stargazingshroud · 1 year
The tips of his hair is tinted pink, an indication of how he felt. There’s even a light dusting on his cheeks to match, which was visible due to him not wearing a mask today. Ortho hadnt expected Yuzuki to return a pun! That made him happy, though his heart fluttered.
He managed a soft laugh himself before he reached into his pocket to withdraw an origami cat. Animals outside of dinosaurs weren’t his forte, and the cat suspiciously looked a bit like Grimm. There’s a large bow to match. “I, ah, i made this for you, Yuzuki!”
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noctechoro · 1 year
𝕷𝖊𝖙'𝖘 𝖌𝖔 𝖙𝖔 𝖂𝖔𝖓𝖉𝖊𝖗𝖑𝖆𝖓𝖉 @magiclessxprefect​
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“Oh my, what happened over here?” Ilias asks, voice as soft as ever though still quiet enough to hold back it’s charming effects. Kneeling down he begins to help with cleaning up the fallen dishes and silverware. Thankfully it didn’t look like much had broken so there wouldn’t be too much glass to clean this time around. “When I heard a crash I thought Floyd or Sanya might’ve been up to something, but I didn’t expect to see you, are you alright?”
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fctedivided · 1 year
(continued from here)
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“...You are definitely lost.” The blunt statement made perfect sense in this situation, even though Yuzuki was technically still very out of touch in this world she at least was adjusted enough about NRC. Ramshackle was on the much farther parts away from the main campus and only recently with help from the others as well as when she had free time was beginning to look like an actual living building...Save for a few remaining repairs, but it was much better than when she and Grim arrived. The prefect pressed her fingers to her forehead, frowning as she closed her eyes a bit as she tried to recall anything strange before she noticed him at the door. No weird lights above the building, definitely no alarming messages from anyone about anything odd..... “....Come inside,” Yuzuki finally decided and opened the door a bit more, “It’s cold and honestly, I think it’s better we talk in the living room.” This was going to be a very long conversation...Wasn’t it?
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"Thank you, thank you so much." There was a big relief when Cassidy was being allowed to be inside, at this point, the temperature between here and outside was as day and night.
Still the young Sorcerer remained bashful, while she was bringing him towards the lounge. His first impressions about this building, from his perspective, it was a lot spacious and bigger than he imagined.
"Err, do you live alone, miss?" He then asked, mostly out of curiosity.
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crownshattered · 10 months
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@magiclessxprefect inquired: “Happy birthday Floyd-senpai.” She’s using proper manners today, but she is hesitant all while offering up a gift to him at arms length. Yuzuki had also given Jade his gift already, but giving Floyd his was a longer task as she waited for a good chance to approach. Inside was a cleaning kit to use for all his shoes, all items with his initials. “…I hope you like it.” (@magiclessxprefect)
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⁕| Floyd's Birthday!! (11/05/23) |⁕
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“Heyyyy, Little Shrimpie got me something for my birthday~? Aww, thanks~” the eel cooed with a smile that could either be described as kind and grateful or eerie and greedy… It was almost like he was saying ‘This gift better be something I like, or else~’ and, knowing Floyd, one could easily imagine him saying just that. It was always so nerve-wracking to receive gifts from him…
But when he opened up the gift to see what’s inside, his smile only brightened. A cleaning kit for his shoes..?? And everything had his initials on them!! This was actually a pretty great gift, especially given his love for all things shoe-related.
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“This is great, Shrimpie!! Thanks a bunch~” the merman said with a big, sharp-toothed grin. It’s clear she actually put a good amount of thought into this gift. It seemed like something Jade or Azul would get him, given how well they both knew Floyd. After his party, he knew he would immediately start using this kit—he had a ton of dirty shoes from all of his erratic activities.
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valiantroyalty · 2 years
It wasn’t that Snow was scared. She was timid, yes, especially around crowds of people larger than four, and this school spiked her anxiety like no one would believe. She wasn’t use to people, sad as it was. And some people were.. rightfully a lot to be around.
This wasn’t for Yuzuki, but the princess didn’t want to be a bother. She tried not to interact too much outside her dorm despite wanting to make friends. As luck would have it, seems the perfect noticed her after all. She can’t really hide now, can she? A few more taps against the wall before she presented herself fully. A shy smile as she approached.
“Haz da - headmaster talk to you yet?”
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@magiclessxprefect inquired: ⑁ ((@magiclessxprefect, *slowly backs away* I leave it up to you on who Yuzuki sits on. Ifthat'sokay.))
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⁕| Sit On My Muse's Lap |⁕
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With every day that he went to Night Raven College, Malleus learned more and more interesting details about humans. For instance… When they are deprived of sleep, they do the strangest things.
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That’s why Malleus didn’t stop Yuzuki when she suddenly sat in his lap, although he was indeed surprised by her sudden actions. What was she doing..?? He supposed her obvious drowsiness was causing her to make strange decisions… Otherwise, she would never sit in Malleus Draconia’s lap, right? Or maybe…she just felt comfortable in his presence. Regardless, he didn’t stop her.
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niightravcns · 1 year
@magiclessxprefect - plotted starter.
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Dorian has been working at Mostro Lounge ever since its opening. He's come across all sort of situations, for better or for worse. At this point, he'd like to think that very little can surprise him.
However, this might come close...
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"Apologies, I think I must've misheard you - are you actually asking to work here on your own free will?"
He'd know for sure if the magicless human, of all people, had signed a contract with Azul, but no, no trace of her name in the endless list of people in debt with Dorian's stepbrother.
He's honestly surprised that hasn't happened yet, you'd think someone with no magic would need all the 'help' to survive in a school brimming with powerful magicians-to-be.
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bitterseadrop-a · 2 years
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inquiry by @magiclessxprefect :: Is she going to regret this? Probably....The Ramshackle prefect dumps something in front of Milou, "Here. Happy Valentine's Day." Yuzuki doesn't spare anymore time now that she had delivered the chocolates to her upperclassman and began to make a break for it because technically her work shift was over, and she didn't want to be teased by Milou.
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aweee,  how  lovely  of  you  to  think  of  me,  prefect  !
that's  what  milou  wanted  to  say  at  least.  before  she  could  even  start  gushing  about  the  sweet  gesture,  she  only  saw  yu  making  a  beeline  for  the  door.  ah  well,  the  gift  has  put  her  in  a  good  mood,  so  milou  decided  to  let  it  go  for  now.  after  all,  she  could  thank  the  prefect  properly  on  her  next  shift.
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 ‘nevermind, I don’t wanna know.’  (@magiclessxprefect, open to any of your muses you want to interact with Yuzuki.)
"Most people don't."
Creatir had alluded to something about getting half of the Scarabia dorm drunk at a party the other day on accident. Probably wasn't the smartest idea to mutter out loud but she could honestly care less about getting tattled on at this point. No one else who was actually there when it happened bothered to after all.
"I was not aware alcohol wasn't permitted at this school." She gives a lazy shrug.
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magiclessxprefect · 2 years
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kauma-kardia · 1 year
Muse vs Mun !
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Tagged by: @magiclessxprefect
Tagging: @miramiravictories @hanafuda-s-p-a​ @melatoninburst​ & whoever else, if you feel like it.
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stargazingshroud · 1 year
Perhaps it was better to have kept his mouth shut. Fingers idly toyed with the buttons on the controller as he stared back at Yuzuki, and for a few moments he was at a loss for words.
Ortho didn’t want to just assume, and be wrong in the end. But the deep fear was there, lurking, and was brought out Everytime he saw Grimm. Either it was a strong coincidence or him and that monster was two in the same - somehow. It was really uncanny.
But if the prefect trusted Grimm.. was he so bad? Ortho shook his head and finally averted his gaze. The tips of his hair changed to a darker blue, one that showcased his growing uneasiness and paranoia. “He just.. reminds me of something,” he answered a bit vaguely. “But he’s never tried to hurt you?” It was a genuine question, one to hopefully settle his nerves.
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noctechoro · 1 year
@magiclessxprefect (con.)
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A light, airy giggle leaves the witch at her comments. "Unlike you, I'm actually allowed to be out right now. Our curfew if you can call it that, isn't until the sun starts to rise up." Saul rather causally notes with a small shrug. "So, unlike you I'm not considered a straggler. That's just what we call the day students like you who are silly enough to be out this late."
He seemed to ignore her comment about being let out and instead turned his attention to her last question. An idea came to mind then, one that would certainly make things amusing depending on how it went. "How about you...guess? If you get it right you'll get a reward~" A hand moves to rest on his hip while the other begins to tap a finger to his cheek in thought. "I'll give you....two tries and you get only three hints."
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Well, if it wasn't clear before it was now that she certainly wasn't going to be getting out of here any time soon...
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fctedivided · 1 year
Chosen muse: Cassidy
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bold:  always  applies.   italic:  sometimes  applies.
𝐈. 𝐑𝐀𝐈𝐍:  melancholy at best,  introspective,  severely misunderstood, pleasure in the subdued,  helping in your own way, dreams in poetry, the slowness of falling asleep,  refreshing meditation.
𝐈𝐈. 𝐒𝐔𝐍: sunbleached clothes,  futures that are too bright,  everything at arm’s length,  balancing intensity,  blind encouragement,  comfort of sleep,  distracting sunspots in your vision,  necessity of growth.
𝐈𝐈𝐈. 𝐒𝐓𝐎𝐑𝐌: chaos with a purpose,  emotions running high,  natural comfortable anarchy,  high volume, leaving your mark,  brief flashes of violence,  rambling quickly,  the intensity of desire.
𝐈𝐕. 𝐖𝐈𝐍𝐃: running towards instead of away,  instinctive motivation,  making an impact,  knows everyone who knows anyone, playful pranks, mood swings in a split second,  collecting old trinkets,  uncontrollable focus.
𝐕. 𝐒𝐍𝐎𝐖:  serene on the surface,  cold blooded heart,  love it or hate it attitude, good memories, heavy discussions,  sharp determination,  relentless resolve,  not as scary as it seems.
tagged by @magiclessxprefect! (thank you for tagging me!)
tagging: @lawain-dimensional-heroes, @hxroic-wxlls, @fantasyconcrete, @tiredstudents, @liecoris, @executionher, @emystic, @dragonskxn, @stalwartembers, @mysticallities, @dethqveen, @xxvernalagniaxx, and anyone who wants to do this OR steal it from me!
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dragonknightsworn · 1 year
@magiclessxprefect adventures with saber of lightning
Ron simply chuckled when he saw the other's reaction to his surprise question, and titled his head to look at her with the bags. He wasn't sure if the other would drop the bags. He figured he would have helped her catch them if she had. He didn't want to make her lose her shopping supplies.
"You came to shop. but Mystery Shop has all you need no? Wouldn't it be weird if you shopped in a different place. Still curious situation why you are here. Did you want to see the town? This isn't your normal home isn't it?" He teased the other as well noticed how her reaction about the idea of his surprise question.
Ron took a step closer and looked at the bag. "Oh well they didn't seem heavy at all to me if you ask me, but if you want I can help you bring them back anyways. I'm heading back to school anyways. I wanted to see more of the town, and was generally curiously. I'm happy to help if you need it,"
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valiantroyalty · 2 years
Mulan eyed Yuzuki with a soft hum. She’s Testung against a wooden sword. She’s going to do her best to help The Perfect defend herself.
“Are You ready for today?”
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