ninjakitten1699 · 4 years
How is Garmadon with rest of his exes? I know with Ray they're cool with each other and with Krux some bitterness and some lingering feelings there, but what about Chen and Clouse. With Chen, I don't think he would really care and probably thinks that Garmadon was the one who missed out. With Clouse, I think that he would be embarrassed(?) that it would be brought up and just think that it was poor taste on his part.
Yeah, Ray and him are friends by now and they were fine with moving on.
Krux of course is still upset but also still trying not to fall back to him.
Chen? Oh boy. Quite a scandal. Not exactly much of a relationship. It was more like this. “See Garmadon. I don’t mind if you and Clousey have play dates, but just know whatever is his is also mine too. And vice versa. We agreed on that a while before you came around... So if you’re his, then you’re mine too. It’s simple.” Maybe a codependency. And yeah he would be the type to think Garmadon’s the one that missed out.
Now Clouse? Yeah, to him, it’s embarrassing. He was actually bitter that Garmadon came in and just took Chen’s attention away from him so easily after he worked so hard under him for so long. He was always fighting him and somehow somewhere along the way there was hate sex and Clouse accidentally found out about Garm’s feral Dragon-Oni tendencies and well... it didn’t end too well.
The two just carried so much tension in the Tournament of Elements Chen could’ve cut through it. (Even though Chen didn’t appreciate Garmadon almost breaking his mage man and he wasn’t looking for a repeat, despite trying to set them up a few times. Chen only stopped when Clouse said to.)
Even during season 4, Garmadon’s wondering “why the hell did you stay with Chen? You knew he was crazy.” And Clouse just retaliates “I know but at least he isn’t crazy enough to jump partners and in between relationships. You’d know all about that.”
Clouse is quite possibly what Krux would’ve been had he not caught feelings for him in the middle of it all and not even have Garm care for him. They’re on a different level of closeness to Garmadon. Clouse doesn’t even know his first name so it means something for Krux, Ray and Koko to know.
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ninjakitten1699 · 3 years
Head not empty.
Thinking of a soft Spell/MagicNoodleshipping headcanon.
Just Chen encouraging Clouse to take up hobbies and magic. He gets so proud of how much Clouse improves and wants to show him off because he never got that sort of treatment through his own life so he tries to break said small cycle. Clouse gets embarrassed about his boasting but he appreciates it secretly.
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