floraprin · 5 years
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i love ara and yumeko @magiktouched​
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malvidia · 4 years
nonverbal memes.   /   @magiktouched​
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    he knows that in his imagined paradise, she'd have no place in it.     someone as kind as her, as   sweet   as her   --     restraining her to that existence with him would be her hell.         it's for that reason that he kept her at an arm's length.       the thought of touching her   seared   at his nerves     ;     speaking to her was enough to make his lungs burn, and when he finally did part his lips, all that came out was smog and nonsense.     (     and he couldn't explain it, no matter how much he tried. just what this feeling was that she gave him, the one that ate him   alive.     )     he'd never imagined that she owuld be the one crossing the line so often   --   as if the barbed wire he'd laid there didn't tear at her skin, slice at her fingertips, make her   ...   make her   ---   he couldn't handle it, the thought of her bleeding made him sick.                                              so why   ...   of all the things she could do, why this     ? he knows it will be painful, an agonizing death   surely.     hydra poison is a special brand of horrendous   ;   but he's equipped to handle it, even in the surprise of its appearance, he knows he can take it.     he'll scream and he'll cry and he'll   beg   to be let go for once in his life   ---   to finally be let free.     but he can take it, again,   all over again.   even as he stands there, gazing up at its maw, he knows it's a fate he's willing to take once more.                  of course, the one thing he never accounts for, is that someone else would be willing. it's for that reason, when he hears a thud in his ear, he simply expects it to be that he's been slapped aside by the creatures' powerful frame.     he expects pain any moment, when he opens his eyes   -   searing, boiling,   burning.         but all he sees is her.     so sweet, so   kind   --   and so very red.       she' breathing, yes, he can tell, he can tell as he staggers towards her and clutches her face in his palms.     he can tell, as her red fills his fingertips   --   but he can't see, no, he can't see anything but that horrible,   horrible   color.                  ❝     y   ---   ume   .   .   .     ❞     isn't this a reason, boy   ?                                   ❝     yu   -   meko   ...     ❞     a reason to have   HOPE   ?
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                  ❝     if it's y - you, if it's you   ---   i   ...   !!     ❞     (     will be the very definition of horrifying if it means saving you.     )     ❝     i   ---     ❞     the hands that release her to lay her across the ground as he stands cannot be his, he rationalizes.     they cannot be his own as he grabs the creature by its maw   ;   as he peels its skin from its cheeks and down across its large frame.     they   can't   be his as it screeches and   cries   as he drives his knife into its skull, full of her blood and its own septic purple blood   ;   as it burns through the flesh that he wipes across on the ground.       only then, when they've been ripped to the bone, can he see them as his own   ---   only then, as he   lifts   her back into his arms, and he can see his fingertips through the black of her hair, does he recognize them as his own.       only then   -   when they are back to where   she   is.     ❝     i can't take this anymore   ---     ❞     she's still breathing, even as he clutches her against his frame   ;   tighter and tighter.                                          ❝     i think ya' might jus' finally be the one ta' kill   me .     ❞     for that reason, he'd do it all over again.   as many times as it'd take.   even in his imagined utopia without her.
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curruidcarnage · 5 years
how can u eat them when ur already crispy shrimp chips u get from ur local asian supermarket
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i’ve never stepped in an asian supermarket so i dont get it.
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vehemnts · 4 years
 *   @magiktouched​  asked   …  
“   holds a caterpillar near her face :)))))))))))))))))) “shinobu-chan, you’re 18 years old, right? then that makes me 4 older than you!”   ”  
     despite  her  love  for  insects  of  all  kinds   ,   shinobu  does  not  take  kindly  to  the  caterpillar  that  yumeko  holds  to  her  cheek .    the  tips  of  her  fingers  gently  push  her  hand  away .    what  bothers  her  moreso  is  the  smug  comment  on  their  age  difference .    the  implication  that  the  woman  has  some  sort  of  superiority  over  her  based  on  age  alone  is  laughable   ,   really  !    an  outdated  concept   ,   even  if  it  is  just  a  simple  tease.
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     "    you  realize  as  a  pillar   i  am  your  superior   ,   correct ?    "    her  sweet  voice  does  not  waver  despite  the  unnecessarily  personal  stance  she's  taken  to  her  jest .
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hensetsu · 4 years
@magiktouched​ said: 🔥🔥 if u still accepting ! + 1 of them abt diversity
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Still doing them, yeah! 1.) Regarding Shipping, people are free to ship with whoever they want as fast or slow as they would like. Why? Because it’s their Muse, their Blog.. and if they want to drop all their Ships and Single Ship with so and so? That’s fine too because it’s their choice and at the end of the day nobody can tell them what to do besides themselves. I’ve seen people hard block, soft block and I’m sure out there somewhere; sent Anon hate in regards to people doing it. While I understand you’re upset at this turning out but, so what? Plenty of Writing Fish in the sea, it’ll sting a bit if you wanted to ship with them, sure, but let it go and it isn’t worth sending hate to them over or confronting them in IMs or whatever you may think. It’ll be fine. 2.) Diversity? In Characters I’m assuming.. SO: Tumblr has a ton of diversity between Characters, hell I’ve seen Dragons, Vampires, Gods, Angels, Eldritch Abominations, Interstellar Horrors, Liches, Dullahans and Humans. Anything you can think of will probably exist somewhere on Tumblr if you look hard enough. However, I’ve seen a lot of non-diversity and that is fine too. You wanna write a Human who is a College Student? GO FOR IT. Want to write a Vampire Dragon God Hyena Wolf that is also a Dad of Five? Go for it, more power to you. Want to write a Snake that cannot talk and is just a Snake but has a Masters’ Degree somehow? Nothing stopping you but yourself. But I’ve realized that in a way or another Tumblr’s RPC seems to indirectly shame Diversity, and I feel that some people feel bottle-necked into making a certain Character if they want to have hopes of Roleplaying with a certain scene or whatever. Tumblr as I know isn’t very welcoming of OCs, and most Canon Scenes tend to only want more of their.. Canon.  This also goes for the Trans Community in the RPC but as I type this I mean the OC RP as a whole, everyone included and I mean everyone regardless of your pronouns, ethnicity or skin tone. While I don’t know for a fact of the things that go on, I’m basing this off of my experience with Tumblr after over five years of dealing with the shit-show that it is and how utterly unforgiving it is. OCs already have a hard time I know that much, but if they are Trans I’d imagine that trouble is doubled since Tumblr’s criticism reflects real life and people’s views on things.. and that isn’t fair. Why should a Canon with a half profile get double the attention than a Trans OC? I don’t think it’s fair, and that would be the case because some people read the rules, find out who they are and unfollow. But.. many are shallow minded, and like I said most of it, the hate and dislike comes from real life views. That’s how I’d imagine it going. Tumblr I feel lacks real diversity because of how the RPC is to both new people, people of color and their Muses, LGBTQ. their Muses and anyone with an OC. If that doesn’t spell out how much of a shit site Tumblr really is then what will? I know the RPC is a small portion of it, but still.
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lampguided · 5 years
@magiktouched said ; WIFE !!!!!!!!
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              "It seems you have completely lost your mind as well, just like Mr. Dantes. Fear not, we shall treat it immediately."
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cxnfectioniism · 4 years
Gives her 🍑 🍑🍑🍑🍑🍑🍑🍑🍑🍑🍑🍑
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{ 🌹 } ||      “Oh, what a luscious behind!” Pinches her bootycheek. “So soft!”
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coueture · 4 years
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          ❛     i  thought  you’d  like  this  cotton  candy  ,  it  tastes  exactly  like  the  strawberry  mochi  you  like  so  much  ,     ❜     or  as  close  to  it  as  it  can  ———  obviously  it  isn’t  𝐞𝐱𝐚𝐜𝐭  ,  he’s  exaggerating  ,  but  it’s  close  𝐞𝐧𝐨𝐮𝐠𝐡  ;  as  close  as  something  could  be  in  terms  of  similarity  .     ❛     here  .  take  it  .  i  bought  it  for  you  .     ❜  ( @magiktouched​ . )
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floraprin · 5 years
@magiktouched​ replied to your post:
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hello wife !
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malvidia · 4 years
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originlist · 4 years
@magiktouched​ спросил(а):
for shub: spot a kiss + w/e #
ask meme // accepting a kiss on the cupid’s bow.
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Shub remains seated as Yumeko approaches, hands stilling in her work. (A delicate weaving, creating a new crown for herself -- the seasons change and so too should her adornments, placing more transitionary buds in her evergreen circlet.) She does, however, watch attentively and patient as Yumeko approaches and leans forward to place a kiss upon Shub’s forehead.
The goddess giggles, light and airy.
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“Oh? Dear child, I feel like I’ve been blessed. Let me grant you one in return.” A hand raises to Yumeko’s cheek, stilling her (Shub’s fingers smell of pine and iris), before Shub returns a kiss to Yumeko’s other cheek.
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vehemnts · 4 years
environmentalist au when
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hi my name is kochou shinobu and i am an environmentalist. i specialize in plant life and killing you slowly.
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viijaya-archived · 5 years
@magiktouched​ replied ; 👀 arjuju
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boldestgreen · 5 years
@magiktouched​ replied ; my crush I’m scared 2 tell I have feelings for
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“You are wasting your time...”
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wieldedhonor · 5 years
@magiktouched​ replied ; I dare he roast yume ,,,
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lacobscur · 5 years
@magiktouched​ // short starters
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“You remind me of someone who’d be found in a dream.” Her name fits her like this. Berserker leans over her, hands clasped behind his back. “You’re up to something weird again, aren’t you?”
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