#magical girl tsubame spoilers
miminmimikyu · 10 months
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obsessed with this sequence
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littlepurinsesu · 7 years
A Summary of My First Viewing of MGRP
Me: *likes La Pucelle*
La Pucelle: *dies*
Me: *likes Top Speed*
Top Speed: *dies*
Me: *likes Hardgore Alice*
Hardgore Alice: *dies*
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miminmimikyu · 18 days
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Superbia is such an interesting notion!!! He completely breaks with the pattern we’ve seen with the previous deadly notions
He’s the only one based on a magical boy
2. He’s been awake for much longer than the others. Rui met Oya as a child so ~10ish years at the absolute minimum if all the Ainos and the ANRC blinked into existence at the same time OR 2023 years if he’s been watching over the world since the notion sky came into existence. The others woke up only after Tsubame woke up Ira
3. It doesn’t seem like there was any overlap between the other anti-war magical girls. Except I KNOW ALL. He was already there when Fubuki Hana died and before Shiro was recruited. (Either he wasn't transformed here or he wasn't a magical boy yet)
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4. His magic is off the scale. Avaritia's copy ability was one thing, we didn't really get to see Gula and Luxuria's abilities but Superbia being able to create people and a pocket dimension??
5. His effect on the blue sky wasn’t a heart shaped-notion but black fragments
6. Colour is so deliberate and holds so much information in this manga but he’s the only Deadly Notion whose viral absorption mechanism (heart arrow through the head) does not correspond with whatever effect he has on the sky: he’s sky blue just like the Ainos!!!
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Before the manga revealed that Superbia’s magic was in those black sections of sky I thought that the final thing to break would be the sky itself. Idk I still think it's far too big a coincidence that he and the Ainos are sky blue, but the lower half of his magical boy design is pitch black and Superbia is also consistently linked with darkness, not only in his magic but also in his appearances and when he speaks so hmm!
7. Maybe not such a surprise because he's able to mimic other people but he's the only one whose costume is different as a magical boy versus as a notion: sometimes he still has the coat (without the embellishments/crown though), but the other clothes he had on his upper body and his shoes are gone and he's wearing different trousers (not black!! edit: after reading ch 39 I guess that's just a stylistic choice, because he's wearing the greyish trousers + no shirt in the flashback too)
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I can't wait to find out what makes him so different from the others and how that ties into the story!
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miminmimikyu · 3 months
Two things
"Yesterday's friend may be today's enemy" is one hell of an ominous title for a chapter where Tsubame sees Koko again for the first time in 32 chapters
Koko used her suppressed feelings to recreate her dead friends (but they were doomed to be deadly monsters) and when one of them asked her if she could eat her [Koko], Koko just let it happen??? Just let herself be consumed by the physical manifestation of her negative feelings surrounding the death of her friends? Then just sat there until someone else forced Gula to vomit her out??
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miminmimikyu · 8 months
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miminmimikyu · 11 months
(Magical Girl Tsubame ch 5 spoilers?)
Interesting that Hibara's surname is also Aino, but is spelt with different kanji (愛脳 vs 藍能), like how everyone else uses different spelling for some place names (e.g. Harajuku: 原宿->原祝; Yokohama: 横浜->横羽間). So the two "Aino" must be related in some way too.
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