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maia-and-ria · 5 months ago
MaiRia's Relationship Chart and Appellation
credit to @/lesbianmido for making this chart!
Further detail below because I need to yap. Also Maia is an ex-Ultio and might (or might not be) involved with certain Darkwick incidents in the past. Same as Ria but she's always been in Sinostra. Some of these things are subject to change.
I am not in any way disregarding their characterization to the canon, I am merely interpreting them in a way that would fit to my original characters' interactions with them. If you don't like my interpretation, or if you're a non-sharing yume, you might want to step away.
Also these are hella long.
1. Maia's
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Maia prefer to keep her nose out of Frostheim students. Mainly because the ones in power (Jin and Tohma) never poke into her business first. Sure the general students have reported her and Ria to them a few times due to some silly drama that those students started, but it's not worth having bad blood with someone who has influence in the police department.
Maia -> Jin: Tyrant Jin -> Maia: Lowly cop Maia -> Tohma: Three-eyed Creep Tohma -> Maia: Inspector Hasegawa
She feels indebted to Alan for accepting her in Vagastrom. She hoped to share his burden by being vice-captain but Maia was missing from Darkwick's radar because of her work (she was even presumed dead at one point). If you add that to her already-strained relationship with the institute, appointing someone else to take the job was the perfect way to spit on her face. At least that's what she feels about it. Regardless, she take it upon herself to be useful in Vagastrom by bailing those thugs students from jail. Of course they'll still be punished but it's in terms of Alan and Maia. She respects his way of handling them but still thinks he's being too soft sometimes.
Maia -> Alan: Mido Alan -> Maia: Officer
She dislike Leo for carrying the title of Vagastrom's Vice-Captain, but she still acknowledge his effort in fulfilling his duties– the results at least. She doesn't like that he tend to mess around and abuse that power, but as long as he's not putting the house in danger she could let him do whatever. And that doesn't mean Leo is free from having a target on his back either. The second he messed up Maia won't hesitate to take over his title. One day she would expose his police record (which she already has on her hand) to the public but she would rather use that for later.
Maia -> Leo: Mutt/Kurosagi Leo -> Maia: Bitch (behind Maia)/Miss cop
Sho sees her as somewhat a mentor. Like Alan, she order ask for some rounds in the Pit. Still, she's not as brutal as to go multiple rounds like Alan because she has other things to do. Maia would never say it out loud but she wouldn't be as resentful if Sho was the vice captain instead of Leo. But then again she's also aware he would abuse it for Leo's sake. He still thinks she's scary until now but there are times when she actually acts like a human being too. "Sometimes you're a bitch, senpai. But I've spent years with a meanie (Leo)." He feel a sense of pride whenever she compliments his cooking– making her one of his favorite HTH customer.
Maia -> Sho: Sho Sho -> Maia: Mai-senpai
Maia has some dirt on Haru and that makes her scary in his eyes (it's not that big of a deal, to be honest. It's just that Maia acts like she just discovered kilograms of cr4ck in Jabberwock hence why Haru is always on his toes). They used to be drinking buddies though even if only a few times. She sometime visits the safari for a jog and it's free of charge as long as she visits during closing hours.
Maia -> Haru: Sagara (Sagara-san) Haru -> Maia: Sir Maia
When Maia visits the safari and run into Towa, he would help her with physical training a little. Towa sees it as... more of a play-time but Maia doesn't care. He loves playing hunt-the-anomaly (no anomalous creature harmed) with her and hearing her talk about her case. The bloodier the better. Towa is like her personal therapist and trainer (please seek actual help, Maia)
Maia -> Towa: Towa/Towa-sensei Towa -> Maia: Sakura 🌸
Taiga creeps her out in a way that he's too unpredictable to figure out. One of Maia's specialty is solving ghoul crime and capturing them, so she hopes to never see his name on any of her case. Taiga remember her as the friend of his relative (Ria) and Maia wants it to stay that way. She does not want him to remember her name nor call her out. Maia doesn't want anything to do with him ever.
Maia -> Taiga: Hoshibami Taiga -> Maia: Lily's (Ria's) friend
Maia dislikes Romeo for two reasons: he is Leo's close friend, and that he had a history with Ria. Not a good one. Back then Romeo thought he could really use a high-ranking cop in his network but changed his mind after Maia made it clear she loathes him for what he did to Ria. Even though Ria herself choose to turn a blind eye on what happened, Maia continues to dislike him still.
Maia -> Romeo: Bastard Romeo -> Maia: Dog
Maia learned that Ritsu is a part of Shinjo family who had some history of making it difficult for criminals to meet their punishment. It's infuriating especially when their clients are criminals that Maia had caught with her own blood and tears. She might be a rule breaker despite her job as the upholder of justice, but there's a line to how far you can play with the law. Even though she bends the law here and there to her advantage, a punishment is always necessary when things go too far no matter who you are. But when a Shinjo is involved, any criminal can walk free if they have enough money to afford it. She hates that Ria is so doting to that Sinostra freshman, and now she's the only thing standing between Maia and her plan to balance the score with that family. As for Ritsu himself, he thought about one day partnering with Maia as he could use someone with her expertise. Had Maia wasn't so hostile to him, he could've looked up to her.
Maia -> Ritsu: Little Shinjo/that junior Ritsu -> Maia: Inspector Hasegawa
Maia has a good relationship with the current Hotarubi ghouls and she exchange friendly greetings when they pass by. She often see Subaru lining up in HTH, so they'd indulge in a little chit-chat as they wait for their turn to order. Maia knows about Subaru's mission (Lyca) but decide to keep her mouth shut about it since the order was from the Institute.
Maia -> Subaru: Subaru (Subaru-san) Subaru -> Maia: Maia (Maia-san)
Haku and Maia are also on good terms. Although they both seem to always half-ass their way when it comes to duties but at the end they still get the job done. She was disappointed when Haku decide to quit smoking since they're both partners in that area. Now she wouldn't stop bullying him for it with "Have you found that light(er) you're looking for?"
Maia -> Haku: Haku/Priest Haku -> Maia: Officer
Maia doesn't know Zenji still roams around as a ghost. Nothing much going on between them other than Maia finding his eccentric act amusing. If he was alive, she would love to chat about her crime cases with him. He would get new materials to work with and she got to feel that the things she'd done were not as bad as she thought they were. (Zenji was her #2 therapist after Towa lol)
Maia -> Zenji: Zenji (Zenji-san) Zenji -> Maia: Supreme Detective
She's always on guard when it comes to Edward because Maia was involved in kidnapping catching him, he could be holding some resentment and Maia would understand. But this is Ed we're talking about. The strongest ghoul she ever hunted. She couldn't care less if she's the one being targeted but she couldn't shake the feeling that Ed knows Ria's stigma— and now he is the reason Maia won't ever let her near Obscuary. Even interacting with any of students from that house will result in big argument between the two. Ed finds the irony very amusing and she does not take that in a positive light. Does she trapping him in this place or does she the one being trapped with him?
Maia -> Ed: Bloodsucker/Hart Ed -> Maia: "Hunter"
Maia knows Rui and Ria are friends, and knowing that she's being all buddy-buddy with a flirt irritates her. The big reason is despite his complaints about taking care of the vampire he's still an Obscuary no matter what, and Maia will do anything in her power to keep Ria away from anything or anyone relating to that. Rui once took a signal wrongly (and flirted with her) and it did not end well for him.
Maia -> Rui: Mizuki Rui -> Maia: Inspector
Maia only goes to Mortkranken for a small check-up or when she need sleeping pills. OR when she's badly injured that she needs to take off her left hand glove. She only let Yuri to treat her since he's the only one that knows about her stigma effect (besides a small number of people). As long as he keep it a secret, she will not sniff around on his experiments. With or without with a warrant. She dislike hospitals in general so she prefer to stay away from that place as much as she can.
Maia -> Yuri: Doc/Isami Yuri -> Maia: Hasegawa
2. Jyuria's
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Ria and Frostheim general students tend to have problems a lot. Even though Ria is always too busy to care, these rich snobs would still want to poke her with mommy and daddy's money just for the sake of revenge. Well, everything that Ria did was all in the name of defense (supported by Maia). Fortunately, Jin and the Captain's bitch – Tohma – never put much thought into any of their silly conflict (thanks to Maia). Although she wished they could be her client one day so she can plant one of her spy even for one night but Tohma would most likely not let it happen. Having a patron like Jin would benefit her a lot but at the same time why would he ever need in the first place? Especially in that sort of thing. But hey, a girl can hope and that monocle is always standing in the way. People would think Tohma and Ria flirt with each other when it's all sarcastic remarks in the air.
Ria -> Jin: Your Majesty/Momma's boy (behind his back) Jin -> Ria: - Ria -> Tohma: Mr. Tohma Tohma -> Ria: Madam Ria
Despite not directly interfering with the casino, she still knows what's happening there from time to time. Meaning she's aware that Kaito has been playing cat and mouse with Romeo for some time. Lately she heard from one of her minion that he has trouble getting a girlfriend— and people like Kaito are simply Ria's favorite. A pathetic fail-guy who longs for love. A perfect client for her to find a match through her matchmaking business. Although if he's just looking for an arm candy to bring as lucky charm in the casino, he can still come to Ria and pick one of her talents. Or a few! Or even Ria herself if he could afford it! Kaito almost fell into her sweet trap numerous times but refrain because Romeo would be standing behind him in seconds. What's more terrifying than having a stalker screaming about your debt in front of a Hot (capital H) chick?
Ria -> Kaito: Cutie (for business purposes) and Kaito (Kaito-kun) Kaito -> Ria: Madam
Alan's aloofness sometimes makes it difficult for her to talk to him. But since Maia respect the guy, and that a friend of her best friend is also Ria's friend, she will treat him as such. One time Alan accidentally scared a pushy guy away with tail between his legs, it was comical. Ria is always open if Alan wants to work for her as a bodyguard.
Ria -> Alan: Mido (Mido-kun) Alan -> Ria: -
With Alan it's, "The friend of my best friend is my friend". But with Leo it's, "The enemy of my best friend is my enemy (and I will be 10 times worse than her)." Leo is eating up all drama surrounding Ria and doesn't hesitate to tease Maia about it– which most likely will earn him to lose a teeth or two had Alan not interfere. He got to say that he agrees with the public opinion that Ria is attractive, so a scandal with her is always an option in his book – that is until Romeo gave him that look of disappointment with a hint of something he can't quite put a finger on which intrigue Leo even more.
Ria -> Leo: Romeo's bitch little sidekick Leo -> Ria: Pimp Chick
Haru is a good friend of hers. She loves to have friendly-flirt with him in Rui's bar right in front of the owner. Haru is well-aware that they can never be a thing so he might as well enjoy whatever she throws at him. She genuinely laughs at his jokes and sympathize with his complaints (especially when it's about Taiga) which he really appreciate. So whatever things they do or say, they're all stay in the bar as little secrets between the three of them.
Ria -> Haru: Harry (Harry-chan) Haru -> Ria: Lily (Riri-chan)
Towa is simply adorable in her eyes – not in a way she would flirt with him but it's more like how she would act around a little baby. But make it one hell of a big baby. She love to hear about him from Haru and she also like to feed him flowers when she's not busy – in which a lot of them are expensive flowers she used to decorate her private office. After all, a friend of Haru (who is not a a headache to him) is a friend of Towa ;3 (Ria's words)
Ria -> Towa: Towa (Towa-chan) Towa -> Ria: Stargazer Lily
Despite the two being distant blood relatives, Ria is not that fond of Taiga and would prefer it if people doesn't label her as "Taiga's family" when they first get to know her. Of course it wasn't always this way until he changed. Ria built the casino together; all three of them, with Taiga and Romeo. She love the place as much as they do because it stands as a symbol of their bond, but after what happened she couldn't bring herself to handle things like she used to. Her feeling of dislike mostly comes from fear because Taiga doesn't act like someone she once knew. He's now a stranger in her eyes, and up until now she's still trying to familiarize herself with whatever is possessing her boss.
Ria -> Taiga: Boss/Bami (childhood nickname) Taiga -> Ria: Lily (Riri)/Crybaby (childhood nickname)
Rumor has it that Ria and Romeo had a past before. Everybody knows the three Sinostra seniors were always glued together but Ria and Romeo had a different relationship. They had a world of their own until things were changed. No one dares to find out why. Even as small as mentioning her name in front of Romeo would result in a sudden change of air. It is said that the big reason she stepped back from the casino was because of him, resulting in three of them having each of their own faction inside of Sinostra. Romeo and Ria give each other the cold shoulder and would rather send their minions to deliver messages instead of talk things out (mostly about the casino when it's absolutely necessary for her to be involved)
Ria -> Romeo: Romeo Romeo -> Ria: S.I.B (Sad-Ignorant Bitch)
Ria dotes on Ritsu like a big sister would do to her little baby brother. She would stalk follow him around like some crazy fan and will die of cuteness every time she sees him working hard on his case. You know... the type that would go "KYAHHHH >///<" and SHE WOULD MELT INTO PUDDLE OF MUD THE SECOND RITSU GREETS HER WITH A SMILE EVEN THOUGH IT'S A FORMAL GREETING! To her, his existence in Sinostra is like "a breath of fresh air in this bleak and murky house." Whatever the hell that means. Her dream is to one day being able to squish his cheeks with both hands, after that she would die peacefully. (Ria are you a pervert wtf...)
Ria -> Ritsu: My Little Ritsu/Ritsu-chan Ritsu -> Ria: Ria-senpai (She forgot to include her term of greeting in their contract. Initially she wanted him to call her "big sister" or "nee-chan" but the best she could get is being called senpai by him and even THAT negotiation took a long time to consider on Ritsu's part. Which is pretty understandable if he wants to keep things professional after receiving her signature.)
Unlike with Maia, Subaru finds interacting with Ria is rather eerie. Her boldness scares him a lot and you don't find people who can tell you're nervous from the sound of your heartbeat every day. She tends to make him feel visible when she's around, and it's not in a good way. Sad to say he's the only one feeling that because she likes teasing him. But she's also not looking forward to another one of Maia's scolding when she gets too far for teasing the poor guy.
Ria -> Subaru: Kagami (Kagami-san) Subaru -> Ria: Jyuria (Jyuria-san)
"You look lonely. I can fix that." By suggesting him to use her service and find a partner, but sadly he always refuse. She doesn't flirt with him but would definitely flirt with MC when she's caught walking with him.
Ria -> Haku: Haku Haku -> Ria: Madam
Swanky guy who loved to praise her beauty and Ria ate that shit up every time because she knew all of them were sincere. Zenji did not try to get anything from her in return like other guys. She literally couldn't understand why people would dislike him let alone hate him. It's unfair that someone like Zenji was gone so soon.
Ria -> Zenji: Zen-zen Zenji -> Ria: My Dear Pearl
She met Edward only once during her visit to Obscuary and that was also when she found out her stigma couldn't detect his presence— which was scary. Any hearts that she couldn't detect nor feel could only mean one thing, but in Ed's case it's because he doesn't have a heartbeat to begin with. As for him, Ed is simply curious on why his captor – Maia – is so hell-bent on never letting Ria step foot in his lair. After that encounter Ria is more cautious on her business visit.
Ria -> Ed: Mr. Hart Ed -> Ria: Young Lady
Rui loves Ria like he would to his own sister and so does she. He's the one who taught her all about mixing drinks up until she runs her own bar in Sinostra. Rui rarely leaves the two (Haru and Ria) when they visit because of a certain friend. That friend never asked him to do anything but Rui was perceptive enough to understand and do something about it. Sometimes he feel bad for keeping secrets from him. He wish that one day the four of them can be sitting together in the same place so he doesn't have to watch out for them like keeping eye on two broken ex-lovers who hate each other but couldn't let go of one another.
Ria -> Rui: Mickey Rui -> Ria: Ririn
He's amusing to tease but she would rather keep things professional with him. She often borrow students from Mortkranken to check on her talents' health and indicate whether they were exploited during their working hour or not. Even a scratch will not go unseen and she will hold them accountable for hurting her employees.
Ria -> Yuri: Doc/Isami Yuri -> Ria: Hoshizumi (Hoshizumi-san)
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maialovesria · 6 months ago
Campus Story: Running Out of Coffee & Time
Characters: Maia, Alan, Leo, and Sho.
Garage, afternoon
Maia: Mido! You got any coffee on you? Let me have one.
Alan: In my fridge.
Maia: Thanks man. I'll get you a pack after work later.
(Mai enters Mido's room to retrieve the can of coffee)
*Leo, in his room with Sho, enjoying each other's company as Leo does his thing (hearing something he's not supposed to)
Leo: Is that even casual...
Sho: What?
Leo: She's entering Captain's room like she's done it many times before.
Sho: So what? Are you jealous? Pft
Leo: Over our miss cop or that himbo? Either way i'll kill you.
Sho: Jeez... chill the fuck out man.
Sho: Do you even see how they communicate with each other?
Leo: Like what?
Sho: Like they have nothing going on between them??? Why do I even have to explain this in the first place?
Leo: ...
Leo: I don't buy it.
Sho: *sigh* Whatever.
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maia-and-ria · 5 months ago
Maia Hasegawa Home Screen Lines
Credit to @/danieyells for the template
*I added a new type of voice line of my own at the end
** so many of these lines refer to Ria's voice lines and ofc a lot of these are a bit unhinged 😭
Hello: (the first time the game is opened after that character is set as home screen NPC. Only happens once per day, unless the character is switched out and back.)
"Well aren't you a busy bee. Go on, don't let me hold you back."
You've Got Mail: (whenever there's something in the inbox, usually Arena rewards)
"If you don't take them, the institute will."
Default: (requires no affinity, has no time constraints)
"Move, will you? My hands are full I don't wanna spill my coffee on you."
"... Shit I forgot the file in my room."
"I'm bored. Hey MC, wanna crash at Ria's bar?"
"I gotta go to another class, but I can walk you to yours if you want."
"Don't mind them. They're staring at me, not you. Why...? Who knows. They're not brave enough to confront me."
Affinity 1: (between 5am and 11am)
"Rise and shine and whatever corny stuff that comes after."
Affinity 2: (between 11am and 4pm)
"Let's go to HTH. Sho owes me a meal for beating him in the Pit last time."
Affinity 3: (between 4pm and 8pm)
"Seriously?! These dumbasses can't just be reckless as they please and expect me to bail them out every time."
Affinity 4: (between 8pm and 5am)
"The Pit is still loud, I'll walk you to the cathedral. Who knows what Alan might say if I keep you in here with me."
Affinity 5: (between 8pm and 5am)
"Who the fuck do you think you are to call me at this hour? Do you even know what work-life balance is?!"
((She's... clearly not a morning person sometimes...))
Affinity 6: (between 4pm and 8pm)
"The garage can really benefit from a good coffee machine. I'm sick of lining for a coffee every time I'm going out to work."
Affinity 7: (between 11am and 4pm)
"...Is that your ringtone, MC? What— (sigh) damn it. Ria's changed it without me knowing."
Affinity 8: (between 4pm and 8pm)
"I'm going to the casino, wanna come along? We're gambling this time, not drinking at Ria's."
Affinity 9: (between 8pm and 5am)
"Have you seen Professor Nicholas? I need him for something."
Affinity 10: (between 10pm and midnight)
"My 5th cup of coffee... my heart feels like exploding."
Affinity 11: (between 5am and 11am)
"Don’t talk to me. I didn't slept a wink last night."
Affinity 12: (between 11am and 4pm)
"Did you say you lost your key? I can help you kick the door open if you want — I'm kidding. Here's your key, you dropped it earlier.
Affinity 13: (between 4pm and 8pm)
"Where have I been? Jail. I have to get these pups to Alan. He's the one who decides their punishment."
((Pups = Vagastrom general students))
Affinity 14: (between 5am and 11am)
"What brings you here, MC? ... That mutt did? You know what, come with me, we're leaving the institute. I'm seriously disappointed that you would do what he asks."
((Mutt = Leo))
Affinity 15: (between 5am and 11am)
"Can't sleep? I can give you my last cigarette. Just don't tell Ria."
Affinity 16: (between 11am and 4pm)
"You’re curious about my left arm? We have to find some privacy if you really want to know."
Affinity 17: (between 10pm and midnight)
"... They denied my request again. The least they can do is fix that old house."
Affinity 18: (between 8pm and 5am)
"Same appearance... same description... just like what Ria told me. Heh– guess who's going to get behind bars soon."
Affinity 19: (between 10pm and midnight)
"I need to change the oil... Fuck it. I'll order a general student to do it tomorrow."
Affinity 20: (between 5am and 11am)
"What the fuck are these notifications... Are these thirst comme— KUROSAGI I'LL TEAR YOU TO PIECES YOU FUCKING MUTT!"
Affinity 21: (between 11am and 4pm)
"Be nice to Sho. Not all of us are strong enough to have that perv for a brother. Personally I'd slit my throat the second he welcome me into the world."
Affinity 22: (between 4pm and 8pm)
"I'm off to work. No goodbye kiss for your husband? Hahaha, I'm kidding. I was just copying the other cops."
Affinity 23: (between 8pm and 5am)
"Can you like... not sneak up on me? I don't want to accidentally judo-flip you to your God."
Affinity 24: (between 10pm and midnight)
"Hm? Blood...? Oh! Hahaha, it's not mine. Some criminal tried to avoid interrogation so I went for a little hunting game."
Affinity 25(max): (no time constraints)
"I don't know how you feel about a dirty cop like me, but should you ever need help when I'm not around, simply mention my name in front of those slackers. It'll strike fear in them knowing that you're with me."
((Slackers refer to cops below her rank))
Spring: (March-May)
(between 5am and 11am)
"Mm? (yawn) Get out. I'm not in the mood."
(between 11am and 4pm)
"These flowers? They're for Ria. It's her favorite that only blooms this season, and I just happened to pass by the shop. I got you some too, honor student. Hope you're not allergic."
(between 4pm and 8pm)
"I need to train the rookies tomorrow. Can't have them slacking off."
(between 8pm and 5am)
"My hair and cherry blossoms...? Yeah, pretty similar. It must be an insult to them to share a trait with me."
Summer: (June-August)
(between 5am and 11am)
"Don’t get too close. I just finished training and I'm way too sweaty."
(between 11am and 4pm)
"Can I borrow your hair tie, honor student? ...You want to help me tie it? That would be nice, thank you."
(between 4pm and 8pm)
"Great. Fucking great. Why can't people just enjoy their vacation and not do crime? Whoever says it's to create memories will be sentenced to death by my own hands."
(between 8pm and 5am)
"Shorter nights doesn't always mean lesser workload, huh... Fuuuuck."
Autumn: (September-November)
(between 5am and 11am)
"Spooky season huh... I'll dress up as a good cop this year. That'll scare the rookies."
(between 11am and 4pm)
"Have you ever gone bird hunting? You know, shooting real birds as they fly. No? Pack your things. We're going."
(between 4pm and 8pm)
"Do you need my jacket? The air is getting chilly lately."
(between 8pm and 5am)
"I bought you a drink. Make sure to drink while it's hot, alright?"
Winter: (December-February)
(between 5am and 11am)
"I wish they would stop saying that phrase from Game of Thrones. My mind would instantly picture Kamurai with his ice sword and I don't know what to feel about that."
(between 11am and 4pm)
"My hair feels so dry – the product Ria recommended is useless."
(between 4pm and 8pm)
"(Sneeze) ...Fuck. So sorry for that, MC."
(between 8pm and 5am)
"Winter is the perfect season for homicide— statistically speaking."
Her birthday: (July 29th)
"Fine, fine. I'll celebrate my birthday. Why do you seem so happy doing this? More happy than the birthday girl herself."
Your birthday:
"I've emptied today's schedule to celebrate your special day. Keep in mind that I let criminals loose for another day just for you. Unless you want to celebrate by hunting them down with me, of course."
New Years: (January 1st)
"Let's hope for a much, much lower crime rate this year."
Valentine's Day: (February 14th)
"...What do I do after receiving the chocolate? I've never had anyone giving me anything during Valentine. Do we like... kiss? On the cheek, maybe?"
White Day: (March 13th)
"Pink and yellow lilies. I hope they can cheer you up through tough times— and I hope they stand as a reminder that I'm on your beck and call whenever you need me."
April Fool's Day: (April 1st)
"Honor student, you have the right to remain silent— Pfft, you become so pale just from that? Wait... did you actually do something...?"
Halloween: (October 31st)
"Trick or treat! The trick is handcuffing you to me all day. Unless you're one of those people who see it as a treat..."
Christmas: (December 25th)
"I usually take most of the work during Christmas. I've decided to be a little selfish this year."
Idle: (about 20 seconds without interacting with the game) (below 13 affinity)
"I'm out. I have calls to make."
(13 affinity and above)
"A penny for your thought, or a bullet for your problem? I was joking. But that got me your attention."
Absent: (logging in for the first time in 2 or more days?)
"(Sigh) Another lost pup...? Don't waste my ti— Oh, it's you."
About others (opinion on other ghouls. asked by MC)
About Ria:
"If she fell into the depth of Tartarus, I'm falling down with her. It's nothing romantic, it's just that no creature would be sane enough to befriend her."
About Alan:
"His biggest mistake is letting that Kurosagi run things around as vice-captain. I guess as long as he keep that mutt in check, I can't really interfere much."
About Leo:
"I will bail any Vagastrom students out of jail without charge except for him. Hell– I would even put him behind bars myself. What, like it's hard? I can send you his police record on WickChat if you want."
About Sho:
"He's tolerable. I would have better opinion about him if only he's not Kurosagi's devoted follower. No offense. I like his cooking, though. And he can take a punch in the Pit."
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maia-and-ria · 5 months ago
🖤 Maia and Jyuria General Info
Merciful Punisher 🥃
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"These bastards keeps giving me more work... I don't need stupid mutts being thrown at me."
A 3rd year ghoul transfer from Ultio. She's often away from Darkwick to work on cases relating to ghoul crime and important individuals. Somewhat has a twisted sense of justice but she's the best at hunting prey and uncovering the truth.
Name: Maia Hasegawa (初瀬川 苺愛)
Alias: Punisher
House: Vagastrom
Year: Third year
Birthday: July 29th
Likes: -
Blood type: O
Stigma: Diarolumans (Andromalius). Reviving the dead for a certain period of time
Artifact: Standard-looking police handcuffs
Devious Siren in Cupid's Skin 🍷
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"With a pretty face like yours, you can be anything you desire— and working for me can be your first start."
A Sinostra 3rd year ghoul student. She always has an air of seductress when she enters the room, which makes it difficult for people to take their eyes off of her. A lot of people call her “madam” as she runs a matchmaking business that also provides rent-a-partner service. It is said that when you buy a company of her talent, it’s like having a lucky charm — if you can afford it, she too can also be yours, and the higher you pay, the better your chance at owning the game 🎲
Name: Jyuria "Ria" Hoshizumi (星住 珠利愛)
Alias: Matchmaker
House: Sinostra
Year: Third year
Birthday: January 5th
Likes: Collecting heels
Blood type: AB
Stigma: Eos (Ose). Heart manipulation.
Artifact: Lipstick
Template © reumioa (Twt)
ID profile © haizouno (Twt)
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maia-and-ria · 4 months ago
Could you tell us more about your stigma?
((Gonna answer this one as mun because I need to yap. Thanks for the ask, anon!))
Tw: mentions of blood through cutting or some sort, reviving the dead for revenge and to torture them, and literally exploding hearts (the organ)
It's pretty long so grab a snack or something.
Maia 🥃
Stigma: diarolumans (Andromalius)
"Andromalius is a mighty Great Earl of Hell, having thirty-six legions of demons at his service. He can bring back both a thief and the stolen goods, punishes all thieves and other wicked people, and discovers hidden treasures, all evilness, and all dishonest dealing. Andromalius is depicted as a man holding a big serpent in his hand."
In a nutshell Maia can revive the dead BUT ONLY GHOULS AND HUMANS! And only one person at a time. There's no limited time on how long she can keep the soul on Earth but for as long as she does tally marks will appear on her left hand and spread to her arm.
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To activate it she needs to physically touch the dead body with her left arm and then handcuff them to her (with her handcuff artifact). Those that she revived will first writhe in pain from how they died and her artifact is supposed to lessen those pain while also bind their soul to her. Anything that she ask of them, they have no choice but to do it. But because of the limited time and the side effects, Maia only use it to questions dead assassins/individuals who killed themselves/being killed to cover up a case.
The longer the soul stays, the more tally will be cut on her arm by some invisible force. She won't feel much if it's ordinary cut but since the pain of the dead person is being transferred to her (i never said it'll disappear), the pain of the cut will be 3 to 5 times worse.
It's like keeping a soul prisoner and her skin is the prison wall. It's where those prisoner will keep count. The time each mark will appear are also different from soul to soul. If the person died willingly, the tally will appear more often because the soul would rather escape her. It's different when she's reviving someone who was murdered instead – like a witness, for example.
The longer she keep them, the more tally will spread; the further those marks spread, the closer she is to go berserk. She's never gone berserk in her life so she never know what it meant but her theory is that once it reaches a certain point, she won't be able to control it and she will become an open portal for the dead to return to earth.
Also the tally marks will never disappear. They'll look like tattoos to her after that. That's why she always cover her left arm and also wear one glove.
Hence why she only use her stigma when she reach dead end, when she really can't find another lead to solve a case. The price is just too high for her.
But one time she use it to revive Ria's kidnapper/stalker that she killed herself. A bullet to his head wasn't enough she brought the bastard to life without using her artifact. The things she did to him was so inhumane and she only stopped when Ria was screaming crying begging for her to stop because she knew about the side effects it did to Maia's left arm. Now Ria hates it whenever Maia has use her stigma and she will hate on anyone who make her use it no matter the reason.
Ria 🍷
Stigma: eos (Ose)
“OSE, or VOSO. – The Fifty-seventh Spirit is Oso, Ose, or Voso. He is a Great President, and appeareth like a Leopard at the first, but after a little time he putteth on the Shape of a Man. His Office is to make one cunning in the Liberal Sciences, and to give True Answers of Divine and Secret Things; also to change a Man into any Shape that the Exorcist pleaseth, so that he that is so changed will not think any other thing than that he is in verity that Creature or Thing he is changed into."
Ria can control and listen to people's heart(beats). She can even detect someone's presence in the room based on just that. Just like Maia, her stigma only works on ghouls and humans.
If she wants to threaten someone, she can make that person's heart beat faster or slower without even touching them. But to make their heart stop is another thing because she has to make physical contact with the person's vein – mainly on the wrist or neck. She's a literal heart-throbber. She can literally explode someone's heart if she wants to.
She can tell whether someone is lying to her or not based on the person's heart rate. Hence why no one can ever trick her in business dealings and that makes her one of the reliable sources of information in the institute (whether she wants to give that information or not is a different thing).
Back then (from 1st to 2nd year) Romeo would want her to be present when he's interrogating some rat. And it was easy for her to say yes too. But now that their relationship is not like it used to be, they had to go through a series of argument (through their minions) to work together.
"What's the price for such stigma?" Her own heart ❤
Her heart will never belong to her. It's a stigma that plays with her heart so she can play with others. She will always bound to love someone and she's not in control whether that person will return her feelings or not.
Did I mention she can control people's heart? Yes. EXCEPT those that she love. She can't hear their heartbeats. She can't detect their presence, she can never tell whether they're lying or not, she can't play with them in general. It's like she's facing another people before she made a pact with her demon. If she wants them to return her feelings, she has to do it old school way, unlike when she's toying with someone she wants to take advantage of because she will know how and what to do (she doesn't even have feelings for them to begin with)
Unless she love that person. And once she does she will love them to death. Literally.
Despite not being able to feel their beating hearts, the second those hearts stop beating (dead), she will feel like her heart is being ripped apart forcefully to the point of her crying blood and the only thing she would want is to die with them.
Moving on is not an option either. Sure, they don't have to return her feelings, but her heart remain theirs till the end of time. She can bear the pain of seeing them with someone else, but not when they die.
Also, if that person were to hurt Ria, she can't do anything about it. She can't ask or threaten them to stop and she can't defend herself. She can never bring herself to because those that she love automatically become her greatest weakness.
It's basically "your heart is safe with me" in literal sense. Giving her heart away to them is the same thing as giving them the dagger to use as they please. They can even use it to stab her and she can't do anything about it.
Currently there are three people who are her walking weakness. Maia is one of them and the only person Ria can hold on to (for now).
Who are they? That's for another time but what I can tell you is that not all of them are romantic love.
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maia-and-ria · 4 months ago
Fluff alphabet: Maia
A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
Not the best with words but show it in action and problem solving instead. Will get you the best gift unintentionally despite believing she's not good at it and she'd remember it for days if you say that you love the gift.
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
Go ask Ria Depending on how handful you are to handle... Well she's not the friend that you can confine to about everything (she'll listen anyway) but if you need someone who can beat the shit out of your shitty ex and slap the shit out of you the second you're trying to get back to them, she's your girl.
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
Not that big on cuddling. Probably wouldn't initiate it first. If you sneak yourself in when she's in deep slumber she wouldn't reject you, including in the morning if she wake up first. Like, she just give up and let you hold her or hold you closer.
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
Never really thought about settling down. She's too busy with solving cases to think about cooking and cleaning so if you happen to be good at them it'd be a huge help. If not, doesn't matter. She'll do it when she can as long as you don't nag her about it.
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
"We're breaking up? Alright then." then she walk off.
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
She wouldn't rush it tbh. Please communicate things properly with her first until both of you are sure that you can overcome it, then you can proceed to marriage.
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
Can try to be gentle. Mostly depends on how you approach her first. When she can't express herself gently through physical means, she try to do it emotionally and vice versa. She's trying her best ok.
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
Wouldn't refuse physical contact as long as you're in a close enough relationship with her. Ria usually link arms with her without asking; other times she give her side hug, Maia barely object to any of them. She knows she's touch starved but would never ask first smh.
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
It's gonna take some time. She's not used to say it growing up and it has to mean something when she says it. She's not one to say something meaningless just to play with you.
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
Doesn't get jealous easily. Maybe will think about it for a day or two and even blame herself. After that she wouldn't think much about it.
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
Mostly just quick pecks. You have to hold her in place and physically show how much you want her, then she'll return them back to you the same way (or more).
L = Little ones (How are they around children?)
Indifferent. Doesn't hate them nor like them in particular. She dealt with kids a few times and think they're easier to handle than most adults.
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
Between you and her, she's probably the one who wouldn't wake you up with breakfast already made for you. She just wake up, make her coffee, and head off. If she doesn't have anything to do she'll just go back to sleep lol.
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
She's either outside dealing with criminals or on her desk working. Wouldn't say no if you want to sit there quietly in her presence as long as you keep disturbance to a minimum.
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
Definitely wait for things to reveal themselves. Most times it's because she doesn't want to remember them, so the thought of opening up barely comes up to mind.
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?)
Bringing up anything about her adoptive father is like walking on eggshell. Other than that she's mature enough to not give a fuck. Unless you're someone who gets on her nerve and her list of people she hates *cough* Leo *cough* you'll probably never see her angry.
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
She's trained to pay attention to every little detail she can get her nose on (heh). She'd subconsciously pick up details when it feels like it's not that necessary. It's on a different level compared to how she deals with cases.
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
When you're so understanding of how she does things and wouldn't hesitate to reassure her that it's fine to be the way she is.
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
Very protective. She will literally go into big argument if Ria get caught visiting or interacting with anyone from Obscuary because she does it out of protection.
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
She's confused with these kinds of things and will mostly let Ria help her if it's like big things such as celebration that require many people. Tho no matter what she'll try her best first.
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
Forgetting to update you about her daily life. Yk how some people would expect at least a good morning text or something, she just doesn't do that hence why it's better to live with her instead.
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
Only when it's for important occasions. Most of her life she wasn't trained to be concerned about herself (above her own health). Stuff like skincare and beauty were introduced to her by Ria.
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
Probably. Especially when she's not occupied with work or school, her mind might wander to you but she has other ways to cope (that's what she tells herself at least)
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
Maia seems laid back and always half-ass her way in work but it's all just an exterior. She can be a sadist especially when her stigma is activated.
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
People who nag all the time is a no-go. And please honor her personal space too.
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habits of theirs?)
What sleep? She only sleep when her head force her to or when her friends nag her to.
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maia-and-ria · 5 months ago
A Guide to Better Communication and Understanding of Maia (and she did not consent to this post at all)
Written by yours truly, Ria 💋♥️
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Now *put on my glasses* welcome to my very first quick class, I am Ria and I will be your teacher for this crucial lesson. Yes! I said crucial because what else is more important than YOUR LIFE when you're facing the one and only grumpy cop of Vagastrom—Maia Hasegawa. Unless you're into being handcuffed like that because #ALLKINKSMATTERS and #CONSENTISKEY so I will not judge <3
Let's start with knowing where your stand based on how she calls you. IF she calls you by your last of first name, your life is safe. At least around 80% to 99%. You can trust me on that. Some exceptions being Mickey and Mr. Hart. She hates them both haha~
But the second she use dog terms on you... you better think carefully about what you'll say and how you'll act. IF she calls you pup, you're still pretty safe. It means she's looking down on you and barely thinks of you as a threat. She uses this on Vagastrom general students and also those Ultio back then. It's her way of calling you junior and uhhhh prettymuch lesser being than her—Now that I mention it, she calls my minions as pups too... Well, she's not wrong. They're still my (hopefully) loyal dogs.
Now we're getting to the fun part—the most special nickname from her of all time!
Oh boy the second she marked you with THAT you better start counting your days as a citizen with clean police record because the thing she's good at other than being dangerously sexy and gorgeous and deadly an—oh shit I lost track where was I... Right!
She's good at sniffing your past wrongdoings. When she does it to you, just consider yourself dead at that point 🥰
The wrong things you don't remember doing, she will know. She will find out. Don't believe me? Ask Vagastrom's vice captain 🥰
And sometimes she gives special nickname to people. For example like "Three-eyed Creep" for Mister Tohma and "Bastard" for Romeo. In which if I reveal the reason behind them she will not return my text and I don't want that :<
That is all from me, hopefully this info can safe your life one day~ I'll see you in next class!
Ciao ♡
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maia-and-ria · 5 months ago
Campus Story: Curiosity of The Cat
Casts: Maia Hasegawa, Alan Mido, Sho Haizono, Leo Kurosagi
(The Garage)
Maia: Mido, you got any coffee left? I'll buy you more when I get back.
Alan: In the fridge. If there’s none just get it from my room.
Maia: Thanks man. I owe you.
(Leo's room)
Leo: ...I don't buy it
Sho: What?
Leo: Their relationship. I don't buy it.
Sho: You mean Captain and Mai-senpai? Are you jealous or something?
Leo: I'll shoot you in the balls, Sho-chan.
Sho: Jeez man, what's with you today... Even if they do have that kind of relationship, what's that gotta do with you?
Leo: That Himbo might be able to pull some chicks but her...?! Who the fuck would want to date her?
Leo: Wait, you talk to her a lot, don't you Sho-chan~?
Sho: I'm not playing your games, asshole.
Leo: Don't tell me you got the hots for her.
Sho: Keep your assumptions to yourself. There's nothing between me and her.
Leo: Oh come on. Between you and me, you're the one who can hold a conversation longer than 30 seconds with her.
Sho: Yeah no shit because you're a pain in the ass to talk to.
Sho: I'm not digging info on a cop like her. You're on your own.
Leo: Tch, annoying.
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maia-and-ria · 3 months ago
4 - Who's waiting for you at home?
5 - Choose three ghouls to go on an inter-house mission with
23 - Do you like your house uniform?
42 - Favorite class? Least favorite class?
"The ghost of my father, if I'm lucky."
"Sho and Haku. Sho will do what I say and Haku can hold me back from 'breaking' darkwick complicated ass rules. I'll leave the last one open but I'd prefer it if they don't talk too much."
"How am I supposed to answer that?"
"Can't say which one is my favorite but I hate seeing Hyde so I always skip his."
– Maia 🥃
"My sisters. Well– they're not actually my sisters but they used to work for my family and now they're loyal to me."
"Hmm... I almost say Towa but Harry is the only one he listens to, and I don't want to give him more work. Oh! I'll take Mido, Doc, and Rui! Now I have a strong beefy guy, a guy that I can easily blackmail, and my business partner. Things will go smoothly~"
"I didn't at first. It reminded me of the life that I used to have, the one thing I desperately wanted to escape from – but not anymore now that I'm running a similar business in here. Ironic, isn't it?"
"Hard to say since I barely attend any unless Mai is there. I don't like Moby's class but I get to see Mai in action so it's not that bad. And I don't like Hyde's class either. Why? That's a secret~"
– Ria 🍷
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maia-and-ria · 4 months ago
say 3 things about someone you hate
Maia taps the mic two times. She knows just the person for this. "Quit being the source of my headache before I use harsher method to get rid of you. I know you've been trying to take a peek on the files that I have with me at all times, so If I caught you again one more time I'm booking you a seat to a prison in the middle of the sea." With that she pass the mic to Ria.
"That's her housemate if you're wondering. No? You could already tell? Oh well I'm more or less the same, I hate the same person she hates because I should be the only source of her headache. Please go choke on a poison and never return, thank you <3"
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maia-and-ria · 4 months ago
A Tie that Binds Us
Characters: Maia Hasegawa & Jyuria Hoshizumi
Summary: The first encounter of Maia and Ria was a bloody one. Like a story of a knight saving a maiden in distress, but Maia was not the first to reach a hand to her, it was none other than a demon.
Word count: 1.1k
A/N: The game story never mentioned anything about how the pact is made between a human and a demon, so I'm just making shit up <3 Also I'm briefly talking about her stigma here.
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Her gaze fixed on the rim of her glass. A lipstick stained glass. Her head lay down on the table as the tip of her finger danced over the top of it. Has the alcohol got through her head already? Not likely. I don’t know. Maybe Mickey’s new stuff was stronger than usual.
“Have you… have you ever thought about what would happen if we never met?”
Maia, who had not said anything, stayed silent still. It must be a question that’s been on Ria’s mind for some time, but she understood where it might have come from.
“Ma’am? Can you hear me?”
The blaring sound of police sirens could be heard in the distance, even their spinning blue and red lights managed to enter through Ria’s window. It felt like some pathetic opening from a movie about a fucked up teenager who got caught by the FBI. Well, it’s not so far off from the truth anyway.
She used to pray for this to happen. For the authorities to raid the place and get their grubby hands on the entire establishment. All the dirty secrets this place holds; all the sickening deeds that’s brewing in this hellhole. Ria wanted them to discover everything and put an end to all of this.
But for now, not even her knees are strong enough to help her stand.
So loud… They’re all so loud…
Not the sirens, not the foot stomp of people clearing the building, not the shrieks of prostitutes having guns being pointed at them.
Ba dum… Ba dum… Ba dump…
It seems far in the distance. Calm before the storm. A panther that’s ready to strike upon command.
Thump- thump- thump- thump-
They surround the area. The sound of excitement mixed with fear, intangible from each person. So many things are happening outside…
“M-my head…”
“Hey now.” The person stopped Ria from falling. She sounded like a girl, probably one of the guests that’s clearing this house. Yet her hand felt warm on her shoulder, like a sincere touch of a friend. “Looks like we’re not so far in age. Can you please tell me your name?”
Ria wanted to look up at the person in front of her, but her clothes were already torn and the disgusting scent of blood couldn’t leave her nose. If she were to move away her entire body would be exposed for this person to see. Not to mention the blood. Oh she could feel it drying on her hands – hers and others – trying to become one with Ria.
“Ria…” she said meekly, barely enough for this person to hear. “Jyuria…”
“Ria,” that person repeated. She didn’t ask Ria to look up, but her fingers already worked their way of tucking all the hairs gently. It’s distracting. It made Ria want to fall deeper and surrender her entire being to this officer. “Will you let me call you that? You can call me Maia. You’re safe now.”
Ria wanted to laugh at the word. Safe. How surreal.
“Yes. That’s my name.” She put her jacket on Ria’s shoulders.
“Are you my savior?”
Maia chuckled. “I would say that’s childish but I can’t play with the victim's emotions. So I guess you can say I’m your savior.”
“Oh… savior…” Ria could feel all adrenaline leaving her body after so long. She wanted to faint, to let herself rest. Maia’s shoulder seemed like a perfect spot at the moment. She’ll catch her like before, won’t she? So Ria took the gamble and let herself go.
“Whoa there… I got you.” Maia wrapped Ria in a warm embrace. Could it be that it's not her first time dealing with emotional victims? The thought left a bitter taste on Ria’s tongue for some reason.
“For your information, we’re going to see more of each other in the future,” she mumbled. “And I’m already hugging you like this.”
And Ria wanted to say that her laugh already gave her comfort. That it drowned everyone’s heart beats in her mind, and since her ear was so close to her heart that she didn’t want to hear anyone else’s. Ria wanted to hear hers forever. To stay in the arms of her savior and drown all the thumping and beating of people’s treasured lives.
Sadly, it was the curse she must bear.
Precisely, it’s the ability she paid for. With her own heart and soul.
Will she ever regret it, she wondered.
To be able to detect someone merely from the beating of their heart. Their presence; their emotions; their lies, she hears them all.
“You can even break them, if you wish to do so.
“A heartbreaker, in the flesh. Beautiful flesh.”
So many hearts to break; to ruin. All in the palm of her hand.
Human hearts… they always sound like a ticking bomb. 
Tick, tock, tick, tock…
Ba dum… ba dum… ba dump…
What will they do when the time is up? Will they snap, will they run, or will they grab the nearest object and break your neck with it?
“No need to find out when you can make them explode like,” the creature snapped its fingers, “... like so.”
The creature must’ve sensed her curiosity. Curiosity is good. “At the price of…” it pointed at where Ria’s heart resides. “That.”
My heart.
To have all the hearts I ever want in the world…
All except my own.
“Ose, my dear conjurer.” The creature had turned into a beautiful man without Ria knowing. His kissed the back of Ria’s with much affection and mysterious glint in his eyes. “A pleasure to be one with you.”
Ria hugged Maia tighter. The kiss the demon had left left a burning sensation on her hand. She couldn’t believe she did that – devouring a demon. For now Ria can still feel her own heart beating in her chest. She can sense Maia’s too, as her cheek was pressed close to where hers is.
“My savior,” she called.
“Hm?” They’re both now sitting on the floor, with Maia still embracing Ria. “Hate to ruin the moment but it’d be embarrassing if you don’t quit calling me that in the future.”
“Meanie,” Ria mumbled. But it was enough to lift her mood up. She never knew she’d be glad of hearing the word ‘future’ before. “Do you have friends?”
“I don’t know. Maybe?” Probably not.
“Can I be yours, then?”
“As long as you quit calling me your savior.”
“Hahaha,” if Ria could jump happily, she would’ve done so by now. Who wouldn’t be happy for finally making a new friend outside of the whorehouse? “Nice to meet you, Maia.”
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maia-and-ria · 3 months ago
39 - Favorite place to eat on campus?
27 - Classmate you want to get closer too?
30 - Who do you want to spar with the most?
"I would say HTH but it's often crowded. Who cares anyway I'll eat anywhere as long as it's not giving me headache."
"I answered that already."
"Spar, right? Alan is the only person that can take my punch in this place so there's your answer. Sho is an honorable mention."
– Maia 🥃
"My own office. I'm more introverted than you think."
"Answered that one~"
"Spar...? No way! I'm such an angel I would never do that! But if I really have to, Maia will fight my battle for me~ And I'll tell her to spar Tohma."
– Ria 🍷
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maia-and-ria · 3 months ago
31 - Who are you most scared of?
27 - Classmate you want to get closer too?
5 - Choose three ghouls to go on an inter-house mission with
3 - What's your demon's name?
"No one in particular."
"I'll take anyone who doesn't talk too much."
– Maia 🥃
"Mister Hart... hahaha..."
"Everyone! But most of them either hate or scared of me already."
"Let's see... I'll take Yinchen, maybe? He screams fresh meat and it's always entertaining to see them in action~ And don't tell me can't treat a mission like that. It's not that I go out for mission often anyway."
"Ose. What, you want to make a deal with them?"
– Ria 🍷
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maia-and-ria · 3 months ago
Favorite staff member?
"Dante...? He's the only one that can have a decent conversation with me for more than 3 minutes. All of them fucking sucks especially Moby. That bastard should be in jail." – Maia 🥃
"I really like Professor Nicholas! He's such a dad sometimes~ Totally not saying that because I have daddy issues or anything." – Ria 🍷
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maia-and-ria · 3 months ago
Maia's DMs with the other Vagastrom ghouls
*Except with Leo because they blocked each other's contacts already /j
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Stickers and the ghouls profile picture
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maia-and-ria · 3 months ago
(There is a stack of documents stapled to your door. They read,)
Helloooooo students!!! Everyone's super duper favorite number one bestest exorcist Kamitani here!!!!!! I'm conducting a survey for aaallllll the staff and students, so if you're interested please fill out these forms and leave them at Clementia's door!!!!! If you don't, just burn these!!
Do you like humans?
Do you like ghouls?
Do you like anomalies?
Do you consider ghouls to be anomalies?
Do you consider yourself to be an anomaly?
If you consider yourself to be non-anomalous (e.g. human, etc), do you like living as such? 6a. If you were to become anomalous, would you like living as such?
If you consider yourself an anomaly, do you like living as such? 7a. If you were to become human, would you like living as such?
If your friend became an anomaly, would you like them to keep living as such?
If you were cursed (non-specific, anything you consider a curse), would you want to find a cure? 9a. If so, why?
Do you want to live forever? 10a. If you could, what would you do?
A lot of them are stupid but at the same time I'm not allowed to call them that. They're an enigma.
Not when it's related to my job.
Not if I have to catch them. They're such a hassle to deal with.
I don't think so. After all anomalies tend to be driven by instinct.
I'm just a regular human ghoul. Honestly I can't say I like being bound by these... noble principle of being a ghoul but I don't think I would want to go back being ordinary human. Even though this stigma is going to be a disaster to me in the end.
If it hinders me from doing basic necessities, I would. Either way nobody wants to be cursed...
As a what? Bloodsucker? Pass. But if I somehow got cursed and become immortal the first thing I would do is find out how far I can get away with death by attempting ways that can get myself killed.
– Maia 🥃
I do! If they're not ugly and has thick pockets.
Yes~ They're not boring to deal with.
If they're useful, yes.
That depends, I think.
Um... No?
I'm a ghoul and I prefer to stay that way. At least with this power I can do more things, you know.
I would prefer them to be the same category as me – human or ghoul. I can't really take an anomaly to shop, can I? I can't take them to eat sweets.
Why of course. Seeing the my cursed friends being miserable breaks my heart, even though they don't show it I can always tell how they feel about their curse. Naturally I would want to find the cure.
Seems fun. Why not? As long as my body stops aging when I'm young, otherwise I don't want to live forever looking at an old hag in the mirror. Not that I would be a hag when I'm old. Having time on my side means I can always see and experience the change of trends especially in the fashion industry.
– Ria 🍷
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