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Your circle tells a lot about you 
I had many many people I used to hang out with daily and weekly. This was years ago before I was blessed with my wife and daughter. Back then it was all about the party ... and no one could have partied like us. We were the only people in the club on Monday and Tuesday nights. 
Professional switch 
After a while, in 2010 I built up the courage to leave my 9 to 5 job to become a fulltime entrepreneur; the partying faded away … along the multitude of party friends. My circle then became significantly smaller and filled with other entrepreneurs who were just as or even more hungry for success than I was. As my businesses grew, the caliber of entrepreneurs I saw on a consistent bases improved as well. At this point the drinking buddies were only a distant memory. 
The Ah-ha moment 
About 1 year ago, I became obsessed with success, growing my businesses and building my empire for my family; to the point where I have no social life. I needed some cash to take my business to the next level, so I looked to the people in my life, and they were more interested in borrowing money from me … as I was “the successful one.” It was at that point that I promised myself to only keep those in my circle who are on the same mission as me. As a result, there are exactly 2 people who I hang around now and even that isn’t on a consistent bases because we’re always working. Even my conversations with others are restricted to being in line with my goals. 
Because I narrowed my circle, I’m able to better focus on the goal and achieve consistent progress.
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