onnnnn!
Things that I have coming up that I need to figure out:
Curtains for the sewing room. I have sorted out the shelf and storage situation and need to figure out proper curtains to now protect things from UV damage since the window faces full sun most of the day. The blinds are already solid, but there's light that sneaks through on the sides, so I need something that can wrap-around and cover the edges.
What do I want to sell out of my wardrobe? Do I want to wait until my weight stabilises before I decide what to sell? I suspect I want to just ditch the majority of my Chinese indie items that aren't blouses. Most of them don't fit the style of where I want my wardrobe these days, and many of them just aren't very good quality compared to the rest of my items. Blouses are great, though. Long Live Dear Celine.
Some sort of dresser in the bedroom for my excessive number of dweeby T-shirts. Alternatively, pare down the collection (again) and get rid of a bunch, or finally make that bloody T-shirt quilt I always say I'm going to make one of these days.
Planes?! Trains?! Ferries?! My dad is going to come visit me for the first time ever and I need to figure out interstate transit for part of his trip, because he wants to go to a few places that just aren't accessible by car unless you really, really have a lot of time to spare (which we don't). Most of the trip is set already, but there are a few details I still need to work out, including pet-sitting during the times we're away.
Next round of piercings. My newest piercings are a bit pissy, so I want to wait until they're fully healed and no longer prone to fits of weeping and irritation, but I want to start thinking about when to have the next round done (October?) and what my final goal for that piercing's jewellery will be. I'm following a pattern so far, but do I want to change that pattern? If so, how? What size hoops? What kind of charm or decoration? Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa I want more holes in my head, let's go already! I got a message offering me 50% off to let an apprentice give me a few puncture wounds and it was tempting, let me tell you. It should not have been that tempting. hahahaha
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Untitled #4
word count 2.2k
I frown when I open the front door of my house, and I see him standing right there.
"So this is where you live," Changbin says, stepping in and looking around. "It's a nice place." I frown deeper. 
"What the hell are you doing here?" I ask, trying to block his way in. He looks at me up and down, just like he did yesterday, and electricity runs through my entire body, making me feel dizzy and not upset like I should.
"Those are your pajamas?" He quirks an eyebrow and smirks. His sight gets lost on my barely-covered thighs.
"Nothing you didn't see that disastrous day that it was yesterday," I roll my eyes and try to play it cool. "That didn't answer my question, tho."
He sighs, looking up at me, still keeping some kind of lust in his eyes. 
"Well, I didn't mean for things to turn out the way they did. I just wanted to push some buttons and have fun, but now neither Minho nor Hyunjin want to work with you."
I scoff because I met with Hyunjin last night when everyone went to bed. He was actually a bit relieved because his little act against me put Changbin at ease. He no longer believed they would betray him.
"Shit luck, I guess," I say, shrugging. "You should've thought about it." I try to move to the kitchen to grab a glass of water. But he stops in my tracks.
"You heard those little shits. They will fight us. We gotta keep working together." I roll my eyes. "Besides, I need to release some stress too." He smirks, absently brushing his dick through his pants.
"Fuck off," I snarl, getting a little too close to his face. "Do you really think I'll fuck you again after the stupid number you put up? You're delusional." He smiles like I've just complimented him.
"Baby, no matter how much you hate me, you can't deny how good it was. Besides," he licks his lips, smiling. Like keeping a straight face is a fucking challenge. "I meant what I said. You drive me crazy with all those little clothes you wear. That pajama included." He says, looking at my legs with an intensity that sets a fire in my lower stomach.
"Chris loves it too," I say, before thinking. Wanting a reaction from him. 
"Chris," He says mocking me, but still looking a bit mortified. "He's no match to me, and you know it," he states, coming closer to me. I step back, but I find myself cornered against the little table we keep next to the door. "You haven't stopped thinking about it either."
"You disgust me," I spit, knowing deep down, that it isn't entirely true. I hate that he's got this effect on me. I despise him. He set me up. He used me. He's done unforgivable things. Why do I still want him this bad?
"Bet you anything you're already wet," he whispers, and I hate that he's right. Have I lost my mind? What the fuck is wrong with me? "Stop thinking about it," he said softly against my ear. One of his legs is between mine. His hands grabbing the hem of my shirt. "We don't have to mix things up. You can still hate me and hold me accountable for all the things I've done. We can be on enemies' sides and be complete opposites. Hell, that would only make it better." He giggles softly, touching my core over my already-wet-panties, and we both moan quietly.
"You've- fuck, you've surely thought a lot about this," I stutter.
"I told you I'm always thinking about you," he hums, in agreement, kissing my neck. "Come on," he says as he grabs my ass with his free hand, "Take me to your room. We don't want them to surprise us fucking each other's brains out next to the door, do we?" he laughs softly but freezes when he feels me clenching. I'm officially out of my mind. "Do you want them to?" he asks in a surprised tone, he wants to show off as smug, and I clench again. He scoffs. 
"Be my fucking guest, then" he groans, putting my back right against the door.
Thankfully, Changbin is long gone by the time Chan and Jisung get home.
"Wow, you're glowing!" Jisung comments, greeting me with a forehead kiss.
I roll my eyes, but I feel guilt climbing through my neck.
"How was it?" I ask, changing the topic.
"Easier, since Changbin wasn't there, " I nod with my head and Jisung frowns. "Did you know?"
"What?" I ask.
"That Changbin wasn't there."
"No, what?" I frown a bit, too. "Why would I know that?" I scratch the back of my head. Nervous.
"Oh, sorry, you nodded, and I just thought..." he trails off, "anyways, we were able to talk to your brothers privately and we discussed a way to take him down."
"Don't call them that," says Chan annoyed, coming closer to me, to kiss my cheek. "How was your day here by yourself?" He puts some strands of hair behind my ear. Jisung clears his throat.
"It was alright," I gulp. Moving away from him. I might be paranoid, but I can still feel Changbin's smell on me. "You guys hungry?"
"Yes!" they cry out at the same time.
While we eat and get ready to go training with our guys, they tell me all about the strategy they discussed, and I feel some sort of discomfort in my chest that I can't shake off.
"You okay?" Chan asks once I get out of the bathroom after a long shower. Truly I was just trying to wash Changbin's smell away. 
Chan's sitting on the edge of my bed. Only one button keeps his shirt from showing his entire chest and abs, and he looks incredible. I gulp.
"Yeah, why?" 
"Dunno," He shrugs, "you've been so absent all afternoon. I thought something was wrong, and I wanted to know so maybe I could help?" he offers a smile, and I smile back.
"It's okay, just many things have happened, and I'm a bit stressed," I lie, reaching his hand to reassure him. He grabs my hand, and I can almost see the engine in his head going full speed before he stands up in front of me.
"Maybe I can help you out..." he whispers, grabbing me by the waist, pulling me closer to him. So close I can almost feel him through his clothes. I tense up. I clear my throat. I want to disappear because what am I going to tell him now? He laughs a bit, and he looks a bit shy. He moves back a little.
"I'm sorry, was I too direct?" he asks, his cheeks and ears going a bright red.
"No, I just.." I laugh, embarrassed, "I'm just a bit tired today, Channie, I um..." I clear my throat again, trying to come up with something else. "I just need to get some sleep."
Chan looks a bit disappointed but he covers it up quickly, smiling.
"Yeah, no it's okay." He says, walking back, away from me. "I get it. It has been a long day." He leaves my room, closing the door a bit strongly after him.
I let myself fall into my bed and feel like shit. Jisung said this would happen. I just didn't expect it to happen so soon.
A couple of weeks fly by, with all the training, and Changbin, the truces, the fighting, and Changbin, all the sneaking around, the strategics, and Changbin.
I feel exhausted.
We've become so shameless, that I've been spending most of the nights at his place. There's something oddly comforting in it. I haven't slept that well in so long, I can't bring myself to leave his place after recovering from my highs.
I'm the first one to wake up every day though, finding myself tangled in his arms and sheets. I go home and wash up for hours before I even muster the guts to look Chan and Han in the eyes.
There's something so intoxicating in his smell, his skin, his kisses, and I get lost in them.
But when I get home, I can't stop thinking about him murdering my mother.
He's not amused to see me, but at least he came.
"You know I could be doing other things right now," Minho comments, implying his plans with Jisung, waiting for me to laugh maybe, but I just sit there and look disgusted. "What happened? I thought Hyunjin was your ally, not me."
"Well, that was before I found out you were fucking my best friend. I don't mean to pry, but honestly, what are your intentions? Cause I swear to god if you hurt him..." I trail off because I can't even imagine Jisung getting hurt, without me turning into an assassin. 
"Do you want me to get in detail, or...?" He smirks, but I'm not amused. He sighs and tries again. "We're just fucking. Do I really have to have any other type of intentions with him?" 
I haven't talked to Ji about his feelings or thoughts about it, so I really shouldn't screw anything up by saying things I'm not supposed to. Things like how he's not the type to just fuck around. His heart is too pure for that.
"Just don't hurt him, or I won't care about this stupid truce. I will fucking murder you."
"You don't care that we're family?" He pretends to look hurt. But I just give him a look. "No one cares about the truce anyways..." he scoffs, but I can see he knows I mean what I'm saying. "I do care about him, somehow. He just...gets to you, you know?"
I nod. Oh boy, I know.
"You didn't call me here in the middle of the night to threaten me, did you?" He abruptly changes the topic.
"I mean, you could use a heads up before you fuck things up, but it's true. I wanted to talk about something else. I'm starting to think Hyunjin isn't completely honest with me." I state, and he frowns, genuinely taken aback. "He's just been off lately, and I don't know if something's happened or he just doesn't want to keep on sneaking."
Minho just raises his eyebrows and huffs air before speaking.
"Well, he has been off, but I just assumed it was because he was 'double agent' mood, but if you feel him off, then maybe something is going on..." 
"Can you find out?" I ask, and he laughs.
"You want me to go 'double agent' too?"
"You're already doing that with Jisung." I shrug, and he rolls his eyes.
On my way back to my place, I hear steps behind me, so I turn around, aiming my rifle everywhere, trying to find whoever's been following me.
I hear some sounds coming from the trash cans on my right, and then the same brown-haired guy who came to give us his leaders' envelope with information comes out. He's got his arms up in the air.
"You know that you have to be more sneaky than that if you want to follow someone, right?" I say, never pulling my gun down.
"I wanted you to know I was here. I need to talk to you," he says calmly. His gun is hanging on his shoulder, lying on his back, but there's something weird, so I keep mine where it is. "Fine, you don't have to put it down, then. Listen, your sneaking around put your leader in great danger, even if you think you're doing it to protect him."
"Why are you giving me tips on my job if you want to take us down?" I scoff, rolling my eyes.
"We're not like you, we said so, but it's clear that you think we're playing around," he huffs, "but anyways, leader Jeongin wants to get a word with Han Jisung. I'm just checking if it's safe, which is why I care if you do your job correctly."
"Everything I do, I do it to protect Han," I say honestly. "I'm not perfect, but I mean well." He nods.
"Seo Changbin didn't kill your mother." He says out of nowhere, looking me in the eyes.
"What?" I barely hear myself. Air leaving my lungs like I was just punched.
"He's covering someone else. I'm still trying to get that information, but I know he wasn't the one." He assures me.
"How? Why are you telling me this now? Who the fuck even are you?" I fall to my knees. My eyes losing focus.
"Ballistics." He shrugs like it's so simple. Like all my life decisions suddenly make no sense anymore. "He's never used that type of gun before, it's a pretty unique gun, but we haven't got a hold of it. We just know he's covering someone."
"It's what we're trying to figure out."
"Why are you telling me this?"
"I thought it might help you get your anger out of the way and work towards a geniunely positive truce between both groups."
It seems like all coherent thought has left my brain.
"We just want the best for everyone," he shrugs again. His composture is admirable. "If you don't believe me, you can check it yourself." He says handing me a folder, and turning around, walking away from me.
"Oh, my name is Kim Seungmin, by the way. I'll be in touch."
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ailar023 · 1 year
The tiny spider boy
Chapter 4:
Having the little boy under his care, he did not want to swing with the risk of him falling, luckily some 600m from the abandoned factory, in one of the many alleys, he had left his backpack with normal clothes. He always brought one for any situation.
Delicately he removes the child from between the fabric and the collar of his suit with his index finger and thumb, leaving him on top of one of the many containers that adorn the narrow streets while holding the backpack with the other.
-Wait here a minute, okay? I'm going to change quickly- he tells the little boy while he examines the surroundings so that there is no one walking or a lost animal -I'll be right back-
Watching her walk away, Miles sits shakily as he gazes at his new sight, trying to hold on as he rubs the constant cold on himself -it's a good thing the wind isn't blowing here- he tells himself, otherwise it would be so much worse.
It's not like I have anything else to do at this point; With the first rays of the sun peeking out, he shows this narrow street made of old bricks that extends for kilometers above him, with this size they seem like infinite skyscrapers that touch the sky, and a few large windows adorn it, all with the lights still off, surely the owners of those homes are still dozing.
This makes you wonder what date of the year it is now, being locked up in that seedy prison for so long, you completely lost track of time...
His thoughts are unexpectedly cut off when he hears footsteps, sees a young man walking in his direction and gets completely scared, stopping immediately with labored breathing, trying to find a hiding place, he almost completely forgets that Spiderman went to get dressed and was no longer there.
Wears his suit Peter notices that the boy is startled when he sees him, knowing instantly that he did not recognize him because he was not wearing his mask, making him realize his mistake, he should have shown him his face before leaving, which he did not do for two reasons, first he never First he showed his face to no one, only his beloved M.J, and secondly because he wanted to get to his apartment as soon as possible to take care of the child immediately.
Once again he curses himself internally. In order not to scare the child more than he already was "again", he stops walking and speaks to him in a whisper -hey! I leave you for a minute and you don't recognize me anymore? I'm Spiderman- he says, giving his voice a friendly tone.
Hearing his voice, Miles calms down a bit as he recognizes his savior now without the mask.
He looks like a young man with brown hair and is wearing blue jeans, a navy blue t-shirt covered by a gray hoodie, and is wearing black sneakers.
-By the way, now that I think about it, I've never introduced myself correctly- he says quietly as he resumes his march towards him more slowly. -Tell me little one, what is your name?-
-My… My name is…. Miles Morales- tries to respond as best he can, but his disused vocal cords gave him away making him stutter, and the cold he had didn't help him at all.
It hurts Peter to hear him like this and he realizes that he is shivering again, so he decides to end the conversation to take him to his apartment before people get up and fill the transports to the top. The questions come later.
Resting his right hand palm up on the container, he invites Miles to go up, this time the boy goes up without hesitation and internally thanking him for the heat that his body radiates, once positioned Peter moves his hand to the side of his right pocket, rests the half of the 4 phalanges inside the pocket of the sweatshirt
-I hope you're more comfortable there- he says subtly.
-thank you- Miles responds smiling, barely in a whisper before crawling into the fabric cave to the bottom, he can feel the threads of fabric that are sewn together to create the sweatshirt, once he reaches the bottom, he turns and lies on his back enjoying of the warmth and softness that emanates around him, finally being away from that cold cage prison and that winding and battered place.
Sensing Miles settle, Peter puts both hands in his pocket, the left one going all the way in while the right one halfway in, making the boy jump a bit as he sees the hand balled into a loose fist enter where he is, but leaving enough space for you to be comfortable
-Anything you need, just hit my hand twice- he tells the boy as he begins to walk towards the exit of the alley, taking quick and precise steps until he finds the entrance to the subway. From there he could take a direct line to Queens.
He goes downstairs while keeping the pocket where Miles resides stable so he doesn't wobble, once downstairs he goes to get a ticket in one of the many machines and cranks it, just in time for the next trip, but what he didn't expect is that this train was already half loaded despite being the morning -I hope this doesn't complicate things-
Miles from his pocket can't see anything other than Peter's hand in front of him and the fabric that surrounds him, but he can hear the outside, at first he didn't know where they were going until he recognized the characteristic sound of the cranks turning. entering the subway, followed by the sound of it arriving and opening the doors.
He feels when Peter enters and notices that there are people on the subway due to the constant chattering and the multiple footsteps around him, although where he is now muffles the sound a little, it is still loud for him thanks to his small size, and having been there so much. time alone and without having contact with anyone, this touched every fiber of his nerves and his breathing began to become agitated.
-The sound is too much,- he thought, desperately covering his ears. -Someone shut them up!- he said to himself as he had a small panic attack.
Desperately looking for some emotional support, he hugged the index finger in front of him as tightly as he could while gasping for breath. Peter instantly feels the little boy hug his finger, noticing his altered breathing and slight tremors. He would love to ask her but he can't risk taking it out. middle of the public.
Thinking about how to calm the boy without anyone suspecting, Peter moves his hand a little, making Miles release his finger. He slowly opens it with his palm up and brings it closer until he makes contact with Miles. The boy stumbles up until he reaches the center of the palm and settles immediately, this time without red fabric to separate it and feeling the soft and warm skin of the hero, he feels how the fingers around him close once again in a protective manner.
He is finally far from that icy and dark place, all that toxic environment that surrounded him did not let him sleep in peace, he always had nightmares and woke up at any time, he never knew if it was day or night.
This softness that surrounds him now and the comforting warmth completely relaxes him, he decides to lie on Peter's palm using one of the proximal phalanges to support his head and the rest of his body on the palm, he curls up and softens in the comfort of Your skin is soft and warm, you feel your eyelids getting heavy, you can finally sleep peacefully for the first time in a long time, your whole body begins to relax until you fall into a deep sleep.
-So... let me see if I understand... it turns out that the experiment escaped because ACCORDING TO YOU the old lock broke????- Kingpin barked with venom in his voice.
The doctors who were experimenting on him under his watch were pale as white, fearing the punishment their boss would give him.
-I don't think that happened- responds a distorted voice behind him, it is The Brawler who was examining the cage room with his high-tech mask.
-I can detect footprints of an intruder and barely visible fingerprints on the edges of the lock, as if someone had broken it- says the purple-clad man, making Kingpin turn red with rage towards his scientists.
-You just had to WATCH that he didn't run away and PERFECT IT!!! AND THEY DIDN'T FIND OUT THAT SOMEONE STOLEN IT???? - he shouts at the end of his sentence to the men in white coats, their faces were pale as ghosts.
Even the Brawler himself seemed surprised at the level of fury that the burly man reached now, it is the first time he has seen him this furious.
-It took me so much time and money to develop that serum…. So many failures I had until finally one came out positive... All for a couple of idiots to ruin it," he finally said with a tone of heaviness in his voice while massaging his hair. You better act fast to get it back.
-Prowler- he calls with an authoritative voice, whatever he is going to, -follow the footprints, it can't be very far from here- he orders, barely 15 minutes had passed since the scientists entered to find the cage empty, the thief couldn't be there. very far away, or so I wanted to think.
-Yes, sir- he responds without a word, to which he activates the mask's camera in ultraviolet light to see the criminal's footprints and follow his trail.
As he begins to follow his tracks, Davis is deep in thought, wondering what is this experiment so precious to his boss, he very rarely hides things from him and this is one of them, which seemed strange to him.
He sees that there are several characteristic footprints of the subject along the corridor, and in some points they are cut to what gave him an idea, when looking at the ceiling he sees the ventilation duct and something white on the edge of a pair of grilles in the inside side, in one jump, nails its metal nails into the duct and tears off the end of the grill where the hinge is, leaving it hanging from the white and sticky substance "spider web"
-Sir, I have something, it seems that it was spiderman who stole your experiment- he warns him before continuing his search, entering the duct.
-So it was that damn spider- she hears him say with an angry voice echoing in the metal tunnel.
Another thing that caught his attention is the traces that were inside the cage, they were small footprints the size of a rodent... only they had the shape of a human... that completely baffled him.
His reflections fade when the trail of the masked hero disappears without a trace in an alleyway full of containers, or so it seems, in the same place where the footprints fade, completely new ones appear out of nowhere, as if he had changed, so He decides to follow these new footsteps until he reaches the subway, there he already loses all trace of the young hero.
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ch4nb4ng · 3 years
A Helping Hand
Tumblr media
Pairing: Changbin x afab!reader
Genre: College friends to lovers
Warning: Make out, fiingering (f. receiving), praise, corruption, inexperienced reader, orgasm (f), mentions of bulge
Word Count: 3.7k (shorter than usual thank god)
Summary: Changbin just wants to be the good best friend he is. Help you out in any dire situation. But what happens when your request is a little more explicit than usual?
Tagged: @ofsake and @ghazalestay , hope you enjoy!!
“Okay let’s do a couple of more questions and then finish for the night please.”
You nodded, already feeling your brain fatigue starting to take over. The mid-term was approaching soon, very soon, but your study efforts were more than adequate. You felt like at this point your sole purpose in life was to ace this algebra exam, so by now, at 11pm two weeks before, studying almost 10 hours a day; being stressed and exhausted was an understatement.
“Sure thing,” Changbin smiled, taking note of your energy drop since the beginning of your study session. His concern grew greatly, clouding his mind the longer he studied your face. He decided at that very moment that it was more than enough to end the work for the day. Joining in the lazy slouching on the other side of your double bed he sighed, fixated on how puffy your under eyes looked, most likely from a lack of sleep, and overdoing of preparation.
“Y/n,” he whispered, sitting up and tapping you on the shoulder lightly, “are you okay?”
“What? Oh, yeah I’m fine,” you shrugged, both hands on your face, “just have a lot of things on my mind.”
You stood up abruptly walking into your wardrobe, which was out of view from Changbin, discarding the uncomfortable shirt you previously had on, unclasping your bra and replacing it with a rather oversized hoodie. You sighed in relief, finally free from the shackles of pain and inconvenience that came with wearing such undergarments.
“I’m really looking forward to the party at Chan’s house tomorrow. Get my mind off of homework for a couple of hours.”
“Sure you’re excited,” Changbin scoffed, “Hyunjin is going to be there.”
The name made you roll your eyes hard, slamming your wardrobe door shut, giving your best friend a very cruel death glare of disdain.
“Are you still going on about this? We hooked up one time, one time!”
“Okay but,” Changbin sighed, “you were talking about him before that. If I knew any better, you might actually like this dude.”
You sat on the edge of the bed, completely unfazed by his bold assumption. You were extremely comfortable having such conversations with Changbin, knowing very well that there was no cover he had to hide, no under the surface feelings that he was eager to expose, but couldn’t. He was a very honest person, and very easy to read; exactly like an open book.
“I mean I guess I did,” you drifted off, “but after we hooked up, we, well I. It just wasn’t what I thought it was going to be.”
“Ahh,” Changbin nodded, “I understand what you mean.”
“Yeah, which is why I’m going abstinent for now. Swearing off any and all men until I can find one that actually satisfies me.”
Both pairs of eyes in the room grew wide simultaneously, but for different reasons. Yours being that you admitted a humiliating secret, and Changbin was not an idiot and can read between the lines of such implications. His reason being because he wasn’t sure if what he heard was accurate.
“Y/n, did you say what I think you just said?”
“Uh,” you paused, grabbing the pillow closest to you, covering your now heated complexion, “maybe.”
“I’m being serious,” he chuckled, grabbing the pillow and putting it next to him, “it makes me feel bad. Was he really that bad? They all were?”
“I mean,” you shrugged, “they finished, they had a good time. I think it’s just me. I can’t even do it when I’m..”
“When you’re?”
“You know,” you paused, begging for his ability to read between the lines to come back. He smirked, knowing exactly what you meant.
“No I don't-”
“When I'm by myself, alright!” you screamed, hitting him with another pillow, “why do you make me drag it out!”
The embarrassment was too much, pillow creeping back to your face, feet kicking as he burst into a fit of laughter. He loved to make fun of you, which was fair considering the usual dynamic was to make fun of Changbin on a daily basis.
“Y/n relax,” he shouted, trying to get over his laughter, “it’s not a big deal.”
Your feet came to a still, sitting up quickly and looking at Changbin’s face to see if he was fucking with you or not.
“It’s not?”
“Yes,” he chuckled, “guys can be mediocre, I’ve heard other girls say that. Not the ones I have been with of course.”
“Dude!” Your scream was loud as you started to punch him across the chest in a repetitive manner. His laughter increased in sound again, making no effort to stop your brutal force, knowing very well that he deserved it.
“Okay okay,” he yelped, grabbing his stomach in pain from the amount of laughter he had just incurred, “you’re right I deserve that, it was bad timing.”
“Yes you did!”
The noise had reduced, a comfortable silence falling over the room as you looked at the floor. That, however, was when your mind started to dance. He said he was supposedly ‘good with other girls.’ Maybe he could do the same thing for you? Just for help of course, educational purposes only; nothing more. He looked over at you, identifying your eyebrows furrowed in curious thought.
“What are you thinking about now?”
“Oh uhm, nothing,” you gasped, his voice interrupting your suggestive thoughts, “we are best friends, right?”
“Of course Y/n,” he smiled, placing a hand on your knee. Now all of a sudden his touch began to burn, searing a patronising flame across your stomach.
“Would you do anything for me?”
“Do you even have to ask that?”
“Touche,” you huffed, working up the courage to ask such a question. This could be a dangerous question that could go two ways; one: he would get weirded out and leave, making your friendship awkward, or two: he would agree and you would end up having sex with your best friend. Both ideas weren't great, but the latter seemed to be the lesser of the two evils. How you got yourself in this predicament was baffling. Nevertheless, you were desperate. Staying abstinent from men wasn’t something you really wanted to do. Changbin, objectively, was a good looking guy, totally someone you would go for if he was a complete stranger. On the other hand, he wasn’t a stranger, in fact, he was the closest thing you had to anybody here at college. This could change everything, and not in the way you wanted it to.
“Could you maybe, uhm,” you paused, panic beginning to surge through your body, regretting the last 3 words you spoke, “uhm, forget about it.”
“Y/n come on you can’t do that,'' he whined, grabbing your hands, “you can ask me anything, okay?”
You looked up at him, admiring the care he had in his eyes when you were nervous.
“Okay fine, but promise you won’t laugh?”
“Okay,” you paused, reluctantly shoving your nerves down your throat, “can you help me out with, well, you know?”
“Please don’t make me spell it out again, this is embarrassing and pathetic enough as it is.”
His facial expression of confusion soon became one of realisation, mouth opening wide and eyes practically boggling out of his head once he became aware of what you were asking of him. He would be lying if he said that he didn’t like the idea. Himself being the first one to give you your orgasm, corrupt you with that impending feeling that rushed all over your body, the one that happened to know so well.
Your very tightly shut eyes opened, his nonchalant attitude having you in complete disbelief. The fact that he was being very calm about this situation terrified you more than the act itself. He moved closer to you, a hand of reassurance coming into contact with your own concerned one.
“I mean,” Changbin replied, “if you trust me, I’m more than happy to.”
“Oh,” you whispered, afraid your voice would crack if you spoke any louder, “are you sure? I don’t want things to be weird after.”
“Y/n, they’re not going to be,” he sighed jokingly, “Think of it as a helping hand. You’re in stress and dire need of saving, and I-”
“Stop,” You yelled at him, gently punching him again, “this is already embarrassing enough as it is.”
He chuckled again, moving closer to you in order to get the ball rolling. You froze for a moment; this was really happening. You reciprocated his actions, inching closer and closer, lips aching to be touched the smaller the distance became. He brought a hand to the side of your neck, eyes casting backup to yours, waiting for any sign to continue.
“Are you sure,” you whispered, feeling the breath from his slightly parted lips begin to tickle your own, “we don’t have to-”
“Shhh,” he purred, face basically closing any remaining space from you, “I told you, I really, really want to.”
He peered down at your lips, biting down on his own, before bringing them back to your eyes, then your lips again. He was playing games with himself, toying with you to an even greater extent the longer he let his eyes roam. He was in no rush, planning for the thrill of it all to increase the arousal that you soon would feel when his lips travelled to other places on your body that weren’t on your face.
It was, however, working very well. You felt the temperature of your skin become flush, mouth increasing in salivation the longer he bore into you, like a very well done magic trick completed by a well-trained magician. A witch, mixing a potion, lust and adventure leading the pack of ingredients. Everything you thought you knew about him had changed within a mere couple of seconds. The sweet boy next door energy that he tended to radiate was dissipating rapidly. The devil of corruption hijacked his body, eyes changing to the dark colour, spilling and taking you with him.
“Just say the words,” he whispered, letting them fall naturally off of the tip of his tongue as it stuck itself behind his top teeth, “and I’m going to guarantee that I’ll have you cumming so hard, the only name you’ll remember is mine.”
His dominant demeanor made you give up completely, and hesitation that previously clouded your mind was now non-existent. You gave one last push, making yourself the one to finally connect your lips together. It started very slowly, hands on Changbin’s wrists that stayed connected to your neck, tongues moving with rhythm against each other, but the grandiosity of it all quickened with little time. The passion of such a sensual kiss was increasing with anticipation, heads moving with much more vigour, hands beginning to aimlessly roam across corresponding bodies. You moaned against his lips, causing him to break away from you. Chests heaving in syncronisity, Changbin looked up at you, immediately scanning your features to identify any regret or doubts about what just happened.
“Wow,” you panted, still quite out of breath.
“Was that okay?”
“Yes,” you gasped, whisking one leg over and sitting on top of him, “really good.”
Changbin chuckled, arms now wrapped around his neck as a hint to keep going. He was the one that pushed forward this time, reattaching his lips, hands scurrying down to your hips, thumbs pressing light squeezes against the softness of your jumper, hard enough to be felt through on your waist. You took it as your own provoking sign, gently rocking yourself against him.
He gasped into your mouth, causing you to chuckle as you broke away. You looked down at his face, the filthy smirk that appeared on your face was already sending you into another dimension. He was so smug, truly enjoying the way you were enjoying yourself. The shorts of thin material were something you thanked yourself for wearing, easily experiencing the dragging of your core against his quickly forming bulge. You bit down on your lip, suppressing any sounds of pleasure that wanted to escape from your throat. You did not want to give him such satisfaction; yet.
“Come on,” he spoke, tone breathy as he continued, “let it out.”
The way he read your mind terrified you, but it didn’t stop you from letting out the soft groans and moans you wanted to previously share the harder you grinded against him. You were starting to feel it already, the pulsating of your clit becoming immense. Changbin had barely touched you, yet you were already greatly aroused by him than any other man that you had shared such experiences with prior.
“Okay, okay,” Changbin huffed, lifting you up and thawing you on your back, “enough of that, or I’m going to get too worked up.”
You giggled at his words, your knowledge of how dirty your best friend could be quite unknown. He laid next to you, fingertips roaming around your still very clothed body. He looked up at you, a very certain look with his eyes, asking for permission to discard the obstacles: your clothing. You nodded, sitting up against the wall and lifting your arms up. You thanked yourself mentally for not wearing anything underneath, Changbin’s nasty smirk returning back to his lips. He immediately reached for your breasts, palms covering your nipples entirely as his fingers searched for the maximum amount of surface area they could reach, applying a few gentle squeezes.
You were beginning to melt into this touch, the contrast of his cool, icy palms dissolving heat burning from the warm flesh. His fingers, however, took no time in finding their aim, effortlessly forming around your sensitive buds, rolling back and forth between the naught digits.
“Ah,” you gasped, back arching into his touch, “fuck, Changbin.”
“So good,” he groaned, lowering his lips to your chest, “so breathy for me, you are.”
His swollen lips began to nip at your extremely hardened nipples, relishing in how easily your body anticipated him. His hands began to travel again, down the curve of your stomach, pushing past where you throbbed for him, barely scraping the inside of your thighs. Your legs jolted in the slightest, silent beginning for Changbin to put his fingers right in between his legs, right where you wanted to beg him to touch you.
“Tell me,” he whispered, eyes doey as he looked up at you in your semi-dishevelled state, “what do you want from me?”
“Touch me,” you blurted out, head already so dizzy from his pristine ways of making you feel oh so satisfied, “here.”
You wrapped your fingers around his wrist, dragging his strong palms away from your thighs, and right to your heat. Changbin quickly caught the gist, closing his fingers except for his middle and index finger, dusting them over your clothed centre in a very anti-climatic, playful fashion. Eyes fixated on your pussy, he groaned, identifying the already wet patch that was forming through your thin layered shorts. Changbin felt like he was in heaven. The way your body reacted to him so eager. The cute little woman he saw as his best friend. He never imagined that you could be so sensitive, so needy, so fucking responsive to the smallest of touches. He truly never pictured you to be the type.
Your hips began to move in sync with his digits, creating a gentle friction that wasn’t too overwhelming, yet not enough simultaneously. You were enjoying yourself so much, your chest becoming shallow from the small pants you took with each breath. He was enjoying teasing you, at first. But his mind was truly starting to go haywire, wanting to do everything in his power to turn your world upside down. His sex-crazed, mind fucked alter ego was arriving, and the longer he didn’t have bare contact with your heat, the hungrier he became for you.
“More Changbin,” you whined, pushing the fabric away from you, “I want more.”
All he could do was comply, helping you remove both layers momentarily. He gasped, almost fainting at how pretty your pussy was to him.
“Fuck,” he groaned, spreading your lips apart, “look how wet you are already.”
You buried your head in his chest, completely embarrassed. His dirty words made you want to hide. Nothing ever so vulgar or of such erotic nature had spilled from Changbin’s mouth in your entire history of friendship. Seeing him as the not so innocent boy you thought he was contributed to the fast, increasing arousal in your body, adrenaline surging like no tomorrow.
“Mhm,” was the only coherent sound you managed to put together. His fingers began to go to work, striking a fierce line up along your clit, causing your hips to jolt, viciously. The reaction made him smirk. He wanted to admit that he liked having so much power over you, making you so sensitive with the simplest of touches. “How does that feel?”
“So, so good,” you moaned, whimpering as he took his fingers away, “Changbin.”
“Open your mouth,” he hissed, prodding his already coated fingers at your lips, “come on baby, open them.”
You complied enthusiastically, grabbing Changbin’s wrist and shoving it into your mouth, fixing your eyes on his facial expressions as you took his fingers, easily able to taste yourself already. You could see his jaw tense up, eyes going slightly foggy at how eager you took his fingers. There was a determination being stirred within you. Yes, the focus was meant to be on you and how good you feel, but you couldn't help it. There was a disturbing tornado that was cycling, needing Changbin to know how much you wanted him, and how much power you could have to to simulate the similar dire effect. It had become a war in your mind, a war that you did not want to lose.
“Jesus,” Changbin gasped, popping his fingers away from your mouth, “you’re so good at that.”
He spent no time awaiting for your response, straight away, slithering the wet digits down the center of your body, past your breasts, down your stomach, and right back to where your body was calling for him the most.
He was still taking it very slow, tantalizing your senses as he gently rubbed your clit in circular motions. It truly made you speechless; nothing had ever felt this good. Your lids already struggling to stay open, legs following in similar fashion as he began to increase his pace, dragging his fingers from your hole, lathering your own pathetic juices across your pussy.
“Fuck Changbin,” you hissed, unsure of the words that were about to spill from your lips, “more, I need more.”
“You want more?”
“Please,” you moaned, bucking your hips against his fingers, “fuck me, please.”
His eyes widened, caught off guard by your vulgar request. It didn’t mean that he did not like it however. If anything, it turned him on even more. He moved closer to you, spreading his lights slightly, right leg under your left leg, allowing his hard on to breathe, subtly creating some friction to relieve his own strains that were becoming more prominent the longer this went on.You took no notice as his fingers went on the prowl once more, slithering down to your entrance, a finger plunging and burying completely inside of you. Eyes springing open, you jumped forward, feeling’s Changbin’s free hand brung your back down from what felt like space as he gently pinned you to the bed, curling his fingers and earning multiple moans from you.
“Right there,” you groaned, burying your face in his chest, “right there Changbin, it feels so good.”
He chuckled at your vulnerability, quickening his pace the more frequent the incoherent phrases that were coming from your mouth.
“Good girl y/n,” Changbin growled, fixated on the way you squirmed, hips unable to stay in one spot, “feels good, doesn’t it?”
He took his other hand in his mouth, spitting and sucking on them as hard as he could before reaching down and flicking your clit back and forth, a high pitched squeal escaping your lips as he found his rhythm between finger tips. The pleasure was becoming overwhelming, breaths becoming extremely heavy as he fuck you with his fingers. The muscles in your legs were beginning to seize up. A tight feeling began to form in your stomach, growing in strength and tension the more pressure Changbin applied to your dripping cunt.
“Oh my god,” you whined, desperately bucking your hips to chase the intense feeling of pleasure coursing through your body, “t-too g-good.”
“Can you feel it baby?” His voice was soft, sympathising how fucked out you were. “Can you feel it in the pit of your stomach?”
“Getting tighter and tighter?”
“Yes,” you cried out, “I can’t, I can’t take it.”
“Are you going to cum pretty girl?” He whined, mimicking the desperation of your tone, “You want to cum all over my fingers?”
“Please,” you moaned, “please Changbin, I want to cum.”
“You wanna cum?”
“You asked so nicely, how could I say no?”
Your jaw dropped to the floor as this foreign feeling overwhelmed your body, starting at your core and spreading all over. Body collapsing, you screamed, covering your mouth as Changbin kept his pace, your hips unable to adjust to the extraordinary gratification he inflicted on you.
“That’s it,” he whispered, voice low with seduction, “let yourself go. Feel every bit of me inside of you.”
Another high pitched moan escaped your lips, grabbing Changbin’s wrist for him to stop.
“Please,” you whimpered, “stop.”
“Okay okay,”he chuckled, pressing a soft kiss to your lips. He smiled as he pulled away, almost laughing at how flabbergasted you looked. You looked away as soon as you felt his gaze fixated on you. It still had not hit what had just happened. You became embarrassed, seeming so pathetic in front of him, submitting to him that easily; he coil read you like a book. He took the hands away from your eyes, concerned that you would be hiding regret.
“Are you okay?”
“I’m fine,” you whispered, “well, really good actually.”
“Good,” he smirked, “I’m glad you enjoyed yourself.”
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nymphbnny · 3 years
my slut
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genre: NSFW
pairing: jean kirschtein x female reader
tags/warnings: degradation, slapping, spit kink, breeding kink, solo masturbation (female), dom jean, oral receiving (female), penetrative sex, saliva, slight size kink, explicit language, finger sucking, fingering, spanking.
word count: 2.2k
synopsis: jean gets jealous about an old ex you bump into on your date together. after multiple attempts to get his attention, you decide to show him that you only belong to him by being his submissive slut.
“Oh, fucking Christ Jean what’s the matter with you! You’ve been giving me the silent treatment since we left that goddam restaurant, not to mention the multiple times I reached out to grab your hand like I always do and you’d swat it away.” I yelled irritated by his childlike behavior as I stepped into the apartment we’ve been sharing together.
We never really found a hard time communicating whatever was bothering us, this was the way our relationship worked. Transparency and loyalty. But tonight Jean decided to frustrate me by simply disregarding my every move and word. Instead, he tugged at his tie, loosening it up, and undid the buttons of his dress shirt.
“Jean!” I shouted, smacking my hand on the marble counter beside me, almost kicking off the keys that were sitting on it. He briefly looked at me and hummed, a sign to cue me that he was listening to me.
“Why are you acting this way, stop behaving like that you don’t—“
“Oh but I fucking do y/n” he interrupted with a wryly chuckled. He slid his dress shirt off his chest and placed it over his shoulder. “I saw you back at the restaurant. When you went to the restroom and took too long to come back to our table, I went to check up on you and saw you chatting with your so-called ex-boyfriend and another guy.” He hissed, pointing his finger at my chest. His tall figure was now towering over me, his eyes looking down at me with anger.
I scoffed, pushing his finger away, and held the bridge of my nose. “Jean, I just bumped into him and he asked me how I was doing. He was being polite. Were you expecting me to just walk away?!” I waved my hand around and picked my heels from the floor.
“I didn’t say that. What I'm trying to say here is that you were enjoying yourself too much y/n. Is he that fucking funny? Eh? Look at me.” He groaned holding my chin with his fingers making me look up at him again.
“Jean, you're overreacting. I’m dating you, not him. You are the one who is balls deep in my pussy, not him.” I furrowed my eyebrows together, my tone getting louder. A spark of lust brushed through his eyes before he let go of me and walked to our bedroom. “Oh great!” I exclaimed, smacking my hands against my sides, my heels following my movements.
I followed him upstairs, and before I could say anything, he went into our bathroom and locked the door. Soon after, the sound of the water-filled the empty room, hinting that he was showering, without me.
I knew Jean was the jealous type. Although it makes him hotter sometimes, this time he was overdoing it. I decided to wait for him to get out so I can reason with him again. Jean was taking longer than normal to get out, which I concluded as payback for making him wait back at the restaurant. I huffed and threw my heels across the room, dropping my weight on our bed.
A sigh escaped my lips when I realized that I might also be in the wrong. After all, I did make him wait for almost twenty minutes.
The bathroom door opened, the mirror now foggy. Jean stepped with only a towel around his waist and another around his neck. His body was still wet, tiny droplets cascading from his torso down his legs. He looked good.
He grabbed his hairbrush from the dresser and combed his long hair. Everything he did was effortlessly hot and pesky. He was walking around the room as if I wasn’t there and it was testing my patience. “Jean,” I called out but I received no answer. “Come on Jean please I just want to talk to you.” I pleaded. He turned around, now set down the hairbrush on the dresser, and took a step forward.
“I’m listening.” He simply said and walked to his closet to grab a pair of shorts.
“Jean I know you’re mad at me but you seriously have no reason to be, he doesn’t mean anything to me and you shouldn’t be worrying--” I was cut off when he dropped his towel down and reached out for a piece of clothing. I must have been silent for a while because he turned around and teasingly slid on his black shorts, giving me all the time I needed to stare at his cock. I knew he was doing it deliberately and I still fell for it. I couldn’t help it.
“Why’d you stop? Is anything distracting you?” he inquired with a cocky expression, his basketball shorts already on. He climbed on the bed next to me and lied down, his head resting against his forearm as he used his other hand to scroll down his phone. I rolled my eyes. “You know what, fuck you and your childish behaviors. I’m going to take a shower.” I stood up and made my way to the bathroom until he spoke up.
“Come here.” His tone was serious and low. I turned around and crossed my hands against my chest. “Oh so now you want to listen?” I scoffed and waited for his answer. “I said come here y/n, now.” he put his phone away and adjusted his posture so now he was sitting against the headboard. He tapped his hand on the mattress, mentioning me to sit next to him. Doing as I’m told, I climbed back on the bed and sat on my heels.
“That’s my slut,” he grabbed my jaw in his hand and pulled my face closer to him. “You’ve been a very naughty girl tonight. I was about to give you something,” he paused, taking my hand and dragging it across his growing erection making me bite my lip, then proceeded “But I don’t think you deserve it anymore. Maybe he can fuck you better than I do.” he taunted and let go of me before sitting back again.
I knew he was trying to guilt-trip me, but I was too horny to hold a grudge. Instead, I took off my shirt, leaving my braless in front of him, and sat back on my back, holding myself up with my elbow. He seemed not to care as he kept reading whatever was on his phone but I had other plans.
I raised my skirt and pushed my thong aside. “Jean,” I called him out and sucked on my fingers. He glanced at me then at my pussy, slowly locking his phone. I dragged my middle and ring finger from my mouth to my clit, briefly stopping at my nipples to coat them with my saliva.
“You’re the only one who gets to see me like this.” I whimpered, the pads of my fingers rubbing against my bud, sending chills down my spine. I threw my head back, letting out a moan before looking back at him and adding, this time slipping one finger in. “You only get to feel this tight pussy.” He shifted in his seat, his erection becoming more visible. His eyes were now locked on my glistening cunt as it began making noises from how wet I was.
“Look how wet you make me.” I stretched myself adding another finger, gently moving them in and out of my opening. My moans grew a bit louder, his hand now pressed against his boner. He gave it a few rubs before he moved towards me and pulled my hand away from myself. He dragged me closer to him and turned my body around, pulling my hips up.
Soon after, I felt a stinging pain against the flesh of my butt. I yelped and tried to look around to see what he was using this time. But then I remembered the wet towel that was resting around his neck. This fucker. Another sharp sting quickly followed, making me jerk my body forward.
“Still want to act like a brat?” he asked, this time spreading my legs to have access to my throbbing cunt. He chuckled and dragged the towel between my cheeks, sending another electrifying spank. “You’re enjoying this, aren't you? You brainless slut.” I nodded, receiving a few more spanks before I felt him move behind me.
Straight away, I felt his tongue give a long slow lick to my slit, his hand giving my ass another spank. His fingers began alternating between gripping my flesh and teasingly fingering my opening. My moans and whimpers were muffled by my pillow, but his moaning and slurping were very audible. His tongue was making obscene sounds and he didn’t mind it. He flipped me over again, making me hold my thighs up for him before he gave my cunt some spanks, making me clench under his touch.
He spat on it and dived in again, his tongue and fingers working simultaneously to bring me closer to my orgasm. I squirmed trying to bring myself closer to come, but he kept me steady. The knot in my stomach tightened, my legs wrapping around his head, suffocating him with my thighs. “Jean, oh shit, Jean, I’m gonna come…” I whined, throwing my head back, his arms gripping onto my thighs sending me to my orgasm. I panted, his tall frame now standing as he took off his shorts, giving his erection a few strokes, his precum visible on his slit.
“You wanna suck my dick don’t you?” I nodded, sitting up and crawling to him. “Tsk tsk, tsk, such a whore for my cock.” He pushed me back down and spoke up again. “Too bad you won’t get to feel it down your throat tonight.” he chuckled darkly and spat in his hand, rubbing his saliva over his veiny dick, letting out a groan.
“Please, Jean…” I slid off my thong and spread my legs for him. “Please fuck me…” I spread my lips showing him my slit covered in my cum, begging him to fill it up with his. He positioned himself over me and teased my entrance by smacking his tip and rubbing it over it. I whined and reached out to grab his cock but he stopped me. He grabbed my chin and forced my mouth open before spitting. “Swallow,” he ordered rubbing his thumb across my bottom lips. “Look who’s being a good girl now, you like making daddy happy don't you?”
I nodded, taking his thumb into my mouth and gently sucking on it. He smirked at how obedient I was being and pulled his finger out, adjusting his position. He grabbed my jaw one last time and slapped my cheek, the bearable pain sending shivers to my core. Jean pulled my legs up, positioning them on his shoulders, and teased my clit one more time before ramming himself into me. I wailed at the sudden intrusion. “Fuck you’re choking my fat cock so good,” he grunted pulling himself back before thrusting again not giving me any time to adjust to his size.
He quickened his pace, biting the side of my leg. I tugged on my nipple and rolled my hips, meeting his thrusts. He bent down, squeezing me tighter, only to place a kiss on my forehead indicating that he wasn’t mad at me anymore. However, his thrusts said otherwise as he kept on pounding himself in me relentlessly.
Jean pulled away and switched us over so I was on top. Wasting no time, I pushed him back in and moved my hips. “That’s right, oh fuck just like that.” I rolled my hips and sped up my pace. My legs almost gave out from how tired I was getting, so he dug his fingers in my hips and fucked himself in me.
My body fell forward as I gripped onto his broad shoulders, feeling him grab and squeeze my ass cheeks and he pushed himself deeper in me.
“You want to have daddy’s babies? Huh?” he grunted, his thrusts getting sloppier. I nodded my head but it wasn't sufficient. “Use your words.”
“Yes daddy, cum inside me please.” I moaned out, my second orgasm almost making me blackout.
“I’m gonna fill you up so good baby.” he panted as his cock twitched in me and I felt his hot cum paint my insides. He whimpered in my ear as he moved me up, our cum leaking down my sore cunt to his lower stomach.
Jean pulled my head down as he captured my lips in his, kissing me passionately. He carefully pulled me off him and got some tissues from the nightstand to clean me up. “Did I hurt you?” he asked checking to see if he was being too rough on me. I shook my head and caressed his cheek with my hand.
“Come on baby, let's go take a shower.” he stood off our bed and picked me up in bridal style. “You know Jean, the guy that was standing with my ex was actually his boyfriend,” I said with a cocky grin as he put me down to get in the shower.
He turned on the water and followed right after me, pulling me against his chest. “I know, I just wanted to make sure that you know that you and this sweet thing,” he paused to cup my pussy, “belong to me.” I bit my lip and got on my tiptoes to plant a kiss on his lips.
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countrymusiclover · 2 years
16 - Children Can Be A Pain
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Part 17
A God Worthy Soulmate
A few days later
I was standing out on the balcony from Ken's chambers staring into space consumed in my own thoughts. A few days had passed since the visit to the city and things had been tense.
Ken had been gone for days and was nowhere to be found, " Must be bedding some beautiful woman, probably it's not like I can satisfy him though I hoped I could but I can't. I'm not some goddess or some lovely lady I'm just a nobody and always would be one ``I thought.
It wasn't like I wanted to see him either. He clearly doesn't give a crap about his people. So why in the world would he care about someone like me. Lizzie may have had the right idea all along. It might just be best if I went home instead.
But if I did, Lizzie and the rest of the school would be in danger… I promised him I would stay for a month and it was soon coming close to the mark.
I continue to get lost in my thoughts not noticing a pair of hands wrapped against my waist. Until whoever it was whispered in my ear. "I've missed you." I recognized it as Ken and it made me make my hands into fists in anger.
" Yes, you sure mean it by leaving me here alone for days " I barked, pushing myself from his grip and walked past him stepping inside the room.
" I'm sorry, my love " Ken signed.
" So, tell me have you've gotten any new lovers lately, or brought any new woman into your bed? " I teased.
" What, no I told you there is no one else ? " Ken exclaimed.
" Huh, is that so I'm just surprised I assumed since I didn't satisfy an Almighty powerful god like yourself would hunt for a woman that perhaps you already did " I chuckled sarcastically.
" I haven't touched any woman but you. '' He states, causing me to blush a bit but I regain my composure.
" Honestly, I couldn't care less if you did, I'm not really the type of girl made for this so maybe you should find someone more else that can be, someone more beautiful and glorious like you " I added closing my eyes thinking how foolish I was to think I was cut out for this.
He pulled away, allowing me to turn around in his embrace. "Clarisse, you are all of those things. Do you still not trust my word?"
"It's hard to believe anything you tell me. Especially when you don't seem to put the same effort towards your people that you do for me." I spat towards him.
" Clari, it's complicated " He mumbled.
" How so? " I questioned.
" It just is, " Ken exclaimed.
" Can't you at least try to talk to them or support them? " I asked.
" If that is what you want I will " Ken said.
" No, I want you to do it because you want to not because I want you to " I exclaimed.
" I'll try " Ken mumbled and soon pressed his lips against mine.
He leans into the kiss wrapping his arms around my waist tugging me closer to him. The kiss slowly got passionate where I wrapped my arms around his neck deepening it.
" I want you, " I whispered, staring at him in lust.
"I'm not gonna touch you unless you're sure you're ready ."
" I want you to touch me," I spoke up. My eyes began to glow golden, my werewolf side beginning to come out.
Pulling away from him a little bit I slowly shrugged my shirt over my head dropping it to the floor in a pool at my feet. Watching Ken's eyes looking me up and down slowly.
I placed a hand on the back of my bra clip and slowly started to unclip the straps and threw it across the room before unbuttoning my jeans tugging down my waist let it falling to the ground.
I stood up straight staring at him in confidence not thinking of covering up, " Are you just going to stand there and gawk at me all day? " I said in a seductive tone walking towards him.
I placed my hand on his chest and started to undo the buttons of his shirt.
I began to rub my fingertips up and down his chest while eyeing him out of the corner, noticing his eyes were glowing golden.
"My love, I can't hold back much longer " He warned, trying to keep control.
" It's alright baby, just let go " I encouraged him by weaving one of my hands down his lower region.
He started pulling his shirt off but couldn't resist and crashed his lips onto mine. He grabs my legs when I jump, wrapping them around his waist deepening the kiss.
" Take me to bed, " I whispered.
" As you wish my queen, '' Ken smiled, walking me over to the bed, holding me tightly in his arms before dropping down onto the soft mattress.
He capture my lips against his once more and I placed my legs around his waist and wrapped my arms around his neck.
As we began to get lost in our own passion and pleasure, the door received a knock to it where we broke apart and Ken's eyes turned gold. "You're grace. There is urgent news."
"Go away boy!" He snarled but the door creaked open.
Yanking the covers over myself he looked like he might kill the boy for interrupting us. " I don't wish to be disturbed at the moment I thought I was very clear on that " Ken said his voice thundered loudly.
"I'm sorry sir. But it's about your children. They have been seen at the school."
Glancing from him and back to Ken I was curious to hear the mention. "What about the school. My friends, are they in danger?"
"I'm afraid to say they are inside the school. The rest we don't know." He replied back.
" You lied to me, you promised me you wouldn't harm them " I yelled, pushing him off me and wrapping the cover around me tightly.
I got up from the bed and made my way out of the room not even caring I was bare naked.
" Clari, wait " Ken yelled.
" Your grace, perhaps some proper clothes first would be best " the young boy advised.
" I don't care if I'm naked I have to get to my friends " I exclaimed quickly doing a spell that allows me to have a new change of clothes.
" Clari, wait please " He tried again.
Snapping off at him I waved my finger in his face. "There is nothing you can say. Just go!"
" I did not do this nor did I have acknowledge my children would against my orders " He defended.
I stared at him deeply and soon realized he was indeed telling the truth, " I'm sorry please take me to my friends."
He nodded, lifting me up into his arms and transported us in the air.
Within moments we were in the courtyard of the school, he placed me down onto the ground carefully.
Soon, loud noises began to come from inside the school.
We headed inside and saw destruction everywhere, I spotted Dr. Saltzman was standing there in the hallway frozen so I rushed towards him, surprised that he was just watching. "What are you doing here Clari, you should go now while you can " he said, turning to look at me but his eyes widened in anger when he spotted Ken next to me.
" I see he has fully managed to manipulate you " Dr. Saltzman commented, staring at the god coldly.
" I haven't manipulated anyone, " Ken defended.
" Ah, that's what all tyrants like you would say " Dr. Saltzman hissed.
" Where is everyone? " I asked.
" In the main hall fighting " Dr. Saltzman simply said.
I ran down the hallway and quickly made my way into the main hall where I saw almost the entire squad on the ground bleeding, in front of them a young man with a smirk standing over them holding a sword.
Across the room, Ben was tied up against the wall screaming at his siblings beginning for them to stop, his eyes landing on his boyfriend who was laying on the floor groaning in pain.
" Which one of you wants to die first? I may want to have fun with you all first " The young man chuckled.
"Evander, Just kill them and get it over with all this suspense is boring me " a young woman said, rolling her eyes.
" Little sister, you wounded me, " Evander commented.
" Hey " I yelled making my presence know stepping towards the young man.
" Oh, another one this should be fun " Evander stepped towards me.
" Clarisse, don't " a familiar voice ranged out.
My eyes soon turned to the sound and realized it was Lizzie, my heart stopped for a moment when I saw that my best was in, her face was all bloody and bruised.
" Lizzie " I said tearfully
" You're the bitch that seduced our father " Alvander growled at me.
" Ah, another one of father's mistress I honestly don't see what our father sees in you, you're quite plain, " the young woman snorted at me.
Clutching my hands into fists I transformed into my werewolf form knocking the woman on her back racking my claws down her body until I felt pain shoot through my body. Dropping beside the woman I looked up seeing Hope with her hand raised holding me back. "If you say another thing about her I will tear you apart!"
"Magic can't defeat a god!" The woman growled about to attack until the front door opened and we turned our heads seeing Ken.
He snapped his fingers, freezing everyone in their place slowly walking up towards the one named Alvander flashing the golden eyes. "Explain to me now boy why you came after my mates friends. I did not give you the freedom to allow such treason!"
" Father, I " Alvander tried to explain but nothing came out of his mouth.
" Father, this can't honestly be your mate… she's so plain and so not your type " the young woman exclaimed.
" Watch your mouth daughter " Ken scolded, staring at her coldy causing her to gulp nervously.
" Father, don't tell me you're honestly falling for this bitch here, she is just using you, " Alvander
Ken looked at me still laying on the floor in my werewolf form before turning back to his children. "She is my mate and you will all have to accept that. Now return home once you clean up this mess."
" I'm not some merve servant you can order about father " Alvander spat out.
Ken grabbed his son by the throat looking him deeply in the eyes, mind controlling him. "You will do as I say now!"
" Yes, father, " Alvander answered with no complaints.
Soon the rest of the gods did what their father told them.
" Why are you helping us? " Hope demanded, staring at the god coldy.
" I'm not doing it for you, child, I am doing it for Clarisse nothing more " Ken responded, staring at the Tribird darkly.
I howl at him softly staring at him. He walked over to me running his fingers through my fur watching me wag my tail like a dog. “I took care of it, girl. Once you change back, let me know if you still want to live with me.” Everyone watched the king of gods turn on his heels and leave without another word.
Comments really appreciated ❤️
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Love is a painful dance
TASM! Spiderman x male reader
Just trying to post again, trying to get the courage to write again. Hope you lot like it. Enjoy!
Warning: angst, hint of depression, suicide.
"You're a total idiot."
He says with the biggest smile on his face
"You still love me tho."
I say with a goofy smile while laughing at his now ice cream covered shirt.
Walking through the park in a gloomy wednesday afternoon, hands in my pockets, staring at the pond in the middle of the park. Seeing a bench nearby the water I make my way towards it, seeing a family of ducks swimming near the edge.
seeing the smile on his face as he drags me along the whole park, looking everywhere, with a shine in his eyes that is for certain of amusement, stopping by at a bench near the pond in the park, waking a seat I immediately relax listening to him say everything he sees.
"Oh my god, look at those duckling, they are so cute just swimming around with their mom."
"They are."
I say with a soft smile, just watching him, seeing the beautiful orange hue the setting sun casts on his face as it descends. Brings out all his beauty, his imperfections, his perfections, him.
Not realizing i was staring at him, too busy admiring. I didn't catch what he said making him turn to me with a smile. That gorgeous smile. He waved a hand in front of my face to catchy attention which he succeeded.
"Hm? Sorry I was busy."
He let out the cutest giggle i've heard, he grabs my glasses.
"I said, what do you think the future has in store for you?"
He says putting on the glasses, making him look like a cute nerd.
"I don't know, but I one thing is for sure. You are part of it."
"You're so corny."
He says, his face turning the brightest shade of red.
Looking to my side, taking out my right hand, placing it beside me on the bench. Tears threatening to fall down my face, taking off my glasses wiping my eyes. I stare of into the distance, remembering your warmth, longing for your warm embrace.
Smiling to myself as i remember the first time you found out I was spider-man. You were amazed, not mad like how I expected you to be for keeping this secret for so long.
"can you, like uhmmm... like swing me around the city?"
Leaning forward cupping my face with both my hands smiling, remembering you're first words after finding out.
Looking up to the sky of new york, filled with dark clouds a sign that it's about to rain. Looking back beside me, reminiscing the past, remembering when you would take me here whenever we have some free time, remembering how you would hold my hand tight, on the way to the bench, scared that might leave you, scared that you would be alone. Again.
But, ow how the tables have turned, how the time has passed. Now I'm sitting here alone on the same bench you first took me to, missing you, missing how you make me feel, missing how you would talk my ear off but i would never complain, because you're words. You talking is a sign you're still here, with me. That you are still alive. I miss you, y/n. I should've been there when you felt alone. I should've been there, with you the whole time. Should've known you were suffering.
Finding you on the bed eyes closed, looking peaceful.
I just wish I knew that you already left.
That you were no longer with me, physically at least. I should've sensed it as soon as you didn't answer when i called you as I enter the house. I should've seen the orange bottle beside you as you laid there, with a smile on your face.
At least you passed, passed away on your own terms.
Pulling out a chain around my neck with two rings. One with my name engraved and the other with yours. I would've proposed to you, I planned to propose to you on our anniversary, but it seems like, I was too late. I would've given you the ring with my name. And wear the ring with your name.
Now, I sit here on the bench, alone, letting the tears spill from my eyes.
I miss you, y/n.
It's really short, but im working on a moon knight fic tho, this is just to see if i can still write. The moon knight fic will probably be long, and it will take some time to write considering im still fixing myself.
Hope you liked it.
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hey luv, can i request some simple, domestic fluff with jonathan crane? like maybe jon having a casual heart attack from seeing reader in one of his shirts, trying their best to cook them both breakfast or feeding his crows, doesn't matter. i'm just in need of pure fluff with this rowdy stinkman garbage boy
Oh pure fluff, that's what I need now and seeing this request of our favorite but oh so terrible "God of Fear" made me determined to write it!!
Thank you for the request and I am sorry for taking so long to do it!
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Being one of the most known and wanted Villains of Gotham can be stressful for to only Jonathan but to his beloved as well since the batman knows of his relationship with (Y/n). Whenever he escapes arkham the first person the Batman would interrogate was her, thinking that the scarecrow would go to her first, or that she might know of his hideout, which she doesn't since he never took her there to begin with, and because he is a "hero" he never took her into custody sense she never really participated in any of his schemes or his escapes. Of course, he could have taken her for not reporting him whenever he was in her home, or going out on dates, but again he was a "Hero" who never harm civilians.
That was the only thing he was grateful to the batman for.
And despite his commitment to his life as the infamous Scarecrow, he had his other commitment to (Y/n) as Jonathan. It was difficult trying to balance between gasing the city and planning a romantic night for his hardworking Darling. So after escaping Arkham again and laying low for a few months until the batman was distracted with Joker again, to inform his henchman that he will take a couple of weeks off and they should do the same, with every few days one making sure that his lab wasn't burning.
He surprised (Y/n) with a getaway to out of Gotham to a Rural area, his childhood home to be exact. Despite is being a great mansion that has been past to generations Jonathan loathed the place but seeing how it has a lot of space and no-one dares to come near it of fear it being hunted, he renewed the home from the inside so he can use as a second area to escape to, in case Gotham no longer was safe for him, but now with his Darling that place became their home. So after making some adjustments he brought his (Y/n) to their now second home.
It was heaven for him, waking up and sleeping together, being in the same table in all three meals, and engaging into cute couple activities that he only saw on TV or read in books. It was really tempting to just forget his career in gothem and start a new just for the sake of experiencing this bless everyday for the rest pf his life.. But he knew it was impossible, so he wanted to enjoy these few days as long as possible.
Jonathan was forced awake when the sun light that seeped from between the heavy curtains assaulted his eyes. He groaned and turned around stretching his arm to your side in order to cuddle you until noon, but his brows furrowed when he was met with an empty cold space. He forced one of his eyes open and saw that you were no where to be seen. He knew that there was no reason to stay in bed if you weren't there with him, and so he stretched his limps before standing up and picking up his clothes that was discarded on the ground from your... Previous night "intimate activities", just the thought of it made grin like an idiot. He paused when realizing that his white dress shirt or missing, maybe it was somewhere in the halls, lost in your moment of passion no doubt so he shrugged it off believing that you wouldn't mind him walking around with only his pants.
"Now, where could you be?" He asked himself as he looked at your empty side. He didn't need to think more for his answer came in the form of wood cracking lightly from above him. "There you are."
He walked out of the room and made his way through the halls to the stairs that lead to the attic, which was quite spacious so he made it into a special room for his pet crows. He remembers the time he introduced (Y/n) to them, she was quite scared at first, which was very adorable to him, but with time the fear turned to simple nervousness and from that to adoration, which was some time troublesome because he doesn't seem to be able to keep her away from there, always wanting to feed and pet those dark creatures. Finally reaching the attic's door Jonathan had this mischievous thought of scaring you, the attic was mostly dark having only one big window that allows that sun light, many pillars he could hide behind without you directing him, I mean he did that many times with the batman and he was only able to catch glimpse of him, so he doubted that you would be able to even know he was around, confident with his plan he opened the door slowly and carefully to it won't make as much as a creak as he sneaked in. However, the entire plan was thrown at the window when he finally saw.
You stood there legs and feet bare, your hair a mess not brushing it after waking up probably, the only item covering you was his missing white dress shirt which was too big on you. Jonathan's eyes where wide in both shock and fascination, he could feel his heart hammer against his rib cage as you giggled from of of the crows feathers tickling you cheek. He must have made a sound some how for you turned around to look directly at him, and caused his heart ache to rise, for the top buttons were undone which showed a generous amount of you cleavage, and with the sun light bathing you, you literally shined in his. Poor Jonathan wanted nothing more than to fall on his knees for you.
"Jonathan." You called breaking him out of his train of thoughts.
You came towards him causing the crows around you to fly away to their nests. You had such a look of concern as you came closer.
"Hey, are you alright?" You asked as you titled your head to the side.
No able to hold it back anymore, Jonathan wrapped his arms around you bringing you closer to him, his nose buried further in the crook of your neck and his hummed in content when he felt your own arma wrap around him as you pressed yourself further against his body. You stood like that for what felt like hours, before you had to pry yourself away from him enough to look to his face.
"Someone woke up in a good mood." You stated with a smile that he returned.
"I did." He replied not letting you go, no that you tried anyway.
"And may I ask what is the reason professor?" You asked sounding intrigued.
The two of you started swaying with each other, until it looked like you were slow dancing to no music.
"Oh my dear it is a simple reason really." He said with a spin and he took you hand into his, his other hand resting on your waist while your own was on his bare shoulder.
"Is it now?" You continued to ask earning a him of approval from him.
He slowly stopped your small dance before taking your hand and kissed it tenderly but didn't pull it away from his lips enjoying the feeling of your skin.
"The reason my dear... Is because I seem to find myself smitten by you all over again." He confessed.
He could see a soft blush starting to show on your cheeks, embarrassed by his words, but you didn't allow it to show.
"Are you know?"
"Oh yes." He quickly said. "You fill my every thought even more than before, every minute I spend away from you feels like hours and the hours like days and the days to weeks and so on so forth."
"Then I guess nights spend scheming were terrible for you?" You asked enjoying his words and craving for more.
"Tormenting!" He almost exclaimed as the hand around your waist brought you close again." And the nights locked up at Arkham were agonizing."
"I did offer to visit you." You reminded.
"And risk the batman lurking over you even more or the cops sniffing after you?.. Never! I'd rather spent a thousand night and a day alone with the blissful thought that you were safe rather than drage you down with me."
He declared and you knew he was sincere. You pulled your hand away from his body only to bring them again to cups his face.
"Then what about me?" You asked with a pout. "I can't stand living those thousand night and a day knowing where you are but can't reach you. I'd probably go mad!"
You said as you dropped backwards dramatically but he caught you with a chuckle bringing up again to meet his blue eyes.
"You would go mad without me?" He asked with a grin.
"Of course." You answered with mot hesitation. "You aren't the only one smitten badly here, how do you think I felt when you same here all shirtless and messy?"
He raised a brow at your words the grin never leaving.
"You like that I look like a mess now?" He asked in a fake bewilderment.
"Well, yes, after all, everyone knows the uptight, serious and organized professor crame, but only I get to see the hot mess of a man Jonathan Crane." You said with a giggle.
Not able to resist anymore, with his arms still locked around you, Jonathan pulled you close to him as he leaned down to press his lips against your own and you kissed him back. The rest of your world was lost against his lips. The kiss was gentle and careful but it wasn't enough, greedy for more you sneaked your arms around his neck before running your fingers through his hair and gently clenching it as you pulled him harder against you. He groaned softly, low in his throat, and then his arms circled under you back gathering you against him and from the ground, causing you to let out a surprised yelp, breaking the kiss. You'd always be surprised at how truely strong Jonathan can be. You looked back to him, your eyes lost into his blue ones, you were about to lean down to continue the kiss but the moment was interrupted by your stomach growls.
You were suprised by the loud sound and because your eyes were locked on Crane's, you saw the exact moment his eyes slightly widened at the sound as well. Embarrassed and having no where to hide you buried your face against the crook of his neck. Your lover just laughed as he rubbed your back in comfort, finding the situation funny, his laughter eventually died down, but the grin was still there.
"How about we go to the kitchen for breakfast, and then... " he pressed his lips against your ears. "We can continue this after."
Lifting your head slowly to meet his eyes, you saw that the lust was still there and he could have just ignored your what he heard and continued to slam you against one of the wooden pillars so your moment of passion was not gone, but to him your needs are a priority... including food. So he slowly put you back down and with your arms locked together you made your way to the kitchen.
Yes, jonathan had some awful memories in this house, but with his darling new memories were made as the old once are being forgotten.
I hope you enjoyed this fic and that you don't mind the bit of spice in the end.
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writerloz · 3 years
As I Say
pairings: haitani ran, fem reader
warnings: 18+, smut, oral sex, light bondage, praise kink, baton insert
repost from my ao3
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You check yourself one last time in the full length mirror at Bonten headquarters. Mini skirt, platform boots, and red lips; Ran's favourite look on you.
Tonight, you decided you were the one in charge. That didn't happen often, matter of fact it literally never happened. Ran is dominant in all aspects of life, so naturally that continued in the bedroom.
You had a plan though, and you were going to see it through. Handcuffs in one hand, you stroll out of Bonten's bathroom and into Ran's office with a sultry smirk on your face.
Ran was sat on the couch, legs spread, with a glass of whiskey in his hand. He looked up as you entered, and a small smile played on his lips.
"Ya look beautiful."
You smile back a 'thank you.'
You're walking over to Ran with a purpose, and he knows it.
Reaching him, you gently take the whiskey from his hand, placing it on the table. You push him back onto the couch and throw your leg over, straddling him, taking both of his wrists with you.
"Hmm, what's this baby?"
Just his voice is enough to make you weak in the knees, but you have to see this through.
You lean up slightly, manoeuvring his arms backwards to cuff him to the back of the couch.
Once Ran realises you're about to restrict him, he tenses up. You lock eyes for what feels like forever, a million thoughts rushing through Ran's head.
'Why is she tying me up?'
'I won't be able to defend myself'
'What if it's a set up?'
You understood that look, and while it pained you slightly, you knew Ran's hesitance was most likely based on previous experiences. After a minute of silent questioning, Ran reluctantly loosened up, allowing you to lock the cuffs. He gave you one last long look, letting you know that he trusted you.
All negative thoughts out the window, you lean in to kiss Ran gently on the lips. Those gentle kisses turning more and more feral each time he kisses you back.
Pulling back for air, you look into his lilac eyes. He seems nervous yet surprised, and he's hiding it well. After all, you never get a chance to be in control like this, so he doesn't quite know how to react.
You run your hand along Ran's suit shirt, deciding it's time for that to come off. Once unbuttoned, you run your manicured nails over his skin, raising goosebumps. Your index finger grazes his nipple, and for the first time tonight Ran loses a tiny bit of composure.
He shoots you a serious look, almost like he hates what you're doing to him but he doesn't want you to stop. And you won't stop, because you're having way too much fun.
Leaning closer, you start kissing your way up Ran's jaw, making your way to his neck. Biting gently, Ran stiffens, moving his head to the side. You grab his jaw with your hand and pull his head back to it's original position. You lick the spot you just bit, and then suck hard.
"Y/N! No marks."
You chuckle slightly, knowing how much Ran hates you leaving little love bites, even though your body is littered in his.
"I thought I was in charge?" you whisper back.
And that you were. You suck the same spot over and over again, making sure to leave your mark on him.
Ran suddenly leans forward, making you jump.
"Wait 'til I get out these cuffs."
You try and hold back your smile, honestly you couldn't wait until those cuffs came off because you knew exactly what Ran would do to you.
You slowly lean back, looking straight at Ran. Leaning in to kiss him, you half expect him not to kiss you back in response to the marks you left on him, but you soon feel his tongue slip into your mouth, and him moaning into the kiss.
Leaning back further, you move from your straddled position and kiss your way down Ran's exposed body until you're in between his legs. You tap his hips, silently asking him to lift up so you can take off his suit pants.
Once his pants are down enough, you lean in and kiss his clothed cock, earning a sharp inhale. You look up at Ran, and see that his eyes are laser focused on your lips.
'Good', you think to yourself. You hook your fingers into his boxers and pull them down, Ran's hard dick springing out. You take him into your hand. His tip is bright red, dick pulsating every now and then. Slowly, you start to stroke him, loving the way Ran closes his eyes and throws his head back.
You move your hand some more, and then you wrap your lips around the tip of Ran's cock, and he lets out a long deep moan. You suck the tip hard, then take all of him in your mouth, moving down slowly until your throat constricts and you gag on his cock.
Ran looks down at you, mouth open in awe at how well you take him.
You bob your head up and down, nose tickled by his pubic hair, and each time Ran is looking at you with a look of pure lust on his face. Coming up for air, you detach your mouth with a 'pop', and a string of saliva still attached.
"Hah- fuck. Keep that up and I'm gonna cum, baby."
Ran coming is exactly what you wanted, but ending this so early was not an option.
You can feel your panties, cold and wet from your juices. You need some sort of release and you need it now.
Making your way back up, you get back into your straddling position, now feeling Ran's unclothed cock pressing against your clothed pussy. The feeling of him against you but not inside you is almost too much. You start to grind on Ran's cock, moaning into his neck.
"Untie me."
"Y/N, untie me."
Part of you really wanted to, but you're not done yet. And you don't appreciate his demanding tone when you're the one in charge.
You lean back into Ran's neck, still grinding down on him, and roughly suck another love bite onto him.
Ran jerks forward out of frustration, turning his head and biting down onto the side of your neck. Hard.
You yelp in response, not expecting Ran to be so rough with you considering you had him tied up. You quickly remembered to never underestimate your lover.
Staring into Ran's eyes, a mixture of shock and pleasure running through you. Ran is staring back at you, serious and needy.
"Baby, please."
You slide off of Ran, and lean your elbows onto the glass table behind you. Your skirt rides up, and you let it. Ran is watching your every move, but you can tell he's unsure of what you're going to do next. Keeping your eyes locked, you slowly spread your legs, Ran's eyes averting to your visibly soaked pussy. Your fingers creep over to your panties, pulling them to the side. Then, making sure Ran is focused on you, you insert your middle finger.
Your head lulls back, your pussy finally feeling some sort of friction. You can feel Ran's eyes on you; you know he's watching, so you put on a show.
You pull your middle finger out, watching it glisten in the dimly lit room, then you push it back in, along with your ring finger. You start slowly, but you can feel the pressure build up inside you, and you can't deny yourself release any longer. Your movements gain speed. Looking back up, you see Ran with his mouth open, eyes laser focused on your pussy. His dick is throbbing at this point, both of you needing to come soon.
Your fingers slow, and you pull them out, placing them into your open mouth and sucking.
"Oh my fucking god." Ran says, breath hitching, becoming visibly more and more impatient.
Reaching over, your hand grazes over Ran's baton.
Shock is the best way to describe Ran's reaction. His eyes are on you. If you do what he thinks you're going to do with his baton, he might just explode.
Grabbing the weapon, you run it down your body, grazing over your pussy lips slightly.
"Keep your eyes on me." you tell Ran, his thoughts confirmed as you slowly insert his baton into you.
It's thick and cold, not nearly as good as Ran's cock, but you're so needy just about anything will do at this point. The friction inside you feels so good, baton pumping inside you at an increased pace. Your hand moves quickly, and you feel your favourite type of relief approaching. A few more pumps of Ran's baton and you're squirting all over the glass table, strings of your sticky juices reaching Ran.
"Baby, hah-- get up here and untie me right now."
Your thoughts are blurred, the release you just felt was amazing, but you've never needed Ran's cock inside of you more than you do at this moment.
You quickly get up, legs still shaking and slightly dazed as you fumble over Ran's constraints.
"Come on baby, please."
He's rushing you, and you're trying but your hands are shaking with anticipation. Finally, you hear the click of the cuffs and Ran lunges forward, grabbing you by your thighs and leading you to the bigger couch. He throws you down harshly, your body still coming to terms with your very recent orgasm. Before you know it, your legs are thrown over his shoulders and his dick is plunged deep inside you.
You moan loudly. You've fucked Ran plenty of times but this time was on another level.
He pulls out slowly, then pushes back inside. His hand around your neck, squeezing every so often, making sure you're looking at him.
"Look at me. Look at what you've done." he pants out in between thrusts. "I can't stop, baby. I can't fucking stop."
Your head goes fuzzy, the lack of oxygen getting to your brain is intense, but the feeling of your orgasm building is stronger.
"You gonna squirt again?"
You can't respond. He knows that, he just likes teasing you.
"My little pet gonna squirt for me? Come on, get me all messy."
You can't take it anymore, Ran's teasing tone and the way he's pounding into you is enough to make you do as he says. You squirt one more time, covering both your bodies in your juices.
Ran's pace continues, you try and push him away, the aftermath becoming too much for you.
"Ran, please. I can't-- anymore."
"You can take it." Ran says as he leans down, covering you in sloppy kisses. He holds you by your jaw, making you keep your mouth open while he spits into it.
He's turning you on so much, and after all the pleasure you've received, you realise that Ran hasn't come yet. He's not done with you.
Suddenly, Ran flips you over onto your front, placing a pillow underneath you to raise your ass slightly.
"I'm gonna fuck you some more, and you're gonna take it."
You're so aroused at this point, Ran could suggest literally anything and you'd be up for it. He grabs your hips, pulling you back into him. You feel the tip of his cock against your dripping pussy, slowly entering you.
You gasp. You're fucked out but for some reason you don't want to stop either. Ran starts roughly ploughing into you, showing your pussy no mercy. He runs his hands over your ass and spreads your cheeks. You feel a wet drip going straight down your ass, and soon after Ran's thumb circling your back entrance.
You tense up, now it's you that has no idea what Ran is going to do next.
His thumb dips into your ass and you cry out in pleasure, both your holes being pumped by Ran. Soon after, Ran's thumb leaves your ass and in replacement you feel a cold, metal stick.
"Shush, baby. Just relax."
You do as your told. A few seconds later, Ran's baton enters your ass. It feels much bigger than it did in your pussy, and you're senses are so overwhelmed that you don't know how to react.
Ran sets the pace of the baton in his hand, and when he's happy, he fucks into your pussy with relentless speed.
"That's my good girl. I knew you could take it, baby."
You cry out one last time, fingers gripping the couch underneath you as you come on Ran's dick. The feeling of Ran's hot seed being pumped into you only increases your pleasure.
All you can hear is both yours and Ran's heavy breathing, coming down from that whole experience. Ran slowly removes the baton from your ass, in love with the way your hole restricts around nothing. Just as he's about to pull out, you reach behind you, holding him in place.
He eyes you up, slightly confused at what you're implying.
"We're not done yet."
Ran's eyes light up, a sadistic smirk crossing his face as he slowly begins pumping back into you.
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lyssahlyssah · 3 years
Obey Me! The Present
a/n: not suitable for work
Well, this took a week of my life, but it's ok! It's obviously something I needed to get off my chest (ahem). I hope you enjoy. 🟣🔵⚫
pairing: F!MC x Belphegor, category: (very) not suitable for work, warnings: some angst, virgin sex, penetration, oral sex, teasing, man-eating petunias. description: Belphie give F!MC the present she's always wanted. wordcount: 2.1k
"Is there anything else I can do for you for your birthday? Being your present and all. "
In your room, Belphie stands in front of you with his usual coy smile. Tall and gorgeous, he cocks his head to one side causing hair to fall into his violet eyes. He confidently holds your gaze.  As the gaze lingers, his smile deepens, playfully suggestive.
Today is your birthday and you've spent it on a date with Belphie. Feeling guilty after forgetting to buy you anything, he had cleverly volunteered to be your present, granting you any wishes you wanted.
Excited by his creativity (and the prospect of time with him alone), you had taken full advantage, first visiting the planetarium and then the botanical gardens. You'd laughed together, played around, took naps under a tree with his head in your lap. At the botanical gardens, he'd even rescued you from man-eating petunias after you took a wrong turn, and had shamelessly teased you about it since. Everything was effortless and fun when you were together.
And now, looking at his smiling face, you reflected on how far the two of you'd come. This wasn't Belphie from long ago in the attic; the angry and vengeful demon that once tried to kill you, heart twisted with hate from the loss of his beloved sister. No, he had changed. As time had gone on, he had warmed to the whole world, even to his older brother Lucifer, whom he had once admitted hating to the point of murder. He was now letting people to get close to him again. And especially you. He had opened the door to his heart and was inviting you in.
Because of the complicated history you shared, a special bond grew between you. His aloofness drew your open and loving nature like a moth to a flame, and you clicked like magnets due to your differences. Over any of the other brothers, he made you feel comfortable. Facing him now, you realized you've fallen hard for the infamous sloth demon. It was for those reasons, a response to his question immediately floated to your lips.
"Kiss me", you say, giving him a smile of your own.
"Sure", he agrees, a blush on his cheeks. Your lips meet. It's soft and sweet. Somehow, even though you aren't sure where he found the time between naps to become this way, Belphie is an incredible kisser.
His lips push down on yours with a little more force, then abruptly pull back, leaving you breathless. "Is that all?" he asks. "In that case, I'll give myself to you every day" his eyes crinkle in a smile, ever teasing.
You wet your lips, heart pattering in your chest. You did want more from him...a lot more.  Now or never. you think. You catch his hand and hold it. "Ah...Belphie...actually, what I want instead, is to give m-myself....to you." you stammer a little in getting it out. His eyes widen as he realizes what you're insinuating. Silence.
"MC...you sure? With me?" Belphie stares back at you, no longer joking. He pauses. "Why me? Why not Lucifer...or...or...The Great Mammon?" he says, with a sarcastic flourish.
When he sees your face drop, he immediately apologizes and runs a hand through his thick hair, ruffling it. His voice softens. "I'm sorry...I've been angry for so long, you know? Sometimes it just comes out when I don't mean it to."
He takes your hand again and pulls you to the bed where you sit down together. Color rises in his cheeks. "Really though...I've lied to you, I've manipulated you. Not that long ago...I even tried to kill you. Why am I the one you want for this?" He searches your face for an answer. 
"You're my master, I can't refuse you, and I'd be crazy to anyway, but...why me?" Standing up, he paces a few feet in a circle, then sits down again. You've rarely seen him this worked up; it's obvious he still hasn't totally forgiven himself for hurting you.
"I love you Belphie", the words fall out of your mouth. Your eyes widen. You search your feelings and know it isn't a lie. His eyes are wide too. "Do...do you mean that?" he questions, leaning back.
You nod, "I need you, Belphie. I feel safe with you; I know you'd never hurt me now. And...I know you need me too". You continue, your voice low. "I want you. More than anyone else".
The words visibly shake him. He drops his head, staring into his lap, then slowly brings his head back up and gazes at you. You're taken aback by the open desire you see there. It's as if a mask has fallen off and you're seeing the real him for the first time.
When he speaks, it's slowly, deliberately.
"I want to know you that way, MC...More intimately than anyone ever has." His eyes start to glow a fierce purple. "You're mine, and I want to be your first. I want to give you something to remember me by when you go back to the human world." You swallow hard, your heart starting to race and nod.
He leans forward, takes your face between his hands, and kisses you. And again. Deeply, tongue reaching hungrily into your mouth. You whimper against his lips, full of want.
You give yourself over completely to his touch. His hands are on your face, guiding the movement of your heads. It feels so good, all the strength leaves you, and you fully let him hold you up. Between kisses, he makes small sounds of passion.
"You drive me crazy" he murmurs, looking into your eyes. A thrill runs up your spine. He's here, fully here - with you. No distance. Not a trace of sleepiness. In this moment of closeness, Belphie has completely overcome his sin.
You gasp as his fingers effortlessly snap off the button to your jeans with an audible pop. "Oops", he says, not sounding sorry in the slightest.
He leans you back onto the covers. Continuing to kiss you, he slides his hand into your jeans and caresses your lower stomach, playing with the hollow of your hip bone. Ticklish, you sharply draw in a breath, causing him to smile at you. "Don't be nervous" he says reassuringly. "I'll take care of you".
He sides your pants down, and then completely takes them off. You shiver, all at once feeling vulnerable.
"Mmmm..." He murmurs, looking over your body. "You're so beautiful. I've dreamed about getting to touch you like this". He reverently slides his hands up and down your thighs, your hips, your waist. Goosebumps raise up at his touch.
Holding your gaze, he leans down and pulls your shirt over your head then sits upright and does the same for himself. His hair is even more disheveled afterward and the thought of it being that way because you're in bed together turns you on.
Even though you've napped together endlessly, you've never seen this much of his body, and you sigh with pleasure drinking in the width of his shoulders, his flat stomach. He watches you just as avidly and the small smile returns as he sees the effect he has on you.
Leaning in, Belphie captures your lips once more in a steamy kiss. Running his hands up your shoulders, he cups your cheeks, then traces down your back and unhooks your bra. You respond by thrusting your own hands into his hair and pulling him to you.
He kisses his way down your chest and your stomach, where his lips leave little trails of fire on your skin. You try but can't remember ever feeling more aroused. He playfully nips your belly button as it goes by, and smiles when you jump and protest, eyes glinting.
Belphie stops between your legs, breathing out slowly, and kisses up one of your thighs. At the top he hugs it to his face, cheek pressing into the flesh. Pausing, he looks at you sideways and says, "I've wanted to do this since we met".
Taking his time, he hooks your panties with one finger and pulls them down. Admiring the view, he runs a finger down your core, lightly teasing your clit. You sigh, then jump when he gives a jerk. "You're so fucking wet down here" he utters in awed tones.
Seeing you so excited for him seems to unhinge him a little. Looking at your soaked slit with total attention, he raises his finger to his lips and lightly sucks off your excitement. His eyes flutter close and a low groan of desire escapes him. Leaning in, he buries his face in your folds. His soft tongue pushes roughly against your swollen clit and it's your turn to gasp.
He continues to work on you for a few minutes. The pleasure overwhelms you, but still, you want him deeper. Parts of yourself you aren't familiar with are showing up and demanding to be satisfied. You try to stretch your legs further and wider apart so his tongue can reach every needy part of you. More than happy to help, he greedily tongues your tight hole. "B-Belphie!" Your voice rises as you near your climax. He reaches one hand up and laces your fingers through his. "Go ahead, MC...I've got you, you're safe. I want to taste you when you cum." Soothed, you let yourself go fully, shuddering, waves of euphoria threatening to drown you. "Mmmm..." Belphie says contentedly. You can feel his lips as he captures every last drop on his tongue.
You collapse into the pillows as the pleasure ebbs away, but he doesn't give you time to rest. You feel manicured fingers slide into your slippery hole. At first, it's a gentle in-and-out getting you used to the sensation. You squirm, your flesh still sensitive from his earlier attentions. After a few moments, he picks up the pace and starts pushing into you faster and deeper, turning and curling the digits. Mewling with every thrust, you blush bright red, still a little self-conscious  From his place cradled between your legs, he watches your face possessively. "I love your sounds", he says.
Pleasure begins to fill your abdomen once again as you near climax, and you involuntarily start to grind against his hand, desperate to increase the tempo. Loving your impatience, he dips his head down and bites you on the inside of your thigh, near your core. Surprised by the unexpected sensation, you're pushed over the edge, launching into oblivion for the second time. This time he can't help himself and covers your mouth in a passionate kiss, jealously swallowing your cries of pleasure.
Thoroughly ravaged, you look up at him through half-lidded eyes. Belphie looks back at you, spellbound by the state you're in. "B...Belphie", you manage to get out. "What, MC?" he softly answers. "I need you inside me", you pleadingly say to his violet eyes. He shudders and pulls back from you.
"Okay", he says, unfastening his pants button. He pulls them down and his length springs out, large, strong, and perfect. Dazzled, your mouth drops open slightly. He smiles confidently at you and crawls back up your body. Once there, he turns your hips so you're lying on your back with your hips to one side, lined up to your exposed slit on his knees. He runs his hands over your ass, squeezing it, testing its softness, before bringing his hands back to grip your hip with both hands. "Tell me if I hurt you", he says with unexpected tenderness and starts to push inside you.
Due to the position of your hips and your overall tightness, his first thrust is shallow, but the friction makes you both groan. Pulling out slowly, drawing out the pleasure, he pushes inside again, going slightly deeper. Your eyes roll back in your head. He feels blissful, way past anything you had imagined.
Using your hip to pull your ass against his lap, he starts to move more quickly. With abandon, you throw your arms against the covers above your head, your face falling to one side and breasts jiggling as the snap of his thrusts push you up and down. Also lost in pleasure, his eyes are closed and low groans rumble from his throat.
It doesn't take long for you to climax again, and then again. Your walls clenching tightly around him, each climax earns you a growl, but Belphie shows no signs of giving you mercy. Finally, even though you wish it could last forever, he thrusts deeply within you and you feel his warmth spread into your abdomen.
Completely spent, you lay together in the candlelight, your head on his chest, legs intertwined. Your core aches sweetly. He holds you close. Happier than you've felt in your entire life, you both start to drop off. As you do, you raise your head to look at him, and you see he's already asleep. Full of affection, your chin on his chest, you breathe, "Thank you for granting my wish". Seconds later, fading into darkness you hear him whisper, "I love you, too".
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