#majuice bride
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mah juice brige
chise dad can punch gosts i guess We see a bit of memory that Chise couldn't have seen, where a monater wrecks shit at the mom's work, and for some reason the monter asks if she wants help (presumably picking things up). And she freaks out. Okay? What would happen if she accepted the offer? The apparition whispering to the mom to kill Chise seems to have Chise's hair. Does this mean anything?... "you're the mom that exists inside of me" is this literally eva
I find it interesting that gost joseph- who is ghost Joseph, and why does he look like Joseph/Carto? I- I guess he's the embodiment of the immortality curse, but why does he look like... whichever one of them he looks like? What did Carto even look like before Joseph bodyjacked him, anyway? Whose hair does current Joseph have, his own (similarly styled but blonde) hair or Carto's? What's the relationship between Carto, Joseph and the curse such that it would come out looking like one of them? ... don't think about it - Anyway, it's interesting that gost Josh is almost the only one to ask for nothing in return. It takes Chise's prompting for him to put forward anything, and when he does it's... Joseph, I guess, saying "help me". it's interesting but i don't know what's happening help
what happened to titania's tits where did they go she's a fuckin loli now this is not okay, its not I don't really get why Titania did a fancy branch thing rather than appearing in person but Oberon just shows up.
So there's this thing happening here, I think, where the anime writers are trying to make this event from the manga into a conclusion for the anime when it was never designed for that. It tries to bring some extra significance to what eliot's doing when it doesn't really matter (of course he's going berserk to get Chise back, but she's not in the sort of danger that has him racing against the clock, so the outcome doesn't really matter) and gets in a sequence to drag in all the old characters, but the story here is clearly about Joseph. Really. I'm not just biased because I've taken a liking to him or anything! It's this awkward thing where they're trying not to change the source material (probably because of decades of adaptational-purity faggots crying about "muh changye thign !!!" just because the manga got tweaked to match the pacing of an anime series and have an actual conclusion so the anime wouldn't be kinda shit), but as a result they've made these awkward large-but-minor meaningless changes so that they don't have to write their own couple episodes more suited to a conclusion arc, or change up and create or skip chapters beforehand so a better event ends up landing on the last episodes. (Of course the purity fags are still blaming "muh change anime!!" for all the show's problems since they didn't make something written in one medium magically perfect for another without doing anything...) Or maybe the actual manga was actually like this. Fuck, I dunno.
"don't go near him!!" say the dumbasses hanging out by the cemetery ... just leave then faggots ... young joseph was a ridiculously good boye. he work hard and does a kindness and endures unexplained cruelty with a smile on his face. they call him both a witch and a witch's son. can males be witches in this timeline? why do they hate him so much just for digging graves, anyway? who're his parents? which one of his parents is the witch? what is happening """become one"" o- oh, joseph, no-o-o, you don't do wanna that. Like I don't think they look too kindly on homos in this time period, but necrophilia's gotta be right out. Plus, think of the diseases.... - Really, him being the bestest good boye makes him randomly deciding to bodysnatch Mr. Rotting Corpse really... um, something. Maybe the intention was that he was secretly unhinged the whole time or that he finally just snapped, but... still, why do *this*? If he wanted to leave with the guy he could always just... leave, instead of taking the body of a walking corpse. Actually, how and *what* did he do to "become one" with Mr. Corpse? Did he, like, transplant his own head onto the body? Does the brain in the body rot? Does he need to steal someone's brain every few decades and replace it like he does his limbs? Also why only steal limbs? Why not just take a whole body? Seems like it would... keep better for longer if kept intact. I know, it's magic so don't ask questions, but c'mon give me something to work with here. What the fuck is happening
he steals a gril's feet, which is all he needs to walk properly, don't need to fix those other leg muscles or anything, and keeps the girly-ass shoes on. lol ok
cartophilio... threw a rock at the son of god. our boi joseph got rocks threw at him and became cartophilileo. ? ? ? ? ? what does it mean Actually, I don't know nothing bout bible shit, but why would motherfucking Jesus curse somebody like this? I thought he was the main man of forgiveness. Condemning someone to eternal suffering for throwing a rock (which surely they weren't the only one doing) seems excessive. Plus, why is bible shit being brought in when the show was mostly about pagan shit up until now?
o shiet monsterhand fight .. this becomes almost comical. Joseph cries "why me??" over being interrupted when he was so close to true death... basically because this bunch of rando fuckers showed up and piecemeal attacked him with whatever random shit they brought along with them. And then like half of them left or went in another direction. there's no way the original manga was like this... right?...
Marielle could have stopped Joseph, but didn't. Chise could have told her to stop him, but di- she turned into a cow. No, sorry, a bull. D- ... did she grow bollocks?
Isn't there a spell that could stop or at least delay or slow the rotting, or chase off the insects? Surely there's magic preservatives or the like. but because he isn't the only one suffering something at all, lol fuk You think you're in the right just because you tried to die? he says, as she... randomly tries to beat the shit out of him. ?? I can't follow what's happening anymore inject ashy eye Cartophi unleashes a wave of millipedes way larger than his body should have been able to contain. Who do you think you are, Cinnabar? ash calls that one fairy "a fairy with a mind"? implying... what? The monterarms battle gets cut off for Elliot-fairy fusion verse Ashy Eye. ... Did they actually kill Ashy? I can't actually imagine they did; he's the sort of character who exists to just be as overpowered and irritating as possible, just doing whatever it wants or whatever the plot needs because "LOL I FEEL LIEK IT~" and because they pressed the "be overpowered" button no one can ever call him out on his shit or stop him. I don't really like characters like this, can you tell?
Chise shits at Cartoboi for hurting other people in search of what he wants, but... he just fucking wants to die. Do you want him to... not die? The only solution here according to her is that he just keeps on existing through the worst suffering any being could experience- Chise even admits he has it worse than her- and just keeps it all to himself. How dare he try and do something to solve his massive life-ruining eternal problem, huh. Even though Ellias was just there, they had to insert a pre-arranged generic magic connection for him to come back and catch Joseph. what why i don't know or understand what's happening anymore And then Chise sweetly sings Carto to sleep and that fixes everything. ........ Just do that sooner.
... And carto isn't even dead. great. what was even resolved here? ... Wait, did his arms get back to normal somehow? See, now Chise and Ellias are finally gettig married, and I don't even care becaaause this plot was about Joseph and they haven't actually concluded it. fuc
tl;dr finale was disappointing, show was disappointing, joseph is best boi 0/10
..... Seriously, even the buildings in the ED were from Joseph's mindspace. Or wherever it was they ran off to. So why did they keep Joseph alive? Is it to punish him? Because I'm not sure what could be a worse punishment than the life he's led up until this point. Unless it's some ironic pseudo-punishment that's like "live the rest of your life out normally and happily until you die of natural causes, you fuck" I just... guess this was Chise's response to hearing whoever it was cry out "help me, save me". Who was it? It was a pre-emptive callback to Carto-corpsis calling to Joseph for help in the flashback, so I guess it was Joseph calling out in his heart, despite happily saying he hates Chise and wants to die... or it was the ghost of Carto, or the embodiment of the curse. I- I don't know. Anyway, I guess this was Chise deciding or realizing what Joseph really needed was not death but... uh, this. Life. lol what naow thoooooooo
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Majuice Bride latest sins compilation
Scientist guy is excited to see sleigh beggy, energetically greets her and does absolutely nothing wrong? BITCHES BETTA PUNCH 'IM! someone else beat you to hugging chise? fuck you elias, you're a loooser! The tone of voice doctor lady says this with is just... what fuck also elias also got bitched at for what chise did, even though it was a matter of chis doing dangerous things *on her own*, and even though he basically had nothing to do with it after the part where his face got set on fire. So was he involved or not? Can it be said he was at fault for trying to help Chise do the thing (and thus not letting her do dangerous things by herself), or for letting her do things on her own (and thus by definition having nothing at all to do with it)? And, you know... he got his face set the fuck on fire. Have some fucking compassion. And then soon afterwards the issue of Chise being ruined by Elias keeping her close by and making (allowing) her to rely on him comes up... Which the fuck is it? The possibility of Chise living in the fairy world is broached again, by the changeling doctor lady... I think I might have said this before, but if Chise's going to talk to anybody about going there shouldn't it be centaur-boi? He of all people should know all about being taken from your home, living in fuckland until you turn into a crazy creature and oh I don't know maybe they should do something to address the fact that he wAS KIDNAPPED FROM HIS PARENTS AND DEPRIVED OF HIS HUMANITY AND FAMILY AGAINST HIS WILL AS AN INFANT? MAYBE YOU WANNA MIGHT PICK UP SOMETHING ON THAT RATHER MASSIVE HANGING ISSUE, HUH? Witch lady bitches at Elias very specifically about him being "overprotective" and "telling a woman what to do with her life"... just for being cautious around a weird stranger like herself. Just... why?
I never quite got what was supposed to be going on with Cartophiloli or whatever his name is. He's introduced as le generic terrible-for-no-reason-except-we-need-a-villain sorcerer guy, fine, but then out of nowhere... he starts angsting about being "punished" with this curse that makes him immortal. whut? It isn't even... bad, per se- despite the seeming deliberance of his terrible actions for terribles sake, he's actually lost and confused, with some sort of hazy memories surrounding the curse and why he was... uh, cursed with it. It's just that it's completely out of nowhere. Did we know he was immortal before this? Him being terrible makes him having been punished for being terrible completely believable, but the cart comes before the horse here- he's performing horrific experiments as means to break the curse on himself i.e. to commit sudoku, apparently. Which brings up an interesting dilemma, actually- he's been punished for some horrible action with the immortality curse, but as a result of that punishment not only is he driven to do even more horrible things to undo that curse he's alive forever to keep on doing these things forever. It's like there's some sort of reverse utilitarian principle going on here. The fixation on him deserving to suffer because he's just so bad even death is too good for him, because he did the bad thing and made other people suffer... is directly leading to him taking actions that cause even more suffering. Which means he now deserves more punishment, thus keeping from him the sweet release of death, keeping him alive even longer to look even more desperately for a "cure". No matter how "right" or "necessary" it is to perform and continue this punishment, it would be an overall greater good to just let him go and die.
... This, of course, is assuming he was being literal about being "punished" by the curse and not just referring to how horrible it was.
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