#magic user!izuku
s0larts · 9 months
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Coffee Shop au????
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silverwolf122 · 2 years
Shaman King AU. After Hao became a Shaman King and everyone convinced him not to commit a genocide he thought "Hey, I have 500 years to be a King. Why hurry? How about this, I will test humanity. I will give them tools to fix all problems that they caused on Earth. If they destroy everything, I will just create the shaman paradise I dreamed of. But if they pass, I will help them fix Earth." So, Hao gave them quirks. After 200 years, surprisingly, they didn't destroy everything. The planet began to recover. After quirk wars the human population has dropped to 1 billion. Heroes used their quirks to get rid of garbage islands. With a bit of help from the shaman king, the current carried trash out of the oceans. By studying quirks new clean energy sources have been developed.
Izuku Midoriya is 8 and he was woken up by some incorporeal Samurai cosplayer. He said that he is his family's Guardian Ghost that served Asakura family for 7 generations and now serves Izuku as the last from his clan. After talking to his mother, she confessed that she knew that Izuku likely will be a Shaman, because all shamans are quirkless. While his father was a descendant from the famous Asakura clan, she is a descendant of the Dittle family. Inko wanted to hidden his gift from himself, because a shaman gets stronger after death experience. She wanted Izuku to find another dream than to be a hero, because his training would have to be hellish (likely literally). Heartbroken, izuku runs away from home, and Amidamaru leads him to his many times great grandmother Anna (who is not allowed to die, shaman king's order, Hao has self preservation thank you very much) so he could be trained as a Shaman and heir of Asakura clan.
Izuku is 12 and he and he finishes his morning jog of 5 km. When he returns home his grandma Anna tells him to change into formal clothes, because today he will meet his future wife. "OkaWHAAAAAT?!!" Grandma says that arranged marriages are Asakura's tradition and then asks Izuku if he doubts her choice for him [treat level cosmic, leave the planet]. They go to the airport and meet there a very beautiful American blond girl. "Hello, my name is Melissa, it's nice to meet you."
"I still don't like it." Said the brown-haired man standing nearby. "Let me know if either of them will complain about it" eye rolled Anna. "It should have been their decision, not something imposed on them" said David. "... They will need each other. They are a good match" "They are kids. They are not formed enough to be 'a good match'". "It will be easier to get used to each other." "... Why her? Our family is not that powerful. Surely you could find someone else." "Because only she could give him home. My grandson sometimes so much remind me of my late husband. He was a rock. No matter what happened I-we could rely on him. If someone was in trouble, there was no wall that would stop him. But they are also different. Yoh was lazy. So it was my job to make him move to do anything. That is how we worked. Izuku is different, for all years that he lived with me he never once complained or tried to get away from training. Sometimes I had to stop him to take a break. And he is reckless too, his own well-being has no meaning for him. That is not something I can't fix or scare out of him. The only solution is to give him a home he would want to return to. To make him promise to return to someone. To the person, who would support him on his way to become a hero."
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ladysunamireads · 1 year
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katsudoncat · 2 months
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Izuku said He Feels at Ease When Someone Holds His Hand.
Now we know that All for One is a Quirk capable of stealing or copying other Quirks and transferring them to whoever he wants or keeping them and using them if the user wants and we also know that he gave his supposedly Quirkless brother a gift of power accumulation… ok? Well that's when I saw this…
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"Just holding hands soothes the heart."
Izuku says again that the simple act of holding hands calms the heart because it works for him, holding hands with his friends calms him down and makes him feel good.
Well, so far so good.
That's where THIS comes in…
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It is then that Izuku can somehow feel the embers rekindling.
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When his other friends arrive, Kacchan walks in and asks Izuku about the embers... "They flew you over here, but… are the embers okay?"
To which Izuku replies "Yeah" Because yes, the embers are so good that they burn again... And no, it was not the "Magic of Friendship" nor the "Power of Love" nor the "Izuocha"
then I was like...
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Naniiiii? But what the hell happened here?! and I remembered the following...
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Yeap! Izuku's hands in volume 417, and that's when it occurred to me that what a fucking genius Horikoshi-sensei is.
Well, now we all know that AFO steals quirks by touching his victims with his hands due to the holes in them that seem to absorb said quirks, right? ok, have you figured out where I'm going?… AFO is Izuku's father! YES!
So even though here it doesn't look like Izuku has the same holes as AFO, there does seem to be light in what would appear to be said holes, but that's because instead of absorbing Quirks, Izuku only absorbs energy, like the Quirk that AFO imposed on his brother stores energy and like AFO absorbs said power! So if when Izuku touched Uraraka's hand he absorbed part of the power of her quirk to revive the embers, wouldn't that mean that Izuku inherited AFO's mutated quirk somehow? Well you can say that Izuku would need the holes to absorb the power but do we remember what his mother Inko's quirk is? Attraction of small objects and she uses the movement of her hands to attract them, so if we add both quirks Izuku wouldn't need the holes, it would be a combination, and he would attract the power of the quirks just by putting his hands on people. And again you could refute me, "But Izuku has touched a lot of people with his hands" and I'll answer, Yes, but he was wearing gloves and it seems like he only activated his quirk recently in volume 417 of the manga by the looks of it since it's the first time those lights appeared on his BARE hands WITHOUT gloves, so Horikoshi, you damn genius, is this your way of revealing Dad For One in a plot twist at the end of the manga? Or am I just overthinking it?! Whatever it is, I'm happily sticking with this DFO theory!
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justatalkingface · 4 months
Let's talk about the Nomu and the Remnants
So, among all the other fuck fuck games Hori played with late-game MHA, I don't think anyone has really... picked up on just what implications he's made when it comes to Remnants.
You see, once upon a time, Remnants only existed because OFA let them, kept them, empowered them. Even when it wasn't really expanded on at the time, the fact that Izuku had them was a sign of his Heroic Mandate (TM) and Destiny(TM), it was something unique to him, something that even All Might didn't have. But... you know, now AFO is just filled with a screaming chorus of those he has damned or something.
Let's... let's ignore the general clusterfuck of AFO for this, and just... all the late game stuff. Let's just talk about one thing: the fact that he has Remnants, and the fact they've been trying to talk to (murder) him.
And first off, that's a big retcon, because even if the OFA Remnants didn't want to murder their users, I'm pretty damn sure they'd want to talk to them all the same, and yet somehow only Izuku noticed, even before the clusterfuck of the extra Quirks kicked in.
But even that's not the point, that's just an appetizer. Because the thing is? The Quirks AFO is holding aren't the only Quirks he's taken, far from it.
There are the Quirks he's given to various people throughout the years, subordinates, would be supporters and probably some random people he wanted to torture.
The Nomu he's made, experimented on for decades.
Hell, all the Quirks he and Dr. Diablo Ex Machina have made (somehow) throughout this time.
That's hundreds, maybe thousand, of Quirks. Millions potentially, if we're looking at the copies and trying to get a number out of the vague 'and then we invented a whole new science just to fuck other people over' bit. And according to this late game stuff? Every single one of them is host to the mental copy of the person they were stolen from (or cloned from, presumably). And outside of a few exceptions, (vanishingly few; while there were people in the past, and in rare occasions the present, who didn't want their Quirks... the magic dream copy in the Quirk would still have their Quirk. For them, the problem hasn't gone away at all! Maybe some of the reason they hated it is gone, but even at best they're still bearing that thing they've always hated... and that's not even getting into people who just... hated them, or thought they were wrong. Or were afraid of hurting someone... only to be given to someone who doesn't share those same concerns, or even the same level of restraint they had. Even though the actual person got what they wanted, there's a copy of them that is still in hell, and knows they're never going to escape it, because they are their own nightmare.) every single Quirk was stolen by force. Every single one of the remnants in these people are just... suffering, and for all intents and purposes will remain that way, until the person bearing them dies.
And all of that? All of that doesn't get into the Nomus. The largely brain dead living corpses made smashing together likely Quirks with the same energy of a child trying to force together Legos, even before whatever process happens to condition them into being loyal. What the hell does that do to a mind? Do they stay separate? Do they... blend together? Does the body/dominant mind/most powerful Quirk just get implanted with memories and desires of complete strangers?
Every single one of those exposed brain monstrosities is a walking, talking torture device filled with damned souls of some unknown number, and who even knows about how much is in the High Ends.
Hell, what about the copied Quirks? Do they retain the full knowledge of who they were? Or does each copy... lose something, each in generation away from the original? Do they realize that they're missing some fundamental portion of themselves, that they're not real?
I'm pretty damn sure that this, like so many things, is something that just happened because Hori didn't think it through, because this is horrifying on levels it's hard to comprehend. It's a level of human suffering on the level of you'd get from the Dark Eldar in WH40K, and on both Hori and AFO's parts, it's entirely accidental. And yet, I don't think there's one part of this that isn't canon compliant, that there's nothing to disprove the idea that, somewhere in Aoyoma, there's some poor sod that was shoved in there, that inside AFO there's a copy of Eri.
Just... just something I want people to think about, because I don't want to be the only one.
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aromanticannibal · 29 days
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Anyways. Headcanons based on whatever progression this is.
I said headcanons and I lied. Over-analyzing time.
First thing I was thinking about: how are Katsuki and Izuku childhood friends when they are very clearly from different cultures slash tribes slash villages. The idea I ended up with is that Katsuki's people move a lot since they have dragons and they temporarily settled near the Midoriya's house at some point.
Very quickly because I made a post about this before : at some point All Might's sword breaks or is broken on purpose by All Might and its two parts are given to Katsuki and Izuku (this is somewhat lore accurate/canon to the fantasy art series). I headcanon that Katsuki and Izuku then personalize their swords more, keeping the blade intact while modifying the hilt and such (see last illustration: Katsuki's sword is more visible that Izuku's but both have blades in a similar shape as the All Might/One For All sword. There's also that Izuku has another sword at his hip and Katsuki's original sword, the curved one, isn't the one that's out).
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Shouto and Enji are so fucking weird.
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Shouto's demonic situation in the second illustration clearly represents his left side being associated with his father (bad) and his hatred (also bad). I'm gonna say this is a curse passed down from Enji and created from hatred - the more hate you feel, the more the curse consumes you, but you can learn to wield the curse's power if you let go of your hatred. Both Shouto and Enji are fighting the curse in the second illustration (explaining Enji's fuckass costume hiding his flames, probably) and both of them let go of their hatred (Enji for All Might, Shouto for Enji) in the last illustration.
I also assume given their outfits that they're royalty, if not the king and prince, other similarly important guys.
I think heroes are knights, maybe, probably.
All Might is likely some kind of knight or warrior, Iida and Yaoyorozu are knights, Jirou is a knight, Aizawa is kind of a knight, maybe? It's not a fullproof theory I'll be honest, not all pro-heroes or heroes in training are knight coded in the fantasy series.
The ugly ass dragon?
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The ugly ass dragon in the second illustration seems to be an ally to Katsuki and Izuku (and therefore the others) but for reasons you'll understand every soon it's fucking dead. I'm assuming it got killed by villains. Whoops.
So the reason I think it's dead is uh. Yo? Katsuki and Izuku's shoulder pads in the last illustration sure are purple and scaly huh? And the ornaments on Katsuki's new sword sure are orange and horn-looking, huh?
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Anyways, the dragon got killed and they used its body for armor and weaponry.
the green capes?
The last illustration has Izuku, Shouto, Ochako, Iida and Aizawa wearing the same type of green cape (Ochako's is a little different but it's still the same green). So this is the Dekusquad plus Aizawa, I'm gonna go ahead and say this is Izuku's party, RPG style. Aizawa is probably here to mediate and make sure they don't die. Katsuki isn't there because he likely is leading the other party.
Kirishima glow up? hello?
He looks so fucking cool in the last illustration I don't even have anything to say. He also looks closer to Katsuki's clothing style, so I'm gonna say Kirishima is part of Katsuki's tribe slash village slash whatever the fuck but left to become a knight and then started getting more in touch with his culture when meeting Katsuki.
Stuff I point out without expanding on it:
Hawks' wings are gone, whoops. Interesting that the fake ones are white and not red. Dove much?
Yaomomo baby that armor isn't protecting you. However you are safe anyway because you are clearly some kind of magic user as well as knight and probably have some kind of force field in place.
Ochako's hat updates to have horns. Minachako goodness. /hj
Kaminari is a cute bard! He's such a romantic. Holding a flower and shit
Not visible in the picture I have. Guys I know we all love the I on Katsuki's arm but I'm sorry it's likely the number 1 in roman lettering rather than the letter -i. He's the number one. He's so goofy.
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shih-coulda-had-it · 4 months
Since you drew En playing the electric guitar do you have any headcannons for an OFA band AU? Like what user plays/does what?
I love the OFA logo that's on electric guitarist En's shirt btw! 💓
Not only am I going to give you a list of who's doing what, I'm going to give you 1.4k of a ficlet from Bruce's POV because I've been doing everything but my final papers!
Yoichi: Lead vocalist, ex-bass guitar
Kudou: Drummer
Bruce: Band manager, does travel and concert arrangements; ex-electric guitar
Shinomori: Equipment manager, helps with logistics; ex-electric guitar
Banjo: Electric guitar 1, ex-keyboardist, percussionist when necessary
En: Electric guitar 2 + Smoke effects
Nana: Bass guitar, female vocalist when necessary
Toshinori: Nana’s ward, roadie, learning bass guitar
+ Sorahiko: Full-time roadie, electric guitar when necessary
Izuku: Not here yet, but he's probably part of a One for All revival era
OFA Band AU in my hands still has Quirks, and the majority of the group practices vigilantism when they're not playing music. AFO is less demon of the underworld evil, and more capitalist/the guy funding industry plants evil. He's a music executive. He and Yoichi used to play music together, but when AFO went to college to be a business major, Yoichi doubled down on music and was recruited by Kudou and Bruce. OFA developed from there.
Pairings are Trio Holders, FourthFifth, and who knows what's going with Sorahiko. (This is a no Husbando Shimura/no Kotarou AU.)
Read the ficlet below!
“Banjo,” Shinomori says with a tone more indulgent than scolding, “stop bullying En with Blackwhip. He’s going to trip and fall on his face mid-performance, and then where will you be?”
“Laughing, probably,” Bruce cuts in before Banjo can say something flirtatious. He needs their equipment manager present and sharp-eyed. Shimura’s friend does a passable job at rounding up stray amps and cords, but only when he’s not herding Toshinori away from chatting up the crowds who want to stalk One for All members backstage. “Pack the instruments in the bus, would you? We’re cutting it close.”
Banjo winks at Shinomori and strums a quick, humorous cue anyway. “Yeah, no problem, Sandaime. We going out after?”
“Depends on Kudou.”
“Ah, gotcha. See you in a bit.” Banjo tips his chin up and obligingly, Shinomori bends his neck and plants a chaste kiss to the carefully maintained stubble on the electric guitarist’s cheek. The roguish grin softens. Bruce manfully restrains himself from being a hypocrite about PDA, and goes to find Shimura.
She’s a little further backstage, and her bass guitar is already locked away. Set beside her bedazzled monstrosity of a case is En’s unassuming one. When Bruce chances upon them, Shimura is in the middle of fussing with her cousin’s jacket. She straightens the high collar, notices Bruce, and says a cheerful hello.
En echoes her, but he adds a respectful, “Sandaime.”
God. Bruce is going to strangle Banjo for starting that up, especially as it’s been picked up by not just the band but also the media. The more impressionable members of the band—En and Toshinori—treat the titles with more respect than a bad joke should get, and the journalists have started using them in place of their names.
“Everyone packed? Where’s Torino and Toshinori?”
“Sorahiko had a phone call,” En volunteers. “I think Toshinori headed back to the bus early because he had homework to finish.”
“What? Did he tell you that? It’s a week to the deadline!” Shimura scoops up her case and En’s, inclines her head at Bruce, and starts booking it. Her decision to apprentice Toshinori still strikes Bruce as a shortsighted one, but it remains one of the few times Bruce actually remembers her performing some kind of paperwork magic to ensure the application was filled to perfection. Usually, Shimura procrastinates to the point of Torino needing to swoop in and forge her signature.
En peers up at Bruce like he’s expecting something.
“What,” says Bruce. The junior electric guitar player shrugs in deliberate carelessness.
“Are we heading out after?”
“Have you been talking to Banjo?” Bruce asks, dry, and shakes his head. “It depends on Kudou. Where’s our illustrious leader?”
“Necking with Nidaime in the dressing room.”
Wordlessly, Bruce digs into his pocket and hands over the carton of candy cigarettes. En isn’t actually capable of eating tobacco, much less real cigarettes, but he has a sweet tooth and a sly sense of humor. Moreover, he is amenable to being bribed.
Clever fingers pop open the carton and slide one white chalky stick of sugar out. En sticks it into his mouth with a pleased hum and chirps a half-garbled, “I’ll get Banjo-senpai to the bus. Is Yondaime driving?”
“Torino knows the city streets better. He’ll get us to the inn, and after that, we’ll figure out carpools back.” Bruce rubs the back of his neck and sighs. “Hey. You did good with the bridge for ‘Residual Mayhem’ tonight. Make sure to do the hand exercises later.”
“Okay!” Thusly flattered, spoiled with sweets, and charged with malicious intent to put a (temporary) damper on Banjo’s evening, En darts off to pester his senior into hurrying the hell up. For his part, Bruce double-checks the area for stray litter, then ventures to the dressing rooms.
He finds a nondescript black sock slipped onto the doorknob. Bruce raps his knuckles against the wood, ignores the muffled “OCCUPIED!”, and uses the skeleton key to break in.
The door gets closed immediately behind him.
“We’re going to be late,” he manages to snap, before his brain fully processes the sight of Kudou’s legs hooked ‘round Yoichi’s skinny hips. The dressing room is equipped with a single chaise longue, and Yoichi has Kudou pressed down against the entire length of the single-armed sofa. Thank god, they’re both still in jeans.
“Mrrmph,” Kudou says, and Yoichi chimes in, “Hi, Bruce!”
“The set wasn’t that horny,” Bruce says, nonplussed.
Yoichi grins. “Well, I know tonight’s a fight night, so I thought I’d give Kudou incentive to not make you guys stay out so late.”
“Really effective,” Kudou reports, sounding dazed. He has clearly been kissed stupid. Is it irresponsible of Bruce to want to trade places with Kudou? For a brief moment, Bruce thinks about Kudou taking the role of band manager. In that projection of an alternate universe, One for All loses all access to professional recording studios, and not only are their songs recorded with a shitty boombox, but their concerts are held at last-minute reservations.
Also, in that universe, Kudou is cursed to never find a replacement drummer he approves of for more than three months. Yes. This is the right timeline.
Bruce approaches the sofa as Yoichi sits up and pulls Kudou upright with him. “You don’t think I need any?”
“You’re way more responsible,” Yoichi asserts, but makes a ‘come here’ gesture with his long slender fingers. Obligingly, Bruce bends at the waist. Yoichi cradles Bruce’s jaw with one hand and kisses him squarely on the mouth, nips his bottom lip, and breaks it off first. He smiles as he says, “Thanks for coming to get us.”
Kudou slips two fingers down the collar of Bruce’s shirt and tugs him in for his own kiss. That too is brief, and sharp, and it’s possible Bruce is going a little kiss-stupid as well, especially when he can hear the rumble of Kudou’s groan building at the base of his throat.
“Wait,” he gasps, “wait, time, time. Our inn’s not taking late check-ins, and Shimura’s going to murder one of us if her ward sleeps overnight in the bus again.”
“Toshinori-kun thinks it’s cool to sleep in the bus,” Yoichi protests. “Did Shimura-kun say that?”
“She implied it,” Bruce says.
“Up we go then,” Kudou says, and manhandles Yoichi off his lap. Bruce straightens up and does a cursory once-over at the dressing room. Any hairbrushes? Hair ties? Stray math homework sheets that Toshinori will swear he lost to Torino’s cutthroat corrections? Distracted, Bruce helps Yoichi to his feet, then Kudou.
“Shinomori got your drumset loaded,” he tells Kudou. “Yoichi, did you take your guitar out for an impromptu vibes session with Toshinori?”
“Still in the bus,” Yoichi answers, and before Bruce can fend him off, Yoichi is fussing with the folds of his headband. Kudou is too busy shrugging into his windbreaker and shaking out the wrinkles in Yoichi’s. “Ah, Bruce, you should really think about hemming this…”
“Ragged edges are punk,” Bruce says blankly.
There’s a knock at the door. It creaks open, because even though Bruce kicked it shut the instant he saw his boyfriends making out, he forgot to lock it. Torino pokes his head in warily. “Bus is loaded up,” he reports, eyes cast to the ceiling. “En said I’m driving?”
“Yup,” says Kudou. Finished with his doting, Yoichi gratefully accepts his windbreaker and zips it right up to the top. He combs his bangs back and ties his distinctive white hair into a low ponytail; Kudou fetches a cap and plops it on Yoichi’s head before tugging the hood over. “I’m your co-pilot. Bruce, where’s your jacket?”
“The bus. Torino, we’ll be right out.”
“Gotcha.” The door clicks shut.
“Hey, is the sock on the door yours or Yoichi’s?”
“One of mine,” Yoichi confirms. He hooks his hand at the crook of Bruce’s elbow, leans into him. “Bruce, stop worrying, we haven’t left anything. Kudou, you’d better run ahead before Toshinori-kun gets the idea that he can sit co-pilot again.”
“That kid,” Kudou curses, and bolts out. It’s a reasonable response.
The last time Toshinori had wheedled his way to the front, Shinomori had been at the wheel, and between the both of them—Shinomori, possessed of a sick sense of humor that included entertaining the whims of a preteen, and Toshinori, too proud to admit that he couldn’t understand the traffic navigation app—One for All had wandered off-route and wasted three-quarters of the gas tank just to arrive at a three-star aquarium. Not that Torino would get them lost. 
No, it’s more likely that Torino would reach the limits of his Toshinori Tolerance and put pedal to the metal, and then get caught speeding (in a bus) by a cop.
Yoichi hums the opening lyrics to ‘Daisy Days’, and it sounds too sad on its own, so Bruce obligingly provides the guitar riff as they follow after Kudou.
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deusvervewrites · 7 months
Start Again X Draconic Hero X Inhumans:
Akari, the Class Representative of 1-B, meeting the Class Representative of 1-A, Izuku Midoriya.
By their second month at UA, Midoriya’s pretty sure Akari is a time traveler. She has a dedicated page in his conspiracy notebook between Iida being an android and Uraraka being some kind of magic user. (He wouldn’t jump straight to using the term “witch”.)
Akari never stood a chance
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omnitheist27 · 8 months
The 40 x Kill the Justice League (1/4)
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@the-ravenclaw-werewolf and @purplemochi20055
Hey everyone! I'm back again for the first part of this crossover fan comic between The 40 and Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League. Ever since it was announced, I was excited for the video game's release since it's Arkhamverse Batman's return and final appearance by Rocksteady Studios. Oh, and paying tribute to the late Kevin Conroy's last performance providing the voice of Bruce Wayne/Batman.
When it did come out through early release playthroughs on YouTube...it was underwhelming but still an overall good game in my opinion.
I took inspiration from the scene where Wonder Woman was using the lasso of truth to restrain the brainwashed Flash. When she tries to get him to tell the truth through the lasso's magic regarding how to free the Justice League from Brainiac's control, The Flash, after regaining some semblance of control, eerily states that she has to kill them and they have to die to save the world.
As one of the members of The 40 whose been brainwashed by Brainiac and turned into an enforcer, Corrupted Deku is essentially Izuku whose earnest desire to be a hero is now twisted to serve Brainiac by killing anyone who tries to resist the cybernetic alien's attempt to terraform the Earth.
Profile: Corrupted Deku
Personality: Corrupted Deku lacks the original Izuku's shy and kind personality, instead, he's somewhat similar to Katsuki Bakugou's arrogance and hot-blooded attitude and is full-on sadistic in inflicting any potential enemy with a slow death if it's convenient for him (though he's still pragmatic enough to take the shot).
Powers and Abilities:
Artificial Quirk: Through Brainiac's vast knowledge of the multiverse, Corrupted Deku has been bestowed with an "artificial Quirk" of the alien android's creation.
Cybernetic enhancements: He's been cybernetically enhanced by Brainiac to not only have superhuman physical abilities but also be nearly immune to the friction that would build up from the constant movement of his super speed.
Superhuman Speed: The Artificial Quirk, in addition to his cybernetic enhancements, allows Corrupted Deku to move at extreme speeds, potentially at the speed of light. It functions better than his canon counterpart's Full Cowl (minus the other Quirk abilities he would unlock, starting with Black Whip in the Joint Training Arc), making his powerset closer to a user of the Speed Force.
Superhuman Strength: Corrupted Deku possesses an unprecedented amount of superhuman strength, and can potentially go further in conjunction with his super speed.
Superhuman Endurance and Durability: Corrupted Deku is extremely durable from physical harm and capable of enduring the friction build-up of his super speed.
Superhuman Reflexes and Accelerated Perception: Corrupted Deku can react at extreme speeds and can slow his perception of the world to the point that everything moves slowly.
Superhuman Intelligence: His already above-average intellect has been enhanced to a genius level one, allowing him to formulate over 100 different scenarios with a high success rate.
Regenerative Healing Factor: Corrupted Deku is fitted with cybernetics that is capable of self-healing, allowing him to regenerate and heal from damaged and/or lost tissue.
Wind Generation: He can create cyclones and tornados through his super speed.
Lightning Throw: Corrupted Deku can charge up Lightning from his Artificial Quirk and cybernetics to throw at potential targets.
Invisibility: He can move so fast that he can disappear from the sight of the naked eye.
Also, much like in how the brainwashed members of the Justice League had to die in ''Kill the Justice League'', Izuku and all the other members of The 40 who have been brainwashed also have to die for them to be stopped. Making it a very, very, very personal and angst-filled adventure for Zuko and all the other non-brainwashed members of The 40.
To make it even worse, Corrupted Deku and the brainwashed members of The 40 have already been racking up a body count estimated to be over 5000 people (including children, infants, and the unborn) by the time Zuko and the other non-brainwashed members of The 40 go off to fight them.
As for the identities of the other members of The 40 whose been brainwashed? Well...you'll just have to wait and see~
Lastly, I just want to say that the next fan comic will be about The 40 exploring random parts of Poppy Playtime and dealing with the mascot villains plus learning about the lore of Playtime Co.
And, I just want to say Happy Lunar New Year's Eve! On the zodiac, I'm the rat! 🐭
Behind-the-Scenes Thumbnails
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diospore · 5 months
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Color Wheel Meme except it's my MHA OCs
Version without effects under break, and also names and basic info.
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Nami Aizawa
Shota's middle-school-aged little sister. She goes to a normal school in Tokyo and lives alone, but he doesn't know she lives alone.
Quirk : Activation, her quirk forces any quirk within sight range to automatically and uncontrollably activate. Limited by her nearsightedness.
Akemasa Usamimi
I did a whole post about him but in summary, he's a UA hero student with a single father and a love for technology.
Quirk : Rabbit Ears, his antennae can control technology via signals they let off. Incredibly sensitive to interference and touch.
"Prometheus" "AFA225220"
Also got his own post but in gist, he is a child experiment made from the DNA of AFO and All Might. He is used as an execution method and a way to control heroes under the HSPC.
Quirk : "Prometheus", An AFO variant with the ability to give and take quirks but their power is boosted upon being received. (IE. Small Objects Telekinesis -> Full Range Telekinesis.) However, the quirk taken can never be returned to the owner as the body rejects it and must be given to a new host. The user can't keep too many quirks either or he becomes ill.
Akamu Midoriya
Izuku's estranged evil twin. This one was just a joke but I love him he is my evil son.
Quirk : Heat Sink, he is capable of altering the temperature of things he touches with his palms. He can transfer heat between objects and even build it up if he holds multiple. However, if he does too much, he will give himself a fever or chill and need to stop.
Yukuto Midoriya-Yuga
A child created during a quirk accident. Also a joke but I love him.
Quirk : Laser-breath, he can fire lasers from his mouth. His teeth hurt if he does it too much.
Homura Todoroki
Endeavor's secret lovechild-- created with a quirk in an attempt to get a new "masterpiece" during Shoto's rebellious not-using-fire period. He has multiple illnesses and does not have a quirk.
Usagi Shiro
Usagi : 卯沙伎 (卯 - Rabbit, 沙 - Sift, 伎 Art/Skill) Shiro/Shirou: 紫朗 ( 紫 - Purple, violet, 朗 - Cheerfulness)
The rabbit-heteromorph general education art teacher at UA. He's known for being incredibly cheerful and has a high approval rating among the public. However, he's kind've an oblivious idiot sometimes. Would unironically believe you if you tell him your dog ate your homework.
Quirk : Brain Trick, your basic telekinesis-telepathy mix. Works by using the electricity in the brain.
Kiryuu Senketsu
A normal guy with a demon quirk who is constantly mistaken for a villain by people around town. He hops from job to job as he gets fired quickly when complaints come piling in. Even his own sweet old grandmother thinks he is a villain, but she is weirdly supportive of it.
Quirk : Demon, he has the physical traits befitting a demon and can use basic "magic". Uses it for menial labor and to get the chips from the kitchen without having to wake his grandma up.
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fractiflos · 9 months
for the fairytale ask game, please consider:
all for one as the pied piper of hamelin. yoichi is among the missing children, kudou's leg was broken and bruce was deaf so they couldn't follow along, and all the other ofa users after them are investigators looking for them. how the rest of the story goes is up to you.
(not sure if someone has already suggested this , but it was either this or peter pan :'D)
Don't worry, you're the first one to ask about this. And it's a good thing too because my Peter Pan knowledge is pretty rusty :)
AFO became a piper because he wanted to lure children away with magic when he was a child to get playmates. He succeeded in that, but despite his body growing, his mind never matured and he keeps luring children away to have someone to play with.
One day, he ends up in the town of Musutafu and starts playing. All the kids follow him except Kudo, who broke his leg climbing a tree, and Bruce, who was born deaf. They see all the kids going, including their best friend Yoichi (their all 9) and his little brothers Hikage (he's 6) and Izuku (he's 4)
They run (Kudo's pretty good on crutches) to get the adults who are in the midst of a town meeting. Mayor Yagi puts the town investigators on the case, Daigoro Banjo, Nana Shimura, and her cousin En, who just gets dragged on these missions for no reason. Kudo and Bruce are worried about their friends, so they sneak onto the wagon and go with them.
Meanwhile, AFO is having a grand time playing pretend with kids from inside a nearby cave he's hidden himself. He's the Demon King and pretends to defeat the "Heroes". His favorites are Yoichi, Hikage, and Izuku, because they're the best players (AKA they get defeated easiest). Meanwhile, the investigators + the kids have finally managed to find him thanks to his monologuing.
There's a big fight scene, but in the end, Bruce manages to make AFO drop his flute and Kudo breaks it, destroying the magic and breaking the spell. The investigators arrest him and the Number Duo gets in trouble for sneaking out, but at least they have Yoichi back. And his little brothers too.
I couldn't resist letting Yoichi be the oldest for once. It's the season of giving after all. I hope you enjoyed this gift :)
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kore-arts · 10 months
The Fae's Fate
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In honor of my new Fic Series!
Not Rated
Archive Warning:
Major Character Death
僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia (Anime & Manga)
Sensei | All For One & Yoichi | First One For All User Midoriya Izuku & Yoichi | First One For All User Second One For All User/Yoichi | First One For All User (My Hero Academia) Second One For All User/Third One For All User/Yoichi | First One For All User (My Hero Academia)
Yoichi | First One For All User (My Hero Academia) Sensei | All For One Midoriya Izuku Second One For All User (My Hero Academia) Third One For All User (My Hero Academia)
Additional Tags:
Fae Magic Fae & Fairies Quirks and Magic Both Exist (My Hero Academia) Dad Yoichi Shigaraki Kid Midoriya Izuku
Part 1 of Fae, Wilds and Iron
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So, are you still taking MonsterMHA Asks? What is everybody?
So this is basically trading powers for Magic and Monsters SO
Gonna start off with the Complicated™ bits before going into what everything is.
The Complicated stuff is the AfO/OfA and Izuku-Tenko situation!
AfO and Yoichi are both Fae.
The OfA passing-down-power thing is a powerful Fae Deal made between the users and passed down. Some users were various other monster species.
Now for the Izuku-Tenko situation. Basically, Changelings!
AfO wanted to yoink Tenko to use for his plans because he's a petty bitch like that. But he /is/ Fae he has to obey by the nature of Fae and trade something. So he creates a child of his own to trade for a different child.
He puts the Changeling Child in Tenko's room, the child's magic working to make him resemble the other, and takes the real Tenko. But he's also still a petty bitch so he decides to try and kill the family via house fire.
This doesn't entirely work because the Changeling Child wanders off. He's found by Inko, and imprints on her as a mother-figure almost immediately, his still-active Magic causing his features to switch from looking like 'Tenko' to looking like if Inko was his real mother.
Because the Child ran away and looks different, no one clocks him as 'Tenko' anymore. Tenko is presumed dead by fire, the Child is assumed to be abandoned. Inko takes him in and names him 'Izuku'.
This leads to some later fuckery because the Changeling Deal is not complete, as Izuku didn't replace Tenko, and now he never can because he's crafted the identity of 'Izuku'. But both Izuku and Tenko have claim to the name 'Tomura Shigaraki' or anything where the wording is about AfO's child.
Anyway! All the other fuckery of who's what:
the rest of 1-A
Katsuki - Werewolf (newly turned. Like literally had a single Full Moon before UA)
Ochako - Bakeneko
Shoto - Demon/Angel hybrid (Yeah basically for all the Todorokis just imagine their same Fire/Ice but with this nonsense)
Kirishima - Dragon
Mina - Slime
Denki - Frankenstein's Monster
Iida - Pegasus
Tsu - Merfolk
Sero - Arachne/Spidertaur
Momo - Selkie (Bear Variant)
Jiro - Human/Witch (Bard)
Fumikage - Harpy (botw-style rito tbh)
Eimi - Living Shadow
Hagakure - Ghost
Koda - Gargoyle
Ojiro - Tsukumogami of a Wing Chun Wooden Dummy (think Velveteen Rabbit)
Sato - Human/Witch (Potionmaker)
Aoyama - Sphinx
Himiko - Shapeshifter(sometimes also called Changeling but different from Izuku) and afflicted with Vampirism.
Shinso - Siren
(I still don't have anything for Shoji so RIP)
Other UA students:
Tetsutetsu - Dragon
Pony - Unicorn
Mei - Gremlin
Aizawa - Gorgon
Present Mic - Banshee
Midnight - Succubus/Incubus
Vlad King - Vampire
Nezu - Former Witch's Familiar, now a Witch himself.
All Might - Human-turned-Fae via OfA Contract.
Bonus characters:
Eri - Kirin(Dragon/Unicorn hybrid)
Lady Nagant - Human/Witch (Necromancer), formerly The Grim Reaper
Hawks - Erote, currently The Grim Reaper
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justatalkingface · 2 years
The problem with Endeavour's redemption arc isn't actually Endeavour
It's literally everyone else. I'll be honest: I hated Endeavour since the first time he opened his ridiculously bearded mouth, but he's... actually trying to do the right thing, with his family. He's not doing it perfectly, of course, but I don't actually expect him to, and I'm not holding him to such an unrealistic standard. He's trying to talk to them, he's apologized, and so on and so forth. These actually are the right actions he should be making in a general sense.
The thing is both the narrative of the story, and every character not named Dabi has either barely given a shit about, or has seemingly skipped several steps in the process of forgiving Endeavour for, being a child abusing shit, and as cool and iconic as I find The Man Literally Too Angry To Die Or Become Charcoal, an unbiased narrator he's not.
'Now Face', I can already imagine one of the three people who will actually read this say, 'It's not actually a redemption arc! Endeavour isn't trying to redeem himself, and there's no guarantee he'll ever actually be forgiven by his family!'
Well, imaginary reader, I'm sorry to tell you that it is. His family is going to forgive him, to some extent, and they end up a loving family in some shape or form. It's been signaled that way for awhile now, ever since the big family meeting where only Natsuo seems to be actively angry anymore, or when Endeavour fought the High End and his entire family went "ENDEAVOUR NOOOOOO PLEASE DON'T DIE!!!!'. Personally, I've known it was always going to happen since Shoto started interning with him, way back when, which is actually where my problems with this character arc even started!
Now, let's all pause and reflect on Earlyroki. Earlyroki, while a complex character, had some very simple motivations, and his biggest one was his complete and utter hatred of his father. Everything he did was done with an eye to spite his father with that action if at all possible, and if someone had handed Earlyroki a magic Quirk saw that'd let him physically cut off the fire half of this body and live, he'd have done it in a heartbeat and happily lived the rest of his life spitefully hopping around on one leg, if he didn't make himself a ice leg or something to walk with. That's why Izuku's famous line was so big for him: it separated him, in his mind, from his father for perhaps the first time in his life, and nothing more than that. Not forgiveness, not even acceptance, but just... that he wasn't his dad.
It was a great start, but the problem is the next step on his growth process wasn't separating more from his father, wasn't finding out more who he was, it was.... interning under him to learn how to fight like him. On an objective level, as much as I hate to admit it the plan is actually pretty smart: Endeavour was the Number Two Hero, and the best fire user in existence. He is the quickest and easiest path to power for Shoto, and the option was something he could easily do. But the thing is, this is before the power levels ate a lot of the story line; everything wasn't about power back then, and Shoto's story wasn't about getting stronger as a fighter anyways, but as a person. More than that, I honestly got the vibe that the only reason he hadn't tried to actually kill his dad was, 1, a the realistic knowledge that Endeavour could take him, and 2, what morals he had left in him and the fear of the consequences, since he hadn't progressed to the point where murdering him was worth giving up his moral qualms and his life as a free man. And so, you'd think he'd want to continue distancing himself from his father, right, but just do it in a healthier way, right? But he didn't.
Because Endeavour was going to be important later on so Hori had to get the readers used to him, because people hated him too much, because Hori had made him too hateable, and he had to be in the story. And, as a sign of how mature Shoto was, he was going to put up with his dad anyways, and it was that which confirmed Endeavour's redemption for me: because it was 'good', in the story's narration, for him to do that. Not to grow apart from him, not to just never talk to him ever again, not to stop thinking about him or having his life revolve around him, but to interact with him more. To spend time with him, even if it was an actual burden to Shoto. And that tolerance, I knew instinctively from all the other shonen storylines I've read, was going to be the foundation to forgiving him, the same way that sending time with him being 'good' was the first step in Shoto growing to love him, (and I was right! After growing to slowly tolerate Endeavour's existence his general area, the High End fight suddenly reveals that actually, Shoto loved his dad all along, despite him never once acting like that before now, or showing him any emotions at all beyond something on the spectrum of rage or disdain) and it was that abrupt jump from burning hatred that ruined Shoto's arc in forgiving his father for me, which tainted his family's arc in forgiving him because it's built off that for the audience.
...Well, that and one other thing: Rei. Rei finally shows up in the manga and one of the first things she does is say, 'No, wait, he's not that bad anymore! He's improving!' You know, despite the fact she's still hospitalized, and from what I remember still so traumatized he couldn't even see her yet... but he got her a flower!
You know, there's a post I read somewhere (but I don't know where it is, sadly, it was great) that analyzed the flower scene and how messed up that is.
They compared Rei and her flower to Harley Quinn in Mad Love and her getting a flower. The thing is? Mad Love was about showing how damaged Harley was, and how fucked up the abusive relationship she lived in; she spends the entire story getting hurt and used by Joker, and the end of it she finally, finally realizes that, hey, he's a piece of shit and terrible to her until the Joker gets her a flower. And oh, suddenly she's back in love with him all over again!
In Mad Love, that flower was about proving how broken Harley was, it was a symbol about how toxic and one sided her relationship with the Joker was. In MHA? Well, that flower is Rei's entire basis for saying that everyone should forgive Endeavour: he remembered that she liked that flower (which is assuming he didn't just get it accidently, lol) and so that's a sign he's better now! Not because he's acting differently to her, not because she's even talked to him, but because of the flower, and narratively? That's a good thing! You're supposed to agree with her, supposed to take that single flower as a symbol of Endeavour's growth and how you should think better of him now! Never mind all the things he did to her, never mind she basiclly hasn't interacted with him in over a decade, never mind how terrified she was, how she was so traumatized that seeing him in Shoto lead to her throwing boiling water at him; ignore all those details because the flower exists! It turns her from a character in her own right, to a tool that only exists for the sake of Endeavour making up with his family, since if she forgives him, if Fuyumi is too beaten down to have ever really dissented and if Shoto has moved on several months and one random personality twist or so ago into spending time with him, then clearly Natsuo is just irrationally angry and should rethink his own opinions, instead of being angry for completely valid reasons and having no real need to even want to make up with his father in the first place.
But the family drama of Endeavour is only half of it: like I said at the beginning, the problem with his arc is literally everyone else, along with the narrative of the story as a whole. Thing is, until Dabi's Dance, no one knows better, so there's only one really good example to look at pre-Dabi: the second internship arc, with Izuku and Bakugou.
With Shoto telling Izuku about how his father is a massive tool, and Bakugou blatantly eavesdropping, both of them know Endeavour is a piece of shit. They both know... and yet they go anyways, and the fact they do that and don't have a major problem with him is a way the narrative is trying to push to the reader that Endeavour is better now, now, that we should all move on and not hate him anymore! But honestly, that's just set up for the Dance, and that's when things really get serious, because everyone knows now.
...And they know, and... no one seems to... care? Emotionally, the only ones who seem to be affected by the fact that the Number One Hero's son is one of the greatest villains/criminals in the history of Japan is the Todorokis. Everyone else barely even seem to blink.
And look, I get that there's a giant crisis, and everyone needs to step up (Obviously. The real reason that it happened then was so it would be like that, so the author could paper over that giant issue with a problem magnitudes worse), but the other heroes only talk about Dabi is a problem to be solved, not his origins. There's not one moment where any of them seem to doubt Endeavour's abilities as a hero, or the institution of heroism if it literally seemed to cause their greatest problems, or hell, even Endeavour's ability to deal with it.
Not one of them look at Endeavour and tell him, "You disgust me." None of them say they can't trust him anymore, or that they're willing to follow him but only because the country itself is literally in danger. Hawks, who had been built up as the dark, edgier hero this entire time, wavering on the edge of good and evil and what is right or wrong, whose entire foundation of heroism started with Endeavour indirectly saving him as a child, doesn't even seem to be disappointed in his idol.... though that's as much on how his character seemed to get assassinated as of the war as anything else, but still.
As far as we, the readers, can tell, there is not one hero, beyond Shoto (who supports his father anyways) who is even slightly upset that Endeavour decided to start a eugenics campaign in his own home, before emotionally abusing his own son so badly he almost kills himself, and came back from near death as a burnt corpse of a man who devoted the rest of his life to destroying Endeavour and everything he loves.
Needless to say, that is... deeply fucked up. And sure, there may be some people (somewhere) who feel otherwise, but that's the problem: we never see them. We never see anyone's thoughts that differ from the party line. The narrative doesn't want us to see 'the good guys' doing anything other than falling in line behind him. This is all capped off by the fact that we see Endeavour's fall into being a child abuser, but we see it from his perspective.
We see him just... 'meaning well', from his own memories, and however distorted they've gotten over the years as he's rationalized it. We see that it isn't as bad as we suspected, that he wasn't the one to burn Dabi like that (even though he acted early on like he'd do exactly that, so it was never something that out there) but even if he didn't, Endeavour clearly drove him to burn himself like that and ignored every possible warning sign in the process. We know he slapped at least Rei at least once, and at some point hit Shoto so hard he puked, but "oddly enough" that never comes up in his version of the story; why would it? It's not like he'd want to think about those times.
So let's sum it up: Endeavour is, at least trying, to be better. He's making real, realistic, moves to apologize to his family, to make amends, and to stop being such a colossal piece of shit, and while he definitely makes some poor choices in that process, the attempt itself is real. I don't like him, but I can admit that much, and admire it.
The problem is that Hori, through the narrative of the story, how it's being shown to us and through the characters in it, wants us to like Endeavour too much. He wants it so much that he's refusing to show just how bad Endeavour actually was, and it taints his story and his growth as a person. It changes it, lessens it, because it's being forced by the author, and shows that he's afraid that if he didn't protect Endeavour from the consequences of his own actions, the audience wouldn't like him anymore.
Really though, if he didn't want that he shouldn't have made Endeavour such a detestable person in the first place, or when he made his story as this singular asshole among the heroes he shouldn't have been afraid to let him just... be hated.
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ao3feed-bnha-girls · 1 month
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