#mah babeh
the-chaos-crew · 10 months
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wish origin story cause I had a funny thought
new babbeeyy I love mah babeh heheheee
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ivy475 · 4 months
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I'm happy to see a pic of him. He wouldn't be taking selfies if he was in horrible pain. They must be treating him good down there.
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scuddle-bubble101 · 2 years
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*last ref for now..I go bed now -7-
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bending-sickle · 11 months
gotta love how you can edit a work with a fine-tooth comb, but the moment someone kudos and you just let your eye wander over the text, you spot four (four) typos without even trying
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mrstsung · 2 years
Made shang in picrew
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Tired to at least.
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For the fan kid ask game!😄
💕: which parent does your child tend to cling to? does it make the other parent jealous?
🧠: which emotional traits does your child get from you? which do they get from your f/o?
👒: which physical traits does your child get from you? which do they get from your f/o?
For any of your ADORABLE children🥰 ((especially the tlb👀✨))
EEEEEE Oh, MJ you doll 🤭💜💜
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I'm finna do TLB babies for this one cause I wanna introduce the goobers whilst I still work on drawings of them!
💕: which parent does your child tend to cling to? does it make the other parent jealous?
Oh, all of them are DEFINITELY daddy's girls 100%. Especially Kat, Marko’s baby girl, who's probably glued to his side 24/7. 😭
Jenny comes in second cause, let's be honest here, any child of Dwayne’s is gonna cling to that lovable brooding brunette any day. The guy is totally a teddy bear for kids! AND YOU CAN'T TELL ME OTHERWISE-🥺🥺🥺🥺
Tiff is just a daddy's girl mostly for the fact she knows he can't say no to her... Or he doesn't want to. Paul and her love having daddy daughter nights for mischeif and sneaking off without telling mom. 😈😈
And Annie, being the oldest, is just like her old man, David- trying to keep her siblings in check, which does get a prideful little ruffle of the hair or nudge to the side from him. She loves those little moment. ^^
Is Chrysta jealous of this all? Oh yes. Yes, she is. She could pout for DAYS about it, but thankfully, she's still got her little baby boy Chris, who's still too young to realize David's cooler. And she's gonna take advantage of that LMAO.
🧠: which emotional traits does your child get from you? which do they get from your f/o?
All the girls + Chris have a lot of their moms personality sprinkled in here and there. Especially in their teen years when they use the charm and flirting they're mother had blessed them with LOL.
The definetly get the hyper and adventurous stuff from their dads (specifically Paul and Marko) but Annie and Jenny are on the more mellow side, Jenny leaning towards the shy and timid line. :]
👒: which physical traits does your child get from you? which do they get from your f/o?
Eyes. All the kids have Chrysta's green eyes. Annie and Tiff have beauty marks dotting their cheeks but besides that and the eyes, everything else is their fathers. Vamp genes are pretty dominant in that department! 🤷‍♀️
And these are mah babehs!!!!! TYSM for the ask so that I could ramble I know if anyone got me for the infodumps it's my bby girl MJ 🫶🏻🫶🏻💜💜 LOVE YOU BOO!!!
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mjtheartist04 · 1 year
Uh oh- did I make a Rika and genya fankid?….👁️👁️
Yes….Yes I did and I love him sm😭eikeksjsj meet mah babeh Ichiro💜🩵
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waffticpkmn · 1 year
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My favorite , the ultimate blob.
I don't remember liking Reuniclus that much as a kid...Oh yes , because I had Pokémon black... But anyway , I got one in Y recently and I love him a lot , he is not yet a Reuniclus but every evolutionary stage is peak soooo...
mah babeh
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ask-the-prowler · 9 months
can you blow mah whistle babeh whistle babeh let me know
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What the actual fuck
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gulabiprincess · 2 months
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Date night w mah babeh
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lilniina · 4 months
oh mah gawd babeh
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ivy475 · 4 months
you asked on a post about Bill Moseley what’s going on, he got injured pretty bad and has some fractured ribs and a pelvis injury. he posted about it on twitter which I don’t have but I saw a screenshot of his tweet saying he’s okay, just struggling. His exact words are “can’t keep a good man down for long, dammit!”
I saw it after I asked, but thanks for telling me. I feel so bad for him. I hope he heals quickly.
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olafur-neal · 2 days
Oh do not mention cutting anybody open…
Not my girlie in a cage at knife point
How many takes did it take for the horses to all stop at once I wanna know
Also 10/10 the goodest Horses
Prince Durin is working in the shadows making sneaky plans I bet while Elrond parlays.
Oh no the weird ass kiss is coming with his future mil
I hope no weird shipping comes outta this… like not to yuck anyone’s yum or anything but HE MARRIES HER DAUGHTER
How do we know none of the orcs speak Sindarin???
Sauron the Stoneheart is a great name for an enemy.
I stg I worry about where Durin III is going with that axe
I don’t like not seeing behind Durin IV’s back
I am so keyed up rn…
I need everyone to live
Elrond also confirmed to be a Horse Girl
Honestly since I’ve started reading Bernard Cornwall books siege warfare has really interested me so this whole ravager sequence is awesome
PUT A HELMET ON GIRLIE sneaky 101 here!
Uruk Funerary rites weren’t on my bingo card but I’m here for it
Baby revenge is not the way…
Is Galadriel learning??? Is this GROWTH?!
Why do I feel like this is a call back to the Ghost King arc… not coming to Isildur’s aid in the final battle.
Just commit half your forces Durin take care of Dad and THEN TAKE THE REST
Oh baby boy do not reference your abuse while perpetuating it with another
still in full DARVO I see…
Throw them in the fire!!!
They ain’t gonna burn tho are they because of Sauron’s blood
He’s gonna cut off his own hand or break it
Straight up horror film ish
My man needs to stop falling from things in explosions
Okay not a fan of body horror
Please please please do not let this be a trick
Oh we’re definitely getting Celebrimbanner
Dumb elves finally standing with their true Lord
Okay but y’all need to run!!!
Rían did well for her last five minutes in middle earth
Can we please bandage the Lord’s hand please!!!
Oh Sauron is scary scary
Broken troll rib?
?????? Laughing while dying
Nice fake out with the sun rising making us think it was gonna be a Gandalf over the hill moment.
Gil bind your hair in a braid. I know he ain’t dying yet but still the long hair is a liability
Elrond’s first battle trauma
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Look at mah beautiful babeh boy ;]
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ngemil · 8 months
Aside from having wrinkles around your face or neck as a common sign of aging, i have my own signs based on what i consume. Here you go;
Produk alam berupa kacang-kacangan adalah makanan terfavorit orang tua, apalagi babeh gue penggemar berat kacang rebus. Sebaliknya gue yang kala itu masih kanak-kanak dan remaja amat benci sama makanan berbahan kacang gini, kecuali selai kacang sih.
Gue orangnya suka sebel kalo ibu udah masak sop kacang merah (Brenabon) gitu karena teksturnya lembek, campuran kuah manis gurih, mana kacangnya banyak pula. Ih kapan abisnya sih, GAK SUKA!
Menurut gue tanda-tanda udah memasuki usia tua juga dilihat dari apa yang dimakan. Yang dulunya dibenci, sekarang dicintai. Semenjak usia 23 tahunan gue perlahan malah menyukai hidangan kacang rebus, topping kacang di martabak atau donat, juga pasta kacang merah beuh! Endul poll.
Roti kacang merah buatan Holland Bakery adalah kudapan yang pertama kalinya pula gue amat nikmati di tiap gigitannya selain si Danish Coklatnya.
"Sama roti kacang merahnya satu mbak," kata gue dengan lantangnya.
Widih, beneran udah tua. Bisa-bisanya mulai demen kacang merah.
Sudah diceritakan di tulisan sebelumnya bahwa ubi adalah penemuan terhebat dalam hidup gue. Ubi juga makanan yang paling gue nolak sewaktu bocil dulu, apalagi tiap ibu bikin candil kolak itu cuman seneng bantu bulet-buletinnya doang tapi makannya mah ogah. Aneh rasanya.
Oh, ternyata sekarang malah kecanduan nyemilin ubi. Kalau ke warung lagi dilema jajan, gue selalu mengikutsertakan ubi ke dalam pilihan itu. Udah murah, banyak, sehat pula.
Yhaa, bubur jenang yang isiannya campur delima, candil, bubur sumsum, ketan putih, ketan hitam ditambah siraman gula aren juga terkini jadi santapan favorit gue kalau lagi jalan-jalan.
Jajanan tradisional ini makin gue menua baru menyadari kalau yang beginian lebih baik daripada terlalu banyak nyemilin coklat. Soal gulanya sih kayanya sama-sama tinggi ya, cuman lebih ngenyangin aja gitu bubur jenang mah.
Selain bubur jenang, gue juga suka ama yang namanya awug. Enak banget sih ini siapa penemunya?? Padet, gurih, manis apalagi dimakan panas-panas baru banget dikukus surga sekali. Cuman sayangnya ini harus turun gunung dulu kalo mau beli.
A traditional silky pudding. Much way healthier. Jenis makanan langka, susah banget nemunya di sini kudu nyari ke daerah yang rame sama orang. Seporsi biasanya 5k tapi yang termahal pernah gue beli adalah 20k, di pinggir jalan deket kampus lho.
But gapapa, duit yang gue keluarin terbayarkan sama enaknya si puding tahu dan kuah jahe joss panas banget ke badan. Mau bikin sendiri di rumah cuman susah banget nemu susu kedelai.
Pokoknya yang jahe-jahean gini sekarang lidah, mulut, dan badan gue udah bisa nolerir. Gak ngerasa kepedesan lagi, justru malah seneng yang pedes banget.
Sekoteng tuh luar biasa nikmat apalagi pas cuaca dingin poll, duh penyelamat. Seporsinya masih murah, biasanya ada potongan simping (favorit banget), roti, delima, sama kacang udahannya disiram kental manis. Tak peduli berapa banyak gula dari kuah jahe sama SKM-nya, tapi lezat. Sungguh.
Dihhh sayur mayur was a BIG NO for me. Tapi setelah beberapa kali nyoba ampun sedep juga ya sayuran dicampur bumbu pecel sedikit pedesnya tuh <3 Kadang gue makannya dicampur nasi juga atau dimakan gitu aja berasa salad.
Keluarga gue sedari dulu demen beli martabak manis dan asin, cuman seinget guesih dulu gak pernah turut berbahagia menyantap makanan tinggi kalori ini. Entah kenapa bawaannya eneg tiap makan yang asin atau manis. Ndak suka, deh.
Waduh kalau di masa kini beda lagi ceritanya, bahkan selalu milih jajan martabak juga kalau lagi pengen manis-manis. Martabak asin daging ayam tetap pemenangnya, dan martabak manis topping coklat kacang juga tiada tandingan. Gak perlu martabak premium pake seabreg mentega wisman, gue lebih demen martabak murah blueband yang harganya 20k. Malah lebih enak loh.
Udah, segitu aja signs of aging berdasarkan makanan. Kira-kira bakal demen apalagi, ya?
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warungbabeh · 11 months
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Ehem-ehem. Yang jauh mendekat, yang dekat merapat. Simak sini cerita soal keberadaan Warung Babeh, biar pada kagak nanya-nanya lagi.
Ya, kayak yang udah kalian lihat sendiri ye. Konsep kita ini berawal dari warung madura. Dah pada pernah mampir belom ke warung begini? Jangan bilang kagak pernah ye, habis ini pada mampir dah kemari.
Warung ini sendiri dibangun sama Enyak dan Babeh kita—lebih tepatnya ide dari Enyak yang asli Madura. Jadi, habis ini jangan bingung ye kenapa kita logat Betawi tapi bukanya warung madura.
Nah, kebetulan Enyak sama Babeh lagi pada pengen liburan nih. Kata mereka mah ini honeymoon ke seribu. Begaya benerrr dah orang tua. Makanya sebagai anak-anak yang penurut, kita jalaninlah bisnis mereka ini. Masa mau ditutup? Ingat, warung madura tutupnya cuman pas kiamat.
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