doe-prince · 1 year
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spicylove4ever · 1 year
Maizel had 26 kids?!
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Zed is the youngest of 26 siblings?
How many of those did she had on her 20 years of rule? Mana City had a woman nearly constantly high on pregnancy hormones as Queen?
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thegalleonsnest · 2 years
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A big old group of good friends and partners hanging out; commission for @ennnet in joint effort with @twilightprince101 @bustersnax and @lynnesgalaxy
Definitely one of my smoother interior shot perspective pieces I’ve done, and I am very happy with how this all turned out! It was a great time working on this and I love getting to try some new texture work as well. Thank you for commissioning me Ennet and I’m happy to know everyone else loved it too!
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semioticapocalypse · 2 years
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David Maizel. History's Shadow GM12. 2010
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h0neywheat · 2 years
headcanon that Micah is type of student that is really cool with his teachers & seems to always get greeted by other students in the halls when changing classes?
REAL. Micah honestly can get along with just about anyone so long as they aren’t rude and don’t ignore him. He’s charismatic, a super active listener, a chill, nonchalant guy, and really easy to get along with. It’d be a shame if he met some one that saw right through that charisma and “go with the flow” attitude…someone equally charismatic but challenges his easy going attitude. That would be weird. Good thing someone like that doesn’t go to his school, am I right?
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ronnydeschepper · 9 months
De peperbus van nonkel Miele (59): anti-zionistische joden
Joden en zionisten, één zelfde strijd? Dat is wat de leiders van de (uiterst) rechtse regering van premier Benjamin Netanhayu willen doen geloven. Het dient om hun misdaden en genocide tegen de Palestijnen te rechtvaardigen en elke criticus te criminaliseren als antisemiet. Prof. José Antonio Egido beschrijft dat veel Joden zich keren tegen het agressieve zionisme.  Hij neemt ons mee in een korte…
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wfodicks · 1 year
mike, travis and drunk are joined this week by john jamingo of the boomer bunker podcast. they discuss the following topics…. the bud light thing (here’s an article about the esg thing john talked about) the denver airport says we can’t kick people in the nuts any more…. steely and cleevie vs. pretty much everybody…. the king of cola reviews wbc maraschino cherry cola: 8.2 thanks to myster…
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matan4il · 4 months
Happy Pride month to all Jews and our true allies.
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On this occasion, as someone who used to volunteer for the Jerusalem Open House (the gay community center) let me offer you a bit of info about our country's LGBTQ history (and correct some anti-Israel distortions).
This is Chaim (Herman) Cohen.
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He was born in Germany in 1911, and came to Israel in 1930, to study torah at a yeshiva here. Inspired by his Jewish studies, he decided to turn to the study of law, returning to Germany for that goal and to get married. In 1933, with the rise of the Nazis to power in Germany, he decided to move to Israel permanently. In that sense, he's considered a refugee and Holocaust survivor. His younger brother Leo was murdered by the Nazis.
In 1950, he was appointed Israel's attorney general. In this role, he came across an anti-sodomy law passed by the British Mandate in 1936 (which prohibited all oral and anal sex, including between two men), and which the State of Israel automatically inherited once it was founded in 1948 (source in Hebrew). First he wanted to cancel it, but his jurisdiction fell short of that. As it was within his authority to instruct the Israeli police and state prosecution to ignore it, he did so in 1953. He explained his instruction:
"I thought it was my duty not to uphold a law, which I saw as immoral. [...] And if you should ask, in what is the immorality of the law prohibiting intercourse between men, I will reply to you that such a law against any consenting and private contact between adults contradicts the freedom of man over his own body, and depriving this freedom is a grave infringement against one of the basic human rights."
For comparison's sake, in March 1952, Alan Turing (who saved countless lives for the UK and the allies during WWII) was brought to trial for homosexual consensual private acts, was convicted, and his security clearance was revoked.
In 1978, a special committee of the Knesset (Israel's parliament) recommended several changes to laws addressing various sexual acts, including a recommendation to cancel this anti-sodomy law. In 1980, Israel's first right wing government, under the leadership of Prime Minister Menachem Begin, accepted the committee's recommendations with a corresponding bill (which eventually didn't pass). The bill was presented a second time in 1986, and was passed into law in 1988, decriminalizing same-sex intercourse in Israel (source in Hebrew).
For comparison's sake, in 1990, there were still over 110 jurisdictions in the world criminalizing homosexuality in the world. In the 2020's, RIGHT NOW, there are over 60 that still do.
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This is Dr. Doron Maizel (may his memory be a blessing) on the left, with his partner Adir Steiner.
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Doron was an army doctor. He was married to a woman with whom he had 3 daughters, before coming out to her in the late 1970's, getting a divorce and eventually openly moving in with his partner Adir. They were together since 1983. Being open about his sexual orientation meant that while Doron was allowed to serve, the same notion that gay men are a security threat (which was applied to Alan Turing), and therefore can't be allowed to serve in top/secret posts in the army, was to stop the promotion that he was about to get. Doron went to visit Ariel Sharon (at the time, Israel's right wing Security Minister, who's in charge of the army) in the latter's private home. IDK what was said in that meeting, but after that, Adir underwent the security check that all partners of a high ranking army officer do, and then Doron got his promotion. When Doron passed away in 1991 from cancer, Adir demanded to be and was recognized as an army widower. Doron's official army commemoration page states, "Left behind a mother, three daughters, a brother and a boyfriend."
Here's Adir with Doron's picture during a 2012 interview:
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In 1993, the army order that were meant to prevent Doron and other gay soldiers from serving in certain posts was officially canceled. In 1999, a soldier born as male asked to serve as a woman, because that's what she actually was (this would have made this soldier's service shorter, and in that sense "cost" the army). The request was accepted, and since then, trans soldiers serve in the gender they identify with.
The story of Israel's LGBTQ rights isn't only glitter and fairies. Just like I can talk about a lot of progress that the state made in equalizing our rights in many domains (because I have), I could also talk about the rights we still don't have (because I've done that, too). The situation here isn't perfect (though as far as I'm aware, it isn't anywhere in the world, there are at least a few rights denied to the queer community in every country I know of). But when I look at our history, I feel like Israel isn't just one of the more queer-friendly countries in the world, it was also at certain moments at the very forefront of the struggle to recognizing queer people as deserving of equal treatment.
Which is maybe the most instinctual reason for my fury at the form of the Israel's demonization using the false notion of "pink washing." It is DERANGED to think Chaim Cohen, in 1953, gave his pro-gay instruction in relation to an occupation that Israel wasn't being blamed of until after the Six Day War in 1967, and which didn't gain attention from the regular people (as opposed to foreign politicians, who didn't give a shit about Israel's record on gay rights) until the Derben Conference in 2000. Not to mention how the idea that having a good gay rights record is something a country can brag about is probably even younger than that conference.
The pink washing accusation is de-humanizing. It suggests that it can't be that Israelis simply have a set of values which happens to align with the west's when it comes to the gay community (or women's rights, or ecological awareness, or freedom of speech, or any of the other positives Israel has, which position it high in the Freedom Index, and which anti-Israel activists label "washing" with one color or another). No, the history of these fields in the Jewish state is all about what non-Jews will say about us! It's like you can't fathom that we have an existence of our own, and minds of our own, and desires and wants and struggles of our own, and not everything is centered about what you think of us.
And the source of this self-centered thinking seems to connect with an inability to accept the Jewish state as anything other than the ultimate evil. Because Israel has to be the supervillain of the story, then it can't have a single positive. Everything about it has to be black, otherwise that challenges the black and white narrative that's been developed to demonize the Jewish state. So if it is revealed that there's any domain in which Israel is actually doing good things, reflecting a respect for human rights or a closeness to the values that the anti-Israel crowd claims to uphold, then it must be just a cover up for how Israel treats the Palestinians.
Essentially, the pink/purple/green/whatever washing accusations are as insane and antisemitic, just like claiming that Jews have won so many Nobel Prizes (a reflection of how much our people have benefited humanity) to distract the world from all the non-Jewish kids we kill to use their blood to bake Passover matzos.
But it's actually worse. Because in the process of demonizing Israel, Israeli Arab and Palestinian queers get thrown under the bus, too. As a gay activist, I'm familiar with so many gay and trans Israeli Arabs who get to have a good life thanks to Israel's good gay rights record, who are aware that if the anti-Israel crowd is successful in de-legitimizing and destroying this state, they're fucked as well. I know a lot of gay and trans Palestinians, who only catch a break when they come to the Jerusalem Open House, or generally to Israel, the only place where they can be themselves safely. I know so many queer Palestinians who are scared for their lives because of the violent intolerance of their own families, society and governments. And all the western countries from which the anti-Israel people come from refuse them entry as refugees persecuted for their sexual orientation (yes, I have gay Palestinian friends who have tried, only to be turned down by country after country, no matter how "liberal" or "pro-Palestinian" they officially claim to be).
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Meanwhile, gay Palestinians can get temporary asylum in Israel (please don't tell me it's "pink washing" again, when no one from the anti-Israel crowd will even acknowledge this fact) if they fear for their lives, it's just not a proper solution, because just like Palestinian terrorists can get into Israel, carry out an attack and murder innocent civilians, Palestinian homophobes can get inside as well, and murder the queer people who had fled here.
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And just to make reality a tad more complex, you know how for the anti-Israel crowd, the worst of the worst of Israeli society, are the religious ("Fanatic! Extremist! Violent!") settlers? I know of more than one case where those religious settlers are the ones who are helping gay Palestinians, but here's one that made it into the Israeli news.
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Life is just not black and white, human nature is complex, Israel is a country where human beings are more than just their stance on the conflict and whether foreigners agree with it or not, and the "pink washing accusation" black and white washes all our colors away, trying to reduce us into caricatures that fit into their simplistic, reductive narrative, so they can go on playing "white/western/outsider savior" to the "poor Palestinians" without actually caring about many of the poorest, most marginalized ones.
This vid isn't a representation of all gay Israeli Arabs, but it's def a voice you will not see acknowledged on the anti-Israel side:
Happy Pride to everyone seeing us, all of us, Israelis and Palestinians, queer and straight, with all of our humanity and complexity!
(for all of my updates and ask replies regarding Israel, click here)
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starrysimsie · 5 months
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Hey everyone! Today I'm sharing Maizel form gen 3.5 of my insta story! I've gotten so much love for her and requests to use her so I figured I would just share with all of you!
NECESSARY: Hair | Hair 2 | Eyes | Skin | Skin Tone | Cellulite
SKIN DETAILS:  Freckles | Tummy | Hairline | Moles | Eyelids | Eyebrows | Blush
MAKEUP: Eyeliner | Lashes | Lips 
CLOTHES: Shirt | Pants | Shoes | Swimsuit
ACCESSORIES Earrings | Body Blush | Waist Beads | Nails | Sunglasses | Earrings
For instructions on how to install this sim into your game and a full T.O.U, please check the contents of the zip file!
To creators: If you’d like your cc removed, please DM me here or on Instagram @starrysimsie​.  I do not make a profit off of these sims.
Please tag me on Instagram @starrysimsie if you use them! I love to read & share your posts on my story!
Keep reading for the download link:
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Tag me if you use my sim! (@starrysimsie)
Don't claim my sim as your own!
Please do not change skin details ( that includes eyes, freckles, skin tone, skin details, facial details, tattoos, body type)
Feel free to change names, clothes, & traits
✨ ✨ ✨ ✨ ✨ ✨
Download here (Patreon, Free)
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To the people who look up at the stars and wish.
@maxismatchccworld  @softpinefinds
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purringfayestudio · 1 year
Like the corn she's named after, Maizel the cross fox is a symbol of fall. Handmade with faux fur and airbrushed with acrylic paints, she's life-size, weighted and floppy.
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She's not up for adoption but she'll be coming with me to an upcoming renaissance faire, so if you see her come say hi!
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thesporkidentity · 1 year
god i'm so glad i can LISTEN to mr. swales this year, i struggled trying to parse bramothy's attempts at transcribing dialects last time. the slang and the word choice isn't so hard, but realizing that "masel" is supposed to be a phonetic spelling of him saying "myself" and not some mystery word pronounced "maizel" is what really trips me up. it's SO much easier being able to actually HEAR someone speak it aloud, and his voice is so lovely to listen to, too
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lunarcavalier · 1 year
I was trying to explain who Oscar Isaac is to my mom for the zillionth time the other day bc i really want to go see him in the play he’s in on Broadway rn before it closes (go check it out, it’s called The Sign in Sidney Brustein’s Window and he’s in it with Rachel Brosnahan of Marvelous Mrs. Maizel) and i was pulling up photos of him on google images and i found one from Moon Knight of him as Steven, and then i was like “ok so that’s Steven, wait, now i need to find a photo of Marc and a photo of Jake” as if they’re not all played by the same guy with the same face. But they don’t feel like the same guy, which is obviously the point and what makes him such a good actor, you can look at a photo of him from that show and instantly know which character he’s playing. I’m still incensed that he didn’t even get nominated for any awards, much less win any, for Moon Knight, he played three different people! In one show!
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damistrolls · 4 months
purple, long hair, goes by the name maizel maybe?
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"I'm surprised you know about that. Yeah, I know that guy. Why do you bring him up?"
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pixelmain · 10 months
The marvelous Mrs Maizel is so funny to me for a specific reason. Like yeah the comedy part is funny and all. And I keep forgetting like what time this is in. But my favorite part has to be the aspect of the kids. She says how one of the biggest thing to her is being a mom. When is she a mom? The kids are barely mentioned and half the time they only talk about the boy. They legit just forgot about the baby in the car. I say forgot but it looks like they left her there on purpose. “Bring the baby and the mop” WHY DODNT YOU BRING THE BABY!?”
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abookisafriend · 1 year
fantastically late reviews
everything everywhere all at once: five out of five hot dogs
this is my favorite movie i've seen in years. it combines all the best elements of a family drama and a psychotic break.
it starts out as a very relatable family slice of life and slowly -- and you will not believe that this is slow when you get to that point in the movie but trust me, it goes even FURTHER -- turns into a genuinely psychedelic experience WITHOUT losing the relatable human dimension. how can a film that starts with a family doing their taxes turn into a scifi action movie? just trust me. it's also at turns funny and genuinely poignant.
another dimension that i have to praise is the FASHION! from the moment the main antagonist appears, she kicks the fashion stakes up to eleven. whoever designed these costumes deserves an award. (shirley kurata: she was nominated for an academy award, but didn't win. she DID win the costume designers guild award for excellence in sci-fi/fantasy film, though! much deserved) the main antagonist's costumes are to die for. overall, the film got a lot of positive recognition; it practically swept the academy awards. stephanie hsu was ROBBED of the best supporting actress award, though! she's one of my favorite actors (i first noticed her in the marvelous mrs maizel), and this movie only cemented that.
i don't want to give anything else away. it took me a long time to get to this movie because i don't know how to just sit down and watch something, the wind has to be just right and the moon has to be in the correct phase or something, but i'm asking you: please, if you haven't already seen this movie, sit down and give it a chance.
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uswnt5 · 1 year
I am a horrible tv watcher and started marvelous Mrs. Maizel a few years back and loved it but never finished it. May have to go back now
do it!
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