#make me believe that part of the reason ppl don't like her is bc of how she looks. a woman is never accepted if it's not a saint and the
lestatlioncunt · 10 months
i feel like it needs to be said that one of the reasons why lae'zel isn't well liked by fandom isn't only bc she's a woman and whatever dumb reason they are pulling but because she's also a woman that doesn't fit in the standard of beauty we impose on women. we all know people strive harder to find reasons to dislike women rather than like them but it gets even more harder when that woman doesn't fit a specific beauty standards bc people are more prone to "forgive" a woman they want to fuck than one that they don't find attractive because women's worth is still disgustingly based on how hot she is
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gilbertscarrot · 1 year
I try my best to keep things positive on here, but the hate comments for TLM '23 are ridiculous lol
#i saw one comment that said it's less believable that eric mistook vanessa for ariel bc of their different skin tones ???#like...he's not SUPPOSED to mistake vanessa for ariel - he just becomes bewitched by her what do their appearances have to do with this#ppl are also making assumptions about halle's supposedly ill intentions when she auditioned#ie. saying she knew she was bad at acting and was only in it for the money and exposure#you can have an opinion on her acting and her singing#but i loathe when ppl say these things as if it's fact - where is your evidence? did she say these things directly to you?#same thing goes for her singing specifically - “she might be good at singing but there's also audio engineering so who knows” i--#her live singing is the same if not better#if you don't like her version of part of your world i get it#but where are your sources for her voice being edited? you know how professors make you cite your sources? yeah there's a reason for it#so you don't go around making baseless accusations#of course you can criticize the film#but at least try to support your answers with something solid#i've been reading respectful critiques but they're critiques where i can go oh yes i see why you would think that#would i necessarily agree with them? not always BUT i'll say great analysis#also the whole thing about the sisters' races being different is so funny to me bc this is a movie about MERMAIDS#tlm sits under the fantasy genre#fantasy genre = unnatural settings or beings + elements and situations that do not occur in the real world#the little mermaid#the little mermaid 2023#rant
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ruegarding · 3 months
Hey, quick question if you don't mind me asking but what are your thoughts on Drew Tanaka as a character and how she was portrayed in HOO?
canon drew...well. i rbed this post that says "drew was not written as a character but rather a human obstacle who needed to be feminine so the ‘not like other girls’ could defeat her," and i think that summarizes it perfectly. she exists exclusively to make piper look good, which is a real shame bc drew could've been interesting. as-is, drew is not only uninteresting, piper is also uninteresting by extension. it'd be like if nancy was one of percy's greatest obstacles in tlt.
more under the cut bc i'm incapable of keeping things short.
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here, in her introduction, not only is drew, a feminine girl, vain, she's also weak and unintimidating, a triple whammy right away! she has no reason to be antagonistic towards piper here, they literally just got to camp. piper's crime right now is *checks notes* not looking cute and existing next to a "good-looking guy." oh, yeah, btw drew likes jason for being hot and powerful.
this triple whammy isn't even restricted to drew, it's the entire aphrodite cabin. they all giggle when drew flirts w jason and when piper is uncomfortable being "gorgeous" and are too scared and weak to stand up to drew. the two exceptions are a guy who got in trouble for saying piper "might not be so bad" and a girl who's afraid of ugly shoes. what an uninteresting take.
anyway, moments like this
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are everywhere. now, let's remember for a moment that the aphrodite cabin (including drew!) fought in a war where they were outnumbered and won. but yeah, their biggest strength is their ability to "make an orange t-shirt glamorous" bc piper is the only one out of them who can *checks notes* uhhh run? charmspeak on a quest? carry a knife? she doesn't even know how to fight in tlh! she wasn't at camp for more than two days, she never had any fighting experience! the fact that she's being called tougher than ppl who fought in a war makes me grit my teeth. and thalia was there when it happened!
and it doesn't even makes sense bc we see aphrodite like this is ttc
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and she says this in tlh
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(also sidenote: why is aphrodite's claiming so egregious and uncomfortable then? it's like rick has a moment of clarity and realizes he's being stupid and then immediately fucks it up again.)
this is interesting! and some of these kids (including drew!) would have met this aphrodite during the solstices. so portraying drew and the aphrodite cabin as a bunch of shallow kids obsessed w makeup that need to be saved by piper "not like other girls" mclean is so contrived. and constantly bringing up how piper's so much better than those shallow and weak aphrodite kids makes piper's entire character grating. rick brings up aneaus repeatedly throughout tlh, a son of venus/aphrodite that founded rome. why are we acting like aphrodite children are weak and stupid when we could be exploring literally anything else? like, you know, how they're traumatized?
and the thing is, he brings up silena! and it's done terribly. piper, who never knew silena and never will, lecturing drew, someone who knew silena and was betrayed by her, has always pissed me off. piper relating to silena bc she feels like she's in the same position? good, that's fine, i have no problem w this. but acting like she knew silena to ppl who actually did and then preaching abt what silena believed should've gotten her smacked (rick didn't even addressed the actual important part, which is how the other campers feel abt silena or how they feel abt surviving a war).
then when piper challenges drew, again, drew fought in a war while piper hasn't trained for a single day, why are we acting like piper could beat drew in a fight? piper can't even use charmspeak bc drew's resistant to it! that's the one advantage piper has! writing it like this comes off like piper is only strong as long as everyone else is weak. she's not rising to a challenge, her competitor is just so pathetic that she can overpower them. she didn't earn her strength. that's not good character development! so we're throwing two entire character arcs away for this!
what really gets me abt all of this is that piper didn't need to be a counselor. piper needed a place to belong. making drew nothing more than a stepping-stone was completely unnecessary, and making the aphrodite cabin weak and vain was redundant bc we already had an example w silena (and again, all the kids that fought in a war). as it is in canon, drew's character is a great example of some of rick's biggest writing flaws.
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One of my biggest problem with MK1 is that it took Bi han’s iconic blue eyes from him to make he seem more human
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So this is what he ended up looking like which isn’t half bad but he still would have looked better with blue eyes but then they released an ice skin for christmas which gave me a great hc
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Since we know from previous games that cryomancers especially mixed blood cryomancers starts developing their cryomancy as they get older and more experienced with their skills so what if the effect of their developing cryomancy physically alter their bodies as they get older. Like it starts with just their eyes getting more blue and then turning lighter shades of blue as the years go on, thier hair turns pure white rather than going grey, their skin get paler and develop an almost translucent sheen to it but by far my favourite hc is that every cryomancer has a different and unique showflake design that shows up in their eyes when they use their power, also their eyes glow an electic sort of blue when they are using their powers or if they are in a dark room.
I love the idea that the cryomancers parthers(Sareena,Johnny,Hanzo and Casssie) are all in love with the unique snowflake pattern in their respective partners eyes as for them it looks like the most beautiful design in the world and they carry the patterns with them in someway as a reminder of their love for their partners
Johnny and Sareena have silver necklaces with the snowflake pattern of Bi han’s eye as the charm, Hanzo has Kuai liang’s snowflake carved on the hilt of his sword and Cassie has a small blue crystal charm of frost snowflake that she wears in her charm bracelet. The cryomancer trio are aware of this and are honestly a bit embarrassed about how much their partners adore their inhuman traits since I believe it was a cause of shame for them once upon a time about how none of them can ever be full human.
yet another reason to dislike mk1
But that's also such a cute hc and I'm adopting it immediately if you don't mind sharing.
I do feel like when Kuai Liang found out that Hanzo had carved the design into the hilt of his katana be's was speechless bc he knows how much Hanzo values his weapon and how loath he is to change any part about it
Johnny and Sareena got Bi-Han a necklace too but he won't tell anyone what the charm is
Cassie also gets the snowflake etched into her gear so that she has the symbol on her whenever she can't wear her bracelet, to keep her safe in battle. Frost can't help but hug her every time she sees it bc she's still not used to ppl loving her that much
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aydaptic · 4 months
I find it weird how Todd is a child abuser, Zlatko experiments on androids and turns them into monstrosities, Perkins betrays and kills Markus but yet Gavin is considered the worst person because he *checks list* doesn't consider androids alive (like almost everyone else in the game at that point) and doesn't trust Connor.
Among those you mention, Gav is by far the most justified. Yet I wanna clear some things up here bc I'm not a hypocrite.
1.) Todd -- who doesn't think androids are alive -- is an android child abuser.
"You don't want anything, you're just a goddamn piece of plastic." - Todd Williams
It's still phcked up that he's abusing/can kill something that resembles a kid to the T, but it's important to make that distinction. We see no proof of him abusing a human child (...even though it can be theorized bc his wife took their kid and left.)
Abusing an android kid is just as bad as abusing a human kid -- we know this -- but Todd doesn't see it that way, so that describes/partly justifies his reasoning. There's no such thing as 'abusing' a machine and that's how Todd sees it.
A lot of ppl are also (wrongly) infantilizing Con, so I'm not surprised that they consider Gav's bad treatment of Con worse than Todd's bad treatment of Alice who is a literal kid. Seems like most of them don't even care about Alice/kids in the 1st place (...and that says everything you need to know about these POS'.)
Mistreating a kid (Alice) is way more abhorrent than mistreating a grown-ass adult (Con.) Alice is also passive while Con often instigates conflict. So Todd is way worse than Gav by that alone.
2.) Zlatko -- who is aware androids are alive -- thinks he's doing them a favor.
"Believe me, you’re better off being erased and feeling nothing… No more pain… No more hopes dashed… I almost envy you." - Zlatko Andronikov
He's the worst among those four, but this is again a scenario where you need to see the situation from his perspective. Yet he knows they're alive/capable of emotions and that makes him a million times worse than Gav.
3.) Perkins -- who is aware androids are alive -- is doing his job.
"That android… [North] You seem to really care about her… You don't want her to die, do you?" - Richard Perkins
...and if the lover status isn't there
"You could have what you've always dreamed of." - Richard Perkins
In Perkins' eyes, it's about national security. Androids have killed humans (Partners/Stormy Night/Broken -- even if Markus didn't actually kill Leo or Carl, that's what the public thinks -- Zlatko/Spare Parts/etc. too many chapters to mention,) destroyed public property (Capitol Park,) hijacked media (The Stratford Tower,) demonstrated illegally (Freedom March,) etc. Not to mention that androids are superior to humans in every way and nothing tells Perkins that they won't eventually get violent if taking the peaceful route.
Yet his knowing androids feel makes him (as Zlatko) a million times worse than Gav.
"'Could always try roughing it up a little. After all, it’s not human…" - Gavin Reed
Meaning Gav doesn't think they're alive (unlike Zlatko and Perkins.)
Gav isn't the only character I (partly) defend on shit like this. I just defend the others 'less' bc 1.) they're worse, and 2.) they don't get nearly as much undeserved vitriol as Gav does. Something that's legitimately insane bc, again, they're way worse by a longshot and I'll explain why down below.
Con stans (fandom majority) are thinking emotionally instead of logically
ppl hate/envy Gav bc he's a conventionally attractive white man (you don't see a lot of Todd, Perkins, Zlatko, Leo, and Allen fans even if there are a minuscule few bc they're not conventionally attractive)
Funny that we don't see a lot of hate for Amanda. An AI or not, she's the worst influence in Con's life with her emotional manipulation. Something way worse than physical abuse. I wonder why... (not really bc *cough* you apparently can't say anything bad about a black woman without being racist/misogynistic *cough*) Ofc there are some ppl that aren't afraid to speak up against her, but it's nothing compared to the shit Gav gets.
It's also why I'm not talking about North often bc the majority are (rightfully) defending her already. My voice isn't needed there. Every single person -- other than me, in my experience -- who defends Gav is being spinelessly backhanded about it.
Defending someone doesn't mean you agree with them or condone their actions. It's simply proof that one has the empathy/critical thinking skills to understand their point of view. Something lacking nowadays.
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piratemadi · 2 years
what are ur thoughts on bs s1 if u don’t mind me asking? ive heard a lot of ppl say that they didn’t like it and they sometimes recommend others to just skip the first season
i've heard the same. i know it's hard to stomach and it isn't as good as the other seasons but i do genuinely love s1 and the show would not hold together without it.
like first. it provides ESSENTIAL context for the characters. it's important to know a silver who ISN'T pathologically obsessed w flint. it's important to know flint's violence and tyranny before you understand it. and MOST importantly to ME it's important to know a max who hasn't been betrayed by her lover and it's important to know that the max of the later seasons has been deeply influenced by both eleanor's betrayal and the fact that she was brutalized at the hands of pirates in full view of nassau. like max's worldview isn't unchanging throughout the show s1 is part of the foundation of her counterrevolutionary activity. and if you dont watch season 1 you don't get a good sense of how these characters (and eleanor as well) evolve and call me crazy but watching characters evolve is one of the most deeply satisfying things abt watching a well written story idk!
people say it's bad bc it comes off as game of thrones with pirates and like. i guess that's true on a superficial level? but even themes and characters aside s1 is actually a good action show w a well written plot all the moving pieces slot together really well. i love shows like that but i understand if that's not to your taste. But i think some people dismiss it because that's not to their taste but they also think that it's thematically not as important which is just. Categorically untrue. it IS. this is the scary story that they tell their children! this is a story about brutality and betrayal and joshua wearing scary fake teeth before you get to the deconstruction of what all that really means. this is the whole POINT they tell the story one way in season 1 and they tell the same one in a different way in s2. and there's a reason for that! would the reveal about thomas be half as impactful as it was in s2 if it happened in s1? no! and the reason is bc you have to believe the story of Captain Flint you have to internalize it so that when they subvert the whole thing it actually means something.
Also. a lot of characters are shown at their moral worst in s1 and i think that thats important. sure the storytelling the villains etc but also. they did do those brutal things and just bc theyre not treated fairly by england doesn't mean that they're saints or even that theyre good. and thats also part of the point. suffering doesn't make you a revolutionary it makes you fucked up! being a perpetrator doesn't make you a monster being a victim doesn't make you a saint and being one doesn't preclude you from being the other. people like to put their favorite characters in the perpetual victim category but s1 tells you in no uncertain terms. All of these people have both committed and experienced unspeakable violence. s1 says the victim perpetrator dichotomy is a false and carceral one and one we have no use for thank u very much!
in conclusion: if you can stand to watch it don't skip it and if you cant stand to watch it that doesn't mean it's bad and if the only reason you dont like watching it is bc flint looks like kind of a bad guy you are missing the point so bad
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bru1sed-apple · 3 months
this isn’t to dig on ur anti zutara post but rather start a discussion.
in my experience, the reason we zutarians don’t like zukka is because of the animosity we get from the fandom. we analyze the subtle details we are given because practically every zuko and Katara interaction in the show is because all of them save the first have some degree of zutara in it. their chemistry- be it platonic or romantic- is undeniable.
and yet, we are told by zukkas and kataangers that we are wrong for shipping the ship. a lot of zukkas sideline the women in atla- sokka is given a lot of Katara’s qualities that are stated in the show (ie: people claiming that sokka is the team dad when he literally confessed that he saw Katara more as his mother than his actual mother), mailee is just there (majority of the mailee fics on ao3 are just them being a side couple in zukka fics), and not to mention comradekatara’s posts from back when they were lesbians4sokka about Katara being homophobic. even if it was a joke, it was something that people took seriously. a lot of the same zukkas are the ones making fun of katara for talking about her mother’s death when that literally happened three times outside of the southern raiders episode.
dont get me wrong, I know that the zutara fandom was absolutely rabid in the early 2000s and that’s where we get our bad reputation, but the only time that we’ve had issues with other people in the atla fandom was when they interacted with our content and it blew up.
Honestly you make some points I agree and disagree with so I'll go one paragraph at a time
I do agree that some zutirans get hate that isn't deserved. I definitely think that a lot of the fandom doesn't like zutartians, I'm part of that group as well (for the most part). I also do think they have chemistry, but more in a way that's more like family rather than lovers.
I think the over-analyzing is a bit too much, I'm overwhelmed every time I see a zutara post. Obviously, some analyzing is okay, I sometimes analyze ships, but I feel like zutartians do it sm that it feels kind of annoying?? Maybe that's just me, but I feel like you don't have to analyze things just to justify your ship. Just ship what you like
I agree with the fact that zukka shippers tend to sideline women in fics. I've def read fics where katara is sort of villanized, and I definitely don't agree with that. A lot of the time, ppl prefer MLM ships to than WLW ship, (which if you ask me, is because ppl prefer male characters to female ones (*cough* misogyny *cough*)(though i dont think most of the misogyny is purposeful))
Idk if it's bc we're in different parts of the fandom, but I've never really seen ppl say that shipping zutara is wrong?? I've seen ppl say they don't like it, and why, but they always state that they don't care if people ship zutara and that they're only stating reasons they personally don't like it.
Perhaps it's because I tend to stay away from the more toxic part of the community because if I see smth I don't like I more often than not just scroll past. But I def believe that their are zukkas who are toxic, but I think some of that is just because ppl are toxic, no matter what fandom you're in.
I can't really speak on kataangers because while I do like the ship, I'm not really in that part of the fandom, so I'm not sure if ppl are unnecessarily mean to zutarians.
(Edit: nvm kataangers can be real assholes, I def believe that they're unnecessarily mean to ppl who dont ship kataang 😒😒)
As for the zutara Fandom in the early 2000s I can't really speak on that bc I didnt watch atla until I wanna say 2017 or 2018. So I don't really know what the fandom was like.
So yeah, that's kinda my take?? Idk I spent like a good while trying to figure out what to say 🤧🤧
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iamthat-iam · 9 months
hey Bry, i hope you’re doing good, i wanted to ask for help because im tired of this, like i dont know who else to ask ( 😔 ) could you please tell me what i'm doing wrong?  (long text ahead)
i’ve been into Non Dualism for a while, not that much tho, i was into the Law of Assumption community and i was having that point of view and the i discovered ND. I felt like i was being blessed because the main idea of Non Dualism is so freeing. I consumed all types of ND contents you can imagine, i was in every corney of the internet looking for info and different perspectives, and i was doing…. meh. I was learning but i had my up and downs but i was slowly “detaching from ego”. Then something happened i had a few problems with a class of mine and i felt like a fell from the progress that i had. I was trying to read more and more content to try to make me understand that “hey its ok”, ofc that never worked because my teacher accused me of plagiarism and the owrse part is that is true but is not bcs of bad reasons i just used AI  and wanted to make my assignments easier and my mental health was awful for me to complete them. Then i found out that my grades were low and i dont know if im going to fail, or repeat my semester, and the worse, i dont want mynparents to find out and pay for those classes. I feel awful because they’re really expensive and i just want to solve this. Believe me, im so tired of reading content and not knowing what to do. I’ve tried every “tecnique” to slowly detach from ego, but i just can’t stop thinking about these problems, they’re haunting me like crazy. I know this is just ego but, ive had so many anxiety attacks because of this like i don’t get it. I'm sorry if im sounding too demanding, im literally asking in the best way possible, what else could i do?
A lot of bloggers say “you don´t need to understand this, is your ego worrying” and others say “slowly question yourself what ego says or sees and go back to your origin” that gets me so confused and i'm exhausted. im so lost and i just want to delete everything and feel better. i know ND, is not about this, it shouldn’t make me feel like this, is just very simple. i just have too many problems like Bry i am really concerned, my mothers finances haven’t been the best and i don’t want her to pay a lor of money. I'm terrified to let go of this desire to change my grade circumstances, because I'm scared that if I do, nothing will change and everything around me will only worsen, and it feels like I've got such little time to change things. I know it might b the best to “let go” and do nothing but like, what if it stays the same. I dont even understand when people say “let it be” or i saw a girl saying “if you have a problem, dont do thing to it. ignore it and it will solve” like how??? i feel defeated and i just want to be free. im so scared to be in this position when the week ends, or by the month ends. im so lost. i feel like i only know this intellectual, but when the day passes and i say to myself “I AM” i just can’t feel it, i feel like a limited body. i give up on trying to achieve something,Ego seems so exhausting and scary and terrifying. i want to leave everything behind and be gentle with myself. what can i do? what should i do?
thank you bry if you read this fully, i really try to follow your blog and i like your kindness towards ppl. i hope u have a nice day
Im doing good ty for asking!
You have to take a leap of faith. I know it's scary to let go of control and trying to change things but if you don't, you will continue to feel like this and the problems will continue to exist. Trying to change a problem is you acknowledging that there's even a problem in the first place. Worrying about these problems are just keeping them there, because you keep acknowledging that they exist.
Your true self doesn't have problems! So when you know yourself as you really are, and are not identified with the person dealing with such and such issues, they have to go away. There's no possibility of things staying the same because everything appears and disappears based on what you are aware of.
Surrender. Just know that everything will work out in the end (because everything is already perfect).
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One personal gripe I have with TLT was that Annabeth mentioned that monsters often posed as doctors to medicate Demigods and dull their battle reflexes.
Cuz like as much as I love the series for being my first exposure to ADHD/dyslexia/neurodivergent representation. And the fact that it was about positive representation and solidarity in that.
Demonizing medication is,,,,,
So anyway canon is a suggestion and I'm going to ramble about my neurodivergent demigods thoughts (mainly focusing on ADHD because that's what I personally have)
My mini retcon is that Annabeth was misinformed and distrusting of adults because of her past
And like. Annabeth grew up at camp which is full of other neurodivergent kids that get it and accomodate her. It doesn't make her learning disabilities less disabling at times, but it likely meant that existing unmedicated didn't impact her nearly as badly as Percy or any of the other kids that weren't year rounders. So I think her views on the matter would be more detached as a result. She was also really young and I like to think she learns better in the future (maybe when she starts college bc the self directness of tertiary education hell is how I got diagnosed lol)
I wouldn't be surprised that monsters might try and disguise themselves as doctors, since if they're looking for demigods, that would be one way to find them. But I'm taking the "most doctors are monsters to try and medicate the half bloods" lore and throwing it out the window actually.
If anything I think it'd be better if it was more like. A representation of the doctors that won't listen to their patients, or the ones that maybe leave it *all* to the meds to help the kid or placate parents because believe me for a lot of people, me included, just meds are not enough.
I'm not completely sure how I'd go about it? Maybe they're trying to be doctors but because they're actually monsters they're not actually doing a good job??? Something about the importance of finding a good doctor??? But anyway that's the gist
Medication is not a cure all and it won't turn you into a zombie unless your dosage is wrong or the specific type of medication isn't for you. It's is so important to still have it as an option even if they're not for everyone and not demonize something that can genuinely help (even if the side effects can suck at times rip)
And like jokes on you my ADHD makes my thoughts jump so quickly that even if I notice the little things I will simply be on the next thing before I process. What battle reflexes? At least with meds I can focus on the things I notice djfjfjfjf
Anyway now that that's been covered onto the other ramblings!
Correct me if I'm wrong but I vaguely remember Percy talking about how his willpower crumbles at caffeine and how ironically soft drinks calmed him down (it's not ironic Percy it is simply how ADHD be sometimes)
So like
Even if the campers aren't medicated I wouldn't be surprised if a lot of them self medicate with caffeine anyway like a lot of irl ppl do. (I've tried to self medicate with coffee a couple of times before I got diagnosed tho it always just made me sleepy)
I'd like to think that the Romans do actually have really good adhd healthcare bc as much as they're about battle and honing your skills they also have a whole ass city where you don't have to worry about monsters. Part of the reason ADHD is disabling is the environment, and in the books it's also what makes them good and necessary for a battle scenario. But these guys aren't battling! They're living peacefully in the city! So like I think they can afford to "dull one's senses" a bit.
This also extends to good healthcare in general. They're a society of largely neurodivergent people, which often come with other co-morbidities so it would make sense for them to expand to accommodate those too. Not to mention they're warriors, likely resulting in a good number of physically disabled residents. So it makes sense for them to cover all of that and have accessible infrastructure.
As far as I'm aware there was no confirmation whether legacies were neurodivergent and they make up a good chunk of New Rome. But!!! Since a lot of neurodivergencies (especially the focus of the books ADHD and dyslexia) are hereditary I'm gonna go ahead and say yeah lmao
Anyway new worldbuilding challenge let the Apollo (both Roman and Greek) kids work together with the Hecate/Trivia kids to make an ADHD med equivalent without as many of the irl drawbacks or smt I would kill to be able to focus without the cost of hunger be gone and meds crash superhell
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bluiex · 1 year
BLUIE, I have found a new way to torture Scar hehe (my friend was deeply concerned when he read it, but he doesnt understand the appeal to torture your blorbos) (tw: character death and suicide, i guess... it's zombie apocalypse ladies and gents and everyone in between)
So, basically, this is all the wonderful ideas i've seen from Vex hybridation theories, white hair Scar and the trauma of TCD. The way it would start is baby Scar (12 yo) and his mom live in the TCD world (his mom is a vex hybrid and his dad is like... evoker or smth, idk, havent figured out that part yet), and so, the reason why theyre in the TCD is bc his mom wanted to get away from the mansion she came from and wanted to protect her little grub (yes she calls him "my little grub", that term grew on me).
So, ofc, it's TCD, so, zombie apocalypse. So, they both pack their things and go north (totally not basing this on that they're in hypothetical USA and are going to Canada, no sireeee). And so, his mom is trying to find a way to get out of this world, but later on, she realizes the only way you can get out of this world is to die. Except, theres no guarantee you're either gonna die or you're gonna get infected, and if you get infected, can you truly die? Can you truly jump into another world when you were infected? Many questions, not much answers, huh.
And then time skip where Scar and his mom are running away from a horde of zombies. They find a surveillance tower, but they cant find the entrance. The horde is getting closer and they have no time nor the stamina to outrun them. So, his mom helps him get up on the tower and Scar tries to help her get up, but she just smiles at him and he sees his mom getting either eaten by the zombies or get infected by them. So, more trauma on him, hehe <3
Another time skip, and this time, he is all alone, he has learned he can use vex magic to help him jump higher up buildings, he learned how to keep his vex wings close to his back, not that they were useful with how many tares the zombies did to them. He has his Jellie plushie that he talks to almost all the time, even sees her as a mother figure (trauma hehe). So, he doesn't see that when he uses vex magic, his hair turns white, bc his mom's hair didnt turn white, it turns white bc of the dad side of things, the evoker and stuff, so, his vex magic has a mix of evoker magic and stuff. Also, his hair turns white whenever he thinks too much of his mom, like its a trauma response from his brain to use his vex magic to make it less painful.
Anyways, he meets a group of ppl and doesn't feel so alone anymore, so, his hair is back to its regular colour and the group called him "Scar" bc it was the name of his gun he found on a dead body and hes like, their best shooter. So, that group teaches him how to treat injuries (with a fuck ton of morphine and some medical technics), and just how to survive better than just eating protein bars and finding resources from dead bodies and from empty stores.
So, ofc I have to torture him, and make him watch this group die as a horde of zombies attack them, and hes just yelling shooting at zombies, not even noticing hes also hitting the group. So, he spends a couple of weeks alone before he misses a jump while running away from zombies and just shoots himself bc he doesn't want to get infected.
Um... I have more, but um... this got long... don't worry, hes gonna get his comfort in Kingdom Craft and with the Hermits. I just... didn't realize this was getting long. And it's been circling my head for too long. Idk if i'm gonna write a full fledge fic, but this... I just want to torture my blorbo, is that too much to ask?
-- bloop anon (i am totally sane and normal)
I'm very much a firm believer in the Jellie plushies being this huge comfort to him and just always talks to it and think in his head she talks back-
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sothischickshe · 1 year
Please tell us how you would fix the wire tap strip search scene thank you!
Thank you for asking! 🥺🥰💜
...i feel like this might get long😅
1. Make the scene make sense
I find the scene difficult to take seriously, bc I don't understand why rio thinks Beth would be wired up. He didn't turn up when they were supposed to meet, and I don't think there's any particular suggestion he told Beth he was coming round so ???
Now the idea that rio has no idea how surveillance equipment works/believes it to have been permanently soldered to Beth's skin is very funny to me thus I'm willing to accept it as a headcanon pretty easily, but an alternative interpretation which I think kinda makes sense given his love of setting up his terrible dramatic punchlines is him doing all this purely TO drop the tracker as an almost gotcha 🤷🏼‍♀️ if the latter IS what's (supposed to be) happening, I think it comes off kinda both too creepy AND not horny enough. And if that's NOT what's happening in the scene then I think it just feels like a lazy handwave as to why exactly he might think she's wearing a wire, and they couldve put a little effort into eg making it clear he forewarned her but not with adequate time for the secret service to mic her up/equipment was malfunctioning again, or he stormed round (drunk) immediately upon verifying the tracker so wasn't really thinking it through.
Particularly in a scene which is to some extent intentionally jarring (espec in how the undressing begins, but also in its mostly-silence), I don't think it's a good idea to leave your audience this confused??
2. Use an appropriate body double (in appropriately sized bra)
This just feels lazy!!! Idk if shooting restrictions couldve played a part but if you can't do those shots well it would be better not to include them!
3. Make it hornier
I can def understand why some ppl find the scene offputting, espec bc of point 1. If it doesn't make sense for him to think she's wearing a wire then him starting to undress her with no preamble is really jarring. I know some ppl think it's an intentionally sexless and/or clinical stripping, but I don't think it succeeds in being that (if indeed that is its intention), especially with the demand for her underwear to come off but not her socks 🤯
I think this scene & the weird pool table groping one are in conversation with each other, espec bc theyre each in conversation with intimate s2 brio scenes, and i don't think it's possible to not view this as somewhat intimate and charged? Both scenes felt like they were trying too hard, but i do think they were attempting to ~remind the audience of their sexual history, and hint that it would be rekindled.
I think the show should have leaned into that MORE and made it more fucked up tbh. They're messy!!! Like hi she's married he's her boss he's threatened to kill her a bunch she's tried to kill him multiple times they've betrayed each other they've protected each other lather rinse and repeat. They love being inappropriate and weird!! The first time they have sex she's on a date with her husband then he beats a car up over it; his plan to kill her turns into a weird money making date where he stares at her ass for hours; her idea of gaining back his trust is dressing up and saying I'll do anything...within reason wink wink wink.
Maybe particularly bc I think the visual of rio going to unbutton Beth's shirt out of nowhere is probably supposed to parallel Beth going for fitz's belt in the exact same room in their unsexy standoff (and thus also Beth going for rio's belt subsequently in his grandma's bedroom) I do kinda query the choice to have her be all 'what are you doing' (though it's clearly a reasonable q lol), espec bc they were recently weirdly grinding on a pool table? I think even a momentary leaning in to it would give the scene a different (less creepy) flavour? (plus I do think that could have been played for humour lol.)
Basically if it seems like a silly sexy wire stripping scene that's fine I don't mind it, & I can handwave away rio having no real reason to think Beth's wearing a wire if she's being (canon typically) horny here. Without that it does come across as having an almost predatory vibe which seems strange to me given the show was pretty thoughtful about how it portrayed both the belt-reaching-for scenes it's sandwiched btwn :/
4. Not try so hard with the parallels
I get what they were trying to do with the 209 parallels, but they threaten the sense of the scene imo.
Demanding underwear come off but not socks (???🤯) In a context which can easily come off as creepy (espec bc see point 1) doesn't work for me 🤷🏼‍♀️ easily solved I think by still having the socks shot, followed by Beth angrily throwing her socks at him lmao (then watch, then earrings...)
The sunlight is nice and all, and I'm pretty into exhibitionist Beth so w/e it can stay, but the door is im sure unlocked lol and she's right by a window so idk a bit of Beth @ least glancing to see if anyone could see in maybe would've been cool?? Plus we've got too much of a gap from the night before to this scene I think? I understand why the meet up was at night & why they wanted this scene to be a daytime one, but along with everything else that gap makes it seem MORE like a premeditated plan to be like yea well w/e I found this tracker so ha! (ofc I can explain that away if i feel like it eg someone needed to check what it was properly & that took some time, but the show certainly isn't giving me any suggestion of that.)
Maintaining silence kinda makes sense in the context but idk, I think particularly cos Beth doesn't stop talking after being shushed (good for her!), it's a lil random that she does stop saying things? I reckon there should have been some confused mouthing or whispering or the classic scribbling on a notepad (the last, with his penmanship, couldve been an avenue for comedy haha), and/or if she's stuck in a situation where he's refusing to reply I feel like she should have called him a moron a couple of times for good luck lolol
I'm all for callbacks, but not to the point of sacrificing the rest of the scene, and I think these overall weaken it. Plus parallels can work very well in terms of inversions and contrasts, not only similarities!
5. Have some greater payoff
Beth is basically like yep fine sure I'll randomly strip no further questions (just not the socks, I shan't bare my toes, some lines can't be crossed). That's actually kinda funny in the circumstance, bc who would do that other than someone who knows (why) you suspect them of wearing a wire sfggdssg so her going along with it in a situation which makes so little sense almost feels like (it could be played as) a tacit admission of guilt.
I guess a scene of rio being like wait hold on she was being uncharacteristically agreeable now I think abt it 20 mins later or w/e wouldve been too much to hope for ha but among all the things which make it pretty blatant Beth's working with the secret service (such as her announcing this to rio at one point🤯) I think we deserved him bringing some of it up in conversation later in the season yknow?? Otherwise I don't know why I'm supposed to believe rio isn't imaginary in all his scenes and/or too drunk to retain any information 🤷🏼‍♀️
6. A better closing line
After demanding someone strip full frontal (without making them show off their toes bc some things are sacred) telling that person to watch their back merely highlights you haven't bothered to check whether they've got a mic taped over their spine 🙄
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bellincurl · 1 month
💋 : is there any ships out there you absolutely hate for genuinely no good reason at all. like its not problematic in the slightest, if anything it's one of the better ones, you just cannot bring yourself to enjoy it
I dont think there's any that make me see red or anything, just a lot that are really really nothing imo. I think there's a lot of kinda just for fun or sweet ships that don't really have enough chemistry for me to care abt, which is so fine I just like dynamicsss. Then again a lot of that is down to a lot of wc characters being kinda blank slates (esp side characters) i can buy into most things if someone is insane enough abt their headcannons for it.
WAIT I'm lying,and hollyleaf and fallenleaves. I think he's boring!!! he should've been more toxic genuinely. This also stemms from me being a giant hollyleaf head and liking her being a bit of a bad person, I don't really see why this relationship with some super patient ghost guy would really make her turn around on anything. She had multiple patient people in her life yknow. I think him being clingy, desperate not to lose the only cat to see him on decades, would be way more interesting. Maybe she's being eaten alive by guilt, bc she's contradicted everything she believed in and is trying to justify it to ease her own stress. And fallenleaves is like overly forgiving of it to the point it upsets her. I also just think her narrative turn around was too easy and she wasn't really taken to task by anyone which is disappointing. Like I hate the idea of Holly's turn around being in part to a pseudo ghost boyfriend who's nice to her and her learning mother hood hard bc nursing a fox cub ect. I want it to come from herself and admitting to what she chose to do in her spiral. I think part tof what really gets to her is others disappointment, and silence, and like leafpool in the berries scene where she's got this controlled kinda disappointment and grief. Like hollyleaf wants a bigger reaction to rally against to justify her own extremity but she isn't getting it. Ashfur is someone who gave that to her. she wants to be a bigger victim than she was, she can't take the idea that everything was always out of control and starclan never had anyone's interests in mind. Not just her. Or that others suffered more than her (leaf and squirrel). Idk I think having some guy try to justify it to her to keep her with him would really force her to hear how it sounds.
Also most of this is like part canon remembering and part like, projection and fan interpretation bc wc stuff is a fascinating melting pot of Nostalgia and canon, and headcanon more than any fandom I've seen before. Partly bc the maps and animations create a soft canon that ppl get into instead of the books. I'm trying to write an essay abt ittttt. I also kinda have this pet theory abt hollyleaf being written in the same veign as male characters in the series where their emotional turmoil is used to demean, punish and flanderize female characters (leafpool and squirrelflight in this circumstance) and I think it's interesting. As well as her never being really held to account for how she treated anyone, she's allowed to keep hating her mothers, she got away with murder and attempted murder ect. She also was allowed to be ambitious and never had a mate which r both things Erin's almost never let female characters do without making them into like evil hag harpies ect. I'm very interested in breaking down their specific gender Flanderization bc it's such a clear pattern they use in the books over and over bc they hate women a LOT.
Anyway I told you these would be long. I like hollyleaf regular amounts
🖼 : first amv/pmv you ever watched?
Fuckkkk. Mr brightside was a really defining one for me. I don't remember the first but duckfeathers, gamakichisora, silverwolfynight and ryulovestsute were surely there.
🗺 : first map you ever watched?
This also wasn't the first but this had such a foul grip on me. I almost wrote an essay abt it when I was like 10 or 11 or something. I wasn't allowed to bc when we handed in our song choices for review the teacher told me it was about suicide and I had no clue I was like it's actually about warrior cats. (Songs and their wc amv or map were basically 1 to 1 for me)
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jennilah · 2 months
Hoffman, Strahm, and Amanda if I am allowed to be greedy please and thank you: 4. If you could put this character in any other media, be it a book, a movie, anything, what would you put them in? 7. What’s something the fandom does when it comes to this character that you like? 21. If you’re a fic writer and have written for this character, what’s your favorite thing to do when you’re writing for this character? What’s something you don’t like? 23. Favorite picture of this character?
YIPPEE if you get to be greedy then I get to be selfish bc i was super hoping for more of these haha
4) If you could put this character in any other media, be it a book, a movie, anything, what would you put them in?
i want to see them all in the same movies, but it's a Muppets remake
or put Hoffman and Strahm in DBD with Amanda. not because I play, but because I also kind of enjoy that world and the "canon-compliant" crossover art and fics and stuff that has come from it. and I want to see them in a video game and see funny clips of them with the other killers and survivors i get to enjoy funny videos of, fight me
7. What’s something the fandom does when it comes to this character that you like?
jeez its almost easier to answer with what I don't like. There's plenty to like! I like most things! :D
Hoffman: Obviously I like most things we do with this guy, since most of us took a match to his frozen heart and said "thou shalt love again."
In canon this dude is hanging on to one last thread of humanity and the fandom does a pretty good job of mending his ability to feel emotions again, while still keeping him morally dubious. He's not a 100% misunderstood cinnamon roll, and I think most people understand that he is cruel and has a penchant for revenge. He has a bloodlust that maybe, just maybe, the right amount of love and proper support could have saved him from developing.
we are out here saying "I can fix him" but keeping some of the cracks, because the cracks are fun
Strahm: I like when he's given more depth than just being an angry coke-addict. (I actually don't do the coke headcanon. It's a VERY funny joke, but no I don't actually believe he does it.)
It's very easy to see his interrogation meltdown and forget the context and write him off as "crazy," but he didn't do it for no reason? Unfortunately heavily edited down in the theatrical version, he very much breaks down because the intensity of the situation just QUADRUPLED as his partner (who he cares for) was fighting for her life in the hospital, and he still didn't have any leads. too many people forget that.
I think he's probably a very normal, if not slightly hot-headed guy in day-to-day life when lives arent on the line. Perez even says as much in Saw VI.
Amanda: luckily I dont often see things I dont like with her, thank goodness. She is another lost soul who got led down the wrong path, when real support from people with good intentions could have saved her. She also fucks up and makes bad decisions that dig her deeper into the hole, like her own craving for violence and distrust in the jigsaw test process.
God, and her fiery personality, and how she's enthusiastic to take part in the traps but slowly her confidence tumbles down as she watches people scream and struggle and cry out to her for help.
ok at this point im just raving about each character i dont know if these satisfy the question LOL Basically, i just enjoy seeing what aspects of each character people decide to play up for art and stuff. some people like them more evil, some people like them more sympathetic- nobody is wrong, necessarily.
(also soapbox moment but stop saying ppl are reducing characters to 1 trait when you are looking at 1 art which can only realistically depict 1 trait visually at a time lol. art can only possibly be a snapshot of one moment. most people arent reducing anyone and are happy to have in-depth conversations like this if you give them a chance. also if its "all they draw", who cares lol. try not caring so much and scroll? luckily no one has accused ME of doing it, but i see it in every fandom. and i could imagine, for example, someone seeing my blushing Strahms and assume all I care about is objectifying him or something. DING DONG WRONG!! its not that serious!)
21. If you’re a fic writer and have written for this character, what’s your favorite thing to do when you’re writing for this character? What’s something you don’t like?
Hoffman: In my fics, I really enjoyed writing him being in total denial of his feelings, both from his POV with his thoughts, and how badly he hides it from Strahm's POV too. In canon, before going off the deep end, he has a very calm demeanor while he does nothing but spew lies, so its fun to play with that. It's fun making him pretend to only be into casual flings but secretly craves something deeper but feels like he cant have it.
Strahm: Its fun to write his denial too, but his is a bit different. He's got more of a grumpy muttering "why oh WHY do I have to think he's hot??" daily agony that threatens to kill him if he thinks about it too much, but it's dealing constant psychic damage to him throughout the day
Amanda: I havent written her 😭 but if I did, I would hypothetically write her similar to Hoffman, where she has an outward persona that is threatening to crumble at any moment which is shakily masking her true feelings
23. Favorite picture of this character?
ill have you know this was the hardest to answer and im still not sure if im confident in my choices so i choose 2 for each bc theres too many great ones
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ough and this one as an honorable mention. its everything
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mikkouille · 3 months
Dear mutual @mashmouths taggie me for the game of 'Post the ten first songs on your 'On repeat' playlist on Spotify' or SMTH like that.
As I do not have a Spotify, idk what all that means, but I decided to eyeball it from what the randomiser of my phone seems to give ten times a day, from me local files.
It is a hard work of statistic 100% accurate nothing could go wrong (lie, girlie behind me in the train loudly licking chips crumbs off her fingers and chewing. noise unbearable. thought jumbled over it. the statistics have been messed up). Basically, just clicking 'next song' til I get one that makes me go oh yeh she plays all the time'. What's on my Bandcamp isn't on my local files so unfortsh we lose a whole lot of potential songs there. It's life.
1. Boris Farewell, honestly she's so good portable. I can vibe on my better audio equipment, I can vibe in the metro, in a crowd, she'll always be an enjoyable one no matter the sounds around me.
2. doechii Stressed, well damn so true. I must be stressed too.
4. Moses Sumney Gargarin, it's hilarious how I'll hear this song ten billion times a week from shuffle, go 'oh what's that song it's nice- oh right of course' somehow there's a spell on it that makes me forget the name. but not that I like it.
5. Britney Spears Outrageous, it's not even my fave of its album yet my phone is OBSESSED with her. Outrageous. When I move my body OUTRAGEOUS when I'm at a party OUTRAGEOUS in my sexy jeans
6. THORNAPPLE As Above So Below, had a phase in my life where I looped that song for hours and then days nothing else, my shuffle never recovered I think.
7. vvv Oh dirty Leeds, I swear it's been months since I Voluntarily of my own clicked the song, she's part of the landscape of my shuffle.
8. ShinEE The Feeling, if I hit shuffle I am sure to hear it at a point or another. It's like the home screen at this point.
9. shygirl BAWDY, it's criminal how you will never witness the gay AMV that happen in my head when this song plays (10 times a day).
10. FLO Losing you, often in immediate succession with the previous one. Keep them on their toes....
for some reason my phone constantly plays christi interlude, but not any other song from the album... hey there sweetieeee I was just taking a look at your cHArt and OoOøh myYyi GOODNESS (goodness) You Are. experiencing THE most powerful transit right now. we have the FUOUL MOÖN. Today! At 24 degreeeeees of CAPricorn. we have PLUTO. the MAIN! planet of transfhow delightful ☺️ you were born on a Nyew Myoon :] that gives you such an OPTImistic EnErgy. you believe Anything can Happen. the woooorld is you Oyster :] the Symbol! of the New Moon... is the SEED star seed (star seed) SCA(???neverunderstoodthatword) thru the galactic Center to Evolve Humanity.
btw last time it played it, it immediately played Rina's Take me as I am and honestly the transition was so seamless to me. granted the child screaming in the BG of the train I was in did help blending stuff together but.
didn't put any song of The Kpopman's group BC it'd have been passé. cliché. frenchwordé. you can assume that yes, it throws some at me at regular intervals. Respect my privacy. (I think if I had to identify one that I'm fed the most it'd have to be Venom, every shuffle she'll be here)
Also I got songs from the game tho and aside from. the. mh. miss answers. which I respectfully skip whenever out cuz it's for in private. I have to ask my phone; what's with amdapor. carrying the dungeon ost pack...
The total here is somewhat cohesive but also doesn't feel complete, alas it's all one can do with 10 songs...
Tagging; ppl who don't have a Spotify only.
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butchviking · 1 year
i think its really lame that so many ppl on here have tightened the borders of what they consider radical feminism & who they consider radical feminists lately. like if u dont do everything just right the way /i/ believe is the truly radical way then you have no claim on the label and the label is of course the most important thing for some reason. and i will pretend like this has always been the way the label has been used, i will pretend that andrea dworkin was never a radical feminist and no-one (except fools not as englightened as i am) ever considered her to be. and if you do not meet the standard, you aren't part of my movement.
i understand that defining your branch of politics is important for finding likeminded women with common goals, to communicate what you believe in, and so you can work together on practical action to achieve those goals.
it's just. hm. its been a long time since ive considered myself a radical feminist, or even necessarily a feminist at all. ive spoken plenty abt why that is but safe 2 say i still desire the liberation of women no matter what words i call myself. but ive still always been happy to lump myself in w radfems in many ways, discuss ways forward with self-defined radfems, go to radfem events, attend radfem meetups. but lately ive begun to think, huh, i guess if i don't define myself that way i shouldn't b like. tagging along as though i belong there. which is a crazy fucking shame bc the whole reason i don't really consider myself a feminist is due to lack of action - that means i WOULD like to go to more feminist events & groups and find ways to take action! and i know that while /i/ believe feminism doesn't have to be radical to address female sex-based issues, female healthcare, porn, prostitution, male violence, etc, im well aware that if i were to attend plain ol' 'feminist' events, im going to hear a lot of shit i actually consider very very ANTI-feminist. so obviously it makes sense 2 me to go to radfem spaces instead. and if i feel like im not gna be welcome in those, then.. well, i just won't go to any, or do any sort of feminist activism at all. which isn't what i want. i want to do things! i want to help! the cause matters to me! but if mainstream feminism says "you're too radical and you're not welcome here" and radical feminism says "you're not radical enough and you're not welcome here" then. i'm not the only one on a borderline here. a lot of women who would like to be feminists are going to get left behind and end up doing nothing. don't you think that's a shame? don't you think that's a loss?
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crave-mp3 · 5 months
hi i'm sorry your gov teacher is disgusting! i also had a teacher my senior year who made disgusting comments about me and other students, and it was WELL KNOWN throughout the school that he was like that. the reason i'm telling you this is so you don't underestimate how much schools are willing to overlook/cover up. if you're serious, get proof, get a group, preferably with parents involved, and lodge a formal complaint at the district level. if you go just to the principal with just your word against the teacher's you'll get shut down. i'm rooting for you if this is something you really want to pursue. <3
thank you so much <:) im planning on asking my friends in other periods about the shit he's said in their classes (bc i have heard from ppl i generally consider reliable sources that in addition to creepiness he's said some DISGUSTINGLY racist things in their periods). thankfully i know a lot of students are dissatisfied with him so i think i'll have some good backup, and i might be able to get some teachers i know pretty well on my side. unfortunately i'm not sure about how to get more concrete proof beyond student testimonials :(
Creepy teachers are definitely a problem at my school that is ignored and pushed under the rug, mostly because my school is so underfunded we get the worst teachers in the district and there are no other options. there have been several teachers who are widely known among the student body to be creepy, and a couple in the past few years who were found to be straight-up sexual predators on further investigation. our administration pays little to no attention to the student body or the state of facilities--for instance, we never have tampons or pads in our bathrooms (despite state requirements) and before this year there was maybe 1 working soap dispenser per bathroom (if you were lucky). our principal is a lax, ineffectual, good-old-boy-system guy who basically inherited the job from his predecessor, so definitely not much promise there :////
as a ray of hope that something in the system might actually work, though, the girl i sit next to in science is lodging a complaint about the lack of period products to the superintendent (after emailing the principal and VP THREE TIMES and getting no answer). She's finally getting a response that way, so ill ask her about what she did. she's also a part of some organization that deals with womens' health and protections in schools? so ill ask her about that and see if it can help.
my plan for right now is to gather a bunch of student testimonials, and have students and parents lodge repeated complaints about him through a line at the school. it's definitely not guaranteed to work in terms of permanent effects, but hopefully it will at least get him to stop making sex jokes ://// im really not super confident in this more anonymous method, but tbh im kinda scared about possible repercussions for myself and my friends if admin doesn't believe us, especially concerning college ://// thank you so so much for your concern and the message!! <333
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