awwwe how long have you and maisy been buddies?
Maisy met us in spring of 2018 when she was 8 months old. She was already a mom of kittens before we met. She loves her quite home and her younger roommate Chickpea. She's also become a fan of a little human who joined her home 16 months ago! She even has her own poof she sleeps on by the window. I'll post more pictures of Maisy and Chickpea soon.
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redvelvethologram · 10 years
4, 8, and 38
4: Talk about the thing you regret most so far.
The thing I regret most so far is spending the short time I have on this Earth with people I didn't like. Not like, school time either but my free time. I regret that I wasted both of our time with that foolishness and that I wasn't more assertive about what I wanted.
8: Talk about the thing you are most proud of.
Uhhhhhhhh. I guess I'm proud of the moments where I was assertive? And where I wouldn't let others try to bully me into compromising my comfort and personal space for people who clearly did not respect it. Like people who thought I was too "mean" or "selfish" for telling people to stay away from me when they clearly did not respect my boundaries. I feel better for standing my ground.
38: Talk about songs that remind you of certain people.
This one is really weird because I don't really know songs that remind me of people? But there are songs that I associate with memories of them and they're all pretty much ridiculous like Interior Crocodile Alligator or that Fake Friends music video that we basically send to piss each other off. Good times, man.
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