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frnknpup · 1 year ago
yall ever think about long long man cause i do. always.
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tpol-is-so-freaking-cute · 1 year ago
They put her in a wedding dress!! 🥺😩😭😭
You don't hit me like that. This is the first time ever they put her in ANY dress. She is so pretty ❤️
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luckyluffiano · 2 years ago
my girlfriend is trying to convince me that dorry and broggy arent married and im sorry but im not seeing it??
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markrosewater · 7 months ago
Would a deep cavern bat style effect be available for white since it’s kind of a mairrage between elite spellbinder and oblivion ring effects?
We have talked about it, but our current thought is that taxing cards in an opponent's hand is more white than temporarily removing them.
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My aesthetic is crying over my significant other I haven't even met yet
(sirf arranged mairrage mein milega woh)
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khonjinghouse · 6 months ago
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glngrbred · 9 months ago
Being aromantic is so confusing sometimes, because the definition "Doesn't feel romantic attraction" like, 100% is accurate to me, but also I am desperately obsessed with the concept of love and romance, and dating, and mairrage, and going places with someone. The problem is, the person I am going to do those with, in my head, is a blank manaquin no one notices. and I just have that experience now is the goal. also completely unrelated, look at this immage of Glim from from MUNE (2014)
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She is perfect. 10/10 character design, female roll model, and real world person :). she falls in love with who she wants and guides her friends, and advocates for herself, and even though she practically has a disabillity it doesn't stop her from finding value in her friendships, studies, art, and love. Also she's like, the actual hero of the story so.
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jellazticious · 10 months ago
If you believe Theodore Noisevelt is aroace do you also think he married Noisette for tax benefits? Or maybe it was strictly for the show so there'd be a basic romance plot.. hmmm...
Nothing in canon ever said anything about mairrage and it's probably a show thing (here in the PH, rushed romances are common in actors because fans are rabid and they pressure them)
but also I don't think too hard on it sksks people get in romances for any reason, stay for any reason and leave for any reason
my perception of Noise fluctuates depending on how close to canon I want him to be at the moment
some versions he continues to date Noisette, some versions they break up
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divinelycrazy · 6 months ago
Zeus is evil!!!!!!!
So I've been having a little theory about Greek mythology, and that theory is that, in mythology, Zeus us the villain.
Which makes a lot of sense when you read more into Greek mythology.
Zeus himself has......
1. Cheated on his wife, Hera, THE GODDESS OF MAIRRAGE multiple times, and he didn't stop. No matter how often or how brutal Hera punished him or his mistresses, he never stopped cheating.
2. Had multiple bastard children with said mistresses and placed most of them on Olympus, basically forcing his wife to acknowledge them and the fact they are not hers.
3. Actually set a guy on fire when Hades told him said guy, Asclepios, was reviving the dead. Mind you that the "set the guy on fire" idea was not from Hades.
4. He ate his first wife, Methis, after hearing a prophecy that a child of him and Methis would overthrow him. He didn't eat the kid, he ate his wife.
5. Actually took on the form of Hades to seduce Persephone, his DAUGTHER, into having s*x with him.
6. Kidnapped Spartan Prince Ganymede and took him to Olympus to become the new cup bearer and Zeus's f**k toy. Once again forcing Hera to acknowledge the fact that, whenever Zeus is not in bed with her, he's probably off r*ping Ganymede.
I swear this guy's track record has bad guy written all over, and it doesn't end there.
Apparently, in Greek mythology, it is mentioned that when Kronos ruled the world, it was in a giant golden age. Everyone was happy, there were no illnesses or problems at all, and people genuinely had nothing better to do than frolic through the daisies and party all night.
Then Zeus overthrew his father, and everything got f*cked, both littarly and figuratively.
Then the Silver Age started, and suddenly, there was chaos, war, and violence, and everyone started fighting each other. This derailed further into the bronze age, which ended with the destruction of Troy and derailed even more into the Iron Age.
This theory gets emphasized even more when, in the myth of Astrea, a prophecy is mentioned that says that l one day, a magical baby will be born, overthrow Zeus, and restart the Golden Age. Of course, this part has been claimed by Christianity and catholicism to be a reference to Jesus, but I digress.
This prophecy and the many things Zeus did in mythology is my reason for theory that Zeus is actually the big, bad evil guy that needs to be stopped.
Thank you for taking the time to read this, I shall now return to my cave of solitude and masked depression. Bye-bye.
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Hi Peahen mom, I love the Devil nobles au so far! So funny! However, can we see another one? XDDDD
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((Hello anon dear, hope your well and another one? Oh my, you guys are loving this au too much. But sure I don't mind.))
((The six claws spoken of in this belongs to me due to rping as them as muses. While the Devil Noble au, Ink, the DBT, and some fractions spoken and mentioned in this belongs to my amazing friend @demon-blood-youths ))
Silver butterfly mun/Peahen mom
A few days had passed after the situation involving Jaron and Melinda. However, their fathers have been keeping them busy while learning more and preparing for the upcoming wedding. That and making sure they spend time together when possible.
Ink, on the other hand, was sighing, annoyed about this but seeing her friends looking out while noticing Vivi and Shdwkyz was sparring together. They were working on their attacks together with him blocking her scythe and her blocking his katana.
"Wow, seems they are going all out on this. Who knew. Guess all this whole arrange mairrage is getting to everyone now.." Rust said while eating some snacks but Ink nods eating something too.
"Even so, it's still a pain going through this. I just hope Jaron and Melinda will forgive us for what happened." Hellmare said thinking about it.
"I'm sure they do. I hear the other devils are helping them but that will be us too if we find our..*sighs* Mates." Ink grumbled not liking to say that. "Their is NO way my dad can find me a suitor! No way, no how! I don't even know where to look!" she said.
"I thought you didn't want to look for anyone-"
"I DON'T! DX!!" she said with the DBT sighing but the cursed Vixens watched Vivi and Shdwkyz sparring still before seeing Vivi flip over him but swings for him to block her blade. Both were trying to push the other back. Purple eyes looking into yellow serpentine eyes. Before long, they push one another back.
"Your getting quicker Vivi. Seems your taking my word in better." he said panting slightly.
"As are you. Your strikes are so much better now. Seems your taking in my advice." she said back panting slightly. The two snakes were still in a fighting stance before fighting once more as everyone watched. However, that's when the sound of running was heard to show that Ophelia comes over.
"Ink! Ink ink ink!"
"Huh?" she looks over to Ophelia. "What's wrong?" she asked.
"Did you hear, Rex and Kali got engaged!"
"...HUH!?" She shouted in shock but the DBT and cursed vixens were shocked to look. "THEY GOT ENGAGED!?!"
"When was this??" Oblivion asked.
"It was a few days ago. I just got word from Alexandria who was speaking about it from a magic mirror with Hex's devil. I wasn't sure it was true but it is..." she said.
"....Huh, I was not expecting that but I always did tell Kali someone would like her! Good for her!" Ink said but she blinks to think.
"...Wait a minute! Then it's getting worse! Their really trying to push this!! NOOOOOOO!" she cries out but Hellmare pats Ink's back.
"There there.." she said.
"I still think it's bull shit this is happening though. I mean, who knows what will happen now.." Navarro said.
"Tell me about it. I mean, it's still a pain in the ass though! But hey Navarro..I still think we should get revenge for the bonks from those two snakes.." she said but Navarro looks to her.
"...You really are still upset about that?"
"Aren't you? Even if their fucking smart asses their still a pain in the butt.." she said. "So....maybe some payback will help.." she said looking at the snakes sparring. Navarro looks to her then at them.
"What are you thinking here.." he said.
"I don't know. Something to trip them up maybe? I still want to get back at Vivi from before! Second, they are already engaged from how they always get at us." she said.
"Navarro, I don't think you and Echo should. You know how they are if you do something." Rust warns.
"Well, it could be good payback from that hit they gave us! I mean, their still already a pain.." he said.
"You know we can hear you right?" Vivi said looking to the bombers.
"She's right. We still find this whole marrying thing..confusing. But we know you two would marry knowing how hard headed you tend to get." Shdwkyz said with arms crossed.
"WERE NOT GETTING ENGAGED!" they said but the snakes shook their heads.
"You even argue like one too...." he said.
"True..if that don't shout being a couple what else would?" Vivi said but the bombers growls at hem.
"You two are so fucking rude! Can't you give us a break!?" Echo shouted.
".......Yeah, that's not fair!" Navarro said.
"Uh huh..sure.." the two said but it seems Vivi was getting used to teasing Echo just like Shdwkyz does with Navarro. However, they would. Just like two little puppies.." Shdwkyz smirked but a vein shows on the bombers faces.
"Uhhhh guys? are you-" Right away, Navarro and Echo tires to fight the two who was dodging and running from the two as they were shouting.
"Fuck you Shdwkyz!" Navarro said mad.
"You too, you damn rude bitch!" Echo shouted.
"Two of you are way too easy to anger you know. It's funny." Shdwkyz smirked.
"True, it's pretty funny honestly.." Vivi said snickering as well. The DBT and cursed vixens blink to see this but they sighed seeing the two bombers chasing the snakes. However, as the two keep running, suddenly they jump over the two to see Navarro and Echo crash against one another.
"Too bad you two....can't get us can you?" they said but the bombers glares.
"Guys come on. Don't start fighting!" Breezy said.
"Yeah, it's not cool ya know!" Rust said.
"Were not fighting!" Shdwkyz, Vivi, Echo, and Navarro said at the same time. This made them sweatdrop.
"Uh huh.."
Anyway, me and Vivi need to get back to training....you and your boyfriend can sit and watch us continue..." he said as the two walk by them about to start again. The bombers were still angry before they walk by them but before long...
The snakes got tackled now to show a fight cloud. The groups sees them fighting with Rust and Breezy trying to break it up.
"Hey hey HEY! Stop guys!" Breezy said trying to break Vivi and Echo up.
"She's right stop it!" Rust said trying to break up Navarro and Shdwkyz.
As the group sees this, Mouse sighs but saw Echo making something to her eyes widening. "Uhhh Echo! Your bomb! One of them just rolls out of your pocket!" she said as the heavy hitters breaks the fight up they heard that. "Huh??" They look down seeing it with eyes wide before.....
A loud explosion was heard on Ink's garden court seeing this but everyone gasped while hearing some coughing. Navarro and Echo coughs from the smoke but they move away to see it.
"Geeez Echo I didn't know you had a bomb on you." Navarro said.
"I forgot I was working on something before we came to visit you guys! Don't blame me!" she said back to him. Though, what about the others?
The coughing was still heard before looking to see it clearing. Rust and Breezy were fine but for Shdwkyz and Vivi....he was coughing while standing up on his arms to wince. "Son of a.."
"Ughhh, Echo didn't we tell you not to have your bombs with you every time we travel?" she hissed from being on the ground but as the two snakes open their eyes they tense. Shdwkyz was close but his nose was touching Vivi's. Their lips were almost about to kiss being so close!
Golden eyes and dark purple eyes were looking into one another speechless, faces burning red suddenly. However, they didn't know their rings were touching before he sits back quickly.
"I'm sorry! I didn't.." he started to say but Vivi held her hand to stop him.
"It's fine! It's fine.." she grumbled looking away. The two snakes said nothing but they saw the two sat there. But when they quickly got up to look away from one another Jinx and Ink were going to speak before...
"AHA! I KNEW IT! I KNEW IT!!" Shdwkyz blinks hearing a voice looking to see his devil Goa smiling to have her fan closed. "I told you it would happen. Seems my heir has someone!"
"As do mine too! I'm so happy for you Vivi!" Orochi and Nagi said to confuse the two snakes.
"Uhhh..what did we do?" she asked.
"Yeah, we didn't do anything.." Shdwkyz said.
"You didn't know! You both got engaged!" They said happily to make the fractions tense with Vivi and Shdwkyz's eyes widening.
"....Of course! You two have the others ring see?" she takes Shdwkyz's hand to lift it, showing Vivi's ring then Nagi lifts up Vivi's hand showing his ring on her finger!
"Same with our little Vivi too! I'm so happy!" he said but the two snakes was shocked.
"Blessing I know!"
'How did this happen!? We had our rings with us but why did...' That's when Vivi knew. The fight! Their rings must have gotten free before somehow touching to get on their fingers. Just like Jaron and Melinda!
"Well, this is true now! So you two come with us! We have a lot to talk about! :D" Goa said to pull Shdwkyz along with Nagi happily carrying Vivi with them.
"NAGI! OROCHI! PUT ME DOWN RIGHT NOW!" Vivi shouted kicking in their arms.
"SHE'S RIGHT! THIS IS A ACCIDENT! PUT US DOWN!!!" Shdwkyz shouted struggling.
"Nope! It's not a accident the rings don't lie! You two were destinted to be mates! I'm so happy for you!" she said.
"That and knowing the future holds for you. I'm so proud of you."
However the snakes look back seeing the other.
"ECHOOOOOOO!!!" The snakes were gone but the fractions were quiet to slowly looks to Navarro and Echo who sweatdrops.
"...You do know Their going to kill you both when they get away right?" Breezy said with Rust shaking his head.
"..Don't remind us.."they said hearing Shdwkyz's shouting and Vivi's swearing in Spanish. Yeah they were angry indeed but they should calm down within a few hours....right?
However in the main house, seems like Vanity was talking to a few devils about his daughter. Would it be six people were being picked for her? No one will know till later on. Though, six young men were there with their devils too. This should be something.
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perestroika-hilton · 1 year ago
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theskydoesgreatthingsnow · 2 years ago
Sue them for innuendos in Shakespeare, Sue them if they mention Boys and Girls, sue them for discussing straight mairrage, Sue them for mentioning slave owners as crt, sue them on the beaches and on the landing grounds
The Salt Lake Tribune reports that the parent, who remains unidentified for privacy reasons, submitted their challenge on Dec. 11 along with an eight-page list of passages from the Bible that they found to be offensive and worth reviewing.
“Incest, onanism, bestiality, prostitution, genital mutilation, fellatio, dildos, rape, and even infanticide,” the parent wrote in their request. “You’ll no doubt find that the Bible, under Utah Code Ann. § 76-10-1227, has ‘no serious values for minors’ because it’s pornographic by our new definition.”
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preetee-wid-4-es · 4 months ago
I asked my mom and dad to trace out our family and there has NEVER been an intercaste mairrage atleast 5 gen both sides and there is no way to know before it but it prolly runs till even before jesus. 😭😭😭 I feel like some commercialised animal with immaculate pedigree.
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I'm damn serious about you
Will you marry me? Lo mere jitna Rose please mujhe bhaga ke le chalo m tumhare saath bhagna chahta hu
Fir mere arranged mairrage wale sapne ka kya hoga?
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dreadbirate · 2 years ago
​I mean of course the country with the cool flag legalized gay mairrage before anyone
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stupidcupid06 · 2 years ago
I want to talk for a second about what it means to be queer. This is, of course, a highly personal topic that varies from person to person, and I won’t mind if people disagree, but I think its important to talk about what I see as fundamental aspects of these words.
I am asexual. This means that I don’t want to, and probably never will, have sex (consensually). Plenty of people throughout history have been asexual, but I want to focus on the priests - christianity, in its conquest of the world, banned many of its priests and nuns from having any form of sex. As such, they probably attracted a good deal of asexuals, as it was a job that provided an institutional reason for them to not be interested in sex. Their parents, who might have otherwise insisted they have children, have no reason to complain, now.
Here’s the thing, internet. These priests were almost all not queer. Despite being connected with a label that is deeply queer, and despite living out their entire lives asexually, they were almost universally not queer, as I’m defining it.
Because queerness isn’t about what label you use. It’s about the actions you take.
So what does define queerness, then? Queer people are those who challenge the dominant narrative. Those who ask, “Why do we believe that my happy life requires sex, or mairrage, or for me to be the same gender as my birth?” “Why do we demand that everyone live the same way, with the same pronouns, using the same language?” Queerness isn’t about gay, straight, ace, allo, cis, trans, or nb. Queerness is about questioning society. And more specifically, it’s about living in such a way that it makes your questions about society readily apparent.
Now, this is a difficult idea to handle, internet, especially as you all live in a place where anyone’s identity is argument fodder. But I think it’s worth bearing in mind. I’ve met two cishet white men who I would absolutely consider queer, and a few bi people who I wouldn’t. Because those cishet white men were not just allies, they also live their lives outside of the dominant framework of society. They, just by existing, caused people to question society. and what’s accepted and not accepted.
And similarly, the bi people I mentioned all didn’t exist outside of society. They lived firmly within it, only willing to show their bisexuality to trusted people very privately, and never willing to question their society when outside of these small, trusted circles.
(Tangent: I’m not saying that being a social chameleon makes you not queer, because I am both of those things, but rather that you need to use your social maneuverability to spread queer ideas in your society and exist in a queer way even as you move among social groups.) (also none of these people I’m talking about (bi or cishet) have described themselves as queer to me, for the record)
“But wait, cupid!” you might be asking, “Doesn’t this lead to people with queer labels being excluded from queer communities?” I’m glad you asked, rhetorical straw man! I believe in a variety of different queer communities. There should be communities open to anyone which help all people become more queer. There should be specific support communities to help groups of specific labels. There should be cishet-excluding communities which help people who aren’t cishet become more queer. There should be communities of all types for all kinds of different queer people. The key is:
Maintaining compassion for individuals, and helping them become more queer and come to terms with their queerness and survive in an anti-queer society.
Maintaining anger against societal structures, which tell us who we can be and otherizes us and keeps us queer.
Done that? Great! You’re queer!
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