#magna insomnia
ultimablades · 2 years
Say what you want about ffxv’s story but I genuinely think it has one of the best soundtracks of any game in the series.
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fatherentropy · 2 years
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brain went "oh actually the specifics of Martin's fate reminds me of the ending for FFXV pre DLC" but then the brain went "Oh actually Tuveri is very Ardyn-esc™" and when have I not had to drag everyone around me on one of my gods forsaken tangents
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astrxealis · 2 years
hello apollo!!! i was visiting my brother's place to check up on my nieces (hehe fun little fact.. they are twins!!!) AND I SAW THEM WATCHING SOME SORT OF DOCUMENTARY ABT STARS AND ALL bcs they like it for some reason and vv much reminded of you so i decided to hit your inbox to see how you are doing these days!!! I hope you are faring well lately and I hope the remaining days of November has been good to you. I hope you'll enjoy the upcoming holiday season with your family! Have a loving bonk and smock from me Mwah!
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also regarding this post of yours, yk i'll always be down for you listening to you ramble abt your blorbos they make me vv happy seeing you talk about them with so much joy so my askbox is vv much open for you!!!!!! AHWIGKWKR DO HAVE A NICE DAY AHEAD AND GOODLUCK ON YOUR STUDIES (*˘︶˘*).。*♡
YORI HI !! i hope you enjoyed visiting your brother's place (AND IT IS SO COOL YOUR NIECES ARE TWINS TOO ...... i barely know anything about them but we now have a tiny connection in my heart &lt;;3) WAHH IT'S SO CUTE YOU GOT REMINDED OF ME that makes me vv happy actually, i lov stars n all sm fr :"< <33 i am doing mostly well! ups and downs both, but that's just how life is and all >__< I HOPE YOU ARE DOING WELL AS WELL? i hope the remaining days of nov have been/are good to you as well (wow... the year felt so long and so short tbh. damn) sending you back these greetings teehee TY FOR THE LOVING BONK AND MWAH !! MWAH !!!
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and AAGGHHEHJSGB TANK YOU SO MUCH FR ...... T___T i might take you up on that soon as well yes :(( maybe you'll see me when i finally finish the disciples gbf event rn hehe >:)) (I'M ALWAYS DOWN TO LISTEN TO YOU RAMBLE AS WELL, rmbr that hehe!!) i hope you had a great day as i'm now answering this like. almost 12 am <//3 ☆ ~('▽^人)
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Somnus (Instrumental Version) • Departure • Broken Down • ハンマーヘッド - Hammerhead • Wanderlust • Encroaching Fear • Stand Your Ground • Relax And Reflect • Day's End Fanfare • Horizon • 安息の地 - Safe Haven • Lurking Danger • Hunt or Be Hunted • CIDNEY - Cindy • Urban Chrome • A Quick Pit Stop • 行方知れぬ想い - Love Lost • ガーディナ - Galadin Quay • ARDYN • The Agressors • NOX AETERNA • The Hunters • What Lies Within • Daemons • Bros On The Road • Fantastica! • The Niflheim Empire • Veiled In Black • Valse Di Fantastica • Crystalline Chill • What A Hoot • ブルース de チョコボ - Blues De Chocobo • Reel Rumble • The Fight Is On! • レスタルム - Lestallum • Welcome to the Leville • Unsettling Aura • Don't Panic! • APOCALYPSIS NOCTIS • Cosmogony • Melancholia • A Premonition • NOX DIVINA • Labyrinthine • Flying R • Imperial Infiltration • Veiled in Black (Arrangement) • Invidia • Sorrow Without Solace • Sunset Waltz • Disquiet • OMNIS LACRIMA • ロデオ de チョコボ - Rodeo de Chocobo • Listen Up • Creeping Shadows • Impending Peril • Up for the Challenge • カエム - Cape Caem • カエム ~隠れ家~ - Cape Caem - Our New Home • カエム ~港~ - Cape Caem - Hidden Harbor • Bros on the Road II • NOCTIS • Over the Waves • オルティシエ ~港~ - Altissia • オルティシエ ~ゴンドラ~ - Altissia - Gondola Ride • Welcome to the Royal Suite • 綺羅星円舞曲 - Starlit Waltz • Prayer de LUNA • No Time Left • Song of the Stars • The Hydraean's Wrath • ARDYN II • LUNA • APOCALYPSIS AQUARIUS • Broken Bonds • Dining Car • カルタナティカ - Cartanica • Relax and Reflect - Pensive • Careening Into Danger • テネブラエ - Tenebrae • Horrors of the Night • End of the Road • An Empire in Ruins • RAVUS AETERNA • In the Light of the Crystal • A World Unwaking • Neverending Nightmare • Homecoming • ハンマーヘッド ~The Last Bastion~ - Hammerhead - The Last Bastion • Somnus • Hellfire • Magna Insomnia • Dawn • Somnus Ultima • Dewdrops at Dawn • Main Theme from FINAL FANTASY
Spotify ♪ YouTube
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a-queer-seminarian · 8 months
"A Degree in Surviving Assaults" by Basman Derawi, Gaza 2021
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If there were a degree bestowed  for surviving armed assaults,  I would have earned it ‘with honors,’  magna cum laude.  I am living lived through my fourth now,  although I’m not sure if  I will live for graduation.
If you test me, I bet I’d ace the exam:  I can tell the difference between  the voice of an F16, F35 and Apache helicopter.  I can immediately detect  whether a sound is  the shelling of tanks  or bombing from airplanes.
But with my degree has come  different types of syndromes:  phobia of the night,  hypersensitivity to the sound  of moving chairs  (or really any banging object),  insomnia from anticipating death.
I have also learned a few truths:  First: The world is hypocritical,  yet is full of hidden gems:  good people willing to speak out.  Second: Actual death is when you don't  stand up for what is right.  And third: No matter what,  Palestine will always be my home.
[Look under the readmore for more information.]
Poem link.
Listen to me read this poem on TikTok.
About the Poet:
Basman Derawi (full bio + more poem links here) was born in Kuwait but grew up in Gaza and considers Gaza his home. He is part of a fantastic project co-founded by the late Professor Refaat Alareer called We Are Not Numbers, which pairs young poets like Derawi with experienced mentors.
According to a post in November, Basman was outside Gaza when October 7 happened, and longs to return home to his loved ones in Gaza City.
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wishmasters-muse · 6 months
I can totally accept that Final Fantasy XVI didn't win some of its BAFTA nominations tonight but the fact that it's music didn't even get a nomination is what shocked me.
Final fantasy music has been consistently brilliant. From the start. There are soo many incredible pieces from first to last, some of which are absolutely iconic now.
In commemoration of its amazing roster of pieces, here, have a few suggestions free on me. I'm sure you'll agree some of these are brilliant.
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on-campaign · 1 year
High Return Investments
Every Corpus ship had a couple of medical officers for every hundred Techs. A handful for every thousand crewmen. There were so few that you might as well not know they were there at all. You learned this going in if you studied at the Investments Institutes on Neptune. If you came fresh out of the flash academies on Pluto, though, you’d be in for one hell of a time. Like me.
Flash academies did one thing well, and that’s rush-write raw medical knowledge onto the neocortex. It’s cheap, it’s fast, and it’d get you on a high-risk deep-space Obelisk in no time so you could start debt-chopping. Problem was it didn’t always take. If that happened, smoke would billow from your eyes and your brain would leak out your ears in the post-education clean-up chamber. Your only comfort would be your signed liability waiver being read over a tinny intercom as you faded into a vegetative state.
If you’re a little lucky, all you needed to worry about is complete and total information hyper-collapse. For most flash academies, this was explained as “not exactly a sure thing,” followed by a re-explanation of the course’s value props. My education was not so flattering.
See, I attended Magna Mens Magna Pecunia PL-4, Academy for Low Income Excellence. They presented a big graph after the flash, comparing time passed and chance of sudden onset IHC. There was a bold red line, angled at a clean 45 degrees, going up and up. This was the No-to-Low Risk chart. They didn’t show the High Risk chart. Instead, they read off a list of alumni success stories as reassurance. Altus Vir (12 years no IHC), Novis Libers (14 years no IHC), Non Casu (5 years no IHC)...
IHC symptoms included:
Severe nose bleeds
False memories
Visual, auditory, and tactile hallucinations (but mostly tactile)
Partial or total memory fragmentation
Temporary or permanent insomnia
Hemiplegic migraines
Severe brain bleed
Dry mouth
Anyone that suffered IHC usually ended up in a bag. And if they didn’t, they could no longer form new memories or recall existing ones. They existed in a never ending moment, each instant annihilating the last. Lot of ‘em screamed, too. Often and loud.
So when I boarded an Obelisk charted for Ceres and saw just three other docs on the crew list, I thought, yeah, that makes sense. Not a lot of people crazy enough to go up against IHC.
“That’s not why there’s only four of us,” said Lenion Navos, my chief MO. “There’s four of us because that’s what a crew this size is worth. Officially, speaking.”
“You’re not serious,” I said.
We were taking inventory in a cramped operating theater, comparing stocked materials against the manifest.
“Think about it,” he said. “We’re en route to hostile territory. We might not come back. The threats we face… they’ll either scratch or scrap us, with no in-between.”
“You don’t think more MOs might make the difference?”
“It’s not a matter of what I think. To Command, it’s a matter of investment risk. Think about what we’re saving.”
“People,” I said. “We’re saving people.”
Lenion silently mouthed the number of pairs of disposable surgical gloves in the drawer in front of him. He mouthed “twenty” and nodded his head like the number made sense to him. “We’re saving high return investments. There’s a difference.”
I stopped in the middle of counting NumbOut Insta-Applicators (just 6 of them?). “What do you mean 'difference?'” Seemed insane to me that I’d ever need to ask.
Lenion tapped the device strapped around his forearm. I looked at my own. “If there’s wounded, you scan them,” he said. “Just do what the readout says.”
Four days later, I was mixing together homebrew pain relievers in the surgical lab when ramsleds perforated the hull. Firefights all throughout the starboard side. The same phrase repeated inside my earpiece: Medical to Bridge. Footsteps of crewmen barreling down the hall outside. This was my moment. I strapped up with pain-wiping applicators, adrenoblend injectors, auto-forming bone struts, and ran for the doors.
A blast rocked the lab.
The doors slammed shut, red lights beaming as they locked. A hissing sound followed by the thunder of steel clapping steel. The readout on the door interface read sealing decompression in hall 83-C. Please wait. I hopped on my heels, ready to go. Medical to Bridge. The doors finally went green.
In the hallway, only bodies.
Among them was Lenion, the left side of his torso and face glittering with red reinforced glass. His breathing was a short, rapid whisper. His eyes were the only thing that could move. They were fixed on me. Medical to Bridge.
I started with the adrenoblend injector. I loaded the injector gun with material, locked it, and pressed the gun to his chest. I pulled the trigger. Nothing but a beep. A readout on the side of the gun blinked Medi-scan Required.
I started the scan.
>Medi-scan Start >Subject: LENION NAVOS // CHIEF MEDICAL OFFICER >Position Tenure: >4 YEARS >Resource Priority: HIGH
C’mon, c’mon…
>Condition: CRITICAL >Materials Cost to Revivify: INORDINATE >Retrieving financials… Please wait!
I squeezed the trigger of the adrenoblend injector again and again. Medi-scan Required. Medi-scan Required.
I squeezed the trigger and the gun hissed as material rushed into his chest. The spent cartridge popped out the back of the gun with a trail of compressed air. Lenion’s eyes looked through me. His breathing had already stopped.
Medical to Bridge. Medical to Bridge.
I stood up in a hallway packed with corpses. My mouth felt dry.
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blossom-adventures · 7 months
On repeat playlist tag game!
I was tagged a while bag by @seradyn to do this so I thought I’d finally get it done ☺️
Sorry it took so long 😉
Now the thing is… the rules were to shuffle your “repeat playlist” 10 times then tag 10 people… but I don’t have Spotify
So what I did was get a track from the 10 albums I’ve been predominantly listening to for the last few months, hope that’s ok
Prelude - Final Fantasy 7
Not Alone - Final Fantasy 9
Magna Insomnia - Final Fantasy 15
Find the Flame - Final Fantasy 16
Who Are You - Baldurs Gate 3
Hollow Skies - Melodies of Midgar (A KupoCon Exclusive done by Pontus Hultgren)
Far Horizons - Skyrim
Lelianna’s Song - Dragon Age Origins
Helig - The Last Kingdom
Variation 1 pt. 1 Weight of Responsibility - Endeavour
Yes they are all soundtracks, but that is what I listen to the most
Thanks again for the tag my friend and sorry it took so long to do! ☺️💙
I’m going to tag… @thequeenofthewinter @oblivions-dawn @bougainvillea-and-saltwater @bostoniangirl21 aaaaannnnnddd @wispstalk
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toggle1-mrfipp · 10 months
Opera Omnia Burst Themes 2/?
With Opera Omnia shutting down, I decided to make a few posts about one of my favorite parts of the game: The Burst Weapons. Not because they were a powerful, much sought after weapon tier that gave big numbers with massive benefits, but because I have a love for Final Fantasy music, and what BTs I wanted was strongly dependent on what song would play when used.
These posts are meant to be more for the sake of archiving what there had been more than anything else, but at the very least I am going to list a large number of great FF songs.
The first listings will be the songs that we had gotten during the game's lifetime.
Final Fantasy XI Shantotto: Iron Colossus Prishe: A Realm of Emptiness Arciela V Aloulin: Arciela's Theme Iroha: Dance of the Tengu Selh'teus: Dusk and Dawn Kam'lanaut: Tough Battle #2 Eald'narche: Belief
Final Fantasy XII Vaan: Flash of Steel Penelo: Penelo's Theme Balthier: Giving Chase Ashelia B'nargin Dalmasca: Boss Battle Reks: Boss Battle (Zodiac Age) Vayne Curudas Solidor: The Battle for Freedom Gabranth: Life and Death
Final Fantasy XIII Lightning: Blinded by Light Hope Estheim: Hope's Theme Snow Villiers: Savior of Souls Cid Raines: Desperate Struggle Jihl Nabaat: Test of L'cie Serah Farron: Paradigm Shift Noel Kriess: The Last Hunter Caius Ballad: The Unseen Abyss
Final Fantasy XIV Y'shtola Rhul: Ominous Prognosticks Yda Hext: Defender of the Realm Papalymo Totolymo: Another Brick
Final Fantasy XV Noctis Lucis Caelum: APOCALYPSIS NOCTIS Ignis Scientia: Omnis Lacrima Gladiolus Amicitia: Clash on the Big Bridge (Episode Gladiolus) Lunafreya Nox Fleuret: Advent of the Apocalypse Cor Leonis: The Trials of the Shield Iris Amicitia: Up for the Challenge Ardyn Izunia: Magna Insomnia Aranea Highwind: Invidia
Tactics Ramza Beoulve: Antipyretic Agrias Oaks: Battle on the Bridge
Type-0 Ace: We Have Arrived Deuce: War: The Quiet Bloodbath Cater: War: Howl of the Dreadnaught Queen: The Heart Boils Rem Tokimiya: Rem Tokimiya Machina Kunagiri: Servant of the Crystal Kurasame Susaya: War: Breaking Through
Crystal Chronicles Ciaran: United, Heaven-sent Sherlotta: The Creation of the Origin Yuri: Final Decisive Battle Layle: This is The End For You! Keiss: Narrow Escape Jegran: This is The End For You!
World of Final Fantasy Lann & Reynn: World of Battle Enna Kros: Mega World of Battle
Stranger of Paradise Jack Garland: Jack's Theme Neon: Battle: The Fiend of Fire-Motif from Mt Gulg Astos: Battle: The Suffering of Fools
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voidsentprinces · 1 year
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obinya · 1 year
Reposting my Ardyn stuff for his birthday.
Here’s most of the Ardyn stuff I have dating back a year+ to the present.
To Die or Not to Die Complete
Did Ardyn see his immortality as a curse?
Did he desire death?
My answer is No. I provide interpretations of his lines and developer interviews. I conclude with my thoughts on Ardyn’s misunderstanding of the Light and Truth (referenced in Magna Insomnia). Perspectives on the Truth (of the True King) include: “You are not alone” , “The Reality of Death-Life”, and “ You are Empty”.
Complete refers to the added page on the Kimya/Ardyn allusion.
I have since had more thoughts on Ardyn’s use of “mottainai”, the “waste” is the lost potential due to Ardyn’s rejection. It’s worse!
Ardyn is Not Saved (Part 1)
The title refers to Terada’s vision of EPA. I have many thoughts about Episode Ardyn and Dawn of the Future. On one hand they are incongruent with Final Fantasy XV, on the other they underline the thrusts of the main story.
Dawn of the Future is not Revelatory, it is Illusory.
This piece covers some observations on the imagery in EPA that work as visual foils with FF15 proper, contrasting Ardyn with Noctis, underlying his villainy— his radical evil. For whatever reason this is ignored.
I conclude again with my thoughts on the Truth of the True King, with an excerpt from Religion and Nothingness (What is Religion?) by Keiji Nishitani. Absolute vs Relative Nothingness::Noctis vs Ardyn.
I’ve since tried working through Kitaro Nishida’s work. The field of bonds, I guess, is like the field of Absolute Nothingness in that contradictory identities are unified there… as is Reality. Removing the contradiction by saying the two are only one or the one are actually two stops short of Reality. The contradiction of many are one and one are many has to remain. I think the image for this is the Night Sky. Nishitani wrote about Overcoming Nihilism by going through it, I visualize Ardyn as stuck in the darkness of the night sky. Like each star is now the one light, one oppressive light, the predicate of King is cruel and cunning and no different from Bahamut - despite the choices of each star... ? Idk. It’s complicated.
But not as complicated as how Dawn of the Future contradicts established FF15 plot while seemingly contradicting FF15 story and themes until you snap out of it— Oracles speak to Messengers not the Crystal given to Lucis. They speak to exchange the Wills of mankind and the Six, necessitating 1.) the existence of both and 2.) a unity. FF15 is the story of the True King not a Prisoner of Fate.
Ardyn Lucis Charlie Complete in 8 Tweets
Commentary of my old Ardyn music video using Charlie Big Potatoes by Skunk Anansie with a bit of Nishida’s Inquiry into the Good and some of my NN Unitary Theory.
Basically, Ardyn’s a hedonist. That’s not good enough.
I still missed actually doing a play-by-play of the scene and shot choice… but I did include a mapping of Axis Memorae! The twitter version has an alternate Turks ending… maybe I’ll upload to YouTube someday…
I see EPA as a 4th wall breaking troll by Ardyn… a bored dream where he tells us what we want to hear… which isn’t what he already told us.
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violetvalentine · 2 years
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~He cut me up in a special way.~
Top: Skoll - Elise Corse - (LEVEL - Event - October 2022)
Sleeves: MUSE - Enchanted Fable - Gown - Snow
Necklace: Insomnia Angel - Cindy Razor Necklace  - (LEVEL - Event - October 2022)
Earrings: MAZE.Mods - Web plugs - Swallow
Hair: [Yomi] - Magna Hair - (Salem - Event - Sep/Oct. 2022)
Tattoo: V/.VoluptasVirtualis - [Alabaster] - (Engine Room - Event - October 2022)
Face Scar: .B.W. - {Eversmirk} - (Engine Room - Event - October 2022)
Head: Lelutka - Avalon
Body: eBody
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perfblogbyperfgirl · 2 years
♡ 247 ♡
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sponsored by  [Yomi] • Insomnia Angel • .STOIC. • - TRIGGERED - • mirinae 
〜 • 𝚐𝚎𝚗𝚎𝚝𝚒𝚌𝚜, 𝚑𝚊𝚒𝚛, 𝚖𝚘𝚍𝚜 • 〜 LeLUTKA Ceylon Head 3.1 [LEGACY] Meshbody (f) Special Edition (1.4) + Demonic Touch + {aii & ego} (nails) + Ibaraki BOM Horns + {aii & ego} MAZE.mods - Soft Arms  [Heaux] Alettia - Pink Fairy VELOUR: The Ipanema Halloween Sweet Thing. Fangs & Tusks: Petite Fangs -SU!- Sytpal Eyes V.2 -SU!- Tired Eyebags ♡⃕  [Yomi] Magna Hair - avaiable at Salem event 〜 • 𝚌𝚘𝚜𝚖𝚎𝚝𝚒𝚌𝚜 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚝𝚊𝚝𝚝𝚘𝚘 • 〜 [Utopia] Pierrot Make Kit (lips) ♡⃕  Insomnia Angel. Hand glitter tattoo - avaiable at The Fifty event Dazed. Threadbare Face (Cheek L&Nose/Nosebleed 1) rotten . sun kisses . freckles Bossie. doll eye makeup set (1/3/4) Lilithe’// Kapo Tattoos Core&Gore :: Predator body tattoo 〜 • 𝚘𝚞𝚝𝚏𝚒𝚝 • 〜 Eliavah ~ Sinners Arm Cuffs ♡⃕  .STOIC. GONE BATTY - avaiable at kustom9 event N-core MARIAM Boots 〜 • 𝚊𝚌𝚌𝚎𝚜𝚜𝚘𝚛𝚒𝚎𝚜 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚙𝚒𝚎𝚛𝚌𝚒𝚗𝚐 • 〜 ♡⃕  - TRIGGERED - Love Affair Earrings - avaiable at Mainstore Dazed. Threadbare Face EMOTIONAL CIRCUS - Magical Girl Sparkles Eyes 〜 • 𝚋𝚊𝚌𝚔𝚍𝚛𝚘𝚙 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚙𝚘𝚜𝚎 • 〜 ♡⃕  mirinae: insomnia - avaiable at Melody {Sour} event FOXCITY. Photo Booth - Babe Cave - Overcompensated
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tintable · 2 years
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sponsored by: ❥ babyboo // trisha @ the warehouse | september 23rd, 2022 - october 18th, 2022 ❥ bamboo // camille outfit @ mainstore ❥ yomi // magna @ salem | september 24th, 2022 - october 22nd, 2022
❥ head: lelutka // avalon 3.1 ❥ body: ebody // reborn ❥ tattoo: nuuna // zain ❥ knife: insomnia angel // killing gel @ salem | september 24th, 2022 - october 22nd, 2022 ❥ mouth: insomnia angel - to be announced soon :3
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lifextime · 9 days
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Final Fantasy Record Keeper Original Soundtrack Vol.5
10th Anniversary Medley, FFRK Ver. arrange
New Year Medley 2024, FFRK Ver. arrange
Holiday Medley 2023, FFRK Ver. arrange
Vivi's Theme FFIX, FFRK Ver. arrange
Mog's Theme FFVI, FFRK Ver. arrange
Battle Theme~The Rebel Army FFII, FFRK Ver. arrange
The Final Battle FFIV Ver.2, FFRK Ver. arrange
The Final Battle FFV, FFRK Ver. arrange
Dancing Mad -Act 4 FFVI, FFRK Ver. arrange
The Decisive Battle FFVI Ver.3, FFRK Ver. arrange
One-Winged Angel FFVII, FFRK Ver. arrange
Force Your Way FFVIII Ver.2, FFRK Ver. arrange
The Extreme FFVIII, FFRK Ver. arrange
The Final Battle FFIX, FFRK Ver. arrange
Ending Theme FFX, FFRK Ver. arrange
Nascent Requiem FFXIII, FFRK Ver. arrange
Thunderer FFXIV, FFRK Ver. arrange
Magna Insomnia FFXV, FFRK Ver. arrange
The Beginning of the End~Vermilion Fire FINAL FANTASY Type-0 Medley, FFRK Ver. arrange
Ultima The Perfect Body! FFT, FFRK Ver. arrange
Lich, Evil God
Deadly Battle of Job
Deadly Battle of Elements
Deadly Battle of Elements ~Phantom Sky~
Deadly Battle of Elements ~Crumbling World~
Deadly Battle of Elements ~Eternal Darkness: Beginning~
Deadly Battle of Elements ~Eternal Darkness: Change~
Dark World
Deadly Battle of Dark World ~Darkness~
The Puppet of the Labyrinth
Deadly Battle of Dimension
The End of the Labyrinth
Giant Shadow Arena
Deadly Battle of Giant Shadow
Deadly Battle of Giant Shadow ~Resonance~
Moody Valentine
Smooth White39Paradise Summer
Echoes of Happiness
Link : Download (until 22.09) | buy it
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styrmwb · 10 months
Favorite Final Fantasy Music (FFXV)
4 bros go on a bachelor roadtrip, tragedy ensues.
I didn't appreciate XV's soundtrack enough when I first heard it, much like XII. It was too "generic" for my dumb, stupid, uncultured brain; and while it is definitely a lot more orchestral than your usual FF soundtrack, it has a lot of little bits that feel unique, that give the game that originality that FF is known for. it also helps that this is probably my favorite complete party in the game, and the emotional connection the story and characters create enhances my love for this soundtrack; I love the chocobros, I love the road trip with the boys, and I hate with every inch of my soul that final campfire scene (I love the final campfire scene). This time, the game was mainly composed by Yoko Shimomura, who I feel a lot of people know in the realm of largest video game composers (I don't have much else to say here but I've been sharing main composers in the previous lists so let's keep it on!)
I also need to preface by saying I love how this game can let me say "Stand By Me by Ben E King/Florence and the Machine is my favorite Final Fantasy song"; that being said I will not be putting it in this list because it is A Real Song but know EVERY time I hear it I Will cry
5. Invidia The rhythm and piano in this one. That perfect combination of the drum set with the classic orchestra. This song is addicting to listen to, and I always find myself banging my head along to it, even with that (especially with that) choir and piano. My favorite part is right after that sort of chorus solo, when the piano hits that mix of highs and lows that sounds like DIN doo.... DIN doo DIN! it's really fun, and I wish it played more in the game.
4. Bros on the Road This fucking song. This song is so silly. But it's also Perfect. Bros on the Road is what the soul of this game is, the boys together. It plays during the early morning, post camping bonding minigames where Noctis and one of the guys does something, like training, or cooking. It's what I love about this game and this cast together in one song. The cheesy guitar and that almost country vibe that is perfect for this fantasy Kansas this world is in is amazing. Also;
Something dawned on me when I was on my own. Any food you make tastes better when you use good ingredients, right? Then, if you take something already delicious like Cup Noodles and add in the finest, freshest ingredients, what do you get? The ultimate flavor experience! So I ask you Noct: what's your favorite ingredient?
3. Veiled in Black XV has several "normal" battle themes, and this one is definitely my favorite. This is the imperial battle theme, and it hits for a lot of the same reasons that Invidia does, but the constant beat, stress, the heavier focus on string instruments like the violin and guitar, combined with the melody, just put it above for me. The peak of the song is that violin focus where you can tell they are just putting their heart and soul into those high notes (I love high notes man).
2. Magna Insomnia Final boss battle!!!!!!! This is a long one, with several phases, and I love how it perfectly evolves with the fight. The first phase is slow and creepy, involving Ardyn's theme, a circular sounding string chorus, and that piano that sounds like it's collapsing and dropping like an ancient staircase. It's amazing for that simple fight on the ground between Noctis and Ardyn, almost sounding like he's playing with you and not Really trying with his sword swings. As usual, the higher notes in this song make my brain happy, that somber violin sounding grand yet dilapidated. Phase 2 turns up the intensity. The battle becomes some real Dragon Ball shit in the sky flying around, dual Armigers against each other. The intro and the song as a whole feel like a constant ascent, with only a couple interludes of (relative) calm. I love the rhythm in the back, and I especially love when that flute comes in occasionally with its sort of war cry. Phase 3 tunes it down. The fight has moved back to the ground, and the entire bit is a sad, solemn vocalist solo. It's perfect for the fight, cause ultimately, this Isn't a grand victory. This is a generations long fight against a very sad, angry man that doesn't have a purely happy ending for either participant. XV hurts, man.
1. OMNIS LACRIMA First of all, WHOOPS, I ended up making this list like, all of the more orchestral stuff. That's what you get when you write stream of consciousness style. Something about these just hit different, but please give the honorable mentions a look for more variety, cause this game's overall use of acoustic and down to earth instruments is really what makes it so charming and i definitely failed to express that in my personal favorites.
Now onto the song itself; Holy shit. That opening. I feel like I've just opened the gates of heaven themselves and this is what it sounds like. The song goes into that tense string rhythm which I think XV excels at for its battle themes, with the rising choir keeping up that grandiosity the song starts with. it's so funny that this is mainly just a sideboss theme, because it FEELS like the main boss theme for this game. It feels like the end of the world, the fight for the fate of the galaxy, but ultimately you're just trying to get an egg for your Cup Noodles! When that piano plays back into the intro again? Dude. This song absolutely caught me off guard when I first heard it, and it is the first thing that comes to mind whenever I think about XV and its soundtrack, this lives rent free in my head. Shoutouts to the Dissidia NT version which add a little guitar for some shredding, as a treat.
Honorable mentions go to: Somnus, Hammerhead, Stand Your Ground, Hunt or Be Hunted (hrnngg.... metal gear,,,,), A Quick Pit Stop (lmao), Galdin Quay, Valse di Fantastica, Crystalline Chill, Reel Rumble, The Fight Is On!, Lestallum, APOCALYPSIS NOCTIS, Rodeo de Chocobo, Cape Caem, APOCALYPSIS AQUARIUS, Main Theme from FINAL FANTASY (this game is heavy on the all caps I swear), and then from the DLC: Shield of the King, The Spirits Converge, The Trials of the Shield, and Battle on the Big Bridge (sorry chat I only played Gladio's)
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