#magna and Asta
duckymcdoorknob · 2 years
May I please request a small iced tea with light ice? Any toppings! The names on that order areee Magna and Asta!! Thank you thank you!!
Oh my brain just exploded from this holy shit I’m so excited OMg omg omg
Big bro Magna time 😎😎😎😎
Be ready for f l u f f
@giggly-squiggily @rachi-roo hehe y’all would enjoy this
CW BELOW THE CUT: this do have some tickles in this tbh
♫ -ᥕᥲі𝗍ᥱr, ᥕᥲі𝗍ᥱr, ⍴ᥱrᥴ᥆ᥣᥲ𝗍᥆r- ☕️
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Surely it couldn’t have been that big of a deal… could it? Asta didn’t think it was that serious, he just grew up a little bit differently than the rest of the Black Bulls. Why were they overreacting?
So what if had been been ten years?
Why is it such a shock?
Was he supposed to? It’s not like he could help it…
“This is stupid, we all know each other.” Finral whined, subsequently sipping from the cup in his hand.
“Right, but you don’t know each other,” Captain Yami answered with a click of his tongue. The burly man smiled, ruffling the spatial magic user’s hair. “Come back to me when you’re all closer.”
Magna scoffed as Yami disappeared, and Finral sat next to him, “So where do we start? This already sounds like torture.”
“Listening to you talk is torture enough.” The brunette spat back.
“Why you- I’ll show you torture.” The flame magic user hissed as he poked Finral’s side.
“GYAH! Magna! I sw-sWEAR to-“
“Shoot I wish I knew if I was ticklish.” Asta thought out loud, “Don’t think I’ve ever felt it, to be honest.”
“Are you serious?” Magna asked in utter shock, ceasing his poke attack on his teammate.
“Well, not never, but… “the manaless boy trailed off, deep in thought. “Yeah I honestly don’t think I’ve been tickled in like…ten years?“
Asta felt like he had just said a swear word by the amount of heads that turned to him.
It took all of the Bulls a good five seconds to process Asta’s words. Ten years? Ten? And he’d been with the Bulls for how long? How had he not fallen victim to Magna or Yami yet?
“What do you mean by that?” Gauche asked with a cocked eyebrow.
“I mean, yeah. I’m from a peasant village and I don’t have any magic. Not many peoples’ first thought is to reach out and tickle me.” The ash-blonde replied with an awkward chuckle.
“Just consider yourself lucky, shorty, Magna is actually the worst tickle monster.” Finral whined, clamping his arms to his torso with a look of fear in his eyes. The boy‘s eyes widened as he looked to the rest of the Bulls for approval.
To his dismay, the claim was proven true by their nodding. He turned to the mentioned tickle monster, who was sitting next to him.
“Asta, do you trust me?” Magna asked calmly, a patient smile tugging at his lips.
“Course I do. I trust you with my life.” The anti-magic user beamed at him, stars twinkling in his eyes.
“Okay then! Let’s find out where our chaos child is ticklish!” The bespectacled male cooed as he hovered over the now cowering Asta, who was sinking into the couch and giggling in anticipation. “Seems like he’s still ticklish!”
“Ahaham nohohot!” Asta whined, cowering away from Magna’s hands.
“I haven’t even touched you! How are you laughing?” The flame magic user teased, finally letting his hands descend gently on the boy’s torso. “I’m gonna try here first, okay?”
Asta nodded and watched as Magna’s hands began to squeeze at his sides. He would be lying if he said that he wasn’t disappointed when he stopped laughing. He wore a puzzled look as Magna’s hands came to a halt.
“Don’t worry! We just have to find your tickle spot!” The bespectacled male chimed, let’s try…. Here! Arms up!”
The ash-blonde obeyed, feeling fingers wiggling under his arms shortly after. He didn’t react, albeit a frustrated furrow of his brows. “Magna! What gives?! I’m broken!”
“Don’t give up hope!” The tickle monster roared, “You are not broken!”
“Yes I am! Finral said that you tickle everyone! You can’t get me to laugh, so the only explanation is that I’m br-ohohohoken!”
The flame magic user closed his eyes and chuckled, “Heh. Found it!” He sing-songed.
Magna had brought his hands down to gently pinch at the boy’s hips, eliciting the most vibrant laughter he had ever heard. “Anywhere else? What about your knees?”
“Mahahaybehe! Try ihihihit!” The ash-blonde cried out joyfully. “I’m not sure if it will work bUHUHUT- OHOHOHO NOHOHOHO! MAHAHAHAGNAHAHA!”
The Bulls watched in delight as their tough-as-nails problem child finally let himself relax. They could tell from his limp body that he truly did trust Magna, and that he knew his teammate wouldn’t push him too far.
“Please what? Keep going? Move spots?”
Magna couldn’t help but smile at the adorable request, instantly obliging and gently digging into the boy’s ribs. Oops, sorry teammates…
Asta gasped before screamed protests leaked from his lips. His laughter was twice as loud, and he could only sink throw his head back and endure the full force of tickle monster Magna.
“Christ on a crutch, kid! What the hell are you doing to him, Mags?” Captain Yami’s tired voice sounded suddenly. Unable to hear over Asta’s booming laughter, the dark magic user simply sighed and sat between Finral and Vanessa, draping his arms around his two teammates, and observing the adorable scene in front of him.
Finral and Vanessa tried their best to explain, but some words were lost in translation over the anti-magic boy’s laughter.
When Magna gave the boy a breather, he had finally noticed his captain sitting in front of him. “Oh, hey captain! Just helping Asta remember if he was ticklish or not, it had been a loooong time. Not to worry though, his knees and ribs are killer!”
“Oh yeah? Is that the deal, kid? Mags finally gotcha good, huh?” Yami asked the panting boy before him.
“Yeah! It was fun! I thought I was broken at first, but then Magna kinda squeezed at my ribs and it was all downhill from there.” The ash-blonde replied hoarsely with a beaming grin.
“S’that so?”
Uh oh.
Asta didn’t trust the mischievous tone that his captain had…
Before he could even think about running away, Yami had pulled Asta into his chest with a roar, digging into his ribs and eliciting thunderous laughter once more.
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the-black-bulls · 5 months
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Nacht's going through a phase. Ignore him.
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hehedoesntdrawhere · 2 months
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the black bulls miniatures!
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izunx · 4 months
Hello! Can I request a Luck x Black bull Reader fanfiction where the reader is head over heels for him, but he's not really interested in romance. She often gives him cheesy pick up lines, and tries to flirt with him only to be met with a neutral reaction. But slowly, Luck begins to see how much she cares for him, whenever they go on missions and whenever she protects him. And he slowly starts to fall for her. Thank you so much for taking requests!! 🖤🖤
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LUCK x reader
She fell first, he fell harder
. she tries her ultimate best to gain his attention, protecting him and using her ‘best’ pickup lines on him!
“dhdhd” is speech and ‘fhrhd’ is thinking!
no warnings.
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“Y/N come on you know how Luck is!” Vanessa took pity on you, this was the a hundredth time Luck turned down your fruitless attempt at trying to flirt with him, “He’s just not interested at romance at all.”
“He will once I use this line!”
Vanessa could only shake her head at how stubborn you were being, it’s been over a year of your attempts.
You got up in a hurry once you heard the door to the base open; you knew it was him.
Even Gauche was rubbing his temple, knowing the outcome of what you were going to do.
Luck smiled when you came crashing down the stairs.
“Hey Y/N!”
“Luck, do you like raisins?”
Vanessa groaned, knowing what was going to be said.
“Hmm, I guess I do!”
You smirked looking back at the few members watching this play out, ‘I got this guys!!’
“Then.. how do you feel about a date!”
“I guess they’re quite nice too” Luck simply smiled and walked up the stairs in a rush, trying his best to conceal his reddening face.
… everyone looked at you in pity.
“I think it’s time you let that man go Y/N” Noelle pat your back and gave you a sad smile.
“NO” You stormed up following him to try another one of your stupid pickup lines, but we all know how that would turn out.
Yami knew what he was doing placing you and Luck on your fifth mission together. You were both sent to clean up after the mess he made and round boars up.
“This’ll be fun Y/N trust me!”
You sigh and keep your arms crossed, you’re running low on these pickup lines.
“Yayyy!!” You try to make the best out of this.
It’s been a few minutes since starting to round these boars up and you had the brightest idea to try again.
“Hey, hey Luck, did you just come out the oven?” You strike the boar with your magic and sit atop it.
Luck just giggles and after hitting the last boar, sits next to you.
“Because you’re hot” You looked at him hopefully.
“That one was a funny one!!” He didn’t want to acknowledge it, but his heart skipped a beat.
That was your last straw. It’s been coming up to a year and a half of your efforts in vain, it didn’t look like it was getting any closer to dreams coming true. Hopping off the boar, you sat down against the tree fed up.
“Yep. I’m sure you can handle the few that are left, goodluck Luck.”
He looked at you confused, but didn’t say anything in argument.
Luck went off and it had been a few minutes since he had been rounding the rest of the boars up.
But something was off.
You sensed someone with an overwhelming amount of mana nearby and that didn’t make sense considering the mission was supposedly near by a village in the forsaken realm.
You got up and went on a search for Luck.
“hey Y/N!” he just got done with the last boar.
“Did you also sense that mana?”
“Yeah, you too?”
“That’s not normal, we should go check it out”
“Never thought you’d ask!” Luck exclaimed.
Both you and Luck scouted the area, coming towards the source of mana. But you wanted to use this opportunity of silence -
“Hey Luck, have you ever had a crush?”
He giggled at that question, but he didn’t seem to happy, “Crush?! I’ve never felt that kind of thing before, I don’t think i’m even capable of feeling butterflies when I like someone”
He was lying. Of course he was. He feels it when he’s with you, although he would never admit it.
He’s been liking you since he’s realised your constant efforts of trying to protect him, since your constant attempts trying to go out with him.
He was planning on never telling you.
You paused in your place, watching him go onwards. Maybe Vanessa was right in thinking he wasn’t interested in romance, or maybe he just didn’t like you.
Not knowing how to feel, you slowed down letting Luck go first. It was getting closer to the open area near the village.
But at that moment, a strike of fireball magic was flashing towards Luck’s head.
It was instinct really, instinct for you to throw Luck out the way and for you to absorb the impact of it.
You’d die before letting Luck get hurt. Even though he might’ve not done the same.
“Y/N?!” His eyes flew open in shock and he rushed to your side. He heard a cackle coming out the bushes.
“What a shame, I wasn’t even striking for her!” The man in the cloak cackled.
Luck went silent.
‘why would she do that?’ he held onto you tight.
He got up, lightning sparking out of control in his hand.
“Yeah? well I’ll be striking for you.”
“Gosh this is bad!” Vanessa held her head in disappointment, staring down at your injured body covered in ointment.
Luck simply sat by you, head down next to your head.
“How’d you let this happen?”
“She threw herself in front of the fireball, for me.”
“She never gives up” she shook her head, “you damaged that man beyond full recovery too”
“He deserves it”
“Well then, make sure to also get some rest, you didn’t exactly get out unscathed either” Vanessa looked at him solemnly before shutting the door.
“… why would you do that, Y/N??”
“Because I like you, a lot”
Luck’s head shot up to look at your painful state just barely opening your eyes.
You groan, getting up and holding your head.
Luck stared at you, ‘Am I deserving of your love?’ he could only think.
“I don’t understand”
“What’s there to understand? I think you have a beautiful heart Luck, ever since I met you you’ve only given me a reason to look forward to my day, you make me happier.”
His eyes watered
“I would do anything for you” you pet his head.
Then and there, he realised how valuable he was to you and frankly how much you meant to him.
“Don’t ever do that again” he hugged you, not tight enough to hurt you but firm, “I’ll do my upmost best protecting you now”
“Can’t make any promises,” you snickered and hugged him tightly.
“I got him good! You should’ve seen his face when I kicked his ass, now he knows not to lay a fucking hand on you again - if he’s even capable enough to recover”
you were silenced.
“I thought I hated romance and love, maybe I was wrong about it” Luck gave his usual laugh and tucked you back to rest.
you were at a loss for words, mouth gaping like a fish.
“no more talking, you gotta recover so we can spar when you’re as good as new!” he grinned widely.
“No Noelle, I KNOW it’ll work this time!” You were determined that this attempt was going to be the finale, because it was going to work.
“I’ll have the tissues ready!” she really had no hope for you.
Vanessa giggled and hit you hard in the back.
“come on! I believe you got it this time!”
“The blind leading the blind…” Gauche mumbled.
Luck sped into the house after finishing his spar
“Hey hey Y/N!!”
He sped up and held your hand to his shirt.
“Can you feel my shirt?”
You were puzzled, raising your brow to Magna who followed behind him looking like he was preparing himself for the worst.
“You know what material it is?”
“Nah. Boyfriend material.”
you exploded red. Vanessa was cackling and Noelle and Magna could only shake their heads in disappointment. Finral was nodding in approval.
“And that! is how you pull girls!” Finral slapped Luck on his back.
Maybe your efforts weren’t in vain, Luck did realise his feelings for you.
“Hey Y/N? How about we spar?”
You were still lost for words yet again, but you smiled.
“Yeah, of course Luck”
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nellielsss · 3 months
+†+🪦 A Pɾσρҽɾ Bʅαƈƙ Bυʅʅ Wҽʅƈσɱҽ!
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Summary: when you date a Magic Knight Captain, it's only a matter of time until you meet their Knights! A/N: just some fluff for Yami! I tried to include as many characters as I could but I'm still getting used to writing multiple chars in one scene. Pairing: Yami Sukehiro x fem!reader CW: swearing, suggestive jokes
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╰┈➤ "Is this really where Suke lives?" you asked nobody as you approached his base. "He's always told me not to visit, but this place is just... creepy. Still, I feel bad for making him visit me all the time. Why not pay him a surprise visit?"
You had been dating the famed Captain of the Black Bulls, Yami Sukehiro, for a few months--4 to be exact--and things were starting to get serious with him.
But they were never serious enough for you to meet his squad.
Sure, you had seen them in passing, tagging along with him on missions, but you've never met the Black Bulls in person. It was like they were his kids that he never wanted you to meet for whatever reason. Whenever you tried to ask him if you could meet them, he'd always say: "Nah, not happening. I don't need you meeting those knuckleheads; they'd probably blabber some stupid story and scare you off, and I don't need that."
For the better part, he actually made the effort to go and see you wherever you were. He'd venture as many miles as needed in order to do so. He also just never introduced you to the public in general because he was scared of someone going after you for a vendetta or revenge against Yami (he was a man with many enemies, after all). So, he was content with just going on private dates in secluded bars or spending the night at your place. Any chance he could take to spend time with you, he'd snatch it right up.
Why did you venture to the secretive Black Bulls hideout in the first place? Well, Yami had been busy with training for a while. The missions were swamping him, and his efforts to keep the devils at bay were, inadvertently, keeping your relationship at bay as well. He never had any time to leave the hideout unless it was to go on a mission or to an official summons, and because you were basically forbidden from going to HQ, it meant all you could do was communicate via letters.
And you were sick and tired of it.
You were an impatient girl. You didn't like being basically banned from seeing your boyfriend, no matter how legitimate his causes or concerns were.
You haven't had dick in ages--you were starting to lose feeling down there!! And lord knows his dick was good, so good it left you unable to walk on several occasions.
But you weren't there just to fuck him (although it was a big bonus of dating him); you were there to mend your little broken heart.
So, that's how you wound up on their doorstep. You went at a time which you knew it'd be empty, so you were sure you wouldn't have to meet those bulls. Even if he, himself, was out, you could just wait in his room as a little welcome home surprise.
"I don't suppose I have to knock before entering," you muttered, grabbing the latch of the door and opening the giant wooden slab. Just as you'd expected: the place was empty. Not a peep to be heard throughout the entire tower of oddly shaped rooms and windows that were jutting out of the wrong places.
"Well, this sure ain't too bad. I thought it'd be in ruins by the way Suke described it," you thought to yourself. As you stepped on the cobblestone floors and ventured inside the place, you took note of it. It had a certain charm to it, like a cozy tavern you'd seek refuge from a storm in. There were torches lit up by mana, different flags hanging from the walls, and a big bar in the left side of the room. "If he wasn't so protective of me, I could imagine myself living here with him..."
"Hello... who are... you?" a ghostly voice suddenly said from the hallway.
"Gah! Wait- is it seriously haunted? Was Sukehiro telling me the truth this whole time?!" You immediately hid behind a couch when you saw the mint-haired man standing there.
"I'm... not... a... ghost! I... keep... this... place... running," the ghost said.
"Are you sure? Because you certainly don't look too- gah!" this time, you were surprised to feel that all your mana was being drained from you, simply by being close to the man.
"I'm.. sorry... I... drain... people's... mana... on... accident. Don't... stand... too... close."
"Figured as much," you muttered, somehow able to break free from the man's mana pull. "I knew I shouldn't have come here... I thought all of you would be out for the day."
"You... didn't... answer... my... question. Who... are... you?"
"Oh, right... sorry about that," you said, rubbing the back of your neck, "I'm, uh... I'm Captain Yami's girlfriend. I came here hoping that none of you would be around, but it seems as though I made a mistake. I thought all of you would be on missions for sure!"
The man's ghostly face lit up in surprise when he realized who you were. "Oh! I... know... you... or, at least... I've... heard... of you... Captain Yami's... always... talking... about... some girl... who... he's... been... dating. We all... just... thought... that he... was... lying."
"You seriously thought that he was lying?" you asked in disbelief. "Then again, he is an acquired taste... Anyway, what's your name?"
"My... name's... Henry. I... don't... go on... missions... because... I'm... too... weak, and I'm... bound... to... this... house."
"Too weak?" you asked, feeling a bit sorry for the guy. "Jeez, that must suck. Anyway, Henry, nice to meet you- ahhh!!" he started draining your mana on accident again and you pulled away.
"It's fine, Henry; I forgot about your little quirk," you reassured him with a wave of the hand.
"You're... really... pretty. Too... pretty... to... be... dating the... Captain," Henry remarked, making you snicker.
"Well, thank you, Henry! Yeah, you probably couldn't picture him and I together, if I'm being honest. I guess I just have a thing for oblivious brutes," you giggled, making him smile in return. "Anyway, I'd appreciate it if you didn't tell Captain Yami about my impromptu appearance; he doesn't want me hanging around you guys. Somethin' about 'putting me in danger'? As if I could be put in danger," you remarked rather confidently. "I'm not really the type to submit to his wishes all that easily, but he seemed pretty serious about keeping our relationship under wraps. If you don't mind me, I'll be on my merry way-"
"Wait...! The... others... are... supposed to be... back... soon! You'll... get... caught... if you... don't... hide!" Henry warned you suddenly.
"H-Huh? Really?!" you asked him, already freaking out.
As if on cue, you could hear several voices chattering from the other side of the door, and you looked around in panic, trying to find a hiding spot. Henry was blocking the hallway, and if you got too close to him, you'd probably faint on the spot. You tried to hide behind the bar, only for the door to literally break down as the rowdy Black Bulls made their way home. You knew they were loud, but you didn't know that they were the type to break down doors! At the sight of the bunch, you instinctively froze up in fear, akin to a deer in headlights. You ducked for the nearest couch, hoping that they'd choose to go in the opposite direction.
"Did you guys see the way I took that guy down?! It was awesome! I totally surpassed my limits out there!!" A rather enthusiastic, short boy said to the others. That must've been Asta: the anti-magic user.
"You were pretty good out there--not that I'm complimenting you or anything! I'm still royalty compared to you," a similarly short girl with silver hair said. Based on how she was jabbing the boy with her words, that was probably Noelle.
"Just you wait, Asta--I'm gonna get stronger than you!" another guy with a mohawk and glasses said. Magna, if you weren't mistaken.
"I'd like to see you try to get stronger than him! If you do, then I'll spar with you until I get even stronger!" a blonde boy with a psychopathic smile quipped. Luck.
"Just don't go around breaking shit, okay, you numbskulls?" your oh-so handsome boyfriend Yami Sukehiro sighed. "We don't have the money to keep repairing the damage you guys cause."
"I'm going to go worship my sister, Marie," a guy with an apparent sister complex said: Gauche, to be precise.
"What a weirdo," you said to yourself. A few of their heads turned in the direction of your voice, and you hid your entire body behind the couch.
"What was that?"
"Whatever it was, it was telling the truth."
"If you boys don't mind, I'm gonna go have a drink at the bar!" a female voice said, her words already slurred.
"Aren't you already drunk, Vanessa?" another guy asked the witch.
"What's one more drink, Finral? You should come join me!" she replied. You quickly realized you were in deep shit when you remembered that the couch you were hiding behind was right next to the bar.
Well, this is the end, you thought. There was no way you could hide from these guys now. Even if you tried to make a run for it, your boyfriend was right there, and he'd probably teach you a lesson!!
You braced yourself for when the witch, Vanessa, would see you... which was right at that moment. "Umm, guys? Why is there a stranger hiding behind our couch?"
Your eyes shot open in fear, and you looked up at the girl, your face red with embarrassment. "Vanessa, what are you talking about? Are you seriously seeing things?- Oh, hubba, hubba!" the guy named Finral said once he saw you. "If I knew that cute girls would be sneaking into our hideout, I'd leave the door unlocked more often!"
One by one, all the Black Bulls clamored around the couch, wondering who, exactly, the two were talking about. They were all in wonder until Yami came over. Oh, how you dreaded this from the moment you walked in...
"(Y/N)--what the hell are you doing in my base?!" said boyfriend asked, making you flinch with how loudly he asked that question.
"Heh... hi, Suke," you said quietly, only for the man to pick you up by the scruff of your collar and make you stand up.
"Wait, do you actually know that girl, Captain Yami?" Finral asked the man.
"He sure does..." you said meekly.
"Yeah, I do," he sighed. He pinched the bridge of his nose and shook his head. "Great, this is just what I needed: my Bulls slobbering all over my girlfriend..."
"Did you just say GIRLFRIEND?!" all of them asked in unison.
"I guess there's no time like the present," the man finally relented. Yami stopped pinching his nose and instead wrapped his arm around your waist, pulling you next to him. "Everyone, this is my girlfriend of four months."
"I didn't even know a woman could stand to be in your presence, let alone for that amount of time!" Noelle exclaimed.
"So, you mean to tell me that you bagged a babe like her?! Captain, you need to give me your secrets!!!" Finral said, practically on the verge of losing it at this revelation.
"Don't call my girlfriend a babe, pipsqueak!"
"Stop yelling in my girlfriend's ear, are you trying to make her go deaf?!" Yami asked Asta before grabbing his lips and shutting him up forcefully.
"Would you like to spar with me?!" Luck asked, way too enthusiastically for his own good.
"How about a drink?" Vanessa asked.
"A nice, warm meal would be a great welcome for her!" Charmy proposed.
"I don't care if you're Yami's girlfriend: if you touch my sister Marie, I'll kick your ass," Gauche threatened you directly.
"Creep..." Yami muttered. "For the love of the Wizard King, all of you get off of her and stop harassing her with all your questions!!" he barked, now pissed off at the situation.
"Yes, Captain Yami, sir," all of them said, piping down finally.
"This is exactly why I didn't introduce her to all of you; none of you know how to act properly!" Yami yelled again, this time gritting his teeth in anger. You could tell he was getting riled up, so you put your hand on his chest and silently told him to calm down. His frustrated expression settled down to a simple frown, and he offered you a tiny smile. "Sorry, princess."
"I've never seen someone rein him in so easily," one of the bulls remarked in wonder.
"It's clear that Yami appreciates this woman and that we should treat her with the same respect with which we'd treat one of our own," Gordon whispered. Everyone still side-eyed him for how quiet he was being.
Yami took a deep breath and faced his subordinates again. "Anyway, this is my girlfriend of 4 months: (Y/N) (L/N). I expect all of you to treat her with the same respect you'd treat me, just as Gordon said." Everyone nodded, and for once he didn't feel like bashing their heads in.
"Captain Yami, if you don't mind me asking: how come we haven't met her before if she's so important to you?" one of them asked this time.
"Because, if I introduced her to all of you, one of you would blabber your mouths, and then word would get out that I had a girlfriend. That would put her in some serious danger, considering how many foes we face and enemies we have," Yami explained--and quite calmly at that. "And I like keeping my personal life separate from my life as Captain. I don't want the two to intermingle, even if both lives are equally important to me."
"I guess that makes sense..."
You decided that it was your turn to speak: "truth be told, Suke's always been so overprotective of me. He thinks I'm some delicate little flower who needs to be guarded at all costs, even if I'm a stage 0 mage. It's honestly ironic, considering how his type is strong women," you added with a giggle.
"Well, I can't let you get hurt because of me, princess," he said to you quietly. "Even if you are strong, there's always the chance that someone might go looking for you."
"Look at him, he's so protective of her! It's honestly kinda cute," Vanessa remarked, taking another sip of her drink. Yami merely glared at her before looking at all of them again.
"How come she found out about the base if you're so protective of her? Isn't its location supposed to be private?"
This was a question meant for you, it seemed, even if it was directed at Yami. "Well... your horse and buggy's a little quick to give up information if you're pretty enough," you giggled mischievously, playing with your hair as if you were innocent.
"Finral!" Yami said through gritted teeth.
"I-I just figured she was curious!" the boy said, trembling at the possibility of being punished by their Captain.
"I guess I just have my ways," you giggled again. "I couldn't stay away from my boyfriend for too long, not when I have needs!" you shot a wink at Yami, and all he could do was blush in place.
"I don't even wanna know what those needs are..."
"Don't speak of such things around my sister, Marie," Gauche quipped, making you furrow your brow.
"She's not even here--that's a picture you're holding!!"
"She's here in spirit."
"Stop starting fights when we have guests," Noelle interjected, being the voice of reason for once. She then decided to ask you a question. "So, I simply have to know: what possessed you to date the man for four months? From what I've seen, he's not the most perceptive man out there!"
"Noelle, you can't just say that about our captain in front of his girlfriend!" Asta said to Noelle.
She huffed in response. "As if you'd be any better!!"
"Slander my name to her like that and I'll kill both of you," Yami threatened them, making them both jump.
"But I didn't even do anything wrong!" Asta whined defensively.
"To be honest," you started, making everyone look at you again. "I was the one who initially had a crush on him. I know he's not everyone's type, but he sure is mine. Anyway, it was kinda hard getting him to notice my feelings for him. In the end, all it took was for me to simply confess my feelings for him and hope that he'd reciprocate them! And Suke may not look like the boyfriend type, but he's actually the most caring and considerate man I've ever met; he just doesn't show any of you that side... At least, not as forwardly as he does to to me."
Noelle thought about your words, and she couldn't exactly do anything but take your word for it. "If you say so... But, I still just don't get it! You're so... pink, and he's so... whatever he is!"
"Well, everyone has their type," you shrugged.
"But, how do you deal with his bowel issues?"
You couldn't help but giggle at her question. "By buying extra toilet paper, of course!"
"(Y/N)..." Yami trailed off, embarrassed by the topic. "All of you: bowel issues are no laughing matter! I go through battles every single day in that room."
"Yeah, we know."
After the Black Bulls laughed at your little statements, he decided to move on to the next part: "alright, enough of a Q&A session. Since you came all this way, I'd imagine you'd be staying over for dinner?"
Your stomach growled in response to his question. "Oh, yes, please. I'm starving--this place is so far from the nearest town!"
"Not to worry, my fair lady!" Charmy suddenly said, standing up on the table. "Chef Charmy here will cook up an amazing feast to welcome you to our humble abode!"
You looked at Charmy and then at Yami. "Can the half-dwarf really do that--cook well?"
"Oh, you'd be surprised. Her food is rich with mana."
"Fear not," Charmy repeated, "for you deserve a proper Black Bull welcome!"
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Just as Yami promised you: Charmy cooked up a feast fit for several kings from far away lands and then some. Her cotton magic combined with her food magic made for plenty of meals and dishes to go around, and, although simplistic in their nature, each meal left you wanting more.
You were, of course, seated beside your boyfriend Yami (you were almost touching him), and the pink-haired witch, Vanessa, decided to sit on the other side. "You simply must try this drink, (Y/N)!"
"Oh, I don't drink much, but thanks for the offer," you said. Your efforts were in vain, seeing as she had already filled your cup.
"Don't overdo it, princess. I don't want you stumbling about the place. Y'know, since you can't really handle your liquor," Yami warned you.
"I'll try not to, Suke."
After filling up your cup, Vanessa decided to ask you a boatload of questions, as did all the other Black Bulls. Asta asked you about your family back at home; Vanessa asked you about your relationship; Luck asked you about your fighting skills; Gordon asked if he could be your friend (and make a doll that resembled you?); etc. All the other Bulls asked you unique questions that were different according to their personalities and interests, and you were happily to answer all of them. It wasn't everyday that you got to talk about your wonderful relationship!
As the night settled down, though, a certain personal question was asked by a certain witch who was to your right. "So, (Y/N), I hope you don't mind me asking you this, but... are you happy in your relationship?" It was on brand for the witch, considering that she liked to talk about relationships and was also quite drunk.
"Vanessa, don't ask those kinds of questions," Yami warned the witch. "You've just met her-"
You answered it, though, regardless of how personal it was. Maybe it was the alcohol that opened you up more, but you gave her a smile and said: "more than you could imagine, Vanessa. Suke makes me happy in ways I cannot imagine. Brash as he might be, he still cares for me, and I can see that he also cares about the lot of you in his own special way. You're his family, after all; I'm just the lucky girl who he chose to open up to." It was more than you intended to say, but it got the point across pretty well. You took another sip of your drink, unaware of the way that they looked at you.
"Wow, that's... I sure am glad that you're happy!" Vanessa exclaimed, throwing her arm around your shoulder (and almost falling out of her chair).
"We all are, (Y/N)," Noelle also said with a slight smile.
"We might've just met you, but if you're a friend of Captain Yami's, then you're a friend of ours!" Asta exclaimed.
"I hope we can be great friends," Gordon whispered.
With each praise, each remark of approval, you couldn't help but smile at them. Truth be told, you'd been longing for a group of people who you could call home. Much like Noelle, you, too, had been shunned by your family for reasons you couldn't explain. Yami had been your lighthouse, your guiding rock all this time, but the idea that there was a whole other group out there who you could lean on for support kept your spirits up.
You might've just met them, but you already felt at home.
"Welcome to the fold, kid," Yami muttered into your ear before kissing the skin behind it.
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Now that dinner was all cleaned up and over with, the two of you retired to Yami's bedroom. He shut the door behind him quietly, breathing a sigh of relief. "(Y/N), you have no idea the heart attack you almost gave me back there." Although he let the stoic mask drop and be replaced by the softness that he showed you, he still couldn't help but scold you. "Seriously--I wasn't prepared to introduce you to all of them."
"I didn't mean to surprise you like that, I just... look, I planned on sneaking in and going to your room and surprising you there. I wanted to see you--you've been so busy these past few weeks! I really didn't mean to meet them so early," you said, taking your earrings off and putting them on the nightstand.
Yami took the opportunity to sneak behind you and wrap his arms around your body. "I know I've been busy, princess; I would've snuck you in if you asked me to, though."
"I was impatient, Suke. You know how long those letters take to deliver; I wanted to see you today."
He didn't scold you; rather, he chuckled deeply and pressed his lips to the top of your head. "Well, aren't you an impatient princess?"
"You gave me that title, Sukehiro," you quipped, making him chuckle again.
"I guess I did."
After a few moments of silence, and after you'd taken your jewelry off, he took the opportunity to hug you tighter and let his lips travel down your neck. "Well, since you're here... I might as well get that loving in, hmm?"
"You might as well," you quipped. You stopped talking, instead letting him kiss your neck and your shoulder. You were so small in his arms--like a goddamn kitten! Even though you were strong, confident & fierce in your daily life, when you were with your beloved, you were like putty in his big hands, reduced to mush in a matter of moments.
"Good god, woman, I've missed you," he growled, letting his big hand trail up your shirt. "You have no idea how hard it was to resist the urge to just drop everything and come running to you."
"That's no way for a Magic Knight Captain to behave," you teased him, making him spank your ass out of annoyance.
"I know, princess." He went back to kissing your exposed shoulder and decided to take it a step further. "Turn around for me, baby," he rasped into your ear. You obliged happily, turning around to face your boyfriend. "That's more like it," he said, cracking a smile before attacking your lips. His chapped, rough lips kissed your much softer & sweeter ones, his tongue intermingling with yours and tasting the sweetness of your mouth. "Missed this... the way your lips taste," he whispered, angling your head so he could kiss you deeper.
"Missed yours, too," you murmured to which he raised an eyebrow.
"Didn't you say I smelled like cigarettes and beer?"
"That was before I made you quit all that shit. Now, shut up and kiss me," you said before diving in again.
"As you wish." He spun you guys around so that he was sitting on the bed and you were in between his legs. "What're you standing there for? Sit on my lap, sweetheart." You happily obliged and straddled his hips, letting the man pull you in for another deep, passionate kiss. His wandering hands trailed up and down your sides until he finally decided to peel off your shirt.
"Suke, it's cold," you whined.
"Then lemme heat you up," he rasped, continuing to let his hands run amok. Every time he got his hands on your soft, supple skin, he felt his heart skip a beat. You were just so goddamn perfect for him--you were like an angel, sent to keep him tamed. He trailed kisses down your neck and to your chest, kissing and biting at the soft fat of your breasts. "Mind if I take this thing off?" he asked, sticking a finger underneath the clasp of your bra.
"Only if you take this off," you quipped, peeling your boyfriend's tank top off, giving you access to those sweet muscles that you were so incredibly attracted to.
"Like what you see?" he rumbled with a cocky grin on his face.
"More than you could imagine," you giggled, pushing him back onto the bed and earning a spank from the brute's big hand.
"Come here and give your man some loving, hmm? He's missed having you in his bed."
You promptly requested a change of squad the next day. The Crimson Lion Kings would understand.
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Bσɳυʂ ʂƈҽɳҽ: Nαƈԋƚ Fαυʂƚ! ⋆♱✮♱⋆
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"So, this is the girlfriend I've been hearing so much about, Captain Yami?" the man, who was his vice-captain, asked him. It was a rare occurrence for him to leave the shadow realm and go back to HQ, but when he heard that his old friend of so many years had gotten himself a girlfriend, he couldn't resist the urge to meet you. His eyes flickered from Yami to you, and you felt like they were staring into your soul.
"Yeah, this is her: (Y/N), (L/N). Try not to scare her off and say anything bad about me, 'kay?" Yami asked of the young man.
Nacht offered you a smile and even outstretched his hand from his coat. "Pleased to meet you, my name is Nacht Faust. I was wondering when Captain Yami would find someone who'd put up with his antics," he said, surprisingly friendly for how reserved he seemed.
"Do I really have that kinda reputation?!"
"Yes, you do."
"Um... nice to meet you as well," you replied, unsure if you should be scared of him or be glad he was so friendly.
"Anyway, I should get going. I can't exactly stand to be around your boyfriend for so long," he said in that eerily calm voice before slinking back into a shadow. "It was nice to meet you again!"
"Yeah, it was..." you trailed off as the man disappeared into the shadowy side of that wall. "Is he always like that?"
"He's usually worse," Yami sighed. "Anyway, let's go back to bed. I'm tired."
"But it's 3 pm!" you protested. He merely scoffed and threw you over his shoulder. "Hey, put me down!!"
"Does it look like I care? I'll cuddle my girlfriend anytime of the day I want."
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© ʙʀᴜɴᴇᴛᴛᴇ-ʙɪᴛᴄʜ77 on tumblr - get your own shit bitches | ca. 7/1/2024
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deltajellybean793 · 5 months
Black Clover, Chapter 313
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aloeverabagel · 5 months
So, I've been watching black clover, and I have no one to scream about it to, so my tumblr blog is now the victim
I'm a HUGE sucker for found family, snd the black bulls are perfect for this!! All of them losers and outcasts, but they love eachother SO SO SO fiercely
I'm on episode 80 right now, and holy shit
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My man is about to die from his little brother. About to throw in one last blow, as if he isn't already almost dead.
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I'm going feral over them,,, they care So deeply,,, they Interrupted an offical match to save their best friend (and id argue family) when not even the officials had time to react.
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saiyef · 5 months
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1phoebe1 · 3 months
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•They pretty tipsy🍷😵‍💫•
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courtesanofdeath · 5 months
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the-black-bulls · 5 months
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missyandthemisfits · 1 year
The Black Bulls x Chubby!Reader
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How would they react to developing a crush on a chubby magic knight??? Heck if I know but I got some ideas-
- If there's one person on this list of suitors who just straight up does not care about size, it's this one right here
- You're strong, you're a great cook, and he has fun with you- that's all this one cares about, really
- Unfortunately, he's not the brightest bulb and he doesn't exactly get it when he's being approached romantically, so they're gonna have to spell it out in some way shape or form 
- It is only after you two are together that he realizes 'You know what? I think I've had a crush on you for a while now'
- Such a cute dork
- Not gonna lie, he's gonna want someone whom he can lift so he can fLEX on everyone-
- That said if you're cute and sassy enough, man is hitting the workout sessions HARD, just to be able to carry all that gorgeous around town- basically the ultimate flex
- He obviously is the first to confess albeit extremely flustered and surprisingly full of self doubt 
- He's actually kind of insecure, especially about his looks - go easy on him 
- Honestly? Very into someone on the plusher side and for completely selfish reasons at that - huge, HUGE cuddler once you get him down long enough (plz wrestle him he wants it so bad)
- Is ever so slight the tease, doesn't help that he's incredibly subtle about it either 
- Makes a point to be around you damn near 24/7 so that way when he's not around, you definitely notice (calculated) the lack of lighthearted teasing
- Believe it or not, 100% makes sure he's got a fighting chance before confessing - he can't afford to be rejected by someone who means this much to him (can't handle that)
-Also be wary, randomly grabs you just... all the time, consciously and unconsciously. You've become his single yet constant source of comfort 
- Forgive her she means well, but may or may not unintentionally offend by offering up diets and routines and walks around town together - I SWEAR she's only trying to be kind
- If you're honest about your feelings on it though, she feels just AWFUL and apologetic and buys you many, many gifts to try and make up for it
- Truthfully, you guys just kinda ended up becoming an item one day - rumors of a drunken kiss still floating around town, unconfirmed 
- Doesn't mind it too much all in all, especially if you spoil her
- He's a little apprehensive about it at first, his mind barreling back into the teasing of how scrawny and weak he is and he's not entirely confident in his ability to shall we say satisfy -
- Buuuut quickly says 'Screw it' when he realizes how amazing you are, on and off the battlefield 
- When I say this man cannot WAIT for the end of every night just to hold you??? I MEAN IT
-  Very soft for his soft s/o, would give them the moon
- You already know she doesn't care like come on
- And honestly, she may try to pressure you into many, many impromptu snacking sessions. Food is cooked by her 97% of the time, always. 
- However if you have any personal health or fitness goals, Charmy is more than capable of curtailing menus to be healthy AND tasty so that's a plus for sure - but you will have to drag her along if you want her to walk with you
- Again, the relationship just sort of happened - even you two aren't quite sure when
- Sorry lovelies but this man's first ever comment may be about your weight, granted he was already upset about Asta and Marie earlier but STILL - no bueno
- It's only after he starts getting to know you that he realizes what complete ASS he was during that first meeting. Will eventually apologize for that, it's said very softly and he sounds kind of annoyed but he's more annoyed with himself than anything 
- It's gonna take quite some time to worm much of anything that isn't full of sarcasm out of him, let alone a confession, unless you decide to take that first step
- Hope you're ready for the slowest of burns -
- If you think this awkward bean would EVER judge you on your weight, or anything for that matter, think again!
- Absolutely adores you for you; all your dimples and folds, all your past trauma, every facet of you is something he wants to learn more of and explore - absolutely all of it
- He develops a crush pretty early on but good luck getting that confession out of him 
- Absolutely will nOT confess until you do because he needs to be 1000% sure he's not gonna scare you off like he did the others...
- Hand holding is must, it comforts him so 
- Truthfully anything more than light sweet touches will send him to the moon, so be wary of feinting if you go in for a smooch
- So very, very shy this one is
- Doesn't actually care about your size, only about how you treat others and most importantly yourself - won't stand for negative talk and bombards you with "T-that's not true at all...!" followed closely by an entire assortment of things that make you so great in her eyes
- Just... so damn sweet 
- You'll definitely be the one initiating anything and everything romantic, to include a confession so uh yea 
- Just LOVES holding onto your arm once she's comfortable enough, both for support and as something of physical affection 
- Yeeeea dubs you something akin to 'Chubs' upon meeting you, there's like...no way around that. He's mostly harmless tho...mostly
- Truthfully tho he's actually really attracted to curves - not that he's ever gonna tell you that (not without a teasing smirk and remark, anyway) 
- He's gonna be dropping the most subtle hints that he's interested in you and the harmless flirting is eventually gonna turn into legitimately pining on both sides so you just flat out tell him one day "If we're gonna keep going like this, we should at least be official..."
- He was content with a situationship of sorts, but a relationship certainly has it perks - ones he could get behind given time 
- This sweetheart is just ecstatic he's found someone with such a plethora of mana (or no mana at all, your choice), someone he can actually be around for more than a few seconds - he does NOT care  
- Helps if you're nice, but won't shun you away if you have a mean streak- he's not that type of guy
- Believe it or not, he's actually the first to cave and confess his undying love - and no that is not an exaggeration he genuinely falls very hard and very fast 
- His biggest dream is to be able to hold you in his admittedly frail arms, caress your hair, and whisper sweet nothings to you as you drift to sleep
- He'll keep that dream close to his heart until he can make it a reality
- Not one for judgment, but also not one for romance so this one might be tough
- She's a sucker for people who are upbeat and positive though so if you've got that going for you, you stand a really good chance of at least grabbing her attention 
- Slowest of slow burns here, folks 
- You'll be the one administering the confession , as well as many complements, to a very adorably flustered Secre and boy is that priceless 
- She very much enjoys pockets, will constantly have her hands in yours for comfort - a little weird but very cute 
- Yes absolutely she has a preference and it's definitely not chubby- no offense (please do not take offense I for one think you're amazing)
- It's gonna take someone with a strong backbone to handle the condescending frowns and holier-than-thou attitude that comes along with crushing on this one, you've been warned 
- It'll take a while of chipping away at her steely exterior before she's ready to give way to the fact that yea, you're pretty darn cute 
- You confess several different times before she gives it a real go - hang in there 
- May come as a surprise, but he doesn't really care about size - just about the character of your person 
- So yes he's all for someone on the curvy side, actually one of the few that compliments you outright upon meeting you
- Probably puts you through a serious of subtle tests to see how suitable you really are and how compatible you may be with him (cause let's face it, he plays for keeps) but he's very honest about the fact that he's interested in pursuing you romantically 
- Touches are feather light in public, but he very much likes to have his hand at the small of your back or gingerly around your waist 
- A man who knows what he wants and is not afraid to pursue it? Hell.Yes.
- Excuse me but this guy dreams of having some short, curvy so and so on his arm - someone he can really grab onto
- He's got this glint in his eyes that almost creeps you out at first but is quickly squelched by the invitation to drinks
- It only takes 2 more trips to one bar or another for him to know he wants to start talking to you on a more personal level 
- Will grab ass anywhere, anytime so just... keep that in mind
- Less of a solid confession, more of a drunken offer, something along the lines of "Hey, we should totally make this a thing. This us thing or whatever it is-,"
- He's slurring and you're positive he won't remember a damn thing but he remembers everything, all the way down to how gorgeous you looked that evening 
A/N - I want you all to remember that no matter WHAT size you are; you deserve love, happiness, and to feel good in that beautiful skin you're in! <3
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awakefor48hours · 2 months
Anime friendly text post meme
Part 76/???
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whereiskoko · 1 year
Black Clover Men and their sizes ( NSFW)
If you don’t see anyone you want feel free to request a part 2 😁.
Asta has a extremely bulky build
He would have a 6.5 inch and a 7.3 when erected
He doesn’t groom down there much leading to a forest growing in his pants
Yuno has an athletic build but not as bulky like Asta
He would be 7 and a 7.5 when erected
Unlike Asta he regularly grooms himself , keeping down there nice and tidy
Leopold <3
Ok so he trains very often resulting in a decent build .
He’s like a 6 inch and a 7 when erected
He follows his brother instructions on keeping himself groomed and well kept.
He is a slender young man
He would have 6 inches and a solid 6.9 when erected
He keeps down there groomed and well kept in case he gets lucky .
He trains constantly lol
He would have 5 inches and a solid 6 when erected
Tries to keep his bush under control but keeps forgetting
He barely looks like the person to work on his muscles
He would have 6 inches and 7.5 when erected
He doesn’t look like a person to groom down there lol .
Part 2 will be posted with the captain and Wk
Ps. These are just my opinions and head canons
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honeytabbies · 2 months
OKAY. HERE WE GO. my black bulls doggies!!!! :D
there's definitely a noticeable difference in style/quality of some of these just due to time between each design and/or how i was feeling at the time of drawing them (these hot and rainy summer months have been super rough on me)
ALSO they were all done symmetrically so that i wouldn't burn out and could actually finish them LOL . OK EVERYBODY BELOW
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starting off with asta, a husky/coyote mutt!! :D in my au, devil users end up becoming hybrids of whatever their devil is. so since liebe is a coyote, that's what asta is too!! (also, i haven't drawn him yet, but yuno is a malamute :D similar looking breeds but different since they're not actually related!)
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(here's liebe too hehe, scrappy lil coyote!!)
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then of course, noelle, who's a saluki!! a very regal breed for a very royal gal!! i thought making her pigtails into her ears was a fun idea HEHEHE
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(+ an alternate design version!)
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here's finral, he's a shetland sheepdog!! gentle and sweet and always trying to herd his people together :) you might notice that with some of my designs, i end up doing extra scarring; that's usually just personal headcanons, as i think some injuries would be too grievous to fully heal. though some (for instance, gauche) don't have a canon story behind them, i just think they're fitting
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vanessa, who's a cavalier king charles spaniel!! her ears sorta blend into her hair lol, i had an alternate version where they were the same darker brown as her fur but i decided that them blending in looked better and fit the breed standard as well.
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gauche, the ever wary american akita!! being a fiercely loyal and protective breed, but aloof and suspicious of strangers.
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then there's grey, who's a long-haired chihuahua!! sweet and skittish HEHE, also i haven't drawn it yet but i've always imagined her big transformation disguise that she's first introduced as to be a rottweiler LOL
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next up is luck, a jack russell terrier!! i've always thought this was a very fitting breed pick, intelligent but highly energetic and a little mischievous !!!
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and of course, magna is never far behind luck; he's a dobermann pinscher!! similar to luck in energy and intelligence, but even more fiercely protective of his loved ones.
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GORDON!!! actually one of my favourite black clover characters, he's a dalmatian not only because of the fitting aesthetic, but also because of his kind and sensitive personality!
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the masked supermage zora, a german shepherd! watchful and sometimes stubborn but loyal nonetheless made this pick fairly easy to come to. though, before getting to see more of him, my initial pick was actually a kai ken!
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charmy's design is one that i'm the most proud of for sure; i mentioned in an earlier post that the different peoples are different species of animals. well charmy is a half toy poodle, half american badger!! i thought a badger was a VERY fitting pick, as they are generally unbothered by much unless their food is threatened LOL
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and finally, lastly (for now) is nero!! she's a bull terrier, but i really wanted to keep her twin tails from her anti-bird form! her outfit is definitely the one i edited the most, i just wanted to give her something more practical out of personal preference.
additionally, henry is an old english sheepdog, nacht is a black norwegian elkhound/fox, and yami is a wolfdog!
I HAVE SOME OTHER CHARACTERS DOODLED HERE AND THERE but nothing else really finished yet. if there's a specific character anyone would like to see i would be SO happy to draw/doodle them to show off!! i honestly have a huge list of dog/cat breeds picked out for every character i could think of; i just am hellishly indecisive and can never pick who to start on next AHDSJAGDJSDK
THE POSITIVE RECEPTION TO MY ART SO FAR HAS MADE ME SO HAPPY BTW AUAGGHHH i have no idea how/if im able to reply to people directly but just know that i keep reading over everyone's reblog tags and stimming like crazy IM SO HAPPY THANK YOU GUYS SO MUCH AUHGHFEHGGRH
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kcuf-ad · 1 year
The Swearing Jar in the Black Bulls:
Finral is the only one with not a single one there
Asta, Charmy, Grey, Gordon and Henry have a few, but not much.
Vanessa has more, but still, not to much.
Luck and Magna are equal, so they swear many times as they are competiting for this
Noelle has alot.
Secre has a mouth of a sailor and so does Gauche
Nacht needs to swear at least 12 times a day or he is choking every single Black Bull there
Yami and Zora are filling that jar EVERY HOUR!
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