#magic rolelpay
portuscale-hq · 5 years
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Sharlene “Shock” Lyles | 31 | Fixed–>Wicked Nine | Witch
Realm: Other World
Occupation: Assistant Manager at Boogieman Casino
Pronouns: she/her
Sexuality: Up to player
FC: Emily Rudd
She is: Clever-->Self Assured-->Fiesty
But also: Selfish-->Domineering-->Bossy
Based on Shock from The Nightmare Before Christmas
Kidnap the Sandy Claws, throw him in a bag ||
Oldest of three it was clear who the favorite was. Given everything and more. Every single thing she needed to study what she needed while her brothers were forced to fend for themselves. After all, Sharlene was special. She had magic that the others didn’t and she needed everything she could to master her magic of illusion (her specialty). Sharlene knew what she had to offer and what she could do. Which meant that she was allowed to treat her brothers like they were beneath her. Because they were. Often telling her brothers to do lowly jobs and get her this and that. However, while Lucien grew tired of her ways and challenged her on the daily. Bastion just took it like a dog that had been kicked. Over the years it was obvious that Sharlene harbored no feelings of care or love towards anyone other than their cousin; Osten.
In her eyes, he could do no wrong. She was terrified of him and idolized him at the same time. Wanting all the praise and affection that was given to Bastion. But never succeeding. Not even after gaining the nickname Shock for electrocuting her entire class did she get praise. Instead she was cast to the side and sometimes laughed at. Which was a far cry from what she was used to receiving. Sharlene began to try new and bigger things to try and get the attention she thought she deserved. Going as far as offering up the idea that they befriend his enemy, Jack, to try and bring Osten all his secrets. Though it worked Bastion came out as the favorite once again and Sharlene had to work even harder to try and gain the recognition she needed and wanted so badly. 
When Osten moved, it was her idea to follow. Keep a close eye on what was happening and try to come up with a better plan. But none of her ideas were ever good enough. Still, she prided herself in her cleverness and continued to treat her brothers like they were nothing more than the dirt that encrusted in the bottom of her combat boots. Because to her that is exactly what they were. But now even Lucien is getting more attention than she is and Sharlene feels slighted.
Lock him up for fifty years, then see if he talks ||
Lucien and Bastion Lyles-->”You’re no fun.”
Nothing more than the gum stuck to the bottom of her boots. Even if she won’t admit that she is insanely jealous.
Osten Bogs-->”’Cause Mister Oogie Boogie is the meanest guy around.”
Her darling cousin that she wishes with all her might would give her attention and praise. He can do no wrong in her eyes.
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portuscale-hq · 5 years
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Adella | 27 | Fixed-->Wicked Nine | Mermaid
Realm: Neverland
Occupation: Match Maker at Love Potion #9
Pronouns: she/her
Sexuality: Pansexual
FC: Alexandra Daddario
She is: Charismatic-->Gregarious-->Flirtatious
But also: Shallow-->Vain-->Cynical
Based on Adella from The Little Mermaid
Ah! If it’s a boy I’m gonna die ||
Even as a child she was hard to handle. Often rebelling in any way she could and way too curious for her own good. At the age of four she became very body curious. Exploring her own body and when caught she would be gentle told by her mother that there was a time and place for everything. That in time she would have all the answers she wanted and needed but for now she needed to focus on being a child. Six years later, when her mother died, everything changed. Adella started attention seeking is bizarre ways and went straight back to exploring her body. This time she used every means she could. Of course, this left her older sister, Attina to give her the sex talk. Which was supremely awkward for the both of them. While the talk toned down her obvious need to explore it didn’t stop it.
As she got older it only escalated. Losing her virginity by the time she was thirteen and exploring her sexuality in other ways. Attina was the one who took her to get on birth control. She told her that while she wasn’t too happy that her little sister was sleeping around that if she was going to be doing sexual activities that she needed to be safe. Adella got ignored most of the time with everyone else chased after Ariel. It was the perfect time for her to sneak away and do whatever she wanted. And that was the male population. But soon after one of her latest conquests, she started to be slut shamed and her name was smeared through the mud. Being the daughter of Triton, Adella needed to fix this. Her father couldn’t have any bad reputation attached to his name. But it was too late and the damage had been done.
Her father was furious with her. Screaming and throwing things and threatening to kick her out of the house. After all, Adella was an adult now and should be out on her own anyways. With most of his daughters already gone to another realm it gave him an idea. But everything that he had previously said had already done its damage. Adella was hurt and couldn’t believe the things her father has said to her. How dare he! She was his child still after all! With that, she wouldn’t listen to another word that her father had to say and packed her bags. Telling him she was moving realms and he would see how wrong he was about her.
I still didn’t get to kiss a boy ||
Attina-->Sisterly love
The only one in the family that she remotely wants to have anything to do with. She was the only one who ever really tried to form a real relationship with her.
Hans Westergaard-->Eye Candy
He’s suave, he’s wealthy and he’s attractive. Everything in a man that she wants. And she will make it happen.
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