#major clanger
nerdiestalpaca · 1 year
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Unbelievably Soothing Children's Programming
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iconuk01 · 5 months
The Clangers (and friends) perform Bach's Minuet in G Major 116
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thatonevultra · 1 year
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This colour wheel piece took a while but I’m happy with the result!
🍎 Huntress (Risk of Rain)
🎃 Bunger (Bugsnax)
🧀 Margwa (COD Zombies)
🌳 Deku Link (Majora's Mask)
🌊 Chaos 0 (Sonic Adventure)
🔵 Burrowing Snagret (Pikmin)
🍇 Withered Bonnie (FNAF 2)
🌷 Major Clanger (Clangers)
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unofficial-com1 · 3 months
The massive military clanger of 1942 (and '43.)
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The Caucasus! Home to many things! A plurality of beautiful cultures, languages AND a massive source of resources. From the 1920s until the '90s, the Caucasus was a part of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, and the region's usefulness was not lost on Moscow. Huge oil reserves and metal reserves exist in the Caucasus to this day AND the mountains provide a natural barrier to invasion.
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Enter the Nazis.
In 1942, the Nazis had fallen on hard times in the Soviet Union. Operation Barbarossa had failed to meet it's primary goal of destroying the Red Army and causing the collapse of the USSR. What's more, they had just gotten their asses kicked in the Winter Offensive of 1941-42 by Zhukov. Below is the aftermath of the Winter Offensive:
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So, Hans was having a hard time. Germany was having a shortage of many things. Germany was having a shortage of manpower, equipment, food, coats, horses, general logistics and, biggest of all, oil. Germany had expected the USSR to collapse by now which would have given Germany all the resources of the European USSR. The Nazis were arrogant bastards, however, and did not have a contingency plan for when this obviously did not happen. So, Hitler, Halder, Jodl and the rest all had to come up with a plan and very ruddy quickly. Some of the generals wanted to try again at Moscow but this was obviously a terrible idea. Instead, Hitler and his generals agreed to go into the Caucasus to steal all the oil and cut of the Soviets from it.
But there was a problem. Railways.
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From this^ map, we can deduce that there are really only two major lines going into the Caucasus, the one from the Kuban and the one from Stalingrad. This meant that the capture of Stalingrad was essential to the Caucasus campaign for the Nazis, contrary to what Wehraboos will tell you; sending hundreds of thousands of Nazis on one (1) major railway line in the USSR is a recipe for disaster when a 5'6'' man from Perm with a stick of dynamite catches wind of this. So, Nazi Germany's plan was this: Take Stalingrad to secure the railways. Secure the Caucasus. Steal all the resources. Try again at Moscow at a later date.
Spoiler alert: this did not happen.
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The Nazis got this^ far before shit really hit the fan. The first problem was that Stalingrad was a touch nut to crack. The Nazis attacked Stalingrad for months on end and the city's defenders just refused to give up every inch without a fight. What's more is that the Nazis couldn't make it past the Caucasus mountains which meant that they were unable to cut off the Caucasus like they had hoped. Things then got worse for the Nazis.
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Remember this guy? Say hi to Zhukov again. Zhukov had an idea.
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That's right. In 11 days, Zhukov broke the back of the German Sixth Army and 4th Panzer Army. The Battle of Stalingrad lasted from the 17th of July, 1942, to the 2nd of February, 1943. In 11 days in November, 1942, the tide of the battle was turned completely. I mean, I say that, the Nazis never really had a hope to begin with. The next few months would entail actually scrubbing the Nazis out of the Caucasus and out of Stalingrad. Operation Uranus was only a smaller part of the much wider Voronezh-Kharkov offensive:
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The aftermath of the Battle of Stalingrad saw Von Manstein's new Don Front get completely demolished. It would signal the end of any Nazi offensives in the region until the Battle of Kharkov. All that the Nazis' gamble in the Caucasus achieved was 746,000 soldiers dead, millions more injured, thousands of tanks, planes and other vehicles lost, billions of marks worth in equipment lost and their foothold in the Caucasus lost forever. It permanently dashed any dreams of the fall of the USSR, for the Nazis and, from here on out, it would just be a long retreat back to Berlin.
Moral of the story? Not much fun in Stalingrad.
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commonguttersnipe · 1 year
Monty Python members as the Clangers family members from "Clangers":
Graham- Major Clanger
John- Granny Clanger
Terry- Soup Dragon
Eric- Tiny Clanger
Jonesy- Mother Clanger
Michael- Small Clanger
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phil-g-writes · 2 years
A Clanger's Diary
It's been years, centuries in fact, since I've spoken to anyone about this. Being made to swear to secrecy was one of the first things they did to us when it all ended.
I don't regret signing up. Rising to Major so quickly surprised even me if I'm honest. Now I wear the title as if it's my name...if only I could remember what I was called before all this.
Seeing the Iron Chicken every day helps keeps things in perspective though, of why we agreed to this in the first place. To think we were once enemies.
Funny how things turn out. I was an elite commander of my unit during the fifth millennium of the great war. I flew bomber command more times than I can remember. The Iron Chickens they called us, purely from the noise the engines made.
Now I spend my days watching over the dust ball the civilian Clangers call a home. Still, I did agree to it, and we all knew what we were signing up for, so no use complaining now.
The Clanger they call Major looked proud but terrified on the day. His wife equally so. But how were we to know she was pregnant? Would we have still done it? Who knows. They were different times.
I go see the Iron Chicken occasionally. We share soup and talk about the weather but we've never talk about what got us to his point. I'm not sure we ever will.
If only we'd known she was pregnant before we agreed to it all. I'm not sure I would have allowed her to come along. Still they were different times.
I have to say I've become quite fond of the smaller Clangers. They visit me regularly up here and bring stories and food and it really does make my day.
They'd never guess the nest I sit in is the remains of my ship. And the observation equipment is meant to keep an eye on them.
That was part of the deal. At least one from each side so the leverage was fair, time lock the area and throw away the key. Instant democracy. Or so they said. We never did find out if it worked. For all we know they're still fighting out there.
Granny Clanger, is the exception here. She came along purely to annoy Major. And even the Iron Chickens can see the funny side of that!
The Soup Dragon is only one of us here who didn't have a choice. As far as I remember the charges were conspiracy to murder a Lord Clanger in his own home. Rumour had it she was framed. But punishment was swift and she and her unborn (at the time) cub became our very own kitchen staff.
It's the young ones I worry for though. The time lock means they age so much slower than normal. Thankfully it's all they've ever known so years can rush past them without a flicker of recognition. As long as they're happy. I think they're happy.
I found it hard to get used to this way of life. I was borne into battle, made of metal with the stubbornness of foul, I was made for war, not talking to Sky Moos.
Yeah the Sky Moos, they were a surprise. It seems the time lock wasn't quite fool proof. Leaks into our pocket of time are not limited to our dimension. Sure we get visitors from time to time but they very rarely understand who we are or how they got here.
The Froglets, those squeaky bastards. How can something so annoying create the technology required to produce and maintain a time lock. Of course, they remained neutral throughout the wars. Designing and providing technology to both sides, sometimes I wonder if we will ever know who was pulling the strings.
The Froglets have been very kind to me since we arrived. I've taken up inventing to keep myself sane, and they can't help themselves providing tools and parts I might need. One day I'll make one of them bloody smile!
Sometimes I wish I could talk to Major about what we've done. What we sacrificed. How much better life is now.
Sometimes I wish he would just tell me how it feels for him to be trapped here. And if he enjoys it as much as me.
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Social Media Wk 4
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(Image above: The predominant video of the campaign shown on Youtube). 
What the social media activity is that they are analysing (e.g. photo competition on Instagram, ‘vote’ for your favourite footy jumper on Facebook; match updates on Twitter; breaking news story on website/Facebook/Twitter; program clip on YouTube etc.).
The Insurance Company, AAMI ran a campaign with the AFL highlighting ‘clangers’ by the fans. The ‘Fansurance’ campaign was a competition to help fans who have had any mishaps at a footy game or at home watching AFL . The campaign was to get fans to submit such ‘mishaps’ to a website to into the running to win tickets and a gift card to the 2022 AFL Grand Final. The campaign ran predominantly on TV and YouTube but featured on other social media platforms such as Instagram. The Instagram part of the campaign was getting various AFL Players to post to their stories their ‘player picks’ that was choosing which clanger they thought was the best. Below is an example of Josh Dunkley’s post. 
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(Image above: Josh Dunkley’s message to his followers promoting the campaign, (Instagram.com, 2022). 
(Image below: Dunkley’s call-to-action to his followers to enter the competition, (Instagram.com,2022). 
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▪ Who is leading the campaign and who is involved (e.g. a sporting organisation, an athlete or a corporate organisation as part of a sponsorship).
Leading the campaign is AAMI insurance followed closely by AFL as the ‘clangers’ were all in a footy setting/involved AFL. 
▪ What are the major tools being used (e.g. video, image, text, competition, poll, audio etc.).
The major tool being used is comedic videos, engaging videos that viewers can relate to and contribute to. As well as, the incentive of a competition is a major tool to increase engagement, as viewers are more likely to contribute to a campaign if they are likely to get something out of it. 
▪ Where they saw it and if/how they engaged with it (e.g. like/comment/shared the content, entered a competition, watched a video on the YouTube channel, watch a sports broadcast on a digital platform etc.)
I came across this campaign as an ad on YouTube and later on TV during an AFL game. 
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(Image above: Screenshot from the predominant video of the campaign shown on Youtube). 
▪ Critical reflection (how does this relate to what we’ve discussed in class? Where possible, link it to the subject topics that we’ve focussed on in our lectures and tutorials. Also state what you think about the social media activity: i.e. was it an effective competition? Was it a good image? Did it provide you with a positive experience? Was the video engaging? Did you engage with it? Was the content interesting
This week we looked at social media’s purpose, strategies and tactics. This campaign in particular used relatable incidents, such as sauce on clothes, or not putting down the seat at a footy game, as a tactics to engage consumers as they are likely to have been through the same thing. Furthermore this can be seen as a strategy to engage consumers/footy fans/ AAMI customers of all ages and demographics. These experiences can be universal, therefore the audience for this campaign reaches a wider consumer base, in comparison to making it something only kids or adults might experience. Finally, this campaign shows the purpose of social media as its creating engagement from followers or viewers whilst also acting as a promotion for AAMI Insurance. 
Personally this campaign was done well and effective as it was spoken about among footy crowds and was shown on a regular basis.  
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daikenkki · 2 years
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anonymousleekao3 · 3 years
Chapters: 1/? Fandom: Clangers, Star Trek, Star Trek: The Next Generation Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Characters: Major Clanger (Clangers) Additional Tags: Crossovers & Fandom Fusions, Loneliness, Space Flight, Major Clanger must have got his military title from somewhere Series: Part 1 of The Search for Soup Summary:
After total defeat, Major Clanger does his best to find sanctuary for his people. But in the end, he must trust to fate and the future.
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princeluckybug13 · 4 years
@mean-scarlet-deceiver wanted to see my timeline, so here it is! Obviously this is for the Skarloey Railway and is completely based on my canon. So this is not meant to be super accurate to the any actual timeline. Hopefully this makes some semblance of sense, and I did rearrange many episodes (that are getting major overhauls). Feel free to ask any questions, and I’ll do my best to answer!
(ps Jobey, the project was just my horrible abomination of my “Murphy’s Law” AU lol) 
Crosspatch (1864)
Bucking Bronco/The Grand Opening (1865)
Rheneas and the Dinosaur/Push Me, Pull You (1866)
The Old Bridge (1867)
Stick-in-the-Mud (1868)
Skarloey Storms Through (1871)
Wharf and Peace (1874)
Missing Trucks/Missing Cars (1875)
 Skarloey Remembers (May 1952)
Sir Handel (May 1952)
Peter Sam and the Refreshment Lady (May 1952)
Old Faithful (June 1952)
A Smooth Ride (1953)
The Refreshment Lady's Tea Shop/The Refreshment Lady's Stand (1953)
 Rusty Saves the Day (1957)
Which Way Now? (1957)
Trucks (1958)
Home at Last (1958)
Rock n Roll (1958)
Little Old Twins (1959)
Dunkin' Duncan (1959)
Trusty Rusty (1959)
 Special Funnel (January 1961)
Steamroller (March 1961)
Passengers and Polish (July 1961)
Gallant Old Engine (July 1961)
Duncan Does it All (May 1962)
The Runaway Elephant (1962)
Duncan Drops a Clanger (1962)
Rusty to the Rescue (February 1963)
Duck and Dukes  (June 1964)
Sleeping Beauty (August 1964)
 Patience is a Virtue (1982)
Peter Sam and the Prickly Problem (1982)
Pop Special (May 1983)
Sir Handel Comes Home (April 1984)
Fearless Freddie (May 1984)
Ding-a-Ling (June 1984)
The Party Surprise (December 1984)
 The Magic Lamp (August 1988)
Mountain Marvel (September 1988)
Duncan Gets Spooked (October 1988)
Rusty and the Boulder (September 1989)
Toby's Discovery (October 1989)
 Speedkiller (April 1996)
Dirty Water (May 1996)
Sir Handel's Plan (May 1996)
I Name This Engine… (September 1996)
Ivo(Skarloey) the Brave ( December 1996)
Cool Truckings (January 2005)
Whistle Trouble/Tuneful Toots (March 2005)
Wash Behind Your Buffers (April 2005)
Mighty Mac (July 2005)
Duncan and the Hot Air Balloon (July 2006)
Duncan’s Bluff (August 2006)
Duncan and the Old Mine (November 2006)
 Don't Bother Victor! (April 2012)
Blue Mountain Mystery (October 2012)
The Switch (July 2013)
Luke's New Friend (August 2013)
Duncan and the Grumpy Passenger (September 2014)
Duncan the Humbug (December 25, 2014)
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beyond-far-horizons · 4 years
Rhythm of War non-spoiler final thoughts
Okay wow so I’ve finished Rhythm of War! When I should have been doing my course work...hmm
Wow. I still don’t know how to feel about it. It was a real rollercoaster, that’s for sure, there were many fistpump moments, many ‘oh sh*t no’ moments and lots of juicy meta stuff. 
Navani, Kaladin, Adolin, Shallan, Jasnah and Dalinar all had their arcs and moments esp the first two. I felt Shallan and Adolin had some fantastic bits but were rather over-shadowed by the final section.
Navani shines in this book, I absolutely love her. It is wonderful to see such a multifaceted older female character get the arc they deserve. She’s allowed to be what she is - brilliant scholar, queen, mother, wife, child of Honor and she has an amazing foil too which I won’t spoil. Let’s just say the opposing side really gets fleshed out and we learn alot more about the singers and through them Roshar itself. 
Talking of Roshar and the deeper meaning, there are moments it is just beautiful. It really touches you, does what Epic Fantasy should - gives you the sweeping visas, the wonder, the terror and then those quiet deep moments of realisation. How Brandon weaves the levels of magic systems into this is just masterly. 
Kaladin fans like me are going to be pleased because he fills this book yet again but it is a bumpy ride both for him and scared characters like Shallan, Brandon doesn’t shy away from wounds life has inflicted upon them. Adolin is a treasure and I grow fonder of him each book (although yes I’m still disappointed about Shadalin okay, no i will not get over it!)
Nice to see more of Bridge Four too, you’ll know what I mean when you read it, there’s some interesting surprising in here both from them and the singer flashbacks that give you a more rounded view of the previous books. Also from Shallan’s arc. 
#FuckMoash #NoRedemption I hate with Odium levels of hatred right now.
There’s a very interesting new pairing which will raise eyebrows (mine were definitely raised). I won’t spoil it though. Brandon very cleverly uses the established worldbuilding to make it a lot hotter than it has any right to be or that Brandon would ever write otherwise, which deserves some appreciation even if you aren’t into it. I think I am though, the narrative def makes it work although I’m...wary....for reasons...It may p*ss some people off though who had strong convictions about one of the characters’ shipping choices or orientation. I for one felt it was a very valid possibility given how they’d expressed themselves previously and also how this manifests in our world shall we say. I think Brandon in this and other things is continuing to do his research, listen to readers and betas etc and develop as an inclusive, nuanced writer which is fantastic. 
That being said there were still some clangers for me. I’m not an out in out fangirl of Sanderson although I do really enjoy the cosmere books. I find his haphazard inclusion of modernisms to be sloppy and jarring. Also we do get several unwitty, rambling ‘Wittisms’ (I do like Hoid, I just want to like him more as this character archetype is one of my favourites, yet sometimes Brandon writes him in just an...unfunny way...sorry just my 2 cents.) And there is a section where a certain hero is tortured and tempted that could have been much better executed in my opinion. Similarly the time skip and the underuse of certain characters was a bit frustrating. However there were many more great sections and the pace is fairly fast, if a little choppy. Much faster than WoK for sure. 
There’s def more magic system and cosmere revelations and Brandon really seems to know the science behind his stuff which can be confusing but also impressive. I’m really interested to see how these things will be taken on in other cosmere books.
There’s alot more to say but finally...something big happens towards the end that I am....not sure how to feel about. It has major implications for the end of the series and the rest of the cosmere. Brandon certainly wrongfoots you and changes the game in interesting ways but...I’m not sure I like it. I’m not sure I’m in board with it. It is an exciting twist for sure - you’ll be swept along, but long term...hmm. No matter what happens there is trouble ahead for our heroes both in Roshar and beyond but there is much to cheer about.
Overall hmm prob 3.5 to 4 stars out of 5. It’s a great ride, all you expect from a Stormlight book but that twist at the end took the edge off for me.
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askkrenko · 5 years
Goblin Reviews 44B: Morningtide
Ah Morningtide, the set that decided on-board effects for all the major tribes needed to be MORE complicated by remembering that all these creatures actually have TWO tribes. Really intimidating to new players, and caused a lot of confusing board states.
I love it to death, though.
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Lightning Crafter is one of my best friends. First off, complete and utter limited bomb. Lighting Crafter can easily take over the game on its own, makes combat math impossible for the opponent, and quickly kills them through a stall. In Standard it never quite took off just because it wasn’t aggro enough at 4 mana for a Goblin and Shamans never did a thing, but in Commander Lightning Crafter is part of one of my favorite combos. Why my favorite? Because it’s an infinite combo that only requires Red Goblin Creature cards, allowing easy assembly in goblin tribal. It requires Lightning Crafter, Kiki-Jiki, and any sacrifice outlet (I usually use Skirk Prospector). Once you have all three on the board, (1) tap Kiki-Jiki to create a hasty copy of Lightning Crafter. (2) With Champion, have the copy exile Kiki-Jiki. (3) Tap the copy to do 3 damage to any target. (4) Sacrifice the copy. Kiki-Jiki returns to the battlefield untapped and with haste. (5) Return to 1.  Repeat these steps until you have killed all targets you desire and probably won the game. If your opponent has Hexproof, hopefully your infinite sacrifice triggers were able to get you something good.
Now that I’m looking at this art at a larger size, can I just draw your attention to the goblin in the bottom left corner? He’s got a real storybook look to him that fits perfectly on Lorwyn and goofy faces like that are part of why I love this plane.
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Mudbutton Clanger is pure mediocre. It’s a 1/1 that’s a 2/2 about half the time when attacking. This is fine, but there’s better one-drop goblins. I could easily play him in limited if I needed the goblins, but he’d never make the cut in anything constructed.
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Prickly Boggart is a 1/1 Goblin Rogue that’s hard to block. Morningtide is a set with the Prowl mechanic. This  makes for a very good limited card and, in a prowl-heavy deck, an entirely solid Standard card. There’s not enough benefits for tagging an opponent to play it in anything bigger than that, though, but it’s something to keep in mind if you really need to hit the opponent for damage on turn two.
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Sensation Gorger feels like it should be better than it is. At 50% goblins it should be a fresh new hand every other turn or so, but in my experience it never works. Maybe I’ve just gotten unlucky. Maybe it’s better now that Scry exists. But I keep looking at that card, thinking it’s great, and then it just doesn’t work. Why don’t you work Sensation Gorger? WHY DON’T YOU WORK!? Next time: Goblins get weird.
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thehealth-guru-blog · 5 years
Buying Silver Jewelry Online
Buying silver gems online is developing increasingly prominent in the United Kingdom however there are a few insurances any online customer should remember so as to make the experience a glad one. In this article we will look at the preferences and burdens to remember should you buy silver adornments online.
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As of late as 2008, the extent of homes with a quick Internet association was low and online stores that required a great deal of data transfer capacity were not snappy enough and disappointing to utilize. For all sites that sold silver adornments online, this was a major issue since great quality photos of the items are basic if individuals visiting the website are to discover what they need. Regardless of whether you are just spending as meager as 20 pounds, it is just right that you can look at the thing instead of need to figure from a photograph the size of a postage stamp! Times change and it is currently substantially more typical for individuals to have simple access to a quick Internet association now. Truth be told, not exclusively do the open have adequate web access at home, numerous individuals are probably going to have it progressing in their cutting edge cell phone. So now the Internet customer can gain admittance to high goals item pictures and truly observe what they are buying.
One stress that a few customers may have had when buying silver adornments online was that they needed to hand over their cash before they took receipt of the products, so the first occasion when they purchased from a site it resembled giving over money to an all out more peculiar who may have been working out of his room or much another nation, probably won't have the things in stock to dispatch straight away or more regrettable still, could have failed however the site was all the while taking your cash! There are a few things that you ought to do to guarantee that your cash is shielded and that you are buying from a legit retail site. Anyway, what are your early introductions - does the site look proficient? Is it very much structured and simple to discover your way around? Or on the other hand does the shading plan look like something out of a kids' story book? Is it satisfying to take a gander at with clear content and great, clear item photos or is it stuffed with spelling blunders, linguistic clangers and senseless mix-ups?
On the off chance that it breezes through that test, at that point search for a Contact Us or About Us page that gives in any event these three things: their certifiable location, an email address and a phone number. On the off chance that the phone number is a cell phone, I would prescribe that you shouldn't buy from them. On the off chance that there is no physical location, again - don't buy from them. Be that as it may, if there is an email contact and a phone number, do feel free to get in touch with them and get some information about the items you are possibly going to buy. This will give you comfort that they are truly an expert retailer and your correspondence from them will ideally uncover that they are mindful, expert and client centered. Try not to be frightened if a phone call is welcomed with their voice message administration the same number of solid sites work to marginally unique working hours. On the in addition to side, it isn't incredible for an online retailer to support clients on open occasions or even at the end of the week. The key thing is in the event that you send an email or leave a message, how rapidly do they return to you and how they draw in with you when they do.
At that point, find them on a legitimate customer input site and check whether there are any surveys about them. In a perfect world you should discover at any rate one energetic survey and on the off chance that you can locate a few, at that point that is great news. Indeed, even the best organizations once in a while get a minority of awful criticism and reasonably you can not satisfy every one of the individuals constantly, so on the off chance that under 10% of input is awful, at that point they have breezed through the test. It tends to be said that 10% adverse reactions is extremely progressively like just 1% of shoppers, as multiple times more individuals require the push to grumble contrasted with the quantity of individuals who give pleasant remarks for incredible administration. Nothing moves faster than awful news.
Another enormous assistance when buying silver gems online is having the option to buy with a Visa. In the UK, the buyer gets a ton of assurance when buying with a Mastercard (rather than a platinum card). In the event that the online shop neglects to supply the merchandise or the products are inadequate or not as portrayed, if the retailer does not give you fulfillment you can go to your Visa supplier and they can debate the charge. In the event that you time it right, you can likewise buy the merchandise on your card and not wind up paying for it until after they have really touched base with you.
With regards to buying silver gems online, you should ensure that it is really 925 sterling silver - this demonstrates it is 92.5% silver and 7.25% amalgam, typically copper - and not a base metal that has been silver plated. It ought to be self-evident, yet disappointingly there are sites that make a special effort to suggest they are selling sterling silver when in certainty it isn't. The site should make it obvious all through the entirety of its items that they are in actuality 925 sterling silver. Any such thing must have a trademark, the number '925' engraved on it. In the event that it isn't expressed, at that point contact the site by means of telephone or email to check. On the off chance that they haven't given their phone and email contact subtleties, you won't look on their site, ideally, because of the counsel given beforehand!
It is prescribed that you additionally analyze their terms and conditions and search for the measure of their conveyance costs. A few sites will publicize low costs for products and it is just when you are buying them are you informed that there is a strong conveyance charge. A decent site is open and straightforward about both their terms and conditions and conveyance costs. The primary things that you will need to search for in the terms and conditions will be around the profits arrangement. Normally, you ought to have the option to return merchandise inside 21 days of accepting them, however a few sites may just say 14 days as their arrangement. In a perfect world this ought to be for a total discount, so in the event that this is imperative to you, at that point get affirmation ahead of time from them to state that a discount will happen, however this will more likely than not exclude a discount of any conveyance charges acquired, only the cost paid for the products you are returning, which is reasonable. A few retailers may offer just a credit note in all cases, however most will have explicit criteria for when they will constantly offer just a credit note. For instance, where there has been an erratic request for an uncommon size or kind of ring or comparable that is strange. Likewise, for cleanliness reasons, studs (with the exception of clasp on sort) are not regularly acknowledged as returnable except if they are broken or not as portrayed.
Presently, when you really come to procure the thing, there are extra things you can do to ensure the exchange has happened easily. You ought to get an email notice, in the event that you have given your right email as a major aspect of the buying procedure on the site, affirming that your buy has been effective and furthermore giving a reference number or request number or something to that affect on the off chance that you have any inquiries or concerns. You can likewise contact your Visa organization to watch that the right sum experienced with no issues. The site ought to likewise give you some thought of when the things will be with you.
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skinnyfuture-blog1 · 5 years
Buying Silver Jewelry Online
Buying silver jewelry online is developing progressively prevalent in the United Kingdom yet there are a few precautionary measures any online shopper should remember so as to make the experience an upbeat one. In this article we will inspect the focal points and impediments to remember should you buy silver jewelry online.
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As of late as best gift idea ever 2008, the extent of homes with a quick Internet association was low and online stores that required a great deal of data transfer capacity were not snappy enough and baffling to utilize. For all sites that sold silver jewelry online, this was a major issue since great quality photos of the items are basic if individuals visiting the webpage are to discover what they need. Regardless of whether you are just spending as meager as 20 pounds, it is just right that you can inspect the thing instead of need to figure from a photograph the size of a postage stamp! Times change and it is presently significantly more typical for individuals to have simple access to a quick Internet association now. Truth be told, not exclusively do the general population have adequate web access at home, numerous individuals are probably going to have it moving in their cutting edge cell phone. So now the Internet shopper can gain admittance to high goals item pictures and truly observe what they are buying.
One stress that a few shoppers may have had when buying silver jewelry online was that they needed to hand over their cash before they took receipt of the merchandise, so the first occasion when they purchased from a site it resembled giving over money to an all out more abnormal who may have been working out of his room or significantly another nation, probably won't have the things in stock to dispatch straight away or more terrible still, could have failed yet the site was all the while taking your cash! There are a few things that you ought to do to guarantee that your cash is shielded and that you are buying from a legit retail site. All in all, what are your early introductions - does the site look proficient? Is it all around structured and simple to discover your way around? Or on the other hand does the shading plan look like something out of a kids' story book? Is it satisfying to take a gander at with clear content and great, clear item photos or is it stuffed with spelling blunders, linguistic clangers and senseless mix-ups?
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Finally, Doctor Who and the Clangers Are Joining Forces
Finally, #DoctorWho and the Clangers Are Joining Forces
Classic children’s characters The Clangers are to be given a Doctor Who-themed makeover, with the news that a new range of goodies will feature one of the moon-dwelling aliens in the garb of the Fourth Doctor.
Launched to celebrate the Clangers’ 50th anniversary, the new range of ‘DoppelClangers’ items is set to feature the first eight Doctors. It’s fitting that Tom Baker’s Doctor and Major…
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falkenscreen · 5 years
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Spoiler warning: This post contains spoilers for Game of Thrones and the series finale
“I imagined a mountain of swords too high to climb, so many fallen enemies who could only see the soles of Aegon’s feet.”
And so our watch has ended. There’s a striking moment that passes ever so quickly, as so much did, in the Game of Thrones series final. Daenerys, as close as she ever was, and ever will be to what her and the show have been building towards for nine years, remarks that she thought the Iron Throne would be bigger.
The biggest show of our generation has risen and fallen on the deliverance of that as grand as we have ever seen on television. Fulfilling the promise through so many battles and letting throngs of fans down under an unprecedented weight of expectation has been par for the course, these last two seasons no less.
Dany finding what she wanted, realising it’s not as grand or quite like she hoped it would be yet still so relishing the moment is a pretty apt analogy for the show’s farewell. We didn’t need another clanger of CGI spectacle, we wanted those epic moments not centred on the scale of the world but on its characters and for the most part this is what we got.
Series finales are generally intended to do two things, provide us with a memorable conclusion, usually through an epic moment or more, and give us some closure on our characters’ arcs or where they might go from here. Game of Thrones had to do something else and like How I Met Your Mother answer the question it’s title has teased for the better part of a decade.
That epic was foisted upon us in the first half, with the latter left for rounding up those storylines awaiting their conclusion. A surprisingly happy ending teased even for Jon, left to suffer an unenviable fate; the finale is of the kind Aaron Sorkin would have had in mind from the get-go had he pitched the show.
Famous (or infamous) for delivering straightforward, happy if unchallenging endings to series, everything concludes in it’s most widely predicted manner that the bookies too saw coming. The ending(s), drawing a few very similar parallels with Return of the King, are like so many moments in that concluding chapter never so memorable as earnestly trying to reassure you that not everything was in vain. If you are not shocked, you will be content. You won’t be jolted, but you will be satisfied.
Those hoping for democracy in Westeros will be disappointed, even if the realm has come just that bit closer.
Reneging on the no prisoners approach to Westerosi that has best served the series from the start, the ending is by no means bad; just a decent opportunity to spend some time with our favourites more characteristic of early-series character building than conclusory crescendos. The best thing this finale has going for it is that no one is likely to talk about it before long, perhaps encouraging a future fandom through generations who might not watch the show should the ending be a central spoiler-ridden talking point.
Letting it down in some respects is the expository focus on ‘stories’ and Tyrion’s blatant summary to that effect. Sam delivering ‘A Song of Ice and Fire’ is perhaps the most needlessly reflexive “ah, I see what you did there” moment since one of the show’s most despised creative decisions; the gratuitous addition of Ed Sheeran. Brienne’s pencilling of Jaime’s achievements into the Kingsguard’s volume handles the theme with comparatively more elegance while coyly alluding back to a blink and you’ll miss it scene in season four so long ago.
It was too the final piece, satisfying in itself, of the distant narratives with which the show began now slotting into place. Daenerys coming so close nigh gracing the throne with her presence is a bitter moment which will even register with the majority of fans now bereft of sympathy for her; one in it’s exasperation to rival Oberyn’s death and the series’ many pivotal highs.
What this episode was about above and beyond all else however was Jon. Some may take issue with his actions or say killing Dany was out of character, yet it’s the most character-driven thing he’s done since admitting to Cersei that he’d pledged his allegiance to another Queen. Jon’s arc has always been about the conflict between ‘love and duty,’ seen masterfully on the two occasions when he forsook the former for the Watch.
Jon’s refusal to ride south to join Robb’s army nor follow Ygritte so he could go home resonated much stronger however, given we’d spent much more time on both Jon’s fealty to his family and the relationship with Ygritte. His professed love and relationship with Dany, buoyed little by two actors who have limited chemistry, like so much of these past seasons was rushed to fit in with a direction the plot ‘needed’ to go rather than any decisions these characters would likely make. When it comes down to that key moment, so many of the performers’ lines don’t strike nearly so loudly as they crucially should.  
There is some marvellous synergy regardless in Jon recalling Maester Aemon’s words (as it happens his great-great uncle) in one of the many excellent hark backs to the first season, the first episode and indeed the very first frames. They are marks of quality of a show which here reminds us just how far we have come.
Change happened inevitably to this series as the characters, actors and fans aged in tandem; no one is the same person when this show started and importantly the breadth of the story-strand spanning finale reckons with the time that has elapsed to tell this story. It too, thankfully, unlike these seasons past situates the episode in a relatively finite timeframe.
Game of Thrones is also perhaps the last show for a while that such a breadth of viewers will all watch together. There’s something profoundly bittersweet in saying goodbye to that and for all the finale’s highs and lows permitting us just a few more lighter minutes with the characters we’ve so come to know can’t and won’t ever be a bad thing.
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