#mak talks ✨
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Thank you all so much for 900 followers! If you told me 2 years ago I would have this many people following me I would’ve laughed at you. Thank you all so much for supporting my writing, it means the world to me💗
Day 1 Monday: The Letter- Bucky Barnes
Day 2 Wednesday: Split- Steve Rogers
Day 3 Friday: Daddy’s Back "Father" Part 5- Bucky Barnes & Steve Rogers
Day 4 Sunday: A Wedding and a Break up- Bucky Barnes
Tags: @qhbr2013 @allforkook @supremethunda @amelia-song-pond @tinylumpiaa @sammypotato67 @leyannrae @teebarnes @teti-menchon0604 @mogaruke @instabull @ccosmic-illusion @supraveng @1-800-imagines @chris-j-evans
DB tags: @vicmc624
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mvnces · 8 months
oh also ! speaking of abigail… somewhere it’s kind of implied that mr. dudley’s mother & william slept together so I’m leaning towards making abigail william’s granddaughter <3 for funsies
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tgmcompliments · 9 months
I just discovered your blog and I love it, I think yours is a truly noble and sweet gesture, when there is the possibility of spreading positivity I'm always so happy!🫶🏼 I would like to send all the love, happiness and positivity to all the wonderful people here who always manage to make me smile and make my days better, I think they are a fundamental point of this fandom:
@roosterforme @cherrycola27 @topguncortez @notroosterbradshaw @thedroneranger @ohtobeleah @mamachasesmayhem @bradshawsbaby @beyondthesefourwalls @theharddeck @sometimesanalice @jupitercomet @mak-32 @teacupsandtopgun @fanficfandomlove @sailor-aviator @sylviebell @ereardon @just-in-case-iloveyou @perfectprettypisces
As I said they are all truly wonderful people and authors with immense talent, it's always a pleasure to interact with them! I want to thank them for taking the time to write and share their beautiful stories, which are always so wonderful to read, respond to comments, and always be available to talk. I think everyone should recognize and celebrate more the work, commitment and time that these people dedicate to their stories, because it is truly amazing! As I often say, interacting with them and reading their works is always an honor and a beautiful moment! For this I thank you all again and wish you a wonderful day/night💗✨
P.S. Thanks again to you for creating this blog, in the midst of so much hate I think this blog is a gem and a perfect place to try to spread more positivity!💖
Thank you!! And I want to also thank YOU for spreading such joy and positivity!! ☀️☀️☀️
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thatonefatgumsimp · 7 hours
alr ykw
liveblogging my reaction to tadc episode 3, let's
So ready to get autistic over my blorbos /sillyyyy
under the cut for ease of scrolling past :p
"What do you, the viewers, think it is?" You scrunch into a tiny bunny ball and get short. Final answer.
✨z o o b l e g o e s t o t h e r a p y✨ /sillyyyyyy
That's a cool bee, you're doing great sweetie (probably still listen to Zoob tho)
Pomni really said let me innnn LET ME INNNNNN!! /sillyyyyy
"I love that it's locked ):<" me-core
"Do not let the head out of your sight" OH SHI-
"Any torment I inflict is 100% accidental!! Just like any good war criminal." LMAOOOOOOO, CAINE- I'M- YOU'RE KILLIBG ME HERE, BUDDY- literally iconic line frrr, he acknowledges his warcrimes. We love a self-aware king /sillyyy
"I'm trying my best to remember what you and my brain won't tell me!!" He's so real for that tho...ADHD gang rISE UP! /sillyyyyyy
"What…what you're saying is that…I could be bad at the only thing I'm good at…and…that'd be…" It's OK to have a mental breakdown, bud, let it all out. There there...
Caine existential crisis arc while Kinger and Pomni are going through the horrors™ smh…/sillyyy
"How's about we take his gun?" KINGER GUN ARC POG?????
"Looks like we've got two shots…let's make it count" What if Kinger with a gun kinda scares me a bit /lhsilly ...like, he sounds so calm and composed, it's...unnatural for him...kinda unsettling...fits with the spooky vibes of the ep tho
"Which is what I would be saying if it wasn't one of God's angels" WHAT. WHAT. WHAT???!! BI- WHAT?!????? THE FREAKING PLOT TWIST- I'M- My brain is melting
"And your bodies will be my only means of doing so" HOLD UP. WAIT A MINUTE! SOMETHIN AIN'T RIGHT-
"I HATE THIS STUPID ADVENTURE!!" real…✊😔 Honestly a fair reaction given the current situation...although mine woulda been worse I think-
Awehhhhh 🥺 girl's tea party ✨, so real for that actually
"You know how men are…always having the silliest priorities" "don't I know it" *turns to Jax tied up* I WOULD say 'free my boy, he's done nothing wrong', but we all know that's a lie, he's a war criminal just like his dad Caine /SILLYYYYYYYY
"I wonder how long that'll be" probably a while, Gangle…
"How could I not be in literal hell right now???!?" First digital hell, now this smh…/sillyyyyyy
O.O wait...the breath holding from the beginning of the ep…QUICK, POMNI, BECOME RGB KEYBOARD!! KINGER, BECOME FLASHLIGHT!
"Why have you been acting so different lately?" NO, CUZ THAT'S WHAT I'VE BEEN SAYINGGGGGG /lh
NOOOOOO- CHECKMATES (idk their ship name, shhhhhhh edit: it previously said chessboard, changed BC of the socks iykyk) ANGST NOOOOOOO- GOOSE. GOOSE HOW COULD YOU DO THIS TO ME- I'M- 😭
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"I used to hate bugs, but…she somehow got me to like them" AWEHHHHHHH-! 🥺 GOOSE. GOOSE WHAT THE HECK, YOU'RE GONNA MAKE ME CRY- /pos Chat, I'm melting into a puddle, help-
"But it's not. Not if you have people who care about you." I'M- GOOSE STOP 😭 SOBBING- I WAS PROMISED PSYCHOLOGICAL HORROR, NOT THERAPY /sillyyyyyyyy
"In this world, the worst thing you can do is make people feel like they're not wanted or loved" OMG REAL!! 🗣️🔥🔥 ...and on that note, ily, moots and followers 🫶💖
"Maybe we can get through if we don't breathe!" CHAT. CHAT THEY FIGURED IT OUT!! KINGER, MY BOY!!!! YOU'RE SO SMART!!!!!!
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"Hey, Ragatha…I just wanna say…thanks for always being concerned about me" EXPLODING RN, CHAT- CERTIFIED BUTTONBLOSSOM MOMENT????? /SILLYYYY
"Did you remember to get my comedy mask?" "…F**K-!" KINGER SWORE??????? OMG???? REAL, LET HIM COOK- LET HIM COOOOOOOK!!
"quick, pretend we weren't having a therapy session!" LMAOOOO?? CAINE IS SO SILLAYY-
"Wwwwwelcome back, my meowing milkmaids!!" "…don't ever call us that again." Lmaooooo Jax-
Clawing at my cage
That was so good- I'm-
Hold on, chat, I'm going feral rn /sillyy
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conjectureand-gloom · 7 months
for the fandom asks ✨ 4, 5, 7, 10, 11, 16, 23, 24
(a lot, i know, but i'm a naturally curious person as everyone can see. if you don't feel like answering all of them, just pick the ones you like!!!)
omg no i loooove having loads!!!
gonna put this under a cut because this is so long omg i’m sorry-
4- say something nice about a ship you don’t ship
oooh okay. this is kinda difficult lmao bc i ship literally nearly everything in the hamilton fandom. i ship some a bit more, but i am a huuuuuge multishipper lmao
i think i’m gonna go with jamilmads. okay i loooove their dynamic though, like friends to lovers is soooo cute and sweet and just so like. it’s absolutely adorable. aND LIKE. THOMAS TAKING CARE OF MADISON WHEN HES SICK. LIKE???????
5- something you see in fics a lot and love
omg. okay. firstly in more historical fics, i loooove the aides interactions. like their dynamic is just so special to me.
and something else i’ve noticed a bit is that in lams fics, john uses petnames a lot more than alexander does. i don’t know why, i’ve just noticed it. but i love it so much. i kinda like to picture that alexander just has so many words, but when it comes to having a petname for john he just can’t think of anything to describe him. i don’t know, that’s just what i think. also the ‘my dear boy’ nickname???? obsessed. actually my favourite thing in the whole world.
7- your favourite tropes to read/write/draw
my favourite trope is found family. i looooove reading and writing found family and washingdad and the hamilsquad and just agdkqhdkajds. especially if there’s been some angst and hurt/comfort shoved in there that led to the found family?? i love it so so much
10- a blog (mutual or one you follow) that has made your fandom experience brighter
you expect me to pick JUST ONE??????????
ahahaha. no.
@jittyjames bestie i don’t even know how to begin this. jami you were the first person i really ever interacted with in this fandom. your fics just bring me so much happiness and interacting with everyone in the comment section of your fics just made me feel so much more comfortable and accepted and helped me build that courage to join tumblr and beginning writing and all of that. your support especially, both with writing and fandom, and with personal experiences have impacted me and helped me so so much. i genuinely cannot thank you enough, and i really hope you know how much you mean to me
@starduckys you are just. you are so so incredible, you’re so talented and so sweet and funny and just sooo amazing. i don’t think i can even explain just how important you are to me. you’re so supportive, and you have made this fandom so so special to me. i also absolutely love your blog, in case you couldn’t tell by my often stalking through your blog and liking/reblogging everything <333
@kwilooo i think you were the first friend i made in this fandom, back before i was posting, i think. seeing your updates, and seeing your replies on my comments (way back on wattpad omg!????) made me so so happy, and i still find it absolutely insane that you then found me here on tumblr!! like? that’s insane. anyway you are a huuuuge part of my fandom experience. seeing your writing made me feel so confident and comfortable and it was really important to me
@unicornsaures we’ve only started interacting recently, but i love your blog so much, and you seem so so nice and amazing and you make this fandom so amazing and special to me
unfortunately almost all of my older hamilton mutuals don’t really talk with me much anymore, but anyone i ever interacted with in this fandom, i hope you all know how special you are to me, and how much much you have all impacted my fandom experience and how much more incredible you’ve made it all. and if anyone wants to chat with me, please just message me! you’re all so sweet and i would love to make more friends, whether in the hamilton fandom or not <333
11- if you’re a writer or artist, what fic or piece of art are you proud of making?
okay i have a few.
this is biased given its personal AND super recent, but “i haven’t slept in a week”. i was scared to post that but im actually really proud of that writing lmao, despite how terrified i was to post it
then there’s “for all the love i’ve found in you, i’ll be forever grateful baby”. i hated it at the time but i’ve grown to be really proud of it, and that poem i wrote. also because i wrote that for akeyla and it’s actually really sweet
and also “baby it’s cold outside”. that fic is my child like i’m so proud of that fic
and then also “like crying out in empty rooms, with no one there except the moon”, “like mother, like daughter” (agggtm), “but this situation’s helpless” (this was my favourite fic id ever written for soooo long), “fools who run their mouths off wind up dead”, and “steal into my affections”
16- a tiny detail in canon that you want more people to appreciate
omg okay so musical canon, i think people should focus on some of the ways that burr especially says some lines. like the sound of his voice, the way his delivers his lines. like i made that soit the other day about how he says “i get a drink” in the world was wide enough. i feel like we really need to appreciate more the way he delivers his lines. i don’t know how to describe it, but he just sounded like. flat. you can tell by his voice he was just like. “holy shit. i have just killed hamilton.” and he regretted it. i don’t know how to explain it. but we really need to appreciate this more
in historical canon, i feel like we need to focus more on the schuylkill incident. i swear that’s the funniest story ever. and also the aides friendships and family dynamic?? and also lafayette and washington’s friendship and kinda like. father-son relationship. it’s just. as much as i absolutely adooooore washington and alexander’s relationship, in historical canon he was definitely closer with lafayette than alexander.
23- the fandom you’re curious about because of a mutual
ooh. okay. this is kinda difficult.
1776 (musical) because of literally sooo many of my mutuals lmao. i’ve been wanting to get into it for aaaages and i know it’s kinda like. amrev. i just haven’t got into it yet
okay i know i have more, i think there are some that @felizusnavidad and @anixknowsnothin are in that i’m curious about but i cannot remember them lmao
24- how has fandom positively impacted your life?
okay. how do i even begin with this.
fandom has been a huuuge part of my life since i was 6, with harry potter. i remember when i was in year 5 (10-11 years old-ish), we had to write a creative story, and i fully wrote a marauders era fanfiction. because that’s how i got into creativity, it was through fanfiction. i remember my year 5 teacher giving me a whole lecture about how i can’t write something that already exists, and i was really upset about it, and i spent ages refusing to write fanfiction, and only write original works, and i just couldn’t get anything written. fandom and fanfiction is a huge part of my life, and it’s a huge outlet of stress for me.
i would use fanfiction to make sense of my feelings for years, even when i was younger, and i’d get a bit of disconnect from strong emotions by giving them to characters, and i’d feel just that little bit better. and also reading fanfictions, where a character is feeling and going through similar things always make me feels a little bit less alone, i could read or watch the canon material and see my comfort character, and i’d remember that in a certain fanfiction where the character may have been going through something similar to me, and i’d be like, “well if this character, who is so strong, can get through it, i can get through this. i can do it.” and it would give me that comfort. seeing my comfort characters feeling the same way always makes me feel a bit better about everything
thank you so so much for this!!!! i loved answering these <333333
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lifeofamanhwareader · 2 years
All the shit in order! (Also known as papers journal)
I. Have given up on this.
Rabbit help wannabe
Wannabe in hospital
Wannabe run from hospital back to forest
Paper went to help
Paper got hurt + had a panic attack
Back to hospital
Paper passed out from hiding bleeding injury
The mask incident (paper almost over dose)
Wannabe realized who set of their(wannabe) explosive and went to get revenge.
Paper followed wannabe but was convinced to go back to the hospital by rabbit
Two guys harassed paper on their way back.
Both were killed. one by wannabe and hare
Paper saw the second one following them
the other was killed by rabbit
While resting the mask was put on by a patient from the mental department.
Paper almost over dose once more.
Paper asked a nurse for hot coco.
The patient from the mental department disguised as a nurse and put poison in papers hot coco and covered the scent with cinnamon.
Paper went into coma.
The disguised nurse asked wannabe to pull the plug.
Wannabe refused
Fake nurse tried to overdose paper with the same sleeping agent not realizing wannabe was still inside.
Wannabe killed the fake nurse and took paper out of the hospital.
They met up with rabbit (who was sick)along with hare(who was taking care of rabbit)in the cave that paper and rabbit found wannabe in.
Wannabe and hare made a bed for paper. And tried to feed rabbit medicine which freaked rabbit out.
Rabbit ran out of the cave and up a tree.
Paper woke up and panicked
Hare climb up the tree with a knife borrowed from wannabe and calmed rabbit down
Everyone came back to the cave and cuddle.
Rabbit and paper walk to the entrance and have small talk
Everyone comes to cuddle again.
Wannabe and rabbit woke up early and talked.
Rabbit walked to the entrance for some fresh air
Hare woke up.
Attempt at going to wannabes house #1
Rabbit mentioned going back to the forest
Paper talked about going back to the hospital to steal healing equipment.
Wannabe had a panic attack and passed out.
Rabbit and paper carried wannabe and hare to find a place to rest for the night and paper saw a castle.
Rabbit recognize the place.
Rabbit lead paper to the castle. And explore around.
Rabbit met opal and Liz!
Paper found them talking assume the worst and pulled rabbit into a protective stance.
Paper Liz and Opal Converse for a bit (paper is using ASL)
Opal recognize rabbit.
Rabbit catches up with old parents
Hare went to introduce themself. Then came back to sleep.
Wannabe went to talk with rabbit and also talked with Liz and Opal.
Everyone stayed for the night cuddling.
Attempt at going to wannabes house #2
Paper knocked out wannabe so they don't freak out from the height.
The house was locked.
Everyone played around for a bit waiting for wannabe to wake up!
Paper learned the ways of the youngest.
Everyone besides hare revealed to be self hating.
Why don't I deserve you argument.
Another cuddle pile. And sleep!
Water burns wannabe and turns out their now part ireken.
We found a child with four arms and hare adopted them.
Rabbit is very freaked out by the child.
Paper can take care of children very well actually.
Rabbit ran out of the house. Was given time. Didn't come back in time. Wannabe went after but it started raining so paper went after both of them. Wannabe got home and paper knocked rabbit out.
Rabbit woke up in panic. Paper comforted them.
✨Unholiness ✨
Paper learned about sex.(Paper will forget about it though they can't remember anything when they're sick) by Mak(wannabes boyfriend). Later wannabe cried and paper beat up Mak. Paper then gave wannabe a cheese board with human flesh.
Turns out wannabe and paper eats human. Rabbit threw up because of it though.
Rabbit is sad. Paper comfort them. Wannabe went to cuddle with rabbit. Paper gave Mak a giant cheese board as an apology.
Mak got Rick rolled by paper.
Paper is a master at emotional manipulation. They also ship it.
Wannabe puked with a foreshadow of being pregnant.
Rabbit and paper went out for a walk
Mak listened to CPR by cupcake. Hare tried to warn him. Paper forgot the word sex. But Mak is trying to teach them the word dick.
Wannabe is pregnant.. with twins!
Dirty songs!
Food situation (introducing Dr. Gentle)
Rabbits mental break down.
Welcome pencil!
Wannabe made fun of short people
The ceiling incident
Dib came!
Wannabe and pencil ate spray paint (I don't think that's good for the baby)
So we did an ultrasound to check on the baby and turns out it was triplets not twins.
Ivy reveal!
Pencil and paper at power academy!
Paper got hurt! (Oh no)
We discovered king!
Paper gave king a body!
Karen overload
Self care day!!
More soon..
Read papers backstory! Part 1 2 3
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sometimesanalice · 2 years
15 Questions
Thanks for tagging me Jordan! @gretagerwigsmuse
1. are you named after anyone?
No. But my name has been appropriated by the Amazon Alexa™️ (there can only be one, and I’m better at answering questions than she is)
2. when was the last time you cried?
The first time I saw that sad Kroger commercial with the lil grandpa who cooks all his late wife’s family recipes.
3. do you have kids?
4. do you use sarcasm a lot?
That is a correct assumption.
5. what’s the first thing you notice about people?
Sense of humor is my baseline vibe check.
6. what’s your eye color?
7. scary movies or happy endings?
I’m a weenie, so happy endings ALWAYS
8. any special talents?
I’m a walking talking IMDB, my brain held on to all the useless celebrity facts
9. what are your hobbies?
Making macarons, reading, calligraphy, planning themed parties, and watching too much Bravo
10. where were you born?
11. do you have any pets?
2 cats
12. what sports do you play/ have you played?
Lol 😂 she’s a pilates/yoga girl. I took online gym in HS and have no regrets, the athletic gene missed me
13. how tall are you?
As tall as Beyoncé ✨ (5’6)
14. favorite subject in school?
European History
15. dream job?
I’d take over Queen Clarisse Renaldi of Genova’s gig in a heartbeat
Tagging the following crew because who doesn’t like a fun little ask game: @tongue-like-a-razor @notroosterbradshaw @roosterforme @mak-32 @bradshawsbitch
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katieamazeballs · 2 years
DPA I think I know who anon is talking about and I’ve been thinking the exact same thing. Peta’s boobs have been looking a lot larger lately and she had purposely been only showing her upper half which wouldn’t be weird usually but she does always love to show off her full body. I would love that so much for her if she is pregnant. I know they’ve been trying for awhile now so sending positive vibes to her🫶🏻✨ two chmerkovskiy babies in one year would be pretty damn cute🥹
Anonymous asked:
I think PETA is preg too
Anonymous asked:
Peta should know by now if she’s pregnant. Wishing the best for her
Anonymous asked:
If Petas IVF is successful there will be multiple baby Chmerkovskiys due next year. Idk when exactly they are planning on the transfer but it seems like it’ll be sooner than later.
Anonymous asked:
I think peta is preg
Anonymous asked:
Peta is clearly pregnant
Anonymous asked:
I know this is not a now topic but looking at Peta instagram the last few weeks, and naturally this is JMO, but I'm pretty sure she is expecting. I guess they don't want to say something too soon so it seems like she's pregnant a lifetime. The lg white shirt she is dancing in with the family opens sometimes and I see a slight bump. Today another model wears the bikini for the tan ad and she wears the robe. Again JMO and they want one so its all good. I guess we will see.
Anonymous asked:
I know Maks is always romantic but lately it seems to me he has been more into Peta on a higher level. If she is expecting I know that would put him higher than a kite, especially if its a girl. Wish them the best.
If you have messaged me a respectful ask in the last 3ish years.....here you go.....
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harri-etvane · 6 months
Fanfic Ask Game (super late to the party but hope I can still send something in 👀): 💖👻📥🖊🌈[fic of your choice]🧠💭🍰 and: ✨
💖 What do you like most about your own writing?
I'd like to think that even if what I write is short, it's still impactful? Even if just for one reader. I feel like I'm decent at really getting to the heart of something fairly quickly, in about 1k words haha.
👻 What is one WIP you think you may never pick back up?
I just had to trawl through my google docs bin lmao. There was a WIP that was sort of seasonal / Christmas themed, there was a snowstorm, everyone ended up cosy and warm etc. It ended up in the bin mostly because I kinda got fed up of it and it felt a bit same-y to some of the other stuff I've posted.
📥 What is your fave fic to receive comments/messages on?
Any of them! I do kinda enjoy seeing what people think about Fidelis et Verax tbh.
🖊 Post a snippet from a current WIP.
I did a massive WIP clear-out over the weekend, but-
He knows how cold his hands are, his fingers linked together, his whole weight pressing down until he’s sure something is about to give  - but it is not Volodymyr in the end - the sky instead lets loose her grief, the rain pouring down on them. He knows how cold Vova’s skin is, unearthly white on the cold, grey ground - the smell of autumn somewhere in his nostrils, decaying leaves, damp, sour earth.
He doesn’t know how to stop the beads of sweat on Volodymyr's forehead, at odds with all this, the frozen rain, his quivering, faint breathing. He is slipping through Maksym’s fingers like the rain pooling on the ground - the sudden rush of time fleeing past them both.
🌈 What inspired you to write [insert fic here]?
I can't pick any particular fic, but I get a lot of my inspiration from quotes from interviews, photographs from OOTP etc. Most of what I've written comes from specific things; even if it's just a conversation on here with someone, or a comment might have sparked an idea.
🧠 What’s an idea you have that you can’t quite call a WIP yet?
I keep wanting to write Something about Vovan and his terrifyingly alarming trip where he went and got Borsh on the very edge of Kyiv Oblast at the beginning of the war; but I can't make it work for the life of me, so it's just a Concept as of now.
💭 What is a headcanon you have about your own work?
After chapter one of this fic, Maks always makes sure Vova has a cosy sweatshirt.
🍰 Name one of your fave comfort fics (doesn’t have to be your all time fave).
I don't really talk about my other fandoms, but I love this Endeavour Morse fic.
✨ Choose three adjectives to complement your own writing
Subtle, sweet, gentle.
thanks for asking xx
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j0kers-light · 1 year
Hello! I am the person who commented on your stories on wattpad. I'm also kind of a volleyball fan. and I wondered what J would look like as a volleyball player..
Hey hi anon! 🖤✨
Please forgive me. I know nothing of volleyball and you can definitely tell, lol but the people asked for Joker!Volleyball player so here we go!
I honestly don't know if this answers your ask 🤦🏾‍♀️ oh no..
I did light research on YouTube but it wasn’t extensive in the way I wanted it to be. Did I watch some Haikyuu to brush up on the sport? Maybe soooooo. I’m a weeb shoot me. I hope you enjoy anon!
Joker got a booty for dayyyyys! He has a fangirl club who comes to every match to watch his handsome self (ahem I don’t blame them) move all across the court.
Those black shorts hug every muscle Joker has to offer and when he jumps to spike, his shirt rides up and hello hello is that six pack? What’s harder? The ball or Joker’s washboard abs?
MOVING ON! When he starts to sweat and uses his shirt to wipe it off…. send help.
Bet good money that J is the Captain. His team knows better to bring their A game to every match, whether it be a playful match or a professional tournament. He does not accept defeat but he plays fair on the court.
Now off of it? Well…that’s another thing entirely.
Joker is known to be a menace off the court. His tall frame, cocky smirk, and haunting eyes run a tight ship to keep the matches going.
If an opposing team doesn’t wanna play fair or wants to back out at the last minute, guaranteed J and his boys are there to knock some sense into their opponents. Either you play the game or pay the price.
Joker has daily bruised knuckles and busted lips with all the brawls he gets into before and/or after matches. The referee just raises an eyebrow seeing Joker's handsome face all cut & swollen. The other players look worse. Not his problem "LET THE GAME BEGIN!" 🏐💢
And it’s all because J is cocky. It's proper game etiquette; no swearing or trash talking, buuuuuuuut there’s no rules regarding his mannerisms. The net separates him from the other team but his taunts and glares are well received. Hence the brawls and trash talk OFF the court.
Joker’s cocky smile makes the girls swoon and his opponent’s blood boil. Think of a bad boy persona playing volleyball, its straight off an anime show!
Joker’s coach is about had it with his star player coming to practice with a new shiner or another broken nose yet J cracks it back into place every time. Whatever happened to a gentleman’s game? 
The coach is tempted to kick J off the team but he's that good of a player they can't afford to lose him.
Let’s talk positions! Joker prefers to be the setter since his serve is like a canon with the way he jumps and sends that ball flying. Nine times out of ten his team scores a point when he serves the ball.
It's a fast-paced game that requires quick thinking and decision making; right up Joker’s alley. Baby daddy got skillz!
His green eyes are darting all over the court, seeing where his teammates are, where the ball is, where it's going, and what orders he needs to bark out to his team to secure the win.
When it's time to switch positions, he usually moves to the middle or opposite hitter, but remains in charge; still calling the shots much to the confusion of the opposing team. 
Side note: I think for this head canon it would be weird if Joker has his signature scars (OR OR! hear me out; he got cut in a street fight but its not a jester smile, kinda like a sexy scar down his cheek? I think any scar is sexy but back to the hc)
He most definitely he dyes his hair green and probably keeps it in some sort of low ponytail or manbun so its out of the way when he plays but still long enough for you to pull during se- AHEM! The girls in the audience are feral for him but he has eyes only for you. 
Before every match and/or tournament, J’s eyes are scanning the crowd for you. You’re his number one fan and his good luck charm.
One time you couldn’t make a match and his team lost horribly. Ever since Joker demanded you be in attendance (and his teammates secretly bribe you to come just to keep their Captain in high spirits and so they can win)
The group of six are inseparable and you respect their strong bond. You don't compete for J's attention. You understand that volleyball is everything to J but you are runner up for the top priority in his life. Never question that.
Joker has a bad first round and his eyes are like magnets finding yours in the audience. You flash him a smile and wave (much to his fanclub’s ire) and he's got an instant shot of motivation to annihilate the other team. And he does without fail all because you're watching.
He's a heartthrob, tall, alethic, with an arrogant attitude that oozes BDE, of course he’s gonna show off for his girl, in fact he loves to. J is over the moon in love with you and he wants everyone to know that. A proud simp.
You treat him to a winner’s kiss away from the press and offer to give Joker a massage if he wants some relief for his sore muscles.
If he has time, he'll take you up on your offer but often times the coach drags him into the locker room to go over game mistakes to improve on. Joker just grins as he's dragged off, sending you air kisses like the lovesick idiot he is. This is all going according to plan..
You use the long locker room meeting to sneak into J's hotel room and set up for his post-game surprise and he’s never been the same sense.
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He held his hotel keycard up onto the scanner and sighed when the cool AC hit his tired, weary body.
It had been a long day of matches beginning at 6am. He scarfed down a breakfast, sent you a text message before warming up with the boys, before entering back to back matches. 
He hadn't had the time to do anything else let alone check his phone for your response, but you knew how hectic his game days could get and you weren't upset by it.
Joker couldn't find you in the crowd since it was a bigger tournament but he felt your presence and that helped him and his team score win after win. 
Between all the handshakes, acts of sportsmanship, and post-game media coverage; Joker was exhausted. He loves to play the game, not be the media mascot for the team. That was usually Mac’s role. The blond loved talking to interviewers etc. and soaking up attention.
Even if Joker is the Captain, he could care less about the mayhem that followed after a game. Ain't that what coaches were for?
Joker just wanted to grab a bite to eat (check on you) and crash before he starts this all over in the morning. 
He dropped his bag on the floor and walked further into his hotel suite but stopped short when he saw you lying on his bed. 
In his gear. 
You found his spare jersey and wore it over a long sleeve shirt. But those lewd shorts, now that was all you. They hugged your figure a little too well.
You even wore elbow and knee pads with your hair up in braids. And because you always did things 100% or not at all, you posed on the bed with a volleyball perched under your arm.
Your smile was flirtatious that promised Joker a wonderful night.
“Hey Captain.. I heard you won today’s bracket. This calls for a celebration don’t you think?” You sat up on your knees and beckoned J over with a crook of your finger. He came over in a trance. 
His arousal was showing through the sweats he changed into after the last game. J stopped right in front of you with his erection literally in your face. You bit your lip, eyeing it hungrily before looking up at J.
Joker was still speechless at your attire. He ran his eyes all over your form, trying to burn this image into his memory.
A girlfriend wearing their partner's gear was any sports player’s dream come true. And you were a literal dream.
You became a fan of the sport because of Joker. You knew it was everything to him and in turn, you made it your passion as well. It proved just how much you loved him.
His number one fan. He didn't deserve you.
Joker quickly forgot about his exhaustion. He wasn't even hungry anymore. At least not for food. 👀 He bent down to kiss you and changed his plans for the night to include you as the star player. 
So what if he was five minutes late in the morning? His teammates understood the second they saw the love bites you left on his neck. Joker took it all in stride and boasted that they were 'good luck charms.'
All they needed to do was win today's matches to win it all.
Of course they won the tournament. Joker swears up and down it was because you let him score the night before.
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maksart · 3 years
Hi I’m Mak!
Can tumblr be my next deviantart please
Makayla, , she/her, height 4”10 im short as fuck, idk why that’s important but eh whatever now you know I’m a dwarf lol
socials: insta: makayla_jones_art
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/makayla_jones_art/
Deviantart: mak8906 (inactive) :( sadly lost access to it)
Art fight: https://artfight.net/~Mak8906
Twitter: https://twitter.com/maksdumbart0120
Tumblr: well your already here: maksglitchyart
I’m a young artist and I’ve been doing art since I could pick up a pencil,
You may recognize me from my old Deviantart Mak8906! And my current Instagram makayla_jones_art ! I am a young artist that loves to draw and I have been drawing since I was in preschool! I am new to tumblr and I’m still trying to figure out how everything works
I don’t know how to make this look fancier but here’s what I have for now
FNAF, SET IT OFF, Lilo and stitch,, are my top fandoms that ive been obsessed with for years!
Likes: SET IT OFF, bands, Cody Carson, Maxx Danziger, Zach Dewall, SIO friends Fnaf, art, drawing, comics, digital art, animation, ice cream, dogs, lilo and stitch, Luca, whump, oc making, cartooning, talking to others about my oc’s or their oc’s, Disney,horror art, whump writing, whump art, story telling, poems, emo bands, set it off, pop punk, electronic dance music, music, glitchcore, glitch aesthetic, demon oc’s, Original oc’s, animals, corgis, social media, food, Frappuccinos, my phone, meeting friends online, , angsty, horror art/writing, animation Maps, AMVS, memes, dark humor, dark memes,
Dislikes: real horror, true crime films, real or real/real looking blood, medical shit of any kind, needles, school, basically any academic subject, any violent realistic movies that aren’t animated. Psychological horror movies like realistic shit, heat, bugs/insects, hospitals, stress, fears, tests, the dark
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Triggers: I do have many, but the ones I do have are personal so I try to usually be pretty flexible with it and if you do mention smth that makes me uncomfortable I’ll typically just brush it off cuz I’m chill, one trigger of mine is I can’t handle seeing realistic or irl blood or needles, photographs or videos I mean so yeah it grosses me out. But art, ooh I love me some Gorey art hehe
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Hey guys! It’s Mak here! I haven’t forgotten about you all. Work has been consuming me these past few weeks. I hope to post some new stuff soon!
Love Mak ❤️
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hotchssuitandtie · 3 years
Welcome to my fic rec blog ✨
Fic recs
(I don’t read often because of my schedule but when I do) I use the tag buckyswintersoldiermask’s fic recs for all of my fic recommendations. Keep in mind; some of the fic recs I have might have curse words/foul language/etc. if you need to block that tag because of personal reasons please do so. buckyswintersoldiermask’s fic recs 18+
Fic Recs
2021- February 2022
Fic recs will include:
Grey’s Anatomy, Marvel, The 100, Criminal Minds, Arrowverse, The Maze Runner
Mak Talks ✨
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luisjuanmilton · 3 years
no but on the topic of maks’s looks … I like to talk to my friends who don’t watch f1 about f1 sometimes but they don’t remember any names except Lewis’s so maks is often referred to as “white frog guy” since what they DO remember is that he looks like a frog. that or he’s slurboy LMFAO
Your friends are so valid for this and I would like to be part of your friend group now they sound neat ✨
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legobatjoker · 3 years
waaa kay im going 2 bed now mx !!! j a reminder b4 i do that !!!! i love you soso verry much my dear oouugh i rly rly do !!! u judt doso wonderfull nd incredible nd sweet i love talking to you so much sososo much i j feel soso safe ns happy w u alway alway aways ur such a goos friend nd u j mak my lire sososo lovley w u by my side :3 !! ilusm i hope u hav a lovely day nd sleep well beloved, ilusm !!! :> 🍒🍓🌸❣️♥️💖✨
HAVE A RLLY GOOD NIGHT and many many sweet dreams u deserve many lovely thingz my lovely ladybird!!! ur a wonderfulfriend peaches and i love youu 💕💕🌸🌸
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Hey guys| from mak
Hi guys, I’ve been quite busy these last few months. I haven’t forgotten about y’all 😉. I have been writing and preparing for my 900 follower celebration along with all my other things I have to do outside of tumblr. Thank you all for being patient, so you soon❤️
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