#mahiru and touma teaming up would be fun
childrenofthesun77 · 7 months
Giving the heroes 13 mikuni's (well 12 now I guess. Or are 12 fake mikuni's left and the original is not among them so it's still 13? What did you do now mikuni, I'm so confused) to defeat makes a lot of sense now that I thought about it a bit.
Almost all characters are on mahiru's side at this point, with the exception of mikuni, jeje, lily and tsubaki. Even former antagonists like touma and tsubaki's subclass are trying to stop the ritual from succeeding. Now that all the eves and servamps on the heroes side (and gear, touma and tooru) got a chance to show off their powers against pandora I'm expecting that fight to end one way or another soon, meaning we need other antagonists for the many heroes to fight and there aren't a lot left.
Tsubaki is still figthing with kuro. I guess other characters could join the fight, but my guess is that this fight will be mainly between the two and maybe mahiru will join to support kuro at some point. All the servamps coming together to convince tsubaki that they are also his family would be cool too I guess tho.
Last time we saw jeje he was bound in chains and tsubaki stole his jinn, so jeje is currently not exactly a threat unless someone frees him.
Lily could start a fight with someone, but he's not a great fighter, he's a schemer and he already revealed most of his plans to misono. I also feel like while other characters could fight against lily in the end it's misono who has to get through to lily so any other confrontation would only exist to give the characters something to do.
In a similar case I feel like misono should be the one to stop mikuni, but with mikuni's plots harming so many people now (I see lily and mikuni as the true antagonists at this point) I would understand if the other characters got to fight him too. Which thanks to mikuni multiplying a lot is now possible. Some mikuni's are already covered by tsubaki's subclass (so far we've seen belkia, higan and lilac. Plus two pairs of unknown subclass of tsubaki, but I doubt they will defeat mikuni) but many others are not, leaving a lot of mikuni's to defeat to stop whatever spell he cast to aid tsubaki.
I wonder if tsurugi could also return as an antagonist. Not out of his free will of course, but because mikuni is puppeteering his corpse or something. Mikuni told jeje to leave the body as nice as possible and lily killed tsurugi by beheading him with one clean cut. When mikado woke up again the corpse was gone. So did mikuni take it with him to do something with it? Dead tsurugi vs touma would be emotionally brutal😅
The count could return in one form or another too I guess, but I feel like that is something mainly for mahiru and kuro to deal with.
Of course it's possible that a few more heroes get pushed off the board by injury or something similar (tooru is too injured to fight and freya, ildio and lawless did take a lot of damage as they shielded the eves from pandora's blast) but with so many characters on the side of the heroes we need more antagonists to give them something to do while the main characters deal with the bigger threats.
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xthunderbolt · 3 years
In a Servamp version of Thanksgiving, how do you think each of the pairs + team Melancholy & dark knight trio &Gear/Youtarou and their friends/familys all celebrate together? Like everyone’s favorite tradition and favorite dish aside from blood that they enjoy making or love that their Eve/servamp/friend/family make for them? (Hugh and Ilido included before they left their eves). Even if they don’t say it aloud, what do you think every one of them would be most grateful for even if the fighting and everything resumes again tomorrow? (Lmao i just imagined Lawless on Black Friday)
&what’s your favorite tradition?
Happy Thanksgiving Thunder senpai!
Everyone else respond with hcs and your favorite tradition too! & everyone please have fun / stay safe - don’t cook irresponsibly
Now, I honestly don't know much about Thanksgiving besides what I've seen on TV, heard from online friends and what I just googled, and I'm also too tired to go into details, but I wanna answer it before Thanksgiving ends djfjdkdj (in my country at least)
Since it's a family holiday/tradition, and the servamps are basically a family and I'm too tired to separate them into their respective teams, I wanna put EVERYONE together, at the Alicein table, like one very big (despicable) family.
Tsurugi would also be very happy to see Touma, and very grateful that everyone even allowed him to be there.
Mahiru, Tooru, Youtarou and maybe even Lawless, if I remember correctly, would be all over the kitchen, preparing all dishes with love and attention. Though the pies are all on Lawless' hands, as he's preparing it with quite the big excitement for Licht, knowing that the little angel would probably indulge into them without even touching the turkey.
But the thing is that then I'm pretty sure that everything they cooked will end up being used in the biggest food fight that manor has ever seen.
But there's also a super cute thing I've read online that I see not only Lawless doing with Licht, but also Mahiru with Kuro, Youtarou with Gear, Iduna with Freya and especially Tsubaki with Belkia. Because let's say that they prepared more than one turkey.
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Let's say that they do this after the food fight, when they go in the living room to watch some football, though I honestly see them all taking turns in playing video games.
Until Lily suggests a family game, like monopoly. And another chaos starts.
Then something they're grateful for... I think that, even if some won't say it out loud, they're grateful for the bonds they've made. Even Licht is grateful for them because it's because of them all that's it's not only him, his piano and a promise anymore.
And I think it'd be the same for Gear. It's the closest thing he has to a pack, to a family.
The subclasses, most of all, are very grateful for being offered a second chance at life, as well as a new place to call home. They're grateful for their masters in other words.
And Sakuya to Mahiru. For offering him his hand that day.
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animes-trash · 4 years
Servamp quarantine AU / headcanons
Y’all I assume most of you are stuck like me in quarantine so why not bring our servamp babies with us in our world
Mahiru knew it would happen, he calmy prepared himself and his house
Kuro is living his best life
Honestly it’s just his normal life but without all the shit 
Licht and Lawless live with mahiru and Kuro, the hotel they were staying in closed and they didn’t want to go back to Austria, so Mahiru agreed to take them
Team Melancholy bought EVERYTHING THEY COULD in ALL the stores
Tsubaki legit bought all the toilet paper
Shamrock is trying to reason them
But hey have you seen them ?? 
Sakuya just doesn’t care
But he’s deeply bothered to have to stay in with the noisy team
Tries to murder Tsubaki everyday
Tsubaki is so bored he just lays on the couch and makes unincoherent noises
Or just walks randomly in the flat screaming that he’s bored
Belkia screams with him
Sakuya secretly called Mahiru to check that he’s okay
Lawless believes it’s the end of the world
He has his apocalyps bag with ready
Became the scientist, screams at every (fake) news
Licht is kinda rational, but he often calls Kranz and his parents to make sure they’re okay
Lawless makes fun of him bc who thought the angel could be worried ???
Licht hits him
Though Mahiru is very tired of taking care of those three children boys at home, but he’s very happy to have company
Mahiru is a social person and likes being outside, so it’s a bit hard for him
The others understand and they often play society games at night !!
Monopoly always end up in someone licht or lawless flipping the table over
Licht deeply miss playing piano too, often feels down about it
When they go to the store, Lawless buys ALL the melons for him, and Mahiru leanrs new ways to cook them
They can’t all go to the store together, so they play Mario Kart and the winner has the privilege to go out
Kuro doesn’t even play in that
Licht plays music with everything he can, Mahiru tries to get him to cook to entertain him
Lawless screams on the balcony to talk to people
He becomes a meme lord on the internet if he isn’t already
Mahiru tries to keep everyone in health and with a normal sleep schedule
Now, the chaos has taken over the C-3, almost all the team is confined in it
Jun is at home with his son and his mom
Tsurugi and Yumi are in the C-3 spend time by pranking everyone, especially Shuuhei
Jun is scared of how he will find his workplace after the quarantine
Those three drunkasses probably just sit in one room and drink and have a lot of fun, like when they were younger
Except that Jun is in videocall with them
Shuuhei curses at tsurugi and yumi and then get back to work, I mean does he ever stop ??
Izuna has to yeet him away from his lab and know him off to sleep
Yumi is like lawless, he believes every fake news and is a self taught new scientist
Shuuhei is the only one with common sense about it
Tsurugi’s room is a cemetery of instant noodles soop
Touma just stays quietly in his room
Though he insists on Tsurugi taking the test to see if he’s not infected
Pretends it’s because he doesn’t want everyone sick, but in reality he just cares 
Johaness is stuck in his lab doing god knows what kind of way off the chart of the Geneva convention kind of experiment
Misono has to stay at home, and everyone in the household took a test
Mitsuki and Dodo are the only one who go outside to buy groceries, and they wear masks and gloves and everything they can
Mikado is just a paranoid father
Misono, Mahiru and Tetsu are often in videocall to check on each other
Mahiru just need a break sometimes, I mean have you seen who he’s stuck with
Mikuni stays in his shop with Jeje and he’s extremely bored
Goes out at night walking
He sneaks to the Alicein mansion to chech that his brother is alright, but makes sure no one notices him
That’s all I have in my mind for now but I will often edit the post under that sentence, also feel free to add !! Let’s have a long chain of headcanons under that post
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pocket-luv101 · 5 years
Across Time|| Chapter 14
Fandom: Servamp Ships: KuroMahi (main), LawLicht (side) Characters: Kuro, Mahiru, Hyde, Licht
Summary: Mahiru falls into a well and is taken to a new, fantasy world. He comes across a half-blooded cat demon trapped in a tree. After he frees Kuro, he helps him collect the shards of the sacred jewel. (KuroMahi, InuYasha AU)
Ch.1 || Ch.2 || Ch.3 || Ch.4 || Ch.5 || Ch.6 || Ch.7 || Ch.8 || Ch.9 || Ch.10 || Ch.11 || Ch.12 || Ch.13 || (Ch.14) ||
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“The castle was here. How can an entire building disappear?” Licht gawked at the deserted land before him. He took Mahiru and the others to Touma’s castle but it was gone. Despite his injuries, Licht insisted they ambush the castle once it was dark. He only took a few days to recover yet the castle had vanished in that time. Even if he the demon left to find another place to hide, the castle should’ve remained.
“Touma must’ve used a spell to trick you like how he made an illusion to make you think we attacked you. He thought ahead enough to hide the location of his castle.” Mahiru reasoned. He could see how frustrated Licht was. He wanted to recover the bodies of his fallen comrades. Licht slid down the crater where the castle once stood and walked to the center.
A part of Mahiru was relieved that they didn’t have to face Touma yet. He was powerful and he could also use illusions to manipulate people. There were four of them now but he wasn’t certain if they could defeat the spider demon. The first time they fought him, they were lucky his power saved him. He needed to train more before he could fully control his spiritual power and summon the shield at will.
“What should we do now?” Kuro asked Mahiru. He appeared uncertain and Kuro understood his feelings. He didn’t want to pressure him and placed his hand on his back. Mahiru relaxed as he rubbed small circles into his back. The gesture was small but the warmth was reassuring. No matter how anxious he felt, he knew everything would be okay with Kuro.
“Touma holds a lot of the shards and we have to take them back. I don’t think we’ll be able to find Touma’s castle easily. He doesn’t seem like the type who would accidentally leave clues to his location. We can draw him out with the shards.” Mahiru decided. “He wants to reform the jewel like we do. He will come for us and we can defeat him then.”
“That will give him more time to collect jewels and hurt people.” Licht argued. He stomped up the crater with a scowl. Mahiru knew that that he was merely impatient to find Touma and he wouldn’t hurt him. He also understood the dangers of not defeating him immediately. His next words punctuated his thoughts. “Look at what he did to my village in one day! Imagine what he could do to defenseless humans.”
“Troublesome.” Kuro groaned. He agreed with Mahiru’s plan but it was clear Licht was too stubborn to be persuaded. He looked up at the moon while the two debated what they should do. In the distance, he heard drums. “There’s a village nearby. I vote we find a room there and argue about this in the morning. Touma and the shards can wait.”
“My brother’s right.” Hyde said. “I don’t want to hear you two arguing all night.”
“It looks like we were outvoted, Licht. We can continue this discussion tomorrow. We’re a team now so I don’t want to fight.” Mahiru walked to his bike where he left it leaning against a tree. He sat on his back and then patted the rack behind him. “Sit here, Kuro. You can point to where the village is while I drive.”
Last night, Kuro comforted him and they talked until the hour grew late. Neither of them had much sleep and he must’ve been tired too. Kuro sat on the back of the bike and leaned against him. Mahiru looked over his shoulder to him. He had his eyes closed and he would’ve drifted off to sleep if Mahiru hadn’t said: “I need you to give me directions, Kuro.”
“Head to the west. Hyde also has sharp senses so you can ask him for directions. Drive slowly and be mindful of your precious cat back here. I don’t want to fall off.” Kuro could feel his warmth when he leaned against his back and he felt so comfortable that he could fall asleep. Mahiru had a lean body but his shoulders were stronger than he thought it would be.
“We might as well be walking if I have to bike slowly. Wrap your arms around me and you won’t need to worry about falling off. Let’s go, Hyde, Licht. It’s already late so we should hurry or else all the rooms will be taken.” He waited until Kuro hugged his waist before he peddled forward. Mahiru biked at a leisurely pace with Licht and Hyde walking behind him.
“I’ve only known you three for a few days now but I see none of you take this journey seriously. I joined you to help collect the shards and get revenge on Touma. I think it might’ve been better if I went after him alone.” He sighed. Since they had buried his family and they were able to enter the cave, he knew they were good people. Licht had reservations though. “The cat is actually sleeping.”
“If you’re jealous and you want to be carried too, I’ll give you a piggyback ride. You can also ride your Nekomata.” Hyde suggested. Licht clicked his tongue and whispered to the small cat demon on his shoulder. They couldn’t hear him but his order was clear when Kirara jumped onto Hyde’s shoulder and bit his ear. “Hey, get this thing off me!”
“Will you two stop? Don’t make me turn this bike around and force you two to camp out here until you get along.” Mahiru huffed. His words made them stop fighting but Kuro had to wonder for how long. “You two needs to learn how to get along if we’re going to fight together. I don’t have time to stop your fights every few hours.”
Licht often fought alongside other demon slayers and trust was an important part of their work. “Tell him to stop provoking me.”
“There’s a festival in the village we’re going to. You two can spend time together and learn to get along.” Kuro suggested. Mahiru’s warmth was comfortable and familiar and he could almost fall asleep but their argument kept him awake. He recalled how simple and tranquil their travels were before Hyde and Licht joined. He was happy to have his brother back though.
As they approached the village, Mahiru could hear cheers and laughter. The festival was more elaborate than he thought it would be. Most of the rural villages they visited were sparse. Lanterns lined the houses and there were stalls for games and goods. Mahiru wondered which holiday it was. Since he came to the feudal era, he lost count of the days.
“Two of us should find an inn while the other two buy supplies for the journey. Let’s meet here in an hour and then enjoy the festival.” Mahiru suggested and stopped his bike. He moved off the bike and lightly nudged Kuro to do the same.
“I can find us a room easily.” Hyde said. When Mahiru took out his coin purse to give him money for the inn, he held his hand up. He had a mischievous grin as he told them, “I know a nobleman in this city. He’s a little paranoid. If I suggest a spirit is lingering in his castle, he’ll let us stay the night to exercise it. I can get a hefty reward as well. You three go ahead and enjoy the festival.”
“I’m going with you, Demon.” They were shocked when Licht stepped forward and grabbed Hyde’s arm. He stopped and looked back to him in confusion. Licht’s frown didn’t change as he said: “I won’t let you lie to a human. We’re going to secure a room without any of your tricks. How often do you use your ruse of a monk like this?”
“It’s not a ruse since I was trained by a monk. Even a demon has spiritual energy they can use. I’m far stronger than other monks since I can use my demon abilities and attacks.” He said. Licht didn’t comment that he hadn’t answered his question or pressed him for more. He doubted he would tell him the truth if he did. He took his hand and dragged him into the village.
Kuro watched them leave and hoped they didn’t start fighting. He sat on the bike as Mahiru walked it through the festival. He scanned the stalls around them and his stomach growled lightly. The sound made Mahiru chuckle and he stopped in front of a food booth. He purchased a plate of takoyaki and held a stick out to Kuro. “Try these. They smell great.”
“Festivals are fun but they’re expensive. I don’t go to them often.” He leaned forward and took a bite. Mahiru blushed slightly when he realized that it appeared like he was feeding him. Despite how flustered the thought made him, he didn’t pull away. He smiled shyly and ate an octopus ball. “Festivals are more elaborate than I remember.”
“But the laughter is the same. It’s charming, isn’t it? In my time, I would help cater festivals like this so it’s nice to enjoy it for once. I almost feel like a teenager again. Then again, I never had to carry my friends on my bike.” Mahiru said and Kuro chuckled at his joke. “I think that stall is selling noodles. What does your brother like? We’ll get something for him too.”
“Cheese and ham.” Kuro told him and thought of the family they once were. “Hyde loves festivals like these. Lily and Hugh did too. It was hard to keep track of all six of them since they enjoyed different things. You can always count on World End being at a food stall though. He’s lucky that he can hide his demon traits easily.”
Mahiru was focused on Kuro so he didn’t notice the people staring at them until Kuro reminded him that he was a demon. He looked around him and found people regarding him with a mix of fear and distrust. He stopped his bike and lowered the bike stand. Kuro was confused when Mahiru took off his white sweater. “Do you want to trade jackets, Kuro?”
The warm smile he wore compelled Kuro to take off his jacket even though he didn’t fully understand his intention. Mahiru placed his sweater on his lap before he shrugged on his red cloak. After Kuro did the same, Mahiru reached up and pulled the hood over his ears. He grinned up at him and scratched his ear beneath the hood. He whispered, “No one can judge you now.”
“I’m used to their stares but… Thank you, Mahiru.” His kindness and compassion warmed Kuro’s heart. People had already seen his ears so he doubted the hood would trick them. He didn’t voice that thought and he pulled the sweater tighter around him instead. Mahiru’s subtle and simple scent clung to the fabric. “Your cloak covers my ears but I might get stares from how strange your clothes are.”
“It’s called a sweater. I don’t think it looks strange on you. If we were in my time and I saw you at a festival, I would give you a complimentary takoyaki.” Mahiru said and fed him another one. He pushed the bike forward and they enjoyed the festival together.
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“I bought two rooms for us, Shit Rat. Let’s go back to the entrance and wait for Mahiru.” Licht said as he stepped out of the inn. He ordered Hyde to wait outside because he worried the residents would be frightened by the demon. Hyde could disguise himself as human but someone with spiritual powers could sense his demonic presence.
When he walked outside, he couldn’t see Hyde immediately. Licht’s first thought was that he went to trick the lord like he initially planned. He clicked his tongue and marched forward to stop him. At least he wasn’t attacking the festival like other demons would. He fought many demons and some were as intelligent as Hyde. Yet, he was one of the few who had compassion for humans and protected others.
He didn’t walk far from the inn before he found Hyde. Licht was a little shocked to see him surrounded by laughing children. For a moment, he watched him play a goldfish game. A boy pointed to a fish and Hyde expertly scooped it into a bowl. All of the children had a fish and Licht realized that he had caught them for the children.
“That one next!” Another child asked and Hyde nodded with a small chuckle. He was certain he would spend all of his money on one game if he didn’t stop soon but he handed the stall owner another coin. In the water’s reflection, he saw Licht. He looked up to him with the expectation that he would be angry he didn’t wait like he was told.
Hyde scooped the fish into the bowl and handed it to the child. “Here you go, Kid. I have to go. You all should run back to your mothers before they start to worry.”
He waited until the children were gone before he faced Licht. Hyde expected him to kick him so his next words surprised him. “You’re good with kids but you need to be careful or else they’ll discover that you are a demon. You were using your powers to cheat in the game.”
“Most of these games are rigged so I’m just evening the odds. The stall owner gets money and the kids gets a fish so everyone is happy in the end.” Hyde countered. He was a little impressed that Licht could tell that he used his powers to manipulate the game. Licht was sharper than he thought he would be. He had controlled the water to keep the fish from swimming away.
“We have a place to stay so let’s go. Kirara is hungry.” Licht said and rubbed his finger over the tiny nekomata’s forehead. He had a soft smile as he regarded the cat.
“I’m surprised you have such a dangerous demon as a pet.” The thought had crossed Hyde’s mind several times since they met.
“Kirara isn’t a demon. She’s an angel.” Licht corrected him and his answer made Hyde pause. “I don’t hate demons aside for Touma since he killed my family. As a demon slayer, it’s my job to protect humans from the more savage demons.”
“You’re a strange angel.” He believed he knew the type of person Licht was but he was different than he first assumed. The same thought crossed Licht’s mind about Hyde.
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“I think it’s time to meet up with Hyde and Licht. I hope I can leave my bike in our room. It’s tiring to push this everywhere, especially in such a crowded place.” Mahiru said. They walked side by side through the crowded street. Kuro didn’t want to make him push through the sea of people. “After we eat, do you want to come back and enjoy the festival more? We only visited the food stalls so far. I would like to play a few games and win a prize.”
“We passed an archery game and you can easily win that now.” He said and the compliment made Mahiru blush. Kuro glanced down at his face. He thought the rosy hue on his cheeks was from the lantern around them. Mahiru was a little disappointed they couldn’t stay longer but he didn’t know why. He liked Hyde and Licht yet spending time alone with Kuro felt different.
Mahiru’s body stilled when he sensed something familiar. A jewel shard was nearby. At first, he didn’t notice it because he thought the shard he sensed was Hyde’s. He realized the jewel felt slightly different though. He looked around the festival stalls but he couldn’t see its faint glow with so many people crowding them. The festival was peaceful so a violent demon didn’t have it.
“Is something wrong, Mahiru?” Kuro saw a concerned expression pass over his face. He quickly smiled to reassure him. Mahiru didn’t want to worry him when there wasn’t any immediate danger. He hoped he could find the shard by himself without causing a scene. It was possible that a human found the jewel and they didn’t know what it was.
“I saw something that caught my eyes.” Mahiru gestured in the direction he sensed the jewel. He hated to lie to Kuro and he couldn’t meet his red eyes.
“If it’s a prize or something, we can try to win it quickly. I’m sure Hyde and Licht won’t mind that we’re a little late. They managed to not kill each other this long so a few more minutes will be okay. I hope.” He said. Kuro thought his expression was strange but he trusted that Mahiru would tell him if it was something important.
Mahiru nodded and he followed the faint power of the shard. His eyes fell onto a cat mask hanging on a prize wall. Decorating the mask’s forehead was a sacred jewel shard. He was relieved that a demon didn’t have it and he could recover the shard easily. Mahiru asked the woman standing behind the counter: “Excuse me, I would like to play. How many pots do I need to knock down to win that mask?”
After she answered him, Mahiru handed her a few gold coins. He stood behind the line with a ball in his hands. His gaze drift to the mask and he thought the jewel appeared strange. The colour of the shard was a dull purple compared to its usual pink hue. He reasoned that the festival’s lights made the colour appear different. He turned back to the pyramids of pots and tossed the ball.
Mahiru only managed to knock down two of the five pots he needed to win. His second throw missed as well. He looked down at his last ball and sighed, “Why couldn’t this be an archery game? I was never good at baseball.”
“I don’t know what baseball is but I can try.” Kuro offered. Usually, he wouldn’t bother with the games at festivals since he wasn’t competitive and he thought they were a waste of money. But he could see that Mahiru wanted the mask and the determination in his brown eyes pulled at him. He handed him and ball and Kuro stood on the line. He threw the ball and easily broke the pots with his strength.
“You did it, Kuro! That was wonderful. Thank you for winning it for me.” Mahiru clapped and beamed up at him with a smile. His honest glee made him smile as well. The woman handed the mask to Mahiru and he thanked her. He held it in his hand and stared at the jewel shard.
Kuro stood next to him and asked, “Aren’t you going to try it on?”
“I can be a cat like you.” Mahiru joked and slipped the mask over his face. “How do I look?”
He didn’t know how to answer him. While Mahiru said he wanted the mask, Kuro preferred to see him without it. Between his doe eyes and soft smile, he had a beautiful face. His kind personality only highlighted those traits. He realized his thoughts had wandered and he shook his head.
Mahiru walked to his bike and Kuro assumed he intended to go back to the entrance to meet with Hyde and Licht. He was confused when he took out his bow and arrows. His movements were slow and precise as he aimed the arrow. The snap of Mahiru’s bow pushed Kuro out of his confusion and he barely managed to dodge his arrow.
His attack caused a panic and people began to scream. Mahiru didn’t regard the chaos caused by his arrow and nocked another one. Kuro didn’t understand why he would suddenly attack him and his mind raced with questions. “Mahiru?”
He didn’t answer him and released another arrow. Kuro swore beneath his breath and evaded the arrow. He also pushed a boy out of the arrow’s path. He didn’t know what overcame Mahiru but Kuro was certain he would feel terrible if someone was hurt by his arrow. His instincts screamed for him to run to Mahiru but he would be hit by his arrow.
“Mahiru, whatever’s controlling you, fight it!” He pleaded. Since Mahiru had a strong heart, he hoped he could resist the force controlling him. The only thing Kuro could do was dodge and keep the humans from being hurt. He searched the crowd for the scent of a demon who could be manipulating Mahiru. He heard Hyde call his name and Kuro looked towards his brother. A moment later, the sound of Mahiru’s arrow overwhelmed him. He turned around sharply but he knew he couldn’t dodge the attack.
“Sit, Kuro!”
He was dragged to the ground and the arrow flew over his head. The command had saved him from the arrow. Kuro sat up and looked back to Mahiru. He saw his body trembled. “Run, Kuro. I don’t want to hurt you but I can’t control my body anymore. When I put on the mask, I heard this terrible voice telling me to take your shards. Please, just run away from me!”
“I’m not going to leave you, Mahiru. I’ll save you.” He stood and faced him. The pain in his voice tore at his heart and he had to help him. Mahiru said the mask was controlling him so he needed to remove it. Kuro didn’t know if he would be faster than his arrows though. “Hyde, you’re a monk. Do you know about cursed items and how to purify them?”
“I’ve dealt with a few. Whatever is controlling him won’t let us take the mask easily. Even if we stop him, we can’t simply pull it off. I have to purify it.” Hyde said. He took out a few spell tags from his sleeve. “Licht, you and my brother distract him so I can get close enough to the mask and purify it. I don’t want to hurt him but this is the best way.”
“No, don’t harm Mahiru!” Kuro stopped him when he started to chant a spell. He trusted that Hyde wouldn’t injure Mahiru badly but he refused to hurt him. An arrow came between them and his attention turned to him. From how his body shook, he knew Mahiru was doing his best to resist the mask. They didn’t know how much longer he could do so though.
“Why are you two arguing in the middle of a fight? Until either of you can think of a way to remove the mask, focus on protecting the humans.” Licht yelled over them. Since Mahiru had a ranged weapon, it was difficult to close the space between them and stop him. They outnumbered him but no one wanted to fight him. “We can’t wait for him to run out of arrows.”
“I can use my wind tunnel to suck in his arrows. That should stop him for a while.” Hyde loosened the beads from his hand. The crowd had already fled from the festival so he didn’t need to worry that a human would be caught in his wind tunnel. “I’ll close the wind tunnel before Mahiru can be hurt.”
Kuro nodded reluctantly and stepped back. Once they were behind him, Hyde released the seal on his wind tunnel and the vortex pulled Mahiru forward. The arrow slipped from his bow but he kept his footing. Mahiru took another arrow from his quiver yet he didn’t nock it to shot them. He stabbed the arrow into the ground and created a barrier around himself.
“You found a strong mate, Nii-san. I thought you said he was still learning to control his powers.” Hyde said warily. The mask controlled Mahiru and likely drew out the power locked inside him. He bit his lower lip and closed the wind tunnel. “That plan failed. I don’t like our previous plan of dodging his arrows. Even if he uses all of his arrows, he can use his spiritual powers.”
“Kuro,” They turned back to Mahiru when he called his name. “I don’t want to hurt you so please let Hyde perform the exorcism.”
His body moved despite his best efforts to stop himself. Mahiru set his arrow and pulled back the string of his bow. A soft glow surrounded his arrow. His eyes met with Kuro’s and he summoned enough strength to lift his arms so he would shoot his arrow into the sky. The force of the attack knocked him back and broke the barrier around him.
Kuro raced forward and embraced Mahiru so they fell to the ground together. He wasn’t hurt since he placed his hand on the back of his head. His bow slipped out of his hands and he could barely move in his strong arms. Mahiru was relieved to feel his warmth around him. “How can you ask me to run away when you’re in danger?”
I won’t be able to forgive myself if you were hurt. Mahiru didn’t voice the thought because the mask stopped him. While he asked Kuro to help him collect the shards, he never imagined it would be so dangerous. They were able to persevere through everything by protecting each other. Memories of their time together filled his mind and he closed his eyes. I want to protect you because I love you, Kuro.
A light enveloped them and Mahiru heard a small crack. The mask split in two and fell off his face. Kuro cupped his cheeks and looked into his brown eyes. They stared at each other for a moment and then Mahiru hugged him. He stroked his brown hair in return and whispered: “Thank goodness, Mahiru.”
“Where did you two find this mask?” Licht’s words came between them and they pulled away from each other. He didn’t notice how tense Mahiru and Kuro were since he was focused on the mask. He turned the broken pieces in his hands to examine it. “There’s a jewel shard on the mask. It must’ve made the curse more powerful. I didn’t notice the shard before because it was tainted.”
“The jewel has been purified. If only you did that sooner, Mahiru.” Hyde used his sword to break the mask further until he could remove the jewel. “For someone to manipulate the souls in the sacred jewel, they must be a powerful person.”
Mahiru stared at the shard that had returned to its previous pink hue. “I didn’t recognize the voice who made the curse. They ordered me to take Kuro’s jewel though. Do you think the person could be working with Touma?”
“We can worry about that later. How do you feel, Mahiru?” Kuro asked in a worried voice. “Let’s go back to the inn to rest.”
“I don’t know if they’ll let us in after the mess I made.” He joked but his smile didn’t reach his eyes. Mahiru glanced at the festival around them and bit his lip. He felt Kuro’s warm hands around his and he felt less nervous. He was glad that he didn’t leave him.
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“Kuro, are you awake?” Mahiru leaned over his sleeping bag and lightly shook his shoulder. He opened his eyes and sat with a small groan. They had decided to camp in the forest. It was dark but he came awake when he saw the conflicted expression Mahiru had. “Are your wounds bothering you, Kuro?”
“I wasn’t hit by your arrows and that light you used to purify the shard didn’t hurt me.” He told him. Kuro looked into his eyes and saw that there was something more he wanted to say. “Is it about the jewel shard? You can sense them so you must’ve known that the mask had a shard.”
“I’m sorry I didn’t tell you about it.” He apologized.
Kuro wasn’t upset like he thought he would be. He gently tilted Mahiru’s face back to him and said, “I can guess why you didn’t. You wanted to deal with it on your own but that’s troublesome. Rely on me.”
“Okay. I was just afraid I was relying on you too much and becoming a burden. I want us to be equal partners on this adventure.”
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beanmaster-pika · 6 years
I ended up getting encouraged to talk about my aus so thank you all for enabling my self-indulgence
Swan Prince AU
This one’s the first one? And it’s more of a royalty AU, actually. Licht vacations in the Servamp kingdom every summer but one day he gets cursed by an evil magician (Touma) to turn into a swan. Hyde, who’s the same age as him and therefore his designated playmate when they were kids, recognizes it’s him and freaks out because if the Jekylland kingdom finds out they let this happen then there could be a war and no one wants that thank you very much.
I’m actually more interested in worldbuilding than the plot so :/ For reasons I have not thought up, there’s the ‘older bunch’ of Servamps (Kuro to Freya) and the ‘younger bunch’ (Hyde to Lily) and there’s like a ten-year age gap between the olders and the youngers, and then there’s Tsubaki, who’s twelve and illegitimate. Kuro inherited the throne at 17 when their dad disappeared and by the time Tsubaki’s mother showed up a couple years after with a baby that had the last king’s eyes, the kingdom had stagnated. However, a baker named Mahiru starts showing up at the castle to petition the king, and he appears so frequently and his words are so sensible (”He’s got to have studied statecraft,” Hugh declared. “There’s no way he hasn’t.”) that Kuro’s siblings up and offer him a job as the king’s advisor. After many arguments and finally a heart-to-heart where Mahiru learns that the last king once allowed Kuro to make a decision that almost led the whole country to war, they start to work towards understanding each other and cooperating and it’s tough, but by the time the present story rolls around the kingdom is flourishing. 
The older bunch all hold a place in court; Hugh is a minister of internal affairs, and he, Kuro, and Mahiru are at the heart of the kingdom’s laws; Jeje is the most knowledgeable about magic, especially curses, and works as both a consultant and investigator, though he’s sent to the Alicein kingdom along with Lily (16 at the time of the story, two years younger than Hyde) to serve as ambassadors and tutors to the king’s sons; and Freya’s the head of the army and the most terrifying person in the kingdom. The people love her. There’s a more even distribution of power than there was before Kuro inherited the throne - Mahiru’s influence and Kuro’s reluctance to be in charge of literally everything see to that - and provincial courts have juries put in place so that people are no longer solely at the mercy of sometimes corrupt judges.
On a different note, Hyde starts out as a sweet kid, but when his friend-and-maybe-crush Princess Ophelia two kingdoms over dies when he’s sixteen he goes wild in his grief and takes up with a group of bandits and starts hurting people. When confronted by his siblings, he declares that if the world is so cruel as to take Ophelia’s life, then his actions are just a drop in the bucket. Now, this is very much wrong and a problem, so Kuro manages to seal him temporarily into hedgehog form for a month (EDIT: yes he can normally transform into a hedgehog, no Licht doesn’t know at first, yes animal transformation is a common ability in their kingdom, and no the sealing is not a common or easy practice. It’s legitimate grounds for Kuro to self-prescribe absolute bed rest in order to recover from the drain on his energy, and he’s stronger than normal mages and had assistance to boot; a month is the very limit he can achieve with that) saying that if he’s lost his grasp on his humanity, then perhaps he’ll find it again in an inhuman form, and then they drop him off at the summer villa reserved for Prince Licht with Guildenstern as a caretaker. Now, unbeknownst to everyone, Licht arrived for vacation even though it’s midwinter, and he is absolutely taken with the hedgehog that’s wandering through the villa (”Oh Shit,” Guildenstern said. Hyde agreed. This was very much an Oh Shit situation.). It turns out that while he hadn’t known Princess Ophelia personally, he’d had mad respect for her for stepping up to enact a change in her kingdom’s politics even though it had ended in her assassination. He and Hyde end up having furious arguments over ideology (Licht still doesn’t know that Hyde’s there, and he doesn’t connect the voice with the hedgehog) and in the end, he helps Hyde regain his humanity - to be human is to desire, to desire is to dream, and to dream is to push your imagination past its very limits and work for it. That ends up breaking the seal prematurely, much to everyone but Licht’s relief. Licht’s pissed that the hedgehog turned out to be Hyde. And when Licht is cursed to be a swan, well, Hyde’s worried about it affecting relations with the Jekylland kingdom, yeah, but he also wants to do for Licht what Licht did for him: make him human again.
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Teacher AU
Because now they’re teachers.
This one has basically nothing in it yet aside from it being fun to consider what subjects they’d teach (Mahiru’s home ec; Kuro’s phys ed; Hugh’s history; Jeje’s art; Freya’s a counselor; Hyde’s literature; World End’s either a history or foreign language teacher; Lily’s a student teacher; Licht’s a piano instructor now; Otogiri’s the school’s doctor) and what everyone else would be (Tsurugi and squad are bodyguards; Iduna’s an engineer; Tsuyuki’s with the government; Sham’s with the government; Higan’s a wandering artist; Sakuya’s a psychologist; Ryuusei and Koyuki haven’t factored in at all oops; everyone else either has their canon profession or they’re college or high school students). One of the tidbits I actually spared thought to is that Kuro took a couple gap years and ended up in the same freshman Psych 101 class as Sakuya (who at present shares an apartment with Mahiru) and they somehow bonded and even after the class ended they became texting buddies (usually of memes) and hung out from time to time, but then Mahiru (after getting fired from his first school for some sort of reckless behavior) gets hired to the school all the Servamps are gathered at and starts out pretty argumentative with Kuro but eventually they gain a mutual understanding and maybe the beginnings of a relationship and Sakuya puts two and two together from conversations with Mahiru and texting with Kuro that the man he’s in love with might be in love with his texting buddy and he doesn’t know how to deal with that and so stops texting Kuro, and Kuro finds out about it from talking to Mahiru and then this happens
Kuro, throwing a chicken nugget at Sakuya’s window: why are u ghosting me Sakuya, opening the window: can u throw another
And they talk and all is well again. A poly ending is absolutely in the stars because Mahiru loves them both and they agree to it.
Also the other thing is this
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Pokemon AU
This is the one I like the most right now! I actually have a couple of chapters written for it that I haven’t posted yet but basically the whole Servamp thing remains, but the pokemon that they transform into actually have their own personalities - rather than a transformation, it’s a shared body thing, and the human form is a manifestation of the vampire (formerly human) soul. I haven’t ironed out all the details of why this is happening, but I like the idea of them never being alone, though I haven’t figured out quite how this will change them. Hyde’s gonna be fun and also painful to figure out.
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Fate AU
Mahiru’s uncle was going to take part in the holy grail war but Mahiru accidentally summoned instead and what he summoned was Kuro, a Lancer. Add to that that Sakuya is still his best friend, was meant to be a pawn of Touma’s but ended up being Master-napped by the Saber he summoned (Tsubaki), and Tsubaki wants vengeance on Kuro, and we’ve got another round of heartbreaks on our hands because Fate is nothing but heartbreaks. The Alicein brothers are also there, summoning the same Servants (Caster and Archer) that their grandfather and Mikuni’s mom summoned, and they know that the Grail is tainted so they’re out to destroy it. Their backstory is a little tweaked with Mikuni just stealing his mom’s command seals to protect Misono instead of killing her, and he grabs Misono and absconds to the Church where they stay until Mikage ensures that Mikuni’s mom can never hurt Misono again after the War. Misono goes home, but Mikuni goes to study at the Clock Tower and comes back just in time for the next war. (There’s more under the pictures)
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Tetsu summons Rider, but his sisters are the masterminds of the operation; they’re doing their best to restore their family in an age of declining mana, and Tetsu’s got the best Magic Circuits among them so he’s tasked with summoning, but they’re operating under the strict principle that if any of their lives are endangered, especially Tetsu’s, then they halt the project immediately and seek refuge with the Church. Hugh’s hyped about the whole ‘restoring the family’s magic’ thing.
Licht, on the other hand, comes from a family that’s at the very height of their magical power. He doesn’t believe in an omnipotent wish granter because he feels that it’s cheating, but to win the Grail is the goal of every mage out there so he’s in it for the glory. For a summoning catalyst he uses a bracelet that was supposed to belong to a martyr princess of old (”She gave her life for her goals,” Licht said in awe. “Yep, it’s very impressive. Please do not do the same,” Licht’s mother said.), but it turned out to belong to the other person connected to her legend, a man who was terrible and cruel, uncaring of others after he was driven mad in grief, and so Licht summons a demon of an assassin and Crantz (regular human) is left babysitting these goons while Licht’s parents hold down the fort in Austria.
Now, the Berserker team. I just want you all to know that the ones I was most excited about is the Berserker team. Tsurugi carried out the summoning here, Touma’s other pawn, and he added a madness enhancement, changing Freya’s class from Shielder to Berserker. Tsurugi, unlike Sakuya, is a highly trained operative and adult and one of the Church’s Executors, and he’s also completely under Touma’s thumb so he’s an ideal proxy even though Touma couldn’t snatch Sakuya’s command seals like he intended to. Unfortunately, Freya’s madness has just released her inhibitions and she’s this fucking close to pulling a Tsubaki and Master-napping Tsurugi. She does her best - in her limited capacity - to get Tsurugi away from Touma and it all culminates in Touma deciding she’s too much of a loose cannon and trying to take Tsurugi’s command seals away, but the seals instead go to Iduna somehow (haven’t figured that out yet) and Iduna and Freya spirit Tsurugi away to help him recover. Shortly after Iduna develops a magic item that’ll dampen the effect of the madness enhancement, more or less reverting Freya to her original class.
Now, this Grail War is an absolute clusterfuck by this point, mostly because all the summoned Servants are siblings, so a Ruler comes in - drum roll please - World End! Because who better to solve a sibling squabble than another sibling, even if he is the third youngest. This is mostly because I want World End to be included in stuff. World End’s in my Pokemon AU. I failed to elaborate on that but since that’s the AU I’m actually writing it’s all good. Anyway they’re all gathered in a sort of war council at a family restaurant to work out their intense family issues and then World barges in ‘WHAT’S UP THIS IS A PRETTY AWKWARD REUNION.’
This actually might be one of my favorites on account of being able to have them all be different physical ages but keeping their age hierarchy since Heroic Spirits can be summoned at whichever point of their lives was significant, and also this means that I can just make up lore for them. In ten, twenty years I’m probably going to look back on this and groan but for now I’m going to have fun with it.
For Kuro, he took down an entire army on his own at age eighteen and then retreated from the world. Hugh stopped a war when he was small (this threat of war surfaced again when he was older; this was when Kuro took down a whole army). Jeje became a famous outlaw. Freya overthrew a government in order to protect her soldiers. Hyde served a princess, but she gave her life for peace, and shortly afterwards his older brother killed their father; Hyde turned cold and cruel after that. World End inherited his sister’s kingdom after she died in battle and stood strong against threats from other kingdoms, displaying sharp wisdom despite his brash personality. Snow Lily used his illusions to carry out a large scale rescue operation on a child trafficking ring. And Tsubaki? Tsubaki was but a man who inherited a sword from his father, then vanished into the night when that same father was killed. He could have - should have - been summoned as an avenger, but for the sake of story convenience and keeping the war to the traditional seven classes, I chose saber for him.
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