kalimagik · 4 years
Red with Rage
George Weasley x Reader
Word Count: ~1.5k
A/N: This was a request by @siriusly-addicted-to-writing​ - I’m sorry it took awhile to write, but when I started, I just couldn’t stop! But I hope that you like it! My requests are open to anyone who would like to request something! I have a few others that I will be working on, but I promise that I’ll get to them at some point! If you like, give it a like, reblog, comment, or send me a message! Enjoy and happy reading! <3<3
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*Not my GIF - credits to owner
“No, no. That’s too obvious,” Fred grumbled as he kept his head close to George’s, whispering.
“That’s the beauty of it Freddie! She won’t even see it coming!” George argued in return.
The twins were doing their best to keep their voices down. Umbridge was either slinking around, eavesdropping or had Filch doing it for her. He’d already ruined plenty of their plans to cause chaos around Hogwarts. Everyone had just returned from the Christmas Holiday and the semester already seemed to be going in the toilet. Umbridge brought everyone’s moods down the moment they stepped foot in the castle. So, naturally, Fred and George had to fix that.
“Fred, I’m telling you. Doing something to her tea would be a masterpiece. We could easily make her breath smell like dragon testicles, no problem!” George whisper yelled at his brother.
“That would be a punishment for anyone who has to stand near her during detention, it isn’t worth it!” Fred tried to explain again.
“Well then I don’t know what we’re going to do!” George threw up his hands, leaning back in frustration.
“Hello, boys!” Y/N grinned as she sat on the bench across from the twins.
“Y/N,” Fred nodded before returning his attention to the paper in front of him.
“Hello there, love,” George smiled as he leaned over the small table to peck his girlfriend’s lips. “Give her a bit more of a welcome, Freddie.” George joked.
“My apologies, Y/N, but I can’t focus on much until we come up with a way to get at that TOAD,” Fred emphasized, scratching his head again.
“OOOO, are we planning pranks? Count me in!” Y/N pulled away from George and tried to glance at the paper in front of Fred.
“No, not happening, love!” George pulled the paper from Fred’s fingers and stuffed it into his pocket.
“WHAT?! Why not! Common!” Y/N’s mouth hung open as she pleaded with her boyfriend.
“Yeah, why not?” Fred asked. “We could really use a fresh set of eyes. PLUS, she’s a pro!”
“What he said!” Y/N agreed, trying to give George her biggest pouty eyes.
“No, I’m not risking it. I don’t want her to get in trouble if we mess something up or get caught.” George looked right at Fred as if Y/N wasn’t sitting right across from her.
That’s when the twins’ back and forth became them conversing in their own little world. It always amused Y/N when this happened.
“George, before you two started dating, she was the mastermind behind half our pranks! I don’t think she ever got caught once!”
“But I wouldn’t be able to forgive myself if she had to endure detention with the toad.”
“She’s never had detention before! What makes you think it’ll happen this time.”
“This woman is unpredictable. She is probably listening to us right now. We know that she has targets on our backs.”
“We would totally take the blame if we are caught though. There is no way Y/N will get in trouble.”
“As cute as this is, guys, I can make my own decisions.” Y/N waved her hands in between the twins.
“Sorry, love. Didn’t mean to leave you out there.”
“It’s okay, I’m used to you two having your own little code.” She replied as she rolled her eyes.
“I really don’t know if it’s a good idea.” George shook his head. Y/N knew he was just being protective over her, but she could take care of herself and that was supposedly one of the things George loved about her.
“Georgie, we need her. You have to admit it. She will bring this planning to a whole new level. We need some fresh ideas.”
“Fine,” George sighed as he watched his brother and girlfriend high-five in victory. His heart was in the right place, but he knew deep down that he was never going to convince these two that Y/N joining in wasn’t a good idea.
“Now that that’s settled, let me hit you with my ideas. I have been kept on the outside for these last few months, but that doesn’t mean I haven’t been conspiring on my own.”
Y/N laid her plan out for the twins. She had escape routes planned out, look-out positions, distractions involving Peeves and unsuspecting students. The boys watched in awe as she told them every last detail. When she finished, Fred turned to George, wearing a shit-eating grin. “Tell me why we’ve been leaving her out of our pranks again?”
In all honesty, George wasn’t sure. She was an evil genius. The prank would be set in motion the next day. Y/N had already tracked Dolores Umbridge’s schedule, so that recon was already taken care of. George was amazed but also slightly terrified of his girlfriend. As long as she never turned her talents on him…actually, he would be honored for her to pull a prank on him. Pranks this detailed were a work of art in the eyes of the Weasley Twins.
George walked down the hallway with his brother, carrying loads of books in their arms. As they passed Umbridge’s chambers, Fred tripped over air, causing both him and George to drop all of their books. Y/N had Peeves causing a ruckus in the Astronomy Tower, so the twins dropping their books was just a back-up. In the commotion, Y/N slipped into Umbridge’s rooms under the invisibility cloak she had borrowed from Harry. How Y/N found Umbridge’s chambers and learned to get inside, George did not want to know, but their plan was going perfectly.
By the time the boys picked up the hordes of books they didn’t need, Y/N had slipped back out of the door. She was careful to stay behind the boys as they cleared the way in the hallways all the way back to the Gryffindor Common Room.
“Everything go well?” George asked once they were safely tucked inside.
“No problems at all. Now, we just wait until the feast later. We’ll see if my concoction worked there. I bet Umbridge will be red with rage,” Y/N chuckled as she thought about what she had just done.
Y/N and the twins laid low for the rest of the evening, keeping their ears open. As 6 o’clock approached and students made their way down to the Great Hall, Y/N told the twins to keep their heads down. They would move with the crowds to keep from being suspected. Y/N had the timing perfectly. Umbridge always liked to make an entrance to feasts, so she always showered right before to be prim and proper.
Settling in between the twins, Y/N pretended to go about her business. The twins knew the full plan, but they truly didn’t know what to expect from this prank.
Y/N covered her mouth, pretending to rub her nose as she whispered, “5…4…” Y/N began counting as she watched the doors. “3…2…1”
As if on cue, Dolores Umbridge let out a wail that rang throughout Hogwarts. Her quick, small footsteps could be heard echoing off the stone as, Y/N assumed, Umbridge ran towards the Great Hall.
The doors flew open as the short “headmistress” stood in the opening. She had on a pink, ruffle bathrobe, hair still wet, but her skin and her hair were not their usual shades. They were maroon. Her skin and her hair were maroon. It was obvious that Umbridge had tried to run it off and tried to magic it off, but it was no use. The dye wouldn’t budge.
“Who- did this?” Umbridge’s sour, high-pitched voice gritted through her teeth. The laughter started off as chuckles that grew as more people became braver. Soon, the entire Great Hall was howling with laughter.
No one but Y/N and the twins knew anything about the prank, they were all stunned, but pleased. Seeing Umbridge outraged was always a good way to lift everyone’s spirits, especially when she would never catch the culprits.
Umbridge huffed in frustration as she stormed out of the Great Hall. Filch followed. Looking up at the staff table, Y/N could see wide smiles etched on the professor’s faces, despite them trying to hide it. Even McGonagall hid her smile behind her goblet.
“Well done, Y/N/N.” Fred whispered under his breath, low enough that the commotion drowned him out. “Remind me to never get on your bad side.”
“Love, that was brilliant. Maybe we should have brought you in earlier,” George praised, wrapping an arm around Y/N’s shoulders and pulling her into him so that he could press a kiss against her temple.
Picking up her cup, Y/N felt her smile grow because of her victory. Before taking a sip, she laughed, “I told you she would be red with rage.”
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