#major mira killian
pedroam-bang · 9 months
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Ghost In The Shell (2017)
“They created me. But they can not control me.”
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morganhopesmith1996 · 3 months
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Ghost in the Shell DVD 📀 💕 It also came with this cool little picture with Scarlett Johansson On It.
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sunsetagain · 1 month
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Love and Deepspace x Ghost in the Shell 2017 headcanon:
Project 2571.
Sylus as Hideo/Kuze.
(main character as Motoko/Major Mira Killian)
I made him wear Japanese hakama like Kuze in concept art instead of in the film.
Edit: added more parallel settings as someone asked on X:
Both LADS MC's and Mira's memories were lost/suppressed.
Aether core experiment - Project 2571 (putting human brains into mechanical bodies). Before they succeeded on Mira, Kuze was one of the failures.
Josephine - Doctor Ouelet.
Xavier - Batou.
Onychinus - Kuze's network.
We are the same. I have been born more than once. So I have more than one name. In this life, my name is... Kuze. I was conscious while they dismembered my body, and discarded me like garbage... and they had to move on... to you. They thought that we would be a part of their EVOLution. But they have created us... to EVOLve alone... beyond them.
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sinterhinde · 1 year
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Haraway, 1985
Donna Haraway’s concept of the cyborg is a radical archetype for emancipatory self-construction that models conscious reshaping of socially imposed identities. The cyborg represents the plasticity of our socially constructed identities: our ability to transcend the limits of prefabricated identities and overwrite oppressive, socially imposed roles. Understanding social construction through this lens gives social workers and clients the conceptual tools to deconstruct rigid identities—particularly those of gender identity—imposed by society. These identities are the subject of active political contestation; they are the product of economic, social, and cultural relations and institutions. The concept of the cyborg provides an emancipatory model that denaturalizes and destabilizes rigid essentialist binaries and instead recognizes the chimeric multiplicity of the individual.
Abstract by Nicholas D. Tolliver, 2022
We are all cyborgs: How machines can be a feminist tool
By Nour Ahmad
Upon hearing the word “cyborg”, perhaps the first thing that comes to mind is a fusion of human and machine. Our imagination might even drift to an image of Frankenstein’s monster or a depiction such as Major Mira Killian in the anime Ghost in the Shell. A cyborg is actually just a hybrid — part mechanism, part organism. The cyborg, as a concept, is associated with scientist, innovator and musician Manfred Clynes, who deployed it in his 1960’s article Cyborgs and Space, where he argued for altering the human body to make it suitable for space travel.
We, thus, might perceive this concept as being in the future, far from the here and now. However, Donna Haraway, an American biologist and feminist, claims the opposite. She believes that we are all already cyborgs. More significantly, she posits that the advent of cybernetics might help in the construction of a world capable of challenging gender disparities, a proposal she made in her 1985’s essay titled A Cyborg Manifesto. 
How, then, would the notion of cybernetics make for a post-gender understanding of the world? And how would it be a tool for women to undermine the roles imposed on them by society? 
Cyborgs and human nature
The investigation into human nature has always been an essential pursuit for schools of philosophy and a basic assumption made by political ideologies. The answer to the question “what does it mean to be a human?” determines the orientation of a political movement or an ideology. Patriarchal societies have historically adopted an essentialist interpretation of human nature, so as to justify male domination over women. It makes the claim that each of the sexes has a specific role to play and, ultimately, considers the feminine to be secondary to the masculine and thus subjugates women. In such societies, predetermined sets of values and behavioural patterns are strictly enforced on both sexes.  
In A Cyborg Manifesto, Haraway explores the history of the relationship between humans and machines, and she argues that three boundaries were broken throughout human history which have changed the definition of what is deemed cultural or otherwise natural. The first such boundary was between humans and animals, and was broken in the 19th century after the publishing of On the Origin of Species by Charles Darwin. As the biological connection between all organisms was discovered and publicised in this book, it served as a rejection of notions of human exceptionalism and superiority, turning the evolution of the organism into a puzzle. It also introduced the concept of evolution as necessary for understanding the meaning of human existence.  
The second boundary-breaking event relates to the relationship between machines and organisms (be they human or animal). As the industrial revolution arrived, all aspects of human life became mechanised. As human dependence on machines surged, machines became an inseparable part of what it is to be human; an extension of human capability.
As for the third boundary, it concerns the technological advancement that has produced evermore complex machines which can be miniscule in size or, in the case of software, altogether invisible. First came developments in silicon semi-conductor chips that now pervade all of life’s domains. As these machines are practically invisible, it is then difficult to decide where the machine ends and humans start. This machine thus represents culture intruding over nature, intertwining with it and changing it in the process. As a result, boundaries between the cultural and the natural became more and more intangible.
“…the advent of cybernetics might help in the construction of a world capable of challenging gender disparities.”
In this context, Haraway uses the cyborg as a model to present her vision of a world that transcends sexual differences, expressing her rejection of patriarchal ideas based on such differences. Because a cyborg is a hybrid of the machine and the organism, it merges nature and culture into one body, blurring the lines between them and eliminating the validity of essentialist understandings of human nature. This includes claims that there are specific social roles reserved for each of the sexes which are based in biological differences between them, in addition to other differences such as age or race.
You are cyborg!
Since first practicing agriculture, using tools to increase production and developing language and writing, humans have been able to boost capabilities and expand their potential. Today, the implantation of artificial organs has been a vital development in the field of medicine, while the smartphone, for example, serves as an extension of human memory, our senses and our mental functions as well. The advancements made in GPS and communication technologies allow us to be present remotely and even grant us the ability to exist outside of the limitations of our time and space frameworks. All these aspects of technology are an expansion of human beings and an augmentation of our physical and cognitive abilities.
Taking all of this into consideration, the cyborg seems present here and now. In an interview with Wired magazine, Haraway said that being a cyborg does not necessarily mean having silicon chips implanted under one’s skin or mechanical parts added to one’s body. The implication is, rather, that the human body has acquired features that it could not have been able to develop on its own, such as extending life expectancy. Indeed, in our current state, cybernetics exist around us, and in simpler forms than futuristic visions. Even maintaining our physical fitness is today cybernetic, from the use of exercise machines to the many food supplements available as well as clothing and footwear engineered for athletic activity. Moreover, the culture surrounding fitness could not have existed without viewing the human body as a high-performance machine whose performance can be improved over time.
On the other hand, a cyborg is “a creature of social reality as well as a creature of fiction” according to Haraway’s manifesto. The internet has brought about profound changes in human consciousness and human psychology. Virtual reality does not only surround us, but it also involves us in its own processes. The social dimension to technology plays a role in the construction of our identities, whether through online games, discussion forums or social media, where our identities can be as multiple as the online platforms that we use.     
Therefore, we can now say that we are all cyborgs, as technology “is not neutral. We’re inside of what we make, and it’s inside of us,” as Haraway formulates it. In modern life, the link between humans and technology has become inexorable to the extent that we cannot tell where we end and the machines begin. 
Cybernetics and feminism
Feminist issues lie at the heart of the concept of cybernetics, since the latter’s prospects erase major contradictions between nature and culture, such that it is no longer possible to characterise a role as natural. When people colloquially use the word “natural” to describe something, this is an expression of how they view the world, but also a normative claim about how it should be as well as a statement on what cannot be changed.
In this context, the cybernetics erase gender boundaries. For generations, women have been told that their “nature” makes them weak, submissive, overemotional and incapable of abstract thought, that it was “in their nature” only to be mothers and wives. If all these roles are “natural” then they are unchangeable, Haraway said. 
Conversely, if the concept of the human is itself “unnatural” and is instead socially constructed, then both men and women are also social constructs, and nothing about them is inherently “natural” or absolute. We are all [re]constructed when given the right tools. In short, cybernetics have allowed a new distinction of roles, based on neither sex nor race, as it provided humans the liberty and agency to construct themselves on every level.
“Because a cyborg is a hybrid of the machine and the organism, it merges nature and culture into one body, blurring the lines between them and eliminating the validity of essentialist understandings of human nature. This includes claims that there are specific social roles reserved for each of the sexes which are based in biological differences between them, in addition to other differences such as age or race.”
Therefore, through her notion of the cyborg, Haraway calls for a new feminism that takes into account the fundamental changes that technology brings to our bodies, to reject the binaries that represent the epistemology of the patriarchy —binaries such as body/psyche, matter/spirit, emotion/mind, natural/artificial, male/female, self/other, nature/culture. Technology is simply one of the means by which the boundaries between identities are erased. Cyborgs, in addition to being hybrids, transcend gender binaries and can thus constitute a way out of binary thinking used to classify our bodies and our machines and accordingly “lead to openness and encourage pluralism and indefiniteness.”
Haraway’s idea is based on a full cognisance of the ability of technology to increase the scope of human limitation and thus open opportunities for individuals to construct themselves away from stereotypes. And while Haraway describes A Cyborg Manifesto as an ironic political myth that mocks and derides patriarchal society, she still claims that cybernetics lay the foundation for a society in which we establish our relations not on the basis of similarity, but on harmony and accord.
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viruara · 5 years
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muthur9000 · 7 years
Ghost In The Shell TESTED Series
How Weta Workshop Made Ghost In The Shell's Thermoptic Suit!
Adam Savage Behind the Scenes of Ghost in the Shell!
How Weta Workshop Made Ghost in the Shell's Robot Skeleton!
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redsamuraiii · 7 years
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effets--secondaires · 7 years
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pedroam-bang · 3 months
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Ghost In The Shell (2017)
“They created me. But they can not control me.”
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morganhopesmith1996 · 4 months
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I am getting this dvd from Amazon so now I will have 2 of my favorite films on dvd!
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bluesakura007 · 3 years
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“Everyone around me seems to just... fit I guess. They seem connected to something I’m not.”
Genderbent!Live Action!Motoko Kusanagi casting headcanon: Matt Smith as Maj. Masahiko Kusanagi/Miles Killian
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mariidraws-blog · 7 years
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Ghost in the Shell was amazing! 💙 Despite what a lot of people said about the movie, I enjoyed it! And also, Scarlett Johansson played a good role, and yes, I thought she was amazing and had such deep immersion in her character, that I honestly liked!
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scentednerdzombie · 7 years
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Ghost in the Shell was amazing! now im obsessed with the originals and manga!
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marceedoodles · 7 years
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a pretty cool movie i watched today (though the casting and character design could’ve been better)
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So I went to see Ghost In The Shell last night...
Great movie, 4/5. There's a lot of philosophy involved with the lore in GitS. I'm probably going to have to see it again just to wrap my mind around the consequences of living in a post-singularity civilization. Man and machine are indistinguishable, cybernetic augmentation is just as common as a piercing or a tattoo. What would happen if we became so intertwined with technology that our brains are directly connected to the grid? Is it just a matter of time before we lose our individuality? How will justice be delivered if someone committed a crime while control of their body was overtaken by someone on the other side of the globe? I'm just getting really philosophical about this movie and the franchise as a whole.
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effets--secondaires · 7 years
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