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blxckenedshxrds · 2 months ago
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Exhaustion after a hunt was no real surprise. How anyone could maintain in the rigor and stress of fighting nearly every day without some form of rest was anyone's guess. The wolf's own struggles would probably cause even more guessing. As she found herself in what she assumed to be 6 guild locker room late at night. Her nerves frayed, her body spent, and the water of a running shower supposedly soothing her nerves as she sat under it on a bench.
So why was it she, having dozed off, trapped in her state, seemed to fidget with anxiety?
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Was it because she could feel [Her]? Demanding an audience? Laying blame where it ought to be left alone. The very feeling of it caused the muscles in her scarred neck to tighten severely.
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Only for her to finally be jolted back awake by...something. Someone? Maybe, she couldn't tell. She could however feel in her addled state that things were different. Her hair standing on end. Her lungs working like she had barely avoided drowning in that dreamlike voidal sea her mind kept being sent back to. The glow of her eyes under the full moon a piercing red. And what sat between her legs certainly looked ready to pierce at a moment's notice.
"Is this...heat?", she muttered to the nothing in the shadows.
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soulflatter · 5 months ago
Continued from ask - @magicalsindreams
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"My Prince!?" Saki had been looking for her rider for so long, and finally reunited with her old master, the girl's heart pounded in her chest and then she turned her gaze downwards at this monster of a gift presented to her.
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"Please collect me!"
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"Saki~ It's been a bit since you came to drop in on me, I've missed you." She ensured Saki's face was against her shaft as she dragged it across her face before resting it flat against her.
"You won't keep your rider waiting till you? Your saddles all ready?" It is ready, and its giant...
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reapersofbooty · 3 years ago
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“Because I could never tell if you hated me from back in the day or not. It’s not like you went out of your way to invite me to Makai. But, assuming that I do have your blessing, I can certainly come to visit you more, my love~”
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maiden-after-dark · 3 years ago
Continue from here
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Those hands leans into the operator, letting her coat-clad breasts pressed against the other’s back. She giggles as not only did the weapon was dropped by the moan encouraging her to do more.
“Showing affection to someone who deserves it~” Affection as in letting her hands groping those lovely breasts while she nibbles on those horse ears.
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kirisinme · 2 years ago
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“I can sense a certain moon rabbit sneaking around... wonderful timing, because I could sure use a seat right now.”
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rhodeswarriors-nsfw · 4 years ago
@magicalsindreams | x
The nonchalant manner of Red speaking of what she did to Siege only served to anger the Feline, now squatting down in front of the Lupo, reaching forward to grab her chin and pull her closer. Face to face, the Guard stared her down, her tight grip never easing. “ That ‘soft and fluffy’ lady didn’t much care for your ‘mating’, mutt. “
Standing up now, her hand still on the other’s chin, forcing her to look up, Indra could easily undo the button and zipper and let the pair slouch down her legs some. With the other hand now on the back of her head, the Feline pulled Red’s face forward against her crotch, letting the other girl get a good scent- as well as a feel for what she was hiding.
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“ Neither did I. It’s alright though- in Glasglow, my job was to remind everyone who the boss was. Time for you to learn too, pup. “
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lewdjumpers · 4 years ago
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“You sure you’re a Vampire?” The large pale lady towers over  Millia  with her hands on her hips. The Polish woman’s bulge was large and noticeable around her crotch area, a little shape-shifting magic goes a long way...in this case quite literally. 
Her hand reached out onto the other’s shoulder. “Seems to me as if you’re thirsty for something other then just blood.” Cold, just cold. But Eliza was never really a warm person to begin with, that would come with time.
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onishunoma · 4 years ago
Sexual headcanons 😔 - Any sexual fantasies/kinks they’re ashamed of? @magicaldreaming​
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It is not exactly a kink, but her motherly nature that wants to pamper people. Raikou just likes seeing others satisfied.
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scifielves · 3 years ago
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"Yup, yup, I definitely do that too. I like the firm and responsible Kal'tsit a lot, too! But we could mewl together if she wanted."
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"I bet she'd be a little stricter with me, though..."
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bcnezone · 4 years ago
@magicalsindreams​ | x
She was cute, wasn’t she? Fafka found it hard to believe that no one had stuck around with her, despite her rugged charm- if anything, the goddess found that even more endearing. Ah, she couldn’t help herself; thousands of years spent living, yet when it came to holding another’s face, the dragon couldn’t help but be affectionate. So cute...
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“ Ahh, so you didn’t know then... almost all that come to my tower know the price of my services... goodness, and to think I was getting so ahead of myself...~ “ She would leave out the part about how she became increasingly excited imagining all the cute faces this girl would make.
“ You’ll have to forgive me, little one... but I’m afraid its too late to back out. This exchange requires that we follow the rules of the ritual... otherwise, we may be stuck in this place for quite a long time... I will not make you continue, but you’ve already come so far... why not go through with this...~? I can make you feel so, so good...~ “
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soulflatter · 6 months ago
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Horse misses her Prince, goes immediately for neck lickies.
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"Gwo ha! Saki!!!" Immediate neck licks, and of course toppling the prince over. Local horse on the attack!
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reapersofbooty · 3 years ago
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Sure enough, Warfarin will get an extra rough spank for being so daring. “Are you going to learn your lesson, or should I schedule your proctology exam with Dr. Mon3tr for right now?” She’ll do it, too, if only because she’s a bit annoyed at Warfarin reacting rather positively to her initial plan of punishing the vampire.
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kirisinme · 2 years ago
"You can always just ask, Marisa." - Mima.
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“Do you... really mean that, Mima-sama? I’m not gonna if ya really don’t want me to...” The witch already had her hands raised as if she was going to feel her chest, but wasn’t exactly doing so. Mima was perhaps one of the few people, maybe even the one person that Marisa didn’t outright jump right into things with. She respected her more than that.
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soulflatter · 3 months ago
"I want to.. I want so badly.." Skadi chirps, she's trying to behave, but her hips continue to rock, she so badly wants the cage off so her pride can stand at full mast, not this restrained and squished feeling. She's too big for the cage, it causes her as much discomfort as does the implications of it cause her arousal.
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"Onee chan, let me do it... I'll do it..I won't think, it's too hard...too much trouble...just like before, I'll do whatever it is, just.." She can barely stand, when the doll hands over the toy her eyes zero in on it, it's familiar design stings at her. Is she being punished for how close she was to the feline?
She can't tell, but she can tell the vibrations of that toy against her cage are driving her insane. It hurts almost as much as it feels good, but she can't say anything more. She doesn't need to speak, only do as she's told.
"Ha...ha....ah.auhh...." She gasps, her hips thrusting forward, letting the vibrations roll across the entire cage before she surrenders. Her hips buck again, her cock squished in there, not even properly hard and straight but she meekly cums as her eyes roll up. Seed pours out of it, seed meant for Specte's womb, wasted.
Her tongue lulls out and she slumps down, without help she'll fall to the ground, this torture is too much for the poor Orca.
Ancestors be praised, Skadi's begging was so cute. Laurentina almost came right then and there a second time.
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"My poor sweet little guppy. You're so needy aren't you?" She brushes the hair from Skadi's forehead, petting her so gently. Her other hand pats her swollen nuts, then giving them a good squeeze.
"Do you want to cum? Do you want Onee-sama to help you cum?" Her toothy grin was promising only more torture. "I know exactly what a needy guppy like you needs. To be controlled. To be told what to do. I'll let you cum, but you have to promise to be mine and mine alone. And I'll take good care of you."
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"No more thinking, no more making your own decisions. All you need to do is be needy and dependent on me. And I'll take good care of you. I'll sing with you, dance with you. Make sure you cum when I tell you, keep you needy and you'll crave being denied too. So I'll let you cum but the cage is staying on. Can't let you have a big girl orgasm until I think you're ready."
The Doll returns with a vibrating wand device. The "head" seems to have a feline-themed design in off-white, gray, and green plastic and rubber. Specter takes it and flips a switch, loud humming fills the room and she places the vibrator right into Skadi's new cage.
"Now you don't need to say anything Guppy, if you cum... If you cum in your cage, it means you surrender to me and I'll have full control of you from now on and own you. If you don't want that, then just don't cum. Simple isn't it?" She smiles and presses it harder in the cage, vibration penetrating deep into Skadi's body.
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gatheringlewdfantasies · 3 years ago
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“Oh no, my mother is around senses are tingling. . .”
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