#mahiru/hiyoko implied
evie-doesnt-write · 6 months
Something something Junko using the Warriors of Hope’s abuse in order to take advantage of them. Something something everyone in Danganronpa 2 having from tragic backstories which makes them more susceptible to being taken advantage and manipulated by Junko
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foryoupeko · 5 months
I didn’t realize that Kazuichi specifically calls out that Fuyuhiko is weak on his own in chapter 2
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That means there’s no way in hell Fuyuhiko would’ve included Peko in confronting Mahiru
Now I have to take out all my fun witty murder banter!!! I’m pissing and screaming into my hands!!!
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I have to change my ch2 redraw a lot now. I think… Fuyuhiko played Twilight Murder Syndrome and kept it to himself. But it’s implied that after Hajime found out Fuyuhiko got the prize of the game, the first people he told were Gundham and Peko. Peko tries to confront Fuyuhiko but gets shut out by him. So Peko secretly watches Fuyuhiko and figures out his plans.
Then at 2:00 at the beach house, Fuyuhiko roofies Hiyoko and waits for Mahiru to come at 2:30. During then, he thinks about Teruteru’s execution and shutters at the thought of being dropped in a volcano (since at this point he wouldn’t know everyone has their own execution). I think at this point Peko would come and snap Fuyuhiko out of his mental spiral (since Peko gotta come in at one point). When Fuyuhiko tries to get her to leave, Peko sense Mahiru coming and hides instead. Then the whole confrontation happens.
Tentative for now, but I’m kinda bummed I can’t use a lot of my jokes. Then again it might be for the best, this way it doesn’t ruin the mood. THNKS ALOT KAZUICHI!!!
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danggirlronpa · 10 months
Oh! I didn't expect you to turn it back on me and ask if I had any suggestions... But I actually do!
retrograde brain (why is boredom your fate?) by Firedawn (Serpyre): kyouko/ryouko & super interesting! I really liked their relationship in it, though I will admit it's not the only focus; Junko's sister-relationship with Mukuro gets some focus too. Mukuro might actually be one of my favorite parts aside from the relationship in this one, too; I think the ending is PERFECT as well. Definitely more on the heavy side of things, but a very good read.
I Can't Fix It (is this where i give in?) by TheImmortalFlame: this one features a trans girl!Ouma named Keiko, which might not be everyone's cup of tea, but I definitely liked. It's a lot of AUs in a trench coat, too; most notably despair!Ouma. The ships are Maki/Keiko & Junko/Keiko and is pretty dark/sad but has a happy ending in the end. Love wins!
The Threshold by tsurugikinjo: a Junkan first meeting reimagining (not compliant with DR3), and one of my favorite versions of it. Warning for contemplation of suicide though, nothing happens but there are thoughts.
Mission: Inshoppable by Ripley Scrolls: more Mukuro focused than romance focused, but Komaru goes shopping with Mukuro to try and find something for Syo for her birthday, very cute! Definitely one of the more fluffy ones on this list.
Hopeless Devotion by Snarky_Sociopath: another Junkan reimagining (not complaint with DR3). I would warn that there's background incest between Mukuro and Junko, but the author has said that's only because they are like that in the DR3 canon, and that they aren't trying to romanticize it. It's also not the focus. I definitely understand if anyone wants to skip it because of that, however, as the topic makes me uncomfortable, too. It also focuses on some of the twilight syndrome girls relationships to Mikan in a very enjoyable way, too!
Chiaki Nanami Doesn't Smile by Oceantoast: Enonami with despair!Chiaki; I'm so starved of enonami content that I eat all of these sort of fics up.
Absolutely, Unnaturally, Picture-Perfect by lonely_lowri: a Mahiru character study!!! Less romance focused, but it definitely has Sato/Mahiru & Hiyoko/Mahiru in it.
Her Smile is the Sun by Midnightdemonht: This one is a Junko character study through the eyes of the remnants (not DR3 complaint), so it's not exactly focused on the romances? But they are definitely there.
Everything You've Ever Dreamed by VanadisValentine: NON DESPAIR JUNKAN... it's very sweet. They do a lot of non despair/non abusive Junkan so if that's someone's vibe, I definitely recommend their works!
Write Your Name In Secrets by PekoIsBaby: one of my favorite Celestia/Kyouko fics ever!!! It's plot is pretty darn good, too—I definitely recommend it for anyone who even has a passing interest in these two, it's really good!
Remember by PekoIsBaby: Sakura/Aoi, and my favorite of the pairing I've read. I wasn't immediately sold on the premise of mythical creature au but this one is really, really good. Even if you too aren't immediately sold on the premise, I do recommend reading it anyways because it may just surprise you!
Red Fingernails by PekoIsBaby: Mikan recovering from Junko fic with a bunch of Mikan/girls pairings, aha, though a lot of them are only implied. Ibuki/Mikan is the main ship, if I remember correctly, but there's minor Akane/Mikan & Mahiru/Mikan too. Mikan recovery fic wooo let's go!!!
Sound Bites by starrylitme: Ibuki/Sayaka focus with some Ibuki/Junko, set in the IF-verse. I don't even ship Ibuki/Sayaka but this really made me a lot more interested in them! The way they both relate to music in different ways... very interesting.
Phantasmal Voices by Kayleen756894: ghost!Junko non despair Junkan AU... warning for suicide, but very very good so far! It hasn't updated in a few years, but I'm hoping it will eventually because it's super good.
Pink Heart Flutter by GalaxyAqua: VERY FLUFFY AND CUTE... miu/kaede, just pure fluff.
To Destinations Unknown by GalaxyAqua: a very good NWP post-V3 Miu/Angie AU. Probably my favorite Miu/Angie work out there, tbh.
Burning Your Eyes In The Sun by Jacynon: TENKO/ANGIE MY BELOVED... post-V3 NWP AU, and my favorite Tenko/Angie work I've read. I love Tenko/Angie & I think this work really incapsulates why.
like an island, just me and you by criminalheart: Mikan/Tenko in UTDP & really, really good!!! I loved how it explored Mikan & didn't shy away from her sometimes darker tendencies while still having Tenko be a light in the darkness for her... and it was very sweet, the whole thing.
you and god both got the guns by Jacynon: Tsumugi/Angie & a GREAT exploration of it. Tsumugi-focused.
Better Brighter by starrylitme: NANAMIKI PRE-DESPAIR... I love this one because Mikan is a bit unhinged in it. We need more toxic doomed Yuri nanamiki & I stick by that. This isn't exactly that, but it does scratch the itch somewhat. My favorite Nanamiki story out there!!
a series in poor focus by revolutionator: SATO/MAHIRU MY BELOVED.... probably my favorite Sato/Mahiru works!
Patient Logs by shsldespair: a Mikan-focused recovery fic, with past Junkan. She talks a lot about their relationship & some of the things she says are permanently ingraved in my head... this was written before DR3, I'm pretty sure, so it's not complaint with that.
stillness in woe by sonia (orphan_account): RYOUKO/MIKAN MY BELOVED... plus it's a goddess au which is so cool!!!
Incomplete by GalaxyAqua: Akane/Mikan, and probably the best of the ship I've read! Very good. A little on the sad side, but ultimately hopeful - it's set in a non despair AU.
Liar by monsterkiss: Sayaka/Junko & one of my favorites of the ship! It's from Junko's POV which is cool to see, & canon compliant.
Soft (But Only For Her) by Kayleen756894: a collection of nine abusive Junkan fics, very sweet!!
Those are just some of my favorites! I also didn't include any that I wrote (though you can go looking for them; my account is Buttercup_ghost and I do have a fair amount of them), just ones others wrote. Happy reading!!
Sorry this ask took so long to get to!! I held off to read all of them so I could offer my own thoughts, but I don't think I'll be able to for at least another month or two, and I definitely don't want to wait so long to share such a well crafted list T_T For now, I'll post it for others to see & so I can come back to it later!!
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hajihiko · 2 years
listen idk how to tell you this, and please do not take the tone of this ask to be aggressive, but you have got to start questioning yourself a little more. why are all your least favorite characters the most visibly mentally ill? why are you comfortable saying a character will need several years of therapy before they are able to have friendships? i know youre going to reply to this saying like, oh, i hc other characters as mentally ill, or oh, i'm mentally ill myself - i can't possibly be ableist! and then all your followers will be like yeah ur fine we love you, but im begging you. its okay to dislike characters, but its such an obvious pattern that the ones who have visible, uncomfortable mental health problems that make them unpleasant are, mysteriously, the ones you have the least sympathy for. i do not care whether you consider yourself ableist, whether you headcanon more pleasant characters as mentally ill, whether youre mentally ill yourself - you are posting ableist things. someone doesnt need to be cured or fixed before they should be allowed to have meaningful relationships
Okay, I've read this message over a few times and have it under consideration (? I think that's the phrase).
I do think you got some information wrong, I could be mistaken but after looking through my own posts I think you might've misread something. What I *have* said (before I watched the OVA) is that I dont think Hajime and Nagito should specifically date *each other* until they get therapy / work through their problems (although I do think that, thematically, they make sense as eventual love interests). Again, hadn't watched the OVA, so I was basing it on their interactions in game only, the OVA sort of changes directions from how the game left off.
Never said anything about anyone not having meaningful relationships until they get therapy, and have actually said that a good social net (meaningful relationships, friendly or romantic) are integral to healing from traumatic events. Not saying I haven't given off a bad impression maybe or implied something, if so do tell me because it was probably not intentional and might've slipped by me, but I'm speaking from a factual search of my blog. Not something I have ever said, as far as I can see, and not something I believe anyhow.
I actually mention pretty frequently that I think Nagito (I assume this is mostly about him) is an interesting character that I like, but find complex. My least favourite characters are Hiyoko, Mahiru and Teru (sorry fans of those! I dont mean anything by it it's literally just the vibes) that's why I don't really draw them. The OVA endeared Nagito to me, which is why I've been drawing him on a friendship journey lately, so if you're assuming I don't like him that's more incorrect now than ever.
By all means if you wanna talk about this more openly in chat, I'm down (though my timezone tends to clash). I feel you've put some words in my mouth.
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why don’t we talk about the sdr2 postgame situation enough? it’s always “v3 postgame AU where everyone survives and slowly recovers together!” my brother in christ that already exists and it’s called dangan fucking ronpa 2. i’m sorry. Mahiru waking up and seeing Fuyuhiko survived? And everyone seeing Nagito made it far and kept terrorizing people? And all of it being fucking canon??
yes, danganronpa 2.5 talks a little about this, with what happened after Nagito woke up, and it implies everyone was pretty chill because “oh well that was very despair inducing lmao aren’t we so silly :3” But due to dr3’s hope arc it’s kinda implied that they’re striving away from despair? a little bit? so surely there were SOME heavy emotions. Like you cannot convince me that Mikan didn’t cry her soul out when Hiyoko and Ibuki woke up
this is not saying that post v3 au’s are bad lmao they’re amazing it’s just that the opportunity is right there and it makes me feel like sdr2’s potential is so damn overlooked—
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thenewfuture · 1 year
Um... mod?
Can I ask you the question?
Why do you abuse poor Hiyoko so much? Like, you treat her as a bad guy in an even more insufferably hypocritical way than the original DR2 game was.
Fuyuhiko cruelly murders Mahiru, frames Hiyoko for it, and tries to get the entire class executed in the class trial. Yet you make Mahiru forgive him. Hiyoko wants to non-lethally hurt Mikan. You may Mahiru throw a fissy hit over it and break up her friendship with Hiyoko over it. Even though, from any sane perspective, Hiyoko is practically a saint when compared to Fuyuhiko.
I kinda applaud you. As a Hiyoko kinnie, Mahiru is obviously my second favorite character after Hiyoko herself. And yet... you had created a version of Mahiru I absolutely despise now. When I had read her breaking her friendship with Hiyoko now, my blood boiled. And when Mahiru said later she is "not going to forgive easily" the girl who made a shrine to mourn her death and literally got herself killed because she wanted to honor Mahiru's memory... While easily forgiving her own fucking killer (Peko)... I had literally wanted to beat the shit out of your version of Mahiru while screaming at "YOU UNGRATEFUL SELF-RIGHTEOUS CUNT!!! WHY ARE YOU BEING SUCH A PIECE OF SHIT KOIZUMI!!!"
Please inform me if you plan on Mahiru repairing her friendship with Hiyoko on this blog (and asking from Hiyoko forgiveness for being such an ungrateful traitor), so I can know if I should block your blog forever to avoid damaging my mental health, or give your story a second chance.
Block me. Block me straight up.
I’m kind of tired and done with this whole discourse of how “bad” I wrote Hiyoko. I won’t deny I may have gone too far at times, but holy shit are we really going with this? Is this my legacy? Is this my one stain? I wrote the bully character too much of a bully? Really? Is this going to be continued to be brought up long after the fact?
Oh, also. You straight up did not play or watch the game if you ever THOUGHT Fuyuhiko killed Mahiru. THAT WAS PEKO! Did Fuyuhiko lie and try to hide the culprit? Yes. Because he cared about Peko and to not die as being the blackened. But yes, Fuyuhiko did kill Sato. Because she in turn killed her little sister, and Mahiru was also implied to lie about it!
And you must have not read my blog too if you think that she forgave Fuyuhiko and Peko so easily! It was a damn second arc about it! Hiyoko was suggesting to kill Mikan, and I even wrote her to actually try and kill Mikan once! Of course Mahiru won’t forgive that so easily! It would hurt even more because she’s her friend!
But to end this nicely, and this goes out to any other anons reading this with the same feelings: if my story and or blog is making you uncomfortable and perhaps hurting your mental health. Go. Leave. Please do. Value your health first and foremost over some dumb story and write your own.
I. Am so sick. And tired of this conversation.
Just. Go.
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anonymouslyangsty · 1 year
I don't trust the Mark-Jett bromance
This isn’t as much of a theory as it is just pure speculation. More like making fanfiction via ‘theorizing’
That being said…We’re all getting real cozy with the idea of a Mark-Jett bromance. I’m also part of that crowd, because it absolutely is cute. But still, for as much as I love a good DR friendship, I can’t help but think we’re rushing into this a bit. 
One of the common tropes in Danganronpa is the unlikely duo. You know, the two characters that seem like opposites who come together in some capacity, only for chapter 2 to tear them apart. Mondo and Kiyotaka, Mahiru and Hiyoko, arguably Kokichi and Kirumi (a bit of a stretch, but you get the idea) are all examples. Understandably, we’re assuming Jett and Mark are going to be the same way.
However, The team behind this game have said they’re planning on avoiding the tropes of Danganronpa. With that in mind, let’s look at this ‘bromance’. 
So far, Mark does not like Jett. Jett’s dragging him along, hovering around him like an overexcited puppy. But Mark never responds positively to Jett’s presence, and barely even acknowledges his existence. Correct me if I’m wrong, but there are only three times where Mark actively interacts with Jett in some way, and they’re all negative interactions. First, Mark asks Jett if he’s listened to his music, to which Jett confidently responds that he hasn’t. Second, Mark gives Jett some sort of glare after Jett mixes his name up with Damon’s. Jett responds with something like “Sorry, I always mix guys like you two up.” Finally, Mark brings attention to Jett’s helmet, saying that “if a mask was enough to avoid the gas…” to which Jett responds defensively. 
So, Jett casually said Mark’s music is good without ever listening to it, and he’s mixed Mark up with Damon, the resident asshole. And Mark’s vaguely implied that Jett’s suspicious…
This sure isn’t a bromance yet. It absolutely could become one, but it’s not there yet. I love Jett, but he is NOT making a good first impression. He’s pushy and blunt, straight up forgets Mark’s name, and is overly chipper for having just been kidnapped. Bro seems like an introvert’s nightmare.
Knowing the team’s intention to subvert Danganronpa tropes, and the fact that they’re establishing this relationship so early, I can’t help but feel that the Mark-Jett bromance is going to end on a sour note. Like a “Mark kills Jett and uses their appearance of friendship to pull suspicion away from himself” type of sour note. 
In summary, they remind me of an audio I heard ages ago:
Mark: “I’m passing the phone to the girl who, if I had to choose between hanging out with her and having my organs removed one by one, I’m choosing the organs. *hands the phone to Jett*
Jett: I’m passing the phone to my best friend! *hands the phone to Mark*
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sumiban · 2 years
I think what makes me the angriest about DR3 is how they brushed over the Twilight Syndrome Murder case like it was nothing.
Fuyuhiko learned his younger sister got murdered and in return killed Sato, yet what made him go into despair was because of brainwashing and watching their class representative die? Not his own sister fucking being murdered??
Mahiru also lost a close friend of hers, but for some reason she can't seem to put two and two together that, hey, she's classmates with the brother of her bully in middle school? The next heir of the largest yakuza syndicate? There was already some tension when Mahiru was calling out his attitude in chapter 1 of SDR2 - why not show it again when they were at Hope's Peak??
Two people were murdered and associated with two students of class 77. Do their classmates not give a shit besides Peko? Hell, it was implied that Hiyoko, Ibuki, and Mikan knew of Sato’s existence, but they didn’t even talk about her or had scenes with her. It would’ve been interesting to see Fuyuhiko and Mahiru starting to be wary of each other, with Mahiru saying something insensitive about Natsumi and Fuyuhiko threatening her in front of the class.
This case could easily be one of the pivots of why Fuyuhiko and Mahiru became Ultimate Despair. Imagine losing someone close to you, but the prestigious school that's supposed to guarantee you success in life swept it under the rug to save their image. Plus it shows they really don't give a shit about the Reserve Course Department - only the money they bring.
There's just so many things about DR3 that are inconsistent and overall disappointing. I know it's all marketing and doing it for the fans, but if the anime adaptation is going to just going to retcon and make the plot over one fucking character then it's just shit and laziness.
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dragbunart · 2 years
I’m basing Natsumi’s personality based on the Twilight Murder Mystery case. A bitch who has bad reputation for blackmail, death threats and bullying because she’s a Yakuza princess. Yes she’s insecure, but she takes out her attitude in the wrong way. My friend theorized that Hope’s Peak intentionally set this up. Hiyoko as Mikan’s classmate, Mahiru and Fuyuhiko in the same class. Natsumi and Sato in the same class. It’s about controlling the students.
Oh yeah, it's been a while since i saw any of the TMS stuff.
And Honestly, your friend is probably right. Hope's Peak has a very seedy underbelly that doesn't get talked about too much in the main series other that the Izuru Project.
I have alot of dark and questionable headcanons about that place before Makoto runs it.
One of them in particular, Teruteru mentions his younger siblings were already being scouted as Ultimates in his Free-times. ... Then you Have Junko and Mukuro...
I wouldn't be surprised if Hope's Peak was doing research into the biological component of talent.
I honestly think they were keeping an Eye on Natsumi in the reserve course to see if she had any hidden talents.
Like why else would there suddenly be an influx of families getting scouted for Hope's Peak. I bet Jin Kirigiri himself was an Ultimate before becoming the Headmaster.
So if all my theories are correct (ie Kaede being a Kuzuryu and Jin being a former Ultimate)...
4 sets of families?
The Kirigiri's, (Jin and later Kyoko)
The Kuzuryus (Kaede, Natsumi and Fuyuhiko)
The Hanamuras (Teruteru and his younger siblings)
And THe Enoshima/Ikusaba sisters...
I mean even without my fan-theories and headcanons... Still, 5 ultimates/future Ultimate being related to at least another Ultimate? I feel like that could use some looking into.
This would heavily imply they were probably monitoring Komaru, as well as any younger siblings of current Ultimates for Future talent.
Because if Hope's Peak can PROVE there's a biological component... Then that opens up a whole can of worms. They could purposefully put personalities together in the main course classes that they see blossoming into romance so that there are GUARANTEED future Ultimates.
Furthermore, it would set another precedent that fans already kind of use in Next Generation Fangans. Talent or the ability to wield talent is Genetic.
(I have a whole fucked up theory/Au I've never posted anywhere that has this idea)
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sumechiayuu · 1 year
hiyoko for the most recent ask game you've reblogged
First impression: I kinda had a feeling she would be a gremlin lol
Impression now: LOVE HER i think she should've been Meaner also she should've lived idk
Favorite moment: When she called Peko a bitch in chapter 2 and called back to when she was stuck in the toilet
Idea for a story: Sdr2 where everything's the same except Hiyoko is alive because double murder is trash
Unpopular opinion: This is hard tbh, but the game makes it hard to show that Hiyoko's tears are real except in chapter 2 because so many people (including me at first) fell for her "oh I fake my tears because I'm so good at manipulation >:)" facade because in her first and last fte it implies that her tears are real she just sucks at regulating her emotions. She is so fail
Favorite relationship: I like her friendship with Mahiru I wish they had more scenes together :(
Favorite headcanon: She asks Mahiru to teach her how to photograph
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ao3feed-danganronpa · 2 years
57 Minutes in Frozen Hell: A Comedy in Four Acts
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/ROt8Bu2
by goshdangronpa
Hiyoko Saionji and Hajime Hinata can barely stand to be near each other. That makes it worse when they accidentally lock themselves inside a walk-in freezer ... which their friends treat like an extra-long game of Seven Minutes in Heaven.
It's a play!
Words: 5791, Chapters: 4/4, Language: English
Fandoms: Dangan Ronpa Series, Super Dangan Ronpa 2
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/F, F/M
Characters: Saionji Hiyoko, Hinata Hajime, Hanamura Teruteru, Koizumi Mahiru, Mioda Ibuki, Komaeda Nagito, Soda Kazuichi, Tsumiki Mikan
Relationships: Hinata Hajime & Saionji Hiyoko, Koizumi Mahiru/Saionji Hiyoko, (mentioned) - Relationship, Hinata Hajime/Komaeda Nagito, (IMPLIED)
Additional Tags: Enemies to Friends, Sex Jokes, No actual sex, Hiyoko is mean, Hajime isn't very nice either, Teruteru is a perv, Theater Script Format, Both Soapies and Komahina are briefly referenced for both drama and jokes, No killing game, Still on Jabberwock Island though, Just Roll With It
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/ROt8Bu2
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catgirl-catboy · 1 year
I love Sonia too but I agree.. And I was tend to like Soniaki more because the chapter 5 rebuttal give Sonia a great relevance.
But Gundam acting like Sparkling Justice to impress Sonia? I would find it funny and if Kazuichi calls him out for it, it could be a great humour too.
I love Peko too, my girl get therapy, pet some rabbits. It will be good and one thing too because that shit joke they made.
What do you think about Nekomaru? I read you see him and Nagito as foils and I love Nagito to the death soo
Yeah. From what little we got of Sondam, it was shaping up to be a really enjoyable romance plot. I wish Kodaka didn't have Kazuichi simping for Sonia and Sonia's narrative passivity get in the way of it.
This is not to say I'm anti Kazuichi simping. It makes sense for his character, and the fandom flanderizes him for it so hard! :( I think that perhaps he could have chosen a different target, like Mahiru, Mikan, or Chiaki.
If Kodaka picked Mahiru as the target, Kazuichi would be forced into performing masculinity in a way that's just NOT him. It'd also only last 2 chapters and would be less stale.
Mikan would work for a more comedic angle. (Hiyoko voice:) "Ewww Kazuichi get you're eyes checked.)
Chiaki would have made sense, because everyone puts her on a pedestal, Kaz would just be the most obvious about it. I also don't think she'd mind, because it might help her redeem him. Also gamer girl simps are a real thing and everyone knows one.
I think they could have made Kazuichi simping for Sonia work if Sonia felt conflicted about the whole thing. "As a princess, I should be used to this. As a person, he is ruining my chances with Gundam >:(" but Sonia's arc is both too cluttered and not busy enough. Shit just happens to her.
With that probably uninteresting tangent out of the way. (my target audience for the daily DR tedtalk is me, I am so sorry.)
Nekomaru is such a good concept: "Nagito, but healthy coping mechanisms. He does what Nagito wants to do, but fails spectacularly at."
Also, tangent: really important headcanon to me. Nekomaru has Bowel issues either due to his condition, or due to medicines he has to take for his condition. (I'm not a doctor) Nobody knows this in canon, but it makes a lot of sense.
Second tangent: His design sucks ass. I do not like it.
Third tangent: I hate the name Mechamaru, so I will not be using it. Like Gundam, Nekomaru's name is really important to him, and I don't like the (percived, possibly entirely in my head) implication that his robotification changed something key about himself like his name.
I feel like he really suffers from the fact that you don't get his life story unless you play his FTEs. I know thats how the series works most of the time, but it doesn't make sense from a character perspective. Dude overshares everything, there's no way he wouldn't mention his heart condition at least once nonchalantly.
Like: "Teruteru, can you skimp on the beef for my portion? The doctor recommends it for my heart health!"
Or: "Sorry Akane! I can't spar with you at the moment! Coach's gotta do his doctor-mandated 30 minute break in between strenuous activities."
I also feel like as a disabled person, ch4 was a missed opportunity to dissect the trope of curing disabilities and just disabilities in general. From Nekomaru's POV (he doesn't know this is fake!) Monokuma just extended his life, only to continue trying to cut it short. However, his body is now changed beyond recognition, and he now has a completely different set of limits he isn't used to.
If I were in charge of writing (aka the elaborate rewrite that only exists inside mya brain) I'd have Nagito volunteer to be killed in just your average Nagito move. But then, I'd have him mention that since he's going to die anyway, his life is less valuable than the others.
This would really set Nekomaru off. He'd tell Nagito to stop that negative self-talk, since it affects others to! By saying that, he's implying that his life is less valuable since he was going to die young. That he knows his life has just as much meaning as everyone else's, but chose to give it up for Akane anyways.
If you really want to comment on complex issues, maybe bring in Fuyuhiko's recent vision loss and that he's struggling with it.
Nagito's so high on copium that the point flies right over his fluffy little head.
I'd imagine the rest of Ch4 proceeds as normal.
I also feel like it was a missed opportunity to have Nekomaru be absent for Ch3 specifically, when he could have been absent for Ch2, where he had little plot relevance. He's spent his life in the hospital, he's a natural pick for hospital staff alongside Hajime and Fuyuhiko. Its also sad that despite his relationship with Akane (which I really like, actually!), he never actually see's her hidden depths onscreen or her at her lowest.
Imagine the drama. :)
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DR3's biggest problem, imo, is that it tried to do too much with too little time. People say it would've been better as a game or with more episodes, but as you've pointed out, the real issues were how they tried to make the story work: idiotically selfish decisions, unnecessary retcons, lazy shortcuts, focus in the wrong areas, and not enough time to devote to the characters who should've been there and the new ones that were introduced. The Despair Arc is especially guilty of all this (1/2)
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//Danganronpa isn't perfect. Far from it. And it's never going to be. But we can all agree that the anime was such a low point.
//Hell, the worst thing about the brainwashing thing is that pretty much all of the DR2 cast had fairly obvious routes by which they could've been inducted into Ultimate Despair. For example, Fuyuhiko, Mahiru, Peko, Ibuki, Hiyoko and Mikan could ALL have been affected by Natsumi and Sato's deaths, and that alone would have been enough for Junko to push them over the edge, not even including all the other horrible shit that happened to some of them in the past.
//As a matter of fact, I theorise their FTE's in Danganrpnpa 2 all explicitly highlight the ways it could occur, so resorting to brainwashing seems an extremely cheap; time-constrained, and, worst of all, un-creative means to get them to be Ultimate Despair.
//Furthermore, it enhances a wider accusation made against Danganronpa that was part of DR3; this being that Kodaka/the writers were far too resistant to letting their characters not be perfect, innocent, or damaged, and so rather than letting them be human, and faulted enough to be swayed by Junko, as the game implies, they simply had their minds forcibly overwritten, thus alleviating them of any guilt or imperfections.
//I don't think Kodaka is a bad person who doesn't care about his characters, but this doesn't help his or his team's case.
//Honestly speaking, I think we should put a break on DR3 talks for now. But I promise, I will come back to this.
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velvetroomkeeper · 7 months
Remind me, at what point in DR3 did we see Teruteru own up to the fact that he had equal responsibility for what went wrong in the first trial? At what point did Fuyuhiko and Peko sit down and apologize to Mahiru and Hiyoko for getting the former killed and framing the latter as her murderer? For that matter when did Fuyuhiko apologize to Mahiru for murdering her best friend and hiding that from her for a year at Hope's Peak? When did Hiyoko apologize for being a bully to Mikan over the years, along with the others for enabling or ignoring it?
And at what point did Hajime apologize to every last one of the Remnants for being the one most to blame for getting them into their mess to begin with? Unlike them, he had far more autonomy as Kamukura. He had the power to stop Junko and save Chiaki. But didn't. He could have neutralized and captured all of the Remnants, and ended the Tragedy early if he wanted. But didn't. Instead he pissed around for years, before "honoring" Chiaki's dying wish by sabotaging a program meant to save her friends, put them through another shitty fucking Killing Game, and got two thirds of them in a coma. Yet not a one of them resents him for that.
But for some reason, this conversation is always directed solely at Nagito for you people. It's fucking childish. DR3 as a whole is pretty crap when it comes to character development and depth. There's only three characters I can think of off the top of my head who feel improved upon thanks to it. Natsumi thanks to being a more fully fleshed out character. Kyoko for showing some evolution in her decision to not sacrifice Makoto like she did in THH. And...Nagito. The OVA is unironically the best written part of the anime as a whole, because it adds extra layers of depth and complexity to him. And does subtly imply that his mindset is beginning to change upon waking up, and likely will continue to do so going forward.
Wow congratulations you completely missed the point have a gold star
My main issue was the lack of remorse or proper development
Teruteru learned the hard way what his actions lead to
Fuyuhiko made it evident that he feels guilty over his actions and actively tries to be better
And hiyoko is at least trying to be better to mikan
And hajime faces the problem he created and fixes it
Just calling me a hypocrite for not seeing the other characters apologize misses the point entirely
My reasoning for targeting nagito is that of all the students he’s the one who caused the most damage without being a remnant
(Also you didn’t even mention izuru for dr3)
I’m where do where do we see that are you referring to the it wasn’t a bad dream scene because in context it feels more like it’s referring to the fact that he had friends in the virtual world considering not to long ago he called this world stupid
But hey what would I know I’m just a stupid anti making a fool of myself I couldn’t possibly understand the nagito has been through the wringer his whole life or that he wasn’t faking his personality or that his obsession with hope is a coping mechanism to deal with stress and danger
No pay no mind to me
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There's something we've been discussing with Nagi and the others, guys. When your classmates who are having their memories of the game erased wake up, you're all gonna have to treat this like a fresh start for them. Regardless of any ill feelings towards them for their actions in it. Because to them you'll all be a bunch of strangers, and the only possible support following a very traumatic awakening. And yes, that does include Hiyoko and Nagito.
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Yeah... Hajime and Kei did inform us about what Nagi plans to do...
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So your going to remove their memories of the killing game?
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I would have to, mostly as so we either don't have people killing themselves, for health reasons or to make it a bit easier to explain everything.
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It might not be the best solution but to avoid any of them remembering when they died; It would help a lot of us.
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I don't like it, the fact your planning to remove their memories; it seems mess up...
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Indeed so, especially as our friends would be quite confused of what just happen.
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Yeah like we aren't suppose to say anything to them or what...?!
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Then would you rather have them kill themselves and shun them? Especially Nagito or keep away like Mikan? That's what you are all implying.
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Same with those that remember their deaths as well? I don't think anyone would want that!
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But you can't just-!
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No... I think I can understand why she's doing this...
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Wait, you do?
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I'm sure for those that survive; this would feel wrong but think about those that died in the simulation, if we had kept their memories that means they remember how they died too.
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I did remember how I woke up and honestly I still feel pain in my stomach, Teruteru is still suffering from heat strokes, Mahiru tends to look behind her and Peko even remembers protecting Fuyuhiko.
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I can't imagine some of the others like Nekomaru who was stated to have a heart defect which if he remembers dying; he could actually die in real life from a heart attack.
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N-No way... Coach Nekomaru...
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That's fair... do whatever you like, just as long as Coach Nekomaru is okay...
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Knowing Hiyoko, this... might be for the best...
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Yeah, it's not a great thing but we better make sure to treat them all nicely if we can...
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goshdangronpa · 1 year
This anon is making a survivor Hiyoko mod for DR2 (because it makes me very happy, okay?). Is there any pitfall in writing her you would have advised me to avoid?
Whoa, I just reblogged ovidiomedes's response to this exact question! Take that as me seconding what he said.
With that said, I'd add ...
Consider not just how Hiyoko would change as the story progresses, but how she would not change. People don't 180 their personalities, especially not so suddenly. Some traits are just part of who we are, but they can manifest differently over time. I believe that Hiyoko will always have a loose tongue and a mischievous streak. What would really change, besides that she'd mellow out as she matures, is that she'd start to save that side of her for people she thinks really deserve it instead of throwing insults at everyone and everything like she does in-game. In other words, turning a weakness into a strength, like so many great character arcs. But that's just one idea, based on my view of her. Take that as an example of how to think about a changing character.
Keep in mind also that as she changes, so will her relationships with other characters. Some may be slow to accept her as a changed person. Others may be quick (maybe even a little too quick!) to forgive. A revised take on the events of Chapter 4 may be a great place for her to prove what she's learned from Mahiru’s murder and the events of Chapter 3 - maybe consciously tamping down her complaints about the starvation situation, even though they'd be fully warranted, in an effort to be a pillar of strength instead of a whiny brat?
One last piece of advice, maybe the biggest I have: for a way to distinguish her character arc from that of Fuyuhiko. A brusque and unfriendly person softening and opening up after losing their closest friend in Ch. 2? It'd be so easy to just kill of Hiko instead of Hiyoko in Ch. 3 and have her adopt his growth in the exact same way ... maybe too easy. Whether you do that anyway or keep them both as survivors, copying and pasting like that would be a mistake because 1) it's just not that fun or interesting for both reader and writer, and 2) it implies that their characters are pretty much the same when they're really not! Be creative. Let Hiyoko do the kinds of things and have the kind of story that only Hiyoko could have. You want more of her for a reason, so commit to that.
I hope this helps! Whether or not any of this advice has any effect on your project, I'd love to see whatever you create :D
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