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mahkaria replied to your post “a full spectrum of wolf mike outfits”
I love the way you draw outfits. The colour palette also fits Mike very nicely ! Thank you for sharing it ! I can't wait to hear more about your AU
thank you!!! i’m glad you like them!!
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@mahkaria replied to your post “People wouldn’t be as afraid of the Yiling Patriarch if they could see...”
It's so cute !!! Thank you so much for sharing it ! Does Wen Ning protecting WWX from the sun have a connection with what he did during the Sunshot Campaign? Since the Wen's symbol is the sun?
Oh my dear, that’s brilliant, you actually noticed that!! It’s both subtle and not subtle at all. Wen Ning protecting Wei Wuxian from the Sun means that he would turn on his own people to help Wei Wuxian (which he has in fact done already). Wei Wuxian has already been burnt by the Sun, but Wen Ning wants to prevent that damage from worsening (it was the Wen sect that changed Wei Wuxian’s fate, and the repercussions are still affecting him to this day).
So yeah, it was a convoluted symbolism hidden in a cute drabble. I’m so proud of you for noticing, and so glad you enjoyed!! <3<3
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mahkaria replied to your post: *sounds of me going fully feral in the background*
They are so well drawn ! Thank you so much for sharing it.
jdfkdjfdkfjdkfj bless you
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mahkaria replied to your post: wip i worked on so long today i hate everything...
The way you drew them is amazing !!! (especially their hands and facial expresions) Thank you for sharing and have a nice day.
T_T thank you i am. simply very tired, this was basically all i worked on all day
#mahkaria#ainswers#someday i will do art#and not emotionally devastate myself with it#i'm planning to add some#text also
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In this AU I can totally see Will, his nose bleeding so much it's a miracle he still hasn't collapsed being like : I am fine while the others are just like "Are you sure about it????"
(i think you meant mike) BUT YES mike with powers would spend half his time facedown, exhausted, blood streaming down his face because he has absolutely no chill or self preservation ever
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Hello ! I hope you're having a good day. What do you think of an AU where El and Mike swap their place? PS : I love your madwheelchair drawings and AU, thank you for sharing them.
thank you!!!
oh man where mike’s an escaped experiment and el is the one who finds her? that’s really interesting and there’s a lot of ways to do it but i like my own madwheelclair/jopper spin on it where el is hopper’s adopted daughter, maybe from an abusive family, and joyce and hopper have their unspoken Thing and so she’s close to the byers fam when will goes missing
and so that’s why she starts investigating and ropes lucas and dustin in with her. lucas is still very, very suspicious of the newcomer bc while he isn’t as jealous as he would be of el, he’s still really worried about will and worried by this new guy with superpowers. but on the other hand mike with powers would be 100% more likely to knock himself out being protective and is 100% less subtle too so the minute the gate comes up he’s just like “NO!!!!” and then wears himself out trying to keep them from going after it and so lucas is just like “dude come on pull yourself together, we have to find out friend” and mike’s like :((((((((((((((
also i feel like if mike isn’t literally her first foray into kindness she wouldn’t immediately interpret it as romance so maybe mike kisses her and she’s like “ummmmm” and he’s like “oh oops sorry i thought that was the thing we were doing here” and THEN they become brother and sister bc she and hopper set out to make sure he’s okay and hopper sets up the cabin for mike and el’s the only one who knows about it but is sworn to secrecy
and in this scenario lucas is the one who angsts about whether mike is okay or not, but he doesn’t realize he has Feelings, which is why he still falls for max. and also, the minute things start being weird, mike would break in an instant - he’s a lot more stubborn but less aggressive than el so i think he’d just straight up radio lucas after one (1) fight with hopper and so he finds out everything about will and all like midway through season 2 and doesn’t ever meet kali which is good bc he and kali would immediately kill each other. she just does her revenge thing in chicago, it’s cool
and then during all of season 3 it’s just an army of flayed people out to get mike while lucas tries to figure out if he likes max or mike more (trick question the answer is both)
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Good luck for working on your screenplay. What would Bill and Mike write about ? Also, what made you like soulmates au?
i think they’d write horror written in historical settings. mike does an absurd amount of research to make every detail correct and bill’s just like “mike this is a story about zombies” and mike’s like “yeah so?” but he’s also really good at adding humor and heartfelt moments where bill wouldn’t necessarily think to put them so their books get really popular for being both touching and terrifying
as for soulmates au, i just like the cheese, tbh. there’s always a bunch of very silly reasons why they’re not together right away and then when they finally realize it’s each other it’s just very sappy and i like it a lot
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Hello ! Your addition to "take your hand" was amazing. Not only from the smut but also in how careful you are with building their relationship. (Also Patty and Stan are so funny). For a soulmate idea, how about you can always know where your soulmate is no matter what is happening. Ricchie spends his time hoping Eddie might be his soulmate but always end up saying to himself he only knows because they spend so much time together. Have a nice day !
thank you!! i’m glad you liked it!
ooooh that would work out really well bc they’re still in school and eddie has a routine and all, and richie’s either with them or in the arcade. they really only start to notice when they’re in college and have jobs and even then they’re just like... constantly guessing when the other will do the grocery shopping or if they’re hanging out with friends or whatever
all the losers are like “how exactly would you have known that eddie was going to go to the park with a friend today” and richie’s like “idk it’s a nice day out”
i feel like the funniest (and also best for h/c) is if richie has to go to the emergency room for something super mild (maybe he breaks his finger or something) while at work and eddie immediately panics because he just KNOWS and shows up at the emergency room frantically insisting that they tell him where richie is and what’s happened to him
richie comes out with his hand in a cast like “lol yeh i broke my finger” and then he’s like “wait how’d you know i didn’t even call” and eddie just squeezes him tight because all he knew was that richie is in the hospital and he was so worried and then suddenly they’re like “ohhhhhh wait”
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Good luck for your screenplay ! What are Ricchie's best subjects in your HP AU? I can see him being a real danger during classes, especially Charms and Potions. The teachers know he's probably the closest thing to a chaotic genius they're going to get and never know if they need to stop him or not. Meanwhile, Ricchie can be seen cackling as he almost destroys the classroom with a spell he invented.
he’s great at charms and will charm all kinds of origami creations that bill makes. georgie has like fifteen charmed boats that let out boat noises or float in the air. he’s also charmed several things to do weird stuff like catch fire and start singing loud enough to rattle the windows if anyone touches them
i think eddie would be good at potions and herbology - both of them are pretty integral to medicine in the wizarding world, plus it would give richie more reason to hate snape, because eddie is even GOOD at his class and a good teacher would praise him and give him extra lessons, and snape just bullies him for always being done before everyone else and always finds weird reasons to tell him he’s done it wrong even though eddie’s potions are perfect
(richie could be good at potions but then how would he get eddie to “help” him with his homework and babble about how smart he is?)
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Does it reach a point when the teachers don't even try to stop him to comment ? Like, he's been able to enter the booth since he was in his third year but no one understands how and even if they kick him out, he comes back without any problem ? Ricchie : no one will stop me from complimenting my best friends, not even those one hundred years old teachers !
i mean logically that would be what would happen but it’s so much funnier if it keeps happening and he’s repeatedly tackled and forcibly dragged away while yelling about his friends every. single. time. they keep changing the locks and the microphone and whatever and he just. keeps. keeps getting in. he cannot be stopped
(bev crying laughing while richie is dragged away screaming about how mike is the best hufflepuff ever)
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Your crossover between HP and It is an amazing idea. I love seeing how protective they are of Georgie (also poor Bill but the angst and the friendship linked to his situation is worth it). How about Ricchie as the one commenting Quidditch' s match ? Like Lee Jordan in the books? Have a nice day !!!
oh man i know lee jordan also got into a lot of trouble commenting but i genuinely think richie would be such a little gremlin in the booth that no one in their right mind would let him commentate
however: if any of his friends are playing, he WILL try to break in and get a few words (several of which are f-bombs) in about how amazing his friends are before he is forcibly dragged out of the booth. if bev’s on the team he does it whenever she does literally anything cool and if she’s not then she’s in on it
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Ricchie, on stage, trying to find the weirdest nicknames for Pennywise "Have you ever been outed by the lovechild of Hannibal Lecter and Ronald McDonald? Well, let me tell you I could lived without." / Stanley : O my god, Ricchie you can't just call -/ Bev : no, let him go on, he has a point. (Sorry for that, I hope you don't mind... Have a nice day)
(i never mind people bouncing ideas at me, i love excuses to babble)
richie, on stage: yeah so some of you may have heard that i came out on twitter, and i yes, i did. my top three fears from least to most scary are paul bunyan, clowns and coming out and i’ve already survived attempts on my life by the first two so i figured why not go for the full set?
(also, him alternating between opening shows with genuinely relatable jokes that everyone kind of gets or just showing up like “so has anyone in the audience ever been used as a chewtoy by bozo the rabid clown? no? just me? okay, cool. so anyway last week i was watching lost with my boyfriend... *veers entirely off topic*)
but honestly it would be even funnier if he branches off into other visions they had like “stan’s dad had the fucking ugliest painting in the world and it was even uglier when it ran at you shrieking” or “ladies you know that age when blood starts spewing out of your sink, drenching you and the entire bathroom in blood?” and he becomes like... john mulaney if he was gay and from nightvale
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Hello ! Your chapters of "will we walk down the same road" and "for you there's only love" were a delight, it's been a while since I've laughed so much. I have a question : Once Ricchie does manage to start his career as a comedian, does he sometimes make jokes about Pennywise ? I can his fans arguing about whether he's just got a very bad case of clownophobia or if his town was actually haunted. Have a nice day !
thank you!!!
he absolutely makes pennywise jokes without any context and just lets people wonder
i have had many thoughts about this and basically my thought is that richie starts off the same way he did in canon where he’s doing someone else’s jokes and the others go to one of his shows and his delivery is good so they’re all supportive, except for eddie who is PISSED
and richie’s like “uh what exactly am i supposed to joke about, i live in a two bedroom apartment with two of my friends from middle school, haha not gay at all” and eddie’s like “you didn’t say a single true thing about yourself and you didn’t do [lists an absurd amount of very specific voices and impressions and common jokes richie does]” and he’s so angry about it richie literally can’t get a word in edgewise and richie’s just like “?????”
they get into a HUGE fight (meanwhile, stan sitting on the counter eating cereal radiating energy like that vine where the guy is like “can i PLEASE get a waffle”) and richie’s like “half of my jokes would be about you” and eddie’s like “you can lie and say i’m my girlfriend, just write your own material because you’re fucking FUNNY!!!” and they end up so winded from yelling at each other that they give up and going to bed and eddie spoons richie like “i’m still mad at you this is an angry snuggle” and richie’s like “FINE” and in the morning they just kind of move on by being mildly grumpy at each other for a few days
but then the next time richie gets a gig he immediately starts with “alright jackasses last time i was up here i invited my girlfriend and she hated it so i’m trying something new because she’s the only person who has the balls to tell me i’m funny to my face” and he doesn’t come out but he’s honest about everything else and he 100% starts making pennywise jokes like “i know it’s weird to be living with your middle school friend but in my defense we did kill a demon clown together after it nearly ate his face off. so ANYWAY” and just moves on without explaining himself
(the minute twitter becomes a thing he’s viral bc he’s already famous and then he starts making weird tweets about their life in derry or in the apartment like “sometimes u just gotta find your bravery by getting leper vomit in the face, i love u” at 4 am bc he was talking about when they were kids with eddie)
also he’s so bizarre and energetic and offensive in an understanding way that he becomes instantly popular with the lgbt community john mulaney style and also my thought was that he’d come out when gay marriage is legalized but i realize now i was a fool and that he’d probably come out with the advent of social media bc he can’t NOT take weird pictures of eddie and stan in their apartment with odd captions
(alternatively, he comes out with just a tweet saying “anyone NOT afraid of clowns is homophobic. source: i’m gay & was outed by a killer clown in shitfuck, maine” and then going offline for 3 weeks)
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In your IT stories, I find it extremly funny, Eddie, Bev and Stanley decided to form both the "I'll protect Ricchie with my life club" and the "Let's see if we can make him burn from embarrassment" ! Good luck for your screenplay and have a nice day
we all have those friends that we Must Protect but also they’re objectively ridiculous and frankly making fun of them is the only love language they know, and richie is 110% that friend. if they don’t make fun of him he gets nervous. it’s good for him.
(but if anyone made fun of him for real to be mean, those three would absolutely kill them. like, so would ben, mike and bill, but they would continue to attempt to be intelligent and mature about it and stan, bev and stan are already armed and ready)
anyway thank you!! i have 11 pages so that’s a start!
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Local eleven years defeats the incarnation of fear itself, his explanation : "I'm the only who is allowed to say Ricchie to shut up" (PS : your stories are amazing, thank you so much for writing them)
stan: i know he’s a demon clown but he told my best friend to shut uprichie: i’m your best friend?!stan: shut up richie
(thank you!!!)
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