#magi love 1000
ladyzirkonia · 3 months
Today something different for OC sunday because I'm indulging in Dragon Age as preparation for the new game.
Meet Catherine Trevelyan, my mage and hero of the Inquisition.
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She mainly studied elemental magic and found her love and comfort in cold magic. When she feels some anxiety she just likes to sit down and recite the spells she knows to calm herself down so that often a cold veil can be perceived around her, but the cold itself doesn't seem to bother her.
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thrashkink-coven · 7 months
I think we need to discuss something that I’ve literally never heard any other practitioners talk about but I think it’ll immediately clear up A LOT of confusion! This is obviously my own upg so take it with as much validity as you please.
When doing any kind of work with any kind of deity, you really need to understand the concepts of archetypes and syncretism.
Religion, faith, and mythology, it’s all a big mess. Our clumsy archaic human language and our tendency to destroy and distort information means that the ancient world is really, to our modern understanding, A LOT (and I mean a LOT) of hypothesizing.
We often use the same words to describe different concepts, mix up names, combine names, and misunderstand each other. Such is the nature of humanity.
Theology is always fluid. Different entities have different cultural associations, some major entities or characters are even shared among multiple groups of people. Syncretism means that groups of people develop their ideas with the influence of other groups of people, though shifted to make sense for their personal experience.
My favourite thing in the world is when different religions share stories- viewing history from totally different perspectives- Retelling the same events through the scope of their theology.
This is why we have archetypes. There are many goddesses of love and sex that are associated with the planet that is commonly known as Venus. Why these archetypes emerge in the way they do? That’s up for you to debate with yourself.
The question of whether Aphrodite is Astarte or Ishtar or Lucifer or Helel or Eosphoros or Hesperus is not a question that can be answered entirely objectively. It can never be proven and it can never be disproven. Because sometimes the answer is yes, sometimes the answer is definitely no, and sometimes it’s really hard to tell.
The way that we all experience the energy that is “Venus” is going to be different. If she definitely feels like the same energy as Astarte to you, then that could be the case. There’s no objective authority on reality or faith. There is no reason why the findings of 1000 year old magis are more legitimate than yours. Study, learn, experiment.
I like to imagine it similar to colors. We all agree that wavelengths between 620 to 750 nm are red. We have silly little cones in our eyes that work with our brains to turn information into color. But we all understand that there are thousands of shades of red, and some people can’t even see red. Do you see where I’m going? I hope this makes sense.
Because of the way that we interact with reality, there are as many Aphrodite as there are people who believed in Aphrodite- and this is true for every God (at least in my silly little opinion).
There are as many variations in her energy as there are variations of people who follow her.
I try to scope this around what Jophiel told me once. YHWH created him, sometimes. But not at the moment when I was talking to him. When I asked him if Lucifer was the Satan of Christianity he said “sometimes” as well. It depends. It all depends. That’s the beauty of this weird wacky thing that we do.
I don’t know how else to write this but to say some people aren’t compatible with every archetype lol. This is totally okay though, it’s not anyone’s fault! It’s just like … spiritual chemistry. Alchemy? Stay with me!
Nature has laws. If you try to push against these laws you will experience difficulty and suffering. ☹️
Nature creates certain compounds. Stable compounds thrive 🙂 and unstable compounds explode ☹️. Interactions create products and outputs. When two or more elements that are not compatible are introduced they may have a volatile reaction.
I will not claim to know how divinities operate. This is all just my silly billy pondering. But I do know for fact, that at least in my experience, certain entities that share the same address interact with different people in different ways- and some entities will only respond to you under a specific face. Some entities will share faces, and some won’t even respond to you at all.
I’ll use a couple personal examples for reference.
When I first started working with Prince Cerberus, I addressed him using his Goetic name Naberius, as recorded in the Lesser Key of Solomon. I used his sigil and addressed that name.
One of the first things that came through crystal clear was his request to not be called Naberius. He made it very clear to me that he wanted to he called Cerbere or Cerberus, or that I could make up a personal name, but never should I use Naberius. He did not give a reason but he was firm on it.
Now, does this mean that we all can’t use the name Naberius and that we should all blacklist the name? NO! and this doesn’t mean that anyone who works with Naberius is disrespecting Cerberus!!!
For whatever reasons, I don’t know why, my Naberius is Cerberus. I don’t know if Naberius and Cerberus are the same entity or not, I just know that when I think of Naberius I get forwarded to Cerbere. I’m still able to use Naberius’ sigil, but I always get Cerberus.
That might not be true for you. That might not even be logical. That’s just the way that my spirit interacts with that spirit.
I’ve been a long time admirer of Lord Hermes. I approached him and tried desperately to gain his favor, but he refused 💔💔. He made it pretty clear that it wasn’t going to happen through a few ways, and since then he’s repeatedly rejected me…
lol 🥲
I was confused about that for a while, until I started getting hints towards Lord Mercury.
I can’t explain why, I have no idea what the real reason behind this is, but I feel extremely compatible with Mercury, but not with Hermes, like at all. Their energy feels quite separate and different to me. My Mercury isn’t quick like silver, he’s actually quite slow and contemplative.
I was bummed to not be able to establish a “work” relationship with Hermes but it’s probably for the best. Mercury is an excellent teacher.
What I mean to say through all of this rambling is that these things are not concrete. My Astaroth is only Astarte sometimes. Sometimes they feel very similar, sometimes they feel very distinct.
It’s important to remember that the Gods are not one thing, but many things at once. The answers to these questions are all variable. Only you can find the answers for yourself.
If you read this far you’re a real one 🫡
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morimakesfanart · 8 months
Hey I was always wondering what made Magi to be one of your favourite anime’s and how did Sinbad become your comfort character so much so that you made a fic about it?
Love Sindria’s Prophet
I went into a bit of this here where I talked about my favorite arcs in the franchise.
Here's the full version:
How Magi came into my life UwU: Me and Lyly started watching Magi independently around the same time. Our mom had just died and I was having a ton of issues with theft in the Miraculous fandom, so we were both looking for something new. A friend recommended Magi to me saying that Morgiana had a similar name to me and acted like me. (She's very autistic with PTSD coded.) I found out about halfway through season 1 that Lyly was also watching it because they messaged me "Sorry about the purple guy." They took one look at Sinbad and knew I'd fall for him. I'd even say they were more into Magi than me at the start though since they had already been hyper fixating on different translations of 1000 Arabian Nights for several months.
We watched it separately, and together. We spent a ton of time analyzing the characters, world, and story. It's rare to see an anime centered on the middle east, and the magic systems worked with physics instead of against it so there was a lot to explore. We agreed that Sinbad and Ja'far's dynamic was a lot like ours; it was like looking at the two of us if we had managed to break out of the abusive situation we were stuck in much sooner. Our free time became us talking about what we might be like in that world, and what our adventures would be like. Then Lyly found The Adventures manga and it just gave us more to talk about and explore. Sadly, the differences between the Adventures manga and anime were to great for Lyly and it broke their hyperfixation on the franchise. They still like it, but their engagement ended there; they haven't finished either manga, but they do let me talk about it at nauseum.
Why Sinbad became my main comfort character: I know I mentioned in an ask before that Yunan is technically closer to my type than Sinbad, but Sinbad is the pattern I keep repeating -especially when it comes to anime crushes. I really like the Prince & Gentle types, but they have to have Main Character Competence TM. Gorgeous, confident, kickass, and kind when it matters. For some reason that means I keep ending up attracted to characters that are revealed to be flirts. I swear I thought Sinbad was just a competent moron teacher type when I fell for him. Even though he was a bit egotistical he was also very compassionate for the people around him, and -at least in the Balbadd arc- seemed willing to help the next generation instead of forcing his ways onto them. (He was impressed Alibaba's solutions even though they were different than his, and respected Alibaba for making them.)
Even after finding out that Sin was a womanizer, I saw that he was attentive to those he is using, and when he is done with them it's obvious, so his targets get a clean break. My Ex was a coward that refused to end things himself even when he was done with me. So while I was going through the breakup, I hyperfixated on Sinbad harder because he treats his partners better than I was. Even if I fell for Sinbad's manipulation, I knew that he'd treat me right while he needed me, and when he would be done with me he'd send me off and stop talking to me. I wouldn't be dragged around by my nose for months when I was going through one of the hardest times of my life. Sinbad is never shown flirting with someone in a bad mental place, anyone like that he would help heal (which could just be more manipulation, but he'd still be helping them get back on their feet).
And then I read Adventures. Sinbad's childhood put him through severe parentification like me. And in the the Slave Arc Sinbad went through more similar abuse to what I grew up in. There was no going back for me. I related to Sinbad so much at the start because how he responds to stressors is the same as me, so seeing him also have a past similar to mine made me feel seen in a way I hadn't felt before. It also explained why Sinbad seemed so trauma informed from the beginning.
Here's an exert from my current draft of Ch38 that explains how I felt:
When I had originally read this arc, it carved Sinbad into my heart. It made me think, 'This person would understand me.'
(Mori is working on Fate scrolls in the scene. Honestly, I'm happy I finally have a place to put this scene. I originally wrote it nearly a year ago.)
The biggest difference between me and Sinbad was that I grew out of my illusions of grandeur through middle and high school. It went hand and hand with realizing that what I was going through was abuse. I only had one person to protect, not a whole country's worth. Who knows, maybe if I was under that much pressure I would have slipped back into it like how Sinbad did after Zepar's dungeon arc. I know I some times get close when things get bad. The confidence it brings can be both addicting and reassuring when you need to be able to make quick or life changing decisions.
But yeah... I hope that answered your question in enough detail :3
Thank you for liking Sindria's Prophet so much! I'm finally working on the art for Ch37. It will probably only have maybe 3 art pieces, but 2 of them will be comics so I think that's okay.
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kimium · 11 months
I was tagged by @m34gs in this post HERE. It's a fic writer ask game! I'm so excited to answer this. Let's start!
Tag Game:
Twenty Questions for Fic Writers:
How many works do you have on AO3? I have 256 fics currently posted on AO3.
2. What's your total AO3 word count? My total word count is 2,547,554 words.
3. What fandoms do you write for? I write mostly for: SDR2/Danganronpa, Fire Emblem Awakening/Fates, Katekyo Hitman Reborn!, and Twisted Wonderland. I have some other fandoms (Akudama Drive, Fire Force, D Grayman, Bungou Stray Dogs, and Magi sprinkled in) but they're minor.
4. What are your top five fics by kudos? My top five fics (all SDR2) by kudos are: How Did You Get In Here?, Waking Up in Pieces, Take it All, Your Kindness is a Lie, and Gradients of Colour
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not? Yes, I respond to comments. I believe if someone took the time to write me a comment the polite thing to do is reply back. Also, I think it builds a fun community on my fics where some people comment regularly on my fics.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? I think majority of my KHR fics have angsty endings simply because Shouichi is trapped with Byakuran no matter what. Not sure which is the most angsty, so it's up to you.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? Honestly, I'm not sure. I usually end my fics on a happy note. I suppose the fic ending that has made ME the happiest is The taste of melon and the weight of a plushie fox.
8. Do you get hate on fic? I've had hate on my fics, yes. One of those fics I had the same person pester me twice. It caused me to feel anxious whenever I saw my email notification on my phone. I deleted the fic. You'll never, ever see the fic again.
9. Do you write smut? Yes, I do. It's all private though. I'm not posting it because the idea of posting makes me uncomfortable.
10. Do you write crossovers? I've written several crossovers with some unhinged choices. I have a Danganronpa/Assassination Classroom series, a Danganronpa/Kingdom Hearts fic, a Danganronpa/Bungou Stray Dogs fics: Night Sky and the sequel Unanswered Questions. There are some collaborated crossovers with the Glorious Bar AU (with M34GS) and our Twisted Wonderland/sort of Saw Franchise AU.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen? Not that I know of. I've locked down my fics due to AI scraping though. Just to be safe.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? Yes, I've had multiple fics translated!
For SDR2: How Do You Get In Here? (Vietnamese), Your Kindness is a Lie (Spanish), The Birthdays (Spanish), Just a Moment (Vietnamese), 1000 Kisses (Spanish), and The taste of melon and weight of a plushie fox (Spanish).
For Akudama Drive: Exhilaration (And the Bottling of It) (I believe Mandarin)
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? I have co-written several fics! First, I've co-written with @someobscurereference! For Fire Emblem Fates we have: Love Finds A Way and our Fates Mafia AU. And, as mentioned already, I'm a co-writer to the Glorious Bar AU and to our Twisted Wonderland Sort of Saw Franchise AU with M34GS.
14. What's your all-time favourite ship? Writing wise? Komahina (SDR2). Reading and in general? Satosugu (JJK).
15. What's a wip you want to finish but probably won't? I have three attempts at a FE Fates Kiznaiver AU that will NEVER be completed and I am sad.
16. What are your writing strengths? Writing scenery. I adore writing scenery and find it easy and fun. I also think I describe food well? M34GS has told me some food I've described in fics sounds like I've eaten it and I haven't.
17. What is your writing weakness? Sometimes I find writing what characters are doing between moments in the scene challenging.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic? In general I don't like doing it because of my comfort level with other languages. I'm fine with Japanese (speak a comfortable level) but characters like Rook from Twisted Wonderland are a challenge.
19. First fandom you wrote for? First fandom I ever wrote for was either Inu Yasha or Shaman King. First fandom I ever POSTED is a tie between DMMD and SDR2.
20. Favourite fic you've written? I can't say. I like all my fics for varying reasons and I dislike picking a "favourite". Sorry! But everyone else can tell me their favourites! I'm always so curious which one of my fics draws people in.
There you have it! My answers! I tag: @someobscurereference, @shreedle, and @a-little-harmed-shinra.
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A Timeline
BA=Before Ascension or before the MCD season 3 finale. AA=After Ascension or after the MCD season 3 finale.
13/05/4052 BA: Lady Irene is born
14/07/4032 BA: Irene meets Shad and begins to form the Divine Warriors
25/10/4029 BA: The Divine Warriors get formed completely and gain their relics
30/11/4029 BA: The Divine Warriors begin to fight against the King of Ru'an
09/12/4025 BA: The Divine Warriors dethrone the King of Ru'an and set up the village system
1023 BA: The War of the Magi
04/06/1000 BA: Irene locks most of her essence in her realm in a permanent slumber, but she leaves a bit in the world she left, in the form of a staff
37 BA: Garroth runs to Phoenix Drop and gets sanctuary and a position as the head guard--Abandons Garroth Ro'Maeve. Becomes Garroth Wardsneir
01/04/34 BA: The former Lord of Phoenix Drop, a man named Malek, is killed, and the village begins to die
24/06/32 BA: Aphira is brought into existence by the staff and gets taken to Phoenix Drop
19/07/32 BA: Aphira declares herself Lord of Phoenix Drop--Becomes Lady Aphira Feuoisefell
24/06/32 BA-19/10/28 BA: Rise of Phoenix Drop
19/10/28 BA-25/02/13 BA: The crew gets trapped in Irene's Dimension
23/02/14 BA: Zoey manages to reach Irene's Dimension and save everyone except Garroth
25/02/13 BA-19/11/10 BA: War of the Magi
19/11/10 BA: Lady Aphira learns the full story of Irene. Or does she?
19/11/10 BA-29/09/3 BA: Lilith Garnet and Alina Feuoisefell grow up--seven years of peace
29/09/3 BA-04/10/0 BA: The Realm Protector
04/10/0 BA: Lady Aphira ascends
3050 AA: Aaron Lycan, Gene Warren, and Jeffory Goldheart are born, reincarnations of Aaron Fauconclaw, Gene Wardsneir, and Jeffory Argentheart, respectively
3051 AA: Cadenza Zvahl, Sasha Hopper, and Zenix Michaels are born, reincarnations of Cadenza Cousturier, Sasha Wardsneir, and Zenix Wardsneir, respectively
3052 AA: Dante Warren, Garroth Ro'Meave, Katelyn Brewster, Laurence Zvahl, and Lucinda Tredefeu are born, reincarnations of Dante Wardsneir, Garroth Ro'Meave-Wardsneir, Katelyn Feufist, Laurence Wardsneir, and Lucinda Tredefeu, respectively
3053 AA: Aphira Shalashaska, Mica Winter, Nicole Von Rosenberg, Travis Valkrum, Zane Ro'Meave, and Vlayd Ro'Meave are born, reincarnations of Aphira Feuoisefell, Marie Regratier, Nicole Pessivent, Travis Valkrum, Zane Ro'Meave-Prestre, and Vlayd Ro'Meave, respectively
3067-3068 AA: PDH Season 1
3068-3069 AA: PDH Season 2
3071 AA: PDH Graduation Days
3071-3072 AA: Falcon Claw University
3077 AA: The Big Move
3077-3080 AA: Mystreet Season 1
Summer 3080 AA: Love Love Paradise
Autumn 3080 AA: The Bigger Move
3080-3083 AA: Lovers Lane
Autumn/Winter 3083-3084 AA: Emerald Secret
3084-3085 AA: Aphira's Year
Summer 3085 AA: Starlight
Autumn 3085 AA: When Angels Fall
Lady's Day 3087 AA: Her Wish
Spring 3087: Aphira and Aaron get married
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lovely-english-rose · 2 years
if i were to make media assumptions about you based on your art. i think you liked Johnny Test as a child, though it might've been the grim adventures of Billy and Mandy. And I think you probably really enjoyed a video game on a handheld device that was less popular but still had an anime art style, like golden sun or magi nation or something to that effect. also maybe yu gi oh based on your ability to emulate the kh hairstyles and the way you're unafraid of broad color palettes
ghejakajcuvjej anon i feel like youve grabbed by the throat here- mostly accurate??? i am Shook.
i actually loathed johnny test as a kid lol but i did love billy and mandy! i dont recognize those titles but im sure ive got some niche anime style stuff in my old gba/ds collection
ygo 1000% tho!! i used to draw it alot late hs/early college years! cant believe kh was a snitch for that, thats so funny! the broad pallette note is interesting tho, thats something i never really thought about before tbh 🤔
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leboworld · 1 year
coolin with my sharpshooters
sike i don't have shooters
they're all taking a break at hooters
due to their infatuation with big tits
i wish i could stop em
but the titties got ahold before me
wish i waas dash with that quick speed
hit at 1000 miles with that 6 speed
fuck it
4 speed
cause i really that great
just give me some time let me damn breathe
i got the answers cause im chynese
yup yup
ou wee
no matter what happens my children gonna come out awesomely
yup yup
ou wee
yip yip
call me appa how i send em flying
yup yup
ou wee
yip yip
im aang with the mastering of the elementing
haha yup yup
ou wee look at my genes im just so fuckin clean
haha yup yup
out wee
tell em to suck a dick n die early if they're hating
haha yup yup n yip yip got my back
wait no where to be found
all in my imagination
now im a wizard part of the magi nation
i lost my damn mind tryna look cool
now im a fool and they've got a tool up on a face
damn bro
she like what u doing bae? i am busy fasting
gotta clean out my system
throw the ball like it's power ball
roman empire, watch me fall
fall in love with me
fallin in love on call
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https-com · 2 years
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I posted 6,169 times in 2022
That's 3,323 more posts than 2021!
21 posts created (0%)
6,148 posts reblogged (100%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 217 of my posts in 2022
#the magnus archives - 7 posts
#puella magi madoka magica - 7 posts
#pmmm - 4 posts
#madoka magica - 4 posts
#jonathan sims - 3 posts
#danganronpa - 3 posts
#ddlc - 3 posts
#:( - 3 posts
#hatsune miku - 3 posts
#i love her - 2 posts
Longest Tag: 122 characters
#imagine picking seeds off maple trees as people do and suddenly you have a new moth friend that you accidentally picked up
My Top Posts in 2022:
@elbitchhorror get off tumblr and get tf to bed
2 notes - Posted March 4, 2022
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Thank you to everyone who got me to 1000 likes! 1,000 people dead! Now, as a celebration, I will be blowing up the Earth! Thank you!
3 notes - Posted November 21, 2022
Me whem Homumami
6 notes - Posted January 31, 2022
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1,012 notes - Posted March 4, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Here tumblr since you wanna change your logo so bad
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1,184 notes - Posted October 26, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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magical-girl-topic · 2 years
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My personal favorite magical girl of all time is Kyouko Sakura from the anime series Puella Magi Madoka Magica! x3 She's sick and nobodys as cool as her!! >:DD I love her shes super cool and relatable and ever since I watched this anime she's been one of my favorite anime characters evrrr!! >w<
Puella Magi Madoka Magica is a 12 episode series about middle school girls who have the chance to make a contract with a creature named Kyubey, if they make this contract they must become a magical girl and fight witches, in exchange for any wish in the world! Puella Magi Madoka Magica is a great series, I cried almost every episode. </3 If you enjoy magical girl anime and haven't watched this yet I 1000% recommend it! ^3^ <3
Whos your favorite magical girl? I'd love to hear about them! :0
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joomma · 2 years
Fc Emmen Ugly Christmas Sweater
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Fc Emmen Ugly Christmas Sweater
The first thing to know is that the Fc Emmen Ugly Christmas Sweater of Matthew’s Gospel used the Greek word magi, which does not actually mean ‘wise men’, but is a reference to the priests of the then-great Zoroastrian religion of the Persian Empire. When Matthew says they came from the east, he was alluding to the direction of Babylon and Persia. It is, of course, inconceivable that Zoroastrian priests would be in the least interested in the birth of a purported king of Judah. It is scientifically inconceivable that a star could be followed so accurately to Jerusalem and then to Bethlehem and actually stand over the very house where Jesus was. However, our author (he was anonymous and very unlikely to have been called Matthew) knew that the magi were well known for their wisdom and for their knowledge of astrology, so he knew this nativity account would be plausible.
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He’s about to sign his first record label contract and Tottenham Hotspur 3D The Spurs Hawaiian Shirt wanted advice on what he was signing. If you’ve read a label contract, you know they favor the label. Exclusive, all-encompassing rights over the master recording and the composition are often granted to the label. The label offered him a “Marketing Plan” in exchange for this sign-over of rights. This is increasingly common, since electronic artists usually produce their own masters. The label promises a groundswell of exposure. Record labels are a critical part of the music industry. In this case though, the particular label was doing practically nothing the artist couldn’t have done themselves, while extracting 100% of their intellectual property and the associated revenue power that comes with it. I told him he should create his own imprint, sign his own tracks, and hire someone right out of college to do the exact same hustler email marketing the label would do for him. Then instead of signing away 60% of his master, mechanical, performance, and sync revenue, in perpetuity, he’d likely just need to pay 5 points off the top for each album sold.
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semetarycosplay · 2 years
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Putting this cosplay back on honestly felt amazing. I’ll be sad to mail it off (if someone finally buys it), but it’s been a good run and Syo has meant so much to me.  Photos: Kazfae Media
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vampire207343 · 2 years
Potter Twins
What if… when James and Lily Potter died they both end up leaving their two daughters, Iris Lily Potter and Amaris Dorea Potter.
The youngest Potter daughter Iris Lily Potter survive the killing curse that took the lives of their parents, and she was declared by Dumbledore as the Girl-Who-lived. Before she and her older twin sister are both left in the door step of private drive number 4 in the cold November night of 1981 with just a letter.
The Potter twins grew up different from one another, while they are indeed twins they aren't close like other twins and Iris the oldest Potter child prefer to stay away from her sister that by the time they were 9 years old the Dursley abandon one of them which happen to be the Youngest Potter, Amaris Dorea Potter was left in a park alone where she found by Nana Sawada and when she hesrd her story she has chosen to adopt Amaris Potter as her newest daughter.
Nana Sawada isn't a normal she is a daughter of Lyra Black who is a core witch and Alder Elymas who is a magi, Nana's parents marriage was to see if it was possible to produce a child with both a magic core and circuits, normally a person could only be born with either a magic core or with magic circuits, a hybrid of the two before until now.
Nana Sawda took Amaris Potter to gringotts to have an inheritance before she offical adopt her as her daughter.
Inheritance Test Result.....
Amaris Dorea Potter
Iris Lily Potter (older twin sister)
James Charles Potter (deceased)
Lilian "Lily" Juniper née Evans (deceased)
Sirius Orion Black (false conviction)
Marlene Mckinnon (deceased)
Charles Henry Potter (deceased, parental Grandmother)
Dorea Potter née Black (deceased, parental Grandmother)
Rosemary Evans née (deceased, marental Grandmother, Magi)
Alexsander Evans (deceased, marental Grandfather, Magi)
Great Aunts & Uncles:
Fleamont Potter (deceased, parental Uncle)
Euphemia Hesper Potter née Burke  (deceased, parental Aunt)
Aunts & Uncles:
Vernon John Dursley (maternal Uncle through marriage; Muggle)
Petunia Ann Dursley née Evans (maternal Aunt; Muggle)
Great Grandparents:
Henry Alexsander Potter (deceased, parental great-grandfather)
Black (Blood & Magic)
Peverell (Blood & Magic)
Natural Transfiguration
Natural Dueling
Spell creation
Nonverbal magic
Wandless magic
100 magic Circuit with Maximum output is of 1000 unit
Double Origin Holy and Creation
Double Elements Wind and Water
Peverelle Manor - Paris France
Black Castle - Kyoto Japan
Nana Sawada never loved her husband Iemitsu Sawada the only reason she even married him at all was because she wanted to study about the Flames of the Mafia and he happen to one of the rarest flame so she married in order to learn more about his Sky flame and it's Element in general and the only good thing about marrying him was the birth of their daughtet Tsunami Sawada their five years old daughter who recently  had her flame sealed before leaving for work. After they left Japan, nana removed the seal on her daughter and she took her and tsunami to England were the meet the 9 years old Amaris Dorea Potter in the park who Nana adopted since any evidence the Dursley are abusing their neices disappear without reason and the one on their caste fosen't remember at thing so Nana presume a core witch/wizard wants them to stay their but Amaris abandon by her so call relatives so Nana manged to adopt her with the help of the Goblins who gaved Amaris the Heir ring of both the Black and Peverell family. After Nana adopted Amaris legally to both Magical and Muggle world they return to Japan.
Nana also hidden that she adopted a 9 years old girl from her husband. She taught both her daughters magic along with her parents more of Lyra Elymas née Black who taught her everything she knows before entering Mahoutokoro school of Magic.
Amaris and Tsunami got to know each other and got along well became so close like real sisters which is something Amaris Dorea and Iris Lily Potter has never had bond with each other even though they are twins. They were never close grewing up since they were far to different to one another even though Tsunami is different from Amaris they still get along well with one another.
9 year later....
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Amaris Dorea Potter now 17 years old and recently graduated Mahoutokoro school of Magic. And she has became one of the seven master of Holy grail war and summon the servant Hero Gilgamesh the King of Hero himself as Servant Archer. Amaris fight along side her servant through the war but during the middle of war they both fell in love with one another.
During the destruction of the Holy Grail a taint mud spill out of the grail and end up touch Gilgamesh and infoing so cause him to have a body of flesh and bone once more. Amaris purified Gilgamesh new body before leaving Fuyuki. As one of the survivng master of the grail.
        The Vongola family sent the Sun Arcobaleno to tutor the only heir of Vongola left the 14 years old daughter of Iemitsu Sawada. To train Tsunami Sawada as the future 10 Boss of Vongola since the other legitimate candidate as the next boss all died and she is the last Legitimate heir, so the Sun Arcobaleno Reborn was sent to Namimori to teach Tsunami to be tge next Vongola Boss. No matter how much she deny wanting to be next candidate as the Vongola Boss which is blood inherite so no one who isn't blood related to the Vongola could inherit the seat. 
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9 years has pass since Iris Lily Potter last seen her younger twin sister who tge dursley abandon her somewhere I thought she was long dead or a squib since she never appeared in Hogwarts when we both turn 11 years old but I was proven mistaken after the war end a couple montgs ago I took an inheritence test it show that Amaris is still vety much alive and a witch that only meqns she could have gone in different magical school than Hogwarts so she would most likely have grew up outside England and away from the war when it broke out.
I also found out the friends I thought I have weren't really my friends at all they were all with her because of the money my old headmaster has been paying them since the beging of their first year and the only reason they efen help her tract down all the dark lord's horcrux and destroy them in order for their family to survive they help her tract them all down. She also potion in her system that wasn't suppose to be their at all. She payed the goblins handsomely to flash out all the potion in her system before asking them all retrived all her stolen money get it back with intrest.
After the war she didn't want to stay in England, she decided to reunite with her sister while they didn't always get along, but then again siblings fight sometimes but they are still family. When she was leaving England, 
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Draco Malfoy decided to join her since nothing is holding him back in England. And during their 4th year they became secretly friends so it was no suprise to them both that they fell in love.
They both settle in japan quite nicely, while Iris Potter dose miss her godson Teddy  Lupin who is currently beging raised by his grandmother Andromeda Tonks who lost almost all her family except for her godson which is why Iris isn't the one raising Teddy since he is the one one holding Andromeda from taking her own life and join the rest of her family.
It wasn't long before Iris Potter saw her younger twin sister the current lady of the house of Black and Peverell. Amaris and Iris are catching up to the lost time they both have when they were both sepereted from one another. Iris even meet Amaris current fiancée Gilgamesh
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Who they found out was once a heroic spirit until ancident happen during the fourth Holy Grail War that made him bone and flash. Which Amarus has purified his new body after words just incase before they left the Area and continue their life. He once was a king during his first life before he became a Heroic spirit. They got to know him Iris like him better than her ex-friend Ron Weasley. 
   During that time Iris Potter also meet her twin's adopted sister Tsunami and her adopted mother Nana, she got along with the two people who was with Amaris after they seperated. Nana evenutaly became Iris 2nd mother figure better than Molly Weasley ever did. 
Tsunami Sawada is try all she can to stop herself from become the next Mafia Boss of Vonogola.
       It wasn't long before Amaris Potter who now gose by the last name Peverell Black and Gilgamesh got married and Iris Potter and Draco Malfoy attend her wedding with her friends. It wasn't long after they got married that Amaris Peverell Black got pregnant with her first child.
And it wasn't long before Iris Potter and Draco Malfoy married as well. And Amaris it didn't take long for Iris to find herself Pregnant with her first child.
9 months later...
Amaris Dorea Peverell Black and Gilgamesh both wellcome two beautiful daughters on May 7, 1997 which they gaved them the name Euphemia Anastasia and Estella Amara Peverell Black. The oldest is born Raven hair little girl with the most beautiful Emerald green eyes while the youngest has strawberry blonde hair and Emerald green the same shade as her twin sister.
And two months after they were born did Iris Lily Malfoy née Potter gaved birth to a beautiful little girl she was given the name Lilian Narcissa Malfoy on July 7, 1997.
2 years later...
On June 22, 1999
Amaris Peverell Black gaved birth to her third child and only son Apollo Sirius Peverell Black.
And Iris Malfoy also gaved birth to her secound child and only son Scorpius James Malfoy on January 13, 1999 who look identical to his father Draco Malfoy while his cousin Apollo Prevell Black look so simlier to their grandfather James Potter.
By then the girls Euphemia, Estella and Lilan are 2 years old already.
17 years later...
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Euphemia Anastasia Peverell Black who gose by the name Yufie is now 19 years old and she already graduated Mahoutokoro about 2 years ago. She could pass as the famale version of her grandfather James Potter except for her Emerald eyes which she has inherited from her grandmother Lily Potter née Evans.
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Then their's her younger twin sister Estelle Amara Peverell Black who gose by the name Stella. Who is also 19 years old like her twin sister who also graduated Mahoutokoro about 2 years ago. She look identical to her grandmother Lily Potter née Evans. They are the precious daughters of Gilgamesh and Amaris Peverell Black.
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Then their's the only son of the family would continue their family name Apollo Sirius Peverell Black who is currently 17 years old and recently graduated in Mahoutokoro like his two older sisters and mother once did before him.
Then their's Iris Malfoy's two children the firstborn is a daughter by the name of 
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Lilian Narcissa Malfoy who is currently 19 years old like Yufie and Stella Peverell Black who is 19 years old and graduated Mahoutokoro instead of Hogwarts who is very much behind from other magical community especially Japan so Iris and Draco decided against sending their two children to Hogwarts instead they sent them to Mahoutokoro.
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Then their's the only son of the Malfoy family and the only heir of the Malfoy's Scorpius James Malfoy who is also the same age as Apollo and slso recent graduate of Mahoutokoro.
By then Sawada Tsunami
is already 33 years old and she is already the boss of the vonogla family even though at the beging she didn't want anything to do with Mafia, but evenutally she gaved in and became the 10th Boss of Vongola the Decimo. And over time Tsunami's italian heritage surface when her appearance change she look nothing like she once did her Caramel brown hair turn Blonde and her once brown eyes turn light blue, and her hair became tameable unlike before. By then Tsunami
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end up marrying her cloude Guardian Hibari Kyoya. They haven't have kids yet but it wouldn't be long until they have their first child with Tsunami currently 7 months pregnant with her first child.
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silenceofthecookies · 3 years
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Did you know 8 is my favourite number? Because it is. I love it. It wins me a lot of guessing games. So I wanted to do something nice for 800. You know what I also think is nice? Royalty AU’s. I LOVE those. So that’s what this event is about! 
Below the cut you will find 10 prompts. Each prompt can only be picked once, so there’s 10 slots. You can send me one prompt and three characters (characters can be from any fandom I write for, so one piece, bleach, black clover, magi, hero academia, utapri and danganronpa). From those three, I will pick one to write for. Please also send me who is the royal (character or reader). If no gender is mentioned for the reader, I’ll defealt to genderneutral. I will take no extra details. With this information, I’ll write scenarios of around 1000 words. 
Max 5 spots can be for one piece.
This event will start 13/05 on 19.00 CET. People with an early pass can use them starting now! Max 5 spots can be taken with free passes. 
Once again thank you so much, and I hope you enjoy these stories! ❤
Prompts (X = royal, Y = regular person)
[TAKEN]Y has been helping X sneak out of the palace for years so that they can go on trips, dates, etc. Little do they know, X only sneaks out as an excuse to spend time with Y.
[TAKEN]X longs to spend a few days as a normal person. To help them out, Y lets X stay with them for a weekend while they pretend that X is on an important trip. X gets a taste of normal life and a more personal look at Y as they stay in their house.
[TAKEN]The royal family get wind of a plot to assassinate X. To keep them safe, Y is assigned to guard X at all times, despite X’s protests.
[TAKEN]Y is secretly a spy acting as a groundskeeper to help take down the royal family. They’re fully prepared to sneak around the castle, gather information and plan an overthrowing, but they don’t plan to falling for X.
[TAKEN]After the untimely death of their parent, X is crowned. They fall into a pit of depression, unable to handle the grief and pressure. Y, one of their more personal guards, is the only one X talks to. Together, they put X back together to make them a fit ruler.
[TAKEN]“If you reject me, that counts as treason” “It really really doesn’t”
[TAKEN]“You’re only here because you’re being paid” “Trust me, I’m not being paid to talk to you. I’m doing this for free”
[TAKEN]“I love all this sneaking around”
[TAKEN]“I hate all this sneaking around”
[TAKEN]“You threw pebbles at my window to get my attention, you might as well quote Romeo and Juliet.”
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sinbadly · 3 years
Non Magicians in Magnostadt : an analysis over the possibilities of an analogy.
I love Magi, it's probably my favorite piece of fiction of all times. But most importantly, I love analysing stuff. And for a while, I wondered what are the non Magicians of the Magnostadt kingdom supposed to represent ? And after thinking about it for a while, I think I finally got an answer so ... Strap in !!(Please do be aware that this text will talk in depth about discrimination, if this subject is triggering to you I'd advise you to stop here !)
For obvious reasons, the first thought I had was that the non Magicians were supposed to represent Jews. Magi is heavily based on both Judaism and Islamic ideas and having almost a whole population being put in a specific district can be easily linked to a real event event. But thinking about it, something felt heavily wrong. The people that were discriminated against clearly weren't supposed to be Jewish. No, everything pointed to the magicians being the ones that were Jewish instead. I'm not an expert when it comes to Jewish tradition and beliefs, but I did my research. Non Magicians are often called Goi by Mogamett. Goi is a Jewish term that is used to describe non Jewish people. And when you dug a little deeper, you can also see that Jewish people are supposed to be people closer to their god, like magicians would be since they are directly linked to the world's magic sources. I could also argue that Mogamett's does ressemble cliché representations of Jewish people, especially with the nose. Does that mean that the Jewish were represented as the oppressor and the other people as the oppressed ? I don't know. I wouldn't be able to decide if that's the case at all, especially since in other languages, Goi has been Translated to Kaffir, which is meant to describe the people who aren't Muslims. It's overall very confusing. But still, what I could see is that the people who were oppressed weren't meant to represent Jewish people. Obviously, I quickly took a look at the biggest oppressed groups there are in the world. So I thought about Sexism, Racism and LGBTphobia. Sexism didn't seem to be it at all. Women are shown to have high positions in Magnostadt's society. We see it with Myers who is a highly respected teacher or obviously Yamuraiha that is treated as one of the best Magicians ever. So it couldn't be it. Racism seemed ... Off. One of the points of Aladdin's fear of discrimination is that these people are all of the same when it comes to their appearance. It was the point of the new world that Ugo created, all creatures became the same race to avoid discrimination. And with all of that, we have Sphintus who's at the very least Arabic. As for homophobia I couldn't see a link at all. It's not like they weren't able to have children together, they did have kids. It's not that they were hated for something they love and that they could just hide it, they weren't able to do something and that's all. It couldn't be that either.   But then, it clicked. The main point of this discrimination was because people weren't abled to do something. They were disabled. It wasn't even a metaphor. They literally were disabled. And now, here comes the part with explanations and details to better understand this theory, coming with an introduction to the world disabled, because I do believe that it is interesting to have a clear difference with a disability and a handicap. A handicap means that you are facing a disadvantage due to a problem. For exemple, if you start a race with a 20 pounds chain on your  foot, you will be handicapped compared to others in the race. A disability means something you can't do. Therefore, depending on the context, someone that is handicapped can be or not be disabled. Let's say a part of a human population grows wings. If they keep evolving in our actual society they will be advantaged yes, but no one will be unable to do their normal tasks. However if the world starts to be built around these people with wings, creating places that only them can access by flying for exemple, everyone who doesn't have wings will be considered disabled. Because they're unable to do the same. Now with that exemple, replace wings with magic and you get exactly what Magnostadt's society is. It is exclusively built for people who are born magicians. Normal human beings cannot function in it properly. And what do you do when someone can't function properly ? You start discriminating them. Mogamett truly believed that the non magicians weren't as useful as other humans were, so he built a society for the to be put in a position of weakness. Some people can work on the surface, yes. But it's because they're rich or they have talent like artists or crafters. You can see disabled people working in an every day life, but most often people are surprised. As for the poor people ? Well they're put in their little spaces of life to rot. The people born in the 5th district pretty much never see the outside world and to be fair, disabled people don't either. They're meant to stay at home, because things aren't meant for us outside. From now on, I'm gonna talk about disability using my own experiences. It's probably gonna be a bit raw, but I think parallels will be easier to make. The thing that I thought the most about is the "you should be grateful" part. It's really interesting and is a very manipulative technique to make sure people are under your control. The people in the 5th district are given food and water and don't have to work. Most of them could probably work if they were given the opportunity to with the proper help to make the job accessible. But no, they're trapped in their place with no possibility to actually work for the society. They've been forced into this district because they were mistreated into poverty without the opportunity of getting out of it, and now that they're stuck in this situation, they're meant to be grateful. Because they're provided the food and sleep they need that they didn't have before when it's basic human rights. And the fact is, they've been in such an horrible situation before that they'd rather accept being treated like animals than being mistreated even more. And that's exactly what happens when handicapped people ask for financial help. We might get 1000$ a month if we're lucky, but it's still not enough. And people tell us that we're ungrateful because we want an actual liveable wage. We don't think that giving us absolutely nothing is a good either. We want to be treated as human beings. Yet we should still be oh so grateful because we're getting all of this without work. I could work if the world did a little effort. But it does. And it also comes back to the hymn beings statement. Because that's also a very interesting thing : they're not seen as human beings. Mogamett sees non magicians as animals. Different people as seen as different animals, for exemple Marga was a kitten to the man's eyes. But her being cute didn't mean he respected her. And it's not rare to see disabled people as less valuable. That was insanely obvious during the COVID-19 crisis. People kept talking about disabled people as a necessary sacrifice for other people's well being. Because to them, a human life is important. But a "lower" human life isn't as important as being able to get McDonald's. Non Magicians are more than likely to be killed if they are ill or can no longer provide enough magical ressources to the city. Since they were born into poverty and unable to get out of this place, they will most likely die at a rather young age or if they catch an illness. It's not their choice to die, the government literally kills them if they're not enough. There isn't much an equivalent in our modern society for the government killing people directly, however this method did remind me of some atrocious things that are currently done to disabled people in countries like Canada. When you're disabled, you have to pay for medication. A lot. And if you're poor, you're likely to go in dept very quickly. And for that, the government came with a solution : assisted suicide. You can either choose to die slowly and painfully, or the government can give you the medication to kill yourself. All of that because you can't pay your medication and therefore you're not useful enough to society anymore. Non Magicians in the 5th district aren't just seen as a source of magical income for the rest of society. They're seen as people you can utilise and milk of their energy until their death. And with all of these arguments, I believe that the whole Magnostadt arc's treatment of non Magicians was a direct reference of disabled people.
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bluejaywriter · 3 years
Amazons TV show wishlist
Amazon wishlist 😂
Anyway, in honor of DC Fandome having no live-action Wondy panels/teasers/updates on the schedule (maybe they’ll surprise us? Not holding out hope, though), here’s what I was thinking for the Amazons TV series.
1. HEAVY focus on the Amazons early days, aka before “the enslavement”.
• The opening credits montage (in the style of the painting flashback from WW2017) should show how the Goddesses created the Amazons, and briefly show their nomad/wandering days, and how they settled and built the first Themyscira.
• The series should mainly focus on the Amazons growing into their role as a major continental/global superpower.
• If we’re assuming the Amazons were all created at once and their numbers aren’t “supplemented” by shipwrecked babies, there should be a LOT more Amazons. If they’re down to approx. 500-1000 by WW2017, there should be at least 10,000-20,000, and possibly more, depending on just how many have died over the years. Themyscira should be HUGE.
2. Besides the Amazons and the Greek Gods, there’s a big cast that can and should be introduced over several seasons.
• DC has a lot of mythological cultures/tribes, including but not limited to the Atlanteans, Homo Magi, Green Lanterns, Apokoliptians, Kryptonians, all the Greek demigods, Black Adam (and co), and whomever the fuck gave them the magic flying Kangas. The sky is literally the limit, and we’ve never seen most of these civilizations fleshed out before in ancient times. They should USE THEM.
• It’s not exactly accurate to the Scythians, but I headcanon that the Amazons originally controlled a majority of the land around the Eastern shore of the Mediterranean Sea, which puts them at a prime location for trade coming up from Africa, ships coming across the Mediterranean, and the tradepaths coming across from Asia. Since the Amazons were originally nomads, they probably still have a lot of scouts who interact and trade with the Nomadic empires, too.
• Ergo, all the human tribes like the Egyptians and Greeks and Mesopotamians and Chinese and Indians can and should pop up over several seasons. It could be woke and diverse and epic like the world has never seen before (since that is a thing DC apparently cares about these days).
3. Themyscira and the Amazons can and should be extremely political, both internal and external, but any stifles that do come up should highlight the strengths and weaknesses of the Amazons’ balanced government.
• Hippolyta is the elected leader of the Amazons and the head of the monarchy, but the Senate holds the majority of the power.
• I do love the idea that the Amazons originally branched out, with the main “central power” being in Themyscira, and there being multiple tribes throughout the world (The Amazon rainforest, the nomadic tribes wandering the steppes, Bana-Mighdall, etc). I don’t think it’s necessary to really explore these things until a few seasons in, but it’s something to keep in mind.
• There should be constant reminders about the strengths and weaknesses of having a “female-led” society i.e. the anti-Lord of the Flies, and make an effort to really think not only about what a society would be like if there were no men, but also if men and other predators were not a viable threat. (Would the Amazons even recognize “nighttime” as the time for rest? If they have night vision, and don’t need to worry about nighttime predators, I don’t see why there wouldn’t be a decent number of nocturnal Amazons who just walk around at night for no reason except that it’s pretty and the sun can’t hurt their eyes or burn their skin
TL:DR Honestly, THIS is the TV series to replace Game of Thrones as The Show™, just with a lot less rape, and maybe less gratuitous nudity (or maybe not? The Amazons go nude pretty often, I imagine).
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sourstars · 3 years
16 for the ask game bc i need recs 😌
anime asks!
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16. 10 best animes you watched?
MANNNNN cracks knuckles
violet evergarden; most stunning graphics and style i’ve ever seen, heart wrenching story, beautiful transitions and the way each character develops is just chef’s kiss. 10/10 all around, i’ll love this one until the end of time.
demon slayer; also beautiful graphics and the plot is so interesting and even when you’re given very little to work with, it gives just enough to make your mind run and be curious about everything. the characters are wonderful, fleshed out in a way you don’t feel they’re just there to be fillers, and overall, it’s still one of my favorites today.
the promised neverland; this one fucked me up, respectfully. the plot? chef’s kiss, and had me gripping the edge of my seat and made my anxiety sky rocket with every next scene, i was crossing my fingers everything worked out well the entire time.
fire force; !!!!!! one, if not the top, of my favorites. i’m in love with the style, the way they animate the fire and the characters movements is so fluid and lively it just sucks you right in from the first minute. the plot is 1000% intriguing and it held onto me from the moment of the first mystery to the next, and before i knew it, i had finished the whole thing.
kill la kill; when i tell you i cried when it ended, i cried so hard. it’s forever going to be one of my favs and while i don’t really like the fan service, as little as there is, the story line had latched onto me before i knew it. i loved the main character, and in truth, she’s where i got most of my personality from i believe, bc her sneakiness and her rough exterior? shaped my childhood
magi/adventures of sinbad; i didn’t exactly get to finish these but?? both are stunning graphics and i just love them so much, aladdin makes me laugh and i remember coming across this for the first time and having my tiny brain just blowing up bc??? hello??? MAGIC???
91 days; dude, i don’t even have words for you honestly just?? wild (haven’t watched this in like, years though)
great pretender; they’re all geniuses, love them all those stupid idiots <333 think like, a group of bandits and thieves, but party edition
death parade; !!!!!! MESSED ME UP I LOVED THIS SO MUCH HELLO THE ARBITER?? SO CUTE LOVE HIM (brb gonna go rewatch this <33)
angels of death; this one had my brain rattling around in my skull bc holy hell mannnn BUT??? ZACK?? MY MAN HE’S SO SNARKY I LOVE HIM
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