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ROSÉ x RIMOWA Postcard for @magnetforce 💓 Get a Postcard / Gifset of your choice when you donate!
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tgoretro · 7 years
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A minor upgrade to the ‘tough cop’ design for Gummy. I used the larger forearms and hands from the mecha I designed for Gummy’s previous incarnation in order to make her look a bit more robotic. I also shrunk her torso a bit in order to kinda balance out the proportions. I did try to give her a badge or something on her hat but nothing really worked. Aside from that, I’m pretty satisfied with this design. 
I’m starting work on some more Sprawland character redesigns and I hope to have the first one done very soon.
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tgoretro · 7 years
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Here's a quick concept pic I made to demonstrate the main character's magnet powers. I had her use the 'devil horn' gesture to symbolize a horseshoe magnet and waves for the actual magnetism. (I may change the way the waves look, though.) I did think about using energy 'arms' that would lash out but I wanted to limit the range of her power in order to make the character vulnerable enough to be entertaining. Basically she has to be close to an enemy in order for her power to work... which is why she'll have a blaster! I'm currently designing that based on the old, boxy laser weapons you'd see in 80s anime like Dirty Pair. Her antennae lights also change color to the type of magnetism she's using: Red for repulsion, blue for attraction. In addition to being able to repel and pull metal objects close to her, she can stick to metal walls/large objects thanks to her being an android made of metal but, again, this too has its limits as she can only maintain a magnetic connection for a short time before she overheats. More to come soon! Enjoy!
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tgoretro · 7 years
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After much thinking about both Magnetforce and Gold Reaper, I decided to combine aspects of both series into something new. While Gold Reaper remains the same, the main character's motivation (getting rich) will be given to this character. I also wanted to try something different with the original cop/mecha character from Magnetforce, so building off of her ear pieces I designed a new character while trying out a couple of new things. Enjoy!
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tgoretro · 7 years
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Here’s an abandoned design for Gummy in patrol mode. After finishing it, I feel she loses too much personality with the helmet here and she comes off too much like a Gundam or Iron Man.
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tgoretro · 7 years
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I don't usually redesign a character hours after finishing one but I wanted to take a more dramatic approach to Gummy's design, cutting off her braided ponytail for a shorter haircut. I also gave her robot-ears to make her being an android more apparent. (Plus I get to sneak in some red to balance out the colors in the design!) I might redo her ears a little since they do seem a little off to me... Now to design her weapon and sidekick!
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tgoretro · 7 years
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A sort of quickie concept pic I threw together to show off a work-n-progress magnet blaster for the main character of Magnetforce. It’ll go through more designs before I setttle on a final one.
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tgoretro · 7 years
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This is something I only recently came up with: A sci-fi/comedy action series. I wanted to design an android-like character with a cool superpower and have some really over-the-top adventures with crazy concepts in a futuristic setting. I also wanted to make a 'police officer' character for some time now and I think I nailed that aesthetic. I did base her design on the Japanese police uniform for women along with astronaut suits and gave her an innocent face with large eyes so she can convey a larger variety of expressions. I did toy with giving her a symmetric design with one side being red and the other being blue (eye color, gloves, etc.) but it cluttered up the design so I went with a more muted color scheme for her outfit that better complements her hair. Gummy is an android who can manipulate magnetism on a small scale (meaning she can't lift bridges or buildings-- she isn't Magneto.) and has super strength/speed. She's a curious, energetic and slightly airheaded girl who wants to protect the city she finds herself in. I hope to develop this concept further in the future!
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tgoretro · 7 years
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A quickie redesign I threw together using elements from other characters I've been working on. Enjoy!
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tgoretro · 7 years
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After working on the character model turntable and the Magnet Power concept pic, it has become apparent that the long scarf I made for the character seemed to be a bit redundant with the sock-hat she has. I've changed her neck decoration to a yellow bandanna instead, that way I can still keep the decoration without cluttering up the design. There may be another way for the bandanna to be worn, though... I also removed the glowing bit of her earpiece since I only wanted it to glow when she used her magnetic powers. About her name-- I've decided to give this character the cop/mecha character I was working on their name: Gummy. Still makes sense due to her magnetic ability, I think. I've also come up with a story and potential villains. It's a very sci-fi concept concerning A.I. and an abandoned space station. Enjoy!
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tgoretro · 7 years
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Here’s a brand new redesign for the main character from Magnetforce: Gummy!
I really liked how the proportions came out for one of the characters from Sprawland so I built off of that while incorporating a more simple-looking costume that uses the color scheme from a character in an old cartoon of mine, Monster Raiders.
I also incorporated  a trait from Bellsung, another one of my characters: Her hands detach when she uses her magnetic abilities. The hands connect to whatever metal she’s aiming for and there’s a tendril of energy that is connected from her forearm to her wrist. (Think Ghostbusters)
So this little gynoid I think would like better in motion (plus there’s some potential for comedy concerning her size) and would well against larger enemies like big robots or people in mech-suits.
Speaking of sci-fi stuff, I’ve designed a new ship for Tango, a character from Sprawland. I hope to design that soon once I finish redesigning a few more characters from that series.
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tgoretro · 7 years
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Here's a concept pic of Gummy firing her blaster. The blaster's design isn't final but the general shape and color is what I'm aiming for. I may aim for a more rugged-looking laser blast as well. The blaster is fold-able and clips to the back of Gummy's belt for storage. It is not a rapid-fire weapon and takes a second between each shot. It can also be charged for a larger shot but the drawback is that it has to recharge for a short period afterwards in order to prevent overheating. Enjoy!
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tgoretro · 7 years
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Welp, here's basically the final character design and a new logo for Magnetforce Gummy! I changed Gummy's puffy pigtails into longer, slender ones to make them easier to see. As for the logo, I changed the title from just Magnetforce to Magnetforce Gummy. I went for a very late 80s, early 90s type of logo you would see on an indie comic. Now that the character design is out of the way, I'll work on additional characters and on a first draft for a script. Enjoy!
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tgoretro · 7 years
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Another Gummy redesign! I redid her forearms and hands so that they better complement the color scheme and allows for her arm-blaster and other tech. The arm-blaster is definitely not final and will go through more iterations to make it less Mega Man-like.
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tgoretro · 7 years
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Another shot at a redesign for Gummy the Android in her two modes. I gave her twin-tails to make her look more playful and immature to match her personality more. I also moved away from the 'miko' look from before and went for a more puffy, late 80s/early 90s sci-fi anime-style. The mech has been changed a bit, foregoing the large forearms for more rounded-out gloves and a flatter bottom to give more space to the legs and boots. I did consider adding police lights to her shoulders but that would've made her a bit too much like a Patlabor. I'm still designing a gun for her and hope to have something done soon. Enjoy!
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tgoretro · 7 years
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A supporting character for Magnetforce: Professor Heyo! A world-renowned expert and pioneer in robotics, he is the one who discovers Gummy and steers her on a path to becoming an officer of the law. Heyo is also the one who rebuilds Gummy's mecha suit and gives her occasional upgrades. Enjoy!
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