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plotandelegy · 1 year ago
Mastering Story Physics: Crafting Believable Magical Systems for Immersive World-Building
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Photo: Standard License - Adobe Stock
Have you ever read a book with a magical system so captivating you almost believe it's real? That's where story physics comes into play. It's like everyday physics, but instead of dealing with gravity or quantum mechanics, the rules are for our fictional universes. The more consistent and logical the rules are, the easier it is for readers to suspend disbelief and get lost in a story. If you're dreaming up a world of your own, here's a quick guide on getting everything to line up smoothly for maximum reader immersion. 
Begin with the Basics
Foundation: Start by understanding the natural world's physics. It helps to know the rules before you bend or break them.
Consistency: Decide on the rules of your universe and stick to them. If magic drains energy in chapter one, it can't be consequence-free in chapter five.
Limitations: Every system, magical or not, should have its limits. This can create tension, obstacles, and more intricate plots.
A Dash of Reality:
Relatability: Even if your world is filled with flying pigs, there's gotta be something relatable. Maybe those pigs need sleep, or they're terrified of storms. Ground some aspects in reality.
Cause and Effect: If a character uses a spell, there should be a consequence. It can be as simple as being tired or as complex as altering the fabric of the universe.
Complexity and Depth:
Layers: Think of your magical system as an onion Peel back layers to reveal deeper secrets or complexities as the story progresses.
Evolution: Allow your system to grow and change. Just like technology advances, so can magical methods or tools.
Character Interaction:
Practicality: If magic or advanced technology exists, characters should use it daily, not just in dire situations.
Learning Curve: Characters shouldn't master the system overnight. Watching them struggle, learn, and adapt can be super engaging.
Stakes and Balance:
Consequences: Every action should have an equal and opposite reaction. If someone's saving the world with their powers, what are they sacrificing?
Power Checks: Ensure there's something to check or counteract powerful entities. Without a good reason, no one likes an invincible hero (or villain).
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libroresumen · 2 days ago
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Heredera del Fuego de Sarah J. Maas
˗ˏˋ Heredera del Fuego: Cuando el Destino Es Más Grande Que Tu Leyenda ˎˊ˗
¿Qué sucede cuando descubres que ser la asesina más letal del reino es solo el principio de tu historia? Sarah J. Maas nos sumerge en una narrativa donde el poder, la identidad y el destino colisionan de formas inesperadas.
⋆ título: Heredera del Fuego ⋆ autora: Sarah J. Maas ⋆ género: Fantasía Épica YA ⋆ ambiente: Místico, intenso, transformador ⋆ recomendado para: Amantes de la fantasía con protagonistas complejas y desarrollo profundo de personajes
En las místicas tierras de Wendlyn, Celaena Sardothien se enfrenta a su desafío más grande hasta ahora: ella misma. Bajo la tutela del fascinante (y brutalmente honesto) príncipe hada Rowan Whitethorn, nuestra protagonista debe aprender a dominar no solo sus poderes mágicos, sino también los demonios de su pasado que amenazan con consumirla.
Lo que hace que este libro brille es cómo Maas entreteje múltiples líneas narrativas sin perder el pulso de la historia principal. La introducción de Manon Blackbeak y las brujas Ironteeth añade una capa completamente nueva a la saga, mientras que las conspiraciones en Adarlan mantienen la tensión política en su punto más alto.
La expansión del mundo es simplemente magistral. Wendlyn no es solo un nuevo escenario; es un reino vibrante con su propia historia, magia y conflictos que amplían significativamente el alcance de la saga.
↳ La transformación de Celaena/Aelin es brutal y emotivamente resonante ↳ La dinámica entre Celaena y Rowan es electrizante y compleja ↳ La expansión del mundo mágico es rica en detalles y consecuencias ↳ La narrativa multinivel mantiene el suspense en cada página
★★★★½ Fortalezas:
Desarrollo de personajes excepcionalmente profundo
Expansión del mundo rica y significativa
Equilibrio perfecto entre acción y desarrollo emocional
Pequeña crítica: El inicio puede sentirse algo lento para algunos lectores, pero la paciencia se ve recompensada con creces.
¿Qué harías si descubrieras que tu destino es más grande que tus miedos?
Mejor leído: En una noche tormentosa, envuelto en una manta suave, con una taza de té caliente y el sonido de la lluvia de fondo 🌧️
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systren-chronicles · 3 years ago
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systren-chronicles · 3 years ago
-heavy sigh- Ren has been quite frustrated all day, and a massive miscommunication did not help things. Ey have me primary fronting in order to prevent it from snapping at the wrong person. So, I suppose, if you have any questions on me, now would be a plenty fine time to ask.
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libroresumen · 2 days ago
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Corona de medianoche de Sarah J. Maas
˗ˏˋ Corona de Medianoche: Donde la magia susurra secretos mortales ˎˊ˗
La magia prohibida nunca abandonó realmente el castillo de cristal. Entre sus paredes de cristal, una asesina convertida en campeona real debe navegar un mar de secretos donde cada ola podría ser la última.
⋆ título: Corona de Medianoche ⋆ autora: Sarah J. Maas ⋆ género: Fantasía épica YA ⋆ mood: Intriga palaciega + magia oscura ⋆ para fans de: Política fantástica, protagonistas complejas, romance con tensión
Entre sombras y secretos El castillo de cristal se convierte en un tablero de ajedrez mortal donde Celaena Sardothien debe mantener una fachada perfecta mientras ejecuta las misiones del rey. Pero cada paso la acerca más a verdades ancestrales que podrían destruir el reino.
La magia que persiste Los Wyrdmarks prohibidos emergen como susurros de un poder que nunca se fue realmente, añadiendo capas de misterio a una trama que ya de por sí mantiene el pulso acelerado. La construcción del mundo brilla especialmente en cómo la magia se entreteje con las intrigas políticas.
↳ atmósfera opresiva del castillo ↳ desarrollo complejo de lealtades ↳ ritmo vertiginoso con capítulos cortos ↳ integración perfecta de magia y política
★★★★½ fortalezas:
construcción magistral de la tensión
evolución natural de los personajes
worldbuilding inmersivo
mejor leído: al anochecer, con una taza de té caliente y velas encendidas, cuando las sombras se alargan y cada crujido podría ser un secreto más por descubrir...
¿hasta dónde llegarías para proteger tus secretos en un castillo donde las paredes tienen oídos?
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systren-chronicles · 3 years ago
We’re thinking about finally getting an Icon, but currently have no idea what it should be, it wouldn’t be something Ren drew or even something of all of us, its paranoia wouldn’t like having H’s face specifically be something that any stranger could walk in and identify us with, does anyone have any ideas for us? 
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systren-chronicles · 3 years ago
See, You could claim us as "Victims of the pipeline"/j, But we were following you before you realized you were plural, so its more like you tripped and we tripped over you afterwards :P
the "follows queerautism to learn more about this whole "plurality" thing" to "realizes you are in fact plural" pipeline (I am a victim /pos)
Hehe that's been my evil plan all along <3
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systren-chronicles · 3 years ago
Sometimes Plurality is wanting to self sabotage and then your caretaker literally breaking down the door to stop you, like, I appricate not feeling shittier but also, my door.
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systren-chronicles · 3 years ago
This is the first time Ren has come close to unfronting, its nearly completely unresponsive and just letting me do whatever, its, disconcerting, it wouldn’t be nearly as disconcerting if it could fully unfront, but as it stands, its just, sitting here, despondent. 
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systren-chronicles · 3 years ago
I wish I could unfront, just let H take the wheel and drift away for a while. I hate being tied to the body so strongly. 
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systren-chronicles · 2 years ago
Owen formed because I made a joke about homemade headmates and the universe took it as a challenge.
System origin discourse is out, joking about why specific headmates formed is in
Jane and Naomi formed because the universe decided we needed some fashion gals to stop us from being walking eyesores all the time with our clashing patterns and lack of understanding color theory
(Feel free to reblog with your own headmates and jokes!)
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systren-chronicles · 3 years ago
A Little Introduction
Hello! I’m Ren, Host of The Magical System. We’re incredibly new to this whole, system thing, despite our plurality going back to at least when we were 16 if not younger. I made this blog as a way to more safely interact with the Plural Community while keeping our plurality mostly a secret until we’re more ready to talk about it. With that out of the way, let me introduce you to our system members!
Ren (Ey/Em, It/Its) - 20 - Host
Thats Me! I’m a 20 year old nonbinary person from the American Midwest, I don’t identify with disordered labeling for some incredibly personal reasons and unless I’m basically shut down I’m primary fronting. 
H (He/Him) - “47″ - Oldest Known Alter - Caretaker
Hello, I’m not giving my full name for respect to Ren’s privacy. I am a Fictive of an OC it has had for many many years and my name is unique enough that it with other information discussed here could identify us. I am developmentally somewhere around 47, nonhuman and the other primary fronter, As far as I can tell I’m the oldest Alter here and as far as I can remember I’ve been here since its 16ths birthday
Ayia (Any) - Mid-Twenties
Hello! I’m Ayia! The other talkitive OC Fictive, I front the least and am one of the newest alters! I don’t have any particular role nor any particularly strong Presence within our limited headspace, I’m mostly on here so I can ooh and ahh and mechanical things without Ren being stressed!
Simplify (Nameself, It/Its if must) - No Age
Simplify doesn’t like talking, in voice or text, so I’ll (Ren) Be typing up Simplify’s section. Simplify is very insistent that Simplify is neither a fictive nor a little, and will get very upset if implied otherwise, Nonhuman and without a clear age because of it, Simplify likes Waffles and watching old favorite cartoons of mine, Simplify mainly takes over when I’m in meltdown and H can’t solve it. Mainly talks in emojis and short words, if you need a translation ask me or H.
Gordon A. (He/Him) - 31
Er, Hi. I’m the last of the “Fictive trio”, I’m from a personal project with some of Ren’s friends. I’m, not quite comfortable with fronting currently, and I’m pretty bad at social interaction in general, so if I come off as curt or rude, its, not intentional, I’m, actually pretty good friends with Simplify, I don’t think I’ll talk to often on this blog.
Not an Alter, simply how we distinguish when we aren’t quite sure who’s fronting or just don’t want to be specific. 
Thank you for reading, please be gentle with us while we’re learning what we are and how to approach it.
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systren-chronicles · 3 years ago
Luckily for us we choose ours when it was just H, who is eternally supportive of all my choices, and Simplify, who doesn't like using language and will let literally anyone else do so without much care what they pick
plural culture is not having a system name because everyone absolutely fuckin hates each others ideas. seriously how do you guys choose something that you all agree on. we are fighting for our lives here
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systren-chronicles · 3 years ago
We love to learn more about other systems, especially Systems that share some similarities with us but process them differently!
i like getting to know other systems and finding out about their experience of being systems. all systems are so very different!! the way they split, their other identities, the stories behind it! no system is the same as another, and the amount of diversity and variety excites me so much! it's almost as if the human condition comes in an infinite variety of different flavours and each one is unique and wonderful in itself!!
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systren-chronicles · 3 years ago
Here's a funky one!
I can't unfront, like, at all, the closest I've gotten was being half asleep and finding myself half wandering though a hallway to pick out a daydream and half still aware of where my body was
We chalk this up to us being a Monocon system and I jokingly say it's such a shame I can't just check out of a situation and let someone else deal with it.
H is pretty amused by this.
Tell me about your unique experiences of plurality? The ways you differ from "what's expected", the things that make specific labels not quite fit, the stuff you're scared to talk about off anon for fear of gatekeeping.
I will be tagging these as 'uniquely plural'
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systren-chronicles · 3 years ago
We don't currently post often (or have an icon because my style is pretty recognizable so I don't wanna draw one-) but we're a discourse free blog exploring our own plurality, we'd love to start interacting with more people!
heyy anon w a headache here! do you have any good system/plural blogs to follow? spent so long blocking people, need to meet some nice (pro)endo people now haha
I've reblogged some intro posts at @uniquely-plural for cool ppl to follow, but I'd appreciate more suggestions yeah :)
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