#maitreyi jokhar
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hobiebrownismygod · 1 year ago
Hobie getting angry headcanons
Based off of @hei-chans post <3 check them out they're cool
tw: these are mostly him with my Sona (Maitreyi 🥰)
he doesn't get angry often he's a pretty chill guy and fairly nonviolent
except the moment he gets pushed over the edge his whole demeanor changes and he can go berserk
now before you get mad at me for saying that just think about it
he's spider-man and obviously gonna be fairly stressed considering how he's completely by himself trying to take down Osborne's regime in his universe
and he's pretty okay with violence in his comics (he gets drunk before fights too)
so when he gets angry I like to think he gets angry
its like that silent anger where he's just seething and glaring at the person who did whatever they did
the kind of glare that makes you cower and squirm and subconsciously feel guilty even if you didn't do anything
things that make him mad are usually people being stupid, as in being really brash and overconfident about something and not being openminded about other opinions
trying to tell someone what to do when they didn't ask
putting other people down for not knowing something
or any vulgar comments about a person's appearance or personality
they all give him the ick and he immediately goes into anger mode when it happens
when Maitreyi came to his universe for the first time he took her to his favorite pub and one of his friends started talking to her like she was stupid, mansplaining, making fun of her accent, her clothes, whatever, and hobie got so mad that he kicked the guy out and never spoke to him again
he's a huge feminist so if anyone ever tries to mansplain something to her he'll never talk to them again (but he let's her handle herself in those situations cuz he knows she can)
another example is when somebody tried to hit on gwen while she was staying at his place in her universe and didn't stop even after she got uncomfortable so hobie literally kicked his ass and bought his drummer ice cream to make up for it
pavitr gets bullied sometimes in his universe by people who make fun of his accent and clothes (he's from a small town so he has a different accent than the others in Mumbattan) so hobie pulled a kdrama move, pulled his mask on and absolutely beat their asses (they never bothered pavi again <3)
like I said he doesn't get angry often but when someone goes too far he makes sure they know it
whether its by beating their ass or cutting them off
and once you get on his bad side its hard to come back from that
its hard to make him dislike you but once he does he probably won't like you again
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congrats on getting this far down have a hobie
@daydreaming-en-pointe I thought you'd like these also @spidey-bie I wonder how he'd act if someone was being rude to ansi? would he get mad or would he let them handle it? im curious
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The 3 Idiots - Nikita, Maitreyi, Pavitr
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My spidersona Nikita, @hobiebrownismygod ‘s sona Maitreyi, and Pavitr!! <3
(btw I used green for Maitreyi bc I’ve seen u put her name in green in ur masterlists so I hope you don’t mind!! ^^)
For anyone who doesn’t know, the name 3 Idiots comes from a Bollywood film of the same name with another rly funny trio
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daydreaming-en-pointe · 1 year ago
Posting this again here
I drew @hobiebrownismygod ’s spidersona Maitreyi :D
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hobiebrownismygod · 1 year ago
hobie seeing Maitreyi cry for the first time
So, I've already talked about how much my girl Maitreyi has gone through. She lost basically everyone she cared about from her mentor to her girlfriend to her entire childhood. But, she doesn't like to show it because she's been taught from a young age that emotions have consequences. So, instead of showing them, she pents up her emotions to the point where every month or two she has to literally lock herself up, curl into a ball and just let it all out for a day until she feels better.
At some point, she just can't take it anymore. The voices, the guilt, the pain, she can't hide it from the people around her. So, she goes to one of the rooms in the HQ, (Miguel knows about her problem so he has a room set up for her), and just lets all hell break loose.
She goes absolutely feral, breaking everything in the room, punching walls, throwing things, screaming and ripping. She treats it like a rage room.
Because she's a spider-person, her hormones also take control of her emotions and she can get very animalistic.
At some point, she just physically won't be able to take it anymore and she'll just lie on the ground until she finds the energy to stand again and thats her stress relief
she doesn't tell anyone what she does, she just tells them to stay out of that room for that day or two or to just leave her alone. She doesn't want people to know or get worried or even be around her when that happens because she's scared she might hurt someone. She wasn't bit by a spider naturally, it was injected into her, so sometimes she can't control her emotions or even herself. (Kind of like how Miguel wasn't able to control himself when he went after Miles)
at one point hobie gets curious about what shes doing so he installs some sort of makeshift camera in there to see whats going on cuz she won't tell him or anyone. He doesn't want to infringe on her privacy but he's just so curious as to what goes on in there and why she's so adamant about nobody knowing.
And thats when he finds out. He sees her absolutely destroying herself, showing a side of herself that he's never seen before and he's absolutely shocked. But, being the caring person he is, the first thing that pops into mind is that he has to help her
He approaches her, hands up in a defensive position, eyes wide as he tries to calm her down. Shes telling him to leave, telling him that he's gonna get hurt, but he doesn't listen (brat) and he webs her and pulls her toward him. She's struggling, clawing, biting with her fangs but he just dodges and doesn't let go. He just holds her.
Eventually she breaks down and completely collapses out of exhaustion and he just sits there and holds her while she cries, ugly cries, like just full on pent up frustration pouring out of her body
She calms down eventually and kind of just sits there quietly, her senses returning to her as she mumbles apologies to him for how she'd acted. But he doesn't even care, he just kind of smiles at her and rests his chin on the top of her head.
Because you don't need to talk and kiss to show your affection. Affection can be shown just through something like a hug. And thats how they both show their affection. Silent hugs and being physically close.
Thought this was cute :p. God I'm so touch starved
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hobiebrownismygod · 1 year ago
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Maitreyi Jokhar Moodboard
@daydreaming-in-the-spiderverse your moodboard for niki inspired me to make one of my own <3
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hobiebrownismygod · 1 year ago
the reason why Maitreyi is such a hopeless romantic is cuz Steve used to tell her about how he met Peggy Carter, the woman of his dreams. I mean Steve is obsessed with Peggy, he literally broke the timeline just so he could go be with her so I can imagine he'd talk about her a lot. He'd just constantly be talking about those few months he'd spent with her during the war, repeating himself countless times, but the way he describes those moments is so specific that its almost poetic.
and thats when Maitreyi fell in love with the idea of falling in love
I mean, any teenage girl would absolutely fawn over the idea that somebody could care so much about them that their every waking moment was spent thinking about them. That's how Steve felt about Peggy and Maitreyi hoped that one day she'd find someone who felt that way about her. After all, she's never felt that kind of love before.
so when she met Hobie for the first time she was completely awestruck cause not only is he BEAUTIFUL but he's just the coolest person ever and he's so up-front about his beliefs and his likes and dislikes and she found his confidence so fucking awesome
She's out here thinking about him and giggling like this
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cuz she just wants that love story so bad
He's something so new to her, something so refreshing. Its not just about the way he looks, its also about the way he holds himself, the way he makes her feel so comfortable and free. Its the way she finds herself telling him things that she'd never tell anyone else. Its the way she realizes that shes head over heels for him.
I mean even if she is spider-man, even if she is a spy and an agent, she's still a teenage girl yk
she wants to experience the stuff teenage girls do
prom, hugging, first love, she's just obsessed with the idea of romance because she never got to feel that. ever.
she just wants to find her prince
and she hopes its hobie
hehe oc shenanigans
@daydreaming-en-pointe @fairytalespider
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hobiebrownismygod · 1 year ago
Y'all out here arguing about canon ships meanwhile we out here shipping Hobie with everything single one OC I come across.
I'm serious. So uhhh here's
Hobie's Beaus - Hobie x Fandom!OCs Headcanons
[headcanons about my OC and other OCs who are emotionally involved with Hobie being besties]
It's not even like 'Oh him and Diane have a separate storyline universe-'
No they all have a unique and separate relationship with him. No they're not poly. Hobie is just everywhere where he needs to be. Even if it means being two places at once.
Hobie doesn't believe in logic.
Ansi sleeps in his bed nearly every night. When Mariah is there she'll take the couch or floor and they'll have a sleep over but Ansi is there way more and it's not unusual to hear Ansi in the background when Diane calls Hobie on the UniPhone (phone Hobie made her so they can talk across universes) or Ansi being the one to pick up the phone.
When Mariah and Ansi have bad flares the same day they lay around the boathouse and Hobie becomes the residential maid for the day.
It usually ends up with them watching The Princess Bride, the First Star Wars, or Halloween (the last two being Mariahs comfort movies)
Diane goes to Hobie's shows and vice versa - but he also hours to Josephine's show every Friday, and picks her up after practice when he can.
When Asa's kids run up to Diane asking for their mommy Diane knows that means they need Hobie
Wade Ansi and Diane be sitting on Hobies bedroom floor gushing about him and how cool he is then Hobie comes back in the room with the pizza like 'what are y'all talking about'
And they're like 'not u. loser...as if' because they all love him to death but they all think he's a dork
Diane standing next to Maitreyi at the food court and catches her looking at Hobie and she loudly goes "You have a crush on Hobie???!!! Me too 😄 You should join our Hobie fanclub!! For people who have LOVE him and crushes on Hobie-"
And Maitreyi is probably like "sis keep it down before he hears you PLEASE 😭"
His place is DROWNING in their stuff. Jo's ballet gear and pointe shoes on his dresser, Diane's makeup COVERS his bathroom counter. Maitreyi goes all out for Diwali on the boathouse.
They all hang out together and it's a SWELL ASS TIME.
Diane and Jo are both performers so sometimes they use the training rooms as dance practice rooms and run into each other.
The gang will be in a random disagreement about something like whether you put ketchup in the fridge or not and they'll call Asa to be the tiebreaker
Maitreyi may not be the most friendly but neither is Hobies MJ Mariah, so Mariah tries to be friends by sitting in silence with her. Chilling.
Mariah and Wade are both talkative as HELL so the two of them will talk up a storm and Hobie can hardly get a word in
All the SpiderBeaus eat lunch together with him and once a week they all have dinner on the houseboat with Wade and Mariah
There are no shipping wars we have ascended. All of this at once in my head
[OCs mentioned:
Disco-Spider Diane, Mariah-Janet Waters Earth-138
@spidey-bie's Ansi
@qirarey123's Josephine
@autisticarach's Asa
@thewolfsoul's Wade
@hobiebrownismygod's Maitreyi
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hobiebrownismygod · 1 year ago
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@daydreaming-en-pointe ITS NIKIS BESTIEEE
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hobiebrownismygod · 1 year ago
What does your sona look like?
first her suit:
her suit is all black and grey with a yellow belt
it’s based off the suit black widow wore in her movie and she wears a mask that is nothing like the Spider-Man mask. Instead her mask looks like the winter soldier mask with a gas mask part of it that covers the eyes
her gloves are fingerless to make it easier to latch onto surfaces with her sticky abilities and her webs are organic (but she doesn’t have a lot of them)
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She’s a cool skin tone between almond and chestnut
She has really dark brown eyes but they kind of lighten a little in the sun (if u have brown eyes ykw im talking about) and they’re like fairly big and she’ll wear kajal to kind of accentuate them but nothing else (makeup irritates her skin(she’ll wear it at an event though))
she also wears her hair in a braid cuz she’s desi and her hair falls to like her mid-back but a little higher up when it’s braided
she’s 5’4 or 5’5 I can’t remember completely but she’s like average Indian women height
she has a lean muscular build cuz she works out a lot and practices fighting in the conditioning center at HQ (Miguel definitely helps her train once in a while) she’s also hard as a rock cuz of all this and constantly sore (hobie always gives her back massages if she needs it)
and I’m super glad you asked I love talking about her <33
her spider name is The Widow
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hobiebrownismygod · 1 year ago
Just thinking about my OC - Maitreyi Jokhar
What does she do in her free time?
She's not a musician. She likes music but not the point where she'd play it. She sings, but not often, and even then she's not that good. Hobie's tried to teach her how to play guitar but she's not the best at it. She's not patient enough.
She likes dancing and music. She can breakdance. She knows some of the more popular hip-hop moves. She listens to rap. She listens to Polo G, Travis Scott, Jack Harlow, Eminem's older songs, etc. Sure she listens to it in her free time, but its not what she does.
Nah. She trains.
She was trained from an extremely young age to be a SOLDIER.
That kind of shit sticks with a person
She practices what she knows every single day. She goes to the Spider Society's training center every single day and practices on the dummies, on punching bags, on the different holograms of various Spider-man villains.
She practices every style she was trained in. Karate, Judo, Kung-fu, wrestling. She boxes, she fences, you name it, she does it.
When she's not practicing, she's learning.
She taught herself Kalaripayattu, an Indian martial arts form which she forced Pav to help her with. She learns how to handle various different weapons, whether they're giant swords or tiny knives. Pav taught her how to use a spear. A different Spider-person taught her how to use nunchucks.
Its all she does
Because she's scared. She's so scared that it won't be enough. She's so scared that she'll lose her new friends the same way she lost her old one.
By not being fast enough. By not being strong enough.
She lost her mentor because she wasn't good enough.
She won't let that happen again.
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hobiebrownismygod · 1 year ago
in the beginning of their relationship she probably would’ve just walked out and left 💀 she’s way too shy to do that shit. She can’t even be in the same room as him without being embarrassed asf. Girly does not know how to deal with her emotions
in the later stages of their relationship neither of them would really care. They sleep in the same bed ALL THE TIME. Like Hobie literally needs her in the same room as him to fall asleep properly and she’s found that she doesn’t get nightmares when she cuddles him. So they kinda just chill and do what they do every night. They hold each other and whisper about random shit until they both fall asleep 🥺
give me Nadia
I'm bored so we're doing another tag game.
Your OC and Hobie are stuck in another dimension for the night and you won't be able to return home until the morning. They both decide to stay in a hotel for the night but gasp
There's only one room left and it has only a single King sized bed.
How does your sona react?
(If your OC isn't a spider person alter this as you like. Also if prefer to not read NSFW answers but who am I to stifle your creative expression.)
@hobiebrownismygod @wirescorner @hoe-bie @spiderwire @bearlybella @onmyownside1 @ponfarrtimeatthevulcannightclub @rintari @beantomii @fairytalespider + anyone who sees this.
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hobiebrownismygod · 1 year ago
MY OC - Maitreyi Jokhar Masterlist
Introduction - Meet Maitreyi Jokhar!
Spider-Sona Art
Universe Building
Headcanon 1 - She practices her skills in her free time
Headcanon 2 - Hobie seeing her cry for the first time
Headcanon 3 - First Diwali
Backstory Part 1
Backstory Part 2
Backstory Part 3
Backstory Part 4
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hobiebrownismygod · 1 year ago
OC/Spider-Sona Backstory: The Widow
Maitreyi Jokhar (she/her), Earth-20262, Present day, Spider-man/Black Widow variant
Part 3!
Before you read, you should probably check out Part 2 HERE first so that you understand all the lore and references I'll be making! <3
Backstory Continuation:
The serum.
The reason she had been sent to find Fury, to interrogate him, to shoot him and then to leave.
The reason she'd been sent on this mission in the first place.
It was gone.
Well, not gone...it was never replicated. After H.Y.D.R.A.'s defeat in WWII, Red Skull's death, Captain America's death, there was no way to replicate the serum. Thats what the project Maitreyi had been involved in was, a way to replicate the serum used on Captain America. But it wasn't the same. In fact, it was completely different.
And Captain America, Steve Rogers, was now a S.H.I.E.L.D. agent. Perfect. Maitreyi was now stuck going after him instead, instructed by Pierce to subdue him in order to perform as many tests on him as possible and maybe create a replica of the super-soldier serum.
The entirety of S.H.I.E.L.D had been placed on high alert after Fury's death, which would make it near impossible to properly enter and exit the headquarters without making a sound, not even considering the fact that she had to subdue the legend himself, Steve Rogers. A man that was capable of feats previously considered unachievable by man, all thanks to that damn serum.
"Identification required"
Maitreyi pulled out the card she'd stolen, the slip of laminated paper depicting the picture of an older woman in her 30s to 40s, wearing a suit and tie. Too bad she won't be getting this back, she thought to herself as she scanned the card and entered the PIN number. She entered the building wearing a well-made disguise, her hair and makeup done in order to make her seem older, more sophisticated, more like an agent. She walked past the front desk, quietly slipping into one of the various empty rooms.
The vents. She changed out of the suit, pulling it off and tossing it to the side quickly, her black uniform underneath as she pulled herself into the vents. She skillfully maneuvered her way toward the room where Mr. Goody Two Shoes was supposed to be. Surrounded by S.H.I.E.L.D agents of course, but she could deal with that later.
Silently making her way through the vents, she paused above the room where she'd drop down into, straining her ears to hear any sort of noise. Silence. Unnerving silence.
Was he even here?
She dropped down, landing on her feet and crouching down low as she scanned her surroundings. A beige-colored empty room, no windows, and a large metal door that was probably locked in front of her. Empty...except for a metallic shield in the corner. She walked toward it, kneeling down and running her finger over the rim of the blue and red cover, a small silver star right in the middle. He was here
She heard a click. Webbing herself up to the wall, she stuck onto the ceiling and covered her mouth with her hand. She watched as the door opened and a young blonde man walked in, leaning down to grab the shield that was still lying in the corner. It was him.
Her instincts kicked it. She dropped down onto him, effectively wrapping her legs around his neck and twisting backwards, slamming him into the ground. He let out a yelp but came to his senses, blocking her punches as she threw them at him one at a time.
"kid what are you-"
One of her punches made contact, sending him flying back into the wall. She approached him, and his eye caught a glimpse of a shiny object in her hand. A knife. She watched as his eyes widened and he put his hands up defensively.
"Look kid, I don't wanna hurt you" He said in a tone that made him sound like he was trying to calm down a rabid animal. How demeaning.
"Don't patronize me." She twirled the knife in between her fingers, keeping her eyes on him before she pointed it in between his eyes. "We both know what I'm here for."
Despite having a knife in the middle of his face, he didn't seem threatened in the least. "You can't have what you're here for" he said calmly, nodding his head at her as if he was talking to a little kid. "You don't have to do this, kid."
"What don't I have to do?"
"H.Y.D.R.A.'s corrupting you. The same way they do to everyone else." he reached out toward the handle of the knife to lower it from his face. "S.H.I.E.L.D. can protect you" his voice was soft, inviting.
No. She wouldn't fall for that.
She slashed at his face, just narrowly brushing the tip of the blade against the bridge of his nose, watching as a tiny dab of blood appeared and slowly began to trickle down. "You can either come with me willingly...or we can do this the hard way."
He let out a soft sigh, closing his eyes for a moment before opening them again. "Kid..."
"Don't make me repeat myself."
Silence. The two stared at each other, neither wanting to back down, both too stubborn to give in to the other.
"We can help you" He tried once again, a barely audible whisper leaving his lips.
"I can't be helped."
In an almost lightning-quick movement, he grabbed his shield, but Maitreyi quickly webbed him against the wall, knocking the shield out of his hand and kicking it to the other side of the room. As he struggled against the web, she removed what looked like a tiny vial from her side-pocket, a small needle following. She looked at the needle in her hands and back up at him. "This'll only hurt a pinch"
He succeeded in his struggling, breaking part of the web and lunging out of her way as she tried to stab the needle into his arm. Rolling to the side, he grabbed the shield quickly and threw it at her. She flipped backwards, landing on her feet as the shield slammed into the wall behind her, causing a large crack to form in the wall. She huffed in frustration before lunging at him.
He dodged her attack but she was quick on her feet, kicking his legs out from under him and kneeing him in the head in one fluid motion, causing him to let out a groan and fall backwards, the air knocked out of his lungs.
A loud gasp left his mouth as she webbed his arms to the ground once again, this time hanging him from the ceiling and webbing him up into a cocoon-like ball, shooting one last web right onto his mouth as a finale. He struggled but couldn't escape like before.
She approached him to stick the needle into his neck, despite his loud, muffled protests. But it was too late. They'd heard.
She could hear banging on the door, the metal creaking and about to give way as tens of S.H.I.E.L.D. agents poured into the room, guns in their hands and shields ready to be put to use. But she was gone, the unfilled vial stuffed in her pocket and the vent left open, a result of her sudden escape.
Next time.
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hobiebrownismygod · 1 year ago
Hello omg you don't know how much iv looked for an Indian spider sonnaa omgg
You've mentioned Maitreyi is South Indian so like where in south is she from? I justed wanted to know out of curiosity
She’s from Andrapradesh like me! She's Telugu and speaks some Telugu.
I based a lot of her looks and ethnic background off of my own because she's really just my own projections 😭
Her parents were farmers from Bhimavaram, a city in Andhrapradesh, and they lived in a poorer part of town but owned land which they farmed on. They mainly farmed sugarcane and some types of rice.
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hobiebrownismygod · 1 year ago
Maitreyi impulsively kisses Hobie on the cheek and then running away before he can respond or even process what just happened
Maitreyi: smooch
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and then hobie just standing there like
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and him still being absolutely braindead and thinking
"wow what a friendly gesture"
because he's too autistic to take a hint
this came to mind and I felt like letting it out
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hobiebrownismygod · 10 months ago
this song is so hobie and Maitreyi core
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